bakedbakermom · 10 months
txf + text posts (5/?)
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hola-soy-una-persona · 8 months
A veces siento que cada día en el que no me suicido es un milagro.
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ihavenoideamanokay · 1 year
okay I've given up I'm gonna rant about the blue beetle movie because OH MY GOD
I wanna watch it again but I don't wanna go back to the theater I just wanna buy it already so I can watch it over and over and over
spoilers ofc so be prepared (also this is gonna be really long)
my one complaint. is khaji having a feminine robot voice. because I'm used to young justice where they were just a slightly more murderous sounding jaime which I think is perfect. idk it just feels too much like a marvel movie with the female robot suit. IT WAS BETTER THAN A MARVEL MOVIE THOUGH HAHAHAHA-
(for the record I usually say they/them for khaji bc they are a bug robot thing I don't think they understand or care about human gender but I'm stuck between that and that one venom post where they say venom uses he/him sometimes to match eddie's gender BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE KHAJI WOULD DO THAT 💀💀)
anyway I loved the movie soooooooo much and I love boostle being gay (and wasn't prepared for ted having a wife) so I was worried that ted had a daughter but she was AWESOME I LOVE HER SO MUCH
I especially love how nice she was???? her only surviving family member is a complete jerk and it never rubbed off on her, no matter how done with it she was and all that
I have a family member who, like vIcKy, is just mean to everyone for no reason (okay victoria kinda had a reason I'll get to all that later) and if I'm around her for too long I start wanting to match her energy. like yell back. I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON? LOOK WHO'S TALKING! that kinda stuff. but JENNY DOESN'T DO THAT I mean she still stands her ground and all that BUT she never sinks to victoria's level and that's amazing.
anyway on victoria's reasoning yeah I get it, it totally sucks that you helped create the company and it never got passed down to you, and I'm not trying to invalidate that in any way, I'm just saying, think about it from a different perspective. she could've been a psycho from the beginning. creating weapons will probably make you feel horrible and depressed because you're killing people! I just think we don't know if she cracked because of that and that's when she started seeing people as expendable, or if she was born like that, or if she became like that because of the sexism! I was just thinking about it and I feel like there's a possibility that their grandpa thought she was being a little too aggressive or something and that's why he gave the company to ted. of course, I'm not saying that's what happened, just that that's an interesting thought I had.
NEXT this is dumb but I'm too bi for that movie I saw the main couple and went IVHVAJBKSBEJV THEY'RE BOTH SO PRETTY WHAT 😭😭😭 (well it was more like I went yeah the guy who plays jaime (I'm sorry idk any actors) is pretty and then jenny came on and I just. oh no. then they flirted and I was like NO WHAT-
okay I love the family relationships in this movie because they're all so different. I mean you have jenny and her mom who she didn't really know (because she died), then her dad being distant, then her and her aunt constantly hating each other but being too scared to do anything about it. of course they didn't wanna kill each other because ✨lawsuits✨ but they wanted to get rid of each other because victoria was doing horrible things and jenny was getting in her way. then you have jaime's family which is a disaster in the best way possible. I love how we didn't see them that much but could still tell exactly what was going on there. you get that they're all super close (you even get that there's no privacy💀) and they're all like best friends. I feel like his mom should've gotten a bit more characterization, but whatever. I mean her husband died?? and we barely see her???? idk. I just like how drastically different it is from the kords like I think it's cool.
I realized after the movie that. his grandma never saw him transform the first time. and she probably saw the hole in the roof and, knowing her, did not care. then when he comes back they saw khaji attached to him and she was probably filled in, but. we never saw her reaction. I think it was a good decision not to show it, because she'd probably react in some way that mentioned her fighting people in the past and all that.
okay this is another cursed thought but what happened to jenny's motorcycle at the end? she drove it over but then jaime flew her away. did she leave it there and just make him pick her up later to get it? did he go back and fly it to her?? motorcycles are heavy man I don't think that would be fun. did he drive it to her???? did he just leave it there??????? did he fly her everywhere after that??????????? people will guess your secret identity man. also did milagro steal it because that is totally a milagro thing to do-
OH YEAH let's talk about how they all hated jenny when jaime transformed because as funny as that was. guys. she literally told him not to open it. (honestly I feel like it's an insult to khaji's intelligence that they thought they couldn't get out of a fast food box but that's just me.) and I totally get that they hated her because she was a kord and victoria was being horrible but like THEY JUSTIFIED IT AS "YOU DID THIS TO HIM" AND I FEEL LIKE OUT OF EVERY COMPLAINT THEY HAVE WITH HER THAT'S THE WORST ONE TO USE. SHE KINDA GOT JAIME AND MILAGRO FIRED AS WELL although that's also because milagro was breaking rules and jaime's just too good of a person to not yell at victoria. WAIT WHAT ABOUT THE FACT THAT SHE SAID "PROTECT IT WITH YOUR LIFE" KNOWING FULL WELL HE COULD ACTUALLY DIE THAT'S A GOOD COMPLAINT but like we can excuse that bc we love her here
okay so yes the scene where he talked to his dead dad was fine and all like I like it but. PLEASE. THE CGI WAS SO BAD IN THAT ONE PART. like the rest of the movie was fine BUT SERIOUSLY COME ON GUYS but in other news I love that scene because anything that has khaji just. vibing. is the best. and then having jaime accept them and stuff.
I just realized this movie could totally be a queer metaphor because of the whole acceptance theme?? I mean it's not like THE QUEER METAPHOR MOVIE EVER it's more like hey self acceptance. I mean you have to come out to yourself before you come out to others so idk that's just random
anything that has khaji da and jaime being best friends is automatically amazing. so my favorite arc in young justice is the reach arc (because I'm a sucker for possession and it was just totally well done) and my absolute favorite part of the arc + favorite blue beetle moment + possibly favorite part of the whole show??? is when khaji says the "then you haven't learned anything from our time together" line (that jaime says like an episode or so before I think) and every time I rewatch that I'm just like 😭😭😭😭😭 because they're besties your honor (or in love idk that ship isn't my first choice but I don't have a problem with it) and it's so so so good
I was so worried the movie was gonna be bad because I've only seen one recent dc movie (okay it was half of one) and I'm going to be honest I was not engaged at all I was kinda bored (I don't wanna say what movie it was because it's a very very hot take) and I was like oh no what if this movie does it too. nope. I also was really really hoping that they'd actually be like yeah the scarab's name is khaji da AND THEY DID I WAS SO HAPPY
oh my god I was looking at the cast and they listed victoria's assistant scientist guy as dr. sanchez. NOW I'M NOT THE SMARTEST BUT I'M PRETTY SURE THAT'S NOT HIS NAME- WASN'T THAT A WHOLE PLOT POINT 😭😭😭
that's all I have to say for now, there will probably be more later
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A letter from Gustavo "Coco" Nicolich, a 21-year-old veterinary student and player on the Old Christian's First 15. This letter was written on the 22nd of October, shortly after the survivors made the devastating decision to begin consuming the dead bodies of their friends and teammates in order to survive.
Coco, a devout Catholic, wrote that "For my part, I asked God in everything possible that this day would never come, but it came, and we have to face it with courage and faith. Faith because I have arrived at the conclusion that the bodies are there because God has put them there, and since the only thing that matters is the soul, I don't have to have great remorse and that if the day came and I could save somebody with my body, I would gladly do it."
His words proved to devastatingly prophetic, as he perished seven days later in the avalanche that carried away eight of the remaining survivors.
Coco's letters were carried home by his friend and teammate Gustavo Zerbino, and they brought great comfort to his family. One of his letters was displayed by his mother, Raquel Arocena de Nicolich, on her bedside table until her death.
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aquiminhalma · 1 year
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thekidthesuperkid · 1 year
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harmonicabisexuals · 1 year
mourning the fact that they gave rob bowman “trevor” to direct instead of “milagro” ....we could have had it all
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sidhedust · 1 year
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As it turns out, I do draw more than I think, but it's always small doodles between the big stuff. I decided to post these just to not lose them after the semester is over-I drew them on my history notes, and I reuse to crack open my notebook once I reach the end of December.
These folks don't appear until the first "real" arc of the story, but I can't help but doodle them even as I work on the prologue they don't appear in.
There are two new guys here (top left and on the left on the bottom pic), and I would post more art of them, but I'm currently redesigning them to add more animal motifs, making old art of them outdated LOL.
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Via Milagro Reyes’s Instagram
(In honor of the Blue Beetle movie!!!)
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the3williams · 1 year
still life
Sometimes at night she wonders if the two of them just blinked into existence fully formed like this, which is to say she wonders if they’ll never change. If they’re just here to play these parts. The streetlights whistle through the blinds like film noir and here she is in his bed, on his bed, next to him but not touching, with whiskey on her breath. Tomorrow or yesterday she’ll put on red lips and they’ll work another case they never solve.
Agent Scully is already in love, Agent Scully does nothing about it but still asks Agent Mulder to sleep beside her. Agent Scully keeps going and going and
“Did I die?”
“Scully.” He leans closer. “Never.”
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reinabeestudio · 2 years
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New sitcom coming soon to Cringe 58 TV, featuring an undead guy and the necromancer he somehow ended up living with.
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alien-girl-21 · 2 years
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Today would have been Francisco "Panchito" Abal's 73rd birthday. At 21 years old, Panchito was a graduate of the Stella Maris College and an extremely talented rugby player, playing the winger position for the Old Christian's First 15.
Panchito was also Nando Parrado's closest friend, and was considered almost to be a second son by Nando's parents, Seler and Eugenia. Moments before the crash of Flight 571, Panchito convinced Nando to switch seats so that he could have a better view of the mountains, a split-second decision that would save Nando's life but cost him his own.
Panchito suffered a severe head trauma during the crash, and passed away during the first night on the mountain from his injuries.
Happy heavenly birthday, Panchito. I hope you're up there dancing the night away ❤️
Hoy hubiera sido el cumpleaños número 73 de Francisco "Panchito" Abal. A los 21 años, Panchito se graduó en el Colegio Stella Maris y fue un jugador de rugby extremadamente talentoso, jugando en la posición de extremo para los First 15 de Old Christian.
Panchito también era el amigo más cercano de Nando Parrado, y fue considerado casi como un segundo hijo por los padres de Nando, Seler y Eugenia.
Momentos antes del accidente del vuelo 571, Panchito convenció a Nando de cambiar de asiento para poder tener una mejor vista de las montañas, una decisión en una fracción de segundo que salvaría la vida de Nando, pero le costaría la suya.
Panchito sufrió un traumatismo craneoencefálico severo durante el accidente y falleció durante la primera noche en la montaña a causa de sus heridas.
Feliz cumpleaños a cielo, Panchito. Espero que estés ahí arriba bailando toda la noche ❤️
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aquiminhalma · 1 year
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Nerds who didn't forget their bullies and actively wish them harm to this day are the backbone of our society
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nine-fingered-entity · 4 months
i like how their solution to arthur dale's recasting was to just make the new character his brother who is ALSO named arthur dale. as someone who had stuffed animals who were brothers with the exact same names, i feel this was the correct solution.
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