#posting before the horrors because after horrors nobody will care xD
kindaeccentric · 2 years
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patron saint of switchblade fights
in two versions
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panharmonium · 3 years
Merlin and Naruto
I did Merlin here, so here’s Naruto! :D
[disclaimer for everyone: I have only watched up through Season 10 of Shippuden (the arc with the Five Kage Summit), and I am trying to avoid spoilers for everything after that point, so please don’t interact with this (including tags, because tumblr shows them to me automatically) unless you are avoiding ALL spoilers.  For me, this includes discussion about whether you like/dislike future seasons, comparisons of various seasons in terms of quality, etc.  Thanks, everyone! <3]
My favorite parent-child relationship: I know they’re not blood-related, but Iruka and Naruto have me crying every time I see them together.  Naruto straight-up says that when he’s with Iruka he feels like he knows what it’s like to have a father, and honestly, Iruka loves Naruto so much at this point that he would insta-adopt him if Naruto asked.  I love how Naruto always cites Iruka as the first person who cared for him even later in the show when Iruka hasn’t had as much screentime, and when I saw Iruka cry because he’s so proud of Naruto at the end of the Pain arc, it was just...too much for my little heart to handle.
My favorite sibling relationship: You know, thinking about it, almost all of the people in Naruto are only children, as far as we know!  But in terms of just that sibling vibe - Sakura and Naruto definitely give me that feel.  I know he has a crush on her, but their relationship has always felt more sibling-like to me, and I especially love how deep their bond has become by the time we get to Shippuden.  They are just so comfortable with each other now - the depth of the love and friendship they feel for each other is palpable.  
My favorite family relationship (other): I adore Naruto’s relationship with Jiraiya.  That scene where Naruto falls asleep against his back almost killed me, and Jiraiya’s later line, “Your smile is my salvation” - that was too much.  It absolutely destroyed me.  The way Jiraiya kind of gave up on everything after his old life went to hell - neverending wars, Orochimaru gone, his original students dead, his student’s students dead, Minato dead - he just ran away after that, and it was meeting Naruto that kind of rekindled that spark of hope in him and helped him reconnect with his community and rediscover a sense of purpose in his life.  Naruto enabled him to finally come home, and I think that’s beautiful.
My favorite friendship between two people: There are so many friendships in Naruto that I love (one of the greatest things about this show for me has been how little focus is given to romantic relationships, at least so far; it’s very much a friendship-oriented show), but right now I’m in a bit of a Kakashi-Yamato hole.  I was super primed to not like Yamato when he first showed up, because him being there meant that my favorite character WASN’T there, and also he ended up replacing Kakashi on the one mission where the team finally found Sasuke, but the guy won me over in the end.  He is one of my favorite characters now - my heart just swells every time I see him - and I think his relationship with Kakashi is super interesting.  I’ve written before about how Kakashi’s only truly intimate friendships are with people who are dead, and I do think that applies when it comes to Yamato, too, even though the two of them are obviously very companionable and close.  There is still a level to that relationship where Kakashi is a bit of a mentor figure, the “superior officer,” which results in a degree of (still friendly and affectionate) distance.  And as with all of his other relationships, Kakashi doesn’t really confide in Yamato about his life or open up to him in the same way that he does when he talks to his dead friends - but at the same time, there is an element to their relationship that doesn’t exist in Kakashi’s other friendships, and it’s the fact that Kakashi trusts Yamato with his kids, implicitly and without reservation.  Kakashi’s entire life right now is very much enmeshed in what happens to his students, and even if he doesn’t necessarily talk about that with Yamato, Yamato is still deeply involved in that work.  Yamato VOLUNTEERED for that work.  And he continues to dedicate himself to it even when his first mission as Kakashi’s stand-in ends up going completely off the rails and turning into WAY more than he signed up for.  He keeps doing his utmost for Kakashi’s kids without it even being his original responsibility, and that is such an unusual thing, for Kakashi, who in every other circumstance is always the one stepping in to help other people, the one who always shoulders his burdens alone.  Nobody ever asks Kakashi if he needs help with these incredibly high-needs children, and neither does Yamato - but the difference is that Yamato jumps in to help regardless, and he stays no matter how complicated things get.  That’s huge, and it’s only going to become more important.  It’s just - it is difficult for Kakashi to have intimate friendships with people who don’t share his history, and this rules out almost everybody else in the world, because all the people who truly share his own history are dead.  But the degree to which Yamato has altruistically and irreversibly entwined himself into the most important parts of Kakashi’s new history - the chapters being written right now, the ones that are going to define the rest of Kakashi’s life - means that Yamato is well on his way to breaking through that wall and becoming the first exception to a universal rule. [There is a lot to be said on Kakashi’s side of this, too, like - every time Kakashi refuses to call Yamato by his code name I lose my mind just a little bit, and I have MANY thoughts about Kakashi basically dragging folks who’ve been victimized or exploited or experimented on out of ANBU and then absorbing them into his own team, where they become a part of a family-type unit that respects them and cares about them and treats them like human beings.  I mean, there’s a huge difference between the Yamato we meet in S2 vs. the Yamato we know in S10 (and the same thing goes for Sai!) - and that’s something I think about a lot.]
My favorite friendship between a group:  I love all of the team dynamics, but Team Gai is a fave XD  The absurd contrast between oh-so-serious Neji vs. Gai/Lee’s incredible goofiness (with Tenten’s exasperation in between) is comedy gold.  I screamed with laughter in S1 when Gai was trying to get Neji to put his hand in the circle and do their “shout a slogan like a sports team” thing - I’ve never seen anything funnier on this show than jonin!Neji trying to put up with Gai’s antics.  
My favorite mentorship: My favorite mentorship is always Kakashi and whichever kid happens be onscreen with him at that moment, but I’ll be honest and say that Kakashi+Sasuke was the first dynamic that got me actually invested in this show (as opposed to me just watching it because it was on and not really caring what happened to any of the characters).  They are still the mentorship dynamic about which I have the most complex feelings, and that is especially true after the last season we watched.  I will probably end up making a separate post about this, because I still have not written down all of my thoughts about the end of Season 10 and I am still trapped in my feelings about this very lost child and the only adult who ever tried to help him the way he deserved to be helped, and I know I have way more to say about them than I can reasonably fit in this bullet point.  But - the short version is that I am super compelled by the way that every tragedy that’s befallen Kakashi is precisely what shapes him into the only adult who can help this particular kid, the way seemingly senseless events ended up putting Kakashi in a position where he’s the only adult who can intervene on this kid’s behalf many, many years later.  The way Sasuke’s plight (and the potential that Kakashi has to help him) suddenly grants meaning to the worst parts of Kakashi’s life - that knocks me on my butt.  
My favorite rivalry: So I probably would not have said this until the episode where Kakashi comes three seconds away from being made Hokage, but I’m gonna say Gai & Kakashi, solely to express my love and appreciation for Gai in that episode.  This is the ep where Gai challenges Kakashi to a race through the entire village (as a sort of “last hurrah before we can’t do this kind of silly shit anymore” thing) and Kakashi is initially kind of reluctant to do it, because he’s stressed out about a lot of things, but he does end up agreeing to it, and then he has SO much fun, and I LOVED this so much; I can’t even tell you.  This moment takes place immediately after Kakashi returns from that horrible, awful confrontation with Sasuke, and everything preceding this scene was very hard for me to see, because everybody is just asking Kakashi to do more and more and more for them without giving him even a hot minute to be like “i almost just killed my own kid.  i almost just had to kill my own kid, who was trying to kill my other kid, who was trying to kill kid #1 first, so i wouldn’t have assume the burden of killing him myself.”  Nobody checks on him, nobody asks, and Kakashi has to just hold onto that horror and also fret over the uncertain yet chilling secrets that Madara Uchiha disclosed and also prepare to shoulder the crushing weight of an office he never asked for - AND THEN.  GAI SHOWS UP.  And even though Gai doesn’t really know what happened, he still checks Kakashi over from top to bottom to make sure he’s in one piece, and then he drags him into this stupid competition, and it makes Kakashi LAUGH.  They go running all out across the craterized scene of devastation that used to be their home, and they have FUN doing it, and Kakashi straight-up tells Gai, “This was just what I needed,” which - god.  It would be great if Kakashi had somebody he could actually talk to, sure, but there’s also a space in our lives for people who just cheer us up, no questions asked.  It’s like when you tell someone you have a problem and they ask, “Do you want to talk about it or do you want to be distracted?”  Sometimes you don’t need to talk about it.  Sometimes you just need people who will take you for a goofy footrace and make you feel like you’re running too fast for any of your troubles to ever touch you again, for a few minutes. 
My favorite hatred/antipathy: The answer to this question used to be Kakashi and Itachi, and while I’m even MORE fascinated by their dynamic now than ever, it’s taken on a whole new dimension, given that I think Itachi is (secretly) thrilled to see someone like Kakashi so committed to taking him down and keeping Sasuke safe.  So, in place of that, I’ll just say that I love how much all of the Akatsuki cannot stand each other XD  Almost none of them get along, and it makes me laugh every time - I can’t believe they ever get anything done, though I guess that’s to be expected when you get that many super-criminals together in a room.  I especially love how they all think Orochimaru is so stupid...cannot get over them laughing at him and his body-snatching immortality schemes.
My favorite potential relationship between characters who never talk in canon: Okay, these are both silly answers, but - I would have KILLED to see Jiraiya interacting with Minato’s team.  Like, I’m certain they spent time together, but honestly, what I wouldn’t give to have witnessed some of it.  All I could think about during that mini-arc where Jiraiya teaches Naruto how to sync up with Gamariki was how little!Kakashi would have taken one look at the dancing frogs and decided he would be using dog!summons for the rest of his life; meanwhile Obito would have already been in the frog’s mouth begging to be launched into the air like a cannonball.  Also - my sister said the other night how it is a CRIME that we never got to see Sasuke forced to interact with Jiraiya and honestly, that is too true.
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greensaplinggrace · 4 years
ok another clack fic cuz cloud whump is the best and there’s never enough, so “please don’t cry” and “don’t ever do that again” from prompt list where cloud is still emotionally inept but zack is always there to help him feel and comfort him🥰🥰
Soooo...this took a very dramatic turn and I’m sorry! I actually have another version of this fic more along the lines of what you asked for in the works, so if you want me to tag you when I post it I can totally do that XD. I’m sorry it took me so long to complete this prompt! Life has been a bitch and I didn’t want to force it, you know?
“Please don’t cry” / “Don’t ever do that again.” (From This Here Prompt List)
*TW for violence and minor emetophobia
-If you want to send in a prompt, the guidelines are HERE and HERE!
Dusk has settled well over the city when the register rings shut for the final time that night. Sealing away the money he’d just counted should not be as satisfying as it is, but Cloud’s more than eager to end his shift. Eight hours is a misery but ten is exhausting, and every muscle in his body aches with the need for plush sheets and the warmth of his heating pad.
Today is Zack’s day off, which means he’s going to want to take the scenic route as he walks Cloud home, but there’s no way in hell Cloud is walking three miles today. He wants his binder off and his packing out. He doesn’t know why he’d thought packing on a busy Saturday was a good idea, but he’s starting to regret it.
Kicking the cup-holders into place, Cloud checks over the fridge and the oven before finally flicking off the last of the lights. There are some dishes still in the sink, but it’s only a couple of plates and a mug. Not enough to bother with, and hopefully not enough to piss Barret off come morning, though Cloud can never be too sure when it comes to the man.
Sometimes, he feels like Barret is warming up to him. Other times it’s like the man has an “I hate Cloud Strife” tattoo painted across his face. Cloud’s long since stopped trying to impress the guy in favor of actually being himself, and the recent response has been a whole bag of mixed signals. The only consolation is that he seems to hate Zack more. Which is why Zack has been permanently banned from visiting Cloud on morning shifts and instead been delegated to walking him home after closing. An entirely useless endeavor, considering Cloud can take care of himself, but Zack mostly does it to keep him company than out of some strange sense of duty, so he lets it slide.
A loud pounding on the door signals Zack’s arrival, and Cloud only makes another cursory sweep over the kiosk before hanging up his apron and grabbing his things from the back. As soon as he heads for the front door he sees Zack, face pressed to the glass and waving wildly, an eager smile splitting his face in two.
Warmth wells in Cloud's chest at the sight, along with a faint of tinge of exasperation at the other man's antics. He sighs and rolls his eyes enough for Zack to see it through the smudged windows, pushing the door open so hard it has him bouncing off the glass.
“Ow! Hey!” Zack huffs, rubbing at his nose with a pout, and Cloud casts him an unimpressed look.
“Tifa’s going to have your head for messing up her window.” The door shuts behind him with a bang, rattling against a gust of heavy wind, and Cloud burrows into his scarf with a shiver. He fumbles for the key with gloved fingers and uses his other hand to pull the scarf tighter, scowling into the soft fabric when Zack only grins.
“Don’t worry! She won’t ever know it was me.”
“Yes, she will.”
“Wh- how?! Nobody saw me.”
Cloud raises a brow at him before turning to the door, fighting with the lock for a good three seconds before it budges and clicks into place, and when he turns back around it’s to see an expression and complete and utter betrayal on Zack's face.
“You would tell her? About me, your own boyfriend? What happened to bros before hoes?”
“Tifa is my bro.”
“What, so does that mean I’m your hoe?”
Cloud’s lips twitch into a smile, and he hides his blush in the folds of his scarf as he grabs Zack’s hand and powers down the sidewalk. “Let’s go.”
“Yeesh! Calm the death grip, piña colada.”
“Absolutely not, Zack.”
“It’s a cute pet name.”
“It’s not a pet name at all.”
“Well, you’ve vetoed literally every real one in existence. I have to get creative.”
“There’s not a creative bone in your body, soldier.”
Zack tuts, tone suddenly serious in a way that has Cloud feeling guilty for snapping, and slows his walk drastically. He tugs at Cloud’s hand as he does so, and Cloud’s forced to either drop behind or risk losing him. Reluctantly, Cloud falls back. When he reaches Zack’s side, the other man is quick to give him a sideways look of concern. “You’re in a mood. Bad day at work?”
“It’s not a mood,” Cloud hisses, because the tension just won’t leave, heart pounding and ears ringing. Zack’s hand tightens around his for a while, thumb pressing into his palm until he’s gentling.
“I know,” Zack eventually says, “those were the wrong words. I’m sorry.”
Cloud glances away. “‘S fine.”
“Did something happen at work?”
“Just-” Cloud exhales loudly, pulling Zack closer as they turn a corner, “-long day. And a Saturday, so…”
“Your chest hurt?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Okay, then how about we talk about the awesome day I had at my work!” Cloud hums his assent, leaning into Zack all the way as he relaxes into the sound of Zack’s voice. “A vet came in for Collie today, and they were the perfect match. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dog and a woman fall in love faster in my life. I mean, I’ll be sad to see her go, but she’s still got regular checkups for a bit, so I can spend some time with her for a little while longer. Not to mention Cissnei is an amazing person. I mean, she’s rough around the edges - sure - but who isn’t?”
“I have no idea who that is.”
“Oh! She’s the vet. Just came back from a real bad tour and she needed a trainer with good ethics - that’s me - so she dropped by and almost instantly bonded with Collie. It was so heartwarming. Wait, I’ve got a picture here…She wouldn’t let me take a video but...”
Zack trails off as he searches for his phone, and as much as Cloud loves hearing about Zack’s passions, he takes a relieved breath of fresh air at the break. 
It’s quiet out. Cold and biting beneath a clear sky, and Cloud peers up to blink at the lack of stars and natural lighting. A thick glow isolates the moon above him, created by the ever present lights and sounds of the city, and he feels a longing pang for home. He tugs at Zack’s hand and leans even further into him, pressing his face against the warmth of Zack’s coat, and listens to the rising curses with a contented curl of amusement.
Maybe he won’t go straight to bed, after all.
Steps echoing down the abandoned inner roads, they turn another corner and start towards their apartments. He glances up at the other man through his lashes, reluctant to part completely and abandon Zack’s heat. Snuggling would be nice, he decides. Cradled in his boyfriend’s arms as they warm up beneath the covers. Maybe he could even convince Zack to give him a massage. 
Cloud hums, opening his mouth to ask if Zack would like to stay the night, but before he can so much as get a word out a bruising grip wraps around his wrist. All thoughts of home are wiped clean from his mind as he’s ripped from Zack’s arm with a startled yelp. He twists and drives his head viciously backwards into his attacker’s nose, only managing to feel a brief sense of satisfaction at the ensuing snap and scream before hard metal collides with his head in an excruciating explosion of pain. He gasps and chokes out a cry, legs buckling as his mind splinters in agony.
“Cloud!” Zack’s voice rings painfully in his ears as his hand is wrenched to the other side of his chest, an arm encircling him and pulling him back into another body.
He flinches at the feeling of a cool metal circle coming to rest against the side of his head, whimpering as he’s shaken violently, head flaring enough to make his stomach lurch. “Zack.” His voice cracks on the word as he blinks stars from his eyes, Zack’s wide blue eyes coming into view before the pure, unadulterated horror of his expression does. Cloud’s stomach lurches again and he heaves, struggling weakly against his captor’s grip.
“Hey!” The gun digs painfully into his skin as the man shakes him again. “Quit your damn struggling before I decide you ain’t worth my time.”
“No! No- don’t-” Zack sounds on the edge of panic, and something somewhere in Cloud’s hazy mind tells him he should comfort the man, but no words can find his lips. “Don’t hurt him, please. What do you want? I’ll give- I’ll give you anything, just-”
“I said shut the hell up! You think I’m joking?”
“He’s- he’s out of it, man. Come on. Just tell me what you want. Don’t- don’t shoot him, please. Is it money? I’ve- I don’t have a lot, but- but it’s all yours. All of it.”
Cloud whines out a protest, awareness trickling back slowly. Zack is strapped for cash right now. He wouldn’t survive dumping all of his money. 
“Tell your bitch to shut the fuck up!”
“Hey, calm down man, okay? Here- here’s all of it just...” There’s a thump on the ground in front of them, and what ensues in the most excruciating and awkward bend in the history of Cloud’s life as the guy reaches for it, never once taking the gun from his head. Then there's a scoff, and Cloud knows - knows - what he’s going to say before the words even fall from his lips.
“You think this is enough? The hell do you take me for? Give me all of it!”
“That’s all I-”
“Does your boy have anything on him?” The man’s shaking now, voice wavering on the edge of hysteria, and the tremor of his gun has Cloud swallowing tears of fear. “‘Cause if he’s hiding nothin’-!”
“No, he’s fucking broke, just-”
“I saw you walkin’ along all comfortable! Give me your fucking phone and...and that necklace.”
Cloud’s stomach drops with the words, panic rising high and heedy in the back of his throat. The necklace - Angeal’s necklace. No way. No fucking way.
“Um...the- the necklace, right.” It’s weak and strained, Zack biting his lip to hold back tears, and something in Cloud’s heart breaks. 
“Don’t. Zack, don’t-” his words are cut off in a cry of pain as the gun comes back down on his head again, and there’s piercing, splitting noise like gunfire that has Cloud jumping, bucking against his captor in pure terror as Zack yells.
“Holy shit. What the hell is wrong with you?!”
“I told him to stay fucking quiet! The next one goes through his head.” The grip tightens around Cloud until he can hardly move anymore, gasping for breath as the tears shake from his eyes. “Now give me the damn necklace. Now!”
“Okay..okay, I’m giving you the necklace.” Zack’s sounding really agitated now. In a different, very dangerous way that says he’s about to do something stupid, and the thump of Cloud's heart against his ribs is more deafening than the gunshot ever could be. 
Zack is going to endanger himself. Zack is going to do something. Cloud’s mouth feels gummy but he can’t move and he can’t speak and his head feels like it’s on fire. Through the blur of his tears he sees Zack shift, hand coming up to his neck, and he feels his captor freeze against him.
“What are those?”
“They’re my tags, man. They’re...completely worthless.”
“You were in the army?”
“Special forces.” The hard edge to his tone is enough to chill even Cloud, who’s known Zack for years and who’s seen him smile like the very heart of the universe itself. For his captor, it seems to have an even worse effect. One of high, panicked breaths and the uneasy waiver of his gun. 
Cloud sees Zack’s face harden before he charges. Sees him tense and move in the split second the gun is away from his head and it’s like the world comes crashing down around him. “Zack! Don’t-”
His voice breaks as he’s pushed aside, the breath forced from his lungs when he collides with the ground, head searing. A gunshot cracks through the air and there’s a shout, fists against flesh and another shot, this time with a scream, and Cloud tries desperately to push himself up and see what’s happening but the world spins sickeningly and he vomits onto the dirty concrete with a gut wrenching sob.
Then there’s silence. A loud thud that makes Cloud’s veins run cold and his stomach quiver again.
“Cloud.” A hand pushes through his hair, soft and gentle and Zack, and Cloud lets out a sob of relief. He collapses into Zack’s hold, shaking against his knees and encased in his arms, and claws desperately at the fabric of his pants. Burrowing his head into Zack’s thigh, Cloud sucks in a deep breath and exhales with the force of every line of tension wringing his energy dry.
“Zack,” he breathes, “Zack, you’re alive.”
“Yeah. Yeah. I’m so sorry, Cloud. I should never have let you get hurt like that, I- I- Hey…hey, please don’t cry.”
Cloud shakes his head and chokes out another sob, because God - God - he’d almost lost him. Almost lost Zack. And the tears won’t stop spilling from his eyes even as Zack runs a hand through his hair, up and down his back soothingly. Even as Zack curls around him like he’d never let Cloud go.
“You almost died- you almost-” and then there’s anger, stark and hot as he raises his wet face to glare at his stupid fucking boyfriend, “-don’t ever do that again.”
Zack smiles weakly, wiping at his own eyes with his shoulder, and the glint of his tags - the glint of Angeal’s necklace - makes Cloud’s shoulders seize again as a fresh wave of tears comes. He clenches his eyes to fight it and ducks his head down again, Zack’s words vibrating against his cheek as he speaks.
“I could say the same about you. Fuck, Cloud, I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my life.”
“I doubt it.”
“No, it’s true. It’s- It’s really, really true.”
Cloud lets that sink in for a second. “Oh.”
Zack cracks out a laugh, forced and loose and relieved all at once, and exhales as his shoulders droop with exhaustion. “Yeah, oh. Never again, Cloud.”
Cloud sighs and closes his eyes, letting the world take him.
“What about damsel in distress?”
Cloud opens his eyes again with the single minded purpose of burning a hole into Zack’s waist. “What do you think?”
“Eh…” Zack smiles nervously and scratches the back of his head. “Too feminine?”
“Too ridiculous.”
“I did just save your life.”
Cloud scoffs and doesn’t say anything for a while. Then, “you’re giving me a massage when we get back home.”
“Sweet Apple Pie, I’ll give you a thousand massages once we get back home. But we aren’t getting home until you’ve been to a hospital.”
“Ugh.” Cloud pulls a face, though for the pet name or the idea of a hospital, he doesn’t know.
Zack takes his response with the usual amount of grace. “You’re going to the hospital if I have to haul your ass there by the seat of your pants,” he huffs, “and I’ll call Tifa to make sure you don’t struggle.”
“We should probably call Tifa anyway.”
Zack sighs lengthily, petting a hand through Cloud’s hair as he tilts his head back to look at the sky, and Cloud relaxes into the touch with a pleased hum. There’s the occasional zing of pain when Zack skirts around the lumps on his head, but the pain fades into a dull background noise over time, as they sit and drift into the quiet of the night.
The ambulance arrives not two minutes later.
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cathal-mathers98 · 3 years
IXD303 - Project Stages/Reflection
For my IXD303 digital project prototype, I decided to create a VR app for elderly people in care homes. At the beginning, I was thinking about creating an COVID app for teenagers and adults, that they could get an idea as to how long we have been in lockdown and a final countdown until the end of isolation, to give the person a goal to strive for and a moment in time to look forward to. And within this app, they could record their daily habits and routines, to keep them busy during lockdown. 
However, I had to scrap this idea because, when I was in groups with my peers, we all agreed to study elderly people in cares homes as our intended audience. This gave me the opportunity to use VR. The reason for this was because, I myself are a fan of VR and I’m really interested in how it works and is created. Furthermore, nobody else seemed to be going down this route, which would add to the uniqueness of the project. 
Research and Sketching
The first thing I began doing once I decided to do VR, was to begin researching VR as a whole and for elderly people in particular, with and without disabilities. (I talked about my findings in a different blog post.) In the end, I decided my target audience wasn’t limited to one small group of elderly people, like the examples I researched, which was VR and dementia. This idea to design just for people with dementia was already taken. So, I decided to make mine for all elderly people, of course people who are unable to see (blind) or have any other limitations that they can’t use a headset, would be ruled out of this. 
Nevertheless, I wanted to create a meditative app with the sole purpose of targeting elderly peoples mental health and helping them to feel stress-free from all the horrors and fears of the affects of COVID19, especially in care homes that was hit badly than nearly any other institution. I couldn’t imagine the fear, stress and death elderly people in these care homes were experiencing. So to take their minds off this, I wanted to create this app. Once, I knew what was required of me, I began looking at possible VR apps to take influence from.
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I found apps such as “relax VR”, which is a meditative app that people can use to do yoga or simply relax. This really helped with the foundation of my app. It had some great features to take influence from. I even watched a full 15min review on YouTube of the app, just to see what it was like to navigate it. Immediately after this, I started thinking of names to call my project. With situations like these, I find it quite difficult to think of a name there and then. In my experience, I have to go about my daily business and think about a name then, in my spare time. I did exactly this and I came up with a few names.
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I was mindful not to spend too much time on this task, as a name can always be changed later on if not suited. You can see from the names above that they are quite similar in one way, being that they are other words for a paradise or a happy place. e.g. oasis and tropic. They are used to describe a beautiful paradise almost. Anyway, in the end I settled for Nova, named after a supernova which when researched it is described that a supernova (if were seen with the naked eye) is one or if not the most beautiful and extraordinary thing you will ever witness. Which is quite related to my app, as it involves looking at 360 degree images of the beautiful views this world has to offer. Hence why I named it Nova.
Sketching the Logo
With regards to the logo, I again took influence from relax VR’s logo. I really liked the simplicity of it and the fact it was all low case as well, made it appealing and relaxing to look at. So I then began brainstorming a few ideas on paper.
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I liked having the idea of the app logo relate to outer space, after its name, as you can see in the sketches. But then I realised that the app isn’t about outer space, its about relaxing and mediating. So I scrapped the idea of using this design. Still, it was good to have done. In the end, I received feedback from my tutor stating that with this digital product, there is no need to create a logo or a fancy looking visual marque. Just to have it in a sans-serif font. So taking onboard this feedback, I did just that. And I concluded with this design:
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Early Designs for Name and Logo
But nevertheless, here is a few designs I made for possible visual marques and a logo before I was told to keep it simple. These were my previous ideas: 
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With regards to the slogan, I seen examples on Google that stated “Turning your dreams into reality”. I thought this was a very nice slogan and very relevant to my project. So I decided to change this around a bit and settle for, “Where Dreams Become Reality”. This would give the app a bit more professionality.   
Sketching the App
Not long after this, I started sketching out some possible layouts for the application. Keeping in mind that I am designing for elderly people, I was aware to keep the navigation buttons large and the amount of content minimal. So began sketching. Below you can see my first drawing:
Main Page and Music Page
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Location Page
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Settings Page
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As you can see I kept the buttons pretty large and easy to read. I wanted to include a music page were the elderly person, with the assist of a carer, is able to change the background song for when they are navigating through the app. I took influence from an app called Jaunt VR which is also a full immersive app, that allows you see different settings, whether it be up on stage with Paul McCartney or base jumping off a cliff. I copied the layout and the design of the boxes and settings, as seen below.
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Sketch 2
I then created a second sketch to see if I can make the design more straightforward and easier to understand. I thought the settings and music page were quite alright, so not much changes were needed to that.
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These sketches depicted how the app was going to be navigated. There is a button for the city, one for beach and one for forests. This was the design I wanted to follow. I had to be sure to get the dimensions right also. In order for the person to access the link/next page, they simply have to move the cursor which is lined with and built into the headset, to the particular button they want to access for 3 seconds. This will then lead the user to that page.
With regards to the buttons, I originally took influence from relax VR again. Within that app the navigating buttons are rounded and appear to be like a large translucent bubbles.
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I thought this was a really cool design and I loved how the buttons looked like balls of water that animated too. And as water is a great mediator and gives off a calming feel, this was a good move. So the next stage, before I began making the app, was to create the buttons on Illustrator. I created three drafts of buttons in total.
These were my first designs for the buttons:
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This is only a small snippet of the buttons I created. At the beginning, I liked this design for the buttons. I wanted to include the colours, blue, green and white, as they were found to be relaxing colours and most associated with mediation. The font however, came to be less appealing when added to an image. So, I turned for help from my tutor and again I received great feedback on what I should do instead, which was to leave it as a san-serif also. 
I once again took onboard this feedback and changed the buttons immediately. I research fonts to use and I came across the font that is used in Spotify. I am a user of Spotify and I really like their font. It really suits being in an app. So I decided to use this. Which resulted in me creating this:
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This immediately looked better. The font really stuck out more professionally. But that wasn’t the last time I edited my buttons. As the time went past, I noticed that the buttons needed something else to help draw out the background. And this was when I came up with the idea of creating vector icons on Illustrator to add to the buttons. Of course, that meant that I had to make them square, but this however suited better for my Glitch work (see glitch blog post). I simply found small vector images and traced over them in Illustrator and pasted them in my buttons. These were the final design for my project.
 An example of what they looked like:
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The background colour appears darker in the actual project. In Tumblr it is showing it as a very light blue. Anyway, these buttons I loved. It is mad how a bit of icons and shapes can give an image a bit of life. To see the rest of the buttons, access the link to my work which can be found on my other blog post.
In conclusion, I am quite happy with the work I completed in XD for my digital product. I decided to cut the length of the app down a bit as it was totalling to 65 pages, which was quite a lot and overwhelming. To do this, I only created pages for: Forests, Beaches, Cities and Night Sky. My original design included hotels and piers. In the end, I thought this was a good move. Nevertheless, I did the best I could to minimalize the app and make it as straightforward as I possibly could. I have learnt that creating a VR app is quite time consuming and involves a lot of planning and research. An example would be, collecting a variety of 360 degree images on the internet. This was very time consuming as there is very little amounts of free 360 images. Many of them are repetitive and share the same location, which I don’t want. 
If I had more time to learn about VR and was able to redo the project again, I would probably attempt to create the app as an actual VR project on the likes of A-frame or Unity 3D. I think the ability to create a full-blown VR website from scratch would be an unbelievable achievement. Which leads me to the question, what do I wish I learnt before doing this project? And again it would be, that I wish I learnt in depth what it takes to create a real VR app. However, this is always something I could learn for for the next time I decide to create a VR app or website. 
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kamari333 · 4 years
I had to actually look back to see if I made any tumblr posts about these guys. I couldn’t find any??? So I guess this is my oppertunity to scream about these absolute fucking bastards.
Now. Um. Forewarning: I don’t actually know a lot about the original dreamtale. Or, I don’t keep up with it, at least. I read the first origin comic (and a bit of the cream ship comic) one time a while ago and... i dunno. found it lacking? I liked the premise but there was something distinctly missing in it for me. So these headcanons are more like an AU (an AU of an AU, surprise surprise, I’m on my shit again XD) that I thought up to help me enjoy the concept more when writing it. I’ve been calling it ‘Dr33mtal3’ in my head, but a friend named it ‘Dryad Dreamtale’ so either of those names work.
So. Dream and Night are tree spirits shaped like skeletons, born of the tree of duality to be its guardians. They were made to be more like monsters to better protect the tree and put its power to use.
Now, plants and gods (and especially god-plants) have very different ideals, morals, and expectations than mortals and humans and monsters. Dream and Night are half plant/god, but they are also half monster/mortal, so they cannot relate entirely to their tree mom or completely understand her. Likewise, she could not completely understand them. Thus, the twins understandably had a stressful, dysfunctional childhood and have long lasting mommy/daddy issues.
They also suffer from significant other kinds of trauma inflicted on them by their villager guardians.
So they are both psychologically fucked up.
They both have “wings” and “tentacles” but Night hides his wings and Dream hides his tentacles. Night’s wings are smaller than Dreams.
they aren’t actually tentacles though. they are roots and vines. because they are tree spirits. using those roots/vines, they can directly soak up energy and water. likewise, the “feathers” on their wings are actually leaves (except near the base and ridges, which are more like flower petals). they use these leaves to breathe in ambient emotions.
when injured, they bleed resin. that goop on nightmare? excess sap/resin he’s overgenerating thanks to consuming so many apples.
usually only strong internal emotions would make them do that. its only because of such strong internal emotions that nightmare continues to do that even after a thousand years.
i think that, being plants (which are terribly spiteful and innovative creatures) night and dream can control the consistency and nature of their sap and resin. dream keeps his sweet and sugary at all times, but nightmare switxhes between spicy-like-ghost-pepper-in-the-face caustic and rubber, and mild maple syrup, depending on his mood and how much he wants the person he is touching to hurt.
i think that dream is both terribly selfish and painfully selfless all at once, both kind and cruel. i think he is a very seelie fae who will never break a promise, but will not let you go unpunished for breaking yours. i think he has no problem breaking your legs if it means saving you from something else. dream will happily beat someone within an inch of their life, then nurse them back to health, if he thinks for a moment it is for the greater good.
nightmare goes to great lengths to make people hate him. at the end of the day he is as disgusted with himself as anyone else, but he does it and will keep doing it because if no one fears him, they will destroy him. nightmare is a terrible unseelie fae, but he will never speak an untrue word or break an oath once struck. it is not in his nature. he will rule with an iron fist, but he is just as capable of selflessness as he is of cruelty.
i think dream is so concerned with the big picture he sometimes forgets little details. i think he is the type to take in strays before he has a home to keep them in. he befriends ink and ink makes him a multiverse home to keep his people safe in. dream then takes it upon himself to make sure it stays operational, despite eventually accumulating a city’s worth of people in what was originally a 4 bedroom townhouse. lucky him that ink has his back, continually expanding as needed.
i think nightmare is far more artistic and clever than folks give him credit for. i think he enjoys making things. i think he is the type of man to take great pride in building everything he has himself. his castle is made out of his own power: stone made of his own resin, hardened into amber; wood grown from his own bones; tapestries woven of textiles made from his own leaves, pets, and processed wood. his castle of black amber is constructed of his own blood, sweat, and tears, lovingly handcrafted art for him to live in. all natural. all his. (such a shame he never got around to furnishing all of it, having only enough time and drive to do the first floor with how long handweaving the carpets took; such a shame no one noticed or cared because the fear for their lives overshadowed any awe they could have had upon seeing the delicate craftsmanship of the arching ceilings and looming statues).
i think dream and night both love fresh water and sunlight. they get incredibly sleepy if its too hot or too cold. they are terrified of fire, squirrels, fungi, and insects. they dont like birds much either. they easily get jealous of other plants (comically so, to the point of sassing or threatening or passive-aggressively insulting non-sapient rose bushes or fica or succulents they come into contact with). they are scared of mistletoe (being a plant that eats other plants, kinda).
i hc that dream with faint dead on his feet if he gets too scared, and nightmare screams like a white girl in a horror movie.
i like to think that because they are trees, they have a “season” (like heat, but for trees) where they are very pro-affection. their leaves turn pink and they involuntarily cover themselves in pink pollen that drives nearby creatures’ libido into overdrive. neither brother likes this, so when their season hits they hide away so nobody notices (night because he does not want to seem weak, dream because he does not want to inconvenience anyone else).
i like to headcanon that a holdover from their human attributes means each brother can only formulate one set of sex organs. i’ll give you a hint: nightmare is trans in my hc (be gay do crime). he takes great pains to make sure nobody knows this.
i like to think that both brothers hide all of this, hide all of their tree-ness as best they can, and instead hide behind the aspects of being an angel and a tentacle abomination in order to throw off anyone who might look for weaknesses. so nobody knows what they really are.
These are all superficial HCs of course. The big thing is that i wanted their natures to be... more complicated than simply good and evil. They believe and say that they are guardians of positivity and negativity (and in a way thats true), but only in its most simplistic of forms.
Dream is the aspect of Giving: he radiates pollen and magical influence to embue those around him with his power. He can give them emotions. He eats positivity, thats what sustains him, but his power is to give. He could just as easily give his people bad feelings as good ones (not that he knows this). However, Dream only knows and cares about giving positivity. So he does. He leaves his magic and influence on the souls of anyone who will give him the oppertunity, and once the door is open, he will continually feed them his power to make them happy. He will eat/breathe that happiness, converting it to energy, perpetuating the cycle.
But unmitigated mania has its drawbacks. There is a price to be paid in the end.
Nightmare is the aspect of Taking. He takes and takes, taking the emotions and energy of others for himself. He can even take the entropy out of an injury to heal a wound. Nightmare can take positivd feelings out of others, but for some reason his body doesn’t like him doing that and makes him sick/hurt. He has a much easier time taking negativity, draining away the hurt and fear and exhaustion, leaving a calming emptiness behind. Nightmare cannot process or use everything he takes for himself, needing to expell it as a waste product. He converts negative feelings (and the wasted energy disipated through entropy) into energy, which lets him continue his taking.
You cannot fill a hole that is already filled, after all. You must empty it first.
These two aspects are neither good nor evil in and of themselves. There are good and bad things about them. But these aspects have been oversimplified and misinterpreted by those around the twins that even they themselves do not fully understand what it is that they are.
and i think a story about them coming to understand themselves would be so much more interesting than a simple story of good vs evil.
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egg-emperor · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons for your self insert and Eggman
OHO you bet I do, especially since I have a bunch of fics of my s/i and Eggman that I’m literally never gonna post sdhkjdfhbkgbs //^w^//
I really appreciate your interest in my s/i because I don’t talk about him often thinking that people just might not really like to know. So it means a lot thank you :’D
Julian previously lived with a self-formed pack that mostly consisted of wolves and a few dogs. The point of them was to combat against Eggman’s Forces and basically serve to protect the place they resided. Of course having this connection meant that Julian heard about Eggman and all the terrible things he did all the time, being told about the latest news and past stories by the pack very early on in his life.
Despite being very well aware of how dangerous a man he is, Julian was always more intrigued than afraid. Having no idea when what he could possibly do next with how unpredictable he is was the exciting thing happening Julian’s life. He was very good at hiding it from the others though.
Julian was never a physical fighter so his position was to be the lookout, the one that warns the others of oncoming danger.
He didn’t do his job properly on purpose though lmao. Out of his fascination with all of Eggman’s creations from the biggest of mechs to the smallest of robots, he wouldn’t warn the others about seeing badniks because he didn’t want to contribute to them being destroyed. Despite them being programmed to be hostile, Julian would try to get as close to the odd motobug he saw just to get a better look at them.
He had absolutely no regard for his own safety and that only reached higher extremities when he’d sneak not far behind the pack to get even the slightest glimpse of Eggman in person. He still remembers and treasures the first time he got the closest he been yet. Which compared to now, was still very far away as he was up on top of a building lol. But he managed to see him there in his egg mobile just before he left and that was special to him!
I have multiple stories for how they first met personally but I’m still deciding on which one is the ‘canon’ version to my main story of them. Because I’ve settled on combining all my favorite parts into one, I’ll share what I’ve decided on for certain atm.
Eggman visited to see if there was any useful terrain for a base or more healthy animals to use for his pawns. This time he had his forces seize some of the most important members of the pack on the scene. Julian just happened to be one of the random extras they grabbed since he was lurking there. While that was everyone else’s horror, it was his luckiest day!
Eggman had a lot of ideas for what punishment he wanted to give the significant members that he had targeted. But first, he wanted to make sure he could break them down and control them to the point that they feel miserable and defeated, acknowledging his power and greatness for being the winner of the annoying ongoing battle between them. Before dealing with them immediately though, he had them temporarily work for him so he could mock and toy with them some more.
Since Julian was not a trained and skilled fighter like the others, he wasn’t closely involved until the third meeting. That’s when he was unexpectedly brought in and the former leader explained his position of being the lookout. As long as he could be useful to Eggman in the meantime, he could also serve some type of purpose rather than just sit in a cell until he decides it’s time to rid of them all. So he gave Julian a role in his current main base’s security room.
Eggman quickly noticed how visibly focused on him he was the entire time he was talking. Of course, when he can feel the attention on him it further boosts his confidence to the point where everyone can tell that he’s deliberately showing off. But Julian is just like me and recognizes him as a total asshole and finds that attractive about him along with everything else. Eggman announced to the others that he was an example of how attentive the others should be.
During the short time the pack had to follow Eggman’s orders, they were often scared into submission by his threats so much that hardly anyone dared to act up. They knew that their sentence would only become even shorter if they made their unwillingness too clear to him. Julian didn’t have to be told twice to do anything and served him the most willingly the entire time. The second he saw someone even consider an attempt to escape, he’d make sure Eggman knew about it.
It really didn’t take Eggman long to notice how much Julian was into him. He was already getting ideas the first meeting he attended but there was so much besides that which really made it obvious to him. The way Julian’s tail would wag like crazy when he entered the room. How happy he looked whenever Eggman was jolly, especially when he’d laugh. How he failed to hide his reaction towards even the slightest bit of physical contact between them. Even indirect contact like using something after he had, like drinking from the same glass as he did was something that he seemed oddly delighted about.
Most importantly he had many assets that Eggman found useful, such as his enthusiasm to hear him talk about himself and his work, how quickly he’d jump at the chance to serve him. Everything he did wasn’t even in an attempt to impress him or make him notice that he liked him, he did it all simply because he couldn’t help it. He just enjoyed stroking his ego and his satisfaction came from seeing Eggman happy and proud. The way he didn’t expect him to give him anything in return was also helpful in getting Eggman to realize that he had some worth lol
After he’d rid of all the other pack members he’d captured, Julian didn’t even seem to care what happened to happen to them. Instead, he was instead thrilled that he was kept alive for some reason because he still didn’t know why yet. That almost convinced Eggman that his desire to stay on his side was genuine. He was considering keeping him in management of his security and that’s why he was spared.
But he wasn’t going to reveal that to him just yet because he was soon thinking back to the times where people working under him would try to betray him or get something out of him, even after seeming to be pretty devoted to serving him. Even though Julian seemed to have the deepest passion for him beyond working, he wouldn’t overlook the possibility of him being a good actor and spy of some sort.
So he decided that he’d confront him about it and test his willingness. That way he could attempt to understand his true intentions. It’s not like he’d stand a chance against him if he did try anything against him in those moments, so he went for it. He ended up having Julian pinned up against the wall, demanding that he prove to him that it’s all real.
He said that there were no security cameras around, so he can do whatever he wanted and nobody would ever find out. He expected Julian to understand that if he had some plan to attack or betray him, now was his chance. But that’s not what he thought of with those words. And oh boy, did he know how to prove how he really felt. It was after that where Eggman knew for certain that it was real and things escalated between them from there when he took full advantage of his desire for him.
When Julian was staying with him at the base everything went well. Eggman liked how much the wolf made it clear that he would never ask so much out of him, never interfere with his work or speak against his orders because he understood and supported him in a way that no other person had done before.
Julian especially cheered on all his biggest dreams for Eggmanland, any latest plans and projects that he revealed to him and he loved to hear of all the stories of the evilest and cruelest chaos he’d brought upon people, lands and the entire planet. Hearing of it all from his perspective had been his dream ever since he’d been told about him.
The surviving (hint hint) members that had never been captured by Eggman attempted to come and ‘rescue’ Julian, but it was never a group effort. His former partners would take it upon themselves to go alone to find retrieve him, believing that he was being held there against his will. Most of them never figured out why he was so calm about being there and even after they reminded him of how dangerous Eggman is.
They were furious and appalled when they finally realized his betrayal of them for Eggman and how he completely supported the man’s actions. But it didn’t matter because none of them ever left the base unscathed to tell anyone else of their discovery. Eggman would threaten them and take action upon them himself so they’d never be able to even dare to try to come back again. Julian didn’t care what he did to them as long as it got them off their backs.
So yeahhh, Julian doesn’t have the power to be labeled a true villain like Eggman but he definitely isn’t a good guy huh XD He knows how to look and appear innocent and hide his much darker side. Eggman definitely helps bring it out of him and is a very bad influence without even really trying though heheh. They also have a lot of very deep and dark secrets that nobody else will ever know or hear of, if they do then they won’t live to tell the tale anyway. Eggman especially has always made sure of that. 👀
As time went on he realized that despite hardly being able to contain his immense amount of love for him, Julian was still very good at keeping the secrets they had together too. That’s why he eventually decided to also give him the role as a type of spy that could act and blend in well with their enemies.
He’d later go on to fool the Resistance as his spy by joining them and reporting back to his beloved with any necessary information he’d gathered. Despite a lot of close calls, Julian’s biggest accomplishment is that he managed to play the part right up to the moment where Eggman was about to drop the sun down on everyone. Then he finally got to join his side again and despite not expecting anything, he got quite the reward for that effort ;D
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myargentavislove11 · 5 years
La Strega del Mare (Part 2/3)
(Part 1: https://myargentavislove11.tumblr.com/post/188600262751/la-strega-del-mare-stand-and-oc )
‘La Strega del Mare’ began to have a true meaning when Amalia joined Passione, she started in the lowest position as part of a crew trafficking with drugs (And people) by the sea. La Squadra Marina, Passione’s biggest source of income. Used to work under other’s orders, everything she did was flawless. Never got complains from her superiors, only that she was a woman, and women where only sources of ‘Fun’. Many men got lost in the sea...
She quickly became the favorite of the severe but fair Alessandro Focaccia, the Capo of Squadra Marina, whose whole family, merchants from the sea, built and strenghtened with years of experience. And with bigger trust and responsabilities, her biggest nuisanse came in the shape of Leonardo Focaccia, Alessandro’s nephew . Who was a constant nail on her foot, putting the crew against her with rumors, messed enginery, risky missions under inexperienced leadership and sudden lost goods from the boats that he could get extra money from behind his uncle’s back. But La Strega del Mare had one last ace under her sleeve. She knew everything about the sea. She knew who was good for sailing in the dangers of the night or staying behind to secure the load, she knew who would get caught, who would sink and who would die drowned or shot. Dead Sea took care of the Police Boats and take back whoever had fell to the water. With a perfect record of races against Sea cops, many inmigrant and comrade’s lives saved under her and Dead Sea’s capable hands, the seas of Italy, Spain and beyond where her domains, even the men grew to respect her and assured she would be Alessandro’s successor, much to Leonardo’s disdain. Who would drown himself first into the sea than to obey a woman, he had to get rid of her, once and for all.
La Strega was received with a gun on her head the moment she stepped into the Spanish docks that night.
-’’Amalia, after all I have done for you, this is how you repay me?’’.-Alessandro said, the look of Leonardo’s smug face was everything she needed to know. He had turned the evidence against her and, as the good, loyal nephew he was, he couldn’t let her got away with it. But she knew who was behind everything, who had helped him stole the drugs and the money, DS was her ears and eyes everywhere the water touched, she just had to find a chance.
-’’What if I told I you I know who did it? And that that person is right next to you?’’.-She replied. The patriarch of La Marina raised a brow. He wasn’t blind, he knew his nephew despised her with a passion as big as his ego. He couldn’t afford to lose his best navigatore, it’s said that family came first, but in Mafia, under suspect of treason, family was meassured by loyalty over blood. He was a few years from retirement and the Focaccia needed a heir. They were Sea men, there was only one way to prove themselves worthy and loyal. So they were took to their boats.
-’’Only one of you can prove who’s worthy to sail another day, you will each race with one of our loads to the docks, the cops are on the chase this season, get safe with the last grain of load first, if you get trapped, better kill yourself because I am not affording to get their nosey asses into my bussiness, the one who gets there first will be the one who I’ll listen to, the other will be disposed of, once and for all’’.
The other members looked and argued between themselves incredulous, such a feat was of great bravery or just plain stupidity, the rain, wind and thunder were raging against the docks, going offshore in a weather like this was a death sentence, perfect for the best sailors to prove their wits and skills against the unforgiving sea. Amalia didn’t flinch under the hard gaze of Alessandro, she had went through and survived her most darkest storms as far as her memory could recall, looking into the void of darkness that she knew as the palm of her hand was like greeting again an old friend from long time ago, while Leonardo was visible shaking, but his pride would never allow him to cower in front of the subordinates, he could do this, he always won, everything would work in his favor as always.
He felt enraged when Amalia didn’t even spared him a glance, Who did she think she was? A nobody, a freak that the ocean spit from it’s darkness, while he was the rightful heir of the most powerful force of the Italian and Spanish seas, Yes, this was the last nuisance he would have to get rid of, and everything would be his, finally his.
When the gun was fired to the sky, the sound of the engines mixed with the raging waves. 
She knew the strengths and weaknesses of her ship as an extention of herself, knew when to ride certain waves, when to fight against the wind and where to let it guide her. She easily outmatched him, he could keep up, but he couldn’t even put the deck in front of her mark, always behind, always second, he was a good sailor, but he was reckless and impatient. And, as promised, the Sea Guard was on their tails, they didn’t wasted time and shot, trying to intercept at least one of the ships, being captured was not an option, the only penance for such humilliation was death, and either of them was willing to be fished today.
Amalia had her suspicions that she wasn’t the only one with something like Dead Sea, a spirit that make everything possible for her, she had slept with one eye open in her ship, no one near, and still the engine ‘Casually’ failed. And it was happening again, as she was losing speed, but this time, her body felt alarmingly cold, unable to move, as if a presence was holding her from the very strings of her soul.
-‘’Nightswimming! Take her down!’’.-She heard him shout between thunders. Great timing, she was like him, Alessandro too, but she didn’t have an idea of what either could do, Leonardo apparently could mess her engine and her body as she was touching the ship, Dead Sea was swimming not far away from her, about to come to her aid and kill him, unharmed by the ability, so she stopped her from coming closer, and instructed her carefully.
The cop’s boats were close too, about to shoot her.-’’We got ‘em!’’.
Suddenly, a reptilian creature jumped from the water with an ear shrieking cry and, with her long, sharp tail spliting in two, she pierced the motors with fiersome accuracy and ease, one ship overturned by the violent strenght of the hit with it’s passagers inside, the other barely hold itself together against the wild ocean. The bullet meant for her went towards his arm, making him scream and she was able to move enough to get as far away as she could, out of his range and, through the eyes of her Stand, close to the docks were Alessandro and his crew were waiting for the winner. 
 She reached the finish line with enough time to spare to turn down the engine and take his hand to got out of her ship. His nephew barely could control his own ship, as he held his bleeding arm washed by the rain.
-’’Uncle… She’s not one of us! Will you let this freak take over what our family had took so many years to build!?’’.-He screamed, hoping that at least some of the men would back him off. His uncle hold a hard, cold gaze.
-’’This ‘Freak’ Has bested you not once or twice, but every single time she drives her ship, while you were busy stealing behind my back, dear Leonardo’’.-He said as the young man panicked more and more.
-’’No! You can’t do this to me!’’.-He shouted back, the hard stare of the older suddenly made him not only mute, but to feel how his throat, lungs and veins were being strangled by invisible hands.
-’’I can’t, You say? You don’t decide over that, Monello...’’.
Leonardo held his throat and clawed desperately to his chest, his face went from pale to red to blue for the horror of the subordinates who didn’t have idea what was happening, and, as he said before, Leonardo Focaccia fell to the water and drowned, before admiting defeat to Dead Sea’s user.
-’’Now, Strega, tell me, has someone else took part in my nephews betrayal?’’.-He asked her, she looked at the small group between the men who looked at her in panic, pleading silently to be spared. That was enough payback for her years of hardships.
-’’No, Signore, not that I am aware of, Leonardo had it’s liking to get everything to himself’’.-She replied. Alessandro seemed pleased with her answer, so he put his hand over her shoulder and faced his crew.
-’’From today on, La Squadra Marina is under Amalia Cavalluccio’s command, As I, the head of the Focaccia, kings of the Italian seas, deemed her worthy of this title! Plead your loyalty to her and our cause, and pray that the sea receives you in it’s welcoming arms...’’.
------------------------------------------> To be continued…
@headoverjojo Finally! I got some issues with the format but now it’s on, baby! XD
Note: Alessandro’s Stand is called ‘The Great Beyond’ by R.E.M. and ‘Nightswimming’ also by R.E.M. 
Tell me what you think of this story at this point and your theories of how the Stands of the Focaccia family Works. X3
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meny-sempai · 6 years
OH MY GOD EP 15! That was so… UGH. I have so much to say, yet I’m speechless at the same time! Aaaaa! Ok, that’s it! It’s time!
The first season is over and I can finally talk about my experience with the piece of art that is Mo Dao Zu Shi. Yes, it is a piece of art and I will prove it to you in this short series of my thoughts about the show.
I just have to say – I’m not a native English speaker so bear with the mistakes I’m bound to make. I did read the novel, but only as far as the Exiled Rebels Scanlations translated it (thank you Rebels, you’re gods). I started reading the novel after the first airing of the third episode, so at the very beginning of MDZS mania – I went in blind and… it was FUNNY. I’ll talk more about that down below. And yes, I know a lot of spoilers, but I can’t say I know the whole story – If I start theorizing be aware that I’m just theorizing, I’m not actually telling the plot, but, just to be sure: SPOILERS ahead, I will use the facts I know for my analysis.
For the first two episodes I’m going to tell you my blind reactions and compare them with my impressions after finishing the season. My misinterpretations are hilarious and I admit I was really dumb. Enjoy my stupidity.
The rest of the episodes will have my impressions and analysis that I now have after finishing the show. There will be a few of these kind of posts on my profile because I can’t fit everything I have to say in just one. I don’t actually do analysis of shows here, because this is my personal art blog, but I sometimes make exceptions. As an animation student I just had to talk about Mo Dao Zu Shi. I want more people to see it. I want people to know that it is much more than BL.
So… Here we go!
INTRODUCTION – or, who the hell even asked for my opinion?
I’ve been a fan of anime/manga since I was 13, which was 12 years ago (I’m old, I know). Sure, I’ve watched Digimon, Pokemon, Bayblade and all that jazz when I was even younger, but that doesn’t count, because I had no clue about the concept of anime.
I’ve seen a lot of shit, I’m quite open to a lot of shit and if I’m in the right mood I can take a lot of shit, but I still regard myself as someone who has a good taste. The older I get the less time I have to take a chance at something I wouldn’t normally watch. Even if there is something I’d watch I usually end up not having time for it. Since I started studying and doing animation myself, my criteria for the quality skyrocketed. I long gave up on the three episode rule. One episode is enough to see potential if there is potential (some shows can still trick me – I’m looking at you Sirius the Jaeger).
Ok, ok, I’m not bashing on Sirius the Jaeger. I’m just saying the show had a lot of potential and threw it out of the window. If there was no Mikhail and Yuliy dynamics… Scratch that – if there was no Mikhail in the show, the story would have been completely empty. At least for me.
Since we’re talking about other shows, I’ll use this opportunity to declare Mo Dao Zu Shi as the animation of the year. Sure, the year’s still not over, sure I only watched Cells at Work, Free! Dive in to the Future, Sirius the Jaeger and BANANA FISH, but I still believe in what I say.
Sorry Cells, you’re cute, you make me care more about my body, you make me have weird feelings about Cancer (WTF). I wish I can show you to all the school kids in my country, but you’re not the best this time. Please, give me another season, thank you. Love the manga. Guys, please watch this anime!
Sorry Free, you… Pfff… Ok, yeah, FREE, I love you dude, thank you for all the sexy muscles and almost BL drama (and some actual deep moments). Thank you for all the Rin, we can never have enough of Rin. And thank you for Kisumi and Asahi – didn’t know I needed that. Thank you, but… yeah, know your place (hint: it’s right here in my arms).
Sorry Sirius, I wish you had more episodes to explore the story and the characters. Liked the OP and the animation.
Sorry BANANA FISH, oh god, I really am. Before MDZS I lived for you BF, I lived for you! I was an old fan of the manga and I was so hyped. I can’t say I’m dissatisfied with the anime adaptation. I liked a lot of things they did, the way they adapted stuff, added and changed stuff, but it was just too much plot for 13 episodes and the effects of it became clearer and worse while the anime progressed. I have no idea how MAPPA will handle the second season. My fingers are crossed. Guys, watch this anime. Even with all the flaws it’s worth your time. 
And yes, I watched Voltron and The Dragon Prince. This will be a really long post if I start on those, so I won’t.
So… YES. Mo Dao Zu Shi came out of nowhere for me and took the crown. Wow… where to start…?
How did I find this show…? Actually, how did this show find me? Well… It was my beta reader, I think. After 13 years of being a silent fan of Asian comics and animation, I decided to finally write a fanfiction. Surprisingly, it was for the small fandom of the Korean comic Noblesse (nobody cares, carry on). I don’t know why, but my beta told me about this new BL “anime”. When I realized it was Chinese I rolled my eyes. I’m an asshole, I know, but I just never liked anything I saw from the Chinese (I haven’t seen much, but what I saw was poorly animated/was in 3D and I’m not a huge fan of 3D). I also never liked the voice acting… Ok. OK, I admit! I never liked the language, ok? Shoot me!
Then… Everything changed when the Wen clan attacked.
Anyway… I was bored, I was lazy and didn’t want to do work for my university, so I said: “What the heck! Hit me with some Chinese BL.” I clicked on the first episode not even bothering to read the summary. Man… My expectations were the low of the lowest.
EPISODE 01 – or, what the fuck did I just watch and is there more of it?
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Oh shit… I’m terrible at names, especially Chinese names! Am I supposed to remember all this, is this important? The clans, the wars, the titles? This is BL, right? Should I take out my note book? Fuck, pause it. Ok… Ok… I get it? Let’s just continue.
(When I look at it now it was pretty clear. I really am dumb. To be fair, you need time to get used to how they use names. And for someone who never watched Chinese animation seriously and doesn’t know anything about the culture it really was a lot of new information. But don’t let that stop you from watching it!)
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Ughhhhh…. 3D… damn it. And it was going so well. Ugh, just look at those wings flapping! Are the wings broken? What the hell! Why do they do this?
(Lol, I was so triggered. XD The bird is actually fine. I like how the scene transitioned from the pupil of a scared man to the pupil of the crow. As if they were watching each other in the eye, only adding to the creepiness. The lighting is also great. Everything is dark and gloomy, fitting the “horror” atmosphere really well, yet at the same time the dark scenes are vivid and clear. It’s hard to make the misty night look clear and colorful. The flying is a bit iffy, but it doesn’t really matter because the effect of hundred birds covering the sky is strong and meaningful.)
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Holly shit! This is amazing! Pause it! No, go back, I wanna see this again. Oh my god, that flute! The music is awesome, I’m having goosebumps. Ooohh, love the music, I never heard something like this. Oh, this dude is so cool. Red eyes and zombies and… What is this show about again? Zombie BL? Really? It’s not really zombies, right? Please don’t be about zombies, I hate zombies.
(Honestly, this scene is stunning. A really effective way to reveal a character. Especially a character that we are not sure whether he is good or bad. The most amazing thing for me about this is how they used music. It isn’t just the background music to accompany the atmosphere. It isn’t there just to tell something about the character and make him stand out (it’s not a character theme). The flute is not alone here, there are many themes working with it. Together they are not there to tell us “this is a scary action scene” so feel this, or “this is a sad scene”, or a “funny scene”. No. The music here is its own art piece. It’s actually there to tell us in its own language the story that we are seeing on screen. I don’t know how to explain it. For me, the way the music changed was perfectly synchronized with the way people were saying words, the way Wei Wuxian moved his head, the way the corpses stood up to attack. If I close my eyes I can see the scene by only listening to the music. This is something that regularly happens in this show. I don’t know how they do it, but I applaud to it. I can’t remember the last time the music left such an impact on me in the animation series. And this is just the first episode and the first scene. We have no idea who these people are. We are not expected to feel emotional for them. But I felt the connection. I felt like I was there and the corpses were about to get me.)
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Ugh! 3D, you’re killing me! And it was such a cool intro! Ok, calm down, what are they saying? So… That’s the guy with the flute, right? No, it was Wei, but Wei Something else. No, wait, it has to be him. Go back. Yeah, it is him. What the hell is a courtesy name? Ok, never mind, try to remember.
Oh no…! More exposition, more names and clans! My brain is melting! Cool smoke/ink animation, though. Hmm, purple ring. Nice. That’s important, right? Oh! The amulet thing! Remember that. That’s gonna bite us in the ass later, ain’t it? Alright, so “Wei something” died. Killed by… shidi? So… the younger clan member? So…? This Wei also had his own clan? Am I getting this right? I’m probably not getting this right. Ugh, just watch the damn episode, quit pausing every goddamn second! It’ll explain itself.  
I like the OP! The similar smoke/ink animation and… Wow, ok, there are too many handsome guys here. I’ll have to focus. The music is catchy. I like the singer’s voice. Cool!
(I’m now quite fond of the 3D in here. The tortoise and everything. XD Also, in my defense - they have three names, like, come on. I didn’t see that coming. I don’t even have a middle name. Although, I do think having three ways to be addressed is pretty interesting. You can tell and convey a lot by just picking a name the character uses in his speech.
Fun fact no1. – at the time I couldn’t even recognition the names when they would speak. All of the words sounded the same to me, which was so unusual. I can now recognize a lot of words and phrases. And, I think… Well, you’ll see what I now think about Chinese and VAs. I’m just gonna say this: I’d like to learn Chinese just so that I can write a love letter to Guo Haoran.
Fun fact no2. – It took me 6 episodes to actually pay attention to the lyrics of the OP and ED and to realize that they are representing Wei Wuxian and Lan WangJi. That’s a really beautiful touch, very smart. And it brings so much meaning to the table when the ED changes. I don’t think I ever saw OP and ED used in this particular way.)
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Well, this is getting really dark and interesting. This Wei may be a refreshing MC. Probably a good guy at heart, but shady as fuck and ready to kill. I do have another name to worry about, but Mo is easy to remember (“Don’t close mountain” – if you know what I mean :P). I wonder if Mo is important to the plot. I see potential for some twists here. 
2D animation is looking good so far. I like how they made us look from the protagonist’s POV. Really refreshing directing… hmm… Still not buying the Chinese, but Wei has a nice voice. The music is still great.
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Bahahahaha! Scratch that, Wei is an idiot! Good to know that liquor is your priority, Wei! XD Omg the donkey, too, look at that face, look at the eyelashes!
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The fuck is this shit? Are those people flying? While standing? Are they standing on something? What the hell? XD Man, that sky is nice. Oh! Oh, oh, wait, those guys! Those were the shadows I saw a scene earlier. Mmm… Attention to detail. Nice. Looks like I’ll have to pay close attention to every scene. Been a long time I had to focus so hard on an “anime”.
(10 minutes and I was already very intrigued. I didn’t know shit, but I was in. With all the pausing I probably spent 50 minutes on this episode, but it felt like barely 20 minutes had passed. At the beginning I paused a lot because I was too slow to read the subtitles (no, I don’t watch dubs, I’m just too used to Japanese and their culture references that reading subs is child’s play, but this was new territory for me). I also paused a lot because I felt I’ve missed something, or because I was surprised at how some scenes looked. 
I don’t pause that often now. Mo Dao Zu Shi trained me to see and hunt for detail. As I said, it’s been a long time since I had the need to carefully look at the backgrounds and pay attention to all of the characters’ expressions. Mo Dao Zu Shi tells a lot in silence and in small details. It awards you if you take time to look at the scenery. When I find something that I’d usually miss, I don’t necessarily feel smarter, but I feel the show is treating me as someone smart. MDZS respects its audience. It makes them think and remember. Which makes this show 100% re-watchable. I watched all the episodes 3 times. Some I watched even more – like episode 11. And I always have a new experience. I love coming back to it. Even when I work I play the episodes and listen to them. It’s interesting. Try it. Try just to listen to the audio. It has rare quality to it. The sounds and music are used wisely and a piece of music always has a legit reason why it’s played.)
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Ok, this run is too slow. I get that he’s fat, but still, the foot exchange doesn’t fit with the distance he’s making. Also, the flying guys are not flying anymore. I got more info. And MORE NAMES. Kill me now. The info is interesting, though. Cultivators are Chinese exorcist, right? I really should have read the summery.
(I still think the running was not convincing. There are moments such as these in the show, but honestly, MDZS has fascinating animation and it only gets better in the later episodes (I’m not even gonna start with ep 11 – ep 11 will get its own post). The animators know what they are doing and the director knows how to make a scene work at full capacity.
Fun Fact no3. – D.Gray-man destroyed me. I now only know how to say “exorcist” the Japanese way.
MDZS also has a way of making seemingly stupid stuff look and be cool. Surfing on swords sounds pretty dumb, but when you actually see it and have it explained to you, when it has plot significance it becomes a fresh idea. I want to have my own sword to surf on!)
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Well, hello… Lan… Jingyi ~ (How do you read this? O.O) Mmm… I’m digging the art style. Cute boys~
Also, Wei, you’re a fucking genius! XD The Oscar goes to you, my dude.
(… I still think Wei Wuxian is a fucking genius. I’m not gonna talk a lot about him right now, but I just gotta say that he is such a classic MC, yet at the same time he is so original. He’s just one of the proofs how great the writing this series has.
Speaking of writing – this show has some of the best dialog I’ve ever seen. Not only because of what is being said, but also because of the VAs, directing, music and animation. Dialog often has more than one meaning and always serves to deepen the characters and their relationships. I love how they use animation to show how the characters are truly feeling while saying something and what they actually mean when they say it. Everything they say has a reason and it makes you pay attention to other’s reaction to what is being said. I love how the character can say the same thing in so many different ways and that this is used to show his development and growth. I’m also amazed at how simple “hmm-s” and “mmm-s” mean so much in this show. 
I’m not saying character animation and rich expressiveness is something new, but it is rare and this show is really good at it. For example, quite a few characters laugh or cry but they all do it differently. They raise their eyebrows differently, they’re surprised and scared differently etc. This all sounds as a no-brainer, but it’s not so common. It’s difficult to pull off and I’m not saying MDZS is perfect, but it’s close.)
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(Please… You think you can take down someone who spent his whole life perfecting the art of climbing up trees? Pff! You’re not Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan.)
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(He looks so comfortable among corpses. It’s funny, yet so sad. These are all great hints for the mind-set of a character that you’ll miss at first watching, but you won’t forget about it. And when the memory clicks – it makes a loud click. Not a second is wasted in this show. Everything has a point. I’ll elaborate more on that with some examples in other posts.)
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Bahahaha! I feel you bro! XD
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But I feel you too. I mean, I don’t care about you, wench, don’t get me wrong, but it’s kinda sad. I’m liking these zombies. They’re my way of creepy and there’s potential for a deeper plot for them if it’s true that their personalities are still there somewhere. This just adds to the debate whether Wei is good or bad. The grey area… I love the grey the most. All 50 shades of it. And I’m enjoying the mystery vibe of this episode. Was there a mystery tag on this “anime”? Also, the fight scenes are not bad. And it’s cool how they all hate Wei but use his technics and knowledge. Realistic. Cool.
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Oh my god! The colors! Whaaat? What the hell, look at that hair animation! And the music from that… string thingy- instrument – so cool. Ooohh, wait, this is the white dude, THE dude. Here comes the BL!
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Ooohhh, I see what you did there. Kudos for you, director! Similarities and contrasts. Nice. And it’s over, I can’t believe it’s over! How can you cliff hang like that?! There’s a second episode, right? Mm, the ED is so pure. There IS a second episode! Well, while I’m here, don’t mind if I do!
EPISODE 2 – or, how I got everything wrong!
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I bet he’s thinking: “The fuck is with this aim? The little shit almost killed me! I’m annoyed and amazed! Better play a fool and run for it.” But, seriously, that aim! Wei actually paused (love the little wobble effect on the arrow). And I have another name to remember! Ugh! And another color! Are they color coded? That could be helpful. Also, look at that tree. Wow… They’re blending the 3D backgrounds quite well with the 2D.
And Mo is important to the plot! Nice! So he has connections with the Yellow clan. The plot thickens.
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I just gotta say – all of them have interesting designs. I wonder if every cultivator has his own sword. Bleach style or something. On the other hand, animators must be pulling out their hair because of all the details. XD
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Cool little battle. Great camera work. They showed the difference between a student cultivator and an experienced one in an entertaining way. That soul summoning was nice too.
(This fight served as a nice show of power difference. It adds a lot to the future episodes where all of the main cast are students and have to face various trials. It gives us a hint at how powerful the clan leaders must be, it gives us a new perspective on the war and its casualties. We now get why many cultivators died so “easy”. It also hints at how talented students are different from the average which is an important detail in the plot. This little “unimportant” fight grounds it all and makes the levels in the clan system believable and palpable.)
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This is really clever. Kudos for the reflection. Wei, haven’t you ever watched an anime? It’s clear the kid doesn’t have a mom. He probably doesn’t even have a dad.
(Ok… prepare for a full on fangirl attack.)
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… My ears are tingling.
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… This voice… Oh my ears, please calm down, something big is happening right now. Wait… Oh wow, he knows him! Look at the face he’s making, oh shit! And this new guy…! We haven’t even seen his face and he’s making threats! Hmm… Can’t say I don’t like that. Yeah, I like that… He’s gonna be the villain, isn’t he? I always like the villains and they always have the best voices. Well… if he’s a villain, let’s hope he’s hot-
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Oh, wow, this is really good. The way the light appears, and that little shine of the… bell? Purple… Purple? The purple ring? Is this connected? Well, anyway, he has a pretty dramatic reveal and nice music – yep, he’s the bad guy. Let me see your face-
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Wei… why are you so scared? They sure take their sweet time in revealing this guy. This may be more important than I thought. Don’t miss anything!
(Are you prepared?)
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HOLLY MOTHER OF GOD WHAT THE FUCK OH MY GOD WHAAATT??? Was he this beautiful in the OP? Whaaaatt? AAAAHHHHHH!!!! SCREENSHOT! WALLPAPER! GO BACK, REPEAT THE SCENE! YOU! YOU, MY BOY, HAVE ENTERED MY HAREM. Oh what a day to be alive! Mmmm, ok, calm down, we’ll draw him later, let’s try to focus. Jiang Cheng. Ok, it’s a more common name, I’ll remember him. Heh. Like I could forget this boy. Oh, no, not a boy, a MAN. This is a man. Uhuhuhu~
(Aaaand my mind was a bit hazy for the rest of the episode – you will see the results.
Fun fact no4. – Immediately after this episode I looked up MDZS on Tumblr and realized that the fandom is calling Jiang Cheng JC. Still under the effects of what I just saw I thought calling him God was quite appropriate.)
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NICE PROFILE!!! Is he going to be the other love interest for the MC? Are we gonna see the cliché love triangle? If it’s with this dude, maybe it won’t be so bad~ Ok, seriously, watch the show!
Ok, the magic light here is a nice touch. This Jiang Cheng is a bit cold even to his nephew. He doesn’t recognize Wei, but that’s expected. Wei is strongly reacting to him. What’s the connection? Judging by the music – it’s sad? I expected something more, I don’t know, menacing? Evil? But it’s just sad. Maybe he’s not a villain. That… that could open so many doors… TO MY KOKORO.
“Feed your dogs.” Ouch, that’s dark. Someone really hates the “demon” cultivators.  
“Could this boy be…?” What? What is he? Want’s the connection? Should I know, did I miss something?
The white dude and my purple man clash! Holly, Jiang Chang sounds pissed (passive aggressive enough?), while White poster boy here doesn’t give a damn! XD Ahahaha! Could Jiang Cheng be the Chinese tsundere? No, no, no, let’s not call such a man a tsundere. It’s too early.
Oh, Uncle is the leader of the sect. Nice. How old is the Uncle? Is he married?
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This obvious metaphor of concealing the light is distracting me from fangirling. It’s interesting how it connects with the Jiang Cheng reveal. I feel that… shit is about to go down.
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I was right! He’s the ring! What does the ring represent? And he’s doing what I always do! I play with my ring like that all the time! Nice.
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SCREENSHOT! Oh, but he’s pissed. Oh, but I love the way he looks at me~ I feel all mushy.
Ha! Interesting. He’s smart, he has some self-control. Refreshing. But don’t turn your anger at your nephew, please. Also, it seems like the white dude and the Uncle have some history. Hmm…
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I thought so. The white dude was the one who killed Wei. The tragic love. I can already see it.
(Yep. I thought Lan WangJi was the Shidi who “killed” Wei Wuxian. You are allowed to face palm.)
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Oh no… I know where this is going. And the music…
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Oh man… It’s the second episode and I’m already having the feels. What happened, Wei?! I refuse to believe you’re a bad guy!
But, I get Wei’s reaction to Jiang Cheng now.
(I don’t know how it happened, but I was thinking… What if she was killed by Jin Zixuan’s sword? We know Wei Wuxian stopped using his. From this shot we know he wasn’t the one who stabbed her, so was it Wen Ning? It’s obvious he was involved in the tragedy. As far as I know SPOILERS Wen Ning killed Jin Zixuan. If the killer sword is the one we know – if it’s Jin Zixuan’s then Wei’s reflection in this episode has a deeper meaning.)
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Bahahaha I feel you, honor student. I like the kids.
(Honestly, they balance the humor and the serious stuff masterfully.)
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I died.
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This is giving me Gantz PTSD. That shit gave me nightmares. Nephew is really bold.
(I believe Jin Ling has some of his Uncle Wei’s recklessness and hero complex, but he also wants to prove himself just like his other two Uncles. I’ll talk more about them in another post.)
Uuhh, Wei is playing the flute! Risky, I like it.
(Ok, people. Be prepared for the ultimate face palm.)
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Oh my god! Don’t tell me he summoned his own body! This resembles the scene from the narration… and he’s wearing black!
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I’m right! Nephew wants revenge! Great shot by the way. You can feel the rage in the movement.
(You face palmed yet?)
I really love the way they use the flute! It depicts the flow of the camera so well!
… Wen… Wen what? Wen Ning? Who’s Wen Ning? What? Wait, are they talking about the corpse? What’s going on??? O_O Who’s Wen Ning?! Did I miss something? What’s the full name of the MC again? Ugh… This is so tiring… Ok, never mind, enjoy the beautiful flute song.
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I swear to god, this guy is illegal!
Oh, boy he figured it out too and he’s… sadistically happy? Eh… But, I get it. If he believes that Wei killed his sister, I get it. And her husband? Did he “kill” the dad, too?
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I can’t believe he has a whip AND a braid? And he’s purple??? Did someone look into my diary? Is it Christmas yet? XD Am I dead?
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Did he just smile? Am I imagining things? XD I can’t figure him out!
Please! Don’t lie, white dude! “He’s path is uncommon”, yeah right, we all know what you want.
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(This would have annoyed anyone no matter who said it, but because it was Wei Wuxian, I think it was even more annoying in Jiang Cheng’s head. Wei Wuxian knows him too well. It’s even funnier when you know that JC is blacklisted. XD He’s no good even to the lunatic.)
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And at this exact moment Wei knew he fucked up. XD This is golden. 
... Please DON’T turn into rape BL.
(It so DID NOT.)
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Oh Wei, you’re no match for this guy! :D
Hmm, looks like we’re going back in time. I love me some juicy flashbacks. Can’t wait to see more.
... I can’t believe I actually like this zombie BL. I just hope they don’t fuck up the animation later on.
(And the rest is history. As you can see - I’m obsessed.)
That’s all for today! Next posts will have more character, story and art analysis. Hope you liked this and please forgive me for making this so long. See you! 
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pixie-mage · 6 years
So you want to get caught up with Jack’s 2018 Ego Content before he gets back from tour?
Here’s a summary of the videos you need to watch, in a linear order, without any major spoilers as to what’s in them.
At this point, almost everybody is aware that Dr. Schneeplestien has officially returned! It started the night before the first video of the Ego-pocolypse was uploaded, when a new photo appeared on Jack’s instagram feed.
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The following morning, Jack uploaded the video:
THE DOCTOR IS BACK | Gastric Bypass, Liposuction Surgery
This one is definitely worth watching all the way through, but if you want to JUST watch the important content, then you can start this video at 18:39.
The next video that you’ll want to watch is three uploads later, and the beginning of the Stories Untold series. In my opinion, this is one of my FAVORITE series that Jack has played, not just because of the Ego content hidden in the videos, but also because the game itself is just phenomenal. So I’d DEFINITELY recommend watching all four of these in their completion. But for now, here’s the FIRST video:
WATCH THIS WITH THE LIGHTS OFF | Stories Untold - Chapter 1
The intros for these videos are all distinct, and you might want to listen to them all...just in case. For this one, if you only want to watch the end clip, start at 21:52.
The video following this one is a weird one.
Barry Has A Secret
It’s a quirky game in which you’re a killer(?) who has to hide a bunch of chopped-off body parts before the police come into your apartment. You really only need to watch the end for this one. Start at 11:55.
THEY ARE LISTENING | Stories Untold - Chapter 2
Again, you’ll want to listen to Jack’s intro for this, because it might be important. Nobody’s really sure yet. The ending for this might just be related to the game and NOT an Ego thing, but....still. We’re including this whole series. If you want to see the ending clip, start at 30:20.
The second upload that day was a game called Yet Another Exhausted Day. The video doesn’t have any real Ego-related stuff but...the reoccurring theme of Sleep and Nightmares is one you should keep in the back of your mind.
The next video?
THEY’RE HERE! | Stories Untold - Chapter 3
Now, this is where things get interesting. In the game, we realize that all four episodes of this tale are connected. The game episodes are connected, the levels themselves. But it definitely carries over to the channel too, because it becomes very very clear that the videos Jack has been uploading are connected too. He and Robin have been very careful in picking games and in telling their story. The games match the story. You’ll want to remember that.
Now, again, watch the introduction for this video. If you choose to skip the rest of the video to ONLY watch the Ego clips, then just know that this particular episode deals with the concept of somebody being in a coma. You NEED to be aware of that. Again, timestamp for the final clip: 40:59. (Morse code at the end spells out “Where Am I?”
On to Episode 4 of Stories Untold.
IT WAS ALL CONNECTED! | Stories Untold - Chapter 4
Intro, again. Like before. And again, I recommend watching these all the way through. But this one - this is a real, legitimate, live-action scene, one a little more in-depth that what we saw with Schneep’s grand return. Jack and Robin have gotten very creative with their filming and editing, haven’t they? ^^ Anyway, to JUST watch the final clip, start at 45:07.
And then, in the next video, we see the returned “sleep” theme brought up again, this time with nightmares. (It’s also important to note that at some point in the day or two before this video went up, Jack posted a rather interesting photo on his Instagram feed that showed him in red lighting, wearing Chase’s shirt, with Marvin’s mask hanging in the background. (Marvin’s mask also appeared in the background of Jack’s stream the next day, as well as a regular video on the channel.)
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Try To Fall Asleep!
This video is the one with the most sly easter eggs. I mean, we’re talking secret frames hidden in the static BETWEEN the frames. It’s ridiculous, and major props to Robin for doing all this. You might not catch any of it the first time you watch it. There are so many, it’s hard to link to all of them...so instead I’m going to link to my post where I already compiled all the easter eggs for the video: [That Mask Sure Looks Familiar]
The following day, one of the biggest theories we had in the JSE community was basically confirmed: The Coma Theory. I won’t go into detail, but I’ll let you draw your own conclusions from the video that “Jack” uploaded that day.
TIE - A Game About Depression
At first, the video seems fairly normal...but the further into it you get, the more it starts to feel like Jack isn’t acting like himself. References are made that make it more important to watch the whole thing from the beginning to the end, but if you’re not able to watch videos about depression I can fully respect that. To see only what NEEDS to be seen, you can go ahead and start your video at 9:52.
The video gives us a more clear picture of what’s really been going on in these videos, on the channel, during the Ego storyline. It blew people’s minds - and the reaction it got was only beaten by the next Ego-centric video that Jack uploaded, a full three days after TIE.
Dark Silence
And hoooooly shit was this a good video. While you don’t need to watch it all the way through, there IS a point in the middle that is worth noting and you SHOULD watch. It starts at 12:34 and it changes the visual mood of the rest of the video due to lighting. Good job on that one, Jack! It was so effective! ( ‘ ‘)b Starting at about 18:20 the gameplay changes, from exploring an abandoned gas station to suddenly exploring an abandoned hospital. And this is crucial. If you’re looking to bypass all gameplay, the ending clip starts at 20:35, but I’d recommend starting at the hospital segment of the game. It makes it that much more effective.
The next game...well I might not count it as Ego content, but you never know.
The next morning he uploaded Baldi’s Basics which has kind of gone viral on YouTube recently lol. But the amount of references to parents in it put a lot of theorists on edge, whether it meant anything or not.
The next (and so far, final) Ego-centric video was uploaded four days ago. It was the first upload of the day with a rather unsettling introduction, it ended on a chilling note, and the second upload was a full hour late afterwards. Needless to say people are eager to see what might happen next, but with how close Jack is to leaving for tour I’m not so sure we’ll get anything else before Thursday.
This one, you’ll want to watch all the way through. You won’t want to skip anything here. But if you really ARE just trying to watch the most important parts of these videos, you should watch the introduction, then once Jack starts to play the game with his normal banter, you can skip to 14:21.
UPDATE: Jack, like the little shit he is, uploaded another video with Ego content literally two days after I finished and posted this. So...ya know. Thanks for throwing more Mentos in my Coke bottle, Jackaboy. xD
ANYWAY! The next video:
In the aftermath of the last video, seeing the normal intro in this one was almost disturbing. Going in I already suspected First Winter would have Ego content, due to Jack’s pattern of playing horror games for Anti-based plot in recent weeks, so I wasn’t surprised by the inclusion of creepy moments. It didn’t make it any less unsettling or impressive though. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the video as a whole, so it’s worth watching it all the way through if you have the chance.
If you’re just here looking for the Ego clip that should be tacked onto the end of this one, that’s gonna be a little harder. See, there really...wasn’t one. Much like in Try To Fall Asleep, the creepy easter eggs were sprinkled between frames of the game, some of them visual and some of them audial. For ease of showing them all in one compilation, I’ll instead link you to a video post created by @redpocalypse where they put all the odd occurrences together for the community’s viewing pleasure. [Well that wasn’t in the game]
Hopefully that wasn’t too long of a post, but still thorough enough for you to follow the trail of videos and catch up. Have fun watching, and have fun theorizing!
- Pixiemage
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siarven · 6 years
20 Questions Tag
I got tagged by @reinkings to do this tag game, thank you so much :3
1. Is there any scene from any piece you’ve written that actually scared you? If so, describe the scene.
Hm… I’m not really one for horror? I don’t really like watching or reading it so I haven’t really written any, either.
2. What genre do you feel most awkward writing?
Romance. I'm horrible at anything concerning flirting and stuff like that xD Horrible!
3. How many different types of writing do you write? Types of writing include novels, short stories, poetry, song lyrics, etc.
Mostly novel-length stuff, though they usually end up getting longer than just one book. Also short stories, and one-shots. I wrote poetry when I was younger (but I am probably rather bad at it). Also I never wrote a song, lyric-wise, only making up melodies etc without lyrics.
4. How old were you when you first started writing?
Writing as in writing stuff down, or storytelling? I can't remember a time when I didn't tell myself stories (out loud, until I managed to do it in my head later on). I started writing them down as soon as I could write, haha (so near the end of first grade). Most of the stories from that time are about "Feelie" ("Fee" means fairy in German...) who was, oh wonder, a fairy! And had veeery long hair. And a flying unicorn. xD The stories are kind of very cute and slightly embarassing, and very stereotypical XD Also there was Lisa, my next ... "OC". There were a lot of different iterations of her, because I never finished anything before getting a better idea and subsequently starting again from scratch XD
5. How confident are you in your writing?
Hm. Sometimes I am really sure that what I'm doing is amazing (usually when I just came up with a really mean plot twist or magic system or found the perfect solution to a plot hole) ... only that usually doesn't last very long XD I would be lying if I said that I don't care about what others think, but at the same time, I also don't? I'd love to be published one day but if it comes down to it, I'm writing for me, and only me. I feel so blessed to have found this community, and that there are others who are coming to love my characters as much as I do. But I would write these stories even if nobody were interested in them. So... I don't know, I think I'm getting better at the confidence thing :)
6. Have you ever written and posted anything that was very personal to you?
I don't think that I've ever posted anything? I write Morning Pages (sadly not as frequently as I should), which are 3 pages of stream of consciousness, first thing after getting up in the morning. It helps a lot. But it's also the sort of thing I won't ever upload anywhere cause it's deeply personal and I would feel very uncomfortable giving it to anyone. I've been thinking about uploading a cutesy (rather personal) short story, though. I wrote it for my mother as a birthday present some years ago :D
7. What inspired you to start writing?
I... have no idea? I've told myself stories before I could write, so... I have no idea. I should probably ask my mother if there was some sort of catalyst xD I didn't even start reading of my own free will until 2nd or 3rd grade, but since then I've never stopped so... xD Anyways, my father read me bedtime stories every night when I was small so maybe that? I never really watched a lot of TV until 10th grade when I discovered the mysteries of the online stream and suddenly had a lot of stuff to catch up to... and now I'm studying film xD (My parents are still confused by that because I was a kind of late bloomer concerning cinema and tv :D )
8. Which of your OCs do you relate to the most?
Uh... let's see. I think maybe Jouka? He’s from my wip firewings, and I love him a lot.
9. Have you ever written self-insert fanfiction?
Maybe not *fan*fiction but maybe self-insert fiction when I was young xD All that fairy and princess stuff... most definitely self-insert, haha.
10. What is your favorite piece you’ve ever written about?
Uhm… I haven’t written it yet? But when I’m done with Dreams and Shadows I’ll go and write Icicle Soul. It has some of my favourite characters, plot lines and plot twists in it and I’ve been looking forward to properly writing it since forever :D
11. How frequently do you actually sit down and write?
I try to write every day. It does not work. I always end up doing tag games instead because there are still so many to finish.
12. How many hours at a time do you do research on your writing?
Sometimes it escalates and I spend the whole day reading up on stuff on wikipedia and then end up source-riding until there’s no way back and I have 3000 tabs open. XD
13. Do you like to branch out in your writing or do you tend to stick to what you know?
When I was younger my stories tended to include a lot of the stuff I was interested in at the specific moment, and were influenced strongly by the things I’d read recently. Now I try to challenge myself a bit to write stuff that I’m bad at, or to use writing to explore things that I don’t really know yet :)
14. What would your antagonist of your current WIP say to you if they saw you in person?
I think that depends on if they know that I’m the writer or not xD If not I’d be far too insignificant. If yes, I would probably be subjected to a lot of threats, and curses. And assassination attempts, so they can wrangle control back.
15. Do you consider yourself your OCs’ god or just kind of a guiding hand (or other? If other, please list)?
Well. I’m not very good at being a god, I guess, since they always decide everything on their own. Or change, without me wanting them to. Or do something totally unexpected. So, I’m probably more like a guiding hand, haha.
16. What do you think you’d be doing with your time if you’d never gotten into writing?
Well, I do study 3D animation and do art, so I guess I’d be somewhat better at that because I’d have more time to practise. xD
17. Have you ever written a smut piece?
Nope. I'm very bad at romance and smut and stuff like that.
18. What was the first thing you ever wrote about?
Oooh. I remember a story about a tiger and a rabbit :D Also, the Feelie stories above… the first thing that ever got longer than a few chapters had no title and was vaguely like Eragon.
19. What is the most creative creature you’ve ever created for world-building?
Creatures are the best! Hm. The most creative creature… I don’t know, actually? They’re usually very plausible creatures because I want them to feel possible. Like, if that world really existed, it would totally make sense if the creature did, too, you know? I always think of evolution, too, and how it could have been formed by its environment and stuff like that. I have very big folders filled with that stuff :D I have bloodthirsty and very murderous unicorns in Morning Star, though, and for Dreams and Shadows there are tons of different kinds of dragons that I’ve put a lot of thought into. I have rebuilt Alearis’ ecosystem from scratch, and I just vaguely remember the horse-like creatures that exist in the world of Firewings instead of horses. Honestly, there are so many more but I have probably made more creative creatures for art-purposes.
20. Tell me one random fact about your WIP that you have yet to tell your followers.
Dreams and Shadows was born during German class in 11th grade. I had an image of a young boy in my head, standing behind his mother who was crying in front of his comatose body. It was only ever supposed to be a short story, and it was supposed to be this melancholic, sad and beautiful thing. And then I wrote it during NaNoWriMo and the original plot was done after 30,000 words but I still had 20K words left to write in order to win so Ava, his little sister, got a storyline of her own, and angels and demons entered the fray, and now Ava has somehow taken over the story and that slow, beautifully-sad thing has grown and become something else entirely :D It’s also no longer set in our world, the angels and demons have become something else, it’s one of my favourite worldbuildings yet and there are dragons! 200% better ;)
tagging: @madmooninc @romenna @asttralhell @lynnafred @authordai if you want to :D
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bearfeat42 · 6 years
Another Tag Thingy!
I was tagged by @iamnightbreed and @lilytook. I will first answer nightbreed’s questions, then the one lily did, and then post my own.
✰ answer the questions given to you by the tagger
✰ write eleven questions of your own
✰ tag eleven people
1. Are you a fan of horror movies/fiction? I am not. I like to sleep at night and be sort of comfortable walking home alone. And also horror gives me random scares in the middle of the day and like during conversations and I get deeply depressed even thinking about that one time when I was 8 and saw the first It movie and just no. NO. I might have unfollowed some people on here because they were posting evil clown shit again. *crawls under a pillow and watches every feelgood movie ever*
2. If you could hear any metal band cover any classic rock song, which band would it be and which song? I really want to hear Ghost to I Want to Know What Love Is by Foreigner. Idk if Ghost is metal enough for this question, though xD
3. Do you/have you ever smoked marijuana? Yeah, and I kinda like it, but I am not a stoner. I am more into booze.
4. Did you have a pet as a child that you adored and still feel nostalgic about? I had a lil guinnee pig and she almost turned 10 which we did NOT know piggies could get. My sister had one too, but when they became old ladies they started to straight up eat each other alive, so my sister’s piggie went to live at my dad’s house and mine at my mom’s. I think they were both kinda mean and lonely, because my sis and I were teenagers and couldn’t be arsed to show our animals some attention at that time. In hind sight, they were adorable.
5. If you could relive the last 5 years, would you do anything differently? Gawd, so many things. I would have tried to be more outgoing on my semester abroad and make more international friends, and maybe make it a whole year abroad… I fucking miss Iceland. I would have tried harder not to sink into my huge depression after getting back and becoming a sort of an alcoholic, but maybe I needed that low point. I would not have started grad school before REALLY figuring out what I wanted.  I would have dyed my hair pink sooner. I would have discovered Ghost sooner! So. Many. Things.
6. What’s your worst fear that you know is irrational but just can’t shake (assuming you have one…)? That everybody hates me, but that’s just me being an anxious mess *ding*
7. If you had unlimited funds, what is the most selfish thing you would use them for? Right now I can’t think of anything better than have someone clean my house.
8. What’s your favorite way to relax after a stressful day? Have a glass of wine, some friends or a nice series, scroll endlessly through tumblr. Have I mentioned wine? Also I can recommend anyone to invest in a good vibrator.
9. What is the worst movie you’ve ever really enjoyed in spite of yourself? Twilight. Sue me.
10. Do you enjoy reading and if so what’s your favorite genre? I used to read all the things, but lately it just doesn’t seem to happen that much. So fan fiction, lol. But for real, I love historical novels and good, solid fantasy. Like, without the unnecessary sexist stuff.
11. What is the earliest band obsession you can remember having? Probably HIM. I am so happy I saw their memorial tour, but I am MORE happy that I saw them in 2017 and not  2007, because Ville Valo’s sexy ass was tripping balls. Ah, my sis and I had a swell time.
1. If you were to learn a new language, which one appeals to you and why? I speak a couple of languages, but my German and French have been appalling because I have been neglecting it like crazy. I feel like if I would really focus on these languages, I wouc be able to get fluent in like a year or two, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess I can’t be arsed. I would love to learn Swedish. It sounds so otherworldly to me. Maybe I shouldn’t try to learn it, in fear of it becoming ordinary to me.
2. What is your favourite thing you like about your hometown? That I left lol
3. Who are your top 3 favourite musicians (as in bands and/ or solo artists)? Ghost, Magna Carta Cartel, and lately I’ve been really into Fleetwood Mac.
4. Where in the world would you like to visit most? I would love to travel the trans-Siberian railroad. It crosses through Russia and Mongolia into China. As a huge history nerd I would be thrilled to take that trip. Also I will travel Scandinavia in a year or so. And I would love to visit Vietnam and Nepal.
5. Have you ever pulled a sickie to go to a concert or anything of that sort (comic con etc)? Yes XD. Ain’t nobody keeping me from my musics.
6. Do you have any siblings? If so, who is the eldest? A sister. Were twins.
7. What is your favourite beverage? Black coffee, darling! Anytime. To be honest, I had to learn to love it, but now I can’t live without it.
8. What would you do if you bumped into your celebrity crush/ squish? Well I might fucking bump into Martin in about three weeks, aren’t I? @lilytook squeeee I wouldn’t know what to do, would you?
9. If your life was turned into a movie, what genre would you like it to be and who would you pick to play you? I would like it to be like a very slow arthouse movie. One that could give you squishy feels but also I-wanna-die-this-is-so-sad feels. Who could play me? Bruh idk. I would have picked Lena Dunham judged on season one of Girls but BOI DID LENA DUNHAM GET DUMB AND ANNoying. You know what? Danielle Brooks. I would want Danielle Brooks to play me. People might actually think I was cool buwhhahah
10. Do you have any interesting party tricks you can do? I can drink more than you, is that a party trick?
11. If an intelligent alien species were to come to Earth, and the world leaders chose you to be our representative, what would you say to them? “Don’t go any further. It’s not worth it.”
Now my 11 questions! To answer these, I tag @arch-angel @crystal8325 @paganlatte @tekni @ghoul-thirst @autumnalmistress @mercyfulkate  @h3rblkw1ngs @hoodedfigure-no99 and @ethne-dragon
1. Name three things you like about yourself and one thing you would change.
2. Have you ever dyed your hair? Would you like to?
3. Which musical instrument would you like to play?
4. What was the best year of your life?
5. Do you value romantic relationships or platonic relationships more?
6. Do you drive a car, and do you care which care you drive?
7. What is your favorite thing to cook?
8. Do you move around a lot or have you always stayed in the same place?
9. Wouldn’t you agree it’d be just great to live as a cat for the rest of your life?
10. Do you still like being on tumblr?
11. How do you think you’ll grow this year?
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thedarkenedkeeper · 6 years
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Alright, it's 6:40 P.M., I'm stuck in 2017 for the next 5 hours and 20 minutes, but whatever, I figured I'd take the time to actually make a list of the highlights of this year (which I will admit, is a tad hard to do given how my brain usually finds it easier to pinpoint the negative stuff first). I was originally thinking of making a bit of a video of me actually talking about it all - you know, so I feel like I'm actually pouring my heart out to you guys and like I'm talking to some close friends - but alas, I'm a socially anxious bean who just doesn't have that sort of bravery just yet, so I'm sticking with typing this all out! I'm sorry! XD
This may be a bit of a long post, so if no one reads this, I don't care. I just felt the need to do this - it's good to pinpoint the good memorable things versus the negative. So here I go!
1) Getting myself into watching not just Jack and Mark but other YouTubers as well. I started watching Jack and Mark around the end of November/earlier December of last year, but I never actually started watching one video a day until some time in January, and it was around that time when I also decided to give other YouTubers a chance as well (Pewdiepie, Crankgameplays, NateWantsToBattle, danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, and Thomas Sanders). Now it may seem weird that I've added this to my list, but if anyone has seen any of my past posts, then you know that the last three years for me were an emotional hell, and admittedly, I still have unexpected depressing episodes every now and again. Discovering these guys and watching them, while they don't take away all of my pain permanently, they do manage to give me a distraction whenever I'm being WAY too hard on myself. They manage to calm me down and remind me that it's okay, that I'm not alone, and I can get through whatever it is I'm going through. Honestly, I don't even want to think about where I'd be right now if I hadn't decided to start watching any of them. Each year seemed to get worse in terms of how I was treating myself mentally - I REALLY do not want to imagine what I'd be going through right now if I didn't start watching their videos.
 2) On the topic of introducing myself to YouTubers' videos, this all gave me motivation to start drawing again! I absolutely LOVE the whole "dark side of YouTube" idea, and as such, I got overcome with a bunch of creativity to go and create drawings of each YouTuber I watch with their evil counterpart. It was a lot of fun, especially since it was a challenge - testing my ability of drawing real people in different poses with different facial expressions. (I still have to finish Mark/Dark's drawing - it will eventually get done).
 3) My tattoo. My first ever tattoo, one of which I designed...This...Honestly, I NEVER would've thought I'd ever get a tattoo, especially at this age no less. I was always afraid of how much pain I'd be in, plus having to choose something that would be PERMENTANTLY put on your body seemed like such an incredibly hard decision to make. But earlier in the year, given how Jack and Mark had actually managed to help me out quite a bit, I began contemplating about getting a tattoo - one that would look both cool and artistically pleasing, as well as have a lot of meaning put into it. I tossed the idea back and forth in my mind for about 4 months, until one night I had a full-blown mental breakdown. And during that time, I looked at my bare left arm and immediately knew then and there that I NEEDED to get the tattoo done. I wanted it on my arm so if and when I'd ever have another meltdown and be too hard on myself, I could look at it and remind myself that I'm stronger than I know and that I'm not alone. I've had this thing since July 8th, and I'm still so VERY HAPPY with it. I absolutely adore it with all my heart, and I couldn't be any happier with how it came out :)
 4) THE ANTIPOCALYPSE. Holy shit, I swear, of everything that happened this year, the Antipocalypse was the highlight of my year. That was the most fun I had in a long time. I mean, yeah, we all completely lost our minds. We lost sleep and went insane with paranoia for a month and a half, getting increasingly more on edge as it neared August 3rd, but man, it was so much fun having the whole community come together to theorize, create fanart, fanfictions, edits, you name it! And that's not all - there was also the first SepticArt event, which I ACTUALLY participated in. That's another thing why the Antipocalypse means so much to me - it's what got me out of my shell, it's what ACTUALLY got me involved in the community. It got me into making a few theories, some fanart, my first ever fanfic, and I met so many amazing people, many of which I now call close friends :) It's funny, there's some irony there - Anti's evil and chaotic and drove us insane, but at the same time, in some way, he "saved" me. If it hadn't been for him, I'd probably still be a "nobody" in the community, someone just watching from the sidelines.
 5) My Antisepticeye horror fanfiction, "Glitched". This...Just like with my drawing, for the last three years, I had pretty much lost any and all motivation to write, and it was HORRIBLE. Drawing and writing are my passions, and without them, I'm pretty much dead inside. But then the Antipocalypse happened, and inspiration hit me like a truck! I came up with a theory - the idea of us, the community, being the REAL villain, not Anti - and I loved it so much that I was overcome with the need to write a story about it. I was VERY hesitant to do it, given how I'd never written fanfiction before, let alone share my writing with anyone, but the idea was eating away at me so I caved. I ended up writing a oneshot titled "Broken", which ended up becoming the first chapter to "Glitched". I was floored when I woke up the next morning to see so many people loving it, so I wrote another chapter, and then another, and then another, until I was finally like "Fuck it! Let's see how far I can take this". I had absolutely NO intentions of taking that oneshot and making it into a full-fledged story, but everyone gave me the motivation I needed. Jack gave me the inspiration I needed to write the oneshot, and the community gave me the motivation and encouragement to take that idea and expand on it. Also, whenever I say "Glitched is my baby", I mean it. "Glitched" is my first attempt at quite a lot of things - my first attempt at fanfiction, my first attempt at angst, my first attempt at horror, my first attempt at really graphic gory scenes, my first attempt at surgical operations, my first attempt at realism, and when I end up writing Part 18, my first attempt at a battle/fight sequence. I REALLY want to be a horror author some day, and from the responses "Glitched" has gotten, I know I'm doing something right :)
 6) Okay, excluding all of the pornbots and any other bot really, I have a total of 333 followers, and I honestly have no IDEA how that happened or why any of you are following me! I did the math - before the Antipocalypse, before I began writing "Glitched", I had about 48 followers. I was a nobody in the community - I would just stay off to the sidelines, watching and reblogging, but never actually participating and contributing anything. But ever since I started writing "Glitched" in earlier August, from August 2nd up until now, I have gained 285 followers! 285! HOW the actual fuck and WHY the actual fuck?! I'm baffled! In comparison to some of the people I follow, 333 is not really a big number, but to me, it's huge! I feel like a celebrity, and I don't know how to correctly react to this! I've met so many incredible people ever since the Antipocalypse started, so many of which I call close friends, and I love you all so much :)
 7) All of October. I'm talking the Inktober/Egotober/Anti-Awareness Month stuff. Even though Anti didn't really show up (except for in the Silent Movie video), I absolutely LOVED how a majority of the community decided to dedicate the entire month of October to him and came together to make a bunch of fanart for him. And if you couldn't draw, then you wrote fanfiction, and if you couldn't write, then you did edits. Either way, there was a flood of Anti posts, and not just Anti but the other egos as well and it was INCREDIBLE. I had never participated in Inktober before so I decided to take part in it this year, and even though I only managed to get 13 drawings done, it was A LOT of fun. Taking prompts and making a challenge out of it, using pens instead of lead pencil (something I'm not used to) was such a blast! Oh man, I can't WAIT until next October to do it again! :D
 8) The fact that Jack ACTUALLY saw and liked the first drawing I did for Inktober! Okay, I know if may seem a bit like I'm coming off having wanted his attention or something, but I swear, that's not it. I have never once made any of my fanart with the pure intent of wanting to get Jack's or anyone else's attention; it's always been out of fun, always out of just wanting to draw for the sake of drawing. So when it came to the first day of Inktober and I posted my drawing, I tagged Jack just because I felt like dedicating the drawing to him. He gets tagged in SO many things, I didn't think there was a chance in hell he would EVER see any of my work, so honestly, my expectations were BEYOND low. I didn't expect him to actually SEE and LIKE my drawing 10 minutes after I had posted it! Man, I got so damn happy when I saw that he liked it, I actually teared up a bit. I didn't know how to react properly to seeing that notification.
 9) The entire Save The Children Christmas charity stream. Granted, I didn't get to watch the actual stream until Jack uploaded it to the channel (I still have to watch the second part!), but after watching it, I regret having not been able to watch it live. I could NOT stop smiling throughout the entire thing. I absolutely loved seeing just how happy everyone was and just how much fun they were having. And in some weird way, I almost felt like I was there(?). Like, I felt like I was hanging out with close friends - like I was off to the sides, watching and laughing at them being the pure goofballs they are. It was such a pure heartwarming, fun time, and seeing the community come together and raise SO much money for the charity and also create a bunch of fanart for it as well was amazing to see. And of course, I can't forget the Overnight Watch. THAT I actually took part in; for 9 hours and 45 minutes - from 8:15 P.M. to 6 A.M. - I sacrificed sleep and sanity to watch the security cameras. And though I lost my mind - though I was INCREDIBLY tired the next day and though I actually got so scared to the point I cried and had to stop watching - the entire thing was surprisingly about as much fun as the Antipocalypse. It's like what a lot of posts I saw said - it was like one big sleepover for the community! Everyone came together to talk to one another and theorize about everything happening. If anyone was getting tired and about to go to bed, someone else would step in and be sure to update everyone with what was going on. It was incredible!
 Those are all the main things that stand out for me this year. I could go on and list a BUNCH of other things that were amazing and made my year, but then I'd truly be making a book out of all of it, so I'm just going to keep it as this.
For anyone who actually read this all, I apologize for just how long this was! What were you thinking? The pain you must've went through reading this entire thing! XD
Tagging the people who welcomed me into this loving community with open arms and who I truly call "close friends" :)
@vity-dream @golden-eyed-guardians @septic-obsessed @fear-is-nameless @haveaverynicetime @septicfallen @maybekatie @steffid101 @adreamoverlife
It's been one hell of a year and I hope everyone of you guys has a Happy New Year. Here's hoping 2018 will be just as amazing :)
Love all of you guys!
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plume8now · 7 years
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I’m so sorry I reply to this that late... Thank you to you, @humblingbumble and @lululawlawlu I really was excited to get those asks, but when I looked at the questions, I realized I hadn’t written that much in English and I know my best stories are still to come... But heh, as I’m spending my time trying to improve my art skills lately... I’ll get back to writing one day though, and I can’t wait to be that day already! Sorry again for the delay >w</
2 – Is there a trope you've yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Nothing I can think of right now, but I'm sure I have a few.
4 – How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Care to share one of them?
Wow. That's The Question. I have like... 3 main fanfics ideas? I know it sucks, but I try not to write down the fanfiction ideas I have in mind now, hoping I'll forget about them because I just love doing this so much, I'm scared I'll never end them if I write them all! x’) I wish time didn’t exist sometimes.
They're basically all about One Piece, one focused on everyone's crazy student's life with LawLu and ZoSan (wrote 2 chapters on it but didn't post it yet), one focused on LawLu (wrote only like 600 words urg), and another focused on ZoSan (wrote... only the idea and I had it for 2 years xD)?
> The first one I mentioned was my obsession for months – student AU with DevilFruit!Users , last high school year – , I even posted on my art blog pictures of the plannification of it. I guess exams took over it, but I hope my excitation will come back when I'll work on it again – also that might be because I'm too deep into drawing stuff than writing rn.
7 – Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
I still consider myself a bit “new” in this fandom, but only because I don't feel like I've written The Fic I'm proud of. Just a few OS or short stories... But I did enjoy writing “Not Gay” (ZoSan) and that part where Zoro's an absolute jerk with the prompt:
> “Person A is harassed by a random stranger in a club and people B is watching. After a while Person B steps in and pretends to be Person A’s partner even though they never have seen each other before. Person A just goes with it, but the random stranger is so persistent and doesn’t believe they are a couple that Person A grabs Person B’s neck and kisses them. Somehow both of them don’t back out of the kiss, because, fuck can we never stop pretending?" :D
“I-I don't believe you,” the man stammered, frustrated. “I think you're his friend and you're trying to break our moment.”
Sanji pulled a face to the word “moment”, obviously not sharing his point of view. Zoro chuckled without the other noticing, too deep into his discourse.
“... Cause you're jealous. Or even more, you're just a random guy who just wanted to flirt with him too, and you're making a bad guy of me!”
“Man,” Sanji hissed, “you drank too much, your mind's going crazy. And, you know, maybe it's also none of your damn busi-”
Zoro raised his hand to make him shut, still grinning.
“Sweetheart, I think the gentleman wants us to prove our love,” he said as he entwined their fingers and all of the sudden grabbed Sanji's neck to kiss him. The cook's cheeks immediately went red while Zoro groaned. Sanji, taken away by the passion he wasn't expecting, put his body against his, sliding his hand on his waist.
He was almost breathless when they parted. They stared at each other, and the other man looked both surprised and disappointed. He left without a word, dully rumbling.
Sanji wiped his mouth with his sleeve, staring at Zoro in horror.
“Did you have to put the tongue? Seriously?!”
8 – Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
In “I Don't Need Your Opinion” (ZoSan again), I liked yelling writing how Zoro shows Sanji how bad he actually is with women.
“You certainly see yourself as a gentleman... but from what you said? You've only depicted aesthetics, romantic stuff nobody cares about, superficial stuff. Basically, you're not loving your girlfriend for who she is, but what she looks like.”
“The fuck makes you believe this?!”
“Do you even know her?”
“Are you kidding me?”
“You didn't talk about her personality or feelings, not even once. You just said 'I' all along, on a genuine 'me, myself and I' novel.”
20 – describe your perfect writing conditions
Facing my computer, as if it was a duel – it kinda is in a way xD – with random music, if I know I'm gonna write something hard and sad, I have my angst playlist, otherwise just music background. 
It's nice if I have paper next to me, because I tend more and more to draw/sketch a scene to have it in mind, or just to relax/take a break but remaining in the idea of what I'm doing. 
Big huge bonus if there's someone who knows about that story and is excited about reading it soon/adds their ideas to mines! >w<//
from 40 Author Meme Asks, send me an ask!
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victorineb · 7 years
Fic Recs Mega Post
A little weekend reccing for any fannibals in need of a good read, this time we’ve got catmen, daemons and a goblin king... and that’s just for starters!
No Man’s Land by @empathalitis and @cannibalcuisine: Following a drunken, clumsy encounter with Hannibal… and Hannibal's lips, and Hannibal’s hands (depicted in previous instalment In My Head There's A War), Will finally has to confront his desire for the man he's run away with. But, well, it's Will and Hannibal, which means things are never going to be straightforward and between memories of ex-wives and a total lack of emotional intelligence, both men continue to tie themselves in knots rather than getting down to business. This wonderful fic skilfully flows between Will and Hannibal’s POVs, with an amazing handle on both characters and their emotions. And when that dam finally bursts? Well, let’s just say it is very, very much worth the wait!
Stray Cat by Not_You: Taking the “Hannibal is really a cat” theory to its logical conclusion, this AU finds Will working not for the FBI but for the government division that oversees the rights and management of human/animal hybrids. Some of these beings live as pets, others as humans, still others as part of the “Feral Nation” which operates outside of human society. And then there are Will’s worst nightmare, those who are kept in labs and cruelly experimented on. Hannibal is one such case, a human/cat hybrid placed into Will’s custody after escaping and murdering those who kept him in captivity. For a dog person, Will quickly grows attached to this fiercely intelligent, oddly endearing catman (and Hannibal, as usual, cares for no one but Will) but there are many, many hoops for them to jump through before going too far down that road… This is just a stunningly assured piece of writing – the worldbuilding is smart and intricate, Hannibal’s catlike characterisation is perfect and canon elements are woven in with care and intelligence.
Housewarming by @wrathofthestag (Mwuahna): In this latest part of the utterly wonderful, adorable Giving Themselves series (in which Will and Hannibal started dating after the Tobias Budge Incident™), the boys are moving in together. And a milestone in Hannibal Lecter’s life can mean only one thing: a big, fancy party (much to his dear Will’s horror). Invites are sent. Caterers are hired. Booze is stockpiled (well, Will and Bedelia will be in attendance). And shenanigans, inevitably, ensue. Not least of all when Will’s father shows up to set the cat amongst the pigeons (and to flirt with every female in sight). I love and adore this series with all my heart, and this latest part is no exception. It has everything: drunken hook-ups, Will and Bedelia bitching at each other, Mrs Komeda being fabulous, Will getting a handful of the Hannibooty, Jimmy Price saying words… it is, in other words, utterly glorious and I must insist that you read it. Now. Go!
The Vessel by @weconqueratdawn: Ok, I admit, I went into this assuming it was going to be an entertainingly kinky Hannigram romp (c’mon, the tags include “Coming Untouched,” “Threesome,” and “Wendigo porn” XD). And while plenty of kinks do get an airing, this is a much deeper and more complex fic than I had imagined, with an intense storyline exploring religious corruption, sexual slavery and the power of knowledge. Will is the Vessel of the title, a slave elevated to a sacred position within his society’s religion – which means that he suffers and bleeds for their sins, as well as being drugged and used as part of a sexual ritual by the holy men of his temple, including its Father, Jack (yep, there’s a bit of Jack/Will here!). Conditioned from his childhood to believe that he is performing a vital service for his community, doubts begin to creep into Will’s mind when Hannibal is installed as the temple’s new seer. This is an example of a brilliant writer taking elements of our beloved show and using them to create something fresh, intelligent and insightful, while always remaining completely true to the characters. It’s immensely impressive stuff that will linger in the reader’s mind long after the last chapter.
Labyrinth by @llewcie: Labyrinth was one of my favourite movies when I was a kid. Hell, it’s still one of my favourite movies – the amazing songs, the adorable characters… trying to figure out which is bigger, Bowie’s hair or his codpiece… So a Hannigram take on the 80s classic was pretty much guaranteed to appeal, and this fic does not disappoint! Will Graham wakes from a six-month coma to find that his father is dead and nobody seems to remember he has a sister, Abigail. Well, no one except the strange, alluring man sitting at his bedside – who claims to be the goblin king and that Will must defeat his labyrinth in order to get his sister back. The genius of this crossover AU is that, instead of a simple retread with the Hannibal characters standing in for those from the movie, Llew carefully redesigns the ‘verse to reflect Will and Hannibal. Which means we get a labyrinth that is much more dangerous and threatening, a “hero” who is long on sass and short on patience, and a “villain” whose intentions and morality are far more complex than they first appear. Oh, and a boatload of mutual flirtation, of course.
Quicksilver (series) by @weconqueratdawn with artwork by @theseavoices: I know, I know, I’m horribly late to the party here. This is just one of those series that I’ve been saving for special, but having been told off for my reticence by some fellow fannibals, I mainlined the whole series in a oner. And damn, it is as good as everyone says it is. In this AU, Will is a nineteen year old psychology student, who requests a meeting with Hannibal to discuss some coursework. Hannibal, impressed by the boy’s proposal, agrees to the meeting, little knowing that he will soon be utterly, irrevocably, life-alteringly besotted by the beautiful, confident, gender-fluid student who turns up at his office. Accompanied by some jaw-droppingly gorgeous artwork by theseavoices, this is an utter gem, a thing of beauty, featuring one of my all-time favourite versions of Will, who is sharp, sexy and empowered in these stories and a total joy to read. Don’t be like me and put off reading these – get over to ao3 and devour them now!
En Garde! by @artbyvictoriaskye (VictoriaSkyeMasters): VSM ends up on these lists pretty much every time she writes something new because she is a complete genius of AUs and rare pairs. Her latest is an absolute scream, taking the logical step of pairing Mads!Rochefort with Hugh!D’Artagnan in a brilliant funny, deeply sexy romp involving horse thievery, secretly soft villains and an impressive amount of spanking. It begins with a typically hot-heated, self-absorbed, vainglorious D’Artagnan once again search of adventure after his famous adventures with the Three Musketeers… and managing only to head back to the little village he had abandoned in search of glory. Where he makes the terrible mistake of splashing a certain eye-patched villain with mud and not apologising for it. And we all know what happens when you’re rude to a Mads… D’Artagnan soon finds himself a captive of the fearsome Rochefort but, as it turns out, he might not mind it all that much. This is easily one of my favourite fics ever, one I know I’ll be returning to over and over again.
Sweet Sanatorium by @thewanderingcannibal (wanderlust96): Sometime in the 1930s, a teenage Will Graham is institutionalised at his father’s request – partly for his sexuality (at a point in time when being gay could get you locked up) and partly for his uncanny empathy. Fortunately for Will, his new doctor finds these aspects of his character extremely appealing and Will soon finds himself under Doctor Lecter’s wing (not to mention, consensually, between his legs). Unfortunately for Will, though, not everybody’s happy about Hannibal taking favourites… One of the interesting things about Hannigram is that, by any measure of logic or reason, being with Hannibal Lecter is a terrible, awful, no-good decision. Except that, if you’re Will Graham, he might also be the person who can best love, protect and cherish you. And this AU hits that duality right on the button. It also contains a pleasing amount of murder and mayhem, so everything you could want in your Hannigram!
Tevelis by @shiphitsthefan: Ok, daddy kink is not my favourite. It’s not that I actively avoid it but I don’t go out of my way to find it either. And it certainly takes something special to make me truly enjoy it. So take this as the huge recommendation it is meant to be: I LOVED this fic. Post-fall, Will and Hannibal are playing a game. Their usual game, aka: “Hannibal is a cryptic bastard and Will can’t let him win.” Except this time, the stakes are even higher than murder and entrapment – this time, the boys have been discussing kinks, and Will’s tired of waiting for Hannibal to give. So he kidnaps a third party, one with empathic powers to match his own and, in something of a deviation from the usual Murder Husband M.O., doesn’t kill him. Instead, he uses him to finally find that one little word to light Hannibal’s fire... Daddy kink is definitely the marquee attraction here but it’s far from just a hook to entice readers. The kink is written with imagination, inventiveness and insight, used as a means of exploring Will and Hannibal’s dynamic as it develops into (somehow!) something even deeper and more intimate than it was before.
Hold for Release by @sunshinexlollipops (cloudsarefluffy): In this AU, omega Will Graham doesn’t use his empathy to consult for the FBI and BAU Chief Jack Crawford. Instead, he uses it to write for the Virginia Tribune and editor-in-chief Jack Crawford. This does not mean that he isn’t obsessed with the Chesapeake Ripper. Indeed, the nigh-on admiring tone of his articles about the serial killer is putting his job at risk. So being a sensible man who easily lets things go, Will starts a new story about… ha ha, no, of course not. Will, being an idiot who can’t leave well alone, takes his heat leave and his stored up vacation and (with a little help from Chilton being his usual idiotic self) winds up on the doorstep of one Dr Hannibal Lecter, an alpha who turns out to be quite a fan of Will’s journalism… especially his very flattering articles about the Ripper. I love and adore journalism AUs and the fact that this is an omegaverse version just makes it even more entertaining. Nothing is ever quite what it seems in this intricate and intelligent fic, with Will and Hannibal running rings round each other and thoroughly enjoying the process.
Turn the Page by @disraeligearsgoestumblin (DisraeliGears): I have a bone to pick with this fic – upon heading to bed one night I needed a new fic to read, and thought I’d get started on this. Cue me, still up at 4am, utterly unable to even think about sleeping until I finished this masterpiece. @disraeligearsgoestumblin, I entirely blame you for my inability to concentrate the following day! In this canon-divergent AU, instead of marrying Molly after Hannibal is imprisoned, Will sells everything, buys a motorbike and starts driving… and doesn’t stop for a good couple of years. Not until he, in quick succession, realises he wants Hannibal back, gets majestically drunk, and essentially gets adopted by a middle-aged Mexican woman who puts him to work in her bar. This beautifully atmospheric piece takes Will on a very different voyage of discovery than in canon, one in which, without the distraction of his ready-made family, Will has to confront the truth about himself and his feelings for Hannibal with rather more honesty. And the results are… interesting, to say the least… especially when a familiar face turns up at the bar…
One Way Out Of Many by @hellotailor and @nakamasmile: I cannot possibly describe to you the depth of my love for Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials series of novels – I utterly, utterly adore them. So reading this Hannigram crossover AU was a complete delight, especially given the lovely, inventive divergence it takes from canon. Set in s1, just as the symptoms of Will’s encephalitis are growing truly disturbing, Hannibal’s daemon (Daiva, who takes the form of a stoat) decides that Will and his daemon (Poppy, a crow) belong to her and Hannibal. So she sabotages Hannibal’s conspiracy with Sutcliffe, ensures that Will gets the treatment he needs and persuades Hannibal onto a new path: to ensnare Will via care and affection. The addition of daemons to the Hannibal ‘verse makes for a fascinating new perspective on the characters and their relationships. And, most pleasingly, both Poppy and Daiva are utterly fascinating creations in their own right, often getting sections written from their own POVs and given agency and agendas of their own.
A Companionable Silence by @hotsauce418: One Eye has been alone for a long time, believing it to be for the best and not seeing much chance for change anyway. Until the alpha rescues a young omega named Charmont from a cage and finds himself growing irrevocably attached to the fierce, spirited young man to whom he lends his protection. Raised as royalty, and an alpha besides, Char has serious issues of his own to work through, but living in close proximity makes it hard for either man to ignore their growing attraction, and when Char’s first heat hits, well… Soft alpha One Eye and sassy omega Char is surely one of the greatest madancy pairings yet – they’re a beautiful example of that contrasting yet complimentary dynamic that makes the rare pairs phenomenon so compelling. And hotty writes them with such obvious affection and care, it’s an absolute treat to observe. Valhalla Enchanted is a thing of beauty and you should all treat yourselves by reading this!
An Unorthodox Dinner by @ratbagqueen: This writer’s one and only Hannibal fic and it’s so damn good, I can only pray they’ll bestow another on us someday! Set post-season 2, Will is recovering from the events of Mizumono (and trying to figure out just why the hell he seems to be missing the man who gutted him), when he receives an invitation in a familiar, elegant hand. Hannibal, it seems, is still in Baltimore, somehow, and still has designs on having Will for dinner. Both more and less literally than Will fears… I rushed straight through this fic, utterly hooked by the slowly building tension between our boys. Both characters are beautifully rendered and the writing is pleasingly redolent of that sinister-yet-intimate tone of the best Hannigram scenes. Although I must warn you: anybody who has issues with seafood might want to steer clear!
As ever and always, if I’ve mistagged anyone or there are bad links, please let me know and I’ll fix them lickety-split. Until next time, lovely fannibals <3
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Some posts have been deleted, because I judged them not really well thought.
Even though this tumblr is kind of secret, and serves as some kind of safe place where I can write stuff about my feelings, I feel bad and guilty for having some bad feelings about her. Because in the end, everything went fine.
This tumblr, in 2018 just became a place to write bad things. And this wasn’t the purpose of it. Because there is so much more than bad things. There was.
So let’s talk about them now.
All the shows we watched on Netflix, not only 2018 but before that. Things I wouldn’t have watched on my own like the Walking Dead or some horror stuff that would have scared me if it wasn’t with her. I tried it for her, and I kinda liked it. For me, watching a show with you during meal time was one of the best moment of the day. It was our thing. Not all the time, but it was !
I don’t know which one I liked the most. They were all kinda good... I think Under The Dome will always have some kind of special place in my heart ? What else... We watched a lot of things, actually :o Even six seasons of the Walking Poop. She already watched it though, she knows what would happen, but she would still share the moment with me and we would react together, it’s something I miss a lot already.
What else, other than movies and shows.... Let’s talk about games ? Oh boi... We had some great times too, but let’s just say that we’re both emotional in a different way when we play games haha. I tried really hard to change so she could enjoy playing with me more. Maybe I was obsessed with having good games so we could have a good moment so I would get mad sometimes if someone does something wrong. I know it’s pretty stupid because then, the day after, we forget about it and we continue. We’re actually both pretty competitive and it’s funny, when we think about it, how we had those love/hate relationships with some games. But we would always go back and play together. That was fun.
Now let’s talk about those moments, just us talking. We started with Skype, I remember how shy you used to be and you wouldn’t say much, just react to me when I say things most of the time. What a shy cutie ! I loved your voice since the first time. Llanfair­pwll­gwyn­gyll­go­gery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch. Private joke. :P But yeah, I was scared that you’d feel bored if I don’t keep saying whatever is in my mind. It worked out well, right? We had fun. It became more and more of a thing, us talking, good and bad moments, but they are part of us. They made us know about each other a lot. I know sometimes silence isn’t the best thing for you, you told me about it. But it’s okay, right? Because we’re here, it doesn’t mean I don’t wanna talk to you, we’re just doing stuff, but still while being with each other. Until we had to react to something, or share a video or start something else. It doesn’t always have to be 24/7 fun but we know we’re here. If you needed some more time for yourself, just tell me. Do your own things, listen to music, spend time with your dog, your parents, your friends. As long as I know you’d come back to me, everything would be okay. We spent almost every day of the past two years talking at night on Whatsapp then Discord. It was also our thing. We weren’t always talking but it was the fact that we were here, again. If you had a worry during the night, I’d try to be here. Only problem is that at some point, I fixed my schedule so we could have the same and be in bed at the same time, as much as possible. But my wifi has always been terrible, sometimes I wouldn’t even hear you properly but I’d come back in the call when it would cut. There was a time when I would stay up long enough on Skype to hear you sleep and breathe. That sounds creepy actually XD But I loved it, knowing that you’re peacefully sleeping.
I actually almost never fell asleep before you. I could probably say 90 or 95% of the time, I fall asleep after you because I can’t sleep if I know you’re not sleeping. Unless I’m exhausted or you’re busy and you come back late, I would eventually sleep. ASMR would help me a lot in that case, mostly scalp massages videos where I would imagine your fingers on my head. One of my favorite feeling ever. I want it so bad. I would do the same to you, to make sure you feel great whenever you want it. Talking about ASMR, your whispering voice has so much effect on me.
It’s like the packages you sent me. All have a special place in my heart.
The letters, drawings, the poop mug that I used only once for hot chocolate. I have everything, kept in a special spot. Your poro is on my bed, I take care of it, I clean it and stuff and I make sure dust doesn’t really go on your shirts. The Pokémon one I talked about in a previous post, doesn’t smell like you anymore but the last one you sent still smells like you, even when I put it on things or in my hands, the smell is still yours. It’s crazy. I love it and hate it at the same time now, but it’s the only thing I have when I sleep and you’re not here and I want to feel some of you. Yes, I teared up holding your shirt more than once even though you never heard me cry. I missed you so much sometimes. I remember also when you opened my package live, it made you so happy. I also teared up when I opened yours for my birthday, the first one was the most emotional one.
So many positive things. You know so much about me. I know so much about you. Our most private things. Does that scare you ? Does it block you into continuing with me ? I don’t really know. But I feel like nobody will ever know me as well as you do, and starting over, after this, would be extremely difficult.
I made a list of things I wanted to do with you. Some of them are pretty funny like teaching you how to tie your shoes or making a pizza burger (yuuuuuum fatty life) with homemade bread of course, and some other stuff, whether or not they are still relevant for you.
The excitement that you research isn’t love to me. It’s a new energy of challenges and excitement you want to feel in the process of possibly making a new physical relationship. Sometimes you might not even go until that part, but just the fact to know it could be possible, is exciting to you and just because you wanna feel it, makes you feel guilty towards me. Which I can understand. It’s like our relationship could actually be an open relationship because you want some variety. You told me I could have sex with anyone but not love anyone else or get close to them. You really stopped loving me ? Am I right or wrong ? Are you trying to comfort yourself into thinking it will be okay if we just split ? Who knows. I think I know you pretty well but some things are foggy. 
I think you might also just be scared to continue with me because we established so much that you’re going to go back to your old you because of the guilt, (maybe), little by little just so that you don’t fall from this. Even if it’s not the case, is all of this really what you want ? Will you ever know true love again ? Will you find that person you can do all those things with ? But then, isn’t it going to become a loop ?
It’s true that you may want/need to experience life, but I wanted to experience it with you and I am sure we could have had a lot of fun together building and making even better moments, if you gave it a real try. I want to make you know feelings you’ve never felt before, feelings of safety and love and the possibility of a future with someone who will always be there. At the cost of what ? 
Who knows... In the end, I adjusted a lot in my life to fit your needs, one day you’ll realize that you will have nobody to call that will provide you with the same lasting feeling, the safety, the same adjustments to you, and you will have to start over, and that this loss, might as well be forever, when it’s too late. I hope you don’t regret it.
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exhibit h
Ladies and gentlemans, meet HikaruXANA, the new thief on display: Behold the horror. God, when they will learn? She hangs around this place or this one too, so beware: She is highly unestable and dangerous. (XD) Shoot at will, then.
Ah, Maneko told me about you. He didn't eactly have a good word about you, however. You've probably figured out why...but still, you geta watch because Phoenixes = Awesome.
Um,who is Maneko?
Author of the comic Neko's House a couple of months ago, he found This comic which had...recolors of a couple of his characters' sprites. Apparantly, someone else made the sprites used here, using the sprites he uses in his comic, which is 403 FORBIDDEN.
Uh,broken link dude,and im still confused.
Second link, right? Maybe this one will work?
Another broken one,AND I SAID DONT POST LINKS TO OTHERS ARTWORK! It annoys me greatly...
Also,please do not post links to other comics/artists. I kinda hate it when people do that,cus their advirtizing on my art page...*glares*
Name: Hikaru Age: 15 Level: 3 Class: Sage of Fire Currency: 1500 Gender: Female
FAKE! FAKE! Lies about a fifteen year girl of stealing.
Okay to exact violence?
What else did he fake?
This is by far, the SADDEST thing I've seen in AGES: NIKE'S HOUSE!!!
Making sure this bitch can't get away with this: Ladies and gentlemens, meet Nike Navora, aka NIKE THE PATHETIC COMIC THIEF. The little shit  stole jokes, stories, backgrounds, edits, and even ENTIRE PANELS FROM MY COMIC, for christ's sake. She even had the nerve to paste her PATHETIC SONIC RECOLORS over MY OWN  fucking sprites, thinking that nobody was going to notice it, so she could get away with her FUCKING ATTENTION WHORISM FRAUD.
But don't worry, pals! Even if her cretinous minions tried to get me banned from  her ex- community   to hide her theft, Justice prevailed anyways, and before she could say "ayamawhore" the great Modstaff exposed her like the imbecile, lying, coward, pathetic fraud she is... AGAIN!
Yes! This was her SECOND time stealing other people's work to get some attention (She also stole LOTS of stuff from Insonicmia's site) without giving a shit about it, but since she was too nice, holy and mellow as to face the truth about her blatant theft, the poor, poor Nike tried to get everyone's pity by doing THIS ABYSMAL PITY SHOW. But guess what? Once again, Sonniku.net's modstaff managed to put her in her place, like the fucking, pathetic, insignificant MANIPULATIVE EMO SHIT she is! Yay! Go, Sonniku.net's Moderation team! Fight for everlasting peace!
In case the little bitch tries to delete the evidence of her retarded theft, I took the liberty to post some of her "comics" here. Egads, is it just me, or is something looking very familiar? And that's just the tip of the Iceberg! She stole MY ENTIRE GODNAMED ARCHIVE! Everyone, please point at Nike Navora and laugh. Serves her right, dammit.
You know, sometimes I wonder what part of "My sprites are NOT PUBLIC" is so difficult to understand.
I wonder why a man in his "late twenties" has to lie about teenage girls? All links go nowhere. Wayback Machine has nothing! All of it was fake?
Remember Nike Navora, the comic thief? Well, after I unmasked her, she and her gang pulled some really funny things (Like homicide threats... through internet. Le Sigh) but finally, she accepted that what she did was wrong, and apologized for real. Check this:
Alright! This has gone far enough...I'm just going to say it straight forward! I'm sorry, Maneko! I understand what I did really pissed you off, and I don't blame you! You had every right to post what I did on your site, it hurt, but I deserved it! and I think you probably believe this is "Self-Pity", but I truly am sorry for what I did....I just didn't think I'd get caught, but I was wrong and not only did I make you mad, but I also made some of your friends mad at me too. My friends don't deserve to get caught in this since they weren't involve, it's me you want not them. I won't steal from you or any other site again, I learned my lesson. Seriously ~Nike
Ok, so the little brat finally understood that when you lie, steal and mess with the big dogs, crap happens. Fine, fine. Just don't do it again, kid. Of course, her friends Darky, Melissa and Yaoi_Lover never stopped to vomit hate, lies and threats, but meh. Who cares about them? Nobody. Nobody important, at least. So yeah, the issue is over.
Thanks for your support, people. You have no idea how much I appreciated it.
Who supported this FAKE outrage?
The harassing and trolling of a teenage girl by a man claiming to be in his "late twenties"?
Bob and George?
It didn't end there.
I have found he posted FAKE messages on other blogs, 4chan, and KKKchans.
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