#pool party 2020 teaser
notoriouslydevious · 4 years
Pool Party 2020 speculations:
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Pool Party 2020 skins just got teased on League’s official Twitter and I have a couple speculations on who they might be! (other than the obvious on the far left, Taliyah, who was teased earlier this year). 
Far Right: Definitely Orianna. Not doubt in my mind. 
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Some people on twitter are trying to say, “IT COULD BE CAMILLE” but think about Camille for a sec. EVERY OTHER SKIN SHE’S HAD ALWAYS KEEPS HER SCISSOR LEGS. THIS SKIN HAS FEETSIES & TOESIES! So yea, not Camille. 
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Next person over: 
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Definitely looks like a javelin or polearm next to them so my instant first guesses were: Jarvan or Xin Zhao. 
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Ah yes, the female in the middle. MANY, MANY people on twitter speculated that it was DEFINITELY going to be Syndra THIS TIME FOR SURE because: BALL. Thought it was weird that they’d only include one ball but it IS a teaser.  After watching the gif over and over, I noticed as this person kicks the sandal back over to the male character on their left, their ‘towel’ that they are laying on seems to be connected to their skirt. Syndra has trails connected to the back of her skirt so it might be her! 
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Other people saw the ball and thought maybe it was Ahri (but no tails and I dont think Ahri has tattoos- but who knows?).  Others saw the tattoos on the legs and thought of: Jinx: (but Jinx recently got Heartseeker so I don’t think it’d be her) Karma: She does have the leg tattoos And with the ‘towel’ being connected to skirt/shorts- karma has a short skirt in the front, long in the back.  Karma also has one anklet.  ***BUT**** the skin is WAAAAAAY too light to be Karma. 
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Neeko: Neeko DOES have tattoos and she does have an anklet (but she has them on both feet) BUUUUUUUUUUUT in all of Neeko’s other skins, her skin color is never “normal.” Like in Star Guardian, her feet & hands were green. 
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Dont know why Riot would change this now but who knows? There’s no tail- but she is a chameleon and could be blending in? Also the flower on Taliyah’s board looks a lot like Neeko’s flower in her hair, but it might just be a tropical flower. Maybe Riot took the odyssey Ziggs approach and just threw her in the skinline without putting her in the cinematic/trailer lmao). 
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Janna: (she did recently get guardian of the sands) the “towel” that the person is laying on, when they reach out to kick back the sandal it shows that it’s connected to their skirt/shorts. Janna is one of the only other female champs that their shorts/skirt have long trails on it. 
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Next Person Over: 
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It’s definitely someone small, so most likely a yordle. They seem to have sunglasses next to them that reminded me a lot of Heimerdinger’s and Corki’s goggles.
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There’s also something in the water that (to me) looks like a little turret, like Donger’s turrets.  Other’s thought maybe it’s Corki’s plane or Rumble’s machine- but Rumble’s machine is HUGE- too huge to be that little thing. (To me, personally, it doesnt look like it has a good spot to sit or that it could be steered- so I dont think it’s Corki, but who knows?) 
Last Person: We already know it’s Taliyah from one of the League streams:
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Welp, those are my thoughts. TELL ME WHO YOU THINK THEY COULD BE!
Hope this doesnt end up like the Cosmic skins lmao (rip Syndra/Lissandra/Elise. As pretty as Cosmic/Dark Cosmic Lux are, Syndra/Liss/Elise were robbed.)
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Black Veil Conspiracy Time
So I've noticed something with Andy's costumes for the TPT era videos/photoshoots. He's always wearing a garter around his thigh but the color of it keeps changing. I'm starting to think there is significance to it considering how detailed Andy is with his outfits (especially in this era).
I first noticed it in the Scarlet Cross music video where it's red. I figured it might just be part of the black/red color scheme but then it appeared in all the photoshoots. Then all of a sudden (around the time they started posting the pool photo shoots) it's white. Then in the Torch teaser, it's black (with a red suit, so the reverse of the black suit/red garter).
I wanna hear people’s theories on it and I’ve got a few myself. I'm hoping that with the album/comic release we'll find out what it actually means but until then I thought it might be fun to hear what everyone else thinks it could symbolize.
(Disclaimer: These are just my interpretations of what it could mean and is just meant for fun.)
Theory 1: Religious/Historical Meaning: Garters are traditionally worn by brides and have come to have different purposes/meanings. Given the name of the band is Black Veil Brides it could just be an easter egg type thing or it might have a symbolic meaning.
The garter originated because people believed having a piece of a bride's dress was good luck. That led to bridal parties ripping a brides' dress off in an attempt to get a piece of good luck or to help "consummate" the marriage. In order to prevent this, the tradition of the garter toss started. Giving someone a "piece" of the dress spared the bride. Andy could be wearing it to symbolize the idea of giving a part of himself to the fans/world through Black Veil's music. Much in the same way brides used to toss their garter as a way to appease the wedding guest and keep from having the rest of their clothes ripped off it could be his way of saying "here I will give you this (the music/band)". With the expectation being that in sharing that part of himself he will be allowed to keep the rest of himself private. Andy is a pretty private person when it comes to his daily life, but being "famous" makes that hard.
Another meaning of the garter goes back to the importance placed on the bride being pure (aka a virgin). The expectation was that on the wedding night the groom would "deflower" the bride. The families also placed a great deal of importance on this and the garter was often used as "proof" that the marriage was consummated. Thus tying it to the idea of purity/loss of innocence. If you listen to Black Veil/Andy Black's discography there is a recurrent theme in the songs of innocence, specifically of lost innocence. I think Andy could have incorporated it due to this meaning which would also tie into the religious themes of the TPT era. The changing color (see next point) is also what makes me think this might be closer to the meaning behind it. Andy was 18 when he moved to Hollywood which is still very much a teenager. Before his 20th birthday, he was touring the world, signing major record deals, and basically forced to grow up very fast. There's no end to people waiting to take advantage of young, impressionable, and starry-eyed kids in order to use them for personal gain. I mean how many childhood stars end up fucked up as a result of their early fame, then have to navigate their way back to who they really are. Andy's spoken quite a bit over the last few years about how he kind of fell victim to the "rock n' roll lifestyle" during his early years. I think the "loss of innocence" he's possibly referring to is the blissful ignorance that kids/young adults have about the world. Once you learn how ugly the world can be (whether that's the music industry, fame, or the world in general) that childhood innocence starts to go away.
You can't get it back, and although it's replaced with knowledge and better judgment, I think a lot of us miss the carefreeness of childhood. If this is the meaning behind the garter then I think the color change really deepens it.
Theory 2: Color Meaning: Red -> white -> black I think this has to mean something. Red could symbolize being tainted in some way, whether that be shame, sin, the idea of having "blood on your hands", crime/blasphemy, etc. The fact that the red garter appears in Scarlet Cross, a song about being branded with a scarlet cross as punishment, I think makes this more likely. The lyrics almost explicitly state this idea "A symbol for my shame, the color of your name, its how they see you break, and live with my mistakes". The red garter could be his way of saying there is some sin he feels the need to atone for. Alternatively that he feels he's being accused of a crime/sin. If you read up on The Scarlet Letter there are several parallels to the TPT storyline as it's been revealed so far. I think at least the song was influenced by the pop-culture idea of a "scarlet letter".
The change in color to white (generally seen as good, holy, pure, etc) could mean that whatever sin or transgression has been committed has been absolved. As we saw the red garter in Scarlet Cross, I think it's interesting we see the white garter in an abandoned pool. Pool = water and water is cleansing. This might be a coincidence but it's interesting nonetheless. I do think that the white garter is supposed to symbolize whatever "bad" thing the red meant being forgiven/cleansed.
Which leads us to the black garter. The fact that we first see the black garter in the Torch teaser which appears to be set in a graveyard makes me think it symbolizes death. Interestingly, I believe he wore a version of the red garter that had a black stripe on it which could have been foreshadowing. There is also an inversion of Scarlet Cross where he wore a black suit with red accents, now he is in a red suit with black accents. Andy said that the four music videos represent a story within the TPT world and this could play into it. However, I don't think the "death" meaning is necessarily bad. It could be, but since it was proceeded by white, it might mean that since whatever sin has been absolved he is now free to let it die. Death could symbolize freedom. The teaser made me think back to the Coffin music video which featured Andy closing the lid on his "Andy Six" persona but left the question as to was he really dead.
We'll have to see what Torch brings but I feel that the garter and its color could play into a wider theme of closing a very long chapter in his life/the band's. Since this comes at the start of a new era, before the album I think it might be a way to transition into that new era. The last album, Vale, was a very dark album. Andy has spoken about how horrible of a place he and the band were in (due to reasons I think we now all know given the events of 2019/2020). I have a feeling this new era represents freedom from what was haunting them, past mistakes, etc. The lyrics for Feilds of Bone speak to this idea in my opinion.
Theory 3: Other: There is meaning in The Phantom Tomorrow world and that will be revealed in the album/comic. It might have a personal meaning for Andy or he just thought it was cool and a way to color coordinate. Alternately he's just be fucking with us for fun lol.
I hope you all enjoyed my conspiracy ramblings because I've had a lot of fun thinking up different meanings. Shout out to Andy for creating such interesting looks and for his creativity. I'm loving all the hidden messages, cryptic posts, and mystery surrounding this album. I'm so incredibly excited for it to come out. Feel free to send in your own theories or anything else you've noticed so far!
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peteywillproceed · 4 years
All The Lies
Author’s Note: I’m so glad you guys liked the teaser for this yesterday, I hope the full thing lives up to expectations! As always, I hope you enjoy! x
Summary: Admitting you got cheated on is hard. Being cheated on by the person your best friend set you up with is harder. But telling your best his girlfriend was the other woman? Impossible. What good could even come from it?
Word Count: 3,582
“I cannot believe you!” You yelled, hands in your hair, jaw almost on the floor. “You told him what?”
Harrison just laughed, wiping the dish you’d unceremoniously dropped in his hands after the revelation and putting it back in the rack. “I didn’t know it was a private thing.”
“My breakups are not a matter of public interest,” you told him pointedly “and why did you even feel the need to tell him about it anyway?”
“I dunno, we were just out and you came up and he asked what you’d been up to recently.”
You almost screamed, biting down on your lip before you could snap and say something you’d regret. “You could’ve answered that with ‘she’s good’, there was no need to tell internationally beloved actor Thomas Stanley Holland that my relationship was a complete and utter failure.”
He snorted, draining the sink of washing up liquid and chucked the tea towel into the washing machine. You leant against the counter, staring out of the window whilst you wondered what the most effective way to kill your best friend was and whether this constituted a well meaning kicking-out-of-your-flat. Sighing, you shook your head and blinked back the tears that had pooled in your eyes when you were distracted – you’d promised yourself you wouldn’t think about it, after weeks on the sofa and tonnes of ice cream. It wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it.
“Y/n?” Harrison said softly, moving behind you so his chin rested on your shoulder.
You took a deep, shuddery breath, plastering the best fake smile you could muster on your face and spun around to face him. “Yep?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you weren’t ready for people to know yet,” he pursed his lips and rubbed your arm, pulling you into a tight hug when a sob wracked through your body. You clung onto his shirt, feeling the material dampen as you pressed your face against it, trying to remember to breathe, trying to forget the loss of a two year relationship.
“It’s okay,” you finally managed, choking back the sobs, even though it definitely wasn’t. “I just didn’t expect you to be so blunt about it. Or to tell Tom.”
“Well he was going to find out sometime, or were you planning on leaving it till he came over and Justin wasn’t in the flat anymore?”
You laughed between tears, wiping your face with your palms. “That one.”
“And, may I ask, have you been Googling Tom again? Since when did you know his middle name?” Harrison poked your chest playfully and you rolled your eyes, batting his hand away.
“Since he wouldn’t stop teasing me about mine last time he came over, I figured I needed some ammunition.”
“Ahh, you never were that good at revenge, were you?”
“Excuse me?” you gasped, pretending to be offended “what are you implying?”
“Y/n, Tom’s an actor – he’s been teased so much about that name I honestly don’t think he gives two shits.”
You could hardly breathe between laughs, the tears drying up faster than they ever had before, and you wondered if that was what progress had looked like. You’d thought it was progress when you’d gotten out of bed, when you’d stopped eating two tubs of ice cream a day and finally brushed your hair, but the truth was Justin had still been in the back of your mind, always there, always reminding you of that night you so desperately wanted to forget. Except for the first time in months, for that little split second, he hadn’t, and it had just been you and Harrison in your own little bubble.
“Anyway, speaking of the dipshit, he’s home tomorrow,” Harrison pulled his coat off the back of a chair and slid his arms into the sleeves.
You frowned, trying to remember what Tom had told you the last time you’d spoken to him. You’d known both Harrison and Tom since you were young, always that little bit closer to Harrison, and you’d been nervous about Tom coming home because he’d missed so much. You’d dreaded telling him everything that had happened, because he was the one that had set you up with Justin all those years ago. So, when he’d invited you and Harrison out to Morocco a few weeks back you’d stayed behind, too scared to face up to reality. You thought you’d have more time to prepare yourself – he was supposed to be on set for another month. “Oh really? He’s done filming already?”
“Yeah, something about a schedule mixup,” Harrison shrugged and fished his car keys out of his pockets “there’s a welcome home party at Nikki’s tomorrow night, are you coming?”
Oh, that. You remembered the invite, burning a hole in the pocket of your jacket. You’d seen the little white note card lying on the floor last week, but you’d been so caught up in Justin and that stupid picture you’d barely had time to process it.
“Sure, I think it’s in my calendar.”
“I can’t believe you still have a calendar,” Harrison rolled his eyes.
“Hey, some of us like being organised!” You chased after him as he made for the door “Some of us actually make it to appointments!”
“It’s 2020, Y/n,” he smirked, looking over his shoulder as he got the flat door open “It’s time to live a little and take some risks!”
You pushed your tongue against your cheek and tutted. “And what if I don’t want to?”
“Then life is going to make you,” Harrison called, already disappearing into the hallway outside “and I, for one, am going to enjoy watching.”
You pulled up to the Holland house later than you meant to.
Mostly because you’d spent half an hour in front of the mirror wondering if it was a better idea to just stay home. But also because you’d tried putting makeup on for the first time in weeks and somehow you just looked worse.
You’d ended up back on the floor, sobbing so hard you thought your chest would cave in and wondering if it was even worth going tonight. You hadn’t seen your best friend in months, and it sucked that you had to ruin it by having a conversation you never wanted in the first place.  By the time Harrison texted you asking when you were gonna get there, it was way past six and you were embarrassingly, stupidly late.  
You shouldn’t have gone.
Yet here you were.
And everything felt so much worse.
“Y/n!” a familiar voice yelled as you hopped out of the car and spun around. Harry was running down the steps and launching himself towards you, pulling you into a tight hug before you’d even locked the car. “Harrison told me, I’m so sorry, Justin’s a dickhead. No wonder you didn’t wanna tell Tom.”
“Yeah, well we didn’t need to ruin two relationships did we?” you laughed, pushing away the pain. You’d practised what you were going to say, run your lines like you were rehearsing a movie. You figured there was no way you were going to make it through this without crying, but you could at least try.
Harry opened his mouth to say something, clearly confused by what you’d just said, but you were interrupted by Harrison flying down the stairs and yanking you into the house. “Finally, thought you’d died or something.”
“Nope just car trouble,” you lied, more than grateful as he dragged you away from a frowning Harry. “Where’s Tom?”
“Right here, darling,” he said, stepping into the hallway and swinging you into the air.
“Jesus Christ, Thomas let me down!” You laughed, bashing his back as he spun you in a circle. Harrison grinned as Tom tipped you upside down, spinning you so violently the black and white floor blurred into one, meaningless grey, and you had to close your eyes or else you would’ve ended up vomiting.
“Six months, SIX MONTHS its been since you graced me with your presence!” Tom turned you back upright and pulled you against his chest, arms wrapping around your waist. “You can let me have this!”
“Yef but canft breafthe,” you mumbled into his shirt.
“Don’t care, you owe me.”
“Alright alright,” he relented, letting you go. You could feel the heat flooding your cheeks as you smoothed down your hair and fixed your top, rubbing your palms against your jeans. “But you do owe me a proper cuddle.”
“Should’ve stayed in England, mate, there’d have been plenty to go around,” Harrison smirked, but you eyed him wearily, knowing exactly what he was referring to. For a good three weeks after the break up, you were pretty certain Harrison hadn’t left your side.
Tom seemed to pick up on the double meaning, sliding his eyes between you and Harrison in turn. “Am I missing something here?” he asked.
“Depends how you interpreted it,” Harrison said, turning towards the living room. “But you two probably need a catch up. I’ll go find Sam and give him a hand with dinner.”
You glared daggers at his retreating back, mentally cursing him for not even allowing you to take your shoes off. You felt Tom’s hand rest gently on your shoulder, the other tilting your face to face him, and you took a deep breath, knowing that if you didn’t get it over with, you’d never be brave enough again.
“Yeah, he’s right, we probably should,” you sighed, and Tom’s frowned deepened.
“Is everything okay, Y/n?”
You hesitated, gnawing at a loose piece of skin on your thumb. “Not…not really. Can we go sit in your bedroom? I feel awkward doing it here.”
Tom nodded, not taking his eyes off you as you took your shoes off. You could feel him staring at your neck, knowing his brain was working over time to figure out what was going on that was so bad you had to wait to tell him. You knew he’d be thinking the worst, it was just what he did, and usually you never had to make that a reality.
But today…today was different - and you had no idea how he’d take it.
“So,” he said, closing the door and pulling you onto the bed “what’s up?”
You pushed your tongue against your cheek and looked everywhere but his face, knowing you’d lose all the confidence you’d built the moment you looked into his eyes. His room was clean, a few pants chucked across the floor and a couple of dust bunnies lurking beneath the bed, but he’d only been a day. He had more than enough time to dirty it up to its usual standard.
“Seriously, Y/n, you’re scaring me now.” Tom’s voice reminded you he was still sitting in front of you, the two little lines creasing his brow even deeper now.
“Sorry, it’s just…I don’t really know how to phrase this.”
Tom smiled, taking your hand in his, and you almost snatched it back in shock. His palms were warm and clammy, just as trusting and open as they’d always been. You had a feeling this might change things. “It’s just me, I’m not going to tell anyone.”
“But’s that’s not the point. It’s just…well, it’s about Maura.”
“Maura? As in, my ex-girlfriend Maura?” Tom drew back slightly, confusion still written across his face. “What about her?”
“Well I- wait, your ex girlfriend?” you stopped mid-sentence, realising what he’d just said, mouth hanging open in shock. Tom gulped, flicking his eyes away from yours, and shuffled backwards on the bed. He wouldn’t meet your eyes, desperately looking for anywhere else to focus on, and this time it was you getting more and more confused. “Since when did that happen?”
“Since before I went away,” he sighed, scratching the side of his head as if that was enough of an explanation. “I figured we weren’t right for each other.”
“But I thought-” You’d been going to say you thought he loved her, thought she was the one for him and that was who he was going to end up with. This all seemed so…so random, so out of the blue you couldn’t even have written it as a surprise twist in a book. You could barely process what he was saying, a thousand thoughts crossing your mind at once. Why hadn’t he told you? What the hell had happened for him to break up with her? But the most important one of all, the one you didn’t really want to let yourself believe, kept flashing in front of your eyes like a neon sign.
If they’d broken up before he went away to film Cherry, then that meant Maura had been single that night.
“Justin cheated on me,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself. “He cheated on me when you were away and I’ve had no idea how to tell you.”
“He did what?” Tom’s eyebrows shot up so fast they were a blur, and before you could process what he was doing he had his phone in his hand and was scrolling through his phone. “I’m gonna kill the bastard.”
“Wait, no, Tom, stop,” you desperately reached for the phone, clawing it from his grip as he tried to turn away from you.
“That arse hole cheated on you, Y/n, he’s not getting away with it!”
“But you don’t know what happened!” You finally grabbed the phone and yanked it away, panting from the effort. “There’s more to it than that!”
“Like what? What possible excuse could he have for cheating on you, Y/n?”
You huffed, folding your arms across your chest. Tom’s face was red with anger, his hands curled into fists at his sides. “We’ve kind of gotten off topic here.”
“Well you were the one that brought up getting cheated on,” Tom stepped towards you, holding his arms out “I honestly had no idea.”
You collapsed into his reach, remembering how much you’d craved his smell and warmth over the months he’d been gone, and sighed against his chest. “That’s because I didn’t want you to know. I made Harrison promise not to tell anyone.”
“But why? It’s not like I would’ve blamed you for it, it wasn’t your fault.”
“No,” you admitted “but, the thing is…he cheated on me with Maura and-”
“And you thought we were still together,” he finished the sentence for you and the relief that washed through you was like water poured on a wildfire. You’d kept it bottled up for months, sobbing to Harrison and wondering how the hell you were supposed to tell him about it. To finally say it, to finally hear him understand, was worth more than you’d realised. “You didn’t want to hurt me too.”
“Especially not whilst you were filming. I knew how much you loved her and I couldn’t bear the thought of upsetting you when you were thousands of miles away.”
He laughed, the sound hollow and unnerving as he guided you back to the bed and held your fingertips with his. His gaze was fixed on the door, barely acknowledging you as you turned to stare at him in bewilderment. “The irony is, you did still upset me.”
You frowned, your lips parting in confusion and your heart beating wildly in your chest. “What?”
Tom raked a hand over his face and lay back against the bed, his chest heaving a sigh as you fell down beside him. His curls were gone, the stubble of his head prickling your fingers as you reached up out of habit to run your fingers through it, trying not to panic. You’d worked so hard to keep everything to yourself so it wouldn’t mess up his work, that the thought you somehow hadn’t even managed to do that was crippling.
“When I set you up with Justin two years ago, it was for a reason other than just wanting you to get out more,” he said eventually, turning to face you. “I couldn’t admit something to myself and I figured the best way to…stop thinking about it, was to pass the problem on.”
“What problem?” you shook your head, still not really understanding what he was trying to get at. Tom’s hand reached to cup your waist and you gasped at the contact, not used to being this close to him.
“You,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against yours. “You were my problem. Y/n, I’ve been in love with you for years and I couldn’t admit it to myself. I thought if I saw you happy with someone else it would make everything go away, but somehow…somehow it just made it worse.”
You couldn’t breathe, paralysed by Tom’s revelation from your head to your toes. Your eyes were locked with his, filled with desperation and a sadness you’d never seen before, and your heart almost broke at the thought he’d held himself back from this for years.
You’d never given much thought to it really, there’d been the usual teasing in secondary school but once Tom had gotten with Maura it had pretty much stopped. There’d never been any confusion, no wondering about what might have been – to you, he’d always been Tom, the boy who’d wiped a booger on you at six, and copied your chemistry homework for four whole years and never been caught. Sure, you knew exactly what people saw in him, why girls chased him on the streets and oogled him in the gym, and now that you thought about it you’d always liked it when you went swimming.
But he was still just Tom.
“I…I don’t really know what to say,” you said at last, pulling away from him slightly. You saw hurt register in his eyes, and it killed you to be the one that caused it. But what else could you say? You couldn’t tell him you loved him too because it was a lie...
...wasn’t it?
“Anything - anything but that this has scared you away.”
You held back a sob, somehow feeling more conflicted than you had than when you’d come here in the first place. “It hasn’t, I’ll always love you Tom,” you saw hope flare in his eyes “but I don’t think I love you like…like that.”
He nodded, pushing his tongue against his cheek and pulling away from you. Suddenly the air went cold, all the energy disappearing with him, and you wanted to sob at the loss. He sat up and ran a hand through his hair, his back blocking you from seeing his face, and you ran a finger across your lips, at a loss for what to say.
You knew today would go badly, but you hadn’t expected it to be because of this. You’d prepared yourself to deal with the fall out of a cheating girlfriend, not a declaration of love, and now you just didn’t know what to do.
Thinking on instinct, you reached out and wrapped your arms around his waist, feeling his shoulders shake as his warm hands embraced yours and he leant back into your body. You glanced at his cheeks, reaching up to wipe away a tear, and sighed into his neck, wondering how you’d gotten here.
“I’m sorry, you probably didn’t expect that,” Tom laughed, the sound full of a profound sadness you’d never heard in him before.
“I didn’t, but I’m glad I know,” you replied, feeling more sure as soon as you’d said the words.
“Of course. It seemed like it was upsetting you not telling me, and if telling me has made it any easier for you than I’m glad I know.”
“I wouldn’t exactly say it’s made things easier.”
You smiled, bending down onto the floor and cupping his cheek. “Maybe not, but things are always better out than in.”
“Isn’t that a drinking joke?”
“It applies here,” you grinned, relief filling you as he cracked a small smile. “Besides, things change.”
Tom’s brow furrowed, big brown eyes turning to look up at you as you rubbed your thumb over his chin. “What?”
Hesitating, you bit your lip and met his gaze, remembering what Harrison had told you yesterday about life and taking risks. This was either a horrendously bad idea or about to change a hell of a lot in the space of five seconds. 
You weren’t exactly known for your rational decisions after all, you barely managed to make it out of your flat alive most days. But the second he’d said it, the second he’d made you question everything you believed, you knew you had to find out what it felt like, even if it was just once and never again.
And so you went for it, without thinking, and pushed your lips against his, feeling the shock wave course through his body and his rigid mouth melting against yours as he finally registered what was happening. For a second, you wanted to pull away, pretend like it never happened, but then Tom reached for your neck and fireworks exploded behind your eyes.
It was like nothing you’d ever felt before, butterflies flapping excitedly in your stomach, your heart swelling and beating faster than ever before. Bolts of lightning raced through your veins, electricity crawling across your skin and setting your nerves on fire as his lips moved slowly against yours. Suddenly, there were no more questions, no more overthinking, just you and Tom, exactly where you were supposed to be.
And, for the first time in weeks, you were stupidly...embarrassingly...happy.
When you finally pulled away, you were both a little breathless, a little starry eyed and overwhelmed. Your lips curved into a smile, a small laugh escaping you as you fell against Tom’s arms and nuzzled your face into his chest.
“Does this mean...” he started, but you pushed your finger against his lips.
“Don’t even question it, Thomas,” you grinned, reaching up to press another kiss to his cheek. “It’s not something that needs to be thought about.”
Before you could think, his lips were back on yours and this time you were in his lap, pulled flush against his chest and he was running his tongue along your bottom lip. 
But before you could deepen the kiss, the door behind you suddenly burst open, Harrison nearly giving you a heart attack as he yelled at the top of his lungs.
“Oh FINALLY! Harry? You owe me twenty quid!”
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ahhri · 4 years
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- Pool Party 2020 Teaser!
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youngandhungryent · 4 years
Rihanna Enlists A$AP Rocky & Lil Nas X Star For New Fenty Skin Campaign
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Source: WENN/Avalon / WENN
While a release date for her album is still up in the air Rihanna continues to show great business acumen. She has chosen two of Hip-Hop’s brightest stars to launch her new consumer packaged goods line.
As spotted on High Snobiety the “We Found Love” singer has enlisted A$AP Rocky and Lil Nas X to be the faces of her newest product launch for Fenty Skin. On Saturday, July 18 she made the announcement via her Instagram account. “THE NEW CULTURE OF SKINCARE. @fentyskin” she wrote.
View this post on Instagram
@badgalriri made #FENTYSKIN for everyone! It’s droppin on July 31st exclusively at fentyskin.com— sign up for email at fentyskin.com to get it before the drop!!
A post shared by FENTY SKIN (@fentyskin) on Jul 19, 2020 at 2:23pm PDT
The clip features a collective of beautiful women enjoying a pool day but the vibes improve once A$AP Rocky and Lil Nas X join the party; Rihanna also makes a cameo. This new clip serves as a teaser for their gender-neutral skincare products that will officially go on sale starting July 31. No word on the pricing just yet.
You can view the commercial below.
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July 31st exclusively at FENTYSKIN.COM! Sign up to cop it before the launch— link in bio
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A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Jul 17, 2020 at 6:56pm PDT
Still no details on if and when Rihanna will ever be dropping a new album, though.
Photo: Getty
source https://hiphopwired.com/889333/asap-rocky-fenty-skin/
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2CmUxAM via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2020/07/rihanna-enlists-aap-rocky-lil-nas-x.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/3hd1i6S via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2020/07/rihanna-enlists-aap-rocky-lil-nas-x_20.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/3eLevCb via Young And Hungry Ent. source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2020/07/rihanna-enlists-aap-rocky-lil-nas-x_21.html
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rakeshreddym · 4 years
07/08/2020 News Alerts about Cars Industry
07/08/2020 News Alerts about Cars Industry
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1,200-HP Lamborghini Huracan Is Pure Madness:
Lamborghini is on a hot streak: we've recently revealed what the hyper SCV12 will look like without all the camouflage, and there's even a video of what it sounds like. The Sian Roadster could also be making an appearance this week.
Source: https://carbuzz.com/news/1200-hp-lamborghini-huracan-is-pure-madness
Lotus Plans To Obliterate The Bugatti Chiron's 12.4-Second 0-186 MPH Time:
The Lotus Evija, the 2,000-horsepower electric flagship that will pioneer the next-generation of sports cars from the automaker, is not targeting low-speed acceleration. Lotus wants its car to beat the supercars where they thrive—closing in on 200 mph as fast as possible.
Pick of the Day: 1978 Porsche 930 Turbo in a rare color combination
Of the first generation of exotic cars, the most reliable and most usable, and the one I had a poster of on my wall while in high school, was the Porsche 930 Turbo. It was the car I most wanted and was to me the ultimate. It was a model derived from Porsche’s racing cars and had the coolest rear spoiler ever.
Source: https://journal.classiccars.com/2020/07/07/pick-of-the-day-1978-porsche-930-turbo-in-a-rare-color-combination/
BMW global vehicle deliveries down by 23 pct in H1
BERLIN, July 7 (Xinhua) -- German car manufacturer BMW announced Tuesday that its global vehicle deliveries, including MINI and Rolls-Royce, dropped by 23 percent year-on-year to a total of 962,575 units in the first half of 2020.
Source: http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-07/07/c_139194997.htm
Jaguar Land Rover Moves Forward With Subscription Program
Jaguar Land Rover is dipping its paw into the subscription automobile leasing pool, just as peer Mercedes is climbing out after a trial run, Autoweek reported on Tuesday (July 7).
Subscription models vary, but in general, they allow customers to lease cars for periods of around six months. The arrangement costs more than typical multi-year leases, but drivers get more variety and short-term commitments.
Source: https://www.pymnts.com/subscription-commerce/2020/jaguar-land-rover-moves-forward-with-subscription-program/
Ferrari bring forward car upgrades for Styrian Grand Prix
Ferrari are bringing forward some planned upgrades to their car after a disappointing showing at the season-opening Austrian Grand Prix.
Lead driver Charles Leclerc was runner-up on Sunday, but the car was a second off the pace in qualifying seventh.
Source: https://www.bbc.com/sport/formula1/53309834
Mercedes-Benz rolls into South San Francisco
South San Francisco officials gave the green light to a new Mercedes-Benz dealership taking over the former Orchard Supply Hardware building and a surrounding shopping center.
Source: https://www.smdailyjournal.com/news/local/mercedes-benz-rolls-into-south-san-francisco/article_d167b2b6-c001-11ea-9328-1bd1e3bff343.html
Audi reveals a sporty version of its upcoming electric Q4 SUV
Audi has unveiled concept renderings of a new “Sportback” version of the Q4 E-Tron electric SUV that it debuted last year. Meant to serve as a smaller and more affordable option to the flagship E-Tron, the Q4s are expected to go on sale in 2021 and will start at around $45,000.
Source: https://www.theverge.com/2020/7/7/21316580/audi-q4-etron-sportback-suv-2021-volkswagen-meb
No economic logic now for diesel cars: Maruti Suzuki
With the party between the prices of petrol and diesel, there is no economic logic for buying running cost, the acquisition cost differential is very high.
Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/auto/news/no-economic-logic-now-for-diesel-cars-maruti-suzuki/articleshow/76830053.cms
Honda Cars India starts production of new City sedan
New Delhi: Honda Cars India Limited (HCIL), on Tuesday has announced that it has commenced production of fifth generation Honda City sedan at the company's Greater Noida plant in Uttar Pradesh.
As the automaker claims, Honda City is one of its most successful cars in India with high brand equity. It was first introduced in India back in January 1998 and later launched as 2nd generation in November 2003. The third generation model came in September 2008, while fourth generation City was launched in January 2014.
Source: https://auto.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/passenger-vehicle/cars/honda-cars-india-starts-production-of-new-city-sedan/76528906
Online car buying platform: Hyundai's Click to Buy records 1.5+ million visitors since March
Earlier this year, Hyundai announced the launch of its online car buying platform, Click to Buy, in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. About four months in, Hyundai has shared some rather interesting numbers about the platform and let's just say that this should silence the naysayers. The South Korean automaker shared that its online car sales offering has recorded more than 1.5 million visitors since its launch in March, 2020. In addition to that, the platform has also recorded over 20,000 customer enquiries since then.
Source: https://www.timesnownews.com/auto/car-news/article/online-car-buying-platform-hyundais-click-to-buy-records-1-5-million-visitors-since-march/617478
Tata Motors Limited today announced its sales in the domestic & international market, for Q1 FY21, which stood at 25,047 vehicles, compared to 1,37,545 units during Q1 FY20.
Source: http://overdrive.in/news-cars-auto/pressreleases/tata-motors-registered-domestic-sales-of-23845-units-in-q1-fy21/
Toyota’s Hybrid Models Receive A Steep Price Hike In India
Source: https://www.zigwheels.com/news-features/news/toyota-camry-vellfire-prices-hiked-in-india-now-priced-at-rs-3902-lakh-and-rs-8350-lakh-respectively/39062/
VW starts converting another factory for electric car production
After the Zwickau factory, VW has started converting another of its factories from gasoline and diesel vehicle production to electric vehicle production.
Volkswagen has one of the most aggressive electrification plans amongest established automakers.
Source: https://electrek.co/2020/07/06/vw-converting-emden-factory-electric-car-production/
Assam: Automobile sales in Guwahati hit rock bottom
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the Indian economy and completely tipped the scales for all sectors of Indian Industries signaling towards a deep recession.
As the country approaches the end of its first quarter of the Fiscal Year, the current pandemic seems to have magnified pre-existing risks to India’s economic outlook.
Source: https://nenow.in/north-east-news/assam/assam-automobile-sales-in-guwahati-hit-rock-bottom.html
Kia Motors crosses 50,000 unit sales mark for cars with connected features
NEW DELHI: Kia Motors India on Tuesday said it has crossed the 50,000-mark in sales for connected cars within 10 months of its first product launch in the country. The company has surpassed figure of 50,000 activated connected cars on road which includes Seltos and Carnival models, Kia Motors India said in a statement.
Source: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/industry/auto/cars-uvs/kia-motors-crosses-50000-unit-sales-mark-for-cars-with-connected-features/articleshow/76832747.cms?from=mdr
Jaguar Land Rover launches premium car subscription service Pivotal
New Delhi: British luxury carmaker Jaguar Land Rover has announced the launch of the premium car subscription service Pivotal.
As the luxury carmaker claims, with this, both the Jaguar and Land Rover cars will be available for subscription.
Source: https://auto.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/passenger-vehicle/cars/jaguar-land-rover-launches-premium-car-subscription-service-pivotal/76781529
Mahindra reveals teaser for small 4-seater electric vehicle Atom
Source: https://www.livemint.com/auto-news/mahindra-reveals-teaser-for-small-4-seater-electric-vehicle-atom-11594099174523.html
Mazda unveils new BT-50, supplied by Isuzu
Mazda Motor Corporation has lifted the veil on its all-new Mazda BT-50 bakkie.
Fully redesigned for the first time in nine years, the new BT-50 is supplied by fellow Japanese manufacturer, Isuzu Motor Limited.
Source: https://www.engineeringnews.co.za/article/mazda-unveils-new-bt-50-supplied-by-isuzu-2020-07-07
Nissan highlights future plans for India, Africa and the Middle East
Nissan hasn’t launched an exciting new product in India for a while now. Sure, the ‘new’ Kicks gets a powerful engine but it’s still not something the masses would go gaga over. The only other model in their current lineup is the GT-R, and that’s not what you’d call a widely attainable car. Now though, things are about to change. Nissan aims to put a lot more focus towards India, Africa and the Middle East as part of its Global Transformation Plan.
Source: https://www.evoindia.com/news/nissan-highlights-future-plans-for-ami-markets
​Renault Kwid records 3.5 lakh unit sales milestone, new BS6 variant available
NEW DELHI: Renault Kwid, French manufacturer’s flagship offering in India has crossed landmark 3.5 lakh unit sales since its launch.
The company also announced that the Kwid is now more accessible with the RXL variant launched with a BS6 compliant 1.0L powertrain in MT and AMT versions. The new RXL variant will be very competitively priced, at Rs 4.16 lakh (ex-showroom) for the MT and Rs 4.48 (ex-showroom) lakh for the AMT version.
Source: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/auto/cars/renault-kwid-records-3-5-lakh-unit-sales-milestone-new-bs6-variant-available/articleshow/76810736.cms
2020 Honda City launch on July 15; price, features, specifications, other important details you should know
Honda Cars India has officially announced that the new Honda City will be launched in the country on July 15. The 2020 Honda City will be sold in India alongside the 2019 Honda City. You can book the fifth-generation Honda City from your abode using the Honda from Home online sales platform or by visiting any authorized dealership of the automaker. You can click on this link to read our Honda City 2020 First Drive Review.
Source: https://www.indiatoday.in/auto/latest-auto-news/story/honda-city-2020-launch-on-july-15-check-out-price-features-specifications-other-important-details-1697654-2020-07-06
5 Reasons Why Fiat Wasn’t Successful In India [Video]
Source: https://www.motorbeam.com/fiat-india-story-why-automaker-wasnt-successful/
Volvo Cars recall eight models produced from 2006 to 2018
Eight Volvo car models have been recalled globally over problems with the front seat belt fastening.
A spokesperson for the firm told Belfast Live: "Investigations by Volvo Cars have identified that in very rare cases and under specific circumstances, a flexible steel cable connected to the front seat belts on certain Volvo models produced between 2006 and 2018 may under certain rare circumstances suffer from wear and fatigue over time.
Source: https://www.belfastlive.co.uk/news/belfast-news/volvo-cars-recall-eight-models-18548932
Lexus unveils new LS luxury sedan, likely to be launched by end of 2020
The new Lexus LS sedan gets the Lexus Teammate, the latest in advanced driving assist technologies, and a new body colour that creates deep shadows and robust highlights.
Source: https://auto.hindustantimes.com/auto/cars/lexus-unveils-the-new-ls-luxury-sedan-likely-to-be-launched-by-end-of-2020-41594097951866.html
How Tesla Delivered Despite Lockdowns
Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) said that it sold a total of 90,650 vehicles over Q2 2020, with Model S and X deliveries standing at 10,600 units and Model 3 and Y sales standing at 80,050 units. Although the numbers mark a 5% year-over-year decline, they handily beat market estimates, causing Tesla stock to jump by 8% in Thursday’s trading.
Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2020/07/07/how-tesla-delivered-despite-lockdowns/#c150e6660c2d
Rolls-Royce's Boeing 787 engine in new safety alert over cracks
Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc faces a fresh issue with the Trent 1000 turbine that powers Boeing Co. 787 Dreamliner jets, adding to the list of design faults that have plagued the engine since 2016.
Source: https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/rolls-royce-s-boeing-787-engine-in-new-safety-alert-over-cracks-1.1461622
Maserati Unveils New Engine Adapted From Formula 1 for MC20 Supercar
Source: https://interestingengineering.com/maserati-unveils-new-engine-adapted-from-formula-1-for-mc20-supercar
Unleashed – Dodge Unveils 3 Fast Cars
Dodge has launched three fast cars that should suit every muscle car buyer’s needs. Each of them packing 700+ bhp!
Source: http://motoringworld.in/car-news/unleashed-dodge-unveils-3-fast-cars/
= 07/08/2020 News Alerts about Cars Industry
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bookwhoreunleashed · 4 years
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Happy Release Day, @autumnarcher.author. 😍😘💚 . 2020 ARC 9 #RightPrincess by @autumnarcher.author Modern Princess Collection #3 . Links to the full review below. . 📖 Blurb: "From #1 best selling author, Autumn Archer comes a light hearted best friends to lovers romance you will adore. She has an epic crush... on the wrong guy. Her father is demanding she marry a wealthy man, but Ada wants mad love and belly flutters. Her roomies big brother, Cicero, is rich and fits the bill for a Daddy approved husband. Her crush on him grows each time he swings by the dorm, turning her butterflies into flutters. Problem is, he is dating someone else. Ada’s best friend, Theo, is a simple guy. A talented man who manages the student bar, and also happens to be her boss. He’s the all American guy every girl dreams of. Super hot, muscular and rides a motorcycle. But they’re friends and nothing more. A VIP pool party changes everything. Ada wakes up the next morning with a guilty conscience. Who did she kiss? And why is Theo leaving town? Download Right Princess now to see Ada get her HEA." . ✔️Buy Link: Amazon.com: https://amzn.to/35EGMr6 . 📚 Goodreads Link: * https://bit.ly/2WdEXhY . 📚 Bookbub Link: * https://bit.ly/3cfwgcy . . ✍️ Review Links: * Amazon: to be posted * Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2WauMKL * Bookbub: https://bit.ly/2xGSxAO . #goodreads #bookworm #bibliophile #bookstagram #romance #readingchallenge #goodreads #amazon #teaser #bookwhore #goodreads #kindle #amazon #readingchallenge #bookstagram #booksofinstagram #authorsofinstagram #romance #love #bookwhore #books #series #fairytales #sexy #swoony #teaser #bookedit #photography #reading #reader #pages #library #author #bookworm #readinglist #words . Photos belong to their rightful owners. I own only the edit. https://www.instagram.com/p/CAaaWSvASU8/?igshid=wkcb63p5vhij
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gaminghardware0 · 4 years
League of Legends Spirit Blossom skin line gets teased at Anime Expo
In January this year, League of Legends developer Riot Games announced its flagship MOBA game would be getting 120 new skins over the course of 2020 year (I know, phwoar). We've had a bunch already, ranging from some new High Noon additions to those medieval-inspired RPG skins, and of course the brand-new batch of summer-ready Pool Party looks. Now, Riot's announced a new skin line altogether, on its way to the game: Spirit Blossom.
The new skin line was unveiled at the recent online Anime Expo Lite during a panel on the 'History of Skin Thematics in LoL', in which the studio talked about the game's anime-style cosmetic offerings. At the end, Riot shared a teaser for the new alternate universe - and while the clip of the panel is now set to private, Riot influencer manager Mel Capperino-Garcia has shared the two images from the show on Twitter, which you can check out below.
As you can see, Riot's given away very little about the skin line so far other than its general theme, but the images paint a picture of another anime-inspired range, which it seems will have a delicate, painterly feel, with gentle hues and a strong link with nature.
View the full site
RELATED LINKS: Best LoL Champions , League of Legends patch 10.13, LoL tier list from https://www.pcgamesn.com/league-of-legends/lol-spirit-blossom-skins
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shizzleytb · 4 years
🏊 POOL PARTY 2020 Skins Teaser - WHO ARE THEY?! | League of Legends
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letsscuttlebrain · 4 years
4th February 2020
Happy Tuesday. Bit of a mix today, with only a tiny wee bit of the football type stuff. Let's get into it, shall we?
𝐍𝐤𝐨𝐬𝐢 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 - Today's Google doodle celebrates Nkosi Johnson, a South African activist who died at the age of 12. He was born HIV positive in South Africa, and he and his adoptive mother Gail started workshops that educated the South African community about AIDS and was a catalyst for changes in legislation to protect those born with Aids or the HIV virus.
𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐥 𝐯𝐬 𝐒𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐬𝐛𝐮𝐫𝐲 - It's happening today at 19:45! Who's excited about the kicky ball grass rectangle game?
𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐍𝐨 𝟗 - Lots of reviews about the latest installment of Inside No 9 are trending. Titled "The Referee's a W----r", stuff that was football related happened. I can't give yuo any spoilers, because I didn't watch it.
𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐕𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 - If you saw the Superbowl then you probably also saw the teaser trailers dropped by Disney. People are mostly excited about Elizabeth Olsen's Scarlet Witch costume which showed up in the trailer for WandaVision.
𝐏𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐚 𝐇𝐮𝐭 - KFC and Pizza hut are teaming up to produce a Popcorn Chicken pizza. Yum or Yuk? what do you think?
𝐍𝐒&𝐈 - February's premium bond winning numbers have been announced. Did you get lucky? This page needs sponsors...
𝐈𝐨𝐰𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐮𝐜𝐮𝐬 - Iowa are kicking off the long process of nominating a Democratic candidate to take on Donald Trump. Results are expected soon, but the whole event is being described as "chaotic" and a "debacle". This is not a surprise to me - things are a bit broken in the Democratic party and I will shortly share a link to a podcast that explains why. You're welcome.
𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 - this is a very broad term to be trending. In Finance news - Citi has suspended a bond trader for allegdly nicking something from the staff canteen, and Credit Suisse has frozen an investment bank bonus pool.
𝐋𝐨𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐦𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨𝐧 - Louis Tomlinson is a member of One Direction, and recently he went on BBC Breakfast, only to be grilled by the presenters about the deaths of his mother and sister. Classy work, BBC Breakfast. Louis has said he won't be going on there again.
𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧 - Rebel Wilson and Joaquin Phoenix have been praised for their brave speeches at the Baftas, highlighting the lack of diversity in the nominees. She also made a crack about Prince Andrew with Prince William in the audience. I've read the joke. You probably had to be there.
And that concludes Tuesday. I haven't been watching Love Island, but I assume there has been snogging and machinations and people not wearing much.
0 notes
celebritylive · 4 years
WARNING: This post contains spoilers from Monday’s episode of The Bachelor.
Welcome back, Bachelor Nation. Hannah Brown is officially out of the picture (at least for now), but Peter Weber‘s ladies were busy stirring up plenty of their own drama this week.
Monday’s episode kicked off with a one-on-one date for Victoria P. After taking her on a tour of his hometown — the pilot is from Westlake Village, California, just around the corner from the Bachelor mansion — Peter and the nurse from Louisiana went line dancing at his favorite local bar, where both agreed they were “a little smitten.”
That night, Victoria P. confided in Peter about her difficult childhood: Her dad died when she was young, and then her mom fell into addiction. She and her sister grew up in and out shelters as their mom struggled, with Victoria P. recalling through tears how she “had to be the rock” for her family.
“I dreamed a lot of dreams and one of my dreams was just to get out of that place and to have a healthy and happy life,” she said. “And I think it’s affected my relationships at times, because I didn’t feel deserving of someone. I just feel so grateful, because I feel like you’ve shown me the kind of love that I deserve.”
Peter thanked her for opening up as he offered her a rose. “I have never been inspired by someone so much in my entire life,” he told her. “And I mean that from the bottom of my heart.”
Back at the mansion, tensions were still simmering between Kelsey and Hannah Ann, an early frontrunner, over a now-infamous champagne bottle mix-up. And Alayah, meanwhile, had started to show her more “wild” side.
“Everybody sees me, because of pageants and what I do, as the sweet little elegant proper thing,” said the former Miss Texas USA, sipping red wine in Peter’s pilot hat. “But I’m very good at putting on face when I need to.”
Her behavior clearly irked another fellow contestant, Sydney. “All I go off of is what I see in people, and with Alayah, I can tell something is off about that girl,” Sydney said. “Her actions, since we’ve been here, kind of just make you go sideways a little bit. She is not the type of girl I surround myself with, she’s the type of girl that I’ve always avoided. She is just all fake, and I hope that Peter will be able to weed that out.”
Naturally, with a feud brewing between the two women, they both landed this week’s group date, along with Kiarra, Sarah, Tammy, Kelly, Shiann and Savannah. Bright and early the next morning, they slipped into their assigned lingerie (yes, really) and headed out on the date — an Extreme Pillow Fight Club, orchestrated by none other than fan-favorite franchise alum Demi Burnett. Host Chris Harrison and Bachelor regular Fred Willard served as judges.
RELATED: New Bachelor Teaser Suggests Peter Weber May Have Sex with Someone Before Fantasy Suites
“I know that there’s a lot of tension in the mansion,” Demi told the women. “So I wanted to give you ladies the opportunity to let out that aggression.”
After duking it out with Sydney in an aggressive championship round, Alayah was crowned “queen of the bedroom.” Things only got more tense between the two during the evening portion of the group date, resulting in a rather hostile conversation about Alayah’s pageant past.
“You sound so rehearsed, you know what I mean?” Sydney told her. “With cameras, you’re just on. But if you come in here worrying about how you’re perceived, then you’re not going to be your real self to people. And that’s what Peter is here to find. A real person.”
Later, Sydney brought up her concerns with Peter about certain women in the house “putting on a facade,” without naming Alayah.
“When I’m in the house with some girls, and when the cameras show up and the lights are on, it’s a whole different person,” she explained. “It’s just so artificial. And I don’t want you to get blinded by that.”
“That’s such a fear of mine, that I could fall for someone and they’re fake,” Peter said. “I mean, I saw it with Hannah last season, seeing her fall for someone that wasn’t there for the right reasons.”
When he rejoined the group, he addressed the issue and asked Sydney to explain herself — this time in front of everyone.
“Sorry to kind of put you on the spot, but you had mentioned that there were people that maybe are different off-camera or different in the house when I’m not there … and I trust you,” he said. “I want to just squash this now.”
Turning to Alayah, Sydney said she felt that she “maybe  on a little bit for the imagery of things.”
“I mean, does anybody else feel that way?” Alayah bristled. “We’re all living together at this point, so everybody’s gotten to see me day in, day out.”
RELATED: Chris Harrison Says Peter Weber’s Bachelor Finale Will Be Surprising in a ‘Gut-Wrenching Way’
Of course, no one wanted to speak up and get involved, and Peter walked off. The confrontation between the two women continued without him, with Sydney pointing out that Alayah’s reactions were “a little bit dramatic.” Alayah insisted that was just her personality, but Sydney stood her ground. “When the cameras are on, you do react a little too much,” she said. “And it looks a little bit fabricated.”
Alayah pulled Peter aside to defend herself, saying she was “blindsided” by Sydney’s accusations. Poor Peter, looking absolutely exasperated, had no idea who to believe.
“I just feel really confused,” he said. “I believe Sydney when she brought up those concerns, but Alayah came over and talked with me and I believe what she was telling me, and I like her a lot. I also respect Sydney a lot, she spoke it like she saw it. I’m looking for that honesty and for someone that’s unafraid to put me first. … I just hope that I’m not getting fooled.”
Ultimately, he chose to give the group date rose to Sydney, thanking her for “being honest” and “essentially putting me before everyone else.”
The next day, Chris Harrison arrived at the mansion to announce that Peter would be coming over for a pool party in lieu of a cocktail party that night. During the pool party, Peter made a point to get each woman’s take on the situation — and it wasn’t looking good for Alayah, with several contestants in agreement that she seemed to be putting on a front whenever the cameras were on.
“Maybe it’s just the background that she has with pageants,” said Lexi. “But we’ll be hanging out and then all of a sudden the cameras come on and her voice goes up like, five octaves.”
Peter and Alayah also had a conversation, where she reassured him that she “can’t fake” feelings or emotions, calling herself “the world’s worst liar.” He said he believed her, but it was obvious he wasn’t 100 percent certain. “With Alayah, what I think I’m seeing is the truth,” he said. “But my logical brain says that yes, there are flags.”
He decided to ask Victoria P. for her opinion, given her experience in the pageant world as Miss Louisiana USA 2019. And much to his surprise, Victoria P. revealed that Alayah had asked her to lie about knowing each other before going on the show.
“She asked that I not tell producers that we knew one another,” she said. “I didn’t really understand why, because I don’t really want to lie, I can’t lie. I didn’t think of it much then, but looking back now … coming into this, she was really open to all the opportunities that will come after this, even if you weren’t her husband. So maybe she’s not the one for you.”
RELATED VIDEO: Jake Owen Writes ‘Diss’ Song Inspired by The Bachelorette‘s Hannah Brown — and She Responds!
That seemed to seal the deal for Peter, who pulled Alayah aside once again and confronted her about the lie.
“I’m not trying to throw you under the bus, but maybe you’ve been a little manipulative towards some of the women,” he said. “Did you tell Victoria to tell the producers you guys didn’t know each other before you came on the show?”
Alayah, looking shaken, said her “biggest fear was that I would get disqualified and she would get disqualified because we knew the other person was coming.”
“I didn’t want that for her, I didn’t want that for me, and I was scared for both of us that that was going to be an issue,” she said. “That’s all it was. It wasn’t me being manipulative.”
With that, Peter said he had “a lot to think about” and abruptly left, cutting the pool party short. Heading into the rose ceremony that night, everyone was on edge — including Peter himself, who stopped mid-rose handout to mull over his decision with Chris Harrison in the next room.
“I want to give it to her so bad,” he said. “But I just do not want to regret this.”
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When he headed back into the ceremony, two roses were still up for grabs on the table — but Chris pointedly removed one. The final rose went to Mykenna, officially sending Alayah home, as well as Jasmine, Sarah and Alexa.
“I’m disappointed,” Alayah said. “It just sucks that I am going out because of other people’s opinions and not what he saw directly from me.”
Peter made a toast to the remaining contestants, then headed out. But he was still torn over his decision, admitting to a producer that he wasn’t sure he wanted to let Alayah leave.
“I don’t feel good right now. I thought I would, but I don’t feel good,” he said. “I think I just gave in to listening to everyone else, to be completely honest. I feel like I’m going to regret this like crazy.”
She won’t be gone for too long, though — a sneak peek at next week’s episode already teased her return.
The Bachelor airs Mondays (8 p.m. ET) on ABC.
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/2RzasiJ
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peteywillproceed · 4 years
All The Lies - Teaser
Summary: Admitting you got cheated on is hard. Being cheated on by the person your best friend set you up with is harder. But telling your best friend his girlfriend was the other woman? Impossible. What good could even come from it?
Word Count: 939 (full fic 3k)
A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this one, so I hope you enjoy it! The full fic will be up tomorrow x
“I cannot believe you!” You yelled, hands in your hair, jaw almost on the floor. “You told him what?”
Harrison just laughed, wiping the dish you’d unceremoniously dropped in his hands after the revelation and putting it back in the rack. “I didn’t know it was a private thing.”
“My breakups are not a matter of public interest,” you told him pointedly “and why did you even feel the need to tell him about it anyway?”
“I dunno, we were just out and you came up and he asked what you’d be up to recently.”
You almost screamed, biting down on your lip before you could snap and say something you’d regret. “You could’ve answered that with ‘she’s good’, there was no need to tell internationally beloved actor Thomas Stanley Holland that my relationship was a complete and utter failure.”
He snorted, draining the sink of washing up liquid and chucked the tea towel into the washing machine. You leant against the counter, staring out of the window whilst you wondered what the most effective way to kill your best friend was and whether this constituted a well meaning kicking-out-of-your-flat. Sighing, you shook your head and blinked back the tears that had pooled in your eyes when you were distracted – you’d promised yourself you wouldn’t think about it, after weeks on the sofa and tonnes of ice cream. It wasn’t worth it. He wasn’t worth it.
“Y/n?” Harrison said softly, moving behind you so his chin rested on your shoulder.
You took a deep, shuddery breath and plastered the best fake smile you muster on your face and spun around to face him. “Yep?”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you weren’t ready for people to know yet,” he pursed his lips and rubbed your arm, pulling you into a tight hug when a sob wracked through your body. You clung onto his shirt, feeling the material dampen as you pressed your face against it, trying to remember to breathe, trying to forget the loss of a two year relationship.
“It’s okay,” you finally managed, choking back the sobs, even though it definitely wasn’t. “I just didn’t expect you to be so blunt about it. Or to tell Tom.”
“Well he was going to find out sometime, or were you planning on leaving it till he came over and Justin wasn’t in the flat anymore?”
You laughed between tears, wiping your face with your palms. “That one.”
“And, may I ask, have you been Googling Tom again? Since when did you know his middle name?” Harrison poked your chest playfully and you rolled your eyes, batting his hand away.
“Since he wouldn’t stop teasing me about mine last time he came over, I figured I needed some ammunition.”
“Ahh, you never were that good at revenge, were you?”
“Excuse me?” you gasped, pretending to be offended “what are you implying?”
“Y/n, Tom’s an actor – he’s been teased so much about that name I honestly don’t think he gives two shits.”
You could hardly breathe between laughs, the tears drying up faster than they ever had before, and you wondered if that was what progress had looked like. You’d thought it was progress when you’d gotten out of bed, when you’d stopped eating two tubs of ice cream a day and finally brushed your hair, but the truth was Justin had still been in the back of your mind, always there, always reminding you of that night you so desperately wanted to forget. Except for the first time in months, for that little split second, he hadn’t, and it had just been you and Harrison in your own little bubble.
“Anyway, speaking of the dipshit, he’s home tomorrow,” Harrison pulled his coat off the back of a chair and slid his arms into the sleeves.
You frowned, trying to remember what Tom had told you the last time you’d spoken to him. You’d known both Harrison and Tom since you were young, always that little bit closer to Harrison, and you’d been nervous about Tom coming home because he’d missed so much. You’d dreaded telling him everything that had happened, because he was the one that had set you up with Justin all those years ago. So, when he’d invited you and Harrison out to Morocco a few weeks back you’d stayed behind, too scared to face up to reality. You thought you’d have more time to prepare yourself – he was supposed to be on set for another month. “Oh really? He’s done filming already?”
“Yeah, something about a schedule mixup,” Harrison shrugged and fished his car keys out of his pockets “there’s a welcome home party at Nikki’s tomorrow night, are you coming?”
Oh, that. You remembered the invite, burning a hole in the pocket of your jacket. You’d seen the little white note card lying on the floor last week, but you’d been so caught up in Justin and that stupid picture you’d barely had time to process it.
“Sure, I think it’s in my calendar.”
“I can’t believe you still have a calendar,” Harrison rolled his eyes.
“Hey, some of us like being organised!” You chased after him as he made for the door “Some of us actually make it to appointments!”
“It’s 2020, Y/n,” he smirked, looking over his shoulder as he got the flat door open “It’s time to live a little and take some risks!”
You pushed your tongue against your cheek and tutted. “And what if I don’t want to?”
“Then life is going to make you,” Harrison called, already disappearing into the hallway outside “and I, for one, am going to enjoy watching.”
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@zabdisamor @jinxfanfics @jillanaholland
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youngandhungryent · 4 years
Rihanna Enlists A$AP Rocky & Lil Nas X Star For New Fenty Skin Campaign
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Source: WENN/Avalon / WENN
While a release date for her album is still up in the air Rihanna continues to show great business acumen. She has chosen two of Hip-Hop’s brightest stars to launch her new consumer packaged goods line.
As spotted on High Snobiety the “We Found Love” singer has enlisted A$AP Rocky and Lil Nas X to be the faces of her newest product launch for Fenty Skin. On Saturday, July 18 she made the announcement via her Instagram account. “THE NEW CULTURE OF SKINCARE. @fentyskin” she wrote.
View this post on Instagram
@badgalriri made #FENTYSKIN for everyone! It’s droppin on July 31st exclusively at fentyskin.com— sign up for email at fentyskin.com to get it before the drop!!
A post shared by FENTY SKIN (@fentyskin) on Jul 19, 2020 at 2:23pm PDT
The clip features a collective of beautiful women enjoying a pool day but the vibes improve once A$AP Rocky and Lil Nas X join the party; Rihanna also makes a cameo. This new clip serves as a teaser for their gender-neutral skincare products that will officially go on sale starting July 31. No word on the pricing just yet.
You can view the commercial below.
View this post on Instagram
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July 31st exclusively at FENTYSKIN.COM! Sign up to cop it before the launch— link in bio
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A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Jul 17, 2020 at 6:56pm PDT
Still no details on if and when Rihanna will ever be dropping a new album, though.
Photo: Getty
source https://hiphopwired.com/889333/asap-rocky-fenty-skin/
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2CmUxAM via Young And Hungry Ent.
source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2020/07/rihanna-enlists-aap-rocky-lil-nas-x.html
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/3hd1i6S via Young And Hungry Ent. source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2020/07/rihanna-enlists-aap-rocky-lil-nas-x_20.html
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youngandhungryent · 4 years
Rihanna Enlists A$AP Rocky & Lil Nas X Star For New Fenty Skin Campaign
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Source: WENN/Avalon / WENN
While a release date for her album is still up in the air Rihanna continues to show great business acumen. She has chosen two of Hip-Hop’s brightest stars to launch her new consumer packaged goods line.
As spotted on High Snobiety the “We Found Love” singer has enlisted A$AP Rocky and Lil Nas X to be the faces of her newest product launch for Fenty Skin. On Saturday, July 18 she made the announcement via her Instagram account. “THE NEW CULTURE OF SKINCARE. @fentyskin” she wrote.
View this post on Instagram
@badgalriri made #FENTYSKIN for everyone! It’s droppin on July 31st exclusively at fentyskin.com— sign up for email at fentyskin.com to get it before the drop!!
A post shared by FENTY SKIN (@fentyskin) on Jul 19, 2020 at 2:23pm PDT
The clip features a collective of beautiful women enjoying a pool day but the vibes improve once A$AP Rocky and Lil Nas X join the party; Rihanna also makes a cameo. This new clip serves as a teaser for their gender-neutral skincare products that will officially go on sale starting July 31. No word on the pricing just yet.
You can view the commercial below.
View this post on Instagram
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July 31st exclusively at FENTYSKIN.COM! Sign up to cop it before the launch— link in bio
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A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Jul 17, 2020 at 6:56pm PDT
Still no details on if and when Rihanna will ever be dropping a new album, though.
Photo: Getty
source https://hiphopwired.com/889333/asap-rocky-fenty-skin/
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2CmUxAM via Young And Hungry Ent. source https://youngandhungryent.blogspot.com/2020/07/rihanna-enlists-aap-rocky-lil-nas-x.html
0 notes
youngandhungryent · 4 years
Rihanna Enlists A$AP Rocky & Lil Nas X Star For New Fenty Skin Campaign
Source: WENN/Avalon / WENN
While a release date for her album is still up in the air Rihanna continues to show great business acumen. She has chosen two of Hip-Hop’s brightest stars to launch her new consumer packaged goods line.
As spotted on High Snobiety the “We Found Love” singer has enlisted A$AP Rocky and Lil Nas X to be the faces of her newest product launch for Fenty Skin. On Saturday, July 18 she made the announcement via her Instagram account. “THE NEW CULTURE OF SKINCARE. @fentyskin” she wrote.
View this post on Instagram
@badgalriri made #FENTYSKIN for everyone! It’s droppin on July 31st exclusively at fentyskin.com— sign up for email at fentyskin.com to get it before the drop!!
A post shared by FENTY SKIN (@fentyskin) on Jul 19, 2020 at 2:23pm PDT
The clip features a collective of beautiful women enjoying a pool day but the vibes improve once A$AP Rocky and Lil Nas X join the party; Rihanna also makes a cameo. This new clip serves as a teaser for their gender-neutral skincare products that will officially go on sale starting July 31. No word on the pricing just yet.
You can view the commercial below.
View this post on Instagram
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July 31st exclusively at FENTYSKIN.COM! Sign up to cop it before the launch— link in bio
Tumblr media
A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Jul 17, 2020 at 6:56pm PDT
Still no details on if and when Rihanna will ever be dropping a new album, though.
Photo: Getty
source https://hiphopwired.com/889333/asap-rocky-fenty-skin/
0 notes
bookwhoreunleashed · 4 years
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2020 ARC 9 #RightPrincess by @autumnarcher.author Modern Princess Collection #3 . Links to the full review below. . 📖 Blurb: "From #1 best selling author, Autumn Archer comes a light hearted best friends to lovers romance you will adore. She has an epic crush... on the wrong guy. Her father is demanding she marry a wealthy man, but Ada wants mad love and belly flutters. Her roomies big brother, Cicero, is rich and fits the bill for a Daddy approved husband. Her crush on him grows each time he swings by the dorm, turning her butterflies into flutters. Problem is, he is dating someone else. Ada’s best friend, Theo, is a simple guy. A talented man who manages the student bar, and also happens to be her boss. He’s the all American guy every girl dreams of. Super hot, muscular and rides a motorcycle. But they’re friends and nothing more. A VIP pool party changes everything. Ada wakes up the next morning with a guilty conscience. Who did she kiss? And why is Theo leaving town? Download Right Princess now to see Ada get her HEA." . . ✔️Buy Link: Amazon.com: https://amzn.to/35EGMr6 . . 📚 Goodreads Link: * https://bit.ly/2WdEXhY . 📚 Bookbub Link: * https://bit.ly/3cfwgcy . . ✍️ Review Links: * Amazon: to be posted * Goodreads: https://bit.ly/2WauMKL * Bookbub: https://bit.ly/2xGSxAO . . #goodreads #bookworm #bibliophile #bookstagram #romance #readingchallenge #goodreads #amazon #teaser #bookwhore https://www.instagram.com/p/B_4rgzWgXvn/?igshid=1bipaa79ohqrx
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