#porno tumblr
bambi-eyes444 · 4 months
I forget that middle aged men with p0rn blog are on Tumblr. Like what are you doing here??? This is the girlblogging zone
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beernchipsi · 5 months
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it was a study of a nude cowboy looking dude but i chose it to be snipes because why not. love him with all my heart he doesn't need clothes
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crosmataditele · 1 year
C’è stato un periodo della mia vita in cui questo posto, Tumblr, era diventato una realtà. Conoscevo, adoravo seppur da lontano tanti di voi. Mi ero creata un microcosmo in cui mi era facile esprimermi, viverci. Penso di aver sviluppato una vera e proprio dipendenza. Nel momento in cui tanti, se non quasi tutti quelli che seguivo, sono spariti mi sono sentita persa, non mi riconoscevo in niente, la mia bacheca era vuota e così ho smesso di venirci o di farlo saltuariamente. Io non lo so quanto durerà questa volta, fortunatamente qualcuno di voi tiene botta e c’è ogni volta che torno e anche se non ci siamo sentiti per anni mi sembra sempre che il rapporto sia rimasto immutato. Fermo nel tempo.
Tumblr è il paesino di montagna dei miei Nonni, quello che, appena finiscono le scuole in città, si riempie di vita, dove tutti si conoscono, crescono insieme e per quei tre mesi l’anno vivono mille avventure. C’ho una nostalgia per quello che era, per quello che ero io e che non sono più. La vita vera ha preso il sopravvento; impegni, scazzi, lavoro mi hanno completamente assorbita. Torno, spero, per viverlo diversamente.
Grazie a chi c’era e c’è e anche a chi ci sarà.
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POV: You have war flashbacks and a heart attack
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that-bitch-abbi-lynne · 6 months
I guess the one benefit of Disney slowly expanding to own everything media related is that eventually they’ll have a porn section on Disney+, which will be hilarious both as a thing to see and as a controversy to watch unfold.
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a non parlare solo di sesso su Tumblr in quanti siamo rimasti? 7?
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theemptyspacehelmet · 4 months
"Goldilocks and the Three Bears" sounds like it could be a euphemism for some gay orgy tbh
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gillianthecat · 2 years
I decided to watch the beginning of SOTUS based on @waitmyturtles' reactions as part of her Thai BL education, and the conversations that inspired. I'm definitely not watching the whole show! Probably not even the whole first episode, I'll only go as far as I can stand it for, but I was finding myself desperately curious for context.
Well, 25 seconds in and we're already off to a good start 🥴
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I kinda like this theme song, ngl.
Wtf how is 2016 seven years ago already. What even is time.
Baby Off in the credits! Hello!
Actually this credits montage is making the show seem kind of appealing. Perhaps I will surprise everyone and myself by being a SOTUS fan.
I don't know if it's just this opening sequence, but the colors are so de-saturated compared to more recent Thai shows. Kinda makes it look like 90s home video.
This name tag table makes me miss Fighter and Tutor. 😢
But also, pre-Covid they could get HUGE casts of extras. That room is full!
So far the show is successfully building drama and intrigue! I'm more hooked than I suspected.
Arthit makes an excellent insecure petty tyrant. Unfortunately I'm having trouble imagining how they're going to transition him to love interest.
Brave Kongpop!
Seriously, there are like 500 extras in that giant room!
Baby Off!
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Oh yep. And here comes the femme characters as comic relief.
Ah, Kongpop is the other lead. Of course. For some reason I assumed he was a side character?
I like this smiley girl who does the grilled chicken dance!
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Aww, I think I might really like Kongpop as well.
Oddly enough the hazing stuff isn't bothering me (so far). I think because a) it's SO over the top ridiculous, and b) I came in expecting the worst. (But of course, it can always get worse.)
Maybe if I stop here I can pretend the show is a dystopian future romance (á la Divergent) about M and Kongpop falling in love as they rise up against their oppressive seniors. I'm kinda digging their chemistry.
However I'm predicting a het romance between M and the chicken dance girl (my beloved) [May] instead.
I can see from whence the Singto fandom. What a charming smile. He's already bringing a welcome groundedness to the role.
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Seaweed snacks! Now I want some. Your advertising is working on me. Also, one thing I think SOTUS does well is camera angles and editing; they really build the drama.
Also the sound recording (and mixing) quality is not terrible. What happened after this? Was Covid to blame? (Or perhaps GMMTV has always been better at it.)
I don't think I'd be that into this if I was watching just for pleasure, but I'm actually quite enjoy the experience of watching it for historical curiosity.
I like this girls at the table too! The women in this show are much more solid than I was expecting, and actually seem like real people [gasp!]
Honestly I'm not even looking at Arthit or the subtitles, I'm just watching Off in the background.
God, Arthit is so annoyingly awful. The only way to get through this may be to ignore his existence as much as possible.
I don't know if it's because Off is the one actor I recognize, or if it's because he just has that much charisma, but my eye keeps getting drawn to him on screen. (Even if he is aiding and abetting the evil guy.) I love the way he keeps snatching things from Arthit's hands.
Like, I can see how this COULD work, if Arthit wasn't such a stupidly petty tyrant. Enemies to Lovers! It's aiming for what FighterTutor managed to do so well. But. Well. The bully character has to have some redeeming feature. (Although perhaps he will win me over in the end.) As for their chemistry, I haven't seen enough to venture a firm opinion yet, but it's certainly not jumping off the screen.
Oh great, now we have homophobic bullying 🥴 But Singto really is very good as Kong.
Are you all sure this show isn't really Kong/M? Because that's still the story I'm creating in my head.
Umm. How on earth are they going to make this homophobic bully into a passable love interest. Help. I don't understand.
oooh, I could ship Kongpop with Wad as well. There is potential in this scene about the shirt exchange.
Ok! We've got M in the tight fitting tshirt! Show off those muscles, babe!
Like, I don't think Krist is bad in this so far. He's playing a petty tyrant bully perfectly. But I believe y'all when you so he doesn't manage anything other than this one note.
However, Singto is managing to single-handedly create something out of their scenes anyway.
Yes rebel Kongpop! I feel like my dystopian version of the story would be so much better than whatever we actually get.
However I do appreciate if it has to be bully romance that the target is not in the least a passive victim. (I ❤️ Kongpop)
This hazing is just so dumb. It's so silly it doesn't even bother me really, just makes me think about how young and dumb these engineering seniors are. Actually mostly it makes me mad at the school administration for sanctioning it.
I do love the way Off stands (and sits).
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And I love May and this wavy-haired girl! Interesting female characters in my BL?! Who have a life outside of "shipping" their classmates or having crushes on impossible gay boys?! My goodness!
Rebel Kongpop my beloved! And such a smartass 😍 Love his little smirk.
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Okaaaay. Still struggling to see how they can possibly build a romance out of this. Like, in Semantic Error and Why R U?, there was bullying yes, but even from the beginning there were hints of connection and attraction. And I am simply not seeing any of that here.
Well. I finished the whole first episode after all! And despite all expectations I'm kinda hooked.😲 I can see why SOTUS was so popular; the things it does well it does very well. And Singto is elevating it far beyond what it deserves.
It helps that bullying and hazing, while they annoy me, aren't a Yikes Nope 😬 I'm Outa Here for me the way rape is (which is why I couldn't make it past the first episode of TharnType). And cringy slapstick humor, while objectively less of a problem, for some reason make me even more uncomfortable (which is part of the reason I couldn't make it through 2gether). And it's not boring me, at least as long as the camera isn't on Arthit. (My problem with some other OG Thai BL that was so boring I can't even remember its name now. [edit: it was driving me crazy so i went through world-of-bl's list and finally figured it out... it was Nitiman. Maybe I'd find it more interesting if I tried again, but it just could not keep me engaged, sorry Nitiman lovers.]) And it's helps that my expectations were basement level. (Thank you @waitmyturtles for preparing me. And I'm sorry for your suffering in the process.)
So I will probably continue! Although I don't know how soon or how regularly, or if I will do such detailed reaction posts for the rest. The only reason I started this one is I didn't expect to last more than 10 minutes.
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ameliafuckinjones · 6 months
If I said half the things I wanted to say about Canada and Americas relationship as siblings and neighbors, how they're ACTUALLY viewed by the world when it comes to international matters that are actually important (NATO, AUKUS, global economy, AI and tech companies, hegemony etc) and how it would be more interesting to explore aspects of their relationship as well as their relationship with the world that correlates with reality rather than this made up version that dominates the fandom... commie tumbler would hunt me down and kill me
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futanarchy · 2 years
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First post!!!! Hi y'all!!! I'm a femboy named Cassie! You might know me from the terrible bird website!! Feel free to follow for cute (and *relatively* sfw) femboy content! Check out my links if u wanna see my other stuff!! (Also plz reblog if u wanna bc i have no idea how this website works or how to find ppl!)
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loscheletrodime · 1 year
Bentornata a me!
Che poi c'è ancora qualcuno che usa Tumblr nel 2023?
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We talk about how unhinged Voyager was for Tuvix and Threshold, but they went completely off the rails for Resolutions. Like, there's no A plot, just a B plot. The whole beginning is ooc. Nothing that happens in it is ever spoken of again. There are MULTIPLE scenes that read like they're straight out of a fanfic. Absolutely unbelievable that they made this episode.
You've got the bathtub/towel scene. The tree lean. The storm. The neck rub. THE ANGRY WARRIOR SPEECH.
Utterly iconic.
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itsyasoccergal · 1 year
Tfw someone likes your post and do you go to check their profile bc you wanna see who liked the thing and you realize it's just a porn
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I hate trying to title things, why are titles the hardest thing
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the-casbah-way · 2 years
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society couldn’t handle their t boy swag
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