petitelepus · 2 years
Hi, could I please get TF separated 
Yandere [Con Me] | Merformers [Me as shark-like Neutral Mer] | Cute Humans!AU
SFW and NSFW [I'm 18+]
I'm NB and use they/it pronouns. I'm Demi/Pan and I take a long time to get comfortable with most people. I'm pretty androgynous and average looking, except for a lot of scars, some facial.
I dislike touch unless initiated by me or from trusted friends. I don't take a lot of care of myself, but care a lot about my friends and their health and comfort. My preference is to do things alone, but I tend to overwork myself. I get motivated quickly, but then spiral into long bouts of unmotivation. I have a sleeping disorder that leaves me with very little sleep and I tend to get nauseous. 
I'm very creative and I read and write a lot, but I'm also very stubborn and hot-headed and get envious quickly. I tend to have a wandering mind and I chew on everything, when I think. Beyond fighting sports, I'm otherwise rather lazy. I tend to hyperfixate and I like to collect. When I sleep, I like to sleep in 'nests'. 
Thank you very much. 
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Wheeljack is Yandere for you!
It started with a fight, as they usually did with the reckless Wrecker. You were the new Con on Earth and he was a new Bot on Earth, it was only a manner of time when the two of you changed blows.
"Scars are a sign of bravery or cowardness. Which one are yours?" He can tell and separate old scars from new ones and by the way you fight against him he can tell you're one of the rare honorable Cons.
A personality trait he admires and develops an obsession for. Soon enough fighting with you isn't enough for the Wrecker, but he wants to have you all to himself.
So what if you're Decepticon? It doesn't matter to him since he knows that he can change you, and make you an honorary Autobot.
If you try to fight against him, he makes sure to address you as his personal prisoner of war. It doesn't matter to him and if you try anything he can easily roll the blame on you.
Who are they going to believe? You, a sneaky Decepticon, or him, an honorable Wrecker and loyal Autobot?
Some Bots like Arcee are suspicious, but they don't know about the details. Bulkhead backs up Wheeljack for they have been friends for so long that the green Bot can't tell something is wrong. Talk about blind trust.
Wheeljack won't touch you unless you let him to, but it's lonely being a prisoner and isolated from the rest of the world. The other Autobots can't help you because Wheeljack has made sure that you can't be trusted, painting this false image of you.
He offers you his company and is sweet about it. He wants you to only rely on him and only on him. He takes care of you like a proper Conjunx would and offers you presents you can use to write or do something else you might enjoy but that you can't use to try and contact your fellow Decepticons.
If you choose to accept Wheeljack's feelings then he might assure his fellow Autobots that you can be useful to them, but he never lets you out of his sight. He would rather fight every Decepticon in the galaxy rather than let you leave him.
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I match you with Megatron!
Shark Mers have a scary reputation among both humans and Mers, but the rumors about them are highly exaggerated. People think you hunt and kill for fun, but you only kill and eat when you need to and never other Mers.
You just want to live life peacefully in solitude and maybe occasionally go to watch fighting rings where more "dominative" Mers fight each other for the privilege to court the "prize" Mers who would carry the sparklings created by winners' and their copulating.
Certain Mers, Sentinel, judge you purely by your species and shun you away, while some know better than to judge anyone based on rumors alone.
Though you do have a bad habit of chewing things with those razor-sharp fangs of yours and it can make other Mers skittish.
Team Prime accepts you as you are, but it might just be too late for them to reach out to you once the damage has been done by Sentinel and other naive Autobots who believed all his accusations.
While Autobots may have forsaken you, the Decepticons approach you and welcome you to join them with arms wide open.
Megatron himself is a huge shark so he assures you that he knows how it feels to be shunned by those Autobots who think they are better than anyone else.
All he wants from you is your loyalty and devotion to Decepticon's cause and if you swear your loyalty to him then you never will go hungry or feel like an outsider ever again.
Soon enough, you have a great number of admirers, all willing to slay and hand you an Autobot of your choice if it meant you would give them a chance to charm you.
But your spark belongs to Megatron, the one and only who accepted you as you were when others shunned you. He knows the itch when you need to bite something, he knows the feeling of being outcasted, and he knows you.
He offers his lair to you so you can rest and sleep in peace, and while he makes sure that you're left alone when you need to rest, there will be a Con or two guarding his lair where you are resting.
In fact, Megatron trusts and honors you enough to choose you as his mate. He knows that the two of you could no doubt create powerful shark Mers to lead future Decepticons to victory if he was to fail, but if you don't want to carry then Megatron will honor your choice.
But if you choose to carry his heir then you will be spoiled beyond belief. Once you are carrying, you will have Megatron's most trusted followers Lugnut and Shockwave look after your well-being. They might argue, but one word from you and they both back up like a couple of small fishes.
You have Megatron by your side and as his mate, your word is as good as his.
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Velocity is your Owner!
Humans were a whole new thing for this new Doctor and once she saw the pictures that her friend Nautica showed her, she decided to get one for herself as a present for passing her exams!
That's how she got you.
You're a little different from the humans she saw in videos, but she doesn't mind it. She thinks you're cute and does her research when you tell her how you should be addressed so you would be happy in the future.
Velocity shows concern about your scars and wishes she could mend them, but you don't seem to mind them so neither does she. You're gorgeous to her as you are.
Her honesty is a little offputting at first, but you can tell she is genuine with her compliments so you warm up to her pretty quickly. She is the only Bot or person in general who can touch you.
When Velocity isn't feeling good or is sad you are always there for her, wiping those tears away and offering yourself for her like a therapy human. She honestly thinks you are a blessing at those times when she just wants to lock herself in her habsuite and sulk.
The Bot is eager and happy to provide you anything you might want or need since humans' stuff aren't that expensive. If you want to read something she downloads it to your own datapad and gives you a keyboard if you want to write. If you let her, she would love to read your stories. She is your biggest fan and supporter.
Velocity would try her hardest to make sure you're comfortable and able to sleep well. She can get you some medicine, but mostly she buys you tons of soft pillows and different blankets, normal and weighted, that she lets you arrange into a nest where you can actually sleep peacefully.
You are so cute when you turn a little envious if Velocity pays more attention to someone else than you and when asked about it, you stubbornly try to deny that you were ever jealous.
Velocity tries to spend as much time with you as it's possible, but she makes sure to give you also some space so you don't feel smothered. But the best thing that ever happened to her must have been all those times you said her name with that pretty voice of yours.
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stagbells · 9 months
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From: @internetslice
To: @porkcracker
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List of known Cybertronian Reader-Insert Tumblr Writers (WIP)
Disclaimer: This doesn't mean all their posts are related, they've just posted /cyber read (#bot reader, in some cases) at least once. Scenario / head-cannon accounts will be included.
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ppnuggie · 2 years
  『 mtmte various + gender neutral reader 』
  — gameplay 002
  — second chapter 💪🫡 this one is a bit longer
       — taglist  ::  @astridkolch ,, @i-starcreamed ,, @absolutelysmittensimp ,, @elliethedragon ,, @porkcracker  ,, 
  < one , three , four , five >
you hit the button ,, listening in as rodimus spoke again . the subtitles popped up ,, lighting up with every word he spoke . " lets go then ! i'll introduce you to the crew ." he pointed to himself ,, " firstly ,, i am rodimus prime . the co-captain and original captain of this ship !" he pointed towards one of the mechs beside him . " this is megatron ,, but no need to worry ! he wont hurt you ! and that over there is ultra magnus ,, though hes usually stuck up most the time . dont mind him . next is the rest of the crew ,, come on !" the screen faded out ,, before reappearing in front of a new room .
" this is the medibay ! we have our medics here ,, if you feel unwell theyre your go to !" he winked ,, his servo waving along in the air as he talked . the two of you walked inside ,, taking a glimpse around . there were a few patients in already ,, a few drones flying around and messes on the counters everywhere . must've been quite the busy day .
" here is ratchet ,, our chief medical officer ! he knows the most about you humans so dont be shy to approach him if you don't feel too good . dont worry ,, he doesnt bite !" rodimus had swung his arm around the bot . ratchet groaned ,, pushing rodimus off him . he stood at 7'8 ,, holding his servo out to shake your hand . " its nice to meet you ,, liason (y/n) ." another bot came over ,, datapad in his servo . " this here is first aid ,, he'll soon become the new chief medical officer when im done teaching him ." first aid stood around the same height as rodimus ,, by just an inch shorter .
" hello !" he waved to you before turning to ratchet ,, the two of them walking away and discussing whatever it was they needed to . " that over there ,," rodimus pointed to another bot ,, who was almost exactly 8 foot ,, " is ambulon ! hes also a medic here ." ambulon looked up from the patient he was tending to ,, then looked towards you . he gave a slight smile and wave before going back to work . " that concludes the medibay ,, we'll stop by the lab and see whats going on there ." the screen faded once more before appearing at the lab .
inside were pristine white walls ,, and beakers everywhere . there was a lot of equipment ,, watching where you walked as though it were real and not wanting to trip over any or damage them . a purple bot looked up from her wrench ,, smile on her face when she saw you . " hello ! you must be the new liason . i'm nautica ,, its nice to meet you !" you gave her a small wave ,, before turning to where rodimus was talking to a few other bots . " this here ,," rodimus turned around and began to speak , " is perceptor . hes one of our scientists here . and this is brainstorm ,, hes a weapons engineer ,, dont let him give you anything though ." brainstorm chuckled ,, waving him off .
" dont mind him ,, im quite nice ,, and charming !" brainstorm stood a little taller than rodimus ,, about 7'9 and perceptor looked to be 8'2 . you guessed nautica was about 7'4 ,, as she was the shortest of the group when she stood beside them . " this is nautica ,, shes our quantum mechanic ." rodimus introduced ,, the purple bot raising a servo to her mouth as she laughed a little .
" this is getaway ,, hes not a scientist or engineer ,, hes just loitering around ." rodimus crossed his arms as he gave a harsh look to the bot . getaway stood a little taller than rodimus ,, 7'7 ,, shaking his head at the prime . " it is nice to meet you liason ,," he greeted you . rodimus eyed the two of you before shoving getaway a bit and returning to you . " we'll hit up swerves now ,, and pay a trip rung ." was all he said before the screen faded out and in .
" swerves is a bar on the ship ,, where we all go whenever our shifts are done or whenever in general ." rodimus shrugged ,, walking through the doorway . all around were bots ,, seated and standing ,, leaning against walls and tables as they chatted and slurped at their drinks . they all seem preoccupied ,, not once turning their helms to see who just walked in .
" over there are a few bots ,," rodimus pointed ,, and you both walked over . behind the counter was a tall mech ,, standing at 8'3 and colored with mostly greyish blue metal . " this is bluestreak ,, he helps tend to the bar with swerve ." bluestreak flashed you a wink and a smile as he polished a glass ,, before turning to a bot with an order . " and the minibot right there is swerve . he runs the bar ,," before rodimus could fully introduce the bot he was already rushing over with a wide smile on his face .
" hello ! you must be the new liason ! welcome to swerves !! im ,, uh ,, swerve ,, heh . anyways ,, what can i get ya ? wait ,, nevermind ,, i forgot ,, i dont think i have any human safe drinks for you . im sorry about that ,, ill have to find some for you soon though !" rodimus raised his hand ,, sighing as he stopped the minibot . " thank you for the introduction swerve ,, but we have other bots to meet ." the red minibot shrunk back a bit ,, watching as rodimus turned and looked out on the room .
" hey ,," swerve whispered ,, sliding a paper towards you . " i'm hiring ,, if youre ever free for an extra shift by chance . you can rack up some shanix and stuff ,, yknow ,, if you wanna !" he gave you finger guns before turning to take a bot's order like bluestreak . you took the paper ,, stuffing it away in your inventory . he seemed like a nice guy .
" over here ,, (y/n) ! theres a few bots id like you to meet ." rodimus said before you two walked over to a table . " hey ,," rodimus leaned against the table ,, " (y/n) ,, id like you to meet chromedome and rewind !" said bots waved at you . rewind ,, who you guessed was the shorter of the two ,, started to speak . " well ,, its nice to meet you (y/n) ! im rewind ,, and this is my conjunx chromedome . how are you liking the lost light so far ?" he tilted his head ,, a read glare coming from the side .
" its been great so far ! im excited to start working ,," you answered ,, smiling at the minibot . " thats lovely ,, it'll be nice to work alongside you ." chromedome said . " nice to meet you (y/n) ,," a white minibot raised his servo at you . " i'm tailgate ! you humans are so interesting . this is my first time seeing one ,," he chuckled as he reached over to touch you . you werent able to feel it ,, but it seemed like he was touching your head .
" enough of that tailgate ,," rodimus pushed his servo off you . " this is trailcutter ,," he pointed to another bot . trailcutter raised his servo at you ,, dipping his helm in a 'hello' as he started to take a swig at his drink . " and thats skids ." skids flashed a smile towards you ,, " nice to meet you ." he raised his servo as well . " uh oh ,," tailgate murmured ,, casting his gaze towards the door .
a cyan colored bot ,, standing at around 9'3 ,, walked in and marched right over to the counter . you werent too sure on what he was saying but he didnt sound too pleased . " thats whirl ,, you'd do best to stay away from him ." rodimus said . " hes known for causing trouble everywhere he goes ." the prime sighed . " how about we go see ring now yeah ?" before you could answer the screen faded before reappearing at an office .
the door slid open ,, revealing the inside . it was a calming yellow ,, and in a chair sat an orange bot ,, admiring his little figures . " oh ! rodimus !" his helm perked up upon seeing the prime . " and the liason . hello ,, its nice to meet you . i'm rung ,, the ship's psychiatrist ." he waved at you ,, " if you ever feel the need to talk about your frustrations ,, feel free to book an appointment with me ." he smiled softly . you gave a nod ,, before the screen started to fade once again .
" that concludes it ! here ,," rodimus handed you an item . " its a datapad ,, it has mine ,, mags and megs ,, rungs ,, ratchets comm links . if you ever need help with anything ,, just give us a headsup ! here is your habsuite ,, you dont start work until tomorrow . so make sure youre up by 10 am !" he waved before he left .
the inside of the room was quite plain . a bed ,, some bookshelves and cabinets . a closet for your clothes and a couple of doors that led to other places like a bathroom and kitchen . you pulled out that paper swerve gave you ,, and pondered . should you give it a try ? working at his bar ?
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deck0fcards · 1 year
How to train your dragon skrill mass artfight attack :0
"A View To Skrill"
(Imma post the individual headshots later)
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Users in this drawing:
@thecoolercoincat - SoggyTissue
@novabiites - KillSwitch
@beebooca - StormSplitter
@swerveable - Jovi
@porkcracker - Auravandill
@kawanyanya - ShatterSound
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kerrysfoodthymes · 5 years
Air Fried Bourbon / Hot Honey Glazed Pork Belly Candy
Air Fried Bourbon / Hot Honey Glazed Pork Belly Candy
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You can call these sweet, hot, salty morsels Pork Belly Burnt Ends, Pork Belly Bites, Pork Belly Candy, Pork Crack, or you can just call them delicious!
These would make a great Super Bowl appetizer, and as of this writing, my Tennessee Titans have a real chance (win and in Sunday) to get there!
Let’s get to the recipe….
Cook / Prep Time – marinade overnight then 2 hours
Yield :…
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weenwrites · 3 years
Hello there could I ask for scenarios for a Cybertronian (if you do specific Seeker, but if not that's completely fine too) Reader that still semi-young (like would be around 15-17 as a human) that crash lands on earth with a parental relationship for Knockout, Starscream, Optimus and Ratchet. Thank you very much and I hope you have a lovely day.
Hello! I'm sorry that I couldn't do scenarios, but you didn't really give me an idea of what their personality is like. Still, here's your request, I hope that headcanons will suffice. I hope you have a wonderful day!
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buglife · 3 years
Hello yes, just dropping by to tell you that I love your drawings and Fanfics. They're so cute and funny and make me laugh a lot. I hope you have a good day. Bye.
Ooohhhh oh thank you :,3
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yanderedbh-moved · 5 years
Hello, I wanted to ask if you could write Yan! Elijah with a Male Reader that life's in another country like Germany or any other European country. If you don't write male reader it's okay. Thank you.
I usually do my best to keep all the requests gender-neutral, and I kinda really feel like that’s how this one turned out, so I’m sorry if this isn’t quite what you were expecting, but thank you for your request!
It would be incredibly difficult for any yandere to suffer a long-distance relationship, especially if the difference were as vast as several countries. All things considered, though, out of all the characters, Elijah is easily the one among them who would be most accepting of the majority of communications with you being over technology or in some other digital form. As time progresses and Elijah's fascination with you increased, it would be a shift from using technology not to communicate with you but to keep surveillance of you.
It's not a very dramatic or capricious change. The first shift and Elijah's behavior would be spending more time directly speaking with you wanting to know everything about your day, and spending his time sitting on the sidelines as your long-distance admirer. Even considering the dramatic time difference between the two of you, it would do little to deter Kamski or to convince him to leave you alone.
 As a little by-product obsession with you, Kamski would develop an interest in learning more about the history of your country of origin and the traditions of your hometown. He probably wasn't much of a history buff before this. However, it's something he wonders how you'll relate to and never hurts to bring up in conversation to establish common ground between the two of you.
It wouldn't be very long until she would urge you to come and visit him in America. Obviously, as the one with far more material wealth out of the two of you. One with the amount of wealth he has tickets for you to fly out and meet him isn't exactly something he would need to spend long saving up for. What would require far more this time would be convincing you to decide to take the journey over to meet him. He's not too worried about this, though. There's no way he'll allow you to return from now that you're here.
For a long time you’ll reject this, tell him this is too much for you to accept, that he has no need to go so far out of his way for you, but it won’t be too significant effect as once his mind is made up, there’s little you can do to change this, especially when it comes in regards to you.
We can ever-patient spider Kamski knows how to sit back and wait for the moment to be right till his prey is within grass before snapping his jaw shut. Keeping you stuck here securely in his web forevermore. 
Donate to my Ko-Fi//Requests are Open
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rk1kmoods · 5 years
Hi, could I request gymnast Connor in the WM or something like that, with Markus being a photographer for a news paper. Thank you.
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Here you go! :D(Markus is very impressed with how flexible Connor is. 👀👀whaaat? ;) )
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eatsventure · 3 years
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petitelepus · 2 years
Hello, I hope it's not a bother, but I wanted to ask for your upcoming Match-Ups, if one can request more than one category [example: Yandere and Merformers]? And if yes, if it would be separated or combined and if one would need to submit twice. If no, that's completely understandable too. Otherwise I hope you have a nice day/night.
Hello, and THANK YOU for asking! You ain't bothering me, asking is always good! :D
Yes, you can request them both and I will write the two of them in one message as two different matches OR if you want I can do Yandere Merformer.
You can of course send your match info twice, but I think I prefer matching you guys in one go.
I just ask that if you request a Mer match, make sure you guys tell me if you're a human or Mer also.
That's about it, guys, please feel free to ask, I will happily reply!
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stagbells · 9 months
Green Christmas
From: @porkcracker
To: @certifedhoodrat
Note: "Greetings and happy holidays, I hope you enjoy this little story and find joy in it. I wish a bright and happy fest in this rather turmoil full times."
Written work under readmore
Green Christmas 
The change had been felt before it had become visible, and the citizens of Hallownest had been understandably wary at first, expecting some kind of negative event to happen. This had not occurred, however. First, the temperature had dropped rapidly over just a few days, resulting in a quick uptake of bugs staying in their houses. When it reached a temperature that did not drop any further over the next few days, more and more bugs braved the steps back outside their houses and, upon noticing no danger, quickly turned towards the new problem. It was far too cold to stay outside for a prolonged time; a solution came in the form of a scarf or coat. As one after the other, every survivor equipped themself with a coat or scarf, or the especially sensitive with both, the traffic inside Dirtmouth picked up again. 
It was then that the second change happened. It was over night, and in the morning, there was quite a shocked uproar. Where everybug had gone to sleep with the usual greys of Dirtmouth surrounding them, as they woke, the world was glazed in a powdery white. A general wariness kept the citizens from stepping outside their houses; the white reaching up to the door step and layered on roofs regarded warily. There was only one place that looked like this usually, and that was Kingdom’s Edge. And even then, the Kingdom’s Edge might have looked similar, but the first bug to step outside and interact with the white powder was quick to notice that the white of the Kingdom’s Edge and the white dusting everything were not similar at all. Whereas the white of Kingdom's Edge held the temperature as the cold stone simply layered over each other and could be picked up with one's bare hand easily, the powdery white found in Dirtmouth was freezing to the touch, stuck to itself, and if held too long, melted into water. Once it was discovered to be safe, life slowly returned to Dirtmouth, and hand coverings were added to the new outfits of scarves and coats as well. 
The Vessels, all already equipped with coats, were quickly wrapped in thicker, fluffier coats against all protests by their half sister. Hornet, remembering an instance far back, long before the Kingdom had been sealed, where it hadn’t gotten similarly cold in Deepnest, was also quite aware of the wave of sickness, common colds, had rolled through the Weaver’s and was quick to avoid her siblings having the same fate. Already she could imagine the way the Vessels would not delight in confined bed rest and medicine. Ignoring that, the red-cloaked loner was not quite sure how she would even give her siblings the medicine should they get sick. So Hornet made sure that all her siblings were packed in warm cloaks, scarves, and gloves and warmed themselves up on fire when they returned inside, something the Grimchild delighted in as well. The little wyrm was not in need of any warming clothes himself; the fire burning inside him warm enough to melt the white, called snow, around it without any effort to do so. 
It came as it had come. In retrospect, no one would be able to tell who threw the first ball formed of snow at another bug, but the result was very palpable for every bug happening to be near the market place of Dirtmouth. Snow was flying from all sides, hitting faces and backs and rendering any covering useless in the long run. Quickly groups had established,
people banding together for more coverage and better protection. It was a no-brainer that Ghost and Chlorophyll ended up in a team, both small vessels quickly building up a rudimentary fort to protect themselves while aiming at the other participants. Ghost had been equipped with a big soft coat that was coincidentally rather similar in design to the Nail Master’s own and had taken to snow quickly, running around and exploring in the white eagerly. On the other hand, Chlorophyll’s mossy cloak had been insulated with even more moss, making the small Vessel look a little like a moss ball. Nonetheless, it didn’t stop either of the small Vessels from being true menaces, snow flying rapidly and rather accurately aimed at others, until the cold and the physical activity began to become too much and they were swept up by their older and bigger sibling, starleting both. 
Whereas Ghost and Chlorophyll had taken to the snow well, Hollow had remained rather adverse to the white, cold powder. The cracks in their shell ached in the cold, and as such, the big Vessel remained indoors at most times; however, that did not mean that they had no coat and scarf to go out if they so desired. In this case, it was less a case of desiring it so, but more of a necessity. As the cold and the snow had set in and Hornet had begun to remember the previous cold years before the Kingdom had been sealed, she had also remembered the tradition of a festivity around the time, and the surviving bugs had taken to the mentioning of it eagerly, and the preparations for one such festivity had begun in every house, including the hut the Vessels and their sister were sharing. And now it was Hollow’s task to retrieve their smaller siblings so they may clean up and warm up before the festivity would begin with the meal of a primal aspid caught and prepared by Hornet. 
The preparations went rather smoothly, and soon Hollow was watching over their siblings as they hung their cloaks near the fire to dry and warm them, the small Vessels equally warming up. Satisfied, the bigger Vessel left the room to check in on their sister and see if she needed any assistance. Watching the red-cloaked hunter as she moved through their small kitchen, they were joined by Ghost not all too long after. Both continued to watch Hornet, or in the case of Ghost, attempted to sneak a little test bite, until the older tasked them with retrieving Chlorophyll. It was then that the chaos started anew. While the moss cloak still hung by the fire, the mossy Vessel was nowhere to be found. At first, the search was still calm, simply assuming the other Vessel had left the room momentarily, but the longer the search went on, the more frantic it became. Every common place for Chlorophyll to hide came up empty, and worry began to seep in. Nearly two hours had passed, and Chlorophyll had not been found, and Hornet was beginning to consider that the Vessel had gone outside without their coat and was about to leave to search the outside, when a last surveying look through the room caught some unfitting light green in the dark green of the bush they had retrieved from Queen’s Garden. 
Hornet wanted to be angry for the necessary worry Chlorophyll had caused, but brushing the lower branches aside to reveal the curled-up, most likely sleeping Vessel, Hornet found herself unable to be mad. It was somewhat reasonable after all; her younger sibling enjoyed dark spaces, so it was not unexpected, or should not have been unexpected, that they would
curl up in the shade beneath the bush to use the extra warmth to warm up quicker, and well, no one could deny the temptation of falling asleep in a warm, comfortable spot. As such, Chlorophyll was instead woken with a slight shake, and after they were swiped in a worried hug from their taller sibling, the family finally found themselves gathering around the meal Hornet had prepared and could begin to feast—a new story to remember and make their first Christmas unique in their repertoire.
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lunylune · 2 years
*loud chanting* SMOLIV, SMOLIV, SMOLIV
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I've only known about Smoliv's existence for 48 hours, but if anything happens to him I will kill everyone on this room and then myself.
My bb boi, my oliv boi.
I actually can't stand olives irl, nearly threw up tasting one when I was a kid. This is very ironic, cuz a prize for school once was a solid 5 liters of olives. Yes. Liters.
But bb oliv boi stole my heart
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Here's boi in a teaglass cuz I don't have a martini one, with a junimo from stardew valley (specifically lill Apples from the expansion mod). They are friends now.
Usual camera shittiness. Its dark out, my flash and camera suck. It wlongates images so smoliv is more squished and apples more square irl.
Thanks to @porkcracker and @wholesomeworm for enabling my madness :P
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bachymeals · 5 years
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#porkcracke (at Wynnum, Queensland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6tG_4cD0s1/?igshid=c5ufgbegu0kc
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sig-got-a-gun · 3 years
ScarletEntertainerDTIYS winners!
Thank you all for participating!
First place reward is BOTH a story and a drawing of choice with up to two characters!
Second place won EITHER a story or a drawing of choice with two characters!
Third place won a drawing of choice with one character!
In third we have @hive-vessel!
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In second we have @incorrecthollowknight!
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And in first we have @nerosdayinhell!
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To those not in the bracket, you all get to request a line art headshot of one character!
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Thank you all for participating, I hope you all have a wonderful day!
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