#poor website
fieldlands · 3 months
i feel like it's absolutely crucial in the social justice world to take "he a little confused but he got the spirit" and similar sentiments/situations as a Win. intent is so much more important than saying it right the first time! if someone is approaching with scuffed language and incorrect terms but they're visibly being as polite as they know how, that person is a friend and should be treated better than what their words might invite in someone else's mouth.
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unforth · 3 months
Actually I love voting for the lesser evil. It's less evil. I support that whole heartedly.
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persephinae · 4 months
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if you have not had covid yet please help out science and complete this survey - https://covid-long.com/
EDIT: i'm stopping reblogs because i'm tired of seeing people who can't read in my notes
the website was made for all however they're SPECIFICALLY ASKING for people who have not had Covid.
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cup-o-noodlez · 2 years
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Spirits & Such family company photoshoot
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creature-wizard · 7 months
Did a post upset you? Thinking about writing a response? Hold up!
Are you sure you read it correctly?
Are you sure you didn't skip over any words or sentences or even whole paragraphs?
Are you sure you didn't read malicious intentions into it that just weren't there?
Before writing your angry retort, get up, get a drink, walk around a bit, and then read the post again, slowly and carefully.
You will either determine that:
1: The post didn't actually say what you thought it said, and you can leave an innocent person on Tumblr unbothered.
2: The post really did say that - and now you're in a better place to decide whether it's really worth your time to write a reply or not. And if you decide to write a reply, you'll be in a better place to articulate why it's bad.
It's a win/win strategy.
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mokeonn · 8 months
"you have more options for an art career than just commissions and hoping for online popularity to pay the bills." "No I don't :("
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I wish women did not feel so strongly about the fact men, on average, are physically stronger than them. I feel like women have such negative feelings about this that it drives them to ridiculousness. Listen, I get it. I get it, I get it, I get it. The fact men are stronger is frightening. It’s scary to know that if a man decided to physically attack you then you are probably fucked. The USWNT, women who have spent years honing their skills on the field, lost to teenage boys who—when compared to the women—were basically just beginning to develop their talents. I understand how demeaning that can feel to every woman who hears this fact. I can imagine how demeaning it was for the USWNT. I’m sure every woman has been in a situation, playful or threatening, where they have tested their strength against a man and lost miserably. I’ve seen videos where women hit and slapped men with genuine rage and fury and the man barely even flinched. I understand how embarrassing and scary it can be to come to terms with the strength disparity between men and women, but you simply must come to terms with it. Far too many women have taken to pretending that it's not there—this is not a good approach.
Women choose to pretend it's not there because acknowledging that it's there makes them feel inferior. I ask women to remember that this world was built with the ideals of men in mind and to cater to their specific strengths. Men value strength and violence so of course the world is going to seem like those two things are all that’s valued in it. It's no coincidence that many male heroes are physically strong/easily able to cause harm—such as Naruto or John Wick or the Avengers. Of course it feels shitty, as a woman who inhabits this world, to have to acknowledge that your biology generally prevents you from being able to have the ‘can beat anyone in a fight’ type of strength that gets constantly praised.
However, I implore women to consider that men being physically stronger than them is no more of a significant fact than women being able to give birth while men cannot. Women also have biological advantages over men but when was the last time you saw a man calling himself inferior because of them? Imagine if the world was built with female advantages in mind. Imagine a world where the ability to give birth was seen as some sort of pinnacle of human worth. I mean, the ability to give birth is crazy. You are literally creating a whole new life. The female body is capable of providing the necessary tools to bring about a whole new person. Every brain that has thought of something life changing and every hand that has built something new was brought into existence by a woman’s reproductive system. Every single person that has ever so much as breathed was brought to life by a woman, but men never think women are superior for this fact.
Oh, but women couldn’t get pregnant without men, right? No. IVF exists. But even without it, the correct thing to say would be that women cannot get pregnant without sperm. A woman can get artificially inseminated. She never has to go out and find a man to have sex with. Is that not an advantage? Because, I mean, what can a man do if he wants to have a child but no woman is willing to give him one? Hire a surrogate? That comes with a list of complications, is far more intimate than artificial insemination, and is incredibly expensive. How is that not a disadvantage of being male? You may be thinking that you, as a woman, never want to become pregnant, but that is not the point!  The point is that it's arbitrary to look at biological advantages as anything other than completely neutral.
Women also survive famine better and live longer than men. Imagine a world where women held this over men’s heads? But we don’t live in that world. In this world, I’m certain a man would say that they die sooner because of being braver, taking more risks, and doing dangerous jobs. However, if it were women putting themselves in danger and dying as a result, men would not be quick to call us brave; they'd call us the opposite. Idiotic. Foolhardy. Too stupid to take the necessary precautions to keep ourselves alive.
It is just so painful to see women lamenting over the physical disparity between men and women. Let it go. Consider being neutral on the subject of biological advantage. Consider that male strength isn't something to pretend doesn't exist and isn’t something that proves women are inferior.
I understand that acknowledging vulnerability is against the survival Instinct—I get it—but come on. How can we let this get to a point where we’re saying it’s okay for males to enter female sports and beat the absolute crap out of/wipe the floor with women? Them being stronger is neutral! It does not mean anything! But it’s fact. Pretending it’s not only serves to put women in a losing position. Pretending it’s not only serves to make women into a laughing stock. Men will gladly collect medals that belong to women—they’ve been doing that forever. If there was no reason for male and female leagues then there wouldn’t be any. You cannot deny your way into something being true. I also wish it were true that the average woman was evenly matched against the average man, but it’s simply not reality. In the same way that it’s not reality that the average woman is taller than the average man.
I am begging women to think neutrally about this topic instead of being in such deep turmoil over it that they open the door for men to walk all over us.
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saph-y · 5 months
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Baby Tarnished first trauma 😌⚔️
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
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i've been seeing this recurring genre of solipsistic, "everyone's stupid but me" posts complaining about seeing fandom stuff in fandom tags on the fandom website for about a decade now and it's always just felt like this to me
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tevanbuckley · 2 months
so ftr I normally detest the “but why can’t straight men just be friends???” line, 9/10 times it’s just no homo wearing a progressive wig, and frankly the idea that close hetero male friendships are underrepresented in fiction is a little ludicrous especially compared to explicitly queer male relationships.
at the same time though, insisting that every interaction between the newly out bi man and his canonically straight friend is proof of their impending love affair just hits a little different. by 7.05 buck and eddie couldn’t so much as express an emotion in the vicinity of one another without someone screaming that it was proof bvddie canon was only around the corner. all whilst a lot of the same ppl were deliberately reading the “opposing” canon queer relationship not only in bad faith but in ways that more often than not played into homophobic tropes.
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I'm going to make you see a post that isn't 100% wrong but completely ignores nuance and accuses a very large proportion of people of evils they haven't really committed in its black and white take. You will want to rewrite it to better phrase the (not incorrect) core message, but also be worried that if you do, you'll create massive arguments.
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dadvans · 4 months
made the mistake of briefly getting on non-tumblr social media and holy shit lmao no wonder oliver stark bailed on this fandom, yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes
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kwillow · 2 years
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Old Wounds
So excited to finally post this comic collab between @chocodile and I! She did the initial thumbnails and colors and provided the evil wizard rabbit, and I did the script, sketch and lines and provided the pathetic prettyboy unicorn.
Old Wounds is a look into the alliance between Duke Hyden and Lord de Luxe, an alliance that winds up being a mere ploy for Hyden’s experimentation with unicorn blood and leaves Ambroys feeling rather drained (and often unconscious on Hyden’s floor). It takes place towards the end of their “friendship”, after there’s some serious bad blood between the two - bad blood that sustains a centuries-long grudge.
(Well - I say “bad blood,” but Hyden seems to think the blood is juuuust fine.)
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sashayed · 4 months
"why would king charles commission this portrait" listen man idk but as someone born inside the spiked crown of the death machine, as someone whose kindergarten classmates were the heirs to the american empire, i suspect that the very privileged cannot imagine how to take responsibility but DO want to tell you that they know they should. sometimes powerful people want to believe that acknowledgement is as good as atonement, or that recognition is as good as reparation. the "sry 😔" of royal portraiture. i think plenty of the old men who pilot the dragons gnawing the heart of the world are HOPING to dissolve into a fine red mist. i think they know that fading into their own bloody ancestral legacy is probably the kindest fate they can ask for. they are glutted and exhausted and full of flesh and they know it's their turn to be eaten, but still, they'd really rather you do it symbolically. "look at this painting, isn't that enough? isn't that what you wanted? will you please stop being so angry now?" edit of course also he might simply be very stupid
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mistbornthief · 9 days
so, to recap Korn's pov:
family business in the shitter
police coming after you blasting Bad Boys Bad Boys etc
parents flee the country and leave you to clean up their mess
hot girlfriend you dont like cuts her losses and leaves you in the dust
younger brother gets shot, nearly dies, currently in coma, refuse to leave him (<3)
can't reach your true love you're currently fighting with
find out said true love murdered a guy and is currently on the run
reunite with true love, no longer on the outs (<3 <3)
go on the run bonnie and clyde style :)
go on the run bonnie and clyde style :(
get confronted by cop. find out 1) your younger brother was involved with your true love's younger brother's death; your true love shot your younger brother in revenge; also cheated on you with the cop (but also you were cheating on him so like this one kinda cancels out)***
fuck this cop. how dare he interfere with your love life. he is the most fixable problem here. go to shoot him.
true love takes the bullet, dies in front of you
you've lost everything, when all you wanted deep down was one person
Bonus: act your god damn heart out grieving him
Like that is such an insane clusterfuck of like what, 5, 6, 7 hours? Korn's kinda valid for just being like, you know what. fuck this
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grecoromanyaoi · 1 month
just saw a take that basically said its islamophobic that greeks dont culturally identify w the empire that conquered them, occupied them n forced their culture on them. now i can retire from the internet bc ive officially seen everything
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