#positive derek lycan
d0yqrlkciaz · 2 years
4 5 1 7 8 9 2 6 3 0
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Things I Loved About MyStreet: Starlight.
Melissa being a kinda sister towards Aphmau.
A plushie insulting Aphmau.
Derek being dumb.
Rachel acting more loveable and motherly.
Sylvana and Rachel’s rivalry.
Character development for Aphmau. Finally!
SYLVANA’S character development. Which was killed off in When Angels Fall, but we can enjoy it while it lasts.
Kawaii~Chan finally getting a backstory.
Derek getting more backstory too. Except we never get more after When Angels Fall... we are left with the 30% we are given. For now.
Garte FINALLY just being Garte. He has been a big comic relief forever and now he can finally show that.
Zack’s laugh.
Zack literally just snuck up on Derek just to scare him by speaking. I find that funny.
Zack just says really weird things by accident. That’s why I love him.
Rachel loves Sylvana’s cooking more than her own.
Eric being a normal overprotective father.
Elizabeth talking. That’s all.
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romeave · 3 years
tw for fantasy discrimination
the mys werewolf discrimination thing is…so incompetently written. jesson’s attempts to show how werewolf stereotypes are harmful is totally undercut by how they’ve also made it the rule instead of the exception.
the restaurant owner is portrayed as bigoted for not letting werewolves into their restaurant, but the text totally validates his position. broken glass is both a safety hazard and property damage and physical fights endanger other patrons and staff. nearly every werewolf we’ve seen breaks glass, it’s literally a running gag.
katelyn has to get over her werewolf prejudice, but her reasons are justified by the text. werewolves are physically stronger than humans and meif’wa, pdh has rules against werewolves fighting non-werewolves for their safety. violence is a huge part of werewolf culture, the hierarchy is based in who can win in a fight and werewolf students pre-aph being alpha used to solve problems by throwing fists and each other into lockers. her little brother nearly died because some werewolves beat him up. the pup trio is ostracized for being an exception, they don’t reflect the majority.
the origin of werewolves a myth is a descendent of shad who got cursed, and his descendants can literally kill people with their eyes. this myth is actually true, and the only ultima we hear about who hasn’t committed mass murder with his eyes is derek “capital over kids” lycan
furry is played like it’s an anti-werewolf slur, but, like, the only time it’s used doesn’t support that. the furslur gets used on aph, who is a human known for taking the werewolf leadership spot and changing the entire system to fit her image. she infantilizes and fetishizes werewolves from freshman year til she’s nearly thirty, and has used werewolf ears/tails as a costume or a gimmick at least five times. the big bad no-no word is solely used against people who are gross about werewolves.
this is, like, rwby tier bad fantasy racism. mcd werewolves have their own issues but mys is just so blatently bad!! literally who thought this was a good idea!!!
edit: changed tw
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Hello! Uhh can i get a male knight reader x donna beneviento in Soulmate AU?
You can write this whenever you can! :)
Broken Truth: A Soulmate AU? Hmm... sounds interesting enough but how shall they meet?
*STATIC*: Have him crash through Miranda's window during a Lord Meeting, fighting a beast, killing it, apologizing, then laying eyes on Donna and kneels before her, expressing his love.
Broken Truth: Well, aren't you blunt? Sorry, my friend, but I think I have a better idea. Let the words weave together.
Quick Note: The Lord of the Stone Castle shall be named Derek - Meaning 'Power of the Tribe'.
[Mother Miranda's Chapel]
"Yeah another failure, Karl?" Mother Miranda glared at her 4th Lord with disapproving eyes.
"You can't blame me, Mother Miranda." Karl retorted as he pointed the cigar in his hand, "No matter how many lycans I send up that bloody mountain, those fucking stone bullets either tear them apart or give them perfect headshots!"
"It would seem your pets are just as useless as you, Child." Alcina smiled as she smoked on her cigarette with a smile.
"Fuck you, Lady Super-Sized Bitch! You try sending those swarms of flesh-eaters you call daughters up there so they can see how it feels to be torn apart by fuck flying rock!" Karl said, a smile appearing on his face when a scowl appeared on Alcina's but before she could say anything - The Mother of the Village spread her wings and silenced them.
"Enough bickering like children! This is not helping us learn the secrets of the stone castle." Miranda said.
"Stone Castle? What Stone Castle?" Angie asked from her mother's lap.
"On the face of the mountain - where the stone & village meet - there's a massive castle that is hidden by the fog but it overshadows the village more than Castle Dimitresu." Mother Miranda began.
"Mother Miranda wanted to see what was up there but My Daughters & I can't make the journey, Salvatore can't use his powers without water, and your dolls would get shattered out there. Therefore, Mother Miranda deemed it better if Karl sent his beasts up there to see what is there." Alcina continued.
"But every time I send Lycans up there, they get shot down by stone bullets or are sliced to pieces. It's impossible and we have no idea to get there." Karl finished and began to lift his cigar to his lips when...
The glass window above Miranda's head shattered and a cloaked figure leaped through the shards, landing in the middle of the 4 Lords & the Village Leader. The figure was dressed in a black outfit with metal plates on the chest, knees, and shins but there was no protection on his arms that showed his pale skin. His gave was a mask under a cloak that was longer on his right side & split open his left shoulder - showing his full left arm. Around him - small stone danced just like metal would dance around Karl.
"How dare you?!" Alcina rose with her claws out but a stone shot in her direction and hit her in the center of her body, making her sit again.
"Remain seated, Dragoness. I am a simple messenger." The man said under his mask.
"Who the hell would send a message to us?" Karl asked.
"You should know - you have been sending your beasts up his mountain for the most time of a lunar cycle." The messenger said.
"The Castle? You're a Messenger for the castle?" Salvatore asked from his position.
"I am - I speak for King Derek, The Stone King. He is annoyed with wasting the time of his tribe members when they could have something better to do. However, your transgressions have revealed something to him." The man stopped for a moment before lifting his hand and pointed at the Doll Maker, "Lady Donna Beneviento."
"Donna?" Angie looked up at the veiled woman, who was stunned.
"Y...Yes?" She whimpered.
"Fear not, My Lady - I shall not hurt you; I would never hurt my Crowned Queen." He said, making everyone gasp.
"QUEEN?!" The other lords said.
"Lady Donna, you have a strange mark on the underbelly of your right wrist, correct?" The messenger asked.
"I...Yes." Donna pulled up her sleeve and showed the strange mark, "Do you know what it is?" She asked.
"That is a name in our native tongue & not just any name - That is the name of my king - King Derek. His name is upon you because you both are soulmates, just as your name is upon his." The Messenger explained.
"His Soulmate?" She looked at her wrist, "How can that be when I have never met him before?" Donna asked.
"That is where you are wrong, My Lady. Think back...to the day you saw a white raven." With that - the floor under the messenger's feet opened, swallowing him whole, before reforming as if he was never there to begin with.
Donna thought back to what the young man said & her eye widened under her veil when the memory began to play.
She was walking through the shadowy forest, looking for some more wolfsbane to add to her collection but she got distracted by the sound of a lovely flute being played. She followed the tune and came to a clearing where the sun shined its divine light and in the center was a massive boulder - upon that boulder was the strong finger of a man with...a white raven perched on his shoulder as his cloaked face played the carved flute in his hands.
Donna was so entranced by the beauty of the bird & the softness of the melody that she didn't know she was walking closer to the boulder - to the man - until her foot stepped on a twig. With a crack, the soft melody stopped as the bird and the cloaked man looked in her direction and time seemed to stop. From the darkness of his cloak, Donna could see something shining - his silver eyes - a silver that almost matched her own.
The wind danced around both of them as they stared at each other in pure silence but something was...connecting. Even though this was the first time they saw each other...
They felt as if they had known each other for an eternity.
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mzkora · 3 years
Scott McCall Appreciation Week—Day 5–AUs
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Rating: Gen
Tags: Not!fic, AU concept, Fandom Fusion—Firefly/Teen Wolf
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So, I got this notion of Teen Wolf IN SPAAAAACE Where Scott is Captain of a rundown, old ship called Serenity given to him to operate by his boss Deaton for things like supply runs and cargo transport and the like but also so Scott and co could go off on adventures, have a life beyond their backwater moon Lycan.
Going with Scott is of course his best friend and pilot Stiles Stilinski who is a complete smart-ass disaster until he’s behind the wheel. Right there next to him is his wife and co-pilot Lydia, the brains of the operation from a wealthy but stifling family.
Also part of the crew is Allison “Al” Argent as weapons specialist. Born out on the Rim to a wealthy, corrupt, and violent family, Al has struck out on her own seeking redemption and a better way to live. With her is Isaac, (secretly a werewolf) and former slave of her family that she fell in love with. They’re both on the run from her family’s organization: The Silver Chain.
Then there’s the beautiful but abrasive Companion, Jackson. Abandoned on a Core World and raised by a wealthy family before joining the Companion’s guild and getting trained. Now he’s out in the black seeking his birth family and fighting his feelings for the annoyingly kindhearted and hopeful Captain McCall.
The last original member of the crew is Kira from a dusty moon-world like Lycan but smaller. She comes aboard as the perky, positive engineer that keeps their boat afloat with smiles and hard work.
On a particular run Captain McCall opens the ship to passengers and here is the odd assortment:
1) Miss Erica, a beautiful mysterious young woman seeking a new life somewhere, anywhere.
2) Shepherd Boyd, a young man orphaned by war and raised in a monastery. Having recently joined the order, he is now off to minister and guide, but unofficially he is seeking his long lost sister.
3) Doctor Derek Hale from the Core, traveling with his invalid uncle Peter Hale who is in a profound catatonic state having survived a terrible fire that claimed the lives of the rest of their kin. Shady and pampered Derek is slow to trust and not at all forthcoming about the events of his life nor about his family’s secret werewolf nature.
4) Theo Raeken, secretly a chimera working for a deeply mysterious organization known by some as the Dread Doctors, a group of amoral scientists who like to experiment on people and werewolves in order to create perfect beings. His task? Track and retrieve a certain Alpha that was rescued from the clutches of his employers and creators before their experiments could be concluded. His cover? Lawman.
Join the Serenity and her crew as they come up against secrets and rogue Alpha werewolves and dangerous hunters and seemingly ubiquitous corruption on their quest to survive and thrive and love and live in their own terms.
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peearrdee · 5 years
4, 5, 6, 7, 11 and 15 for Aaron. If that's too much then you can do 15 6, 11 instead uwu
Ah, Aaron Lycan. Someone please get this man therapy.
Do they snore?
Yes, and he sounds like a puppy. He’ll whimper and bark, too.
What do they sleep in?
Usually just shorts or pajama pants, sometimes a tank top in winter.
Did they have/still have a comfort object?
I mean yeah. Woof, a chonky little wolf plushie given to him by Derek. Probably the only decent thing Derek did for his son. He’s still pretty attached to her.
How many layers of blankets?
None, or a sheet. Werewolves overheat quickly.
Sleep issues?
Definitely. The guy has night terrors and violent nightmares. Both trauma induced. Please let him go to therapy, Jess.
What position do they sleep in?
Aaron sleeps on his back, but if he’s sharing the bed with his S/O, he snuggles up with them. He finds the contact soothing.
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lupuslxna · 5 years
“Take the knife out!”
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     ⊰ ☾ ⊱~; Letting out a small grunt, Derek really wanted to roll his eyes at the redhead, alas there was a bigger problem preventing him from basically desiring to move. Every tremor in his upper body when he tried to get some more air into his lungs was like a painful stab, jabbing at him- especially the area of the right lung. The glimmer of something silver could be made out even before moving closer to inspect the matter, not that the wet spot spreading around the object which seemed to be impaled tightly between the lycan’s fourth and fifth rib.      “I....am trying...”Derek didn’t care if his tone came over a tad colder, whispered through the gritted teeth whilst trying not to shift more in his standing position-which he will not be able to hold for much longer if the amount of blood loss was any indicator; the wound would not stop bleeding nor could it close up since the knife remained inside. What struck him odd the moment that a random teen they met on their stroll through the woods, was that he didn’t bother staying around after attacking Derek, he just ran away as if the apocalypse itself had been on his heels. “Wolfsbane.....”Realization struck fast then, there was an unmistakable trace of the damn thing which was now slowly like a snake slithering around his very heart, wrapping around the shivering organ in order to ‘take a bite’, make it stutter and lul into an everlasting dream.                              Why didn’t he smell it already miles away??                                       How did he allow such an error....so stupid                                                         Daring to at least move his head a bit, tilting it to the side so that his gaze would meet the wide, brilliant shimmer of emerald, the wolf took few more shaky breaths as he tried  to offer a smile...there was no time.” Pull it out...just do it. Lavi.....”The action itself was risky, but unfortunately also the only one giving him the option of survival. Thankfully tho, Derek had to learn it the hard way how important it was to have at least a lighter on him, so scorching the hell outta this wound- while hoping that the type of Wolfsbane was not of the stronger genus- was always a dire card to play.
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li0nh34rt · 7 years
So... I did a thing...
I don't really know what happend, but I did it. I wrote a short thingy, one scene. In the matter of an hour. I never wrote before, it was always just in my head, but this scenario wanted out. I hope you like it and please - don't be too harsh with me, guys! :) PS: English is not my first language, so if you see any mistakes, I am always grateful! ♥ Control Liam's anger was getting the best of him. It was clear to see for everyone and not even Scott could deny the fact that his first bitten beta needed help. He had to get back in control before his amber eyes turned gold. So they tried. Derek's mantra, Satomi's, even some ancient lycan ones that Deaton had in one of his books – nothing seemed to help. It was as if with Hayden's goodbye she had taken Liam's self control with her and in a way she had. Scott knew that loosing an anchor was never easy – Hell, he clearly remembered what a wreck Allison's death had made of him – but Liam's IED made the whole situation ten times worse. Long story short, the pack was pretty desperate at this point and the upcoming lacrosse game didn't really help relaxing. It was the night before the game Lydia, smartest girl of the school (of ever, if you ask Stiles), finally thought of something. “Guys”, she said, thoughtful, “you remember the zoo, right?” “Vividly...” Stiles shivered. “After Liam told us the story I almost felt sorry for Nolan and that means something.” “Come on Stiles, he isn't that bad anymore. Fear can do pretty awful things to one's mind.” That was Scott, morally correct as always. “I still don't get why we trust him. We already have to watch out for Theo and his character, why would we need another one we can't trust in the pack?” Malia grumbled from her position half ever Scott's lap. Her boyfriend shrugged: “I don't know. He seems a lot less murderous since he came back from... well... hell.” “Anyway!”, Lydia tried to make herself heard, “What I was trying to say, when Liam told us the zoo story, how he almost killed Nolan because of a bad anger episode. Who hold him back? Theo. Who saved Liam multiple times the past few month? Theo. Who almost died to save Liam's life in the hospital? Theo!” “Please don't tell me that you mean what I think you mean, Lydia!” Stiles groaned. “You can't be serious!” Scott sat upright, thinking. His hand still in Malia's hair, he answered: “Maybe Liam isn't responding to any of our methods because his wolf has already chosen. Maybe he can't have a new anchor because he already has one.” “But why is he still out of control then?” Stiles asked, still not particularly fond of the whole situation. “Think about it. Theo is gone for now. Liam may not even know that his wolf needs Theo... This actually makes sense.” By now Scott has pushed Malia completely off and started to search for his phone. “What the hell are you doing there?” asked a clearly disgruntled Malia when she sat up. “I am calling Theo. Liam needs his anchor.”
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Hey!! Do you know of any fics based off of the devil wears prada? Or PA stiles who works for derek or peter or even chris? Ty❤️
I want PA!Stiles of Chris!!  Why does this not exist?? Rude.  I did find 2 TDWP fics, and the rest are assistant!Stiles to pretty much exclusively Derek (there’s one Peter hiding in there, if you squint).  Enjoy!  -Emmy
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The Alpha Wears Prada by SLCKat 
(2,266 I Mature I WIP)  *sterek, stanny
All Stiles Stilinski wanted to do was get a good crime beat at a great paper in New York City. This is so far from what he wanted that he was pretty sure there were hidden cameras somewhere.
CEO Of His Dreams by Shippings_galore
(3,675 I Teen I Complete)   *sterek
Stiles works for Hale Industries, and gets premoted as Derek Hale’s personal assistant. So what if Stiles was in love with that man? Derek could have two cents to his name and Stiles would still fall head over heals for him. He can deal with being with his dream guy. He can do it. He will not get swept away in all the madness that is Derek Hale.
Hot and Bothered by islandgirl_246 
(4,019 I Teen I Complete)  *steter
Peter rolled over and groaned. He felt like someone had taken a jack-hammer to the inside of his skull, and sandpaper to his throat. He groaned again, but tried to shift his body towards the edge of the bed to swing his feet to the floor.
The room swam when he attempted to stand and he was forced to plop his butt back down onto his 1000 count sheets and wait for the wave to pass. Shit, he couldn’t afford to get sick. He had a meeting with the Jessic Group this morning and Talia would have his ass if he was late.
Hale Publications by AlphaDerekMakesMeDrool 
(4,716 I Not Rated I WIP)   *sterek
Teen Wolf meets Ugly Betty meets The Devil Wears Prada. The Hale family own Hale Publications. The flagship publication is COUTURE magazine, Derek’s just been put in charge and anywhere else is where he’d rather be. Stiles has an interview for a personal assistant position, who knows how this might end?
That Thin Line in and Out of My Bed by fadedhues 
(5,611 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek
“Ow,” Derek says, scowling, rubbing his bicep where Laura hit him.
She retorts, “That’s what happens when you zone out and eye-fuck your new assistant, Derek,” crossing her arms and jutting a hip out.
(aka the one where Derek is a CEO of his family’s company; enter Stiles, his new assistant, who happens to be extremely fuckable)
Behind Closed Doors by WhenItsDarkOut 
(7,234 I Explicit I WIP)   *sterek
Stiles has no idea what he’s doing. His best friend just set him up in an internship in one of the biggest companies in New York.
Derek Hale knows what he’s doing. He does everything alone and knows exactly what he wants. But when Stiles comes in, he’s the first person Derek’s ever met that isn’t afraid of pissing him off. Derek doesn’t put up with misbehaviour
And misbehaviour deserves punishment.
The fanfic where Stiles is really clumsy and Derek punishes him with a good fuck
Derek Wears Prada by Clotzx (Ladymacabre) 
(10,000 I Mature I WIP)   *sterek
Based off of:http://acawolves.tumblr.com/post/38323869779/sterek-au-derek-wears-prada-a-naive-and
Stiles starts working at Trend, a magazine run by Derek Hale.
What a Pair We Make by tugela54 
(16,095 I Explicit I Complete)  *sterek
When Stiles’ boss unexpectedly goes into rut, he offers himself to the lycan, knowing all too well how utterly terrifying it can be.
  Will his gamble pay off, or ruin everything…?
If We Could Match by InTheArmsofaThief
(23,455 I Explicit I Complete)   *sterek
As Stiles waits behind the camera during an interview, he thinks he should maybe quit.  Because, in all honesty, despite the charming smile the actor is pulling out for EW, Derek Hale is kind of a jerk.
Not Like Bond and Moneypenny by WhoNatural
(29,869 I Mature I Complete)  *sterek
(AKA, the Ugly Betty AU where Stiles is totally Betty)
Stiles thinks he’s finally getting a break when a job at the sleek, sophisticated, Alpha Magazine opens up - but soon realises he’s not going to be writing anything and instead is playing tutor-slash-babysitter to their new Editor-in-Chief. Derek’s spoiled, grumpy, in way over his head…and so painfully attractive it makes Stiles want to lick his face. So there’s very little choice in the matter.
 “Totally not like that,” he maintains, “It’s not like we’re Bond and Moneypenny.”
 Scott gives him an excited grin, chuckling. “Dude, you’re totally his Miss Moneypenny!” he says, eyes wide like the world just finally started to make sense. “You’re the only one who won’t sleep with him even though you’re dying to.”
Double Negatives by i_am_girlfriday
(31,020 I Explicit I Complete)  *explicit
Derek is a high powered lawyer, and a born and bred Upper East Sider. Stiles is a broke actor who’s grateful to land a full time job as Derek’s newest assistant. Their working relationship is one hundred percent professional…except for when it’s not.
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houndoommegamaster · 7 years
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A request for TheDrock900, his RWBY OC. Name: Xedrek Knight Gender: Male Age: 23 Allegiance: White Fang (Former, set to be terminated), Beacon (Graduated), Lone (Beo)Wolf (Current) Species: Faunus (Wolf) Weapon: Lunar Eclipse (Masamune, Sniper hybrid) Semblance: Quickfoot- Enables one to remain undetected from sound and radars for long periods of time. This semblance can only be used through movement. Likes: Full Moon, Crispy Chicken, killing Grimm, new found friends of Team RWBY and JNPR Dislikes: Faunus Racists, isolation, heat, Roman Torchwick Bio: Orphaned at a young age, Derek Lycan was brought in as a secret agent of the White Fang. He has been ranked as one of the best for several years until at the age of 14 when he was sent on a mission to assassinate a supposed family member of the Schnee Dust Company. In the forest of Atlas, he saw how close the chosen target named Winter Schnee was to her family when she was given the position to work for the military of Atlas. Her father and sister Weiss showed great affection of sadness that she was leaving. Realizing from watching this that everything about what he had been doing since he was young was wrong; he then had a change of heart and missed his target on purpose. He watched as everyone took cover, then escaping far into the forest. Upon returning as a failure, he was scheduled to be terminated by the hands of Roman Torchwick himself. He was able to successfully escape and decided to rename himself Xedrek Knight to help hide him from those who began searching for him. He dawned a dark coat and went into hiding while fending for him, and kill the creatures of Grimm that dare oppose him. 3 years later, he was discovered by Ozpin and he later took him under his wing to train him as a huntsman. Upon graduating with top marks, he decided to become a vigilante/mercenary as a Lone (Beo)Wolf. His DevientArt-> thedrock900.deviantart.com/ His YouTube Channel-> www.youtube.com/channel/UChhfm… Also how in the world did I make a sniper sword hybrid weapon???
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lupuslxna · 5 years
"I think you activated something..."
Adventurer/Explorers Sentence Starters
    ⊰ ☾ ⊱~; His eyes closed, Derek did stop dead in his tracks as a silent, yet loud(to his ears) popping sound made itself present; coming just right from underneath his foot. There was a low rumble bouncing off those walls of the cave, further down the darkness and deeper into the seemingly endless corridor from which came also other, quite different sounds that the lycan did not find soothing at all. “Oh, you think?!!”    Making sure not to shift from his current position, Derek did a pretty neat job turning his head enough so that he could glare at the redhead behind him. Whilst it was his own idea to go first since he is someone who could heal wounds, and mend broken bones faster than a human- no matter how skilled and strong Lavi was, and he knew that actually quite enough. Something inside of him refused to let the younger male lead this expedition into the cave, that was harboring all the strange writing, pictures which seemed prehistoric and looked as if a child had taken some chalks and scribbled away all possible fantasies of their heart. If he had to then he will become THE barrier between Lavi’s life and death.    “You should head back, get the others to try and find SOME meaning behind the motives on the wall.” Swallowing a bit harder there were some droplets of sweat gathering on the back of his neck, the heat seemed to have gotten up few degrees as did the humidity in this darn place. “If I can, I’ll follow you back after ....whatever is triggered here, either kills or wounds me.”There was a wide grin stretching his lips from side to side, and the shimmer in his eyes now glowing with the hue of azure, Derek let out a snort and nodded his head towards the entrance they used to get in here. “Go, I’ll be right behind you.”
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lupuslxna · 5 years
“I’m no stranger to death, but that doesn’t mean I want to talk about it.”
     ⊰ ☾ ⊱~; “Not exactly a subject I love to indulge in either.”Derek’s features became blank, jaw clenched tight as she made every effort to relax and settle into a more comfortable position. Calming down no matter how dark and stormy it appeared to be within his own head and heart, this was something that the lycan had to practice and learn to control- even more so when his sentiments could trigger his shift, take away the last bit of his humanity, degrading him into nothing more but a beast. “Death is a force we all come to meet, wanting it or not.”     Tipping his head back and closing his eyes, the werewolf let out a sigh as he felt the familiar absence slowly pulling back the memories flowing through his system. He had to shake hands with death too often. And now here was a boy who looked not more than fifteen, wrapped into the stench of end and demise, a scent so familiar that it made Derek hold his breath. It lingered with Paige, within the ashes of his family, on Peter’s skin and now on his own. “Believe it or not you and I got something in common, we both have cheated death....in different circumstances but still. The fact is, you are a walking corpse, and there must be a MAKER who did this. How did it exactly happen tho...do you even remember that?”
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lupuslxna · 6 years
"iiiii wanna have seeex with the green m&m... With the green m&m~" // cause I still got this stuck instead of the real chandelier song LMAO
     ⊰ ☾ ⊱~; As much as the ongoing debate was wearing thin everyone’s patience, especially since the teenagers - and the young adults now, among them, didn’t see a reason to agree and stick to one given option out of all of them. Derek himself was still deciding himself, torn between two different viewpoints which made a lot of sense, alas, time was not on their side (as if it ever had been) so it would be good to finally settle for one plan.
     Letting out a small hum whilst rubbing the bridge of his nose, the older lycan was just about to suggest a small break so that the youngsters took a deep breath and calm down, sometimes the wolf simply liked to puff its chest up and be stubborn- hell, he knew that from personal experience. What hit his ears next tho made Derek let out a long sigh,  eyebrows twitching a tad upwards while his fingers still did not leave their position, actually he simply continued doing what he started, the deep voice coming from the redhead only continued to spike higher towards the middle and settle into a deeper tone after the ‘green’ part.   ‘I really feel like I’ve been robbed of my spot in the pack to be the most random dude around, I feel stolen from, thieves are among us!’- Stiles added with a small pinch of sadness which could be barely be fished out since amusement was much higher. Looking up towards the roof, the lycan rolled his eyes at the chaos of laughter and groaning which followed. “How is this my life...I’m a babysitter...”
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lupuslxna · 5 years
( thor ragnarok sentence starters ) ❝ I’m not as strong as you. ❞
Thor; Ragnarok
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  ⊰ ☾ ⊱~; Derek had to bite his tongue, gaze locked on the younger male who was hunched forwards, elbows resting on top of his knees, nimble fingers unable to stay still as anxiety spiked through every muscle just before regret and shame flooded it, drowned it into silence. The lycan had known the boy ever since he had been 16, and throughout the years then he had the ‘joy’ of getting to know him and the other members of Scott’s pack; not to forget that a lot had been learned from them as well, not that he would go around parading about it openly. Derek had once upon a time been very naive, hurt, power-drunk and stubborn when it came to finding his own path and purpose once he came back to Beacon Hills. A journey which had left behind too many bodies, and if he could then he would change the course of his actions…as many times before.     Letting out a silent sigh, slowly he approached Stiles, grabbing the chair from computer-desk in order to place it just opposite of the human. Sitting down he ignored the small squeak that it let out once his full weight settled on top the old thing; too old and used for way more things than just sitting. Wiping all those away he pushed them back in order to try and have an ‘open, yet pleasant conversation’ with the boy- no, the man, Stiles had grown up into a much sturdier persona he used to be before. To be honest, the wolf could understand the other male far better than the rest of the pack?   “You are right, you’re not.”The utterance came tumbling out his mouth as if it were nothing but a written down fact that everyone knew, no hesitation there as it was delivered. His attention was solemnly on Stiles, Stiles pattern of breathing, how his heart ticked away like a clock which sped up running to catch more time. Derek was used to it by now, could recognize it as one would a signature on paper. “Because you are much stronger than me.” Lifting both of his eyebrows a tad, quickly he added: “But don’t let it get to your head, I’m not trying to…”-he made a small gesture with one hand as if he drew a line, but soft and not as sharp. “- I mean…not that you need comfort…”Which this was exactly THAT in a sense. Realizing that, it made him shut his mouth to take a deep breath, closing his eyes to gather his thoughts before making a fool out of himself- again. He was bad with this kind of conversations, especially more when it came to this specific person because unbeknown to anyone, it was Stiles who had been his anchor for him as Kate had taken him, turning back the time just to use him anew. “You are, together with the others in the pack…one of the strongest- and most irritating- people I’ve known.”
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   There was a ghost of a smile hidden on the thinned out corners of his lips, the lycan could count them all on all fingers of one hand, those who had this effect him- but in a more positive and driven way. He had always loved a challenge, and boy did Stiles know to do that very often, and knowingly; their ‘perceptions’ about that comparable as they openly embraced it.
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