shorkgummy · 3 months
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Baby girl ❤️
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vishnavishivaa · 1 year
Thelivu- Chapter 4 of Inaidhal
Collabwth @whippersnappersbookworm
The wind rumpled Vanathi's long hair as she stood all alone on the banks of the sea looking at the golden sun setting on the horizon. It's light reflecting on the gently calm waters, making it golden. The sun always reminded Vanathi of Ponniyin Selvan, radiant and full of glory. Shining brightly upon everyone around him but still unattainable. 
All the other princesses back in Pazhayarai were right. Vanathi is a foolish good for nothing! . How stupid she was to think that she could match up with the aura of Ponniyin Selvan? He is the mighty sun and she ? She is nothing but a mere dewdrop on the grass. 
Vanathi sighed as she sat down on the steps of the bank, still successfully avoiding the Prince of her dreams. It had been three days since she had arrived here under order of her Kundavai Akka, three days since she had heard Ponniyin Selvan call out the name of another girl in his sleep, three very long days. Vanathi had overheard the conversation between Kundavai and Vandiyathevan which further confirmed her suspicion of Arulmozhi being in love with another woman. What was her name? Yes, Poonkuzhali.
 Vanathi had caught a glimpse of her once, peeking through the windows of Arulmozhi’s room one night, her big bright eyes shining with tears as she gazed upon Arulmozhi's face. Vanathi knows that look very well. She has been giving the same look to Arulmozhi since the very first day. It is also the very look that she has caught Vandiyathevan giving Ilavarasi whenever she is not looking. It's the look of love. But unlike Kundavai, Vanathi was not angry with Poonkuzhali, she could understand her feelings. Ponniyin Selvare was the man every woman yearns for , he is the literal embodiment of Purushottama Raghava, so it is completely understandable that Poonkuzhali fell in love with him . But the fact that he returned her affections devastated Vanathi. 
Since she was a mere child she was told that one day she would grow up to marry the mighty Ponniyin Selvan, the great Chola Scion, the one who is the apple of everyone's eyes. Her whole life was dedicated to becoming the perfect woman for him, but even after all this Arulmozhi never bothered to glance upon her. The only time he did, was when she fainted. It was the only time his Lotus eyes gazed upon her , it was the only time he ever exchanged words with her. And those few words were enough to light a fire in her heart, the fire that burned her in his absence. But now the name of another woman on his lips had extinguished that fire, Vanathi felt as if she had lost the only purpose she had in her life. What is she going to do now? What next?   
"Vanathi..."- Vanathi turned around to find Kundavai standing behind her. She looked fatigued, shadows forming under her beautiful eyes,as if a sudden sorrow had gripped her heart, taking away the golden glow she always had in her face.
"Akka, when did you come?" Vanathi enquired, standing up to hug Kundavai, who hugged her back. 
" Right now, kanna,” Kundavai answered, while sitting down beside her Uyir Thozhi
" Where were you dear? I have been searching for you since yesterday! You completely vanished , you didn't even visit Thambi after he woke up!"
Vanathi looked down. 
"I was giving you three some space akka, it has been so long since you three met each other. You had so many things to share ..."
"Kanna .." Kundavai ran a hand through her unruly locks of hair falling over her face, blocking her view.
" We don't need any privacy from you! You are a part of our family!"
" Akka, to you, I am a sister. But please don’t say I am part of your family. Even when you all consider me so, the one who…well, doesn’t. So please don't lie to me! Especially when I know the truth!" 
Vanathi exclaimed, looking away.
“What truth? Arulmozhi did not confess to loving Ponkuzhali, Kanne.”
“He whispered her name in his sleep,” she whispered.
“When?” Kundavai sounded sad and puzzled. 
“When I was taking care of Ponniyin Selvar… I lost myself after that, not wanting to be a blight on his happiness seeing the Samudra Kanya. Akka, please don’t blame her. She is just a woman who lost her heart to your brother, who steals all hearts.” 
“Vanathi, this is your graciousness, my sweet girl,” Kundavai hugged her friend, tears falling down from her eyes. 
“Akka,” Vanathi hugged Kundavai, knowing that the latter was crying for more than one reason, and that she had finally found the space to do so. She just hugged her tighter, letting her cry out, though she suddenly became aware of the gaze of her sun on them from inside. 
She forced herself not to look in his direction, instead focusing on her Akka alone. 
" I am so sorry Kanna , I am sorry that you are going through this pain. I wish I could do something to lessen this pain of heartbreak but I can't, I don't know how to."
" It's perfectly fine, akka,”Vanathi replied as she tried her best to calm the princess down.
" I am perfectly fine , but tell me the truth, akka , are you okay? Is there something that is bothering you? Please tell me the truth, akka , I can't bear to see you like this."
" Is everything okay?" 
Vanathi froze for a second, hearing his honeyed voice, and looked at Kundavai in worry. 
“Thambi, let me just… be for a moment,” Kundavai said, closing her eyes and burying her face in Vanathi’s shoulder. 
Vanathi wrapped her arms around Kundavai tightly, looking at her heart’s Lord. His orbs held the colour of molten gold, shining with worry for his elder sister, though he still looked a bit tired. Was he resting well? 
Did he take his medicine properly? And eat the food Akka took for him?
She knew he had no idea that it was food in her hand that he was eating. 
“Vanangugiren, Ponniyin Selvare. It is good to see you up and about. Akka was very worried,” she said,trying to be calm in her greeting, but as polite as ever. She knew colour had rushed to her cheeks the moment his ethereal Lotus eyes had fallen on her face. 
Arulmozhi was thrown aback for a moment by how she sounded, and how her eyes held a courage he had seen in her the first time they met on the banks of Ponni Thai. And yet… he could not help but be drawn to the darkening blush on her golden cheeks. 
“Ilavarasi, I didn’t know I would be seeing you, though I did know you had come,” he responded, partly curious that she hadn’t come to see him. He knew the larger part of him felt uneasy that she hadn't come to him, and whether he accepted it or not, he had come to the two because he wanted to make sure both were okay, not just his elder sister. 
"Ilavarase, I came with Akka. She was… devastated at your drowning, and needed someone to take care of her.”
Vanathi avoided telling him her own state, her drowning, the wedding she had seen…
Arulmozhi was once again confused by her formal behavior. Why was she behaving like that with him? He almost felt like asking her whether she was devastated by the news of his drowning, but didn't know how to phrase it without sounding desperate.
" Of course I know about your existence, Ilavarasi , you are my sister's Uyir Thozhi after all. How can I not keep tabs on you?"
Vanathi's heart skipped a bit due to this statement. Why is he tormenting her like that? Doesn't he understand that all these sweet talks are not going to help her ? This only makes it difficult for her to let go of him.
" Arul, don't tease her like this!" Kundavai said, now looking up. “The main reason I brought her was so that she doesn’t get kidnapped, again.” 
“Akka!” Vanathi sighed but also giggled a bit.
"Kidnap? Who is kidnapping the Ilavarasi?'- Arunmolzhi asked, confused at his sister's words , a worry rising in his chest
" Akka , can we please leave this topic?" Vanathi pleaded.
" No we can't! Akka, please tell me the whole thing right now. Is Vanathi’s life in danger by any chance? "
Kundavai sighed at his reaction. Why is her brother like that? Does he even know what he is doing? Times like this reminded Kundavai of the fact that Arul is still a young man , maybe too young to take the burdens of the Kingdom.
" I'll tell you all about that later, Thambi. Don't worry, no one can harm my kanna while I am here. Now, tell me where Anna is? We need to talk with him."
" He is in his room talking with Vandiyathevan."
" Vandiyathevan?” Kundavai scowled. Vanathi shook her head at Kundavai. 
“Akka, don't be angry at him.” 
“Why am I not allowed to be Kanne?” Kundavai looked furious, causing Arulmozhi to worry even more. What was going on? 
“If you are angry on my behalf, please don’t be, Akka,” Vanathi pleaded. “You have always said that everyone is entitled to their opinions. So why are you angry at him for having his opinion? It may differ from yours, but that is okay. Please don’t be angry with him.”
His sister was angry at Vathiyar? On Vanathi’s behalf? What had he missed?
Kundavai looked at Vanathi’s pleading eyes, and nodded her head, turning to Arulmozhi to talk before he could question her. 
"What are they talking about, thambi? Do you know?”
Vandhiyathevan sat motionless under the stern gaze of the crown prince. It has been 15 minutes , 15 long minutes since the crown prince had called him into his chamber. 
" is everything alright ilavarase ?" Vandiyathevan questioned, frustrated by the prolonged silence. Aditha always did this with him, and got him to crack. Yet, he fell for it every time. 
" You told me,” Aditha replied. "I sent you to Pazhayarai to my sister so you can work as a spy for her and help her! But apparently you are too busy arguing with her and making her cry, care to explain this?"
Vandiyathevan internally groaned at the question,how come he knows about the fight?. Vallavarayan has been trying his best to apologize to Kundavai for his behavior, but the princess keeps on evading him and his glances. He knew that his behavior towards the ilavarasi was anything but proper, he lost all sense of manners and decorum. But what was he supposed to do? 
He couldn’t betray Poonkuzhali either. Though the sudden memory of the gentleness of the Kodumbalur Princess touched him and he closed his eyes. 
"Did Nambi tell you?"- Vandiyathevan enquired as he covered his face in guilt
"He was worried about you Vallavaryan, now tell me what exactly happened?"
“I… I was too harsh on the Kodumbalur Princess, Ilavarase,” he said. “That is why Ilaya Piratti and I fought.”
“On her best friend? On the one woman who loves Kundavai for being Kundavai, and not for her being Ilaya Piratti? Vallavaraya, why would you be harsh on that flower-like maiden? Everything I have heard of her is only positive. Not a single negative trait have I heard or even seen in the few instances we have met.” 
Vanthiyathevan looked at the Crown Prince, who looked very concerned at him. 
“I.. I felt she loved Ponniyin Selvan for the crown…” 
Aditha looked at Vanthiyathevan, shocked. When did his perceptive friend turn so delusional? Was his brother operating under the same assumption? 
Oh, what did his sister have to deal with? 
“I can’t tell you about the Ilavarasi, but I will tell you one thing- if there is anyone who can give my brother everything he needs, it will be her. No wonder Kundavai has been frustrated with both of you.” 
Vanthiyathevan stared at the Prince, surprise and shock filling him. Before he could respond, Aditha asked a question that froze him. 
“But why is your fight with my sister making you feel this awful, Vallavarayan? What are your thoughts regarding my kuzhandhai Kundavai?” 
" My…my thoughts?" Vandiyathevan stammered.
" Yes your thoughts, Vallavaryan, I don't see anyone else in this room."
" It's nothing Ilavarase , she is the daughter of Thanjai Chakravarthy, sister of you and Ponniyin Selvan and I treated her like that . I argued with her. Of course, I feel awful."
" So it's just that, nothing else?"
" Ilavarase…” he faltered, not able to lie, especially after his promise. 
Aditha Karikalan stood up from his bed and stalked towards his loyal general, his comrade in arms, and poured him a glass of wine.
" Vandiyathevan, I am two years older than you, and we are good friends. Would I not know when you are obfuscating? I know what it is, but I would like you to tell me.” 
“Ilavarase, I can’t… how can I…” he closed his eyes, allowing the tears he had held back to fall. In front of Aditha, the tears didn’t seem anything but natural and accepted. 
“Nanba,” Aditha said, wrapping an arm around Vanthiyathevan. “My sister reacts the way she did to you only when she is angry with people she loves. Yes, I said love. Don’t lose hope. Things will work out.” 
"How ? How will they work out? I am nothing but a landless prince. I have nothing to offer . And Kundavai Devi is the daughter of Chakravarthy. Emperors and kings from distant lands are ready to give up their lives for one glimpse of her. Who am I in front of them? She is a goddess and I am a mere human being . How can I be worthy of her love? ”
“Vanthiyathevare, my sister will never leave Chozha Nadu, even after marriage. This she swore. But as for who you are- you can talk and run circles around these Emperors and Kings, verbally or physically. If I had to say, only Thambi and I challenge you physically and verbally. And Thambi more than me. Vallavaryan, trust that love you bear for her, and bear with her. My sister has never been in love before, so she may take time to understand. Please be patient with her. All will be well. I have faith in you, since the first moment I saw you I knew that you were the perfect match for her . You are the only one who can challenge her intellect. You can understand her more than any other man ever will. You are the only man I can see my sister being truly happy with, so please don't lose hope."
" But Ilavarase, what about Chakravarthy? Will he give his permission? Or what about the ministers and the officials? Will they ever accept this match?"
" Vallavaryan, do you really care about them? It doesn't matter what they think , they are not the ones getting married, you will be! Yes, you are right. It is definitely not going to be easy ,but if your love is true, no force in this world can stand in your way. You have to fight for what you want , you have to prove to my sister that you can do anything for her!"
" I can give away my life for her sake, Ilavarase!"- Vandiyathevan replied, his eyes burning with passion and love.
“Then start with getting to know the Kodumbalur Ilavarasi. She is a very big part of my sister’s life, and Kundavai will not budge if you continue harshness towards the Ilavarasi. Be genuine towards her, and show Kundavai you have taken her comments about you not knowing the Princess to heart, so keep an open mind to see why Kundavai thinks what she does. If you do that, Kundavai will reciprocate.” 
" Are you sure about that, Ilavarase?"
" I am, Vandiyathevan, I know my sister well enough to say this . And I want you to marry her, so think about what I said and act! Your genuine intentions will no doubt move her.” 
" I will , I definitely will!"- Vandiyathevan promised to himself, a promise that he planned to fulfill until the day he breathed his last .
@vijayasena @vibishalakshman @thelekhikawrites @ambidextrousarcher @celestesinsight  @jukti-torko-golpo  @kovaipaavai @rang-lo @dr-scribbler @ragkee @hollogramhallucination @thegleamingmoon  @arachneofthoughts @sakhiiii  @freeunknownwasteland @nspwriteups @willkatfanfromasia @gemsmusings @celestesinsight
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angel-katy · 11 months
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moth-bells · 8 months
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The girls are chatting <3 Also asljhseljkgh she's growing her hair out and AJ is the most supportive sister ever!!!
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shridharblog · 2 years
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Ushodayam 🙏 With #goddess Brihannaayagi Samaetha #sri #brihadeeswarar (#peruvudayar ) #bigtemple #thanjavur On The Banks Of #river #cauvery #tamilnadu #gopuradarshanam 🍓🍓🍎🍎🍊🍊🍇🍇🥥🙏🙏🕉️🕉️ #shrisaivastu . . #lordshiva #shivalingam #brihadeshwaratemple #cauveryriver #ponniyinselvan #ponninadhi #ponni #thanjavurtemple #thanjavur #omnamahshivaya #mahadeva #haraharamahadev #tamiltemple #tamilinstagram #prideoftamilnadu #rajarajacholan #cholas #photography📷 #ınstagod #viralpost (at Tamilnadu,India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkkJ6RQPAb6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spitinsideme · 5 months
the girls are bumping their noses together romantically ...
(freakshow au by @kookydoodleky !!)
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splitster · 11 months
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1st batch of ship requests
pingo, ponny, and whatever you call pom x dingo x yonny
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love-sweets · 8 months
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MIA Y MIGUEL (ep. 222)
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sharki-69 · 1 year
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daisymylove · 1 year
It's a crime that Lily Chen and Will Herondale never met, especially bc they were (un)alive during the same period.
They would've simped for Jem so hard.
Imagine all the nicknames they could've come up with together
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rbdnet · 10 months
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Mia y Miguel | REBELDE S1
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osmilizsarian · 2 years
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ponny +  tour generación rbd
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santa-no-soy · 3 months
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〜ㅤ𝙍𝘽𝘿 𝙄𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙨ㅤ♡
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Day .12. Niche interest
My irl my phone And my tedy
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spitinsideme · 5 months
ragathas favourite song is i love rock n roll by britney soears .. she does a little photoshoot for ir !!
(bimbo ragatha x tomboy pomni au)
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