#poop scene
pokechampash · 11 months
Silent But Deadly
“Maybe eating all that ramen before bed wasn't a good idea” Izuku thought as he groaned, his stomach rumbling loudly. It was morning and Izuku Midoriya had just gotten to his first class of the day but unfortunately for him his midnight snack from the previous night was coming back to bite him in the ass.
“The hell’s wrong with you nerd? You usually have that annoying smile on your face this early in the morning” Bakugo said in his usual low growl like voice, Izuku blushed and tried to his discomfort.
“Oh no thanks Kacchan! Just thinking about slot assignments I gotta catch up on” Izuku nervously chuckled, a low growling sound came from his stomach.
“You gotta take a dump or something nerd?” Bakugo asked in a mocking tone, luckily for Izuku the bell rung and the class slowly started to arrive so he didn't have to answer Bakugo’s embarrassing question.
“Today we'll be learning about the history of pro heros, this will be on your upcoming exam so you can't miss this, therefore no bathroom breaks until we finish” Shota Aiwaza announced to the class, Izuku was mortified as he felt gas bubbling up in his stomach and he knew he'd have to fart soon or he might pop!
“Maybe if I position myself right no one will hear it” Izuku thought as he slightly lifted his muscular ass up and slowly released a huge fart, luckily his plan had worked and no one heard it. The smell was definitely there however. Izuku wasn't too worried as he was seated around Kirishima, Kaminari, Ojiro, and Sero who were all fairly laid back and probably wouldn't be the type of person to announce to the whole class he was letting out fart bombs.
“Okay I'll just keep this up until my stomach calms down, I hope they can't smell them that much” Izuku thought while sweating as we pushed out another silent but deadly, this one had been building up for a while so it really stunk and this time someone said something.
“Damn, it almost smells as bad as your toilet after we had taco bell that one time bro” Kirishima whispered to Sero who was holding back a chuckle, this made Izuku nervous but it didn't seem like they caught on to the fact that he was the source of the smell.
For the rest of the class Izuku’s stomach continued to ache forcing him to rip out more farts, they were always silent, but the constant farting causes the smell to build, leading to multiple reactions from Izuku’s peers.
“Wouldn't be surprised if it was Aizawa” Denki said playfully.
“God it smells like Denki’s room before laundry day” Ojiro coughed.
“Can we open a window or something?” Sero mumbled to himself, fanning the air.
“Whoever’s farting so much is such a wimp, a real man would hold it in til they can release it alone” Bakugo scoffed.
Thankfully Izuku’s prayers were answered and the lunch bell rung and everyone started leaving, he tried making a beeline for the toilet but ended up running right into Kirishima gigantic pecs, he pulled his head out of them and apologized while secretly clenching his huge ass cheeks.
“It's no problem Midoriya accidents happen! Say, wanna have lunch with me and Iida on the roof?” Kirishima asked, sporting his usual smile.
“Erm sorry but I actually have something important to do! Maybe next time?” Izuku said shuffling a little
“Nonsense bro, what's more important than a manly lunch between homies! Please?” Kirishima said flexing his muscles, Izuku couldn't find it in himself to say no so he blushed and slowly shook his hand. They joined Iida and the rooftop and had lunch with Izuku having to hold in all his bubbly farts while he tried to act natural in front of his friends.
“So who do you guys think was farting and causing that rancid smell in class today?” Kirishima asked taking a bite of his cupcake, Izuku was mortified.
“Erm maybe the person just had a stomach ache and couldn't help it” Izuku added in shifting his ass as he felt a huge gas bubble building up in his stomach.
“Even if that was the case they should have excused themselves and apologized for the smell” Iida claimed
Kirishima chuckled at this and made a few jokes which in response made Iida and him have a full blown conversation about the situation, Izuku tuned them out and held his stomach as it growled violently, he moaned as he let out a huge booming fart that rivaled the sound of a train whistle
Kirishima and Iida's eyes widen and they both turned to look at him, gagging as the smell was worse than ever now.
“I-I think All Might needs me for some last minute training before our next class starts!” Izuku blurted out the first excuse that came to mind and rushed away from the two boys completely embarrassed.
“Gotta admit, all thought his farts stink, it's pretty manly he can fart so big and loud!” Kirishima said grinning while Iida facepalmed.
Izuku tried rushing to the bathroom multiple times throughout the rest of the school day but something always seemed to get in the way.
“Sorry this bathroom is closed because someone clogged the toilet. My bets on Kaminari, I saw him drink milk this morning and I know he's lactose intolerant!”
“Hey can I please go first man! I think I'll explode if I don't get in there in the next five seconds!”
“Cmon nerd it's time for some sparring, don't grab my butt in an accident like you did last time!”
Soon enough school was over and Izuku was rushing over to the train hoping to get home fast. As Deku runs, there is a lot of people that are walking very slowly. He starts sweating more, clenching his huge ass cheeks even more and politely rushing past people so he can make the train. While rushing past the crowd, he lets out some nasty farts that get wetter and wetter, staining his All Might boxers.
Before he reaches the train, which was about another minute away, a loud rumble in his stomach caused him to stop and clench with all his might (haha) but clenching does nothing as he feels like he is definitely going to explode in three seconds. Deku rushes and hides somewhere away from people...barely in time before he feels his anal muscles give out. "Damn it! No, please! Just…a little…longer" but it was too late. The diarrhea shoots out violently and leaks through his underwear and down his legs. "AAAH!" His underwear and pants sags from the amount of shit he produces.
He moans as he relieves himself, but he starts crying three seconds later as the realization kicks in. He just shit his pants. He is devastated by the fact that he has pooped his pants, he now has to waddle home past many people to change, and now has to throw away his All Might boxers that he shit in. "Kacchan's never gonna let me live this down if he finds out" Deku whimpers in a defeated tone.
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astrobei · 1 year
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byler x jurassic park. thank you for your time.
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elliespectacular · 5 months
still trying to figure out how you edited the plates in The Mythsters Reloaded to say "Mythsters" so cleanly. amazing work
Thanks! Sometimes I get a little ambitious with the visual gags and make them higher-effort than they deserve, but this one was actually much simpler than it looks! Just a video mask with a feathered seam.
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You can see the video this effect was done for here (appears at 1:17)
When this effect appears again at 5:43, the seam takes on a different shape because the straight line would give it away.
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After those two turned out so smooth, I thought it'd be funny to fully break the illusion when the bumper happens a final time at 6:23. The stop-motion toy cars just become fully cut off when they drive past the seam, making the edit painfully obvious.
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buckys · 2 years
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#no offence tommy 😭
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shellymarshdaily · 5 months
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290. the banned scene (god i wish icould do this
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a-iya · 5 months
just watched the spy x family movie and i just want say thank you to anya for perfectly encapsulating what it’s like for ibs girlies to be out in public
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matbaynton · 11 months
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puffpastrycrimewatch · 5 months
I miss him
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toomucharitime · 2 years
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christiecandor · 11 months
Y'all really got that Rick honey rave party banned, TF?
I'm gonna post it again because I'm a goddamn rebel, but GODDAMNIT PEOPLE, practice SUBTLETY 🤦‍♀️ No tagging suggestive words, you know who you are 😂😂😂
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mysteryman1940 · 5 months
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When the boss wants a meeting with you in his "office".
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nonasbirthday · 3 months
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atopvisenyashill · 6 months
i never liked sophie as sansa lol she doesn't have 5% of book!sansa's charm
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flhoarder · 1 year
“Where’s your homo, homey” mate you’re wearing a fishnet wife beater at work can we talk about that first
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elialys · 2 years
Joel and Ellie in this episode were everything
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