#posting a few month old pix
bugthoughts · 5 months
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nocturnal-nexu · 4 months
"Ninjago 7 AU"
General Lore Master Post
(I'll tag any posts I make related to this AU with "#ninjago 7 AU" so you guys can find them easier.)
(Warning! I love character analysis, so this is going to be really long.)
When Pixal first started constructing her little Mini Pix army, she started with just some simple base programming. To follow instructions and stuff. They aren't necessarily conscience AI like Zane and Pixal are.
But after making a few Mini Pix's, Pixal decided to experiment a bit by incorporating a slightly more cognitive AI system. It's not programming exactly like hers and Zane's, though.
Just like in real life, I think that Ninjago's AI learns through experience. Like how after you search and look at different things on Tumbler or Pintrest, it starts to tune the feed to your interests. Or how, after running tons of scripts from a show through an AI, it can predict how a script from that show would go. (Albeit a very wacky and random version of a script. 😂)
Of course, Ninjago has vastly more advanced technology than the stuff we have.
I think that Cyrus Borg built Pixal with most of her "experience" data already built in. I don't think he had time for an AI to learn and develop from analyzing situations in the outside world. The tech boom in Ninjago City seemed to happen pretty fast in season 3.
(This could also partially explain her extremely robotic personality at the beginning of Rebooted. Most of her "experiences" at that time were just information and data recorded in her system and not actual real-life experiences.)
Anyway, because of this, Pixal was built to be mentally an older teenager/young adult from the start.
Mini Pix #7, however, was built with only a base AI, with little to no life experience data built in. She is definitely much more aware of her surroundings than her many counterparts, but she is still just a base AI. Her AI programing at the time of her creation is about that of a 3 year old child.
She, of course, gets schematics of whatever Pixal is working on, just like the other Mini Pix's, and knows how to do technical things (that's what she was programed to do after all) but there is a big difference between technical knowledge and emotional maturity. Basically, just imagine a 3 year old who is crazy smart for some reason, but still has the mannerisms of, well, a 3 year old.
(Like if she isn't scheduled to work on whatever project Pixal has going on at the moment "7" will go pout in a corner. She's just a little toddler who wants to be included in whatever is going on.)
After spending a lot of time and energy programming "7", Pixal found that she did not have much of either to spare when there was so much work to get done, vehicles to build, and missions to help organize. So, for the rest of the Mini Pix models, she used her original blueprints, and no more AIs were integrated.
Now we're up to Crystalized.
In the episode "The Fall of the Monastery", "7" as we know, saves Pixal, Wu, and Skylor from the monastery fire. (This particular scene is really important later. I'll get to that.) After which, in a subsequent episode, Pixal decided that she deserved a name and thus dubbed her "Mini Pix 7"
"7" also joined everyone else in that final battle at the end of "Crystalized' as well.
We don't really know when Pixal first made all the Mini Pix's, but at the time of "Crystalized" I have "7" being about 4 1/2 cognitively.
(If you have any info that says otherwise, let me know! I love discovering all the lore of this show, and I know that the time frames of things always seem to be up to debate.)
Anyway, in the months following the whole "crystal king debacle" as the monastery was being rebuilt and thereafter, "7" became a bit more of a permanent fixture of the team. She helped a lot with the rebuilding and was constantly following Pixal around, wanting to be included. The rest of the team quickly accepted her into their little family. She would always be getting into shenanigans, with Kai and Jay especially, and started to follow Zane around about as much as she stuck by Pixal. She would constantly be asking him to make pretty ice crystals for her and would do happy little somersaults when he obliged.
Well, as well as she could ask, with her limited vocal capabilities.
This became a problem.
As the months passed, and "7" grew and experienced more and more of life, the more she wanted to say. And you can only communicate so much with beeps, boops, and facial expressions.
She would get very frustrated when she couldn't communicate what she wanted to her friends, and as that was becoming more and more frequent, it made for a very grumpy robot.
As this problem persisted, Zane and Pixal started discussing building "7" a proper nindroid body. But they came to a bit of an impasse in regards to her memories.
Pixal argued that it could be dangerous for "7" to have to carry the memory of dragging her family out of her home and then watching it go up in flames. She was essentially 4 1/2 at the time! No child should have to live with that. Maybe not even deleting the memory entirely, but at least blurring it a bit, scrub away the details and such, make it bit less tramatic. And she had noticed that "7" already tended to have very expressive emotional responses to things. She wanted to give "7" the best life she could, as her and Zane at this point had become her main caretakers and in their hearts considered "7" their daughter.
Zane was completely against the idea of any memory erasure or even tampering. He stated that even if their intentions were to help "7," messing with memories was not a good idea in the slightest. He knew from experience.
(Ahem...Dr. Julian....ahem...Ice Emperor...ahem)
The arguments went on for weeks, and the rest of the team couldn't remember a time when they had seen the two so angry.
Especially Zane.
He was very adamant that removing any of "7"s memories was not even to be considered as an option.
(In other words, Pixal is being a momma bear, and Zane is having memory tramua.)
They both made very good points, and really, they just wanted to protect "7" in their own way. In the end, they came to the concensus that they wouldn't alter her memories, but they would keep a close eye on her and her emotional responses to things moving forward. You know, talk to her about it and stuff, and help her to work through the memory if it started to bother her.
About 6 months after Crystalized, Zane and Pixal were finally done building "7's" new nindroid shell. And "7" was very eager to transfer over. She is cognitively around 5 at this point.
The process actually took a bit longer than Zane and Pixal thought. But "7" had been through a lot of adventures in her first couple of years alive. There were a lot of experiences and data to transfer over.
When the transfer was complete, "7" couldn't have been more excited!
The first thing Seven did was excitingly thank her mom and dad for her new body. Zane and Pixal were a bit surprised at this. They saw Seven as their daughter, of course, but they didn't realize that she shared the sentiment and thought of them as her parents. (As pretty much the whole team cared for and looked out for her in their own ways.) There was a lot of hugging and kissing and happy tears. 🥺 🤍💜🩵
(I want to eventually write out this particular scene with all the feels and such)
When asked if she wanted a new name, she declined, saying that she liked the name Mommy gave her. I mean, everyone on the team had been calling her "Seven" for a while, so I think that she would have become a bit attached to the name.
Behind the Scenes!
(I originally did want "7" to ask for a new name. She was going to choose "Crystal". "Like daddy's ice crystals!" was her reasoning. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that with everything she went through in...ahem..."Crystalized," I figured she wouldn't choose a name that would remind her of the evil purple shards that took over her home city and almost destroyed her family.
Also, I came across someone else's Pixane kid OC who was named Crystal, and I didn't want to steal that from them. So, with the combination of those factors, I scrapped that idea.)
In contrast to her parents' calm and thoughtful nature's, Seven is a bit of a handful. She's a very adventurous little 5 year old and is always seeming to get into trouble. Sometimes, in a mischievous way, but mostly, she's just exploring and learning about the world around her like all kids do.
She has a very bouncy and bubbly personality, and, as Pixal observed earlier, she can be rather emotional at times. She is very empathetic and doesn't like it when someone on the team is sad. She loves jokes and harmless pranks, and often, Jay and Kai will rope her into their prank wars. As much as she likes mechanical and electronic things, Seven loves to run around outside. She especially likes finding bugs.
Seven likes to spend time with her parents a lot. She was a bit clingy in her original shell, and that trait has definitely carried over. You'll often find her in the kitchen with Zane or in the Sam X cave checking out whatever new invention Pixal is working on.
Zane and Pixal, love their daughter so much!!! They are a little mini family inside of their bigger found family. They give each other hugs all the time and enjoy a big snuggle pile during movie nights.
Seven still loves watching Zane make snow flurries and ice crystals, and Zane loves seeing her face light up when he does. He often involves her when he's in the kitchen whipping up a new recipe. There is often a big mess by the time they're done. (Like when they made Cole a surprise birthday cake. Flour was everywhere!)
Since she started out working on inventions with Pixal, Seven still has a passion for electronics. She likes to hang around in the Sam X cave with her mom helping her with her inventions, making modification suggestions, and making stuff of her own. Pixal often hums when working on projects and Seven joins in. It often escalates into a full concert, both of them singing at the top of their lungs.
As Pixal predicted, Seven does have a bit of trauma from the whole monastery on fire incident.
It mostly surfaces as nightmares of fire and losing her family.
Zane and Pixal are with her through it all. Comforting her when she wakes up in the middle of the night, encouraging her that they aren't going anywhere. They will always be with her.
Zane got Kai involved, and he was able to show Seven that even though fire can be dangerous, when handled correctly it can be a beautiful thing, providing warmth, light, and comfort.
After that conversation and a few more experiences with Kai teaching her about fire, Seven began to overcome her fear of fire.
Seven loves her aunt and uncles!
Nya thinks that she is the absolute cutest thing and loves to work with her and Pixal on the silly projects Seven comes up with. 5 year olds have some crazy ideas for inventions.
Jay loves having someone around who actually laughs at his jokes. He loves being an uncle and playful teasing often ensues.
Lloyd is teaching her how to play some of his favorite video games, and in the process is taking more time for himself to relax and take a break from being the leader.
Kai is very happy to see this.
After helping Seven overcome her fear of fire, Kai has become a bit of a big brother figure to her. (Big surprise 🤭)
He likes to tease her and get into tickle fights until they both end up on the floor in fits of laughter.
Cole loves being an uncle and is always giving piggyback rides. They have a little game they play where Cole sees how high he can toss Seven into the air. This worried Zane a bit in the beginning, you know, his daughter being tossed straight up toward the ceiling. But he's used to it now. Cole knows what he's doing.
Zane and Pixal have discussed eventually passing on Zane's element to Seven. But obviously not right now. Right now, they are just letting her be a kid, and trying to raise her to be the best nindroid that she can be.
And I personally think they are doing a great job.
That's all for now. If you've read this far, wowie! Thank you! You've got some perseverance! I'm not really the best writer, so thank you for listening! I have Seven's design planned out, and I hope to draw her soon for y'all. Stay tuned!
@100-percential-human I'm assuming that the wide eyes emoji on your reblog means that you are interested in this concept, so here you go! I hope you enjoy! :)
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nocturnebby · 2 years
INCOHERANT THOUGHTS ABOUT THE CROSSOVER (copypasted from my notes app) :
•okay firstly I'm so giddy I've never watched this many povs in a row like sausage, Joel, pix, keralis, scott, Jimmy, False, tango etc etc
•the entire bit in tumble town of Andy's room was honestly really funny i don't want to hear anything else
•so many dynamics like keralis and sausage a duo we never knew we needed
•I wish I could draw everyone interacting but i suck so much at interactions
•the hermits being so baffled at Joel because scott says he's a short mortal, sausage says he's 11 foot thunder daddy, fwhip says he's 12 feet (but really 11 foot 9) and Joel himself being like an awkward nerd
•ok ok somehow were on the topic of Joel so another hc is Joel isn't a proclaimed god. like there's no specifics of what he's the god of. it's all based on belief. sausage and a few others believe that he's the thunder and rain god, while some like pix, Jimmy etc believe he's the god of lore albeit self proclaimed. Well he can be loads of things then
•I really wanted the empires False and hermit interactions cause the hermits knowTM the members of the server
•youtube and Twitter are Canon. what the fuck
•I'll post more as time goes on but god. I'm so giddy
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indigo-flightly-falls · 10 months
Who's who in the Entity War Timeline?
Okay this will make not as much sense without the context of this post, which explains my headcanons for the general timeline for the Watchers/Listeners/Speakers (also this post for some names you might not reconise)
This post is a list of who is which entity and when they got turned or were created!
Under the cut because things get a bit long
(also @clockedtimes and @once-and-future-fandoms here's the second half!)
Watchers: Watchers have the color scheme of vibrant purple and black, which blends into the End Void they live in. To stumbled into their realm is quite hard, as it only happens when you glitch through the End Void and fall for what seems to be hours. They mostly live in a sprawling city in purple/black/white/pink colors, with some old plants and trees native to the End! True/Natural Watchers have wings that are bright purple at the top, which fades into pastel purple, and they seem to admit a white glow between the feathers. Unnatural Watchers have the same wings, but lack the white glow. Their wings are often feathery, but more draconic wings aren't unheard of!
Listeners: Listeners have a neon green and white color scheme, which is quite blinding on the eyes sometimes. They make their home far below the bedrock of the Overworld, and live in one central kingdom-type layout, which is mostly made out of green/white/off-white/gray blocks. There aren't as many plants as one would expect for the species from the Overworld, but various types of trees and other plants can be found. Listeners have bright green wings, some of which have a yellow tint. They seem to glow green, although they don't give off light. Their wings are pretty evenly split between feathered and draconic, although there are sometimes mutations that create different wings (the Watchers have the same chance of mutations).
Speakers: Speakers have a bold orange and gray color scheme, and the shade of gray is decided on how much of a Watcher/Listener one was before joining! (darker gray = Watcher, lighter gray = Listener, middle ground = evenly split or wasn't a Watcher/Listener) The Speakers live in the Nether Void, below the lava pools at the bottom of the world. There isn't a city built currently, but there are plans that mimic the Watcher's city that are being considered. Speaker wings are bright orange and sometimes have sooty gray undertones, and there is a even chance for any type of wings!
Alright, with that out of the way, I'll list of who's which entity! I've sorted this based on grouping entities together, and included some characters that changed sides for some variety!
Full Watchers:
Grian - Head Watcher - has never not been a Watcher Etho - Head General - First player turned Watcher Pearl - Council Member - has always been a Watcher Keralis - Regular old Watcher - has always been a Watcher Exion (Evil Xisuma) - Prince of the Watchers - Turned at the age of 11, taken shortly before Evo Hels (Helsknight) - Heir to the Throne - Turned at the age of 9, sold to the Watchers at the same age, Exion's roommate Pix (Pixelriffs) - Council Member - Was human at some point, but turned young enough he doesn't remember Adubs - Council Member (it bribed Grian) - Unknown if rot was ever human or not, due to being from another universe Echo - Council Member + honorary Watcher - is actually a Listener but hates those guys so they joined the Watchers Chicken - Normal Watcher - Turned at an unknown but adult age, a few months into HC Season 9 Skizz - Council Member - Turned during 3rd Life, completely an accident by Etho Purpled - Prince of the Watchers - Unknown if he was born one or not, but was raised as one since infancy Grain - Council Member - Turned shortly before Evo
Half Watchers:
Joe Hills - Watcher Council Member - Turned just after the Runaways defected BigB (formerly) - half Watcher and half Listener - turned after Evo PolkaPDF (formerly) - Technically a Half Watcher - also technically a full Watcher but never grew into her abilities Redza/Russet - 1/3 Watcher - Gave themself up to the Runaways as a deal to locate Phil and Techno Mumbo - Watcher Council Member - Turned during Last Life
Full Listeners:
Bdubs - Head Listener - has never not been a Listener Tango (formerly) -Normal Listener - turned at the age of 17, during High School Martyn - Head General - turned during the Life Games Jimmy - Council Member - turned after Evo BadtimeswithScar - Regular Listener - turned just after ageing out of the Vex's servant trade at 20 Fundy - Regular Listener - Born one, despite his only 'bio' parent being a Watcher Tommy - Regular Listener - Turned during Limbo Tubbo - Council Member - Turned shortly after Doomsday Scott - Council Member - Marked during Last Life, turned after the Speakers were created
Half Listeners:
BigB (formerly) - Half Listener and half Watcher - turned after Evo Philza - Half Listener - Turned as a result of staying in Hardcore just a bit too long :) Joe Hels - Half Listener - Honestly idk xe's vibing why you wanna know when xey were turned?
BigB - Head Speaker - turned after Evo, formerly a Watcher/Listener hybrid Xornoth - Potential Council Member - Turned shortly after the Speakers were created as a last ditch effort to escape Exor Tango - Potential Council Member - Turned at the age of 17 during high school, formerly a Listener PolkaPDF - Potential Council Member - technically he used to be a full Watcher, but she never grew into his powers
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sylvidoptera · 8 months
A sign or just a wild dream?
For some reason, Mark Ruffalo (as his character from Now You See Me) and Nathan Fillion (as his character from The Rookie - which I haven't seen anything of except shorts on YouTube) needed ME to come along on an undercover to help them bust a case wide open. Unfortunately, they didn't tell me what the case was. They just said "be yourself, be friendly, talk to everyone, and trust your gut".
So I packed up my stuff, my kiddo and his things, and my sister Adri so she could watch kiddo while I was doing my thing (who's going to suspect two guys and their "wives" and a child of being undercover?). The dream had a lot of interesting twists and turns and ended up with me uncovering an entire smuggling/antiques theft/underground auction ring for them. Just by being my friendly, nosy self. Interesting bits along the way: -getting kidnapped by a person and waking up tied up on a pool table in a cluttered storage room with loud music playing and being told I was going to pay for what everyone else did; finding out I was being held captive by a trans girl who was about to start on a serial killing spree because her ultra-religious family had driven her to the brink, then managing to turn it around by complimenting her outfit, taste in music, and talking about my trans friend Emily. We then became best buds and I turned her away from violence by inviting her over for dinner and then going out to the main body of the church (we'd been in the basement) and severely lambasting the entire congregation (and physically punching a few) - including her pastor father. -seeing a gray kitten somehow having had climbed up a lamppost and wanting to get it down, so found the base of the post and saw a van under it. The kitten luckily managed to slide down the pole on its own but I knocked on the van window to ask the lady in it if it was her kitten and she asked me if I wanted to "buy one" and I was like "Hell yeah I want to buy one!" and she started showing me guns. 😮 I told her that no, honestly, I was just wanting a kitten. And that I'd be right back cuz I wanted to get money to give her for the little gray one. -various places in the dream where I was trying to seduce (separately) both Mark and Nathan. Because c'mon, this is ME. … But yeah, eventually it was solved. By me finding out that the gun lady in the van and the crappy church were connected and we ended up finding a crapload of stuff, including a LOT of cash. I was so bummed about having to hand it all over for evidence cuz we could have used it SO MUCH for the house, but I was still proud I'd helped. However, as I was going back to the hotel room we'd been staying in (where Adri and kiddo were napping after a long day of playing in the pool), I noticed a thick notebook on paper package that had my name on it. Inside were sneaky pix Mark had taken of me while I was "working" and notes on how I'd be a great agent someday. There was also a personal note from Nathan that regretted we wouldn't get to "play", but he hoped the stuff would help. So I opened the package and it was full of modern cash, old bills from the 1800s, random little jewelry, and some old bonds. JUST the cash that was spendable added up to over $10k. And the stuff was sellable for a lot more. … Which is when I woke up breathing heavily and feeling a wild urge to cheer out loud. Now, I'm not sure if this is just a "we're grasping at straws for hope" dream or if it's a "don't worry, the money will find you somehow" dream… but damn, I will DEFINITELY take it after the nightmares of the last few months. -------------------------------- Speaking of the nightmare of the last 9 months... can we make the dream of getting my house a reality by maybe getting more orders in my store (https://www.etsy.com/shop/ChaoticDaydreams) or over at my GoFundMe (https://gofund.me/1e6f294c) to make my dream a reality? We still need so much more help. Thanks for getting this far! <3
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oblivionrecords · 2 years
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Even tech robots love the blues!
This story is as much for tech nerds as for blues freaks, but blues freaks everywhere should rejoice what I’m about to tell you.
To summarize the backstory, in the spring of 1972 musician and Oblivion partner Tom Pomposello went to visit his teacher and friend Fred McDowell in the Delta a few months after they gigged together at the Village Gaslight. In addition to guitars, Tom was an accomplished harp player so they traveled to Olive Branch to see Fred’s buddy Johnny Woods. Tom recorded Mr. Woods on a portable cassette machine (!) and Oblivion released a single of the two field performances later that year.
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The only camera Tom had was a home snapshot Kodak Instamatic and we used his shot of Johnny leaning against Fred’s Pontiac for the cover. Needless to say, it was funky. But, you know, blues.
Oblivion ceased operations a few years later –we didn’t really know how to run a record company!– and our materials we never stored properly. When the digital age came upon us in the 2000's and I dug out the stuff, the negatives were beyond funky, they were a disaster. As I recounted in the original post about this dilemma, I went to one of the best master printers in America, Chuck Kelton, to perform the surgery. Just look at what he was able to accomplish...magic!
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At that point, I declared victory and went home. I cleaned up all the pix on the Oblivion blog, used the Kelton print as the "master" everywhere it was needed. The only thing I hadn't counted on was the march of technology.
Now, we're really heading into geekville. I recently came across an online artificial intelligence site specifically set up for photography restoration.After a few personal tests that blew me away I started thinking it could help me with Johnny Woods. I was always frustrated that as great as Chuck’s mastery was, it couldn’t make up for the tiny, scratched up, 50 year old negative. I was particularly frustrated with the obscurity Johnny’s face and eyes, which were rightfully shielded from the Mississippi sun with his farming hardhat. Here’s what happened.
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In this posting you have to squint to see the differences, but if you just click the photos you'll be able to get a larger image and see what I'm talking about. But, to me, the difference was stark. Finally! Johnny's face became clear. You can even see sun freckles on his nose. Here, look at this comparison.
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Think about it. Robert Johnson, Sonny Boy Williamson, Muddy Waters down on the farm as a young man. The possibilities are endless!
OK, I've wasted enough of your time. Pass this post around, maybe someone will find a way to restore the blues we've been missing.
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Scattered AU Masterpost Part 2 [COMPLETE]
Due to post length limit (which is apparently a thing), this AU has been split into two parts. Find Part 1 here!
Join the Discord server here!
- Mumbo has a pet ravager miscellaneous ideas: the ravager is actually a bit small as far as ravagers go. Once Mumbo leaves to go to the hermits, he doesnt take the ravager with him, for fear the environment wouldn't be right for it. However, the ravager follows him and Iskall, startling both when it comes running up to Mumbo. The ravager does not like any of the hermits, however it doesn't attack them because it can understand that Mumbo cares about them. - anonymous
- related to scattered au and "what if this happened to old hermits too" -- python's stuck in a death loop in a bastion (his spawn is right next to a piglin brute). he has no clue what's going on but by god, does he blame zloy - Anonymous
- Consider: Etho's mask protecting him from the flowers that gave Hypno so much trouble. - @/rayveewrites
- (Scattered AU) After Etho dies accidentally at the spawn haven, his spawn takes him to Xisuma. Xisuma is clinging to life when he gets there, and Etho only has time to grab his admin's arms and promise he'll be found before Xisuma passes away. Etho and Xisuma get a few hours together to work on getting Xisuma to the surface before Etho starves to death, and he's transported somewhere else. After that Etho makes it his mission to cycle through spawns as quickly as possible to help Xisuma and anyone else who is trapped in their spawn graveyard, no matter how much his legs start to fail him from the damage starting to linger from building into the sky and leaping off to respawn over and over. - @/petrichormeraki
- Some honorable mentions from my written summary for mumbo in the au: the illigers being terrified as he keeps coming back no matter how many times they kill him; he gets adopted by evoker; he fails at evoker magic, like so bad he cant even dye a sheep; the evoker being so done with mumbo that they beg the vex to give him magic; mumbo summoning scar when the vex get annoyed at how often he summons them, mumbo eventually summoning bdubs after scar's contract to mumbo runs out.... and so much more - @/therainofsweetmelody
- Moobloom!Hypno attracts bees - @/itsabork
- Not too long into his messenger journey, etho remembers what had happened to impulse by the time he, zed and tango had found him, which inspires him to try and die in a different way each time he sets off to find another hermit, partly to avoid becoming resiliant to certain death methods and partly for the challenge - Anonymous
- Because Doc hasn't died his death messages haven't been showing up in the chat. The other hermits don't know if he's even in the same world as them. - Anonymous
- (Scattered AU) More on the Mumbo accidentally summoning Scar thing; the summoning has "opened" the chat for them, but only between Mumbo and Scar. All evokers can call on their Vex, after all, so why not an evoker in more-or-less training? - @/petrichormeraki
- (alternate headcanon) There's so much discussion in the server, I wouldn't know where to start restating. However, I wanna mention one thing: scar spawning in xisuma's first spawn, deep in a geode down under ground. Being trapped in an endless death loop due to the warden lurking just outside the geode, forcing scar into the same loop xisuma had been trapped in so long ago. Not only does he have to deal with the separation from bdubs once they got out of the end, now he seemingly cant escape the warden's clutches.... - @/therainofsweetmelody
- Admins log who knows how long: I've finally managed to get my helmet some repairs with this I could get some plugins to start working hopefully. Considering the situation going on, I better not have derped to hard on this, not now. - Anonymous (singleplayer sleep now works)
- (Scattered AU) Because the code is glitchy for mob hermita, Jevin would spilt when injured too much. So while X and Jevin are trying to get to the surface, they encounter a dungeon or a mineshaft and Jevin gets fatally injured. X starts freaking out cause he doesent want to be alone again and he cant bear to watch Jevin die infront of him and risk getting lost and seperated and Jevin just splits, theres two Jevins now and X doesent know what to think of it.While there are two Jevins, their consienceness is split between the two and his motor skills are more sloppy and X notices and realises that Jevin loses more of himself the more he splits. So while he has a lower chance of losing Jevin to an unfortunate accident, Jevin slowly reverts to a slime the more be splits and the more be spends time as multiple entities. X worries that if Jevin splits for too long or too much, he might lose Jevin - @/itsabork
- The only portal to get out of Hels and into the overworld is an incredibly complex vault boarder line weapon built by Hels Doc and Hels Mumbo and the location of the portal is known only to a few and it changes every season. Now cue Helsknight and Wels sneaking all around Hels while trying to look for this basically impossible to find and get into way home. - anonymous
- It takes a while, but eventually those outside of hermitcraft start wondering why all the hermits collectively disappeared. Sure, they started a new world, and sure they’re usually more secluded, but it’s been months. Skizz wonders why he hasn’t heard from Impulse in a while. All the legates wonder where Python went. Everyone’s confused when none of the hermits turn up to the next MCC. Things get weirder when none of them sign up for the one after. -🟣
- Ok to add on to the daisy ravenger post, on his way to 0,0 Mumbo found spawn spawn, slo when he arrived everyone had him at sword point, expecting angry illiger noises they were surprised when they herd "GUYS IT'S ME!!" - Anonymous
(Note: Hermits at the haven currently include Joe, Beef, Hypno, Scar, Bdubs, TFC, Mumbo, and Iskall, in order of arrival. XB is en route, and Etho was there briefly before dying and respawning elsewhere.)
- Pix and Zloy would be the first to notice the hermits' absence. After all, they do a weekly show about them. Maybe they just decided to have a few weeks of downtime before moving to the next Season? Though surely it wouldn't take this long... - @/rayveewrites
- because im a legacy sucker, the legates would likely be the first to notice the hermits' disappearance. between zloy being on the server, skizz being part of zits and very close to impulse, pearl knowing a few hermits, plus python literally disappearing. what they'd do about it? no idea.to keep it more on the topic of hermits though, don't think about how devastated skizz would be to find out what impulse went through. don't think about it :) - anonymous
- Hello I have produced thoughts! I don’t have room for both so I’m sending 2 asks -when Iskall arrives at the mansion all of the illagers are wary; if one of mumbo’s friends are here then he must be leaving soon. Despite their initial feelings they’ve come to care about this idiot that wandered into their house, and they’re fully aware he has no survival instincts whatsoever, so when he does end up leaving they send a ravager to keep him (and his friends, they suppose) safe -@/haworthiaace
- so like... hear me out ok what if the reason the whole world is corrupting and weird and why a lot of people are like slowly turning into mobs is because maybe this is the way the game and the mobs are turning on the hermits for like making really inhumane farms or something like that and the mobs somehow messed with the code of the world to get revenge - anonymous
- Scattered AU!! Biffa spawned very concerned and on a beach. Where is he? How did he get here? Is he alone? Well one of his questions was answered quickly as he heard a constant buzzing sound come from his communicator, upon opening it he saw probably millions of death messages. He quickly realised this was probably supposed to be a new season of hermitcraft, but he didn't really have time to think about it, night was quickly approaching and he could already see drowned swimming towards him. - Anonymous
- How many times did X die to that Warden? Maybe he develops something to counteract the Warden’s sensors, or that his heartbeat slowed down to the point that his suit can barely pick it up (therefor making it harder for the Warden to track Xisuma down). -🦊
- Etho tried his best to fight the system and not get any new features from all his deaths. But, the game has its ways. Slowly, after every death he has, the less alive he comes back. (Undead!Etho, could be ghost, zombie variant, or skeleton variant) -@/harley-the-pancake
- Other hybrid characteristics Hypno gets of the moonbloom: His ears turn into golden cows ones, the horns grow in, he gets a tail, and little flowers grow though his hair and wrap around his horns. He can also grow flowers around him as long as he has dirt, but thankfully they dont do anything beyond smelling a lot stronger and smelling very nice (and maybe a bit of evoking certain reactions, but nothing beyond what normal flowers can do, ie lavender being calming, just a bit more intense) - anonymous
- Beetlejhost ended up in the world along with the hermits, spawning as if summoned: in the middle of a circle of beehives. His spawn is in the birch forest near the s8 spawn, and his presence spooks anyone who stumbles across him. He blends in concerningly well with the black and white of the forest. Beef feels like hes being watched whenever he goes in the birch forest to get supplies, but joe never notices a thing. He teases the hybrids about their changes, leading him to get swiftly decked- - @/therainofsweetmelody
- beetlejhost spawns in a circle of beehives in the birch forest near spawn. he thinks he's invis, in reality it's just his stripes making him blend into the birch trees. he can't leave the circle of bees, ah how wonderful it is to bee bee-tlejhost - @/justme123abz
- Beetlejhost doesn't mean to be mean, really, he just has really, really bad timing. This includes seeing a pollen-stained Hypno and, with his gravelly voice, immediately say "Woah! Someone had some fun in the sun! Tell me, did you spend a week rolling in dandilions or do you just like the color yellow?" This does not go over well - Anonymous
- Speaking of hybrids, Xisuma spawned in a Wardens den right? Well unlike the other hybrids, Xisuma has been changing too but its been slow. Every time he spawned back in that place, on the warped ground, he's changed. He doenst notice the dark starts to seem less dark, until noises get louder, until he's more sentive to it then he noticed, he gets stronger and breaking though the stone with his bare hands seems a bit easier, its not until he finds Jevin and he points out the glowing horns (1)peaking from his temples when his hair is pulled back hastily that he realizes that something has gone horribly wrong with him. Thankfully Jevin helps ground him before he can freak out, so he shelves it for later, once they're out of this cave. The warden that once was down by his spawn is no longer there btw, disappeared. The horns grow slowly, and soon glowing vein like markings appear as well. (2) - Anonymous
- Okay, Xisuma, we established he spawned in the deep dark, right? As time goes on he adapts to the dark. The skulk sensors grow on him. However as time goes on, they not only grow on him, but become a part of him. His footsteps quiet to near silence, and he can feel sounds. He certainly isn't how he was when he entered, at first glance he might even be mistaken for a warden. - Anonymous
- Tango is the only hermit other than Mumbo Daisy kind of likes. Tango thinks Daisy is absolutely adorable, and Daisy does like the positive attention(and the treats). - Anonymous
- When tango meets mumbo’s pet ravager he loses his mind, he tried so hard to get the decked out ravagers to like him and then mumbo just waltzes in riding on one of the things! He ends up hanging around her a lot and eventually forms some sort of relationship, although not as close as he would like (he also gets a little more sympathetic once he sees the effects the evokers had on mumbo, he figures the guy earned a pet ravager) - @/haworthiaace
(Hermits now at the spawn haven, in order of arrival: Joe, Beef, Hypno, Scar, Bdubs, TFC, Mumbo, Iskall, Tango, Impulse, Zedaph. XB is en route, Wels and Hels are traveling through Hels to get there, Ren, Doc, and Grian are attempting to get there but their success has been limited so far)
- Scattered!AU: Idea that Ex is the ONLY one that knows what is going on and how to fix it perhaps (maybe 'cause of having been banished to the void for so long)? That's why he's trying to find X. - Anonymous
- Admins log: day 1006: Me and Jevin finally see sunlight, and I've managed to get the clock function on my helmet working, finally. As we're on our way to the surface, I only hope that I can find someone or something to help guide us to where we need to go, but unfortunately I've lost all signal to chat, and I think we're next to a woodland mansion. I think I've derped up this time.
- Dear Xisuma, if you see this message then the log is working, also fixed the clock in your helmet it's been 50 days, not 1005. I was about to leave with Iskall when I noticed you and Jevin outside with a few, erm, "buddies" of mine you two where passed out and I managed to stop them from killing you with Daisy, my pet ravenger. I'll explain everything later and spawns in the village are working, finally. I recommend not moving much and work on the data packs for a bit before you do anything elseExplanation log to Xisuma part 2: Sorry if the last one got cut off abruptly, apparently there's a limit to these messages. Any way please take care of yourself. Sincerely, your pal Mumbo Jumbo
- Admins log, day 51: I first want to say thank you Mumbo for bringing me up to speed and explaining why and how me and Jevin are here, next I want to say that these logs may slow down for a bit, I'll be working on some maintenance for some packs. I still don't know why this is happening, I now hope this is a wicked nightmare and not our reality. Hang on I see something over there it looks like, wait let me ju- Voice logs are off for the moment.
- all one anon
- mooblooms spread the flowers that enraptured hypno. now that hypno is a moobloom hybrid, he can make people "hypnotizd"! he doesnt like to, but if the spawn ever gets attacked, the hermits are winning easily. - anonymous
- I like to think that at some point when there's a significant number of healthy hermits at 0,0 they start group searches to find the rest of hermits - anonymous
- After awhile, if they can't change the spawn of everyone, they begin securing all the spawn points to everyone, so if their bed is ever destroyed in the future, they won't end up in a death loop again. They secure the death loop spawn points first. - @/ciaravixen
- For undead Etho: I know that ghasts aren't technically undead mobs, but they're basically ghosts and that's what I feel etho is becoming?He's leaving his mortality behind bit by bit as he ceases to care about death and starts to use it as a tool instead.One day he'll respawn without a body at all - @/draconic-dreams
- This is just a thought. Sand cant be good for Iskall's mechanical parts, and its not like he has anything to fix it. Does he have to wait to find doc to be able to have hope of fixing himself? - anonymous
- Jellie had spawned in the village that cub and xb had come across, so when xb heads to 0,0 he takes her with him (she'd be safer in the overworld than in the end, after all). Its quite a long journey, and she makes for good company. -@/supertiny-tins
- Grian, Doc, and Ren fianlly start heading out to 0,0. Its a long journey, they decide in the end to leave their beds behind at the cabin in case any of them die so none of them end back at their orginal spawns. they would of just made new beds every time but the lack of suplies and resources near by has been low oddly enough. Doc manages to push aside most of his fears to help Grian and Ren, who are weaker, but he keeps his distance whenever he can. They make many hastily built huts as they go 1most nights are spent sleeping on hard ground, later straight up blocks of wool they find but not beds, just wool is better then ground, and it doesn't do the weaker hermits any favors but it works. There are many close calls, but they manage to avoid death, mostly due to Doc. Along the way they start to find signs of other players, coble in places it shouldn't, a rare torch, half mined trees, but no hermits. They still have a way to go, but they're getting closer to the others and safety. 2 - anonymous
- Etho once found himself spawning in the middle of an ocean with nothing and no one in sight except of course... A faint trail of lights dancing beneath the waves... Pulsing and glimmering, almost in a rhythm, something so fascinating, so... So... He was meant to be doing something...? It was... Important... At least... It might have been... It's all.. Kinda hazy... It couldn't have been more important than the lights, nothing was more important than the lights... They were so beautiful... He could watch them all day... Etho never noticed how he slipped beneath the waves, nor how the glow squid's glittering eyes had turned upon him, coiling a tentacle around his waist as it dragged its prey deep into the depths, his eyes hazed with green, he never even noticed his lungs burning for air.And he never remembered drowning after he respawned. - anonymous
- Impulse actually punches through the Nether roof so they can traverse more safely to coordinates given to them by Etho. They leave trails of blocks so they can make their way back, of course. - @/rayveewrites
(Evil X is now hiding out in a cave near spawn)
- Shattered!AU: I see everyone's Warden!Xisuma heacannons and I give you Axolotl!Xisuma. Think about it he's been hanging around with them and Jevin in the lush caves so maybe he's becoming more like them. (Frills, a more pink-ish tint to his skin, the ability to breathe underwater, etc.) :D (Is this because the thought of him having Warden traits is terrifying to me? Maybe. Is it because I think he deserves to become something not scary after his whole ordeal in the Deep Dark? Yes.) - anonymous
- Ever since getting out of the loop, Impulse has had a horrible inner conflict between his guardian side being instinctually drawn to the water, and his human brain being deeply terrified of ever being submerged again. - @/asexualbert
- Because I absolutely adore Daisy, more headcannons for Daisy.Daisy will occasionally just pick Mumbo up gently with her horns when she thinks she isn't getting enough attention. Daisy has a bell collar, because she kept scaring hermits by following Mumbo silently. Daisy is more okay with Iskall than most other hermits, though still doesn't really like him. - anonymous
- Though I'm a sucker for angst, what if Impulse was saved by a dolphin pod or something instead of transforming into a hybrid (or after transforming if Guardian!Impulse is cannon). :3 I can picture dolphins don't take kindly to the Guardian Mobs, might even find them as prey if anything since they're fish. (Guardian!Impulse wouldn't count since they're smart enough creatures to tell the difference.) - anonymous
- Prob a bit early for epilogue stuff but I like to think that, once all the glitches are fixed, that those that became hybrids and would prefer to be back to normal get changed back. - anonymous
(Shade note: Personally, I'm a sucker for stories where the characters adjust and learn to live with the unexpected changes to themselves rather than having them magically fixed, but this option is certainly still here for the people who find it appealing)
- For the scattered au, after the numerous frozen deaths Grian's gone through he starts hearing voices from the snow, even from within Ren's cabin. A snow golem forms after a wandering trader drops a pumpkin and watches from outside the cabin, deciding to guard the place after taking a liking to Grian and Ren. - anonymous
- When Etho became fully ghost, it hit hard. BeetleJhost saw this, and after a while decided to teach him how to show his form and speak. It takes a lot out of him, but it’s worth it. His friends deserve that closure. (Listen, I was expecting angst, I just wasn’t expecting that much angst.) - @/harley-the-pancake
- Mod Shade, I want you to know that angsting ghost!Etho that hard was entirely on you. I was picturing him clipping through blocks and dropping items at inconvenient points, not fading out of existence entirely. - @/draconic-dreams
- Possible explanation for everything going on in Scattered:Players were never supposed to be so powerful; in the natural state of Minecraft they're just another mob, albiet one that can craft and use any tool.But the Players weren't satisfied with that. Everyone from the admin of the smallest server to the mythological ‘dev team’ has been imposing little changes on the world since its inception, slowly tweaking it into a better environment for Player-kind.A single spawn at the world's centre. The ability of Players to chat from one end of the world to another -- even across different worlds. Even natural regeneration, an ability unique to the rarest and most powerful of mobs. As time marched on, Players not only unlocked these things but began to take them for granted, drawing far away from the behaviour of normal mobs. This became normal. Players continued to create datapacks and run commands that tweaked the very nature of the world. -@/draconic-dreams
(Shade note: Perhaps it was just a random glitch, one fundamental line of code removed to shift the balance of power. Or maybe it was orchestrated, but by who and for what purpose? Either way, it will take the Hermits a while to realize this, and even longer to fix it...if they can at all.)
- Jessasin spawned in a mesa biome, of course he's confused on how he got there and why he's in this random vanilla world and not his usual modded world, but both questions got pushed aside when the death messeges arrive. He exploared the area gathering as much recourses as he can and goes off too find someone, anyone really. - @/ghan-does-things
- hello! I discovered the scattered au literally yesterday so sorry if this is something that has already been gone over but I had an idea about bdubs, what if his constant exposure to the void and surviving on nothing but chorus fruit for who knows how long made him slightly enderman-y? 1/2 (sorry, couldn't fit the whole thing in one ask)Like nothing obvious at first, but making eye contact makes him agitated and snappy, touching water makes his skin tingle and if you look at him in the dark his eyes seem to have a very faint pink/purple glow about them? Maybe the other hermits swear he's taller than he was the last time they saw him? And the tips of his fingers are blackened, he assumes due to frostbite, but it seems to gradually be making it's way further up his hands? again sorry if this has been gone over already 2/2 - @/plantichu
- Okay so after Welsknight and Helsknight manage to get past the crazy vault door in Hels, not sure how but it probably involved a lot of cussing on Hels part and Wels saying that he never wanted to look at redstone ever again. The portal takes them to the overworld near Xisuma and Jevin. - anonymous
- (scattered au) The first set of non hermits to join this corrupt world are two strangers that apparently came from infinity's grasp. The good news they both spawned at spawn, bad news the brought the tnt duper flying machines, good news that everyone was able to calm them both down. Now the fun begins. Tldr Illmango and Methodz finally get out of the infinity portal. - anonymous
- Loving the Scattered AU. Late to the party, but was looking at the wider MC community reaction to the Hermits vanishing. Once it's clear something bad's happened, would the Legacy crew and whoever else (former Evo squad members like Martyn and Jimmy as well, if they notice Grian go dark) take steps to find out what happened? Would they go to the MCC server (it's kind of a nexus between worlds) & get Noxcrew to try "pinging" the HC server? Would X & other admins see it but be unable to respond? - @/wixelt
- I dont know if anyone has mentioned it but uhhhh, guardian xb? he was a guardian hybrid before everyone got scattered like Ren was already a wolf/dog hybrid. iirc xb spawned in a desert which would be a very interesting place for a guardian hybrid to spawn - anonymous
- Etho has been so, so desperate to avoid dying the same way twice, to stay himself. He hasn't drowned that many times, he thinks. Surely, surely he's starved more often? There's a strange feeling of deja vu hanging over him when he respawns in the ocean, though he can never understand why. Each time the squid finds him, he drowns a little slower, and each time, he glows a little stronger.And he just can't understand, almost refuses to, as he treks from biome to biome, where the small green bumps that line his arms and face came from, how his fingertips seem to almost glow when he scoops a handful of water, how long he finds himself simply staring… at the moon, at sea lanterns, at torches, at lights… He would die a different way every time. He had to. He had to stay Etho. He would not become anything else. - Anonymous
- When Mumbo comes riding into camp on Daisy, it’s easy to see Impulse is not happy about the ravager being there. That’s expected, it’s not exactly everyone’s favorite mob to see around a safe haven. But when Mumbo and Impulse make eye contact, the evoker can’t help but make a simple warding gesture his friends at the mansion taught him- it’s a reflex move. Days later, Mumbo still isn’t sure if Impulse flinched because of Daisy’s sudden growl or his ward. - @/fluffy-papaya
- (From the Discord) What happened to the world: For years, seeds and the land they built had been carefully curated by those known as players, in an effort to make it both easier and more interesting for themselves. But the land doesnt want to be controlled. Their glitched, broken world is a result of the world itself rioting against their presence. Coordinates aren't visible with the debug screen, their coms only serve the world, to tell the players what it knows. Compasses spin wildly in the overworld, for there is no "world spawn" (though coordinates are visible with one in hand. Small mercies are still given). The world resists any further changes by the simple fact it refuses to accept what a hermit communicates. Maybe it's fixable, but maybe... maybe it runs deeper than just their world. (The Legates caused a lot of damage with all those withers, after all.) - @/basaltdragon
- While Iskall is in the desert, he ends up dying quite a few times, enough to adapt, he becomes like a stray, so now, if we have skeleton Etho, we have 3 undead hermits - anonymous
- When everyone is finally gathered and they manage to come together to use all their skills, new and old, the hermits use it to flee back to Season 7. They stay there for months, mostly to heal and adjust to what happened to them. (Trauma isn't easy) Those who have friends or family off server get invited to visit, but the hermits don't leave, they nearly lost each other and they aren't willing to risk it again right now. They'll make a new season 8 at some point, the hermits are too (1/3)restless and too ingrained in their ways to completely disregard how they've always done things, but that will come when they feel better, safer, more put together, when they can finally stop sleeping in a big pile becuase they're afraid the others will disappear. They never go back to that old glitched world, the idea makes them sick, and X starts the new practice of sending in the 'Cam' and/or 'alt' accounts in first to check out the world and set up commands and plugins remotely first. (2/3) What happened before will never, ever happen again he swears it. Next time they might not be so lucky after all [if you can call them all being traumatized, many of them dying over and over again, some being permanently altered, and barely escaping lucky] (also feel free to save these asks for near the end of the au!) (3/3) - anonymous (Shade note: I personally like the idea of them fixing and learning to live in the glitched-out world, but this is another alternate ending!)
- (From the Discord) What happened to the world: Alternatively, what happened is exclusive to their world. (I don't have Dramatic Storytelling for this one, sorry) EX has ADHD to the max, and everything he does is a desperate attempt to get Noticed, to get looked up to and listened to. He's known it was "wrong" for a while, hence why he took X's name and added "Evil", but he never seriously wanted them to hurt. Just to listen to him. He'd meant to come in and fix it all and finally be a hero. He didn't realize, either through haste or inexperience, that he too would be at the mercy of what he'd done.Maybe he does, eventually, make it to where the hermits have gathered. But does he really want to admit everything? (RSD had burned him before, and if there ever was something to place the blame on his head...) - @/basaltdragon
- lasting effects of deaths
- a large amount of assorted ideas
- The bell they put on Daisy was originally of the type that are put on cats, but Grian ended up switching it out with a cowbell because he hated the sound - anonymous
- False, Keralis, Cleo, and Stress make it to spawn, bedraggled and exhausted. Out of all the Hermits, they are some of the last to arrive. Along the way, they’ve encountered trials innumerable that have left them beaten and bruised, but after months of travel, they’ve finally made it.Shortly after leaving the Moobloom field, they came upon an abandoned cart in the middle of a desolate village. With some of the redstone they had found and whatever magic they managed to scrape up, they turned it into a sort of vehicle that allowed them to travel much faster. It had a habit of breaking every six seconds or so, but nothing they couldn’t fix. For the most part. A few accidental combustions aside, they crossed the server in record time.Once at spawn, False has to be forcibly restrained from immediately starting guard duty, and several of the Hermits have to physically wrestle her into a bed in order for her to get some rest. Stress starts up a potion factory the next day, and also starts decorating the spawn with the flowers she’s collected during their travels. Keralis helps out wherever he’s needed, but in his downtime, he constructs an elaborate warren of tastefully decorated, industrial tunnels under the spawn, just in case they might help. Cleo mostly just stays in bed, creating elaborate dioramas and mourning the loss of her zombie side. She’ll get better, but it’ll take some time. And that’s ok with the rest of them. - @/topazastral
- When Doc, Grian, and Ren finally make it to 0,0 there is no fanfare, no dramtic entrance, no revulation. They were travling and suddnly, there was a base, a hermitcraft base, and they could see people. Grian clambers to feet shakily from the shed, nearly falling but Doc and Ren catch him and toghther they help him walk foward and call out to their friends. They are safe now, they're here- Is that mumbo on a ravager what the hell? Wait thats Impluse? Seems like Grian wasnt the only one changed. - anonymous
- Jellie reacting to vex!scar headcanons -she recognises him instantly. The moment she and xb arrive at spawn she darts straight towards him. Of course, she cant figure out why he looks different, but regardless, thats her owner and she demands pets!!!-sometimes she will jump up and try to pounce on his vex wings, because shiny moving thing! Scar picked up on this very quickly and will move out of the way before she gets the chance (vex wings are rather delicate and a pain to get fixed)-whe she's bored, she will always go to mumbo and daisy for attention first. This makes scar rather jealous and she knows that damn well-Scar will sometimes pick her up and fly her around not too far from spawn for a few minutes. Nothing she isnt used to, as he flys with the elytra all the time, but something about flying with vex magic just feels... different. And fun! - anonymous
- Contrary to the enderman bdubs, ender dragon bdubs. His eyes aren't the normal brown, and are instead a bright magenta, he also now has ashen gray horns. - Anonymous
- Scattered AU: The intended world "theme" Xisuma had set up for Season 8 was Large Biomes. This was before anyone knew something was going to go wrong, of course, but it's had a horrible lasting effect in the glitched world. Not everywhere has generated as "large", so when Hermits are travelling they'll sometimes find normal sized biomes, and other times they'll find one biomes that stretches an abnormal distance in all directions. Grian and Doc's mountain range is one of these large biomes. - @/wixelt
- For the scattered au, the snow golem follows Grian and Ren (and Doc) to the spawn haven, for a few days the hermits are wondering what's leaving behind snow trails and zombie flesh, so they decide to have a night watch around this area. Ren volunteered and waited, half-asleep he nearly nearly gets hit with a arrow when he hears the sound of a skeleton getting hurt. He sees the snow golem and uses his sword to kill the skeleton. The snow golem tries to flee but Ren realizes and stops it (1/2)He welcomes the snow golem and introduces it to Grian and Doc, (where the snow golem warns him that it is keeping its eyes on him in its own language). Spooked, Grian tells them that he can understand it, and the golem tells him that he's been following them since their time at the mountain. They decide to give it the name Catmint and it helps guard the hermit's base at night (while giving a stern look at Doc every now and then.(2/2) - anonymous
- (Scattered au)Seeing as we now have 3 different variations of Etho, I raise you: all 3 at once. It turns out Etho was not in fact human, instead a shapeshifter who didn't know that he was, the deaths simply sped up the process, whereas before, while he would change slightly, it was never fast enough to be noticeable - Anonymous
- I had this idea some time ago actually but I thought it was silly but now that the au in ending might as well say it. It doesn't make much sense now with all the new development srry. What if one day Mumbo was callibrating his comunication monstrosity, and suddenly his communicator had signal. He called and called but whoever was a the other side didn't pick up, until they did and Mumbo was overjoyed, but the happiness died down when he could only hear chocked sobs and sharp breathing and (1)teeth chattering. Suddenly a voice whispered, little and fragile "h-h-he-lp". Mumbo knew that voice too well. Before he could even open his mouth to let his best friend he was coming for him, he'd be okay, anything, the breathing stopped. The call was still going, but no one was at the other side anymore, Mumbo hung up with tears in his eyes, and he swore he'd find him and he'd help him. (2) - anonymous
- Scattered AU: While there's still time for them: Mumbo was the furthest Hermit out in the Overworld, & didn't set off for over a year, yet wasn't last to 0,0 (with Iskall) by any stretch. More than half the Hermits seemed to arrive after him. This can be partly attributed to Daisy making good time, but it makes you wonder how many trials & tribulations impeded False, Stress, Cleo and Keralis along the way? How much Ren, Doc & Grian were slowed by Grian's condition? What took xB or Biffa so long? - @/wixelt
- Once everyone finds each other, at the world spawn, after the initial shock, and fixing of the world of course, the hermits all decide to settle much closer to each other. They were separated for quite a while, so it makes sense why they'd decide to keep close. Some groups also make shared bases. - anonymous
- I sort of want grian to be a bit more inhuman so how about grian’s skin on his arms, legs and most of his face permanently blackened by the severe frostbite and the rest of his skin has taken on a bluish tinge, his hair is no longer the Gold it was before but almost snow white with a tinge of dark and light blue, his ears and tail are snow white with what appears to be frost and ice growing on them (1/2)(2/2) grian can not cry because the tears will immediately turned to ice, he can’t swim because if his body touches the water the water will freeze over, his skin is cold to the touch and whatever he moves his body it will make a cracking sounds like breaking glass or smashing ice, no matter how warm it is he can always see his breath... i’m trying to think of more but I’m coming up blank so that’s it hope you like it. - anonymous
- bc i cant stand when cleo is unhappy: the moment she and joe reunite, joe realizes how horrible it is for her to have her body messed with against her will. and as an admin, he can modify her code to put her back to how she was in previous seasons (aka not totally rabid but still undead) - anonymous
- Admins log final day: I'm glad we'll all be able to wake up from this nightmare, and we're able to get an exit portal going thanks to Mango and Methodz having a backup of the key to open the infinity portal's power, we should be able to not only go back in time, but destroy this broken timeline. Were all grateful for them, and I did invite them both to help us incace this happens again. This will be the last day in this timeline, if you somehow found this helmet with these logs, thank you. :-) - anonymous
- Grian, Doc, and Ren find it hard to stay away from each other too long, especially Doc and Ren becuase they've been taking care of Grian for such a long time so they find themselves kinda hovering over him and Grian finds himself seeking them out even when he's with other hermits. The other groups, who've been toghther for awhile, do it too probs - anonymous
- Soon as Grian and Mumbo see each other, they launch themselves at the other and hold on for a long, long time. Iskall join in soon as he wanders by and they talk for hours about what happened, looking over Grian's new fox parts and the blue marks on his hands, Mumbo gray stained hands and magic, and just Iskalls overall experience. Also Grian's little fox buddy absolutely loves Daisy and vice versa. Its not uncommon to see the small fox riding on the ravager's back while Daisy scares people. - Anonymous
- I know I'm a bit out of loop w scattered au & is probably getting things wrong but consider this, when Mumbo accidentally summoned Scar, leaving Bdubs alone, Bdubs freaked out. The very person that meant rescue & hope for him back in the end is now gone, he felt like he's back into the void again and he thought Scar abandoned him because he's too weak & is a burden to Scar. (Yes I am currently drowning in Scardubs angst) - @/anthosaidsmth
- The glitches in the world didn't only happen to the Hermits, it happened to all worlds created in 1.17. The cause remains unknown, though it is believed that something or even someone corrupted/changed the code (what/who is up to imagination. In the case of the latter, so is the motive). My idea, we've already confirmed that Watchers are arrogant jerks so perhaps they couldn't stand the fact that players learned to do things against the rules that they put in place, and did this out of spite. - anonymous
- A bit late but I see all the Fox!Grian headcannons so what if Grian spawned in a jungle and slowly became a parrot hybrid instead? How idk, maybe resorting to eating seeds to prevent himself from starvation because there is no animals in this jungle.
- Here's a thought: The Hels!Hermits were also effected by whatever caused the scattering. They may all hate or annoy each other, but not having each other around to pick on isn't very fun (neither are death loops). Perhaps some of them gain humility over this or learn to be at least a bit nicer to each other and their counterparts. (or some of them find sadistic amusement in their counterpart's miseries) - anonymous
- Finally, once everyone has made it safely to spawn and the problems with the world have been resolved, the season begins. Some of the Hermits may have changed (more than just physically) but over time, they adapt and recover. Grian eventually starts yet ANOTHER war, Tango gets to build DO 2.0 (X is terrified at the fact wardens are involved), and Cleo becomes a coach on 'how to be a mob hybrid' (unless all new hybrids get returned to how they were before by admin powers or just being players). - anonymous
- With all the glitches fixed and all the hermits starting to get back to their normal (Well as normal as it can be after all of these), I wonder if Scar is still a vex. All the hermits just adapted to their situations, but Scar is different, he made a deal with the Vex. - @/anthosaidsmth
- It takes all of the hermits that changed a while to get used to the changes, but eventually they do, mostly through help and support from the other hermits - anonymous
- I had a wee idea and it's a little silly but I like hurt/comfort so maybe after all the scattered au events have passed and the hermits are all together living safely, every winter some hermits invite Grian to their bases to take care of him since the snow and the cold are very bad for him. Sometimes he gets fevers but most of the time he just needs a warm blanket and someone to distract him from the snow. This is also making me wonder if Grian could develop chinophobia (fear of the snow). - Anonymous
- conclusion
- An Evoker Mumbo
- Evoker Mumbo with Daisy
- Evoker Mumbo summoning Scar
- a Guardian Impulse
- assorted doodles here and here
- A two-part Impulse comic
- some Etho lore come back to haunt him (pt 1)
- Cleo sharing mob-hybrid tips with Impulse
- Executioner
- Fish out of water
- Homesick
- Thalassophobia
- The General's Wager (pt 2)
- The Undertow
- Saviors
- Bdubs falling
- For lack of blue shiny rocks (pt 3)
- conclusion (pt 4)
- EX in the Deep Dark
- this road I'm on's gonna turn to sand
- Snapshots
- a multi-chapter Scattered interpretation written just before the real season 8, complete with some outside lore and crossover
- Scattered Across The Map (series of parallel multi-chapter fics)
- One Hundred Thousand Worlds Away
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kittydemon9000 · 3 years
I beg please explain what vex is planning for emperors consort au. I b E g.
So Vex is super salty with how much this backfired
because a) his position is very threatened and b) Zane is slowly showing signs of remembering
it’s mostly just quick flashes, or smells/sounds, but it’s enough to worry Vex
And Kai is becoming pretty sus of Vex and his intentions
The solution? send an assassin after Kai
Only he didn't plan for the Emperor the decide to pay Kai a visit that night, and quickly disposing of the assassin before any lasting damage was done
The Emperor refuses to let Kai out of his sight for the next month and assigned him a pair of personal guards to accompany him everywhere
their names are Hicket and Mallory and Kai basically adopts them as his kids
He then tries a few times to try and split them apart, like giving Zane fake reports “from Kai” or doing things to keep Kai awake all night so he’s sluggish and in the morning and unable to do his jobs properly
these both somehow manage to backfire even worse
The reports about a village under attack? There were bandits holding it under siege and the sight of the Emperor’s soldiers scared them off and of course all the credit goes to Kai, both from Zane and the villagers
Sleepy Kai accidentally falls asleep on the Emperor? He doesn’t move for almost 6 hours and claims it was of no problem and once he hears of the noise problem, moves Kai to a different one that just so happens to be closer to his own quarters
the guards and servants are having a field day with all the adorable moments they share, and they’re lucky cameras don’t exist here
Vex also once suggested Kai travel along a very dangerous path where he got captured by bandits
Yeah those bandits were very surprised when the Emperor’s army, a good chunk of the Formlings plus the Emperor himself showed up for his rescue
Funnily enough, this was the final push for the two to realize their affections for one another and have Zane finally name Kai his consort
Vex is not happy
Over the years he’d been sending out small personal guards who were loyal to him to find magical artifacts and the such when they bring back a spell book
It’s old and most of the pages are too wet to read, but a handful survived
The most important page being one that claims to be able to steal magic
It takes a few decades, but finally he’s able to gather all the materials he needs and finally launches a coup
He takes Zane’s powers, and with them is able to use the Staff of Forbidden Spinjitzu
He also uses the ice magic to put the guards, servants, and more than a few Formlings back under his control, completely devoid of thought or emotion, knowing only his orders
Kai and the others are cued into something happening when Hicket and Mallory are suddenly encased in a lot more ice and their eyes go pale blue and most notably start trying to bring Kai back to the Castle, saying “the emperor desires your presence”
Everyone is, rightfully, a little freaked out. Kai recognizes this as what the control used to be like on the guards, but it hadn’t been like this since he first joined the Emperor
Kai tells the ninja to stay in the village incase something dangerous happens, but Lloyd secret follows him, along with Akita(who was with the group just because)
When they get to the palace, Kai is horrified and very angry, and Vex very nearly almost kills him before decided Kai would just become a martyr and opts to put him under his control instead
he's not blind, he can easily see how much the people love him
the reason it’s working now is because Vex goes a bit overkill with the ice and almost kills him with it, really just putting all his power behind it
Anyway, so now Kai is under Vex’s control
Lloyd and Akita break Zane out, the other ninja realized Lloyd ran off and arrive at the palace with the Land Bounty, but even all together they aren’t strong enough to beat Vex, mostly because none of them can bring themselves to hurt Kai
But, being he isn't human, Zane is able to go the longest and when clashing with him, there’s a moment when they make eye contact and before he can stop himself words are tumbling out
“You never gave up on me, and I’m not giving up on you either”
In a split second everything clicks. Zane remembers.
That was also the push he needed to reconnect with his powers
Vex is floundering and trying to figure out how he got them back, but Zane is relentless in his attacks
and because I’m getting super pissed at Vex, Zane kills him and they don’t just let Vex go like in canon(because that was stupid and just asking for more trouble)
Leaving the Never Realm is much sadder too because of all the connections Kai and Zane have made
They decide to leave the throne to Hicket and Mallory, since the two were probably the most equipped given how much Kai taught them and are basically their kids(but they’re definitely adults, they would never leave such a massive responsibility to children looking at you cloud kingdom)
Zane also has a talk with Pix about his and Kai’s relationship and she’s really chill and understanding
(or maybe, idk, they could be in a poly together, just throwing that around)
But yeah, screw you Vex, you deserved to get stabbed with an icicle
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tamapalace · 3 years
Deleted Facebook Post Claims To Have Tamagotchi Pix Intel
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It’s been a while since we’ve heard any Tamagotchi Pix news, and in complete transparency this Facebook post is quite a few months old. A member of the Tamagotchi Collectors Facebook group posted about the Tamagotchi Pix back in September. This post was deleted shortly after by the original poster spilled the tea, but a lucky few were able to grab a screenshot and respect the privacy of the original poster by removing their information.
It’s important to note that this post was before Amazon leaked the Tamagotchi Pix listing on their websites. It is quite impressive how the information provided in this post matches the Amazon listings, but we must disclaim that this is by no means confirmed and could still be rumors. Let’s take a deeper look at this post.
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The post starts off by informing readers that they have some information to share, but to keep it real private about where the information originated from. The original poster is concerned around getting in trouble, which is totally understandable given that the product hasn’t even been announced. The original poster alleges that their friend attended a Tamagotchi presentation from Bandai where they learned about the upcoming Tamagotchi, the Tamagotchi Pix. It is super impressive that this name matches the listing we saw on Amazon months later.
Allegedly a July/August 2021 release, with an announcement in May 2021. This means the device will be announced roughly two years after the Tamagotchi On in North America, and launch roughly two years after the official launch of the Tamagotchi On in North America. This means that Japan will have waited almost three years for this new Tamagotchi, it seems like Bandai wants all countries on the same schedule moving forward.
The post then provides bullet points of the key features of the alleged next generation Tamagotchi! First off is that the device will be larger (which is interesting because seen conflicting reports that the device will be the same dimensions as the current Tamagotchi Meets & On). The Pix should include AR (augmented reality) like features and a camera, no surprise here folks.
Secondly, the original poster claims that the device will feature a touch screen. This is not something we are confident about. As we saw in the Amazon postings, the buttons will actually be touch (perhaps capacitive buttons with haptic feedback).
The camera can be used to take pictures of food, and this will then allow the user to feed their Tamagotchi these foods! This seems really cool if it pans out, imagine going through your fridge to feed your Tamagotchi!
The next alleged feature got us REALLY excited. Claims of a “Pokemon Go” like feature. This feature would allow you to find your friends outside. Imagine being able to walk outside with your Tamagotchi and run into other Tamagotchi characters. Would it just be characters randomly placed geographically? Could we interact with other Tamagotchi users nearby? Could this be the rumored Tama Social? We’re intrigued!
Another bold claim is that the Tamagotchi Pix will feature QR codes, which actually makes some sense. Since the Tamagotchi Pix will allegedly have a camera, you should be able to scan QR codes with the right programming. QR codes will allegedly allow users to add friends easily, make playdate, and gift items. Is this how Tamagotchi Pix’s will connect?
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Lastly the original poster claims what we’ve seen in the Amazon postings, there will be three types fo eggs with eight types of characters, and the goal is to raise each well to unlock a new egg. The device itself will be palm sized, and be available in pink, purple, blue, and sea green.
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idk - should there b a foto - but no moon pix new - is the moon fungible - like wood u know if i used one from say - last year - posted a 2 month old performance on ig like it wuz today - its a good one tho 
last year - and we didnt no we didnt know we thot well 
wat a luxury to play inna cawfee shop hoping lots of ppl here and now the music - witch i struggled - unless we improv  - or finally zone it mostly faked it - got away with cuz magic happen - and in a week or 2 things fall apart and no matter - is past a prologue 
imma mean wtf happen  - did it start w the fires - the surreal and just kept going for a year on steam 
i think i cant - do another - then fuck me imma doin 
there is a kitty yes a good one we listen - to 
and  crow awk 
but yah - i thot i wuz - well i wuz - happy - just blindly - eyes wide - i knew the score but 
i didnt see that coming 
and hear we iz and r 
singing ooh child - ghost town - i take u there and anything else i can remember some chords and words to - and if i cant imma fake it - i mean improv vise - theres too many keys and chords anyway 
i gess our album is mixing - it oughtta b shaken and a quake by now lol - no reel idea how book sales or spotify is going  - i just spam the fuck out - hope something - trynna figure a performance in the time of covid  - the porch of kava - which i fear never re open  - not this week end - with the holiday things might get crowded - we wanna low key - and distance - and outdoors  - maybe too soon- or session on ig - if we promote it - maybe more than 3 - lissen lol - fuck idk - we try planning but it never seem to - we have enuff material for another album - and an ep of covers - u do know i got a band yah - i forget to tell ppl  - its called S*A*L*V*A*T*I*O*N   DAY    - 3 songs on spotify and i tunes  - a few video on utube under vita r quintanilla - various snippets and recordings on tumblr and ig 
we jest keep on keepin on 
i think we awready mentioned 
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onisionhurtspeople · 5 years
Onision flirted with my little sister
This was in 2014. My sister was 12. She used to follow him on twitter and sometimes tweet at him. He did not follow her back nor did he ever tweet at her. After a while, she stopped tweeting at him because she lost hope that he would ever pay attention to her (I know it sounds pathetic but she was only 12 and a fangirl). Then one day he randomly DM’d her. She was so shocked but so happy. He asked her why she hadn’t tweeted at him in a while. He told her he looked forward to opening his notifications and seeing tweets from her every day. He said he missed them and seeing her pretty face (she had a real photo of herself on twitter as her profile pic). He also noticed that she hadn’t tweeted at all in over a month at the time and asked her if she was OKAY. He said he was worried and that she could talk to him if she was ever having a hard time and needed someone to talk to. She told him that there was nothing wrong, she just got bored of twitter and lost hope that any of her favorite youtubers would ever tweet her back. He kept pressing her and insisting that something must be wrong. She assured him that she was okay. Then he started asking her weird personal questions. He asked her if our dad was abusive. He asked about our home life and whether or not we had a dysfunctional family. It’s almost like he was trying to PROJECT abuse and dysfunction onto her.  She insisted that she was fine and our family was fine. I was 16 at the time. I was never a huge Onision fan but I was still a bit giddy knowing that a youtube celebrity was talking to my sister. Anyway, my sister would show me their DMs every time they talked. At first, they were innocent. They would talk maybe once or twice a week on average. He would just check in with her and see how she’s doing and then they would end up talking about silly things like telling jokes, sending each other emojis and sharing funny photos. Then after a few months, my sister turned 13. They were DMing each other and this is when it started to get creepy. He told her “13 is legal in lots of countries”. She was confused and said what? And he said “if we lived in another country I could date you”. She just laughed it off and didn’t take it seriously and said “yeah but you’ have a wife”. And he responded saying “but we have an open relationship” (this is before Lainey started her youtube channel, before she came out as Bisexual, and before she came out as polyamorous so I doubt they were in an “open relationship”).  My sister didn’t know what to say so she stopped responding for about 5 minutes and then he messaged her saying “i’m just kidding”. I told my sister she should stop talking to him because I was concerned for her safety at this point. I didn’t appreciate him “joking” with my little sister that way. She insisted that he was just joking and that I should calm down. So they continued talking but now my sister was secretive and wouldn’t show me their DM’s anymore. So I had to hack her twitter and read the DMs myself. There was nothing too scandalous or illegal said on his behalf but it was still nonetheless creepy. For example, she would post pictures of herself on twitter every once in a while, and he would send her a DM telling her she looks pretty. One time she put a picture of herself and put a poll on twitter asking her friends what she should do to her hair (the options were 1) Cut it to her shoulders 2) Leave it the same and get bangs 3) Cut it to her shoulders and get bangs. Well he DM’d her and told her she would look really cute if she cut it short into a pixie. She responded saying she doesn’t like short hair. He told her that girls who go against mainstream beauty standards are confident enough to be “different” are sexy. It disgusted me that he was telling her what she should do to her hair to look SEXY!! I deleted her twitter the moment I saw that.  I admitted to her that I deleted her twitter and she was mad but I threatened that if she makes a new one, I will tell mom and dad that she was talking to a grown man online. She agreed that she would stop talking to him and wouldnt go back on twitter.  Well one day I went on the family computer (me, my sister, our other sister, and little brother all shared a computer at the time) and I opened up Photobooth and noticed a bunch of pictures of her on it where she was trying to look sexy. I was alarmed. And then I noticed that she had ONISION written on her body in a few pictures. In one of the pix she had Onision written on her cleavage (and she was wearing a pushup bra trying to make it look like boobs were bigger in the photo). On another photo she had it written on her hand and she was showing it off to the camera. In other photos she was making kissy faces and trying desperately hard to look sexy. My sister didn’t have a cell phone back then so she used the built in webcam to take “selfies”. I was SO MAD when I saw these photos and went to go interogate her about the photos. She lied and said the photos were old (from months ago when she was talking to him on twitter) and that she forgot to delete them off photobooth. That’s a lie because they weren’t there months ago and also it says the date of the photos on photobooth and they were recent. She got mad at me and told me to mind my own business. She refused to answer any of my questions so I went and told our mom what happened. Our parents were so mad and interogated her but she refused to tell them why she took the photos and where she was communicating with onision. My parents ended up grounding her for a whole year and told her she cannot use the computer again until she’s 18. They took the computer away from the office downstairs and put it in my room and said only I can use it from now on and must put a password on it so none of my younger siblings can use it. I was already 17 by this time so they trusted me. Anyway, this was the end of my sister and onision’s friendship since she did not have a cell phone and did not have access to a computer. To this day, I still don’t know where or how she was communicating with him, or where she sent him those photos. Years later I discovered that he had a forum where other underage girls were sending photos of themselves with his name on their bodies so I’m guessing that maybe she submitted the photos to his forum? Or maybe she made another twitter and was DMing them to him and was clever enough to delete her browsing history? I don’t know. But the fact that he allowed underage girls to submit provacative photos of themselves to his forum is SICK! The fact that he was flirting with my sister on twitter is SICK! The fact that he was potentially flirting with her on a new twitter account and telling her to take sexy photos is SICK! I’m convinced this guy is a pedophile and a predator. 
Holy FUCK, dude. Do you think it would be possible to track down any of those Twitter DMs that he sent to your sister? I realize it’s been a while since this all went down, so I understand if you don’t; but it would be so, so helpful if you did. 
I don’t even know what to say. Just.. wow. What a fucking piece of trash.
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babypadawan · 4 years
-my screentime went down 25% this week!
-had to break quarantine to pick up some blunts and when I went to get coffee after, I locked my keys in the car 🥴 but with the help of an employee and random lady we got it open in less than 10 min! I’m gonna have to get him some cookies as a thank you
-also managed to get a dozen to my mailman. Poor thing, I ran up on him to try to catch him before he left. I happened to look out the window at the right time. I always be grateful for how he brought our mail to the door for the first few months after we moved here bc my mom could barely walk at the time and I wasn’t around
-finished the novel “American dirt.” Thrilling, engrossing, sad at times, it was great. Def recommend.
-I’m lucky that I have a set of stairs in my place, it keeps my butt nice and round 🍑 and it’s good for working out when I muster the will
-prob the most vital self care that I’m doing is making sure my vibrator stays charged. I died laughing @ snl and the bit where aidy was like “pretty sure my vibrator committed suicide, it even left a note [note reads: you did this] bc I’m sure mine wants to do the same
-As part of my “better romantic partner” journey I’ve been thinking about past male encounters of all types and trying to extract lessons rather than blame (as I have done during past reflections, towards myself or the other party), but I barely remember their names 😬 I used to have a list in college but I lost it between phones. Maaaan, fuck around and I will really forget all about you
-my cookie box quandary has become much harder, what with quarantine and severely reduced shipping times. siiiigh
-I meant to say in my last scattered thots post that this quarantine already feels more productive than past self exiles I’ve done. Not being on insta was hard at first - my muscle memory kept opening the folder I used to keep it in the first few days - but when I went on my ~other acct (I guess finsta, except I don’t use it at all or follow anyone real) to check out the Harry Potter hogwarts game page (I am a gamer at heart and will always be addicted to some game at any given point in time), I went on my old celeb gossip page and was off it just as fast. Like I used to eat that shit up, seeing how the other half lived and taking comfort in the fuck ups of others I could never commit.
-the biggest weird thing is that I’ve barely been taking pictures of myself. I don’t know if it’s some deep rooted insecurity I need to address or what. It’s def partially bc of quarantine, but I haven’t tried dressing up or anything since it’s started. I look at old pix and I’m amazed at how good I look but idk. I think I have a hole in my confidence somewhere?
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julietookoff · 4 years
Elvis, Storage Wars and Pandemics - An Update from Las Vegas
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Things are good here.  We pay a little extra for a bigger ex-house trailer lot with room to park the van.  We've got a little shade, too.
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We watched the weather impatiently and finally arrived at King's Row in early October.  The plan WAS to head north in the spring.  We were going to a buffet once or twice a week and enjoying the huge selection of fast food restaurants (compared to Las Vegas, NM).  Our favorite buffets are at Sam's Town and the Orleans casinos, where we gamble $5 each and get free lunch buffets.  It didn't take long to find the Pink Box donuts, but they are across town and a little pricey.  We got Cox cable set up at our lot, which we sooo much appreciated during the Wuhan virus months.  While in NM I had gotten hooked on dumpster-diving and storage auction videos on YouTube.  I found out dumpster-diving is illegal in Las Vegas, so we started going to storage auctions.  My best finds were three 925 silver rings, each in a different unit.  And the cash.  I found a $20 bill in a BDU top and tons of spare change.  A neighbor who was moving gave us a 10x10 canopy for shade while sorting.
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You get tons of household stuff for just a few bucks.  We can't handle mattresses and big furniture with just the little Jeep.  Although the bulk of stuff goes to GoodWill,  I have made over a thousand dollars on eBay and FB Marketplace.  One week I went to the post office four out of five days.  Some Mondays I go twice a day.  We've sold TVs, game systems, games, a Kindle Oasis, a webcam, sets of high-end clothes and Nike/Jordans, Navy BDUs and uniforms, sets of books, lots of bikes, cell phones, IKEA end tables and lots of misc.  At one unit I paid $35 and another bidder immediately bought two folding tables for $40.  
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Some of the more odd finds were a Nissan Leaf charger, some HVAC baffles, digital surveying tools, a 4' long aquarium, a digital darkroom timer, a 1972 signed Munich Olympics print (I still haven't sold this), 7 sets of barn door hardware, horse tack, meth,  morphine, narcan, Rx pills (some the same that we take), tons of driver's licenses, Clark County jail IDs and some giant grow lights.  We bought about 25 units until the Pandemic shut them down.  They ranged in price from $5 to $85.  I plan to continue when we settle down in Florida, where we'll have at least three good flea markets where we can sell stuff (last I checked).  Then whatever is left will go to GoodWill.  We were thinking about getting a cargo trailer here, but the BMV is closed and they won't even answer eMails about out-of-staters getting tags for trailers.
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I finally gave up my flip phone for a "Smart" phone.  I use it for as little as possible to avoid swearing like a drunk sailor.
Corny went to four Penn & Teller "Fool Us" tapings at the Rio casino.  They will start to air on June 22.
Our Wuhan Virus Experience:
January 25th we went to the Ethel M chocolate factory in Henderson to redeem a "Tasting" groupon.  We pulled into the lot and there was a tour bus parked out front.  Chinese people, most of them wearing masks, were coming and going.  We were aware of the virus at that time and that it was spreading from China.  One of the masked women asked me to take her picture in the cactus garden - I made a rude face and waved her away.  I wasn't going to touch her germy phone.
I signed up at Planet Fitness February 25.  They closed a couple weeks later.
March 9th we went to the last storage auction before the Stay-at-Home season.
We started loading up on TP and food before it was popular.  Before masks, every time I went to Wally's I loaded up on this n' that.  When the shelves started going bare (around March 15th here), we were all set.  I had three boxes of gloves, two from storage units, and a total of seven N-95 masks.  The first Clark County Wuhan virus death was on March 16th.  I found out why our Wal-Mart is so crazy busy all the time.  While I was sitting in the Jeep waiting for Corny to buy and install a new battery, I watched a continuous parade of bus people filing back and forth from the store to the bus stop.  We started going to a less germy Wally's a bit farther from home.
Corny got a second Shingles vaccine at Sam's Club.  I was off wandering around shopping.  Later when he wasn't feeling well I asked him what his temperature had been at Sam's.  They hadn't taken it!  I couldn't believe it.  It's kinda standard you make sure someone isn't sick before you innoculate them!
We each got our $1200 Wuhan checks on the first round.  I donated mine to Chase Bank.  Corny donated his to CitiBank.
There were no casinos, buffets or auctions during "quarantine".  Other than a little boredom, basically we just took our laziness to a higher level.  We were used to laziness.  I feel for the people with kids - and the poor kids.  Geocaching Headquarters cancelled all events and the big August Geo-gatherings in Seattle and British Columbia.  Corny was sad because he couldn't take the van to see State Parks, museums and such.  He finally made it out west and everything was closed!  He wants to stay here through the summer and take van trips to cooler places, instead of moving the bigass RV up north.  I would like to head home to Florida in the fall and see about buying some land and settling down.  Corny will have to use the van for extended trips out west.
Corny took the top of the engine off the Jeep to change the spark plugs.  Turns out one of the cylinder heads may be bad.  If so, it is a $4000 fix.  Or not fix.  We've gotten used to the check engine light.  
Geocaching-wise, we've been to several local events.  At one we donated about a dozen ready-to-go spray painted/repurposed Sam's Club-sized M&M/cashew containers.  I've taken several big solo Jeep trips to complete the NV Delorme challenge.  I found a nice Challenge Row just north of St. George, UT.  All six of us took a nice little van trip on Route 66 (first picture, above) from Kingman, AZ to Seligman to use up the old gas in the tank.  After spending 1/2 hour wiping down everything in a few germy hotel rooms, I started sleeping in the Jeep every other night.  I have a pizza-shaped pool float that fits perfectly.  I was almost done planning a big UT van trip when the auctions started back up.  
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Now when I go on a trip, I have to end 60-70 eBay listings.  If I were willing to pay eBay about $5/month I could do it with one click, but I feel like I give eBay/PayPal way more than enough money already.  Certainly more than they deserve.  They charge auctioneer prices because they can, but in reality all they are is a listing service like Craig's List, FB MarketPlace and Offer Up, which are all free.  We do all the hard work.  FeeBay just sits ontheirass and sucks money.  Do I sound cynical?
I've saved geocaching for last because I've got lots of pix.  Here ya' go.
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^St. George, UT
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New Harmony, UT
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Just inside CA from Pahrump, NV
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^Donner Party camp
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^Lake Tahoe, CA side
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^Pyramid Lake, NV
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Salt Flats - lots of motorcycles speeding across here.
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^Picked up a handsome Travel Bug
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Filthy Jeep
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^I left a mud ring in the parking lot of Flying J after it rained
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^I did a little boulder jumping
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^I had a little talk with this sweet lil’ quail in Gerlach, NV
Life is Godd!  We fit out.
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coralsgrimes · 3 years
JML deleted her original IG account a while back, I take it because of trolling. She’s maybe asked her friends not to post pix of her SO any more (something she learned from Benny Boy??!! 😆) But it’s true we don’t know if they’re still together. Am so over the Darklina and irl shipping though. I want Benny to get that West End musical role he was auditioning for pre pandemic, it would be great to see him back on stage and also hopefully back here in London for a good few months. It all fell through when Covid hit but I’d love it if it got resurrected as he was all excited about it, and sad when it fell through.
Someone before mentioned that Jessie deleted one account I think? was it around the producer follow big discovery time?
END TO DARKLINA AND JESSIE (like end of talk nothing more xd)
I would love our boy to do some theater? like honest to god it would do him well. everyone be doing it! even timmy but it was fucked up by everyone's favorite beer too ;c and like Benny back in the old country? far away from the California claptrap? emmmm yes please?
Would take Benny excited about being in musical over Benny being excited about making music x.x
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insidethegiftbasket · 3 years
Yankees (29-21) at Tigers (19-31)
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Game 1 - Friday at 7:10pm EDT on YES – Gerrit Cole (6-2, 1.81 ERA) vs. Casey Mize (3-3, 3.42 ERA)
Game 2 - Saturday at 4:10pm EDT on PIX 11 and MLBN – Deivi Garcia (0-1, 4.50 ERA) vs. Spencer Turnbull (3-2, 3.12 ERA)
Game 3 - Sunday at 1:10pm EDT on PIX 11 and MLBN – TBA (Michael King/bullpen game) vs. Tarik Skubal (1-7, 5.23 ERA)
Tigers Injury Report
C Wilson Ramos: 10-day IL (back) – will miss series
C Greyson Greiner: 10-day IL (hamstring) – will miss series
RP Erasmo Ramirez: 10-day IL (pectoral) – will miss series
SP Jose Ureña: day-to-day (forearm) – will miss series
SP Julio Teheran: 60-day IL (shoulder) – will miss series, due back next month
Tigers Pitching
The Motor City Kitties are still steeped in the middle of a total rebuild and their play this year reflects that, as they sit in last place in the AL Central with a 19-31 record. They have been better of late, though (10-7 since a 9-24 start), and more importantly, their rotation has been a verifiable success story: their starting pitchers have combined for a 3.94 ERA this season, good for 5th in the American League and ranking ahead of contenders like Boston and Oakland. A mix of improving veterans (Spencer Turnbull, Matthew Boyd), graduating prospects (Casey Mize), and “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” signings (Jose Ureña) have come together nicely to give the Tigers reliable quality innings (and, potentially, some ammunition for the trade deadline as they attempt to continue building up their farm system):
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24 year-old RHP Casey Mize faces the unenviable task of going toe-to-toe with Gerrit Cole in the opening game as the Yankees will get their first look at the Tigers’ 2018 #1 overall pick. Mize has long been considered a very polished prospect with a diverse repertoire. As expected, he cruised through the minor leagues and made his Tigers debut last year. He struggled through seven major league starts in 2020 (6.99 ERA) and got off to another slow start this year (5.06 ERA in April), but has seemingly started to put it together in May (1.73 ERA), including a 6 IP, 3 H, 1 ER performance against a tough Red Sox lineup in Fenway on May 5.
Mize’s fastball hovers around 94-95 mph with middling spin; he plays it off a sinker and split-finger to get ahead in counts, and then throws a slider and curveball to try to put batters away. None of his pitches are particularly dominant, and thus he has not struck out a whole lot of guys; his path to success lies in his unpredictability and variety. He mixes in all of his pitches in all kinds of spots and counts to both lefties and righties, and picks up a lot of weak contact in the process:
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Mize has walked more guys than one would expect of someone of his archetype, but that could be attributed to him recently reaching the majors and still figuring things out; he has always been known for having very good command and I expect him to rectify the walk issues moving forward. Nevertheless, the Yankees can and should attempt to drive up the pitch count and get free passes off him, because barreling up his pitches may prove difficult for the lineup they’re trotting out there (right-handed batters have posted a .199/.286/.321 line off Mize in his short time in the majors).
Spencer “Yes, Even I’m Throwing No-Hitters These Days” Turnbull will start the middle game of the series, and is having a very good season as he continues to grow as a pitcher with each passing year. Like Mize (and the rest of the Tigers pitching staff which ranks 14th in the AL in strikeouts), he hasn’t been racking up whiffs, but he’s been doing an awful lot of good stuff otherwise:
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Turnbull was another polished, well-regarded prospect (2nd round pick in 2014) who was never expected to become a top-of-the-rotation ace due to his lack of strikeout stuff, but has nevertheless developed into a great piece for the Tigers because he locates his fastball really well, has good spin on his pitches, and rarely walks guys or gives up homers. He had already been discussed as a potential trade centerpiece as early as last season, and his strong performance in 2021 – especially after the no-hitter – has only intensified the rumors. He turns 29 in September so he’s not a young up-and-comer perfectly aligned with the Tigers’ rebuild timeline, but Detroit does still have him under team control through 2025, so it would presumably take a blow-you-away kind of package to pry him away from them at this point.
Tigers Lineup
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While the pitching has looked promising, Tiger hitters have shown few signs of life this year:
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The Yankees got a taste of the Tigers’ attempt at an offense last month, and the result was four Detroit runs in three games. Things haven’t been much better for them since; they remain a mishmash of AAAA guys and scrap-heap veteran signings (Ramos, Schoop) that have not shown much of anything, and the Yankees should consider themselves lucky to have run into them while in the middle of a rash of injuries.
While they have some exciting high draft picks like Spencer Torkelson and Riley Greene percolating in the minors, there’s not much to get excited about at the major league level. Jeimer Candelario has been one of their few decent hitters, but he’s Andujar-esque at third base. Lovable Rule 5 draft pick Akil Baddoo has cooled off significantly after a thunderous start, but he has at least managed to stay afloat by drawing a lot of walks. Robbie Grossman also draws a lot of walks and has probably been their best all-around position player, and really one of their only real movable pieces at the deadline on the position player side.
JaCoby Jones has drawn interest from the Yankees due to their hole in CF. Sadly he has been futile at the plate this year:
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He did slash .268/.333/.515 last year in a 30-game sample, in case you want to convince yourself that he could be primed for some kind of a change-of-scenery surprise bounceback. Detroit is not going to ask for much in return, so if the Yankees are in desperate need of a warm body to play center field, he’s a trade option.
Yankees focus on: Lucas Luetge
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Luetge first made the majors with Seattle in 2012 and pitched for the Mariners for a few years as your run-of-the-mill lefty specialist, and not a particularly great one at that. He left them after the 2015 season and bounced around from organization to organization the next few years as a minor league depth piece, not once getting the call back up to the Show.
Now well into his thirties with a fastball that rarely reaches 90 and facing the reality of the newly-added three-batter minimum rule that largely made his archetype obsolete, it seemed like Luetge was not long for professional baseball. Instead he got a non-roster invite from the Yankees, pitched extremely well in spring training, made the major league roster, and is now doing this:
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Not much was expected of him going into the season, but Luetge has posted a 2.66 ERA and 1.014 WHIP with a 24-to-3 strikeout-to-walk ratio in 23.2 IP. What’s more: after getting (predictably) crushed by them his whole career, Luetge has suddenly become really good at getting righties out! Right-handed batters are slashing just .211/.250/.316 against him in 60 PAs this year. How is it possible?
Basically he has been attacking them with his cutter, which is a pitch he only started to learn and throw in 2019. He has been working on it and building it up in the middle of his minor league forays the past few years, and it seems to have finally paid off this year. It is now by far his most-thrown pitch with roughly 64% usage, and he has located it really well and thrown it for strikes. It has paired brilliantly with his diving curveball, which has been close to unhittable so far this year as a put-away pitch.
It’s too early to tell if this is just small sample size noise or a legitimate career renaissance, but Luetge has rewarded the Yankees’ faith in him with some really solid innings in relief and has been one of their more inspirational stories in a bullpen that has a few of them. He managed to reinvent himself to save his career and the Yankees are reaping the rewards right now.
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laberintos-espinas · 4 years
The Old Chunk Of Coal
Some days are diamonds. Some days are Stones... And the alternative one, I am just an vintage bite of coal, but I can be a diamond at some point  Custom Made Jewellery I love songs. I love the lyrics and secondly the thumping vibrations of the decrease observe beats. I recollect these traces from  country conventional refrains. I recollect them due to the fact I realize the feeling of being taken into consideration a clump of coal. It's a bad feeling. It's now not so much the coloration that is a downer, it's the darkness that's involved whilst one thinks of coal. It's a fossil gas. It's top simplest for heaping onto an already insupportable ecological or metaphorical emotional trauma situation and making it worse. Let's strike a in shape to the coal and burn it until it is used up into ash. Then allow's desire the wind will scatter it, as we do not even want to empty the ashes once it is usefulness has been used up. We're ungrateful every now and then for services rendered. Coal paperwork under the floor. Without light. I assume it gets worse. I assume coal is not even an unique component. I suppose it is compressed gases or rotted timber or something discarded to begin with.
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OK. So you get the image that I just like the phrases to songs that sing approximately desire for rotting ancient discarded elements.
I have a friend it truly is a shamanistic healer. It started out that he changed into going to help me locate my manner and discover my voice. Then I commenced cleaning his house for him. This made feel sooner or later for some motive. We additionally percentage songs. Baby-boomers are constantly flower youngsters at heart. I suppose neither one folks really knows why I'm nonetheless spiffing up the palace. I know at a few level we bartered house cleaning for transcended meditation classes. Yet I got here with a again schedule. I'm going to clean my way through his lavatories and into his coronary heart. When I get there, I'm going to mirror my Light on his pathway and then flip him into the palms of the one true God to take care of. Silly presumptive conceited me, assuming he wanted me to shop him. I deliver up my Shaman due to the fact he instructed me in three separate restoration periods I turned into a diamond so first-rate that soon many round me could recognize and notice me. I figured he changed into speakme inside the religious geographical regions and in symbolic language. Now I'm not so sure.
OK. So you get the picture that I've been on a religious quest to connect and solder myself right into the mainline connection with my Creator, God as I changed into taught. You recognise the only inside the Christian container? However, something came about along the way I didn't assume. My point of view concerning traditional Western Christianity flipped. I think now, that Jesus changed into certainly the entity that lead me into the Kingdom of God. Nevertheless, since I've certainly wondered and did research from original supply statistics, I suppose God is Spirit, the whole Spirit of the God and that God is entire natural Love; the originating, creating, shrewd Source that is the vibration of natural white power light. The Light of all cosmology and creation.
Something has also happened to me for the reason that my unique friend and the Shaman helped me locate my voice and soul again. I started out to put in writing. I started out to write prolifically. I write all the time. I cannot prevent it. It's been approximately six months now of nonstop writing. I write day and night time. I write about something and the entirety. I actually have masses to say and do not know why. My "still small voice" is very talkative. Just about each person it is are available in contact with my e-mail radar range, has advised I write for a living. I've just been watching for the go-ahead signal from a person. I've been at the intersection watching for the mild to turn green. Today it occurred.
You now recognize I stay to write down. I discover the sector around me high-quality and wondrous and want to inform absolutely everyone all about it.
I belong to a churchwomen's fellowship institution. It's seventy five-a hundred women who can find time on Thursday mornings to come back collectively with aim of being God honoring, together. One of the instructors for one in all this season's classes, I am venerated to say, has come to be a pal of mine. Judy is a raven-haired angel of a girl filled with grace, information and dignity. She's the pastor's spouse. She's additionally very humorous. I'm unshakably convinced God has a strong dry sense of humor. He need to have. Look at us!
Today Judy surprised me. She asked my permission to study one in all my written works. It was well timed and related to the President of america. She felt it turned into a very good element for some women to hear. I did not want to appear unpatriotic in those perilous instances, right after 9/11 so I agreed. I changed into very thankful she become not going to make me arise and examine my essay. I contemplated just skipping magnificence these days, to keep away from the embarrassment I'd no question sense and possibly keep away from the harsh sarcasm or poor criticism of my sisters in Christ. (Oops. It sounds a tad like my perceptions of my fellow guy is askew, would not it?) God will work on this hassle.
I did not hen out. I confirmed up. What I didn't anticipate passed off next.
Judy didn't wait till small institution time. She got up there and read my article to the complete bunch of properly-bred, sensible ladies at the monthly scheduled all-church women's luncheon earlier than our writing class. I become mortified! I started to look around me. The feast room changed into full of spherical tables seating eight ladies a table. A little hearth-orange rose budded out of the middle of every desk. These ladies began to appear like a bouquet of freshly reduce plants to me. This kind of bouquet is such an extravagance for someone like me. These girls are the cream of the crop on Mercer Island, WA. A.Ok.A. The Golden Ghetto. My sons and I best live on the island because of a Section 8 HUD housing voucher for the poor.
I watched as women began to wipe water out of the corners of their eyes. I watched as eyeglasses started being eliminated and noses had been blown. I watched girls torn between gazing me ( seeking to hide in a nook of the front of the room) and trying to stay riveted on Judy analyzing My written words. I watched as the sounds of my tale bounced towards my mind. I changed into surprised to say the least. I 'd by no means heard my words out loud earlier than. I become curious about the article. It produced a silent sound down in my internal middle connection to God. It struck worry (as in awe) in my heart as I realized some thing supernatural had passed off to my palms to jot down such sounds.
When the object become finished, the girls applauded. They asked copies to own in unison. I turned into proclaimed a proficient writer. I was humbled into silence, again. I saw some thing unrecognizable. I saw refracted mild start to prism off these ladies lower back at me. Just like while a diamond is held up to the daylight. I contemplated this sight.
As if this became now not sufficient, the primary group disbanded into the smaller lecture room corporations to prepare for the inspirational teachings of the day. It would be an hour and a half of studying and sharing Life training, girl Christian style. Judy had every other marvel in keep for me. She wasn't through with me yet due to the fact she was the teacher of the writing group I belonged to for this smaller organization.
The topic below discussion become Changing Times. Judy started out giving examples of how traditional authors had expressed themselves as she thumbed via Emerson, Lewis, and a pair current luminary authors. About midway via the class, Judy yanked out yet ANOTHER of my tales and read it to this magnificence as her last example! I turned into petrified the ladies might grow resentful, bored and angry at this monopoly on their time. There had been many proficient women in this organization. All with superb motivating stories to inform. Judy made no bones about how highly she regarded my capacity to seize pix and percentage my coronary heart-mind to an target market. She study Homecoming Parade. She excerpted and compacted the lengthy story into one which hit the mark. More tears flowed and mouths hung free. You should've heard a pin drop in the location. More applause. I shriveled underneath the desk and attempted to clown round graciously to alleviate the pain of appreciation and recognition.
What I saw as I appeared around this group of 30 movers and shakers of all ages, shocked me. I noticed it symbolically, as is my way. But nevertheless, it became there for the viewing. I saw a super wonderful blue-white, exquisite-reduce diamond being held up and placed into a platinum solitaire putting.
When the meeting ended, a woman I'd gotten to recognize recently approached me. Her call is Judy Boynton. She clipped off her credentials for the organization. She was a professional posted creator of fiction and non-fiction novels. She changed into an finished artist of sculptures. She become a trustee on the Board of Pacific Northwest Writers Conference affiliated with Pacific Lutheran University. She'd been a member of this group for over 25 years. I became impressed. Not so much through her credentials, as high-quality as they were, however with the aid of the strength and force at the back of her eyes. This woman had awareness and motive. She was aiming at me.
She advised me she knew what she was speaking approximately. She instructed me and the organization I WAS a gifted creator. She told us she'd visible enough to realize the difference among one that would like to be a writer and one that IS a writer. I fell into the latter category. She surpassed me numbers and pamphlets and instructed me to be at the next convention meeting. She explained this is where publishers, agents, and authors meet each other with the purpose on publishing written works of merit. Names like Ann Rule and J.A. Jance had been bantered approximately at some stage in this same day through others as they requested my permission to have them perhaps touch those "friends of theirs."
It isn't regularly in a lifetime that one simply is AWARE of a life converting moment or day. I've been graced with one of those moments. Today it appears, the sector round me is starting to notice and recognize the old chew of coal were given the dust pressure-washed off of her so hard and significantly by means of Life, that she'd developed into a diamond solitaire of well worth and observe.
I know in which I belong proper now, proper at this area in time. I belong sticking effective near my special buddies who know a way to crimp the ones platinum prongs at the diamond setting firmly and securely. I even have a sense diamonds are forever, as they are saying. How should this have passed off?
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