#poly motionless in white
....I don't have to say it, right? We're all thinking it?
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nerdraging4point0 · 7 months
The Scorpion and the Scales //Chapter One// Poly-AU
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Tropes and Tags: MF, MFM, MFMM, instalove, too much sex, tattooed musicians, polyverse, friends to lovers.
Content warning: 18+ only MDNI, PinV, PinA, oral (f!recieveing, m!recieving), threesomes, light BDSM, voyeurism, exhibitionism, partner sharing, jealousy, angst.
This work below is fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction.
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Active taglist: @ladyveronikawrites @tearfallpixie @beaker1636 @circle-with-me @synthetic-wasp-570 @itsjustemily @thesazzb @vinyardmauro @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @dominuslunae @mountains-to-move @sundamariis @caitcoreeeee @crimson-calligraphyx @letmeadoreyoux @starsomens @artificialbreezy @lma1986 @iknownothingpeople @lilrubles @shilohrosechicken @missduffsblog @jessicafg03 @thatchickwiththecamera @mysticdoodlez @chels3a-smile @sinkingteethinwhitenoise @deathblacksmoke @roley-poley-foley @ravieisunhinged @dethronetheveil @to-be-written @somewhere-diamond @somebodyels3 @sacredthefran
My ears are still ringing from the concert, a lingering reminder of the band's raucous performance that seemed to rattle the very walls. But as I stand outside the venue waiting, the cool Colorado night wraps around me, calming my ringing ears. I take a deep breath, letting the crisp mountain air soothe my senses. Looking up at the starry sky, I can't help but smile, the adrenaline from the show still coursing through my veins. My body may be tired, but my spirit feels alive. This is exactly where I want to be.
I scroll through the photos and videos on my phone, reliving each moment - the crush of the crowd, the first electrifying guitar riff, the encore chant that shook the rafters. I smile as I post clips to Snapchat, the glowing screen casting a soft light on my face. These are memories frozen in time now.
I glance down at my outfit, suddenly self-conscious - dark shorts with fishnets, my favorite Adidas shoes, a cropped long sleeve tee to show off my wrist tattoo. My dark curls bouncing around my shoulders, framing the natural makeup look I had spent so long perfecting. My heart pounds at the thought of meeting the band looking like this.
I can hardly contain my excitement. Getting a photo with the band tonight will be the perfect addition to my prized collection of memories! My scrapbook is absolutely full of photos with bands and celebrities - it's my most prized possession. But the photos themselves are nothing compared to the actual experiences behind them. I smile to myself remembering all the crazy adventures over the years - the VIP access, celebrity run-ins, wild nights out in Vegas and LA. I live for these thrilling moments and have to document every single one. This show tonight will give me yet another trophy photo for my scrapbook of fame.
I can feel the crowd stirring, a buzz of anticipation in the air. Around me, fans jostle for position near the stage door while security guards confer, ready to guide the band through. I'm so tempted to rush the door with some of the other die-hard fans, but I know that's crazy - I'd probably just get trampled. So, I stay put, heart racing, barely able to contain my excitement. 
The crowd roars as Folio and Jolly emerge from backstage, basking in the post-show glow. Folio's got on his favorite tour tee, that vintage New York cap perched just so atop his mop of curls. And Jolly - man, that dude looks like a rockstar with his hoodie and beanie combo, those long brown locks flowing free. They pause to snap a few pics with fans, gracious as ever, before huddling up to recap the epic show.
When I see Noah, my heart stops. His towering, muscular frame moves with a feline grace and his soft brown locks fall perfectly over his chiseled features. This triple-threat talent radiated magnetism, his lethal attractiveness gripping me in its thrall. I was helpless, I was his, utterly and completely.
I see Jolly and Folio sitting off to the side of the fans. They aren't too far away, but I feel the nerves build in my chest, and I gather my courage to call them over.
"Jolly!" I shout, my voice cracking with excitement. He turns, and I start flapping my arms like a madwoman, desperate to catch his eye. This is it. My chance to meet one of my idols in the flesh. I scurry over, my legs jittery and unsteady beneath me. "Can I get a picture with you guys?" I blurt out in a rush, the words tumbling over themselves. I'm practically vibrating now, bouncing on the balls of my feet. Just breathe, I tell myself. Play it cool. But my fangirl glee cannot be contained.
He saunters over, hands in his pockets, with Folio trotting behind him. I fumble a bit with my phone, trying to find a good angle for a selfie.
"Mind if I help?" he asks, reaching out his hand. I hand him the thin device with a shaky hand. Extending his arm, phone in hand, facing the three of us so we were all framed up perfectly. I flash my best smile, leaning on the fence post for support. He snaps a few shots to make sure they came out clear, then hands my phone back.
"Thank you so much!" I squeal excitedly.
"Not a problem at all," he replies with a gentle smile, his accent coming through each word.
Folio turns to me, but he doesn't sound too thrilled - more like he's feigning the enthusiasm. "So, did you have fun?"
"Fun? Are you kidding me? That was amazing!" I gush. "Has anyone actually ever said no?" I quip playfully.
Folio chuckles and Jolly just laughs, making me feel good - at least they get my sense of humor! "I suppose it depends on who you ask," Folio says, chuckling again.
Nick shows up out of nowhere, trying to join our conversation. But his voice is drowned out by the shrieks from Noah's fans at the door. I sneak a peek and see Noah's tall figure in the center of the chaos - signing autographs, snapping selfies. I whip back around to Nick.
"What did you say?" he asks again.
I have to yell over the noise. "We were wondering if anyone's ever told you they didn't like your show!"
He lets out the most dramatic sigh. "No one's ever asked if I enjoy doing the show." I roll my eyes hard.
I roll my eyes as he pouts dramatically. "You're literally the star of the show," I point out, barely holding back my sarcasm.
He shrugs, unaffected. "Still, no one's cared to ask little ol' me about my feelings." He places a hand on his chest, channeling a wounded Victorian damsel.
I have to resist the urge to mimic gagging. "Alright, Your Highness," I say, my voice dripping with fake enthusiasm. "Do you enjoy being on the show or not?"
He taps his chin, pondering with exaggerated thoughtfulness. "Hmm...maybe I don't. Have you considered that?"
"Wow, so brooding and mysterious," I deadpan.
I whip out my phone with a grin, waving it teasingly in front of Nick. "Mind snapping a quick pic for me?" I ask. He's happy to play along. I shuffle as close to him as I can with that barricade wedged between us, and he snaps off a couple shots before handing my phone back.
"Looks like you just need one with Noah now," Nick says, glancing over his shoulder. Noah's still surrounded by screaming fans begging for his attention. I give Nick an appreciative look - he's so chill and down-to-earth.
I sigh, my voice trailing off. "He seems a bit busy." I glance around at the mob of people crowded around Noah. I'm not sure I'll get that photo with him after all.
"Just hang out, we'll make sure he stops by," Jolly says, flashing me a reassuring smile. That makes me feel a little better.
"You local?" Nick asks me, clearly trying to keep the conversation flowing to avoid an awkward silence. I nod, "Yeah, born and raised here."
I cross my arms over my chest, trying to hold onto the warmth from the crowd. The breeze starts cutting through my shirt.
Nick, Jolly, Folio and I are still chatting away while everyone else heads home. Folio's glued to his phone, only half listening. Then security starts shooing people away, saying Noah only has time for a couple more photos. The last of the fans rush to the front for their chance.
When Noah finally makes his escape to the tour bus, Nick isn't having it. He waves Noah over, pleading, "One more, bro. I promise." Noah chuckles and ambles over, his long legs crossing the parking lot in just a few strides. Up close, he's even taller than I thought!
"Hello." His smile makes my heart flutter.
"Hi," I squeak out, unable to summon any other words. Just getting that single syllable out feels like a triumph.
"This is..." Nick hesitates, looking adorably flustered. "You know, with everything we've talked about, I never even asked your name."
"Eve," I manage, though my voice comes out high-pitched and timid. I cringe internally. I should know my own name, at least! But something about him makes me tongue-tied in a way I've never experienced before. Eve. It's not a complicated name. But looking into his eyes, I can barely remember such a simple word.
"Nick mentions something about a picture?" his voice is so low, I almost forget it's me he's talking to. We move against the barricade standing close to one another as Nick takes my phone from my hand to take the picture for us.
When the camera flashes, I blink hard, almost hoping the picture will turn out blurry. Just so we can try again.
"What cha think?" Nick asks, turning my phone screen to show me the photo. I mean, it's cute and all, but mostly I'm hyperaware of how close Noah still is to me.
"Hmm, could be better," Noah's voice is suddenly right by my ear, making chills run down my spine as he hovers behind me.
"Here," he says, stepping back and reaching for my hand. "Step over."
The moment our hands touch, my heart flutters as if a flock of butterflies has just been released inside my chest. I can't take my eyes off him, his warm smile making my knees weak. As I climb over the barricade, my movements awkward and clumsy in my nervous excitement, security rushes over. Noah holds both my hands in his, turning to look over his shoulder at the security guards rushing our way.
"It's cool, I got this," he says, his voice gentle and soothing.
My attention snaps back to him, those kind eyes telling me everything will be okay. I trust him completely. Once on the other side, I straighten my shirt, run my fingers through my hair, hoping I look presentable for this boy who has stolen my heart. Being near him is intoxicating, sparking a giddiness I've never known before. I want this moment to last forever.
His eyes lock onto mine, sending a jolt of excitement through my body. "Nick," he says, gaze never leaving mine. He reaches out his hand to his friend, "Phone."
Nick places it in his open palm, as Noah passes him the energy drink he'd been holding.
As Noah reaches out to me, my heart flutters. His arm finds its way around my waist, pulling me close. I feel the heat rise in my cheeks and chills tingle down my spine at his touch. But I face the camera with him, tossing my dark curls over my shoulder and flashing a peace sign. Noah's smile lights up his whole face. I can't help but mirror it with my own grin. We take a few silly selfies together, giggling and making faces. With his arm wrapped around me, I never want this moment to end. Being this close to Noah makes my pulse race and my stomach fill with butterflies. I am absolutely smitten.
I am so excited that Noah has taken such a nice photo for me. "That should do it!" He jokes as he hands my phone back. "Much better than the others."
Suddenly Nick suggests, "Group photo!" Before I can even reach for my phone, Noah snatches it back and turns to the security guards by the door.
Jolly, Folio, Nick and I all gather together. Nick wraps his arm around my waist and I put mine around his shoulders. Then Noah comes over to fill the space on my other side, putting his arm around me too. I reach around and put my hand on his lower back, laughing.
The security guard takes our photo. I smile big - this will be the main one for my book! A memory I'll never forget. Two quick flashes and we're done.
When Noah helps me over the barricade, I feel a spark as our hands touch. His strong grip lifts me effortlessly over the metal rail, setting me gently on the ground. I turn back, not wanting our moment to end, and see him give me a little wave goodbye before he disappears into the tour bus. My heart flutters as I watch him go.
When I finally get to my car, I slide into the driver's seat with a sigh of relief. As the heater starts blasting warmth into the cold cabin, I pick up my phone and scroll through my photos until I find that selfie of Noah and me. I know I don't look my absolute best in that pic, but none of that matters - it's a photo of the two of us together and that's what's important. I set it as my new screensaver and just gaze at it for a moment, my heart fluttering. Then I open my playlist, queue up some music, and pull out of the parking lot to head home. All I can think about on the drive is how dreamy Noah looks in that photo, and how lucky I was to have met someone so wonderful. I can't wait to get home, crawl under the covers and relive every magical moment we shared today before drifting off to sleep with a smile on my face.
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raglanphd · 4 months
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daddyhausen · 2 months
If you write poly can i request a NSFW HC for Poly MIW
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 「 POLY. RELATIONSHIP HEADCANNONS 」 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
「 SUMMARY 」 — nsfw poly!miw headcannons
「 WARNINGS 」 — 18+ [ MINORS DNI ] smut, polygamy/poly relationship
「 WORD COUNT 」 — 334
「 PAIRING 」 — fem!reader x motionless in white
「 GENRE 」 — smut
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
「 TAGLIST 」 — @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @mjfass @wardlow @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @legit9thlunaticwarrior @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @harmshake @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @seeingstarks @kennysbadkitten @darkangelchronicles @ripleyswife @selena-tyler-564 @auburnwriter @alyyaanna @nightmare-viper @nev-danielgarciawife @teenagedramaqueenlisa
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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they were all hesitant with the idea of sharing you at first.
vinny and justin were the most accepting of the arrangement
ryan was indifferent
chris and ricky however, as much as they were willing to share you, the could not hide their jealousy.
vinny has the highest sex drive and is the most submissive
he’s called your misteress, ma’am, even mommy in front of the rest of the guys
he adores when you give him blowjobs before the show sitting on his cock while he practices at his drumkit
justin and chris are most likely to share between the two of them.
they’re rough with you.
chris likes to fuck you from behind, a hand in your hair pulling roughly while you choke on justin’s cock
justin will praise you for how well youre taking the both of them
they’ll switch positions so chris can cum on your face while justin cums inside you
chris is the most degrading only second to ryan
ryan will slap, spank, namecall, he’ll do anything to make you submit to him
ryan is also the most likey to fuck you in public, he’ll still have his cock in you minutes before playing a show
ricky is the gentle one, he’s kind of shy when it comes to fucking you
although he would love nothing more than to keep you to himself
just like vinny he’s more submissive than the others.
when the five of them fuck you be prepared to clear your calendar because that’s all you’ll be doing that day.
their words are s full of praise yet degradation at the same time
vinny, ricky and justin will praise you while chris and ryan degrade you
you will always start off by jerking off ricky and vinny
chris and ryan will interchange between fucking your ass and your throat
and justin fucks your cunt
all of them will take turns fucking each of your holes
all of them are cumming inside your cunt at least once
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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ciginatree · 2 months
I was wondering if i could request a little hc on if the Bad Omens caught you singing and dancing it can be separate or poly whatever is easier for you dear
Of course! I'm going to format this like I did with the one for Motionless in White, with separate reactions for each member.
Noah: He looks at you with a little smirk, hiding behind the door as he watches you dance. You're completely oblivious to him standing there as he watches you fondly. Depending on the day, he either sneaks up behind you and grabs your waist, swaying with you and singing the words to the song; or he just watches you before turning away and letting you have your moment.
Nicholas: He joins in with little hesitation, pulling out some cheesy dance moves that only make you laugh harder. He doesn't know the song very well, but that doesn't stop him from singing the melody at the top of his lungs. When he runs out of dance moves, he resorts to half remembered line dances that he ends up abandoning to pull you in and sway side to side.
Jolly: He, like Noah, spends a long while just watching you, snapping a few pictures to keep as his lock screen while he's on tour. You catch him when the floor creaks as he shifts his weight. He's more embarrassed than you are about being caught, but you drag him into the room to dance with you despite his protests. He laughs and gives in, dancing with you for what feels like hours, in the best possible way.
Folio: He loves dancing with you, even if he's shy about it and pretends not to. Although, when he's drunk, he dances like there's no tomorrow. So, when he catches you dancing he debates with himself for a minute before saying fuck it and creeping into the room. As he gets more comfortable, he dances with more exaggerated movements, twirling you around even if the song isn't exactly a "twirling your partner" song.
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Tags: @abiomens @tashka @exitwoundsx @Shilohrosechicken
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luizd3ad · 5 months
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⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊⋆⁺。☽ ◯ ☾ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊⋆⁺。
𝑀𝒶𝓇𝒶𝓊𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈 𝐸𝓇𝒶
-Barty Crouch Jr
Music Notes
-Lily Evans
She's My Religion
-Pandora Rosier
Universes Mistake
-Regulus Black
⤷Pt. 2 Lover of mine (happy ending) Lie to me (sad ending)
Every Step Of The Way
-Remus Lupin
!Poly! Fics
-Moonwaterkiller (Regulus x Remus x Barty)
Happy Birthday?
First Home
Game Time
You'll Be Fine
Late Night
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
𝒟𝒞 𝒞𝑜𝓂𝒾𝒸𝓈
-Jason Todd
When in Doubt, Blame Damian
Batfam At Disney
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
!Poly! Fics
-Bucky Barnes x Jason Todd
Their Light
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳
Request Info
Request are welcome just be patient please if you do. I'm still new to writing but I promise I’ll try my best.
I am willing to write AU's, crossover's, angst with or without happy endings (be specific because if not I’ll end it on a happy note) also comfort fics.
Off the top of my head there isn’t anything I’m uncomfortable with writing but obviously that can and will change but I would try my best to let you know I’m not comfortable so you can find someone who is.
I am willing to write for the fandoms above (obviously lol) as well as other fandoms, including but not limited to.
The Walking Dead
Sons of Anarchy
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Game Of Throne
Julie and The Phantoms
Harry Potters Golden Trio Era
The Outsiders
Pirates of the Caribbean
Bands/ Artists
5 Seconds of Summer
Pierce the Veil
Motionless in White
Video games
Sally Face
Hogwarts Legacy
Life is Strange
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊⋆⁺。☽ ◯ ☾ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊⋆⁺。
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ky-pup · 1 year
Hi! My name is Kai. I’m 23 and use he/it pronouns. I am bi, trans, and poly. Pre op but on and off T for over 2 years now. Almost always smokin 🍃
OF is up! I try to do small photoshoots and videos about once a week. Teasers will be posted on here as well! Teasers will be from photo sets that gets posted on OF. Any photosets can also be purchased through DMs and Cashapp. I also do custom content too! Message me for info about that
I looove being a cute little puppyboy and that’s what most of this tumblr is about but it’s basically anything I am into.
Yes - breeding, cnc, petplay, size difference, intox
Hard No’s - scat, vom1t, detrans/misgender, p1ss in mouth, age/play
If it isn’t a hard no, I’m at least willing to try.
DNI - homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist. MIK/MAP. Under 18
Names you can call me -baby boy, prince, pup, puppy, kitten, slvt, etc. as long as it’s not super feminine
Also feel free to ask any questions or message if you wanna be friends! Would love more subby puppies to be friends with and be horny with
Non horny about me under the cut!
I have two partners, one who I live with and the other (I know you’re reading this XD so stop lurking and message me on here ;) ) is long distance for now. I also have a cat named Louie who I love with all my heart XD
I am autistic. This makes me very awkward and hard to keep conversation with. Don’t let this stop you from talking to me. I’m just weird XD
My current hyperfixations are trolls, fnaf, tadc, and greys anatomy. I also like stuff like Minecraft, the owl house, hazbin, pokemon, miraculous and a lot of other shit. Music, I mainly listen to stuff like pierce the veil and motionless in white but honestly, my main playlist is all over the place
Thank you for taking the time to actually get to know me cx I am high as shit writing this so props to you for getting through it
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cemetarywoman · 8 months
Its come to my attention that no one writes fics about any of my interests so ill have to take one for the team and do it myself 🙏🤕
Ill take requests for:
-the chilling adventures of Sabrina
-ville valo
-motionless in white
I will write:
-platonic/family dynamics
-poly relationships
-fem/gender neutral reader (could possibly make exceptions for male readers occasionally)
I wont write:
-anything to do with Self harm, r@pe, or abuse
-obviously no weird shit like illegal age gaps, piss, or anything super weird LMAO
-i will not write angst, im far too sensitive for that sorry LMAO
-i dont like write the reader as a dom so I’ll probably do sub!reader only, sorry!! (Ill make some exceptions for this tho if i like the request enough lol)
(ill add more to this list later lmao but these are my favorite things atm)
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onleash · 30 days
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pinned posts seem to be what all the cool kids are doing these days
𐂯 my name is juno!
𐂯 it/its, they & she OK 2
𐂯 seventeen
𐂯 audhd (+ bpd too maybe? mentioning here bcz i may post abt it...)
𐂯 i'm a (poly?)therian!!! saint bernard 💯💯💯 questioning grizzly bear...
𐂯 the aroace agender femme lesbian dog bear thing of ur DREAMS!
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pls interact if u like any of these! main ones in bold 🐛🪲 including but not limited to:
𐂯 saw, super mario, the sims 4, mlp: fim, community, dead by daylight, gravity falls, fnaf, the amazing digital circus, the dropout universe (mostly d20 + gamechanger)
𐂯 fall out boy, chappell roan, patrick stump, my chemical romance, bring me the horizon, motionless in white, mitski, olivia rodrigo, 100 gecs
𐂯 ANIMALS!!!! especially my theriotypes, dogs and bears and sharks r my favs ever. i'm also so super fond of cats, i've got 3 :)
𐂯 CURRENTLY READING: ravensong by t.j. klune
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caterpillar dividers found here by @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more! princess daisy pride icon can be found here by @/pridebicons
𐂯 i've been on tumblr for around ~6 years, this is by no means my first blog. but i wanted to start over and reorganize everything!
𐂯 this is a personal blog for whatever i want, i'm not going to prioritize any kind of post type. this is for me!
𐂯 i have no dni but i block liberally! and frequently!! it usually isn't personal, and please don't feel bad!!!
𐂯 i would love to be friends, feel free to dm or send asks! i just ask that u pls be patient with me 🫶
𐂯 this blog supports a FREE PALESTINE! 🇵🇸 put an end to genocide. put an end to israeli occupation. put an end to white supremacy.
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
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*Note all of my ghost works are gender neutral!!! I however am not used to writing gender neutral so if I used gendered pronouns please let me know so I can fix them!
The Little Moments
3 Times No One Believed Dewdrop Has A Partner and The One Time They Couldn't Deny It
The Little Moments
The Little Moments
The Little Moments
The Little Moments
The Little Moments
Bad Omens
Noah Sebastian
Instagram posts
Come on Darling - Part Two
Nicholas Ruffilo
Instagram posts
Nick Folio
Instagram Posts
Motionless in White
Chris Motionless
Instagram Posts
Ricky "Horror" Olson
Instagram Posts
Vinny Mauro
Instagram Posts
Black Veil Brides
Andy Biersack
Instagram Posts
Instagram Posts Concert addition
Bring Me The Horizon
Oli Sykes
Instagram Posts
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polarisphobia · 7 months
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☆ Hello~
.• My name is Polaris or Poli (She/Her)! I'm new to Tumblr (≧∇≦)/
✧ Here's some things about me!
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↓ Keep reading! Σʕ゚ᴥ゚ノʔノ
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I'm a digital artist! I recently migrated from Twitter, and previous to that was from Instagram. I'm really just trying to find a platform that best fits my needs lol. I draw mostly fanart of characters from games or people's OCs. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ
˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳ I will archive my art posts here! (@Polistrations)
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Music is such a huge part of my life! Here are some of my top artists~
˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳ Unlike Pluto/Like Saturn, Deftones, Motionless In White, Ellise, Fabvl, Divide Music, Bring Me The Horizon, Odetari, Eminem, Vocaloid, etc.
Most of these are unranked, but my #1 top favorite artist EVER is Unlike Pluto (*´˘`*)♡
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I love playing video games! I'm a Mobile, Console (XBOX Series S & Switch), and VR player. I'm saving up for a PC! Here's some games I like: ʕ •ᴥ•ʔゝ☆
˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳ Genshin Impact, Star Rail, Resident Evil, Roblox, Danganronpa, Sonic, Back 4 Blood, Minecraft, Cyberpunk 2077, FNaF, Terraria, Cult of the Lamb, Borderlands 3, Overwatch 2, Astroneer, Fortnite, VRChat
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I love anything Horror! My favorite types are usually zombie and psychological horrors, but I can really get down with anything. I love horror movies and video games. (-"-;)
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That's all I have for now! I'll update this more in the future! ·˚ ༘₊·
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I grew up as an Amino kid. Can you tell by all of my unnecessary symbols? Σ(・o・;)
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Rule: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @realitysperception
Relationship status: Married (queer and poly)
Favourite colour: Purple (but I'm also fond of red)
Something I want right now: Lower cost of living, but if I have to pick something mundane that I can conceivably get: cinnamon sugar fry bread from the local Native-owned restaurant. It's addictively delicious. Unfortunately, it's Passover so no grains.
Song stuck in my head: "Don't Hold Your Breath" - JT Music (a song about Subnautica)
Three favourite foods: Hard to choose dishes, so I'll pick ingredients: hot sauce, cheese, potatoes
Last song I listened to: "Sign of Life" - Motionless In White
Last thing I googled: "Google Flights" for work (I am not an accountant, but I do accounting adjacent work)
Dream Trip: Traveling gives me anxiety, but I'd like to go back to Slovenija for another round of tasty treats at Sladka Istra though. Tam je vse tako okusno. I went years ago and had a blast buying candy.
Bonus! If you had the opportunity to [safely] become a cyborg via body upgrades, would you take it?: Yeah, I'd like my legs to not hurt constantly, so I'll take robot legs.
Tags: I feel weird tagging people so please feel free to say I tagged you if you wanted to give it ago.
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vortain · 27 days
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× She/her × 28 × Pan. Poly. Aro-Ace. Taken. × NWA, USA × Scoliosis/Chronic Pain/Medical PTSD and ME/CFS × Candy colored degenerate × Raging sci-fi nerd, a little slutty artist and photographer and gamer × Hobbyist coder, metalhead, bookworm and adamantly a consistent web user × I would love to mod more game consoles × Crow-brained and made of glitter & darkness × Morpheus and Hypnos are my gods. ×
× You can find my original posts -> ~here~ <- again, eventually × You can pay me for my time, attention, artwork, nudes, whatever at $Vortain or tip me on Ko-Fi × LinkTree ×
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× Bad Omens × Ghost × Ice Nine Kills × Sleep Token × Motionless in White × In This Moment × The Pretty Reckless × Nothing More × & like, masked musicians like Mushroomhead and Slipknot honestly ×
× Pokemon × Animal Crossing × Nintendo × The Locked Tomb × Sandman × Everything Star Wars × MtG - I want to play more cards and post more deck lists to Moxfield someday, I'm even working out a way to stream my group × TT/RPGs × and I like League, Arcane was great too, get over it ×
× TERFS/SWERFS, bigots and fascists, Taylor Swift fans, MAP/Pedo, Sissy, misogyny & cheating kink blogs OR people looking for a dominant alt woman - do not follow me plz. ×
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industrialdreadhead · 30 days
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Warning: no use of y/n, smut 18+, no protection, don't be silly wrap that willy, poly MIW, written non-binary
A/n: the inspo for this is from @ciginatree
It's a looonngg one, grab some tea
January 10th - Zeppelins pov
It was a brisk cold day out, hence it being early January. Far too cold to be here packing up a tour bus. My ass should be inside with tea. But what's stopping me was my parents, really my dad, wanting me to hop aboard their bus to do a cute birthday present show. Me, just getting off my own tour I was tired. Tired was the understatement of the century. But I wouldn't take my dad for granted therefore I'm here on my way to, hell if I know, getting ready to play a rockin show.
Just arriving to the venue, it was pretty, spacious as you can get. As that goes I heard about who my dad chose to open, there being two one I haven't even heard a word muttered about and the other being Motionless in White, which I couldn't say I recall a title but before hand looking at the band when I got the word of them being there, curiosity killed the cat and had to take a look, and oh wow were they a different bunch. They were definitely good looking but I wouldn't tell anyone that. I would never live it down. Reading into them especially the ages was definitely a sight for sore eyes, some almost going on to big 40 while my ass was stuck for 27. Not anything crazy but definitely haven't gone for someone that far out. But I was willing to give a try.
January 11th
Just getting into the hotel we would be staying at, I frowned upon the fact I would be sharing a room with my parents, but hey, family bonding moment am I right?
Getting the word we would be heading out soon to get some food, I hurriedly threw some clothes on to at the very least look like I wasn't rotting in a cramped bunk for little over 24 hours. As I walked out the bathroom from just changing into a baggy tee and jorts, to go put on my doodled on converse, on the way to grab them my dad ruffled my hair. Sitting next to my mom as she put her jewelry on, she couldn't live without just a little charm here or there, I adore her for that.
Many things were going through my head as we were taking the elevator down like 'would MIW be there, should I have cleaned my shoes, what if they think I'm just some weirdo, no they wouldn't they're too nice it seems idddkkkk'
Just as fate had it for me, there they were with what I was assuming as the other gathered band for the show. It felt as though the room shrunk 10× smaller, and said band just stood their charming smiles on some awaiting looks on others, 'they definitely look like they were in a cramped bus' I thought.
My mom turning towards me to say something as she whispered " ohh does someone have a crush" with her smirk plastered on her face, I just chuckled and waved her off. Then we were off.
We didn't have a ride or anything so we were up to walking, I guess it was good, got things to wake up again, as expected the bus being the rooted problem for my physical pain.
The rest of the day just consisted of getting to know one another, yk dad puffing out his chest to be scary saying the usual "Hey, im Rob, lovely to work with ya again." As they worked together back in 2015 for the APMAs. Which I would've been there hanging out, if it wasn't for me playing a festival. As Chris came to me with an outstretched hand introduicing himself with a "Hi im Chris, heard so much about you from your old man, whats your name?" And me giving him a simple shake and "its Zeppelin" and mustered up my best smile. It's kinda scary having 5 men consciously staring you down with what could only be referred to a strong gaze, well some, a guy by the name Vinny was a cutie, simply happy existing, nonetheless exhausted but sweet making me feel extroverted in a sense, eith how easy it was to open up and talk. Something I don't typically go for. As later in the day, I got to talking with Ricky as we sat and just seemed to talk endlessly about books and a little bit of philosophy. Now this is a guy I could spend a cloudy night talking to.
Unfortunately the end of the day came too soon for my liking. The sun beginning to set. As my parents and I started the trek back with everyone else trekking behind us, seemingly whispering about something, probably band boy stuff.
January 11th - Justin's pov
As me and the band went walking back I got to thinking how nice Zeppelin had been with Vinny and Ricky which for me was admirable. And how cute their face was lighting up when Ricky would mention a specific book or movie. Being at war with myself as to if I should share my discovering thoughts or to keep them to myself I chose the latter, and continued to walk. God only knows how much I need sleep, atleast on a mattress.
January 12th, Dads birthday show - Zeppelins pov
Just waking up, it being 10 in the morning, the show not being being till 7pm. I just wanted to sleep for a few more hours but that thought got cut short for a pillow wacking me. Moving to see my dad hovering over me pillow in hand "WAKKER UPP sleepy head we got a soundcheck to do" as I look over to see my moms bed head, while she softly chuckles while she talks my dad down "oh hun they could've slept a little longer, but now that you're up sweetie, wanna go get breakfast heard it's good here." With that I jumped up, realizing my stomach was far too empty to work, and took my mom up on her offer.
1:30 pm at venue
Me and dad and the rest of the group were heading on stage to do a quick sound check. As MIW and the other band were in the seated pit area.
As I was bopping my head to what was being played keeping in time, I couldn't help but feel as though I'm being stared at, so I take a simple glance up to just my luck to find Justin taking one good long look at me, as another was trying to get his attention as they were speaking. And just then we made eye contact and I soon stared to feel my hands sweating, which lead me to miss a string, and lovely THWAMP! blasted through the speakers and just for me to roll my eyes great ' couldn't have embarrassed yourself anymore Zep' I thought to myself. And soon it was stopping time, which was good I couldn't handle being up there any longer and I was starting to get parched. As I was reaching for a bottle of water Justin appeared to my side smiling
"Yk that was some good playing skills
Would've been better if you kept your eyes to yourself mister as I lightly shoved his arm chuckling"
And then we simply went out own separate ways.
Justin's pov
It seemed so out of their norm to miss a string especially like that, atleast from what I gathered they always talked highly of their playing skills. Part of Me can't help but think the reason they got distracted was my staring, not knowing if that was a good thing, i wanna find out. So as Zombies band took their break I followed Zeppelin back to the water area as I approached I started talking, teasing them a bit yk all in good fun, just as they shoved my arm playfully I couldn't help but feel a spark, as cheesy as it sounds I couldn't stop my wide smile coming across.
3:15 - Ryan's pov
I couldn't help but realize shit was going down with the Zeppelin person and my band, and I wouldn't admit it but I was upset I wasn't in on it. So as any surprisingly desperate man would do I acted dumb, we had a few more hours till the gates opened and thought it was my perfect chance. So I went out on a hunt, looking like a man on a mission finding this person, just to see them talking with their dad on personal life stuff, so I just peeked my head into the room, and they both looked over their dad seemed to give me an upnose look brows furrowed, but I was persistent and determined, so her it goes
"Hey Zeppelin do ya think you can help me with something on my guitar you look like you know what you're doing" as their dad simply muttered a "you serious" with tilted head and deadpan expression but as always Zeppelin stood up with a "oh shush dad, of course Ryan I'll help ya, whatcha need?" As they followed me out of the room, now I was sweating because I totally just fibbed and now I gotta come up with a real problem. Simply grabbing my guitar and did what I stuck with, play dumb
So I sat there and lied out my ass just to feel something from them. And it worked it ended up in a conversation from favourite guitarists and how we got up to playing the instrument. And before I knew it, it was time for gates to open and let fans in. So I begrudgingly left them to themselves and went to go get ready.
Zeppelin pov
As I headed into my dressing room, seeing my mom hanging out in there, going over to give her a hug. And sat at the vanity and started my intricate face paint and get my shitty patched overalls, with the legs cut down to be just below my knees, with a old muscle shirt underneath, and bringing over my adidas bravados, and Frilly socks. And as I started teasing up my dyed hair, my mom spoke up simply asking me what's going on with the band boys, and feeling my stomach turn I just shrugged and said it was nothing but I know she held her suspicions.
Not that I worry about her thinking I weird for undoubtedly growing a strong love for the 5 men, it's just I don't want to be too sure, and get ahead of myself, because truly I will forever be seen as "ZOMBIES KID" fortunately though I have been able to make a name for myself outside of my current situation. And before I knew it, it was time to rock!!
Just getting off stage, already reminiscing my dad just so happy and jumping around and when I gave him his cake singing happy birthday to him you could see how he lit up with joy as my mom and dad shared a moment together. But I couldn't shake the whole time out of the corner of my eye I could see MIW just bopping to the music with us playing Vinny and Ricky jumping together, Justin and Chris standing with a smile seeing their drummer and guitarist having fun. Ryan standing with a smoke cloud around him as it seems was a constant sight. I have grown to know that about him.
But as that happy moment passed came in the thought 'this was just one show this was practically it, I would go back to my crazy life amd probably never see or hear from them again'
But that didn't stop me from.having a good rest of my night as it was still dad's birthday and we have an after party to get to. Oh how I hate them but I'll deal.
one word for this place was, alive, that's for sure. Sweaty people in a far too crowded pub. How cute. Speaking of cute that's how I would describe my outfit choosing to go for black tights, my doc, with light blue shorts a graphic tee with a black button up vest over it. I take pride in how I look, the good looks come with pretty parents,at that fashionable too, can't help it. I couldn't help the nagging feeling of not getting a longer chance with the boys. But it was quickly subsided with drink I was slowly nursing as I watched my parents be the oh so talkative type, it was hysterical seeing my social butterfly mom drag my dad to different groups to talk. And with that I felt someone sit to the right of me, turning to find Ricky. "Oh hey hun what are you doing shouldn't you be hanging out with your friends?"
Unbeknownst to me
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daddyhausen · 2 months
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 「 VINNY MAURO MASTERLIST 」 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
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。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
「 ♧ — SMUT 」
。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。 。 ・ : * ˚ : ✧ 。
❝ poly. relationship headcannons w/ motionless in white. ❞
❝ platonic headcannons w/ motionless in white. ❞
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iwaasfairy · 2 years
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tw. (consensual) noncon, breeding, restraints, predator/prey-ish, dacryphilia, degradation, praise, fear play, spanking, spit, poly iwaoi, crybaby reader wordcount. 6.8k
a/n. ♡ commissioned by the amazing @bisexualturtledove ♡ thank you a million for commissioning me and for being so so lovely!! i really hope you enjoy your fic because i had a lot of fun writing it and just aHHGDUS I really hope it's what you had in mind my love <33
iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader x oikawa tooru
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White, hot steam of the hot spring fills the night air with a thick layer of fog that hangs low enough to cover everything. The bamboo around your little alcove, the door back inside; the clearness of the night sky. You can barely see past the furthest edges of the pool. The lamp flickers with a mechanical buzz, soft taps of nighttime insects flying against the glass. It’s not too cold — but it is awfully dark. A tense kind of silence hangs over the outdoors part of the center, and you tuck your knees to your chest as you cup some water to pour it over your back.
The dewy drops of sweat that roll down your neck are already cold by the time they’re washed off, a mindless action you do your best to focus on. Because it’s easy. Peaceful. You’ve been here before, and though it’s usually much busier even late at night; there’s nothing inherently scary about having some time alone. Hell, you should probably be grateful for it. But you can’t help but feel a tightness in your throat each time you swallow, and the urge to look over your shoulder every so often.
Only to find a motionless pool, and the foggy view of swaying bamboo and a frigid night.
You get out of the heat when your time’s just about run out, thoughts a bit loose — lightheaded from the heat no doubt. Despite knowing better you skip the ice bath to wrap your towel around yourself and pat back into the slippery hall of the women’s dressing rooms, quick to tie your damp hair out of your way, rub yourself dry, and put on some fresh clothes. They’re big enough to swallow you up in them, form almost entirely hidden. You pull up your long socks a bit higher, throw on a bomber jacket, and collect the rest of your stuff all in silence.
The dressing room is only half lit up, two lights left on at each far end of the room. You check your phone, pulling your bag’s strap a bit tighter around you. It’s nearing eleven. As you tuck everything back away and walk out of the dressing rooms, face still awfully hot from the bath, a cold shiver makes its way down your spine. You are a scaredy cat— truth be told. Still get scared of the dark, and of loud bangs. Of groups of people you don’t know late at night, and of the idea of someone looking at you. But stood in the shadow of the hall now, that feeling spikes so high you almost choke on it.
When you turn to the men’s room, there’s nothing there. Not even a single noise. The hairs on your neck stay upright though, walking out of the hall into the main room. And your anticipation is proven correct when a figure catches your view from the corner. There’s a man behind the counter. Dark hair and darker eyes, he stands propped with his hip against the bar, and though you don’t take enough time to study his face with care; his side profile clings to you. He doesn’t fully turn when noticing you, only gives you an up and down with narrowed brows, then goes back to his business with the papers. He’s tall. Even leaning over a tad, you can tell he’s much taller than you, and built like a brick house.
His biceps bulge with his motions, showing off the spreads of ink covering every inch of his arm. Arms. Upon further ‘inspection’, though you do your best not to stare, the tattoos crawl from just above the collar of his shirt along both arms— probably continue down the sides of his body too. He doesn’t look up when clearing his voice, tongue swiping out to lick his lower lip. “No one’s ever taught ya’ staring is rude, little girl?”
“I’m not— a little girl,” your first instinct is to say, instantly regretting it when his sharp, green eyes find your face to assess you. Your lip is tucked between your teeth, sucking on it as if that might keep the words in. The man sucks some air through his teeth in disagreement, before straightening out. He’s … big. All of him is, the hand he runs along his jaw, as well as the wide shoulders and chest; all of him is made almost explicitly to tower over you. He doesn’t seem impressed, only tilting his head to stare at you. When the doors of the wellness center open —set off by something outside, a chilly gust of air makes every inch of you feel cold, and your skin go taught.
“Oh, s’that so…” The man rolls his rings on his fingers a few times, before shaking his head. “You sure look like a tiny, frightened bunny to me. Shivering on those little legs.” His deep voice is raspy, bottom lip split down the middle, and his knuckles an awful shade of purplish red. “It’s a little cold out. You going to be alright on your own?” The slightly patronizing tone makes some heat flare up under your skin, sucking your tongue harder to keep from talking back. You shouldn’t.
Instead you adjust the strap of your bag from digging into your shoulder, and give a swift nod. Something that makes his mouth corner pull up in what you know to be poorly hidden amusement. “I’m going home,” you mumble more to yourself than to him, not exactly trying to have any more of his attention on you. The darkness past the reflection of the welcome hall is a solid void. “Goodnight.”
The guy is intimidating as all hell, and gives you the heebie jeebies. So as you make your way past the lockers for your shoes, exchanging the flimsy slippers for your own, you’re much too aware of him in the corner of your eyes. He places the papers down entirely and puts a hand on the bar to hop over it with too much ease, landing with a huf to walk up to you. “Why are you running off so quick?” Up close he’s even more intimidating.
There’s healed scars on his cheeks and ears, and along his arms enough to leave crude marks in the skin, and you press your back against the lockers to stare up at his handsome face. “You don’t want me to help you out? Don’t tell me you’re spooked.” His eyes shine with the same lilt of fun you can hear in his tone, and narrow when you freeze. “You said you could handle it, right? If you want me to treat you like a big girl…”
He reaches out a hand to swipe a few hairs away from your cheeks, the touch tingling through your entire face— and you take a step back with a nervous giggle, still staring at his stupid, attractive face. “I’ll be really nice.”
“N-no thank you. I- I have- have a boyfriend, so…” The slight pull upwards of his mouth corners doesn’t miss you, and only makes you feel more tense. “W-well, it’s really getting,” you pretend to fish your phone out of your pocket, quickly checking the time again, “quite late. So I have to get going.”
You barely set a foot to get from between the two obstacles, before you’re pulled back by your wrist. “Wait, wait, wait… stop running off. You’re making this so much harder than it has to be.” His large palm wrapped tightly around your skin, there’s a sudden cry that threatens to pass your lips. You don’t want to be here all alone at night. You don’t want to be here at all. “It’s warmer here, y’know. Don’t run just yet, just… hang around. I want to keep looking at you. Do you have any idea how fucking cute you look right now?”
“N-no, I— I’m leaving, and… you should let go.” A hitched breath makes your voice a little squeaky, panic welling up. Your heart rushing a hundred miles a second at the closeness of his face to yours, and his sandalwood smell washing over your already hazy senses. “Please?” you breathe out tightly, trying to slip your hand back out of his as softly as you can manage.
“Aw, pet.” His expression falters a little for a split second when a tear rolls down your cheek. But when he brushes it away and you don’t flinch at his touch, the worry is gone again. “Don’t get so upset, baby.” He stares at you with thinly veiled amusement this time, giving you a quick once-over before leaning in a little more. “We barely even got to play.”
“I already told you I have a boyfriend,” you mumble back just as quick, eyebrows slanting in a sad upwards motion. You can’t help it. You manage to worm your hand out of his grip for just long enough to duck under his arm and stumble away a few steps, pulling your own limbs close to your body. There’s a few seconds of silence where the dark haired man watches you, before he crosses his arms over his chest. You can see him in the reflection of the glass door, smiling as you walk. A fact that doesn’t leave you with a whole lot of confidence to slip into the cold night air.
But before you’re fully out the door, his raspy voice sounds out again behind you. “You should know I always finish games when people start them, little one. You wanted to play so bad, so…” The sentence is enough to slow your feet to a halt, looking over at your shoulder with a questioning brow, lips dropping open to watch him. The quietness of the building doesn’t just feel tense anymore. It’s a crushing, stinging kind of fear that makes your every fiber feel statically charged.
Whatever thoughts you had before this are deafened under the weight of the room, his small smirk widening when you fist your hands into your shirt for some support. Warning signs ringing so loud you can barely hear yourself. “You run, I’ll give you ten seconds,” he nods at your shape, pink tongue coming to peek out of the corner of his mouth. “I really, really like chasing.”
His teeth are sharp and gleaming when he smiles wide and wolf-ish, and you set off out the door before you can even think it through. Even if he isn’t serious, you want as much space between you and him as you can possibly get. You take off running down the street despite your better judgment, kicking up gravel and grass, cold air instantly filling your lungs too quickly. The pavement is unsteady as you dart down the street as fast as you can, letting your legs carry you around the corner. Your eyes unfocussed under orange street lights. There’s cars everywhere, but none of them are yours, and you can only swear at yourself for choosing this day to go by foot.
Feet that hurt down to the soles from each impact on your flimsy, thin-soled shoes. You’re running, running, running until your stomach flips and your muscles burn with uncomfortable effort. The cold air bites at your cheeks and nose as you do, unwilling to let any of the space you’ve taken go to waste by slowing down. But your steps feel so loud, like they’re echoing down the entire street. Your blood rushes between your ears loud and hard too, and this much noise is making it hard to focus on any other sound.
Even as you try to listen, your breathing is going in a heaved puff-puff-puff sound that overshadows anything else. You look up ahead as you finally get closer to the end of the street, ignoring the burning in your muscles and lungs to just make it there. You want to. You want to make it there before you slow down. There’s no one in the streets this late, and even if there was— you'd have to find someone to help you. You’re just far enough from the next corner to dare a glance over your shoulder. Your heart shoots right into your throat when you do. The street is empty.
But you can’t help this awful feeling that—
You smack into something hard and fast, knocking you back and onto your butt. A something that tries to grab for you before you make it all the way down, but ultimately fails, leaving you aching and gripping your own butt on the floor. Your breath is heaving as your heart pitters for some relief, the sprint having taken a lot out of you already. And now with the painful ache going through your bottom half from the fall, you can’t help but feel it well up too fast to swallow down. Wobbly tears fall down your lashes as you look up into a handsome face, who looks —to his credit— apologetic at having sent you flying.
Your hands are shaking when taking his reached out one, the pretty brunet giving you a slight smile as he helps you up from the floor. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t notice you in time.”
“N-no,” you shake your head, every part of you still trembling and off-feeling as you try to put on a smile, “it was all my fault. I didn’t see…” You trail your eyes up his hand to see a familiar looking pattern up his hand and the sliver of forearm exposed to you. He brushes a thumb over your knuckles while still holding your hand, and leans in a little.
“You’re looking a bit … off. Are you okay?”
Despite yourself, you’re nodding without thinking it through, letting your free hand wipe off the tears to get yourself presentable again. “‘M fine.”
“Well,” the man glances behind you for a second, before his warm eyes return to you, “how about I walk with you for a while?” His smile is gentle as you stare up at him, sucking your lip into your mouth. He waits until you nod to swing an arm around your shoulders and tuck you close to him, rubbing a hand up your shoulder blade over and over until you can’t help but let yourself lean into his side. “You were heading this way?” Another nod, and another smile from him. “Being chased, are you?”
“Y— I…” Whatever kind of trust you were starting to have in the situation is immediately stripped away from you when he turns to look down at your eyes with barely veiled interest, glittering under the streetlights as you walk. Your steps in time feel creepily rehearsed, and your chest goes tight again as soon as the relief came just a minute ago. “Where are we— going?” you just end up mumbling under your breath, wet lashes sticking to your lower lid.
A comment which seems to amuse him, wrapping your arm a little tighter around you. “Oh, come now, pet. Don’t be so hostile. We’re having fun, aren’t we?” It’s only then that you notice the glint of something in his other hand, metal and catching the light just barely every time it is given a sliver of space between his fingers. Not enough to know what it is, but plenty to assume. Your spine goes rigid, and he tugs around your shoulders to keep you moving along with him. “Keep walking, pretty girl. You know how this goes.” There’s a muffled cry that makes it past your lips, but his glare is enough to have you swallowing it down.
Right when you pass by an alley to your right, a figure catches your eye. Not winded like you are, and with a smile to catch you entirely off guard. The guy from earlier joins on your other side to walk along with you and slaps your ass for good measure, before slipping his hand into your back pocket. It’s subtle, but the extra bit of resistance to keep you from running. To keep him from giving chase. “Cheater,” the darker haired one rumbles into the night air as you three walk, glancing at the other over your head.
“You play fair too much for our good, Iwa-chan. I almost missed her.” He doesn’t remove his arm from around you, but twirls a little strand of your hair around his finger until it is a painful tug, and leans down to place a kiss on your crown. “It’s not fun when she gets away.”
“I would’ve gotten her if you hadn’t stopped me.” Iwa grunts, squeezing the curve of your ass a little more. You’re frozen in total blood-curdling terror between the two of them, unwilling to move a muscle more than they allow you to. So when they lead you into a driveway between houses and open a door into a nondescript room without windows, all you can do is let them. The heavy hand on your shoulder leads you to stumble when one of them pushes down, making your knees buckle and slump onto them with a painful hiss. Then he grabs the top of your hair and pulls your head back to look at him, hanging over you with a smile.
Oikawa runs his knuckles along your cheekbone, making your lashes flutter. “Now’s the time to start crying. Don’t you know what’s going to happen to you?”
“‘Course she does, look at that little face. Bet her heart’s banging like a damn hummingbird.” The other man is somewhere on the other end of the room, though you can’t look away from the man above you as he studies you. He leans down a little to watch as — sure enough, tears are still spilling down your cheeks in thin, wobbly lines— before pressing a kiss to your forehead and then the top of your nose.
“Please, please stop. J-just let me go, I want—”
“Her boyfriend,” Iwa says in mock pity, pitching his voice up a little to give you an awful, girlish tone.
It makes Oikawa bite back a laugh, and your mouth snap closed like you’ve been burned, unable to help it. The lighter brunet squats before you, cheeks flushed with a pretty, pink color that also tints his ears.
“You’re pretty fucking filthy, baby. You know that?” he whispers, hovering his warm lips over your ears and squeezing your cheeks between his free hand. “A pretty, little thing with a fucked up mind. You like this?” Cold shivers run down your skin as you sniffle and whimper, but letting him get so close to put both his upper thighs over yours to lean over you. His hands moving to your shirt to slide his hands under it along your lower back and hiking it up as he goes. Then he gives a quick kiss along your jaw and on your ear. “You like being treated like you’re nothing more than property? A hole for us to fuck?”
You don’t verbally react, but a shuddered breath comes out of you despite yourself when his hands leave your back exposed, then making you lift your arms to slip the shirt off of you. He stares for a second, before biting his lip hard. A soft noise coming from him. You cover your naked upper torso with your arms, but they’re yanked away just as fast when Iwa returns to join you two in a squat and grabs both wrists in one of his hands behind you. He leans down to start laying a path of kisses along your sensitive neck while Oikawa brushes his thumbs over your peaked nipples.
“Isn’t she pretty?” he then whispers much softer, glancing at the man making blotted marks on your neck with his tongue, and lets out a rumbled agreement.
“Prettiest little slut I’ve ever seen.” He pulls the skin between his teeth to bite and make you struggle against them again, which makes him grab your head and push you onto the floor with your face, feeling the cold wood. “Struggle all you want…” He cuts himself off to take in a sharp breath, rubbing his tongue on his gums to hold your arms in place as you wiggle and back against them. The sting in your wrists is easier to ignore than the ache in your ass or your knees. But you can’t go anywhere, and his strong hand is quickly exchanged for a coarser rope that burns on your soft skin. He ties it tight, then grabs you by the thighs to haul you over his shoulder.
“No, no— pl-please, please. I’m begging you,” you squeak out more desperately than before, arms useless behind your back and your entire face wet from the tears, “please! Please don’t! I d- Let me go! Let me gooo~.” He has no problem keeping you squirming on his shoulder as he walks you into another room, a flat palm landing on the swell of your ass so hard it knocks the air out of you.
“Shut up, brat. Take it how we give it to you.”
“No. Please let—” Another hit to the already sore cleft of your ass cheek really has you biting through the sting that heats every part of you, one he only barely soothes by rubbing a few circles over the irritated skin.
“Give her here, Iwa-chan,” Oikawa coos from somewhere in the room. You’re unable to keep up as you’re lifted off the noiret and into the other man’s arms, put onto the bed. With your arms tied behind you all you can really do is lay as the brunet grabs your face to force it into a squished pout and kisses you. Tongue pushed into your mouth and his hum to creep into your head, his hand moves to toy with your nipples, flicking the sensitive bud and the metal rod through them. It has your body curling despite yourself, mewling into the kiss.
The warmth of his mouth leaves yours only to attach himself to your tits instead, and though you try to wiggle away from his touch, the effort’s leaving you terribly exhausted. His tongue flicks over the peaked buds a few times to set your skin on end, before sucking it inside his hot mouth and rolling it between his teeth just hard enough for the pain to make your cunt go wetter. It’s so unfair. “No- n-no, you can’t— stop,” you try to tell him, voice growing softer each word, before you curl your body into his touch. Into his hands where he’s squeezing and groping at you.
Your cheeks are hot to the touch, and your head a little too cloudy to think straight. It leaves you awfully plyable, a weakness that doesn’t go unnoticed. “Turn her this way, I wanna see her pretty cunt,” Iwaizumi cuts the noises of Oikawa marking up your entire chest and neck, only giving a short hum as he disconnects and manhandles you around. Iwa grabs your both thighs to make quick work of pulling your shorts up your legs, then spreading them apart to make room for himself between them. Your hot pussy covered only by drenched, flimsy cotton is stared at for enough time to have you going even hotter in the face.
“Stop— looking at me like that.” Your mouth goes dry under their mean gazes, under all the petting of your skin. It leaves you breathless, going a bit light in the head. You can’t even help it. The sheer anxiety playing under your skin is enough to have you slipping slowly but surely into that familiarly blurry headspace.
“You really like this sort of thing this much? You’re drenching through your fucking panties.” He lets out a little groan, then cups your mound in his palm to make you feel his long fingers through the fabric, rubbing at your lips. “We caught ourselves a little, fucking whore.”
“I want to have a taste, Iwa-chan,” Oikawa hums against your tits, pushing them together to take as much into his mouth as possible, as you dig your nails into his back. And though it’s enough to make him hiss, you don’t have it in you to push him away. Really, you don’t have much energy left to do anything but lay there and take it as Iwa plays with your pussy through the wet fabric, flicking your sensitive clit. It makes your legs spasm in his tight grip, unable to break free.
“Wait your turn,” the other responds though, before pulling the fabric aside to reveal your slick pussy. It’s embarrassing how much wetness you can feel between your legs, a glistening cunny for two men to use and abuse. Your walls twitch though, clenching around nothing when he circles your entrance with his fingers, leaning down to lift your thighs onto his shoulders and place his mouth onto your clit. The heat of his mouth and the slight stubble against your lips already have you bucking against him before you can think it through, but it’s his tongue rubbing on your oversensitive clit that has more slick gushing from your hole.
Oikawa’s ruthless abuse of your tits finally takes a pause for him to go to kiss you again, mouth clashing to yours to taste more of you, swallow up more of your innocence. He greedily licks into your mouth when you open up a little, moaning at it like you’re granting him something holy. “You’re not being loud enough, pet.” He meanly squeezes your nipple between his fingers to make you squeak out, trying to squirm away from the touch to no avail. He doesn’t falter, and mumbles on against your lips. “If I need to make you scream, I will.”
“No,” you stutter back, wildly shaking your head, “no, I— ah, fuck, f-fuck, I’ll be loud- if that’s what you want.”
Your little whine when he doesn't let up makes him smile, and slot a hand between his own legs to toy at his hard cock. “Good. That’s our pretty, little slut. You’re going to do so well.” He undoes his zipper and pushes his pants down thick thighs enough to free himself from the confinement, hissing a few swears under his breath as he wraps his hand around himself. You’re rubbing your cunt all over Iwa’s tongue, letting him swipe up all the wetness with enough noise to make you die of embarrassment. As if it wasn’t enough to be humiliated, tied up over someone’s shoulder.
After a few strokes of his thick, flushed cock, Oikawa goes back to playing with your tits, slapping at the soft skin until it feels tender and sore. He grins until it shows on his cheeks, and coos at your tear-ridden face. “Hope you like a bit of pain, though. Iwa-chan likes to play rough.” His cock twitches and bobs up against his stomach when he lets go to run fingers along the back of your head, positioning you so you’re forced to look at the ceiling. Then he tutts his lips. “And so do I, for that matter.”
The other man groans loud as he fucks his tongue into your hole, before locking his lips around your needy clit and sucking so hard your toes curl, locking yourself around his head as he grunts. He grips your thigh so tight you’re sure it’ll bruise by tomorrow, and makes your hips roll onto his greedy mouth until he’s satisfied. Until your clit is throbbing from the attention— every touch feels too much. You unclamp your legs from around his shoulders to get some relief, or any space at all, but you’re barely given a second of rest when Oikawa forces his fingers between your lips. “Open up, pretty thing. Wanna have something in your mouth too, hm?”
Though you open your mouth to disagree, your words are garbled around his digits that push far back into your mouth. Enough to shut you up, holding your breath against your gag reflex. Iwaizumi licks at your pussy until your body relaxes just a little, but your shoulders still ache from the uncomfortably tied position. “I can fuck her cunt first?”
“Go ahead,” the brunet nods in response, prying your mouth open with a perverse sense of intrigue as he keeps your tongue squirming around his fingers. Your sounds are muffled, but the cries and pathetic whimpering is still loud enough to fill the room. “Now say ‘ahhh’.” You don’t, can’t while his two fingers are pushing back so far into the entrance of your throat; but his eyes still narrow. “Iwa, can you…” You blink back tears that run down your temples, try to swallow the spit down around his fingers— and then your legs are folded up onto your chest to receive a few consecutive hits on your bare pussy and ass.
The numbing pain has you opening your mouth automatically, though no words can come out. The heat of the spanking spreads through every trembling limb, feels painfully good. It’s sickening, honestly. You’re not sure if you’re crying from pain or pleasure anymore at this point, sniffling and moaning all blurring together. Your mind feels painfully blank, every bit focused on the two men claiming your body— taking it from you even though you shouldn’t allow it.
There’s nothing else you do when Oikawa positions himself over you, tilting your head back more for access— rubbing his thumb over your wet, little tongue. Or while Iwa takes off his clothes with a lazy hum, pawing at your sloppy pussy every so often to swipe your slick back up to the hood of your pussy.  As Oikawa pats his cock on your tongue, it squirms around the head to lick his heady taste, letting him push in a few inches at a time. He’s big, and you open up further not to bite him. The brunet looks down at you a little wide eyes while you do, letting out a sharp breath through his nose.
“That’s a good girl, there you go. Use that little throat to swallow around me. So- good.” You take a breath as he pushes past your tongue into your throat, spit dropping past your lips until he’s mostly in and rests his hand on your head. “Fuck, baby. Our little cockslut. You take it so well— al-always so tight.” He only pulls back a tiny bit before thrusting back into the hot, wet clutch of your throat. Meanwhile your legs are dangling, still halfway to your chest, and Iwa makes quick work of angling your lower body so that he can spit onto your pussy. There’s no need, only running down an already slicked up mess to your ass.
“Gon’ ruin this little pussy.” He grunts softly as he slides in, thick head kissing your entrance with lewd smacks before spreading open to let his cock in. It’s an awfully tight fit, making your chest feel even tighter— and you squeeze your eyes shut against the sting of the stretch. His cock feels so hot and heavy inside, even as he gives you only a few inches at a time. But you can’t really think of that, because Oikawa picks up the pace to fuck his cock into your mouth, making your throat give way to an uncomfortable stretch, and his round, heavy balls in your face. You can only cry as your tongue wraps around the underside of his cock, feeling the veins on it.
And you do, swallowing around him, and doing your very best not to gag. Iwa, meanwhile, has one hand on your belly, the other a steel grip on your hip to force his cock deep inside you. He grunts when your walls clench around him hard, clinging to the cock invading like a tight grip. Tight enough to make him let out a string of swears, pulling out just far enough to get to thrust back into you and make your body shake. Your legs hang either side of his big body, hips meeting his thighs with a loud, rhythmic pap each time he forces himself to bottom out inside you. Taking too much from both openings, it’s no wonder that only a little bit in you start mewling around the brunet’s cock.
It’s too much. The rude intrusion of your throat feels mind-numbing but so good, sending every bit of pleasure of being mistreated this way to your pussy. And Iwa fucks you like he’s trying to fuck through you, flushed head of his cock bumping against your cervix over and over again. “She’s gonna—” Iwa chokes out through gritted teeth, moving his hand to rub sloppy circles over the top of your cunny. “That’s it, doll. Cum on my cock, cum, cum.” And even the messy pressure is enough to make your clit tingle from how close you are. He rubs your clit as your face is fucked like a personal toy, and everyone groans and whines at how your body clenches up.
Your toes curl and legs spasm before you can prepare yourself, as you sadly try to choke out the second Oikawa gives you a tiny second to breathe. “Cumming, cumm—hngg~ mh—ah, fuck!” You ignore the black dots crossing your vision to take a few sharp breaths in between your moans, letting your thighs clamp around Iwa’s waist like you’re trying to keep him inside. “Agh-holy—pfh-ack.” Your cunt clenches so hard your entire lower half shakes, gushing cum and slick from around the thick cock plugging you up. He doesn’t stop fucking into you either, until you’re a shaky, flimsy shell of a human and stick your tongue back out with a whimper.
Oikawa gladly takes the opportunity to lean down and give you a sloppy kiss, then sits back up to lay his cock back onto your tongue. “Even now you still taste good, baby. That feels good, hm? Cumming around two cocks feels good?”
“Mhm-uhmp,” you’re nodding, letting him push back it to suction your mouth around the head of him as Iwa fucks your clenching pussy again and again. His balls slap against your ass as he picks up the pace even more, rutting himself into your soft, slick walls for his own pleasure now. He still hits your spot just right though, building you up faster than you can handle. And though your legs are locked around his glutes, he’s strong enough to still fuck you anyway, impossible to stop him. Oikawa smiles when leaning down to pet the bulge of your throat, throws his head back with a long groan.
“Oh, fuck. I can feel my cock slide into your little throat, pet.” Something he does greedily, grabbing hold on your face to really give him the leverage to slide in and out of your throat with long, deep thrusts. It leaves you a dumb, useless mess just trying your best to breathe and swallow down every whine that falls from you anyway. “You gonna take our cum? Let me breed that little mouth like you deserve, hm? Gonna take this hot cum all down your throat?”
“Yeah,” Iwa groans tightly, “gonna cum too.” He grabs onto your tits to squeeze the skin and flick at the oversensitive nubs until you physically can’t take anymore, but have no way to stop them. You can only whine out a mangled string of their names around the cock in your mouth, clenching as Iwa bumps against your cervix. “Gonna let me pump you full? Let daddy fuck you full? Know you will, baby. So good for us.”
You can't recall the rest of the night, but judging by your soreness and the amount of cum slipping out of your cunt every time you move, you don’t really need to. Your wrists are sore and tender, but at least you can now wrap them around your Hajime as he asks Oikawa to go get something to clean you up— letting you get pulled up against his warm body with a slight whimper. You can just barely keep your eyes open to listen to his heartbeat.
“There you go, that’s a good girl.” His face shifts into an unfairly soft expression for a split second, all worry slipping off his features in a way you’re not used to— before he bites his bottom lip. “You’re still a little out of it, huh?” A large but soft palm caresses the back of your head gently, threading though the hair at the base of your skull.
“Mhm- ‘t went good, right, daddy?” Your mouth hurts. Your throat hurts even more, already getting raspy. Iwa sighs, then lets a little frown come back to his features. Unable to help it, you presume. He nods though, and allows you to nuzzle against his glowing skin.
“Yeah, it went really well. You’re okay. You did so well, doll.”
You’re pulled up against his chest a little more and rest your lips against his midriff, letting the rhythm of his breathing wash over you. A welcome feeling of safety that hits you like a truck— and you curl your hands over your face for a second before the bathroom door squeaks and Tooru returns to the bed with the promised wash rag. Beady, hot tears come down your face a little longer, streaking on Hajime’s stomach as he continues to pet your head. And then the bed dips, wobbling you to your other boyfriend’s side.
“Here, pet. Let me clean you up a little.” His voice still has the confident, self-assured lilt it had earlier, but his eyes are softer. Blurry edges and long lashes feeling much more familiar now he’s not scowling at you anymore. Your chest caves in a little more when his finger nudges your chin up, letting him run the washcloth along your cheeks and hairline. “That was a lot, huh. We make some fine actors, Iwa-chan.” His little smile is still aimed at you though. “But you took it all so well.”
“You got carried away, Shittykawa,” Hajime’s voice rumbles his chest as he says it, running his hand now down your spine to rest at the small of your back and brush encouraging circles there. Soft, good, kind. The hazy feeling between your ears is not yet fading, but you take comfort in the fact that everything feels less loud now. Even with the static seeming to still blur out every thought, you make a disagreeing noise when Tooru pinches your nose with the wet cloth to clean up your snotty face. Then he puts it away, and leans down to press a few kisses between your brows.
“Can’t help it when she gets so cute like she does. All fucking soft, mewling like that.” He sits down on your other side, tucks his legs into the crook of your knees and rests his head on the other man’s shoulder. “Such a little sub, look at ‘er.”
Hajime hums, wrapping his arm around the both of you to pull you a little closer, then takes a long, deep breath. “She’ll probably be out of things for another half an hour.”
“You’re on night routine duty,” Tooru instantly whispers, slotting one of his arms along your body again to run his fingers down the valley of your breasts. After a few breaths he goes to cupping one instead, lazily brushing the still-sensitive skin. Something that Hajime has to suck his teeth at, telling him to knock it off.
“Don’t wind her up again.”
“I’m just—” he nuzzles into your crown to avoid your shared boyfriend’s eyes, and obnoxiously makes a few kissing noises, “appreciating this pretty body.” You can’t help fight back the urge to mimic the kissing noises back, instead kissing at Hajime’s skin with your eyes drooping closed more by the second. Everything feels less important as they continue to mute out the bad thoughts, and Tooru chuckles when you yawn long and wide. “So fucking cute.”
“Don’t let her fall asleep yet, she’s gotta brush her teeth.”
“You have to brush her teeth, you mean.” The brunet doesn’t flinch when Hajime glares at his smug grin, only rolls his eyes, before laying a soft kiss on his lips too. Then he softly shakes you a little to put his free hand under your butt and lifts you up higher on his body so you’re face to face.
“Shut the hell up. You don’t tell me what to do.” He doesn’t bother looking at Tooru when he laughs at the statement, before kissing your pouty lips too. A few times, until you start returning them, brushing your thigh with his fingers. “Hey, c’mon, doll. Sit up for me.”
“Daddy,” you whisper against his mouth, and pout when he pulls away a bit to look at you.
“I know you’re tired. But I’m on little baby duty so let’s go take off your make-up. I know you can. S’important.” He also doesn’t react when Tooru cackles louder at the awfully mushy way he always saves for moments like these, just motions you to wrap your arms around his neck as he lifts you from the bed. “There’s my princess.” You might be out of it, but the emphasis on the ‘my’ is clear enough to make you smile, watching Tooru’s face go from a cheerful glee to distressed just as quickly.
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