#poor morpheus tbh
cuubism · 1 year
imagine you get a new job at a massive powerful company, and you go in on your first day and go to your predecessor's office which is now your office, and your predecessor's assistants drop a 50 thousand page binder on your desk, 'just to get you up to speed'. and you look at the old financial statements and goddamn what the fuck is going on at this place. "we had a few rough quarters," say the assistants, "but we're sure you can fix it!" and ok this is starting to get a little concerning but the company's work is really cool and you already signed your employment contract so. you're like "ok well. yeah i guess we'll fix that five billion dollar budget deficit eventually haha." then you're like "so... how many people am i managing then?" and they're like "oh weren't you told? you're the ceo. we have about... 2 million employees. here's your calendar!" which is already just back-to-back meetings and tasks 6am - 11pm, who even scheduled this? and this is all starting to feel like some kind of sick joke or a nightmare or something and you're suddenly realizing that the hiring process for this was kind of weird... are you experienced enough for this? surely you should have had more than one interview. the pay is definitely abysmal for whatever this is. and finally you're like "listen i know he left and all but is there any way i could talk to the old boss and get his advice?" and the assistants are like "oh didn't you know? he jumped out his office window."
so imagine you're daniel hall
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aralezinspace · 2 years
Hi! I hope your doing alright❤️❤️ so I just was your Storytime with Morpheus and it was ahaisospssnb so good😍😍 it was super cute and I loved all the interactions with Morpheus and the kids and the reader too? I also saw your requests were open and was wondering if you'd maybe do another story relating to the teacher reader? Maybe like Morpheus comes to class again and there's a new little girl who seems to be scared of him for seemingly no reason and tells him to take his nightmares away or Jacks gonna get him. And this would surprise (and worry) them both because no one should know who Dream really is. And then they learn the kid thinks he's Pitch Black the bad guy who makes nightmares from Rise of the Guardians, (LOOK UP THE PICTURES AND COMPARE ITS HILARIOUS HIW SIMILAR THEY LOOK😂) and yeah. Then I guess reader and Morpheus would try to convince her he's nice and stuff and maybe by the end of the day the little girl is making Morpheus sit by her and sharing her snack, while reader put in the movie for the Class (and her man) while trying not to laugh! That's the idea! You totally dont have to do it if you don't want too❤️❤️❤️
A/N: eeeeeeee I LOVE THIS ONE so I tweaked the request a little bit, but it's the same general premise with lots of fluffiness! Also LOVE Rise of the Guardians, that movie was slept on tbh it's so gooood and YOU AIN'T WRONG Morpheus is kinda like a benevolent Pitch xD I really enjoyed writing this, thanks for sending it in!! Enjoy!
~~Requests for Morpheus and the Doctor (9-13) are open~~
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I could never have guessed what would happen when I unleashed my class of eleven 4-year-olds and my ancient eldritch boyfriend upon each other. My class was utterly obsessed with him, constantly asking when he was going to visit again. I had to explain that he was very busy, and couldn’t always leave work to come see us.
However, it did not escape my notice that ever since his visit, they came in every day eager to tell me about their dreams the night before. It seemed they had grown on him as well, and I appreciated his efforts on their behalf.
About a month after his first visit, one of my students moved away, and a new student joined the class in rapid succession. That led to a whole week of late nights, filling out paperwork and getting everything labeled and ready for the new kid. Morpheus wasn’t happy with it, but I don’t think he had it in his heart to scold me once I told him about the new kid. Those gremlins really had him wrapped around their finger.
My boyfriend’s next visit to the class happened to occur on my new kid’s first day. His name was Bruce, a sweet and somewhat meek looking boy. He had huge green eyes, and was about average size for his age. When he arrived that morning, his parents helped him find his cubby and introduced themselves to me. They seemed nice, like they weren’t going to be those parents who opposed the teacher at every turn. The other kids had stopped playing on the rug to stare at the newcomer, and Bruce stared right back.
He didn’t cry when his parents left, a promising sign. I gently guided him over to the rug and got my kids’ attention. “Good morning everyone! We have a new friend joining us. This is Bruce.” There was a murmured chorus of “Hi Bruce,” before they went back to playing.
Bruce carefully dipped his toes into the chaos that was my classroom, moving to the three kids playing with dinosaurs. Over the course of the morning, he warmed up to the rest of the kids; even if he didn’t speak much, his smile grew bigger and bigger.
By the time snack rolled around, it was as if he had been in our room the whole year. They were eagerly stuffing pretzels in their mouths when Morpheus came in. They all yelled, “MR. MORPHEUS!” and ran to the door. Poor Morpheus was momentarily terrified at being swarmed by 4-year-olds, but took it all in stride.
I smiled fondly at the sight, until I realized Bruce had not joined the throng. My new friend was staring at Morpheus in what could only be described as abject terror. His eyes were wide and his bottom lip quivered as if he were about to cry. I went back to the table and crouched next to him. “Hey bud, what’s wrong?”
He mumbled, “That man, he’s scary. I know him. My- my- my mom and dad said Pitch makes you have bad dreams when you make him mad.”
I frowned to myself. Morpheus may hold the title of Nightmare King and dress like a goth prince, but he wouldn’t use nightmares to punish children. “I get you’re feeling scared,” I reassured him gently, “You’ve already had a really busy day.” I pointed to Morpheus. “I know he looks dark and scary, but I promise Mr. Morpheus is a friend. In fact, he’s my boyfriend.” A little smile touched Bruce’s face. “I promise he’s just here to read us a story and maybe play with us for a bit.”
Bruce fiddled with his little fingers, his eyes on the floor. I could tell his tiny brain was working hard to process what I said. “If you want,” I offered gently, “I’ll sit with you when he reads us a story. Sound good?” Bruce nodded as the rest of the kids shuffled and ran back to their seats, asking what story Mr. Morpheus was going to read to them.
Bruce sat on my lap as Morpheus read Rainbow Fish in that hypnotically soothing voice of his. Just like every visit before, my class was absolutely spellbound, hanging on to his every word. My brooding boyfriend was even smiling as he read, his face becoming more and more expressive for their benefit. Bruce gradually relaxed under the Dream Lord’s spell, his eyes still wide and apprehensive, but enamored of the story.
The kids clapped when he was done, and I could have sworn a little chuckle escaped Dreams lips. Even Bruce cracked a tiny smile.
Bruce gradually grew more comfortable around Morpheus, no longer trembling when the dour Endless entered the classroom. Two visits later, he no longer needed to sit on my lap during story time. Morpheus made an effort to appear more inviting and less mean once I told him Bruce’s fears.
Morpheus came a little earlier than usual for his next visit- the kids had just finished cleaning up and I was passing out snack. Like usual, they swarmed him at the door, competing for his attention. He let a tiny smile touch his face as he murmured, “Good morning, little ones.” Those bright, ethereal eyes met mine, and the adoration I saw fill them stopped my breath in my lungs.
My kids dragged him to the table where their cups of pretzels were waiting. The sight of Morpheus folding his lanky limbs to sit somewhat comfortably in the tiny plastic chairs would never cease to amuse me. He sat contently and watched them eat snack, nodding along with whatever they told him.
To my surprise, Bruce pushed his chair over so he was sitting next to Morpheus. I watched tensely, hoping and praying Dream wouldn’t accidentally undo all the progress Bruce had made. The child held out his cup of pretzels, clearly offering to share them with the man who once terrified him.
Morpheus hesitated, his first instinct to refuse and make some excuse about not needing to eat. I caught his eye and gave him a look: Don't you dare refuse this kid trying to overcome his fear and build a connection with you. His mouth gaped slightly like a fish, but he gave me a barely noticeable nod. Dream turned back to Bruce with a gentle smile and said “Thank you” as nimble fingers plucked a pretzel from the cup and stuck it in his mouth.
I felt my eyes well up when Bruce returned the smile and ate his own pretzel.
A few minutes later, Dream moved to the front of the room to read the day’s story. As usual, my kids paid rapt attention to the words coming out of his mouth, their remaining pretzels forgotten. Bruce had scooted his chair a little closer, staring at Dream with those big emerald eyes. My chest felt tight, like it couldn’t contain all the joy growing inside it. This was the kind of thing I lived for as a teacher.
When Morpheus was done with the book, the kids cleaned up their cups and Mike came to get them for recess. As usual, they yelled their goodbyes to Dream as they sprinted to their cubbies for coats and gloves. Bruce was last to the door, veering cautiously towards Morpheus. I gave my boyfriend a little nudge and gestured to Bruce.
Slowly, so as not to startle him, Dream lowered himself to one knee, resting his forearm on his other leg. He was now approximately at eye level with Bruce, waiting for the child to make the first move. I could see the boy working up his courage, the cogs in his brain working to make a decision.
He took a few running steps before throwing himself at Morpheus, wrapping the Endless in the most affectionate hug a four year old was capable of. Dream was undeniably startled; this was clearly the last thing he expected. It was also one of the last things I had expected of Bruce, at least at this point in time.
Slowly, carefully, Morpheus moved his arms to return the embrace. It was somewhat loose, made so both by the Dream Lord’s lean and lanky arms, as well as his general discomfort with physical affection from those he wasn’t familiar with. But, he didn’t reject the gesture, instead maintaining the contact like a warm, breathing statue until he felt the boy pull away. Bruce ran to his cubby with a “Bye Mr. Morphss!” and a big smile. Mike was waiting for him at the door, and guided him to follow the rest of the class.
I let out the breath I didn’t realize I was holding as silence descended over the room, my beaming gaze bouncing back and forth between Bruce’s cubby and my boyfriend. These two that I loved so deeply had both come so far in their own ways, both on their own and with each other- I was prouder of them than I could say.
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moorishflower · 2 years
Psst, I saw your tags about Morpheus'/Tom Sturridge's body and apparently he did work out (and not eat a lot the poor guy ;_;) quite a bit, but not so much because he felt the hypothetical pressure of comic fans (and having become one himself).
I can't find his exact wording bec I've been watchign so many interviews it's all blended together, but it was along the lines of that to him, the images in the comics depicted someone who'd been "reduced" to being boney and sinewy because he put so much of his power and himself into his work and so he decided he wanted to embody that, as well as some measure of powerful otherworldlyness as best as he could and I can't with this man and his dedication tbh ;A;
Hello non! I am familiar with the interview of which you speak!
And like I am appropriately fascinated and impressed with Sturridge's dedication to the role, but also, it hurts my heart that this is something that is ALLOWED and in fact encouraged on movie and TV sets. I have to assume that Sturridge was responsible, that he had a nutritionist and a trainer and someone to monitor his health throughout, but there are lots of unscrupulous directors and producers who encourage this kind of extreme weight/muscle loss or gain WITHOUT adequate monitoring.
I guess what I'm saying is that it sucks that actors and actresses feel that their bodies are tools of their trade to the point that they are ready and willing to do potentially irreparable damage to them in the name of embodying their character. That is not something that ever should have been allowed to take root in the industry. Makeup, lighting, and now CGI are all things that could fill that niche instead.
Again, wanna be clear that I am NOT bashing Sturridge. He presumably, as an adult person, made the choice to pursue that level of training, and also presumably had monitoring throughout, and he did a fantastic job.
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gr0vndz3r0 · 1 year
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Morpheus Blues AKA casolanturn.
He is currently 25.
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
Okay, when he was 11, he lost his arms after a building colapsed with he and his family in it after an accident. The debris crushed his arms and his family. He survived with having to get his arms amputated, but family is obviously dead.
When he was 18, He ended up meeting the Ripperdoc, and the two came up with a design for his automail(they're made out of adamantiun). His left arm has panels that open up into screens and keyboards for hacking, and his right arm is artillery. Transforms into guns. That's why he has an amobelt. His fingertips all open into inports and outports that he can connect to anything with and hack. His hands can turn into claws.
Scars on right side of his face are from when he first got his automail. He forgot about the claws and went to scratch his face. The scar on his left that, that has tore his cheek and ripped his ear, that's from being shot at by a cyberpsychosis freak.
He manipulates peoples minds by corrupting their chips in their necks. He can hack and alter their memories, and can mess with their dreams.
One day, when he was 22, he stole a Sandevistan from someone who stole it from the Ripperdoc. When he went to return it, he decided he wanted it so he bought it and had it implanted.
(He honestly makes much more since if he was in the bnha world tbh😹)
┈┈┈┈․° ☣ °․┈┈┈┈
TL:DR - poor boy lost his arms, got cyberinhancements, hacks peoples minds for a living and earned the title behind his name; Morpheus.
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bizarrescribblez · 2 years
confession, darling, and valentine !!!!!!!!!! for roman and cotton uwu
confession - how'd the confession happen, and looking back on it, what are your (and f/o's) thoughts abt how you both were back then?
Roman - sorry i am on a Roman kick i gotta answer his first omg 😭 I need to plan and think of actual planned out confessions for my Scream boys.. but I imagine Roman confessed either shortly before ghostface reveal or after.. the drama of it all.. like love confession?? them THEN CONFESSION THAT HES GHOSTFACE?? HELLO??? Maybe I’ll plan it out more but hm..
Cotton - CONFESSION SHORTLY AFTER SCREAM 2 EVENTS 1000%. Cotton would give me time to let me heal after what happened, him being biggest comfort next to Randy.. so once I’m ready to let go of what happened with Mickey, he ends up confessing :)
darling - what outfits would you both wear on a date? feel free to show pics! (THIS ONE IS SO FUN AAA)
Roman - Roman is a fashion disaster 100% like he wears an oversized Hawaiian shirt and only wears button ups *looks at him with love* SO HMM ILL SHOW PICS BUT MAYBE CASUAL LOOKS FOR A DATE? (I cannot be casual sorry Romy)
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(^ I’m evil and would mess with the dumb zipper on his shirt like it’s a fidget toy) (also so I can see his chest) (I love men boobs)
Cotton - IF ANYBODY DRESSES UP FANCY FOR A DATE ITS THIS NARCISSIST (he isn’t one around me tho 💜) like have you seen the outfit he wears for his show. He’d wear something like that but more comfortable looking tbh :) YIPPE!!!
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valentine - gush about your valentine! ^^
*GRABS BOTH OF THEM* *holds them in my hands like the image of Morpheus the matrix holding the red and blue pill* THESE TWO.
Roman - THIS GUY. This freaking dork *pokes him like slime* I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH. I love when he has his glasses on and his eyes get big by 80% I love how dramatic he is too AND I GET IT WAS FOR THE BIT but I love how he wanted to make a romance movie.. a secret romantic BBWAWAAAAGGHHGG BURSTSINTO TEARS I will treat him with love and give him the love and care he deserves :( he needs it after sm years of being alone
Cotton - AND YOU. *stares at him* this poor guy has been through so much and it’s the way he still treats people kindly <3 even in canon saying he’s a people person (after saying some people keep their distance from him :( ).. AND HIS SILLY CHUCKLES WHEN HES NERVOUS OR HAPPY. And the way he literally looks so squishy when he smiles.. kisses him softly.. side tangent he’s probably the scream character I’ve been attached to for the longest time.. LIKE IDK WHEN SPECIFICALLY BUT I think it was 2018-2019.. REGARDLESS HES JUST ALWAYS BEEN MY SILLY BEAR :,) I love him so much..
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exeunt-fool · 2 years
Morpheus’s point of view at any given moment
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darkened-writer · 2 years
imagine| Afflatus
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summary || ❝ Still. The love she held for him was sincere and pure. ❞
pairing || Morpheus x Muse!Reader
word count || 3,568
warnings || SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 11??? Emotional Morpheus (deserves a warning tbh)
notes || Please blame @beautifulbows924​ for fueling this imagine! She is once again my beta reader also so please go check out her works and new Fics about Morpheus, they are amazing! Enjoy reading!
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The Lord of The Dreaming, who swept Calliope off of her feet. Shared his many fragments of knowledge and wanted to show her so much more. She was the apple of his eye, while you had to watch from the background, visibly happy but on the inside utterly heartbroken.
You had introduced the two, being the gracious older sister that only wanted your family to meet the man you were coming to befriend. However, when he set his eyes on Calliope, you had known you’d lost him. And even Calliope couldn’t stop herself from falling for his gallant aura. 
They were, in many cases, perfect for each other. She was the muse of epic poetry, and he was the Lord of Dreams. And you were just the muse of love poetry and lyric poetry, both seemingly insignificant in retrospect. 
After having heard of your sister and Morpheus getting married and having a child, you simply cut them off. You would not have to hear anything of the two and their happy circumstances. Though bitter, a sliver of your heart wanted to congratulate Calliope and fulfill your role as a now aunt of a baby boy, but the almost sickening jealousy would always boil up and topple over; and you didn’t want to say anything you’d regret.
“Erato… I call to Erato, muse of love and poetry, The daughter of Zeus and wise Mnemosyne, the goddess who sings of the heart's desire and plays so sweetly upon the lyre. Erato who is the friend of lovers, O a beautiful goddess, beloved one, your spark is that which kindles love's flame. Erato, summoner of passion, I pray to you and wish for the many gifts of muse you bestow upon others.”
A worshipper’s call was one you would always listen to, many of them being females of artistic minds and love-ridden souls. They all begged to be loved, every single one.
“You call, dear worshipper?”
From the kneeling position, the youthful-looking girl held out a bowl of fruits which lit flames within the loins of common folk, your own eyes centering on the small necklace that was sat upon an apple.
“I wish to create a song of love for one I hold most dear to my heart, but I hold no muse and need help.”
“Help? Can your mind not find the words to make your lovers soul swoon?”
“No words of richness, O beautiful muse.”
Reluctantly, you grabbed the bowl of fruits and set it aside to take with you, helping the poor girl up. Her garb was beautiful and yet her own stature was one of awkwardness, she was not confident that she could win over her lover.
“Retrieve an instrument and something to write on, I will be giving you my gift.”
“Though you have eyes for another, my heart will always reach for you, always and forevermore…”
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The girl strummed on her lyre, singing the lyrical poem you had helped her write, and you couldn’t help but see yourself in her. She had spoken of her situation where the one she sought out was falling for another girl of the village, but she felt like if she had prayed to you and had gotten help writing a song; she could serenade him. A valiant effort on her side, and you secretly hoped the boy would love her too.
“It’s beautiful… thank you, O gracious goddess.”
“The formalities are not needed but are appreciated, Mortal. I wish you luck in winning over your beloved.”
The girl had stars in her eyes gazing at you, and you couldn’t help but smile. She had eyes just like him, just like Morpheus.
And you faded into the shadows, taking the bowl of fruit and necklace offering with you.
‘Your sister has been captured.’
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The letter had sent a surge of pain up your spine, captured, CAPTURED? Calliope was highly sought after by artists and writers alike but being captured and most likely bound to someone on Earth, the thought was scary.
She was still grieving Orpheus and yet humanity still wanted to take from her. It was cruel and untimely, and yet you knew that Morpheus would not care. They had divorced after Orpheus passed away, and the feelings of bitterness would still be there regardless of if he even knew she was captured. And the feelings of anger and jealousy that you once had toward her left almost instantly at the thought of what your sister may be going through. But for now, you wanted to check up on your favorite worshipper and her lover.
The quaint, red-bricked home was surrounded by plentiful flowers of all different colors and sizes. And the sound of laughter was resounding from the largest window of the home, as you peered in, smiling widely at the view before you.
The girl was in the embrace of her lover, laughing at a joke or perhaps a memory as they held each other close. His hair was dark like Morpheus’s, skin almost just as pale. Too many memories were associated with those features.
The song, however, must have worked wonders, because the shining diamond on her ring finger and baby bump brought a tear to your eye; your work here was done.
As if sensing your presence, the girl turned to the widow only to be greeted by a wreath of myrtle and roses leaning against the glass.
Most muses, goddesses, and gods preferred not to be within the human realm for too long. But you took enjoyment in blending in with humanity, conversating and building bridges with random people of all ages. You would never tell your family that you were staying in the human realm for too long since it was advised that you and your sisters NEVER stay long-term. 
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But since your sister was trapped and bound to a human, you took it upon yourself to try and hunt her down even if you wouldn’t be able to technically release her. Only the human to who she was bound could free her, but you needed to know if she was safe.
England was the only lead you had, and the number of people trying to call upon you was stacking up. You decided to neglect your duties for Calliope, and you had hoped it would be worth it. Perhaps Dream could help her? He had more power than any of the gods, but nobody had heard from him for quite a while. 
You were worried for the man you had once loved from afar, but in the end, you knew where your loyalties lay; with Calliope.
Erasmus Fry was who you would have to find, and you would do anything in your power to free your sister.
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It took years to finally catch up to Erasmus Fry, only to find out he had passed away and Calliope was nowhere to be found. But a neighbor of the horrendous author had told you that a strange man had come to Fry’s home and left with a female adorned in a white gown with no shoes. It had mirrored the exact clothing that you and the rest of your sisters were accustomed to wearing. But not knowing what the man looked like, it would take you a while to pick up on Calliope’s trail again and that fact broke your heart just a bit more than finding out she was captured. 
Would you have to result in calling upon the man you used to love? No, you would call upon the fates for information about Calliope.
You were on your knees, hands placed firmly upon the hardwood flooring of the motel you were staying at. Setting your intentions on calling upon the fates, you began to speak.
“Gracious Ladies, mother of the Camenae, hear my prayer. It is I, your daughter, Eratos that calls you to let me ask a question. Ladies of meditation, remembrance and song, hearken to me.”
“All right. Enough, sweet writer.”
The room began to light up in the grandeur of the ladies’ arrival, bringing a small smile to your face. The three figures of the fates were adorned in gowns, their hair was done up in excellence, absolutely radiant. The wind blew from the nature, trees and mountains in view along with the colorful sky; and you stood up to greet them.
“We feel your pain, daughter. But, we cannot help you find Calliope. Her situation is dire and only the one who has ensnared her can free her.”
“She is lawfully bound.”
“It is not just, my mothers. Is there no way you can help her? Or even myself in the hunt to find her?”
“There are few of the old powers who are willing or able to meddle in mortal affairs in these days, Eratos.”
“Many gods have died, my daughter. Only the Endless never fade.”
“And even they have been having a difficult time of late.” The Crone laughed.
“Still… every little bit helps as the old woman said when she pissed in the sea.” The humor was getting old, making you roll your eyes as the thought of Oneiros was still ever present in your mind.
“The Endless. There’s a thought. After all, the Dream King and Eratos were close at one point.”
“Mm, not for long. And remember, sister-self, Eratos jealousy made them part on neutral terms.”
“Still. The love she held for him was sincere and pure.”
“The Dream King will never help me find Calliope. Not after I left him due to personal feelings.  He most likely hates me for that, and I’ll be honest I hate myself too for my jealousy and rashness…”
The fates stared, eyes on you as you spoke but they all knew that you were foolish to think that way.
“Foolish child. Oneiros is in no position to help you even if he wished it, which is very unlikely.”
“Like your sister, your former friend and infatuation has been ensnared by mortals.”
“He’s immured beneath the ground. Leaving the realm gripped by sleeping sickness.”
“And a plague of Dreams and Nightmares wreaking havoc.”
“I am sorry, Little One.”
They were going to leave, leave you and leave your sister to suffer at the hands of creative obsessed men, they can’t; they wouldn’t.
“Your prayers were wasted, Sweet Writer. There’s nothing we can do for you or Calliope.”
“Please…! She’s going to keep suffering, there must be something you can do, even point me in a direction to finding out where she is on my own.”
“There is nothing you can do but hope.”
But, the once open wall of nature and beauty was replaced by the blue paint that was crusting at the ends of the wall and you felt your heart sink.
They were retreating to the light, “Please, JUST HELP ME!”
Calliope… Morpheus…
Four Years Later
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It had been four years since you had contacted the Fates, both your sister and her ex-husband were trapped by humans, and it seemed hopeless. There was no trail to follow, the man who had Calliope was smart. But you still hadn’t given up, even while you were supposed to be fulfilling your duties as a muse, Calliope was far more important.
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You were at a bookstore, puroosing the many books that humans had created, and you remembered why you were a muse in the first place. To inspire and spark the creativeness of a society of individuals who need the necessary push to create. But a book stood out to you, ‘EAGLE STONES by Ric Madoc’. It was an international number one best-seller, and it had been out for less than three years. 
Could it be? 
You purchased the book on a whim and took it back to your apartment, walking by many newspaper boxes until one caught your eye.
‘Sleeping Beauty wakes up’
Was he free from captivity? 
You had to try and summon him IMMEDIATELY. He could help find Calliope, help free her from the meta-physical chains that bound her in humanity’s realm. 
Eventually getting to your motel, you found a piece of paper from a notebook you had been using to write and grabbed the nearest pen, writing down his name as neatly as possible before clutching the paper in your hands and shutting your eyes in prayer.
“I call to you, Oneiros, that you may hear me. Come to me and help me find my sister when I say your name out loud. Oneiros, God of Dreams, Morpheus…”
Tossing the paper into the fireplace, every bone in your body buzzed with the hope that he would answer your call. That he would forgive you for abandoning him and the friendship you had shared for years.
Night had rolled around quickly, the stars coming out of the darkness to say hello, reminding you of his eyes; the galaxies of dreams that swam in his gaze. His darkness never EVER scared you; it drew you in, light drawn to the darkness. And when you felt the air in your motel swim around and settle like mud, you knew he was near, and couldn’t help but smile.
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“You came.”
He looked as crestfallen as you had remembered, his hair still sparse across his head, skin still reflective like glass against light. He was beautiful upon stepping into the moonlight, and those same stars of his eyes glowed ever so sharply as he examined you, taking in your appearance just as you were to him.
“You called.”
“The fates told me you were imprisoned… just like Calliope.”
“Nothing like her. My suffering was nothing compared to what she had to go through. What she HAS gone through.”
“Comparing suffering only compounds it, Morpheus. It brought me great suffering to hear of your capture, and I am glad you are free. But we must locate my sister and help her.”
“She’s bound here by the laws…-”
“I know you cannot free her! Only the man who has her can, but perhaps you could… inspire him to let her go?”
His gaze darkened visibly, “I will do all that… and more. He must be punished.”
The octaves of his voice dropped, giving you an all-familiar feeling of chills up the spine. He was always intimidating and after not having seen him for so long, the visible disdain on his face was absolutely terrifying.
“He has wronged Calliope, but he has also caused you great worry. I can not allow him to get away with hurting you both.”
“What punishment could be enough, Morpheus? Even if he were to die, I’m sure it wouldn’t be able to bring back what was taken from my sister.” He looked down at the book you had in your clutches.
“Ric Madoc?”
“I’m sure he has her.”
His nimble and pale fingers reached down to grasp the book, fingers brushing your own; giving you goosebumps. 
“I cannot allow him to go free. Because he hurt you, he hurt Calliope, and that will not stand.”
A pregnant pause, and your gaze finding his along with the sheer wetness of his eyes, was he feeling the sadness you felt?
“The last time I saw you was before I married Calliope, you looked sick to your stomach. I never saw you again after that…-”
“I’m sorry, I…I didn’t know who else to ask to help me.”
“Eratos, you misunderstand me.”
He takes a step forward, “When I heard you call to me, even after all this time…”
His breathing is heavy, chest moving up and down, eyes on yours and yet seemingly on your lips, you could cut the tension with a thwip of a wing. 
“Let me help you. Please. I owe you that much.”
His face reflected years of yearning and emotions you thought he wasn’t even capable of. He seemed more and more human as he spoke, as if those years of captivity gave him time to think; reflect. 
“I know you loved me. I was too blind to see it and I caused you so much heartache…-”
“I may not be the same as you once knew me, but I want to… to be with you. Even if it takes forever to reverse the pain I caused you.”
This spawned a smile onto your face, the ridges pulling up on each side of your mouth, it was foreign, but you knew it very well. The thought of being near him again was appealing and frankly wonderful, so when you reached forward to gently caress his cheek; it felt like heaven on your fingertips.
“We can talk about this after my sister is free. Okay?”
“What will you do to this ‘Ric Madoc’?”
The very next day, Dream set off to terrify the hell out of Richard Madoc. Overwhelming his mind with ideas for novels to the point to near insanity, sending his student to free Calliope. But she was only greeted by a book, taking it with her as she left.
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You traveled with Morpheus to greet the newly freed Calliope, appearing next to her suddenly; and when she looked over a smile sprouted on her face.
Her arms wrapped nicely around your shoulders, squeezing you into her gown-clad figure, happiness radiating from her very soul.
“You came! Did you free me? Did you and Oneiros free me?”
“Yes, I called upon him when I knew he was free from captivity. I have been trying to track you down for years, Sister…”
The tears welled up and you gently rubbed her back, the familiar smell of linen and writing ink entering your nostrils. She smelled like home, and you frankly missed it.
“I thought of you while locked away, I asked the fates about you… about Morpheus.”
Dream was stiff watching the two of you talk and reunite, and the mention of his name made him let out a breath of anxiety.
“Our sisters miss you, Calliope, I have missed you also.”
“Oh, Eratos… You’ve always watched out for me. Thank you for coming to my aid.”
She laid a soft hand on your shoulder, thumb rubbing soothing circles across your skin.
“Anytime and Always, My sister. Go home, you will see me again soon.”
“I promise.”
She turned to Morpheus, and you could feel the palpable tension in the air of their last encounter. As you had heard, it had ended quite badly between the two, but what surprised you was when she brought him into a hug. He visibly relaxed in her caring arms, and she leaned to his ear to whisper something that you couldn’t hear from where you were standing.
“Of course, Calliope. Farewell and Good luck.”
You watched your sister walk away, gown dragging behind her as she shone with her beauty still intact. And once she was gone, Morpheus closed the door to walk back to you, trying to pinpoint how you were feeling with his eyes.
“Thank you.”
“I merely answered your call. What will you do now…?”
That had not come to thought in any of the years you had been trying to hunt down your sister’s whereabouts, and now that had come and gone, only one thought came to mind.
“I think what I must do now is try to make sure what happened to my sister never happens to anyone else, ever again.”
“I do not know. By inspiring humanity to want better for themselves and each other. By helping Calliope rewrite the laws by which she was held. Laws that were written so long ago in which Calliope and the rest of us muses had no say.”
“I shall do the same in my realm.”
A small smile, “You have changed, haven’t you Oneiros? Do you…not hate me at all for leaving you so suddenly? For letting my jealousy consume me?”
His adams apple bobbed with a swallow, “No. I’ve learned much in recent times, and… No matter. I do not hate you. I adore you.”
Your heart swelled, “Perhaps you should… let the mortal go? He set Calliope free, and well… without forgiveness, past wounds will never heal.”
“You believe Calliope has forgiven him?”
“She will never forgive his actions. But she would forgive the man. Not for him, but for herself. Will you free him?”
“If that is what you wish… it shall be done.”
You nodded at him, “Thank you.”
Both you and Morpheus walked to the door of the home of Calliope’s abuser, with the intent of leaving immediately.
“May I visit you in the Dream Realm sometime, so we can discuss…”
He turns and peers at you.
“Discuss our relationship?”
His expression was one of odd surprise, giving you a small bout of amusement.
“Soon. You have business with your sisters and the laws… that is of utmost importance.”
“I understand… Just summon me to your realm when you are ready.”
He opens the front door, moving to the side but you set your head against his cheek, closing your eyes to relish in the closeness and warmth; before walking out to the street.
“Thank you, Morpheus. Calliope and I will not forget this. Farewell for now…”
He watched you go, a satisfied smile on your face as you knew that the future was bright for the muses and your relationship with Morpheus.
Eratos and The Dream Lord.
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Dream buddy pls don’t absorb Gregory. Look at him. He’s….I love him come on.
Gregory is best gargoyle
Dream gets you your own gargoyle. That’s my current head canon, as a courting gift he gets you a baby gargoyle to raise and in the century he’s gone you raise it.
poor precious Gregory, I only had him for two minutes and I was already ready to fight Morpheus on sight for having to ‘kill’ him, I’m still upset about it tbh
but omg yea I love that, I love the idea of Morpheus frequently gifting you with absolutely anything and everything you can dream up, it’s a love language of his idec
- hope
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billiewena · 3 years
hiiiiiiiii i know this is an spn blog but for the sake of variety I would love to hear you answer the fandom blorbo ask game about Hannibal 👀👀
AHXJSJDJSJSJ. hi anon, I hope this is a satisfactory answer I only watched season one of hannibal YEARS ago thanks to my hannigram bestie and then just some of the iconic™️ scenes, so I don't remember much. should finish it tbh, I might need the insane murder gay rep after killing eve's final season 💔
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): GILLIAN ANDERSON MILF. and also will.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is so shaped: will Graham OF COURSE
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): um. the guy played by morpheus from the matrix. he seemed pretty chill, hope he didn't get eaten.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): will graham's dogs.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): STILL WILL GRAHAM (for the pathetic part.) hannibal for the problematic part.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): also will. maybe I'm hannibalcoded.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): THAT FREAK FACE CUTTING BROTHER. I never met him but I hate him. also hannibal for gay crimes.
blorbo fandom ask game
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bruisedconscience · 2 years
my phone had no data while watching episode 2 of the sandman so enjoy this long post of my ramblings all thru out the episode:
they call him Morpheus…… AMAZING…
He began as a nightmare :((((
He’s thanosing this poor gargoyle fjdjfjf
This is the woman with the baby right? Yeah I think so.
Corinthian’s voice is so, like. Not southern but also southern? Bro.
Mmmm glowy magic love the music too
The three who is one, the one who are three. The moon knight of it all and THE STRINGS CONNECTING THEM BEAUTIFUL.. CIRCE… 😫
THANK YOU LADIES.. cute… they are indeed ladies!!
Lmfaooo I seee I’m glad Abel is back xD
Thewlis thewlis thewlis!!!!! Imma make a damn Lupin & This Dude crossover, but also JKR sucks ass for being transphobic 💕
Oh no the Corinthian lmao
“Can’t change him. Can’t save him either” — picture of Greg house
Also this ending is 3 mins long and I am about that tbh v cool looking
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bettysnooze · 7 years
9, 13, 16, 8, 10 !
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10. which muse is the most fun to write for?
already answered here !!
16. which muse is most willing to fight another muse?
depends on what they do tbh but like if this is ‘fighting for no reason’ than definitely makaria, and if it’s bc they’re an isle kid or like half-animal then it’s otto
and ofc makaria and otto would just 100% fight each other
~*~*~*~*~*~ okay so somehow i got all the long ones kjhbfevkhe so READMORE for otps/notps and How I Met My Muse (also since this got so long i’ll answer 13 on another ask!!
8. what is each of your muses otps? notps?
so this is gonna be like ‘i once shipped them’ and ‘so many crushes’ (I’LL USE THE SLASH)and it could have been for like five minutes or five weeks so pls welcome to my mind
betty otps: betty/ranon, betty/happiness, betty/feeling-protected, betty/melissabetty notps: like romantically every other guardian kid bc she is literally their mother/sister
veronika otps: VERONIKA/NOELLE, also veronika/a-good-loving-familyveronika notps: veronika/not-good-loving-families
makaria otps: MAK/BAIN, mak/talon JHBCVKDJHFEBJ A MESSmak notps: mak/stress
hershey otps: hershey/ophelia, hershey/self-care, hershey/self-confidence omfghershey notps: hershey/self-destructive tendencies
cestrum otps: cestrum/misty, cestrum/relaxationcestrum notps: cestrum/lola (i stg this was a crackship idea once and lord almighty)
aiwei otps: aiwei/juniper, aiwei/happiness, aiwei/finding-out-more-about-his-family, aiwei/BECOMING-A-REAL-BOY-BC-HE-WAS-ONLY-A-BABY-WHEN-HE-DIEDaiwei notps: aiwei/confrontation :(
otto otps: otto/common-sense, otto/open-mindednessotto notps: otto/any-of-his-dreams-coming-true, otto/winning
illyria otps: ROLLY POLLY OLLY (illyria/ronan), illyria/the-sea, illyria/comfortillyria notp: illyria/not-being-near-the-sea (this is happening rn jfc), illyria/discomfort
kirsa otps: uM KIRSA/SHEN (SHIRSA???? SHIH TZU???), kirsa/talking-about-her-emotions-instead-of-passive-aggresively-making-them-into-playskirsa notps: kirsa/not-being-honest its an issue
dignan otps: dignan/being-himself, dignan/darcy CAN I LET THE POOR BOY LIVE ? NO ?, dignan/FUTURE BOYFRIEND WHERE ART THOU, dignan/baseball the real otp thodignan notps: dignan/closeted
helen otps: helen/swords, helen/coranza, helen/angel, helen/shae, I GOT SO MANY, helen/being-herself, helen/no-responsibilitieshelen notps: helen/keeping-things-to-herself :(
penelope otps: penelope/money, penelope/being-soft, penelope/coming-to-terms-with-her-horrible-upbringingpenelope notps: penelope/being-selfish jcvnfklrfjvbwr
9. why were you drawn to each one of your characters?
( BETTY ): i knew tasha and rhi from a previous rp we were all in, and they’d played guardian characters too and i aLWAYS wanted to play a guardian character but i didn’t have any ideas back then, but then they were like “hey you should join us” and i was like “BOY OH BOY”. sandy was always my favourite guardian, and i had just finished rping a daughter-of-morpheus character so dream powers were like my thing and boom, betty mansnoozie was born aka the sweetest, most good character i’ve ever written. ALSO i’ve always had sibling-ish relationships with rhi so like the betty/jake relationship goes back a LOOONG way
( VERONIKA ): after betty i knew i wanted a darker character, and i was like “okay so who is like completely unforgivable” and i immediately thought of rasputin. there was also another rasputin child around at the time, and they had gotten rasputin’s powers so i was like!! what if i made a kid that wanted those powers, who wanted to be a villain and to be like their parent?? veronika’s gone a long way since then and really like i’m so proud of her and i love her so much, she’s just gone through a lot i lOVE HER
( MAKARIA ): SO OKAY LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT ME AND HADES BECAUSE HONESTLY, THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS. i first played a character based on panic (hades’ sidekick) like aaaaages ago, and then i played actual disney hades in another rp. needless to say i really fucking love hades as a character. and betty was too nice, and veronika was too cynical and kept to herself, and i really wanted another mean-spirited CHATTERBOX (because i myself am such a chatterbox i mean look at this). i lowkey had a child of hades in a closed rp sort of situation, his name was macario (because i’d wanted a son) but the original is makaria, and i love my girls sO makaria was born. i also love zendaya, and previously hades had always been white but so much art on tumblr depicts persephone as this beautiful black woman so !! BOOM. i also wanted to try a different villain-kid-parent dynamic, because veronika ends up hating her dad but mak like 100% defends hades still like even to this day
( HERSHEY ): I WANTED A BOY LMAO and i was really into bts at the time so i’m like okay hmm where would yoongi fit in?? i re-watched wreck-it-ralph randomly and i remembered that i always wanted to try a sugar rush child so i was like heeeeeeeeeyyyy :)))). and it kinda just all fell into place because i’d also been interested in making a character that loved cars and racing (fast and the furious got me so bad). and i liked the idea of having another character with some sort of ability, and it was so interesting figuring out how hershey was going to fit into the auradon world bc he was originally virtual sO YEAH. and also the name came like in a second. FUN FACT, hershey von schweetz’s fc (in a different time before BTS took over my life) was going to be hailee steinfeld and now look at wHO USES HAILEE STEINFELD
( CESTRUM ): so after the craziness and Extra-ness of makaria and hershey i know i wanted someone more chill. i had always loved alice in wonderland i knew i wanted a son of the caterpillar because 1) alan rickman’s voice is God and 2) i always wanted to rp the caterpillar in like so many disney rps but i never got the chance lmao. so the idea for cestrum actually came even before i found the perfect fc (kibum), and it took me ages to find the perfect fc. i knew he was going to be weird and quiet but also talkative but also nOT? and just a different moral compass and way of thinking from everyone else. i was so sure about applying for cestrum and it was only after that i was like “ok but am i going to be smart enough to play this like 5000 IQ person wtf did i get into” and yEAH. also i always like making new characters with types that (during that time of the rp) aren’t so common yet, so having this stoic character was like yEAAAAAHHHH
( AIWEI ): so hershey and cestrum are my first boys and this is basically the start of my “one boy after another” streak and then i got AIWEI. the real babe. everyone’s been pretty mature so far, or like dealing with a lot of responsibility etc. and now i wanted someone who would be like a real teenager (more or less) and just have that childlike wonder and be rly innocent tbh. so aiwei is all of this, and he’s young and inexperienced but the twist was that he’s actually this boy who died in a fire when he was a baby and his father, in the underworld, resurrected him and performed some magic frankenstein stuff to make him grow older. and he’s the oldest out of all the kids but he’s been a baby 60% of this life until elder gutknecht finally got all the tools necessary to make him old and i jUST !! also i really loved that tin-man song from the wizard of oz. my actual baby, aiwei gutknecht i love him and will die for him
( OTTO ): AND AFTER ALL THE NICE, SEMI-NICE PEOPLE i was like “so what’s happening with the isle thing right now do ppl not like them like is there active resentment or what” and then i was like “what if i had a character that did the active resentment!!” and otto white was born. i knew he was going to be a jackass. i knew he was going to be anti-isle. and i knew he had to be a prince and a kid of one of the ‘original’ disney princesses. and i ended up choosing snow white because she’s technically the ‘oldest’ and there was evie and vera and i was like aayyyyy conflict. but yeah so otto was going to be the personification of fear and bias against isle kids, and i thought it’d be fun to play with that politics and society thing that i’ve never really done before. otto’s my first character that is actually irredeemably an asshole. i wanted to see how far i could go and where i could go with a character that was actively trying to not change. i was super nervous about applying for him tho bc like i knew he was going to insult a lot of people and i didn’t want to be like hated rip bUT it turned out well so YEH
( ILLYRIA ): i’ll be honest i watched pirates of the carribean and like calypso/davy jones is still the otp of otps for me. and i once had my fortune-telling phase and i saw valentine was there anD ALSO AN OPPORTUNITY TO USE A FILIPINO FC !! HECK YEAH !! and at this point i wanted to like branch out from my usual characters and try something different, to add new things about characters so i thought about illyria’s aversion to touch. and i knew she was going to be stoic and weird like cestrum, but she was also going to be charming and i wanted to see how that would go and it’s hard getting into illyria’s head sometimes but she’s like a Fave
( KIRSA ): so i watched this movie called “the darjeeling limited” and it’s basically about this dysfunctional set of siblings – one of them feels super responsible for the other two but is a big mess, the other sort is more put together but has problems he actively avoids, and then the last is this playwright who’s been in love with the same girl for like 10 years and falls in love easily. and i was like “who does that remind me of???” SO TBH the idea for kirsa first started out as a brother for the stahlbaums but then i realised there were no more spaces and i was like “tHE SUGAR PLUM FAIRY!!” and the rest is history. so kirsa is the dramatic playwright who falls in love too easily but also doesn’t know how to love properly, and she drinks and smokes and has all these vices and she’s still 17 so like what a hot mess. she’s as talkative as mak and as flirty as hershey but kirsa is less put-together and although she thinks she knows herself, she really doesn’t. she needs guidance pls
( DIGNAN ): so this really just began as a “i wanna get in on this waters family drama” business LMAO. and i love sarah’s misty so i wanted to see how it would go if she had a little brother. it also made a bit of a change because most of my characters are like the ‘older’ siblings or friends and i wanted more young people so i thought of dignan!! i also wanted a character that would be more pro-authority than other characters i’ve had before (dig’s always going to think highly of the auradon royalty bc he understands them and knows they don’t rly have much choice sometimes and that they try their best). and i chose joe keery (aka steve harrington, love of my life) as an fc bc i JUST FINISHED WATCHING STRANGER THINGS and charlie heaton was darcy, and natalia dyer was being used too and i was like hEYYY FC CONNECTIONS. 
               FUN FACT: dignan’s two defining things right now (baseball and being gay) weren’t even in the cards at the start, he was literally supposed to be more john watson, i’m-gonna-be-a-serious-doctor and like be fun but a guy who loved to study. but now he’s sporty and he’s figuring out this new part of himself and he’s literally my actual favourite character right now i love dig so much. also i needed a character that would 100% share my love for the 80s (hershey loves 80s music but only sings to annoy ppl so its not the sAME). and now dig has the hair and the fashion sense and he loves 80s music too man.
( HELEN ): the idea for helen really began with like this ‘bodyguard’ idea. i wanted a character that was like 100% protective. they were going to be this warrior, trained-as-a-child kind of person, and they were gonna be connected to royalty. i first tried this with kirsa but that didn’t work out, and then i tried it with dignan but he was too soft and easily persuaded tbh he can never be mad at his royals. and then i thought of tangled (and the mess the hoods and the greenes were in at the time LMAO). 
helen was first gonna be max’s child (for the full guard effect) but then i saw a space opening for rapunzel and eugene’s child and !! and then she became princess warrior, who wanted to protect her people rather than rule them and LIKE WHO DOES THAT REMIND ME OF??? PRINCESS LEIA ORGANA THAT’S WHO so seriously fun fact, a lot of the inspriation for helen is leia. and i chose the name ‘helen’ because of helen of sparta, a beautiful woman who started the longest war, and together with the fact that helen is very much a fighter of wars rather than the starter (and she has low self-esteem rip) its so fun i love helen, my sword princess child
( PENELOPE ): so i have an asshole auradonian, and mak is like simmering down, i knew i wanted an asshole isle person. and mak/blythe have such an awesome friendship and i loved blythe’s character and all the people in the cinderella family and world and i knew i wanted to get some of that action ;)))) so i rewatched the 2015 movie (I LOVE CATE BLANCHETT SO MUCH) and then i rewatched ‘ever after’ which is this 90s cinderella movie with drew barrymore. after watching ever after, i knew exactly how i wanted this daughter of drizella to be like. she’s going to be the worst parts of mak and kirsa (they’re bitches but like nice ones) and just be this snooty sugar baby gold-digger. she knows exactly what she wants, she knows she’s going to get it. she’s part daisy buchanan, jordan baker, very much this hedonistic character who understands life as being good if you have money and status. such an old idea but it’s what she learned from her fAMILY. 
a lot of penelope’s character came from me wanting to explore what i’d found with otto, the unapologetic asshole, but now she had reasons to be. otto’s rich and gets ltierally everything he wants so he sucks even more because he’s still mean-spirited – but now we have penny, who grew up with nothing but wanted everything, and her grandmother and mother put all their hopes and dreams on her, told her not to associate with her nicer aunt and cousin and even her little sister – and she’s an asshole. literally guys penelope is going to change and become better i just dunno how yet but shE WILL
13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
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auroral-melody · 5 years
hey skfk so i just finished the 2000s lucifer comics and it was so good!! im gonna start the 2016 soon! but first i wanted to say that i love mona so much skfk shes so cute gkkf and also that i feel kinda bad for elaine, i mean she had a nice family and a normal life (apart from seeing dead people,,) but then she found out she was adopted and her dad became abusive (and im pretty sure he wasnt before she found out right?) and then he got replaced with the thing that was trying to kill her (1/4)
(tbh i dont know what actually happened to him but he’s gone right? did he die or something? or did his body just get taken over so is he still in there? sorry i dont really remember and im getting off track anyway fdkd) and then she found someone who thought he was her dad who died, and then she found her actually dad who ended up dying, and then she died to save lucifer and then when she came back she became the god of his world and then she went blind trying to help lucifer (2/4)
and then she had to make her own creation while she was blind with lucifer there not really doing anything to help, while people in her creation were dying and killing each other in her name and then she had to become the god of all the worlds which she had to do alone which is so much responsibility for someone who’s pretty young (3/4)
anyway sorry there’s probably more that i missed but i feel like it got kinda long so i’ll stop now tkdkd and sorry that was just me talking abohr what happened to her fkskf its just a lot of bad things happened to her and shes got so much pressure on her and she has to be the god of the world alone which sounds hard, but yeah i hope you didnt mind me rambling about it like that fkgkdk sorry it was so long hhhh and i hope youre having a good day/night!!! (4/4)
and yeah poor elaine ykno?? she just. never got a real chance at human family. and the jin en mok and stuff and. ye a h. honestly i can’t remember what happens to her dad either. cestis the jin en mok sort of??? kills elaine in paradiso part 2 (when gaudium drives a truck into the house to save elaine) ??? but i can’t really figure anything out past that other than her mom ending up w her son being cal
the whole yggdrasil thing is so DDD: to me like!!!! michael quotes hamlet to lucifer!1!!!!!! god i’m so emo about it. but YEAH poor elaine she just. tries so hard to be good and everyone keeps trying to kill her
the yahweh dance thing where elaine makes her universe is a super interesting issue to me bc like. lucifer is actually shown to be super weak??? he basically collapses on a rock. his wings are torn to shreds and it takes him half the issue before he finally fixes them. someone points out when he reunites w maze that w/o yahweh his power is draining, which is a part of that too. and a part of why i think lucifer would feel guilty for not being able to fight fenris’s possession, because it was really michael who threw off the wolf. so that’s my excuse for him being grumpy lol and in fairness he actually got the point across. he’s an asshole as always
she’s just this??? child??? and it’s true that lucifer pushes this huge responsibility on her bc he’s like Morally Opposed to doing it himself.
i think it’s really interesting how sandman universes call on kids quite a few times to save everything. i mean, hope in overture inspires morpheus to do whatever he does i don’t even remember. elaine is ultimately god. noema and medjine. it’s interesting that sometimes the younger characters can see things more clearly.
elaine is such a fascinating character. she’s brave as hell, kinda naively cocky. it’s also really interesting to me how she honestly latches on more to lucifer as kinda a father figure than michael. fair, lucifer met her first + saved her life first, and stopped her father from abusing her (although lucifer in that scene...Does let it happen once.) but it is interesting ykno? how at yggdrasil she calls out to lucifer, says he has to help her, when michael was there too. she calls him uncle and like. actually cares about him. asks for his advice. i think lucifer was genuinely startled by how fast she trusted him, and he def used that to manipulate her. but it’s also interesting how he literally does tell her his plan is going to get her hurt. she agrees anyway.
idk. it’s Complicated and really interesting how much good she sees in him, even when he directly contradicts it. she’s a very forgiving person. i’d say...that’s how i would want a god to be.
2016 luci does make a good point that like. god has to be someone trustworthy who Doesn’t want the job. *lucifer voice* [points at self] and i’m not trustworthy so BYEEEEEEE
i hope you have a lovely day/night too!!!!!!!! :D feel free to ramble any time!!!
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