#poor copia isn't ready for little ghoul
littleghoulghost · 2 years
Sodo and Little Ghoul
Sodo doesn't know jack shit about kids. And he typically prefers it that way. Until Little Ghoul comes along. Suddenly he's thrust into the world of part-time parenting that is called being an uncle. Suddenly he has to teach a kid morals and values when most people take one look at him and are pretty sure God is dead. Wonderful.
Sodo's first interaction is the both of them just staring at each other through their helmet goggles. Mountain is supervising but not telling him a single thing he needs to know. So Sodo's tail is just swishing through the air like a whip, and Little Ghoul's tail is just trailing behind her limply.
It doesn't take very long before Little picks up on his temper. It takes one good argument between him and Aether for Little to see him start charging the other ghoul with his helmet horns first. Then she becomes an absolute gremlin.
They slowly begin pestering each other, pokes, nips, tail slaps. And then it evolves into wrestling on the floor of the den and nearly taking out the furniture and fellow ghouls. Then it becomes Little Ghoul charging him. She likes to try and take out his knees so she can get him down easier.
He eventually manages to start her on bothering others, whether that be the other ghouls, Copia, or the Siblings. He tries to get her to go after Sister Imperator once, she takes one look at the sister and immediately puffs up and begins hissing and spitting and lashing her tail. Sodo eventually has to call Mountain to grab her because frankly he doesn't want to get bit.
In the calmer moments after their mischief has been dealt they can be found in the ghoul den, curled upon the couch or even sleeping in the hot coals of the fireplace. He's the warmest of the ghouls, so she often seeks him out during the colder days when the stone hallways are frigid.
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littleghoulghost · 2 years
Bonding of Little Ghoul
Mountain didn't really know if it was the sight of a child or the terrified chirping that had made him move. All he knew was that he'd bowled over his fellow ghouls, swaddled the kid from head to toe, and took off like a bat out of Hell. He'd never really managed to subdue his instincts like the others, never really managed to make human speech feel natural coming from his lips. All he did know, was that this was his child. His little ghoul. He'd have to dress her, but for now seeing her securely swaddled and comfortable in his den was enough to make his chest rumble with delight. The scent of baby still clung to her in wisps, chubby gray cheeks soft with baby fat. The little cupid's bow of her lips seemed so delicate, he desired nothing more than to see her bare her little fangs in a brilliant smile. All of it sent fireworks blasting through his brain, made him curl around her and purr and chuff like a domesticated tiger, made him rub his scent over her. If she smelled like him that meant he could keep her, right? If she smelled like him they couldn't take her, made her his? He liked the thought of that, being not just Mountain, but Mountain and cub. Not even Papa could take her from him. And may all that is holy and unholy keep Sister Imperator from snatching her from him, he'd send the Sister screaming into Hell, begging for mercy she would never receive.
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littleghoulghost · 2 years
The Reason for Little Ghoul
Copia was new to being Papa of the Clergy. Sure, he'd had plenty of responsibilities as Cardinal, but now he felt as though he were being run ragged constantly. What he needed was another ghoul. As Papa he had to do at least one summoning during his reign, perhaps he could summon one to be his personal assistant? He'd been the right hand of Nihil, but he currently had no such person. Copia nodded to himself at his desk and began to make the arrangements for the summoning ritual. And that was how Copia found himself in a very unique situation.
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