sciencesolutions · 2 years
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wifeyoozi · 4 months
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tocafitas · 11 months
Novos Baianos - Acabou Chorare (1972)
Reedição da Polysom de 2010, com selo da Som Livre.
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pseud0knots · 2 years
poured sucrose gradients to three cheers for sweet revenge this morning now my polysomes are gonna be transgender. great
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r-ene · 2 years
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09.22 and 09.23.22
days 31 and 32 of 100
currently how my screen's looking like these days -- class recording and the reference book for the subject to compare the infos while taking down notes
— thursday, 09.22 —
studied on artificial airways
practiced Mandarin
studied on patient flow process for polysom
attended PE lecture
studied for friday's TPF long quiz
— friday, 09.23 —
started my morning reviewing for the long quiz for TPF again while eating breakfast
took TPF long quiz
attended lecture for TPF after the quiz (in which our prof also gave the coverage of our exam)
compiled all our quizzes this prelims in a document to print and answer as a form of review
made notes on pneumonia
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northropi · 26 days
Sona Design Stuff That I Still Dunno About
-Torn between the idea I've generally drawn for the true form where she has one big central head and the other two heads that function as "hands" are symmetrical with each other, and each of the three being different. The way that this translates to her Human form as weapons that she can manifest makes this a bit easier to visualize, I'm basically choosing between the idea of having a primary weapon and a secondary weapon that happens to be akimbo, versus just having three separate weapons.
-She's technically a Hydra, I think. It's a bit of a long story. To summarize, originally Hydras were going to be their own thing while multi-headed Dragons, as well as Dragons that have more than the typical amount of wings, tails, limbs in general (yes I know they already have more limbs than any tetrapod), were going to be grouped together under a type of Dragon tentatively called a Polysome, which is my attempt to combine word roots for "many" and "body" into something pronounceable. Dragon types also work in a bit of a weird way where they're more descriptive than proscriptive; theoretically each of those "types" could be present in one individual but a lot of the traits would conflict or cancel out so there's generally just a few that are applicable to any individual Dragon. Polysomes would have the ups and downs of all the added bits, plus some regenerative abilities as they generally end up this way from having some sort of complication that almost kills their embryo and their body puts its healing into overdrive to fight it, leading to the extra parts to begin with. That tangent aside, fast forward to recently, the idea of a non-Dragon normal-animal Hydra has kind of died on the vine and now I'm leaning towards applying that name to Polysomes instead, which I like a lot better from a worldbuilding sense but from a character sense now which one do I put in my bio I'm like twelve different things.
-I'm leaning towards long hair but torn between having it tied and not. The former seems to be more fitting for a Vampire (classy and a bit old-fashioned) but the latter for a Dragon (lots of volume and not heavily styled).
-Not entirely sure what the tails are going to do. Rough idea is that the outer two are going be relatively long, thin, and rigid to serve an aerodynamic function by linking to the leg membrane, with the middle being more typically reptilian, albeit stubby, with fluff and plumes, and thick with caudofemoral muscles. However, I'm also partial to the idea of at least one of the tails being longer and closer to a conventional Dragon, maybe reversing this so that the stubby fluff-tails are aerodynamic struts but the middle muscular tail has some more length to it. Still, it's a core idea of her design that she's got less length behind the wing than most Dragons as an aerodynamic adaptation, so we'd be more in the area of Free-Tailed Bats or Devil Rays in terms of relative tail length.
-Overall body shape is torn between "sea turtle" and "leopard seal." In a "high walk" she'd probably have a stance forced by the relative length of the wings to the legs even at a high degree of retraction like the more seagoing Pterosaurs where the torso is held at a steep incline because the back legs are so short in comparison.
-Overall amounts of light and dark in the color scheme are something I'm struggling to visualize consistently.
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ribosome-papers · 1 month
Drosophila Clueless ribonucleoprotein particles display novel dynamics that rely on the availability of functional protein and polysome equilibrium
bioRxiv: http://dlvr.it/TCDgt9
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rnomics · 3 months
Loss of ADAR1 protein induces changes in small #RNA landscape in hepatocytes [Article]
In recent years, numerous evidence has been accumulated about the extent of A-to-I editing in human RNAs and the key role ADAR1 plays in the cellular editing machinery. It has been shown that A-to-I editing occurrence and frequency are tissue specific and essential for some tissue development, such as liver. To study the effect of ADAR1 function in hepatocytes, we have created Huh7.5 ADAR1 KO cell lines. Upon IFN treatment, the Huh7.5 ADAR1 KO cells show rapid arrest of growth and translation, from which they do not recover. We analyzed translatome changes by employing a method based on sequencing of separate polysome profile RNA fractions. We found significant changes in transcriptome and translatome of the Huh7.5 ADAR1 KO cells. The most prominent changes include negatively affected transcription by RNA polymerase III and the deregulation of snoRNA and Y RNA levels. Furthermore, we observed that ADAR1 KO polysomes are enriched in mRNAs coding for proteins pivotal in a wide range of biological processes such as RNA localization and RNA processing, whereas the unbound fraction is enriched mainly in mRNAs coding for ribosomal proteins and translational factors. This indicates that ADAR1 plays more relevant role in small RNA metabolism and ribosome biogenesis. http://rnajournal.cshlp.org/cgi/content/short/rna.080097.124v1?rss=1&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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nursingscience · 1 year
Cell theory
▪️Cell Theory:
• Schleiden and Schwann
▪️“Omnis cellula-e-cellula” : Rudolf Virchow
▪️Coined the term ‘cell’ : Robert Hooke
▪️First person to see live cells under microscope:
• Anton Van
• Leeuwenhoek
▪️Smallest cell : Mycoplasma (0.3µm)
• Infolding of plasma membrane in prokaryotesvesicles, tubules or lamellae
• Help in DNA replication and cell wall formation
▪️Cell envelope:
• In prokaryotic cells
• Made up of glycocalyx (slime
or capsule), cell wall and plasma membrane
• Extra chromosomal, circular DNA in prokaryotic cells
▪️Pili and Fimbriae
• Help bacteria in attachment
▪️Prokaryotic ribosomes:
• 70S (50S and 30S)
• Polysome- several ribosomes attached to mRNA for protein synthesis
▪️Bacterial Cell wall:
• G +ve bacteria- Thick peptidoglycan and teichoic
• G -ve bacteria- Thin peptidoglycan and lipopolysaccharides
• Polymer of Cross linked monomers - Nacetylglucosamine (NAG)
• N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM) attached to peptide
▪️Fluid mosaic model:
• Singer and Nicolson
▪️Endoplasmic reticulum:
• Rough ER- Protein synthesis
• Smooth ER- Lipid synthesis
▪️Golgi Complex:
• Synthesis of glycoproteins and glycolipids
• A single membrane surrounding vacuoles
• Double membrane bound and contain extra
chromosomal DNA, 70S ribosomes
• Double membrane bound and contain extra
chromosomal circular DNA, 70S ribosomes.
• Site for aerobic respiration.
• Amyloplast- store carbohydrate
• Elaioplast- store oil and fat
• Aleuroplast- store proteins
▪️Observed ribosomes for the first time:
• George Palade
▪️Eukaryotic ribosome
•80S (60S and 40S):
▪️Robert Brown:
• First described nucleus
• Site for ribosomal
• RNA synthesis
• Chromatin is visible at Interphase nucleus
• Contain hydrolytic enzymes
• Present in plants and some fungi
• Degradation of fats in seeds
• Glyoxalate cycle
• Oxidation of long chain fatty acids
• Biosynthesis of plasmalogens
• Contains oxidative enzymes; uric acid oxidase, catalase, etc.
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scottfeldberg · 2 years
Understanding Basics of Polysomnography and Sleep Testing Billing
Basics of Polysomnography and Sleep Testing About 40 million people in the United States suffer from sleep problems every year. Not getting enough sleep for a long time can cause health problems. Many sleep disorders can be managed by primary care physicians; however, when abnormal sleep patterns are not easily explainable and further evaluation is necessary, expert opinion and sleep studies may be needed. Polysomnography (PSG) refers to the continuous and simultaneous monitoring and recording of various physiological and pathophysiological parameters of sleep furnished in a sleep laboratory facility that includes physician review, interpretation and report. A technologist supervises the recording during sleep time and has the ability to intervene, if needed. The studies are performed to diagnose a variety of sleep disorders and to evaluate a patient’s response to therapies such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). As a primary care physician, to get an accurate reimbursement, lets understand basics of Polysomnography and Sleep Testing billing.
Polysomnography and Sleep Testing Coding Some of the commonly used CPT codes for Polysomnography and Sleep Testing are as mentioned below. These CPT codes are covered by Medicare (with proper documentation), you can check payer specific reimbursement guidelines for exact coverage.
Non-attended sleep studies should be billed with the CPT/HCPCS code that most accurately describes the service. CPT code 95811 alone should be billed for split night studies as CPT code 95811 in this instance is inclusive of CPT code 95810. (Polysomnography; age 6 years or older, sleep staging with 4 or more additional parameters of sleep, attended by a technologist) For a study to be reported as polysomnography (PSG), sleep must be recorded and staged and directly attended by a qualified technologist. Report with modifier 52 if less than 6 hours of recording or in other cases of reduced services. CPT codes 95782, 95783, 95808, 95810, and 95811 include sleep staging. Medicare would not expect to see separate billings for an EEG, EOG, and/or EMG in addition to these codes. CPT code 95808 includes reimbursement for one to three additional parameters. CPT codes 95782, 95783, 95810 and 95811 include four or more additional parameters. Therefore, Medicare would not expect to see separate billings for additional parameters in addition to codes 95782, 95783, 95808, 95810, or 95811. Additional parameters of sleep include: ECG Airflow Ventilation and respiratory effort Gas exchange by oximetry, transcutaneous monitoring or end tidal gas analysis Extremity muscle activity and motor activity movement Extended EEG monitoring Penile tumescence Gastroesophageal reflux Continuous blood pressure monitoring Snoring Body positions Documentation Requirements All documentation must be maintained in the patient’s medical record and made available to the contractor upon request. Every page of the record must be legible and include appropriate patient identification information (e.g., complete name, dates of service[s]). The documentation must include the legible signature of the physician or non-physician practitioner responsible for and providing the care to the patient. The submitted medical record must support the use of the selected ICD-10-CM code(s). The submitted CPT/HCPCS code must describe the service performed. An order from the treating physician/nonphysician practitioner as required by CFR, Title 42, Volume 2, Chapter IV, Part 410.21 (a) Ordering diagnostic tests. When billing for a sleep disorder test, the ordering physician’s NPI must be indicated on the claim form and the order kept on record. Documentation must support that the accreditation, credentialing, and training requirements as stated in the LCD were met for the clinic, technologist, and physician. Applicable CPT Code Group 1 Codes 95782: Polysom <6 yrs 4/> paramtrs 95783: Polysom <6 yrs cpap/bilvl 95807: Sleep study attended 95808: Polysom any age 1-3> param 95810: Polysom 6/> yrs 4/> param Group 2 Codes
95811: Polysom 6/>yrs cpap 4/> parm
Group 3 Codes
95805: Multiple sleep latency test
Group 4 Codes
95800: Slp stdy unattended 95801: Slp stdy unatnd w/anal 95806: Sleep study unatt&resp efft G0398: Home sleep test/type 2 porta G0399: Home sleep test/type 3 porta G0400: Home sleep test/type 4 porta Evaluation and Management (E/M) Codes
Sleep physicians also use Evaluation and Management (E/M) codes to bill for office visits. Evaluation and management codes are restricted to physicians and other qualified advanced nurse practitioners (NPs, PAs, etc.). Technologists cannot bill independently but they can bill incident to the physician (if certain guidelines are followed).
99202: Level 2 new patient office visit 99203: Level 3 new patient office visit 99204: Level 4 new patient office visit 99205: Level 5 new patient office visit 99211: Level 1 established patient office visit 99212: Level 2 established patient office visit 99213: Level 3 established patient office visit 99214: Level 4 established patient office visit 99215: Level 5 established patient office visit Legion Health Care Solutions is a leading medical billing company providing complete billing and coding services to ensure accurate insurance reimbursement for your practice. We shared basics of Polysomnography and Sleep Testing billing for physician reference, for accurate insurance coverage and applicable procedure codes, refer to payer specific billing guidelines and reimbursement policies. To know more about our primary care billing and coding services, contact us at 727-475-1834 or email us at [email protected]
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soldier1001 · 2 years
Grape seed extract uses
Grape seed extract uses Because grape seeds contain polyphenols (GPS), mainly catechins and Procyanidins classes. Catechin compounds include catechins, epicatechin and their gallate, which are the main monomers in grape seeds and the constituent units of proanthocyanidin oligomers and polysomes.
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mercurialsmile · 3 years
Honestly after reading so many studies of how lack of sleep will Literally Kill You or cause severe damage to your brain or increase you risk of certain diseases i r cringe at my sLEeP iS FoR tHE WEaK attitude i had when i was younger like.
hating sleep / bragging about sleeping issues / insomnia is such a strange trend and is kinda embarrassing and ignorant ngl 
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rafaprod-blog · 6 years
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Novo site da Polysom atualizado em breve no ar com navegação para IOS com tudo para a produção de vinil e... cassetes! @discospolysom #aguarde #vinil #vinyl #polysom #cassette #cassete #k7
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legiaojovem · 5 years
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- A Legião Urbana surgiu em meados dos anos 80 em Brasília, e foi a maior responsável pela explosão do Rock Brasiliense nessa década. Logo com seu disco de estreia, a Legião Urbana teve uma ascensão arrebatadora, trazendo hits como “Será”, “Geração Coca-Cola” e “Ainda É Cedo”. Esse clássico retorna agora às lojas em vinil 180g em reedição da Polysom pela série #ClássicosEmVinil. Compre na pré-venda: polysom.lnk.to/LegiaoUrbana .Credit to from @discospolysom (@get_regrann) #LegiãoUrbana #discosdevinil #discospolysom #instavinyl #lojapolysom #lp #polysom #vinilpolysom #vinyladdict #vinylcollection #vinylcommunity #vinyljunkie #vinylporn #vitrola - #regrann (em LEGIÃO URBANA) https://www.instagram.com/p/B118bjOBTpI/?igshid=ng6i0c4804ae
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ribosome-papers · 1 year
Global Assessment of Protein Translation in Mammalian Cells Using Polysome Fractionation
Pubmed: http://dlvr.it/SnzkRx
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andmotion · 5 years
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Artist: @nacaozumbioficial To listen: #ACulpa Album: #FomeDeTudo Label: #polysom Year: #2009 #instamusic #mumumumumusic #NacaoZumbi #ACulpa #FomeDeTudo #vinil #vinilbrasil #vinyl #vinylporn #vinyladdict #vinylcollection #vinylcollector #vinylrecords #recordoftheday #recordscollection #recorcollector #nowspinning #33rpm #sp #uk (at São Paulo, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1H4DZepNNq/?igshid=1ebopqi6b5pmf
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