#possessed raine is so hot help me
krispy-noodle · 1 year
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if they didn’t want me to want them so bad, they shouldn’t have made em so hot
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doki-doki-imagines · 2 months
MK1 men react to their fem s/o wearing an MK9 outfit into battle? 🤭
author note: Johnny, Tomas and Kung Lao reaction here. Some guys are together because I think there is a limit to the kind of reactions someone can have to a partner with a skimpy dress LOL. Writing for these many characters is...hard
If you like what I write consider tipping/commissioning me on ko-fi!
Kenshi Takahashi: -He doesn't have a strong opinion on your new suit. -Mostly because he can't see it. Even with the help of Sento, it's not like Kenshi is able to clearly see, he just notices that something is different. -Things change when you press his thick fingers on your naked stomach, making him feel the strings that keep your dress together. -Kenshi is LIVID. -He is going to tell you he is angry because such an attire won't be safe in battle, but Kenshi is just trying to make you cover yourself up. -Yeah, Kenshi is jealous and doesn't mind manipulating you a bit into doing what he wants, mostly because he thinks he is doing it for your own good.
Liu Kang, Raiden, and Kuai Liang: -They would all stand still, their brain trying to load what is going on. -Like, they find you hot, but their brains work harder this time and tell them "It isn't the right time." -Liu Kang won't push you into covering up, and he'll keep an eye on you in battle. Be ready to get the emperor of earful if you get a scratch, tho. -Raiden and Kuai Liang angers bubble up, but while Raiden won't say anything and try to keep his temper at bay. -But don't expect to see him overjoyed at the end of the battle, for sure the dress elicited more worry and anger rather than passion. -Kuai Liang will be snippy the entire time, he didn't enjoy this stunt, not in front of everyone. -He'll ask at the end if you can avoid dressing like that in front of everyone. "Only if you admit that I'm hot." "Hotter than me, touch my arm if you don't believe me." -You won't touch just the arm.
Geras, Shao Khan, Reiko, Syzoth: -#TeamIdc -Geras simply doesn't mind, not growing up with an Earthreal mindset. -Shao Khan finds you hot, and seeing the blood of enemies on your skin is just a plus for him. -Reiko doesn't really mind, but he'd prefer if you wear more armour just in case? Or directly stay at home; he likes your soft skin. -Syzoth like Geras wasn't raised with Earthrealm's mindset, so he doesn't see anything wrong with that. Another one that is just worried you'll get wounded easier.
Bi-Han, Rain, Havik, Quan-Chi: -#Areyouinsane?Theyareworse. -They are jealous and possessive. They won't accept you dressing up like that for battle. -Bi-Han gets insanely possessive even in a normal setting, he absolutely needs to work on that. He thinks that kind of dress is right just if it falls on the floor in the next .25 sec thanks to his deft hands. -Zeffeero usually isn't too strict, he doesn't mind a deep neckline or vent, but this is too much. It looks closer to lingerie rather than a dress and Zeffeero will die before letting you out like that.
-Havik is anger incarnate. He shouts like a madman and his face being corroded makes him look even scarier. -Quan-Chi is a mixture between the two, closer to Zeffero, tho. He won't lash out, but his revenge will slither slowly, hitting you harder than any outburst.
Shang Tsung: -"What a sight for my eyes" He says after whistling. -His voice is deep, caressing your egos with compliments. -Shang Tsung really doesn't mind your attire, if anything you are now a perfect bait in case he needs to escape…
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bluecollarmcandtf · 2 months
"Dude, I took over your dad's body.."
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"...and goddamn is there a lot of him to work with! I've been a ghost for years now, but I've never been inside a 6' 3" ex-linebacker! I've been checking him out all afternoon, and let me tell you that this man is big and hairy all over," he punctuates his comment with a wink.
Your dad, the man you've looked up to your entire life, is saying things you don't want to think about while casually laying on the couch in nothing but a robe and booty shorts. The urge to puke is suppressed, but you know that Jimmy has crossed a line here. Your deceased friend has possessed bullies, professors, and more, but he's never had the balls to take over your own family. What was he thinking?
"I jumped into him while he was at work. I think his coworkers probably found it strange when I picked up his briefcase and waddled his ass out the door," Jimmy chuckles at the memory, "But don't worry. Your old man had plenty of sick days he wasn't gonna use."
It doesn't take long for you to burst out in anger at the spirit controlling your father. Your face is hot, and you can't stand to watch your dad get puppetted around like a fool!
"Calm the fuck down!" he swears uncharacteristically, "Give this big guy a hug. Come here. Daddy needs some love..."
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The thought of hugging your father while he's being forced to act like this feels wrong, but you relent. A part of you is glad for the embrace. It might not actually be your dad, but paternal comfort is exactly what you need right now, and your real dad isn't the type to give his child a hug.
"That's it, son," Jimmy pets your head with your father's thick hands, "Let daddy take care of you. Let your dumb old fart-of-a-father give you some much-needed attention."
You can't help but chuckle at the self-deprecating joke. Your real dad was too proud to laugh at himself, and he'd never made an effort to be anything other than distant and formal with you. In fact, there was a lot your real dad would never do; he'd never leave the office in the middle of the day, he'd never lay around the house like a lazy bum, and he'd certainly never let his hairy chest and thick legs be on full display in front of his disappointing gay son.
Suddenly, while still embraced, you realize there's something poking into your waist.
"Sorry, dude," your father whispers in your ear, "I guess your dad is just happy to see you."
You push him away, insisting that Jimmy needs to stay out of family members' bodies because this just feels so wrong! You search the pair of unnaturally blank eyes for any sign that Jimmy might be listening to you.
"You need to relax, bro," your dad (Jimmy) groans in annoyance. He looks disappointed, but then he sparks up and gives you a new look of excitement. "Son," he says with exaggerated machismo, "Take a page from my book and learn to chill out. It doesn't matter what the world thinks about you or me. I'll prove it to you..."
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With a placid grin and blank gaze, your father lumbers past and marches straight out the front door of the house. You're almost too stunned to follow. Was Jimmy really going to parade your dad's body around the neighborhood in nothing but his robe?
"Afternoon, neighbor," your father's rumbling tone bellows across the street, "Lovely weather, today. My son thought I should take my fat hairy gut for a little stroll in the sun. You know us dads have got to keep our boys happy. Am I right?"
Mr. Jones stares at your father from his porch, just as shocked as you are. He often drank beers with this man and every other neighborhood dad at backyard barbecues and living room game watches. This was not how he normally interacted with the man, and it obviously struck him as weird.
"You alright, Bob?" he asks hesitantly.
"Right as rain, neighbor!" Jimmy answers with a tone that's too goofy to pass as my dad's, "If that's how you're staring at me now, I wonder what'll happen if I take this robe off..."
Before Mr. Jones can process the flirtation in your father's voice, you shuffle your dad further down the street and away from the whole interaction. That may have been hilarious, but Jimmy was going to destroy any reputation and respect your father had around here!
You demand to know where Jimmy is going with this body. It's not like you have any ability to even slow the ghost down when he's got the weight and strength of your 200 lb father.
"I'm thinking the park. Your dad could use some cardio," he smirks, an unfamiliar expression on the grown man's face, "Or maybe the public bathroom on the north end. You know, it has that hole in the stall..."
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No amount of reasoning or arguments can change Jimmy's mind. Apparently he's set on wearing your father to the city's most notorious gay hookup spot.
"Don't look at me like that," his gravelly voice sounds amused by your frustration, "With me in charge, your dad will be the dirtiest slut that bathroom's ever seen. Don't you think it'll be funny to see such a massive, manly bear serving man after man in there?"
You sigh in disbelief.
"Or...maybe I don't have to rent out your dad's body to a bunch of strangers..."
You wonder where he's going with this. It sounds like an ultimatum is coming, and you don't like the idea of your crazy dead friend giving you an ultimatum.
"...your dad could hold off on bottoming for strangers...if...you let him be your submissive little bitch."
The choice is an annoying one, but you're pretty sure you can't let your dad have unprotected sex with strangers in a public place. This is what he'd want right?
"That's what I thought," the grin on your father's face twists maniacally. He tussles your hair like he's the proudest dad in the world, "Let's head on back home, buddy. Daddy's gonna lick every inch of sweat off that body of yours. He's got years of emotional absence to make up for."
One of his beefy arms cradles your back and turns you around. You're relieved to no longer be headed towards the public bathroom, but you're still a little nervous about what awaits you at home. How does Jimmy expect you to enjoy any of this when it's your dad doing all these things to you?
"Daddy's gonna treat you to a night that's all about you," he goes on, "Cooking you dinner, rubbing your feet, cuddling on the couch, and so much more. I want you to think of some humiliating things daddy can do for you while we walk back. Make sure they're extra degrading or your dad will just have to step out of the house and degrade himself where the entire city can see..."
The last comment gives you butterflies in your stomach, but it also gives you a bit of a hard-on. Maybe Jimmy playing with your dad wasn't so scary of an idea after all. With him possessed, anything was on the table: personal affirmations, some much needed bonding, roleplay, revenge, humiliation. Heck, you could even give your father a golden shower and Jimmy would have him smiling through it!
Walking home, you steal glances at your dad, towering over you as his rotund gut leads the way. Home can't come fast enough!
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yeosbbm · 9 months
dont go to bed angry….
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Smut | MDNI
genre/tags: bestfriends to strangers (??) to lovers/college au
pairing: stem major! fem reader x dance major! woo
summary/plot: you and wooyoung have been bffs since you came to seoul for college. you two have been inseparable and are always there for each other. however, when you have a serious upcoming exam where you need woo the most he’s.. strangely been avoiding you ? after a heated argument with him on a flooded night he stays at your dorm till the storm passed over. he finally confesses the cause of his avoidance…in your bed .
warnings/prevs: not proofread semi toxic wooyoung, dirty talk, light choking, biting/marking, dry humping, spooning, fingering (fem received), oral (fem received), unprotected piv (wear condoms bro.), somnophilia, dubcon, possessive wording and actions
a/n: this is my first work ever PLEASEE SPARE ME OK. but yea enjoy ik it’s lengthy you can honestly skip through it if you’re only interested in the smut rather than the mini bit of plot 😭
“woo can you bring my textbooks over to my place I left them at yours 🫠”
Read. Every message for the past month and a half Woo either gave a delayed 1-2 word response or no response at all.
You sigh and sit your phone back down to continue studying and writing down your biochem notes. You have an exam worth 80% of your grade for the semester. Your professor is ruthless and has high expectations for your score. For the past month you’ve only had time to study, eat and shower meaning you’ve had to abandon all task and activities that don’t involve your biochem grade.
Typically when you were overwhelmed or had mountains of work to Wooyoung would be there for you. Since you started school abroad you and woo have been attached to the hip, sometimes getting called thing 1 and thing 2 by school admin and others on campus. Being a dance major he had so much more free time since he was already so talented and got the routines and choreographies down fast.
So whenever you had no time to take care of yourself, Woo was your right hand man to help you out. He’d bring you food, bring your favorite drink in, help with laundry, and remind you to eat and have free time whenever you got too caught up in work. Or he’d simply just be there for you, sitting by you writing or typing away keeping you company and making you laugh.
You reciprocated his kindness by coming to watch and support him during his rehearsals or whenever he presented his choreo to the dance teacher. You’d bring him his favorite treats from the student center and a hot towel or cold drink whenever he was exhausted from practice or rehearsing. Massaging his aching shoulders and calves in the dance room until he felt good as new. In all honestly you always had a crush on Woo I mean cmon ? He’s beautiful, but you’ve always pushed your feelings away to hold onto the friendship.
But lately Wooyoung has been so cold, never texting back and whenever you catch him on campus with San and Seonghwa he’d glance and walk faster. It��s beginning to hurt. You want to give him the benefit of the doubt but it just feels as thought he no longer wants nothing to do with you. He doesn’t even come over, you’ve spent the past month and a half by yourself cooped up in your room writing notes and sleeping alone.
While trying to open the next 76 slide PowerPoint your teacher assigned to you, a small epiphany that perhaps Woo is just as overwhelmed as you are and probably needs a boost comes into your mind. You were sure this was the best way to bring him back into your life. Finally getting up from your study desks you put on some quick slides and grab your tote bag so you can grab some treats for Wooyoung from the campus stores since you knew that around this time he’d be in the dance room.
After finally getting the treats you notice despite it being warm outside there was a light trickle of rain but you paid no mind to it, you walked into the dance room seeing Woo, Hwa and San sat stretching and talking. Wooyoung is relaxed slumped over stretching his legs, laughing and flashing his handsome grin to the others. However when Wooyoung sees you approaching he shoots right up and instead of being joyed to see you he looks irritated and dismissive.
“Hey Woo I got you these cookies and chips idk if-” You’re cut off by Woo’s cold stare. It’s as if you didn’t even know him, or moreso he didn’t know you.
“Not hungry give them to San, your textbooks are in my cubby. ” He says it so quick that it’s obvious he’s trying to shoo you away as soon as possible. You toss the chips to San and shove the rest of the treats back into your bag. You quickly get your textbooks out his cubby and toss them in your bag as well.
“Idk what I did to you Woo but lose my number and continue to leave me alone, I’m done being your friend.”
The sky is officially grey outside and your mood is ruined. You’re shuffling through campus square trying to make it to your dorm. While walking through you see all of your peers and other students with their ‘person’ or friend group. While the one person you turned to the most is giving you the cold shoulder. Tears welled up in your eyes and you take out your phone to see the time and whether only to see a notification. It’s a story post from Woo. You open it to see Woo posed with Hwa and some random girl in his class, the caption made your chest feel heavy.
“My favorite girl here”
That was the final straw. You blocked Wooyoung everywhere. You couldn’t even walk around anymore and sat at a bench to cry your feelings out while nobody was around. So many thoughts circled your mind, but you finally snap out of it once you feel the rain trickle harder and harder on you and the thunder begin to roll.
After running over to your dorm using your arms as a shield from the downpour you finally make your way into your single dorm. Instead of finding solace and peace once you open the door and step in..you find Wooyoung sitting on your couch, obviously waiting for you to come home since who knows when.
“Who let you in.” You sighed trying to hold composure, immediately heading to your kitchen to sit your bag down.
He gets up from the couch using his forearm to block you from walking any further to sternly say, “Why did you block me.”
“You know exactly what you did and that it would hurt my feelings.”
You stare into his eyes, gritting your teeth in frustration of the situation, you take a breath and look away from him to mutter a piece of your mind.
“Why do you even give a fuck about what I do. I’m nobody to you from what I remember.”
Wooyoung rolls his eyes and opens his mouth to give his rebuttal but you immediately cut him off. “No text no calls, I can’t even come see you without being pushed away. You don’t give a shit about me anymore admit it.”
“Look you’re overthinking, it’s been a while but you know that post wasn’t that deep.”
“Not that deep? Fuck you Wooyoung get out.”
You attempt to push him away but he grabs your forearms. You look up to see him with a clenched jaw. He notices the tension within the air and the discomfort in your face and softens his grip, he looks down at the ground as if he’s calculating his next response . He lets go, and rather than grabbing his things and walking out he brings you into a hug.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been distant yes. I know you’re mad but please understand it’s only because I ha-” His words come to a halt once a crash of thunder interrupts him and the flood warning amber alert rung excessively seconds afterwards.
You remove yourself from Woos hold and stare at your phone. After realizing what was happening you then walk over to a window to see the damage the storm had caused. The flood wasn’t complete danger since you’re on a higher floor of the dorms so it luckily won’t affect you as for tonight. But, Wooyoung has no way of getting home since the roads were swamped. There isn’t even a single bus attempting to go through these roads. You sigh and turn with your heel to bring your gaze back to Wooyoung.
“I’ll sleep on the couch it’s no worry..”
You look at him up and down, and it’s up until this moment you realize how much you’ve missed him just by seeing him sitting at your place again.
“We can share a bed. I’m mad but I’m not a monster, just be out by the morning or whenever the flood clears.”
Woo mutters a thank you and you walk into your bathroom to be left alone and wash off the tension from the stand-off you a Woo had.
You showered and changed into some cute pajama shorts and a pullover sweater with your college’s logo on the front. You’re beginning to drift off but hear Woo finally come out the bathroom. His hair was damp from the quick shower he took after yours and he sported a white tee and some grey sweatpants he left here the last time he was over for a movie night. You continue to lie on the bed and pretend to not acknowledge Woo as your best attempt to give him the cold shoulder. After some minutes, your eyes almost rip open when you feel a dip in the mattress due to Woo finally resting on it. He gets on simply resting on his side but slowly makes his way towards you and begins to big spoon you and hold you as close as possible.
You want to kick him from behind and tell him to scoot over, but you haven’t felt this much comfort from Wooyoung in so long. Plus considering you want him gone by maybe tomorrow, you’ll take every bit of affection you can get. After some time and a million raindrops later you drift off to sleep.
You wake up still being somewhat caught in your sleep only able to hear a slight shifting accompanied with the dense rain hitting your rooms window and thunder rolling within the sky. But, once you become more aware of your surroundings, you feel Wooyoung shifting around and rolling his hips into yours from behind.
That’s when you begin to hear the low groans and sighs. It started with him slowly humping into you faintly not making too much contact but now he’s switched into grinding his hips in a more methodical bold fashion. You laid there feeling the print of his cock collide with your now wet cunt. Then he stops.
The sudden stop in movement caught you off guard and brought you back to reality. Did that really happen ? It couldn’t have . He was just moving around to get more cover…or maybe to get more space right ? But you know for a fact you felt his bare hard cock underneath his sweats, pressing into you from behind. And you know for a fact your pussy was clenching and dripping while he was doing so .
You convince yourself you just need more sleep, he was just shifting to get comfortable, or maybe he’s just a boy having a wet dream. You close your eyes, following the pattern of the rain to hum you asleep.
Moments have passed and you wake up again but to an even more obvious disturbance. Wooyoungs head in between your thighs taking careful bites out of them. You had no words and can only gaze at the taboo display.
He kisses and licks the marks he was leaving but once he realizes your breathing changed he looks up and finally makes eye contact with you. However, instead of uttering a humiliated apologizing or explanation he uses his teeth to bring your pj shorts and panties down. When they’re finally low enough for him, he parts your legs as if this interaction was normal and while making dead eye contact with you licks a stripe up your cunt and ends the line with his lips around your clit.
Your mouth goes agape and you let out a shocked but pleasured moan only able to watch.
“I’ve loved you for so long y/n you don’t understand. I can’t lie about my feelings any longer. I just want fill you with my cock, just ruin your pretty pussy” He puts two fingers into your cunt and gets back to working on your clit, making sure to make as much of a mess as possible with his saliva.
He brings his face off, your arousal and his saliva glistening on his pretty lips and chin. He licks the mess off his bottom lip so he can say more.
“I want you y/n. For me alone. I haven’t texted you or called because I couldn’t contain how I felt. I was scared you’d be uncomfortable or brush me off because of your studies.” He takes out his fingers and brings his mouth back on your cunt. Sloppily making out with it and bringing his tongue in and out of your hole. Sometimes bringing his face back up just so he can spit on it and make an even bigger mess.
You didn’t know what to say, consumed by both pleasure and confusion. Pleasure from him finger fucking you with precision and purpose constantly prodding that one spot in your cunt that makes your back arch. The confusion with how he can casually explain himself with his fingers so deep inside you. All you could manage was to moan his name and spread your legs even wider.
At this point, your pajama shorts and panties are gone..probably dangling off the corner edge of your bed or discarded on the floor, only woo knows where he tossed your bra off to while the college sweater you went to sleep with is now rolled up, exposing your breast and torso. Wooyoung finally brings his face away after you cum all over it. As you moaned and whined in ecstasy, he kisses you making you taste yourself on his lips.
He puts himself back into the big spoon position he was in when you both first fell asleep. He kisses and marks you up a bit more in the crook of your neck while lightly toying and mounding your breast in his comforting hands.
He brings his face back up to your ear and carefully whispers..
“Inside…please can I put it inside..let me fuck and cum in you” He rolls his hips lightly into yours for emphases. “I’ll never avoid you again, I’m yours I won’t leave your side again” His hand drops to your clit slowly adding pressure and applying deep circles.
You moan and turn your head away from him, the closeness and intimacy is overwhelming and you’re now caught in a whirlwind of heat filled pleasure . You know you want this bad, but your mind is filled to capacity with so many thoughts. Will this ruin the friendship ? Will things be the same ? How will everyone view you two after this ?
Woo notices your overthinking and brings his free hand higher and begins to softly wrap it around your neck only lightly squeezing forcing you to make eye contact with him.
“ I don’t want you to leave my side either I want you to walk around with a piece of me with you at all times” He plays with your clit faster making you take quicker breaths. “Don’t you want that..always having a piece of me inside you ? Right y/n?” You nod and mindlessly mewl due to being so fucked out from his hands and prior his mouth alone.
“Oh baby I knoww” While cooing to you he plunges his fingers back in as he did in the beginning. A pornographic moan falls from your lips as he deeply fucks and curls his fingers into you.
“Your cock please put it in I can’t take it Woo please !!” You call out with the small bit of voice you had left in you.
Woo lifts your leg up and brings his cock into you. It easily slips in from how worked open you were and you feel him stretch your soft wet walls and his tip kiss your cervix. He starts with hesitant experimental thrust, but as soon as he realizes you’re comfortable and want more he begins pounding.
You can’t help yourself and can only moan and babble . As he bullies his thick cock into you the only thing that falls from your lips is fucked out nonsense and pleas for him to not stop.
He momentarily slows down now and brings his face down so he can bite down on your neck. Once again rolling his hips so sensually, the contrast of the knot slowly building up inside you from his slow yet heavy thrust and the pain and harshness of his bite makes you go dumb.
“You take me so well, look at you..so pretty. Fuuuck I’ve only imagined this with my cock in my hand.”
He lifts your leg higher up. Something about this spooning position makes Wooyoung reach the absolute depth of your throbbing cunt. He roughly rocks his hip into yours, you can hear the wet obscene sound of him driving his cock in and out coinciding with the heavy ran outside.
“I’m about to cum so deep in you..y/n I love you so much , stay with me, I don’t care just stay by me” A choked I love you too was all you could say as you came all over his cock, his release and orgasm following suit. You felt his warm seed paint your insides, it’s complete luck that you’re on the pill. Wooyoung drags his cock out and puts you into an embrace.
He peppers and ghosts kisses over your face while you lay limp in his hands, the rain has finally stopped and filling the room is you and Woos soft breathe. You both drift off all over again.
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thedovesaredying · 3 months
Monsters in the Dark | Nikto x Reader | Part 2
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Second chapter of the Cowboy!Nikto AU. Written from the POV of Nikto this time. A reminder once again that there's a prologue and "part 1" is only the first full chapter. The original cowboy AU is owned and created by @ghouljams.
A/N: I'm a day late on my estimation for when it would be done, but life decided to get me sick, busy with uni work, and put one of my legs completely out of action. I also realized about 3 husbandry manuals deep into my research that the chapter would be a bit too long if I included that much information. Instead, the info will be sprinkled in among the next few chapters.
Warnings: Sputnik being a silly girl.
Masterlist: CoD Masterlist
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The weather is downright miserable. While one might assume the worst weather would be torrential rain or unforgiving hail, Nikto is firmly of the belief that there’s nothing worse than a hot, sunny day. It’s hard enough to be constantly covered from head to toe, but to then add on the Texan sun beating down at its full strength? He’s certain he’ll be nothing more than a puddle of sweat by the end of the day.  
At least Sputnik seems to be enjoying the disgusting temperatures. She’s running around the front of the property, completely unfazed by the heat. She welcomes it, in fact, using it as the perfect excuse to paddle into the large dam for a cool swim at the day’s warmest.  
Her paws are caked with mud and grass, so much to her sadness she’s been barred from entering the house, forced to wait until she’s dried off and all the muck has fallen off of her paws. If she’s still dirty by the end of the day then a quick hosing down will be in order, but she’ll likely consider that a fun game too.  
For now, she’s content to lay stretched out on the porch, her side rapidly rising and falling as she pants.  
The weather isn’t the only thing that’s miserable, however. Nikto’s mood has been foul ever since his forced trip into town for new supplies. A certain hyena had decided that she was bored while her owner was away and had decided to chew a rather large hole in the wall of the shed.  
The hole was easily large enough for her to climb through and so, after having already spent most of the day hard at work, Nikto was forced to leave for the only hardware store in town. Some new planks of wood and a hammer not riddled with rust later, and he’s reminded of the invoice he received the vet clinic a few days prior and has also yet to pay for.  
He’s not quite sure what possessed him to go to the clinic in person, but he was disappointed regardless with what greeted him. The receptionist was painfully cheery and seemed determined to dig into his business with her endless questions. He’d left feeling completely drained from only a single conversation with the woman. You hadn’t been there. He can’t fathom why that annoys him so much.  
The hole in the shed was simple enough to fix, even under the intensity of the sweltering heat, but the issue of Sputnik remains.  
Clearly, he can’t leave her unattended for several hours at a time just for work. She’s never had to entertain herself in such an environment and clearly, it’s stressing her out being without her only packmate. She requires both social interaction and physical activity, but above all of that, needs mental stimulation.  
Like a toddler left without a guardian, Sputnik has decided that she can tear apart the house and garden while unattended. Plants have been torn out of the ground, wooden structures gnawed to bits, and most concerningly, large holes dug along the fence line.  
The situation is far from ideal, but Nikto does not abandon his own. He isn’t like those bastards at the CIA who are willing to leave those loyal to them knowing full well they will perish without help. He made that decision a long time ago, and Sputnik’s very name is a tribute to that.  
It was only three years ago, but it felt like eons. It started with a small enemy group hidden deep within the South African wilderness who were utilising spotted hyenas as guard animals. Nikto and his team had cut through the animals both outside and inside the building, even the ones hidden away in the basement below. 
In the end, only a single cub remained; a tiny girl still nestled up against the steadily cooling body of her mother. She couldn’t have been more than a week or two of age, bright eyed as all hyena newborns are, and covered in scraggly fur.  
The other men on the team planned on putting the animal out of her misery, but the sight gave Nikto pause. She was small and defenceless, and abandoned by her cowardly handlers to be killed by their enemy. It was a story he couldn’t help but find familiar. Picking up the infant, she snuggles into his vest, completely trusting of him despite not having known him for more than a few seconds.  
She whines and licks at him as he tucks her into his shirt, safe and warm pressed up against scarred skin. No one says a word, when he leaves the compound with the cub and boards the waiting helicopter for the trip back to base.  
His first thought was to name her Laika, but that name seemed a little too common for his taste, and so he chose Sputnik, the name of Laika’s space capsule and eventual tomb. A tribute to yet another stray who was left behind by those who should have protected her.  
Sputnik would not suffer the same fate; she would never be disregarded like a broken toy thrown into the trash. She’s good, she’s loyal, she trusts Nikto unconditionally. Destroying a bit of property would never be a reason to break that trust.  
Instead, he presses dial on your number and holds his phone to his ear. He’s been thinking it over for several minutes, finger hovering over the button with your contact listed, before forcing himself to press it. For a long while it rings and he’s about to give up when you finally answer with a bright greeting to whoever is on the other side.  
He grunts out your name, listening as you happily chirp his own back at him in return. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” you ask. He can hear the soft rumbling of a car’s engine in the background and can only assume you’re driving somewhere.  
“I require... assistance,” he says after a long pause, letting the conversation drift into silence. While it isn’t necessarily help he’s asking for, it still rankles deeply that he isn’t solving the issue alone. He despises being indebted to anyone for anything, but for some reason he doesn’t get the feeling you’re out to acquire favours from anyone. You’re a professional merely doing what you’re trained for and nothing more. He can admire that.  
“What can I help you with? Is Sputnik alright?” You sound so genuinely concerned about her, so much so that it sounds like you almost drop your phone.  
He glances down at the hyena laying happily at his feet, panting up at him with a broad grin. “She is fine,” he confirms, catching the relieved sigh you let out, “it is behavioural issues she is dealing with.”  
You make a soft sound, clearly intrigued, “well, I’m on the road at the moment heading toward my next appointment, but I should have time to drop in to your place in a few hours. Will you be around then?”  
“да,” he hums, “we will be here.”  
“Perfect! I’ll be there in a few,” you confirm, and after offering an acknowledging grunt, he ends the call.  
He goes to pocket the phone but pauses, glancing at your number. Mulling it over for a good long while, he selects the number and adds it to his contacts. There’s only two other people there, one of them his current workplace and the other one of his old acquaintances from before even his time in KorTac.  
A rather dramatic huff from Sputnik draws his attention from staring at his phone, and he watches her with hidden amusement as she rolls over onto her stomach. She looks up at him with big, sad eyes and a pathetic whine. When he merely rolls his eyes at her she playfully snaps her teeth in his direction.  
“Я не знал, что ты такая королева драмы,” he growls back, curling the undamaged part of his lip at her.  
The hyena, fortunately, can tell he’s still joking despite his deadpan tone and leaps to her feet with a delighted cackle. She shakes out her coat, biting at the air. The moment he so much as twitches a finger in her direction she turns and leaps off the top of the deck, forgoing the stairs so she can sprint across the yard.  
Nikto stands from his chair but doesn’t give chase, watching as the crazy animal spins around in circles before darting off toward the dam again. She dives into the water with a splash, sending muddy water in all directions. He cringes slightly at the sight of the hyena now dripping with muck. At least he was already planning on hosing her down. The rest of the afternoon passes slowly, with Nikto taking some time to rest while Sputnik causes minimal trouble.  
When your car finally does pull up, the poor girl has exhausted herself again, laying in a pile of leaves while she happily naps away. The moment her flicking ears pick up the sound of your truck on the gravel she jumps up again, eyes wide as she takes in the familiar sight. She’s already giggling to herself with excitement, looking between Nikto and your vehicle.  
“место!” Nikto calls, ignoring the sad whimper that earns. He approaches when you pull up, patiently waiting as you drop out of the front seat and close the door behind you.  
When you spot him, you offer a wave and grin, “hey, Nikto!” You take a moment to glance over at Sputnik and he can see her near enough vibrating with how excited she is to come over and greet you out of the corner of her eye. “How’ve you been doing?” you stop just before him, looking him right in the eye, completely unfazed by the monster you’re facing down.  
“We are fine,” he says, perhaps a little too firmly given the way you blink at him, “we require some assistance with behavioural issues.” He quickly amends his statement in the hopes of not immediately scaring you off.  
Fortunately, you’re quick to bounce back, a smile returning to your face, “of course, what sorts of problems are you experiencing?”  
“Спутник!” The hyena’s head shoots up upon hearing her name, “ко мне!” She sprints across the grass, very nearly crashing into his legs with her enthusiasm to heed her owner’s command. “She is getting bored when left alone,” he explains, watching as you reach your hand out for the hyena, “eating walls, digging holes, breaking everything she can reach.”  
Sputnik snuffles at your hand, before whining and immediately shifting to lean up against you, demanding pets. You scratch behind her neck and Sputnik’s tongue lolls out of her mouth in delight. “I’m sure we can work something out to help prevent her from damaging anything else or accidentally eating something she shouldn’t be.”  
“She struggles when left alone, especially during work hours,” he adds on, turning and starting to stalk toward the side of the house where the majority of the damage can be seen.  
“Okay, well she sounds like she just needs some enrichment to keep her occupied while you’re away,” you nod to yourself as you follow Nikto around to the side of the house. Several of the small plants that had been happily growing in little spots around the yard have been either pulled from the soil or completely shredded if they couldn’t be moved.  
You look at the scattered remains of the poor shed’s wall, but don’t look entirely surprised by the backyard warzone you’ve stepped into. You frown down at Sputnik, scratching her between the ears, “what a silly girl,” you coo, rubbing at her ears as the hyena grins up at you with half-lidded eyes, “you shouldn’t be eating all this stuff, it’ll make your tummy sore!” 
Somehow, your baby-talk voice just serves to make Sputnik even giddier, and she eagerly licks at the tips of your fingers. Nikto almost rolls his eyes at the little heart eyes the animal is subjecting you to. It’s impressive, really, how she can remember someone is a friend from only a single interaction.  
When you snap back from your babying of the animal, you quickly refocus. “Hyenas have very powerful jaws, and they love to chew things, so if she doesn’t have enough to keep her entertained then she’ll find something to destroy.”  
“She was given an old tyre a few weeks ago, but it only lasted a few days.” To say he was deeply unimpressed with how quickly she’d torn it to pieces would be an understatement. He knew that Sputnik had quite the bite on her, but to chomp through nine millimetres of rubber like it’s cardboard? Impressive, if a little annoying.  
“How big is your freezer?” you abruptly ask him, and Nikto suddenly worries where this line of questioning is going. Does he need to check the trunk of your car? Regardless, he offers you a nod.  
“Perfect!” You clap your hands together, making Sputnik jump excitedly at the sudden sound, “it’s supposed to be quite hot tomorrow, so I can think of at least one idea for her.” You start listing out what the two of you are going to do rapid-fire with the same confidence and efficiency of any commanding officer.  
You’re in your element, your passion for your work clear as day and you have him following your every instruction. You’re like a fount of knowledge when it comes to anything and everything husbandry related, suggesting changes to Sputnik’s diet, new toys to keep her entertained, and ways to prevent her from destroying anything she really shouldn’t be messing with.  
When you finally end up leaving, it’s long past sundown. Sputnik has grown bored of watching the two of you working in the shed and has retired to her massive dog bed for a nap, so the two of you have been working in comfortable silence. He’s glad you don’t feel the need to fill the air with irritating chatter, only offering corrections here and there.  
He escorts you to back to your truck, closing your door behind you once you’re settled comfortably into the driver’s seat. You roll down the window and offer him a grin, but he can see just how tired you are given how your eyes are slightly drooped. “How much do we owe?” he asks, quickly tearing his gaze from your sweet smile.  
Little wrinkles appear across your forehead as your lips turn downward, an innocent, confused look on your face, “owe you?” 
He resists the urge to roll his eyes and instead just huffs in mild amusement, “payment, for your work.” 
Your eyes light up in understanding and you laugh, “oh, no, don’t worry about that,” you wave him off, “I’m just happy to help out.” You just smile up at him, as if you can’t see anything wrong with what you just said.  
Nikto is forced to remind himself that you’re a civilian, not another untrustworthy operator. Not everyone does things purely for the pay they’ll be rewarded with, even if the very thought of not giving you something in return makes him uncomfortable. He holds his hand out to you, “phone.”  
You blink at him for a second, but quickly do as you’re told, just like the good girl you are. He goes into your contacts and adds his number and details, hitting save the moment he’s done. He doesn’t bother adding a picture, passing your phone back to you, “call us when you require assistance.” He waits until you offer him a nod before he steps back from the side of the car.  
You have an odd, flustered look on your face for some reason, but you’re quick to snap out of whatever daze you're in and give him a quick wave as you put your truck into reverse. He watches silently as you disappear back down the driveway and into the steadily darkening evening, waiting until you’re out of sight.  
Sputnik is absolutely delighted the following morning when Nikto presents her with her blood and peanut butter ice block.
“да,” - “Yes” 
“Я не знал, что ты такая королева драмы,” - “I didn't know you were such a drama queen,”  
“место!” - “Stay!” 
“Спутник!” - “Sputnik!” 
“ко мне!” - “Come!”  
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tulipsforvin · 2 months
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╰┈⪼ ୨ he falls in love with his target's daughter. ୧
a/n: unfortunately three days late to our man's birthday but HAPPY BIRTJDAY BLONDIE !!
⚠️: angst no comfort (SORRY), death.
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[ wise men say, 'only fools rush in' ]
yet here he was — the genius of the century, cunning and sharp minded orchestrator of all noble killings carried out in Britain falling in love with his target's daughter.
he avoided her entirely, replied but never spoke up. he knew that one look at her, once met with her gaze would seal his fate; send him spiralling down the tunnel of love that he's tried so hard to prevent.
[ but i can't help, ]
but conversations & days with her went so easy and before long, he found himself being hyper aware of the little actions she did, the octave and shrill of her laughter, her shift in expression, how hot she preferred her everyday meals.
the man was utterly powerless against her, he realized. it did not matter about the brawns or the brains one possessed. if anyone was able to draw him out to his demise — it would be her. hand her a dagger and he would expose his neck.
[ falling in love with you, ]
william found his mood being entirely dependent upon her own. he valued hearing her laugh, his neck would careen, twist and turn to see what she had found amusing.
all the glances exchanged, the little chuckles and smiles shared made him believe that perhaps, just perhaps god hadn't abandoned him just yet. every thing she did made him not want to throw himself away, he wanted to be caught off guard by her unpredictability. just once more.
[ shall i stay? ]
“smile at me for just a little while. look at me when we talk — just for a little while. stay still and let out fingertips stay in contact for a little while longer once they've brushed against each other. laugh with me as we sip and chat our days away.”
“just for a little while.”
[ would it be a sin?
if i can't help falling in love with you. ]
“let me find sanctuary in your arms tonight and i promise i will be ready to face the world tomorrow.”
his identity had been known to the entirety of Britain. to her. and yet he found himself drenched in a fusion of wretched scarlet and transparent rain, standing Infront of her doorstep.
his head dipped into the crook of her neck, basked in her warmth and her subtle perfume. the touches, the caresses; almost cautious — each one afraid the other was fragile enough to break. their bodies slinked into each other, ran against each other. hurried pace and yet the moves were sensual, almost emotional.
the guilt lay thudding inside of his chest. once this was done, tomorrow, he would deliver judgment upon the father of his heart.
[ take my hand, ]
he did not want to dream big anymore. he had learnt since childhood that the world was a dreary place. chasing your dreams would only lead to demise. and still, if he were to meet his impending doom anyway, he prayed that it would be in her embrace. no matter how much she would come to hate him.
that was the only consolation he could provide than let her spend the rest of her years in agony at the loss of her lover. let her hate him, so her love would not hold her back from loving someone else than the condemned criminal she loved now.
“i'll kill you” it was rage that had swallowed her whole, grief at the loss of her father in the hands of her lover. and yet he did not flinch, even with the muzzle of the gun against his heart.
the man, the fool in love, would swipe away at her tears and smile to her for the final time.
“you breathed life into me when i first heard you laugh all those years ago, it's only appropriate that you be the one to take it back.”
[ take my whole life too,
for i can't help falling in love with you. ]
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𝐉𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐚𝐦 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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All my fics for Jude ♥︎ some mature content (if over the age of 18 and you cannot see them go to settings, content you see and turn off mature block ♥︎ tag on Jude scenarios here
🩷 = mature
Last updated July 26th
A win anyways ♥︎ hi can u write jude x reader comforting him after losing the match?
A blurb with no name ♥︎ Can you do a little blurb with a jealous Jude? Maybe you’re a few years older than him and thinks you’d get along better with Trent?
Anything for you ♥︎ Request: one where jude takes care of you when you feel off/bad and the feeling comes out of Nowhere. Like you start to reminisce abt your childhood and it ruins your mood
The L word ♥︎ hiii could you please write a jude imagine where the reader and jude have a lazy day at home and it’s cute and fluffy and he confesses he loves reader for the first time? thank you 😊
Stay ♥︎ hi my love, would you mind doing an angsty jude bellingham smut where they have agreed to break up as he needs to focus on his career but they decide to spend one more night together and have very intimate but also sad sex before they have to leave eachother (and if you don’t mind have them kinda talk it out and decide not to split in the end if you want) thank you 🫶🏻 🩷
Biggest supporter ♥︎ can u write a Jude Bellingham fluff abt just going to his practices and games and being his biggest supporter
Kissing booth ♥︎ Based on a TikTok I saw. Where you tell Jude you love him while taking photos in a photo booth.
Makeup or breakup ♥︎ Jude says some disgusting things during an argument which results in you leaving for some space. Maybe you'll makeup... 🩷
The way he loves you ♥︎ Headcanon on the way Jude shows you he loves you
What about us ♥︎ Jude lied to you and said he was going to stay with you instead of transferring. You felt betrayed
Lust and envy ♥︎ Summary: IM BEGGING jude smut/angst where him and reader are broken up but he finds an old (rough?) sextape and he touches himself to it (we want details tho intense solo sessions are HOT😩) then yeah he regrets leaving her and wants her backkk, and then maybe shes with another guy and he gets all jealous and possessive (sorry to much details) I want toxic jude soooo bad 🤭 🩷
Soulmates ♥︎ sitting in the car in the rain, you and Jude havs a heart to heart
Initials ♥︎ I just know bf Jude would buy you a necklace or a bracelet with his initial on it 😍
The other woman ♥︎ Jude can’t get enough of you, but he is with another woman that's not you 🩷
My life ♥︎ Jude angst where he tries to break up with the reader because he thinks that his life is too much for her but she’s not having it. Just like ‘yea but no’
Mykonos ♥︎ You and Jude enjoy your time on the beach together but that was cut short when you both decided the hotel room was a better option 🩷
Birthday surprise ♥︎ you surprise Jude on his birthday after being away from him for a while. You give me him a little something as well 🩷
There's this girl ♥︎ Jude and the reader talking late at night because they barely got to talk during the day. They talk about the random things, laughing at each other shitty jokes And stuff. Neither wants to hang up because they love to hear each other’s voice )
Love languages ♥︎ all five Love language with Jude 🩷
Hidden feelings ♥︎ Can we got some enemies to lovers with Jude maybe him and the reader “hate” each other but are in the same friend group and one day reader gets hurt and he rushes to come and help her 😩😩 anything will don’t tbh
Soul intertwine ♥︎ English is not my first language so sorry for the mistakes… I was thinking about something fuffly + smut. Like the reader being innocent and a shy person. She and jude got into their relationship recently and they have had no sex yet bc jude don’t wants to pressure her to do anything (but ofc he wants have sex w her), especially when he starts to realize how innocent she is… he thinks she’s too cute and at the same time he wants to ruin her, he feel the need to protect her. But when y/n is in a convo w her girlies friends and one of them asks about her sex life w jude and she don’t know what to say, she would be curious about it but would be too shy to talk w jude about it he would find it weird that she was quiet and looking bothered by something and would talk w her. After insists a lot, she finally says about all the stuffs that she heard about her friends and she would be “idk how react” and jude gets fully turned on by her innocent but makes he’s best to not show ithe tries to find a way to explain for her without destroy her innocent but she wants to know about everything and she wants him to do everything w her bc she wants to be his. 🩷
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© writing by Iguessweallcrazyithinktho do not steal or repost any of my content anywhere without my consent
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sokonoi · 18 days
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summary. after kuroo’s grand idea for bokuto to fake date you. he ends up falling for you all over again in more ways than one…
WC. 1,351
CONTENTS. fake dating + fitnessinfluencer!bo + college setting + language
note/ there will be 2 more parts to this!
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THE CAFE was once your space of tranquility. Now, it was just home to a giant hotting owl. You never comprehended how anyone could like a man like him. Bokuto Kotaro was imposing & considerable. He took up space the way a balloon did. He’d inflate, and then all eyes would be on him. You tried to duck from his gaze and failed miserably.
Those eyes the shade of a hundred Tuscan suns locked in on you. 
You wanted to melt on the spot, but your dignity held out. His feet seemed to move before his mind did because now he was walking towards you angrily; those thick, owlish eyebrows furrowed as he held his gym bag. 
You couldn’t help but gaze back. Bokuto must have just come from practice or the gym. His clothes clung to his damp skin. Even though you hated him with a passion, you still couldn’t deny the truth. He was attractive. Very attractive. 
“I’ve been looking for you,” Bokuto huffed childlike in his tone. You narrow your eyes, not saying anything. You wouldn’t let this meathead break you. He’d have to break first. That was the only way this conversation would run smoothly, especially without you popping a blood vessel.
You bring your tea to your lips, sipping it softly and taking in your once peaceful place. You discovered the cafe during your freshman year.
The cafe was a cross between modern and natural architecture, which was alluring in some way. The outdoor sitting area had a clear doom to cover it when it rained. Arches in the wall allowed a table and two chairs to sit intimately. Along with the delicate lights that wrapped it up into what made it tranquil. 
Bokuto stood hovering over you, briefly glancing at your papers and laptop. You presumed that his staring carried on for a minute before he says something again.
“You’re ridiculous, you know that.” 
Bokuto sighed, slipping into the chair facing you. Not realizing how insanely close it was. He could almost see your eyes watching him. You nod in agreement at his cynical statement towards you. He shakes his head. 
A hostess passes by noticing you and then Bokuto. Her eyes widen before saying, “I’m a really big fan.” 
You roll your eyes, ignoring that Bokuto was a social gymnast with a summary of 675K followers on Instagram. It's not that you’ve looked at his Instagram page at all. You fiddle with your hands. She probably wasn’t even a fan, just in love with his biceps and deliciously-looking pecs.
Bokuto faces the woman with a kind smile. “Thank you!”
The woman quickly pulls out a mini-calendar of Bokuto, which consists of him being semi-naked on the front with nothing but a cowboy hate covering his private area. 
Curiosity got the best of you. 
”Can I see?” you blurt seeing the bewildered glances before rephrasing the question 
”May I,” you say cheekily.
She does hand it to you like it’s her life possession. You flip thru it quickly, pictures of him semi-naked, speedo, and even a silhouette of god knows what. 
You grin back at her, “How naughty.” 
She blushes, “I know, but I wanted it so bad. Could you please sign it?” 
“Sure,” Bokuto says nudging your foot. 
“Now, if you’ll excuse me I’m meeting a dear friend this evening,” he explains motioning to you. You keep your face neutral even though your insides are flopping. 
The girl compiles grinning from ear to ear. She takes her signed calendar practically skipping and oozing with the need to tell someone who she just meet. 
“Dear friend?” 
“I mean you are in a sense,” he says offhandedly. Bokuto places his gym bag between his legs and puts his elbows on the table. 
“Why are you here?” you grumbled, deciding that working on your essay wouldn’t happen. Bokuto blinked, fidgeting with whatever was close. He hadn’t thought this conversation would get to the point so quickly. “Well, uh. I want you to be my girlfriend.” 
You blink once, then twice, “No.” 
Bokuto nibbles on his lip, “Why not?” 
You roll your eyeballs around making an overwrought hand motion, “I don’t even know you like that? And you could be crazy.” 
“Look, I’ll pay you.” 
Your eyes shot up like a tiny gremlin. The sides of your mouth curl up. Despite yourself, you entertained it. Slowly, the realization of this kinda of opportunity seeps in. You needed money badly, and Thanksgiving at your parents' house would not be fun if you came home with no boyfriend. 
“How much?” 
“I’ll see by how good of a girlfriend you can be.” Bokuto teased. 
“So what?” 
“Is it a yes?” 
“Yes!”you grunted.
A certain silence settles around you both, realizing the magnitude of what you’ve both agreed to. 
“I don’t have your number by the way?” Bokuto notices you holding out his phone to you. 
You take it, typing in your number in his contacts. You lift up his phone, posing for a cute selfie. You set it as the contact picture. You make sure to text yourself so the number isn’t blocked or placed as spam. 
Bokuto takes it back, “So?” 
“I’ll text you my terms and conditions.” 
“Really!” Bokuto squeaks. 
“We can’t fake a relationship without some kinda game plan.” 
Bokuto considers this before saying, “Fine.” 
“Now will you please leave me. My work waits for me.” 
“Bokuto remind me why the hell do you drive this trash?” Kuroo asks. 
Akashi co-signs, “When you can obviously afford a new car.”
Bokuto shrugs unconcerned, his broken-down Honda was none of their business. 
“I got laid in this car for the first time. Betsy is special to me.” 
“Oh God,” Kuroo howls trying to stop the laughter from coming. 
Akashi shakes his head turning away from the madness. 
“So. In short, you’re driving a cum bucket,” Kuroo says with all seriousness. 
“It was one time and I didn’t jizz on the seat asshole. That’s extreme.” 
“What’s extreme is you walking around with a car that doesn’t work,” Akashi inputs. 
Bokuto had a problem with letting things go obviously. 
“Did you call roadside?” Akashi asks. 
Bokuto probs himself up against the car scrolling through Instagram. He stumbles across your page. His heart thumps out of control. He liked you he was man enough to admit it to himself alone. Kuro leans over and looks a Bokuto squre in the face. “You should ask her out instead of stalking her.”
“It’s not stalking.”
Kuro gives him a look that say he can see right through the lies. Bokuto has been watching you since you both went highschool together. He’s seen you when you studied abroad, you trip to turks and caicos and even the yearly Christmas photo with your friends. He’s been watching all of it. It pained a part of him. that couldn’t be sastified all because he couldn’t ask you the question.
“Just ask her,” Kuroo presses.
“I’ve already though of that already,” Bokuto murmurs scrolling through your comments with his eyes glued to the screen.
“Why not?” Akashi asks a gentleness in his voice.
“She hates me,” Bokuto murmurs slumping against his car.
“How come?”
“It was a long time ago in highschool. A guy I knew of made her prom queen as a joke. And apparently she misstok me as being in on it.”
“Yea,” he rasped
The wind whips around softly, grabbing particles of dirt along with it. Kuroo suddenly had a farfetched idea.
“Ask her to be your girlfriend?” Kurro say
“Didn’t I just say—“
“No! Like fake dateing. Like a Pretty Woman type thing,” Kurro exclaims as if he’s come up with something ground breaking.
“No, that feels..”
“Think about it. Offer to pay her, every woman likes money!”
Bokuto shakes his head glancing at your pretty face.
“Man your visting your sister’s farm this weekend. They’re worried. It’ll settle their nerves.”
“But what if she say no?” Bokuto sighed.
“It beats staring at her and being a silent viewer of her life,” Kuroo say
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sokonoi—like or repost ;)
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hypnoneghoul · 2 months
Im happy you liked my thought lol
would honestly love to see something about rain overstimulating the hell out of someone, idrc who but I currently have swussy brain rot so swiss would be cool. But like whoever u want to do
mmm im always down to torturing that ghoul
tentacle dick, anal and vaginal sex, double penetration, toys, overstimulation, biting, nipple play, creampie, possessiveness
Swiss doesn’t know if he’s in heaven, hell, or purgatory. All at once, he thinks, but at the same time he feels like he’s being suffocated and crushed by the earth itself.
“Don’t float away, beam,” Rain’s voice brings him back down. “I need you here with me.”
“Uh-uh,” Swiss replies dumbly and squeezes his eyes as another wave of everything hits him. 
The water ghoul is cruel.
Well, just a bit, because he wouldn’t actually do all that to Swiss if he didn't like it, but…he definitely enjoys it way too much. That thought reverberates through Swiss’ head as Rain closes his lips around one of his nipples again and bites.
The multi ghoul wails and Rain chuckles. His tentacle buried in Swiss’ ass alongside a small vibrating plug scrunches up to stretch him just that little bit more and this, in turn, shifts the buzzing dildo shoved deep into Swiss’ cunt. Apart from that he has a vibrator pressed against his clit and the water ghoul’s mouth on his chest.
He is losing his mind.
“R–Rain, princess, fuck, please.” Swiss doesn’t know what he’s begging for. He needs more, but at the same time he needs all of this to just stop because it’s so hot, but it hurts so bad. Neither of them knows how many times Rain made him cum, but they have been at it for hours. To Swiss it feels like days.
Rain’s cum a few times, too, effectively filling Swiss’s cunt all the way up, but it was nothing compared to what he’s been making the multi ghoul go through. He wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Oh, come on, love,” the water ghoul chuckles and he makes the other look down at him with glassy eyes as he licks a stripe up Swiss’ sternum. It’s cold against his burning skin and he shivers.
Rain’s smile softens and a dumb thought crosses the multi ghoul’s mind—that it’s coming to an end—and he’s so tired and blissed out that he does make the mistake of letting his guard down. He whines, his eyelids droop and his tongue lolls out and Rain can’t help but smirk at how he looks like a thoroughly fucked out cheap whore.
He adores it; he adores Swiss.
Still, Rain is not quite finished. He wants to pull one more orgasm from both of them, and then he’ll kiss every inch of Swiss’ sweaty skin with reverence, appreciation and love. But not yet.
He pulls his hips barely an inch back before slamming his cock back in and pressing the toy against Swiss’ dick and the one in his cunt down and deeper inside with his own lower stomach. Rain grunts at the sweet pained noise the multi ghoul lets out and grinds in as far as he’ll go. Swiss feels him in his throat anyway—no one beside Rain can reach those places inside him.
Still, Swiss needs one more thing to fall down that cliff for the -th time. Rain knows it all too well, and so he latches his mouth on the multi ghoul’s neck and bites down hard, piercing layers of skin one by one and holding. It’s as possessive as it gets and Swiss’ high and wrecked moan vibrates through Rain’s mouth as they both cum again.
The water ghoul doesn’t open his mouth and doesn’t pull back for a while—just reaches to turn the toys buried in the other off—but the nature of the bite shifts. Both the hold of his teeth and his arms on Swiss soften and it turns into an affectionate and reassuring embrace.
When Rain’s jaw starts to ache and he does let go—only to start gently lick at the bite—Swiss is fast asleep under him
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cambion-companion · 2 years
hi!! could we maybe pretty please get a drabble of aemond and female!reader taking a bath together and her taking care of his beautiful hair? just aemond being so in love and letting himself be vulnerable around his lover 🥹 (ive just envisioned him letting out his iconic 'mhm' as he's having his scalp massaged and squealed out loud he's too much for meee) thank you have a nice day!!!
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HAHA just a day in the life ya know! ;) Thank you for all the wonderful prompts, my lovely Anons. I hope you like what I have concocted here.
Word Count: 1919
Masterlist here
Aemond x f!reader | soft smut | fluff | comforting him after a long day
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Rain pattered on the stone walkway as you strode down the outdoor corridor, the sound of clashing swords evidence your husband still trained in the courtyard below.  You drew your long woolen cloak tighter about your shivering shoulders, descending the steps already sprinkled with large raindrops.  Aemond had been out here sparring with one of the poor beleaguered soldiers, the dark-haired man looking like he was about to fall on his face from exhaustion.
Looking over Aemond’s shoulder at your hurried approach, he left his guard open wide and grunted as the Targaryen prince took full advantage, his sword colliding heavily against the man’s torso.  
Aemond turned to see what had drawn his opponent’s attention, his hair slipping on the leather tunic he wore. “Classic mistake, Adian, allowing a beautiful woman to distract you.”
“She is quite a lovely sight indeed.”  Adian’s brown eyes roved your form, causing your lip to curl with distaste.
Aemond smacked the flat of his blade against Adian’s cheek, not gently, causing the boy to yelp and stumble back. “Furthermore, she is my wife; I will warn you just this once to avert your attentions elsewhere.”
Adian bowed to Aemond, and to you, not making eye contact as he retreated to the weapon’s table.  Aemond discarded his own blunted sword before approaching you, swiftly taking you in his strong arms and placing a possessive kiss to your mouth.  You tasted the sweet rainwater on his lips, pulling away to tug at his hand so that he followed you to the shelter of the Keep.
You led him all the way up to your shared bedroom, the spacious area lit from the warm glow of the large fireplace.  
“I had the fire stoked, and a hot bath drawn for you.  Oh!”  You crossed to the nearby table as Aemond began removing his wet clothes. “I also had some hot mead and venison pie brought up from the kitchens.”
The large clawed wooden bathtub sat in the center of the room, steam emitting tantalizingly from its still water.  
Aemond was fully unclothed now, his sapphire eye glittering from the light of the fire. He wrapped his arms around you, kissing your head before reaching behind you to grab a meat pie.  He had draped his sodden shirt and pants, along with his leather eyepatch, to dry by the fire.  He walked over to dip a finger into the water of the bath, humming in appreciation.  Your eyes trailed along the taut muscles of his back, admiring his backside while biting your lip.
Aemond took the last bite of the venison pastry, licking the crumbs from his fingers. “You are the sole reason I do not catch cold after these endless days of training, my love.”  
He slipped into the bathtub, groaning as the hot water enveloped his cold skin.  You carried a goblet of hot drink to him. “It’s absolutely freezing outside; I don’t know why you insist on sparring so long.”
“It helps take my mind off affairs of court, which you know vex me greatly.” Aemond sipped the mead gratefully, raising a hand to squeeze your wrist with his now-warm fingers.
You unclasped your cloak, laying it to dry next to Aemond’s clothes.  He watched you from the tub with interest.  You returned his gaze, your eyes drinking in how regal he looked reclining against the wood at his back, the ends of his silver hair swirling with the movement of the water, his hand holding the pewter goblet over the side of the bathtub.  The firelight played against his skin, accentuating the lines of his muscles, his sharp jawline, the way his curved mouth smirked as he watched you examine him.
“Take off your clothes.”
The violet of his one eye was overtaken by the dilation of his pupil as he looked you over.  “Join me.”
Under his lustful scrutiny, you began pulling at the laces of your dress, until it fell in a pool at your feet.  Stepping out of the heavy fabric, you undid the buttons of your shift slowly, teasing the man before you.  Aemond raised his goblet to his lips again, not once taking his eye off you.
You raised the thin underdress over your head, pulling off your undergarment and stockings as well until you stood bare before him.  
“Hmm.”  Aemond made an admiring noise in the back of his throat, his eye roving your body.
The cool night air prickled at your skin, causing gooseflesh to erupt along your legs and arms, your nipples pebbling as you made haste to enter the warm water with your husband. The tub was big enough for you to sit across from him, your legs entangling with his own as you sank with a relieved sigh into the hot bath.  Little waves lapped at your collarbone as you scooted a little toward Aemond, taking his long hair in your hands and pulling it over his shoulders so you could begin disentangling it with deft fingers.
You felt his hands roam along your waist, up to your breasts where he palmed and squeezed, rolling your pert nipples in between thumb and forefinger.  “Gods you feel so good, so warm and soft.”  He placed a sweet kiss to your forehead as you continued your work on his thick hair, once satisfied moving to caress his scalp.
Aemond, despite himself, yawned, his eyelids growing heavy from your administrations.  Your hands flitted down to his shoulders where you massaged the tense muscles there with gentle pressure.  
“Come closer, Y/N.”  You felt Aemond’s arms wrap around you, pulling you onto his lap, the water splashing over the lip of the tub from your sudden movements.
Your legs curled around his torso, straddling him you felt his obvious arousal nudging against you.  “Hmm.” Aemond brushed his lips against yours, his hand cupping the nape of your neck. “I want to fuck you, right here in this bath.”
“Aemond…” You voice trailed off as you felt him line himself against your entrance, slowly sinking the tip of his cock into your heated core.  You let out a gasp of pleasure, arching your head back as you sunk your weight onto him, until he was fully inside.  Aemond took full advantage, sucking bruising kisses to your exposed throat, guiding your hips up and down upon his cock.
The waves you were creating spilled over the edge of the tub, the sound of splashing water accompanying your increasing moans.  
“You should know by now,”  Aemond leaned further into you, nuzzling into your chest, “I always get what I want.”
Your hands caught in his hair as he took your nipple into his mouth, swirling his warm tongue around it, paying the same attention to the other side.  You kept rocking against him, feeling your walls tighten as your pleasure mounted.
As Aemond continued to suckle at your breast, you placed sloppy kisses to his forehead, leaning your head against him, your lips parted as you felt your orgasm approaching.  “Aemond I…I’m going to-” He bucked up into you suddenly, the contact causing your vision to go white.  
Crying out his name, your pussy clenched around him, the intensity of your climax eliciting a groan of ecstasy from your husband as he followed you over the edge, spilling his seed deep within you.  Aemond pumped his cock into you a few more times, wanting to savor the heat of your wetness a little longer as the both of you rode out the high of your love making.
He raised his head, kissing your lips gently, carding his fingers through your hair. “I will put a child in you, my wife.  The idea of your belly growing round, carrying our little dragon…” He trailed off, unable to find the right words, instead conveying his emotion in the way his lips suddenly moved against yours, his tongue dipping into your mouth to taste you.
You remained tangled together like this until the water had cooled significantly.  Using clean water in the buckets beside the tub, you washed each other off, lathering goatmilk soap that smelt of lavender against your pruned skin and disheveled hair.
The logs in the fireplace popped and sparked, as the two of you, now clothed in woolen nightclothes, lay facing each other on the soft mattress.  You had pulled a heavy comforter over the top of you both, laying on your back as Aemond propped himself up on an elbow to look into your face.  Words were of little use in moments such as these, the tender loving looks speaking more than you could convey aloud.
You rubbed your hand absentmindedly low on your abdomen, the words he’d spoken earlier echoing in your mind.  Aemond, noticing your movements, leaned to press a kiss to your forehead.  His eye had taken on a distant look, as though his mind was far afield in contemplation.  
“In my own desires to become a father, I’ve been thinking about my own of late.”  Aemond broke the comfortable silence, his voice low and soft. “I do not wish to be the kind of father he is to me.”
Your hand stilled upon your belly as your eyes flicked up to meet his own. “What kind of father will you be?”
His hand came to rest upon your body, stroking long fingers upon where your womb lay. “Not like Viserys.  He has never paid me, or my siblings, any attention save to berate or threaten us.  I will not make my child to feel like they are a burden, or unwanted.  Because I do…I do want a child, son or daughter it matters not.”
“No words I can say will right the way you’ve been treated by your kin, Aemond.”  You raised your other hand to trace along his jawline. “My heart aches for your pain, my love.  You deserve so much more than what you’ve been given.”
Aemond turned his face into your light touch, kissing the tips of your fingers. “He has affection for Rhaenyra only, the daughter he named heir instead of his firstborn son.  Even though Aegon has no place wearing the crown of his namesake.”
“It should be you.”  
Aemond sucked in a sharp breath at your words, his hand gripping yours. “I will not lie; it has been on my mind. Tis I, after all, the only son who performs the duties expected of the firstborn.”
“You are learned in the history of your family, you care, Aemond.  That is what sets you apart.”
“And yet I do not exist in the eyes of my own father, I never have.  My half-sister receives all his protection, wisdom and praise.  Even when she sires illegitimate children and puts them forth as heirs to the Targaryen throne…”  Aemond stopped himself from continuing, trying to reign in his heating temper.
You soothed him with a kiss to his neck. “You love your family; you take pride in who you are.  It is natural for you to feel this way…but perhaps with our own small family you can find some measure of comfort, my dragon.”
Aemond kissed you then, molding his lips to yours in a loving embrace, taking his time to drink you in, his breath mingling with yours as you sighed into him.  
He leaned back, pulling you into his arms, running his fingers through your drying hair as you rested your head upon his chest.  The crackling of the flaming logs, the beating of his heart, the rise and fall of his chest, all combined together in their own intimate lullaby.  Your eyes grew heavy, feeling his touch still upon your hair as you lost yourself to a dreamless sleep.
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sanemisstalker · 11 months
hey, I saw your requests are open, so here we go...
imagine rengoku and y/n had a 'friends with benefit' relationship before he passed away, but then he comes back 2 years after his 'dead'.
as half demon.
he's sitting in front of your bedroom window one night and you can't believe your eyes...
he tells you how much he missed you and that his love for you grew stronger every day (soft human ren) but when he smelled that you let giyuu touch your body... oh dear
he shows y/n who she belongs to..(rough demon ren) his other half taking over and fucks y/n so hard and good to make it clear that she belongs to him. only him.
👉👈 hf <3
You deserve the most INSANE head for this concept oh ym fucking god. Oh my fucking g o d. I went delusional when I saw this last night.
CW/ Fem reader, AFAB genitalia, Breasted /Rengoku briefly mentions Suicide/ SPOILERS FOR THE MANGA......../ Giyu's life is on a clock/ Possessiveness/ BDSM Dynamics (mutual ownership)
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-I can imagine how the news would've stricken you in specific. How muted it must have been. Day in and day out of hearing the cries of people much closer to the flame pillar than you could ever hope to be.
-You weren't his brother, you weren't his father- You weren't any of the young men that watched him pass- That had to stare at his, apparently, mangled corpse for hours, awaiting help in the uncomfortably hot air he left in his death.
-Hell, you weren't even a hashira yet. You just... knew the guy a little too intimately. Just enough for it to hurt more than you felt you deserved.
-It's not like he was going to marry you, or even ask for a partnership. They hadn't found a ring on his body in some grand last appeal-
-He wasn't even thinking about coming back for you-
-and it had felt that way for a while, now. You weren't counting the days, but you knew his birthday had passed twice. You hadn't quite remembered yours, but his had come and gone.
-Rengoku always remembered those kinds of details though. He was pretty big on the little things, so much so that he considered no thing too little.
-When the ex-water hashira had dropped off a small gift, courtesy of himself, you were partially confused. You hadn't known Giyu inherently well, nor did you think he paid you any mind.
-'I've been looking for your home for a while.' He'd hand you the gift. 'It was... hard to find.'
-'What is this for?'
-'Your birthday.'
-'It's my birthday?' The question came out more pathic than you'd hoped.
-'I- this may seem invasive... but... before his death, Rengoku had mentioned the date to me in passing. I had to ask around to see what was so important about it.'
-'He mentioned my birthday?' God, you were just full of pathetic questions, it seemed.
-'The... anniversary was just last week...' He was clearly stumbling.
-'I- maybe it's because my years are... numbered... but I- I wanted to put forward his kindness. I was too in my own head to do so while he was alive. Please open it before I say anything else.'
-It was a button. The top one of the demon slayer uniform.
-'I don't want to make any... assumptions about you and Rengoku, but I know, at the bare minimum, he was fond of you. I think he would've wanted you to have something of his... He left most of his clothes to his younge-'
-He'd begin apologizing profusely when you'd start sobbing. You'd collapse into his arms, clutching the box to your sternum and just wailing- A wail you hadn't known Kyojuro would even think you'd be worthy of.
-But Giyu thought you were worthy of it, and Giyu was the only one here right now. You cried in his arms for what felt like hours. You couldn't remember the last time you'd let somebody hold you- let a lone a man.
-His smell was cathartic. Like rain.
-His kiss meant nothing. Neither did the tear filled sex. Giyu was a dying man who'd done an inexplicable kindness. You got to pretend he was there, Giyu got to experience a warmth he'd never been rewarded for throwing a life away.
-You did not want Giyu to stay over in your bed, and thanked that button on your nightstand for his absence when you awoke in the dead of night.
-but Kyojuro remembers the little things.
-And you remember those loud eyes. They were perched at your window seal.
-You blinked once, twice-
-and then his face started to form in the darkness, and you were sure Giyu must have brought some ailment with him, because no. Not your Kyojuro, it must've been a delusion. Or maybe the original wasn't really dead-
-The way he said your name was undeniable. Past the buzz of the cicadas, and the huff of the wind.
-'Y/N.' The man said.
-'Y/N!' There was palpable glee in the air, radiating from the man that claimed to be Kyojuro Rengoku.
-'W-who are you?' You'd croak.
-'...I'm Rengoku Kyojuro?' He'd respond softly. 'It is dark in here, I suppose. I'd meet you in the daylight if I could. I'm... not able, though.'
-How love stricken you must've been. At the mere chance that it was even partially him, you were bounding into his arms. You ignored the clear horns on his head, and bizarre markings along his neck. The undeniable smell of fear wafting from him-
-It was him. You knew even God or the devil himself couldn't recreate his warmth.
-It would take everything to remind Rengoku of his enhanced strength. The feeling of your body in his arms was heavenly- He'd only felt this elated maybe once before, in his mother's arms.
-'I missed you so much. Y/N, you will... Oh no, you're crying. You can't, or I'll cry too.' But he's already crying, afraid of his new found strength, and far too happy to see your face in the moonlight. Even if it's full of tears.
-'Sweet, and beautiful. You're just as striking as when I left. You look so tired... you've slept, right? Please don't tell me you've laid awake for me?' His heart ached at your nod.
-'I-I didn't deserve-'
-'Shshsh-' His hands would run through your hair. It was the first time in so long you'd felt the weight of your body- how slow you moved. 'I should never keep you so restless- come, sleep- sleep-'
-As the high of the night wore down, and Rengoku lulled you to bed with 'I love You's and the like, he felt at peace-
-But the smell of rain on such a dry night was aggravating his nose. He'd know that smell anywhere.
-Rengoku had formed a rather unfortunate temper since his supposed death. Not that he wasn't the same, fiery man at his core, calm, booming voice and all, but something he had never struggled with was the trade marked Rengoku male hot-headedness. (He'd always found his fathers decline in pride more than a little unsightly.)
-And he now struggled with it. Kyojuro had spent the last two years burning every unprompted shred of anger away so he could stand before you now as the same emotionally intact and strong man he'd died as.
-The one he hoped you loved.
-He'd sooner take his own life than take something out on you-
-but that smell.
-When you woke up, he questioned you as gently as he could.
-'Why do you smell like... water?'
-Your admission wouldn't be easy, but you couldn't lie to the man. You'd begin crying again, begging for forgiveness. He'd pull away to look at you with pity.
-'No, no- I'm the one that left you alone for so long. Don't apologize for my faults-' His hands would begin a slow decline down your body, tugging you closer by your ass. Your face would land squarely against his bare chest...
-And his hands- those big, all encompassing hands would move up your spine, to the nape of your neck.
-'Y/N, I'd like to address the elephant in the room.' He'd mumble against your temple as his hands wandered along your frame.
-'You're... You're not entirely human. I understand that.'
-'I... am not entirely right, anymore, Y/N. I want to warn you of that...'
-'I would...' hope, the thought briefly flitted in your head. Though clearly a travesty, Kyojuro had often waited for you to make the first move. The sudden interest on his behalf was more than nice. 'I would... assume.'
-'I don't want to harm, or scare you. Please don't let me do either. If I ever even- begin to... Behead me where I stand.'
-'I-I couldn't-' You'd shudder.
-'You can.' Rengoku would assure. 'I've developed an awful habit.' He'd be squeezing your hip, massaging just rough enough to rock you. He'd pull your leg up and over his own... Slotting himself between your thighs.
-'Y/N, did you let him cum inside you?' The word felt foreign on his tongue. How crude of him.
-'N-no!' You rushed.
-'Did he make you cum?'
-'Mmm.' Rengoku hummed, his large hand running up your thigh. You quivered as he made contact with your sex. 'You haven't had one in a long time, then.' His fingers would slip past your gown, and pull your garments to the side-
-'I- I haven't. It didnt..didn't... feel right-'
-'Nobody can make you cum like I can, right, Y/N?'
-'Nobody.' You rushed. Your body was reeling from his touch. The mere possibility of his cock once again battering your insides was--
-'And this...' One of his fingers would slid into you, your insides still mushy from Giyu's use. 'This is still mine, right?'
-'It's- It's a yours. It always will be.'
-'Even in death?' Rengoku whispered against your temple.
-'For forever- For as long as you want it-'
-'You're my strong girl, right?' You'd nod. You'd be his anything. 'And this,' He'd add another finger, curling them inside of you.
-Part of him was pleased, you were all stretched out and ready. Giyu must have done you well....
-Giyu had no right to do anything with you.
-'This wants your cock?' He'd ask. You didn't even think before nodding. You'd never heard such words from his mouth.
-How daunting
-You'd cling to his bare chest, trying to just get closer. 'Say you want it.'
-'Give me my cock.' You'd slur. 'I need you. I've needed you. Please- please- I need you to let me.... Use me- I-' He'd already done you in, and he hadn't even tried.
-He could never turn you down. Especially not now that he was so much weaker.
-You stayed laying down, your body pressed against his broad chest- And Rengoku slipped his cock beneath your gown. He didn't bother removing your panties.
-He didn't even let you adjust before he wrapped his arms around you tight and just began pumping.
-How cruel, but it was the least you deserved for allowing another man so close. Rengoku would never punish you for it. He was too kind. He was too good, even when a demons blood crept through his veins. Rengoku was just too fucking good-
-'You're-' a hiccup would interrupt your sob. Words were lost on your poor, over fucked mind. You'd never experienced such speed, or such a grind. 'So- good- Kyo-kyojuro---!'
-His hand swiping at your clit was quick enough for it almost feel like vibrations. Climax after climax while your creaming cunt just begged for his seed.
-You felt like you were being consumed. He didnt break eye contact with you once- Not even allowing you the reprieve to look away from him.
-'Open your eyes.' He cooed, still thrusting up and into your pussy with a roughness that seemed almost impossible with such a tone. 'Look at whose loving you while you cum. Look at whose making you cum.'
-He wanted your eyes on him, and him alone. He wasn't sure what animal he'd become if they drifted away. You wouldn't. You can't.
-He'd never been so possessive. Had never claimed you- He had never really wanted to. Marry you, definitely. Kyojuro had never planned to bed you and not dedicate his romantic life to you-
-but you were always supposed to be able to leave, if you really wanted. He wasn't sure he was strong enough to let you do that, now.
-'Say my name again. Remember whose you are, Y/N. Burn it in your head.' He hissed, an unusual quiet to his voice. It made you hang on every word.
-You were his. He was yours.
-'Kyojuro! Kyojuro!' It was all you could manage. Every question he posed, every time he hummed, or thrust, or made you cum- You'd let him seer in across your stomach if he found fit-
-Rengoku had never loved his name so much. He'd make sure to burn it in your head again, if need be.
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buckrecs · 1 year
i am obsessed with husband!bucky and exhusband!bucky🖤 please help me find them ✨you are amazing! thank youuu
masterlist | req masterlist
idk why but most of the ex husband!bucky fics are smut.. I was in the mood for some fluff so here are some husband!bucky (maybe with some smut cuz he’s hot)
here is my ex!bucky rec list so you can read some exes to lovers there :)
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Story Time by @buckyalpine
Bucky tells your little one about how he fell for you.
Remnants of Life by @bi-disaster-yn
Bucky has the chance to get some of his possessions from his life in the 40s back but he needs his wife there to face it with him.
blue neighborhood by @sergeantxrogers
In a town full of self-righteous moms and their rich, suited husbands hiding secrets of infidelity, abuse and verges of bankruptcy, you felt utterly out of place. The target for all their jealous stares and mean comments, you were at your wits end trying to survive modern suburbia. It wasn’t your fault Bucky chose you, right?
Blue by @coffeecatsandcandles
Bucky reminisces your relationship when he sees you in a blue dress.
Bucky Wins His Thanksgiving Husband Card by @buckysforeverprincess
Gladly, Mrs Barnes by @itsbuckysworld
husband!Bucky gets mad when you seem to be spending more time with some other guy and not him.
The Winter Lover by @cat-scratch-fandoms
You and your newly married husband are granted a peaceful honeymoon to a ski cabin.
Video Tape by @botnasty
You don’t want to forget.
Imagine by @becca-e-barnes
Your first date night with Bucky after you have your second baby
Easy When It Rains by @lfaewrites
pure domestic fluff
swollen by @buckycuddlebuddy
evidence of the good loving you got was very visible.
small bump by @bucky-bucket-barnes
Bucky has fought literal armies, survived multiple murder attempts, and still nothing worries him like his pregnant wife.
honey, honey by @buckys-darling
You and Bucky spend your honeymoon in Paris.
Need more of that blue in my life by @foreverdreamland
Reader discovers she’s pregnant, and the reaction from her husband Bucky is not what she expected.
Blessings by @moonlight-prose
twenty minutes was all you had, so you were going to do what could to show your husband how much you loved him.
Under The Tree by @barnesmurdock
You and your husband have a picnic under a tree.
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You and Bucky spend your honeymoon in Paris.
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thebetawolfgirl · 6 months
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We’re Just Friends part 4
Pairing: Timmy x Reader
Warnings: Jealous Timmy, Soft Dom Timmy, Possessive Timmy. SMUT SMUT SMUT!
A/N: This is a looooong one. So grab a drink, in fact get your big water bottle, make a POT of tea, and grab lots of snacks!
We’re Just Friends pt4
Y/n and Timmy were out in the open with everyone now, all their friends and family knew and were happy they had finally gotten together. Their mothers were ecstatic about the news and jumped around in each other’s arms, screaming their heads off.
Their dads were excited about it too, they shared a beer with Timmy and y/n’s dad gave him the talk about treating his little girl right.
They were sitting at breakfast at y/n’s apartment and her phone pinged with an email, she looked at her screen and saw it was time for the annual party at work.
She groaned rolling her eyes reading the rest of the email, it wasn’t her boss that sent the email, it was actually Mason who worked with her. She sighed feeling Timmy come to stand behind her as she read the email inviting her to the work party, and snuggled back against him as he read the email over her shoulder.
‘Who is Mason, and why is he personally inviting you to the annual work party? Shouldn’t the boss be sending these out?’
She nodded rubbing his arms wrapped around her shoulders, ‘We work together, he’s had a bit of a crush on me for a while.’ She felt him tense behind her and smiled.
‘I don’t like him like that, and I’ve made it clear. Why don’t you come with me to the party? It’ll be nice to introduce you to my work colleagues as my official boyfriend.’ She turned to him smiling, watching him reread the email, she leaned up and kissed his neck then his jaw before reaching his lips.
‘I guess it would be nice to see where you work and what you do. You always talk about it, so it would be lovely to see your passion.’
He looked down at her and smiled kissing her back before picking her up of the chair and into his arms.
‘First, we shall have a long hot shower together.’ She squealed as he threw her over his shoulder and carried her towards her bedroom, smiling.
The day of the party arrived and Timmy came to y/n’s apartment, and walked into her room to see her getting dressed and smiled jumping onto the bed.
‘Don’t jump on my bed, Timothée!’
She called from her wardrobe reprimanding him.
‘I hopped onto it very gently, mon ange.’ He smirked getting up and walking to the wardrobe and peaking in.
She was currently trying on a midnight blue dress that had a slight sparkle in it making it look like the night sky, he smiled and walked over to her and surprised her by helping her with the zip at the back, she smiled moving her hair to the side as he leaned forward to kiss her shoulder.
‘We don’t want to be late, baby.’
He nuzzled his face against her neck kissing her skin humming in response as she lay her head back against his shoulder to give him better access.
He pulled her closer against him by her hips, and devoured her neck with kisses and small nips, before she turned to face him and pecked his lips gently.
‘We need to go baby.’ He groaned laying his head on her shoulder before nodding and grabbing her coat for her before leaving the apartment.
‘I called us an uber to get us there instead of walking to the subway. It’s pretty cold outside tonight.’ She nodded and slid into the backseat pulling him in with her and gave the driver the address.
They got inside quickly as it began to rain and walked towards the elevator to the third floor, while Timmy looked around taking everything in. He had waited outside the building whenever he took y/n for lunch and was always curious about what the inside held.
The elevator doors opened onto the third floor where the party was being held and y/n saw the place was packed with people drinking and talking and laughing.
‘A lot more accepted the invitation this year I guess.’ Y/n muttered into Timmy’s ear taking his hand.
He nodded squeezing her hand comfortingly, ‘which one is Mason?’ He asked looking around casually.
He wanted to size this guy up who had a crush on his girlfriend, Timmy wasn’t the jealous type but hearing some guy from y/n’s work had possibly been hitting on y/n irked him for some reason. He followed her into the fray of employees and fancy dressed people towards someone who looked to be y/n’s boss and wrapped his arm around y/n’s waist as she greeted the small circle.
Soon enough they were making their rounds along the room, and Timmy didn’t need y/n to point out Mason because he came right up to her and gave her a very personal hug and a kiss on the cheek, which to Timmy’s delight she backed away from, openly setting boundaries between them.
‘Y/n I’m so glad you could make it, did you get my email?’ The man asked eagerly. Timmy watched him carefully sizing him up, this guy was probably in his mid to late thirties, what the hell was he doing hitting on a twenty five year old woman. Right now he was constantly trying to touch her arm, making it look like he wanted to see her bracelet just so he could touch her hand. Yeah this won’t be continuing, Timmy thought.
He made it look subtle as possible first by wrapping his arm tighter around her waist causing her to look up at him and smile as her boss droned on and on, then he leaned in and kissed the side of her head by her hairline making her wrap her arm around his shoulders.
He could feel Mason watching them closely and hid his smirk against her hair, y/n’s boss then turned to them and asked how long they had been together.
‘Oh we’ve been best friends for years, since we were kids really and grew up together, then… things just happened during a party one night at a friend’s house and we’ve never looked back.’ She smiled up at him and kissed his jawline. Timmy returned with nuzzling her nose smiling and saw Mason frown, and smiled, before leaving to get y/n a refill of her wine.
He went to the bar ordering two drinks before looking over his shoulder to see Mason getting uncomfortably close to his girlfriend and Timmy felt something inside him snap and he took out his phone and began texting her.
Y/n got his text and gulped blushing slightly reading it closely, and looked over her shoulder at him standing at the bar, his back to her.
*I am so hard right now for you my love. You putting Mason in his place by not letting him kiss you, making sure everyone knows who I belong too, it’s so hot. I wish I could take you somewhere right now and let this entire room know who YOU belong too.*
Her breath hitched and her heart sped up as she read the last bit, was he Doming her? What exactly would he do to her if she let him take her somewhere. She got another text
*Why don’t we show timid little Mason who makes you scream?*
She smirked looking over at him no longer listening to Mason saying something about dinner.
*What are you going to do to me, my sweet little Timmy?* she messaged back hearing a glass fall and break and looked back seeing Timmy left the glass on the floor and walked towards the bathroom looking back at her with hungry eyes.
‘He’s very clumsy isn’t he?’ She turned to look at Mason and rolled her eyes.
‘Excuse me.’
She walked away leaving the guy stunned and followed her boyfriend into the bathroom before she was dragged into another dark room and shoved against a wall, before she felt his warm hungry lips on hers, she kissed back with equal force before he spun to face the wall and slid his hands up her dress, before reaching her underwear pressing his full body against hers pinning her to the wall.
‘What are you gonna do to me?’ She gasped as he slid his fingers into her panties till he found her opening.
‘I’m going to make sure Mason knows who you belong too. And make sure he knows where he stands when it comes to you.’
She gasped as she felt his finger slid inside her and moaned as she felt his lips near her ear ‘Who do you belong too?’ He whispered curling his fingers upwards.
‘You.’ She breathed while grinding down against his hand to get him to move.
‘Good girl.’ He whispered as he began to thrust his fingers in and out of her making her groan against him, the noises she was making were just sinful and were making him harder every moment as she writhed against him, he kept his fingers moving in and out of her as he undid his jeans pulling them and his shorts down and letting his hard length bounce free. He ripped her panties straight from her body not wanting to remove his fingers from her pussy and slid into her from behind causing her to squeal loudly and began thrusting into her while still working his fingers from the front.
‘Say it again, who do you belong too?’ He growled against her ear while holding her against the wall, while thrusting into her both with his fingers and his dick.
‘YOU!!’ She screamed.
‘My name. Say my name!’
‘Timothée! I belong to timotheé!’
He bit down on her neck sucking the skin before pulling off and grabbed a fistful of her hair gently pulling her back to make her look at him. ‘Louder! Who do you belong too?’
He began slamming into her hard snapping his hips against her cheeks and pulling his fingers out of her and nearly ramming them down her throat before she can answer him letting her taste herself on his fingers. She moaned against his fingers before he pulled them out and turned her face towards his to kiss her, she grabbed his hair returning the kiss as she felt her orgasm approach, she broke the kiss and pushed back against him as she felt his orgasm approaching too and whispered against his mouth ‘Who do I belong too?’
He continued thrusting into her as his orgasm exploded around him and inside her and he whimpered ‘Me!’ She ground against him as he rubbed her bundle of nerves with his thumb bringing her orgasm making her head fall back against his shoulder as he fell back against the wall holding her tightly against him panting heavily.
She held onto him as they both came down from their high before turning to capture his lips in a heated kiss,
‘Who do you belong too?’ She whispered against his mouth.
‘You. Only you.’ He groaned deepening the kiss by slanting his mouth against hers.
She kissed back turning to face him and straddling his hips and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and holding him against her.
She broke the kiss pushing his hair from his eyes and face, seeing his dilated eyes in the dark room. ‘We should get back to the party, people will be looking for us.’
He buried his face holding her tighter against him, and shook his head ‘No. wanna go home and be naked with you.’ She smiled playing with his hair, before pulling his face up to look at him.
‘Ok, we go out and I’ll tell them you’re not feeling well and we go home and get out of these clothes.’
He reached up and pecked her lips before letting her stand and stood with her and used his phone to find her panties, or what was left of them y/n held them up to his face looking annoyed before suddenly shoving them into his mouth smirking at his shocked face.
She pulled her dress down and walked out letting him sort himself and push her panties into his pocket, she wasn’t getting those back.
Timmy walked back into the function room and saw with slight annoyance that it seemed no one was any the wiser of what they had been doing, in fact people were still chatting and drinking away as if they didn’t hear y/n scream his name repeatedly at the top of her lungs.
He grumbled for some reason annoyed at this, but seeing y/n’s smirk across the room as she spoke to a disgruntled looking mason told him he had heard something he didn’t like and Timmy smirked very happily and heard his phone ping with a text
*You should Dom me more often, Mason just told me he’s never heard anyone make noises like that in his life. You did good, sweet boy.*
He felt his smirk grow wider and his chest swell with pride as he walked over to them wrapping his arm around y/n’s waist.
After saying their goodbyes to the boss they headed home and as soon as they stepped over the threshold Timmy began unzipping her dress immediately and sliding it off her body letting it pool at her feet, he quickly kicked off his shoes and jeans as she unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off him. He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom and falling on top of her onto to the soft sheets leaving the lights out, and began devouring her chest, nibbling each nipple in turn. When she tried to grab onto him he grabbed her wrists pinning them above her head using something silky he grabbed from the bedside table to tie her wrists tightly to the rail.
‘Timmy? What are you doing?’
‘Hungry.’ He simply replied her question and moved further down her body before stopping between her legs and licked a strip along her opening making her gasp as he teased her clit with his tongue, her hips raised off the bed before he held her down with his hands mumbling ‘Don’t move, I’m eating.’
He used his fingers to separate her lips before pushing his tongue inside her making her scream.
Now she knew why he restrained her.
She clamped her legs around his head keeping him there as he darted his tongue in and out of her like he would do with his cock and she pulled on the restraints not caring if they left marks on her wrists.
‘Timmy don’t stop!’ She screamed out as her orgasm came closer as she writhed against his mouth breaking out in a sweat. He grabbed her hips and began riding his mouth against her sensitive pussy bringing her intense orgasm to its peak, She screamed and convulsed around him coming hard against his mouth, hearing him take every drop of her. She panted as she felt him crawl back up her body and untie her wrists before kissing her and shoving his tongue into her mouth making her taste herself on him, he wrapped his arms around her waist laying on top of her with his head on her chest hearing her racing heartbeat.
‘You make a very good Dom.’ He smiled proudly as she petted his hair and he lifted his head to look at her ‘Want me to do it again?’
She smiled at him through the darkness of the room and run her hands up his sides making his eyes close automatically and sigh in contentment.
‘That doesn’t count as an answer’ he breathed out before moving his body up to peck her lips.
‘Do it tomorrow, for now let me take care of you.’
He groaned and rolled them over pulling her on top of him and hissed as she began to grind against him making him even harder than he was when he was eating her out, she lifted her hips and sank down on him until their hips connected with a wet sound. She leaned down to kiss him and rocked against him slowly, as he moved his hands to her hips to help her move, he lifted his hips to meet hers and moaned when he felt his dick go deeper into her, and broke the kiss to let her sit and ride him.
He reached up and groped her breasts pinching her nipples between his thumbs and fingers causing her to slam her hips down on his and ride him harder, as the bed began to rock with them she wrapped her fingers around his throat and gently squeezed bring his orgasm forward a lot sooner causing his eyes to roll back and growl before he grabbed her pulling her down on top of him and slamming his hips into hers to bring her orgasm forward quicker and shoved his tongue into her mouth roughly kissing her and swallowed her screams as she came around him shaking and gasping.
They caught their breathes before passing out in exhaustion tangled in the sheets wrapped around each other and fell asleep quickly.
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aris-ink · 2 years
hiii saw ur open request. can u please write a yandere jungkook dllg one-shot pls 😩
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: romance
warnings: slight allusions to violence (not towards the reader), soft!dom jk, oral sex (f!receiving), dd/lg, daddy kink (i guess?) masturbation + a little dirty talk
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The first thing you became aware of was warmth. Soft lips pressing into your cheeks, kissing your tears away.
"Baby," Jungkook whispered. He stroked your arms under the covers soothingly, trying to pull you out of whatever restless dreams were causing you distress.
You opened your eyes, finding Jungkook propped up on his elbow, looking down at you with concern. It was still dark in the room. You could hear the soft tapping of rain against the window, quite typical for an autumn night.
"Bad dream?"
"Yeah," you answered hoarsely.
"Want me to turn on the light?"
You shook your head. The protection his embrace provided was enough for you, for many reasons; one of them being the fact that Jungkook himself was more frightening than whatever lurked in the shadows. If people had guardian angels, yours must have wandered off somewhere. Or perhaps Jungkook had killed the unfortunate being himself just to take his place. It didn't really matter anymore. No angel would have tainted their pure hands with blood like him to destroy anything that'd cause you harm. And no angel would have broken their own halo just to make it into a crown for you. There were no limits to the love that Jungkook provided; and no safer place for you to be than by his side. He had proved it many times.
There was a hint of amusement in his eyes, mingled with adoration that you felt seep into your body when he leaned in to kiss you.
"Such a brave girl," he muttered. "How about daddy makes you some tea? We can watch cartoons if you want."
No matter how many times you heard it, hearing him address himself as daddy made you feel warm all over, as did his concern for you. He never liked making you go back to sleep after a nightmare, taking his time to comfort you instead, so that when your head hit the pillow again you could doze off completely relaxed. But you shook your head again, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Jungkook chuckled.
"Okay. Then what would you like to do, princess?"
You played with the soft hair at the nape of his neck, the shyness creeping into your demeanor making him raise an eyebrow. Because he knew what it meant very well. His eyes seemed to darken as they searched yours.
"Use your words."
His voice sounded huskier, sending butterflies straight to your stomach, their flutter gentle but insistent. Your grip on him tightened.
"Please, daddy."
He knew what you wanted. He was always so stubborn, and you hoped you could appeal to his caring side to avoid the usual teasing.
Jungkook hummed, lowering his lips to your neck. He started kissing it softly, shifting his weight to hover above you. Your legs parted to welcome him in between them.
Just as he began to lift your shirt, he looked up at you and paused.
"I'm still waiting."
You held back a groan. Jungkook left a gentle, almost tender smack on your ass.
"Don't pout at me, babygirl, it's not gonna help you. I want to know what you need right now."
Your heart seemed to swell in your chest. This wasn't teasing; this was just Jungkook wanting to take care of you. You pulled him in for a kiss, feeling him stiffen in surprise before parting his lips for you. You could feel his cock growing against you as well, the sensation thrilling.
"Want you," you murmured in between the kisses. "Anything, anywhere. Just want you."
Jungkook groaned. This time when he kissed your neck, he did so sloppily, his breath hot and tongue wet against your skin.
"Daddy's got you," he sighed.
His big hands explored your body, like he didn't already know you off by heart. He squeezed your breasts possessively, groping both at once before switching to rubbing your hardened nipples with his thumb.
You shivered.
"Wet?" Jungkook asked.
"Yeah," you breathed.
"Mm. Bet you were wet before I even touched you," he looked up at you, eyebrows raised, daring you to deny his statement. You arched your back softly, a blush blooming on your cheeks.
Jungkook tsked.
"Of course you were. Little girl can't even function without needing daddy."
The tingles of pleasure and desire in your stomach made your pussy flutter, leaking into your panties, just like he knew it did. He started trailing more open mouthed kisses down your body, gripping your thighs when his nose brushed against your belly button.
He took a minute to stare at the wet patch on your underwear, lowering himself further down on the bed to get a better look. Then his hungry gaze flickered back up to yours.
"Wanna come all over my tongue?"
You threw your head back, moaning quietly.
"Yes, please."
Jungkook purred, leaving a kiss on the inside of your thigh.
"Kinda wanna feel you clench around my fingers, though."
He reveled in seeing you fall apart; it was clear. He loved seeing that you needed him just as much as he needed you. And you needed him so badly you could barely think straight anymore.
"Jungkook, please-" you paused, then gasped in realization of what you've just done.
Too late.
Jungkook tilted his head, his eyes narrowed. A moment of tense silence passed before he spoke up, his voice low and tone sharp.
"What did you just call me?"
Your heart skipped a beat.
"I'm sorry, daddy-"
"Shirt off."
You blinked at his command, but forced your unsteady hands to reach for the cotton material and pull it over your head.
Without another word, Jungkook pulled your panties aside and dove right in, his skilled tongue licking quickly through your drenched folds. You moaned, fisting the sheets, your clit throbbing under his bold strokes.
"Always taste so fucking good," he groaned, burying his face entirely in your cunt to suck on it.
You were so wound up that you knew you were going to come soon, and the tension building up inside you felt delicious; until Jungkook abruptly pulled away.
You whimpered, trying to grab onto his hair, but he sat up and smirked at you, wiping his mouth with his thumb.
"You wanna be a big girl now? Then you can come by yourself."
You blinked several times, until you remembered your earlier mistake.
"No!" You shook your head, your thighs trembling. "No. Please, daddy."
But Jungkook was already getting off the mattress. You watched in confusion as he pulled a chair out from under his desk, bringing it to the foot of the bed before taking a seat in it.
When you realized exactly what he wanted, you groaned, shaking your head again.
"Don't be a brat, baby," Jungkook scolded. "Make yourself come and daddy will give you whatever you want."
You exhaled slowly.
"Whatever I want?"
You wanted him.
Jungkook nodded, licking his lips. You spread your legs for him, hooking your thumbs into your underwear to take it off, but his husky voice halted your actions.
"Leave them on."
You shivered again, burning up from head to toe. You pulled your panties aside just as he had moments before, feeling more wetness gush out of your cunt.
Jungkook groaned, palming himself over his briefs. The sight of him sitting there, shirtless, tattooed muscles on full display, and his hair in complete disarray was enough to make you tingle. But knowing he was going to get off to you touching yourself made a new sense of urgency shoot through your stomach. Your fingers immediately found your clit, rubbing firm circles into it.
"What a good girl," Jungkook praised breathlessly, unconsciously matching your eager pace as he began to rub himself through his briefs. "I knew you'd fucking love this."
You whimpered desperately. You were so close. You couldn't stop staring at his hand, moving on top of his covered cock in soft strokes. He noticed; of course he did. There was that smirk again.
"Want me to take it out?"
The blunt, dirty offer made you whine, your fingers speeding up their movements. It seemed like that was more than enough to wipe any traces of smugness from Jungkook's face.
"Fuck," he groaned. "Dirty, little girl. Come for daddy. Wanna see this pretty pussy leak for me."
He didn't have to tell you twice. Your back arched off the mattress, your pussy clenching around nothing as it gushed. You could have cried, because it felt so good but you felt so empty.
"Good fucking girl," Jungkook growled. "Come here."
You sat up, your knees shaky as you made your way towards him through the bed. He grabbed you and pulled you onto his lap before you even reached him, kissing you so hard your teeth clashed against each other.
He dragged his hands down your thighs, digging his fingers into the flesh.
"Now, what do you want, darling?" He murmured into your lips.
Because daddy always kept his promises.
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
game of thrones filler episode concepts
- ser pouce gets lost in the red keep and tommen and margaery have to find him! lots of fun scooby-doo type door gags. maybe tommen stumbles upon the bodies maegor built the red keep on. they’re somehow still bleeding, as if they’re the only reason the castle hasnt been whitewashed from rain. cersei accidentally gets roped in when ser pounce knocks over her wine glass!
- sansa is haunted by the ghosts of her parents while at the eyrie... to help them move on, she has to let cat possess her so lysa and cat can mend their relationship :) this magic is never mentioned ever again, even though it could be really really helpful :) the afterlife stuff is also never mentioned again
- it’s hard work being the cleaning staff for harrenhal! roose bolton wants to be leeched, there’s man-eating rats to keep track of and there’s a weird little girl running around making trouble.... back door pilot for a downton abbey but it’s harrenhal
- guest star satin episode! it can be like one of those one-off hot women on supernatural that dean will date for an episode and she never shows up again
- now hear me out. ‘doctor-lite’ episode with maybe just a cameo from walder frey or roose, means it can be produced cheaply. it’s the day before the red wedding and black walder and lame lothar have got a HELL of a party to plan! 
- hotd filler episode! corlys brings home strange weeds from the free cities.... little arrax accidentally sets it on fire and the smoke is making house targaryen-velaryon-hightower a little kooky.... jace and aegon actually bond (this is never referenced again) and even the dragons are affected - vhagar gets the munchies! rhaenys is the only person not acting funny. revealed in a post-credits that she had QUITE the roaring twenties back in her hippy days 🤭 also she takes medieval medicinal CBD but thats unrelated
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flaxensmile · 5 months
OOOOOOOOKAY, before you guys read this, I have some things to say. This is my first time posting on Tumblr, and I'm absolutely sobbing. I usually keep my fanfics stored away to collect dust, and FOR ONCE I'm publishing SOMETHING. BTW this IS smut. So y'all are in for a ride. PS. Graves is so hot oml.
Also, this is around: 2100 words :)
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
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Smut warnings here: Masturbation, keeping quiet, Y/N getting caught, and fingering. (Tell me if I ever need to add any more. I'm not really sure what to put here when you guys know it's smut.)
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Graves had been your boyfriend for a couple of years. He was often off on missions, coming back stone cold before you fled to his arms. Maybe it was your dependency on him like a fresh fawn that didn't know your right from your left. A poor girl that needed him, and he could so easily have you in bed within minutes. This last time he returned, he didn't spring back as usual. He had been cold and distant, staying inside his office and working on paperwork you couldn't see. Some document or another that was not intended for your civilian eyes to witness what your country may be doing behind closed doors.
Of course, you gave him his space, but it was starting to get to the point where you were left in an empty bed while he was in his office. You had been in cold sheets before, but, this time, he had the option to sleep, and yet he waited till the morning. You haven't seen him in the span of months, and yet not a single hand was placed upon your body. Restlessness became common in your nightly routine. You were left with your devices when you had a random surge of heat between your legs. You were being ignored, neglected, and you couldn't stop them from heating the sheets around you. 
At first, you were distracting yourself. It was anything that you could. Cleaning, working out, going out with friends, and nothing kept the heat from reappearing in your downtime. Of course, when you needed Graves, he was working on something you couldn't even see. Locked away behind the door of his office. That seemed to only mock you as you would steal glances from it.
Now, you were in the shower, trying this so-called distraction method you had been doing, hoping that the water would wash away any impure thoughts that had formed. The water ran down your body. The heated liquid created steam within the confined walls of your bathroom. Moisture swirled in your lungs, causing your breath to labor, and that's when you felt it again. 
The ache.
The pain.
It was starting to get to the point where you couldn't deny it. Distractions could only bring so much solace to your nerves, and now you were paying the price.
The God-awful price.
Somehow every touch from the rain of the shower water caused small sparks, causing you to lightly twitch. It was embarrassing to have such a pain when your boyfriend of two years was sitting in his damn office. Your first mistake was to think about him. His glasses hung on the lower part of his nose as he mindlessly chewed on his lower lip. The tap of his pen as he held it firmly with his fingers.
His fingers.
Goddamnit. You were setting yourself up for failure as you thought about him. The ache had just become too much for you. You need something. Anything. The pads of your fingers snaked down your stomach, teasing the shocking sensation between your legs. You could almost taste the sense of victory to finally find release, yet you couldn't help but wish it was Graves’.
His hand would appear from behind your vision as he took his sweet time teasing every spot he had learned from his times with you. The thought of his possessive whispers that soaked into the skin of your neck. They had become unspoken rules–prophecies that you couldn't deny or rebel against as the god himself held you down. 
You were under his rule–his command as he took what he wanted. Everything swirled within your brain as your fingers danced across your cunt. Embarrassment hit your cheeks as you already felt the slick between the folds. You were like a goddamn animal–a fiend that should be shamed for being so utterly helpless to a simple temptation. 
Teeth clamped down onto the soft skin of your lower lip as you held down whimpers and soft moans from the exploration of your fingers. The neglect allowed your body to become more sensitive– more accessible to the sheet-gripping pleasure that had surged up your legs and sent it straight to your brain.
It was mind-numbing as one hand flattened against the shower wall to keep yourself upright. Steam seemed to flood from your mouth as you inhaled it with shallow breaths. 
Fuck. You shouldn't have been the one doing this to yourself when your boyfriend was in the other room. This was his job– his expertise and yet, here you were letting your fingers slip within your own folds and doing his job. Your eyebrows furrowed as the damp air collected on your skin. Half of you wanted to barge into his office and demand him of something he had neglected for so long. You deserved it, didn't you? Being the faithful, cute, innocent girlfriend as he got to sit there owning you like a damn trophy.
The hand that held you up in the shower turned into a fist. Anger was your attempt to rebel against his martial law as your fingers increased their speed. It made you clamp your jaw knowing that Graves would hear you from the thin walls between his office and the bathroom.
Of course, an evil, twisted part of you wanted to be loud. Show him that you were pleasuring yourself without him even near you, but part of your throat tightened, causing you to keep quiet. You were just a small, frail fawn living with a wolf that would tear you limb for limb if you didn't stay within your line.
Your fate had been sealed since the day you met him.
Water dripped down your body as your fingers found the right pressure, causing small tremors down your legs. It was hard to keep yourself up with the pleasure your hand was aiding you. Shallow breaths left you before they ceased once the sound of a rolling chair slid across the wood flooring with force. The sudden sound made you stop as heavy footsteps followed.
You fell in the same line within seconds as you tried to act as if you weren't on the edge of climaxing off your own fingers. Those same fingers gathered soap onto them and acted as if you were still cleaning yourself as the footsteps stopped at the bathroom door.
Shit, did you forget to lock it?
The door creaked open as you heard the ruffle of clothes.
Fuck. You are so fucking screwed.
Graves' light grunts of him taking off the clothing filled the bathroom. He was going to walk into the damn shower.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You chanted the same word as you added in a prayer that God existed and saved you from this man, yet he let you down right as the curtain for the shower opened behind you. Not once had you ever had chills in the shower before Graves stepped in.
"Sorry, darlin'. I heard you takin’ a shower, and I just couldn't help myself.” He said with a low tone, avoiding most of the humor as his hand went to your waist. The touch sent a small shiver down your spine. Each nerve lit with a hint of fear and embarrassment.
Fuck, were you loud? No way, you hadn't made a sound, right?
Your thoughts swirled as his fingers on your waist brought you to his chest. A light smack of their skin hitting filled the bathroom as your breath hitched. Graves leaned down to your ear as his breath lightly tickled the hairs on the back of your neck.
“Maybe I haven't been paying enough attention to you.” 
He heard you.
The thick swallow down your throat was enough evidence to him. Your rebellion had been caught, and now you had to pay the fucking price.
Graves’ hands went down to your hip, tracing small patterns into the skin as you couldn't make eye contact with him. “Maybe I need to make you learn how to look at me when I'm talking to you.” He murmured against your neck before lightly kissing it. This was his calm before the storm. The fact he hadn't pushed you against a wall by now was surprising.
You didn't know what to do. His grasp on you wasn't something you could just slip out of and forget like it never happened. Graves’ claws were sunk into your flesh, creating a well of possession down your veins. It was like a poison that made your knees weak and your breath shamelessly shallow.
Every word of protest you had earlier was gone. It disappeared into the misty air around the bathroom and you had furiously turned into the weak prey. Nothing about this made you completely upset, he was giving you more attention than he had the entire week he had been home. “Mm, you seem to know exactly what I'm talking about, dontcha?” 
A shiver ran down your spine once again. “You're not exactly the most quiet.” Graves murmured as his fingers slowly inched to your cunt. You were fighting the feeling of helplessness as you watched his two fingers slowly inch down to your needy flesh. His fingers teased the folds, causing you to lightly gasp.
“You just can’t keep it in ya, can you? ” He said as a dark smirk came across his face. His fingers delved deeper, and it somehow made you furious at how he so easily took control. Graves wasn't learning a thing, only coming in and taking you as if he hadn't been neglecting you for a week. “Did it feel good? Teasing me like that while I tried to work on my paperwork?” Graves teased as his fingers worked in circles.
Your hand went back onto the shower wall as his fingers worked so much better than your own. Graves knew the right amount of pressure and consistency. It made your head lighten and fall like how your knees wanted to sweep from under you. 
“And you're fuckin’ wet, Jesus sweetheart.” Somehow through the haze, you got your anger back. It bit the sides of your cheeks as you gritted your teeth.
“We’re in the shower. Of course, I'm gonna be wet.” You bit back in a surge of confidence. There was no way you were going to let it go to waste. It didn't matter if your teeth didn't stick in, but it made you feel as if you weren't giving up.
Graves only laughed with pure amusement. His fingers continued to roll the sensitive skin of your clit as you tried to fight off his motions. “Don't try to lie to me, sweetheart. I know the difference between your slick and water.” He said before letting his fingers go down to your entrance. 
Fuck. You're a fucking gonner. Maybe surrendering was the better option.
The guttural moan that left you as his fingers curled within you made your eyes slightly roll back. It was borderline embarrassing to see how much damage he could do to you with just his fingers. You wanted to bite back. Sneer at him with bared teeth, but you knew his white pears were sharper, more profound as he had ripped into you before.
How could a prey fight against her predator? The monster that seeks out her torture?
Your legs were shaking and your body kept close to his as you used him as a pillar to keep you up. The water from the shower became needles into your back. Their pricks reminded you of your place as Graves started to thrust his fingers in and out of you. He knew how to make you kneel, and it had become your ultimate flaw. The fact you couldn't sink your teeth down anywhere made you embarrassed, yet you had the thrill of being preyed upon.
As sick as that reality was, it was the one you were in. A cycle of being hunted as Graves kept hitting your G-spot over and over again with his fingers. It wasn't long until you climaxed, letting out a whiny whimper and a shudder. Graves silently chuckled against your collarbone as his hand retreated from you. The slick washed away from his fingers as he lightly kissed your neck.
“Atta girl.” He praised before leaning back and watching you from behind as you shuddered and shook from the intense pressure of your climax. “But I ain't done yet. I need you in the bedroom in ten minutes.” Graves said before leaving the shower and heading out of the bathroom door.
You were fucked.
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