hogoflight · 6 months
hc that Naomi Solace and Toa Apollo’s post-Toa dynamic is like this: Apollo: (terrified. As he should be. Ringing Naomi’s doorbell.) AH! NAOMI! NO DON’T LEAVE I JUST WANTED TO- Naomi: you come to my house. Leave me with my child for 16 years. Apollo: NAOMI I’M SO SO SORRY I KNOW IT WON’T- Naomi: And you come with a shirt on?? What do you take me for??
Apollo: oh, yeah, of course, my mistake, (he takes his shirt off)
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money-and-dandellions · 4 months
At a sleepover, Meg and Lester would binge watch all three parts of 'The Night At The Museum' in one night. Lester would fall asleep after 20 minutes of the 1st movie with Meg waking him up after that every other 5 minutes.
Both of them would finish the first movie and the 15 minutes of the second one before falling asleep in a pile of limbs and blankets.
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Post-toa headcanons
ok so I recently finished the toa series, and lEMME TELL YA I HAVE NEVER CRIED SM WHILE READING A SERIES OK? LIKE I ONLY TEARED UP A LIL IN THE FIRST BOOK, BUT I WAS FULL ON SOBBING IN SOME PARTS BY THE LAST BOOK. anyways here are some head canons to ease my misery
Apollo visits all his friends at least once a month
Artemis and Apollo become closer after toa
apollo helped make demigod safe phones
The gods only actually started looking at how Apollo was doing after he almost died from that poisoned cut he go in the tyrants tomb so they didn't rlly know what happened during his trials
So they were actually rlly concerned when they learned of all that happened
Hera became slightly nicer to Apollo and zeus' children after seeing that Zeus deadass does not care abt them
Apollo hating himself
Meg sometimed turns to tell Apollo smth and then remembers he's not there
Shit these are kinda depressing
Apollo getting terrified when Zeus gets angry even if it's not directed at him
Apollo being rlly rlly sad when one of his demigod friends dies.
Him walking into the throne room one day bc of Olympus meeting looking like he just bawled his eyes out (bc he did) when Meg dies.
And the other Olympians not knowing what's wrong
Apollo visited Jason in Elysium after he became a god again
Apollo fussing over his children
Apollo zoning out in Olympus meeting bc he would rather be anywhere else and only coming back into focus when someone says his name and he realizes he has no clue what's going on
Mr. D calling Apollo Mr. A whenever he comes to chb (canon)
Apollo literally not knowing wtf is going on in Olympus half the time bc he literally does not give a shit abt drama anymore
Everyone slowly realizing how different Apollo is after his trials
Zeus making everyone read the toa books in an act to embarrass Apollo but it ends with all the gods being very confused and concerned for Apollo
"ARE U OK??? "
and lots of hugs
so it basically just blew up in zeus's face
Apollo hardly getting romantically involved with anyone anymore
He also stops flirting with the hunters.
When ever he is near the hunters it's normally so that he can talk to Artemis
Also Apollo taking a long time to get used to godlyhood again
The Styx finally being proud of him bc he's learning to keep his promises and not make promises he can't keep
Apollo visits Meg the most and gives her a hug at least once a week
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hadeslegacyhephgirl · 21 days
So this ain't da soulmate au. Its coming, promise. in the meantime, witness the evil of my brain and have some major angst.
TW: Character death, HEAVILY implied - idk how far that goes, so maybe it's not even implied - self-harm, grief.
~*~ 6:58 when the patient is admitted 7:20 when the heart-rate monitor flatlines 7:22 when Nico receives the call that destroys him. 8:13 when the shroud is burnt 8:17 when the wooden marker is shoved into the ground
8:20 and Nico's world is in pieces.
Rest in Peace William Andrew Solace 1993-2017 Beloved Brother, Medic, Friend, Lover.
~*~ 9:43 and Nico is laying on his bed 9:44. His Will is gone. And he's never coming back
~*~ 10:36 has someone knocking on his door 10:37 and Jason's sitting next to him on his bed.
Nico can't look at him Because he's got blonde hair and blue eyes, but not the curly blonde hair and cerulean blue eyes that he loves. Loved. Still Loves.
10:42 when Jason finally starts talking
Nico doesn't hear a word of it.
10:45 and Nico is alone again. He's empty Because without his Will, there's nothing left for him. Not anymore.
~*~ 2:41 and he hasn't moved. 3:20 and people are talking to him, talking at him. He doesn't hear a word.
3:36 when Reyna, Hazel, Kayla, Cecil and Lou Ellen show up. They don't say a word.
3:38 and he finally breaks down, sobbing into Hazels shoulder. Because they all knew Will. These are the people who considered Will family above everything. They know his pain He knows their pain.
3:52 they're sitting in a circle. They still haven't said a word, but somehow have said everything they'll ever need to.
~*~ It's 2:38(am) when Nico has his first panic attack without Will. 2:39 and he's drowning in those haunted waters. It's a new kind of torture. Because now Wills voice is part of his chains.
2:43 A flash of red A cry of pain Blood accident. sharp. ow.
9:18 he makes his first deliberate cut 9:19 he watches in facination as the drops run down his arm 9:22 when he finally bandages them 9:32 and for seven minutes he could breath, could forget, could drown out everything but himself
Will has been dead for 10 hours.
And Nico is broken.
~*~ 10:37. A month later. Nico is scarliy thin from eating virtually nothing exept what was forced into his mouth
10:38 and he finally pulls out the ring The one he was going to propose to Will with on the day Will died.
10:40 and he's moving, feet taking him outside and down to the docks 10:43 and his arm draws back, throwing the ring as far as possible into the water 10:44 there's a splash. Nico is not around to hear it.
~*~ 11:55 Percy finds the ring 11:56 he realises what it is. Nico had talked to them about proposing to Will. This was that ring.
12:10 Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, Reyna, Lou Ellen and Cecil are gathered at the dining pavilion 12:20 they agree.
They need to get Will back And they're gonna make it happen
~*~ 1:34 they have a plan 1:52 they're meeting up with Grover and Apollo (disguised as Lester) in Central Part 1:57 the passageway to the Underworld is open, a yawning pit of darkness and cold. 11:58 Percy goes first 12:00 Apollo and Grover decide to follow
~*~ 12:23 They arrive at Hades Palace 12:34 when Hades greets them, hears their request 12:35 when Hades and Apollo exchange looks 12:37 when Hades sighs, rubs his forehead
'You'll have a ten minute window. Do what you must'
~*~ 12:38 finds them at the Elysium gates 12:41 Will is following them out
~*~ 12:42 and they're running out of time 12:43 and Will stops, exhuasted 12:44 Annabeth is yelling "Nico is in trouble! He's dying Will!" (and it's true, it really is)
12:46 Will is the first out of the Underworld, alive and solid and desperate because where is Nico, if I know him he's really in trouble and I know what he'd do and I need to stop him before he goes to far.
12:49 Apollo dissapears 12:52 the demigods are in Apollos chariot, racing toward Camp Halfblood and Will wants to go faster, faster, please.
1:02 Nico hears the knock on his door 1:03 and it's open 1:03 and he can't move because 1:03 Will is back. 1:03 Will is standng, there, Nico's proposal ring in hand and another one, a silver band with the moon phases etched into it. 1:03 they stand there, unable to comprehend it
~*~ 1:05 and they're on the floor, Nico pressing butterly kisses all over Will - face, hands, arms.. 1:07 they simply lay there, basking in the fact that Will is there and alive
~*~ 1:10 Will pulls Nico into the cabin 1:11 Nico's sleeve is rolled up and Will is heartbroken over the bandages on Nico's arm 1:12 His arms are re-bandaged and they lay on the bed 1:13 Nico asks the question he desperaltly wants to ask, the one he never got to before Will died 1:13 Will is the one pressing butterfly kisses on Nico's faces, whispering yes, yes, one thousand times yes. I'm never leaving again
~*~ 6:32(am) there's a dawn ceremony, with Apollo leading them through a simple exchange of rings and vows 8:43 when the celebrations start 9:31 when the newlyweds make it back to Cabin 13, now decorated, cortesey of Hades, Persephone, Apollo and Aphrodite. 9:46 when they finally get to lay down, simply be next to each other, Nico spooning Will as the exhaustion of the last few days catches up.
Above the bed, the promise is carved into the wall.
I'm never leaving you again. Promise.
~*~ Authors notes: they're like 23-24 yrs old here. So. Just cause.
If you don't get it, the question Nico asks in the second-to-last section is will u marry me. that's what the ring was for.
the rings- Nico has the gold band carved with the sun all around: ☀️. ☀️.☀️.☀️.☀️.☀️.☀️- like this but a LOT more elegant. think the sun pattern from Tangled/Rapunzel Will has the silver one with the moon cycles: 🌑.🌒.🌓.🌔.🌕.🌖.🌗.🌘.🌑. - again, a lot more elegant. and in solid silver.
headcannon - Will plays the flute- he got one for the wedding presents. U know. Doctors hands-piano hands-flute hands. Also its just sweet, so we go with it.
Promise, I'm workin' on dat soulmate au. ITS COMING I SWEAR 😥😥😥😥
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2nd2ndalto · 8 months
You Can Lose Sight of It All
Nico turns his face into Will's shoulder. "I don't want you to come," he wants to say. But even as the words form in his mouth, he realizes they're not true.
“I want you to come. And I hate that I want you to come,” he whispers.
Nico has a bit of a crisis about Will coming along to Tartarus, pre-TSATS. Re-posting here because I don't think I shared to Tumblr when I wrote this.
Will walks Nico back to his cabin that night the same as always, leaning in to kiss him at the foot of the stairs.
“Did you want me to… I can stay, if you want?” Will asks shyly.
They've been doing this more often than not lately, the two of them curled together in Nico’s bed, slowly falling into sleep together, waking hand in hand, or with Nico’s head pillowed on Will’s chest. Warm. Safe. And it’s good. It’s the best Nico can ever remember sleeping, but…
“Um. Maybe not tonight. I’m really tired,” Nico says, trying to keep his voice as gentle as possible, not wanting the other boy to feel rejected. He's painfully aware that he’s given a similar excuse several times this week.
He’s never been quite so close to someone else or someone else’s feelings before, never had to weigh his actions so carefully, worry about their impact. But that’s good, too. He feels close, connected. Cared for.
Will smiles. “Okay.”
Will’s just as careful, Nico knows, trying not to make Nico feel bad for needing a little space now and then. Trying not to push too hard. Will squeezes Nico’s hand. He leans back in to press his lips to Nico’s forehead. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Nico watches the other boy until he arrives at the Apollo cabin. Will turns and waves before closing the door behind him.
Nico enters his own cabin, toeing off his shoes and dropping to his bed immediately. He is tired. But in the sudden absence of Will’s sunny energy, the other feelings seep in too, washing over him like a wave now that he’s alone. He feels guilty. Heavy. Will’s words to Apollo keep coming back, even louder in this quiet space.
We’ll go together.
And it felt good hearing them. He loves that Will wants to be with him, marvels at the way Will automatically assumes each of Nico’s battles belongs to the two of them now. He craves Will’s company and his energy and his warmth. But how can he, in good conscience, let Will come with him? Or more importantly, how is he going to convince him not to?
Nico gazes into the darkness of his cabin. He thinks of Will, strong and sunny and whole. Who could blame Nico for wanting him to stay that way?
He thinks of himself: sharp edges, broken, cobbled together. He feels more whole now than he has in years, but it seems precarious, especially lately. As if he could crumble to pieces at any moment, maybe even worse than before, now that he’s begun to let his guard down.
It’s been three nights now since Will’s slept over. And Nico doesn’t want the distance, doesn’t want to wake up alone and uncuddled… he doesn’t really want those things ever again, if he’s being completely honest. But it feels more and more dangerous lately, allowing himself Will’s comfort. Will’s become his anchor, his rock. But shouldn’t he be able to manage on his own?
The memories of his mother, Bianca... Jason. Everyone he’s lost, everything he might have done to keep from losing them, every way it might be his fault… it’s all come back with a vengeance the last few weeks, torturing him in dreams and stubbornly lingering throughout the day, dragging him down, sapping his strength. And more recently the dreams are of Will, too. Will, pale and lifeless. Will, ripped away from him, lost in the void.
Nico’s been keeping these nightmares to himself, hoping the memories will fade into the background again, but it's been making him short-tempered and irritable. Fragile. As much as he’s been trying, he thinks he's probably not doing a great job of hiding it.
Twenty minutes later Nico’s still exhausted, but now he’s twitchy and antsy and still so heavy. He pulls his shoes back on, carefully checking for onlookers as he opens his door and walks out into the cool night.
The walking keeps the voices away, but hours later, Nico’s beyond exhausted, not to mention cold and mosquito-bitten. He drags himself back to his cabin just as a faint light touches the horizon, hoping that at least in his weariness he’ll be able to keep his sleep to himself.
It works for a while. Will and Kayla arrive to wake him only a few hours later. Nico pretends not to notice their matching looks of concern when he arrives at his cabin door, likely looking more tired than he did when he went to bed last night. He manages to wave them off for the time being, telling them he needs to shower and he’ll meet them at breakfast.
And now, in the daylight, he allows himself to think - maybe it will be okay. Maybe they can do this. He’s been through Tartarus before, after all. He was younger then, and completely unprepared. He’s stronger now, smarter. Will is too. Why couldn’t they do this together? After all, Percy and Annabeth managed it.
But the spark of hope dims too soon. There’s Will across the dining pavilion, looking so bright and alive, the sun catching the gold in his hair, and Nico’s back to square one.
He can’t allow Will to do this. There’s just no way. He’s gotten too comfortable over the last year, allowing others in - especially Will, but so many others at camp too. He suddenly realizes it’s a trap. He feels a painful twist of nausea.
“Hey sunshine,” Will grins, bumping their shoulders together as Nico sits down. Will can’t help the way his gaze darts to Nico’s plate, the way his face falls, just a little. Will quickly pretends he didn’t look, and Nico pretends not to notice.
Normally Nico doesn't mind the gentle chiding to eat more, to take better care of himself. It's helped, honestly. He's managed to get his weight up to a number that Will deems acceptable (he'd informed Nico, with a brilliant, fond smile). Nico has more energy. He finds, to his surprise, that he can recover more quickly when he's tired or injured.
But he's also been a wreck lately, his stomach in knots, and he's snapped at Will twice this week in response to Will teasingly adding more food to his plate. The last year has brought Nico so much further towards being happier, healthier, more settled. Now he feels as if it's slipping away to nothing.
Will drops a reassuring arm around Nico’s shoulders, leaning in for a quick kiss. Nico’s stomach lurches, pleasantly this time. Always, even after months of such kisses and touches. Will tastes like maple syrup and sunshine and he’s so warm where they’re pressed together. Surely they don’t have to talk about Tartarus right now, anyway.
They don’t. There’s a game of capture the flag happening later, and the Apollo kids are deep in discussion about tactics. Nico lets himself be lulled by the familiar voices discussing familiar, smaller problems. He doesn’t contribute much, instead making an attempt to eat some of his meal - as much as Will’s pretending not to pay attention, Nico thinks he might be one of the least stealthy people Nico’s ever met. He'd tease Will about it if he had the energy. Nico leans into the other boy and lets Will’s warmth wash over him. Will pulls him in tighter.
Peace, at least for a moment. ___
Nico’s been perched in the branches of a sturdy oak with Harley for the better part of an hour, and it’s starting to wear on him. They’re supposed to be spying on the other team - quietly - but this kid cannot seem to shut up. Normally Nico can find it in himself to be patient with the younger boy, but today the constant chatter is grating on Nico’s nerves, and that makes him feel like shit too. He just can’t seem to get a handle on his mood.
“Shh,” Nico says suddenly, grabbing Harley’s arm.
There’s a scrambling in the underbrush below and sure enough, several of the other campers are trying to breach their defenses. It’s exactly what Nico’s been waiting for, and he closes his eyes, concentrating on extending his mind into the earth below them, running down the roots of the tree they’re sitting in, deeper, deeper.
It works. Half a dozen skeleton warriors emerge from the ground just as the Demeter and Athena campers emerge from the trees.
It’s over in an instant, and soon Nico and Harley are dropping back to the ground and trading high-fives with the Apollo campers. And for a moment Nico spirits lift and he appreciates how nice it is to be doing something normal. No voices, no visions, just dumb camp stuff. But then -
“Hey, where’s Will?” Austin asks. He turns to Nico. “I thought he was with you.”
It’s nothing, Nico knows it’s probably nothing, but it’s like a stone drops into the pit of his stomach.
“No,” he shakes his head. “He wasn’t with us.”
He can already feel his pulse pounding in his throat.
Will. Your fault.
Get it together, di Angelo.
Nico presses the feeling down, trying to keep his voice steady. “He was with Jake. Last I saw them, they were heading east towards the oak grove.”
No one panics, but the mood shifts tangibly to less celebratory and more urgent as the group makes their way through the forest. Nico has to force himself not to sprint.
“Jake! Will!” Kayla yells, over and over as they make their way through the trees. Her volume sometimes grates on Nico, but he’s grateful for it in this moment, and he follows close behind her, heart in his throat.
“Over here!” a voice calls in response, finally, and the group turns in unison. Sure enough, there’s a flash of bright orange in amongst the greens and browns of the forest, just barely visible in the faded colours of twilight.
Austin gets there first, and Nico hears him curse. His blood runs cold. He and the rest of the group come upon the clearing a second later.
“Shit,” Nico breathes.
“Harpies,” Jake says, sounding out of breath. “I’m fine - I think Will is too. But he hit his head.”
Jake’s got a scrape across his face and a couple of deeper ones on his arm, blood dripping down his wrist. And then there’s Will on the ground, unconscious and looking deathly pale. Nico’s stomach twists. There’s blood, too. Nico can’t bear to look closely enough to see where it’s coming from. His chest feels too tight.
And Nico should do something, right? But he’s frozen, useless. The best he can do is try to swallow down the bile rising in his throat and move out of the way so the other Apollo campers can crowd closer to help.
Nico finds himself standing next to Jake, who’s being expertly bandaged by Austin while Kayla assesses Will’s condition.
“He’s okay, Nico,” Jake murmurs, maybe taking in Nico’s expression. “The cuts aren’t that deep. But when we were running back to base he tripped over some roots. That’s when he knocked himself out.”
Nico nods mutely, watching. Sure enough, it’s only a moment before Will’s eyes flutter open. He tries to sit up, but Kayla presses him back down.
“Just hold still until I get you bandaged up, you klutz,” she mutters.
Nico should go to him. Everyone will expect him to go, right? Will will expect him to go. But he just can't breathe, and instead he finds himself taking a shaky step backwards, then another, finally turning and running into the woods, into the shadows.
Will jogs up the steps of the Hades cabin feeling anxious. He tries to shake it off. Sure, Nico's been stressed out lately, but they're still fine, right? It's going to be fine. Hearing random voices would put anyone on edge. Will tries, yet again, to convince himself that it doesn’t mean anything, that Nico disappeared after capture the flag last night. That it’s fine that he didn’t stop by the infirmary while Will was recovering. That it's not a big deal that Nico missed breakfast this morning.
He knocks on Nico’s door, trying for a positive, upbeat demeanor.
The door opens, and Nico returns his gaze for barely a second. Will’s heart sinks.
Nico doesn’t say a word, merely leaving the door open and crossing the room to collapse onto his bed. Will can't see his boyfriend's face now, but from the brief glimpse he had in the dim light of the cabin, Nico looked awful. Tired and drawn. Nico’s worked so hard - with Will’s insistence and encouragement - to get his weight up over the last year, and Will's terrified the other boy's losing every hard-earned pound of it now. But that seems to be just one more thing he’s not allowed to mention.
"Um. Can I come in?" Will hovers uncertainly in the doorway, finally entering and closing the door behind him when Nico doesn't respond. It's really dark in here with the door closed and all the blinds drawn, especially as Will’s eyes try to adjust from the bright light outside.
“You, um." Will clears his throat. "No one knew where you were last night. After capture the flag,” he says into the quiet of the cabin. “Kayla said you were there when everyone found Jake and me, but…" he trails off, uncertain.
Will doesn’t say that he spent all evening compulsively glancing up every time he heard anyone come near his room in the infirmary. That he walked up to the door of the Hades cabin before returning to his own cabin last night, but that he was too scared to knock.
There’s a long pause. “Yeah. I was just… walking,” Nico says.
"Oh." Will crosses to the bed, hesitantly sitting down. “So… what are you up to?”
“Reading,” Nico says flatly, though that’s clearly not the case.
Will’s never felt so unwelcome here before, and it’s making his stomach ache. He reaches out for Nico’s hand, squeezes it. Nico lets him, but gives him only the smallest squeeze in response.
Will swallows. He’s not going to participate in this, he decides suddenly. He’s not going to let Nico shut him out, and he’s not going to tiptoe around this. He squeezes Nico’s hand again.
“So, obviously you’re not okay,” Will tells the other boy. His voice sounds weird, too loud, breaking the silence of the cabin. He clears his throat.
“Nico.” Will shifts so he can see Nico’s face better, his eyes slowly adjusting to the dark. “You’re clamming up,” he says firmly. “I thought we weren’t doing that anymore.”
He realizes, even as the words leave his mouth, that this is the wrong thing to say - or at least the wrong way to say it. But it’s too late. Nico turns towards him, his gaze intense and incredulous in a way that Will barely recognizes.
“Really? We aren’t doing that anymore?”
Will shakes his head, “I’m sorry, that came out wrong -”
Nico sits up, snatching his hand away. “No. I don’t think it did.”
“Nico -”
“No. Stop it, Will.” Nico’s voice is tight with anger. “I know exactly what you meant. We don’t clam up anymore. We clean our plates at every meal. We sleep eight hours a night.”
“No, Nico, please, I -”
“I’ve had enough, Solace. Maybe this is just who I am. Maybe it’s you who needs to finally realize that you don’t want that.”
Nico’s on his feet now, and Will thinks he probably should be too, but he feels paralyzed.
“What? No! Nico, you know that’s not true!” Will reaches out a hand, but Nico takes a step back. It’s like a punch to the gut.
Will can see the other boy is fighting tears, and all he wants to do is to hold him, make this all better, but -
“You and Mr. D. keep trying to tell me that I don’t know what’s real,” Nico croaks. “Maybe that’s not my problem after all. Maybe it’s yours.” Nico turns, reaching for his sword and then bending to pull on his shoes.
“Where - where are you going?” Will finally manages to get to his feet, unthinkingly reaching out to the other boy again before dropping his hand.
“I don’t know.”
“Nico. Please.” It surprises Will, how broken his own voice sounds, and Nico must notice too, because he turns and his face softens, marginally.
“I just need some time, okay? I’m - I think I’m gonna go see Hazel.”
And then he’s gone, enveloped into the shadows of his cabin. It’s been months since they’ve parted without a kiss or an embrace, and Will can feel the cold sinking into his heart as he sinks to the cabin floor. ___
Once he’s shadow-travelled to the Berkeley Hills, Nico can’t quite force himself to go any further. He knows in his heart that he’s screwed up, again, and surely Hazel will tell him the same. After a restless night and several hours the next morning spent wandering and wallowing in guilt and regret, it’s finally hunger, frustratingly, that compels Nico to journey further.
It’s still early, and when he knocks on the door of Hazel’s room in the barracks, she answers immediately.
“Nico! What on earth are you doing here?” Hazel wraps him in a hug and then steps back, her brow furrowed.
“I - I’m not sure,” Nico says, suddenly feeling even more lost. Now that he’s arrived, he realizes he doesn’t know why he came. Except that he told Will this was where he’d be, and that, at least, means something.
Hazel frowns, inspecting Nico’s face a little too closely. He looks away, feeling exposed.
“Come in,” she says, more softly.
Nico’s not sure who designed Hazel's living quarters, but it certainly wasn’t whomever was given free rein with the Hades cabin. The space is small - it’s just Hazel, after all - but the walls are light and the space is sparsely decorated with bright jewel-tones. Hazel’s already made her bed and tidied, and it makes Nico feel even more disheveled. He’s sweaty, tired and wearing the same clothes he’s been in for several days.
Hazel closes the door and turns to her brother. “So, it’s wonderful to see you, of course. But… what’s going on?”
Nico swallows, staring down at the wood-plank flooring. “Um. I told Will I was coming to see you, but… I think I’m leaving camp for good.”
It’s the idea he’s been turning over in his mind ever since the evening of capture the flag, and it’s pressing against his skull, swelling until there aren’t any other options that make sense.
To her credit, Hazel doesn’t shout or scold. She just sighs. “You better sit down.”
Nico does, collapsing onto Hazel’s desk chair and dropping his head into his hands.
“You look kind of awful,” Hazel says after a long moment.
“Yeah,” Nico says. “I haven’t been sleeping. Or eating, really. The - the voices I’ve been hearing… they haven’t gotten any better. They’re louder, if anything.”
“Oh, Nico,” Hazel says softly, and great, that’s just what he needs. The chronic lack of sleep combined with the stress of the last few weeks has tears rolling down his cheeks before Nico has any chance of fighting against it. Hazel’s there in a moment, though, bending over him awkwardly to embrace him, her hair ticking his face.
“Sorry,” Nico whispers, trying to catch his breath. “I swear I didn’t come here to cry all over you.”
Hazel laughs. “It’s okay, big brother. That’s what I’m here for. Now tell me everything.”
So he does. It helps, somehow, that Hazel’s a bit more removed from everything else that’s been going on. Everyone back at camp, worrying about him. Especially Will. He tells Hazel how he feels as if he’s losing himself again. He tells her about capture the flag, how Will’s injury sent each and every alarm in him blaring. He tells her about the nightmares. The voices.
“You think the voices are real, then,” Hazel says. She’s sunk to the floor now, seated cross-legged at Nico’s feet.
Nico swallows. “I - yes. I know they are. And there’s the prophecy, Hazel.” He repeats the lines again. It should get easier with each retelling, but it aches every time.
“Something of equal value,” Hazel muses, staring into the middle distance.
Nico nods tightly. “I think… I think that’s what’s worrying me most.”
“You think it’s Will.”
He shrugs, tears pricking at his eyes again. “How can I not? Hazel, I’m so scared,” his voice comes out in a whisper, throat tight as he finally allows himself to say the word out loud. “He says he’s coming with me, like it’s not even up for discussion. How am I supposed to live with myself if I let Will come, and he - he…” Unable to voice the rest of the thought, Nico buries his head in his hands again.
Hazel’s quiet for a long moment. “You know you can’t ever take these prophecies at face value,” she says finally.
“Yeah, of course I know that," Nico mumbles. "But what else am I supposed to do? I just… I can’t let Will come. It’s not safe.”
She shrugs. “Probably not. Is it safe for you, though?”
Nico gazes at the purple curtains, fluttering gently in the breeze from the open window. The air smells like life, and light.
“I guess it doesn’t matter. I need to go.”
“I think what you need to do is talk to Will,” Hazel says after a long moment.
Nico sighs. “I don’t even know if he'll want to talk to me. He - he caught me at a bad moment. Yesterday. Not that it's his fault, but... I - I was so worried. And so tired. And I was just a complete dick. I should have just been straight with him, but instead I lashed out about really stupid things, and then I left.” He groans. “I’m so bad at this, Hazel."
It’s weighing on him more and more the longer he’s away. He hates that he left things the way he did, hates knowing that Will’s hurting, worrying. Because of him.
"You're not as bad as you think you are, Nico."
Nico huffs out a laugh.
“Will cares a lot about you. I've seen the way he looks at you, Nico. I know it's hard, but don't shut him out now.”
Nico nods. His throat feels tight.
"If the situation was reversed," Hazel says gently, "how would you react to Will telling you he was going on a quest like this by himself?"
Nico frowns. "Well, obviously I - I wouldn't let him. That wouldn't be right. I'd do anything I could to help."
"Mmm,” Hazel agrees. “You'd probably find a way to go with him even if he insisted you stay behind."
Nico frowns. "I know what you're doing, okay? And I didn't come all this way for you to side with Will," he says, trying to summon a little indignation.
Hazel reaches for his hand. "Sorry," she laughs. "But just think about it, okay?"
Nico sighs, closing his eyes. Hazel’s hand is warm in his. He can already feel his mind beginning to settle towards sleep. He’s just so tired. He opens his eyes, leans back, blinking.
"Do you really want to leave camp?" Hazel asks.
Nico shakes his head. “No, of course I don’t. I just - I don’t know. It seemed to make the most sense.”
“Okay. Well, I need you to know that it doesn’t.” Hazel watches him carefully and Nico nods.
“You can’t make any big decisions in this state anyway, okay? You’re going to come with me and have something to eat, and then I’m putting you to bed,” Hazel says firmly, and Nico is reminded so violently of Will that his heart aches. Gods, he misses the other boy so much already. ___
Nico’s still not sure what to do next, but he and Hazel agree that Camp Jupiter will make a fine refuge for the day.
It’s nice, actually. He eats breakfast with Hazel and then she tucks him into her bed. Nico naps the morning away, mostly peacefully, his dreams muted and less troubled than they have been. He trains with Hazel and Frank in the afternoon and stays for dinner.
And then, because he’s an idiot and a coward, he lingers until after nightfall, trying to tell himself it’ll just be easier if he doesn't have to shadow-travel in the daytime.
Nico arrives back at Camp Half-Blood once it’s well and truly dark, and he hesitates at the border of the woods, irresolute. Should he head straight back to his cabin? Find Will? His stomach is still in knots, but at least now he’s moving forward. Whatever that might mean.
In the end, the decision is made for him.
“Nico.” Will’s voice is hard and determined, and it startles Nico a little, the sight of the other boy striding towards him. At the ferocity in Will’s gaze, he almost takes a step back.
Will stops a foot away, suddenly looking less sure of himself, and Nico feels his heart constrict. He suddenly realizes he can’t remember the last time they greeted each other without some show of affection. It’s crushing to see Will uncertain whether it’s allowed.
Nico tries to swallow down his nerves. “Hi,” he says softly. “Um. Can I…” Hesitantly, he reaches out his arms, and Will’s there the next second, crushing Nico to his chest.
“I didn’t know if you were coming back,” Will whispers, and Nico can hear the tears in his voice.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” he mumbles into Will’s shirt. “I’m an idiot. I’m an idiot and I love you so much and I don't want to lose you -” his own voice breaks and Will squeezes him a bit tighter, turning his head to press his face into Nico’s hair. "I love you too," he whispers.
“I’m sorry,” Nico mutters again when they finally part, his head down.
“It’s okay,” Will says. "I think we should talk, though."
Nico nods. “Yeah. Okay.”
They gaze at each other for a long moment. “Um. My cabin?” Nico asks hesitantly.
They cross the green together. Nico aches to take the other boy’s hand, but something holds him back. Things aren’t quite right with them, and it’s his fault. It’s his fault he can’t sleep, his fault he can’t eat. And now this.
They’re silent as they enter the cabin. Nico crosses to his bed, turning on the lamp and sinking down gratefully. The past two days feel as if they've lasted several months. Will takes a seat on the bed across the room. The space between them is like an endless gulf, and Nico feels himself automatically leaning forward, as if that will bridge the gap.
“I need to apologize,” Will says, twisting his hands in his lap.
Nico glances up, surprised. “What? Why?”
“Before you left - I pushed you to talk to me when you didn’t want to. I should have given you space. That was... I wasn't respecting your boundaries, and -”
“Will, no.” Nico’s across the room before he’s even registered that he’s moving, coming to a stop in front of Will to wrap his arms around the other boy’s shoulders.
“It's my fault. This is all my fault. I was an asshole.” Nico mumbles into Will's hair. “I’m just so scared Will,” he says, his voice breaking. It’s a bit easier to talk this way, without those kind blue eyes gazing into his, that beloved freckled face etched with concern.
Will tries to pull back, but Nico doesn’t let him, and after a moment he winds his arms tighter around Nico’s waist.
“I don’t understand. What are you scared of? You mean the voices?” Will asks, his voice muffled against Nico's chest.
Nico swallows. “I can’t lose you.” And gods just saying the words makes him feel as though he’s going to crumble to pieces. He can’t do this again. Not with Will. He couldn’t save his mother. He couldn’t save Bianca, or Jason. But maybe he can save Will.
“Nico.” Will goes to pull away again, and this time Nico relents. Will yanks him down so Nico’s sitting in his lap.
“You are not going to lose me,” Will says fiercely. “You couldn’t lose me if you wanted to. Is that what this is about? I thought you were mad at me for… you know. Being overbearing, and pushy, and…”
Nico half-shrugs. “I mean, you are,” he says weakly, and Will rolls his eyes and finally, finally smiles.
“Yeah, I know. And I’m really sorry about that. I’m trying to tone it down, and I’m going to keep trying. I’m probably still going to screw up sometimes, but please don’t ever think that I want you to be anything other than what you are, okay?”
“Are you sure?” Nico asks, his throat tight.
“Yes. I want you. And if you don’t want to eat or sleep or - or talk… I’ll still love you just the same.”
“I do want to eat and sleep. And talk,” Nico says, his voice wobbly. "It’s just been really hard lately. I don't - I don't usually mind when you bug me about those things. I know it’s because you care. It's just… the last week or so… my nightmares have been… really bad -” his voice breaks again and this time he can’t pull himself back fast enough and the next thing he’s aware of he’s sobbing, hard enough that he can’t catch his breath. Will doesn’t flinch, though. He gathers Nico in, holds tight. Nico’s not sure how long they stay that way, but Will keeps holding on after the tears have eased, his face pressed into Nico’s shoulder, like if he holds on tight enough, he can will all of Nico’s broken pieces back together. Nico wants him to.
“I wish you’d told me,” Will whispers, and then he pulls back, his eyes searching Nico’s. “Not that - not that you have to tell me everything if you don’t want to. Just - I’ve been worried about you and I wasn’t sure what was going on. I thought it was probably something I’d done.”
Nico shakes his head immediately. “No, it’s not your fault. I’m just the worst.”
Will frowns. “You’re definitely not.”
“I’m sorry you thought it was your fault,” Nico whispers. “And I’m really sorry for losing my temper. And for leaving.”
Will offers him a half-smile. “It’s possible we could do a better job of communicating with each other.”
Nico huffs out a laugh. “Maybe.” He leans his forehead against Will’s. They stay that way for a long moment, Nico following the rise and fall of Will’s breath until he feels himself start to settle. Gods, he could sleep right now. But there are things that need to be said first.
“Okay.” Nico takes a deep breath, pulling back. “You ready for some communication?”
Will grins. “Lay it on me.”
Nico laughs. He loves being in Will’s lap, he’s learned over the past few months. It feels vulnerable, but in a way that’s warm and safe. A way he can’t remember feeling before. But at the moment he finds he needs a little space to collect his thoughts, and he gently extracts himself, moving to sit next to the other boy, their thighs pressed together.
“I’ve been having a lot of dreams, lately, about um… people I’ve lost,” Nico begins, and Will makes a soft sound of understanding.
“My mom, and Bianca. And Jason,” Nico says softly. “And then… I’ve started dreaming about losing you, too.” His voice is rough, and he’s not sure how much of this he’s going to be able to get out before breaking down again. Will reaches for his hand, lacing their fingers together. And yeah, that helps.
“When you got hurt the other night, at capture the flag…” Nico finds he needs to take a moment to master his breathing again and Will, bless him, waits patiently, holding tight to Nico’s hand.
“It really threw me,” Nico says finally. “I saw you lying there, and you were bleeding, and you…” Nico shakes his head, trying to get rid of the image in his mind. “I couldn’t handle it. I just ran. I’m sorry I didn’t stay, and that I didn’t come to see you in the infirmary.”
“It’s okay, I get it,” Will says softly.
“Anyway.” Nico clears his throat. “The nightmares got even worse. After that. It’s been really hard to get them out of my head, even when I’m awake. And I’m actually really freaking out, Will. About Tartarus. And the prophecy,” he finishes, finally glancing at the other boy.
Will nods slowly. “I’ve kind of been freaking out too.”
Nico blinks. “Really? But you’ve - you’ve been so cool about it.”
Will's lips quirk up. “That’s just because I’m cool,” he says, bumping his shoulder against Nico’s.
Nico rolls his eyes.
“And also I didn’t want you to worry, or like… think that I wasn’t tough enough,” Will adds more quietly.
Nico shakes his head. “Will, it’s not that I don't think you're tough, or brave. It’s about… I just can’t lose you. Especially if it’s my fault,” he finishes in a whisper, watching their joined hands instead of Will’s face. There’s a long silence.
“How do you think I’d feel,” Will says quietly, “if you went down there alone, and you… you didn’t come back? If something happened to you, because I wasn’t there to help?”
“Um. Bad?” Nico says weakly, and Will snorts.
"You can’t control everything Nico." Will's voice is gentle, but firm. "People are going to make their own decisions. Sometimes they'll make those decisions because they love you. And you still can’t control that. And the consequences of those decisions are not your fault. We're going to do this together, and we're going to be fine. I'm not going to sacrifice myself to fulfill some stupid prophecy. But I am coming with you."
Nico turns his face into Will's shoulder. “I don’t want you to come,” he wants to say, but even as the words form in his mouth he realizes they’re not true.
“I want you to come. And I hate that I want you to come,” he whispers.
Will leans his head against Nico's. "I'm really glad that you want me with you. But ultimately, it's not your choice. It's mine," he says simply.
Nico pulls back to look the other boy in the eyes. "But what if it's a bad choice?" he asks, a little desperately.
Will shrugs. "Then I make a bad choice. But I'm not planning on dying, and I'm not planning on you dying. My plan is for us to have many, many years of bad choices. Together." He bumps his forehead gently against Nico's.
Nico can feel his eyes welling again. "Really?"
"Yes," Will says, firm. "Well," he amends, "mostly good choices."
Nico laughs wetly and Will gives him that bright, beautiful smile, the one that's just for him, before pulling Nico into his arms. After a moment Nico wiggles himself back into Will's lap and Will hums happily.
Nico sighs, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend, losing himself in Will's warmth and Will's breath. He’s finally, finally, starting to feel the tension in his body begin to ease. Will’s hand rubs soothingly against his back and he just wants to forget everything else. He almost manages it.
"But what if..." Nico begins hesitantly after a moment.
Will sighs. "I know," he says, and then he's quiet. His hand stills on Nico’s back and he takes a deep breath.
"So, this is maybe... kind of dark, but... also not. I don't know." Will pulls back to look at Nico. "I'm gonna tell you what I tell myself, anyway. After Lee died, and Michael... other people too. It's hard not to dwell on that, right? But we're in this... we're in this life where that shit happens. The way I've made sense of it for myself is... if I only get a year with you, then I'm going to love you as hard as I can for the time I have you." Will's voice breaks, and he takes a second to collect himself. "And if a year is all we get, I'm going to cherish that time we had for the rest of my life. I hope we get a lot more time, but if that's all we have, I'm going to be grateful for that. But I don't want to imagine a life where I didn't get to know you and love you," he finishes, his voice rough.
Nico raises a hand to brush the tears from Will's cheek. "That's really beautiful," he whispers.
Will's lips quirk up. "No, you are."
Nico rolls his eyes. "So cheesy."
Will beams, and Nico leans in to kiss him, tears and all. He tries to pour everything he hasn’t yet said into the kiss - his bone-deep gratitude for this boy and the stubborn, steadfast way he loves Nico. The unwavering way he lifts Nico up and holds him together. His comfort and his strength.
"It's been a few days since I've stayed over," Will murmurs when they finally part. "Not - not that I have to stay. I was just um... making an observation."
Nico smiles. "I'd like you to stay. It's just - like I said before... the nightmares have been bad." He makes a face. "I didn't wanna subject you to that."
"I don't mind," Will assures him.
"What if I wake up screaming?"
"It wouldn't be the first time, right? I'll rub your back until you fall asleep again. Or we can talk about it. Or we could make out some more," Will shrugs, going pink.
Nico lets out a giggle.
"I'm just throwing out suggestions," Will says, not quite making eye contact. “I mean. It always makes me feel better.”
Nico laughs, wrapping his arms around the other boy. "I love you so much."
"I love you too," Will giggles. He leans forward, taking advantage of the fact that Nico is already in his lap to scoop him up, carrying him across the cabin and depositing him gently onto his own bed.
Nico can't quite keep the stupid smile from his face as Will pulls off Nico's shoes, then his own, climbing into the bed and covering them both.
Will snuggles against him, draping an arm over Nico’s waist and nuzzling into his neck. And for the first time in weeks, Nico realizes he can imagine a time past this. Past the prophecy and Tartarus and the knot of worry in his stomach. He turns his head against Will’s and sighs.
“After Tartarus,” he says, “do you wanna like… go to Disney World?”
He can feel Will’s soft laugh against his skin, can hear the smile in his voice, “Definitely.”
“Okay,” Will agrees.
"I should really change. And brush my teeth. And shower," Nico says reluctantly as Will snuggles even closer. Gods, he's so warm.
"Mm mm," Will disagrees sleepily. "Stay with me."
Nico presses a kiss to the mess of blonde hair next to him. "Okay. I will."
Title is from True Colors by Cyndi Lauper. Thanks for reading! :)
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More fic, more fic, more fic!
Have some short and sweet Piper & Annabeth & Percy bonding. 😊 (Background percabeth, but the friendship between these three is the focus!)
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asleepinglaurel · 3 months
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nepobabyeurydice · 1 year
if i were ever to write a post-toa Frank & Hazel centric fic it’d be the Zhang lawyer frantically trying to catch Frank, Hazel mentoring all these young women and men in a passive-aggressive southern manner, Frank meeting Clarisse and her forcing him to confront that what he planned was suicide. More Frazel moments where they’re plain adorable and a reverse Jason with a Greek demigod joining the Romans and Camp Jupiter being seen as a better camp for accepting the more bloody and death gods. I’d finish it with the final year of Hazel and Frank as praetor, both of them joining NR University as a Art & Economics Major with Frank as a History Major with an interest in warfare
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Something I think about a lot is how Rick Riordan very rarely uses "girlfriend/boyfriend" to refer to Percy and Annabeth within their perspectives. They're so intertwined, even Annabeth says in hoh that the word boyfriend isn't strong enough, because Percy was a part of her. They are a singular soul, too wrapped around each others' fates that regular labels are far too weak for them. But, Rick Riordan uses "boyfriend" a lot in Nico and Wills perspectives, not because they love each other less than percabeth, but to show how much the word means to them. Nico uses it any chance he gets- "his boyfriend," "he actually had a boyfriend," because Nico has never been able to say that before. Their struggle with their queer identities mixed with Nico's catholic guilt and chronic everyone-hates-me disease makes the fact that he has someone to call his actual boyfriend so much more important to his character development.
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starii-void · 11 days
going to chb must be crazy like imagine sharing a camp with
-one of the strongest demigods ever who's saved the world like at least 3 times, fought multiple gods & titans and WON (and is a tartarus survivor)
-the literal main architect of OLYMPUS who's also saved the world multiple times (also tartarus survivor)
-THE lord of the wild who's also close friends with the first two (and has helped save the world multiple times)
-an emo kid from the 1930s who again helped save the world and is also a tartarus survivor (TWICE)
-a son of apollo who survived tartarus with nothing but cargo shorts and sheer will (pun intended)
-the main designer and builder for the argo II, also the first hephaestus kid to have fire powers since hundreds of years ago (did i mention killed gaea? no? yeah he did that too)
-a girl who somehow charmspeak-ed gaea into falling back asleep (also side note daughter of super famous actor because why not)
-pretty much everybody is a two-time war veteran
-THE GOD APOLLO who just sometimes comes down to visit in the form of a teenage boy
-did i mention dionysus, god of wine madness and theatre
-also chiron, trainer of pretty much every greek hero ever
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that feeling when you've recently come back from the 1900s where violence and disgust towards black people was prevalent everywhere and suddenly now your white best friend points at your black mom and says that she looks beautiful like you:
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THIS MOMENT IS GOING TO HIT SO HARD IN TV ADAPTATION WHEN PERCY WILL LOOK HER IN THE EYES AND TELL HER "she looks like you. she's beautiful. my gf's black too btw🥰
(percy would not mind annabeth being black in the books, he would still find her beautiful, so why should you?)
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hogoflight · 6 months
hc that Post-Toa, Apollo also makes Frank Zhang packed lunches with super long notes in them. And when he forgets to take them with him Apollo appears in his godly form in front of a whole assembly of people who all rush to bow respectfully, of course, and says “you forgot your lunch, my darling boy!” and hands an Apollo-themed lunch box (it’s actually Frank’s. Apollo cried when he found out he had one since he was 8.) to the praetor who is in the middle of a briefing.
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“If you want more representation” okay but what if they did a better job than all the other actors???
Like, with PJO Rick didn’t go “only black people can audition for Annabeth!! Grover has to be Indian! Zeus has to be black!”
No, the actors auditioned, did a good job, and got the gig.
Like instead of crying cause all these white actors didn’t get it, ask yourself if they even deserved the position.
Everything isn’t some “woke” propaganda or “more representation.” They just deserved the job.
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milomilesmib · 11 months
Percy: do you ever look in the mirror and just think "damn"
Nico: yes but that's just my inner catholic trying to send me to hell for kissing boys
Will: babe, you need therapy
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guardianspirits13 · 10 months
Me drawing Annabeth: intelligent, stunning, intimidating, how could she *not* be half goddess???
Me drawing Percy: he tripped over nothing on the sidewalk and faceplanted. Annabeth holds his brain cells hostage because he cannot be trusted with them. Both of his parents are gods in their own right but it doesn't show like 98% of the time
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purplehalnw · 6 months
Okay so I just realized that The Lightning Thief was published in 2005. You tie that into the whole "cell phones attract monsters" thing and now this detail is just fucking hilarious to me. Like imagine if Percy got attacked by a monster just because he tried using one of these things:
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