#poor Trix
darlenicy · 5 months
I wonder why people call season 6 the worst season of Winx when season 7 actually exists
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ghostsprobably · 2 months
I really love you redesigns and your rewrite plans! Your ideas bring in a breath of fresh air with the way you switch up the main villains/antagonists.
Will the Wizards of the Black Circle team up with the Trix?
And will the Trix get a magical upgrade like Gloomix from canon season 2 or something more similar to Charmix?
ahhh thank you so much!!!
the relationship between the wizards and the trix is hard to explain eithout spoiler, but the girlies will be doing one of their favorite activities: striking a deal
and yes they will be getting Gloomix!! i did change it from the original form a bit like i did with charmix, just to have it mesh better with the new timeline and stuff. im so excited to draw them again im not super happy with my original designs anymore.
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tstain-is-an-idiot · 3 months
girls night!!!!
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gh0str3c0rd3r · 5 months
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hes a protagonist he cant help it
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I wanna see Trix have hallucinations of Umber at random times and just break down.
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trixstriforce · 2 years
everytime i see lu spirit tracks link i get psychic damage bc yall do not treat him right on his own
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theimaginatrix27 · 2 years
I just saw a post on a friend's blog talking about how talking about what a character "deserves" is culturally Christian, and how characters are tools in a story that serve a purpose and you shouldn't impress your own morals on that character when they had bad things happen to them/weren't redeemed because that served the story better.
And like, I get it, which is why I'm not putting this comment on their post out of respect because their point about critical analysis shouldn't be derailed.
But also they were talking about people complaining about certain villains they liked/sympathised with not being redeemed, or tragic characters not getting the "happy ending" the reader thought they "deserved", and this person was like "I want this arc to be satisfying," and honestly? This is why I don't usually get into tragedies. The exceptions being The Magnus Archives, which nobody at the time would shut up about, and A Song of Ice and Fire, which I got sucked into at 2 in the morning on a Sunday when Mum and I started watching GoT reruns and whose characters I'm still attached to.
And I still do not like tragedies/tragic arcs.
Why? Because sometimes I feel like I'm fucking living in a tragedy. I won't get into the details, but in a lot of ways life has been hard on me and my family, and it sucks. And I think we deserve a fucking happy ending, and characters who go through any of the same things we did in stories, and don't get one, make me fucking depressed. Authors who kill off three quarters of their cast after fleshing them out just enough for you, the reader, to get attached are fucking sadists. This is why I no longer read Terry Brooks.
So no, I'm not going to stop saying or believing these characters deserved better, because the real people living through real kinds of hell also fucking deserve better and it isn't fair that they don't get it either, and that shouldn't be just related to popular Christian ideas of redemption and earning rewards, even if that is your first thought, Poster-I-Will-Not-Tag.
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wilwheaton · 11 months
Who is the most punchable cereal mascot, in your opinion?
Well, after spending more time than I ever thought I would considering cereal mascots and their relative punchability, I have to honestly tell you I don't think I dislike any of them.
Like, all they wanted us kids to do was eat a regular (excuse me, "balanced") breakfast with an added bowl of cereal, and have fun while we were doing it. Some of them wanted to give us prizes, even!
And that poor Trix rabbit! He's obviously got a real addition problem, is constantly crying out for help, and every kid he encounters is like "Lol get the fuck outta here while I eat the thing you're addicted to as part of this balanced breakfast, you silly rabbit."
Now I wonder what the support group looks like for Cap'n Crunch, the Qwisp alien, Count Chocula, the bee from Honey Nut Cheerios, and Toucan Sam. Does anyone else really understand them and their lives? They're all alone, even when they are together. And it never ends.
How could you want to punch any of them? You monster!
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a-cosmic-elf · 4 months
Sunday Snippets
It’s been so long since I shared something new, and I needed to write this today. It’s just where my head needed to be.
It’s very rough, unedited, no grammar check or beta read, straight off the cuff. I just needed to get something off my chest.
No pressure tags for The Coemancer Crew. Thank you for tagging me in all your wips.
Last week I retired my Starfield OC, Calitrix. She found her forever home. This is from the end of her story. 🥲 I hope you enjoy!
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What We Leave Behind
A Starborn Coemancer by a cosmic elf.
“Not far now,” said the Emissary.
Trix looked at him. Now they were here, back down on this planet. In front of the base that held the buried temple, as she had done many times before, she began to realise. There was something different about this Emissary. She swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to push her curiosity to the back of her mind.
The Starborn ambush wasn’t really an ambush if you expected it. These days Trix always opted to go high. Before long, they reached the doors of the base, with Andreja in her Constellation suit, bringing up the rear.
“This is it,” the Emissary told her, “hold nothing back.”
“When have you ever known me to hold anything back?” Trix replied, without thinking.
“You have a point,” he conceded, for the first time a flicker of emotion in his voice that sent a pain of longing through Trix’s heart.
Once inside, Trix ignored the bodies, and locked doors, moving directly for the first anomaly, she ran head first into her past. She jogged past Lin and Hellar endlessly debating without stopping this time. I’ll see you again, my friends, I promise. She never reached the artifact, she stepped back through the anomaly and into the base at the buried temple once more.
“The Temple is testing you, always.” The Emissary said.
“I know,” said Trix.
The Emissary paused, “Sorry, I forgot,” his voice cracked, “Noble Starborn.”
Trix was now sure. She had heard that voice before, she recognised it even under all the modulation. This Emissary was none other than Sam Coe.
If only it was her Sam.
The next fight was long and tough, but soon, another Starborn was dust and echos.
Trix spent some time with a locked case, but found it to contain only junk. She wasn’t sure why she was bothering with it at this stage, so close to the Unity, but the thought crossed her mind that she could leave everything of value she had collected this run in the ship’s hold for her crew after she had gone. It was something at least. If poor compensation for being dumped by their captain. Again, at least from her perspective.
Trix had done it more times now than she cared to think about. Always jumping in the hope that this time… what exactly? That she would find her forever home? She feared that perhaps she had already left it behind and there was no going back.
She missed Sam so much. Missed his smile. His carefree disposition. How easy it was to be around him, to always have someone to talk to, to be hold and be held. She missed his attention, his teasing, his need for her. Why that had gone away, or when, she couldn’t fathom. She thought hard and tried to remember where it had all changed.
The first time she had reached the Unity, their time together had not been perfect. She wished that she had done things better, that they could have their time over again and that it would be different, that she would be the Trix he deserved.
The whole time, they had promised each other that they would go through the Unity together. To face whatever it was and whatever was to come, united as a family, Sam, Cora and her.
But then she fired up the drive and met herself. There was a Starborn Trix in the Unity. Trix couldn’t understand why. Were they her future? They didn’t sound like her. Maybe they were the Creators, and it was just the way her mind interpreted the information. Or maybe, Trix in another universe always did sound like that, and therefore it was her fate to jump, because she always has done. But what about Sam?
He was there. Standing in the Unity. He looked at her but didn’t acknowledge her. It was heartbreaking, almost frightening. Trix hated every moment of it, especially the confirmation that they would not be jumping together. That he, Cora and everyone else on the ship would be left behind. That he would one day, jump himself, without her, to who knows where.
Trix couldn’t take it. She could face life without him. So when her Starborn self gave her a choice to go back to him, she took it. After everything they had done and been through together, she would not sacrifice what they had for the Unity. To hell with eternity.
She turned and walked away. She walked back to him.
And, shockingly, he didn’t seem to care. He brushed off her return like it was nothing. Spoke something about how they would all reach the Unity eventually, but for now, this would have to do. He seemed non-plused and unaffected by her choice, or the sacrifice she had just made - the refusal of knowledge, all for them. She’d never felt so disappointed. Here was the proof. He would always put reaching the Unity ahead of their lives together.
That was the moment when she realised she could jump, jump and find him again. But a new Sam, a different Sam and do it right this time. Perhaps this Sam belonged to her, one that cared.
And he did, the second time around, oh how he cared. Probably too much. But now Trix was Starborn, and Sam would never understand, not unless he jumped and left her. One day, she was sure that he would. Curiosity would get the better of him, and one day, whether she jumped or he did, she would lose this Sam too.
She couldn’t bear it. The thought was too much. So she jumped on what would have been their wedding night.
And now, Starborn, several times over, she was about to jump again. Only for the first time in a long time, the Emissary had sounded like Sam. All the old feelings were bubbling to the surface. She just had to hold it all together, just this one last time.
Trix was busy emptying all the crap out of her pockets when this Emissary, the one with Sam’s voice, half-ran over to her position and startled her.
Her hands fumbled in her pockets and she dropped a key.
The Lodge Key.
It was a key like all others, but instantly recognisable to those who knew.
Trix paused, the Emissary stared for a moment down at the key. A sharp audible breath left their helmet.
Trix couldn’t stand it any more. Having become accustomed to always wearing her own Starborn suit, for the first time in as long as she could remember, she removed her helmet and looked at him. Looking for something, anything that would tell her that this is the man she knew.
The Emissary groaned, “You have no idea how long I have waited to see that look in your eyes, Trix. Jumping from one universe to the next hoping that this time… I don’t know if it’s you, I mean, my you. But…” He took his helmet off and dropped it. His face was thin, his hair and beard short and streaked with grey. His blue eyes, ringed dark with age and time, were full of tears. He held out his arms to her, “close enough!”
Trix flew into his embrace and they kissed so fiercely, ike it was the last thing they would do in this life.
There it was, the thing that had been missing for so long. The feeling she had searched for, and it wasn’t through the Unity. It was right here in front of her. They had seen and heard each other. It had caused that pull, the undeniable attraction, from which neither could escape. That divine rush of endorphins as they gave into it, the need to touch, feel, hold and taste him, and to feel that same need in return. That was what she had been looking for all along.
Her heart sang with pure joy.
Andreja caught up with the pair, and stood awkwardly off to one side, “Umm, okaaay. So… we’re kissing the Emissary now. And oh, hey Sam, good to see you, I guess… I’ll er… be just over here if you need me.”
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winxwiki · 15 days
Really funny to read people going "omfg Valtor is a freak he groomed the Trix and mistreated them, these poor teenage girls" like. No way. The bad guy who committed genocide is a BAD GUY? And he doesn't RESPECT WOMEN?
Next we're gonna discuss on how Darkar, embodiment of all evil as old as the universe itself, was kinda weird for having a bondage table
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imhereformr · 9 months
S3 E2 Valtor's Mark
Mermaids are fucking gorgeous omg
Somethings changed them. You don't fucking say 😂
The trix falling for Valtor is weird af and I hate it
I can wait a little longer. Finally a villain with patience!
Tecna's computer just has a big X on it. Guess she's having no luck.
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I've decided to travel light... Stella, babe. Just cause you miniaturise it, doesn't mean it's light 😂
Can't believe Bloom has never been to Solaria yet
Why did Stella unminiaturise her baggage to give it to the poor servant?
A yes, in front of this super cool galaxy thing, Bloom decides to have a trademark Bloom moment of melodrama
I would kill for Musa to hear Stella say a princess's life is so hard. I just think the ensuing fight would be real funny
King Radius will always think she's better than me... Chimera, bitch, that's his daughter and heir. Of course he thinks she's better.
So Chimera does know what Stella looks like and still chose to antagonize her... That seems brilliant.
It might not look like it now, but this could very well be the beginning of a lasting and beautiful friendship. Bloom truly is delulu
Pre-party parties? PARTIES? Plural?
Skipping right over Chimera's Medusa hair to mention that Stella's cake layers are crooked.
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It's also got a bunch of smiley faces 🙂
Honestly Chimera did them a favour ruining that cake
I hate her. I'd give anything to be like her... Chimera come on...
Cassandra and Chimera took absolutely no convincing whatsoever
AHHHHH Musa looks so beautiful 😍😍😍😍😍
Why are Brandon and Sky in their RF uniform? This is a royal function...
Where are Riven, Timmy and Helia? Why was it never explained why they didn't go? Why did we not get to see Riven's reaction to his girlfriend looking like an angel? This is truly robbery.
Brandon's jaw dropping 🥰👌🏻
Radius is a terrible father. Who the fuck steals the attention on their daughters big day to announce their engagement?
Stella hoping her parents get back together is still completely insane
Radius gives zero fucks about how sad his daughter is while dancing with him.
Okay Cassandra spelled Radius but why is no one else at that ball like but... We just saw Stella become a monster? Radius wtf?
Alive or not? Chimera wtf
So I'm gonna assume these guards are completely mindless or that Cassandra spelled them too
You know Brandon and Sky were waiting for an opportunity to jump out of a window
Sky saying they'll get out without a single scratch as his girlfriend basically blows up a tower is peak comedy.
Musa why the fuck are you just yelling Oh No as Stella falls. YOU HAVE WINGS AND MAGIC. FUCKING USE IT.
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aristaspark · 9 months
Winx Club Rewatch: Season 1 episode 4 : The Black-mud swamp
Okay, before I even start this episode I must say I freaking love this episode 😂
Girl, nobody cares about your damn mosquito bite
I love how it portrays what a real class feels like with everybody straight up disrespecting the teacher
Confession time: when I was little I found the early version of Palladium attractive ☠️
Someone explain to me why they got into that crappy swamp and acted surprised that it was actually crappy
"We have to listen to nature", Bloom I love you but shut up 😂
"He said listen not smell" Stella 😭
I forgot the Trix were actually students and had a life outside of the Winx at one point, that's actually refreshing
Stormy is so right about the fact that they're supposed to break the rules
Poor blue troll is getting all the heat
Oh, they want to end him
Omg shut up Riven
The specialists are so bad at their job
That little eye contact between Musa and Riven was so akward and unconfortable
Wondering why Musa acts so surprised in later seasons about Riven's behaviour when she's literally gushing over him as he's being an as*hole. It's not like he faked being nice to get her attention, he didn't fake advertise. She wanted the bad boy, she got it 🤷‍♀️
"The specialists are gonna be here ? When ?" They're so savage in this season, especially Stella 😭
Riven deserved that ngl
Amaryll (or whatever her name is) sooo wants to be a main character
I feel like I'm watching an episode of criminal minds
"Ultrasonic weightloss plan"...😭
Bloom and Flora confirmed to be the hippies of winx club
Nice change for once, for the men to be the ones being attacked by tentacles (even though they're plants)
Stella is such a dumb b*tch in the best way possible, it's awesome. Flora just told her to shut up and she starts whistling 😭
Sky, get away from Bloom
Thanks, cockblocker Stella !
Can we talk about how Sky is the first one to laugh when Timmy falls 💀 and he's supposed to be the "nice guy"
I'm here for Riven slandering of Sky honestly
Brandon, a capable man
Well, that was a fail I guess
The Trix literally just committed murder
RIP pervert troll, you won't be missed
Tecna complimenting Bloom after being so doubtful of her mother nature bullsh*t is cute (that's actual character development 🤣)
How are the specialists mushier than the girls
Bloom coming in to check on Stella in the middle of the night is so adorable 😭 (and a little random but I'm not complaining, it's the kind of randomness I like)
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Vote not for your favorite character BUT for who you think BEST qualifies for the status of Poor Little Meow Meow: problematic, pathetic, and rather messed up in the head!
If there's a tie... well. I decide. Because I'm ultra powerful and amazing and pesach is tomorrow night.
Pairings for Round Three will be out tomorrow, Wednesday 4/5
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trixstriforce · 2 years
can u tell which links r my favorites...ill give u 4 guesses...
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darlenicy · 1 year
Some thoughts on DRIVEN in 1x19
I announced this before. And now it's time to face the alleged end of driven. I will talk first about how this scene is done and show you some screenshots of the scene one doesn't notice while watching at normal speed. And yes, I will interpret tons of things in tiny details. And secondly, I'll tell you how this scene could have been done better.
I The scene how it is in detail (like DETAIL detail)
So, as shown in the last post, Riven went straight to cloud tower. This means, that Darcy never told him, that she got expelled. We don't exactly know how much time went by from episode 16 to episode 19. It might only be a few days and Riven could have been busy with the party at Red Fountain in episode 17. But it's still a bit strange and shows again that the show is too centered around Bloom and that all other characters aren't thought of very well. But however, he arrived and Darcy shows Riven where they are.
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And now look at these screenshots that happen right after this shot:
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Everything's still alright and he jumps off to get to his gf
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and now look, Darcy looks like she wanted to embrace him or something. But he keeps moving as he realizes that they are in Griffin's office
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Let's get deep: There are still trust issues. I think it takes really long to heal Riven from these and it looks like he and Darcy hadn't been at this point in their relationship yet. He still stays with his guts and is confused. Darcy on the other hand notices that. His behavior must cut her into her heart somehow and now listen: I think Stormy and Icy already talked with Darcy about her relationship and that she and Riven might have reached a dead end. After all, Stormy and Icy saw Riven as a pawn, as something useful, a tool. A tool, that is not important anymore. To Darcy, Riven was obviously more. We can see how she is worried in 1x8 on the Day of Roses. There is something between them. So Darcy would totally be like: "but we can still profit from him just let me tell him and get him fully on our side." Icy and Stormy would've been yeah yeah whatever, knowing that it would not work out but still let Darcy have that chance. However, the chance was gone after Riven behaved like he did: ignoring Darcy and wondering what was going on, expecting the worst, and showing the Trix, that he is indeed not on their side. So Darcy had to act quickly. I will say in II what could have saved this scene but as for now we only look at how it is. So she sees, ah he doesn't trust me and won't let me explain, so then that's it I guess. And then she betrays him with the thought in mind that he would leave her anyway now. So why not be the one who breaks up then? Maybe that reduces the pain of a breakup. After all, Darcy is a girl of the mind. She knows herself very well and therefore also how to fool herself in order to make herself feel better. Tragic but I think that is what she does here.
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Ok let's get to part II: How this scene could be fixed
Unfortunately, it's necessary for Riven's character arc to break up with Darcy. But the way it is done in the show is very poor. For the watcher who doesn't pay much attention to other characters than Bloom or the Winx, it looks like Darcy just ditched Riven like an old tool that isn't useful anymore. Rainbow totally misses the chance to let both confront their feelings and see how a breakup would be best for both. In Darcy's case, there should have been shown the talk with her sisters who tell her that she had no future with Riven. We should have seen her struggle with this decision and having still a little hope that Riven might stay with her. OR Rainbow should've shown us, that she lost interest in him very quickly which would make this scene as it is more comprehensible. But they did not show that to us. They build up worried, bb girl Darcy in ep 1x7 and 1x8 and did NOTHING with it and I can't express how much that angers me. This villain x anti-hero romance could have been done so well even in a sideline of the normal Bloom-centered story. But they did nothing with it and seriously, Rainbow, WHY?
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So how should it have been done? They should have had a proper conversation about this topic. Alone. Without Stormy and Icy. Darcy should have told him about the situation calmly without her sisters disturbing her. Riven then could come to 2 decisions: The first one would be to still stay with her. It would have gone completely against Icy's and Stormy's will but if he had truly proven, that he was on their side, they couldn't do very much against it. Or he could have come to the conclusion, that he had to leave Darcy. He would feel betrayed by Darcy not telling him their plans earlier and simply for her going too far. And Darcy on the other hand would feel betrayed by Riven for not sticking with her. Both would be deeply hurt and that is how a good relationship like this should end. Both broken, both sad. Rainbow showed us with Brella how good and deep they could portray relationships (also those that are not from the main character). But they totally left this part of the story out. A part, that they OWED to all the fans that shipped them.
Ngl I'm thinking of a one-shot ff about exactly that matter. But I don't know yet if I will write it soon or write it later in my Winx Rewrite that I planned. But be sure, no matter when and where I publish it, it will be more satisfying than this scene in the show.
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