#portrat me
lavendorii · 1 year
one thing I think p5 timeloop aus miss is the fact that Akira's obsessive replaying to try and save someone is not exclusive to akechi. I'm not gonna pretend like shuake isn't an appealing part but I feel like I need to clarify that I think akira would be voluntarily destroying himself if it was any of his friends or confidants. It doesn't sound like a big deal but the intense need to save everyone and then subsequent guilt when he fails is an incredibly important and interesting part of his character (ie. the way he reacted when he was keeping maruki from falling, even after everything). he's just a lover and can't bear to lose anyone which welcomes in a myriad of other questions as to why
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Oh look I can draw the boi too!! Happiest of not really b-days to the character ever!!!
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I'm dead serious when i say that he has not left my team since i got him, hes just a special little guy
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ravangie · 2 months
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me? drawing a self-portrat??
i know, i'm shocked too
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sir-fluffbutts · 1 year
Hello Fluff!! I've a small question- do you known why so many east asian artists depict themselvef with small white creatures ? It's something I notice a lot... really hope this isn't offensive or something. No need to answer in case it is !
ok, so we all know most artists have "sonas" right? eather it's a depiction of their own irl selves or a original character they feels close connection to
well, i've noticed while western artists tend to do ☝️, eastern asian artists tend to make a small blob critter (usually very simple with 1 color) and call it their sona
(for example, here is me)
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and these are my theorys of why
1. they don't want to draw a very complax character whenever they are shown in the midea
we draw ourselves in a LOT of things wether its funny doodles that interact with eachother to notice from us directly
i personaly don't want to spend time drawing super complax characters when i can slap something like this under minutes for a muffin plush extention notice post
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2. they don't want themselves to be portrated as "the character"
this is due to a fact that they are not a "character", they are a just....me, the artist
(not me btw) i saw a lot of people that was super uncomfortable with people 'simping" over their sonas, cause they are literaly themselves
this kimda leads to point 2.5 where they don't want to be portrated as this "serious professionals"
even with professional jobs and such, we are just people retweeting cat vids online. not wanting to be this fancy character or a serious artist, but just a silly bean critter 😌
3. they don't want to give out their personal info
self explanotory, if your sona is literaly yourself, it COULD get bit uncomfortable
4. we like cute scrumgly things
again, self explanitory
im still eyeing this phanoma, but hope this helps for now!
personaly it was shocking to me to see a single person owning like +10 sonas when i first started snooping in the western artist community, very small culture shock but still 😂
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but I hate where Injured saga is going. I know those are just stories, but with other sagas I can actuatly imagine the players acting like that with their kids. But Alexia is being portrated as an evil person. And now bringing Jenni. To me doesn't make any sense.
I get what you're saying and it was never really my intention to portray Alexia as evil.
The way Injured is going right now is fairly selfish on my behalf because I wanted to nerd out about the impact of parent-child relationships so I understand why it's not for everyone.
The goal was to portray Alexia as just a flawed mother and the impact of her decisions with the child she did want and the child she didn't want and then contrast it with Jenni really wanting Bambi since her birth vs Jenni not getting to adopt Bambi like she wanted.
But, yeah. I'm sorry you feel that way.
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midorides-ka · 28 days
More Lilypad SMP themed art!!! Thank @hurr1cane-sketches for this update
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Stormy's oc (design by Stormy) ^^^
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Gucci's oc (design by me) ^^^
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@gaspshichat and I's ocs (both designs by me) ^^^
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And then my oc, Suru!!!!
Side note-
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idvconfessions · 2 months
I main Andrew, the amount of times a hunter has CARRIED ME TO THE EXIT???
sometimes i already know theyll go friendy due to the fact I see that silly picture on andrew as their portrate
also lawyers real power is filing sues against hunters who chair../sillyj
aaaa Cute!!! As hunter I usually spare my faves too.
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pageofheartdj · 4 months
Here I am with my silly theory again but in one place! It's weird but hey, it's fun to think about it xD
Lilith's ability is a spoiler. So I think her ability is mimicry. Lucifer while shapeshifting still retains his personal quirks and voice. Lilith can take anyone's form and voice.
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So I think Lilith is Rosie. I am not sure if real Rosie exists or not, but the current one is Lilith.
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One of Lilith's ability is to inspire people through music. Charlie's pitching of the hotel through song didn't work anywhere. Except for Cannibal Town. (hopefully real Rosie let her burrow the spot jkhj).
And the way Rosie talked to Charlie. How personal she got, how it seemed she talked from a personal painful experience...
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And the Lilith in Heaven is Eve. She works with her on some unknown goal.
Additionally Eve is Charlie's bio mom. Lilith not being able to carry a child like in og mythos, and needing help(hopefully Lucifer is aware at least of THAT xD).
'Beach' Lilith has Charlie's nose. But real Lilith in portraits doesn't have the same nose as Charlie.
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This is why we don't see the eyes on the beach. And this is why flashback doesn't have both eyes and nose. So we won't know when Lilith and Eve(who was most likely created to look like Lilith but with less will) were switching between each other.
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(Personally I suspect in the flashback it is also Eve. She doesn't keep her hair the way Lilith does since she doesn't need to hide herself. And her skin tone looks more pink(beach) than purple(portrate) to me)
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Why the secrecy for Charlie? Is it because of Roo? And does Lucifer know of their plan or is he included in 'hurt people I love'? Is the reason why Eve needs to stay in Heaven so Roo won't have any way to connect with her, having most of influence on Earth and a little in Hell?
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mangoshorthand · 1 year
If you see this as a request or are not interested to answer generally, feel free to ignore! But I've been wondering if you have any personal headcanons about Five? It could be about everyting. Habits, behavior, even if he sleeps in full pajamas or just in a shirt and boxers.
I find it really interesting what people have in mind about him what the show doesn't tell us, and since I really like your portration of Five I thought I might try to ask~
Oh God, there are too many to mention. You might recognise some of these if you've read my stuff because I incorporated them.
This sort of request is fine BTW as it takes me less than an hour to answer.
Full button down pajamas are his default I think but might forgo the shirt on warm nights. Also sleeps in underwear and possibly day clothes when drunk
Always puts his shoes parallel to one another facing the wall with the laces tucked inside.
...But his socks somehow never end up in the laundry hamper. They end up down the side of the couch, under the bed, one even ended up in the microwave once. He has no recollection of how this happened.
Talks to himself when working. It's a hangover from having Dolores. If there is a human or animal in the room, he will talk to them instead.
He loves showering and bathing . It never gets old for him. He really values feeling clean because it was a rare luxury in the apocalypse. Every time he washes himself, he thinks about how good he has it.
Linked to the above: Meticulous about skincare, anti-perspirant, keeping his facial/body hair neat.
Enjoys analogue watches. They remind him of his power, the way they work fascinated him from being a kid, but as he got older, he began to appreciate them for their styling in the same way he enjoys a well-tailored suit.
Secretly enjoys The Spice Girls. Would die rather than admit this.
Is a total boomer about cell phones. Could tell you how one works and probably adapt it so it could make calls across time, but hates their ubiquity. Has one out of necessity and is in group chats with his siblings but refuses to upgrade his handset until it is totally 100% obsolete.
Loves babies. Particularly babies in his family, but if you show that fucker any baby, he loves it. He's like a grandpa pinching cheeks.
Waited ten years before -uh- consumating his relationship with Dolores. Before that point he didn't allow himself, knowing that it was crossing a rubicon. Sheer stubbornness carried him through his horniest teen years but, at twenty three, he gave in. This triggered one of multiple nervous breakdowns.
Had a slight pre-sexual crush on Viktor when they were kids that he didn't realise was a crush at the time. He is now grossed out by it but it makes him laugh too because it's symptomatic of how weird their childhood was.
Secretly admires and envies Luther for his open-heartedness and moral certainty.
This list is definitely non conclusive. Five lives rent free in my head.
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fearowkenya · 10 months
Winds of Change
In a perfect world, all it takes to make things right with Lopmon is a punch to the face and a sincere apology. In a perfect world, if the timing's just right, the worst can be avoided. In a perfect world, it's easy to make amends. But this is not a perfect world, and Shuuji has to take the good with the bad if he and Lopmon are going to come out of this mess stronger.
Chapter One: Clouds on the Horizon Shuuji's trying his best to recuperate from what happened in the waterway, but it's difficult to recover when Ryo's determined to commit a misdemeanor
ao3 link in source, extended end-of-chapter author's notes below cut!
chapter 1 of this behemoth of a fic ive been working on is finally out!!! it's taken me just over a month to get the whole thing done, and im really excited to be posting it. i hope my formatting is okay - i dont have a beta reader, so im stuck relying on my own perspective. it's not a big deal now, but as the rest of the fic is published, i can see myself getting a little worried about structure and pacing.
the driving force of this fic was my dissatisfaction with the tonal dissonance that part 6 has during truthful route. in every other route, it works GREAT. but because nothing bad really happened in truthful save for some ooh ahh scary fog, the kids' fearful reactions seem totally exaggerated, and it's such a shame! so one of the main ideas behind this fic is figuring out what would have to happen in part 5 truthful that could make all the mistrust and paranoia in part 6 actually feel warranted.
if you've read the chapter, you know what my answer is! i won't elaborate on it now, but when i post chapter 2 next week, you know i am absolutely not going to shut the fuck up about it.
the other driving force behind this fic is actually two small things rolled into one.
first: there's an easily missable conversation between ryo and shuuji during part 6 if you click around in the shopping district. it's so silly. i love it. i didn't see it during my first play of truthful, so when i found it during my current one, i damn near fell out of my chair when i clicked on the ice cream cooler. fuckin got jumpscared by ryo and shuuji's portrats popping up like a pair of bowling pins out of nowhere.
second: ryo and shuuji just don't show up at ALL during the fight against garurumon. like i know the reason they don't is because the game dev situation was probably quite dire and they had to cut stuff in order to make deadlines. it kinda sucks, but i imagine it was totally out of their control. im sure if they had the time and resources they wanted, there wouldve been an alternate version of this fight where shuuji and ryo are included, but im actually not super bothered by it because it means i get to ask the question "so what were they doing instead???" well, if you take the stupid ice cream cooler conversation into account, it implies that the reason that shuuji and ryo miss SUCH A MAJOR FIGHT is because they're too busy having their stupid competition. Unbelievable. but that's actually quite convenient for me, because that's the exact window of time where half the segments of this fic take place.
anyway, that's gonna do it for chapter 1 notes! thank you for reading this far, and i'll be back with chapter 2 next week!
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invisibleraven · 1 year
'things you interrupted me to say' just has PeterPatterLina vibes to me
"Just had to goad the bad guy didn't you Luke?" Julie grumbled as she flexed her hands in the handcuffs binding them to their chairs.
"He was wrong about later period Impressionism and he had to be taught," Luke replied.
"So not the point," Julie sighed. "Do you happen to have your picks within reach?"
"In my other suit, sorry," Luke replied. "You got a bobby pin hidden in those curls?"
"Unfortunately not."
"How long do you think it'll be before he comes back to gloat about his plan going off under the FBI's nose?" Luke mused.
"You think he's coming back?" Julie snarked. "I know you're only a consultant, but you know as well as I do the bad guys usually don't come back to monologue."
"I mean, yeah, but this guys just has that aura you know?" Luke said. "Total attention seeker. Why else would he have a life sized portrat of himself in the lobby?"
"That was a tad gauche wasn't it?" Julie asked, wrinkling her nose.
Luke winced as his earpiece almost blew out and then lit up. "Reg!"
"Wait, do you still have your earpiece?" Julie asked. "We could have radioed for help ages ago!"
"Sorry, it lost reception when we went underground and I guess designing it like a hearing aid made them less likely to take it," Luke replied. "Yay for bad guys who aren't ableist dicks."
"Can you two stop your banter for one moment and talk to me please?" Reggie said with a sigh. "I swear this is the last time I take van duty when you guys are on a case."
"Reg says it's our own fault we got caught because we didn't bring him,: Luke said smugly then winced when Reggie sent a blast of feedback down the line.. "So I paraphrased. A bit."
"I mean at least Reggie doesn't backtalk the bad guys unless they insult Star Wars or Dolly," Julie said good naturedly. "Does he have a fix on our location and a plan to get us out of here?"
"Reg?" Luke asked. "You got a plan in that big sexy brain of yours?"
"Of course I do," Reggie replied. "Look, there is a pick sewn into the lining of your shirt, find it and get yourselves free."
"I really need to learn how to do that," Julie said as she rubbed her wrists once Luke snapped the handcuffs off. "What does our genius boyfriend want us to do next?"
"Well he says the door is probably guarded and they took your gun," Luke said. "No windows, and no grates."
"I can hear a boat horn nearby," Julie said. "And gulls, so we're near a pier."
"Concrete is standard, but the paint on it is new," Luke commented.
"I've got agents who are converging on you, so sit tight," Reggie stated. "Good thing I put a tracker in Luke's earpiece."
"You did what now?" Luke questioned.
"I put one in Julie's too, but they smashed hers, so I guess I'll have to make a new one," Reggie replied.
"Did you know he was tracking us?" Luke asked Julie.
She shrugged. "It makes sense. I'm an FBI agent, you are a criminal working with the bureau under probation. We do tend to get into trouble quite a lot, Makes sense to me."
"I am wearing a literal ankle monitor!" Luke protested, waving his foot...which had the bracelet removed. "Well I was!"
"Yeah, but we have to take it off for so many ops and bad guys toss it to avoid getting tacked when we don't, this seemed easier. And easier to replace," Reggie replied.
"Before you ask, no this doesn't mean you can go without the ankle monitor," Julie stated before Luke could even form the question.
Luke pouted, but he knew that this was the deal. He helped solve a bunch of white collar crimes, he avoided prison and worked out his sentence in way that he loved, with the two people who had quickly captured his heart.
Sure they had to keep their relationship a secret to keep everything above board, but he only had a few months left, after which he could get a legit job, and then the three of them could live a perfectly normal life. Well as normal a life as a throuple made up of two FBI agents and a former conman could.
"I hear gunshots," Julie said.
"Brace for impact," Reggie warned. "I'll see you two on the other side. Stay safe."
"You too Reg," Luke replied.
"We'll see you soon, keep the van running," Julie said.
"Always do," he said.
They made it out in one piece, managed to make a few arrests, and got the paperwork done with some fleetness. Meaning they could go home to Julie's place for a night in-with no interruptions.
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a-boros-named-seamus · 10 months
I have no idea what the right terminology for this is but holy shit the way gay, bi, pan, and trans men get portrated on the internet wigs me out. Like.
A great microcosm of it is how the term fujoshi is used (on here at least).
If the best term you can use to describe your community means nasty/unweddable/undesireable woman, and your community is built arpund being fans of m/m content?
As a gay man that squicks me the hell out
I love me some BL, i love me some yaoi, i actively search out the m/m equivalent of harlequin romances, but the implication that it makes you nasty or undesireable to like that content?
(PS: No I'm not trying to strawman anyone here, it's just something ive noticed in 10 years on the platform. I am not James Somerton)
(PPS: yes, i know it has specific context on the japanese side of the interney, i do not care, it's still a creepy way to call yourself a fan of m/m content)
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dyrewrites · 1 year
I did some more narration tests, read until the first scene break for each, so they're a bit long.
The Portrait and Don't Look are not published yet, but will be soon.
The other two are on Amazon, as ebooks, and all this practice is to make audiobooks for them.
Edit: added another one >.>
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arctasy · 1 year
Hi! Sorry to disturb you, but I want to translate this work of yours (https://archiveofourown.org/works/48506764/chapters/122355742#workskin) on my native language. Is it okay? Are you against this? Ofc I will credit you as author!
I really love how you portrated tnt duo there, and I want to share this vision of them with my other native-language speakers!!
aaaa this makes me so happy, of course!!!! just make sure to link the original somewhere :]
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midorides-ka · 28 days
More Lilypad SMP themed art!!! Thank @hurr1cane-sketches for this update
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Stormy's oc (design by Stormy) ^^^
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Gucci's oc (design by me) ^^^
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@gaspshichat and I's ocs (both designs by me) ^^^
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And then my oc, Suru!!!!
Side note-
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ramyeonguksu · 1 year
This is very random but I just wanted to thanks you for doing the portrat and now uniform reference for three houses characters, you don't have an idea of how much this helps me to finally put my ocs desing into place 💕
You are angel
Aaah thank you so much for the kind words!!!
The portrait guide I mostly made so that people don't bother me about commissions when they can try to do it themselves DSHJKF whereas the uniform references was just me having too many thoughts about them and needing to put them somewhere ahahahaha
I'm always open to help others with their FE3H OCs so if you want some feedback for the artwork/design my DMs are open!
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