#posting abt it on this blog bc the artist in question is one of my oldest mutuals on my main blog if not my oldest still-active one
hexhomos · 1 year
HI! hope your day is treating you well, i’ve been interested in doomreed for some time but cape comics are sort of daunting to me just because there’s so much content and i really don’t know where to begin. what do you suggest? thank you!
STRAIGHT OUT THE GATE ill say, read [ "My Dinner With Doom" ] (this is a rly high-qual upload, open it up on desktop!)
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It's a key issue oneshot with a lil bit of backstory retelling, featuring a private dinner that happens in the 00's - a good entrance point if you're curious about doomreed in summarization + generally speaking a Real Good Comic overall.
the fantastic four are one of marvel's darling old founding teams so there is pretty much... endless archival, ongoing, multimedia and games content popping up all the time.
They are also kinda one of the rare teams where the growth of the characters is consistent? The kids are allowed to grow older and events from every major run are carried/referenced by the next author so if you want to do chronological there's a lot of incentive and fun stuff.
If you wanna dip your toes into the F4 as a concept, check out:
*the #1 issue of Fantastic Four By Waid & Wieringo (1997) *Mythos: Fantastic Four (2007) [ *The FF (1994) movie that is up for free on youtube!! ] *Fantastic Four (2022) by Ryan North as the current ongoing!
(Some) Singles centered on Doom/Doomreed:
*Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 2 is Doom's original backstory issue *Marvel Two-in-One (2017) by Zdarsky issue #11 & Annual #1 are both crazy good but they spoil big events/conclusions from previous runs if u care abt that!!! (My current fav fic came from these issues.) *Doomgate (novel) by Jeffrey Lang is a good option if you want something that is mostly prose, instead of a comic or movie
NOW BEFORE YOU JUMP AHEAD WITH ANYTHING I *am* following [ this reading guide ] which breaks down specific issues relevant to their relationship as a line through all the different authors over the years.
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[ There's also this 2021 guide w/ a few other story/AU highlights! The author said u can send the blog questions and theyll answer too ]
The 'Modern era' (late 90s/00s/10s/Now) Starts with Waid and McDuffie's stuff. The latter wrote My Dinner with Doom!
If you're scared by all the names, don't be - when searching for the issues, just pay attention to the year, # number & author/artist creds.
What I'm reading/liveblogging rn is Hickman's Secret wars era, generally regarded as yaoi ketamine; It's a good epic narrative entrance point if you want to jump into it, and it eventually led into this huge marvel event that changed the multiverse and even brought miles morales into the main timeline, so its BIG and it happened in multiple books - the best way to go about it is;
Fantastic Four (1961) #551 #552 #553 ➡️ (these introduce main ideas we will touch again in secret wars)
Fantastic Four (1961) #558 to #562 ➡️
Doom appears in these too, first/last issues more heavily. Stuff here will be ref'd during the next era.
If you're having fun and want to keep reading you can! Just know that the next storyarc has gathered a largely mixed response bc..... its Millar going hammywammy....... not that necessary.......
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anyway when you see hickmans name in the cover STOP and
Jump to actual Hickman secret wars era:
Fantastic Four by Jonathan Hickman: The complete collection➡️
(optional, side plot) If you like Val + Doom, read specifically; *Fantastic Four (2014) #3 & #5 + Fantastic Four Annual (2014) #1 *Agent of Asgard #6 & #7 *Avengers World (2014) #15 & #16
New Avengers (2013) ➡️ check issues on picture, or, if you're a completionist, look for 'Avengers by Jonathan Hickman; complete collection' and skim for the doom/reed relevant bits. There's a lot of characters here but this is a buildup to the big secret wars. Secret Wars (2015) ➡️ (All issues!) Infamous Iron Man (2016) ➡️bendis' doom writing is not very good but hang in there because right after him: Marvel 2-In-One (2017) ➡️ (All issues!) is a banger. Yaoi btw.
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You can basically read all the future/past ones as listed, or starting from the beginning of that author's period without worrying, bc they aren't as indebted to each other storywise.
You can also start somewhere else if you want or check out other single issues on the reading guides; It's not a crime! There's a lot of stuff with different takes and genres, I'm slowly chipping away at the secret wars era bc its just very thick and like a serious television drama attempt, except its also insanely funny sometimes.
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(I'm still making my way through it so that's what I have at the moment!)
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ok so i know i've literally never posted abt sanders sides before on this blog (i haven't been keeping up for a few years) but i've been tumbling down a waterslide lined with my old hyperfixations for the last few hours and ended up creating D&D au character designs for the core four sides using heroforge. images and descriptions under the cut if you're interested ❤ bonus points if you can guess what classes they are (this is EXTREMELY self-indulgent so pls forgive the ranting abt them, they're very important to me ok)
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First up we have Roman! my beloved. one of my first questions when starting his design was how can i make him look as cunty as possible? the answer: heeled boots and winged eyeliner (It's a little tricky to see but he's got gold metallic eyeliner). I ADORE Roman's colour pallet so i kept it as close to accurate as i could, making white the base colour and accentuating it with the gold armor and the dramatic red shoulder cape as my stand-in for his sash. he's wielding a katana OF COURSE how could he not be. he's slaying ⚔ 🐉 and slaying 💅💋
moving on:
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Patton. my baby, my honey, my ragtime gal. i decided to make his hair a little longer than roman's bc i thought it made him look softer and more approachable. it was UNBELIEVABLY hard to find something that sort of replaced his cardigan without looking too chunky but i did like this kind of loose tattered mantle, so i went with that. kept the sky blue shirt and gray cardigan/shawl, but gave him more greyish blue pants so they didn't blend into the shirt too much. glasses are round instead of square bc again i thought they made him look friendlier than the square ones. freckles bc i personally think freckles are very cute and patton is very cute so he got freckles. no shoes he's travelling the realms like the gods intended. the dad vibes are strong i want him to give me a hug 🥺
next up:
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logan is quite possibly my favourite side so i really wanted to get his design right. the MOST important thing was giving him his iconic necktie, which ended up being pretty much the same color as his canon design. i couldn't give the tie specifically a pattern, so i made his vest stripy like his tie is in the show and i think it looks really good. his glasses are the more classic nerd ones which is perfect for him and i gave him black eyeliner bc i thought it made him look more serious. i added the coat for more of a d&d look (it doesn't make sense to traverse planes wearing a vest and tie) i think it gives him an extra bit of style that i love.
and last but not least:
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the Anxious BoiTM himself (i've only had him for five minutes seven years but if anything happened to him etc etc). virgil's was one of the easiest designs aesthetically and hardest mechanically (you'll never guess what class he is guys i took some BIG swings). I knew i wanted him in black and purple (obviously) and i knew i wanted to give him the iconic purple hair dye and eyeshadow. i almost said screw the genre and put him in a zippered hoodie but i do think that a cloak and cowl would suit him very well (good for hiding in) and i found a combo that looked equally cosy and spooky. a bow is good for attacking long range and keeping out of danger (appropriate for anxiety, i thought) and the mask looks intimidating but actually helps him with sensory overload (with the cowl and mask on he's basically in a mini sensory deprivation bubble). an eyebrow ring bc he's edgy idk why honestly i thought it looked cool.
So that's basically it! As i said before if you can guess their respective classes i'll give you a cookie (🍪). since i can't draw, heroforge is usually my go-to for character creation and i have to recommend it (i think i talk abt this site a lot but 🤷‍♀️) it's so helpful for non-artist types like myself.
I hope you enjoyed! please leave comments if you liked they feed me (if you didn't like it, please just move on and don't let me know, i'm doing this for fun and i don't want any negativity please ❤) @thatsthat24 hope you like 🥰
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pteropods · 3 months
You’re my: MANNNNN u post abt so much I cant say just one thing. Pokemonpersonsmdzsjjksometimesoofuriandatonofotherdtuff mutual How I met you: NO IDEA !! Not even like a "Maybe X but i'm not sure" U just appeared one day
Why I follow you: U rb so much cool art n I find ither cool artists and also ur just funsies. Your blog is: SWAGFUL !! Your URL is: THAT GUY FROM MZDS !!! Autism Your icon is: SOME1 FROM POKEMON ive only played two games and havent seen the anime in 5ever so idk their name ToT A random fact I know about you: This question sucks bcs I dont know anything abt any1. Also u dont make a ton of personal posts. So actually I'll just make up one for you. In elementary school u were super scared of slides w/ tops on them (like the ones that wrre tunnels) bcs u thought there would be bats hanging inside them General opinion: GOOD !!! A random thought I have: I don't think ♡
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stupendousfoxthing · 7 months
if there were to be video or something that came out of jk doing something clearly romantic w a girl, would u think we misinterpreted tkk all this time and were just reading into their interactions way too much? or would u maybe believe they were together at one point and ended it? maybe they’d be in an open relationship? or maybe it rlly was for show?
i didn’t follow ur blog at the time of when the shitstorm happened w the sasaeng taking a video of jk and a girl in his apartment (ik it’s an old topic but it’s one of the only things that gets in the way of tkk for me) but i’m interested to know ur take on whether that video was a romantic interaction or could’ve been just friendly? i believe it was 100% a real video and at first i was so heartbroken and confused abt tae and jk’s relationship. i grappled back and forth w the nature of the interaction in the sasaeng video for a while but the more i watched it the more i thought okay wait it’s like a 15 second video taken super out of context of just one location in his apartment where u can’t even rlly see if they’re alone or what happened prior. and it could be platonic (there were pics of him back hugging his female tattoo artist who was just a friend) especially if he’s not straight and the girl knows about that? i feel like there’s a lot more leeway w platonic physical affection between women and queer men than with straight men (even tho ik of friendships between both straight men and women that are also physically affectionate but still totally platonic). however, i sometimes feel like that sounds like me just rationalizing why it may not be romantic and being in denial. idk bc i don’t want to blindly believe in tkk but i can’t explain away tae and jk’s interactions as being totally platonic either so then i get super conflicted.
sorry ik this is rambling atp and it may be a topic u don’t want to address anymore but i’d love to hear ur interpretation of that whole scenario and how it affected ur beliefs and views on jk/tkk
It would be very hard to convince me now that there wasn't something between Taekook at some point, and it certainly wouldn't all be undone by a clearly romantic something between Jungkook and a girl. You definitely would not be able to convince me that what they did was "for show". Their relationship is authentic no matter what the nature of that relationship is. I've been a Taekooker for a long time now and I think I'm older than the average here. I not only have plenty of receipts for my belief in Taekook, I have context for all of those receipts because I was here when it happened. I was much more active on Twitter when the tattoo artist "scandal" happened, and I actually got tagged with a few of my TK friends by the first shady accounts trying to spread it. When I think back on that time, I just feel bad for everyone involved. Even the tattoo studio staff, who were harassed mercilessly and had their shop vandalized. That had much bigger impact than the recent video, but it's funny because when I saw the convo around that I was just thinking I've already seen him back hugging a woman. If that was enough to debunk Taekook I would have bailed in 2019. The intention of this rumor was exactly the same as well. It follows the same pattern as every other. Post something with no context and that's actually not proof of anything, but spin some wild stories about it. It's very easy with interactions between a man and a woman. Every person I see still posting it everywhere says the woman in the video is his pregnant gf. That's obviously not true. People freaked out because they were told more was coming. That didn't happen. I agree with a lot of your second paragraph. I don't put more weight on interactions just because they're between a man and a woman. I do think it's weird that a few seconds without any context would be enough to question just because it is a man and a woman. I've had plenty of interactions like that with male friends I had no romantic feelings about. Hell, when I was Jungkook's age if a stalker wanted to they could have gotten video of me hugging and kissing people I also had no romantic interest in and never dated. That informs my perspective on things. It's not just heteronormative, it's all a little puritanical to me. I actually wasn't blogging here until a few weeks ago so you're my first ask about this. I appreciate your message. After days of nothing, I got yours and then another (which I'm not going to post because it was obviously someone trying to start shit) a couple of hours later about the exact same topic, so I was a little sus about people trying to troll. But your questions were asked in good faith so I wanted to answer genuinely. Hope you're having a good weekend. ❤️
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I have some questions for u to answer if u don't mind obv
- who's your favorite character? Top 5 also perhaps?
- what your other interest other than proseka?
- what are your hobbies?
- what's your fav color?
- who do you kin the most? Why?
No pressure here tq!
Omg smth is in my inbox
Anyway hii miya :> thank you for popping in, I love interacting with ppl
i dont rlly think i have a favorite character of all time... But my favorite charactera from genshin and pjsk which are the fandoms im currently invested in (mostly pjsk) are lyney, rui and toya, so ig yiu could say them? I habe no idea honestly lol. OH when i was little i use to be so obsessed with this character named Roll from marvel vs capcom lol she used toi be my all time favorite char fsr
I have a list of fandoms in my about me but as i mentioned before, im into genshin, and also a lot of anime like haikyuu, bluelock, sousou no frieren, and ive recently gotten into The Dragon Prince! Not an anime but you should still watch its good. Oh, also when i waa little i was rlly into kid icarus uprising its so nostalgic omg. Kid icarus for switch when😭
Hobbies are voice acting, (my dream joib though i havent done anything yet) (way too shy to show my voice to the world lol) (thinking of randomly posting my impression of tsukasas laugh... I think i can imitate it decently lol), drawing, editing, writing (which is what this blog is supposed to be for lol) and ofc gaming. I actually have an art blog called @stellas-starry-scribbles13 . you should go check it out :D all the stuff there is outdated atm lol i have 11 artworks in my queue so thats literally eleven weeks worth of art LOL
Favorite color is hot pink :) 🌷 ive been into lavender too tho. Honestly i like all pastels and galaxy colors
Nene. Nene is my number one kinnie. Why? Shes a gamer, and shes a lil sass queen. We're both sarcastic too. Tho im more on the snarky side. I also kin ena slightly just bc we are both artists and have felt like our art isnt good enough. Even though it has hapoened well in the past, a lot of not-so-nice things habe been said abt mt art, and it kinda traumatized me (?) In a way so. Yeah.
Anyway tysm for showing up here and feel free to pop in again or even spam my inbox lol. Seriouslky, i get rlly happy when smth appears in my inbox. Byebye now ❤
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merakiui · 1 year
bro that last ask thing u reblogged.. 😈😈
1- SEAGLASS im a little asshole and love to read fics where the reader is shared ✌️✌️ SUE ME seaglass was the first fic i ever read from u too so its like omg the perfect pick....
8- ur writing style is so goddamn sophisticated 😭😭 every word feels very purposeful if that makes sense? my writing (and most yan x reader fics i find on tumblr for the characters im into) is very simple and verb-focused for comedy's sake so whenever i find an author who uses descriptive, specific adjectives and themes im like 🗣📢 SAY IT LOUDER!!! WE LOVE WELL-CRAFTED, ARTIST FANFICTION!!!! u literally eat up every fic and even just ramblings abt ideas bc u go ham with descriptive words and imagery [dreamy sigh] lovely!
9- seaglass 2 BAHAHAHAHA im sitting on the sidelines reading ur jade sk posts and shit like "sooo good... well back to my merakiui roots" and re-read seaglass again BAHAHAHA anytime u post anything with floyd in it tho im like 🤤🤤 like theres no question as to whether or not im gonna drop everything and read it every time when u post new floyd stuff ykwim they go crazy
13- kinda BAHAHAHA i have a friend who found my old yan writing blog bc i ACCIDENTALLY REBLOGGED ONE OF UR FICS FROM MY REBLOG ON THE YAN ACCOUNT 💀💀 so not technically but in my heart yes....
ANYWAY i think ur fr one of the best writers on yan tumblr if not just in general bro 😭😭😭 continue eating it up SLAYY! ❤️
(ask game)
SEA GLASS YES.... >:) my first ever twst fic and the beginning of my spiral into Octavinelle hell. 😌 I'm so happy you like that fic so much!! I'm also weak for fics where the reader is shared and Octavinelle is such a fun group to write for with that dynamic!!!!!
ALSO ALSO!!!! My writing... Sophisticated?!?!?!?! Σ(°ロ°) I'm so flattered omg,,,, thank you for saying so!!!! I always do my best to eat up every prompt and concept, so I'm pleased it shows in my writing and overall style!! >0< if I don't describe even the smallest of details in a story or rambling, I will go crazy. orz I love love love writing descriptions so much.
The merakiui roots... PLEASE LOL I LOVE THAT!!! Thank you for looking forward to Sea Glass's sequel hehe!! I'm certain it will be a banger!!! >:D and thank you for liking my Floyd stuff!!!! He's so fun to write for. I go so feral for him,,,, he's on my mind all the time. I just love how Floyd he is. OTL so unhinged and silly and true to himself at all times. I'm honored you would be willing to read the Floyd posts right away aaaaaa!!! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و ♡
OMG BEING FOUND FROM THE REBLOG??? T_T in my heart I will count it. ;;;; if it was an Octavinelle fic, I hope your friend enjoyed the fish LOLLLL. >:) everyone deserves to feast upon a delicious seafood buffet. (˘ ˘ ˘)
Truly, thank you so so so so SO SO SO MUCH for your sweet words and praise!!!!!! 💖💖💖 I'm happy you can consider me a good writer and that you can enjoy my work! I will continue to slay and devour!!! No crumbs will be left!!!! (`・ω・´)ゞ this is a merakiui promise!!!!!!!
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erporo · 7 months
hi erporo !! we don't interact but ur art is super sick and i love the random stuff u put on my page 🩷 i had a question abt ur music !! u put a lot of Pink Floyd on my page and i see some NIN too; i don't listen to much of either,, do u have any specific song recommendations ? i LOVE Echoes, If, and Summer '68 but those r abt the only ones i know. and as far as NIN goes im essentially clueless . thank u if u respond and thanks regardless for ur fun blog !
hi hi hi buggy,
tnx for the kind words!! <33
SO. song recs, huh.. i've already answered another que about pf (mostly) album (bcs ithink it's really better to listen to pf in albums, not some specific songs) recs like a week ago,
on a second thought tho, here are a few more that are worth listening to that i didn't add for god knows what reason:
Relics (contains the band's first singles like See Emily Play, Arnold Layne & cool songs like Julia Dream for example),
and Animals (Dogs is up there with Echoes and SOYCD to me). It's a hella political album (bcs of Rog & his opinions) tho
there's some more ofc like The Early Years, The Later Years & stuff, but they're there if u've listened to the main catalog & u want more, yk?
there's also this post i agree with for the most part.
i can get a bit more specific if u want tho, just lmk. keep in mind it's (obviously) gonna get real lengthy real quick tho-
as for nin... WELL
here's some, again, mostly album recs because, just like with pf- i think it's really better to listen to dis band in albums, in context, not some specific songs:
the entirety of Pretty Hate Machine, nin's debut album. ive listened to it like, yesterday for the 5th time or something- it's so gud
if u like some metal stuff, Broken EP is awesome,
Fixed (an entire album of remixes of Broken's songs) also has some goodies, like the remix of Happiness in Slavery (this song's been SUCH A MOOD for at least 3 yrs by now) & Fist Fuck <3
the entirety of The Downward Spiral of COURSE,
The Fragile's also hella good- one of my fav albums of theirs actually,
but u ain't gonna lose much if u don't listen to. all of em- like u can leave out the songs like Please, No, You Don't & u will be gud
If u wanna listen to some p cool outtakes (like, there's one that legit sounds like smth out of Shadow the Hedgehog LMAO) and instrumentals of the album then feel free to check out The Fragile: Deviations
the entirety of With Teeth, ithink??
see, im not sure about the entirety part bcs i always omit Getting Smaller & im. cool
Year Zero's also got some goodies: Survivalism; The Good Soldier; Me, I'm Not; Capital G; God Given; The Great Destroyer...
Hesitation Marks is. i think my second fav of theirs. can't recommend it enough.
like the first 10 songs of the albums r just. the best of the best: Came Back Haunted, Copy of A, All Time Low, Everything, Satellite, stuff like that.
In Two & While I'm Still Here r also p good afair
Honorable mentions:
She's Gone Away : a song that was featured in one of the eps of Twin Peaks (!!), & yep- its hella gud,
At The Heart of It All,
The Beauty of Being Numb,
Underneath the Skin : just a cool remix, v train-like if that makes sense LMAO,
This Isn't The Place : a song by Trent, dedicated to a huge influential figure of his back in the 90s - David Bowie. (for VERY obvious reasons too, as u can see),
Needless to say, their cover of Hurt makes me cry buckets every time i swear,
The Perfect Drug,
Trent's amazing cover of Queen's song Get Down Make Love,
God Break Down The Door,
MAGNIFICENT covers of various artists' songs (Joy Division, Iggy Pop, The Normal) & each other's songs (like Sanity Assassin, Head Like a Hole, Reptile, Bela Lugosi's Dead, etc) by Trent and Bauhaus' Peter Murphy from 2006,
NIN at Woodstock '94 <- Powerful shit.
& dat's it. hope u enjoy em!!
wouldn't be surprised if u didn't tho- pf's music's def not for everyone & Trent's music is mostly for. goths yk
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coldbug · 2 years
if its ok to ask, besides the hairdresser part, what in UHV is inaccurate abt working in a tattoo shop?
totally!! but ough honestly i blocked a lot of it out bc of the psychic damage hold on gimme a sec… i live-blogged my biggest complaints when reading it but i don’t tag my posts anymore lol lemme find them
okay okay my red flags/sus shit
1) luke?? i think? is smoking inside his shop. i’m sure there’s shops in the world that still do this but that’s a no from me 🙅🏼‍♀️
2) i know this is technically solved by the plot, so not a Real red flag, but genital piercings heal super fucking fast, so i was 👀👀 at first about the infected scrotum piercing (edit: not to mention, infection is generally a Lot less common for healing piercings than most people think. 8-9/10 times it’s not actually infected at all. go to your piercer before your doctor if you’re worried about infection please for the love of god!!!!)
3) a shop that gets mad about you getting tatted at a different shop is a bad shop. do not continue to go to/work at that shop
4) frank wanting to both pierce and tattoo isn’t like. Technically a red flag, but it’s questionable. i’d only trust someone who does both if they were one of those things for a Long time before learning the second (you do see that sometimes irl). which. frank does not seem to be. it’s about focusing on one profession so that you can master it
5) of course hair cutting in the same shop as tattooing and piercing is just inherently super unsanitary. ❌
6) only kind of a Red Flag but frank is a real dumbass for getting a hand tattoo and immediately going back to work as a piercer. a good piercer is washing their hands Constantly throughout the day (before/during/after clients), not to mention putting on/taking off gloves all day as well. both of which are really unhelpful for healing a hand tattoo well. it just shows a lack of knowledge about these things (on bexless’s part, on the meta level. but i don’t think i’d trust a piercer who got a huge hand tattoo and was piercing the next day. what do they know about proper healing??? also. you’re gonna pierce me with an open wound on your hand?? even if it’s covered by a glove. that’s sus. to me.)
7) frank is also a huge dumbass for just using that mystery goo. anyone who Actually has many tattoos has Their Healing Regimen and they don’t stray from it unless they’re unhappy with it. if frank is working in a tat shop/around the culture&industry, he’d already have his established healing routine and would throw that mystery goo in the fucking trash. no wonder he gets stigmata he’s dumb as shit
8) the way bexless constantly calls it a “needle” instead of a tattoo machine kills me. okay yeah there’s needles but it’s more than that. at least she never calls it a gun i guess
9) the mention of a pigeon getting into their shop. sure, i’m sure that happens. but uh. 👀 that’s deeply unsanitary
10) here’s a screenshot bc i say it best here:
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11) the last thing i noted was that. if frank wants to be a tattoo artist so bad, why is there literally zero mention of him doing art?? bro you gotta be able to draw before you become a tattoo artist… unless you want to only trace flash as a career i guess… 🤷🏼‍♀️
there you go anon, i have a lot to say. i’ve only read the first work in the series, but if someone tells me truthfully that there’s tattooing/piercing that happens in the following works, i’ll read and criticize those too just lmk
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songtwo · 2 years
hi<33 srry if you’ve talked about it before but how did u get involved in music journalism or the music industry in general? what did u go to school for?
hiiiii i got my job as a music journalist by applying to this magazine/blog from my country that was looking for writers, designers & photographers. i had been following their Instagram page for a while bc i rly liked their content & so i saw the opportunity & went for it! honestly i was very lucky bc this was in august 2022 and i had 0 writing experience (one of my articles had already been published w this mag since february but at this point I didn't even know i found out abt that in October 😭) anyways yes i think they were just looking for people who were passionate about music and rly wanted to do this bc some questions were literally like what's ur favorite band recommend us an album etc.
so that was basically it. at first we'd just write articles/reviews etc but the mag has been growing & so now we have like deals w The concert promoter company here so they like give us tickets so we can cover events & since it's a small magazine there's only like 12 ppl all of us get some yk.
when i was an a&r last summer was pure luck bc someone from school did her internship at that record label so she posted abt the vacant and i contacted her boss and that was also it.
i think the best thing to do nowadays to get in the music industry is have an active Instagram account and follow Everyone. magazines, blogs, journalists, photographers, radio stations, venues, labels etc etc. focus especially on the independent ones. i started doing this about 6 months ago and honestly every few weeks or so they're posting they're hiring/taking internships and a lot of the time u dont require any experience.
also make sure to follow people involved in the music scene in Your country u cant model yourself after miranda sawyer if ur not a white english girl so this is also v v important
I'm studying international relations at the worst uni and it's honestly been soooo useless i hate it so much but it goes on to show how school doesn't always matter in the real world.
another important thing is u gotta put yourself out there if u wanna be a writer just write and submit it to digital magazines they're always accepting pitches and stuff or make ur own substack and it's the same for photographers or any kind of artist..... i think digital magazines r a really cool thing & v helpful to gather experience & build ur portfolio so don't be afraid!!!
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introduction !!!
hii !!!! my name is Violet. i am a really big fan of art & whatnot (basic). i have been taking on a little bit of a personal challenge 2 listen 2 at least one new album every day & ive been working on that challenge for about 1.5 years now !!! i looove talking about art and sharing my thoughts and 4 the past year or so i have been posting all my thoughts and media analysis and whatnot onto my Instagram story, but i have always wanted 2 start posting my thoughts somewhere that is more.... permanent, i guess? bc Instagram stories expire after 24 hours yk. anyways. i finally made a Tumblr blog !!!!! i am COMPLETELY new 2 Tumblr. so i apologize in advance if my blog is like informal or not very "good" quality by Tumblr standards or whatever else i will get better !!!
here is what u can expect from this page:
i am going to post music reviews/recommendations most likely, as well as film & literature & all of that stuff. whenever i see a piece of media that interests me enough 2 want 2 talk abt it im gonna use this blog 2 share my thoughts !!!!
i also am really interested in philosophy, i am only just now formally getting into it, but i have been thinking about that sort of stuff and asking questions like that 4ever. erm. i wouldnt call myself a philosopher bc that feels pretentious but i aspire 2 be a philosopher eventually. ill probably post abt that sort of stuff as well. i am also VERY interested in sociology, psychology, anthropology, political science... pretty much anything like that. i just love learning about things in general EVERYTHING is so fascinating 2 me but especially humanity.
i am a bit interested in politics as well !!!! i dont like to use any labels 4 my political ideas bc i feel like those can be limiting & contribute 2 close-mindedness but if i had 2 describe my alignment in any way i am probably pretty far-left. although i am completely open 2 hearing everyone's ideas!
i might also post about other things as well, im not sure yet !!!
some info abt me:
i am a girl, so, she/her pronouns ig !
i am 16 years old (well im 15 but i turn 16 in two weeks)
i am a member of the LGBTQ community
my handle on most social media sites is yourdadcosplay if u want 2 follow me anywhere else !!! (i dont do cosplay or anything~ when i was 13 i heard some guy on tiktok say the phrase "your dad cosplay" and i thought that combination of words was super funny so i made it into my username on instagram and then it just kind of stuck. and i use that on everything now. only reason i didnt use it 4 my tumblr is bc i didnt want ppl 2 think my blog was a cosplay blog or something idk)
my favorite music artists r: Black Country New Road, Kimya Dawson, Death Grips, Xiu Xiu, and Car Seat Headrest !!!!
my favorite album of all time is Ants From Up There and my favorite movie of all time is Everything Everywhere All at Once, both of those pieces came out in the year 2022.
my favorite book is the manga Goodnight Punpun by Inio Asano, and its actually the book that made me fall in love with literature.
im currently working on creating my own website!!! i dont know anything about HTML though, so it will be a long process.
i dont believe in astrology rlly but i am a Gemini.
my iq is 122 or something around that i dont remember the number i just remember im in the 93rd percentile
i am an INFP
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i do try my absolute best to be open-minded and tolerant towards everyone's ideas and beliefs; even those which i disagree with. i actually encourage ppl who disagree with anything i say 2 challenge me or discuss/debate with me. that being said, if u r not willing 2 have a civil and open-minded discussion with me, and if ur only interest is arguing, then i will ask u 2 pls leave me alone. i love talking 2 ppl who have ideas different than my own, but i do not wish 2 engage in any immature internet beefs or anything of that sort.
pls, 4 the love of god, if u r the type of person who gets offended over every little thing; if u r more concerned with petty discourse & things that have no significance 2 any real-life problems; if u lack media literacy; or if u r otherwise just unintelligent, then PLEASE dont interact with my page.
i try my absolute best 2 be a good person. if i ever do anything that u find 2 be morally offensive (this is not just if i say something that makes u feel a bit of angst, but if i say something that u feel is actually problematic.) or if we r interacting directly & i make u uncomfortable, PLEASE TELL ME! i hate it when ppl have problems with me that could easily be resolved but they just dont tell me. it makes me anxious.
also, pls note:
just because i talk about a certain piece of media or art or literature on this blog does not necessarily mean that i agree with the ideas expressed in that blog or even that i like that piece. i try my best to think 4 myself and i do not take all of the ideas that r expressed 2 me as the absolute truth. just because i read any given book does not mean that i necessarily agree with its ideas; the same goes 4 all of the topics i discuss here.
as a large part of this blog is abt media discussion & whatnot, i want 2 say that i am absolutely open 2 any art. and i will not avoid any piece of media just because it is allegedly problematic.
most of this page is dedicated 2 sharing and discussing my ideas on various topics like art, philosophy, politics, and such. i dont think that im going 2 be posting or saying anything that is incredibly morally offensive or anything, and 2 be honest i dont even think my ideas r particularly radical or controversial, but, if there ever does come a time when i might have a potentially controversial idea, i wont hesitate 2 share it. im not going 2 censor myself or sugarcoat my beliefs on this blog just 2 avoid discourse.
all of that being said, this blog is not 2 be taken 100% seriously either. i will talk abt serious topics on here, but i like 2 laugh as well! u should not assume that anything i say is 100% serious or 100% satirical. that SHOULD be a given, but on my Instagram account, i have had a worrying amount of interactions with ppl who got mad at me 4 things bc they assumed i was serious when i wasnt or vice versa.
ok, that is all !!! thx 4 reading !!!
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ve1vet-cake · 2 years
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I posted 171 times in 2022
That's 148 more posts than 2021!
32 posts created (19%)
139 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 47 of my posts in 2022
#john doe game - 13 posts
#john doe - 13 posts
#oc - 11 posts
#john doe horror game - 10 posts
#yousona - 9 posts
#my dear hatchet man - 8 posts
#mdhm alan - 7 posts
#mdhm - 7 posts
#youtube - 5 posts
#john doe fanart - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 42 characters
#bestie's art improved so much i'm so proud
My Top Posts in 2022:
I made a John Doe playlist on spotify!
I hope you guys like it! And if the artist of the pfp I used wants it removed or proper credit (cuz I couldn't find the artist) just dm me ^^
64 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
I drew Doe in my artstyle! Might draw his cute side with a makeover later ^^
His reaction to you shrieking
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225 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
Sleep positions with my sona and the yans
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270 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
John Doe Headcanons pt2
Aight sooo I've ben stalking looking at the twitter acc of Doe's creator aannnd got new info which debunks my previous post. Because I'm a sucker for accuracy here's a new headcanon/imagine thingy
Bc his body apparently dissolves when in water (I think it's basically clay) he'd more likely just watch you while you bathe or shower while keeping a safe distance. I suppose it's cute having little conversations
Taking baths with his true hairball form is possible sooo you can play with him or wash that form if you'd like
Considering he was never a child and the Uncanny Valley is filled with peculiar... Specimens.. I have a feeling he'd be confused on how children work or what it's like being one like.. "Wdym you had to learn to do all this???", "How did you survive??", "What's it like having parents?"
Just a small question.. Is he capable of having children????? If yes... Jesus christ get every parent book on the planet and try to explain a being that never had a childhood how to take care of a baby
If Doe is able to have a baby I bet he'd try being a good parent and listen to you properly for advice
Imagine his hairball form is really warm and when you're on your period he can just lay on you and warm you nicely
What if he melts or bakes when exposed to heat
I bet he'd eat pretty much anything you cook, even if it's not the best food. You made it and that's enough for him
Given he loves bugs I had to think abt him betting sad when you squash one in front of him or idk douse it in anti-bug spray
Will be you goth gf or bf or anything in between-Please someone style Doe hella goth, bby needs to realize it
On the other hand imagine pastel Doe like in all pretty colours with stickers🥺
Not only his tounge is long bit also his dick. Be careful tho, he might manage to impale you💀
Once you're actually having sex he would be scared of hurting you, taking his size into account and this bih is probably stronger than he looks.
From what I can gather he can change his body so he more than likely knows what generally makes you feel good
T i d d i e s
See the full post
368 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
John Doe Headcanons [outdated]
(That nobody asked for)
This will prolly contain nsfw stuff sooo.. BEWARE
Haven't done stuff like this before so uhm enjoy anyways💀
He would probably be kind of pet like when he's in his all lovey dovey form once you're dating or more romantically involved (got that vibe from the Dream ending he looked like a cute lil pup there)
He would take care of you very gently. Having learned from his past mistakes in previous loops he will more likely know how you wish to be treated and what your no-gos are. Plus he specifically said he can be whatever You want. I feel like he would sit down with you to learn more just so he can make everything perfect
Tying in with the previous point I think he's a complete perfectionist when it comes to your relationship. He wants you to adore him as much as he does and-most importantly-feel comfortable! So you can expect him observing you carefully, trying to match you perfectly without changing too much (as you still love him for him but it's cute how he tries to adapt to your behaviour in order to make the relationship work out)
Talking to my depressed folks or others incapable of taking care of themselves-he got you. First of all he doesn't (obviously) bother if you haven't showered regularly or can't keep up with cleaning in general-he doesn't either. But I feel like he will try to cheer you up and be a goddamn... Whatever he is-blessing. Although he hates baths or being clean he would bathe with you and shower you in love in an attempt to make you feel better. I feel like he would also feed you or gently push you to do something that wouldn't be out of your comfort zone.
He will reassure you that you're beautiful the way you are whenever you feel insecure. Bodily "flaws"? Nah. Smell/Sweat? He likes it. Personality "flaws"? He'll help you through it. In his eyes you're a beauty (not only in his though, be confident bestie<3) that needs to be cherished
He only showers or bathes when you're joining him. He needs your extra warmth and enjoys you washing him. Running your fingers through his long hair, scrubbing his skin or massaging him. He LOVES it. Might end with some steamy sex though-
He fidgets a lot when nervous or talking to you. Even if you're dating for a while he will still fidget as if he were to ask you on your first date whenever he asks for cuddles or how you like his presents (this time normal ones unless you like gore haha)
His hair is suuuuuuuper soft. Like, fluffy and silky. It's usually all greasy bc.. You know him. But when you wash his hair and take care of it for him your hands want to stay tangled in them forever-much to his pleasure
This is also seen in the game but I love those little hair-eyeballs that watch you. One is always on your body when you're off to work and he can't come with you. It always sits in your pocket or bag and stares at you with little hearts in its pupil
He can control himself or his sex drive just fine but when you move a certain way, look at him all seductive or cute or just wear his clothes with barely anything underneath he loses it. He'll probably rail you to hell and back while the environment changes rapidly due to his lack of control
He enjoys oral, especially giving and having you tug on his hair. Do it a little rough though and he might glitch a little from anticipation
Definitely a switch, more sub leaning I assume because of his... Trying to be dom but not really dom behaviour. Say he will gladly top and command you in bed, maybe make some more confident advances or remarks in a well developed relationship, but just one strict look and he'd probably melt back to his puppy demeanor.
Ties in with the point above; I feel like he prefers giving over receiving as he gets enough pleasure from you being happy or satisfied. He will whine a little though and of course noone will just leave him frustrated (except fellow sadists perhaps, but even then be careful or he might switch to his sadistic side)
Feel like he's very into bondage, knife play and breeding. Basically anything violent and close. Seeing you bleed or bruised and enjoying it? Fuck yes. All tied up like a present for him to open? He'll lose his remaining sanity. The thought of you filled with him, his name leaving your mouth in soft moans, enjyoing his closeness? He could die. Doe would also very much enjoy receiving cuts, bruises etc
Aight that's all I could think of rn
516 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Damn I really am obsessed with a living hairball😩
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enchantricksbot · 2 years
I saw you share that letter you’re a hater idc what u say abt this being a “open place” it’s just propaganda. Be honest what do you really think about sylki.
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Wholesome gif of Loki and his mom for tax. TLDR at bottom.
I have a few anons I’ve gotten that are a bit negative; and some straight hate anon, I’ve deleted majority. I’m replying to this bc u asked a honest question. I share the open letter (link for context) when it’s updated because I agree that the gender rep was done poorly, and there were plot holes. I understand many ppl like the strip tease scene but I personally felt the context was uncomfortable. So I liked that section of the letter as well. My opinion on that is irrelevant to what I think about Sylki. What I think of any ship or context for that matter, has nothing to do with this blog being a safe place for all shippers. Even if you don’t ship Enchantricks or like Amora, I don’t mind people being here for just Loki content. I don’t share attack posts on any ship here.
No I don’t personally ship Sylki but that’s ok, I don’t ship a lot of things. That doesn’t mean my followers can’t or I have anything against Sylki shippers. I can still think there’s very talented Sylki artists and still have friends that ship Sylki.
The hate anon I’ve gotten concerning Sylki is so exhausting but ik not all Sylki shippers are like that. The same way not all Amora fans are angry. I am personally genderqueer, I think the GF rep that was promised to us was non existent and assigning Sylvie as the sole female felt hurtful, but that doesn’t mean I’m about to gatekeep another Loki ship or anything. Ship wars are petty and exhausting. I understand why ppl might be upset by some ships but they’re entitled to feel that way. The same way someone can feel Amora ships are bad bc she’s a villain. I don’t rant or slander any ships here. I’m going to talk generally here. Even if you think one ship or another is problematic that’s fine, you can enjoy problematic media and still want better to be done. Im a multishipper myself. I could ship Sylki and still hope for it to be changed, the same way some people ship things and not want it to be canon. Or crack ship, like Sif and Amora, who hate each other but idk I like them. Enchantricks being canon does not mean I want everything canon.
TLDR: I don’t ship Sylki personally or any MCU Loki ships bc I don’t see any chem. but Sylkis are welcome here even if they hate Enchantricks. I share the letter when updated bc I think genderfluid rep could be done better, but that doesn’t mean I agree with 100% of the letter, and u don’t have to agree with it for us to get along. U r welcome here whether u like it or not 🫵😡/LH
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hua-fei-hua · 2 years
ALSO finally living the dream and commissioning an artist to, quote, “finish up the oldest wip on your computer” just bc i wanna support them hehe
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princemick-archive · 2 years
Hello! I'm new to Tumblr and Discord. Can you or anyone else recommend some good Formula 1 blogs and some Mick blogs on here and on Discord? Thank you.
alright, lets go, I'm gonna organize them all into groups and these are all wonderful people's who's posts I fucking love and also most of them are friends or mutuals so like, go follow them!!
first, if u wanna know half the context if shit I talk about follow @milflewis and @antogioamoremio theyre the most amazing people and I love them sm.
also Niamh is an incredible writer and Fran makes fucking amazing gifs so also follow them for that I guess.
overall blogs:
@race-week THE f1 blog on this site if u need info they prob know it //@oscar-piastri makes all the prema and f2 gifs and just *holds gently* my beloved // @dailyf1 the name says it, every day rbs and wonderful gifs // @formulaoneisajoke a wonderful blog they're funny, talented and nice // @teamroscoes for all ur lewis needs //
@batterivoltas absolutely amaizng fucking art like insane // @mangocito the cutest drawings // @souriadraws the f1 art blog no doubt fucking incredible work // @madsart makes the coolest edits and posters // @sebsxmp beautiful line work and colours // @start-your-engines amazing art and fics //
now below the tab are specific people blogs cuz otherwise this post would be far to long ajsdn but please follow them theyre all amazing people!!
mick blogs:
@acrosstobear THE mick blog, any mick questions just go to amanda tbh // @brawn-gp amazing ferrari and mick content // @schumaclerc the only one who's as delusional as me abt mick also beautiful gifs // @mickstart know everything about the schumachers motorsport history //
seb blogs:
@ivettel lit the most amazing edits and seb content // @005seb lit one of the funniest blogs also v nice // @4xmulti21champion one of the seb blogs and also the best ted blog on this wesite // @teamgreenheart just follow them, funny and good content // @f1cked again, just, so fucking funny and kind //
charles blogs:
@leqclerc the prettiest most smooth gifs u will ever see // @schumaclerc bc also a charles blog // @charlesleqlercs funny asf charles blog // @balaclavacharles one of the best charles blogs // @c2stan again just in the list of best charles blogs // @gncharles funny and has good taste // @eurotrucks amazing edits and so creative and kind // @balaclavalines another one in that list tbh //
other people specific blogs who I love:
@maranello THE ferrari blog, lit knows everyhting abt them // @josefnewgayden if you wanna follow non f1 motorsport blogs this is THE blog for u // @estiebestieban one of the nicest and best Este blogs here // @estebanbicon same as the one before those two are THE este blogs imo // @andreagrimes the nr.1 nando and val blog no doubt // @gewistruther funny af dan n george blog // @hakkinens the name says it wonderful classic f1 blog, v funny // @gcsly THE pierre blog imo // @tsuchansworld the best yuki blog on this site //
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cosmicwavelength · 2 years
Aight, thanks for the tags @dearcas @sluttystiel @blanketcas  Sorry it took me a million years to get to it.
Tag Game
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to get to know better.
name: M literally pronounced Em
star sign: someone said my blog looks like a virgo
height: 164 cm
time: three minutes past high noon 🤠
birthday: November (hint I’m not actually a virgo)
favourite bands/artists: uhm Fleetwood, Florence n the machine, amy winehouse
last movie: Literally no idea, can’t remember
last show: .............. three guesses (it’s spn)
when did i create this blog: 2019 bc I felt nostalgic abt spn ending (big mistake)
what i post: fanart, art-reblogs
last thing i googled: baronets
other blogs: my spam blogs 
do i get asks: sighs, the p* rn asks, and ofc the good old provocative hate ask (get a life)
following: how many ppl follow me or who I’m following? you can view who I’m following 262 ppl rn
average hours of sleep: 7 1/2 - 8 h
instruments: uhm I have a flute but I don’t play a single instrument
what im wearing: casual work attire
dream job: can’t say
dream trip: Italy but I’ll be there this summer so... gotta plan the next trip
nationality: nationality is German on the papers but I sure don’t have German roots
favourite song: sure thing - miguel
last book i’ve read: the secret history 
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: totoro, spn for Castiel, transformers bc bumblebee (oh would you look at that all these characters aren’t normal, one is literally nonverbal)
holy crap I’m not tagging 20 people- @mercurialkitty @jemariel @vaicomcas (I have not forgotten abt the snow drawing), @pastornovak
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traumxrei-archive · 3 years
【 rulebook 】
whilst you explore the archive, please make sure to abide by these rules and guidelines. failure to do so will result in dire consequences, so be warned, noble flower.
before you follow;
- first and foremost, i am a uni student. that means i take hiatuses or breaks to focus on my studies or work. that will always take priority over writing fics or maintaining my blog. (i.e. if something hasn't updated in a long time, trust that it'll be updated after i'm less busy)
- this is a sfw writing blog ! all works on here will be sfw, and if it's suggestive i'll tag it. i will not rb or post about nsfw stuff on this blog whatsoever.
- i have written fics for genshin impact + enstars, which, if you're interested, you can see if you go to my ao3 account.
- as for requests, they will be open according to my schedule. make sure to check out the request menu before sending one. you know when they're open when i post about request slots. other than that please don't send requests randomly, or they will be deleted.
- if you leave comments abt my writing in asks. or reblog them with tags on how u felt n stuff. i will kith u. on the cheek. sjdfksfj (or a hug if you're not into kisses. end of line, i love hearing you yell abt my writing <3)
- quick disclaimer abt my writing: when i'm writing requests i will be using gender neutral terms + try to keep the reader as inclusive as possible. however, when i'm writing fics for myself, the yuu i'm referring to isn't supposed to be the reader, rather it's my personal yuusona. (i.e. my personal fics aren't gonna be as inclusive as my requested stuff since i'm not consciously trying to make them inclusive; so i hope you understand !)
about asks;
- i am open to chatting ! so please do send asks if you'd like to talk ^^ questions, brainrot, memes, etc. i'll do my best to answer them :D
- please don't send story spoilers for twst jp. i'm fine with new card spoilers or asking me about upcoming reruns/events in jp but please refrain from sending spoilers about stories or even the content of events ! i stopped playing in jp and only read up to book 6 so please don't send spoilers into my inbox :'))))
- if you send something long, like hcs or a theory / fic idea, it might take me longer to answer just bc i want to write an answer that matches up to the amount of effort you put into the ask ^^
- please do not spam asks. i will get to anwering them. also don't spam different asks. if you have a lot to say, pls make one big ask n send it instead of 5 asks w/ different things from the same person.
- if your ask is rudely worded, i may just ignore it. respect me and my time, and i'll respect you and your time.
- remember that this is a sfw blog, therefore any nsfw asks will be immediately ignored + deleted. not only that, please don't send them anyway, it makes me personally uncomfortable to read.
- if you are sending any art/media: please send it as a link to the original piece. and i mean a legitimate link to where the artist posted the art originally. anything else such as sending just a picture/video will be considered reposting without permission and i will delete the ask. (i want to give credit to these artists for what they've made, and i'd personally be sad if someone stole my work without credit and spread it around, so please understand.)
other things to note;
- hate to me or others will not be responded to and i will just block and delete any that is sent my way
- do not repost my works anywhere. that is considered stealing my dude.
- conversely, if you see my works posted anywhere other than traumxrei on ao3 + traumxrei-archive on tumblr, it would mean a lot if you could inform me.
- translations can be negotiated, so please ask nicely if you'd like to translate my works (through a non-anon ask or a dm)
- please feel free to shoot an ask if you're confused about anything !
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