#poor sanji…he’s so overwhelmed
pyr0frnzy · 5 months
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Sanji’s gonna die of blood loss no Usopp get away from him 😭😭😭
also this is based off this cute picture i saw on twitter loll (also drew a doodle of the aftermath)
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roronoacherries · 9 months
𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 | roronoa zoro
788 words
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content: comfort, fem. reader, sfw, established relationship, reader is sick and zoro is the sweetest boyfriend.
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you tried to stay still, tried to be as quiet as possible, but you couldn’t stop turning in bed. and then the tears came. all you wanted to do was rest, but your body was refusing to allow you to.
that was when zoro woke, and you cried a little more because you hadn’t meant to wake him so early too. he’d been on night watch, and was surely as tired as you.
“what’s wrong? are you okay?” zoro pulled you closer to him, hearing your sniffles.
“feel like shit.” you cried. you were shivering and sweating at the same time, your head was killing you, your throat felt sore, your nose was runny, and you couldn’t stop crying. and on top of it all you had to be up soon.
“you’re burning up,” zoro whispered, holding a hand to your cheek. “i’ll go get chopper.”
“don’t leave.”
“i’ll be quick.”
he pressed a kiss to your temple before leaving to find the doctor. you weren't sure how long he'd been gone and though you knew it couldn't have been long, it felt like an eternity to you. all you wanted to do was sleep. to rest and escape the pain you felt throughout your body. 
instead, all you do was cry and turn and turn and turn in bed. when chopper came in to check on you, you could hardly focus on the words he spoke… but zoro — he clung to each syllable. 
“a tea could help you sleep better. i’ll bring you down a remedy as soon as i can.”
“i’ll bring it,” zoro interrupted. “and i’ll ask sanji to make you a tea, too.” 
his hand rested briefly on your forehead, gently brushing your hair to the side. “i’ll be right back.” 
you muttered a faint, i love you and the swordsman returned the sentiment with a kiss to your temple before stepping out behind chopper. you hated the thought of chopper and sanji being disturbed at this hour for your sake. all because you’d gotten sick and couldn’t sleep. pathetic. 
a fucking pirate and you still couldn’t take care of yourself. the sensible part of you could tell you that you were being ridiculous, that it was alright to depend on others sometimes, but it was hard to ignore the overwhelming voice in your head that was telling you you were being a burden, that chopper and sanji and zoro were losing sleep over you — and god, zoro deserved better. 
he deserved a girlfriend who wasn’t so weak, one who wouldn’t cry from a little fever. he deserved someone who wasn’t going to spiral at 4am because he was sweet enough to bring her tea and medicine and take care of her. 
“aight, sanji sent camel-somethin’ tea and a bowl of almonds and fruit, said it’d help you sleep better… and chopper told me to make sure ya take two spoons of this stuff,” zoro held up a bottle, his arms full as he pushed open the door. “how ya doin?” 
“i love you and i don’t deserve you,” you whined. 
“sanji said the same thing,” zoro said, ignoring your pout and setting everything down on the nightstand before helping you sit up. he pulled up a chair beside you for himself. “he went on about poor y/n and she deserves better than a big oaf taking care of her. he offered to come spoonfeed ya, actually, i could go get ‘im.” 
“no, i think i’m all better now actually…” you smiled, not needing a mirror to know you looked like shit. “but if the big oaf feels like spoonfeeding me, i wouldn’t mind it.”
your boyfriend only rolled his eyes, reaching for the spoon and chopper’s bottle. “two spoons is all you’re getting. open wide, babe.” 
you didn’t know if it was chopper’s medicine, sanji’s tea, or zoro’s hands rubbing circles into your skin, but it didn’t take long before you started to feel better and you were struggling to keep your eyes open. “baby, i think i can sleep okay now…” 
zoro took the tea cup from your hands. “want me to sleep next to you?” he hummed, knowing there was something you were leaving unspoken. 
“you’ll get sick.” you whispered. 
“that’s not an answer.” 
“please,” you smiled weakly, wanting nothing more than to rest your head against zoro’s chest and feel the weight of his arms around you. 
you could feel the rise and fall of his chest and the warmth of his body against yours. 
“it doesn’t matter if i get sick,” zoro said, his eyes closed and his fingers brushing through your hair. “i’ve got a beautiful, sweet girl to take care of me.
i don’t deserve her.” 
something about zoro putting aside his pride to wake sanji and ask him to make you tea. something about zoro knowing exactly what you need without you saying it. knowing how to comfort you without being too obvious about it. him taking care of you because he knows you’re more than he deserves (and he knows that you don’t think you’re enough) and because you take care of him the same way everyday. something about zoro.
taglist: @zorobraun @maaarshieee @lyriczhou @tinkywinky27 @dimimyth @gaby-chwan @tk6uro @zoros-4th-sword @idiotlittleme
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wildheartsalwaysburn · 10 months
OP men taking care of their SO
Gn!Reader (I tried)
Characters: Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kid, Sanji, Bartolomeo, Corazon
CW: mentions of ED (starving, vomiting, overexercising), bad body image/body dysmorphia, cursing, SH, slight nsfw for Kid
Notes: I'm in a terrible mental state rn, kinda relapsing. OP hyperfixation fixes stuff so I decided to write some HC how they would act when noticing their SO is struggling with an ED.
Trafalgar Law
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he had a bad feeling about your eating habits a while ago
noticing you rush to the bathroom after every meal and "showering" excessively
but didn't mention cuz he knows to leave people alone (he's the same tbh)
it hit him during the monthly physical examination
he listens to your heartbeat and notice it being really low
"y/n, would you step on the scale?" he asks in a cold but also concerned tone
as he notices you getting anxious when standing in front of that thing, he sighs and puts a hand reassuring on your shoulder
"it's ok. I'm here. Just step on it, please." his voice still concerned but warm and soft
he looks at the low numbers in shock and takes you carefully from the scale before you can see the numbers
"y/n-ya. What's wrong?" he'll take your cold hands and sits right in front of you
if you break out in tears, he'll just sit there and hug you tightly, til you calm down by yourself
if you stay cold and stubborn, he'll get annoyed but also takes care of you
either way, you talk a lot and will make a rehab plan, he'll watch over you as much as he can
he won't miss a moment to show you how much he loves and cares for you
"you're the most beautiful soul I know, y/n-ya."
"I know it hurts, but I cannot lose someone I love dearly, again."
"We get through this, ok?"
all in all, he's a doctor and acts like one, but he'll support you whenever needed
Eustass Kid
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he notice during working out together
the last times you'd been skipping meals and even alcohol, working out without him even in the middle of the night
first he thought you'd simply want to get stronger than him and teases you daily
but on that day you've overdone yourself, your body can't take it anymore and you get dizzy and weak all of a sudden, letting the weights fall down with a thud
"y/n?! Fucking seriously?" he first yells at you (rule: never let weights fall down)
you sink on your knees, mumbling sth like you'd be fine
"Fine my ass!" he swears and lifts you up to carry you to his room
"what the hell are you thinking?!" he's clearly pissed
he'll put on his too big warm clothes and coat, still staring at you angrily
forces you to drink water and hot tea, he still stares at you
"so what the fuck is wrong with you, y/n?" angry, annoyed tone
when you start to cry, he's overwhelmed and feels bad not being able to help, so he just sits there and pets your head
when you glance back and pout/get angry you'll get into a fight and storms out throwing the door
just to come back and hug you tightly after finally understanding
his soft side comes out when you tell him you feel weak and ugly and fat
he laughs: "stupid girl/boy! you're the strongest pirate I know! and the sexiest! besides me"
if you don't or don't smile enough (which will be most likely the case), he'll just tower over you and wrap you up in his arms, roaming with his hands over your body and repeat how amazing you are
he'll get overprotective, remind you to eat enough through the day (sometimes forces you to)
He makes you different playlists to lift up your mood
also he'll seek help from Killer from time to time (but won't tell you)
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He’ll notice when you stop joining to cook in the kitchen
Notices your rapid weight loss really quickly
Sits down next to you, lights up a ciggy and asks worried what’s wrong
Poor boy thinks it’s his fault
Eventually he’ll tear up and just hug you, telling you how much he loves you
“You can tell me everything, ma chère!”
You instantly felt understood and tell him
He’ll look at you in shock, not understanding how such a beautiful person can think of themselves like that
“But you are the most beautiful woman/man, I know, y/n-swan”
He cups your face and gazes into your eyes before kissing you softly
“We get through this, together. I promise.”
And he’ll make it true. He’s the most supportive boyfriend
Forehead kisses, reassuring soft hugs and touches, always keeping an eye on you
Spa Days, telling you every second how much he loves and adores you, would never force you but beg you to try his food at least
Makes the most delicious looking meals
Reads all about EDs so he won’t accidentally hurt you even more
Will hold you in his arms when you’re freezing or crying
Hides the scale
All in all the perfect man
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He’ll notice when following you to the bathroom after dinner
Already had a bad gut feeling about your bruised up and red hands
He holds them all the time so he knows their appearance by heart
“Y/n-chan? Are you ok? I’m here for you! Are you sick?”
Music plays from inside and the tab runs
When you came out after minutes, eyes swollen and red, hands wet and even redder than before you’ll earn a concerned look
“Don’t tell me you’re fine, y/n-chan.”
Weirdly sniffs and notices the smell of vomit
Eyes in shock and starts crying
“No no no no my dearest y/n-chan!! Please don’t tell me it’s true!”
Wraps his arms around you in a tight embrace, crying his eyes out
Overdramatic as fuck
Eventually taking your weak body to a quiet room, cleans your face and gives you something to drink
Will listen to each of your words really carefully to understand
Always pleasing you, always bring you water and tea, will not force but desperately beg to you eat something
Will accompany you to the bathroom any time, watching that you don’t hurt yourself anymore
Around you 24/7, will provoke and beat up everyone just trying to say something bad about you
Literally overprotective l, like a guard dog
Will try to lift your mood by telling stupid jokes and stories, tattle about Law and other “not cool non strawhats”, showing off his collection
Proud as hell every time he’ll make you laugh and forget that illness for a second
Corazon/ Rosinante Donquixote
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He’ll notice when picking you up as usual
“Y/n, you’re so tiny?!”
Shocked at first and lifts you even higher
Can’t believe you’re that light, you’ve always been to him, but now it’s different
Immediately throws you over his shoulder, covering you with his warm feather coat
“We’re going to a doctor, no back talk.”
His tone is stern but also warm and caring
Carries you to different doctors and hospitals, always holding your hand or thigh to show you he’s there
Will yell at anyone who says that can’t treat you
Throws literal tantrums at some doctors for being “incapable”
Will end up trying to fix and heal you himself
Showers you in love and care, eg bringing you water, tea, let’s you borrow his lighter to fidget with (even lend you his cigarettes if you smoke)
Will always smile at you and be more clumsy on purpose to make you laugh again
Will cook for you, whatever you want, burns it a few times by accident
Let’s you wear his clothes, when you feel bad about your body
Or wraps you up in them to get you warm
Will be extremely careful when touching, hugging or lifting you up
Afraid he’ll break you
Will inform himself about EDs to make the best of it
Never leaves your side, towering above or behind you, so no one can hurt you
Even lends you hit hat from time to time if he can’t be around for a moment, so you won’t feel alone
Gets sentimental when you sleep and he drinks, petting your head, sits right next to you talking about how beautiful and amazing you are
"I love you so much! You deserve everything in this world, my heart!"
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syrupfog · 3 months
Hmmmm Sanji keeps his dress from Kambakka but one day when he’s looking for something deep in his locker the dress falls out and the crew get ahold of it. 
They think he’s stolen it from some poor girl and they scold him for it, how dare he actually act on his perv tendencies?
And Sanji like. Feels real weird and sad and upset and doesn’t understand why. Just grabs the dress and throws it overboard in a huff. Doesn’t explain to them where it came from because why would he. 
But he. He dwells on it. He’d kept the dress because he liked it.
Well. The dress was ugly. But he liked what it did to him. Made him feel… soft inside. 
But he can’t buy another one, not now. He knows, intrinsically, that it would be soul destroying for the crew to find a second dress and connect the dots— that they would realise that the dress is for him. That they would call him perverted for wanting to actually wear the dress. 
It’s one thing to yell at him for stealing a dress. It’s another thing entirely for them to yell at him for owning it for himself.
He doesn’t know why. Just knows that it would hurt. So badly. For them to associate perverted actions with his desire to feel that… softness again.
So he doesn’t. He doesn’t dare buy anything like that again, buries that self down deep for years. 
Maybe it’s after Luffy’s become pirate king. Maybe it’s after everything has settled down a bit. The crew meets with the Revolutionary Army and Iva is there.
And damn him, Iva just KNOWS things he shouldn’t, can strip someone bare with just a look. But when he looks to Sanji his expression is so SAD and it makes Sanji angry. How dare he be disappointed in him? Sanji’d never promised him anything, any change.
Maybe Iva takes him aside and Sanji’s ready for a lecture or a fight but all Iva does is say that if Sanji wants, he can raid Iva’s closet anytime. He’s welcome to anything in it. 
Sanji knows that there’s a lot of fishnets and leotards in there, but also… those dresses.
And maybe, I mean, they’re in a public place, maybe Zoro overhears. 
And he’s close enough to clock Sanji’s expression. He’s known the cook long enough to know what yearning looks like on him.
I dunno! I dunno what happens next! Probably that Zoro watches Sanji a lot because that’s what he does! Probably that he reevaluates small things like the way Sanji gazes in shop windows! Probably he does something really stupid like makes brazen comments at dinner
About how the revolutionaries could probably teach Nami a thing or two about clothes and even the guys look good in those romper things and skirts or whatever. 
He’s probably real bad at it!! He’s saying dumb shit and Nami gets mad because she dresses just how she wants shut up!
Man. I dunno it prob still takes a while. But this is still before Sanji and Zoro are together. Because I think that Zoro supporting Sanji as a member of the crew is nice, that Sanji never worries that this is Zoro being blinded by love and willing say do things he doesn’t mean.
Like this is gruff annoying Zoro who fights with him and argues with him but Sanji sees the openings he gives. 
Maybe the next time, another 6 months or a year down the line, that they see Iva, Zoro drags Sanji to her closet. Says “come on cook she could teach you some lessons in fashion, the suits are getting old.” 
And maybe that’s the first time in three or four years that Sanji considers it. Puts on a dress that’s tight around the waist and it’s not tailored well— all his suits are tailored perfectly— but he gets that soft feeling again.
And it’s so fucking embarrassing to cry in front of Zoro so he doesn’t. 
Or at least Zoro doesn’t comment on it. 
And Zoro insists that Sanji takes it. He grabs a few others and throws them into Sanji’s arms and he’s somehow managed to pick out the most hideous ones that Sanji can imagine, but he’s overwhelmed and touched. 
And maybe he starts small, back on the ship, but Zoro acts as a guard dog against the idea of anyone saying anything. Only has to actually snap at someone once (it’s Brook. Come on, man.) about how it’s not a perv thing get your eyes fixed (yohoho I don’t have eyes!) and Sanji takes a bit to recover from that but he does. Eventually. 
And dresses aren’t an all the time thing they’re impractical and sometimes just not what his brain wants.
But maybe an extra bit of lace on his suits is good sometimes. Or a bodice under his collared shirt, just for the shape it gives him. 
Or, on very rare occasions (when most of the crew is off exploring for the day) a miniskirt. 
Maybe some days it’s nothing.
It’s fine. It’s all fine. It just gives him that soft feeling inside, that settled, good feeling. 
It’s just, you know, a quiet happy ending.
(Also yeah he and Zoro start hooking up and then get together and all of that is messy as HELL and full of fights and crying and two day breakups and getting back together but that’s a different thing. Totally unrelated).
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eustasskidagenda · 11 months
Hi! I love your writing! Can I ask some headcanons with Kid, Sanji, Zoro, Law et Luffy going to the beach with their S/O, please?? Tysm!
Hello sweet anon! Thank you for requesting, it was fun to write. Hope it will match your expectations ☆
☆ Kid, Sanji, Zoro, Luffy & Law going to the beach with their s/o
CW : g/n reader, funny, fluff, Kid is cursing but I guess no one is surprised, Kid is a savage, really vague mention of sex for Sanji, slight cursing for Zoro + mention of alcohol,
WC : 2,3k
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Heavy stomps, mumbling curses, regular sighs and grunts full of irritation. Yep. It was your idea to go to the beach. Kid would never go to the beach by himself because he hates all the screaming children and the sand between his toes. And, the sun could ruin his make-up. So he would act all grumpy, wondering what he has done to end up in such a situation. 
"Goddamn, y/n, come back, you didn't put your sunscreen" Of course Kid thinks about his skin all the damn time, he's such a beauty-influencer when it comes to make-up and skin care. If you neglect to apply sunscreen to your body, he will bark at you, grab you by the wrist, and do all the work himself. And then, you'll have to help him, especially when it comes to applying sunscreen to his back. He won't let you know he loves when you run your hands down his back and along his always tensed shoulders. 
"I've seen this place before you, fuck off!" While planting violently your parasol on the ground, barking to the poor innocent guy who tried to set his stuff at the place Kid noticed in first. "It's my beach."
He's so possessive with everything, help.
Actually, Kid likes one thing about the beach: he can brag about his big man boobies. No shirt, just his glorious bare, toned chest. Every time someone looks at him with jealousy or admiration, he feels so proud; his ego is never satisfied with this. He's perfectly aware of how shaped his torso is, and he's really proud of it. 
Every time someone looks at your body, he feels really pleased with himself. Even if they try, they won't be able to have you. But on the flip side, he's also upset when he realizes that everyone can see your beautiful shapes. His arm would be wrapped around your waist. All. The. Time. 
Kid being Kid, he would smash all the sandcastle made by the children. Prepare yourself to get in trouble with all the mad parents around there, while their children are crying because "the big scary man told me I'm a piece of shit who don't even know how to build a sandcastle" You better watch Kid tightly before he stuffs their mouths with some sand to make them shut up.
"Come on Kid, it's just a child." 
If you try beach sports, he will make everything a competition. Avoid playing volley beach with him, because if you team up and lose, he will smash the ball into the winner's face. "Now who's the loser?" 
If someone tries to sell him an ice cream, he would scowls madly. Does he look like someone licking some fucking ice balls full of sugar? Ugh. It's so ridiculous. 
He doesn't wear armbands because he thinks he's too good for them. "I don't care if I can't swim, I won't use those damn armbands." 
Honestly, Kid hates how weak he is in the water, so he would stay away from trouble. The ocean makes his voice weak, even his strength is leaving him. And, even if his eyeliner is waterproof, he doesn't want to risk ruining his make up. "I fucking hate water" 
Would end up using his DF to find some metal around and build something with it while you're swimming. It looks like he doesn't care, but secretly, he watches to make sure you're safe. And if you're drowning, then, he'll run to save you so yes, congrats, now you're drowning together. 
Luckily, Killer is not too far.
Killer deserves a break.
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Oh, damn... going on a beach date with Sanji is not a good idea. All the women in swimsuits would overwhelm him. Sanji, as he is, wouldn't be able to handle all the women around him, even though you are the prettiest of all the people around.
But the moment you take off your clothes and replace them with your swimsuit, his eyes would be on you all the time because you're the most mesmerizing person in the whole universe. 
He's so proud to introduce you as his s/o to absolutely everyone, yes, even that one person sleeping peacefully under their parasol. "Have you seen how beautiful y/n is?" 
Of course, he would help you apply sunscreen to your skin. Enjoy the massage because his hands are so heavenly smooth and divine. He would clearly take advantage of the situation to place some soft kisses along your collarbone, shoulders, neck, jugular, and down your spines. 
It's clear that Sanji brought his own food to the beach. You can enjoy fresh drinks, ice cream, waffles, cakes, fresh salads, and juicy fruits just for you. He wouldn't let you buy some ice cream from the trader because it's probably disgusting, full of sugar and chemicals. Your body is a temple and cannot be contaminated by non-premium quality food. 
He's probably causing the parents to be angry because he's smoking. But Sanji is nice, so if it was asked politely, he wouldn't mind stubouting his cigarette. 
While you're tanning under the parasol, Sanji is probably laying next to you, with a book explaining all the fish he could buy in the town. 
If you decide to go swimming, of course, he's going with you. As the kind person he's, he wants to make sure you're safe, and if you uncomfortable with your body, he wouldn't mind using his own body as a shield, so no one but he can look at you. 
He's a pure romantic, so prepare yourself for some lovely hugs in the water, with him holding you tight and his hands roaming all over your wet skin. Sweet kisses on your neck. He's not against taking things further, but he's romantic and all the screaming children are ruining the mood. But during the night... yes, he's definitely not against swimming at midnight. 
And if he finds some ugly, green, gummy seaweeds, then, he'll take them back to the Sunny. "Marimo, don't let your children alone at the beach."
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"Oi, y/n, where are you?"
Well, have you already seen Finding Nemo? Remember about Marlin always asking "HAVE YOU SEEN MY SON?" Now, you're Marlin and Zoro is your Nemo. 
Do not leave him alone for more than two seconds. Do not leave him buying ice cream for the two of you. Otherwise, the date is ruined. The only thing you will do is ask everyone 'Have you seen a big man with big boobs and green hair?' 
Maybe he'll find the one piece before the end of the day.
"I wasn't lost, your indications weren't clear." 
Zoro's obliviousness means you need to pay close attention to him. Stay close to him and everything will be okay. He's in good shape, so people are probably looking at him with admiration, jealousy, or whatever thoughts come to mind. But he doesn't give a damn, and is probably thinking people are looking at you because you're mesmerizing in your swimsuit. 
He doesn't care about the people wearing swimsuits around him. It's not an event for him. "I won't nose bleed like this shitty twirled-brow." 
He thinks the beach is a good opportunity to train himself. While you're relaxing under the parasol, he's training in the sun. Burpees, push-ups, and even some yoga are used to work his breathing and stability. 
Once he's done, he's all sweaty and wants to swim a bit. If you don't follow him, he'll be swimming until he finds a new island. 
If you're too lazy to swim, he'd be okay with carrying you. If a jellyfish tries to bite your thigh, then, the poor creature is doomed and would end up as a dinner for the crew when you'll get back to the Sunny.
He prefers alcohol over ice cream, of course. It's the best thing to enjoy after swimming and training. While he's drinking, he likes when you rest your head against his chest. On the other hand, he's a bit flustered because Zoro cares about his privacy. But you're too cute, he can't push you away. 
Arms wrapped around your waist while you sleep together. Perfect date for Zoro: training and restlessness. No one would dare trying to steal your stuff because Zoro is used to standing guard on the Sunny, so he would react really quickly. 
At the end of the day, he got the biggest sunburn ever because he forgot to apply sunscreen. Poor Zoro.
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It's like going to the beach with your overly excited dog. 
He's yelling excitedly, jumping everywhere, laughing loudly, and oh, good luck, he's already running away. You tried to catch his wrist, but it just stretches his arm beyond its limits. Good luck in finding him. 
Well, honestly, if you want to find Luffy, just try to figure out where the food is. He's probably eating some waffles and ice cream, or more precisely, emptying all the stands of their food. 
"Oh Y/N, you're here?" He speaks with his mouth full, obviously. 
Luffy is selfish with food, but he would let you have the last waffle because he loves to see you smile. 
As Zoro, he doesn't give a damn about people in swimsuits. 
If a child has a better rubber ring than him, he's sad. "Y/N, we need to buy a better one! What about this one?" While displaying an extravagant beetle rubber.
He's so happy, with it. Prepare yourself to pull him out the water because while he's watching to find some fish or play with some seaweeds, he would end up falling overboard like the overexcited child he's. 
But drowning wouldn't destroy his joy. Be ready for the sandcastle episode after the rubber ring one. He wants to build the best one. But have you seen his nonexistent artistic skills? His creations wouldn't look great, that's all we can tell. Please, help him building a pretty sandcastle, he's so sad. Poor baby.
"Don't get a sunburn, y/n." While lending you his straw hat. 
"Y/N, have you seen those crabs? Y/N, have you seen how funny this seaweed is? Y/N, have you seen this stone? Oh, Y/N, this cloud looks like Zoro, don't you think?" 
He wants to catch all the crabs and winkles he can find. And would probably end up organizing a crab fight. If his favorite one loses, then the poor baby will be sad again. He's so fluffy when he pouts.
He is eager to try and do everything with you. So you better follow him, because going to the beach with Luffy means you'll never be able to rest peacefully under the parasol. He's too energized to sleep peacefully. 
And if you're sleeping, he would bury you under the sand, so when you wake up, your body is totally covered up, the only thing you can do is moving your toes and head while Luffy laughs loudly and proudly. His laugh is so endearing, you can't be angry with him.
"Gum-Gum… ice-cream stolen" 
Prepare to run away from the guy who is mad at him.
Overall? Not relaxing at all, but funny as hell.
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If Luffy is like an overexcited dog, Law is like a cat forced to bathe. Have you already tried bathing a cat? Do you end up with scratches? It's nothing compared to Law.
"Bepo, don't sharpen your claws on the deck!" "What? But it's not me. It's Law, Y/N decided to bring him to the beach. They had to drag him to the ground. 
Yes, Law probably hates the beach. It's a noisy place with noisy people, the food smells bad, the children are annoying, and the sand is irritating. And please, the sea is like the toilet for the fish and all those disgusting people. He's so pissed off to be here. 
"Why me, Y/N-ya?"
"Aren't you happy? The sun is beautiful today! You need to take some breaks from your work." 
His sole response would be an annoyed scowl. 
Ain't no way for him to wear a swimsuit. He's conserving all his clothing, even the hat. And he's standing under the parasol with his arms crossed. All the people around are probably avoiding him, and that's for the best because a 'room, shambles' could happen really fast if they dare to make a comment about his non-appropriate clothes. 
Law would remind you to apply sunscreen on a regular basis.  And he wouldn't mind applying it himself. He loves the feeling of your skin against his palms, it feels like heaven. 
He would remind you to drink water frequently. And to wet your neck before swimming. Certainly, he's watching closely the entire time. He may be mad, but he cares about you. Prepare yourself to have a shadow following you everywhere. If you're too far from him, he'll use his DF to bring you back to him.
"Please, help me, my child needs a doctor!" He's annoyed as hell. Even at the beach, work is still pursuing him. Of course, if someone asked for a doctor, he would help. He's frustrated because he can't take care of someone and keep an eye on you at the same time.
If you give him onigiri, he will look like a child: pouting while eating silently. 
"Y/n-ya, don't touch this, it's a toxic seaweed.", "y/n-ya, come here, you have to stay hydrated."
He would lend you his own hat if you forgot yours, while he's standing under the parasol. "Do not lose my hat." 
No swimming for him. He'll stay away from the cursed water. Just like Kid, ain't no way for him to wear armbands. And if you Try to throw some water on his face, he would look like a wet cat: shocked and angry. Beware, he yowls.
Overall? You had fun. And even if Law acts annoyed all the time, secretly, he would love to have a break day with you.  On his desk, he would keep the beautiful shell you found on the beach and give it to him.
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polarspaz · 1 year
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NikaEffect AU
While under the influence of Nika, Sanji gains some interesting powers, but the most notable ability he obtains is his "Allure" The best way I can explain it, is like how Bugs Bunny gets so many of his enemies to play along with his hijinks. He can't outright control people, but he can overwhelm them and make them act in ways they never would.
A good example of this is when Sanji transforms for the first time.
Sanji and Zoro are bickering in the kitchen and everything seems normal until Sanji's heart starts to feel funny. He panics, thinking it might have something to do with his Germa genetics, but that fear is abruptly smothered by overwhelming joy.
It's intoxicating, he feels beyond drunk, and Sanji can't stop the laughter that starts spilling from his lips. He looks up to see Zoro frozen stiff in front of him, his face etched in slight horror and Sanji suddenly feels mischievous. He darts forward before Zoro can react and kicks him through the galley doors and onto deck of the Sunny.
He slides out after the Swordsman, grinning ear to ear in sheer delight, ignoring the alarm of the rest of the crew before going after Zoro again with another kick. He's trying to spar with the other man, but his new boost in abilities is making the fight very one sided. It's not helping ease the distressing amount of power that's now burning inside him.
"Boring!" Is the only warning Zoro gets before Sanji grabs his arms and spins. It takes a moment for Zoro to understand what is happening, but the fight has evolved into some kind of dance. His feet and body are moving in perfect tune with Sanji, like they've practiced this a thousand times before, but Zoro's never danced like this in his entire life.
It should disturb him more, not being in control of his body, but the sheer elation and joy coming from Sanji softens the fear. There's no malice to this, in fact it's kind of of enjoyable, being swept in this sheer high that's permeating from Sanji. It reminds him of bathing in the warm sun.
They only stop when Luffy declares he wants to dance too, and instead of snapping at him, Sanji just smiles wider, drops Zoro like a lead weight, before grabbing the Captain with a delighted chuckle. "Anything for my Mon cher capitaine!"
Zoro can only watch dumbfounded as Sanji pulls a flower from his hair, placing it between his teeth, and starts dancing with Luffy up in the sky. It's crazy to watch, especially with how Sanji takes full advantage of Luffy's ability to stretch, but it also shows that Luffy seems to be under the same effect Zoro was. Luffy couldn't dance to save his life, but there he was, pulling off moves he couldn't even comprehend with pure ease.
+Sanji other abilities include super speed, which he usually uses to make ludicrous large, delicious meals in seconds. (Yes, he is making the food cook faster too) -He can also float/fly. -The Nika power can last up to thirty minutes or an hour. When it's gone, Sanji is completely, and utterly wasted. He's emotionally numb and his body won't even move, meaning Zoro usually has to carry his ass to bed every time this happens.
-Why does this happen? No one knows. They try to find some kind of commonality to these sudden transformations but there seems to be no connecting factor, and for some reason, poor Sanji gets it the worse.
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twit-ter-pa-ted · 1 year
Yes, Ma'am. - Part Two
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pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x afab!Reader
warnings: flirting & poor description of food, i think
overview: You find out why Sanji is known to be the best chef in the East Blue. The Straw Hat reveals his intentions.
a/n: this is turning into a full blown series😭 thank you for the support on the first part, i was so shocked and i am so immensely grateful for everyone who read and enjoyed it. i love you all!
part one — final part
Sanji had barely taken a step into the kitchen when Patty began reprimanding him on how Zeff had kicked him out of the kitchen for the day, but it didn't stop him from grabbing a pan and starting his work.
You waited patiently after watching Sanji disappear into the kitchen. As you waited for your food, your eyes darted to the party you had been dismissing since you first noticed them. You were busy flirting, after all.
The Straw Hat, the Long-nose, the Redhead, and the Pirate Hunter. Their complimentary bread disappeared within seconds of it being placed on their table, courtesy of the straw hat, which led to the long-nose whining about how he didn't get a chance to taste the bread.
Dish after dish arrived at their table as you recalled hearing the straw hat order every dish on the menu, and you couldn't help but wonder how the nameless pirate would pay for it.
In the middle of watching the Straw Hat, whose name, you learned, was Luffy, you noticed Sanji returning to your table.
He set down a plate in front of you as well as a glass of strawberry milkshake.
"Somethin' I've been working on – sauteed True Bluefin over a sweet soy glaze, sided with seared asparagus," he descripted as he set down utensils and motioned at the plate. Then he motioned at the milkshake. At a glance, you could see that it had been done the way you requested it be. It even had a pink and white striped straw to match.
"Strawberry milkshake with a thin coat of strawberry syrup, no seeds, fine whipped cream made by yours truly," he playfully bowed, "and a strawberry to top off a drink as sweet as you."
You smiled as he winked. "Thank you, Sanji."
He refused your utterance of gratitude. "Please, I find it a privilege to have been able to cook for a beauty such as yourself."
He seemed to have no plans to leave, instead waiting to see your reaction, so you began to cut into the fish, your eyes never leaving his as you brought the piece to your lips using the fork.
A burst of flavor overwhelmed your taste buds the moment you took the piece into your mouth. Your usually insouciant temperament slipped for just a moment as your eyes widened.
"It’s good," you managed to say as if it weren’t the best thing you had ever tasted in your entire life.
"Yeah?" He smirked. He knew you were masking your amusement, it was evident on your face that you were. He drank in your expression as you attempted to keep your cool.
You nodded. "It's nothing like anything I've had before," you admitted.
"Thank you, love."
You moved onto the drink. As you went to grab it, Sanji spoke.
"I realized I never got your name," he declared. You paused, simply holding the drink in your hand now.
"Will you be needing it?" You questioned while playing with the fountain glass. His flirty persona faltered with confusion as your tone seemed to have an implication.
"I saw you flirting with the redhead earlier, did you make sure her water came from heaven itself?" You jested, hearing even her crewmates teasing her about the interaction.
He smirked as he was ready to tease, "Are you jealous?"
You only shrugged. "I'm just stating what I observed, darling." Lifting the straw to your lips, your eyes never left his as you took a sip.
You were more of a whiskey on the rocks kind of person, but you had to admit – the strawberry milkshake was far better than good. You couldn’t understand how something so simple could taste so heavenly. There were, in fact, no seeds, and the taste was just the right amount of sweetness that you were looking for, even if you hadn’t mentioned a specific level of sweetness for it.
You think you'd never be able to find words to describe it, just as you had run short of words for the sauteed True Bluefin. "It’s good," oh, please. The two of you knew that you felt you never knew what real food tasted like until you had tried Sanji's cooking – tested out his skills in the kitchen.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the drink. It was so delectable that it was almost painful.
"I like you, Sanji," You confessed before beginning to cut into the fish in your plate again. "I enjoyed our exchange. I certainly enjoy the dish and drink you've made for me." Sanji opened his mouth to reply when someone shouted from the kitchen area.
"Oi, Sanji! You’re here to cater, not to flirt!" Sanji evidently clenched his jaw.
"Just get back to cooking, Patty!" He turned to you again, his jaw now unclenched and his eyes thinning as he smiled.
You rarely told anyone your name. In your line of business, it didn't really matter who you were or how much they knew about you. It was all in the matter of how cheap or expensive your product was, and how hard you were willing to fight for its worth (and your life).
You told him your name. Just your first name – nothing more, nothing less. It led to less hurt that way, if you knew the least you could about each other.
He repeated your name as if to test how it rolled off his tongue, his tone velvety as he spoke.
"Likewise." He moved slightly, indicating that he was now leaving you to eat your lunch.
"But I do mean every word I say. It's nothing I've said to anyone before is all I'll say, I suppose it's up to you to believe that or not. I do hope you consider coming back here despite how shitty it is." You couldn’t help but chuckle as he deprecated the restaurant he worked at. "I'll be willing to cook you up another meal, if you’re up for it."
You pretended to think about it, but you were already dead set on your answer – "Sure, why not?"
Sanji's smile grew as he began to depart from your table, his eyes never leaving yours until he had to take another table's orders.
"That's the broker pirate hunter?" The straw hat declared with his eyes on you. You whipped your head to face them with a puzzled look.
The redhead's eyes widened. "Hey, not so loud!" She turned to you to find that you were already looking in their direction.
"Not a broker, not a pirate hunter!" You corrected irritably.
"See? I told you." The long-nose attempted to mutter as he lightly smacked the straw hat's shoulder.
"Hey, are you the nameless, bounty-less pirates that defeated Axe-Hand Morgan?"
"Woah, woah. You did – you did what?" The long-nose's eyes had widened. He seemed to be unaware of the gang of pirates he had joined.
"Nameless?" The straw hat echoed. He then stood to approach your table. He held out his sauce covered hand which you only looked at. He retracted his hand when you made no move to grab it.
"My name is Monkey D. Luffy. I'm going to be King of the Pirates!" Your eyes widened at his proclamation, your eyes returning to look into his.
Unlike what you expected from countless others who had declared themselves to soon be King of the Pirates, this Luffy character seemed to have something else other than pure determination glimmering in his eyes. It almost had you believing that he was going to be King of the Pirates.
"So just you wait," he then said your name as if you were close friends, "I'll get my first bounty soon."
He couldn't have been that much younger than you. And yet, something about him made you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt.
"That's my crew, by the way." He pointed at his booth. "That's Zoro, Nami, and Usopp."
"Not in your crew," Nami denied.
"Don't introduce us to the pirate hunter, Luffy!" Usopp scolded him.
"What's up?" Zoro calmly greeted.
"I'm not a pirate hunter. That's a pirate hunter," you corrected Usopp once again, pointing to Zoro.
"Not anymore," Zoro corrected you, too.
"Well, I can see that, given how you're in a pirate crew."
He only scoffed. "Uh-huh, nice to see you again, too."
Luffy seemed to be unaware of the tension between the two of you. He grinned as he came to a realization, "Oh, you know each other?"
"Yep." You and Zoro answered in unison, which caused you to glare at each other before looking away.
"Well?" Luffy questioned expectantly, slinging an arm around your shoulders. You looked at the hand on your shoulder and wondered if the boy had any respect for boundaries. You simply shook your head and decided to return to your meal.
"Oh, come on. Zoro!" He whined as he returned to their table.
* * * * * *
taglist: @inf4ntdeath @x-uno @miloonmetis @angeli-fucking-cat @zzbloody-animezz
thank you for your support! <3
(there will be one more part after this one)
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
I feel like the minute Luffy gets a crush on someone he panics and straight up hates it. It's like why am I acting so weird like it's just Zoro/Saji/ usopp!!! Every time they compliment them or smile at them, he has to cover his face with his hat. He starts laughing like an idiot and makes terrible comebacks. All of his confidence and stupidity turns into awkwardness and self-consciousness. He's straight up not having a good time.
Luffy would kill himself on the spot. He instantly just jumps into the fucking sea.
Zoro: Something something, of course, my captain Luffy: I- Haha. My heart is beating funny. Haha. Give me a moment, Zoro! <3 *literally just jumps into the water* Nami: LUFFY WHAT THE HELL??? Luffy: Glupglupglupglup
He knows what a crush is, he's not stupid. He just doesn't fucking want it because he doesn't know what to do with so many overwhelming emotions so he genuinely goes to Chopper to make it go away. Chopper is confused af because he genuinely doesn't know what a crush feels like exactly and he thinks Luffy is going to die of a weird illness so he PANICS. And if this happens casually when Law is around (make it around wci), he can't just take it anymore:
Law: Luffy, for the tenth time, you're not fucking sick. You just have a crush on your cook. Luffy: Torao you're the worst doctor in the world!! You're wrong!! I hate this!! Law: Yeah, well, people normally hate it. Deal with it. Why am I even helping you here- Luffy: MAKE IT GO AWAY!!!! Law: I CAN'T MAKE IT GO AWAY YOU FUCKING MORON THAT'S A YOU PROBLEM. IT'S NOT A MEDICAL CONDITION. Luffy: Then take my heart and just??? Throw it away??? Law: I am going to kill you with my bare hands. Luffy: Please? :( Law: Luffy, I swear to God-
The poor thing is so lost and he gets really overwhelmed by absolutely nothing. Like. Genuinely nothing- And the girls are always there to help him out, but sometimes it's just such a funny sight.
[Luffy sitting with Robin on deck and watching the crew just do their things. Usopp practicing his aim and new inventions in front of them] Usopp: Hey, Luffy! Check this out! *does the stupidest most sexiest thing in the whole world because he just looks hot af when he's shooting at stuff* Luffy, blushing uncontrollably, covering his face with his hat and dying from a heart attack: Jndjkandeuiwbkwendknjdkjs *Incoherent noises* Robin: Are you alright, captain? Luffy: Make it stop, Robin :( Robin: Haha, I'm afraid I can't do that. Usopp: Luffy??? Robin: He says it's really nice!
And a little bonus:
[Red Hair pirates and the Strawhats finally meeting and throwing a party together] Luffy: And then Zoro cut that guy in half like it was nothing! It was the coolest thing ever, right, Zoro? Zoro: I would go to hell and back for you, captain, and that's the anecdote you tell him? Luffy: I- It was a really cool fight! Shut up, captain's order! Don't say things like that! Zoro: Mm. Shanks: Oh. *Turns to Beckman* When were you gonna tell me the kid is down bad for his first mate? Benn: Congratulations, you got one out of three. If you guess who are the other two, I'll let you drink more than usual today, captain. Shanks: *Blushes uncontrollably* Chopper: Oh no!! You're sick too??! Shanks: What do you mean, funny reindeer? Chopper: Luffy does that when he's around Sanji a lot!! Shanks: :) The other is Black Leg. Benn: Not fair at all.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
When They Cum Too Fast…(NSFW)
Ft. Sanji, Ace, Shanks, Law
CW: Sex.
Black Fem Reader
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He actually can hold off from cuming better than the other guys listed .
He knows what to think about or what different moves to make to make sure you cum at least twice before he does
Except today he has been getting teased by you all day
You both went shopping and stopped by a clothing store and Sanji seen a beautiful two piece lingerie and he held it in awe imagining you in it.
He bought it for you with the last bit of money he had and haven’t stopped thinking about it since. He was mentally excited to see you put on the thin fabric just so he can fuck you in it
Well it was finally time and he was a bit too excited…
“Fuck!” He strained out a moan into your chest panting. He only did a couple thrust and you could already feel his warm seed pool inside you letting you break out a small moan yourself from the tingling sensation.
“I’m—im so sorry sweetheart I—“
He was on the verge of tears but you kissed him, you didn’t mind at all. You were actually happy to know your boyfriend was feeling good like you always were.
“Don’t apologize. It happens, okay? There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“Y-yeah but I—I didn’t want to cu—-“
You rolled over on top of his damp body running your finger down his chest and placed his hand on your slightly exposed breast barely covered by the lingerie .
“How about I make us both feel good tonight? Hm?” You bit your lip seeing his pink face squeeze your chest in admiration.
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You finally allowed him to have sex with you raw and the new warm feeling overwhelmed the poor boy.
You both have been practicing safe sex for a while now but today you were just really impatient and Ace has been such a good boy for you you decided to grace him with your bare walls tonight.
He of course was absolutely more than ready to fuck you with no stupid plastic in between you both
He completely under estimated the pleasure he’d feel sliding in between your tight wet hole so he got a bit carried away with fucking you from the back
“A-ace Baby! Slow down ah!” Your whines went towards deaf ears. He was in a drunken bliss inside your pussy, you felt wetter than he is used to and tighter than he remembered and not to forget how comfortably warm he was he needed this release.
“C-cumming!” His thrust became sloppy, but his grip on your hips became tighter. He came inside you crying out your name like a melody before he hovered over your back panting on your neck and ears.
“I’m..im sorry.” He huffed. You didn’t even care you found it funny yet hot how Ace couldn’t control himself. “You feel…really good down there.”
“Yeah I can Tell.” You giggled and he just laughed with Ace slapping your now wet ass.
“‘M not ganna fall asleep ‘m ganna make you cum…too…”
“Ace! You bet not fall asl—“
Asshole fell asleep right on your back with his cock still deep inside you.
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Completely your doing
You just had to grip the life out of him when he told you to slow down
You know that man can’t handle you riding his cock
“WAIT—shit! Y/N stop!”
He kind of pissed you off today by how he was spoiling Bepo way more than you lately so you kinda was in a petty mindset
You didn’t even care that you wasn’t close to cuming that asshole made you mad
“You finish that sentence I’ll start bouncing again.” You held your hand up to his panting mouth feeling his cum slide out of you, he looked down to noticed and you felt his cock twitch. “You like cumming inside me huh.”
Law swatted your hand away huffing and puffing with his kimono now sliding off his upper body, you smirked at his annoyed face and sat up, “Why the fuck did you do that?”
“You know why.” You crossed your arms pouting like a child completely unfazed by you being butt ass naked and his cock still inside you pumping you full to the brim with his cum because you keep clenching down.
“No, I don’t know why!—-fuck —you feel too good get off me!”
“No. I didn’t cum yet.”
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I mean the man is half your age his stamina is still there but sometimes cums like a damn touch starved man.
However he came right as he inserted himself into you which was something that shocked the both of you
You didn’t mind it but Shanks with his dramatic ass began to question himself and his worth as a man
“Baby I told you it’s fine just come back to bed…” You groaned seeing this 40 year old man walk back and fourth naked having a fit.
“No why the hell did I do that? I mean you don’t feel THAT damn good—“
“Excuse me?!”
“I—okay that’s not what I mean you do feel that good but ALL I DID WAS PUT THE TIP IN?”
“You exhaust me Shanks I’m going to bed—“
“Nope!” He pushed you back down on the bed as you were reaching for your robe and opened your legs exposing your cum filled pussy. “You’re ganna cum and I’m ganna make it happen I still can make you cum!”
“Shanks I know you can I—ah!”
He wasted no time using his tongue on you and he most definitely proved himself over and over again.
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bluegalaxygirl · 11 months
Can you do Zolu x reader I want a baby headcannon
I deiced to do half headcannon half story :)
Zoro X Luffy X reader, Poly relationship, Established relationship, Reader is Female.
Warning: Bad language.
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^ You have no idea why but you've been thinking about it a lot lately, wanting a baby was the only thing on your mind for days and days turned into weeks. You tried hiding it but when ever you stopped off on an island you notice more and more kids interact with their parents, at times it felt like they were mocking you and soon it got too much.
^ Sitting on the top deck at the front of the sunny Staring out to sea with Zoro asleep next to you and Luffy on the Lions head blurted it out without thinking. "I want a baby". You shocked both of them, Zoro waking up immediately like he had a nightmare and Luffy's head turned so fast you thought it would fly off.
^ You regretted saying it as the two started asking question after question, Why?, are you serious?, is this a joke? Do you know what your asking? But all you could do was shrug looking at their shocked faces.
^ You are gonna give Zoro a heart attack 100%, You all live a very dangerous life and even though things are going well at the moment adding a baby into the mix is a bad idea in his opinion.
^ Luffy is half-and-half on the idea, he wants to give you what you want but at the same time he doesn't know anything about taking care of a baby.
^ You couldn't give much in the way of answers and ended up telling then to leave it and that you were just thinking out loud. You told them it was just a silly idea and to ignore you.
^ Luffy wasn't happy with how things went down, he apologized and gave you lots of affection throughout the day. Even though you laughed and smiles at him the Captain could still see sadness in you and it hurt, it made him re think everything and how you've been acting the past few days.
^ When Luffy doesn't know or understand something it frustrates him and since he couldn't get anything off you he went to Robin and Nami instead. He made it sound like he was talking about a friend but of course the girls knew he was talking about you so they explained everything they could. Nami was more of the emotional side and Robin was more Logic but it worked and Luffy started to understand more.
^ Zoro didn't push you to talk about it, but he kept an eye on you all day, he knew you were upset, but he just couldn't justify having a baby right now. Yes he wanted to comfort you and tell you it'll be ok, but he also didn't want to give in, he worries about you and his Captain enough, he didn't want to add a defenseless baby onto the list.
^ Sanji noticed something was wrong right off the bat when Zoro didn't get into a fight with the cook all day so deiced to ask him about it. Of course Zoro ignored the cook and all his questions but as Sanji was going to leave he sighed and blurted out everything. Your poor Swordsman was dragged into the kitchen and yelled at for almost an hour but Zoro did learn a few things which surprised him.
^ You thinked about one question all day, why do you want a baby? It seemed like a simple question to answer but you just couldn't find one. You some times talk to Robin when your confused about something but you couldn't find her anywhere. The only other person you could think of was Jinbe.
^ You were very unsure about asking him so you ended up being very vage not mentioning a baby in any way, it was along the lines of "I want something but i don't know why i want it... i just have this overwhelming need to have it" Jinbe helped as best he could, but he did ask about what "it" was.
^ Still not having the answer you caved in telling the fish man that you wanted a baby and to your surprise the man wasn't shocked in fact he smiled and let out a booming laugh and told you that it might have something to do with what happened on Wano. It hit you very hard but you had your answer.
^ Zoro and Luffy had a talk after dinner about you and the baby thing sharing what each other new and found out, Luffy learned more about hormones and how some times girls get this overwhelming need to have a baby because of them while Zoro learned that maybe you weren't feeling loved enough and that they needed to do more for you.
The sun had long set but you couldn't sleep, the shared room you have with your two boys was too quiet as you sat on the bed cross-legged facing the door. You needed to tell them why you wanted a baby, even if they still said no at least you got it off your chest and maybe you could forget about it. When Zoro and Luffy walked in they were surprised to see you awake, your normally asleep by now and you have a sad look on your face. Luffy runs up and jumps onto you wrapping his arms around you as you fell back onto the bed "Y/n Please don't be sad" The Captain held you tight placing his face in your neck while your arms went around him, Zoro sighs getting you to look over at him as he closes the door and makes his way over to the bed. Laying down next to you the swordsman runs a hand through your hair noticing you look more nervous than upset "I urm... I've been thinking and i think i know why now" You manage to get out looking at Zoro who's face is right next to yours "We think we know two, it's your hormones right?" Luffy smiles sitting up and straddling your lap as your hands go to his hips, letting out a sigh you shake your head making your captain very confused.
Zoro sits up slightly using his elbow to support himself "Have we not been giving you enough attention? I'm sorry if we haven't" The sad look on his face makes your heart tier, reaching up you place a hand on the swordsman's cheek while the other holds into Luffy's hand "No, no its not that, you two are great. Your there when ever i need you and your always so sweet... its nothing like that, i-" You sigh again looking form Zoro to Luffy seeing them both confused and concerned. What else could there be? "You don't have to say yes, i think i just need to get this off my chest" Zoro holds your hand to his cheek as you talk while Luffy leans down and places a kiss on your cheek "You can tell us anything" The captain smiles taking his hat off and placing it on your head, it makes you feel a lot better and you even manage to smile a little and squeeze his hand.
Taking a breath you compose yourself before talking "After Wano i started thinking about having a baby and its only gotten stronger and i think it's because... You two almost died, i thought i lost both of you during the battle and i couldn't handle it" You tear up a little and pull Luffy's hat over your eyes unable to look at the two as you continue "All i could think of was that i wouldn't have anything. Two head stones and some trinkets? I wanted you two not that, i needed you with me, one way or another, not a hat or a sword or a shirt but... something that was you" Tears fall down your cheeks as you ramble the image of the two bandaged up laying almost lifeless filled your mind, you couldn't bare the thought of being without them. "Baby, where alive" Zoro leans closer wiping some tears off your cheeks, you never talked about what happened on Wano and maybe they should have brought it up if this is how you were feeling. Luffy sits on your lap in shock, he remembered you being so happy when him and Zoro woke up and you never seemed sad about it but now he could see you were hurting.
Leaning down Luffy takes your hand off his hat and tilts it up seeing your eyes shift to look away from the two men "I'm sorry, i didn't know it hurt you but i won't leave you again" Luffy leans down and places a kiss on your other cheek "But, what if it happens again, we come up against stronger and stronger people and your always getting hurt.... i know your both strong but i can't, i just can't" You left a hand up wipe away some tears finally looking up at Luffy and then to Zoro "You did die and yes you came back, but what if next time you don't" Zoro leans in and places a light kiss on your lips placing his forehead against yours "I'm sorry baby, i should have seen you were hurting but like Luffy said i'm not gonna leave you again" Luffy places a hand on Zoro's back the two boys looking at each other with a nod seeming to silently agree on something. Your eyes flick between the two managing to stop crying and wiping away the last of your tears as Luffy take the hat off your head and puts it on his with a smile.
Zoro leans over and places light kisses along your shoulder and up to your neck, your unsure of what is going on but you don't stop him, his light kisses make you feel better and loved. Luffy leans down and pulls your chin, turning your head to look at him before placing his lips on yours. Humming in relaxation you run your hands up the captains chest and to his cheeks as he shoves his tongue into your mouth, Luffy runs a hand up and down your side while the other goes into Zoro's hair who moans slightly while kissing around your neck. Luffy pulls away hovering over you with a kind smile moving his hand from your side to your cheek running his thumb under your eye "Do you still want a baby?" The words that leave his mouth shocks you making your eyes widen, Zoro chuckles into your neck feeling you tense as he pulls away to look at you with a small smile. "Yes" The words leave your lips before you brain can process but you don't regret it. The swordsman places his lips on yours biting your lip so you'll open your mouth for him which you gladly do, letting his tongue in, moaning into Zoro's mouth you jump a little when you feel Luffy lift up your shirt a little and start kissing your stomach.
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the-fluff-piece · 1 year
Headcanon: introducing them to your big family
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They've had their rough childhoods and their single dads. But now they meet your big, loud family! They love him and take him in like their own.
Just imagine the poor blorbos finally being loved and pampered!
Headcanon for Law, Sanji and Zoro
Also check out my other headcanons and stories
He's afraid. So much. He plans to get through it like any social interaction: keeping everyone at arms length and not talking
Your mom will not have it. The boy needs some meat on his bones. If he wants to or not. After initially refusing her various foods, he falls in love with her rice recipes
He's overwhelmed by the sheer number of people he meets at family events. He has to make a list of names
Doesn't let it on, but he absolutely wants them to like him. He reads books about social interaction now
Surprisingly, he gets along well with the little ones of your family, treating them to ice cream and taking care of their little injuries
He's very confident that they'll love him - especially the ladies
He looses control of his tears the first time someone tells him "You're family now, boy!" and he feels warm and special, deep inside
He'll find out that your grandma knows the secret recipe to your favourite childhood meal. He'll do anything to prove himself to her so she may share it with him. Will pick apples in her garden, cook applesauce and pickle stuff for her to get it
When you're dad gives him the talk about how he's gonna get in trouble if he hurts you - he is fully on board and demands to be punished if he ever made you cry. Your dad is confused, but content
Cooks and bakes for all family events. He loves Big family events. He knows everyone's name and favorite and he likes the hugging and asking how it's going
Super chill about it at first, but gets super stressed once the whole family is asking him about everything he did in life
Soon fears that he didn't achieve enough if he's not the greatest swordsman ever and can never marry you
Ends up being the life of the party once there is booze for everyone, drinking at the bar and having fun
Is absolutely the type to sit with other silent men during events without booze
Likes to tease the younger ones and shows them a few moves
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turtletaubwrites · 9 months
Parted Lips
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This SFW oneshot was inspired by This Post by @hufflefluffy about how Sanji would be with someone who struggles with eating such as with sensory issues, eating disorders, etc.
That post made me so happy, so I wrote this fic about Sanji helping his crewmate who has severe chronic TMJ pain.
Pairings: Sanji x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1734
Ao3 Link
Summary: Sanji has made another meal just for you, but it's still too painful to eat. You open up to Sanji about your jaw pain, and he offers to help you work through it
Rating/Warnings: SFW, Fluff, Angst, they aren't together yet but there's tension, and it is mildly suggestive, Mostly just sweet Sanji being a lovely human, Chronic Pain, TMJ Disorder, Difficulties with eating such as chewing and appetite, Grief
A/N: I've been struggling with this, and this past year has been awful. Sometimes I couldn't even eat soft cheese. I'm so lucky that my partner is very much like Sanji, and has learned to cook things for me that I can enjoy, and held my hand through this. I hope we can all find that kind of support for our pain. 💜💜
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“Mm, this smells amazing, Sanji.”
The bowl of stew he’d placed before you had your mouth watering the scent of the meat and spices making pleasant chills run over your skin. 
Sanji smiled as he sat across from you, and the sight of his own matching bowl made you frown. 
“Why are you having mine?”
“Oh, ma chérie, are you hungry enough for more tonight, I can make something else.”
With a heavy sigh, you leaned away, your small appetite growing smaller at your sour mood. 
“You know what I mean, Sanji. You don’t have to eat what I eat.”
His soft eyes made you tense up, reaching up to massage your cheeks.
“There’s nothing wrong with what you have to eat, Y/N. At least I hope not. Will you calm this poor chef’s nerves, and let me know how it tastes? 
Swallowing your self pity, you reached for the spoon.
Probably the only utensil I’ll ever be able to use now.
Your hand spasmed around the metal slightly, and you felt Sanji’s eyes on your every move.
“Sanji, can you please not stare at me while I eat?”
“Oh, um. Of course, sweetheart, sorry.”
He turned his face down to his own bowl, and you steeled yourself.
It smells so good.
You filled your spoon, not taking too much, but making sure to have a piece of meat and carrot.
Very small pieces.
The meat was so tender, the flavors overwhelming you. 
It had been so difficult to enjoy food, but Sanji’s cooking was bringing your love back.
But that almost made it worse sometimes.
Even with how small the bites of meat and vegetables were, how wonderfully tender, it was still enough chewing to make you sore. You knew if you ate the whole bowl, you would be hurting. It had been a bad week.
“It’s delicious, Sanji. Thank you so much.”
You couldn’t keep your voice from cracking, and his brows tensed as he set down his spoon. 
“Is it too much, darling?”
You sat back, heat building in your throat as you started massaging your jaw. 
“I don’t want to eat puréed food for the rest of my life.
It was such a dumb sentence. It sounded pathetic. But the weight of it fell down on you, crushing your joy.
Sanji reached out, your skin tingling as his hand touched yours, pulling it away from your face to hold it. He squeezed it gently, and his soft skin was soothing, even through your frustration.
“I know what it is to be hungry, Y/N. I won’t let you suffer like this. No matter what it takes, I will find food that nourishes and satisfies you. Please let me help you.”
Hot tears welled in your eyes, and you swallowed, trying to push them down. 
“What else can I do?”
Looking away from his pleading eyes, you stared into your bowl of stew, the small pieces taunting you. 
Your hands reached up to rub at the sore muscles again. 
“Does massaging your jaw help with the pain? I could… Would you feel comfortable letting me touch your face?”
Breath catching, you felt tingles go over your skin.
Is he just trying to touch me? Does he really care, or is this just him…
The thought felt sour as you looked at his earnest face. Sanji was always flirting with you, but he flirts with all the girls, with every woman he meets. You didn’t think he was serious about being interested in you, so you had tried not to think about him that way. You weren’t always successful.
But he was also one of the kindest people you’d ever met. You set your hesitation aside, and took the cook’s offer.
Sanji came around the table now, facing you as he sat in the chair beside you. Your breath was still too light, and you started pinching your fingers in your lap, fidgeting as he moved close to you.
A small gasp escaped you as his warm fingers touched your cheeks. His skin was so amazingly soft, and your eyes fluttered shut as he started to lightly press in circles along your jaw. 
“Does this feel alright?”
You nodded with a small sigh, then guided his fingers with yours, showing him what you needed.
It felt so much better with his touch than your own, and you let yourself relax into it for a few minutes. 
Sanji kept going as he cleared his throat softly, bringing your attention to his face. 
“What are other things we can do to help you, love?”
You had to breathe, bringing yourself back to the moment. 
“Uh, sometimes icing it can help on bad days. There are exercises too, but it’s hard to remember until it gets bad. Then I can’t do them because it hurts too much.”
“Is there an exercise that isn’t as painful,” Sanji asked, his voice just as soothing as his fingers.
It took you another minute to respond as you melted under his touch.
“Yeah, um. I just always forget. It’s not really an exercise. I need to focus on my posture.”
“You have lovely posture.”
“Thank you,” you said with a laugh, not surprised that he would have noticed that about you. “I know I do. I’ve worked hard on it to help reduce the pain. Seems like it’s really paid off.”
Sanji gave a small frown at the light tone you tried to use with your sarcasm.
“What else, gorgeous?”
His soft hands cupping your face while he used that word made you feel dizzy. How can he make me feel like that with just his voice?
You didn’t want him to stop massaging you, but you moved his hands away. 
“Just this.”
Sanji’s gaze was drawn to your lips as they parted, and he stared for a moment before meeting your eyes again. 
“I’m sorry, dear. What is the next exercise?”
“Not an exercise. More posture. I’m supposed to stay like this as often as I can remember.” 
He stared at your lips again as you gestured to them. 
“My tongue is meant to touch the top of my mouth, and my lips should be slightly parted, as often as I can remember,” you explained, your voice trembling more with each word. 
“I hate it, how am I supposed to remember to do it? And if I do, I just have to live with my mouth open all the time? And what if it doesn’t help? Nothing ever helps-”
Sanji cupped your face again, making you gulp as stinging tears finally started falling. 
He brushed them away with his thumbs, and you felt your lips quivering as his face got closer. His eyes were pouring over your features, and it made you shiver.
“You don’t have to carry this alone anymore, Y/N. I’ll help you, whatever you need.”
Your eyes clenched shut, sending a wave of tears down as you tried not to sob. All the pain, all the frustration was wearing you down. 
It seemed so trivial. But not being able to eat Sanji’s amazing food, losing your appetite when you thought of what you could eat, watching the crew laugh together over their meals, it made it all harder. 
You had stopped eating with the crew for a while now, with Sanji joining you after meals. But you felt sick with guilt when you couldn’t finish the food he’d worked so hard on for you. 
“May I hug you, ma belle?” 
Nodding, you let him pull you into his arms. You wanted to stop, to push this aside. It’s not that big of a deal, get over it. 
The biting thoughts that plagued you were finally ignored as you breathed in Sanji’s comforting scent. As you let yourself weep, you sobbed onto his shoulder while he drew comforting shapes along your back. 
He let you cry, and you realized that you were grieving. All the pain you’d bottled up was grief. Grief for all the things you couldn’t do, couldn’t enjoy because your body wouldn’t let you. The pain you ignored everyday until it became so sharp that you couldn’t ignore it. 
The days when you had to stop yourself from laughing with your crew because it hurt too much to open your mouth. 
Feeling it all washing over you, you clung to him, gripping his dress shirt in your fingers. 
Your sobs were loud and painful, but you couldn’t stop them if you tried. You had never let yourself feel all of this, all at once. It was like a dam had been breached, and Sanji was holding you, anchoring you so you wouldn’t be swept away. 
“I’m so sorry you have to carry this, darling. You shouldn't have to.”
He stroked your hair as his soft words started coming through your sobs. Your breathing began to slow, and you felt strange, not quite here. Still hurting, but relieved. 
Sitting back, his hands seemed reluctant to let you slip away. 
You were grateful that he wasn’t smiling. His brows were tensed slightly, and he tilted his head in soft concern. 
“Please come to me with this, Y/N. You don’t need to suffer in silence anymore. I won’t allow it.”
You gave a choked laugh as the corner of his mouth twitched up, and you were surprised that you were ready for the smile so soon. 
“Thank you so much, Sanji.”
You gripped his hands, squeezing his fingers as your breathing kept slowing down. He took one hand away to touch your chin gently. 
“Anytime, my love. I’m going to whip you up something delicious, alright?”
Nodding, your skin was still tingling as his thumb traced along your jaw.
“I’m going to be your reminder from now on, is that okay?”
It took you a second to understand, but you remembered your exercises.
“Yes, thank you.”
“Perfect. Now while I cook, I want you to hold your tongue at the roof of your mouth, and let your lips be slightly parted.”
You smiled at him before you obeyed, and then you watched his eyes seem to burn as they watched your lips part. 
Your breath hitched as Sanji’s thumb traced over your lower lip, delicious heat running through your body at his gentle touch. 
“I’ll help you remember now, ma chérie. Your lips look too beautiful like this for me to forget.”
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Thank You for Reading! 💜
TurtleTaub Fanfic Masterlist
Tag List: @astheni-a | @fanaticsnail
A/N: I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope that you have someone like Sanji to support you through your pain 💜
Buy me a coffee ☕🙏🏼
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quinloki · 5 months
Any uh, thots you wanna share there?
My brain immediately was torn on ace or Sabo and I said you know what, why choose
Both is better
I’m not in my 40s yet but I’m cheating and still applying it <.<
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Kid, Killer, Law, Ace, Sabo, Zoro, Sanj--
I mean.
look, okay, look, I'm not even a Sanji simp by any stretch. I love the poor little wretched meow meow who is used in the series as some kind of running girl crazy slobbering idiot for some reason (why Oda won't give him good and proper character growth is beyond me, but I guess since Zoro still gets lost, Sanji still does his gag too. I won't hold it again him, I'll just write him better XD)
Sanji, who is just down to treat you right. He's not worried about age, or appearances really, he's going to do his best to treat you right. It would almost be overwhelming, you know? Here you are, trying to get back into the proverbial groove and this 20 year younger man who gets a bloody nose when you call him cute is an oddly endearing kind of persistence.
It doesn't set off any red flags, but you imagine he's definitely got a praise kink, and he's probably touch and love starved.
You don't have to worry about keeping up with him, you could probably just tell him how much you'd love it if he came for you and he'd pop on the spot. One little finger under his chin and he's eating out of your hand.
You can let him know what you like and he listens, and he's got a massive amount of energy, but he cooks. Gods does he COOK, and you've never eaten so well honestly, he's going to spoil you.
The age difference probably gnaws on you. Even if you don't want it to. You're both adults, no one's leading anyone on, but he's half your age, and even if he sticks around for 20 years there's still be twenty years between you.
And do you have that right? To take this young man's 20s and 30s and when he's 40 something you'll be 60-something, and is that fair?
And I feel like Sanji would so sweet, and so understanding, and so reassuring, and he'd tell you to stop worrying about tomorrow or a month later. Enjoy here and now. With him, with you.
If he's really lucky he'll be able to take care of you 40 years from now, and you'll still be beautiful, and he doesn't need you to keep up with his libido or energy, he just needs you to lend him your lap, or smile that beautiful smile you smile when you tell him how delicious his cooking is. He'd keep it in his pants forever, if that's what it took to stay beside you for a few more days longer.
/hides face/ oh god
Have a collar around his neck, holding onto the a leash, knee between his thighs, pinning him to the wall, it doesn't matter if you're taller or shorter or the same height, he's the perfect little sub, just staying where you put him, whimpering and shivering and so close and he wants to ride your thigh, but he won't move until you tell him too.
Kissing those frustrated tears from his cheeks, praising him and telling him how good he's being, how obedient. Giving him permission to move his hips, and reminding him he has to hold out, to hold on until you give him permission, and he can beg and beg but he has to wait, and you finally demand that he cums and he does.
Staining his boxers, shirt and pants, still fully clothed, and once he starts to come down from the high you start pushing your knee into him, and the whimper turns into a panting need so fast and he rides that pleasure and your praise and cums again when you tell him too.
He's so sweet, and so ready, and as long as he keeps being good you'll let him have dessert, because he's such a sweet boy, and you know that no matter how much you tease him he'll be able to satisfy you.
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tiredpeacock · 4 months
I may or may not be still very deep in the One Piece hole.
Have a Katakuri Drakeling. A Drakakuri?
I don't thino I will ever finish writing that story, but. Mayhaps.
"Before him towers a Beast, easily three times his size, not just in height, but in bulk as well. It dwarfs Sanji even more now that he is just cowering there.
Its - no, his - features are partially human, a muscular brickwall of a chest and neck, arms that can possibly rip a battleship in half, a head with short, wine colored hair and mostly human face, the lower half covered by one of those weird demonic masks Sanji has seen imported from Wano, deep black with fangs painted in a shockingly bright magenta, all covered in pale skin, the left side covered in… tattoos? why would some monster in a cave have - his fucking mind drifts to anything to get away from the overwhelming panic.
He can see where the legend of the Dragon comes from now. It’s like a Minotaur, but someone switched the bull for half of a Dragon. 
The long, draconic legs are covered in shiny black scales and end in some very sharp and deadly looking claws. His hands, too, are clawed and covered in shimmering black scales that fade away into the pale skin close to his elbow. From his head sprout two massive black horns curving backwards over his head then pointing back upwards. Behind him rests a massive pair of black feathered wings - and underneath swishes a tail, tipped in a very sharp looking three pronged end, perfect for spearing poor little disowned princes with broken legs with.
All in all, this thing, this man-monster looks like a demon, a devil straight from some Hell Sanji has never wasted a thought on before, but finds quite real all of a sudden. Maybe he truly is cursed, and this Beast will take his lost little soul - rip it straight from his body and devour it, sating himself so Tottoland is safe from his wrath until the next idiot comes along and asks the Pirate Emperor Big Mom for an alliance."
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dragon-queen21 · 3 months
(before i start, metal family is originally a russian cartoon on youtube that was dubbed in english. its about in not my words “the most unhealthy healthy family ever” like the name suggests, music is a huge part of it. in later episodes there are a few trigger warnings that apply but the shows pretty good! and honestly has a lot of agere potential but)
(also i wanna drop, i was thinkin about this earlier but i like to think that nezuko is perma-regressed or close to it. she almost constantly acts younger than she is, and honestly i think it could be a way to cope with her bein a demon, and maybe it could suppress demon urges with baby urges. (like being comforted, sleepin, lookin up to someone) anyway now im thinkin of tanjiro just carryin her around like a baby when shes in her little form)
-no because your so right, i was thinkin about the zeff one and let me raise up your raise up:
zeff raised sanji, and this poor boy has a crazy amount of trauma, at the time of meeting zeff was pretty fresh too. now zeff watchin this boy grow up in his teen years, only to realize that “hey, somethings off sometimes” that zeff recongized arent sanjis regular trauma responses that zeff knows, zeff paying more attention and whys the kid not talkin durin food prep? sanji has a big mouth how hasnt zeff noticed that before? or how sanji would sometimes stand a little closer to zeff than normal, or when the customers ask sanji a question some days, he’ll look and find zeff before answering. or how his eyes would full up with tears before bein forced away like the kid refused to cry. and oh, this reminds him of the eggplant right when they started the baratie, just a bit more sensitive if the tears & fist clenchin has anythin to say about it. (later he opens one of the psychology books he got a little after he adopted sanji, and finds “age regression” and it all clicks.)
i feel like zeff wouldnt treat sanji different when hes obviously feelin little (aside from basic care just to make sure sanji doesnt hurt himself) he wouldnt treat him like a burden or annoyingly like a baby. i feel like that would make sanji feel terrible about himself, so just the normalcy even when hes little encourages him that its okay, hes still helping its okay, no one cares that your biting your nails after zeff just told you not too. zeff wouldnt tell sanji he knows that he age regresses, and sanji doesnt tell zeff hes little. (but sometimes maybe zeff, on days the baratie isnt as busy and they can afford to work slower, zeff likes to subtly do things to make the eggplant regress farther. just enough to where he can still work and not be extremely overwhelmed, while still helpin sanji cope) (it goes well, the other chefs never catch on to this, thank irene am i right)
-sanjis definitly the kinda kid to regress if he ever gets sick. hes not used to bein sick as it is, and i feel like due to this that when he does get sick, he gets *SICK* like bedridden type shit. he totally makes someone take care of him, “oh chopper you wanna do somethin else? too bad! hes sick and hes makin it everyones problem.” “oh nami you wanted to come check up on his while chopper managed to slip away, oh well you just sealed your fate, that boy is clingin to you like big sanji has never done before.”
the baby is cryin because he wont stop coughin and its givin him a headache, only to cry harder when chopper tries to give him cough medicine. hes screamin cryin because he feels icky, but hes also cryin because now he has a sore throat.
-ive seen some people say that sanji probably wouldnt throw many fits or have many tantrums, and i agree with that, but oh my irene let that kid have a tantrum, let him whine and cry and make the crew scramble to fix the problem, as a treat🫶 let him cause baby mayhem, let him create disarray, hes never done a bad thing in his life, lets get that number to one shall we?
(-zoro givin lil sanji a sip of his booze because sanji wont stop askin,
sanji takes one sip, and then promptly spits it out, zoro just laughin his lungs out.)
OKAY THATS IT, this was gonna be about lil zoro too but. sanji took it over, wow im never on track with these, f plannin lets see what happens, also wanted to ask, where are you jn one piece rn? i wanna make sure i dont spoil ☹️ (im in post timeskip — punk hazard) i try to leave these asks/rambles ambiguous to the time period because i know you only take pre time skip, but sometimes i think i make it a bit more specific so sorry just in case)
and i hope your doing well too, make sure to take breaks and everythin for yourself, mental health comes first, and thank you for the prayers 🤍 right back at ya
:D heyoh friend!
~See you get it! I always thought that with Nezuko. Especially felt this after the red light district when Tanjiro’s singing is what stops her from loosing control.
~Things are a lot easier to process as a toddler simply looking up to Tanjiro to take care of her.
~But also baby space Nezuko, being swaddled by Tanjiro. Confusing everyone at first because- why does Tanjiro have a baby???
~Maybe she was regressed when the attack happened and that’s what lets her change her height/age as a demon. <-random idea anyways
Okay One Piece now
~I started a long time ago a fic with Zeff figuring out that Sanji regresses. It ended up being kind of dark with other unhealthy coping mechanisms included. Anyways sharing because I have always loved the idea of Zeff just, getting the chance to look after his little eggplant again.
~Idea: Zeff calling Sanji baby eggplant when he knows the boy is regressed without realizing, and Sanji just panics for a moment because- ‘oh hell Zeff hasn’t called me that in years. He knows! No he doesn’t. Yes he does!’
~“oh chopper you wanna do somethin else? too bad! hes sick and hes makin it everyones problem.”
Jdjodbsjbdj oh my gosh XD Luffy too. They would both be so dramatic. Imaging them both being sick and regressed together. The mopiest and clingiest babies ever.
And poor Nami. Can’t even properly pry off Sanji without feeling bad. She has to just resign to her fate of getting sick from the baby.
~No I agree. Let him be fussy and inconsolable. As a treat :3 ( <- coming from the regressor who would also like to throw a tantrum sometimes but can’t) Too many big emotions that are too hard to process.
~Also Franky teaching him how to throw a “proper” tantrum. And Robin using her devil powers to catch flying books and objects thrown across the room, to make sure nothing breaks so that Sanji doesn’t feel bad after, but not exactly stopping the little. Just letting it run its course. Scribbling over the page of a coloring books and snapped crayons and ripped pages.
(<- Has too many ideas, can you tell?)
XD honestly I do the same thing. My brain is all over the place always.
Story time to answer your question! I watch one piece with my mom, as it’s her favorite anime. Currently I am at water seven although I’ve seen enough spoilers that I belive I can write most of the main crew with reason. Not the first time I’ve written fandom blind/ character blind and no ones called me out on it yet >:3 (I have about 15 or so fics on ao3 for a fandom I never watched a single episode for)
Usually watch an episode or two a day but the hyperfixation of this series called the Andy Griffith show has taken over One Piece right now so I will be on water seven for awhile longer. But feel free to mention any characters really, I’ll still do my best to comment on them :D
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mamamittens · 1 year
A Sanji headcanon as requested by @sab0ace !
Basically, what if fem reader healed Sanji's inner child by telling him he's great, not a failure, and incredibly strong for moving past his childhood (more or less, didn't feel like copying it or putting in a screenshot of it).
Well, the first thing he would likely do is try and deflect with flirts and turn it back into praise for you.
"O-Oh no, beautiful swan, you're the real treasure here!"
And he might actually succeed at first because it would never be that easy, would it? Maybe you get flustered or maybe you let him retreat in his little praise king facade for the moment.
He hears you.
He just doesn't believe you.
He likely tricks himself into believing it's simply an extension of how wonderful you are than anything you could actually see in him.
But you just. Keep. Doing it.
It really strains him to keep getting thrown off by your sincerity to the point that his praise starts to get a tad... Aggressive? Pointed? Almost frustrated?
Don't you see? He's a complete failure. Literally couldn't do the one thing he was born to do. Poor baby is getting overwhelmed and everyone can see it. But sometimes we have to reach a breaking point before we can move on.
And that comes after dinner, weeks into your one-man crusade to lift up Sanji's self esteem. He's frazzled and shaking. He just keeps hearing your sweet voice. You just don't understand what you're saying, you sweet angel.
But he can't argue against you, it goes against his entire being. He wants to hear you say it again and again and again.
So when you lean into the kitchen for one last sincere word, he snaps.
"Dinner was wonderful, as always. Just like you--"
"Stop. Lying to me.... you don't have to lie to me, angel." He's shaking and almost crying, back facing you as he struggles to hold the knife he was washing as carefully and reverently as he was taught to. It's a weapon like him.
It's not a toy.
But all it takes is a gentle touch of your hand on his back and he turns to look at you, eyes wide and damp. Knife forgotten in the sink.
He won't even breath when you gently cradle his face and pull him in close to kiss his covered forehead.
"....why are you lying to me?"
His wet hands will hover over your back as he sucked in a sharp breath in response to your gentle voice.
"Because you think it's not true. You are wonderful and kind. Talented. Sweet. Noble. Beautiful. And I'll keep saying it until you believe it."
He pulls you in close, burying his face in your shoulder.
"W-What if I never do?" He asks, afraid of your response.
"Then I'll just say it again." You hug him back. "You are wonderful and kind. Talented. Sweet. Noble. Beautiful."
You're pulled in close as he falls to his knees shaking.
So you say it again.
And again.
And again.
Maybe he doesn't believe you just yet.
But he's closer than ever when it's your lips coating the lie in honey sweet sugar.
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Lmao, turned into a mini fic, ngl! But! I hope this satisfies you at least a little!
There is a small chance he ends up having to handle some mommy issues with you after this though since his mom is the last woman to really believe in him like that.
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