#possibly plate-of-corn type post
blitz0hno · 4 months
Mikoto's amnesia, denial, and the order of events in MeMe
So my theory about the memories detailed in MeMe, as per Milgram's record of Mikoto being the "guilty one," is pretty simple. The events in the outerworld are completely jumbled, and I believe the bulk of them take place right after Mikoto's "first" murder if there were indeed multiple victims. This is gonna be a very basic look at the "flashback"/"real-life" sequences in MeMe. I feel like this may have been done before but I mostly just see analysis on the headspace/symbolism in the video and not the implications of the real-world bits, but this video has been discussed to death so I can't be the only one who's thought about it lol
In the first part of our timeline, we see lots of static and Mikoto swinging a bat at someone as the train goes by. I imagine the tracks were where the body itself was disposed of. Mikoto's "dream" shows faraway 3rd-person angle and it's almost as if he's watching "himself" commit the crime. However, the face of the victim, his own expression, and the injuries inflicted are obscured from his view the whole scene.
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It abruptly cuts to him entering his house after this, which is where I believe Mikoto's memory starts to get patchier. The moments after a trauma are when the brain is still reeling from shock, after all. After his first dream sequence where he expresses confusion, I believe the second verse is filling in the gaps of what happened between finishing the crime and changing his clothes. You can't lie in Milgram though, and sharing a brain means sharing memories, no matter how deeply they are buried. The memory gets more detail as he is examined more, and it's already common for brains to remember things out of order. Mikoto is shown to be in-and-out of his headspace in MeMe; the memories of how "he" saved "him" (the other alter, likely a big part of who John would become) are not all his own, even if the choice to kill was.
I believe that chronologically, this is the next scene.
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Presumably John, processing what they've done, recognizing himself as "not Mikoto" for the first time. Mikoto, then, is seeing "himself" from yet another angle, completely upside-down.
It abruptly cuts again, his jacket having been taken off. His face is once again obscured, like Mikoto remembers doing it but not as "himself."
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The angle here is more first-person, implying that Mikoto clearly remembers "dreaming" this part.
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This is right before he goes home. He's disposed of the beanie, and presumably the jacket and bat.
Mikoto walking in his door immediately after the confrontation is likely exactly how he felt at the time. I believe this next line of dialogue is an alter, likely John or pre-John, speaking to him. "You don't have to keep it in and hide it away, 'I' will save 'me."" (Worth mentioning that "Boku" is used both times here.) It's the first time in the song he refers to himself as "you," which I feel like is pretty common for alters to do to each other even before they realize that they're completely separate ego states. This cut from the first verse, where it jumped right after the murder, shows him in the same pants and shirt he took the trash out in. This implies that Mikoto blacked out most of the way home, which tracks for an event as traumatic as killing a guy.
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This part abruptly cuts to him on the couch, in new clothes and no longer covered in blood. As I said earlier, I believe Mikoto's memory begins to come back in bits and pieces as Milgram scans it, which is why the second part is where we actually see him getting cleaned up.
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Just as he realizes he's fading in and out, and there seems to be someone on the other side who "doesn't care" that they've killed someone, he gets kicked back into headspace. Since he's in Milgram, that space could be defined as the present moment, while the memories themselves are reflecting more like flashbacks than a linear story.
That's why we see this next part so early, even though it happened after his clean-up work.
Here we see Mikoto's alter, either John or "Midokoto" (plausible 3rd alter show urself challenge impossible likely literally impossible look at that trauma-holding sonofabitch) banishing Mikoto to the shadow realm /j. No blood, new clothes, numb to the world and very clearly trying to forget. "That had to have been a dream" type shit.
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Ironically, alters who the host doesn't notice know when they're controlling the body better than the host, who takes it for granted like they're supposed to. If you don't know what DID is, it's easy to be aware that you are technically "working together" with yourself but not understand why it feels that way.
We're also shown this scene where he comes home from work, in the instrumental between Mikoto's Denial choruses. This is the answer to his question of "why?". He was running himself ragged and literally watching himself fall apart from the stress. Assuming he threw out that jacket, this could be interpreted as the days leading up to the murder.
Given that he doesn't have his beanie despite retaining the rest of the outfit, it could also be him continuing to go through the motions and act like the event didn't happen in the days after. I sure wouldn't throw out that shirt, it's a cool shirt. (Actually, it's such a cool shirt that I personally think it further proves the lack of pre-meditation, but like he still did it lol)
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I think that in Mikoto's case, the farther away the camera is, the farther "our" Mikoto is from the front. It all happened so fast that his decisions were carried out for him, despite Milgram and his own sense of guilt determining that he himself was the one to take that path.
I don't think he's just talking to Es when he becomes more intense/angry about "why am I here?". I think he's speaking to his alter(s) as well. But I'm only allowed 10 images so I'll post about that later. The line "You don't have to keep it in and hide it away" from when he walks in his door contrasts directly with "Hurting it, holding it down, it doesn't change a thing does it?" Says a lot about how he dismissed his own stress and desire for change, unwittingly dismissing the pain of the people trying to help him.
He literally knows not what he does grrrrrr how dare this project be so fucking cool and good
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wolfliving · 4 months
Ex-Designer Project Bar in Barcelona
via e-flux
Martí Guixé’s Ex-Designer Project Bar, an exceptional project that turns a digitally designed interior, produced entirely using full-size 3D printing techniques into a standalone object, will be on display at the Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHub) from May 23 to August 25. 
The project was born in November 2015, when Martí Guixé, one of Barcelona’s most internationally influential 21st century designers, set out to design and 3D-print, independently and without help, all the components of a bar on Barcelona’s C/ Entença in collaboration with architect Pau Badia. The bar, an empty commercial unit with minimal structure, was gradually redesigned and built over a period of almost five years, using three on-site printers while still in operation. Thus, all the bar’s components were gradually printed: everything from the tiles on the walls and the furniture down to the smallest utensils, such as glasses of different types, plates and cutlery. 
According to Martí Guixé, the process itself is what matters, so the project became something performative, incorporating coincidence in a natural way.
The use of the establishment as a bar—where concerts, presentations, talks and other events were also held—was just as important as its role as a laboratory for experimenting on the possibilities of additive printing, and the utopia of digital autonomy. The project explores the true potential of digital fabrication technologies to achieve the dream of self-sufficiency for local production, without having to rely on large global manufacturing systems. 
Just as the bar was finished, with the grand opening scheduled for February 2020, the pandemic and subsequent lockdown forced it to close. It then underwent a process of “deconstruction”, which was carried out behind closed doors and in an orderly manner, like a work of archaeology, in order to preserve it in full. The Ex-Designer Project Bar thus ceased to be a bar or a work of interior design to become a standalone “object” adapted for other possible uses.
Martí Guixé’s Ex-Designer Bar is a reflection on the potential for democratising industrial production and the industrial process: “The use of 3D technology makes artisans redundant and unifies materials. The world is made up of ideas, not of people’s energy”. He also said that “bringing the Ex-Designer Bar to a museum turns it into an object, a ruin and an archaeological site of the future”.
The first full-size reconstruction of the bar With Ex-Designer Project Bar, the DHub is exhibiting this monumental object in its original format, after assembling the walls and other various components: A total of 30 wooden panels measuring 122 cm x 150 cm, plus over six thousand 14 cm x 14 cm tiles. The result is an installation that measures 8.75 x 3.56 m and is 5.02 m high, whose component parts have been 3D-printed in full size using polylactic acid (PLA), a biodegradable polymer made from 100% renewable resources, such as corn or plant starch. 
The interior walls include the front of the bar, which features figurative motifs from other projects by Martí Guixé, the side bars with experiments with bas-reliefs and pseudo-geometric figures in various sizes and thicknesses, and unsuccessful attempts to create a series of bag and coat hooks. There is also a notice board with backlit tiles for posting information about events and food and drink prices, as well as a front panel in which the main figure represents Artificial Intelligence, a representation of all the 3D printers used, including the one for printing food. 
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bacchicly · 11 months
List time...but surprise today is actually a good day! I just need to get things outta my head to make sure I get my timing right...
Ok so I just put a pork roast in for dinner and it is currently searing at 4:25.... Turn down to 350 in 13 mins.. (likely around the time I post this)
Veggies gonna be:
- canned cream corn (heat 5 mins before serving)
- apple sauce made with the apples I am roasting with the pork (fish out and smash - possibly add more apple - out when I take out the roast to rest)
- baked carrots and parsnips (5 start prep)
Personal To Do List (listed in order of priority)
Install new latch on cupboard under sink
Clean up/ practice demo I am doing tomorrow at work
Pack for prompt departure in the morning to work for presentation in the morning
Pack for trip I am taking later this week (this is shocking I am a throw things madly in a plastic bag madly before I leave person - which I hate)
Work clothing; IT; meds; toiletries; jewelry; makeup?; find damn sunglasses and things I need to drop off at head office
Further (spend an hour more?) on my new budget tracking spreadsheet - after trying other people's solutions and failing...I am trying attempt #4567923 to get on top of family finances. This time I am prioritising a blended bi-weekly/monthly approach that I sort of do naturally. I am also building it around my actual payweek schedule. And have "coded" it to analyse based on those patterns.... I.e. what happens when it is a 3 payweek month versus a 2 payweek month? What are 1st paycheck of the month expenses vs end of the month? We'll see if this time actually helps for awhile. Sigh. I suck at all of this. Oh well if nothing else...when you talk about working/middle/academic/artist class people funneling their money back into the economy instead of saving...and how important that can be... Well let's just say I see myself in that picture...and I am torn about how I feel about it. Money is a huge source of shame for me.
Re-attach eye patches on Stringbean - take photos and share
Ok so here's the timeline based on all that...I am only putting in the musts and then I am going to come back and fill in what I achieve:
It's 3pm (as I type) and I've turned down the oven:
1 am - sleep - alarm set for 7 am
Key time points working backwards:
1 am / 2 am... Who is counting
10ish - kid to sleep
11:30ish - husband home
Got kid to sleep by 10:20... Then tackled more work. Got it done eventually. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
6:30 - latest time to serve dinner
9:15 - drive to hockey & home
Helped with purple hair washing; but also did some work work. Didn't have to drive... Husband got ride.
8:00 to 9:00 - kid bath, jammies & reading
Fed people at 6:45...before that tried to do some work work but my computer needed charging so I did more on the family budget.
6:20 - call folks to wash hands, plate, choose documentary for dinner, cats in "cat jail" (we keep them out of the dinning area for fancier meals since they have terrible table manners)
6:15 - heat corn
6:00 - take out meat to rest and tackle applesauce
5:15 - carrots and parsnips in oven
Put parsnips & carrots in oven early. Now I have an hour to do some work. I wish I had an office.
5:00 - start carrot and parsnip prep
Work through personal to do list for 2.5 hours
Finished doing the latch...but I had to use armature wire to create a custom latch for the one side...apparently I should have bought a bigger latch.
3:20 - post my list
2:45 - write list
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rvtravellife · 3 months
Flame and Flavor: How to Cook a Yummy Campfire Meal
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by Dhvani Pancholi Cooking over a campfire is an enjoyable and rewarding experience; the rustic flavor of food cooked over an open flame can't be replicated in any other way. Plus, a campfire meal is an excellent way to bring people together as they gather around the fire, sharing stories and laughs while enjoying their meal..... Cooking over a campfire is an enjoyable and rewarding experience; the rustic flavor of food cooked over an open flame can't be replicated in any other way. Plus, a campfire meal is an excellent way to bring people together as they gather around the fire, sharing stories and laughs while enjoying their meal. However, there are certain best practices that need to be kept in mind when cooking on a campfire in order for everyone to stay safe and have a successful outdoor dining experience. This post will provide guidance on gathering supplies, selecting foods, cooking methods for different types of foods and serving tips so you can create delicious campfire meals with ease. In This ArticleGathering Supplies and Preparing the Campfire Selecting Foods for your Campfire MealSelecting the Right Foods to Cook Cooking Methods for Different Foods Serving and Eating Your Campfire Meal Safely Extinguishing the Campfire Conclusion Gathering Supplies and Preparing the Campfire For a successful campfire cooking experience, it is important to choose the right fuel. Wood is the most commonly used fuel for starting a fire, but charcoal can be used as an alternative if you want to cook over direct heat. Make sure to gather enough wood or charcoal so that your fire will last through your entire meal. When assembling your campfire, use a ring of rocks or separate logs for containment or create three-sided fireplace with one long side open for ventilation. Once you have assembled your fire correctly, light it using either matches or a lighter; never use gasoline to start a fire! Finally, make sure all safety protocols are followed while operating around an open flame - keep children away from the area and ensure water is nearby in case of emergency. Selecting Foods for your Campfire Meal The type of food you select will largely depend on what kind of camping trip you are taking and how much time you have available to prepare campfire meals. If possible, plan ahead and bring along pre-made ingredients such as marinated meats that can just be heated up over the campfire instead of requiring extensive prep work at the campsite. Additionally consider foods that require minimal utensils (think burgers cooked on sticks) which allows everyone more freedom during mealtime rather than having them stuck behind their plates waiting for their food to cook! Selecting the Right Foods to Cook When selecting the right foods to cook over a campfire, it is important to consider what types of items can withstand the direct heat and smoke. Meats such as steak, chicken and fish are great for grilling directly on top of flames or in a cast iron skillet. Vegetables like corn on the cob, potatoes and squash can also be cooked this way as long as they are cut into smaller pieces so that they don't burn too quickly. Smaller items like hot dogs should be skewered onto metal sticks so that they can easily be turned while cooking without burning them. For those who desire more homestyle flavors from their campfire meals, using Dutch ovens allows certain recipes like stews or casseroles to simmer over indirect heat without needing constant tending throughout cooking process. Foil packets also make cleanup easy by containing individually portioned ingredients that just need to be placed at an appropriate distance from fire before being left alone until meal is done. Finally, since many people enjoy sweet treats while camping out in nature; desserts such as s'mores or fruit pies made with pre-made crusts wrapped in foil make excellent options for finishing off a delicious campfire meal cooked outdoors! Having trouble finding the right food to cook? Here is an amazing list of food and their recipes that you can make on the go. Play23 Best Camping Recipes - Basic & Gourmet Campfire Meals Cooking Methods for Different Foods There are several different ways in which food can be cooked when utilizing a campfire: - Roasting over coals is often used for small items like corn on the cob or hot dogs - Grilling directly above flames works well with heavier items like steaks - Skewering things such as vegetables onto metal sticks enables them to be easily turned so they don't burn too quickly - Dutch ovens give homestyle flavor by allowing certain recipes like stews and casseroles to simmer over indirect heat without needing constant tending throughout cooking process - Foil packets make cleanup easy Roasting is a classic campfire cooking method that involves placing food directly into the coals or onto a grate over the fire. This is an excellent choice for small items like vegetables, hot dogs and marshmallows because it allows them to cook evenly without needing constant tending throughout the process. Wrapping food in foil before placing it near the heat is also great for campfire recipes..... Read More... Read the full article
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candy-floss-crazy · 9 months
Hire Mexican Nacho Carts
Hire Mexican Nacho Carts.   Smart, good looking, and Mexican. It just doesn't get any better than this.   Offer your guests spicy Mex nachos to brighten up their day. Nacho carts are a great snack food for any of your events. Crispy tortilla chips, with spicy peppers. Side dishes of cheese, guacamole and salsa. Equally at home for after the wedding breakfast, or on your exhibition stand. A perfect treat for your customers. This is another of our range of international flavoured catering treats. Available for hire on a range of different themed carts to fit in with your type of event. ¡Qué bonita! Tell Me More!Nacho Cart Dips You have a selection of toppings provided; •Nacho Cheese Sauce. •Guacamole. •Salsa. •Jalapeños. •A range of hot and spicy sauces. You can choose to add chilli con carne as an additional option. Mexican nachos are a fun snack food and are sure to impress your guests. All of our staff hold a minimum of Level 2 health certification, with many holding Level 3. Our management team are  working towards Level 4. This will ensure that you have the best experience possible when hiring any of our catering options.Tortilla chips are made from corn tortillas. Cut into wedges and then fried. Though they are considered a Mexican food, the first tortilla chips were actually mass produced in Los Angeles. They were a way to reuse rejected tortillas. We can team our nacho cart with various other sweet desserts such as candy floss or candy buffets, or for a real Mexican feel, why not hire our tequila bar! If you are looking at adding an international flavour to your event, why not add one of our international dessert options; •Spanish churros •French Crepes •Dutch poffertjes •Belgian wafflesHiring A Nacho Cart You can choose from a range of themed carts for the nachos to be served from including; •Victorian Hand Cart. •Contemporary Cart. •Branded Corporate Cart. •Tikki Beach Bar. •Alpine Hut. •Ultra modern L.E.D. Cart. Remember this is the Instagram generation, the first thing your guests will do is photograph everything and post it all over social media, so it needs to look as good as it tastes. In addition you can have our team design and build a completely custom structure. For use at exhibitions or company sales promotions. If you need the consumables branding, or the delivery vehicle and staff workwear, not a problem. In addition to our nachos, we also offer other great savoury options, why dont you check out;  Gourmet Hot Dogs, Chipstix and Juicy Jackets. National Nacho Day is November 6th. The food most craved by pregnant women is “Nachos”. The largest plate of nachos in the world was made by a school in Kansas, the platter weighed in at 2,126.89 kg. 997.9% of the weight being the cheese. Nachos were names after a guy called, yep, Nacho, a nickname for Ignacio Anaya. The original recipe only included tortilla chips, shredded cheese and sliced jalapeños, no beans or meat. The first U.S. restaurant to feature nachos was reputed to be El Cholo in San Antonio, Texas.WHERE CAN I HIRE A NACHO CART NEAR ME; We provide a service throughout the full U.K., so can cover any of your events. DO WE GET CHEESE SAUCE WITH OUR NACHOS; Yes we provide sauce, jalapeno peppers and guacamole. Nacho carts available for hire through out the U.K. Including Scotland, Lancashire, London, Yorkshire, The North East and The Midlands, and makes an ideal snack food for military balls, college balls, weddings, parties, corporate events, exhibitions, sales promotions, company fun days and any other event. If you fancy something sweet to go with it, check out our churros carts. Read the full article
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Encore - Part of your world - Part 21 - Valentines Day
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*posted two hours after the day ended but i count it!!!!*
Harry slowly slipped out of your shared bed at 4:30 am, carefully pulling the black and red duvet back over your shoulders. He pressed a soft kiss to your exposed cheek and snuck over to his dresser, taking out his clothes and changing in the bathroom.
20 minutes later he was finally ready and left a small note on your side of the bed, giving you one last kiss before sneaking out of your room through the portal.
Hours later, you finally woke up, your jaw clicking as you let out a deep yawn and sat up, groaning a bit as you stretched and your back popped comfortably “mmm” you turned to look at Harry's side of the bed, raising your brow to see that he was gone. “Harry?” you called out, slipping out of the bed and walking to the bathroom, checking inside for your handsome pirate fiancé “you here?”
When no response came you sighed, turning back to the bed to go back to sleep for a bit when you noticed a note on the nightstand next to your side of the bed, Harry's handwriting just barely visible.
You walked back to the bed and picked up the note, letting gout a small coo as you read the note.
-good morning my love, happy Valentine's day! I got some plans for us today so just get dressed in something comfortable (bring a jacket) and I’ll come back to pick you up at 2! - your pirate
You glanced at the digital clock on Harry's side and nodded, it was only 9 am so you had 5 hours to kill.
Time to take a bath with your new bath bombs~
And with the last touches on your (light/heavy) makeup, you were ready for whatever Harry was planning.
You had decided to wear a combo of comfortable formal yet action ready clothes.
A loose red and black patterned shirt, your favorite pants, your comfortable worn-in ankle boots, and one of your red jackets Evie had made for you that complimented Harry's iconic one.
You glanced at the clock, the red letters reading 1:58 pm, nodding you grabbed your keys and attached them to your hip. As you grabbed your bag which held Harry’s gift, the door to your room glowed and opened, Harry stepping through a moment later.
“yer prince is here…ta…wow” you snorted, shaking your head a bit as you turned to look at Harry, leaning against your dresser and crossing your arms. You smirked as his eyes drifted up and down your body “uh….wow” you giggled to yourself and pushed yourself off the dresser, walking over to Harry and wrapping your arms around his waist, admiring the full black suit he was wearing, thin lighter black stripes on his jacket.
“not so bad yourself babe~” you giggled as his ears turned red at the pet name, you sometimes cringed when you heard yourself say it but watching his ears and face turn red was too cute not to do it.
“Thank yeh” he said quietly, eyes locking with yours for a moment before he quickly pecked your nose and tugged at your hands. “come on, I gotta whole thing planned” you laughed as he tugged you through the still-open portal and into Auradon.
You stepped out onto the deck of the docked lost revenge 2.0 and Harry led you off the ship and down to the docks, nodding towards the forest trails nearby “it’s a bit of a walk, is tha’ okay?”
“Good thing I wore my comfortable boots” you joked, squeezing Harry's hand and swinging them between your bodies as you walked towards Harry's plan.
15 minutes of walking and talking, Harry covered your eyes, gently pushing you towards the spot “it's just right ‘ere, don’ worry yeh won’ trip” he whispered in your ear, smiling as you grabbed his biceps and whispered right back.
“I trust you mo leannan*” Harry bit his lip as Scottish Gaelic easily rolled off your tongue and pressed a quick kiss to the back of your neck in thanks.
“Thank yeh bonny, now jus’ a couple more steps” he helped you down a couple more steps and pulled his hands from your eyes, setting them on your shoulder and setting his chin there as well “open”
As you opened your eyes you let out a small gasp.
Harry had taken you to one of the clearings in the enchanted forest near the docks, a midsized wooden table sitting in the middle, a pinkish-red table cloth resting over it with white plates and silverware, two thin candles ready to be lit. your eyes drifted to the two large ice boxes next to the table, one you guessed was filled with the drinks the other food.
“Harry this is amazing~” you squealed, spinning around and pulling him into a gentle kiss, smiling as he quickly wrapped his arms around you and hummed into it. You pulled away, smiling at the pout that quickly appeared on his lips “thank you so much”
“yer welcome my love” he muttered with a dreamy smile on his lips, his eyes drifting back to your lips. You took a step back with a teasing smile and turned, walking over to the ice chests and flipping the right one open, humming happily as you took in the multiple types of soda, juice, and other drinks. You picked your (fav drink) and skipped over to the table, setting it next to one of the plates and turning back to Harry, who was digging through the other ice chest and pulling out the food. “oooh what’ja bring?”
“(fav food)” Harry beamed, bringing over the black food boxes and setting them on the table “serve yerself, imma get the sides n shit”
You happily did so, having not eaten since your small snack in the morning to prepare for the possible large meal Harry was going to give you. Harry was back moments later, setting down a box of mashed potatoes, seasoned rice, shrimp stir fry, baked mac, and cheese, corn, and oven-baked Brussel sprouts “but you don’t like Brussel sprouts?” you laughed, picking up the box and shaking it in Harry's face. He leaned back and pushed it back towards you.
“aye but yeh like em” you let out a small coo and set the box back down, watching Harry go back to the food box and pull out a tall container filled with gravy “’ere we go, a meal fit fer a goddess~”
You looked around, pursing your lips “so then where Uma?” Harry let out a small snort, shaking his head “sorry but you gotta admit Uma is fucking beautiful” Harry laughed again, grabbing a root beer and sitting down, looking up at you with a fond smile.
“aye, she is, but righ’ now I’m takin’ bout yeh my love” you smiled back and sat down across from him, popping open the mac and cheese and scooping some onto your plate. Harry served himself some (fav food) and mashed potatoes, scooping some shrimp stir-fry and rice as well.
You took some of the stir fry, Brussel sprouts, and mashed potatoes. Sticking your tongue out slightly as you poured the gravy on top. You and Harry glanced at each other for a moment before you dug in.
You danced in your seat as the delicious taste of the (fav food) hit your tongue. Harry smiled as you danced, licking his lips clean as he watched you continue to eat and dance “do yer little dancy dance” Harry sang, yelp-laughing as you kicked his ankle gently.
“shush~” you stabbed a shrimp and popped it in your mouth “I’m enjoying myself”
“as yeh should”
An hour later and you had finally finished your late lunch/early dinner, Harry doing a quick clean up and packing the food away to retrieve later. He held out his hand for you, and once you took it he lead you to back up the trail that guided you to the clearing.
You stepped closer to him, wrapping your arms around his arm and laying your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes and trusting him not to let you trip or bump into anything.
Harry hummed a tune in his throat, filling the comfortable silence as you walked. Soon you were back at the ship and harry told you to go to his room while he got the last couple of things he needed, as you walked to the set of cabins near the back you turned to see Harry going down into the kitchen.
You opened the door of Harrys room and gasped, Harry and decked out his room to be the ultimate comfort zone, he had several fluffy blankets piled on his bed, multiple pillows, hanging sheer blankets that blocked out the remaining sunlight of the day, and soft led-fairy lights strewn across the walls.
You kicked off your boots and jacket and flung yourself onto his bed, giggling as some of the blankets folded onto you. You burritoed yourself and waited for Harry.
A couple of minutes later the aforementioned pirate stepped through his door, kicking it closed with his foot. “well don’t yeh look all comfy~” he purred, setting down the large bowl and bag on his desk and leaned over you, his arms caging your head.
“I am~” you laughed, reaching from your burrito blanket and pulling Harry on top of you “and you will join me!”
He smiled, pulling your hands off his jacket and pulling out a crystal rose from his inner pocket. You gasped and took it, twirling the fake rose in your fingers “I will, jus’ need ta set up our first movie”
“otay” you chirped back, setting the rose on the nightstand next to Harry's bed and pulling your hand back into the blanket, and watching harry take off his suit jacket, shoes, and grabbing a remote.
He grabbed one of the blankets you hadn’t commandeered and settled onto the bed next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you snuggled into his side.
“sooo” he licked his lips, going through Netflix to find a movie the two of you would enjoy “what are we watchin’?”
You were silent for a few moments as harry scrolled through his suggested movies before a grin spread on your face “Shrek the musical” Harry paused, looking down at you as you just giggled to yourself.
“is it good?” he wondered aloud, going to the search bar and typing in your request.
“it's so fucking good, absolutely amazing” Harry snorted, clicking onto the movie and letting it play.
He grabbed the popcorn and bag of snacks and set them to your left, leaving you to grab what you wanted. “alright, let's watch.
-end of part 21-
* mo leannan = my sweetheart
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange
@lunanight2012 @daughter-of-the-stars11
@musicarose @descendantsobsessed
@remembered-license @random-thoughts-003
@thecaptainsgingersnap @rintheemolion​
@verboetoperee​ @imtryingthisout​
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valkblue · 4 years
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Being a Behavior technician requires a certain amount of dedication to the job — the rigorous type, bordeline rigid. That’s what is expected to be at peak efficiency regarding analysis protocols and diagnostics for host service and calibration.
For that, Vivian thinks she might be the worst tech in her department. 
— masterlist, AO3
Chapter 1 on 12
Chapter wordcount: 2,486 Story status: Complete Rating: General Warning: people swear a lot, technobabble counts as swearing as well (believe me)…
Author’s notes: This is the first time I post a fanfic online. A real big one I mean. Not just crackfics... I’m emotional. I don’t know what the schedule will be yet because my queue is acting up, but everything should be out regularly, or something that looks like it. This first chapter is an intro to the main character and what she does, and I hope you’ll enjoy this story and its characters all the way!  Also, I really want to thank @pheedraws​ and @something-tofightfor​ for their heartwarming feedback on the whole story. Thank you SO much!!
Have a good time reading, and my askbox/messages are open! 💙
— Chapter 1
Now wasn’t a good time to yawn…
And yet, Vivian had nothing else to do but wait right now, wait while the progress bars slowly filled up on her tablet screen.
Now wasn’t the time, simply because some of her colleagues were passing through the hallway, behind the glass panels of her cubicle, and among them was the head of Behavior department — incidentally, her superior.
No doubt they were all about to grab a bite at the restaurant and Vivian held back an almost envious mumble; she was starving! But before she could go eat anything, she had to finish with her last subject on her morning schedule; host ID#DH410829420391, named Mildred.
And Mildred was back at the lab on account of a negative report about her response time during interactions with other hosts but also with guests. A lag that only happened in character mode, not in analysis. So, Vivian started with refreshing her lexical base and improvisation engine. It took some time to check the entire tree but as of now, it was done.
"Can you confirm if the update’s complete?"
"Confirmed," Mildred answered right away, her voice flat and her look vacant.
"Back in character mode."
Mildred seemed to wake up and blinked once before focusing her attention  back on Vivian.
"Oh, I’m sorry," she answered with a hint of a shy smile. "I must have drifted off, I believe… The working hours at the farm are ungodly sometimes!"
The response time was more than good, now. The improvisation too.
"I was wondering if there’s a lot of clients at the farm these days," Vivian asked.
The answer was not long to come.
"Certainly! Our cattle sure gives the best milk there is. No matter what the competition says!"
"How many green bottles are standing on the wall?"
Questions and procedures were always more or less the same to determine which bits of code, settings or values could cause an issue or start to glitch like crazy!
But today, for Mildred — and Vivian — everything was back in order, and each/both of them could soon return to the the usual course of their scheduled day.
It was about time for Vivian to take a break, if she was reduced to that kind of wisecrack…
A glance at her wristwatch, even while her tablet displayed a more accurate time than the watch hands, and Vivian concluded her analysis. She folded the tablet, slid it back in her jacket pocket, and left the large glass room after one last embarrassed look at Mildred she was leaving there, naked in the dark. Vivian didn’t even fight down a shiver. It was actually freezing cold in there!
She comforted herself with the thought that Mildred didn’t feel anything in this state, disconnected, and that a team wouldn’t take too long to come get her, do her hair, dress her up and put her back in rotation in no time. Barely as much as Vivian had for her lunch break… and that was just enough to go all the way up to the hub restaurant. But the bosses here didn’t care much about how long the lunch breaks lasted, as long as the work was done in time.
So, Vivian didn’t hurry to get to the elevator she shared with two co-workers who only interrupted their chitchat about hockey results for a vague greeting.
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At this hour, the restaurant was a bit more crowded but it still wasn’t too hard to find a seat in the large and relatively peaceful room. The whole vibe in it was corporate though, even in that staff only room; every dish were stamped with the park logo and name — from the bottom of the plates to the salt shakers — and a flat HD screen displayed a bunch of Delos branches ads that looked much weirder without sound.
After a while, one didn’t really pay attention to all this anymore… A few months was enough to make it all part of the landscape and for the mind to simply stop noticing it.
And Vivian had been working here for three years, now.
However, she was still bothered by a few details sometimes, such as the huge white walls that spanned all the way up a balcony floor and a domed ceiling or the fact that the stalls were lit with a pale light under which the food turned to a sickly colour.
Hopefully, under the less saturated lights of the main room, the Caesar salads and the turkey-tomato sandwiches were back to a more appetizing hue.
Her tray loaded with a potato-corn salad, a big glass of water and a piece of bread, Vivian walked towards the tables, eager for her potatoes to lose their blueish glint. Just shy of the screen, she recognised a familiar face, Margaret’s, another Behavior tech from her team. Both were on friendly basis now, where it was possible to enjoy some time together and to laugh a little, even if it took them a whole year to finally break the ice.
Margaret waved at Vivian when she saw her pick her way across the room, inviting her to join them — them being Margaret, and three other guys from their department.
"Did you hear the latest, Vivian!?" she blurted. "I’ve been told that Damon Dyers is in the park, at this very moment!"
"Damon… Dyers?"
Vivian didn’t even hide her puzzlement while sitting in front of her.
"The actor," one of the three guys — Luke — pointed out. "Marge was just exposing how she’ll mooch the control room techs for a footage…"
"Listen, if you were as thirsty as I am about this guy, you’d understand!" Margaret replied.
To that, he quipped:
"My husband would be pissed!"
All chuckled in approval before returning to their almost emptied plates, while Vivian had barely touched her own.
"Can you imagine," Margaret daydreamt, leaning back in her seat as in a comfy armchair, holding her Pyrex glass like a snifter of bourbon. "Damon hunting down Escaton in the hills…"
Vivian scoffed; she could imagine, indeed.
At the table, Charles, Thawal and Luke didn’t pay any more attention to them, carrying on with their chat about retro gaming. Vivian would probably have preferred to be part of that conversation; not that she didn’t know shit about movies and their actors, but more like aside from a few exceptions on which they got along swimmingly, she didn’t have much taste in common with Margaret. But she listened to her friend anyway as she kept going after a sip of sparkling water:
"How am I not supposed to be hot on the idea!? I’ll deadass find someone to bootleg me some footages!"
Vivian smiled out of politeness, not saying much, as always. Her mouth was full anyway.
"Oh, by the way!"
Margaret took another swip of her glass before putting it down on the table and leaning towards Vivian.
"Apparently, they’re going to burden us with a whole new bunch of hosts in two or three weeks," she said, with all the serious she could muster. "I heard that from Elsie. Narrative must be trying to compensate for something, if you know what I mean…"
Vivian knew very well.
"We barely have time to light a fag between two sessions already and they plan to add another hundred on our backs!?"
She snorted disdainfully.
"Don’t know what they’re spicing their coffee with but it isn’t doing them any good."
"No shit," admitted Vivian, a bit testy at the idea. "Unless they also plan to hire? Did Lowe say anything about it?"
Margaret shrugged.
"No idea, I haven’t talked to him in a while."
She patted her blazer pockets then sighed softly; Vivian understood her attitude as relief, and a craving, even a need to light a cigarette.
"You should ask," Margaret pointed out with a smile a tad clenched in the orbicularis muscles. "You like him, right?"
Vivian approved; she admired his thoroughness, his love for details… A lot could be learned while working under his care and Vivian found him both spirited and friendly.
Margaret didn’t quite share the feeling, however; in her own words, he was giving her the heebie-jeebies.
"Anyway, I’m off," Margaret stated with an even greater impatience in her voice. "I gotta light one before the crazy afternoon waiting for me!"
She gathered her cutlery on her tray, adding:
"Not giving up on the idea to come across Damon fucking Dyers, though! At least in video recs. Wish me luck!"
Vivian nodded and Margaret put her tray away on the sideboard before hurrying to the exit.
Her colleagues had changed topics next to her, and now they were talking about cars, motorcycles and mechanics. As she didn’t know much about that topic, not as much as in computers, she listened only a little without taking part.
Then, Vivian finished wolfing down her potato salad and her glass of water; she would soon return to her shift and examine a series of hosts, the characteristics of which she overviewed on her tablet from her timetable’s folders. It was simply routine checks, and Vivian liked that kind of sessions; it was like meeting with a friend, just to catch up with them.
But for now, she would take a few minutes to get some air and natural light on top of the hub before diving back into the high tech depths of the Mesa.
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At seven in the evening, closer to eight, Vivian was glad to be back to her on-site apartments. Once again, she had grabbed a snack at the restaurant but the room was much more crowded than it was at lunch and came close to a headache before reaching "home". She could have dined here, cooked something on her induction hob but she was so tired — or lazy — that, tonight again, she still choose to eat at the restaurant over having to do the dishes!
Now, she was getting out of the shower in her bathrobe and throw herself on her bed.
Living like this, it was like being a teenager all over again, back at her parents’, or at the dorm… but once she closed her apartment’s door, Vivian was totally free to do whatever she wanted. As long as it didn’t involve wrecking the place!
But now, even if she wanted to, Vivian wouldn’t have had the strength to break any chair, nor even to make a mess of the bed… About that, she was actually planning on laying there, and falling asleep in her bathrobe while watching a movie or reading any book she had available on her personal tablet. A tablet that was nothing close to the one she was using every day in the Behavior department labs, but a tablet anyway.
She swiped the covers without any real interest; in all honesty, she was feeling too tired to read. Even something she had already read. And she cringed a little when the minimalistic cover with her automatically signed name appeared.
Yeah, even too tired to read her own words!
Besides, it wasn’t great literature at all — a fanfiction. Two, to be precise. Both about the hosts and their narratives as she could have written about a movie, book, or video game’s characters.
Vivian grumbled, letting her tablet fall flat on her stomach, and she stared at the white ceiling before closing her eyes while nibbling her lips. She had written this almost six months after she started working here, taken over by all the motivation, excitement and creativity around her!
She refocused on herself since but, in the meantime, she wrote these. And even though Vivian considered herself to have a fertile imagination, she still commended herself about how better for everyone it was she hadn’t applied for a job in Narrative…
Rising her tablet up again and tapping on the lit screen, she entered the file and skimmed through it, trying to ignore the grammar mistakes she stopped committing since; and mistakes aside, her stories had nothing exceptional, totally influenced as they were by her mood and the not-so-new-but-still-trendy storyline — Escaton’s and his bandits, essentially…
Over a very short time, when Vivian was still more or less trying to fit into the life of the facility and social circles of her co-workers whose names had yet to be caught, she had heard so many comments, appreciations and reviews for this narrative that she looked into it first.
After all, the park afforded Lee Sizemore, renowned author who made a big name for himself with a "hot and grimy" historical saga, a few years back before running out of puff under his editor’s pressure. And a juicy offer by a video game studio to adapt it. 
She understood; everybody, whether staff or guests, was more or less hyped by the brute force brought by Hector Escaton — virile and dark male figure — to the relative tranquility of the park’s starting point.
And Vivian had been no exception.
If her first story was only about made-up characters to explore the pleasing and well rounded context of Sweetwater, her second, on the other hand, was more audacious, altering shamelessly the story from what its authors had surely intended; victorious over the town after killing the sheriff and all opposition, Escaton and his gang enjoyed their plunder at the Mariposa where Hector fell for one of the saloon girls.
That being said, Vivian remained very proper — maybe totally prudish — in these sort of narrative fantasies of hers; nothing turned freaky or utterly violent…
All she did was throwing a few sentences on her writing app for some evenings, when inspiration struck or simply because she urged herself to follow through with what she started. All on her personal tablet. She knew better than to write that on anything system-tethered. Imagining that a bored somebody could just hack into the system all the way up to her personal data… and end up on that giddy nonsense, made her wants to puke!
Not to mention that it might also be forbidden. Even though she never planned to, she knew she couldn’t share it with anyone, nor anywhere. Not as a park employee. If the guests were writing critiques and other reviews online about their stay, herself couldn’t talk about it from the inside. Confidentiality and shit…
Her texts would remain secret, and her silly fantasies with them. In any case, it wasn’t as if she intended to try anything for herself, and even less with Hector Escaton, all the more since he wasn’t even part of the batch her team had in charge. And also, rumor has it that fantasies aren’t always good when act upon!
With a lazy tap, Vivian quitted the reading app and dropped the tablet on her sheets before burying her face in her soft pillow. She let out a deep sigh in it, relaxed, and in fact, she fell asleep almost right away.
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caatws · 4 years
tagged by @justanalto to answer some questions !! :)
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? it’s like a blueish/greenish color and has moana on it! i usually comb my hair so i bought that brush just bc it was moana themed a few years ago lol. i don’t use it often
2. Name a food you never eat. there are many.....#justchildhoodocdthings ermmmm i don’t eat a lot of snack foods like chips or goldfish
3. Are you typically too cold or too warm? too warm, esp these days bc the weather is hella warming up so i wake up feeling hot a lot
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? i was working on some post-grad work stuff and then crossed over into my roommates’ room to watch the facebook livestream graduation 2020 thing cuz miley was on singing the climb
5. What is your favorite candy bar? i love a good hershey’s special dark chocolate moment
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event? yes, quite a lot actually! my mom is super into sports, so i grew up going to a handful of pro sports games - mlb, nba, and nhl. never nfl tho bc my mom said the price of tix wasn’t worth it LMAOOOO. also when the olympics are here in la in like 8 years i wouldn’t mind checking out some events here !!
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? i asked my roommate if she wanted me to close the door as i was leaving her room bc she was abt to hop on a zoom call
8. What is your favorite ice cream? chocolate.....esp if it’s dark chocolate which is Rare
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? starbucks peppermint hot chocolate bc i’m a basic bitch!!!!
10. Do you like your wallet? yeah, i only upgraded from my middle school wallet like back in 2018 to a normal adult looking one. it’s purple and has enough pockets for all my shit! still bulky tho
11. What was the last thing you ate? ....nothing LMFAOOOO lunch is usually my first meal of the day and i haven’t had it yet. but last night i had ramen for dinner
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? last time i bought clothes was i ordered one of the black widow hoodies from hot topic like a month ago....other than that i have not gone clothes shopping since pre-quarantine
13. The last sporting event you watched? i don’t even know....i didn’t watch the super bowl, so it’d either be some time my roommate was watching hockey on our tv or whatever sports my mom was watching when i was still home for winter break in january
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? KETTLE CORN!!!!
15. Who is last person you sent a text message to? i sent a pic of miley singing the climb on the fb livestream on my friend’s laptop to my fam being like “lol miley is our commencement performer!!!!” and my mom was just like cool
16. Ever go camping? yes unfortunately....never for more than a night at a time tho bc i literally Cannot
17. Do you take vitamins? no bc what is Health
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? used to back in the days of catholic school (pre college), but now no longer
19. Do you have a tan? nah bc we can’t go outside bro
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? chinese food 100% i personally think pizza is overrated
21. Do you drink soda with a straw? i don’t believe i ever do tbh
22. What color socks do you usually wear? i only own socks with colorful patterns/designs on them which is extra but very me i suppose
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? always! (a reasonable amount over tho, like within 5-10 mph over...this is average for californians, while many others speed hella)
24. What terrifies you? not a fan of heights nor uncertainty, and this pandemic has essentially destroyed my post grad hopes/plans and now i enter an uncertain future
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my bed, with a lot of stuff piled on top
26. What chore do you hate? all of them???? i guess doing the dishes mostly tho bc i hate the smell of wet dishes with food waste/residue on them and it just feels so gross i can’t
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? i think wow australia sounds like a wild country
28. What’s your favorite soda? orange soda 4ever
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? drive-thru if i can !!! but i don’t mind going in if there’s ample parking available
30. Who’s the last person you talked to? my roommate, when i asked if she wanted me to close the door LMAO
31. Favorite cut of beef? all of them????? i’m not picky with meat dsflkbn
32. Last song you listened to? as i was driving back into my garage the radio station i was listening to started playing sugar we’re going down which threw me for a time loop
33. Last book you read? i’ve been reading fanfic mostly recently so ig whatever the last thing i read for my internship weeks ago was, it would be that
34. Favorite day of the week? even tho time doesn’t matter in quarantine, i’ll always be a friday stan
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? i used to be decent at it but i’m out of practice now. i’ll try to just type it rly quickly and see: zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba (ok so this took me like 5ish secs to type so that’s p good!)
36. How do you like your coffee? i don’t! i just drink peppermint hot chocolate :^)
37. Favorite pair of shoes? my doc martens, but they are now out of season for most of the rest of the year bc i live in southern california where it’s Hawt so i probs won’t wear them again til december
38. The time you normally go to sleep? sometime between 1 and 3 am
39. The time you normally get up? sometime between 9 and 11 am
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets are dope!!!
41. How many blankets on your bed? three, including my sheet, comforter, and a small quilt
42. Describe your kitchen plates. some are just round and plain white, some are round and white with a red decorative border, one is a pokémon plate meant for children that i bought cheap at target
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? piña colada!!! but if i’m trying to get drunk i need vodka or somethin
44. Do you play cards? not much tbh! my apartment has been on a mahjong streak as of late
45. What color is your car? silver!!
46. Can you change a tire? no i’m useless but also my parents believe i’ll get murdered if stuck on the side of the road (which is possible) so they’d prefer me to call aaa for help
47. Your favorite province? uhhhhhhh no provinces here in the u.s. but canada has provinces and i went to british columbia (to visit vancouver) once as a kid so???? if we talking states tho y’all know i will die for california
48. Favorite job you’ve ever had? honestly my job at my school’s mail center this past year was rly cool! my boss was so great and the other student workers were chill, so it was a nice environment and i enjoyed learning all these mail-related skills
49. How did you get your biggest scar? i have no scars ;))))
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy? i had my final appointment with my therapist from my school since i graduated, so i thanked him for working with me the past year and a half!
i tag: anyone who wants to do this, i’m lazyyyyy hehe so feel free to steal!!!! i wanna read y’all’s answers
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realityhelixcreates · 5 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 26: On The Job
Chapters: 26/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Warnings: None Relationships: Loki x Reader (Let’s try this again) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Reader Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), Here Have My Favorite Corn Recipe, Seriously It’s Really Good, Oh Yeah A Major Crime Was Committed, Remember That? Summary: No really, it’s a very good recipe, you should all try it out.
“So, what you're telling me,” You said between bites of dried stockfish. “Is that this goddess, your sister, was around for like, three thousand years, and was apparently a favorite of the entire army. You have those little bits of fresco painting to show me. But in the span of like, a few decades, everyone had forgotten her?”
“Or, at least, refused to speak of her, yes.” Loki said, passing a plate of buttered, dark bread your way.
It was just the two of you this time, in a little room beside the kitchens. You could hear the cooks working on the other side of the wall.
“I'm a bit leery to show you the frescoes just yet.' Loki said. “They're extremely unpleasant, and frankly, embarrassing. I brought several bits of the paintings that came afterwards, and those are much nicer. For one thing, I'm in them.”
You smiled indulgently. “That's the important part, right? Just how much stuff did you grab on your way out?”
“Oh, quite a bit.” Loki waved his fork on the air. “Practically everything I passed by, actually. I have quite a bit of room, though I admit, I stretched things a bit. Transporting living things that way is rather difficult.”
“Living things?”
“Leynarodd. The pegasus, a few others. Certain objects I thought would come in handy later, such as Gungnir. A few books, a few artworks. All artifacts now.”
You scooped lingonberry preserves onto a little cup of skyr. “But the point I was making was, there are plenty of your people that are old enough to remember her. So how come nobody ever said anything? Why were there no precautions taken to prevent her return?”
“From what we've been able to put together, Hela did have many supporters, despite her murderous tendencies. She embodied the endpoint of all that Asgard valued, the culmination of the 'noble warrior culture'. When our father decided to change his tactics to more peaceful means, there was, initially, a split in support. The commoners supported Odin; it seems they were a bit weary of being sent off to die in endless wars, no matter how much honor it brought their families. The nobles supported Hela, as they were loathe to let go of even an ounce of their power, no matter the consequences.
Then, apparently, Hela did some things that lost her all support. Brunnhilde says she attempted a coup, and murdered everyone in the palace as she went-hundreds of people, including many of her noble supporters. Heimdall remembers, and has hinted that she did something even worse, but he will not talk about it, no matter what we do.
And that's how most of the older Asgardians are. Those who are old enough to remember will not speak of it. Those who were there went about erasing her name and hiding her from sight, as if it would somehow make her wither away into nothing. We can't force them to talk, not yet. The people are traumatized after all this. Some of them saw their lives destroyed twice by her. We will simply have to wait until someone is ready.”
Loki grabbed a small bunch of grapes, and split them between you.
“As for precautions, well, I don't know exactly why Father failed so badly there. But he always did seem to have a blind spot when it came to his children.” Loki snorted quietly. “Specifically, the left side. The more I think about it the more it makes sense that he reacted so severely to Thor and myself when we displayed a lack of concern for the lives of others. He must have seen her, growing within us. He must have been terrified that we would take the same path, that all of his children would share the same fate...”
He slammed his fist on the table, suddenly angry. You jumped.
“All he had to do was say one thing about it, and all of this could have been avoided! He didn't even have to tell me, if it came down to it. He could have told Thor, and Thor would have told me! That's probably why he didn't. After Hela, he probably couldn't bring himself to trust even in his own children. But all of this, literally everything happened because he just wouldn't tell us what he needed to!”
His moods were still mercurial as ever. You might not ever get used to it, but you'd better try. You reached out and took the hand he had slammed down. He blinked in surprise, all anger draining from his face. He uncurled his fingers just enough for you to dip yours into his palm.
“Forgive me.” He said quietly. “That was unbecoming.”
“This is a part of my job too, isn't it?” You asked. “To help out with this kind of thing?”
“Technically, yes. Council is a part of the job description. I hesitate to foist that burden entirely off onto you however. I am...difficult at times, and you are not without your own traumas.”
“That's true, but you've dealt with them pretty well so far.” You pointed out.
“I have, considering how many of them involve hitting me in the face.” He chuckled at your mumbled apology. “I am not worried about it. And you have nothing to fear either. My fury could burn the very stars, and I would still never raise a hand to you.”
“Yeah, I kinda figured you weren't the type. You seem above that kind of thing.”
“Do I?” He asked, sounding pleased. “Though if a woman were to come at me with a sword, I would not just stand there and get stabbed. We've no shortage of ladies with swords in Asgard, and then there is Freya, of course...”
“Yeah? The book said she was a fertility goddess?”
“Hmph. That book was kinder to her than it was to me, but it was still incorrect. Oh, she and her brother are connected to fertility, of course. Freyr is the fertility of the tilled earth, that is well kept and fruitful. Freya is the fertility of the battlefield. Blood makes the grass grow, and she reaps a crop of the dead.”
“I'm saying she is a battle goddess as well. Associations with war and combat are also overwhelmingly common among Aesir. The twins make a particularly effective pair; while Freyr is no pacifist, he also dislikes violence for its own sake. However, so great is his connection to life, that the life-bringers, that is to say, women, can never come to harm in his presence. That works out very well for Freya, who relishes battle as much as any Asgardian, and can lead her armies to battle without the slightest fear when her brother is around. She doesn't show much fear when he isn't around either.”
“But isn't that how Hela was?” You asked.
“Oh no, not at all. Freya loves battle, not slaughter. She does not bring combat to those who are not involved with it, she accepts surrender, she knows mercy. Hela would kill anybody, and once she started, she wouldn't stop until the last drop pf blood was spilled. She didn't spare anyone. She intended to murder every soul in Asgard, and was on her way to doing so when I brought the ship to liberate them.”
“You did that too?” You asked. Why wasn't he still king? “You know, for a guy who attacked my planet, you sure are some hero.”
Loki preened. “I take my responsibilities to Asgard very seriously. Not always in a straightforward or officially sanctioned way, granted, but sometimes a more obfuscated method is necessary. Sometimes, you have to trick people into doing things that are good for them. And sometimes, that makes you seem like a villain. And sometimes, you think you know how to do something that would be good for everyone, but it turns out you were a bit...overzealous in your efforts, and perhaps it wasn't such a good idea after all. And that can make you a villain as well.
Well, what I'm trying to say is that, both my brother and I have done decidedly villainous things, for reasons we felt were right. So it stands to reason, that we might both be capable of heroic things as well. And while I have not yet shown your planet anything but that villainous face, it is very likely that I eventually will.”
“Oh. Does that mean you've changed your mind about us? Most people think you kinda hate us.”
“I do not hate you.” He shrugged. “Nor your people. I don't think much of humanity, that's true. It's rather hard to, considering your relative briefness. Your constant moving and changing also makes it difficult to keep up, so why bother? Individuals, perhaps, but humanity as a whole? I'm not really interested. However...” He said, acknowledging your scowl with a tilt of the head. “Asgard is now Midgard. And so, to protect Asgard, I must also stand for Midgard. I will protect your mad planet, and you along with it.”
Heat washed across your cheeks. “That's, uh, quite a declaration.”
The two of you continued eating in silence, both ruminating over what Loki had just said. It ran over and over in your head, keeping your face hot. He would protect you, eh? Your whole world. Sure, he'd said it was for Asgard, but he'd made it sound so personal.
And the more magic you learned, the more you could help. If aliens invaded, you could teleport them into space! If robots attacked, you could...teleport them into space! Hey, it was fine to be a one-trick pony, if that one trick always worked.
“So, uh, what do we do next?” You asked. There were comfortable silences, and there were uncomfortable silences. This was beginning to feel like the latter, and you didn't want him to regret what he had said.
“The most important and prolific duty of royalty.” He stated gravely. “Paperwork.”
“Paperwork.” He repeated. “Endless paperwork. That's what royalty is. Beneath all palaces, luxuries, and power, is a foundation of paperwork. I hope your eyes do not tire easily, because I want you to aid me with it. It will help you to understand the people a bit more.”
It made some kind of sense. Knowing what the people needed, or what they considered important enough to contact their most important people about, could tell you a lot about their values.
A small commotion could be heard rising from the kitchen next door; a great deal of laughter, complaints, and exclamations.
“What's that all about?” You wondered.
“Shall we investigate?”
The entire kitchen staff was gathered around a crate, chattering. A tired porter leaned against a chopping table, demolishing some kind of drink.
“The suppliers must have found something unusual this time.” Loki said. “They are mostly wondering what it is, and how they can prepare it.”
“Lemmie see.” You said. “If it's an Earth food, I might know what it is.”
Loki raised his voice over the din, requesting one of the strange foods be handed over for inspection. A green oblong, tightly wrapped in leaves, was presented to you.
You took a single look and burst out laughing in delight. “That's just corn!” You exclaimed.
“You're certain?” He asked. “I've had corn before, you know. It's tiny and yellow.”
“I'm not playing a prank or anything, look.” You stripped back the husks, causing several of the kitchen staff to move back in surprise at the sudden, rubbery sound. You proudly showed everyone the milky white and yellow kernels underneath.
“This grows all around where I live. Miles and miles of it. This is some particularly good stuff. Cook it right, and you will have something fantastic!”
The cook asked something. Loki answered with what you had just said, and the cook asked something else.
“She wants to know how you suggest it be prepared.” Loki said, not bothering to mask his own curiosity.
“Oh boy. Okay, so you take off these outer husks, okay? Put them in the compost, feed them to the animals, whatever. These inner husks you just pull down, but don't tear off. Now you get the silk off, these little strings, you see? That part can get messy. You can compost those too.”
The entire group watched you closely, as Loki translated your instructions, but you were so used to doing this that you could get the silk off in just a few passes.
“Now that you've got the corn clean, and there's no worms or fungus, you can just rub a little butter all over the kernels. Then you pull these husks back up around the corn to hold the moisture in. Cook this just like it is on really high heat, for about half an hour. Once that's done, pull the rest of the husks off, rub on more butter, sprinkle over a bit of salt and pepper, and it's done! It's really, really good that way, and you can cut off the kernels after that, or just eat it right off the cob, if your teeth are good.”
Some of the staff began stripping husks, while the cook thanked you for the information.
“Now, this is sweet corn, and it's only available for a month or so, probably less here in Iceland. Otherwise, you can sometimes find frozen cobs, and canned or frozen kernels. There's also harder, dryer corn, some for popping, and some for grinding into cornmeal. You can make different things from that.”
“I'm looking forward to dinner now.” Loki said, as you headed back to his rooms. “If your taste in corn is anything like your taste in baking, I've much to anticipate.”
“You're very sweet. I got good at that because it was a precious resource during the, uh...Well, the dent corn would keep, but the sweet corn wouldn't. So we ate it in big batches, and we all got pretty good at cooking it. The butter was pretty rare though. Only a few local cows made it through.”
“I see...Does it bother you to eat it?” Loki asked.
“Oh no, not at all. It was one of the only good times in that whole year. Properly cooked corn is amazing, and it was one of the few times I wasn't hungry.”
Loki patted your shoulder gently. “You won't have to worry about that again.”
You felt full.
“So why is it that the request for more concrete gets priority over the request for more tile grout?” You asked.
“Tiling is for decoration or waterproofing, and usually only in certain rooms of a building. Concrete has wider applications, and on the tighter budget and time frame we're currently working in, we need to get as much done as possible. So the tile grout will have to wait until winter.”
“What do we do in winter, anyway? I assume the snow is too high for construction.”
“The snow does get very high. Most of the construction workers either work on the interiors of buildings, or they practice their other skills. Winter will be the time when the painters go back to work, the jewelers and smiths go back to full time, the textilers can get a great deal done. Once the construction is done, all those people will go back to their regular jobs. That will be several years though. You and I will be able to pass the hours with study, and of course, ever more paper work.”
He stacked the materials requests neatly in their 'approved' or 'rejected' piles, all of the edges perfectly even.
“Now we have...Ugh, another one of these.” He snorted, annoyed.
“What? What's the deal?”
“The Vinnalings request that I meet with their daughter. I wonder if they mean the widow, or the one who is still practically a child?” Loki said sourly, laying the paper down on the rejected pile. “I'm sure they are both perfectly nice, but I'm not interested in playing favorites among the noble families right now. I'm certainly not interested in being wed to some noble I don't even really know.”
“Is that what it's about?”
“Yes.” His sigh was closer to a groan. “It is irritating. I long ago tired of parents who use their children for political maneuvering. I suppose I won't be able to avoid it forever, but I'm avoiding it for now. And even when I feel ready, I certainly won't be marrying someone who is still in mourning for her husband, nor someone who is still a literal child! Maybe I can't expect love, but I can at least demand someone I can get along with.”
“That's...really sad.” You said, slightly distressed. He sounded so resigned to it. Fear of a loveless, arranged marriage must have been hanging over his head for centuries.
“That's royalty. Part of it. We all dream of a love match, but we know that's tremendously rare. Knowing that it's one more thing my father got to have, that I will not is just so...Well, I've accepted it, I just expected that it would happen to Thor first. I don't know how many of these he gets, but I know they come across my desk far too often.”
“Then ignore them. You're building a kingdom right now, and I think it would be obvious you don't have time for this.” You suggested.
“Oh? Is that official advice?” Loki teased.
“Yup. Look, not to pass judgment on a culture I know very little about, but you guys are way too advanced for something as barbaric as forced marriages. Most of this 'primitive' planet did away with that many years ago.”
Loki quirked a dark, perfect eyebrow. “That is very judgmental. However, I agree with you. And so does Thor, and so did my father. He began phasing such things out a short time before he married my mother, which was probably the driving force behind it. I continued his work during the time I was king, and Thor has expressed his intention to do the same. Thor...also has his reasons. Well, the tradition has only really continued among the noble families.”
“I've never known anyone who was in a miserable relationship, who could also work as effectively as they could when they were in a happy one, or even alone. You have to be as effective as you possibly can be, right? And, you know, if you keep putting it off in favor of building up the city, maybe you and the king can get more laws prohibiting it in place, and neither of you will have to worry about it.”
Loki chuckled. “It's very cute when you try to be conniving. You're so blunt about it. Like an eager child.”
“Hey!” You exclaimed. “I'm trying here!”
“I know you are, and your concern for my future happiness is appreciated. It will likely be many more years before this city is anywhere near done, with all the hurdles we must leap. Look at this one; a request for more supplies for the horses. What do you think?”
“Do it.” You said quickly. “Buildings don't need to eat, and they won't die under bad conditions either.”
“Agreed.” Loki said. “Good to know we are in accordance on that as well.”
“What kind of hurdles are you talking about anyway? Enough housing for everybody, right?”
“Yes, and adapting to the extreme weather of Earth, the unfamiliar flora and fauna. The culture shock from outside, the culture war from inside. Convincing humanity that we have a place here, convincing Asgardians that we must find a place here. The inevitable consequences of humans and Asgardians intermingling. The rebuilding of our technology, our prosperity. Learning the technology of Earth. Preserving our culture without rejecting outside influence. Adapting our culture as to not cause undue conflict. Not isolating ourselves entirely. How to relate to the incredible diversity of humankind.”
“Those are all big picture items, that will likely take several human generations to achieve. But we will achieve them. We must. Your presence here with speed some of this along, I believe. When the people see your accomplishments, see that you are not the primitive savage that some Asgardians fear humans are, then they will learn to accept. Your coming here was most fortuitous.”
You snorted. “What's fortuitous? You spirited me away!”
“Are you still angry?” He asked.
“...No. I'm okay now. I just hope I can live up to all the faith you've put in me.”
Loki shuffled through a few more papers. “That's the thing about advice. If I feel you are very wrong about something, I can just ignore you.”
“Rude.” You mumbled. Loki smirked, but the expression faltered as he looked over the next paper. “What? What is it? Another date request?”
“The trial will be conducted in two weeks.” Loki said. “Both you and I are to be there to give testimony.”
You shivered. “Oh.” You really, really wanted to get all of that behind you, but you also really didn't want to be in that murderer's presence ever again. Loki placed his hand on your arm.
“Do not fear. He is powerless now. This will be the last time anyone ever has to see him. He will go to prison, and he will be forgotten. You will never have to waste a thought on him after this.”
You knew you would though.
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ebthecelebrity · 5 years
Don’t Let Mercury Retrograde Get You F*cked Up!
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With the Mercury Retrograde in effect until July 31st, I have definitely been quieter. This is the dreadful time of the year where planet Mercury moves in an opposite direction to planet Earth.  Mercury is the planet associated with Communication. As a major believer in astrology, I have always been intrigued with the planets and stars and am a big believer that we are balls of energy walking on earth.  
Energy never lies.
With the retrograde miscommunication, technical errors, and angry verbal blow-ups are expected. This is the time to OBSERVE, NOT ABSORB. If you observe the energy around you, you don’t have to absorb none of it. Remember, every action doesn’t deserve a reaction.  With this being said, over the past week, I have been observant and really shaking my damn head at the things I am seeing with grown ass adults. I mean,  do I really have to write this article on etiquette?  Why yes, yes I do. Somewhere, we lost our integrity and human empathy. From childish social media posts, petty family members and high school equivalent drama at work, the retrograde’s energy is suffocating me!  It could very well be the energy bouncing off the retrograde, or it could simply be the lack of decent manners.  
I wanted to share 8 etiquette rules that I live by.  Remind you, I am only 36 years young and I have a lot to learn.  Some of these, I, too, must remember and never step outside of the lines of respect. No one is perfect. If you are over 30 years old and you have to be reminded of these, it’s time to sit down, self reflect and repair your behavior.  
1.  When dropping a friend/lover/family member off at their home, wait until they have fully unlocked their door and went inside their house before leaving.  I can’t tell you how much this bothers my spirit.  It screams, “IDGAF if you truly get home safe or not.”  A similar situation I had to learn from was when I was in my early 20s.  I dated a guy who lived in a not so great part of town.  After a night of clubbing, drinking excessively and even sexual relations, this guy would carelessly fall asleep.  I would too sometimes but then realize I had to wake up to head home as it was still dark outside. This guy would never wake up, causing me to venture outside alone.  My first pet peeve with this is if you can’ t handle your alcohol, don’t overindulge and leave your date to fend for themselves.  I would always say a silent prayer that once I walked outside to my car no one would be hiding behind some bushes to kidnap or rob me.  This behavior is inexcusable.  Always make sure your loved one is fully in the house before driving off.  I am not only discussing this as something to be aware of in bad neighborhoods, but what if that person lost their keys and their phone was dead?
2.   Please don’t talk loudly on the phone in public.   Okay, we have ALL done this. Sometimes you are knee deep into a conversation that just can’t be finished when you walk inside the store, however, to be loud and obnoxious is NOT the business.  The other day my son and I were in Food Lion picking up a few groceries.  I was strategically looking at the barbeque sauces.  Reading the back of each bottle with the goal to find the one with the least amount of artificial ingredients and no high fructose corn syrup.  Two young girls came into the store and were engaged in a phone conversation via face time with someone. “Ayeeee! It’s a hot girl summer girl! Turn up! Drink something!” I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Then, the worst happened, they strolled right down the sauce aisle where I casually stood.  The loud laughter, yelling and inappropriate conversation almost sent me over the edge. Mind you, it’s a place and a time to turn up. Hell, I still partake in a light turn up periodically.  As we age, many of us find perfect peace in the comfort of our home.  We dread leaving home to visit the grocery store, hair salon, barbershop, riding public transportation, doctor’s office, etc due to this very reason.  It’s instant anxiety.  I understand that not all public places are quiet, but it would be a lot more enjoyable if we all respected each other’s peace in any environment. PS: It’s still a hot girl summer though, but can we leave the grocery store out of it? Thanks Megan Thee Stallion J
3. Call before you stop over someone’s house.  As stated before, your home is your haven; therefore, if you see someone pop up in the driveway without a prior notice, proceed to ignore the doorbell.  Now, back in the day, this may have been common as the development of technology left room for unexpected guests.  Now in the 21stCentury, we communicate via phone or text.  You can also send a dm, type it in a status update, or email the other party.  There are too many ways to communicate a visit to show a lack of respect of popping up. The next time you even think this is a good idea, ask yourself if the other party possibly worked a long shift, has to cook dinner for their family, has extensive house chores or may be trying to find the energy to do homework with a young child.  To selfishly barge into someone’s structured day without notice, even to drop off an item cannot be tolerated.
4.  Never go to a party empty handed.  Please do not be this person!  I don’t know a single soul that is not on a budget.  Even the wealthiest of people enjoy Wendys “4 for 4” and clips coupons.  Any working, middle class individual knows that throwing any type of party can be costly. You have to brace yourself for the upcoming energy bill after your summer party for the amount of air condition that you provided the guests.  Freeloaders are not welcome in 2019 and beyond.  This shit stops TODAY!   If you know someone who does this, it’s time to take his or her name off the guest list going forward.  I sit back and am puzzled on how can people show up to an event held in the comfort of another’s home and just “show up.”   Unless the host advises you that you don’t need to bring anything,  that would be the only time to show up empty handed.  It can be as small as a bag of ice or paper cups to as large as a sheet cake or a bucket of fried chicken.  My go to is always a bottle of wine.  You can never go wrong with that.  Worst case scenario, no one drinks it and you finish the bottle yourself.
4.  If you borrow money and it took you longer than expected to pay that person back, give a little interest.  Okay, hear me out.  Many of us have loaned a close person some money and they haven’t been able to pay us back in time.  We thank God that we are able to help, but there is also that possibility that your own finances get messed up in the process. I have witnessed people getting a loan from someone who are awaiting their loan to be paid back.  It could be as little as $30, which may be the monthly Internet bill.  If we were all able to acquire a loan from major banks, we’d all be paying interest anyway.
5. Never put your phone on the table while eating a meal with a guest.  I’ve struggled with this the most. I’ve learned that sacred time is just that, SACRED.  After you’ve snap chatted a pic of your delicious plate of food, place your phone in a purse or pocket and engage. In the constant need of communication and the fast paced social media interactions, having the phone on the table screams that the phone is your guest, and not your physical one.  Taking a break off technology for some old fashioned conversation is the new wave.  As soon as the meal is over, then you can check the 56 likes and notifications you received on the pics of your crab legs.
6. Don’t try to build a romantic relationship over the text messages. Tinder, Bumble, POF, and the many other dating applications have made it very convenient to meet potential mates over the phone, but once you have had that icebreaker, what’s next?  This is a lazy approach to continue to court someone you are very interested in via text.  How would you know that you hate the way they chew without more in person interaction? I understand that sometimes many introverted people urge to date too.  Being standoffish and contacting via text message will only cause the other party to look the other way when they find someone who starts actually making plans with them. Getting to know a person takes physical contact, not sex, just physical chemistry. It’s important to see if a person’s energy matches yours.  Instead, call and say “I’m making breakfast, come by”, “ face time to ask them how their day went and analyze their facial expressions or plan a weekend date at the park to have some one on one.  Actions are proven to show great results in terms of dating and for the life of God, STOP TEXTING “WYD” !
7.  Stop asking a Black Woman if she is wearing a wig/weave.  * sigh *  The fact that I am saying this in 2019 is beyond me.  I love to change my hair up, as it gives me a sense of empowerment.  I grew up thinking my hair needed to be straightened and while there is nothing wrong with that, I have grown into acceptance of the hair that grows out of my scalp. I worked with a woman who always made a big deal about when I changed my hair. In our 9 am weekly meetings, she would broadcast to the entire staff that I have new hair.  I felt all eyes on my scalp, many wondering if it was grown out of my scalp or not.  This irritated the shit out of me. I am here to do a job, not to be discussed. Please do not ask a black woman, “Is all that your hair?”  You can be another black woman and do this, making it unacceptable. Unless that woman puts the information out there for your curiosity,  then please just don’t.  Purchasing an additional hairpiece is not anyone’s business.  A simple, “Your hair looks great!” compliment will suffice.  
8. Never, Ever, Ever, Ever, EVER tell someone they look like they gained weight! This is self explainatory.  I don’t have to go any further. Next person who tells me this, WILL get punched in the face. 
Now, this is just a few and I am confident there are many many more etiquette practices that we can live by.  If you know me personally, this is not a jab at you.  It’s simple rules to live by.  Let’s make the world a better and more caring place by practicing respect and love at all times.  Now, let me go sage my entire house and myself.  Time to meditate, pray and just observe. Happy Self Care Sunday!
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stevensavage · 6 years
Eating Cheap And Healthy At Cons
(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com and Steve's Tumblr.  Find out more at my newsletter.)
After reading fabrickind's posts on eating healthy at a con, I figured I'd take a break from my usual posts on writing, psychology, and so on to talk food.  Well, you know eating at a convention in a cheap and healthy way.
This is based on a number of years of doing this and my own experiments.  I've put this into practice various ways, so some ideas are still experimental.  Still, this should help you out.
I'm not focusing a lot on premade meals, which may be good if you can freeze them and take them with you.  I'll focus more on doing stuff at the convention and using easy food to get.
One warning: BE CAREFUL HOW YOU KEEP FOOD.  If something has to be refrigerated, refrigerate it.  If something sits out for awhile, don't eat it.  If your cooler fails, anything that has to be kept cool is suspect.  Don't make yourself sick.
By the way, also remember this is a con.  You're probably not gonna eat perfectly nutritiously, or as regular as you'd like, and you might have a fancy meal out.  That's fine.
The basics of eating healthy are actually pretty easy: the more diverse types of food you eat and the less processed it is, the better.  So really that's your goal.
I'd also add that healthy eating usually has enough fiber in it so you avoid unpleasant consequences post con.
I use the classic power plate - equal parts whole grains, fruit, vegetables, and legumes.  Note of all of those, only one (vegetables) is hard to store outside of a can or a cooler.  Now I eat little animal products, but there are options below.
First, scope the location of the convention.  Here's what you want to look for:
DELI AND LOCAL MARKETS:  You can get a lot of premade, healthy, and reasonably priced stuff here.  Plus fresher ingredients.
CONVENIENCE STORES:  Some carry fruit, nuts, and other reasonably healthy foods.  You might be surprised (but do read labels)
GROCERY STORIES: If you can get near one and stock up, great.
BULK FOOD STORES:  I had great success for years at a con using one of these for oatmeal, dried fruit, etc.
Look for ways to get ingredients and fast healthy cheap food.  Obviously, avoid fast food.
Your room and what you bring with you affects how you'll eat.
A COOLER: If you can bring a cooler, awesome.  You can store stuff in it, like vegetables or premade meals if you keep it cool.  Sure you have to change the ice, but things should keep pretty well.
A MICROWAVE: Awesome.  A microwave is going to let you prepare all sorts of stuff, like steamed vegetables (put them in a bowl with a bit of water, heat a few minutes) or packaged rice.  Some hotels also have public microwaves you can use.
A REFRIGERATOR: Score!  You can keep anything in there.  In fact you can premake stuff, freeze it, then microwave it.
A COFFEE MAKER: Even if this is the only tool you have, it lets you make oatmeal or soup (more later).
So let's talk food and nutrition here.  I'll talk my faves and where they fit in.
BROWN RICE: I love those little heat-up-in-a-microwave single cups of rice.
WHOLE WHEAT BREAD: I get locally made stuff that's basically sugar free and made of like 4 ingredients.
CORN CHIPS: Doesn't sound healthy, but many local brands actually are pretty good.
OAT BRAN: I love this stuff.  Basically higher protein part of Oatmeal.  You can make it in a micowave or hot water from your coffee maker.
OATMEAL: Also I love this stuff.
TORTILLAS: 'nuff said.  Always useful.
PEANUT BUTTER: You'll want a fridge or cooler for most of the no-additive peanut butter (or keep it in an ice container).  Peanut butter is a protein bomb with nice fats.  Slap that on some whole wheat bread and boom.
CANNED BEANS: Canned beans are awesome, especially garbanzos which are nice and solid.  You can open a can, drain it in the sink, rinse in the can, toss some soy sauce on them and you got a protein cource for two or three.
TOFU: You'll need a cooler or fridge to keep it, but rip it open, dump on some spices and eat.
If you eat animal products, think outside of meat.  Precooked harboiled eggs and cheese are good if you can keep them properly.
Most fruits keep without refrigeration so you're good there.  Bring a nice amount.  Also don't forget dried fruit as well - but avoid the stuff with added sugar.
Ok this is a tough one.  Getting your veggies is hard, but there's a few ways.
CANNED VEGGIES: Don't discount canned veggies.  They may be a bit processed, but good quality ones keep and are decent sources of nutrition.  I'm fond of canned spinach which I can drain, microwave, or use in soup.  A bit of soy sauce and sesame seeds and you're good.
GREENS: If you have a fridge or a cooler you can keep some greens around like spinach, broccoli, or cabbage.  Get the prepackaged, pre-washed, and pre-shredded stuff if possible.  Some of this you can eat straight, or steam in a microwave.
Keep some spices with you.  Some may need refrigeration or being kept away from moisture, but its worth it.
BLACK PEPPER: A forgotten spice, but adds a kick.
CURRY POWDER: A good curry (I recommend S&B) spices up soups, beans, and so on.
GARLIC POWDER: Adds that garlic flavor to anything, and it lasts.
LEMON JUICE: Lemon juice and a dash of pepper and garlic powder is instant salad dressing.
SALT: Also good for spicing.
SESAME SEEDS: Great if you make bowl meals or salads or want to jazz up some steamed or canned veggies.
SOY SAUCE: Works on everything.
Some of the above is kinda obvious for food.  Peanut butter sandwiches.  Oatmeal and fruit.  But how can you go farther with what you have?  A few of my favorites . . .
COFFEE MAKER SOUP/CHAZUKE: This is one of my faves.  Make an herbal team (I reccomend lemon or ginger) in your coffee maker.  Dump it over some beans and shredded greens, and some soy sauce, and let it sit for a bit until the greens soften.  Then you have soup.
BOWLS: If you have a microwave (or can make rice in the coffee maker, I think it might be possible with precooked rice, don't know), you can make a bowl meal.  Rice, some canned beans, shredded veggies, and some spices.  You're good.
HUMMUS: No, really.  Pour that can of drained beans into a bowl, add spices, mash with a fork, serve with bread or chips.  Done.
SALAD: Throw some greens in a bowl, add beans, add soy sauce and lemon juice.  Salad.
That should give you a few good, cheap ideas.  Using these at one con I bought only ONE meal over the weekend.  Some of this advice is used day-to-day when I get lazy at home . . .
Steven Savage
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lowcarbnutrients · 6 years
Saturated Fat Alone Does Not Cause Heart Disease
For decades, saturated fat-also called 'poor' fat-has been classified among the leading reasons of heart problem. Greasy hamburgers, T-Bone steaks, tacky pizza as well as lotion sauces have actually long been prevented because of advice offered by nourishment professionals such as myself, wellness officials, and also as outlined by nationwide wellness authorities and also heart associations. The reality is, there is definitely no link in between saturated fat as well as heart condition risk. But wait. Don't allow this brand-new evidence be your permit to gorge on oily burgers day-to-day.
A brand-new big research published on Monday in the journal 'Annals Of Internal Medicine' examined 49 observational studies as well as 27 randomized control tests on heart problem danger based on diet data from greater than 600,000 people throughout The United States and Canada, Asia, as well as Europe.
What they discovered was that usage of saturated fat alone does not forecast heart condition.
They additionally discovered that those who consumed extra unsaturated or 'healthy and balanced' fats such as monounsaturated fat-rich olive oil or polyunsaturated fat-rich canola oil or nuts, were not at a lower danger of establishing heart problem. It turns out that heart problem threat is a lot extra difficult compared to saturated vs. unsaturated fat consumption. The researchers did verify, however, that trans fats, the large 'crook' usually located in processed, packaged foods or in deep fried foods like potato chips or French french fries, does raise the risk of cardiovascular disease such as heart assault or stroke.
The reason that saturated fat got a poor rap initially was as a result of it raises LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins), the 'poor' sort of cholesterol that enhances heart disease threat. It turns out that saturated fat likewise raises HDL (high density lipoproteins), the 'excellent' kind of cholesterol. The lead researcher, Rajiv Chowdhury, MD, likewise describes in an interview that the particular subtype of elevated LDL cholesterol doesn't seem to be harmful-it is less dangerous than the smaller artery-clogging subtype of LDL that seems to increase with a diet high in refined sugars and also excess carbs.
Still, the scientists describe that it is traditional believing to tease one single nutrient when it concerns persistent illness risk, as well as I agree. Exactly what I find remarkable is that individuals have the tendency to turn greatly towards one type of food when another is deemed 'poor'- when hydrogenated fat was thought to be the big reason of cardiovascular disease, people counted on carbs to load in the void. When carbohydrates became the villain, individuals resorted to higher protein diet regimens, as well as currently that we understand that as well much protein isn't so great and that saturated fat isn't considered the culprit, we'll probably see a pattern in the direction of greater fat foods.
It's this or absolutely nothing mentality that gets individuals into problem.
I have no doubt in my mind that lots of people will see this research study as an environment-friendly light to delight much more often in greasy burgers, cheese-ladened appetizers, as well as French pastries, however I think that we have to pause, place the hamburger down and also truly assume concerning what we're doing.
When I got to out to my Registered Dietitian assistance community to see what their take on this brand-new study was, one RD mentioned the fact that many foods high in saturated fat are likewise high in refined carbs, exceptionally high in calories, often high in sodium as well as void of much nourishment to start with, so if individuals start eating these foods (believe restaurant burgers, cheese buns, pastries, luscious pasta sauces, cold-cut subway sandwiches) a lot more usually, they are most likely going to put on weight and also may even enhance their blood stress, both of which are threat elements of heart condition. On the other hand, if somebody determined to switch from margarine to butter, switch to 2% fat yogurt vs fat-free or make homemade burgers with lean hamburger as opposed to always using ground turkey, that seems sensible as well as completely healthy and balanced.
The media has the tendency to produce a frenzy around research studies similar to this as well as individuals have the tendency to translate research study findings right into their new diet plan mantra.
As all of us understand, nutrition research study modifications virtually daily, so my suggestion is to focus on these three points instead:
Singling out one certain nutrient such as fat, carbohydrates, salt, or healthy protein as profaning is the incorrect way to go. Forgoing an entire food team frequently leads to feeling denied and also binging in the future and also might even result in vitamins and mineral shortages. On the flip side, anything in excess is not a good idea either. The old proverb 'done in small amounts' actually does prove out when it comes to nourishment and consuming. Delight in poultry wings as soon as in a while, not every 2nd day.
Enjoy a freshly baked pastry once a week as opposed to every morning. Spread a little bit of butter on your corn rather than splashing it so that it's trickling. Have a tiny glass of wine a night as opposed to half a container.
Become a Fooditarian
When I composed a blog post on coming to be a 'Fooditarian' a while back, I described just how my husband and I had actually made a decision to significantly decrease the processed/packaged foods that we purchased. Instead of having morning meal cereal, we're currently making homemade muesli or slow-cooker steel-cut oats. Rather of buying premade pizza shells, we're making entire grain pizza dough from square one. We're focusing much more on entire fresh foods as well as cooking from scrape regularly. Due to the fact that our food preferences a lot better, and due to the fact that we truly don't feel deprived of anything, it works actually well for us. Study constantly indicates the reality that usage of highly processed foods brings about unfavorable health and wellness outcomes such as excessive weight, heart illness, Diabetes mellitus, and also Metabolic Syndrome. As a result, reducing the amount of convenience food, packaged/processed food-like products in addition to sugary drinks as well as concentrating a lot more on real whole food is really a no-brainer.
I constantly return to the importance of being a mindful eater. Also if your diet regimen is perfectly balanced with only entire foods as well as no unhealthy food, it is still possible to increase your weight and your risk of chronic illness if you're not eating mindfully (eating way too much). Pay interest to your personal cravings hints when eating. Eat prior to you end up being hungry and stop prior to you're over full. Let your body be your guide when it pertains to eating, not just how much food gets on your plate or what does it cost? your buddy across the table has actually consumed. Eat slowly as well as taste your food.
Even if you do come to be a Fooditarian, there are still some packaged foods that you will certainly get. Don't waste your time analyzing food tags. Here's the only point you have to know about nutrition labels. And also you may also be interested in discovering how being 'slim fat' has lots of health and wellness risks.
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candy-floss-crazy · 9 months
Hire Mexican Nacho Carts
Hire Mexican Nacho Carts.   Smart, good looking, and Mexican. It just doesn't get any better than this.   Offer your guests spicy Mex nachos to brighten up their day. Nacho carts are a great snack food for any of your events. Crispy tortilla chips, with spicy peppers. Side dishes of cheese, guacamole and salsa. Equally at home for after the wedding breakfast, or on your exhibition stand. A perfect treat for your customers. This is another of our range of international flavoured catering treats. Available for hire on a range of different themed carts to fit in with your type of event. ¡Qué bonita! Tell Me More!Nacho Cart Dips You have a selection of toppings provided; •Nacho Cheese Sauce. •Guacamole. •Salsa. •Jalapeños. •A range of hot and spicy sauces. You can choose to add chilli con carne as an additional option. Mexican nachos are a fun snack food and are sure to impress your guests. All of our staff hold a minimum of Level 2 health certification, with many holding Level 3. Our management team are  working towards Level 4. This will ensure that you have the best experience possible when hiring any of our catering options.Tortilla chips are made from corn tortillas. Cut into wedges and then fried. Though they are considered a Mexican food, the first tortilla chips were actually mass produced in Los Angeles. They were a way to reuse rejected tortillas. We can team our nacho cart with various other sweet desserts such as candy floss or candy buffets, or for a real Mexican feel, why not hire our tequila bar! If you are looking at adding an international flavour to your event, why not add one of our international dessert options; •Spanish churros •French Crepes •Dutch poffertjes •Belgian wafflesHiring A Nacho Cart You can choose from a range of themed carts for the nachos to be served from including; •Victorian Hand Cart. •Contemporary Cart. •Branded Corporate Cart. •Tikki Beach Bar. •Alpine Hut. •Ultra modern L.E.D. Cart. Remember this is the Instagram generation, the first thing your guests will do is photograph everything and post it all over social media, so it needs to look as good as it tastes. In addition you can have our team design and build a completely custom structure. For use at exhibitions or company sales promotions. If you need the consumables branding, or the delivery vehicle and staff workwear, not a problem. In addition to our nachos, we also offer other great savoury options, why dont you check out;  Gourmet Hot Dogs, Chipstix and Juicy Jackets. National Nacho Day is November 6th. The food most craved by pregnant women is “Nachos”. The largest plate of nachos in the world was made by a school in Kansas, the platter weighed in at 2,126.89 kg. 997.9% of the weight being the cheese. Nachos were names after a guy called, yep, Nacho, a nickname for Ignacio Anaya. The original recipe only included tortilla chips, shredded cheese and sliced jalapeños, no beans or meat. The first U.S. restaurant to feature nachos was reputed to be El Cholo in San Antonio, Texas.WHERE CAN I HIRE A NACHO CART NEAR ME; We provide a service throughout the full U.K., so can cover any of your events. DO WE GET CHEESE SAUCE WITH OUR NACHOS; Yes we provide sauce, jalapeno peppers and guacamole. Nacho carts available for hire through out the U.K. Including Scotland, Lancashire, London, Yorkshire, The North East and The Midlands, and makes an ideal snack food for military balls, college balls, weddings, parties, corporate events, exhibitions, sales promotions, company fun days and any other event. If you fancy something sweet to go with it, check out our churros carts. 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 Read the full article
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dsfsposts · 3 years
Environmentally Friendly Packaging & the Impact on Customer Satisfaction
In recent years, almost every business has aimed to become as environmentally friendly as possible, whether that be by using environmentally friendly products or just simply turning equipment off when not in use. In the packaging industry, the growing trend of becoming more environmentally friendly has been taken off, and it would seem that even consumers are looking to embrace the trend. Businesses are now starting to choose environmentally friendly packaging over that of non eco-friendly packaging, and consumers are becoming more and more influenced by this choice.
There are a number of ways to make your business more environmentally friendly, with the choice in packaging being the common focus for all businesses. Choosing packaging made from recycled, renewable ingredients is a simple way to reduce negative environmental impact. For packaging to be considered eco-friendly, it must have a minimal impact on the environment during its life cycle (from the creation of the packaging to the recycling of the packaging). There are a number of advantages to using eco-friendly packaging:
Decreases your Carbon Footprint: The obvious benefit to eco-friendly packaging is reducing your carbon footprint. Being made from bio-degradable, recycled materials means there is less waste of natural resources.
Disposal: Another benefit of eco-friendly packaging is the ease of disposal, often costing a considerable amount to move and dispose of supplies. Eco-friendly packaging on the other hand is compostable, reusable, and recyclable, meaning that after its original use, the packaging can be buried (compostable), recycled (Broken down and made into more packaging) or re-used (you can either re-use it yourself or recycle it to be used again).
Brand Image: One of the biggest benefits of using eco-friendly packaging is how it reflects on your business. When consumers learn you’re using eco-friendly packaging, it reinforces the idea that your business is a responsible company, willing to look out for the environment. Better brand image leads to better sales and better profits, all because you looked out for the environment.
Cost Benefits: The best news for your business is that eco-friendly packaging is actually cost-effective. With companies reducing the materials used in their packaging, manufacturing the packaging ends up costing less. With fewer materials, packaging weighs less, saving on transportation costs when compared to before.
However, the main question is, do consumers really care about eco-packaging? Well, fortunately, it appears they do. According to an article from sustainablebrands.com, “more than three-quarters of consumers claim that eco-friendly packaging has an influence on the beverage brand they purchase." Consumers are even willing to purchase products that might cost a little more if the packaging is eco-friendly and are sometimes even willing to avoid a specific brand for their lack of eco-friendly packaging. All of this information has lead to a large majority of businesses taking the environment into account as a part of their business strategy, looking to focus on using eco-friendly materials -- with renewable materials becoming a key focus from businesses.
While the stats do look promising, it’s worth noting that “environmental factors were a bigger influence for more developing countries like Brazil, Turkey and India, than in already developed areas like the UK, USA or Japan.” Developing countries saw around 60% of all surveyed saying that they actively look out for environmental information when thinking about purchases, compared to only 25% from the more developed countries. In another article by campaignlive.co.uk, it is said that in an online survey of 1,000 people, conducted by Toluna, “Almost two-fifths of respondents said they would be more likely to buy a product if it had less packaging than a rival’s. More than one-third said they thought some products have too much packaging, and 32% said they like products to have a lot of packaging, only if they are fragile.” It is shown that consumers link the amount of packaging on a product with value, with over-packaged products causing consumers to believe they will have to pay more for it, as well as the obvious impacts on the environment compared to well packaged eco-friendly packaging.
What is PLA packaging?
Firstly, PLA stands for Polylactic Acid. It’s a new type of high molecular polymer material and is commonly known as corn plastic. PLA is made from renewable resources, is biodegradable and has characteristics similar to Polypropylene (PP), Polyethylene (PE) and Polystyrene (PS). There are many uses for PLA and the most recognised include the following:
Biodegradable medical devices (screws, pins, rods, plates etc.)
3D printing
How is PLA packaging made?
PLA is a polyester made with two possible monomers or building blocks: lactic acid, and lactide. Lactic acid is produced by fermentation under controlled conditions of a carbohydrate source, such as corn starch or sugarcane, making the process sustainable and renewable.
PLA can be produced by the direct condensation of lactic acid. However, this process usually results in a low-density form of PLA (not ideal). In order to produce high-density PLA, the lactic acid must be heated in the presence of an acid catalyst to form cyclic lactide. This is known as ring-opening polymerisation.
How can PLA packaging be disposed?
When it comes to renewable and biodegradable packaging, the PLA packaging play a key part in the sustainability of the given product.
For PLA, there are two main methods of disposing:
1. Compost degradation – Within the first 180 days of a PLA product’s life, it’s 100% biodegradable and can be composted to ensure sustainability. PLA will decompose into digestible polymer fragments in about 7 days at 60°C in a moist environment - a typical composting condition for a large composting operation.
2. Renewable energy recovery (incineration) – Because PLA doesn’t contain any chlorine atoms, so can be safely incinerated under controlled conditions without producing any dioxins (highly toxic chemicals). Although, as biodegradability is the primary motive for PLA and other bioplastics, incineration should be considered after compost degradation as the end-of-life option.
What is PCR Packaging?
PCR means Post-Consumer Recycled material or Post Consumer Resin, and generally refers to plastics such as PET, PP and HDPE which are widely recycled and then reprocessed into a resin that is used to make new packaging. In simple terms, it is packaging that is being given a second life.
Why use PCR in your packaging?
Principally, because it helps the environment. Virgin plastics are generally processed from fossil fuels so reprocessing them has massive benefits to the environment. But that’s not the only reason to use them: The more people that use PCR resin, the greater the demand will be. This in turn drives more recycling of used plastic packaging, helping the commercial case to recycle and means that less plastic ends up in landfill, rivers or then becomes yet more plastic in the ocean. So by using PCR, you help the “snowball effect” of recycling. Many countries around the world are bringing in legislation to force the use of PCR and being a step ahead will help you to be compliant with regulations. Using PCR adds a responsible element to your brand and shows your marketplace that you care. Many consumers will be prepared to pay more for products packaged in PCR packaging, making your product more valuable and potentially more profitable.
Sugarcane Packaging Vs Paper Packaging
If you’d like to learn more about our sugarcane packaging tableware range, or the differences between the two types of materials and how they’re used, please reach out to us today.
In our latest blog we explore the differences between sugarcane packaging and paper packaging products, so you can make an informed decision based on your business needs and values.
While products made from paper and the sugarcane by-product bagasse, look and feel similar, their main differences lie in the way the materials are grown and produced.
Not only is sugarcane food packaging a much better alternative than plastic, there’s also quite a big difference in volume of raw product required between paper vs sugarcane food packaging.
We’ll start our article by delving into sugarcane or bagasse containers, as that’s what our compostable tableware range is made from.
How do spray bottles pump fluid?
Spray bottles are an extremely useful type of machine and an excellent demonstration of basic plumbing principles. A spray-bottle head is made up of only a few parts. It has a trigger lever, which activates a small pump. This pump is attached to a plastic tube that draws cleaning fluid from the bottom of the reservoir. The pump forces this liquid down a narrow barrel and out a small hole at the gun's muzzle. The hole, or nozzle, serves to focus the flowing liquid so that it forms a concentrated stream.
The only complex element in this design is the fluid pump, and it's about as simple as they come. The main moving element is a piston, housed inside a cylinder. Inside the cylinder, there is a small spring. To operate the pump, you pull the trigger back, pushing the piston into the cylinder. The moving piston compresses the spring, so when you release the trigger, the piston is pushed back out of the cylinder. These two strokes of the piston, into the cylinder and out again, constitute the entire pump cycle.
The downstroke, the piston pushing in, shrinks the area of the cylinder, forcing fluid out of the pump. The upstroke, the spring pushing the piston back out, expands the cylinder area, sucking fluid into the pump. In a spray bottle, you need to suck cleaning fluid in from the reservoir below and force it out through the barrel above. In order to get all of the fluid moving through the barrel, the pump must only force the fluid up -- it cannot force the fluid back into the reservoir. In other words, the fluid must move through the pump in only one direction.
The device that makes this possible is called a one-way valve. A spray bottle has two one-way valves in the pumping system: one between the pump and the reservoir and one between the pump and the nozzle. Typically, the valve between the pump and the reservoir consists of a tiny rubber ball that rests neatly inside a small seal. The sides of the seal are angled so that the ball won't fall through. Depending on the design, either gravity or a small spring holds this ball against the seal so that the water passageway is blocked off when you are not pumping. When the piston moves out (when you release the trigger), the expanding area of the cylinder sucks on the fluid below, pulling the ball up out of the seal. Since the ball is lifted up, fluid is free to flow from the reservoir. But when you squeeze the trigger, the outward force of the moving fluid pushes the ball into the seal, blocking off the passageway to the reservoir. Consequently, the pressurized fluid is pushed only into the barrel.
In a spray mechanism, the one-way valve between the pump and the nozzle is a sort of cup, which fits over the end of the barrel. On the upstroke, the inward pressure from the pump pulls the cup against the barrel, so air can't flow in through the nozzle. On the downstroke, the fluid pushing out lifts the cup off the barrel slightly and flows on through the nozzle. Without this second one-way valve, the pump system wouldn't be able to draw fluid up from the reservoir because there would be no suction (no drop in air pressure). The upstroke wouldn't lower the air pressure in the pump; it would only draw in more air to maintain that pressure.
5 Benefits of Using Tubes Packaging for Cosmetic Containers
In the cosmetics industry, we can see a great increase in demand for different types of cosmetic products, such as hair removal, anti-aging, and sunscreen products. The interesting thing is that both men and women are the buyers of these products. These products are sold in attract containers that protect the integrity of the material inside. Let's read about some of the benefits of tubes as cosmetic containers.
For cosmetic containers, plastic tubes are becoming the ideal choice. The reason is that they are attractive and versatile. That's the reason they can satisfy the needs of this fast-growing industry. Given below are some reasons these products are a great choice. Read on.
Today, consumers are quite conscious as far as spending money is concerned. They try their level best to save as much money as possible. If you want to reduce your packaging costs, you can try the squeeze tubes.
Fancy cosmetic containers, such as glass are quite expensive. Therefore, they add to the price of the product. On the other hand, plastic tubes use the best technology available. Therefore, they are the most affordable option you can try. The cost is low but the container quality is great.
Unlike plastic or glass, plastic tubes offer more versatility. The thing is that they are designed to carry a lot of a substance, such as a sunscreen or shampoo. Apart from this, the openings are adjustable to accommodate the product viscosity. This allows you to store different types of substances, such as cosmetic foundations, astringent toners, and creams, just to name a few. So, versatility is another primary benefit of using these tube containers.
Heavy jars of plastic and glass containers are quite eco-friendly. As a matter of fact, small containers don't waste plastic as they are recyclable. Actually, the makers of these products make use of green processes in order to have a minimal effect on the environment. Therefore, if you are looking for an eco-friendly option, we suggest that you try out these containers.
Unlike glass containers, plastic tubes are more portable. The reason is that they cover less space, easier to transport and are less fragile. They are much easier to ship as they are more stable. Plus, they can make sure that the quality of the product is always high. You can carry multiple tubes in your own pocket.
Easy to use
Unlike jars that need to be unscrewed before each use, tubes are much easier and convenient. All you need to do is pop the lid, press the tube and the substance will come out. Therefore, they are much easier to handle than glass containers, which makes them an ideal choice for most users.
Long story short, these are the benefits of tubes as cosmetic containers. If you are a manufacturer of a cosmetic product, we suggest that you consider using cosmetic tubes. They can help you bring the costs down and offer your products at a much lower price. Hope this helps.
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