#porter clone
zukkacore · 3 months
Born to love Porter cliffbreaker, forced to grade papers and go on weird fetch quests for Jace prime
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evilhorse · 1 year
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Try being the clone of Superman and Lex Luthor.
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mxnsterfxckr · 2 months
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monster clones. werewolf j4 is something that can be so personal
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whoblewboobear · 3 months
Are each of the Jace clones a little different?K2 ended up straight and British and so different from Kristen. Could they potentially be versions of who he used to be at different points in his life?
There’s so much potential for how each Jace clone turns out. Imagine the jealousy that could come from Jace watching Porter interact with a clone that’s a lot like him pre-shatterstar. Maybe Porter starts to realize he liked Jace a lot more before he killed him.
Jace barely knows who that person is anymore.
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bacchuschucklefuck · 5 months
(chuckles) Im so good at reading comprehension and my meat is huge
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t4tozier · 2 months
my darling natalie @beeprich had jaceclone thoughts but they’re shy 🙈 so i’m making the post for them instead
anyway picture porter making jace fuck his clones, telling him how to do it and how they like it, and taunting him like look how bad you want it, how fucking desperate you get, and he’s like now imagine how i feel with four of you.
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savzo · 2 years
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Okay, so if I had a nickle for every scarred clone with a mullet named hunter that had to go against his orders from an evil emperor Id have two nickles. I know its not much, but weird it happened twice huh? Ill finish this wip eventually but here we got the bad batch Hexside edition 😉 Gus(Tech) Hunter(Hunter) Willow(Wrecker) Amity(Echo) Luz (Omega)
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j2zara · 2 months
The funny thing is that in my mind after IYWD when I first wrote it I wouldn’t say jaceporter were gonna end up happy, like the implication to me was that they were still very much doomed and that the whole thing stands in horrible stark ironic contrast to how Porter is pushed to his limits in Ragenarok with “I’ll kill you again, stardiamond!” But. In my mind I did view them as at least on the same page I guess and about as happy as the two of them could maybe get before the cruelty of that moment. Like I do think the stress of everything would’ve made them break down but. To me they were ok with accepting that they were in love and going down with the ship together (or rather, one party was ascending and Jace would have to make peace with that). And then the clones got introduced and now it’s like a whole new torment nexus that nobody is escaping
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delinquentbookworm · 2 months
I've been thinking about the Vegas wedding roleplay night and the tragedy that would be Jace and Porter actually getting married after that happens. Like, J2 gets the fake version. He's the practice run. Jace is the real deal. And J2 convinces himself that he's happy for them.
like I just have a vision of J2 being determined to be as helpful as possible, going as far as to help Porter practice his vows. and he's sat there listening to Porter say all these beautiful things that he desperately wishes were about him and his chest aches but that's surely because of how happy he is for them. When he gets misty eyed at the sight of Porter in his suit that's just because of how handsome Porter is. He helps Porter tie his tie and get his cufflinks sorted out, and Porter smiles at him and leans in to kiss him, so softly, murmurs thank you against his lips and J2 is glad he hasn't got Detect Thoughts up, is glad he has no idea if this is the last time.
The clones aren't invited (that would be a lot to explain to the other guests), but J2 goes anyway, does Disguise Self, quietly slips in before the ceremony starts and finds an empty seat in the back. It's an important day. He just wants to show his support, to help them celebrate. Even from the very back row, he can see the love in Porter's eyes as Jace walks down the aisle - something Jace always swore he'd never do, by the way, always swore he'd never get married, and J2 can't help but wonder what changed.
J2 gets through the ceremony and it's getting harder and harder to hold back tears and as the officiant announces them husband and husband, J2 teleports away. He's already sobbing when he appears back home, in the middle of the living room, and he doesn't even make it to the sofa he just collapses onto the ground. J3 and J4 kinda saw this coming and told him not to go, but they pick him up anyway and hold him tight while he bawls for reasons he can't even admit to himself, so ashamed that he's having this reaction, when all he wanted was to be able to be happy for them.
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anguigenus · 1 year
Hey, don’t cry. Crew storyboard artist Mikecatsu just liked a strawbbz fanart of Gus and Matt kissing, okay?
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hauntedwizardmoment · 2 months
we keep talking about the clones on game changer but we fail to realize that they do frequently find themselves in an escape room (jace has locked them in the basement and forgotten/refused to unlock the door multiple times so they had to find another way out)
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 2 months
If Porter is werewolf and J4 is werewolf I feel like this would add another good element to the torment nexus for the both of them. Porter deserves to be tormented by another alpha werewolf that hates him in a very complex way
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zukkacore · 3 months
Was looking at IYWD as like a refresher on like wtf I say half the time and I’m like aw Porter is almost sweet in this. Like I remember being really stressed out ppl wouldn’t pick up on the tragic subtext and now I’m like. Lol is this. Romantic? And then going into Almost and being like actually. Porter is evil and needs to die
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whoblewboobear · 1 month
The implications of Jace taking a liking to J2 after so long is so fun bc as much as he has finally come to the realization that he cares about Blue and appreciates how unwaveringly kind and caring he is despite how shitty he was to him. He’s also a little jealous of Porter. Because if Porter couldn’t love him right, he sure as fuck can’t be loving sweet, strange, little Bluejay right.
If no one is gonna love him J2 right, he’ll just do it himself. 🤷🏼‍♂️ He does hate when the little voice in his head calls it self care. It’s a lot kinder than the one that tells him it’s pathetic to be pursuing himself.
But the more he spends time with Blue, the more he dotes on him, The more he realizes that J2 is different. He hasn’t been like Blue for a long time. They’re similar, that was always going to be true. They shared a face, they shared memories to a point. But Blue could and had interpreted a lot of them through his own lens. A kinder lens. Where Jace had torn himself to shreds, Blue bandaged the wounds, kissed the scars and hoped to heal stronger. He didn’t live it, but he admired Jace for coming this far. That.. changed things. Made them a bit clearer.
For once he didn’t have to lay himself bare, J2 knew him completely, he didn’t need to.
How refreshing.
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luminoushane · 11 months
Luz: my friends and girlfriend are dead, so I’m going to clone them back to life and everything will be fine! Now please Vee stay still, I need to harvest some organs from you.
Actually, the story is that Luz, desperate to get her friends back, practically begs the Collector to help them. Collector doesn't QUITE grasp the concept of mortality just yet, so he "fixes" them the way he saw Belos "fix" his broken Golden Guards.
So y'know! With a snap of his fingers, they just poofed into existence! Luz was horrified at the realization though.
That's actually why the grimsquad has more non-human traits! Collector doesn't really know how to perfectly "balance" the ingredients. Because of this, Mica and Iniko have more stonesleeper traits, and Hazel and Gareth have more selkidomus traits.
Of course, Collector regrets this after, y'know, having found out just what death means. Nobody in this AU gets to escape trauma.
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clonedchaos · 3 days
Machine Memories- Day 7: Projection
Heidi has a gift for the Projectionist.
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Rating: G/PG
These next few prompts may be on the shorter side, this upcoming week is going to be busy! Please bear with me.
The Projectionist was always drawn to the shadows of the studio. It was an innate feeling, and one that took him to the deepest depths where few dared to venture. Here, he frequently spent his days in a maze of winding hallways and pools of ink. Only the projections thrown up against the wall kept him company, unless he had a sparse visitor or two of course. 
A faint ring diverted his attention from a projected picnic scene. It was the elevator.
Someone was down here.
The Projectionist sloshed through the puddles towards the center room in a mix of tension and curiosity. A Lost One with a bow tie around her neck and a crinkle in her eyes was waiting at the base of the stairs. His limbs slackened at the realization that there was no immediate danger. Heidi was the closest thing he knew to harmless; having wandered down here one day with her daring explorer friend.
She bounced on the balls of her feet and waved him over. "Morning, Shutter! How are you today?" Heidi asked.
The Projectionist whirred in response, mostly in objection towards the nickname. Oh well, it couldn't be helped. She was going to use it one way or another.
"I have a surprise for you!" She continued and reached into the overflowing satchel just barely hanging on by a thread at her hip. She pulled out a compact camera and a shiny film reel. "Audrey took some pictures of the outside world! We just figured out how to transfer it to a reel! Would you like to take a look? I figured you might enjoy it."
The Projectionist's gears clicked. The outside world? He hadn't given much thought to that. All he really knew were the studio's depths. It was the only home he knew.
He stepped forward and tilted his head as a sign of acceptance. Heidi removed the present reel and replaced it with the new one. Instantly, flashes of color were thrown against the wall. Greens and browns of trees mixed with a rich blue. Puffs of white dotted the sky in varying shapes and sizes. Pink tulips and clumps of lavender danced in the wind.
The next slide was of a small orange critter with triangle ears, pink nose, and a tufted tail. He had never seen a creature so peculiar. It reminded him of the Ink Demon in a way, only with slitted eyes and fluffy fur. 
A pebbly shore stood in stark contrast with a foaming sea-green ocean. A bright yellow orb sank below the horizon, painting the sky with vibrant oranges, yellows, pinks, and blues.
What was it like? To see something other than pools of ink and rotting wood?
The Projectionist went through each and every photo, frequently backtracking as he noticed more and more subtle details. 
Heidi silently stood by, still bouncing on her heels as she observed the projections. "Brilliant, aren't they?" She finally asked.
Brilliant. Yes, it was. Suddenly his world got bigger. It was somewhat scary, and bright. But it was also filled with bursts of color... and life. Life outside of the studio, of the shadows.
He hoped one day he'd be able to see it.
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