#popularry culture
popularryculture · 5 years
Popularry Culture is now closed. However...
If you have written a 1D fic based on a movie, song, book, tv show, video game, etc that is based in popular culture, I invite you to add it to the collection that was originally made for this fest. The link to the collection is here. 
This collection is still moderated so fics will have to be approved before they appear in the list but that is only to make sure that only fics that meet the criteria are added to the collection. Please have what your fic is an adaptation of either in the summary or the tags to make this easier. 
Your fic does not have to
Be a Larry Stylinson fic. All pairings are welcome as long as there is at least one member of 1D.
Be new. Old fics are welcome.
Your fic does need to:
Be complete. Please wait and add fics when they’re finished.
The display name for the collection has been changed to be more inclusive.
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If you are adding an old fic to the collection, this is what it will look like for you. :
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These are my favorite kinds of fics and it would be amazing to have them all in one place where they’re easier for people to find. I hope everyone adds theirs!
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always-aqua · 6 years
I just wrote 1600 words in the last hour. That honestly the fastest I’ve written in a long while. I’m feeling pretty good about the pace of this fic though the clock is ticking!
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louandhazaf · 6 years
2019 One Direction Fic Fest/Exchanges Dates
📚 Lirry Fic Fest: @lirryficfest (ao3) 📚 Popularry Culture: @popularryculture (ao3) 📚 Potter Direction: @potterdirectionficexchange (ao3) 📚 H/L BDSM Fic Fest: @hlbdsmficfest (ao3) 📚 1D GayBO Fic Fest: @1dgayboficfest (ao3) 📚 1D Short Fic Fest: @1dshortficfest (ao3) 📚 One Direction Big Bang: @onedirectionbigbang (ao3) 📚 Disney Direction: @disneydirectionfest (ao3) 📚 H/L Dystopian Fic Fest: @hldystopianficfest (ao3) 📚 Larry Abroad: @larryabroad (ao3) 📚 Wanker’s Day Fic Fest: post (ao3) 📚 1D Rare Pair Fest: @1drarepairfest (ao3) 📚 H/L Musicals Fic Fest: @hlmusicalsficfest (ao3) 📚 H/L Summer Exchange: @hlsummerexchange2019 (ao3) 📚 Wordplay Fics: @wordplayfics​ (ao3) 📚 Gryles Exchange: @grylesexchange  (ao3) 📚 1D Twisted Tropes Fic Exchange: @1dtwistedtropesficexchange (ao3) 📚 1D Ridiculous Fic Exchange: @1dridicficexchange (ao3) 📚 HL Mpreg Fic Fest: @hlmpregficexchange (ao3) 📚 1D Poly Fic Fest: @1dpolyficfest (ao3)  📚 1D Back For You Collab: @1dbackforyoucollab​​ 📚 1D Niche Fic Fest: @1dnicheficfest​ (ao3) 📚 Marcel Fic Exchange: @marcelficexchange​ (ao3) 📚 HL TV Show Fic Fest: @hltvshowficfest​ (ao3) 📚 1D Trick or Treat Fest: @1dtrickortreatfest​ (ao3) 📚 Four Fic Fest: post (ao3) 📚 1D Hybrid Fic Fest: @1dhybridficfest​ (ao3) 📚 28 Proposals Fest: @28proposalsfest​ (ao3) 📚 1D Christmas Fest: @1dchristmasfest​ (ao3) 📚 Bottom Louis Fic Fest: @bottomlouisficfest​ (ao3) 📚 Tomlinshaw Exchange: @tomlinshawexchange​ (ao3)
📚 Larried In Vegas Fic & Art Fest: @larriedinvegasficfest (ao3) 📚 1000 Feelings For Which There Are No Names: @1000feelingsfics (ao3) 📚 1D Dick Prints & Grey Sweatpants Fest: @1dgreysweatpants (ao3)
updated Dec 8th
2020 Fests/Exchanges Here || 2018 || 2017
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haztobegood-archive · 6 years
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation 2018
@lululawrence tagged any writers that wanted to do this and since it’s the first year that I’ve posted anything, I think it’d be great to start tracking my progress. 
1. Number of stories (including drabbles) posted to AO3: 5!
2. Word count posted for the year: 21737
3. List of works published this year (in order of posting):
See it in Your Eyes
Fixing to Thrill
Does it Look Devious or Something?
Get Off and Vote
The Undone and the Divine
4. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction
5. Pairings: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
6. Story with the most:
Kudos: Get Off and Vote
Bookmarks: The Undone and the Divine
Comments: Does it Look Devious or Something?
7. Work I’m most proud of (and why):  The Undone and the Divine was my first attempt at writing smut as the main focus of a story. It took a completely different direction than I had intended, but I am really happy with how it turned out.
8. Work I’m least proud of (and why): Does it Look Devious or Something? Of the fics that I wrote this year, I struggled with this one the most. It was written for a 1000 Feelings prompt and I struggled for the longest time to come up with a plot to fill the prompt. I had about 6 different ideas but none of them really stuck. Finally I just had to go with the best of the worst. I got a bit burnt out writing this, so I rushed the ending. It still bothers me that Harry doesn’t get off at the end of it, but I had no interest in continuing the fic.
9. A favorite excerpt of your writing: From Get Off and Vote
“Wait!” Louis blurts out “I’ll share mine.” then slaps a hand over his mouth when he realizes how wrong that came out. Sometimes he just has no filter. The man picks his head up and turns toward the voice that just called out. “Um… share?” The employees behind the counter overheard Louis’ outburst and pause, comically frozen while waiting for the awkward encounter to play out. “I mean you can have mine.” Louis stretches out his hand holding the freebie. The awkwardness of the situation is palpable, but Louis just can’t seem to stop. He hates seeing such a beautiful face marred by disappointment. “I mean, If you really want. I was gonna buy something else anyway…Or you know, we could share, too, if you’re up for it.” “Thanks for the offer, but you earned it. I should’ve been earlier. And I’d take you up on the offer to share, but I usually need a few dates first.” The man winks.
10. Share or describe a favorite review you received: @lululawrence had the best response when I posted Get Off and Vote. It made my day when it made one of her monthly rec lists!
11. A time when writing was really, really hard: This might make no sense, but I discovered that it’s difficult to write when I have other important tasks that I’m also procrastinating. This summer while studying for the GRE I had a fic in the works but every time I’d sit down to write, I’d panic that I should be studying instead. But then I’d get so anxious that I would neither study nor write.
12. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: Fixing to Thrill. I was surprised that I managed to fill a prompt about car engines when I don’t know much about cars. It’s also the first fic that I had to do any research on and I’m happy with how it turned out.
13. How did you grow as a writer this year: While writing over the past few months, I’ve focused on adding descriptions and emotions. I want my stories to be more immersive and have more depth, rather than just showing what the characters are doing.
14. How do you hope to grow next year: I want to have a beta edit my works next year. I’m pretty shy and it’s hard for me to ask for help, but I think it will really improve my writing. Also, I’ve stopped myself from entering fic fests because of required betas and I don’t want that to hold me back.
15. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): @suddenclarityharry @lululawrence and the @1000feelingsfics challenge are really what inspired me to start writing and posting my fics. Thank you for moderating such a unique fic challenge. Also @pocketsunshineharry made me smile when my fics have been included on their weekly fic recs
16. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: Surprisingly very little. I can’t think of any off the top of my head.
17. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: Even if you just write fics for fun, learning about techniques that professional writers use can really improve writing. If there’s one aspect of writing that you want to work on, there’s probably technique that can help. For me, I always struggled with writing longer stories. A google search led me to story beats. It’s a more structured way to plan stories (rather than just having a basic intro/build up/climax/conclusion structure like they teach in school) and it’s helped expand my plot development and improve the pacing of my fics.
18. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: I have a fic for @popularryculture fic fest that was super fun to write and will be posted in January. I have a few wips that i’m excited for, mainly my werewolf fic, although it really doesn’t have much of a plot yet
19. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: @flamboyantdaddy @saffiew00 @domestic-harry
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myfineline · 6 years
Pop Culture Fic Rec
Hi everyone! I’ve been wanting to do something like this for a while and have been inspired to finally do it after hearing about the Popularry Culture Fic Fest ( @popularryculture )
I’d like to put together a Fic Rec for anyone who might be looking for an AU based on a favorite movie, TV show, book, video game, musical, play, song etc. Especially since there are so many wonderful pieces out there already!
If you know of a Fic that fits that description, whether you’ve written it or read it, please send it my way!
All I ask is
Title of Fic (bonus points for working links!)
Title of work the AU is based on
Patience since it’s likely going to take me some time
Thanks! 😊
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ethnomycologyzim · 3 years
Medicinal mushrooms have been grown in other parts of the world sadly Africa lags behind not only in medicinal mushrooms but all mushrooms. Despite mushrooms having been grown in Zimbabwe for a while nothing has been done on medicinal mushrooms. Medicinal mushrooms are mushrooms with high health giving benefits, mostly these mushrooms help our bodies to boost the immune system and help in many other ways. This willk bed discussed in other articles.
We are not only working on introducing cultivation of these types in Zimbabwe but work is now at an advanced stage including support to growers and provision of general information. We will bring in two types at a time till we have all types we hope to have. This is good news for growers as each type will allow us not only to sell the mushrooms but, spawn and cultures as well.
Do not be left out will have good news for all as highlighted below. If we don't haves anything for you please get in touch.
1. Gourmet and medicinal mushroom consumers.
Most medicinal mushrooms are used in cooking with the exception of such tired as garnodema lucidum popularry know as reishi. They are full of flavor and packed with medicinal values. Many in Harare look for this mushroom without success. Most Chinese restaurants use imported dried mushrooms. Initially all mushrooms will be to those with interest in medicinal values as supply grows it will be widely available at list prices
2. Medicinal plants and herb practitioners.
Many practitioners have other medicinal plants and herbs to offer, however medicinal mushrooms are not on offer despite them being used by traditional healers (sangomas and n'angas). The basic challenge is availability which we hoped to fix.
3. Nutritionists.
Mushrooms are highly nutritious a subject less talked by nutritionist not because of lack of value but lack of availability and information in Zimbabwe even Harare the capital City does not have medicinal mushrooms.
4 Hotels and restaurant
Shiitake mushrooms are second to button on world production because of their flavour and medicinal values. They will overtake button mushrooms in the future. The reason they are numbered two is because button was the first mushrooms to be commercially grown in the west. Shiitake are rich in flavour such that some chefs and cooks reccomend using half of what they would use if they had button mushrooms. Recipes are generally there same, Shiitake is more meaty compared to button. We alsi sell cooking condiments to home consumers.
5. Investors
For all this to happen there is need for investors at every stage, get in touch with us for available investment opportunities.
Mushroom farmers
We are not only going to be the first to have the mushrooms but work is at an advanced stage to make available the spawn ("seed") for farmers. Training will be available for all interested, existing growers will have an advantage. We have full support for all farmers. Medicinal mushrooms presents an opportunity to all farmers to supplement to types they are doing and also be unique on the market.
Many opportunities are available for all, I did not have time to talk about tinctures, capsules and other medicinal exctracts products on the global market. However the best is to have all the benefits through eating cooked mushrooms. Feel free to give us feedback through our whatsapp line +263773842677
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nottooldforthisship · 7 years
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Last update :  September 20th 2018
Let me know if you want me to add something to this list :)
Also the season assigned to each exchange is relative to the month where the fics will be due/published.
PSA : This list won’t figure exchanges/fest that are excluding a part of the fandom (let’s be clear, Larries). Because WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU SERIOUSLY .
All year long :
Larried In Vegas Fic & Art Fest : @larriedinvegasficfest , more infos
1000 Feelings For Which There Are No Names : AO3
One Direction ‘Dick Prints & Grey Sweatpants’ Art & Fic Fest! : @1dgreysweatpants, more infos
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❄️️ HL Winter Fic Fest 2017 : @hlwinterficfest2017​ , AO3 collection
❄️️ HL A/B/O fics Exchange 2017 : @hlaboficexchange​, AO3 collection
❄️️ Litelarry Quote Challenge : @litelarryquotechallenge​, AO3 Collection
❄️️ Alex-Louis fic exchange : @alexlouisficexchange​, AO3 Collection
❄️️ Larry Winter Drabble Challenge : @larrydrabble,  AO3 collection
❄️️ H/L Art Exchange : @hlartexchange ,  look at the fanarts on the blog
❄️️ Marcel Fics Exchange : @marcelficexchange , AO3 collection
❄️️ Valentine’s Aspec Exchange : @1daspecficexchange, more infos
❄️️ HL Song Exchange : @hlsongexchange, more infos
❄️️ 1D  Short fic Fest : @1dshortficfest,  AO3 collection
❄️️ 1D Rare Pair Fic Fest : @1drarepairfest , AO3 collection
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🌸 HL Moodboard Prompt challenge : @moodboardprompts​, AO3 collection
🌸 Anything But(t) Fic Challenge  : @anythingbutchallenge , AO3 collection
🌸 One Direction BIG BANG : @onedirectionbigbang​, AO3 collection
🌸 Larry Spring Drabble challenge : @larrydrabble , AO3 Collection
🌸 1D A-Spec Fic Exchange : @1daspecficexchange, more infos
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☀️️ HL Summer Exchange : @hlsummerexchange2018 , AO3 Collection
☀️️ Larry bdsm fic exchange : @hlbdsmexchange , AO3 Collection
☀️️ Larry Abroad Fic Challenge : @larryabroad , AO3 collection
☀️️  Larry Summer Drabble Challenge : @larrydrabble​, AO3 collection
☀️️ Larry Soulmate Fic Exchange : @larrysoulmateficexchange​, AO3 Collection
☀️️ 1D Hiatus Fic Fest : @1dhiatusficfest,  AO3 Collection
☀️️ 1D Fanworks For Charity : @1dfanworksforcharity, more infos
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🍂  HL Regency & Victorian Fic Challenge : @hlregencyvictorianficchallenge , more infos
🍂  Girl Direction Fest : @girldirectionfest​ , more infos
🍂 1D Pet Fest : @1dpetfest​, more infos
🍂  Smut Free Larry Fic Challenge : @smutfreelarry​
🍂 HL Mpreg Fic Exchange 2018 : @hlmpregficexchange, more infos
❄️️ Larry Holiday Fic Fest : @larryholidayfest, more infos
❄️️ HL BDSM Fic Fest: @hlbdsmficfest , more infos
❄️️ 1D GayBO Fic Fest : @1dgayboficfest  ,more infos
❄️️ PopuLarry Culture Fest : @popularryculture, more infos
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popularryculture · 6 years
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It's the Climb by Anonymous
Words: 25031
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Direction (Band) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Jay Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Original Female Character(s) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Hannah Montana Fusion, Hannah Montana AU, Louis gets the best of both worlds, if you get what I mean, famous/non-famous, Tennessee - Freeform, Fluff, Pining, Secrets, Secret Identity, Songwriting, No Smut, Alternate Universe - Farm/Ranch, Horses, Musician Louis, Singer Louis, Songwriter Louis
Louis stretched out his back and turned around, startled to see the most beautiful man he’d ever encountered in his life riding towards him on a horse.
He had to still be asleep. This was one of those super weird dreams people had where the knight in shining armor (or in this case, red sleeveless flannel) literally rode up to them calling their name.
The Hannah Montana AU where Louis is a world famous punk rock singer with a stage name of William and Jay drags him back to Tennessee for the summer. In her attempt for Louis to get back to his roots, he just so happens to reconnect with Harry, and things never go quite as Louis expects them to.
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popularryculture · 6 years
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your rainbow will come smiling through 
by Anonymous
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Direction (Band) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Original Characters Additional Tags: a cinderella story au, you know that 2004 hilary duff movie? yeah, harry is hilary duff and louis is chad michael murray which i think he'd like, Minor Character Death, more info about that in the beginning notes, Original Characters - Freeform, Fairy Tale Retellings, ish, minor allusions to a drunk stepfather, very inaccurate information regarding post graduate degrees in england, Alternate Universe - College/University, slight bullying from harry's stepbrothers Summary:
when harry isn't working at his stepfather's cafe, he's trying to make swim captain and trying to finish all his coursework on time. when he's not doing any of those things, he's talking to the boy he met on the oxford hopefuls subreddit. when they decide to meet, he's elated. he finally gets the chance to meet the boy he's been crushing on! when the day comes to meet his prince, he learns that his online crush is none other than louis tomlinson, captain of the football team and friend of his terrible stepbrothers. now harry has to decide whether telling louis the truth is the right choice or if it's better to just let sleeping dogs lie.
a cinderella story au
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popularryculture · 6 years
Author Reveals (February)
Tell Me Your Secrets (17300 words) by dimpled_halo/ @dimpled-halo
Chapters: 3/3
Fandom: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, James Corden, Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, but they're enemies for like two seconds haha, Friends to Lovers, Dirty Talk, Phone Sex, Phone Sex Operator Harry Styles, Phone Sex Operator Louis Tomlinson, 69 (Sex Position), Blow Jobs, Dildos, Anal Fingering, Falling In Love, Humor, Fluff and Angst, Roommates, Chicago (City), Movie AU, Virgin Louis
Summary: “You!” They both yell in unison.
Niall looks between the two of them. “You know each other?”
Harry scoffs and looks away from Louis Tomlinson to meet Niall’s gaze. “Remember that guy in college I told you about? The one that was at that frat party and drunk as fuck and then I gave him a ride to his dorm but on our way there he decided to pee in an empty cup in my car?”
Niall’s eyes widen and he stares at Louis laughing. “You mean the one who spilled his piss all over you?”
“Hey, that wasn’t my fault. Harry here was being a little priss the entire time and he ran over a speed bump without slowing down and it caused me to make a mess. You also didn’t have to leave me stranded in the middle of the night for something you caused.” Louis snaps back.
Harry rolls his eyes. “Whatever.”
A For a Good Time Call au where Harry and Louis get off on the wrong foot when they first meet. When dire circumstances forces them to become roommates, Harry finds out some things about Louis that he doesn't expect will help him discover some things about himself.
what, like it's hard? (25337 words) by starkidpatronus/ @thewriternotthemuse
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Simon Cowell, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, Nick Grimshaw, Lou Teasdale, Caroline Watson
Additional Tags: Girl Direction, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - College/University, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Legally Blonde Fusion, compulsory heterosexuality, Angst, First Kiss, Getting Together, Past Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Alternate Universe - America, Harvard University, POV Female Character, POV Third Person, POV Third Person Limited, Girl Power, this fic is all about loving women in every sense of the word!!!, Minor Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson
Summary: Louis sighs contentedly. “I’m just so marvelously happy, ya’ know?”
“Good for you.”
“It really is. It’s--it’s quite grand, actually. I’m going to my dream school with my dream man, to whom I am engaged. I have great friends. Life couldn’t be better.”
“Very happy for you.”
“Thanks.” Louis beams before her expression falls. “And then you had to come here and ruin everything.”
“Yeah, I know,” Harry snaps. “I’m the bane of your existence for some reason.”
“You certainly are,” Louis says, considering Harry.
In which Harry goes to law school to win back her man, but gets a lot more than she bargained for.
It's the Climb (25031 words) by lululawrence/ @lululawrence
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Jay Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Hannah Montana Fusion, Hannah Montana AU, Louis gets the best of both worlds, if you get what I mean, famous/non-famous, Tennessee - Freeform, Fluff, Pining, Secrets, Secret Identity, Songwriting, No Smut, Alternate Universe - Farm/Ranch, Horses, Musician Louis, Singer Louis, Songwriter Louis
Louis stretched out his back and turned around, startled to see the most beautiful man he’d ever encountered in his life riding towards him on a horse.
He had to still be asleep. This was one of those super weird dreams people had where the knight in shining armor (or in this case, red sleeveless flannel) literally rode up to them calling their name.
The Hannah Montana AU where Louis is a world famous punk rock singer with a stage name of William and Jay drags him back to Tennessee for the summer. In her attempt for Louis to get back to his roots, he just so happens to reconnect with Harry, and things never go quite as Louis expects them to.
your rainbow will come smiling through (17062 words) by hazkaban/ @hazkabaan
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Original Characters
Additional Tags: a cinderella story au, you know that 2004 hilary duff movie? yeah, harry is hilary duff and louis is chad michael murray which i think he'd like, Minor Character Death, more info about that in the beginning notes, Original Characters - Freeform, Fairy Tale Retellings, ish, minor allusions to a drunk stepfather, very inaccurate information regarding post graduate degrees in england, Alternate Universe - College/University, slight bullying from harry's stepbrothers
when harry isn't working at his stepfather's cafe, he's trying to make swim captain and trying to finish all his coursework on time. when he's not doing any of those things, he's talking to the boy he met on the oxford hopefuls subreddit. when they decide to meet, he's elated. he finally gets the chance to meet the boy he's been crushing on! when the day comes to meet his prince, he learns that his online crush is none other than louis tomlinson, captain of the football team and friend of his terrible stepbrothers. now harry has to decide whether telling louis the truth is the right choice or if it's better to just let sleeping dogs lie.
a cinderella story au
If You're The Storm, Then I'm The Chaser (21651 words) by LiveLaughLoveLarry/ @loveislarryislove
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: One Direction (Band), Ed Sheeran (Musician)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Xander Ritz/Harry Styles, Tommy Napolitano/Lottie Tomlinson
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Xander Ritz, Lottie Tomlinson, Jay Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Exes, Exes to Lovers, Rebound, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post-Break Up, Self-Esteem Issues, Guilt, Abusive Relationships, Unhealthy Relationships, Healing, Louis broke Harry and Harry broke himself and Xander broke Harry and Louis just wants to fix him, Songfic, Angst with a Happy Ending
Summary: An AU based on Ed Sheeran's song "New Man"
Louis is back in town for the first time since he and Harry broke up six months ago. He's not sure what would hurt more, if Harry has moved on or if he's still as torn up as Louis is. He never even considered that Harry would be acting like a completely different person. And maybe he really is as happy as he keeps insisting, but Louis really doesn't think so.
“Who are you and what have you done to Harry Styles?”
It sounds corny as fuck, and Harry bursts into laughter, but Louis means it. He barely recognizes Harry, every word out of his mouth sounding like it belongs to someone else. This isn’t him. This isn’t him at all.
“I’m the same person,” Harry says with a shrug. “I just get what I want now. And tonight, that means you.”
"This just isn't you,” Louis says, shaking his head. “This isn’t the Harry I lo – the Harry I knew at all.”
Harry stares at him for a long moment. “Maybe you didn’t know me as well as you thought,” he says at last.
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popularryculture · 6 years
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Superhuman Tonight by Rearviewdreamer/ @all-these-larrythings
Words: 22862
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: One Direction (Band) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Original Characters Additional Tags: Misfits AU, freak ice storms, Superheroes, Superpowers, Community Service
A group of young offenders doing community service get struck by lightning during a storm, and begin to develop superpowers.
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popularryculture · 6 years
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what, like it's hard? by Anonymous
Words: 25337
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Direction (Band) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Simon Cowell, Leigh-Anne Pinnock, Nick Grimshaw, Lou Teasdale, Caroline Watson Additional Tags: Girl Direction, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - College/University, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Legally Blonde Fusion, compulsory heterosexuality, Angst, First Kiss, Getting Together, Past Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Alternate Universe - America, Harvard University, POV Female Character, POV Third Person, POV Third Person Limited, Girl Power, this fic is all about loving women in every sense of the word!!!, Minor Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson
Louis sighs contentedly. “I’m just so marvelously happy, ya’ know?”
“Good for you.”
“It really is. It’s--it’s quite grand, actually. I’m going to my dream school with my dream man, to whom I am engaged. I have great friends. Life couldn’t be better.”
“Very happy for you.”
“Thanks.” Louis beams before her expression falls. “And then you had to come here and ruin everything.”
“Yeah, I know,” Harry snaps. “I’m the bane of your existence for some reason.”
“You certainly are,” Louis says, considering Harry.
In which Harry goes to law school to win back her man, but gets a lot more than she bargained for.
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popularryculture · 6 years
Author Reveals (January)
Superhuman Tonight by Rearviewdreamer/ @all-these-larrythings
Words: 22862
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: One Direction (Band) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Original Characters Additional Tags: Misfits AU, freak ice storms, Superheroes, Superpowers, Community Service
A group of young offenders doing community service get struck by lightning during a storm, and begin to develop superpowers.
Making Waves by haztobegood/ @haztobegood
Words: 30257
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Direction (Band) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Lottie Tomlinson, Clifford Tomlinson Additional Tags: Overboard AU, Romantic Comedy, Enemies to Lovers, Light Angst, Kid Fic, Amnesia, Panic Attack, Smut, Masturbation, Hand Jobs, Sex Toys, Anal Sex, Barebacking, Rimming
After Louis Tomlinson, an arrogant millionaire, is thrown overboard and loses his memory, a mistreated employee convinces him that they are married. Thrust into an unfamiliar life he cannot remember, Louis must learn to live with his new husband and daughters and adjust to a less extravagant life.
Or, the one where Louis can’t remember, Harry needs money, and Niall has a plan. An Overboard AU.
Far From The Tree by AlwaysAqua/ @always-aqua
Words: 28425
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Jay Tomlinson, Anne Cox, Troy Austin
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Friends to Lovers, No Smut, Mentions of homophobia, some homophobic language, Louis’ Dad Is NOT A Good Guy, There Is A Lot Of Emotional Abuse, Fashion Designer Louis, Famous Louis, Non-Famous Harry, Best Friends, POV Alternating, Slow Burn, I Feel Like I Should Be Better At Tagging Things, Tags Are Hard, my apologies, For all of this, Popularry Culture Fic Fest, Based Off Of Kelly Clarkson’s Song Piece by Piece, Jay’s Death Does Have A Significant Role In This, Minor Character Death
“I love you, you know that, right?” Louis asked with a shaky voice and a delicate hand placed across his chest. He had seen Louis place a hand on his chest hundreds of times as a way to remind himself to breathe evenly.
“I know.” Harry tried to keep the sadness from his smile. He couldn’t recall how many times in their lives they’d had this exact conversation, but somewhere between the five-hundredth time and now, its meaning had changed for Harry entirely. Still, now was not the time to go into all of that. In fact the time never seemed right, so once again Harry swallowed down the ever-present dull ache his heart felt for Louis. “Love you, too, Louis.”
“You’re my best friend,” Louis smiled softly.
“And you’re mine.”
“For forever?” Louis asked, voice small.
“For always.” __________
Or, Harry and Louis have been best friends since diapers (twenty-some years ago) and somewhere in the middle of Harry always picking up the mess that Louis’ father has habitually left in his wake, Harry accidentally fell in love.
I wish that I could let you love me by Cherrie/ @exquisitetrouble
Words: 12532
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Direction (Band), Little Mix (Band) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Perrie Edwards Additional Tags: Liam and Jade are there for like two seconds, very background Jerrie, even more background Ziam, Oops inspired, Alternate Universe - College/University, Frat Boy Harry, but he’s not really a typical frat boy is he, Also Louis is really bad with names
Could he handle leaving for six months? He asked himself in his head, and soon enough another question followed: could he handle staying, knowing who he would be staying for?
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popularryculture · 6 years
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Far From The Tree by AlwaysAqua/ @always-aqua
Words: 28425
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Jay Tomlinson, Anne Cox, Troy Austin
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Friends to Lovers, No Smut, Mentions of homophobia, some homophobic language, Louis' Dad Is NOT A Good Guy, There Is A Lot Of Emotional Abuse, Fashion Designer Louis, Famous Louis, Non-Famous Harry, Best Friends, POV Alternating, Slow Burn, I Feel Like I Should Be Better At Tagging Things, Tags Are Hard, my apologies, For all of this, Popularry Culture Fic Fest, Based Off Of Kelly Clarkson's Song Piece by Piece, Jay’s Death Does Have A Significant Role In This, Minor Character Death
“I love you, you know that, right?” Louis asked with a shaky voice and a delicate hand placed across his chest. He had seen Louis place a hand on his chest hundreds of times as a way to remind himself to breathe evenly.
“I know.” Harry tried to keep the sadness from his smile. He couldn’t recall how many times in their lives they’d had this exact conversation, but somewhere between the five-hundredth time and now, its meaning had changed for Harry entirely. Still, now was not the time to go into all of that. In fact the time never seemed right, so once again Harry swallowed down the ever-present dull ache his heart felt for Louis. “Love you, too, Louis.”
“You’re my best friend,” Louis smiled softly.
“And you’re mine.”
“For forever?” Louis asked, voice small.
“For always.” __________
Or, Harry and Louis have been best friends since diapers (twenty-some years ago) and somewhere in the middle of Harry always picking up the mess that Louis' father has habitually left in his wake, Harry accidentally fell in love.
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popularryculture · 6 years
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If You're The Storm, Then I'm The Chaser by Anonymous
Words: 21583 words
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: One Direction (Band), Ed Sheeran (Musician)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Xander Ritz/Harry Styles, Tommy Napolitano/Lottie Tomlinson
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Xander Ritz, Lottie Tomlinson, Jay Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Exes, Exes to Lovers, Rebound, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post-Break Up, Self-Esteem Issues, Guilt, Abusive Relationships, Unhealthy Relationships, Healing, Louis broke Harry and Harry broke himself and Xander broke Harry and Louis just wants to fix him.
Summary: An AU based on Ed Sheeran's song "New Man"
Louis is back in town for the first time since he and Harry broke up six months ago. He's not sure what would hurt more, if Harry has moved on or if he's still as torn up as Louis is. He never even considered that Harry would be acting like a completely different person. And maybe he really is as happy as he keeps insisting, but Louis really doesn't think so.
“Who are you and what have you done to Harry Styles?” It sounds corny as fuck, and Harry bursts into laughter, but Louis means it. He barely recognizes Harry, every word out of his mouth sounding like it belongs to someone else. This isn’t him. This isn’t him at all.
“I’m the same person,” Harry says with a shrug. “I just get what I want now. And tonight, that means you.”
"This just isn't you,” Louis says, shaking his head. “This isn’t the Harry I lo – the Harry I knew at all.”
Harry stares at him for a long moment. “Maybe you didn’t know me as well as you thought,” he says at last.
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popularryculture · 6 years
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I wish that I could let you love me by Cherrie/ @exquisitetrouble
Words:  12532
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Direction (Band), Little Mix (Band) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Perrie Edwards Additional Tags: Liam and Jade are there for like two seconds, very background Jerrie, even more background Ziam, Oops inspired, Alternate Universe - College/University, Frat Boy Harry, but he's not really a typical frat boy is he, Also Louis is really bad with names
Could he handle leaving for six months? He asked himself in his head, and soon enough another question followed: could he handle staying, knowing who he would be staying for?
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