#please reblog this ?
dragongirltongue · 7 months
Holy fuck
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Okay, whatever the fuck you think of this situation. Matt is personally harassing predstrogen across other websites. This is a 40 year old CEO hounding a fucking diabled trans woman after personally discussing the choice to ban her for life from the website he bought. This behavior is fucking disgusting and cannot be allowed to stand.
Do not forget his actions here, do not let him forget them either.
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
Hey people coming here from Twitter or tiktok?
Tagging your posts with unrelated trending tags doesn't "manipulate the algorithm" or whatever the fuck you do it for
It just clogs the tag with posts people don't care about and pisses them the fuck off
Tagging trending tags onto unrelated posts isn't something we do here and is actually against Tumblr etiquette
So for the love of Christ knock it the fuck off
We have a barely functioning search function. Don't fuck it up more
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horusmenhosetix · 4 months
Hi, my name is Ella, and I have had a constant headache for 14 years. I am 26 years old. Painkillers do not work.
I need Pineal Cyst Removal Surgery if I am ever to experience a pain free day again.
I cannot afford the surgery but it would drastically improve my quality of life.
I am suicidally depressed because of my chronic pain.
Can people please reblog this so that it can get traction?
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Help a chronically ill trans jew get the gender-affirming surgery they need!!
My dear friend Mor is fundraising for top surgery. Binding is not safe for them due to health conditions, and they cannot wait for another 5 years(!) for a first appointment with the NHS. Due to the state of trans health care in the UK, he must seek private care and needs to raise £10,000 (around US$12,700) to achieve this.
Please help Mor get the life-changing gender-affirming care they deserve! Any donation, no matter how small, means a lot, and every reblog is truly appreciated 🖤
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daisy-mooon · 11 months
Here is a petition that UK citizens can sign, encouraging the UK government to assist a ceasefire in Gaza and to assist ending the occupation of Palestine.
You will need:
UK citizenship
The signature will not count unless you click a link that will be sent to you by email.
All UK petitions with more than 100k signatures are discussed in Parliament. The petition already has over a 100k and parliament are waiting to find a time to discuss it, but the more signatures it gets, the more pressure we can put on the government to do something.
EDIT: A petition from Amnesty International demanding a ceasefire. ANYONE FROM ANY COUNTRY can sign this petition:
EDIT 2: Change.Org petition demanding a ceasefire. ANYONE FROM ANY COUNTRY can sign this petition:
EDIT 3: Another UK petition for Palestine - this one to create a Visa scheme to assist Palestinian refugees affected by the war, similiar to the one used for Ukranian refugees:
EDIT 4: A petition for UK citizens to sign to encourage the government to send aid to Palestine:
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fabianvalencia561 · 5 months
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Or share this around at least..... Please?
I can only do Cash app at the moment unfortunately
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I'll probably add to these thoughts later but I feel like the way that transandrophobia or transmisandry or whatever you choose to call it mainly operates is by making itself confusing in order to make it extremely hard to actually pin down and call out. We're treated as women when it's convenient to leverage misogyny against us and treated as privileged men if we call it out, but we're also treated as hysterical women when it becomes convenient to ignore our concerns. We're treated as evil disgusting faggots and trannies to be exterminated, as predatory men who want to make the "good" men have sex with us, but we don't even get the benefit of being seen as fully male. This is the intersection at which we lie, and the intersection that we've decided to call transandrophobia.
When it's convenient, we're treated as hyper-emotional whiny women with no agency, but when it's also convenient, we're predatory males who just have something wrong with them. And when the transandrophobe finds that the time is right, they treat us like some strange creature that is neither male nor female, either to be fucked or to be exterminated; often both. We're just objects to be fucked until we show any interest in a man; then, we're predators, almost like we're from another planet, preying on the poor helpless males. And when we show interest in a woman? Well, I can't speak on this myself since I am gay, but from what I have seen from listening to other transmascs? We've become predatory men trying to prey on poor cis women, but we still know nothing about the world and should shut up and let the real men speak for us.
And when we ask for one thing, to simply be able to speak, we are both aggressive privileged males preying on helpless women and hysterical women crying about nothing at the same time. Every word we say can and will be held against us because the truth of what the world thinks of us is that whether they admit it or not they think that we are less than human. And they will use whatever tactic they have, every tool of oppression, to remind us that we are not. Every day that we exist in this world as transmasculine people we are told that we are something nonhuman, something that needs to be killed. But we are also told every day that we exist in this world that none of this is real. That we're crazy, that we're lying, that we're just hysterical privileged women who need to shut up and let others do the talking for us.
That is what I mean when I say transandrophobia.
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cringywhitedragon · 3 months
Heads up folks, NicoNicoDouga is currently down due to a large scale cyberattack
The attack happened on the 8th and the site is still down in terms of video streaming. Apparently there were reports of Ransomware being used during the attack.
The site is still “down” but the blog part is back up but from the report, videos and content posted are ok so do not fret. The site is still down as of this post (save for the blog) and it seems they are working their hardest to fix it and do damage control.
Here is a rough translation of their most recent post:
Report and apology regarding cyberattack on our services
As announced in Niconico Info dated June 8th, 2024, Dwango Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Takeshi Natsuno) has been unable to use the entire Niconico service operated by our company since the early morning of June 8th. It has been confirmed that this outage was caused by a large-scale cyberattack, including ransomware, and we are currently temporarily suspending use of the service and conducting an investigation and response to fully grasp the extent of the damage and restore it.
After confirming the cyberattack, we immediately took emergency measures such as shutting down the relevant servers, and have set up a task force to fully clarify the damage, determine the cause, and restore the system. We would like to report the findings of the investigation to date and future responses as follows.
We sincerely apologize to our users and related parties for the great inconvenience and concern caused.
Response history>
Around 3:30 a.m. on June 8, a malfunction occurred that prevented all of our web services, including our "Nico Nico" and "N Preparatory School" services, from working properly. After an investigation, it was confirmed that the malfunction was caused by a cyber attack, including ransomware, at around 8 a.m. on the same day. A task force was set up on the same day, and in order to prevent the damage from spreading, we immediately cut off communication between servers in the data center provided by our group companies and shut down the servers, temporarily suspending the provision of our web services. In addition, since it was discovered that the attack had also extended to our internal network, we suspended the use of some of our internal business systems and prohibited access to the internal network.
As of June 14, we are currently investigating the extent of the damage and formulating recovery procedures, aiming for a gradual recovery.
June 8, 2024
We have begun an investigation into the malfunction that prevented all of our "Nico Nico" services from working properly and the failure of some of our internal systems.
We have confirmed that the cause of the failure was encryption by ransomware. "Nico Nico" services in general and some internal business systems suspended and servers were shut down
A task force was established
First report "Regarding the situation in which Nico Nico services are unavailable" was announced
June 9, 2024
Contacted the police and consulted with external specialist agencies
Kabukiza office was closed
KADOKAWA announced "Regarding the occurrence of failures on multiple KADOKAWA Group websites"
June 10, 2024
Reported to the Personal Information Protection Commission (first report)
Second report "Regarding the situation in which Nico Nico services are unavailable" was announced
June 12, 2024
Reported the occurrence of the failure to the Kanto Regional Financial Bureau (Financial Services Agency)
June 14, 2024
This announcement
This cyber attack by a third party was repeated even after it was discovered, and even after a server in the private cloud was shut down remotely, the third party was observed to be remotely starting the server and spreading the infection. Therefore, the power cables and communication cables of the servers were physically disconnected and blocked. As a result, all servers installed in the data centers provided by the group companies became unusable. In addition, to prevent further spread of infection, our employees are prohibited from coming to the Kabukiza office in principle, and our internal network and internal business systems have also been shut down.
In addition to public cloud services, Niconico uses private cloud services built in data centers provided by KADOKAWA Group companies, to which our company belongs. One of these, a data center of a group company, was hit by a cyber attack, including ransomware, and a significant number of virtual machines were encrypted and became unavailable. As a result, the systems of all of our web services, including Niconico, were shut down.
This cyber attack by a third party was repeated even after it was discovered, and even after a server in the private cloud was shut down remotely, the third party was observed to be remotely starting the server and spreading the infection. Therefore, the power cables and communication cables of the servers were physically disconnected and blocked. As a result, all servers installed in the data centers provided by the group companies became unusable. In addition, to prevent further spread of infection, our employees are prohibited from coming to the Kabukiza office in principle, and our internal network and internal business systems have also been shut down.
The Niconico Video system, posted video data, and video distribution system were operated on the public cloud, so they were not affected. Niconico Live Broadcasting did not suffer any damage as the system itself was run on a public cloud, but the system that controls Niconico Live Broadcasting's video distribution is run on a private cloud of a group company, so it is possible that past time-shifted footage, etc. may not be available. We are also gradually checking the status of systems other than Niconico Douga and Niconico Live Broadcasting.
■ Services currently suspended
Niconico Family services such as Niconico Video, Niconico Live Broadcast, and Niconico Channel
Niconico account login on external services
Music monetization services
Dwango Ticket
Some functions of Dwango JP Store
N Preparatory School *Restored for students of N High School and S High School
Sending gifts for various projects
■ About Niconico-related programs
Until the end of July, official Niconico live broadcasts and channel live broadcasts using Niconico Live Broadcast and Niconico Channel will be suspended.
Considering that program production requires a preparation period and that Niconico Live Broadcast and Niconico Channel are monthly subscription services, we have decided to suspend live broadcasts on Niconico Live Broadcast until the end of July. Depending on the program, the broadcast may be postponed or broadcast on other services.
The date of resumption of Niconico services, including Niconico Live Broadcast and Niconico Channel, is currently undecided.
Niconico Channel Plus allows viewing of free content without logging in. Paid content viewing and commenting are not available.
■ About the new version "Nico Nico Douga (Re: Kari)" (read: nikoniko douga rikari)
While "Nico Nico" is suspended, as the first step, we will release a new version of "Nico Nico Douga (Re: Kari)" at 3:00 p.m. on June 14, 2024. Our development team voluntarily created this site in just three days, and it is a video community site with only basic functions such as video viewing and commenting, just like the early days of Niconico (2006). In consideration of the load on the service, only a selected portion of the videos posted on Niconico Video is available for viewing. The lineup is mainly popular videos from 2007, and you can watch them for free without an account.
■About the Niconico Manga app
We have already confirmed that many systems were not affected, and we are considering resuming the service with a reduced-function version that allows basic functions such as reading manga, commenting, and adding to favorites. We aim to restore the service by June 2024.
If any new facts become known in the future, we will report them on Niconico Info, Official X, our company website, etc. as they become available. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Added 6/10]
Thank you for your continued patronage. This is the Niconico management team.
Due to the effects of a large-scale cyber attack, Niconico has been unavailable since the early morning of June 8th.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
As of 6:00 p.m. on June 10th, we are working to rebuild the entire Niconico system without being affected by the cyber attack, in parallel with an investigation to grasp the full extent of the damage.
We have received many inquiries from you, such as "Will premium membership fees and paid channel membership fees be charged during the service suspension period?" and "What will happen to the time shift deadline for live broadcasts?". We are currently in the process of investigating the impact, so we cannot answer your questions, but we will respond sincerely, so please wait for further information.
Our executive officer Shigetaka Kurita and CTO Keiichi Suzuki are scheduled to explain the expected time until recovery and the information learned from the investigation up to that point this week.
We will inform you again about this as soon as we are ready.
■ Services currently suspended
Niconico Family Services such as Niconico Video, Niconico Live Broadcast, Niconico Channel, etc.
Niconico Account Login on External Services
[Added 2024/06/10 18:00]
Gifts for various projects (due to the suspension of related systems)
■ Programs scheduled to be canceled/postponed (as of June 10)
Programs from June 10 to June 16
■ Current situation
In parallel with the recovery work, we are investigating the route of the attack and the possibility of information leakage.
No credit card information has been leaked (Niconico does not store credit card information on its own servers).
The official program "Monthly Niconico Info" scheduled for June 11 at 20:00 will be broadcast on YouTube and X at a reduced scale. During this program, we will verbally explain the current situation in an easy-to-understand manner. (※There is no prospect of providing additional information, such as detailed recovery dates, during this program.)
"Monthly Niconico Info" can be viewed at the following URL. YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@niconico_news X (formerly Twitter) → https://x.com/nico_nico_info
The latest information will be posted on Niconico Info and the official X (formerly Twitter).
We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused to users and content providers who regularly enjoy our videos and live broadcasts. We ask for your understanding and cooperation until the issue is resolved.
Published on 6/8]
Thank you for your continued patronage. This is the Niconico management team.
Currently, Niconico is under a large-scale cyber attack, and in order to minimize the impact, we have temporarily suspended our services.
We are accelerating our investigation and taking measures, but we cannot begin recovery until we are confident that we have completely eliminated the effects of the cyber attack and our safety has been confirmed. We do not expect to be able to restore services at least this weekend.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
We will inform you of the latest situation again on Monday (June 10, 2024).
■ Suspended services
Niconico family services such as Niconico Video, Niconico Live Broadcast, and Niconico Channel
Niconico account login on external services
■ Current situation
In parallel with the recovery work, we are investigating the route of the attack and the possibility of information leakage.
No credit card information has been confirmed to have been leaked (Niconico does not store credit card information on its own servers).
Future information will be announced on Niconico Info and Official X (formerly Twitter) as it becomes available.
We deeply apologize to all users who were looking forward to the video posts and live broadcasts scheduled for this weekend. We ask for your understanding and cooperation until the response is complete.
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zarithial · 1 month
Hi, my friend needs help with paying for a vet trip for her bird after he was injured from a fall.
the goal is only 500 dollars so any help is appreciated.
link to gofundme
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lesbiancocksucker · 1 month
fundraiser masterpost for palestinians who've sent me asks - 27/08/2024
hey so answering individual asks is rough and it feels too much like I'm spamming people and then letting them forget the posts so I'm putting this together
@abuadamfamily (vetted 1, 2, #174) is very close to their goal €57,865/€60,000 so donate here
@freepaleatine95 (1) has raised $6,931/$50,000 so donate here
@ahmed4palestine (1, #488) is close to their goal $16,770/$20,000 so donate here
@asmaayyad (1) has raised €12,533/€45,000 so donate here
@waseem4gaza (1) urgently needs help €2,874/€15,000 so donate here
@mahmoudswierh (1, 2) has raised $7,918/$12,500 (CAD) so donate here
Abdelrahman* (1, 2) is close to their goal €17,064/€20,000 so donate here
@alhabil (#166) has raised €25,808/€50,000 so donate here
@ahmedalnabeeh11 (#218) is close to their goal €24,481/€30,000 so donate here
@bisanalbalawi18 (1) has raised €37,956/€50,000 so donate here
@ahmeadhilles (1) has raised €11,238/€80,000 so donate here
@doaabassel95 (1) urgently need help €638/€35,000 so donate here
@eslamfamily (#175) has raised $2,411/$50,000 so donate here
@saveyouseffamily (#406) has raised €5,287/€20,000 so donate here
@fidaa-family2 (1) has raised $17,541/$30,000 so donate here
@wafaaresh6 (1) has raised $4,358/$50,000 so donate here
@ranin3344 (1) has raised €8,001/€80,000 so donate here
@majedgaza1 (1) has raised $1,025/$70,000 so donate here
@olagaza (#205) has raised $32,816/$50,000 so donate here
@mo-shamia (#7) is very close to their goal $60,996/$70,000 so donate here
@asmaamajed2 (1) has raised $3,740/$50,000 so donate here
@abdelmutei (1) has raised €11,261/€25,000 so donate here
@wejdan-32 isn't vetted but i'd urge you to read their post and asses them for yourself (reblogs have said it seems real) €810/€20,000 so donate here
@abeer-adel again isn't vetted (here's their post) but reblogs have confirmed the pictures are real + fundraiser is donation protected €335/€50,000 so donate here
please let me know if there's more sources for these accounts being vetted, reblog this and please consider donating if you can! I will be adding more and try to update the list when I get more asks. extra info under the cut
(DISCLAIMER: I do not verify palestinian blogs, this is just for my convenience)
*Abdelrahman used to be @anqer but the account seems to deactivated now and I can't find a new one. the fundraiser however is still real and needs help
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moondrunkdog · 2 years
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Ima be straight w yall I'm down real fuckin bad. I'm trying to leave my abusive ex and move to live with a friend in NE. I'm in GA atm and my job let me go 🙃
My su!c!de attempt failed so I'm here tryna pick up the pieces. Please help me move. My ex is holding onto my HRT and various other essential items. The bastard used MY credit card to change the locks.
I’m still in the process of getting my stuff back.
I just need enough to rent a U-Haul/ cover traveling expenses so I can make it to my friends house.
If you need "proof" I go my psych discharge papers & the fraud dispute. If you want a list of my myriad of mental illnesses hmu idfc
I just need help escaping please
$app: $MoonDrunkDog
P-Pal: DWinters01
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theinkbunny · 3 months
If I were to write I would have progress for an upcoming cookie run au done, and the rough draft would be completed. If the story is completed I have the chance to animate it, but I would have to study quite a bit on both the cookie run lore and a secret thing for the au.
if I were to animate, it would take away time from both writing the au and studying , however it would make upcoming projects smoother and less sloppy.
if I were to study, the au would be more based on fact and more canon to the lore of the cookie run universe
if I were to clean, I have a clear space to study and make props and other crafts.
singing is just me shittily covering a song
rotting In bed. Is just doing none of that and letting the depression win
reblogs help!
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windsroad · 2 months
Quick question, no explanation, no nuance
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namocchi · 1 year
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a little bear chillin in some cheesecakes
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karleenhopens · 8 months
Spamton angst yeaahhh...
I drew this at the peak of negative emotions of loneliness and madness, there is a lot of symbolism and sloppy strokes in the picture, sorry
I drew this art while listening to this song, it wildly reminds me of Spammike "Буерак - Твоя фигура"
I'm still not sure who Mike is, but I continue to draw him as TV until chapter 3 comes out
🌟Begging for reblogs and likes
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I think I just came up with an original thought to put out into Tumblr! A logical puzzle that I don't have the answer to myself, but I would LOVE to see people who are much smarter than me think about!
(Inspired by my most recent video on reading comprehension, which contained a debate on is more valuable / practical, $30 in bills or $30 in coins, and me reading the comments under said video!)
You know that silly riddle, which is heavier, a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers? (Trick question, they're both a ton.) Well, what I really want to know is...
If you have a pound of $1 bills, and a pound of $1 coins, what is the difference in their total monetary value? Is it a very dramatic difference? What kind of fraction / percentage / ratio would the comparison be?
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