#poly lost boys headcanons
Dating a Dhampir Pt.1
Word Count: 992
Notes: It’s been a minute… life is crazy, I’m a double major senior in college and I’m losing my mind but in a good way. Had a little bit of free time to write the first part of these headcanons. Part 2 hopefully by the end of this week. I’m also going through all my requests (which I’m just leaving them open at this point cause why the hell not). But yeah, don’t know when I’ll be fully back into continuing series, kind of when I get to it it’ll happen. But I hope this holds you over until things come out.
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I’m sort of gonna make these headcanons connected to my Blood Oranges series, cause the reader is a dhampir so if anything this will also give hints at lore or events that will come up within the story.
So, my headcanon of dhampirs is that they pass off way better as humans but their bloodlust is even more powerful than normal vampires. As a dhampir, born half human - half vampire, you were able to have a somewhat normal life growing up. You were able to go to school normally, the sun never hurt you nor did it ever make you tired, you had normal friends and no one thought there was anything weird.
Holy water stung and yes, it could still hurt you, burning your skin, but your healing abilities worked much faster than a normal vampire, healing within a few minutes. Even though holy water stung, you were still able to walk into churches without bursting into flames.
One would think that you wouldn’t be able to see your reflection, but nope, you could see yourself, crystal clear and you didn’t need to be invited into someone’s house for it to work. Though if you were invited into a home, holy water wouldn’t work just like other vampires.
The biggest downside is the bloodlust. Thirst clawing at your throat every day. Dhampirs officially stop aging when they feed from their first kill, so while growing up, your parents got you blood bags from certain connections for you to drink from. Other ways were certain types of food. Having raw steak satiated your appetite, blood oranges did the trick as well. Hell, you even found out that pomegranates and peaches help as well.
You choose to have the meat and fruits more often than the blood bags since they were harder to get. Plus, you wanted to wait until you were ready to make your first kill. You didn’t even know if you were ever gonna be ready for that step. But that changed one fateful night.
You knew mates were a thing. Your parents were mates, now both fully fledged vampires, and they always talked about how wonderful it was. It always made you hopeful that maybe one day you would find yours… to your surprise you had four of them.
The moment you stepped foot on the Boardwalk, they smelt you, and you smelt them. Weirdly enough, in the beginning, you were the most possessive one. You didn’t like anyone that wasn’t you or someone you knew going near your boys. Threatening growls and hissing at strangers who got too close for comfort.
When you started getting closer to them, and a relationship started forming, you would randomly bite them. Kind of like claiming what was yours. There are multiple ways to fully mark or claim a mate. It could be done through scent marking; sharing clothing or even nuzzling yours or their faces into each other’s necks.
Then there was actually the act of biting one another which was the most intimate and permanent form of claiming. (The possessive part of being a dhampir prefers biting more than anything.)
Being a dhampir also gave you a leg up on the hierarchy of your little group. Yes, David was the set leader, but by the end of the day, guess what, one bite from you and he was putty in your hands.
Overall, your group relationship is pretty balanced, everyone has their own little place and it works out beautifully. Yes, even though you are a tiny bit stronger than the average vampire, the boys respect your abilities but it doesn’t stop them from being over protective.
Even when you start feeding, taking that huge leap, it is a little messier than normal. The boys think they’re messy? Oh boy, you are worse. Blood covering you from head to toe, fangs out and majority of the time you are just ripping into the humans like a bloodthirsty animal.
Say if one day, the weather was terrible and there wouldn’t be a soul on the Boardwalk, feeding would have to come from each other. Just a tiny bit of each other's blood and you would all be okay. Even having blood oranges were able to satiate their thirst and even you after you made your first kill.
Though when the boys drink from you it’s a different story. Your blood to them tastes warm and sends tingles throughout their entire body. To them, it felt like the sun was kissing their skin in the softest way imaginable, and they haven’t felt the sun in years.
Surprisingly, drinking your blood has a few side effects that were unknown even to you until faither night… or rather morning.
Let’s just say after spending the night with Paul for your one on one date, drinking your blood in the middle of all the fun, the two of you accidentally fell asleep in the main cave area where sunlight naturally poured into. You were fine, certainly, but not Paul.
To everyone’s surprise, Paul wasn’t burning to a crisp in the sunlight, feeling the sun touch his skin for the first time in decades. It was then you and the entire group found out that drinking dhampir blood gives a vampire the ability to be immune to the sun for a whole 24 hours.
Wanting the boys to experience the day life, you did this a good portion of the month, giving your blood to them not only for pleasure but for the ability to live somewhat normal again. The inhabitants of Santa Carla were shocked to see the gang walk amongst them during the day and no longer roaming the night.
No longer did you have to do errands during the day on your own. You had your four mates with you and they enjoyed every second of it. They thought you were gorgeous at night, but my goodness, you were radiant underneath the sun.
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tac-the-unseen · 5 months
What the Lost Boys think of vampire related media pt.2
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After your last vamp media talk you had more questions you absolutely needed the answers to. Some of those answers came more naturally than you thought.
What we do in the Shadows:
-This is their absolute favorite show. It's just something they can all sit down to watch and get a nice laugh.
-David was actually the one that suggested it to the group
-He thinks it's about as close to what being a really vampire is like.
-You brought up your last conversation about why no vampire media could be so close to the real thing and he quickly responded with “Vampires are made up to be these gross demon creatures with no self control, when in fact most vampires were just normal humans going about their life.”
-He knew that no one in this show actually knows any vampires because of inconsistencies, but it's as close to it as they can all get without having to kill anyone for it.
-”Are you off your tits, boy?” “He is.”
-Paul quotes the show all the damn time (And so do the others but he is the main culprit.)
-you actually can't get him to stop
-”I became a vampire to suck blood and to fuck forever.”
-”No fuck off. Can't be side tracked with cheap sex potions.”
-Need an answer to any questions? Paul will respond with “Coprophilia.”
-Marko is giggling at Paul's quotes and answers with his own
-”Pizza pie” :D
-”He's my sweet cheese!”
-”She speaks the bullshit.”
-His favorite character is Nadja of course
-You have to pry him away from the T.V if you need him to do something else
-Dwayne will stop whatever he's doing if you offer to watch WWDITS with him
-He loves the historical references and gags
-He relates to Guillermo most of the time, being one of the voices of reason in his Chaos Coven
-”i was thinking w-” “we should finish each other off and tell no one?” “I’m game if you are.” ✨Spooky music✨
•This show is permanently engraved into their brain
•You can take the boys out of WWDITS but you can not take the WWDITS out of the boys
Hotel Transylvania:
-Paul squints at the T.V “This has to be a crime to watch.”
-Dwayne without turning away from the T.V “Dracula is going to go ape shit when he sees this “
-David eats his popcorn slowly “at least there is other monsters in this movie.”
-Marko is giggling at the Blob and Scream Cheese “I fucking love kids movies.”
-All of them hated the village scene though.
Kid vampire:
-They all watch it because Laddie wanted them too
-All you can hear for the next few days is “Kid Vampire!” in that accent
-David and Dwayne thought the bogger nose bleed drink was absolutely disgusting.
-Like to the point the both gagged.
-Paul thinks it a cute little project
-Marko likes how they say ‘blood’
-Dwayne uses the song “Vampire brush” to get Laddie to brush his teeth
Monster High:
-Marko and Paul sing the theme song semi consistently
-”Monster-monster high! monster high! monster-monster high! Freaky, sheek, and fly, monster high, where student bodies lay.”
-”We got spirits, yes we do! We got spirits, how bout you!?”
-This is another show they all watch with Laddie
-David isn't a raving fan, but he can stand it
-”Draculaura is a bit of a lazy name.” “Clawdeen wolf? Lagona blue? Cleo De Nile? Everyone has a lazy name because it's a kids show!”
-Dwayne is secretly into it and asks Laddie to watch it with him so he has an excuse
Thanks for reading <3
Yes I saw the comment you wanted me to see. Don't think I was ignoring you, I just had to find other media to talk about. (I stalk my own page like a Hyena. It's a little sad tbh lmao)
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chubbyreaderchan · 1 year
Crying in the Sand | Poly! Lost Boys x plus sized!Reader
Summary: The Lost Boy’s mate has some old “friends” come to town. She wants to spend time with them without her boys but they end up destroying her self-esteem instead. The boys will not let them get away with it. 
Warnings: Sexual innuendos but no real sex scenes, cursing, blood, violence, fighting, body shaming, self-hatred, anxiety, shirtless men for some reason, nudity, strong language, bullying, adult bullying, reader is larger in clothes size than the boys but they don’t care, Marko being let loose. Everyone in the coven is dating everyone else. No Michael or Star or Laddie :(
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David’s arm wrapped around her plush hip, pressing her into his side gently. The boys were acting rowdy as they walked the boardwalk, minus Dwayne who was loyally carrying her bags despite her protests. She had been holding off the entire night to tell them she wasn’t going to be hanging out with them the next night. They had a hard time allowing their mate to go anywhere without them, but she made them promise to allow her to have other friends. Which was hard to do as an adult who surrounds herself with scary biker boys with pretty hair. 
But old friends were good. They didn’t know her boys, they had no idea they existed since they were coming to California for vacation from her hometown. They were only passing through the next night and then they were off to try to get to Hollywood and Disneyland for the rest of their trip. She was sure she was a fleeting thought in their minds. They hadn’t contacted her since graduation and she mostly forgot about them until they got her phone number from her family.
“You alright?” Dwayne said. 
His voice was low, and had the depth of dark chocolate and the warmth of his leather jacket on a cold night like tonight. His knuckle brushed over her plush cheek, a forest fire against her cheek despite his deathly cold. David’s fingers dug into her side and the leader looked at Dwayne, mildly annoyed he noticed her thoughts before he did. 
“What’s wrong, princess?” 
She took a deep breath. Now or never. 
“My friends from high school called me last night. I guess they are flying into Santa Carla because the tickets were cheap,” she said. 
(Y/n) leaned into David a bit more, as if seeking physical support from him. He was the leader and protector, she thrived off of that. She liked feeling his protection and listening to his opinions. 
“They want to hang out. Go to some beach. Something less popular than--” 
She motions around them at the crowds and lights. 
“They only have a day to stretch their legs and they want to hit up the beach before they go to Disney,” 
“Are you wanting to introduce us?” David asked. 
(Y/n) bit the inside of her cheek, thoughtful. That was something she hadn’t decided on yet. There were a few snakes in her old friend group and she did not want to share her boys with them. They had snatched so many crushes from her in the past, or even helped boys prank her with false dates. 
“No,” she was firm. “They are from a small town. They wouldn’t get it… or us,” 
David gave her a look, it was cold and distant. A tinge of jalousy seemed to sully the air. Dwayne’s hand joined David’s on her body. His hand pressed against the blonde leader it was intimate and comforting for both (Y/n) and David. 
“She should be able to see her friends without us,” Dwayne said gently. 
They could aways watch from a distance. 
Leave it to Paul to ruin the comfortable gazes between the two boys. His lanky arms wrapped around their human mate in a near breath stealing grasp. He nipped at her neck and she giggled at the ticklish sensation. 
“What? Don’t want your high school buddies to be jealous?” Paul purred. 
Marko was in front of her in an instant, keeping a steady pace walking backwards to look at her features. Her soft stomach was his favorite and he often encouraged her to show it off, but it was hidden tonight. With a final leer he grinned his devilish smile that made (Y/n) melt and give into practically anything he wanted. 
“Maybe she doesn’t want them to know how kinky our lady is,” Marko smile never wavered. 
His fists pulled at the opening of his jacket, tongue lapping out at his lips. 
“Not that they’d ever find out, amore,” 
Never in her life had she had so many boys pinning and loving her like they did. She felt wanted and taken care of all at the same time with the four wild vampires. 
“If we aren’t going to see you much tomorrow then we should go back to the cave,” David mused. 
The vampire swiftly tugged the cigarette from behind his ear, pressing it between his lips before lighting it. The hot burn of cigarette smoke filled the air even with his efforts to puff the smoke away from the fragile human he was so annamoured with. 
“Why’s that?” she asked. 
“We need to scent you,”
“Scent me?” 
He hummed, his own devilish grin tugged at his lips. It wasn’t fair how handsome he was. It took everything in (Y/n)’s body to run her fingers through his course facial hair. 
“Can’t have any others trying to touch what is ours,” 
His face was close to her’s now. David’s scent of tobacco, mint, and metal washed over her face. He leans in close and almost purrs his next words. 
“And kitten, you can touch my beard all you want…. But I think it might feel better against your thighs,” 
Her face heated and her thighs rubbed together at the insinuation. The sharp ears of the others caught every word and like a pack of hyenas they howled with laughter. 
“I would punch you if you weren’t so pretty,” she said,
She crossed her arms over her chest like a child. David couldn’t help but laugh, knowing very well her threats meant nothing. His soft lips pressed against her’s in a chaste kiss. 
The day started with her friends arriving at her apartment. No, scratch that. One friend who was one of the snakes, and two girls who used to bully her relentlessly arrived on her front porch. She knew the snake friend was coming but apparently (Y/n) had assumed that she was still friends with the others she used to be around. 
“You look…” the snake, known as Allison grimced visibly. “Like you!” 
Ouch. That one hurt. She could feel herself folding in already and the day with them had hardly started. Ashley the blonde resident mean rich girl in the town hugged (Y/n) like she had a disease and only did so out of politeness. The third was a dark haired girl who always seemed to be a package deal with Ashley. Bridget… thought (Y/n) had often called her an “idiot” in her head. 
“Hi, uh…” she smiled fakely and followed Ashley into the apartment. 
“Once we get relaxed a smidge,” Ashley said. “We should go to lunch. Didn’t you mom say you work on a boardwalk?” 
“I thought you didn’t want to hit the boardwalk?” (Y/n) asked. 
“Oh, we don’t want to hit the boardwalk at night. Too crowded and… too dangerous,” she cringed. 
The plump girl wanted to roll her eyes, but she was right. The boardwalk plus peak summer season plus night and minus her boys could be a one way ticket to robbery… or worse. Though the “or worse” were her boys. She’d always be safe on the boardwalk. 
“Oh, sweetie, You aren’t going to wear that to lunch are you?” Allison asked. “It’s a bit tight don’t you think?” 
(Y/n) looked at the shirt that hugged her body quite tight, a faded Rolling Stones t-shirt. Yes it was a bit small, fitting a bit like a crop top and she did snip part of the neckline to fit a bit better but it was Paul’s shirt. He gave it to her. From his own clothes. 
“Here sugar,” the wild blonde grinned, tossing the t-shirt at her bare body. 
The boys were out feeding that night and Paul had practically destroyed her mind with incredible sex and just his overall vibe. They never liked her to be alone in the cave if they could help it. 
“Paul, how high are you?” 
“No, babe, it’s hi how are you,” he grinned jumping into her nest and kissing her jaw. 
“No, Paulie. Baby… I’m gonna stretch it out,” 
“Don’t you like this shirt?” 
“It’s my favorite,” he grinned. 
His lips continued to kiss her neck. 
“I’ll ruin it. Stretch it,” 
“Well, call it payback, sugar,” He sucked on her neck. 
Her mind was getting fuzzy again. “For what?” 
“For you letting me stretch your pussy out,” 
The memory normally made her laugh but her fingers were now tangled at the hem of the shirt. Stress was filling her mind. 
“Yeah, I can change,” she said softly. “Just make yourselves at home,” 
It wasn’t long and she came out to the three girls giggling. It was like they never left high school. They looked up at her and Bridget laughs again. 
“Are you done?” (Y/n) asked. “Would you like to see the boardwalk or not?” 
“Of course, you look so cute. We’re gonna take my car. It’s bigger,” Ashley grinned. “A rental,” 
It took a lot to not gag at the fakeness in her voice. (Y/n) threw her bag over her shoulder, tracing the patch Marko had stitched into it as she walked to the car. 
“Bridgy,” Ashley smiled. “Let (Y/n) sit up front. She is hosting us after all,” 
Bridget climbs into the back and (Y/n) sits in the front telling her in detail the best ways to get the pier. She couldn’t remember the last time she was her in the day time, it was still lively but it was just a different feeling.
It felt more family friendly and not one wrong move from being either a rave or a brawl. No David holding her hip or Marko pinching her sides. No Paul wanting to sneak her off into one of the changing booths or even a Dwayne making sure she actually eats something that was sugar dipped in more sugar. It was a familiar loneliness she had hanging over her she had most of her teenage year as the three women linked arms and (Y/n) fell behind them. She was never lonely or felt as if she wasn’t wanted with her boys. 
Hell, if they didn’t want her around they would’ve eaten her by now… and not in the fun way. 
“Where should we eat?” Allison called over her shoulder. “What’s good?” 
“There’s a 24 hour diner near the Di--,” 
“What, no,” Ashley said. 
The preppy blonde was aghast at the mention of a diner. She rolled her eyes and reached into her beach bag. A pamphlet of the local attractions and restaurants she must’ve gotten at a rest stop at some point. 
“Oh, we should go to the seafood place,” Ashley grinned. 
(Y/n) cringed at the thought. The boys had told her many sketchy things about the owner and management. It was not a great choice but a water and a side salad would hold over until she could get a corn dog from her favorite booth. Maybe. 
The best part of the restaurant was definitely the air conditioning. It felt nice against her skin, she even tugged her well loved jacket from her shoulders. Another gift she had an argument over when David gave it to her. It was older, but with Marko’s sewing skills and patches from all of them it was transformed into hers, though the arms were a bit tight and it didn’t zip properly but it fit the best out of all the boy’s clothes and she adored it. Marko promised to make it fit better but she wasn’t sure she wanted it. It was like a constant hug from David, it even smelled like him. But even a punk can get sweaty in a jacket on the beach. 
“Why did you let us eat there?” Ashley whined as they walked down the boardwalk. 
“You wouldn’t listen if I told you,” (Y/n) replied. 
“Wait where are you going?” Bridget copied the whine of the other girl.
It made her want to jam a plastic fork into her ear. Somehow she managed to get in line at the good corndog place, as suggested by Marko. 
“I thought you were dieting. You know cuz the jacket was so tight and the salad,” Bridget accused. 
She shook her head and bit her lip. Her hand went into her pocket fidgeting with the coins inside. This was going to be a long day and it had barely started. She could’ve been in bed this whole time. Hell, she could’ve been in her nest the entire time, with her boys. Hell, she’d even hang out with Max at this point. At least he wasn’t an open asshole like these girls were. 
(Y/n) bit into the fried treat and sighed in contentment. 
“Are you sure this beach is private enough?” Allison called. 
Then she giggled and whispered. The sun was starting to set and the girls wanted to abandon the boardwalk quickly. (Y/n)’s mind ached from being around the three girls and she was practically counting down the hours until she could go back to her boys. By the time they were on the beach she knew of, the sun was down and it was quite dark. 
“Of course, I come here all the time,” she said. “Nothing for miles,” 
Other than a cave. 
“Oh good,” Allison giggled.
She tore off her top and began stripping in the dark. (Y/n) watched in shock. The darkness of the beach wasn’t enough to conciel the girls stripping down to their birthday suits. 
“Come on, (Y/n). We did this all the time back home. It’s why we wanted to come here at night,” she giggled. “Join us,” 
The grin on Allison’s lips would have mimicked Markos. This would have been a Marko or Paul idea but something felt off about this. The instinct to pull in and run as fast as she could was buzzing in her brain harder than the first time she saw a vampire feed. But just like then she pushed it away, the wild side that was primmed and built by the coven of vampires was screaming to just do it. 
A sharp swallow felt like it cut down her entire body. She pulled her jacket off then her top and the rest of her clothes. The girls were huddled and giggling, bile made it’s way up her throat. Bitter and painful as the rest ran into the water. Even at her age, peer pressure seemed to be winning her over as she went into the dark waters. Her heard was racing as the cold touched her hot skin. It cooled over the places where the sun had touched, she sighed again in contentment. The fear was washed away from her body with each crash of the wave. 
Her eyes fluttered shut and she enjoyed the sounds of the night. Quiet and still, with the occasional sound of wildlife that lived in the area. Quiet never happened with all the boys. Quiet could only be obtained with Dwayne or David. All four was shouting and calling and flirting and--. 
(Y/n)’s eyes shot open. It was too dark to see anyone. She spun in a circle, hoping to see anyone. Anything. Gone. They left her. She swallowed hard, and fought back the tears of frustration and memories. This wasn’t the first time Allison played this prank. Leaving her in the middle of nowhere. But it was fine. She would just pull on her clothes and just go to the cave or the boardwalk and find her boys. 
She stepped onto the sand, careful not to step on a scuttering crab before heading to her clothes which---
They weren’t there. Her jacket. Her shirt. Even her swimsuit and bag were gone, hot tears filled her eyes arms wrapping around her bare body as she fell into the sand with a thud. Her breathing was hard and ragged. The bullying through the day seemed to have built up to this moment. It was as if time hadn’t moved since she was 16 and trying to blend in only to stand out more. She coughed out a sob. She hardly registered the rumbling of motors coming down the beach. 
“This is lame,” Marko said. 
He chewed at the glove on his left hand anxiously. The group of boys seemed dull. David was simply browsing the night’s produce, deciding which bodies could fill their bellies and the boredom without their mate to complete their family. 
No one peaked his curiosity. Hell, he wasn’t even that hungry, at least not that kind of hunger. David could practically still taste her on his tongue and her smell still lingered on the boardwalk. It was hours old but he knew her scent so well that it could’ve been just a few seconds ago. 
He was growing irritated. Like a caged jaguar. He wanted to rip into something, but had no one good enough. Nothing caught his interest other than a back and fourth look over the crowd. 
“Maybe (Y/n)’s friends left,” Paul said, hopeful. 
“If that’s the case she’d come to us,” Dwayne said, leaning back a bit on his bike. 
He stretched and grunted slight before leaning forward again on the handles. Dwayne didn’t need to stretch but it was an old human habit, like breathing. But he was disappointed when he remember that their little mate wasn’t their to ogle at his muscles beneath his skin. 
“Let’s go,” David flicked his cigarette carelessly. “No one looks worth it tonight,” 
They kicked off their bikes and onto the beach they drove. Taking the long sandy way home in the hopes of finding some form of entertainment. The pack were wooping and hollering but it didn’t feel as good as when it was filled with giggles. A piece of their coven was missing. David hated and loved how much she meant to the dynamic of their family. 
David inhales, sand brushed against his nostrils but that wasn’t the scent that bothered his nose. Tears. Fear. 
Something was wrong, and David tried not to allow his true face out. He slowed his bike and the boys followed. Marko was next to him sniffing the air, he liked the smell of tears but not like this. They could see her curled in on her self crying. 
Naked. And crying. 
Leather enveloped her shoulders and she looked up to see Dwayne. He smiled at her sadly, kneeling to her level. 
He brushed a rough thumb under her eyes, wiping a tear off her cheek. 
“What the fuck happened, amore,” Marko was in front of her, hands gripping into fists. 
Pacing and cursing in Italian. David looked just as pissed and she didn’t see paul. Not until he threw the shirt he had on at her playfully. 
“Paul,” She whimpered. 
“Don’t even start, sugar. Just put it on,” 
His voice lacked any warmth. No happy go lucky Paul, but a serious man with anger in his voice. A black Led Zepplin shirt that smelled of him and weed. It stretched over her body, but it wasn’t enough to cover her bottom half. She moved Dwayne’s jacket to covers up but she was still very bare. But she did feel a bit better with her boys surrounding her. 
“What the hell happened,” David mimicked Marko’s question. 
His movements were so quiet she jumped when she turned to see him crouched infront of her, leather hands on her knees. 
“They convinced me to swim… without,” she sniffed. “Then took my clothes and left… I just want my jacket and bag back,” 
David pulled his large over coat off and placed it on her as well. 
“Don’t worry kitten, we’ll take care of it,” David said.
His gloved hand 
“I’ll take her back to the cave,” Dwayne said. 
He didn’t even hesitate. He lifted (Y/n) as if she weighed nothing, wrapping her tightly to keep her modest, not that anyone would see a thing or even look while in his arms. 
“I don’t,” 
“Don’t worry mama,” he soothed. “We’re flying. I’ll get my bike when you are in your nest,” 
Paul, Marko, and David were off. Following the scent of fake cucumber and soon to be dead bitches. Marko was the first to spot them, his eyes were especially sharp when he was pissed off and hungry. They didn’t care about safety or stopping, they tailgated them until the women finally pulled off. Clearly, they weren’t very smart. David’s bike barely stopped when he hopped off. Rage was fueling him, and his eyes were yellow. His hunger had suddenly returned. 
“What the hell--,” the blonde yelled. 
“Where the fuck is her stuff,” 
The woman in pink finally looked into David’s face. She stammered. Marko had already ripped the door of the passengerside causing the women to scream. Paul smashed the back window, seeing (Y/n)’s clothes and bag. 
The brunette screamed again as Marko tugged her from her seat. He held her so tight her arm snapped under the force and she screamed again. Marko’s long tongue flicked out before he took a rough bite. 
They would be another set of missing people. 
“Good thing you leave so much here,” Dwayne teased, running his hands over her thigh. It was a pair of sweat pants she had forgotten ages ago but she was grateful for them. She didn’t want to steal another item of their clothes. 
“Though I still think you’d be cuter in my boxers,” 
They were laying in her next again, right under where the boys would sleep. It was safest to them and they liked having her there, since she would be joining them on the ceiling someday. Dwayne leaned forward, kissing another stray tear. He had already left and retrieved his bike, and now he could be comfortable with her. His jacket was still over her shoulders and she was hugging David’s like a security blanket. 
Tears still crept from her eyes, but he could tell she was feeling better. 
His fingers traced over the waist band of her hips and he kissed another stray tear away. He kissed down her cheek all the way to her lips. Dwayne smiled when she returned the kiss, moving so she could touch his body. The cave rumbled and the other vampires came in wildly. The curtains moved and the first boy rushed in, bag on his shoulder and a grin on his face.
“Sorry, Dwayne. There wasn’t enough bitch for all of us,” Paul said patting his shoulder.
Happy Paul was back but his face and hands were coated in blood. He placed her things beside her bed and he leaned in to kiss her but Dwayne put a hand against his other lover’s chest. 
“Clean first, then kiss her.” 
“Yeah yeah, human blood disease,” Paul hissed. 
Marko rushed in next. Wild eyed and looking like he could go for another fight. But he was clean, or at least his skin was. His shirt was stained and ripped apart but his jacket was a beautiful as alway. 
 His eyes flickered around and landed on his girl. Puffy eyed, but smiling at him. 
“Feeling better, Venus?” He teased. 
She nodded. 
He shrugged his jacket off, then shoes, then his shirt before climbing in behind her. His arms snaked around her middle, squeezing at the doughy flesh of her belly just right. 
“Stop! That tickles,” She giggled trying to pull away from him. 
“Amore, how can I stop when you are just so irresistible,” 
Dwayne rolled his eyes at the antics. “Marko,” He was stern. 
Marko paused his tickling and rolled his eyes before just hugging his hurting mate from behind. He kissed her neck and nipped at the skin softly. 
“Don’t worry, my Venus,” he whispered. “Those girls wont ever hurt you again,” 
His breath is cool against her skin and she can’t help but to hum. She leaned against Marko and he allowed her enjoying her against his chest. 
The curtains pulled back again, David was now also shirtless his hair damp and gel-less. It was slightly messy without product and (Y/n) loved it very much. His lips curl into a smug smile. 
“I’m glad you like my jacket, kitten but I think I’d be a better replacement,” 
He crawled into the nest as well. He sat between Dwayne and (Y/n) taking the jacket from her hands before pulling her from Marko’s grip. She layed against his soft chest and he purred as her fingers danced over his soft belly before gently playing with his chest hair. Marko found himself back behind her, hugging for dear life. His fingers tapped against her middle. 
They all seemed to be buzzing with energy. 
“What the fuck? Why are you guys hogging the babe!” 
Paul launched himself into the pile of lovers wedging himself between the tangled legs of (Y/n) and David. Dwayne rolled his eyes before scooting into David’s other side, placing a hand on the exposed midriff of his princess. 
“I don’t think I want friends anymore,” she hummed. “You guys are like friends and boyfriends wrapped in one,” 
“You should still have friends,” Dwayne said gently. “I bet you’d like Gloria,” 
“No, I think i’m content,” 
“Whatever you want kitten,” David said. “That’s what you’ll get,” 
His fingers traced over any skin or into any hair that he could. They went down to her jaw and gently lifted her chin. He pressed a kiss against her lips. 
“I want to kiss her,” Paul huffed, pushing up against David’s stomach to climb to her face.
David grunted in annoyance but held his tongue from shouting at the vamponeside golden retriever. He just watched as he sloppily devoured her lips. 
She was never going to be alone like that again. He wouldn’t allow it. 
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the-faceless-bride · 1 year
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🌊ᒪEᑕᕼE Oᖴ ᔕIᖇEᑎᔕ🪷
The boys woke up to an odd night. The smell of blood is all they could focus on. At first, it made them drool. But they all got suspicious once they remembered they were the only ones where.
They all dropped down and after confirming it was none of them they all ran to the curtains that covered Star and Laddie. And after frantically waking them up and fussing over Laddie. They noticed something.
A black bag sat against the wall.
It was full of stakes, bottles of holy water, blessed daggers, and of course... Garlic.
But then that begs the question. If the Hunters bag was here...Where is the hunter? The boys realize this and it seemed a haunting song began to travel through the cave walls.
"La da de~ La dada la lada lada da~"
Marko and Paul look to each other as Dwayne and David walked deeper into the cave, the terror twins slowly followed.
"you hear that?" Dwayne asks as he tilts his ear into the air, "hear what?" David asks "What does it sound like?" David continued. They all had their own special ability, Davids was of tampering with the mind, Paul's nose, Marko's ability to observe behavior, and Dwayne with extraordinary hearing.
"it sounds like... Singing?" Dwayne answered though it sounded more like a question.
"singing?" Paul asked looking from Dwayne to Marko.
"La dade lada da lada da da da~"
The song grows louder as they continue down the dark new narrow path of the cave they never bothered to explore before this.
The closer to the song the richer the smell of iron, sparking an uncomfortable hunger within them. They didn't like how hungry they felt, especially in a time of potential danger.
"La da dee la da da la- dada ah ah~!"
The more they moved and now the more they heard the more they felt the need to press forward. Now not fueled with caution and panic, turned curious and... Enchanted?
The boys found themselves in an open part of the cave a large hole in the floor the reflections of water from the moonlight across the dusty cave walls.
The sound of dripping blood and ripping flesh echoed off the cracked walls,
"my hearts been priced by Cupid~"
The boys slowly and quietly made their way further,
"I disdain all glittering gold~"
All four pairs of eyes focused on the beauty of the creature with the enchanting voice,
"There is nothing can console me-"
The glimmering scales, bright eyes, and body covered in gems and pearls,
"but my jolly sailor bold.~"
"whoah" Was the first thing to leave Pauls mouth, causing the monster to fully turn it's body towards them.
Their eyes had a capturing glow, mouth with a line almost ear to ear like a snake, small scales along their soft skin, and seaweed tangled in their hair.
The creature smiled sharp rows of teeth exposed...
"Are you my jolly sailor bold?" the creature asked a rasp and unnatural squeak to their voice making them sound doubled and distorted.
... A siren.
A/n: 2000? FOR ME? REALLY?! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!! also Monster Heram? Phantom reader, Siren reader, what's next? Idk you tell me! @ghoulgeousimmaculate here's something for you, thank you for the Marko fic earlier, it was very yummy.
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vympirestake · 1 year
Hello, could I please request head cannons for: Veronica Sawyer, poly Billy and stu, brahms heelshire, and marko from the lost boys where their s/O is very insecure about how they look and always wear a mask and maybe their reaction to seeing their face for the first time.
— Insecure Masked S/O
— Various x GN!Reader, just fluff, headcanons
— Mentions of insecurity, a little bit of bullying maybe
— Veronica Sawyer
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Veronica is your knight in shining armor, your protector and biggest supporter
Her alliance with the Heathers makes it so, if she so chose, she could squash anyone who dare try to shun you either for your mask or (this bring a semi small town) your actual face if they've seen it
She's always quick to your defence, whether or not you were going to defend yourself she is chewing everyone out and moving you to where she can check up on you
Literally starstruck when she sees your face
She's more gentle than the others, opting to gently brush her fingertips along your cheeks, across your jaw, smoothing your hair down if the mask had covered it
She is really just in awe, wanting to make you feel wholly loved and appreciated for everything you are
If anything, she gets more protective of you. Feeling as though, because you entrusted her with the barest part of you, she needs to keep it safe
For a complete sidenote, I think in this AU instead of thirsting for Veronica, JD sees himself in her fierce passion for you (and he just thinks you're neat, probably always talking down society and norms to encourage you) so he ropes her into killing in your name
— Poly Ghostface
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In a couple words, the general idea is that these boys would kill and be killed for you
This goes for really just in general, mask or no mask, but the fact that you are so insecure almost seems to triple this instinct
You can bet they're shoved right into your sides whenever you're in public, staring down and threatening anyone who even looks at you funny
When you finally decide to show them your face they both sit in their anxious anticipation
They'll love you no matter what, don't get me wrong, but they don't want to mess this up and make you more uncomfortable
When you actually show them they both just sit there like :0, literally in the gif just wide eyed with their mouths slightly agape
Stu giving a quiet whisper of "woah, man" before diving in to finally kiss your face for the first time
Billy (lowkey pissed Stu beat him to it) moves the blonde out of the way so he can get his smooch too, both assuring you beyond a shadow of a doubt that they love you masked or not
Billy especially gets almost a power thrill from seeing your face, knowing he's one of a very select few to actually see you which, in his mind, makes you all the more his
— Brahms Heelshire
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Of anyone, Brahms is going to understand your insecurities the best
Your mask is probably what made him comfortable in his choice to finally reveal himself
He knew that you wouldn't judge or be afraid of him purely because of his face or his way of hiding it
When you do finally reveal your face to Brahms, he is filled with nothing but pure adoration
He knows that taking off your mask, removing that layer of security, and being so very vulnerable around him makes Brahms fall that much deeper in love with you
Unfortunately, this probably means he would end up staring for an uncomfortably long amount of time, nearly making you regret removing the mask in the first place
Before you could fathom apologizing Brahms, in turn, removes his own mask
It's such a gentle moment, quietly and with so much care exploring the newly revealed skin of the other
— Marko
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While Marko doesn't necessarily understand your insecurity, he nontheless tries his hardest to make sure you're more or less as comfortable as possible
He strives to make you as comfortable in your own skin as he can
He's always right by your side, offering a comforting hand or a moment alone
You know the other boys are always checking back on you two, especially looking out for Marko flagging down their newest meal who thought being disrespectful towards you would be ok
Marko has an interesting opinion on it, knowing that his "human" face is really only a mask for the vampiric one but it makes him not as serious as the others might be
Not to say he doesn't understand the importance of this! But more that he feels the removal of the "mask" is empowering and therefore should be celebrated
So when you remove the mask for the first time, he's whooping and hollering
"yeah! that's my s/o" while he bounds up to kiss you
probably immediately shows you his vampire face (if you haven't seen it already) so you can finally see each other bare
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
could u do something for the lost boys with a cute and innocent gf? maybe like cat valentine or sumthin
Pairing: Poly!Lost Boys x Innocent!Reader
TW: small mention of sexual innuendos, hints of possessive behavior.
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You are the exact opposite of the group of vampires and they found the striking difference to be extremely attractive.
While they were clad in haunting dark colors and leather, you sported outfits that were decorated in floral patterns and pastel colors.
They were very surprised that you weren't apprehensive of them when you all met the first time.
You simply smiled sweetly with doe-like eyes and engaging in conversation with them without a care.
They knew that they had to keep you for themselves. That selfish need that consumed them prevented them from letting you go until you were offically theirs.
Your relationship with them turn heads when you all visit the boardwalk.
The image of a sweet girl spending time with a bunch of trouble-makers left many people thinking that the world was ending.
You are practically their bright and shining star that has blessed them with your love and sweetness.
Whenever a surfer nazi bothers you, they immediately are on the defensive.
Marko has no trouble starting a fight with them to get them to leave you alone.
You're theirs.
They love the sound of your voice, high-tuned that reminded them of bells.
You don't understand sexual innuendos and jokes and Dwayne slaps Paul when he tries to explain it.
David pretends he doesn't like your style and wants you to dress darker but it's only because he can't handle how delectable you look.
Dwayne has a silent yet expressive fascination with your outfits.
Whenever he would see you wearing ruffles and lace, he would quietly and gently grab the fabric and play with it with his fingers.
Paul loves the sound of your laugh and will constantly make jokes to hear it.
He also loves your expressive gestures because he does the same thing and the boys used to tease him about it.
Whenever Paul sees you dressed in bright colors, he playfully hisses and shields his eyes, yelling, "Too bright!"
Marko appreciates fashion, given that his jacket is handmade, he likes learning about your style.
Marko, the artist, has hundreds of sketches of you in your different outfits.
Every night is a new outfit, he never sees you wear the same one twice and teases if you have those specially delivered or something.
"No I made them! (^w^) ♡" You would say.
You created matching bead bracelets consisting of pastels and you all wear them. Despite, David complaining.
"Ew, what is this?" "A bracelet, I can take it back..." "No, it's mine, fuck off."
When you discover their secret, you were understanding, but had so many questions.
"Does garlic hurt? Does the sun kill you? Can you turn into a bat? Bats are so cute!!"
Your bond with them would be even tighter with them.
At times, your innocence triggers their vampiric instincts which they try desperately to control.
You're their mate, yet their instincts scream at them to pin you down and consume you in a primal urge to claim.
Best to stay away from them when they're starving or going through heat.
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Taglist: Comment to be added!!
@prettywhenibleed @ghoulgeousimmaculate @pixielostboy @britany1997 @brattyloserprincess16 @blenna3967
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Bubz's Slasher Fictober Day 7: The Lost Boys x Reader (Poly) (Apple Cider)
And with that the first week of Fictober is over with! I hope you've all enjoyed the first 7 fics of this wonderful month and I hope you all stick around to enjoy the rest <3
Notes: Minors DNI, This one still isn't smut but do stay tuned for later in Fictober (wink wink). No pronouns or descriptions of reader used. This is a poly relationship fic so if you aren't into it this isn't the fic for you. (Not my gif but i loved it too much not to use) I used a lot of creative liberties in this so if it doesn't seem 100 percent canon that's why.
Fic specific notes: Star doesn't exist in this neither does Laddie.
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Rays of the light from the moon were peaking through the clouds as the coolness of the nighttime descended on Santa Clara. You had been awake for a couple hours and knew once the night came the boys would be ready to proceed with what you had promised them a year ago on the dot.
A year ago to the day was when David first brought it up.
"Become one of us" He rasped at you one night after a night out at the boardwalk.
At first you hadn't thought you heard him correctly, One of them? There was no way he meant a vampire? could he? Marko butted in before you could ask him.
"Yeah c'mon babe, You've been with us almost two years now we want you to be with us forever" You glanced at Paul and Dwayne and they both smirked and nodded.
You told the four that night that you wanted nothing more then to be one of them and be with them forever, but you needed time to process what that would mean for you. You promised them if they waited a full year you would drink the blood and become theirs forever. The past year had flown by and in reality felt like you had only had a week to process.
One by one you could hear the boys wake deeper into the cave and one by one in that order they emerged into the main room where you rested behind the sheer curtains that surrounded the bed.
Marko, Dwayne and Paul as usual entered first but as on any other day they stalled back waiting for David. David entered the main room a few minutes later fully dressed in his normal gloves and trench coat and approached your bed slowly and casually. He used a gloved hand to pull one of the curtains away from the bed and leaned over you with his other hand at the side of your face on the bed.
"Darling, I think you know what time it is" You opened your eyes to look up at one of the men you had promised yourself too a year ago but had been with for 3.
"Doesn't max have to be here?" you asked, you knew the answer was no but you still wanted to stall for as long as possible. David fixed you with an unamused look.
"Of course not doll, But you knew the answer to that, C'mon let's get you up and ready we have all night but we'd like to go to the boardwalk at some point" David said grabbing your hand and helping you sit up.
You noticed the other 3 had disappeared off somewhere probably to get a few things in order for you after you drink the blood. You placed your feet on the side of the bed and stood up pulling the shawl you were sleeping in tighter around you as the chill of Santa Clara night hit you like a truck.
"You're nervous" David stated, You turned to look at him and he chuckled a bit.
"The nerves are rolling off you like waves" He continued "Though I'm not sure why, You aren't second guessing this are you?" He asked you incredulously, You swiftly shook your head.
"Of course not David, that isn't it at all" He still stood next to the bed staring at you, you sighed.
"It's just, I don't know. What if the blood doesn't take or something, what if it goes wrong and makes me sick or something. I want to be with you guys forever but I'm so scared David" His face soften and he brought a gloved hand to your chin to bring your eyes to his.
"My love Max explained to you the worst things that can happen, Even if the blood doesn't take at first me and the boys are prepared for any situation. Even if something goes wrong we aren't going to let you get hurt, you just have to trust us darling" You sniffled with unshed tears in your eyes. David had a soft side but it was rare that he showed it.
Dwayne entered the room and fixed you with a worried look before turning to David.
"Everything is ready if you are David, Is everything ok?" Dwayne asked. You nodded and smiled at him.
"I'm fine hun. Just got a little nervous" You said wrapping your arms around Dwayne's middle, he pressed a quick kiss to your forehead.
"Well I guess that settles it then Dwayne, tell Marko and Paul that we're ready" Paul turned to leave and you grabbed his hand into yours and followed, David coming behind the two of you into the section of the cave where David's makeshift throne sat.
Marko and Paul had matching grins upon seeing you and you knew they were just as excited and anxious as Dwayne and David were even if Dwayne and David were better at their poker faces then the younger two vampires.
David stepped away from the group to walk up to the throne and grab the bottle that held the blood. Marko and Paul came up and wrapped their arms around you seemingly keeping you in place in case. Marko leaned over to your ear while David got the blood ready.
"Once you start drinking don't stop until David tells you, you might faint or pass out but me and Paul got you. If you do you'll wake up in an hour or two and we'll all take care of you till your fully turned" You nodded at him and gave him a small smile to try and show you weren't nervous.
David stepped forward and held out the encrusted wine bottle to you.
"Here Darling, Let's get this show on the road" He uncorked the bottle and handed it to you.
"Like Marko said, Don't stop drinking until I tell you too ok?" You nodded bringing the bottle up to your lips and with a final nod from David you took mouth full of the blood.
The metallic taste was sharp as the cold liquid made it's way over your tongue and down your throat as you swallowed the first mouth full of blood. Without any indication from David you took another drink followed by another. After the fourth mouth full you were feeling lightheaded.
"That's good enough" David said gripping the bottle and gently taking it from your hand. You let him take the bottle as you stumbled lightly. Your head was swimming in a way you had never experienced before, your vision was blurry.
Marko and Paul tried their best to steady you as you stumbled back and forth between the two of them like a ping pong ball.
"Get to the bed Marko" You heard David command before your world went black.
Two hours and some change later you awoke again. You were having the most weirdest vivid dreams before you woke up in a cold sweat sitting straight up in bed.
You immediately noticed all four of your boys sitting in chairs placed in different areas around your bed. You gather the blankets around yourself to try and fight off both the cold night and the shivers in your own body as your boys start to gather around you.
Paul reached you first and moved the hair from your eyes to place a hand on your forehead before looking to David.
"No fever" He said, David nodded.
"Good, I want us to check every hour or so to make sure" He said to all the boys. Dwayne leaned down and put his hands on your cheeks.
"How are you feeling?" He asked
"I'm ok, Just really cold and my stomach feels gross" You said, Dwayne nodded.
"That's normal angel, You're gonna have to deal with it till it breaks unfortunately" You nodded but inwardly groaned.
"By tomorrow night your probably going to feel some pain in your jaw area accompanied by more cold sweats and possible stomach aches, that's how you know it's time for you to feed" David stated, you looked up at him.
"We don't want you out there hunting yet till your better and we can teach you, so you'll stay here tomorrow night while we bring you food" Marko said from beside him.
"A fledgling" Dwayne said.
"A what?" He laughed at your confusion.
"That's what you are dear, A baby bat"
"Our little baby bat!' Paul exclaimed laughing out loud, you joined him.
Once you were able to conquer the mountain of fear and nerves the other side was much easier to deal with. Sure it didn't feel the greatest but if it meant spending eternity with your boys then it was a sacrifice you were willing to take ever since they had found you all those years ago they had shown you nothing but a level of love and protection you had never experienced before and you wouldn't know what to do if you didn't have that anymore.
You stretched your arms above your head and craned your back into a stretch while yawning.
"When do I get to learn how to fly?" You asked them at once, they all laughed before David answered.
"All in due time my love, All in due time"
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popironrye · 2 months
The Lost Boys Giant Poly Circle
I got to thinking about my witch coven and the lost boys vampires and how I wanted to keep the romance options between them as one giant polycule! Well that got me thinking on how that might be confusing to people not in the know about poly ships.
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Now of course, I am not all that knowledgeable either, after all I don't have experience with polyamory but I think this is a pretty good break down of how I view, not only the relationships between my ocs and the vamps, but also how I view the relationships between them.
And of course no art post of mine would be complete without some lovely close ups I doodled for this meme. The ones I'm most proud of are of course Blair and Star, but I think David came out pretty well.
Forgive me for not drawing any detail on the jackets for Marko, Dwayne, and Paul.
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britany1997 · 2 years
can you write the lost boys having a lesbian bff? i feel like the dynamic would be sm fun
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Shared Interests:
(When I first got this ask I was like, ‘Oh so you mean the boys and Star?’ Lol)
Poly! Lost boys with a lesbian bff
Paul whistled as he watched a stunning brunette saunter down the boardwalk. “Damn” he said, “I love Santa Carla.” You placed your arms on his shoulder and peaked around.
“She is gorgeous,” you said, “you think she listens to girl in red?”
“Hey back off!” Paul said back, brushing you off his shoulder, “I saw her first!”
“Yeah but I’m gonna get her number first,” you told him slipping away.
“Hey no fair!” He yelled after you, crossing his arms and pouting.
The boys laughed to themselves as they watched Paul sulk, while you spoke with the brunette. “Better luck next time Paulie,” David said.
After awhile you walked back over, hands behind your back. “So?” Paul asked. You smiled and flashed Paul a card with the woman’s number.
Paul sighed and nodded, “game respects game,”he said.
You laughed, “actually she’s straight, but I told her my handsome blonde friend was single,” you told him, winking.
You flipped the card over to display the other side which read -xoxo Sasha call anytime;)
Paul picked you up and twirled you in the air while you giggled uncontrollably. “You’re the absolute best!” He said “I owe you one!!!” Then he put you down as he ran off to catch up with Sasha. You rolled your eyes as you turned to Marko.
“Still wanna do it?” You asked him
His lip quirked up into a half-smile, “of course,” he said while slipping you a folded piece of paper.
You unfolded the paper and flashed him a matching smile. “Perfect,” you said.
Back at the cave, you had Marko sitting on the fountain, with your tattoo gun in your gloved hand. “Now I’m just going to tell you now, this is a pretty big piece and it might take a couple hours. Are you sure you’re gonna be able to stay still for all that time?” Marko rolled his eyes, “of course,” he said, annoyed, “what am I six?” You stared at him for a second in silence. He rolled his eyes, “ok ok, I’ll stay still, c’monnnn” You looked down at the picture he’d sketched out for you.
“Why is the bat flying away from a burning building?” You asked him.
“Because he set the building on fire,” he told you matter-o-factly
“Oh, so the bat’s you?” You asked back laughing to yourself
He smirked, “of course,” he told you.
You smiled as you dipped the needle into the ink and positioned the stylus so that your hand would be steady. The needle sprung to life and started buzzing as it made contact with Marko’s skin. You held your other hand against his arm, keeping the skin flat so you could have a steady canvas on which to place Marko’s design.
After an hour passed, you watched as Marko’s knee bounced up and down rapidly. His hyperactive spirit was, normally, one of your favorite things about him. But if he made you mess up this design, you’d have to stake him.
You sighed and turned the gun off, “need a break?” you asked him.
He whipped his head around to look at you. “Please?” He pleaded, “I’m dying over here.”
You laughed, “aren’t you already dead?”
He rolled his eyes, but smiled as you, “can’t you just shut up and let me run around a bit?” He asked.
“Go ahead,” you said, shaking your head at his dramatics.
You sighed as you watched him sprint off, placing your tattoo gun in its case for the time being. You picked up your tote bag and headed to Dwayne’s alcove. He was reading his beat up copy of Animal Farm as you walked in.
“Re-reading?” You asked him
“At least once every two years,” he told you, dog-earring the page he was on. “What’s up?” He asked you.
You dug around in your bag for a bit before pulling out his heavily tabbed copy of the Bell Jar, “brought this back,” you said, holding it out for him. “We’ll have to find time to discuss I have…thoughts.”
He smiled as he took the book back from you, “thanks, I’d love to,” he told you. “Let me grab yours,” he said before reaching over to his milk crates full of books, and pulling out a copy of The Collected poems of Emily Dickinson. “She’s a talented wordsmith,” he said, placing the book in your hands, “thanks for recommending.”
You flashed him a smile, “anytime,” you told him.
He grabbed Anna Karenina from his crates and handed it to you, “I put aside this one for you to read next” he told you.
You flipped through it groaning, “almost nine hundred pages Dwayne?” You whined, “not all of us have an eternity of time to read books!”
He smirked at you, “guess you better go ahead and get started then hmm?”
You sighed as you trudged out of Dwayne’s room, the massive book weighing down your tote bag. As you walked into the main lobby of the cave, you caught sight of David sitting in his wheelchair throne. He turned to face you as you strolled in.
“Got a light?” He asked you.
You fished around in your bag before pulling out your lighter, “only if you’ve got an extra cig,” you replied.
He rolled his eyes but handed one to you. You lit his before lighting yours, then the two of you descended into comfortable silence as you smoked.
“You think Paul’s scared that girl off yet,” he asked you out of nowhere.
You chuckled to yourself “are you really in any position to judge his flirting methods?” You asked, “he told me about Michael in ‘87.”
David grumbled something under his breath about muzzling Paul while you laughed. You looked around a bit, noticing Marko was still no where in sight. You looked down at your watch, grimacing when you saw how late, (or early) it was.
“I should probably head back,” you said tossing your cigarette to the ground and stomping it out with your boot. “Tell Marko I said we’ll finish outlining his tattoo tomorrow yeah?”
David snorted, “yeah good luck with that”
You rolled your eyes, “maybe we can sedate him or something, that should keep him still.”
David smirked as he took another drag, “till tomorrow night?” He asked.
“Till tomorrow night,” you replied.
I hope you like this! Huge thanks to @crustyraccoon who reached out after I posted that I was feeling burnt out on inspiration and offered to help🥹 they were kind enough to help brainstorm some ideas for this w me and pre-read this for me:) so grateful for my amazing mutuals who encourage me❤️❤️❤️
(Note: I almost had Dwayne reading the Communist Manifesto in this but I thought that might have been a little too on the nose lol)
@ghoulgeousimmaculate @misslavenderlady @solobagginses @altierirose
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Cuddling with Paul and Marko after a bad day at work would include~ 
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- I know the request is mentioning a poly relationship between the three of you but let me just preface this by saying that Paul and Marko are exactly the types of “people” to just randomly ambush someone with affection for zero reason at all; Paul especially. So don’t be surprised if this sort of scenario occurs; multiple times, long before the three of you actually get together. 
- But regardless, let’s get on with the headcanons~
- The caves always been a sort of escape for you so it’s no surprise that you’d wind up visiting there after a long and tireless day at work. When you’re tucked away in a place that no one from the outside world dares to enter, surrounded by things that shouldn’t yet do exist, it’s hard to fret over meaningless daily inconveniences. And yet, today you just can’t help it.
- You’re still feeling cruddy by the time you arrive and though you try your best to put on a smile and just pretend that everything's alright, there’s more than a few cracks in your façade; cracks that both your boyfriends are quick to notice. 
- You take a seat next to Marko on one of the many couches that the boys have managed to shove down there and you almost immediately feel his eyes burning holes into the side of your head; regardless of how seamlessly you pecked him on the lips when you first sat down. Marko’s always been the more observant and focused of the two so it’s no surprise that he’d be the first to notice your change in demeanor. 
- He watches you for a while and just as you feel him tap your shoulder with the backs of his fingers; undoubtedly gearing up to ask you what’s wrong, Paul slams himself down in the seat beside you and starts an assault on the side of your face and neck; loving on you in a fashion more akin to an excited puppy than a scary vampire. 
- He greets you between kisses, whining about how long it’s been since he’s last seen you, and just as you’re about to get into a makeout session; one you’re looking forward to since it’ll mean no talking about your problems, he hums out the dreaded question and forces you to face the music. 
“Did you have a good day?”
- Now, you could lie to his face, and he’d probably easily and willingly believe you, …but all your chances of doing that are dashed when you take just a few moments too long to answer; long enough for him to pull away a bit and notice that you’re a little lost in thought. 
- With Marko, you can more or less give him a bullshit response and nine times out of ten, he’ll; at least momentarily, choose to ignore the fact that you’re lying to him; mainly because he doesn’t want to upset you even more by making you talk to him when you don’t want to. But Paul is someone who likes to harp on a subject until you give him a real answer: both because he doesn’t have the patience to wait for your gossip and because he wants to try and make you feel better as soon as he can. 
- So I recommend cutting your losses and telling them from the get go; or at least just saying  “work sucks” and alluding to the fact that it’s just everyday stupidity. Though if you do want to talk about it, your boyfriends are gossip hounds who will eat that shit up; all while plotting to murder the coworkers who annoy you. 
- I definitely think that Marko is less touchy than Paul so he’ll probably just throw an arm around your shoulders and let you lean against him while Paul goes all out and drapes himself across you like a blanket; purposefully ignoring your laughs and attempts to ask him what he’s doing. 
- Don’t be surprised if Paul’s face winds up on your boobs: he does it on purpose while also acting completely unfazed; because he decides at random when he’s doing something sexually or just because it’s comfortable. If you’re wearing a crop top or thin shirt, he’ll absentmindedly kiss between your ribs and play with the hem of your shirt/trace patterns on your sides while you; more often than not, play with his hair. 
- Marko messes with your shirt collar and shoulders while his arms around you, trailing a finger down whatever skin he can reach while he listens to you and Paul talk. He’ll also occasionally give you a mini scalp massage/head scritches. 
- Paul’s either gonna gossip with you; if you’re in the mood to talk, or he’s going to keep on telling you jokes and stories; probably with the occasional added in chuckle or comment from Marko, in an attempt to make you laugh and forget about your troubles.
- They’ll both make the occasional “you know, there’s something else I can think to do that’ll cheer you up ;)” but they’re only partially serious so it’s easy to just groan and shove at them. They stop; at least for a little while, and grab your hands so you can’t disengage from the cuddle pile.
- They’re both sort of at a loss when it comes to human emotions and they aren’t very good with tears but Paul is definitely a bit better with them; mainly because he’s occasionally tried to comfort Laddie in the past when the little boy got upset over something. He’s more of a “don’t cry, I’ll distract you” kind of person but he’ll occasionally pump out a genuinely reassuring sentence that’ll make you feel better; or a random comment that’ll take you by surprise and make you laugh. 
“Don’t cry! ...Though you do look super badass and hot with all that smudged makeup.” Like sir??
- Paul will spend like ten minutes listing off different things that him and Marko can do for you in an attempt to make you feel better. Do you want a back massage? Do you want me to do your hair? Do you want some dope? Do you want us to go kill that guy? Do you want me to go down- 
- Occasionally; especially if you’re cuddling for long, Marko will get up and get all of you something to eat or drink or to entertain yourselves with. If you need anything at all, he’s the one that goes and gets it; mainly because he can leave your position easier than you and Paul can.
- But speaking of switching positions: Paul’s a menace and you shouldn’t be surprised if he decides he wants to snuggle with you a different way after seemingly just starting to settle down; especially when you yourself have just gotten comfortable.
- They might not be the most sensitive vampires in the gang but they do manage to make you feel better and you’re glad to have them on your side; regardless of how often they try to make a move on you. 
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chubbyreaderchan · 2 years
Fem!Y/n (specifically with boobs bc I can't stop thinking about this)
Y/n: So... Like... When I turn and I sleep with you guys upside down....
David: Yeah?
Y/n: Won't my boobs just be on full display because gravity? My shirt would just *motions shirt riding up*
Paul: *grinning and imagining their boobs all on display* What's wrong with that?
Y/n: *throws magazine at Paul*
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the-faceless-bride · 2 years
Just had an idea, lost boys with the Phantom reader.
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Idea -> reader is a phantom, they've been dead for many many maaaaany years and live in the cave with the boys. The boys have never seen them because they are in a deeper part of the sunken hotel. The hotel was a high-end hotel that was used for opera showings and classical performances and the night the hotel sank reader was trapped and killed.
reader never comes out or plays their music when the boys are around, by now the reader has forgotten that they are dead, and they don't even know about the boys. They are so deep in the cave that the enchanting music they play is covered and muffled by all the rubble.
One day Laddie finds an opening that's just big enough for him to slip through. After a crawl, a long walk, and shimmying through a tight gap Laddie finds himself in what used to be the hotel's theatre....
elegant pained walls covered in dust and grime, the golden archways above the stands of the theatre now dull. The clack of his small shoes against the cracked dusty tiles, the grand chandelier in the middle of it all.
Laddie looks at the grand stage lights off, instruments thrown about some in alright condition and others completely destroyed. Old and very dry red stains paint around a part of the stage that had caved in and he couldn't see the bottom. But out of all things, it's the stunning grand piano with gold-encrusted keys.
He sat in the chair, too small to fully sit in it properly. He starts mindlessly pressing the keys, noting in his head what keys sounded best in his opinion. And he jumped when he heard a voice behind him. "would you like me to teach you?"
The boys weren't too worried about Labbies whereabouts, they knew Laddie memorized the boardwalk and all of its attractions. But gradually got more and more suspicious of the little boys' outings and they knew asking Star would be no use. But the boys kept silent, maybe the boy just found a new game to play. But eventually, Laddoe did something that spiked the boy's interest and they didn't feel so sure about the boy going out on his own anymore...
"uuhhh, classical little man? Really?" Paul raised his brow looking at the track Laddie asked he could get. In that moment all the boys were on edge, now noticing the changes Laddie had... His clothes though still in their rock style looked less dissolved, his hair looked brushed and he used one of stars' scrunchies to tie it back. That's how they knew something was definitely wrong. Laddie always wanted to be like them be like Dwayne and always had his hair down and messy.
Now the boys had started interrogating the little boy, and criticizing Star for allowing Laddie to be around "stuck-up classical mouth breathers?" and Star denise knowing any.
Laddie didn't want to tell his big brothers about his new friend and the lessons in piano he had been getting from the nice ghost that lives in the deepest part of the cave.
And it wasn't until much much later that the boys stayed up in the day to see where their halfling little brother was going. The next night, while Laddie and Star were out the boys started digging through the rocks and rubble careful not to bring the whole cave down.
The boys find the grand theatre and begin looking around, they always found classical boring however they could admit this place was quite the sight. Marko had loudly claimed this room as his "art room" and was already planning on paintings to go all over the walls and ceiling, Paul whined and said "its full of instruments! Let me have my guitar room!" and it was quickly becoming a bickering contest between the terror twins.
It wasn't until Dwayne found a note on the piano written in curved writing, "I decided to freshen up, just play the song we've practiced once you get here." next to the note was sheet music. Now Dwayne didn't like to open up about his past and never told his brothers that not only did he know how to play piano he also could read sheet music.
He knew he would never hear the end of it from his three brothers but he wanted to know. He began playing the somber piano tune, quickly getting the attention of the three boys and Paul was already teasing. That was until Reader appeared in front of the Piano...
"you're not Laddie."
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So should I make this a full thing? Or is anyone feeling those inspiration juice? I hope so.
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prettywhenibleed · 2 years
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖘𝖙 𝕭𝖔𝖞𝖘 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖓: 𝕾𝖙𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖎𝖗/𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖙𝖎𝖈 𝕷𝖊𝖌 (The Lost Boys Headcanon: Stealing Your Wheelchair/Prosthetic Leg)
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If you were disabled, ie needed a wheelchair to get around or had a prosthetic leg, the boys, after finding out you were their mate, would 100% steal your wheelchair/leg so you could not run away from them.
They would carry you around anywhere you needed to go and would not give you back your wheelchair/leg until they were 100% sure you had fallen for them and would not run away.
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6lostgirl6 · 2 years
Hi!! I was wondering if I could request a poly! Lost Boy's with a female s/o (or gender neutral) who has a southern accent? Like it's real hick and definitely not native to California slang? I think that would be hilarious 🤣 if you don't mind writing this! Thank you and have an awesome day! 🥰💗
Poly!Lost Boys With a Southern S/O
Tw: none
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With this, I kind of imagine a southern reader that moved to Santa Carla from a young age that their accent kind of faded, however whenever they’re irritated or not thinking much about it, the accent slips back out. However, your slang never left. 
You were talking about your day before visiting them and you said something like, Hunkey Dorey which literally means everything was great and the boys were super confused, except David.
That’s when you told them that you were originally from the South and said a few things with your accent slipping through. 
Paul was the most surprised out of the boys and was like, “what the fuuuck?”
Marko would react with something like, “Woah, I didn’t know you were southern?? That’s so cool!”
Dwayne would give you a smile and tell you he thought your accent was super cute. 
David basically was like, “Oh damn-” 
I headcanon that David would have a southern accent too which also faded away over the unlimited amount of time that he has. 
Plus, Paul used to tease his accent constantly so David basically went, “yeah, no.” and that accent went straight out the door.  
Paul would constantly tease your accent and say stupid shit like, “yeehaw.” You’re not amused. 
Furthermore, Paul would bug you about saying something in your accent and hear the difference in the way you say things in comparison to California slang.
If you feel a little self-conscious about your accent, well guess what? David would start talking to you in a southern accent too. It kind of slips out of him because it just reminds him of the old times before he was a vampire. Plus, he doesn’t want you to feel out of place. 
He would feel more comfortable that someone else shares the same accent as him and would open up a little more in letting his accent slip on occasion. 
David would use old pet names he used when he would flirt with people back when he was human and they don’t fail to fluster you.
Those pet names would include; Doll, Darlin, and that accent would make those names sound even sweeter with that teasing smirk on his face. 
He would also compare southern slang with you and see which ones were still being used in the South. He’s really surprised that some phrases that he knew were still commonly practiced. 
Dwayne could listen to you talk in your southern accent and wouldn’t get tired of it. He already knew some slang because of David but he liked hearing more common slang that current southerners say. 
Since Dwayne loves to read and he has read some romance that resided in the South and he would call you sweet things like his Southern Belle. 
Marko would happily ask you some questions and how you felt about how different California was compared to where you used to live in the south.
Don’t trust him completely though, he will also tease you along with Paul. He’s still the mischievous vampire we know and love.
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Dream Job - Author
Hobbies - Knitting, Ballet, and Drawing
Dream Travelling - Ukhta, Russia / Naples, Italy / Florence, Italy
Activities with friends - Surfing, Singing, and Dancing
Activities alone - Skateboarding
Favorite sport - Swimming
Favorite TV show - Thundercats
Favorite movie - Raiders of the Lost Ark
Favorite animal - Jaguar
Favorite food - Carrot cake
If he could meet anyone - Emmeline Pankhurst
Free time - Knitting with Dwayne
Goal for 1988 - Learn to communicate better with others
Favorite book - Anna Karenina by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
Things that make him happy - Going on rides on the boardwalk with Marko, When Dwayne sings in Komi, Being silly with Paul, Dancing with Star, Pressing flowers with David, Watching Movies with Max, and surfing with Michael
✨ Laddie did a questionnaire at school ✨
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gothamslostboy · 2 years
The Lost Boys Masterist
Post involving All/Multiple TLB Characters^^^
Random Thoughts
Mood Board
Very Special To Me
Baby Hands
Cave Scene
Mood Board
Beach Boys
Dream A Little Dream
Mood Board
Personal anti depressant
Baby boy
Mood Board
Corpse Bride
Lil’ Cowboy
Spirit Animal
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