shapelytimber · 8 months
Calypso and the Pink Unicorn's pirate drag show !!!!!
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Wee john served so hard it should be illegal 16 dead countless injured, I am dead Calypso was so hot
Process (and my french rant on why I hate the choice of la vie en rose) below vvv
Final without the text
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Rough colors
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Sketch !
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Sorry english people, but what follows is too french an opinion to voice in english (I'll sum it up for u in the end <3)
Ok alors je suis désolé, Con o'Neill chante vraiment très bien ca n'a rien avoir avec sa performance, mais vraiment la vie en rose c pas possible. Le man est sur les champs Elysées a me vendre des tours Eiffel en plastique jpp- Franchement pipe et jambe de bois ca serai mieux passer. Ou les demons de minuit !!!!pourquoi pas les demon de minuit ?????? Chanson hyper connu française. Ok c moins cucu que la vie en rose, mais bonus point plus kinky (je pensais jamais decrire les demons de minuit comme etant kinky mais here we are-)
Ou juste n'importe quoi d'autre-
(And words of wisdom from my evil advisor @quijicroix : légende vivante (de Lorenzo) ça va avec tout. Ou une chanson triste de jul (pas bande organisée, tu peux pas ken dessus). Après tout le monde déteste la police ou nik le front national c les chansons les plus romantiques que je connaisse. Y a santiago aussi, avec le gros mat la. Les trois mâts, pour le steddyhands.)
Tout sauf la fucking vie en rose pitier (meme si, encore une fois, Con o'Neill la chante vraiment bien)
Welcome back english people ! To sum it up : la vie en rose is a french song for tourists that set up a fight or flight reaction in every native speaker. I'm glad people enjoyed this, but I cannot describe the cringe and disappointment I felt when they decided to have him sing this song- (even tho he sings it beautifully (which is part of the disappointment))
They are SO MUCH love songs in french, why this one.
PS : at this point (ep7) I don't know why Stede is still bothering with Ed "I'm hitting the banks didn't tell him which one" teach, when Izzy hands is right there ????? Sir please open your eyes
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unrealwasteland · 3 months
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daikunart · 5 months
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fan-of-chaos · 9 months
At this point I am starting to feel bad for Striker XDDD
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kyoukamybeloved · 10 months
why should I take my antidepressants when I can just reread their panels
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it’s free serotonin
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zzzzzzzzzzoom · 1 year
aged-up miri: a mini thought dump
first: LOOK AT HER GOOOOO shes so pretty even as a delinquent :')
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still, somehow, something about this struck me as odd bc yknow, i wasnt expecting to see a teen Miri this early on in the show, especially since kazuki and rei only declared their promise to take good care of miri like, last episode
and then i realized. that's exactly why. and for kazuki, that means forever.
not to bring up spy x family again, but iirc sxf to this point hasn't aged up anya once, even as a joke. loid and yor don't try to imagine a future anya bc they know their family is temporary
but kazuki? kazuki already imagines being miri's papa at least 10 years in the future. last episode's declaration to kyutaro bore fruit sooner than expected haha
for example, see this, where he imagines Little Miri marrying kyu-chan (/nsrs, in the trademark insane (/aff) way he jumps to conclusions)
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and later, when he imagines miri and taiga dating, both as highschoolers
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point is, kazuki can see a future after raising miri, and he'll still be her papa by then. and especially after ep5's half-wedding declaration, i'm just waiting for the day he realizes that he wants rei in that future too <3
(or maybe he's so sure of rei being in his life that at this point, he has no place in his delusions anymore, not when he's kazuki's one constant)
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xinyuehui · 9 months
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Hua Gongzi ‖ First Apperance
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oddp1ant · 26 days
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having a normal one
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susie-dreemurr · 4 months
Charlie and Lucifer’s relationship is so relatable to me because it’s like. You’re a kid and you saw your dad as the “fun dad,” but as you grew you realized how absent he was and still is in your life and you start to resent him for it. For not being there in the most emotionally important parts of your life.
And the worst part is you can’t even be mad at him, because he hasn’t been absent due to being a dick. He just missed out on your growing and, with neither party having social skills or being willing to bring up their issues, cannot connect with you in any meaningful way.
Well… in Charlie and Lucifer’s case… Not until they finally talk and can see how the other has been hurting.
Anyway can you guys Tell episode 5 hit me where it hurts.
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splashthebird · 16 days
We've known each other a 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 time. We've been on this planet for a 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 time. I mean, you and me. I could always 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 on you. You could always 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 on me. We're a 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, a group. Group of the 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 of us. And we've spent our 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 existence pretending that we aren't. I mean, the last 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 years, not really. And I would like to be 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂… [looks away] I mean, if Gabriel and Beelzebub can do it, go off 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂, then we can. Just the two of us. We don't need Heaven, we don't need Hell, they're 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂. We need to get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 from them, just be 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂. You and me, what do you say?
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lemonycranberries · 4 months
Jawad going to his judgement (for stabbing his asshole of a classmate with a compass, mind you) crossing ways with Layan's brother... i feel sick
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miraevanlynch · 11 hours
You thought I’d stopped replaying the grueling ending of episode 6? Nope, quite the contrary. I’ve watched it so many times that I’ve come up with a new conspiracy theory about Metatron’s motives and Aziraphale’s choice at the end of season two. This is just my speculation, so read it for entertainment. The article is very long, so please bear with me.
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“Does anyone choose death?” – Metatron.
Surely, you’ve asked the same question as I have: “Why Aziraphale?” Why our angel, a “traitor” to his side, a low-ranking Principality, often seen as foolish, weak, and despised by his colleagues, was chosen by Metatron to become the Supreme Archangel, second only to God?
I’ve read many theories suggesting that the position of Supreme Archangel is merely titular, that Aziraphale will become a puppet in Metatron’s hands, allowing him full control. By separating the angel from Crowley, their combined strength would be diminished, ensuring the “Second Coming” goes smoothly without any hindrances. This theory made sense to me until I remembered the “Book of Life,” capable of erasing any entity with a single stroke.
And Metatron, the angel with full access to that book, could easily have erased Aziraphale and Crowley’s names, making them never exist. This indicates that Metatron’s plan goes beyond merely controlling the Ineffable Husbands' miracle; perhaps the scheme to separate them is deeper. Aziraphale and Crowley might actually be crucial to his plan, not just obstacles Metatron wishes to eliminate.
Anyone here read Frank Herbert’s Dune or watched its film adaptations? If so, you’d recognize two things:
1. Faith is the most powerful soft power, capable of wiping out armies. Nothing is more fearsome than an army of fanatics with unshakeable faith.
2. To have unity, you need religion and ideals. For religion and ideals to exist, you need an epic, a legend about “the chosen one.”
In season two, Heaven is depicted as highly fragmented, with Michael and Uriel vying for the Supreme Archangel position, Gabriel’s memory being wiped, and even Saraqael and Muriel aiding Crowley, a demon and their common enemy. Heaven is experiencing a severe personnel crisis, possibly even worse than Hell’s (at least Hell isn’t plagued by infighting).
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As the King of Angels, overseeing Heaven, what should Metatron do to address this urgent problem, especially with the “Second Coming” looming, and both Heaven and Hell preparing for a great war? A disunited heavenly army lacking faith and bickering over personal gains is not what Metatron desires. He needs to unify them before the Holy War to ensure victory.
Metatron realizes the angels need a new leader, someone to rekindle their dead faith in God, unite them under one ideal, and lead them to a vision of heaven’s ultimate triumph, performing miracles no other angel can.
That’s when Metatron decides to go to Earth to find Aziraphale.
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But why Aziraphale? We haven’t answered this question yet, have we? Why must Aziraphale become the Supreme Archangel, why is he “the chosen one”?
Simply because Metatron saw extraordinary qualities in him. The qualities of a heavenly “Messiah.” But what are the qualities of a Messiah? And what specifically has Aziraphale done to fulfill them? I’ll list some rather coincidental, perhaps eerily coincidental, details to support the idea that Aziraphale fits the messianic archetype, or even Jesus Christ.
To become a savior, one needs:
1. To perform extraordinary feats that no one else can: Jesus walked on water, prophesied, and healed. Aziraphale, in Heaven’s eyes, is the only angel who survived hellfire (like Paul Atreides surviving the Water of Life in Dune), prevented the Apocalypse, and persuaded the Antichrist, Adam. He understands human ways and Earth, something the other bureaucratic angels can’t grasp.
2. To have high ideals and absolute loyalty to the Almighty: This is evident in Jesus. For Aziraphale, it’s his unwavering faith in Heaven’s inherent goodness, his belief in God, and, crucially, his desire to reform Heaven’s corrupt bureaucracy that oppresses low-ranking angels while the higher-ups fight each other. (This echoes the plight of the Jews under harsh rulers and their prayers for a savior like Moses or Jesus. In Dune, the Fremen yearn for their Lisan Al Gaib to lead them to a Green Paradise. Angels are akin to the Jews or Fremen, longing for faith and salvation.)
3. To be compassionate, bearing the world’s sins: Jesus bore the hatred of the very people he sought to save but always forgave their sins. In Dune, Paul Atreides endured severe trials on Arrakis to earn the Fremen’s trust. Similarly, Aziraphale, despite Heaven’s mistreatment, holds no grudges and is ready to reform it for a brighter future for all.
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4. To be “betrayed” by someone trusted and willing to sacrifice everything to save the world: This is the interesting part. After Metatron targeted Aziraphale, who bravely asked God about the Great Plan (in season 1) and fought for his ideals, he likely planned to turn the angel into an epic saint, a true religious leader for his military ends. Remember Metatron’s question at the café:
“Does anyone choose death?”
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The answer is yes. The Messiah chooses death to save everyone. Jesus chose crucifixion, knowing it would redeem the world. Paul Atreides drank the lethal Water of Life to become the Mahdi of the Fremen. And how do you push a saint into such despair, making them endure all pain to highlight their virtues, leading people to follow them and unite under their faith?
Every story needs a villain to highlight the hero’s virtues.
And both angels and demons hate traitors.
Jesus was betrayed by Judas, his close disciple, whom he trusted, someone with latent evil but whom he always forgave. Judas wanted a violent revolution, a physical liberation, contrary to Jesus’ “spiritual revolution.” Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss.
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And Aziraphale, excited about realizing his ideal of improving Heaven, was “betrayed” by the one he loved and trusted most, someone seen as a sinner but always recognized for his inner goodness. Crowley preferred “physical freedom” by fleeing to the stars, rejecting “freedom of thought,” which required resolving all potential threats. Crowley betrayed Aziraphale with a kiss.
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After enduring all physical and mental agony, our Messiah will leave the mortal realm, forsaking all worldly pleasures to return to Heaven, where they save all beings.
So, from the perspective of other angels, the story of a “Messiah” Aziraphale with miraculous powers, grand ideals, a compassionate heart ready to forgive all sins, willing to bear hatred, pain, and the ultimate betrayal to lead everyone to a New Heaven, is skillfully crafted by Metatron. This legend will spread among the angels, inspiring them to follow their Supreme Archangel with renewed faith. They’ll believe in God again, more united than ever, ready to wield their flaming swords against Hell. Michael and Uriel will no longer oppose their new leader, and no angel will doubt this propaganda, as they lack the knowledge of manipulation, and they’ve been subservient for too long.
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By then, Aziraphale has completed his function, whether he resists or tries to stop it. It’s too late, as the angels only need a legend, a prophecy to believe in. Aziraphale has become that legend through Metatron’s orchestration. Like Paul Atreides, he becomes an unwilling saint, a Messiah without a choice, manipulated by those behind the scenes like the Bene Gesserit or Metatron. They only need a story, someone to ignite faith for battle. Thus, Heaven has a battle-ready army with unprecedented resolve for the Great War between Heaven and Hell. Metatron has achieved his goal. Perhaps the protagonist of the “Second Coming” isn’t Jesus or any other son of the Almighty but rather the return of the once-militant Heaven, which banished the fallen angels to Hell. Heaven will return to Earth on Judgment Day with their Supreme Archangel, who understands humanity to commence the reckoning, wielding enough power to face his hereditary enemy, the First Sinner, the Serpent of Eden, new Prince of Hell, who betrayed him with a kiss…
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It will be a terrifying prospect.
Aziraphale only wanted to bring Heaven to Crowley. And now, he has brought “Heaven” to everyone.
Nothing lasts forever, nothing IS forever.
And that’s Metatron’s recipe for creating a Messiah, by Heaven’s most powerful weapon – Faith.
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shysheeperz · 20 days
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Mɪssɪᴏɴ: Yᴏᴢᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ Fᴀᴍɪʟʏ🌸 ᴇᴘ. 06 x Bᴜɢ Aʏᴀᴋᴀ Kɪʀɪsᴀᴋɪ [1/2]
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skarkkk · 1 month
I stopped to think about it now.
Imagine how Maddie must have felt at the end, compared to her marriage to Doug and now to Chim ( my boy Chim would never purposely hurt his love).
With Doug it was the worst years of her life (I love how strong she is), her parents didn't support her (not that her relationship whit Doug deserved it, but she needed support and love), her brother probably hated seeing her get married (I mean , Buck never liked Doug so I imagine that seeing the person he loves most marrying someone he doesn't like must not be a good feeling), and focusing again on how much she suffered in that marriage.
Now Chimney? This man will do everything for her happiness, he will try, he would never do anything to hurt her on purpose and how much he suffered when she left (I'm not judging, I understand her completely) and he never gave up because he loves her. Seeing your parents really supporting you in this second marriage (even if things between you aren't 100%), seeing your brother (one of the most important people in your life) feeling happy and comfortable in her marriage, seeing how relaxed your brother is with her fiancé and the way they are brothers and will always have each other's backs on the field and off because they are family. And now it's official. Having each of the most important people to her there, at her moment. God, Maddie deserves everything good in her life. She deserved her big day, but the context of them getting married in the hospital. Imagine the duality, her daughter being born on the day that should have been the happiest day of his life and then her brother-in-law almost dying, they stay in the hospital. Her wedding, only for her fiancé to go missing, so they get married in the hospital, and are fine.
The fact that their relationship took a leap of trust and slowly built it is perfect, even in the hospital (post Doug's attack). I don't think people understand the complexity of this that much, maybe I'm full of shit, but look at her smile, her tears, and the fact that she's completely sure that Chimney is the right guy, and this time she's not wrong. That he wants her happy. And that he will always want her, with trauma and almost dying in a hospital, Chimney doesn't care because it's Maddie.
And these two are soulmates.
And I love that they got their happily ever after.
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fan-of-chaos · 9 months
Ohhh, I LOOOVE spiteful Stolas!!
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kyoukamybeloved · 10 months
that awkward conversation when sigma confronted fyodor and nothing bad happened:
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