#poor kellam
crabknight · 6 months
Thoughts on the losers
Chrom: okayish, unfortunately voiced by M*tt
Robin, whom I have named Hildegard: she's silly, I made her very pretty :]
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Lissa: benched in favor of Maribelle sorry
Frederick: LOVE HE very serious. Decided on a whim he should be with Maribelle and not Sully cause I like his supports with Mari
Sully: AMAZING LOVELY SO COOL I am normal about her C support with Miriel (gonna write a fic about it later when I get the B and A support)
Virion: FRENCH JUMPSCARE no like I didn't think he'd actually have a French accent in the voice acting. He's so cool I love him
Vaike: WHORE I wanna know why he acts like that, I wanna study him under a microscope
Mirial: MY SPECIAL LADY HOW I LOVE YOU SO she's a mage and also her C support with Sully is very good
Sumia: no strong opinions, ended up benching her in favor of Cordelia. I don't really need her anymore cause she's already served her purpose of being Chrom's wife
Panne: lovely lady, adore her. I like her introduction with Emmeryn :]
Gaius: I don't use him a lot but he's poggers. I like his intro with him just wanting candy, what a mood
Cordelia: neat :] I love her intro with Phila and how horrible she feels about the other ladies dying. Just. Ough. I hope she gets a big hug or smth
Gregor: the ideal man honestly, 10/10
Nowi: I don't hate her as much as I thought I would. Aside from her design, she's great
Libra: boy man totally. Lovely design, lovely intro, very excited about his VA because I really love her as H'aanit
Tharja: did not expect to like her at all but she's good. I like her intro
Basilio: Patrick Seitz moment fr!!!
Emmeryn: blood guts horror forever. Crying 1 billion tears. Don't speak her name! amirite
Chrom: Yeah I've never been a big fan of him tbh
Hildegard: OMGGG VERY PRETTY INAUSGFIUANSDGF great design for your robin
Lissa: Yeah I mean that's fair, I have a habit it using the first healer I get as the healer for the rest of the game so I use Lissa a lot, also because I love Owain too much to not use. Don't really have anything to say about her personality
Frederik: I mean, how can you not love him, he is great, you should see his supports with chrom, I find them funny
Sully: Yeah she slaps, definitly my favorite of the two cavs
Virion: Virion is pretty fun I cannot lie, and I will say, I was fully expecting him to be french
Miriel: me when big words, she is very cool I also like her, important question here, who will marry her?
Sumia: Yeah I have no strong opinion either
Maribelle: I'm very happy for you that you love maribelle this much, it's great to see
Panne: Yeah she's pretty cool, I like her supports with Virion and her kid can become pretty strong
Gaius: There really isn't that much more to him than candy puns in my experience, but he can become pretty good
Cordelia: Yes very true, her intro is definitly one of the best
Gregor: MY MAN GREGOR HOW I LOVE YOU SO YOU ARE MY HUSBAND AND I LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER fun fact I married him in my most recent playthrough
Nowi: yeah that's fair, I still hate her tho I am not a fan of her personality and everything, shame that her kid is so cool tho
Libra: the man ever what can i say
Tharja: yeah honestly, behind the sexualisation of her outfit and in everything happening outside of the game, I honestly quite like her, her personality is actually pretty fun and I like her supports
Basilio: me when seitz
Emmeryn: sorry I suppose I just spoke her name
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pegasusknightsonly · 1 year
poor Stahl and Sully start with really pathetic stats and although they're both inclined to grow in certain directions those first few levels ups are absolutely crucial in a way that they aren't for, say, Sumia, who can roll with four consecutive levels of skl/spd/lck as long as she has Chrom's dual strikes. poor Stahl. one more point of def or HP in his levels and he would have lived. so it goes
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captainschmoe · 1 year
imagine if more male units aside from chrom had child units??
Oh how I wish I was better at making OC’s, but have some thoughts I thought up:
- Frederick has a son who ended up becoming a hugely rebellious teenager due to his father’s strict discipline. He does become a royal knight, albeit nowhere near as, er, “dedicated” as Frederick.
- Ricken NEEDS to have a son who ends up being way bigger and buffer than he is lmao.
- Stahl has a daughter who’s pretty much just a “mini-me”: kind, honest, very hungry, and interested in brewing potions. However, she’s more insecure about her averageness, and spends a lot of time trying new things to find something she excels in.
- Kellam has a daughter who ends up getting spoiled rotten from all the love and attention her dad gives her. Tends to deliberately draw attention to herself, but knows how to be just as sneaky as her dad.
- Henry has a son who is perfectly, astoundingly normal in the head. He’s deeply embarrassed by his father’s whole deal, and is reluctant to associate with him. Henry’s bloodlust turned him vegetarian.
- Libra needs to have a daughter who gets mistaken for a man all the time lol. While she does worship Naga like her father, she secretly has a strong curiosity about Grima and the Grimleal.
- Lon’qu has a daughter and is pleased to discover he has no issues being close to her. However, she ends up being innately talented with the sword, which makes him self-conscious.
- Gaius has a son who is easily sickened by sweet things and poor hygiene. Actually, a lot of things make him sick. Squeamish boy. EDIT: I changed my mind. His son is gonna be similar to Saizo for giggles.
- Virion has a son with a passion for poetry. Most of his poems consist of flowery ramblings about how excruciatingly gay he is.
- Donnel has a daughter who wants to get a formal education and become a farm vet, but struggles to learn directly from the books and needs extra help from her pa.
- Vaike has a son who is just a total shrimp. A wimpy wet mop of a man. Easily bullied. Can’t handle his dad’s roughhousing.
- Gregor has a daughter who is a mercenary like him. Cocky, confident, and commanding. A “one of the boys” kind of girl like Sully and Flavia. Picked up many of her father’s speech quirks.
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Talk about your fire emblem blorbos.
!!! There are so many I could pick... But I will start with my favorite Awakening husband: Kellam!
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I know he doesn't stand out in terms of looks, but that's kind of intentional. Kellam's whole thing is being easily forgotten and practically invisible to nearly everyone who knows him, even though he's one of the tallest characters in game. Poor guy. It's a joke that even made it into the cover art for the game.
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Face covered by Chrom's knee... They Mike Wazowski'd him.
I'm always endeared to characters that just seem to get shafted by the plot/world around them, and Kellam consistently being left behind and forgotten and so unnoticeable that he can just walk through enemy territory without being spotted definitely makes me feel bad for him, but he's also very relatable to me.
He's a very polite guy in game towards all the other army members, but when he was a kid, he was actually kind of a dick. Grew up in a big family with little food to go around, and because of the fact that he was rude about not wanting to share with anyone, his whole family just kind of started ignoring him, and that's pretty much the origin of his curse. Even after he got better and changed his behavior, no one notices him at all, and I think that's gotta be pretty lonely to deal with all your life. The only family member he has that acknowledges him at all is one of his brothers similar to me only talking to my sister.
He has a lot of good supports with other characters, and but if anyone other than Robin marries him, the game just continues to bully him!
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I do love him!!! I love him so much!!! Just look at his marriage quote... I genuinely think it's the sweetest one in the game.
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Some of my favorites quotes for him while I'm at it
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His death/retreat quotes hurt... My poor baby
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Lastly I will leave you with some official art of him because he really is handsome, even if he's not the most standout guy
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(Fun fact: his jpn name is Callum, which according to his trivia section, is a Scottish name meaning "dove" or "peace", which I think is really nice)
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agcntbubbles · 3 months
[ SHAVE ]: -- Kellam
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[ SHAVE ]: sender sits in the receiver's lap so they can carefully shave the last of the receiver's stubble from their face.
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❝ This is not practical, at all. ❞ he snorts despite his focus. He's got the shaving kit there at his side, Kellam sat there in his lap. A hand rests at his chin to steady it, the other with a a simple straight edge razor.
Kellam hadn't settle there for the entire shaving process, had just done so with a little last bit and had insisted Clayton needed to assist. And who was he to have told the poor thing 'no' ?
❝ Hold still. Don't need to end up slicing and dicing you. ❞ patches of shaving cream where Kellam had already finished, the last batch there concentrated at the patch Clay now lifted the razor to.
His gaze falls focused as he tends to the last patch of stubble, scraping the razor until he's satisfied with the job. ❝ You'll need to clean it up in the bathroom. Y'know, where you usually shave. Not in my lap. ❞
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multiimistakes · 5 months
❛ let’s get you some clothes before i get too turned on. ❜ —- Kellam
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Bubbles was a killer. That wasn't to say he didn't have alternative skillsets-—but killing and doing so quickly and quietly was what he'd always been best at. Bubbles was, as it were, not exactly the best when it came to dealing with living targets.
Some nepo-baby of a celebrity who had a parent with ties to someone up in some foreign government was now wanted alive by the same government that had employed him. Whether that was to keep her safe or gain leverage over the parent...who was he to care?
The problem? Someone had gotten to her first.
Competition was fun for some hitmen, some assassins. Not Bubbles, though. It tired him out, gave him a headache. He didn't see this as a fun game to be won, he saw it as someone else taking off with his paycheck.
He'd been put through the ringer during the initial chase. Scrapes, bruises. Half of his pant leg had been caught on something and ripping during an impressive scramble up a building top he'd jumped to. His shirt was grimy and bloody and he simply looked like he'd been through it. And he had no celebrity to show for it.
His gaze had flicked to Kellam, just subtly heated but otherwise that typical look of exhaustion he was prone to carry. He missed his gum (the poor bastard had swallowed it by accident during the chase).
❝ -—Yeah? Some dudes with guns just took off with your client and my target and you're going to flirt? Now? ❞ he wasn't surprised and couldn't even say it was outside the realm of normality for him (hitmen and women were typically very eccentric individuals, you see). That and, well, he couldn't argue against new clothes.
He sized the man up, chewed some at his lower lip. Yeah, they looked about the same build-wise. ❝ We've got a short time window to figure out where they're going. Let's make this quick. No time for fashion montages...❞
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minorisato · 8 months
insomnia - teenagers scare the living shit out of me
silent hill, original work / NA / wc: 875 / warnings: these are my silent hill OCs, references to gore, implied poor home life
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The mall is run down, the floors soaked in blood, mud, stains, some of which Joey did not recognize. The mere thought of what they might be made him feel sick, and he elected not to dwell on it, instead focusing on the rusted gates keeping each store closed off from him. Shining his flashlight through the bars, he was able to sometimes make out damaged merchandise– torn clothes, broken lamps, plushies with their stuffing removed and strewn about. The sight of each almost made him sad, almost, memories or a populated, functioning (if on the decline) mall coming back to him. He’d loved that place.
Trekking forward, he’d eventually found a damaged sign, appearing as though it had fallen from the ceiling, like the wires holding it in place had been cut. It, too, was covered in those miscellaneous, disgusting stains, though he was able to make out an arrow and the word “court.” A food court. Likely, it’d be broken down and left to rot, completely out of business, but it felt worth it to check.
As he approached the many tables and chairs– some flipped, some broken, all abandoned– the silhouette of a person came into view. Fearing, at first, that it was a monster, Joey readied his gun, keeping it pointed down. He approached slowly, cautiously, readying himself and steeling his nerves to shoot if he needed to.
As the silhouette became clearer, though, he realized she was no monster– rather, just a normal girl, hunched over with her head in her hands. Joey put away his weapon as he approached, and as he got closer he could make out the sound of her crying softly. “Excuse me?” He’d asked, attempting to keep his voice gentle, soft, so as to not startle her.
It did not work, as the girl let out a scream, bolting from her spot, turning to face whatever– whoever– startled her as she panted heavily. “Oh god,” she let out, seemingly not comforted in the slightest by Joey’s presence. “You’re a person.”
This was a crime Joey could not rectify. “Y-yeah, I am,” he confirmed, a bit confused by the girl’s reaction. She wore a short read dress with a black hoodie overtop of it, which looked faded from years of use. Her hair was a wavy bob, clearly bleached blonde at some point, though her roots had grown out enough that it was obvious she originally was a brunette. Her legs wore black thigh-highs, and her patent leather combat boots stomped against the wretched floor.
“Great, first these monsters fucking– won’t leave me alone, and now some pervert is following me–”
“Woah, woah” Joey interrupted, “I’m– I’m not a pervert. I’m just as lost as you are.” He raised his hands to try and appear less threatening, backing away from the girl a bit, only minorly offended at her insinuation. “I’m Joey Kellams. I’m looking for my brother.”
The girl sighed, and as she did, Joey could see the tension melt from her shoulders. “I’m sorry,” she apologized, visibly relaxing, “with all the monsters around, I’ve been super freaked out, all paranoid and shit. It’s not your fault, and honestly I sort of don’t trust men in general, so the fucking meat-man monsters are even worse than like, wolves or something–” She smacked her head with the palm of her hand, approaching Joey. “I’m sorry, I’m rambling.” She extended a hand, albeit a bit awkwardly, to him. “I’m Leila Ridley.”
“It’s nice to meet you,” Joey greeted, attempting a soft smile as he shook her hand. “What are you doing, hiding out in this… place?”
Leila shrugged, awkwardly rubbing her arm. “Me and my friends used to go to our local mall constantly, so I thought… I dunno, I thought it might be safer here.” She let out a sigh. “It’s not, though, not really. I mean, you can see it.”
Yes, he could. “Have you been to this mall specifically before?”
Again, the girl shrugged. “I’m not sure. On the way here, when I saw it from the distance, I was pretty sure I had, but now it’s all… different. Obviously.” She sniffled. “I got lost pretty much as soon as I entered, and now I’m here, and I don’t know where anyone else is– honestly, you’re the first person I’ve seen, and–” she was beginning to choke up, her voice hoarse. “I’m sorry, I’m just really confused. I just wanna go back to school.”
That surprised Joey. “School? You’re a high schooler?” Leila nodded. “Why would you want to go back to high school and not, like, home?”
“School’s a better option,” she replied quickly, wiping her eyes. “That’s where all my friends are. They’re– they’re nice to me, I’d rather hang out with them than my parents.”
Joey wanted to ask why, wanted to dig deeper, but a voice in the back of his head told him it’d be better not to pry. “We’ll find a way out of here,” he assured her instead, “not all of the stores are locked down, so if we work together, we may be able to find an exit.”
Leila nodded, keeping her eyes to the ground. “Would… would it be okay if I came with you? For now, at least?”
“Of course.”
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cielospeaks · 10 months
b8 spoilers
first of all the story! honestly not having high hopes, i dont care for this artist's style but the focus on ladies/older men is good imo, bc i dont like how they draw any guy whos under like 40-50. also more than that seriously hoping this book isnt anything to do w asgard bc i am dreading that section of the story. reluctantly ill take yggy but thats partly bc of worldtree conspiracy
tho as a side note that makes wc funnier, like elanor just had the misfortune of making a book that really resembles a real place, and making it about a secret evil conspiracy organization. like poor lady, no wonder shes having a bad time in wc. like considering (assumedly) most of wc takes place at/near the order (or askr town), shes basically just jumping at shadows trying to keep her presence hidden. which is fun bc it means more opportunities for elanor to be the cringe 27 year old we know and love. but hopefully it wont complicate wc bc i really want wc to be good and wholesome
the actual banner: loud snoring emoji. what an absolute skip. this + last years are just horrible. who fucking cares about these nasty kids, we already had tons of 13 stuff (and most of it was mildly or actually good, like roblovers wedding + kellam and anna halloween) during the year, not to mention two banners in b6. and no noire is kinda lame (cyl ghb maybe? i dont even know). on the flipside it hopefully means the rest of wakes stuff will be adult generation (aka kellam, vaike, and trickster anna) which is very welcome. heck these boring kids.
actually back on plot, i am rooting for the two ladies, i esp like the black haired one's design. and the snake one has so much personality in her just 2-second intro scene, big disney villain energy and i love her for that. (pls dont let what happened to elm happen to you, but then again considering who shes with shes probably doomed rip). please kill these shitty characters im so tired of their horrible plots and nastiness. but that aside i want to like them (idk abt the main character, her design is cute but i feel like shell just be another "ohhh order i love you so much" sort, like ash/etc)
anyways i guess the good news is i can save up for new years njorthur (please) and/or whatever is in the christmas banner (i would say santa idunn as always but i actually want new years idunn more this year so pls....)
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lucxien · 10 months
i made the poor decision to invest in virion in my current fe13 run when kellam is a 10x better archer than him…..
i’m trying to be quicker than usual with this run (even tho so far i am taking longer than i should be, doing dlc maps and stuff) and idk virion was doing pretty good but now i’m at ch. 23 and he along w/ lissa and stahl are falling off,,
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umbracirrus · 1 year
I incredibly rarely post about Fire Emblem, but there's one thing which I really want to say about it at the moment - I cannot stop laughing about the reaction to the halloween banner announcement for FEH, specifically the tempest trial unit announcement.
The unit is Kellam.
Poor Kellam from Fire Emblem Awakening, whose actions are sometimes attributed to a ghost and has so little presence even when he is right there, right in front of you, in his massive bulky armour, waving his arms in your face, and frightens people when they do notice him.
And from what I've seen as the most common response to it is 'oh, they've forgot to add the tempest trial unit' and I can't stop laughing-
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littlestgamer · 7 years
Kellam is gonna be the most OP hero when he's added cause you won't even notice him, you'll just be wondering why defense teams suddenly have only 3 people and why their red units are mysteriously dying.
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windywhispers · 3 years
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okay this is the third time i've noticed it but rip kellam everytime we're in the barracks and he's talking to someone they look the other way bc they don't know where he is askldjfah
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kosherfelldragon · 7 years
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emblemxeno · 2 years
Fire Emblem Awakening: Reclass Relation to Characters
I’ve gushed about this already in Fates, and 3H has a similar concept in regards to skill levels and such, but Awakening also does this, so I thought to lay it out.
Putting it under the cut because it got really long lol.
Chrom: Cavalier and Archer. Typical heroic classes, access to all physical weapon types, almost all of the resulting classes have sword access for Falchion.
Lissa: Pegasus Knight because she’s a pure maiden, Troubadour because she’s a member of high society + connection to Maribelle. Could also relate to her staff training.
Frederick: Knight because he’s an Ylissean knight. Wyvern Rider because he has a subtle inclination for violence.
Sully: Myrmidon because she was trained by Frederick. Wyvern Rider because she’s a crass bruiser who loves to fight people.
Virion: Wyvern Rider because Wyverns are native to Valm in Awakening’s time and he’s from Rosanne. Mage because he’s actually a high society noble.
Stahl: Archer because he prefers letting other people have the spotlight. Myrmidon because he was trained by Frederick.
Vaike: Thief and Barbarian because he was a poor schmuck raised in the slums.
Miriel: Troubadour and Dark Mage gives her access to all Tome wielding classes, sans Tactician and Dark Flier, so she really wants to use any kind of magic to uncover the universe’s secrets.
Sumia: Knight because she has a stubborn streak and wants to defend the people she loves. Cleric because she’s super kind and wants to support others in several ways.
Kellam: Thief because he’s never able to be seen. Priest because he likes helping people.
Donnel: Fighter because he was never properly trained to fight. Mercenary because he had incredible combat potential.
Lon’qu: Thief because he doesn’t like small talk and keeps parts of his past hidden. Wyvern Rider because he’s from Chon’sin.
Ricken: Cavalier and Archer because he looks up to Chrom so much that he has the same reclass options.
Maribelle: Pegasus Knight because she’s a pure maiden. Mage because she’s a high society noble.
Panne: Thief because her race is near extinct and so she keeps hidden. Wyvern Rider to connect her to animals, and to evoke a “foreign/outsider” image among Ylisseans.
Gaius: Fighter because he’s uncouth. Myrmidon because he has lots of experience in spite of his appearance.
Cordelia: Mercenary because she’s an exceptionally talented fighter. Dark Mage because she has hidden feelings that she’s a bit ashamed of. Having these classes also means she has access to every weapon type. Genius indeed.
Gregor: Barbarian because he looks like a brute. Myrmidon because he’s an experienced fighter, so much so that he nearly beat Basilio in becoming West-Khan.
Nowi: Mage because she has mystical powers as a Manakete. Wyvern Rider to reference her heritage + to give her a “foreign/outsider” image.
Libra: Mage because he has surprisingly cynical views on things sometimes (Natural/Anima/Earthly magic vs Healing being tied to faith/religion). Dark Mage because he has a dark past he keeps hidden away.
Tharja: Knight to keep Robin safe directly and Archer to keep Robin safe from far away.
Anna: Archer because she’s utilitarian. Mage because she’s a mysterious constant in the FE series.
Olivia: Myrmidon because she’s a surprisingly talented sword fighter. Pegasus Knight because she’s a pure maiden.
Cherche: Troubadour and Cleric because she’s trained as a domestic servant for a noble house.
Henry: Barbarian and Thief because he was raised by animals for a good portion of his life and has a terrible past and twisted personality that affected his morality.
Say’ri: Pegasus Knight because she’s a pure maiden. Wyvern Rider because she’s from Chon’sin.
Tiki: Wyvern Rider and Mage, same as Nowi; keeping in touch with her heritage and her mystical abilities. The former class could also be because she resides in Valm now.
Basilio: Barbarian because he’s a crass warrior king. Knight because he’s as stubborn as an ox.
Flavia: Thief because Ferox has rough-and-tumble warriors as opposed to noble, knightly ones like Ylisse. Knight because she’s just as stubborn as Basilio.
Gangrel: Barbarian because he grew up on the streets. Dark Mage because he’s fucking nuts.
Walhart: Knight because he doesn’t submit to anyone until killed or beaten hard enough. Wyvern Rider because he’s Valmese.
Emmeryn: Pegasus Knight because she’s a pure maiden. Troubadour because she’s high society. Also the same classes that Lissa has, gives off a cute sisterly vibe.
Yen’fay: Wyvern Rider because he’s from Chon’sin. Archer because he keeps himself detached and separate from the rest of the party-especially Say’ri-because he’s not originally from this world.
Aversa: Wyvern Rider because of her ruthless personality (maybe she’s originally Valmese, too). Dark Mage because she’s noted to be gifted with magic.
Priam: Myrmidon because he’s a great swordfighter. Fighter because he’s a fucking hobo who lives to fight stronger people lol. The classes also let him use swords and axes to keep his connection to Ike.
And while child characters just inherit classes from their parents, some start with different classes, and that ties into personalities as well.
Owain: Myrmidon because he’s trained in House Ylisse’s sword techniques.
Inigo: Mercenary cuz you obviously can’t have two dancers, but he probably inherited Olivia’s skill with a blade regardless.
Brady: Priest because of gender locks, but also cuz he’s sensitive under the tough guy persona and scary face.
Kjelle: Knight because she canonically sucked at riding horses.
Severa: Mercenary because she wanted to escape Cordelia’s shadow.
Noire: Archer because of her reclusive personality.
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lovely-english-rose · 2 years
10, 15, 24, 28 !!!
10. A character you find underrated?
You know who doesn't get a lot of love? Shura- He's so cool! Would love to learn more about him, and wish he had more support convos.
and poor Kellam! 😭Always forgotten.. I never see him talked about, ik being forgotten is like his "thing" but, I think it's rather sad.
They both could use some more love-
15. What are your favorite musical tracks?
Ooooh to pick just a few I really like: The King of Lions, Invisible History, Bubbles, Love (yes this IS what love sounds like-), Id (Purpose), Don't Speak Her Name
24. An FE title you wish would be remade?
I did answer this one already with binding and blazing blade, but to pick some others; I would love to see Genealogy and Thraccia remade! Because of FEH I really love Ced, Julia, and Lewyn (among others lol) and would love to play the games they all come from too ;w;
28. Because this fandom doesn't see enough discourse [citation needed], post a spicy hot take here🔥🔥
👁👄👁 oh boy- OH i got something- new lgbt rep is not inherently better or less "problematic" than previous lgbt rep 💅 they all have their pros and cons, they're all flawed. that just makes them more realistic. because nobody is perfect, and just because an lgbt character isn't your type, doesn't make them bad representation.
Fire Emblem Series Ask Game!
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asexualfoxmccloud · 2 years
it would be a long time before I s-support either of them but I’m tempted to add virion and kellam to my list because virion is an objectively funny character and I like him and I also just really like kellam and feel bad for him. I loathe to use the term but he may be a bit of a poor little meow meow
also I like the idea of having a self insert for the Marth era be just Kris but idk I like the idea of making one that’s a relative of Tiki just because I like her
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