#polyglot thought translations
polyglot-thought-2 · 1 year
[Japanese->English] @tokkaricenter_official May 4th 2023 Instagram Post Translation
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This is a notice from Seal Land.
On May 4th, 2023, Ponsuke-kun the ringed seal passed away at 7 years old.
Ponsuke-kun was conserved* April 17th, 2016, and from then on, the cute face where he smiles and sticks out his tongue, and his charming personality caused a lot of people to love him.
*Conserved meaning he was put into an animal conservatory
Because for a few days his appetite was declining, he was transferred to a seal pen, and then medical treatment was given; But on April 4th, he went on a trip to heaven under the watch of his caretakers.
Because the direct cause of death has not been established, from now on there are plans for an autopsy and pathological examination and etc. to investigate the cause of death.
Once again, to everyone who doted on Ponsuke-kun, we thank you, and we express our feelings of gratitude for “Ponsuke” *
*Im not very confident with the translation of this sentence.
Furthermore, from May 5th through the 28th 2023 there will be a altar (for flowers) installed inside the observation room.
Pon-chan, thank you. We love you.
-On behalf of the caretakers.
#tokkaricenter #sealland #hokkaido #mombetsu #seal #ringedseal #seal
Please correct me if I made a mistake
$5 translation commissions here
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polyglot-thought · 1 year
[Japanese->English] @n0yn0yn0y 10:10 PM February 24th 2023 Tweet - Color Coded Translation
Link to original tweet
NOTE: go and listen to their awesome song 😎
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How to change a melody into a vocaloid song.
Please correct me if I made a mistake
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polysprachig · 6 months
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21.10.2023 | 04/06 translations complete
Currently shifting into post-translating mode
Not entirely certain how coherently I can share this news, but I've finally finished translating the Zueignung of Goethe's Faust, Teil 1 into English ottava rima stanza!! 🍾💐🧿 Even though I still have the defense of the translation choices and clarification of my translation aims to write, I feel so elated I can't even describe it. 🥰
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neatfrog · 10 months
ppl used to make fun of me for always talking about the languages I know/am learning bc they thought I was just bragging/showing off, but that’s not the case at all, I honestly just love languages and the beauty and variety of them and I only talk about them bc 1) special interest since I was aware what a foreign language was 2) i love being able to communicate with people in different languages, and if someone is more comfortable with their native language than English then i want them to know it’s cool and I’ll be the one doing the effort bc I genuinely love it and want to learn more
However if I butcher your language so horribly that it’s less effort to just speak in English, I also understand 100%
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ghostboneswrites2 · 20 days
A long awaited request from my mutual who asked to remain anon.
Summary: Turkish polyglot!reader is on a run with Daryl and three new arrivals to find a warehouse rumored to be stocked with food. When the destination is overrun with the dead, it's up to you to communicate with those who do not speak english to get you all home alive.
Warnings: TWD typical stuff. Potential TW for those of you with religious trauma as there is a Catholic prayer.
All dialogue is translated in (red).
Turkish, Romanian, and Spanish is translated by my mutual and their friends.
Romanian is translated using Google translate, as neither of us are very fluent in romanian but we wanted to include a balkan country.
Please forgive any inaccuracies! This was a labor of love and it was much harder than I anticipated, but I'm so glad this mutual asked for this. It was fun to exercise my brain!
Characters and their languages:
Derya: Turkish Maria: Spanish (originally french with the name Marie, but we couldn't get anyone to translate the french lol) Andrei: Romanian Rolf: Dutch
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        Tensions were high. The newcomers knew where a large stash of food was and Daryl was sent to help them retrieve it. The only setback was the communication barrier, which was where you came in.
        "Sunt încă la șase străzi distanță. (It's still six blocks away.)" Andrei told you.
        "Six blocks." You repeated to Daryl.
        "We won't make it that far with all them walkers." Daryl whispered, peeking through the boarded windows of the little shop you all holed up in. The herd came out of nowhere. 
        "Trebuie să cunoașteți un traseu mai sigur. (You must know a safer route.)" You pleaded with Andrei. He just shook his head. You sighed and turned to Derya. "Depoya gitmenin başka bir yolu var mı? Mücadele edemiyeceğimiz kadar fazla  kişiyiz. Burda kapana kısıldık. (Is there another way to get to the warehouse? There are too many for us to fight our way through. We're trapped.)"
        "Galiba burdan çatıya çıkmanın bir yolu var. (I think there's a way onto the roof here.)" She suggested. "Binalar karşıdan atlanabilecek kadar yakın. (The buildings are close enough that we could jump across.)"
        "Daryl, do you think we could jump roof to roof?" You asked.
        "Maybe. Buildings are pretty tight knit." He shrugged.
        "Okay, Derya, çatıya çıkan yolu biliyor musun? (do you know the way to the roof?)" You asked her. She thought for a moment.
        "Binaların arkası çitle çevrili orada bir merdiven olabilir. (Behind these buildings is all fenced off. I think there's a ladder out there.)"
        "Okay. Good thinking, Derya." You patted her shoulder and rushed over to the back exit, peering through the cracks in the wood. "She's right.." You whispered. "Daryl, this way! Andrei, Derya, Maria!" You waved them all over as you unlocked the door and pushed it open. Sunlight poured in as you all piled outside and rushed up the ladder. On top of the building, you could see just how far up shit's creek you all really were. The herd wasn't a herd at all -- it was a massive horde. It filled up the streets of the small town  like a sea of death and decay. 
        "Querido San Judas Tadeo.. Patrono de las causas desesperadas, escucha nuestra oración. (Dear Saint Jude Thaddeus.. Patron of desperate causes, hear our prayer..)" Maria gasped, clutching the crucifix she wore around her neck. "En tiempos de desesperación y desesperanza, guíanos a la luz del amor de Dios... (In times of despair and hopelessness, guide us to the light of God's love..)"
        Daryl looked to you questioningly. 
        "It's a prayer." You mouthed. He nodded. 
        "Y'all ready?" He asked. You nodded and ushered the other three toward the edge of one of the building that lined another. There was maybe a two foot gap between the two. It was doable. 
        "Andrei, tu primul. (you first.)" You nodded to the man, who lept courageously and landed smoothly. "Now, Maria." You looked to the girl. She was young, maybe nineteen, and clearly devoted to her faith.
        She tucked her crucifix into her shirt and took a breath, whispering the rest of her prayer as she geared up for the jump. "Ayúdanos a encontrar fortaleza en nuestras pruebas y a confiar en el plan del Señor. (Help us find strength in our trials and trust the Lord's plan..)" She took a running start and flailed her arms as she flew from one building to the next. She rolled as she landed but she was otherwise fine.
        "Derya, sıra sende. (your turn.)" You smiled to her reassuringly. Out of everyone, you'd grown the most friendly with her, as you were both Turkish. She told you about the warehouse to begin with. 
        She nodded and jumped across, smiling triumphantly back at you after she made it safely. You and Daryl crossed over next. The process continued over three more buildings, all the while Maria still prayed desperately under her breath. "Quédate a nuestro lado en nuestra hora más oscura y llévanos por un camino de esperanza. En tu pasión, intercede por nosotros y lleva nuestras súplicas a Dios. (Stand by us in our darkest hour and lead us to a hopeful path... In your passion, intercede for us and bring our pleas to God..)"
        At the end of the block, you were all drawn to a halt. The next building was at least six feet away. None of you hard faith you could jump that far. The sea of walkers was still raging below, waves of bodies crashing into buildings and obstacles as they swarmed. 
        "Qué vamos a hacer?! (What are we going to do?!)" Maria's panic was becoming more evident.
        "Sólo tenemos que pensar en un plan. (We just need to think of a plan.)" You assured her. You turned to Andrei. "Știi o cale? (Do you know a way?)"
        "Nu.. Mai avem cinci blocuri (No.. We still have five blocks.)" He said solemnly. 
        "Okay." You took a breath. "Do you have a plan?" You asked Daryl. He scanned the walkers on the ground below, his silence answering your question. 
        "şurdaki kütüphane, (That library over there,)" Derya spoke up, one finger extended to point out the building she was talking about. "Arkadaşımız rolf orada. o sadece flemenkçe konuşuyor ama daha önce bize yardım etti belki de tekrar yardım edebilir. (Our friend Rolf is there. He only speaks Dutch, but he has helped us before. He may be willing to help again.)"
        "Do you think we can make it to that library across the street?" You asked Daryl. 
        "Why?" He asked.
        "They have a friend that lives there. He might help us if he's still there."
        "He lives in a library?" Daryl tilted his head. You shrugged.
        "That's what she said."
        "Mm... Maybe." He nodded. "We need to distract 'em, though." 
        "Dunno.." He looked around. "Ya still got that toy ya picked up for Judith?"
        A lightbulb went off. Of course! The loud toy! You dug in your bag and quickly found it. You turned it on and pressed a button, a loud song ringing through the speaker. You handed to him and he threw it as far from the library as he could. To your pleasure, the toy didn't break on impact. The mindless corpses below slowly turned their attention to the sound, the tune of Old McDonald drawing them in. When enough of them were distracted, the five of you crept down the side of the building and hurried over to the library.
        "Rolf!" Derya hissed, lightly tapping at the glass. 
        " Rolf we hebben hulp nodig! (Rolf, we need help!)" You added quickly. Moments later the doors swing open and you piled inside, Rolf shutting and barricading the door behind you.
        "Wat doe jij hier?! Zie je niet hoeveel van hen er zijn? (What are you doing here?! You don't see how many of them are out there?)" Rolf scolded. You could tell he preferred his solitude.
        "We hebben hulp nodig om naar het magazijn te gaan. Dat is 5 blokken verderop. (We need help getting to the warehouse. It's five blocks away)" You panted, out of breath.
        "Het magazijn? (The warehouse?)" He scoffed. "Jullie zijn gek! (You people are insane!)"
        "Nee, maar we zijn wanhopig. (No, but we are desperate.)" You pleaded.
        "Je komt vast naar mij denkende dat ik weet hoe ik jullie door al deze dingen heen kan krijgen? (You must be to be coming to me thinking I know how to get you through all those things!)" He waved his hands around.
        "Ona kamyonetini sor (Ask him about his truck.)" Derya urged.
        "Wat dacht je van de truck? (What about your truck?)" You asked Rolf. He glared at you.
        "Nee. Absoluut niet! Enkel voor noodgevallen. (No. Absolutely not! Emergencies only.)" He declined.
        "Dit is een noodgeval. (This is an emergency.)"
        "Oh, oké laat me het verduidelijken. Enkel mijn noodgevallen. (Oh, okay, allow me to clarify. My emergencies only.)" He crossed his arms.
        "Is dit niet jouw noodgeval? (This isn't your emergency?)" You raised your eyebrows, motioning your hand to the door. "De hele stad is overspoeld met hen. Je zal het hier niet lang volhouden. (The entire town is flooded with them. You wont last here long.)"
        "Ik red me prima in mijn eentje, dankje. (I do just fine on my own, thank you.)" He insisted.
        "Oh? Ik zie nochtans geen eten of water hier. Hoe lang kan je zonder? Want die dingen gaan daarbuiten zijn voor dagen, misschien zelfs weken voordat iets anders ze weg lokt. (Oh? I don't see any food or water here. How long can you go without? Because those things will be out there for days, or maybe even weeks before something else draws them away.)" You pushed. He thought for a moment.
        "Oké goed. I breng jullie naar het magazijn en dan zijn jullie op jullie zelf. (Okay, fine. I take you to the warehouse and then you're on your own.)"
        A collective sigh of release aired out into the room as he rushed to find his keys. You all followed him to the back exit. He glanced back at the group. You and Daryl nodded at each other and stepped ahead of the others.
        "Jij opend de deur, en wij zullen je beschermen. Sluit de deur achter je. Wanneer je de teuck start, zullen wij de deur voor alle andere en beschermen ze. Vertrek niet tot iedereen in het voertuig zit. Begrepen? (You open the door, and we will cover you. Shut the door behind you. When you get the truck started, we'll open the door for everyone else and cover them. Don't leave until everyone's in the vehicle. Got it?)" You instructed. He nodded, reluctantly.
        You quickly relayed the plan to Daryl and everyone else in their respective languages, then counted down. "Drie… twee… een! (Three... Two.. One!)"
        On your word, Rolf threw the door open as planned, and you and Daryl rushed out, stabbing and beating down walkers left and right. You heard the door slam shut. You peeked behind your to see a nervous Rolf looking overstimulated and overwhelmed at the chaos around him. "Komaan! We hebben je gedekt! (Come on! We have you covered!)" You urged him.
        He stepped between you and Daryl as you strategically kept him safe. Once he was to the truck, he shut himself inside and you and Daryl bade way back to the back exit. The engine revved and sputtered a few times before the truck was up and running, but it didn't take too long. At the sound of the fully started vehicle, you threw the door open and the rest of your crew worked their way through the walkers. Maria, a particularly nonviolent young woman who made herself more useful as the sneaky one, cowered in the center as you all surrounded her and defended yourselves from the threat of the undead. Once everyone had piled inside, you and Daryl jumped in last. Rolf wasted no time putting the pedal to the metal, so to speak, and before long he was pulling up in front of the warehouse.
        "Okay." You sighed. "Worst part's over, right?" 
        "Ik zal op je wachten. Wees snel. (I'll wait for you. Be fast.)" Rolf announced. You tilted your head. "Mijn bibliotheek is omsingeld. Er is niet voor mij om naar terug te keren, als ik zelfs leven binnen geraak. (My library is surrounded. There is nothing for me to go back to, if I could even make it inside alive.)" He elaborated. "Ik help jou een thuis te krijgen, jij geeft mij een thuis. (I help you get home, you give me a home.)" 
        "Okay." You nodded. "Wij kunnen dit. Laat ons gewoon niet achter. (We can do that. Just don't leave us.)" You placed a hand on his shoulder and thanked him with your eyes.
        "Alright, we need to get in there, grab as much food as we can, and get the hell on somewhere before it gets any worse. 's a damn miracle we made it this far." Daryl said. 
        "Okay. María, eres rápida. Si vienes con nosotros, te cubrimos. (Maria, you're fast. You come with us, we'll cover you.) Andrei, vino și tu. Știi ce căutăm. (Andrei, you come too. You know what we're looking for.)" You turned to them. They nodded nervously. "We get in, grab as much as we can, and get out." You continued, once in spanish and once in romanian. 
        Back at Alexandria, people were surprised to meet a new member of the community, but mostly just grateful everyone made it back alive and in one piece. The food was just a bonus at that point. You had all been gone way longer than planned.
        After introducing Rolf to everyone and making sure those who didn't speak english had everything they needed for the evening, you and Daryl finally retired to your shared home. Relief and gratitude set the mood, but after you had both showered and found something comfortable to wear, you couldn't help but to pick up on a subtle sense of disappointment written all over his face.
        "We did good." You assured him as you plopped beside him on the sofa. "The food we brought will feed everyone for a week, and we can probably go back in a few days and that herd will have moved on." 
        "Ain't that." He shrugged.
        "Then what?" You asked, brushing his stringy damp hair out of his eyes.
        "'s just..." He chewed at his lip. "Just felt so clueless out there, ya know? Useless. If you hadn't been there, all them people woulda died 'cause I wouldn't know how to talk to 'em." 
        "Well, I was there." You assured. "And they wouldn't have died anyways because you're a badass."
        He huffed a dry laugh. "I dunno. Just wish I had more skills than huntin' and trackin'." He admitted.
        "What?" You scoffed. "You've taught me more survival skills since we met than anyone has taught me in my entire life. You did teach me tracking and trapping, but you also taught me how to be quiet, sneaky, and observant of my surroundings. You taught me how to read people, and how to kill them effectively if needed. You are so much more than a hunter or a tracker." You rambled. His eyes scanned over your features as you went on, silently admiring how you always managed to find yourself on a tangent, no matter the subject.
        "Mm." He grunted. " Still wish I could just... talk to everyone, ya know?"
        "Then I'll teach you." You offered. "Starting tomorrow, with the language of my people. Turkish." You grinned. “Lesson one: Seni seviyorum sen benim kahramanımsın.”
        "Wha's that mean?" He pushed his eyebrows together in confusion.
        "It means I love you, you're my hero."
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meowunmeow · 21 days
Undead Unluck Chapter 202 Spoilers!!
At first, I thought the title didn't make sense. Then I read on and oh it makes so much sense.
Of all languages... French. 6997 languages. And you chose French. Nico you USAmerican.
But yeah the game is extremely biased. Unless you're a polyglot, you're gonna lose against the literal personification of language.
So how exactly did 100!Nico beat Language... Was he a polyglot? Did he skimmed through every single dictionary there was before battling? Was he smart enough to choose something other than French?
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I audibly gasped and yelled "WAR?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" because seriously. What is he doing here and how did he even get here.
I'll admit to being unknowledgeable and not understand what Top means by Moga. Google only said a bunch of stuff that has nothing to do with planes nor war. If anyone knows what he means, go ahead and tell me.
I like how the planes have animal heads.
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I'm assuming she means Mandarin here because it's the standardised language. Even though there are other Chinese languages like Hokkien or Cantonese. I can't blame Mr. Evelyn here because the raw is most likely to be "中国語" which literally translates to "Chinese".
I like the callback again. Logic and self-imposed rules are what ultimately stops negators from fulfilling their potential. Victor ends up falling behind Andy in terms of strength because he somehow convinced himself souls do not exist. So here, even though Ichico is well versed in souls, she is still a woman of science. She can't back away from logic that easily.
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I had to search it up but wow, you're telling me this is supposed to be a sea creature of some kind... They're both equally confused, they 100% deserve each other.
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Whoa whoa whoa... Nico can't see or hear souls. Yet he somehow manages to hear Ichico's pain? Does he have a wifey sense of some kind?? Loser.
I like how she talks to him like usual. She's either somewhat stupid or just forgot he can't hear her. But she's right in the end and he can indeed hear her.
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Aw man that means summoning a living creature and having it die causes damage compared to summoning objects. Probably because it requires active imagination rather than pulling it from real life memories. That means that Nico needs to battle with a MacGuffin that isn't under Lan's domain.
But then that also means the way to beat Lan is by summoning an imaginative creature that can kill Lan's own imaginative creature, the dragon in this case. But what defeats a dragon?
Nico can't see her yet... He is stressed out to the max here and hoping that she is fine.
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NEW SOUL ABILITY UNLOCKED?? TELEPATHY??? Or... An ability manifestation?
They weren't kidding about Ichico being a threat due to her quick adaptation with soul abilities.
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Ooh she had this set up from the beginning... She chose umibuzou and didn't bother imagining a decent creature because she just wants a "u". Her reliance on English really convinces my British-born Japanese HC of her lol.
Lol Sean probably woke up and went "something's wrong. I can feel it." and Gina just snacks him back to sleep.
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FENG??? rip to tells fans but FENG???
Should've seen this coming when I re-read the early 101 arc and I noticed that Feng understood Fuuko even after she took off her necktie translator (her armband). After living for so long, he could definitely picked up an extra language or two.
It's around 1:30-2:00am in Brazil. So probably around 6:00am in the UK. So around 1:00pm in China or Hong Kong if that's where he resides. This man was enjoying an afternoon nap when he got teleported with his hair messed up and tits fully out.
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 Speechless (Sebek Zigvolt x reader)
Note: Gn reader, Sebek birthday special.
Putting up with Sebek was impossible for most people. He was loud, arrogant and annoying. You had your difficulties with him too, but you were one of the only ones who actually hangoud out with him. On his side, he tolerated you, at best.
You were also in the same class, facilitating your contacts. Today, you were taking Alchemy class and you have been designated as partners. The assigment was a simple potion that made you understand languages you couldn’t normally.
“Luckily for us, he boasted, my mentor Lilia has told me all about this elixir, as he had used it many times! The ingredient we need to add is an alligator scale!
-Uhm, I’m pretty sure the textbook says a crocodile scale...
-Nonsense, Human! It is the word of Lilia, it certainly wouldn’t be wrong!
-If you say so.”
Begrudgingly, you put the scale in the couldron. Few minutes later, the potion was ready. You read a phrase in old Scalding Sands, a phrase he was supposed to translate to you. But when he opened his mouth, no sound came out.
“Sebek, are you okay?” You asked.
He was too busy panicking and gripping his throat to respond. The professor Crewel, noticing the distress, approached the two of you.
“What is going on? He slapped his whip against his hand.
-Sebek seems to have lost his voice, sensei, you answered while the boy was silently screaming in frustration.
-Go to the nurse’s office. It’s probably nothing but it might be a symptom of something worse.
-Yes, sir.”
“Upon inspection, the nurse announced, it’s just an effect caused by a potion created by the Sea Witch. It should be gone in about three days. But I’m curious, how did you manage to create it? The recipee was lost ages ago.
-We put an alligator scale instead of the crocodile one in our polyglot potion.
-Ah, rookie mistake.”
Sebek looked like he was going to jump at the trhoat of nurse Gothel.
“Well anyways, there’s nothing I can do for him. I’ll write him a note exempting him of animal linguistics class.”
The path back to class was very akward. You were used to his constant blabbering, so it was strange.
“So, I was thinking you might need someone to help you translate things to others, so if you want I can do it.”
He opened his mouth, but closed it when he remebered he couldn’t speak. Instead, he got his phone out and typed something at the speed of light.
I don’t need a human to tend to me! I’ll be fine by myself, thank you very much!
“Oh, okay then.”
At that, you parted ways.
The next day, you were eating lunch in the cafeteria when Sebek sat loudly next to you. He presented his phone to you, looking away.
If your offer still stands, I’m taking it. Mind you, I’m doing this because I pity you, not because I need it.
Turns out, communicating without speaking was way harder than he thought. He was forced to admit he needed your help. His face betrayed his offense when you burst out laughing.
“Of course, Sebek the Great, I will help you.”You teased.
Malleus is the great one, not me!
With your assistance, the three days went by fast. By being his translator, you were able to smooth his behavior towards others.
And truth is, he began to appreciate you more. Before, he saw you as just a lonely human who stuck to him because they had no friends. Now, he respected you, and even develloped some sort of... Fondness for you. One that he wouldn’t admit over his dead body.
He was also able to have a heart to heart with Lilia about the potion ingredient confusion. The latter admitted it was a prank and didn’t think Sebek would take his word for it.
Few days later, you found the boy at your doorstep, flowers in hand. Before you could utter a word, he shoved them in your face.
“As a thank you for helping me when I was incapable of speanking, I will treat you to a restaurant. And don’t interpret it wrongly, Master Lilia made me do it!”
You carefully took the bouquet.
“Oh, they’re lovely. When is it gonna be?
-Tonight at seven. Do not be late!
-I won’t don’t worry.
-Very well, I will await for your presence!”
You approached Sebek, who was waiting for you in front of the Monstro Lounge. When he heard your footsteps, he turned to face you.
“Ah, Human! Do you know you’re one minute and 35 seconds late?! Of course, as I am kind, I will let it slide,but-”
He stopped mid-sentence, staring at you while a pink tint spread across his face. For the occasion, you had worn the prettiest thing in your cupboard.
“Sebek? Are you okay? Does the potion still affect you? You asked worriedly.
-N-no, everything is fine. You look... Not bad, for a human.
-I’ll take it as a compliment. Shall we go in?
-Of course!”
Together, you entered the restaurant. Feigning like he was looking the other way, he enterwined your fingers with his.
Have a good day/night!
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ohshy · 9 months
random punch out headcanons (theyre a little king hippo skewed)
- aran ryan is really good at rhyming. he uses this to annoy people. One time, he wrote a purple prose joke letter to don flamenco which he thought was a genuine exclamation from his lover Carmen, only to find it signed ''(...) my stalwart bullfighting lion, you shine brightly like the mighty orion -> love, aran ryan ♥''. Needless to say, hell broke loose. Aran thought it was worth it though.
- because of aran's rhyming abilities, disco kid has asked him to do a music collab. big mistake, aran only wanted to create sea shanty inspired diss tracks.
- von kaiser is a polyglot !!! he knows almost every language every person speaks in the WVBA. He's not fluent in all of them, but he'll still happily translate for them, if their english is not the best, or if they simply feel more comfortable communicating in their native tongue.
- all the boxers have fanart walls. bear huggers fanart is either wholesome art of him holding or taking care of animals or scribbles of him eating a big raw fish. he thinks the latter r very funny.
- king hippo loves collecting little sea critter trinkets !!! he WILL infodump to you ab them. his favorite fish is the gulper eel, he looked at that fish and thought Hes just like me fr.
- glass joe is a disgruntled fashion snob. he WILL insult his fellow competitors' fashion tastes under his breath. army clothes? in a boxing ring? unfitting! leotards?! out of fashion! Even if other's overhear it, they just leave him be. He's the lowest ranking boxer of the WVBA, hes gotta release his frustration somehow, right?
- great tiger sometimes talks to his own clones if he needs advice or otherwise just wants someone to talk to. It helps him regulate his thoughts and emotions when hes overwhelmed.
- king hippo is the type to unintentionally spit some real wisdom. He even once (unintentionally) gave the materialistic super macho man an existential crisis w/ a pineapple metaphor. Don’t ask macho how, he’ll just spiral again.
- aran ryan, great tiger and piston hondo are in a constant prank war w/ eachother. if things go really awry, either bear hugger or mr sandman step in.
- king hippo's original ring name was ''the human hippo''. he changed it to ''king hippo'' after he became the minor circuit champion though. he, in a way, became king of the ring :)
- bald bull is quite the introverted guy, the press notwithstanding. he has a lot of energy that he can't always release onto a sparring partner. because of this, he's often an emotional mess that outs itself in pent-up aggression. additionally, most social situations are too overwhelming to him, even without the press, and the only opponent he can really equally spar with are his world circuit opponents and his punching bag.
- king hippo, bear hugger, great tiger and bald bull share a companionship for naming themselves after animals. They once tried to get super macho man to change his name to ''super macho shark'' and have mr sandman adopt a sheep gimmick.
- super macho man has ambitions to become the next us president. After he retires boxing, though.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 8 months
What would the Emeritus brothers be like with a bilingual s/o? Specifically, one whose mother tongue they don’t speak? Like Spanish, Portuguese, or Mandarin, to name a few examples.
Thanks for opening up requests! Love your blog! 🖤
Thank you so much!! <3 I hope you enjoy!! <3 
Papas with a Bilingual S/O 
You did ask for an S/O with a mother tongue the Papas did not speak, so I’m going to follow that guideline. But I DID just want to add a fun fact in there as well! 
The Papas are actually all polyglots, meaning they can all speak multiple languages! Some more than others for one reason or another. When it comes to being a demonic pope with legions in so many parts of the world, you HAVE to speak so many different ones! However, this doesn’t mean they all speak every language to exist (except maybe Primo.) 
I also kept the reader’s native tongue vague so you can apply whichever you’d like! :)
Papa Nihil: He might speak several languages, but he’s not exactly the best at picking up new ones these days. Sometimes you can’t teach an old dog new tricks… but that doesn’t mean he won’t try! Whether he learns your native tongue or not, Nihil is happy to listen to you speak. Nihil adores when you playfully teach him new words or phrases. He is happy to use the best ones on you! Nihil is happy to know enough of your first language to convey his feelings or know yours. So expect him to at least know how to tell you he loves you, or that he wants you to have a good day. Truthfully, when it comes to his love of horror movies he might ask you to translate certain iconic scenes into your native tongue! And best of all? He will be putty in your hands when you flirt in your native language! Daily you get a lot of, “Amore, how do you say *insert random mundane word* in-?” Random words he has asked about so far; TV, blanket, carrot, window, Ghoul, screw driver, and swimming.
Papa I: You would be hard pressed to find a language Papa couldn’t speak, or at the very least understand everything you were saying. Papa is a legendary linguist within the Ministry, and has led many apprentices in keeping dead languages alive. But that doesn’t mean his verbal speaking is perfect in every tongue! So he was delighted when you were open to letting him learn more from you with your first language. These impromptu lessons are actually what caused you both to become close friends and eventually a couple! Papa appreciates all your efforts in teaching him, and he is a fast learner. He has even gone so far as to encourage you to teach lessons to the siblings of sin, if you were so inclined! In your daily lives he will always speak to you or leave you thoughtful notes in your first language. The only difficulty he has is learning slang and common sayings… but you find it both hilarious and a bit adorable when he tries!  
Papa II: Funnily enough, you both don’t know each other’s first language. Most of your communication has been through English! So it was a fun time for you both when you became closer to deciphering each other’s native tongue. You mutually wanted to be able to understand each other in all three languages; Your first language, his Italian, and English! So it was a lot of work and fun together. Papa absolutely loves teaching you Italian every chance he can. Claiming that it just sounds so much better rolling off of your tongue. And in turn, he cherishes every time you sit in his lap to teach him more of your language. Papa picks it up rather fast, even if it’s not entirely perfect. You both eventually know enough to hold a conversation in each other’s mother tongue! Though Papa prefers letting you get to speak, no matter what the language is. He just finds your voice soothing overall. He also happily teaches you how to curse someone out so you can use it in the ministry! You laughed at the generous offer! 
Papa III: Ever the romantic, Papa finds it incredibly charming when you flaunt your linguistic skill around him! Language is such a beautiful and fascinating subject! There is nothing more interesting to him than learning how each different language communicates- especially when it comes to poetry and music. He is wrapped around your finger each time you use your first language to flirt with him. Papa will constantly encourage you to try and seduce him with your words (even if you only pretend. He’ll never know what you’re ACTUALLY saying if you say it with enough flirty tones!) While proficient in the languages he uses regularly for his Papal duties, it takes him a little longer than his eldest brother to pick up your first language. But that doesn’t stop him from trying! Papa will go out of his way to make sure he knows the basics so he can always tell you the most important phrases of your mother tongue! Such as ‘Good Morning/Night’, ‘Thank you’, all the pick up lines, and eventually ‘I love you.’ Though the majority of the time, he uses it to flirt with you or gossip. 
Papa IV/Cardinal Copia: One of the original reasons you fell for Copia was that he went out of his way to learn your native tongue when you first became friends. According to him, you always exclusively used Italian when speaking with him. It was only fair that he learned your first language too! Copia was a hobbyist linguist on top of being an official tome translator for the ministry at one point. So he was happy to learn a new language to converse with you! As a couple, this is one of his favorite ways to bond with you. He sees it as a chance to grow closer to you while perfecting his grammar and pronunciations! Typically, Copia will switch to your native tongue when you are alone or at home. But he’s also not above utilizing it in public when he doesn’t want others to eavesdrop… or just shit talk someone in the room he can’t stand.
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blank-house · 5 months
Omg I wasn't expecting at all their hobbies?? Mostly Jamie, I love that he reads manhwa! And Deja being a gamer girlie...💘 That's really unexpected. Now then I got even more questions!! These are more basic I guess?
Do any of them have a second language or is English not the first one? With Jamie being an exchange student and Deja speaking to herself another language or so in the demo I got curious about their backgrounds
Sorry not sorry but the haikyuu reference during the volleyball game got me dead 😭 I need to know about the besties hobbies too! Cameron's such a cool character fr
Okay maybe this is kind of spoilerish but... Have any of them had any serious relationship before? The vibes of the demo and it happening on college gives the vibes of first love kinda. Just out there trying to guess! I really am a fan of the trope
Tysm for answering! You just gave me such a detailed answer!! I didn't expect it 🥰 It really shows how much you care about little details when writing hehe
I should start on a master list of facts for everyone to quick nav on tumblr haha but I love your enthusiasm for the cast! Let's get cracking on Q2!
I was also waiting for this kind of question because I thought about it-- a lot, way too much, in fact lmao. I won't go too in depth about each of their backgrounds, especially since some of it is heavily intertwined with their stories, but I'm happy to indulge the basics!
So down the entire cast, we got:
Percy - Japanese (1st Gen); he's fluent in Japanese and it is his first language but he definitely uses English the most nowadays. He only ever speaks his native tongue when he's at home. He also knows a bit of Hawaiian Pidgin. It's what he picked up from Elio when they came to know each other in high school.
Elio - Hawaiian (Dad)/Thai (Mom); English is his first language but his family makes sure to teach him Hawaiian, Hawaiian Pidgin, and Thai. He's conversational with the first two, especially since that's how his grandparents on his dad's side would choose to communicate with. However, since he doesn't get to visit his relatives in Thailand often, Thai is definitely the less practiced of the bunch. At this point, he can somewhat hold a conversation but it's more like-- he understands the language better than he can speak it.
Jamie - Swedish; Swedish is his first language but he is the biggest polyglot on the team, and I mean big. He's fluent in English and most, if not all, European languages (German, French, Italian- you name it, he can probably speak it). Korean is something he recently picked up, though- just so he won't have to wait for translations for the manhwas he likes lol. Learning languages is easy to him and if he's motivated enough he could be conversational in a couple of months.
Deja - Haitian; English is her first language but she's conversational in Haitian Creole. She only speaks it if she's with family, especially her oldest and more distant relatives, or when exasperated. Deja isn't really in the business of flexing her second tongue since it's not something people immediately close to her use a lot.
Cameron - Nicaraguan (2nd Gen); English is also their first language but they dip into Spanish with their family, especially their grandparents. In the KF world, I believe you wouldn't catch this unless you're fluent in Spanish, but Cameron would speak with Nicaraguan phonology so some of their pronunciations might be weighted with 's' sounds.
Reynah - Filipina (1st Gen); English is her second language with Tagalog as her first. However, after being in the states for so long she's not as fluent in it. It's the same case as Elio and most children who migrate at a young age- Reynah understands better than she can speak. That being said, her accent surprisingly lingers. You hear it when she's angry or speaking fast, and you hear it at the end of her sentences or at a break- that short 'ah' sound Filipinos speak with.
And that's all of them! Though it's probably too redundant for me to note, everyone doesn't have an accent except for Reynah and Jamie. Jamie keeps his Swedish accent even though he's fluent because it's too much effort to use an American accent lol
Hobbies (Deja and Cam)
Aha yeah, gotta sneak in anime references when I can and I'm glad you like Cameron too! They're very endearing to me ^^ But okay bestie hobbies! Def gotta know this since MC's best friends with them. So to start--
Deja's got a handful of hobbies. Does she have time for all of them? No, but she's got them! And they're mostly to help her unwind. For games, she tends to like the ones that relies on strategies and skill. Platformers are her go-to's as well as party games. She's not competitive in the way Elio is but she'd be damned if anyone took her spot at the top of the leaderboard.
Besides video games, she likes to tend to plants and players can see that their shared apartment is littered with them. If she miraculously got more free time, then she'll pick up a knitting/crocheting project.
However, her favorite thing to do in her pastime are her nails! At the apartment, her and MC would indulge in movie nights/marathons so that she could paint and dry her nails during the duration of the showing. The last thing you'd catch her with is a broken or chipped edge.
As you peeped, Cameron watches anime! They only watch though- they like the action compared to reading. They've been on the grind for a while so you can consider them a veteran haha. Their favorite genres to watch are Slice of Life's, Sports, Shoujos, and Dramas and Thrillers. I know, I know, that's sort of weird jump from their other favorites lol but they like being swept up into the story line like Percy. So if they start crying about a fictional relationship or jumping on the couch because of a murder mystery- then it's safe to say they're enjoying the show.
Other than that, Cameron really likes art! In fact, it could've very well had been something they majored in! They're that good. But alas, they decided on a pre-law track so painting and drawing remains as a past time.
And of course, who can forget music. They only play one instrument and it's not often, but they love listening to it- especially Kpop. If you look through their car, you might find a photo card or two tucked away somewhere. That, and their albums lying next to their seat. (I'm not supposed to be referencing actual bands but Cameron has slipped into the diamond life iykyk)
Past Relationships
Oh, first love is a good guess! But out of the entire cast, half of them have been in a serious relationship before and that is Percy, Deja, and Reynah. Everyone else either had crushes or went on a couple of dates but never went official with anyone.
I won't go into the specifics for either Percy or Reynah, but since Deja's your roommate and best friend-- conversations about her love life would have cropped up before the start of the game. So at the very least I can say that she's dated a couple of guys during her high school and freshmen college year.
She broke up with all of them pretty quick though haha I wouldn't say she was wasting her time with them- she doesn't date for the sake of it like some might. So every relationship could've been something- but she's got zero tolerance for cheaters or massive fuck ups so they ended up being nothing. C'est la vie
And that's that! Phew, these explanations are getting longer and longer so I'm sorry for the word dump but that was fun! Thank you for asking another question!
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astrum-aetherium · 10 months
I am in desperate need of your thoughts on Henry being academic rivals with someone, feeling anger towards them. Tension building and finally snapping one day when they have an argument that definitely ends in a heated kiss.
this is one of my favorite tropes, so of course i'll weigh in on it the best i can. it would simply be so exciting with him.
in order for it to work and for henry truly to be threatened by your academic abilities (to create said rivalry), i fear it must be his precise area of expertise that you have to likewise excel in. he truly needs someone to match his intelligence — a possible polyglot with an obvious preference for latin and ancient greek, someone well-versed in according works, someone he can be stunned by from an academic point of view.
were he to meet someone like that, i am convinced he would be intrigued. it would, at first, be a rivalry due to the two of you constantly going head-to-head and arguing about things that only matter infinitesimally — such as the right syntax to pick in a translation ("that is sloppy, and not exactly homeric." — "i don't want it to be; besides, it's not my fault you nurture an obsession with the man. we cannot even be sure he existed in the first place, which makes your little infatuation all the more amusing to me."). your constant resistance would agitate him, since we all know he prefers to have things go his way and according to his plan, exclusively. he, in turn, would annoy you just as much — his entirely irritating inability to ever comply or even be willing to negotiate, to completely focus on his own goals, and be so dogmatic it would hurt.
and out of that irritation, consecutively, would sprout feelings of a completely different kind. gradually, unassumingly, yet confidently — and they would punch the two of you right in the gut. completely blindside you.
it all would come to fruition on a day when your respective anger would reach its boiling point — one irked remark too many, a gesture too condescending to bear. it would lead to a mild, highly eloquent screaming match, which would inevitably lead to the string of tension severing at last — you would gravitate toward one another, as though by some magical force, and collide in a long-anticipated, passionate kiss. he would immediately grasp onto your face for dear life, his touch so gentle yet so urging, and you would be staggering upon your tiptoes in order to contain balance due to the height difference between you. he would catch on immediately, wrapping one arm around your frame, and support you so as to deepen the kiss and solely madden you further. his other palm would be sprawled out across your cheek and some stray fingers curling around your jaw, not intent on letting you go, seemingly, ever. as for you — you would cling onto him and practically melt into his leant-over frame, reciprocating the kiss you had been clandestinely fantasizing about for months.
it would be the greatest resolution of accumulated tension you'd ever experienced, and would consecutively lead to a blossoming, beautiful affinity. of course, the intellectually-fueled arguments would remain, and yet they wouldn't conclude in disdain or sourness. instead, they would end with his head pressed between your thighs or your face buried in the bedsheets, his name and other desperate sounds unfolding from your tongue, mind wiped and nothing orbiting it but pleasure. in secret, he would try his absolute hardest to fuck your intelligence out of you, and it would sort of work — if only for a matter of minutes.
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polyglot-thought-2 · 1 year
[Japanese->English] @tokkaricenter_official May 5th 2023 Instagram Post Translation
Link to original post
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Thank you for leaving so many comments on yesterday’s post.
Although the caretakers still don't really feel good
After reading comments from all over the world,
We have felt all of the love that Ponsuke really received once again.😌
Ponsuke, who was particularly fierce about fish🐟
Ponsuke, who was the number one most viewed by customers, was always in position, sleeping😴
Ponsuke, who loved to play with the hose💎️
Maybe because he always had the personality of a pampered child, In his last moments when everyone came to see him, the whole crew all gathered to wait for him.
From now on Ponsuke lives on in us.
Although sad feelings still remain, right now the seals have been gushing affection more than ever, and from now on we will do our best so that you all may keep supporting us!
Okhotsk Tokkari Center continually thanks you 🦭
#tokkaricenter #sealland
#hokkaido #mombetsu #seal #ringedseal #seal
Please correct me if I made a mistake
$5 translation commissions here
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polyglot-thought · 1 year
[English->Mandarin] Tumblr 1,000 Likes - Color Coded Translation (For Beginners)
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感謝🙏 你們給了我1千讚
gǎn xiè 🙏 nǐ men gěi le wǒ yī qiān zàn
Thank you 🙏 You (plural) gave me 1,000 likes
zài zhōng wén,nǐ kě yǐ shuō 「zàn」 huò zhě
「xǐ huan」 guān yú Instagram de
「likes」 :)
In Mandarin, you can say “zan” or “xi huan” regarding Instagram likes.
Please correct me if I made a mistake
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polysprachig · 7 months
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27.09.2023 | Translation complete, ☆ translator notes not so much given the pleasant turn in the weather ☆
Poem: Sehnsucht von Kaiserin Elisabeth
There has been something of a finger-wagging, something-wicked-this-way-comes, weird-sister-on-the-heath-level doom vibe in the air regarding the future of human translators. And it's not coming from translators themselves, literary or otherwise; at least, that's how it seems to me. Especially as translation is, in my opinion, time well spent trying to capture the fleeting impressions of one mind and tongue in another, a relaying of culture, time and place, experience, mood and idea, form, style and tone—the deepest of readings possible outside of explication or psychoanalysis, oftentimes including both, and many translators know, love and hate this. Even so, it is a most welcome curse to be plagued with.
Translating Sisi, not to mention reading her poetic journal, has led me on a series of journeys to get to know her interests, obsessions, manner of expression, grief and personal hardship in the context of her life. I too have stood at a legendary grave, not that of Achilles, but of the fallen at Marathon, and dwelt on it long after I left. Trying to express that similar sentiment as the empress poet expressed it in my own language—that is the challenge, the fun, the experience, and the purpose of my translation, and I don't know many translators who would give that feeling up.
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bookwyrminspiration · 4 months
having polyglot thoughts so i'm dumping them on you:
first of all, do you think if polyglots didn't know a language before manifesting (for example, keefe with english), then they would switch accents based on who they're talking to? for example, keefe went to london, so should we assume that since he was talking to british people, he was probably speaking in a british accent, too? or if he went to america (which he did, he went to disneyland or disney world i think) then he would be speaking with an american accent? that would be really funny. like one day he's speaking canadian french and then he leaps out and the next day he's speaking french french or something. even polyglots that did know the language before manifesting (like sophie with english). do you think they are also switching accents according to the person they're talking to or just keeping the accent they grew up with (in sophie's case, american). i know that sophie's a special case, and that most elves would only ever speak the enlightened language before manifesting, but it's still worth considering.
second of all, do you think polyglots would have an innate grasp on idioms and sayings? because those aren't inherent to the language, not really. if i said like. "it's raining cats and dogs", would a polyglot really understand what that means or would they think i'm literally saying cats and dogs are falling out of the sky. because if that's true then keefe would've had a lot of idioms to learn when he was living in london, too. there's a saying in my language that literally translates to "do it with [your] hand", but in terms of idioms, it actually means "do it immediately". so something like that would really throw off a polyglot if they didn't have a natural understanding of all the various idioms that came with a language.
a lot of people have brought this last point up already, but sign language. personally, i think sign language would be a part of a polyglot's natural database of languages, so to speak. because it is a language. it's literally in the name. just because it's not a vocal language doesn't mean it's not a language. so i think that polyglots would understand sign language on instinct, but wanna hear your thoughts.
Oh I love language thoughts. I'd think a polyglot would speak the language reflective of the accent they first heard. The way it seems to work is once they encounter it (reading, hearing it, etc.), then they understand and can use it--but they couldn't start speaking a language they've never heard out of nowhere. Afterwards they can use it based on that initial contact. I'd assume with time they could change their accent the same way anyone could, being around different pronunciations for a while and slowly incorporating them in--perhaps with more speed given their ability. But I'd still assume a base in their first contact. after all, encountering different accents isn't a new language
Based on that, I'd also think they'd keep their own accent if they learned the language prior to manifesting. Maybe their understanding of grammar rules and patterns would improve though--but then again, it's instinct, not conscious, so maybe not
As for idioms, I suppose it depends on how you want to interpret their instinctive understanding/speaking. Does instinctively speaking the language (Unlocked 265) mean they simply understand the literal meanings and socially constructed metaphor is an entirely separate realm? Or does it mean they can instinctively communicate in any language, and that includes implied/non-literal meaning? Like you said, idioms aren't inherent to a language, so I'd personally vote no. It's not instinctual to understand, but it's not like you can't learn them or sometimes reason out what one means. But again, the rules for magic polyglots are really just what you want them to be.
And I agree; signed languages are as much languages as spoken, as complex and varied, and can be analyzed and studied much the same. Unless one's worldbuilding has it's own specific magic rules--e.g. there's something about hearing a language that allows one to understand it, which then means signed languages would have to be learned organically--then there's no reason to exclude sign. I'm not saying that a world with those specific qualifications would be bad--it could be a fitting source of friction or difficulty is a polyglot character used to being able to communicate everywhere suddenly can't and has to adapt. Just that kotlc does not appear to be one of those stories, so I think kotlc's polyglots should instinctively understand sign.
I'd also be curious whether their instinctive understand could at least partially translate towards methods of communication like morse code. Would an encoded message (not necessarily morse) count as a method of communication/language of its own and therefore be understandable by them? I suppose it would depend on what kind of code it is, but food for thought.
Polyglotism is quite underappreciated in the story--which isn't its fault, given the plot, but man I cannot help but yearn...
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jessamine-rose · 1 year
Some time ago you mentioned that capitano’s darling already knew how to read Shneznayan before meeting Capitano, does Darling knows any other languages?
What languages would Capitano and Darling use on their daily basis? I personally cannot imagine Capitano speaking any other language without at least a bit of an accent… like damn… I can only imagine what a Shneznayan accent would sound like…
Darling being able to speak more languages than Capitano would be lowkey funny and perhaps even possible to use to her advantage, but I can only imagine in what scenarios that would be possible…
Like a random merchant/artists from Fontaine making a genuinely funny joke in their native language thinking no one would understand and then you have darling just holding her laughter like 😶 ‘don’t laugh, not now’
Read Herbarium and Fairytale here!!
It depends on your own version of Damsel. For mine, I answered a similar ask before.
Aside from Snezhnayan, she can read beginner-level books from Liyue. Since she only learned the written language, she doesn’t know the proper pronunciation or modern slang. So her ability is pretty much useless in conversations.
Multilingual Capitano……..fufufu he enjoys his new pastime of reading un-translated books to Damsel. They mainly speak to each other in Mondstadtian or Teyvat’s lingua franca (if there is one??) Also, the thought of Capitano softly whispering to Damsel so he can translate their conversations with Snezhnayans <3
I also want to add that the other darlings are better polyglots!! Kitty (Pantalone’s) can speak with people from Mondstadt, Fontaine, and Snezhnaya. Assistant (Dottore’s) knows twenty languages due to the Akademiya’s requirement. Savior (Pierro’s) is fluent in Snezhnayan, old-fashioned Liyuean, and a few ancient dialects.
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