#posted at 12:41am
le-scenariste · 4 months
Went to an event called Queer Awakenings which was a panel discussing the films that made people feel seen and was the realisation that they were queer. It opened up to the audience and I got to talk about The Captain and how I related to the way his story was about self acceptance and feeling comfortable in your own skin. I genuinely did not fully understand the concept of a Comfort Character til I saw Cap.
We're very different in many ways but the thing that resonated with me the most was the fact he never explicitly Comes Out™. That's not the point of his story. Everyone can clearly see he's a gay man. It's the fact that the Captain learns that it's okay to be gay. He learns that he doesn't have to hide that part of himself (anymore).
We both have being a gay man in common. But that's not what stuck with me personally. I've never liked the idea of sitting down and "having a talk" and coming out (specifically as trans). It just sounds excruciating and Cring™ and "why should I have to explain myself" blah blah blah. I remember when I finally came out to my parents and told them my name I somehow felt stupid for choosing it. AAAAAAA.
ANYWAYS, even before I had the words for Trans I knew something was up. But when I finally discovered the word I immediately went "no that's not me. I just find having a chest annoying that's all" (which some cis AFAB people might and fair enough but that wasn't the case for me). It took me YEARS to accept that I was in fact trans like how it took the Captain YEARS to accept the fact he was gay.
It's that slow realisation that it's okay to be who you are. Deep down we both knew what was always there. But being able to tell ourselves that it's okay and safe and all that shit was the tough part. And seeing the Captain have that same struggle (in a different but still queer way) was absolutely groundbreaking for me. A lotta the queer stories I'd seen up until that point were focused on Coming Out™ and people being unaccepting. Ghosts was probably the first time I'd seen someone struggle with Accepting Themselves.
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lynxgirlpaws · 6 months
To be clear given your pinned if someone told you that their pronouns were she/her you wouldn’t start intentionally they/theming them unless they asked you to stop correct?
Oh yeah no absolutely not!!! That is mostly for people who insist they/them isn't valid, which is not just really shitty but just objectively incorrect !!
I'm not ever gonna purposely use any pronouns someone doesn't say they use, honestly I've been on the recieving end of mildly annoying they/themming :/
If I ever do fuck up in that regard however, I more than welcome being corrected, like genuinely if I get it wrong by accident please !! Correct me !
I can't lie I . Completely forgot about that part of my pinned and, regarding your concern it could definitely use some re-wording or something. Thank you !
Edit; hey just remembered uh this includes neopronouns and stuff like. As I said I'm never gonna use the wrong pronouns on purpose, that includes anything other than he she or they like. Again, if I ever get this fucked up you have my 100% permission to tear my ass up about it !!!
Okau off to sleep
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firenati0n · 5 months
wip wednesday <3 :)
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hello it is 12:41am and officially wednesday for me and i can feel in my bones that today will be a day of roop rest. i am feeling the beginnings of a sickness coming on and i want to scream. if you don't see me reblogging these please forgive me, i am so so sorry. <3
here's a snip from a new wip with no real title. the doc is called "doomed romance" and it's my very loose a star is born x orpheus and eurydice au. it will be tragic angst with no hea because i am feeling many turbulent emotions rn personally and this helps me channel it :) if you poke me hard enough I'll spill the whole plot to you in discord DMs (tumblr bans me when i message more than 2 people jafksdjflsf). so there's that!
i shared this already in an ask for the wip title game but who cares. here you go! :)
Alex got his very first guitar from his father, a gift for his seventh birthday, along with private lessons. Always the performer, always the charmer. Flitting around, singing made up songs about the beauty of dinner rolls on Thanksgiving. Humming tunes he wrote to convince his mother to let him stay the night with friends, to stay up a little longer, to experience the world a little more. Music became his escape, lilting melodies his release, mesmerizing harmonies a reprieve.  When Oscar and Ellen divorced, Oscar fled to the coast, leaving Alex alone at fourteen with his guitar and a memory of love that wasn’t meant to last. Alex played his guitar until his fingers bled, alone in his room, suffocating from emotions he couldn’t put into words, leaking into his music.  He penned his first EP a year later, eyes wild from racing thoughts and imagination and pain and fear. He posted a video on TikTok on a random evening and woke up to overnight viral fame.  No one could resist his soulful brown eyes, framed by doe lashes, sitting pretty on a face one could only describe as biblically gorgeous. Dark curls, a chin dimple, the cheekiest smile—Alex was marketable perfection in the sweetest package.  But fame comes at a heavy cost. 
xoxo roop
+ no pressure tags under the cut:
@kiwiana-writes @getmehighonmagic @tintagel-or-cockleshells @cricketnationrise @sherryvalli @dumbpeachjuice @littlemisskittentoes @ssmtskw @tailsbeth-writes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @leojfitz @songliili @eusuntgratie @wordsofhoneydew @heybuddy-drabbles @happiness-of-the-pursuit @ninzied @bigassbowlingballhead @anincompletelist @rockyroadkylers @inexplicablymine @myheartalivewrites @suseagull04 @sparklepocalypse @onward--upward @nocoastposts @user-anakin @matherines @celeritas2997 @gayrootvegetable @affectionatelyrs @tinyarmedtrex @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @14carrotghoul @orchidscript @rmd-writes @dustratcentral @magicandarchery @leaves-of-laurelin @msmarvelouswinchester @whimsymanaged @tintagel-or-cockleshells @zwiazdziarka @indomitable-love @cha-melodius @anchoredarchangel @theprinceandagcd @gay-flyboys @read-and-write-
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saintmeghanmarkle · 29 days
Meghan Markle: When I was in the UK I rarely wore colour. I wore a lot of muted tones so I could just blend in. And yet here you are in Nigeria the only one wearing white by u/RoohsMama
Meghan Markle: “When I was in the UK I rarely wore colour. I wore a lot of muted tones… so I could just blend in.” And yet here you are in Nigeria, the only one wearing white https://ift.tt/M92iuhY post link: https://ift.tt/iU6JnHY author: RoohsMama submitted: May 12, 2024 at 01:41AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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leejihoonownsmyheart · 8 months
the amount of times you told me to sleep in my last 2 asks is crazy😭(its 12:41am as i type this.) but honestly the more nights that pass the less sleep i get and sometimes im able to stay asleep all night but those rare days do not make up for my usual loss of sleep😭
and love brown eyes are cute no matter what people say and omg i have a friend that lives in nc rn so cool (not really LMAO)
but idk what to say about myself😭 im a hijabi (if anyone sees this ill cry yes ik im reading fanfic as a hijabi pls) um i have thick ass black hair bc of them desi genes and it grows so fast but this summer i got a wolfcut (no idea how my cousins in my hometown were able to convince her to let me get one while i was visiting there, ngl wanna go back home cried when i came back to america) BUT OMG IM SO OBSESSED WITH MY HAIRCUT NO JOKE😭 but its already growing back so fast and its only been like 3 months umm i have rly dark brown eyes like at one point as a kid i was convinced i had black eyes
and i love joshua and junny (if i havent made it obvious) YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO JUNNYS SONGS AND LOOK AT HIM IF YOU DONT KNOW HIM i literally love him sm sobs
waiting for you to post ur face reveals ngl😭
its 12:49am now (yes it took that long to type this for some reason) and i will get into bed and lay there for a few hours until i sleep LMAO goodnight my love😭😭
im so worried that my online friend is gna see this and know like 'omg -- is sending sm asks to brie' like bc she reads fanfic on here and she knows how i look n stuff😭 IF YOU SEE THIS BFF YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE PLS IGNORE THIS. I HAVE ENOUGH BLACKMAIL OF YOU SO DONT LET ANYONE ELSE FIND THIS
- 🤤 anon
I’m kinda worried about you that sleep schedule is so bad 😭😭 but i can relate to a bad sleep schedule so i uh am a hypocrite
I hope you sleep well!! And i hope your bestie will let secrets be secrets 😶
Here’s a face reveal for you:
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It is from when i was studying last week so slay
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It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
Martyn has no issue with getting older, none at all, but still, every year, when his birthday comes knocking, it's another dread to the list.
Tw!! Feelings of self doubt and hate, crying, isolation
Not beta read or edited!!
And like always, it's here again.
Martyn’s birthday.
If you were to know anything about martyn is he hates being touched when overwhelmed, but he still craves that touch. 
He also has to wear the same two coats everytime he leaves the house, and they both look exactly the same except one is bigger on him.
There's also assigned seating in his house. He always sits on the left end of the couch, next to the end table that has a lamp. And it really bothers him when someone else sits there.
He also puts his closet rainbow order. 
And he hates chocolate cuz it makes his mouth greasy.
And when he gets scared, he thinks he hurts his friends and cuts them off out of fear he's making things for them worse.
And he hates holidays.
Gods how he hates them.
OK. He doesn't hate holidays. He loves the idea of them, really!! But, in practice? The only he really ever takes joy in, is halloween. You can't fuck up halloween. He just, he can't remember having a happy holiday? Maybe it's childhood trauma, maybe he's being dramatic, but also every holiday he can remember, was tainted in some sort of way, by some just, awful event. 
And as you can probably assume. Martyn counts his birthday as a personal holiday.
Its 12:32am, and martyn is a year older, and martyn feels sick. The numb sort of sick, where you aren't necessarily connected to it, but you can still feel your stomach turning in knots. He's scared. He sits on the kitchen counter right by the sink. The light above the stove being the only light on besides his phone screen. 
12:33am. The numbers taunt him. 
He realizes he probably won't do anything about it. He has the day off from work. So his plan is probably just stay up too late, because he never gets the peace of mind to get good sleep, if any at all during holidays, natrually, sleep in, make something to eat, watch shitty TV, go grocery shopping, hop on the discord vc, hang out, talk with who ever is there, and then read until his eyes feel heavy. Just like every other day.
Martyn decides to update his discord status. The silly profile picture of a picrew greats him. The background is an ace and unlabeled flag, and martyn feels his heart sing for just a moment, before the rot in his stomach takes over again as he taps into his status. Erasing the song lyrics without hesitation.
'Lvl 25!!' 
Yeah. That'll work. 
It's 12:36am now. It's 12:36am, and martyn is scared.
He isnt sure what he's scared if. But he feels the frantic beating of his pulse. Martyn gave up on figuring out what he was so afraid of years ago.
It wasn't getting older, no, he'd been raised on the internet, a constant state of feeling like he should be older, and feeling like he shouldn't be this old yet.  An odd limbo, so it wasn't the fear of getting older. 
And it wasn't necessary the fear of the future, of course the future is scary and he had his fair share of issues with it.
It's more of, every year, is just a reminder, that he's going, absolutely no where. He has nothing to show for it. No friends with tales about him, no one to sit in his one bedroom apartment and tell him, they're happy he made it another year.
He knows in full certainty, it's kinda his fault. And a part of him wishes, as he stares at his phone, that someone, anyone. Sends him a text without him reminding them. It's 12:41am and martyn sees a tear hit his phone screen. 
Another year passes, his age just goes up another number, and he hates his birthday more then he hates any other holiday. And still.
He's insignificant at best.
Author notes
And once again, annual birthday post, and like always, I put my feelings about my birthday onto a character. If I post on February 26th, just assume it's a vent post. I'm not feeling awesome, but I will live, and post more later, I'm writing a few really fun aus right now actually!! :)))
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth https://ift.tt/QXBhEep by Madzola Ten years ago during the battle, Hermione had watched Greyback kill Lavender Brown. And in the moment of fear and panic, she had done the only thing she could think of to incapacitate the werewolf, violently throwing cutting hexes that sliced clean through his arms, amputating from the elbows down, removing the parts of him that were the most dangerous at the time, as he reached for her next. He had nearly bled to death. It led to his capture and incarceration, and for those reasons Greyback wanted his vengeance. aka Hermione needs to get out of dodge after she's attacked in her own home -Draco and Theo are up for the task. Words: 6857, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Seamus Finnigan, Ginny Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Original Characters, Susan Bones Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott, Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott Additional Tags: Healer Hermione Granger, Auror Draco Malfoy, Auror Theodore Nott, Head Auror Harry Potter, POV Alternating, BAMF Theodore Nott, Tattoos, Bodyguard, Safehouses, Werewolves, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, Panic Attacks, Forced Proximity, Draco Malfoy is Bad at Feelings, Knives, Sexual Tension, Explicit Sexual Content, Boys In Love, Post-Hogwarts, Blood and Injury, Broken Bones, Light Ron Bashing, Idk what else to tag rn, but i have a pinterest board! via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/oKDF13W April 26, 2023 at 12:41AM
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But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the jail, and landothan the sun.
Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon
Who already is sick and pale with grief
That thou, her bitch, Pay far fewer taxes than she
NDFJODSOSISODKDOOSOSKSJDO SCREAM????? I was going to sleep but yeah this should be the last post on my blog today. Thank you I let out a giant cackle very unbecoming of 12:41am no notes perfect.
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kart0 · 2 years
meds update plus vent
I think if you follow me and read these you can probably tell that I use my Tumblr account as a diary to vent and post art, it's literally the one social media I DONT use bc I don't know how it works and most people don't see these anyways
so I'll keep updating about how I feel and stuff
today is day 3 on antidepressants.
first day was rough, I definitely had a mental breakdown but I am pretty sure it wasn't the meds. I felt a bit dizzy at dinner tho
second day I felt super dizzy, and I didn't eat much, I think it makes me lose my appetite. but I was able to finish the two uni projects I had to submit on the day. I felt very productive. whether this was the meds or not, I don't know. probably it's the placebo effect.
third day, I feel very tired. yet, I am on my period and we travelled to meet family members ( it was very good to see them again, they're mostly elder aunties, and we didn't see them bc of the pandemic ) but I got a headache that didn't really stop and I took a pill. I'm still having this headache, it's a dull, sorta there but not incapacitating. So, I'm feeling very tired, but still, who knows if it's bc of the antidepressants. it's been a hectic day either way. I feel my body buzzing though, and time is weird. but ! I know it can take one to two weeks for the antidepressants start working, so I think I'm just really exhausted from life basically. the mental breakdown I had on the first day really REALLY took a toll on me
I'm currently trying to sleep earlier and wake up in the morning so I can take my meds. it's currently 1:40AM but it's way better than before. I was usually sleeping at 3-4AM. On the first night I went to sleep at 3:00AM, on the second night I was able to sleep at 2:30AM, and now, it's 1:41AM and I think I'll be able to sleep at 2AM after posting this.
I feel tired, and tomorrow ( today ) we have our elections and I feel a bit stressed because of it. and on the upcoming week, it's exam week, and there are a lot of uni projects due as well, so I already know it's probably going to be hard on me. I'm a bit worried that I will get too dizzy to take my exams, and it'll affect my performance. but I guess I can talk to the teachers or something.
I need to open as well commissions, I got into a gacha hole and it was really predatory and, while I didn't get in any financial trouble, it ate up basically all my savings that I kept since I was 12. And I'm still trying really really hard to stop this addiction. Whenever I get the impulse to waste more money I have to pause, breathe deep, look into my sketchbook ( I wrote how much I spent in total, and I wrote goals and promises ) and close the game. It sucks and I feel terrible, for spending and not spending. I know it's of course not worth it, yet the immediate rewards really do kind of brainwash and condition you to keep spending more. So, my goal is to stop spending, get back all the money I spent, maybe selling commissions, but I'm not sure yet but art is the only thing I'm good at. and once I get my money back, I'll lock it. and then, if I do make a profit, then I will use it to treat myself ( rather on games or not ). I'm trying really hard guys, I promise I am
I know it sounds so fucking stupid but I'm actually trying my best. I know it's not enough but I'm trying to be kinder to myself, and to take baby steps. We can't create or stop habits overnight and I really want to get better.
I'll probably keep updates like this: day 3 ( yesterday ), day 5, day 7, day 10, day 15, day 20, day 25, and day 30 ( which then I'll get a new prescription and maybe different meds or different dosages depending on how I feel )
that's all I had to say, pretty big update and a lot of venting.. if you read it til the end, thank you.
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maximuswolf · 20 days
To all aspiring music artists groups and peformers who in the music industry are your biggest inspirations and why for the biggest ones
To all aspiring music artists, groups, and peformers who in the music industry are your biggest inspirations and why for the biggest ones I have a lot mine areKylie Minogue: I try to replicate her dance heavy neo disco music and goddess flair into my style and musicDonna Summer: In my opinion the original popstar with glitz and glam her musicBeyonce: the Queen Bee I try to incorporate all of her styles from her funky R&B during B-day to her Dark Horror Pop in self-titled to her Psychological masterpieces from Lemonade and her electronic disco from Rennisance and everything else Lee Hyori: I love her It girl style with her music I use it a lot when designing my putting together my stage outfits Ayumi Hamasaki: I inadvertedly discovered her one day and learned that she is the female pop star I've been looking for to emmulateBoA: I kind of feel like She's my second mother a little her hip hop electronic style will always be my favoriteKate Bush: I recently discovered her and can't stan her more she's one of the greatest artists I've ever seen her eccentricty but grace and being A dancer that also writes music like me she's just perfect the inspiration for creating this post is just ever so perfect a true diva who paved the way for artists like Lana, Billie, Gaga, florence and so many more Barbara Streisand: I think of her as a revolutionary who brought not just amazing vocals but excellent concert commentary to her performance her comedic style is 'ay perfecta'Lady Gaga: probably one of my favs of all time someone that I've been a hardcore stan her eccentricity, style, Kindness, and eternal message of just being yourself is what I love about her so friggin muchTaylor SwiftJenifer HudsonLittle MixHwasaShakiraBjörkMAMAMOOUhm Jung-hwaLauryn HillMichael JacksonGirls GenerationTina Turner Diana rossCLRina Sawayama Brown eyed girlsCiarathe Pointer sisters Janet JacksonMadonnaWhitney HoustonChristina AguileraNine musesNina SimoneAfterschoolVIXXLana Del Rey Spice girlsSHINeeErykah BaduGirls Aloud Melanie MartinezCeline DionCherSade Amy WinehouseKe$haAileeG-dragonGhostJessica MauboyWham Taeyeon EfendiIndia ArieJessie JHyunAPrinceIUAdeleSon dam biKeyMariah Carey Jeon SomiAretha franklinDemi LovatoMahalia JacksonKaty perry SunmiHyolyn Wonder girlsDionne Warwick Ariana GrandeMisiaAlicia Keys Patti Labelle Gladys KnightFlorence + the machineJojo rachelle ann go SistarGummyRuth Brown Cheetah Girls Daft Punkthe BeatlesBelindaList yours in the comment section Submitted May 21, 2024 at 12:41AM by TastyCookie23900 https://ift.tt/iIHgxlE via /r/Music
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automatismoateo · 4 months
A disturbing reminder of why Im here via /r/atheism
A disturbing reminder of why I’m here Today, against my better judgment, I answered a knock at the door. The fact that my dog was barking like he sensed true evil outside was my first warning, the two men in suits standing outside the second. And yet, I still went to see what was so important as to ignore the three clearly posted “No Soliciting Signs” placed all around my front door. I regretted it immediately. Two older men I had never met in my life wasted no time in asking if I was afraid. They wanted to know if I was as ‘terrified as they were’ about the rise of “wanton violence” and immorality they had just made the fuck up (all evidence shows violent crime lower than any time on recent history here). When I told them the facts didn’t support their claim at all, they said we didn’t have to worry, because God was coming to kill all the sinners and we should rejoice in the “Good News”. In the grand scheme of things, two lying pastors trying to spread their scam doesn’t amount to much more than an annoyance. I’m certain Christians would say I’m making a mountain out of a molehill. But from my perspective, I had two strangers violate clear warnings to stay off my property because they felt entitled to lie to my face and attempt to exploit my fear for their ends. They did not hesitate to ask me in celebrating the forthcoming deaths of everyone they see as an enemy. The only difference between a cult and Christianity is the amount of followers. Both are all too eager to use the same tactics to exploit the scared and fearful, and they’re actively recruiting for terrible ends right now. This isn’t a Christian nation and they remind me why it must never be. We have to fight this theocracy now Submitted February 15, 2024 at 12:41AM by KeyanReid (From Reddit https://ift.tt/Dn9AOkW)
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abigailshorel6 · 7 months
This article was written a year after the bombings and was the first time Richard Jewell told his story.
August 3rd 9:41am special agent Diader Rosario was instructed to produce "hair samples (twenty-five pulled and twenty-five combed hairs from the head)"
That Saturday:
Jewell hadn't slept at all the night before, or the night before that. He could hear the noise from the throng of reporters massed on the hill outside the small apartment in the suburbs.
All morning long, he had been focused on the screen, trying to score off "the little guy who goes back and forth shooting the aliens," but at 12:30 the sound of the telephone disturbed his concentration.
Since the F.B.I. had singled him out as the Olympic Park bombing suspect three days earlier, Jewell had received approximately 1,000 calls a day—someone had posted his mother's home number on the Internet.
"I'll be right over," his lawyer Watson Bryant told him. "They want your hair, they want your palm prints, and they want something called a voice exemplar—the goddamn bastards."
 The moment Bryant got out of his car, the reporters began to shout: "Hey, Watson, do they have the murderer?" "Are they arresting Jewell?"
The serendipity of this friendship, an alliance particularly southern in its eccentricity, would bring Watson Bryant to the immense task  of attempting to save Richard Jewell from the murky quagmire of a national terrorism case. 
 Now that Richard Jewell was his client, he had entered a zone of worldwide media hysteria fraught with potential peril.
"He eyeballed his scalp and took his hair in sections. First he ran a comb through it, and then he took these hairs and plucked them out one by one."
Jewell "went stone-cold," but Bryant could not contain his temper. "I am his lawyer. I know you can have this, I know you have a search warrant, but I tell you this: If you were doing this to me, you would have to fight me. You would have to beat the shit out of me," Bryant recalled
It took 10 minutes to pluck Jewell's thick auburn hair. Then the F.B.I. agents led him into the kitchen and took his palm prints on the table. "That took 30 minutes, and they got ink all over the table," Bryant said.
Then Bazar told Bryant they wanted Jewell to sit on the sofa and say into the telephone, "There is a bomb in Centennial Park. You have 30 minutes." That was the message given by the 911 caller on the night of the bombing. He was to repeat the message 12 times. Bryant saw the possibility of phony evidence and of his client's going to jail. "I said, 'I am not sure about this. Maybe you can do this, maybe you can't, but you are not doing this today.'"
Jewell later said, "they must have had some evidence if they wanted my hair. ... I knew their game was intimidation. That is why they brought five agents instead of two." He felt "violated and humiliated,"
"I kept thinking, These guys think I did this. These guys (the victims) were accusing me of murder. This was the biggest case in the nation and the world. If they could pin it on me, they were going to put me in the electric chair."
October 28th
A few hours before a press conference called by his lawyers to allow Jewell to speak publicly for the first time since the F.B.I. had cleared him. Jewell's lawyers also intended to announce that they would file damage suits against NBC and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 
It was a Monday, and that weekend the local U.S. attorney had delivered a letter to one of the lawyers stating Jewell was no longer a suspect. "Goddamn it," Bryant had told me on the phone, "the sons of bitches did not even have the decency to address it to Richard Jewell."
Wood has the heated oratory of a trial lawyer. "It's a war! Why in this bevy of stories does not anyone point out the fact that Richard was a hero one day and a demon the next? They have destroyed this man's life!"
I could hear Wood on Sharon's telephone: "He's more than innocent. He's a goddamn hero. . . . Everyone is going to pay who wronged Richard Jewell. Besides NBC and The A.J.C., we are going to look into suing CNN and Jay Leno."
Press room
The auditorium was filled with reporters. "Showtime! Showtime!" the cameramen yelled when Jewell, his mother, and all the lawyers took the stage.
"I hope and pray that no one else is ever subjected to the pain and the ordeal that I have gone through," Jewell said, his voice breaking. "The authorities should keep in mind the rights of the citizens. I thank God it is ended and that you now know what I have known all along: I am an innocent man."
Jewell explained that a sound truck from ABC had been waiting in the parking lot when the Jewells got home. There had been words and threats, and Dave Dutchess had taken his stun gun off his motorcycle and waved it at the ABC van. The cameraman yelled: Stop harassing us! Dave yelled back: You are harassing us! Now get your ass out of here!
Later, Jewell would tell me that that day, which should have been one of his most satisfying, was actually his worst. His notoriety had tainted the triumph; everything positive had become negative. "I was in despair," he said.
This case has everything— the F.B.I., the press, the violation of the Bill of Rights, from the First to the Sixth Amendment," Watson Bryant told me in one of our first conversations. It has become common to characterize the F.B.I.'s investigation of Richard Jewell as the epitome of false accusation.
What happened to Richard Jewell raises an important question central to Freeh's future tenure: in the midst of a media frenzy, does the F.B.I. have any responsibility to protect the privacy of an innocent man?
Bucknam's answer was immediate: the F.B.I. has no responsibility to correct information in the public domain.
From the beginning, Jewell was perceived in the public imagination as a hapless dummy, a plodding misfit, a Forrest Gump. 
On one of the first days he worked as a security guard at the AT&T pavilion, he noticed that his co-workers were covering the steps inside the sound tower with graffiti. On one step Jewell scrawled with a flourish two bromides: IF YOU DIDN'T GO PAST ME, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE and LIFE IS TOUGH. TOUGHER WHEN YOU ARE STUPID. Soon after he was targeted as a suspect in the Olympics bombing, the F.B.I. confiscated the step. Analysts appeared to believe that the graffiti contained a clue to his character. "They told the lawyers the statement was an obvious taunt," Jewell said. In fact, the second line was an expression he had cribbed from one of his favorite actors, John Wayne.
"To understand Richard Jewell, you have to be aware that he is a cop. He talks like a cop and thinks like a cop," his criminal lawyer, Jack Martin, told me. The tone of Jewell's voice drops noticeably when he says the word "officer," and his conversation is filled with observations about traffic patterns, security devices, and car wrecks. Even the vocabulary he uses to describe the 88 days he was a suspect is out of the lexicon of police work, and he continues to talk about his situation then in the present tense: "This is an out-and-out ambush, and I am a hostage."
Jewell has a need to accommodate. He can be startlingly opaque. On the afternoon of July 30, Jewell answered the door of his mother's apartment to Don Johnson and Diader Rosario from the F.B.I. "We need your help making a training film," they told him. "I never questioned it," he told me. The next day Rosario appeared again with a search warrant. "The weird thing was that when they were searching my apartment I was, like, 'Take everything. Take the carpet. I am law enforcement. I am just like you. Guys, take whatever you are going to take, because it is going to prove that I didn't do anything.' And a couple of them were looking at me like I was crazy."
Leaving the apartment on one occasion, he told the agents, "I am wearing a bright shirt so y'all can see me easier." He recalled feeling anger when he read descriptions of himself as a child-man, a mama's boy, and "a wannabe policeman," but he said, "If I was in the place of everybody else and I saw a 34-year-old guy living with his mother, I would have reservations about that, too. I would think, Why is he doing that?"
As he went to report the trash and the group that was carousing, he spotted a large olive-green military-style backpack, known as an Alice pack, under the bench.
The smell and the noise, he remembered, were overwhelming, and sensations blurred together. "It was hard to describe the sound," he said. "It was like what you hear in the movies. It was, like, KABOOM. I had seen an explosion in police training. We had ear protection when it went off. It smelled like a flash-bang grenade. The sky was not filled with black smoke, but grayish-white. All the shrapnel that was inside the package kept flying around, and some of the people got hit from the bench and some with metal."
"The idea of going on TV made me nervous," he told me. "I was not the hero. There were so many others who saved lives."
According to Mattear, "Cleere loved the limelight. He wanted public attention"—the very trait he reportedly ascribed to Richard Jewell.
Jewell received a phone call from Anthony Davis, the head of the security company Jewell worked for at AT&T. "Have you seen the news?" Davis asked. "They are saying you are a suspect." Jewell said, "They are talking to everybody." According to Jewell, Davis said, "They are zeroing in on you. To keep the publicity down, don't go to work."
"At that moment a million things were going through my head," Jewell told me. "You don't give anyone a waiver of rights unless they are being investigated. I said, 'I need to contact my attorney,' and then all of a sudden it was an instant change. 'What do you need to contact your attorney for? You didn't do anything. We thought you were a hero. Is there something you want to tell us about?'" Jewell grew increasingly apprehensive and later recalled thinking, These guys think I did this.
Walking toward his car, Bryant saw newsboys hawking the afternoon edition of The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. "It was like out of a cartoon. They were all yelling!" he recalled. "I caught the headline out of the corner of my eye." The headline read: FBI SUSPECTS 'HERO' GUARD MAY HAVE PLANTED BOMB.
'"Richard Jewell, 33 . . . fits the profile of the lone bomber.' I could not believe it."
Bryant had Jewell on the phone. Jewell told him he was making a training film. "You idiot! You are a suspect. Get your ass out of there now!" Bryant told him.
Before The Atlanta Journal-Constitution broke the story of Richard Jewell, there had been a debate in the newsroom over whether or not to name him.
According to the managing editor, John Walter, the first edition of the paper that Tuesday had a brief profile of Jewell. It was dropped in later editions as Walter questioned whether the paper had enough facts to support the scoop.
Because of the voice-of-God style, the paper ended up making a flat-out statement: "Richard Jewell . . . fits the profile of the lone bomber."
When I asked John Walter about the lone-bomber sentence, he said, "I ultimately edited it. . . . One of the tests we put to the material is, is it a verifiable fact?" One editor added, "The whole story is voice-of-God. . . . Because we see this event taking place, the need to attribute it to sources—F.B.I. or law enforcement—is less than if there is no public acknowledgment." John Walter indicated that he had not seen a lone-bomber profile.
Kent Walker, a newsroom intern, published a story in the same edition, with a glaring mistake in the headline: BOMB SUSPECT HAD SOUGHT LIMELIGHT, PRESS INTERVIEWS. Since Ray Cleere's tip to the F.B.I., the "hero bomber" theory had been circulating among Atlanta law enforcement officers.
Maria Elena Fernandez, a reporter, was sent to Habersham County on July 29. By coincidence, William Rathburn, the head of security for the Olympics, had been at the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984 when a fake bomb was found on a bus—left by a policeman who sought attention.
On the surface, the story had an irresistible newsroom logic: Jewell was clearly looking for recognition.
According to Walter, Roughton himself typed a sentence in the Scruggs-and-Martz piece: "He [Jewell] also has approached newspapers, including The Atlanta JournalConstitution, seeking publicity for his actions." But he hadn't.
 Jewell had not contacted the paper—a fact which would have been easy enough to check. Walter became snappish when I described the sentence as "a mistake." "It was not a mistake," he said angrily. Scruggs and Martz quoted Piedmont College president Ray Cleere as backup. According to Cleere, Jewell had been "a little erratic" and "almost too excitable."
By deadline, John Walter had made a decision: he would tear up the afternoon Olympics edition and lead with Jewell.
Colonel Robert  Ressler was watching CNN when the A.J.C. extra edition was shown. Ressler, who was retired from the behavioral-science unit of the F.B.I. As he watched the TV report, he was mystified. "They were talking about an F.B.I. profile of a hero bomber, and I thought, What F.B.I. profile? It rather surprised me." According to Ressler, the definition of "hero homicide"—a person looking for recognition without an intent to kill— perhaps emerged as "hero bomber." "There is no such classification as the hero bomber," he told me recently. "This was a myth." 
Was the so-called profile actually developed from the circumstances, or was it invented for Richard Jewell?
 Virtually every newspaper in the country had picked up the A.J.C. story and run it as front-page news. There were 10,000 reporters in Atlanta; the Los Angeles Times would later call the squad bearing down on the Jewells "a massive strike force . . . Tora! Tora! Tora!"
One search warrant listed some 200 items the F.B.I. could confiscate, including "magazines, books . . . and photographs which would include descriptive information such as telephone numbers, addresses, affiliations and contact points of individuals involved in a conspiracy to manufacture, transport and . . . detonate . . . the explosive device used in the bombing at the Olympic Centennial Park on July 27, 1996."
Jewell was annoyed that press descriptions of him always emphasized his "overzealousness"; he considers himself a man of details.
 it was eventually related by Bill Press on Crossfire on the evening of October 28: "The guy was seen with a homemade bomb at his home a few days before." (The next day CNN would be forced to apologize for the mistake.)
By this time Bryant had grown enraged by the media coverage. The New York Post had called Jewell "a Village Rambo" and "a fat, failed former sheriff's deputy." Jay Leno had said that Jewell "had a scary resemblance to the guy who whacked Nancy Kerrigan," and asked, "What is it about the Olympic Games that brings out big fat stupid guys?" The A.J. C. s star columnist, Dave Kindred, had compared Jewell to serial murderer Wayne Williams: "Like this one, that suspect was drawn to the blue lights and sirens of police work. Like this one, he became famous in the aftermath of murder."
On CNN, one criminologist said "it was possible" that Jewell had a hero complex.
Bruce Bryant searched for Jewell's name on the Internet three weeks into his ordeal and found 10,000 stories. The tone many of the journalists took was accusatory and pre-determined, with a few rare exceptions, such as that of CBS correspondent Jim Stewart. "Don't jump to any conclusion yet," he said sharply in a broadcast at the height of the frenzy.
According to Jack Martin, the F.B.I. spent weeks on one erroneous early theory—that Richard Jewell was an enraged homosexual cop-hater who had been aided in the bombing by his lover. Jewell had purportedly planted the bomb; the lover then made the 911 phone call warning that it would go off in Centennial Park. The rationale behind this idea was that Jewell was "mad at the cops and wanted to kill other cops," Martin told me.
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spoilertv · 7 months
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saintmeghanmarkle · 2 months
Spare nominated for a non-fiction award? Don't make me laugh by u/wonderingwondi
Spare nominated for a non-fiction award? Don't make me laugh https://ift.tt/nXHzZqa Harry wasn't serving when it was published, and nor was he the first member to put an autobiography out. The Duke of Windsor also published after the war. I also take umbrage with it being under the non-fiction category. post link: https://ift.tt/el5c4JI author: wonderingwondi submitted: April 20, 2024 at 12:41AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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gesau-it · 11 months
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Essi (i falsi profeti) mescoleranno la Verità con le menzogne allo scopo di ingannare i Cristiani, nel timore di essere visti per ciò che sono in realtà https://gesau-it.tumblr.com/post/186307049943/essi-mescoleranno-la-verit%C3%A0-con-le-menzogne-allo ºººº — █ █ July 12, 2023 at 10:41AM
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1326 = 12 = 3
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