#pork this week!
scruffydogposting · 1 year
Me: so yeah I have to wear a hard hat in lab
Sister’s boyfriend: in case the cow(carcass) like falls on top of you?
Me: call that ground beef
BF and me: ayyyyy
Sister: oh my god
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Rambling About New Pork City
This is just a long series of ideas for how I envision New Pork City's layout (mostly from planning for my Minecraft build)
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My vision differs a lot from the layout in the game, since that's only a 2D representation of the city, and there's probably a lot we don't see So I want my version of it to fit in a 3D environment, while also having some extra worldbuilding for flavour ^^
So something I've seen debated a few times is where exactly NPC actually is! In the game, we only reach it through a flying limousine, so we don't get any sense of where we've actually gone. It's not marked on the map, and there's not really any strong clues in the city itself to suggest where it's located. (early in development, it was actually gonna be New Pork Island, which is interesting) Personally, I recently started liking the idea that it's actually located in the Death Desert! It's mysteriously blocked off after the timeskip, the only area in the game we can't return to Plus, it's situated right over the 7th Needle, which Fassad presumably lived nearby (like the other Magi), while his floor in the Empire Porky Building is decorated to look like a desert. There's obviously nothing concrete, but that's where I place it in my mind!
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So let's start at the earliest point in the timeline of NPC's development: Porky first arrives in the Nowhere Islands, around the vicinity of Locria's house. They meet, exchange ideas, etc, Porky sways him to his side. Soon after, he starts pulling in his armies and all the people who will form his empire. At the site of his arrival, the Pigmasks begin construction of some very basic buildings. Simple things like barracks, armories, the very first labs, etc. Really just a small compound built around Fassad's house while the empire starts.
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Over time, more and more buildings were added to this spot, expanding upwards and forming a chaotic, mountainous "city," the Pigmask's capital. This is still at the beginning of the Pigmasks' expansion into the Islands, so everything is very shoddy and crude, purely functional and with none of the sophistication of their later structures. (Fassad's house is airlifted out and temporarily relocated elsewhere).
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During the 3 years following the third chapter of the game, as the Pigmasks solidly establish their presence across the Islands, the King deems the old city to be unfit for the grandeur of his empire. As such, the entire city is buried under a mountain of dirt and concrete, to serve as the foundation for the brand new capital of the Nowhere Islands. A shaft is dug from the base of the mountain to its summit, and an elevator is installed to allow for quick travel to the future city.
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3 years after the Pigmasks' arrival in Tazmily Village, New Pork City is finally completed (mostly). It sits on top of the buried husk of the old city, which can still be accessed through several points (the sewers and the MT Apartments are both parts of the old city). A section of the highway leads to the main elevator (now incorporated into the Empire Porky Building, and later into the caves underneath the desert), where newcomers from Tazmily can enter the city. The city itself also contains a landing pad for Porky's private limousine, but this is reserved just for him and his special guest.
The city is arranged so that all the most interesting sights are oriented towards the landing pad, providing the King's guests with the best possible first impression of his empire's capital. Though it's largely a monument to himself, it was also Porky's express desire that New Pork City be the perfect utopia for his special guest, with everything he could possibly dream of.
The entrance to the Empire Porky Building sits at the top of the city, but parts of the building actually extend downwards into the ground, connecting it to the main elevator shaft, which the building sits centered directly on top of. The rest of the city spirals down from the building's entrance, built into and around the mountain's summit. Most of the city is just wooden cutouts of course (including the seemingly-larger city in the background), and as said above, they're all pointed to face towards the limousine pad. As such, the city's entire facade falls apart once one starts to make their way upwards to the top level and passes behind all of the false buildings on their way. Most of these are also placed to cover up the uglier parts of the city, dumpsters and grimy service doors, etc.
Few random things to finish up: There's speakers all over the city constantly blaring music (Porky can also take control of these if he wishes). Heck, they probably have things pumping smells into the streets like Disneyland. Pretty constant rains of confetti, too. Porky snatched a bunch of old-world things from all over the place and scattered them around the city to fill up empty space, hence why there's so many random objects placed everywhere (like the greek pillars, the masks, etc. did that christmas tree belong to someone). He told the Pigmasks to go uproot the coolest tree they could find so he could incorporate it into the city and finally have the world's coolest treehouse. Honestly idk what he was thinking with the Rollercoaster that Just Kills You
So yeah, that's all the stuff I have in my head about New Pork City, minus all the stuff specific to my interpretation of Porky's characterization (which'll be it's own post... some day...) :D And this sort of shows how I wanna go about designing it in Minecraft... still going slow, but it's going! I've figured out a style i think works, and I've figured out a rough idea of how I wanna scale it ^^
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monika-j-art · 2 years
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With this creature called the nightlight, the rainbow series is finished ! These things will haunt the canopy jungle, a dense, multi-tiered forest where the only light reaching the ground will be that of a rare, glowing Fungus. Nightlights are a hostile creature that dies if exposed to light levels above seven (based on don't starve shadows) and will stalk players who challenge this alien forest (alsoa the actual in-game beaste will be more transparent)
silliness below the cut !!
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pov he is very far away
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lue-arlert · 1 month
All I wanna do is yap and eat
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hilacopter · 3 months
i passed the kosher section today at the store and thought about you. im glad you’re alive at the same time i am so we can reblog shitty tumblr posts from each other
so true beloved mutual 🫶🫶🫶💞💞💞 i don't keep kosher tho
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tragedyandterror · 5 months
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some cuddles+kisses for mary <3
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bucephaly · 5 months
I have a pork shoulder on my smoker to go overnight and I forgot my smoker is right below my bedroom window. I have the window open and a box fan in it at night. My rooms gunna smell like smoke all night
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heartstringsduet · 8 months
I know I'm very late to this, but it's Nice Ask Week!
When do you think Carlos found out that TK can cook? What was the first thing TK made for him and what was the occasion?
Hey friend 🥰🥰 I think it took a while but it did happen before Carlos moved in. Usually, Carlos just likes to cook and take care of others and TK helps him cut if he helps at all and doesn't just gobble down ingredients. But of course Carlos has late shifts and by the time they get so close that TK just stays over at Carlos' without him there, TK wants to surprise him with a dish. I think he'd go for comfort, something he cooked for himself but not one of the go-to quick meals. A labor of love with a garantued outcome.
Maybe I'm projecting my own penchant for cooking East Asian food, but I think TK might make five spice pork. Also because he misses getting it from Spring Street. If you do eat meat, definitely give this a try!! https://vjcooks.com/chinese-pork-belly/
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redheadgleek · 8 months
Dumplings #1
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Ground pork and ground shrimp marinated seasoning stuff in thin wonton wrapper, topped with fried garlic, served with spicy pickle chili black sauce.
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rithmeres · 1 year
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we stay eating ‼️‼️
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megkuna · 10 months
girls will eat a diet composed mainly of filling up on toast and wonder why they're depressed and have no energy ......
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dragonji · 1 month
cooked my moms recipe for slow-cooker pork chops in mushroom gravy tonight and while it came out pretty different from how she makes it it is still So Fucking Good .
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dolladooley · 2 years
hc that when the bionic trio got to come out of the lab for the first time and tasha made dinner, they all went through some sort of psychedelic sequence after the first bite like when a kids cartoon character eats a miscellaneous mushroom
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athetos · 10 months
I miss hanging out with my friends I know they’re all busy with grad school so they have barely any free time but I miss them and i always feel slightly like the odd one out because I’m the only one not in their program and don’t know a lot of the stuff they gossip about but they always make me feel included which is really nice… mentioned how I used to be unable to cook meat because of my ocd and that I still struggle with it but I’ve made a lot of progress cooking my meat at the jbbq we were at and they were all congratulating me and cheering and suggested some things that they thought would help ease my anxiety and I 🥹🥹🥹
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vexalia · 3 months
getting yelled at about my eating habits today bruh i do not need this it’s a million degrees out i’ve worked 3 of the 4 weekends in june despite that not being in my contract i did not get paid holiday pay for the holiday i worked this month cuz i had a migraine and left work early the following day and for some reason that cancels out having worked on the holiday so my paycheck despite the weekend shifts is. the same. i slept basically all day yesterday which sucks cuz it was my one day off this week i’ve done no chores this week for Reasons and. and. you wanna yell at me about what i am or am not choosing to consume to make it through today. what the fuck.
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ontologic-catgirl · 3 months
Me when i eat enough food: "Why do I have so much energy"
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