#posting this at 4am while everyone is asleep lol
candyheartedchy · 1 month
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I think it would be funny that as a hero, Poppy constantly fights with Hater, but as an antihero, she just wants to fix him.
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synthshenanigans · 6 months
woah hey a year has been passed wowie :0
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First two weren't posted here cos they were too long ago & not CJish related but love the way he took up 70% of the year lol
[ Full images + templates below :} ]
[TW for Bright Colors, maybe blood & very very vague themes of depression/suicide for like 2 drawings I believe]
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Long text about the arts if anyones actually curious!!
January: An old OC I completely forgot about until making this. He's based on old radio like things :}
February: Played Person 5 Royal last year & drew Joker cos idk he's neat. Fun fact, the same day I fully finished the game was the day Storm & a Spring came out. Also while grinding in the game, I had his Bidding & VoaC covers on repeat. Which was a bit annoying to do since they weren't on Spotify yet & YT on mobile didn't have looping then.
March: The Hawaii Part ii album cover :} I did post that eventually but that's the time I actually made it. Had listened to TME a couple of months before then which got me into the album, so months later I drew it cos why not? [Also the month Vol.1 fully released on everything. What's funny is my gallery for that day was a handful of memes I saved at 4am before I fell asleep. And then the next image saved is when I woke up which was a screenshot of the whiteboard in TfaR lol]
April: First main Jash art !!! And its not even with any of the songs from Vol. 1 lol. I had his Moss cover on repeat again & now that all of Vol. 1 was out, I drew Heart in some moss. Or really in the image from the video.
May: Lil animation I made of Heart with the song Don't Hit the Lights! Link to my post & the song can be found here :}. Still really like the song & even the drawings. Might remake em eventually idk
June: Sky/socialc1imb's Clue AU! I like murder mysteries & this one was real interesting so I drew it a lot lol. Might remake that one or one of the others I made at somepoint? It'll be a bit later if I do but ye
July: A redraw of a HMS piece I originally made back in May, based on the Three Wise Monkeys thing. I like the idea of it so I keep wanting to remake it.
August: I honestly can't remember if I posted that art or not. Actually yea I don't think I ever did PFFT. It's one of the few drawings I did of myself this year & its from CJs Not Perfect cover [as you can tell by the lyrics on it]. Also one of the very very few vent-ish arts I made. I like the background more than anything but its still neat ig?
September: Art for one of the best songs ever. I love Fine, I'm Fine its so good & I listened to it for like 70% of the 20+ hours it took me to make the drawing. Still proud of it so there's the sketch I drew on paper, the one on my tablet & then the final versions.
October: There was a lot from this month due to Jashtober. I still like this one lot & it wasn't insanely rushed so I picked this one to show lol.
November: I have no idea why I made a fun lil soul. I was having an identity crisis over my art style & ig decided to draw the guy who is a walking identity crisis/j
December: Same as September. One of my favorite songs ever was covered & released, so I made a drawing like everyone else lol.
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livsspecialinterests · 7 months
Hey bud, just checking in. Still worried about the stuff in your big post the other day? Or was it more of a "don't believe the things you think about your life after 9pm" situation?
heya! thank u so much for checking in <3 im okay, kind of had the same thing happen after i saw the closing night on broadway (my poor mum had to deal with me bursting into tears at random times through the next 2 days we were in new york after the show). I chatted with Bunny and felt better afterwards, i just woke up at like 4am and became absolutely overwhelmed with dread about the fandom fizzling out... 100% one of those "don't believe the things you think about your life after 9pm" situations, for sure. (it didnt help that i then got up, had a huge crick in my neck and then had a shit day at work that culminated in me crying and getting hugs from the nurses at my work twice but that did take my mind off the fandom dread slightly!)
i have been thinking for a while that i'd take a crack at writing some original fiction once i get the dead should stay dead out of my system (would probably still write little silly oneshots/smutty fics for fun, but maybe not too much more in the way of longform fics for a bit, idk, ive got super limited free time what with work and exams etc) but for some reason that morning i was fixated on the idea that everyone was going to leave the fandom and was especially scared that the fandom might die and then i'd never have the drive to finish the dead should stay dead and i really really want to see this fic through because im proud of it and am super excited to see how people like the rest of what ive got planned.
it's silly, and Bunny talked me down a little (pointing out that fics really are forever and a fandom is never entirely dead, even if people drift away, there's every chance the fandom could pick up again at some point in the future and the fics might be rediscovered). also I went out and spent the day with some friends who Get It (my husband is very understanding but he isnt the anxious type or the fandomy type so he didn't really understand my half asleep rambles lol). my friend also shut my worries down like 'bro im part of the les mis fandom that book is centuries old'. also maybe seeing friends and being social helped
so yeah, thank u so much for checking up on me, i really should have followed up that post but ive been kinda sleep deprived! i hope you're well (: xxx
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sherifftillman · 1 year
I know one of the prompts is "your irl/tumblr crush" meaning us, the askers, but do YOU have a crush? IRL or otherwise?
i have two! they're in my url hahahahaha
(all joking aside, i do have one 'crush' but that word sounds silly considering i am a whole 29 years old. and since i don't think there is anybody here that could get this back to them, and also i'm bored as all hell, i guess there's no harm in telling you)
we met, would you believe, in a fucking twitch chat. imagine if it all ever went anywhere and someone asks how we met. it was the chat of a streamer i mod for, and he came in and was just. immediately fun to chat to from the get-go. when i modded for this person, i loved being the person to keep chat going, and even though he was a new chatter, he was engaging with everyone as if he'd been there for months. my favourite kind.
then he joined the streamer's discord server and there's a card game bot that we play in there that he started playing, too. here's where we come to the ultimate barrier between me and him, friends: he's fucking australian. but that means that there was always a sweet spot when all the americans were asleep and i was working day shifts at the time, so it used to just be me and him every morning, dropping cards in the game and nabbing all the good ones. sometimes we'd just start talking a little bit, too, since there weren't other people to drop cards and push the conversation away.
after a while, enough people in the server, myself included, had said that we'd never played dnd before and couldn't find any campaigns near us. he said he's been a forever dm for years and that he could easily drum up a oneshot for us to play. that was when i saw his face for the first time. before then, i was thinking i might be catching feelings but also he'd never posted a selfie so i just thought i was so attention starved that i was caving at someone simply just being nice to me, lol. but he was right there and he was so cute. and his accent was so. yeah <3
anyway. i told a select few friends who were also in the server that i fancied him and they encouraged me to slide into his dms. i sent him a meme, we had a little conversation, it dwindled. i felt like i'd failed, they told me it looked like it went well. i tried again, same thing happened. i told myself to wait it out, if he never dms me again, that't that i guess. he sent me a meme about bloodborne being an england simulator. and we haven't stopped talking after that. from the moment one of us wakes up to when the other one falls asleep.
my friends later encouraged me to invite him to a movie night "date" which he agreed to, except it was right after some of my first night shifts, we didn't finish the movie since conversation kept derailing (a common theme) and the call lasted for 10 hours. i'd been up for 26 hours by the time the call ended, and also it was 4am for him when it did.
he is a very very good friend to me. he's always encouraging me to vent to him if i need it, he remembers tiny little things that i've said months ago, he constantly tells me to move out/leave my job lol. and he sends me pictures of his cats because he knows they always make me happy. also when my friend wanted a specific bluey toy that was exclusive to australia and sold out in every online store, he went round and looked in stores himself. he's a good egg.
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catch-the-wind · 3 years
when reader is sick hc's
finally posting writing here so true
n e ways okay so i’m brainrotting about the genshin charas taking care of their s/o’s when they’re sick 🥺 and now i'm feeling sick, sigh
ohm and sulien ambros belong to @teyvattherapist! they're such good chara's, i know i'm writing them here but i deffo recommend reading up on them
okay here u go, have some hc's that are kinda sorta long and by that i mean 2.5k- i haven't proofread this bc it's 4am and im going to BED but if i write for any other chara's i'll post a second part <3 mwah
tags: gn!reader, diluc x reader, kaeya x reader, jean x reader, lisa x reader, albedo x reader, dainsleif x reader, tartaglia x reader, ohm ambros x reader, sulien ambros x reader, soft bean hours
is not working or traveling when his partner is sick
absolutely makes them soup and hot tea and drinks
he’s trying to make them food but he’s not the best cook so he’s asking adelinde for help
absolutely asks jean, barbara, and ohm for help while his partner is sleeping but he’s so awkward LMAO
was absolutely frantic the first day he found out his partner was sick tho, he made them come over to the winery so they could sleep there and he can take care of them <3
absolutely lied about what room was his so they slept in his bed
“hmm this guest room is so furnished diluc are all your rooms like this” and no, no they are not, this room is his, bestie
diluc slept on a sofa in his bedroom and did work on the table that was supposed to be for flowers. kinda stressed over abyss order locations but was more worried ab his partner being okay so he was distracted
he just put the flowers on his nightstand for his partner to see when they woke up <3
gives his partner forehead kisses because they won’t let him kiss them on the lips and he gives them the gentlest cheek kisses while they sleep
also gives his partner his clothes to wear <3
cuddles them and reads to them when they’re awake and TEMPLE KISSES OH MY GOD
kaeya comes over because he’s worried his brother and his brother’s s/o haven’t been seen in a little while
n e way, diluc gets sick after his partner gets better and they nursed each other back to health
like diluc, he took off work so he could take care of his s/o i,mediately after he found out they were sick
wouldn’t force them to stay at his place tho, he’d probably let them recover in their own place
but he might make them go to the kof hq or the cathedral just so they can be taken care of by a proper healer
he absolutely soothes their fevers and stuff w cryo and also the man can heal himself w his elem skill ofc he can fix someone if he tries hard enough <3
he gives kisses no matter how much his partner says not to but he’ll also give them butterfly kisses so it’s soft moments too~ sigh, ur too cute alberich
asks ohm and barbara and albedo and lisa for potions and such to help his partner feel better but he’s really lowkey so he doesn’t seem SUPER worried
he just hates seeing his partner not feeling so well </3
refreshes his partner’s vase of flowers at their bedside every day
brings home work so he can watch over his partner. he can’t cook super well either so he asks for help and brings stuff home from good hunter too
jean was okay to let kaeya off of work and diluc would never admit it (man practically swore everyone to secrecy smh) but he helped take up some of kaeya’s duties in his stead
and kae, the alcoholic, didn’t even drink while his partner was sick bc he was lowkey worried they would need his help w smth and he didn’t want to be drunk just in case <3
many cuddles despite protests of getting him sick <3
absolutely uses her healer skills to make her partner feel better
panicked when they were still sick and thought it was her fault </3 she asked barbara and ohm for help and they just told jean to relax a bit bc her partner was sick and it wasn’t going to be a quick fix
wanted to take off work but didn’t, so she just brought her work with her
kaeya and ohm very kindly took up her other duties where she had to leave so she could be w her partner
her partner is staying in the kof hq where they get access to ohm and barbara comes to visit <3 but also so that jean can sleep comfortably enough close by bc you cannot tell me this woman does not sometimes sleep in her office or the library and barely makes it to the kof dormitories sometimes
she’s so worried the entire time, she’s probably got a few gray hairs and a new frown line smh
she has clothes that aren’t her work clothes???? it’s so foreign seeing her in stuff like pajamas. you didn’t even know jean owned pajamas
jean sets them up in her bed at home (yeah she has a place outside of the kof hq??? it’s surprising) but it’s a big bed so they can rest and she’ll have the lamp on her side on while she sits up and does work
absolutely dotes on them. she’s good at making foods that make them feel better, she’s just a good healer that way <3
albedo, klee, venti, kaeya, lisa, and ohm all come over to check on jean and co and make sure everyone is doing okay <3 lots of food brought
if jean was asked to sing to her partner normally, she probably wouldn’t bc she’d probably get embarrassed but i think she probably sounds v good and venti would give her his lyre to try out a musical instrument too. but also she’d read to her partner and they’d probably fall asleep together uwu
works part time hours at the library so she can go visit her s/o
probably asks them to stay at the kof hq for easier access to medical assistance and plus she’s almost always there
“cutie” but worried and very 🥺 (pleading emoji)
makes soup and potions and reads to her partner until they fall asleep
also super playful omg she’s still got a smile on and is full of affection while she walks her fingers up her partner’s arm to their face so she can cup their cheek
she’ll make her partner laugh and smile and blush even when they’re sick, but she makes them laugh until they cough sometimes and immediately feels so bad
jean, barbara, kaeya, albedo and ohm all come to visit with different foods and soups and medicines and such
klee comes knocking and gives lisa some good fisherman’s toast and asks lisa’s s/o if they want to hug dodoco b/c that always makes klee feel better
purple roses galore, lisa has them in her partner’s room and they’ve got a potion to make the. uh. sniffer? to make the sniffer feel better. don’t ask me how, idk but she would find a way to make them physically feel better with flowers
reads to her partner ofc, and she tells them stories ab her own life and time at sumeru sans the crazies
worried looks when her s/o is sleeping but also the softest smiles when they wake up pls-
cutest lil frown on his face when he finds out his partner is sick
immediately they are taken home and he’s testing to confirm what’s wrong w them and what he can do to speed up their recovery
he’s more distracted than usual at work but he’s coming over to your place all the time w what paperwork he can do
also sketches his partner while they don’t know. he’s got lots of beautiful candids of his partner sleeping, looking out the window, falling asleep, reading, even drinking water. he’s made the most mundane things look captivating
kaeya and ohm come to check on albedo when he doesn’t show up for work after a few days and it’s bc he’s taking care of his s/o with food and soup and alchemical potions and shit. and when kae and ohm come in, they find his partner opening the door wrapped in a blanket while albedo is asleep cuddling the pillow they left bc he stayed up the night before making soup and reading to them
klee has camped out on his partner’s couch, she helps w the cooking too~ she absolutely lets them hug dodoco and gives them a treasure to feel better too LOL
many kisses from klee and albedo, and they also go out to get treats for albedo’s partner too
domestic albedo cooking in his partner’s kitchen and for once it isn’t some alchemical potion that he might blow up the stove with
takes off work entirely but BOY OH BOY is he stir crazy smh
brings his partner to his apartment to rest <3
he’s so worried ab his s/o that he makes all the sick ppl food the first day, orders from wanmin restaurant when his partner wants smth different, and also gets toys and such to entertain them otherwise
also reads to his partner but, again, he gets stir crazy after a while
absolutely does workouts and katas in the living room and phew shirtless tartaglia working out? gets the heart rate up for sure ahem
rushes to his partner tho omg- need soup? water? a trip to the bathroom? another blanket? he goes to them the MOMENT he hears them moving around. absolutely dotes on them <3
his family knows ab his partner and he’s probably written letters ab them being sick~ his family sent snezhnayan herbs and flowers and medicines and such
zhongli comes around because he wants sugar daddy!tartaglia with tea and medicine from bubu pharmacy. hu tao is in tow with well wishes and a “hope i don’t find you at work!” which is. a little worrying because aren’t you just a little sick-
many kisses from tartaglia because he is Needy and he’ll absolutely get sick from cuddling his partner while they sleep
also he’ll probably just like. envelop his partner while they sleep. they’re all cuddled into him and he’s actually so warm it’s nice bc they’re cold w a fever and he’s living for comforting them
he’s so worried tho, he’s got the frowny face and he’s so adorable but he just doesn’t want his partner to feel sick
the man camps in ruins, he’s going to his partner’s house smh
he doesn’t go into the church either LOL so expect him in his partner’s home making dinner and doing their grocery shopping thanks
he would get ohm and barbara to come over tho <3 “fix them please” but also “how can i fix them”
is so dead set on making sure his partner takes their medicine at the right times, he’s so soft for them and them alone
cooks soup and old recipes he barely remembers from khaenri’ah. he doesn’t really get sick, so he doesn’t remember these ones too clearly. deffo brings back old memories he’d long forgotten
reads to his partner and tells them old stories of how the world used to be, his travels, gives them the gossip on a certain khaenri’ahn but doesn’t give away the name
ohm comes over with medicine and lollipops bc dain is so unlikely to go to the cathedral to get barbara smh
but also dain, so self-sufficient, is unlikely to want to ask for help, so ohm just goes to help anyway
dain with the old khaenri’ahn lullabies and tucking his partner into his arms and singing quietly while he holds them and rocks them to sleep
dain is immortal, he’s giving his partner kisses bc “i’m immortal, ofc i won’t get sick”
he got sick
but his s/o nursed him back to health and then there were smooches the end
ohm ambros
the doctor with his ill lover oh my god
he’s frowny, he’s taking care of his partner at his home in springvale and his home clinic is open to everyone else. but everyone knows his partner is the first priority LOL
kaeya and albedo come over to see if ohm is okay or if his house needs to be checked up on. they’re wondering if he went on a last-minute expedition to sumeru and didnt tell them
diluc comes over too, he’s just checking up on his best friend but he’s also stealing a cherry lollipop smh. he heard from kae that ohm’s partner is sick tho, so he brings some soup and good food over from adelinde. he also brings some of his own specialty food tho, the once upon a time in mondstadt <3
sulien sending letters to his big brother to see if his brother’s s/o is okay
ohm is also just super protective of his partner, there are not many people who come into his life who he loves and lets in in the first place. he’s absolutely trying to heal them with his own vitality, so their recovery is much shorter than initially expected
barbara also comes over w jean to check up on ohm and co, complete w a goody basket of soup, a teddy bear, flowers, and books
ohm reading to his partner <3 he’s got such a soothing voice even if his accent is wack LMAO. he’s reading stories and even his paperwork because just his presence is comforting
he puts his hands on his partner’s forehead to soothe the fever goodbye
ohm will not sing for his s/o simply bc he doesn’t think he sounds v good. and he probably doesn’t but it would be so cute to hear him try and please ohm? 🥺
n e way i want smooches idc if i’m sick KISS ME OHM AMBROS
sulien ambros
when he finds out his partner is sick, the man blinks like twice and then suggests so calmly that they go to his apartment in liyue
man does not sleep normally, he’s just going to nurse his partner back to health and read during their recovery. fruit tart can cover his duties for him <3
sulien cooks for his partner tho, he’s making soup and stuff and getting medicine from bubu’s pharmacy. he’s also picking up books on the way home but some of them are to be read to his partner so it’s okay-
like tartaglia, sulien works out while his partner rests and goes to them if he hears them moving around. he’s reading to his partner and not so frowny, but the slightest furrow of this man’s brow is already such a big expression of his concern <3
sends letters to ohm asking for advice ab how to help his partner feel better. ohm just sends a letter back with “i’m coming” and shows up within the day LMAO
reads to his partner, and the monotony of his voice is soothing and lulls them to sleep. he just looks at them affectionately (well affectionate for him) and presses a kiss to their forehead before finishing the story on his own and in his head
tartagalicious comes over and brings food, flowers and a teddy bear with some of sandrone’s paperwork but he sends a smile to sulien’s partner with some well wishes
scara comes over too just to visit and check to see where sandrone is, but scara is a grumpy bean so he just says “feel better” all brooding and like it’s a command to one of the fatui subordinates LOL
sulien like ohm uses his cold hands to soothe his partner’s fever and also gives them forehead kisses <3
Edit: a link to part 2
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ladyvesuvia · 3 years
✧˖°࿐ 🍾 okay ves, this is not exactly a crush but rather a good friend of mine who I thought I liked for a little while (and may have, but not anymore), but circumstances and bad timing have made it clear that nothing will happen (and he has too... rip ����). but i was telling the story in the tags of my last post & i need to tell someone! he's a very funny guy and we're bickering all. the. time. like we genuinely barely talk in any way that's not back-and-forth banter to the point that our mutual friends changed his discord name to 'clara's lover' because of how much of an old couple we seem lmfao. but we do have heartfelt conversations when we're kinda... smashed at parties lol and it's like 4am and everyone is passed out and we're quietly talking and i've come to find out he's genuinely dedicated. like i didn't expect it from him but he's very sweet and attentive in his own ways - he's the only one who noticed i was Feeling Bad and checked on me, went to all the lengths possible to care for a friend of ours when she fell and hit her head... just an all-around surprisingly sweet and dedicated guy? and one time we were outside, it was 3am, i had stepped out to look at the stars cause they're my happy place when i'm down and i was feeling like shit lowkey. and he came outside with a few friends and i just started rambling about the stars and planets and constellations and how much i love them, and i was like, "i'm being so boring rn omg" but he just said that it was so cool i knew all of this? and that he didn't find it boring at all but rather loved it? space is super important to me so i was like <3 i feel Loved and Validated right this instant. later on we all laid on deckchairs and we were talking (with 2 other friends, we were 4 in total) and i remember drifting off to sleep in the middle of the conversation (at that point it must've been 4-4:30am) so it's all very hazy but they thought i was asleep and when it was time to get back inside he said, "i could carry her to her room" and i was like DO I PRETEND I'M ASLEEP SO HE DOES,,, and i was this close but they shook me a bit and so i woke up for real lol but it was one of the sweetest nights in my life and the moment i felt the most closure to all my friends and him in particular. rereading this it sounds like i am whipped for the guy but i'm really not, he's a sincerely good friend and we wouldn't work together romantically anyway so i backed down and i prefer it this way. but yeah this was my hot girl summer little romance daydream ♡ THIS WAS SO LONG SORRY AND IM GONNA HIDE BC WHAT IF SOMEONE I KNOW IRL SEES THIS
he sounds so amazing!!! 😔 the clara’s lover is just so sweet and made me blush wtf ma’am you’re y/n right now- this felt so fun to read istg and him validating what you’re passionate about??? I LOVE HIM ALREADY AAAAAAAAA
HE’S JUST- AGH READING THIS GAVE ME BUTTERFLIES IN THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE!!! the late night talks- 🤧✋🏻 i want this omg a book based on this would be perfect xx
THE I COULD CARRY HER TO HER ROOM OMFG MA’AM I’D SAY MARRY HIM BUT- HSCNFJJRIWA IDK WHAT TO SAY EVEN JUST HE SOUNDS SO GREAT HE SOUNDS FICTIONAL BUT LIKE IN THE BEST WAY like he’s that one fictional character you want to come to life???? agh i have so many questions like do you guys still talk? are you still friends? is his discord nick still clara’s lover? does he like you? did- I JUST HAVE SO MANY PLS DON’T FEEL SHY TO KEEP SENDING THESE IN BECAUSE I’M NOSY AND THIS IS SO ENTHUSIASTICALLY THRILLING TO ME I GET SO EXCITED BUT WHY NOT ANYMORE :<<<
don’t hide bb this made me want to rant about my similar one omfg u don’t have to read this i just saw a lot of parallels to this and i couldn’t help but sjhdejiw because you saying the “we wouldn’t work out romantically” literally broke me because i feel the same way 😔
i know i say i love angst a lot but damn it why can’t things just be easy and always have a happily ever after?2!/&2@ i told him about writing and he literally said that it’s cool and that i’m good at what i do omfg this guy!!:!:&2 AND WE ALSO HAVE LATE NIGHT TALKS like mostly 12am to 4am just laughing and stuff he’s just someone i feel comfortable with but just imagining what we’d be romantically sounds too unorthodox? idk i mean i do like him and i am in fact head over heels for him but the minute i think about us in the same place that the couples my friends are in, IT FEELS SO STRANGER-Y???
i mean he liked me since 2019 but has been incosistent and he confessed to me on the 31st of december, 2019 BUT I DIDN’T SEE IT OK I WAS JUS TRYNNA REPLY TO PEOPLE HAPPY NEW YEAR and i only saw it like just this june 26 where i replied to it and i said “whatthefuck HAHAHAHA” and he freaked out and said DELETE THAT DELETE THAT hdhdueie idk rlly he’s just so great but i don’t wanna ruin our friendship
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saethepaperclip · 3 years
the bros as things i feel                      (or something, i wrote this a 4am)
-lol forgot to post cause ive been working on a fem! belphie cosplay-
Luci- walking into the kitchen late at night while everyone's asleep, seeing the bottle of red wine left out and fearing for your life for a short second
- watching the roses left as a centerpiece on the table slowly wilt and die despite anyone's best efforts to keep them alive
Mammon-the feeling of knowing you could do crime but won’t like it would be so easy to slip that object up your sleeve and leave or to set something on fire, but you don’t actually do it 
-picking up any object off the ground or in a store to inspect it and putting it in the wrong place cause crow brain go brrrr
Levi-wading out into the ocean until you cant reach the bottom but wanting to continue going forward because something draws you out there despite logical dangers
- staring any deep/large body of water for so long you start to feel like you’re drowning on land
Satan- flipping through a book written in a language you cant read and understanding  its beauty while simultaneously being frustrated because it wont disclose its secrets
- waking up in the middle of the night with the sense that you no longer exist and the universe has ended you
Asmo- wearing something such as makeup or a nice outfit and staring at yourself in the mirror until you no longer recognize who you are looking at
- feeling light like a creature of grace and beauty then falling down the stairs
Beel- finding comfort in dangerous things such as fire and large undomesticated cats (lions, cheetahs, tigers, etc.)
- feeling so hungry that you no longer feel hunger, just void
Belphie- waking up before you alarm and burrowing back under the blankets and feeling so warm an at peace than ever before, with not a single thought in your mind
- walking outside at night and staring at the stars before the silence gets too loud and you go back in
-does anyone else get these feeling or is it just me?-
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nacho-chace · 3 years
Umuwi sila mama and daddy sa Pangasinan today, for my Tita’s wake. Nakisuyo akong gisingin niya ko before sila umalis so I can do my laundry. Akala ko kasi around 4am sila aalis pero 1am yata sila umalis. I woke up at around 4am kasi medyo maingay yung kapatid ko. Then sabi ko maybe umalis na sila mom. Nag alarm ako ng 5:30 haha kasi tinatamad ako bumangon and maybe i’m a lil scared to go downstairs.
Then nagising ako kasi tinawagan ako ni mama. Sakto sa alarm ko haha (almoost).
So at 9:32am I kinda felt productive already:
☑️ laundry
☑️ cooked and ate breakfast
☑️ cleaned downstairs
☑️ some adult stuff / errands
🔘 finish Suits today (3 episodes to go)
Somehow, i’m starting this day right. Although my sibs would really want to go with the parentals because I’d like to see Tita and my cousins to physically comfort them but we’re kind of scared and traumatized sa checkpoint dun :( i wish makauwi kami before siya ilibing sa Saturday. Good morning anyway.
— well, didn’t get to post this a while ago for the reason I fell asleep while typing lol. So, i hope everyone had a good day :’)
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southslates · 4 years
New Tag Game:
Tag 5 or more people that you are thankful were in your 2020, that you’re thankful exists in a world that’s hard to live in. Whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. Whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them. Please Spread this love. 2020 has been hard for so SO many of us I believe this was started by @johnmurphyisbisexual :D
/ I was tagged by @tinyhistory - I love talking to you too, you’re so kind and humble and absolutely amazing, and we’re all super lucky to have you around :D
I was also tagged by @cattaralol - Cat you are the nicest and absolutely amazing, and I love our server shenanigans. Also by @iloveallmyfandomsequally - Gino, the server is amazing, even though you are an old turkey :D
I’m going to tag a lot of people, I’m sorry. A lot of people have made my fandom experience amazing thus far, especially in the Zutara fandom. 
@my-bated-breath . . . Jenn, you were the first person I talked to, the first friend I really ever made in ZK, and we clicked so hard, so fast, so well. I love you and our crazy conversations and the way we know everything about each other. You’re really one of my best friends. 
@alwaysprincesszel Elsie, you are like a whole part of me. We’re so alike, and our investment in this fandom is so alike. I can’t think of anyone else who gets my relationship to fandom and this ship so intrinsically, and who understands where my passion and anxiety all comes from. 
@avatar-the-last-jerkbender Noooook! The way all of us mesh together us supreme. Thanks for dealing with our Zutara crazies, and one day soon you’ll convince me to be into Haikyuu. I love our niche as hell late night conversations about everything, how honest we all can be, and how dirty ;) we can be. 
@tonguetidee Maren, even though I have no idea where you are half of the time, we click so well around everything. I hope you know how much this fandom and the four of us love you. You’re the nicest person I have literally every met and I love talking to you at 4am while all the the other losers are asleep. 
And then the rest of the lil Zutarians. @dogwithalamp I can’t believe it’s been something like four years at this point? Thanks for being the strangest constant in my life and putting up with me even when I can be (a little) mean. @arghmuffin Jen, though you be young you be amazing-- you know why :D. @whattheheehaw, though you are not a meta writer, your takes are good, and though you must be censured your takes are amazing. @pidgeonlol, your skill is unparalleled and you and Cat always light up the GCs :D. @babytreehugger, Rose, we get each other on so many levels, and I love how we’re living such similar lives and get everything with each other so well. @zksmoon, though you are also child and Jake and Gino have subjected you to a lot, you are amazing and adorable and a cute lil pomme. @nooneslittlegirl, Kels you are literally the nicest person and just jumped in and joined our crazy, and your writing is amazing! @p34rl34rring, thanks for popping in and feeling us and just understanding our vibes :D
And thank you to the spicy zutara fam, my parents and uncles and everyone in between, for making me feel safe and comfortable and humoring and supporting me. @zutarawasrobbed really is the best to salt with, @fictionissocialinquiry @ifyouwereamelodymeg @rideboldlyride and @idontreadheartbeats are the best parents(tm) a girl could ask for :D. @hvitserker is an amazing uncle, @theplaguebeast thinks I am funny or something and that is incredible, and @firelxdykatara is just a gift to this fandom on all accounts and always humors me and my terrible sleep schedule. @cobraonthecob always spreads so much love, and so many other people - @cablesscutie, Elmo (whose tumblr I cannot locate *cries*)
And on tumblr, so many of my mutuals make my day. Y’all know who you are and you’re absolutely amazing. Everyone who reads/comments/kudoses on AO3, I hope you know you make my days.
I probably forgot some people, lol, but thank all of you guys for existing. I know this is way more than five, and please don’t feel obliged at all to do this. Just wanted you guys to know I love you <3
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wedreamedlove · 4 years
Tumblr media
[Confessing Voice]
"Under the glimmering lights I was only watching your radiance. I'll place everything I wish to tell you in this song."
This is doing a rerun on the ENG server so what better time to post a translation on it than now? Maybe it'll encourage people to get the card. But I'm also curious about what people feel regarding the differences between the versions.
Does the Asian version seem more quiet with charged undertones while the English version is more physical? It reminds me of reviews I've read about different actors' takes on the Phantom of the Opera lol.
NOTE: This is the JP version with CN subbed lines because I needed to keep the literary reference with the song he sings.
[True Love Date]
I was meticulously checking the first broadcast of Miracle Finder for the New Year in the editing room.
It was an important broadcast related to our sponsors and our ratings this year. I looked over the show's contents with especially strict eyes.
Editing Staff: We've edited this 12 times already...
Everyone's line of sight gathered on me. They were waiting for me to give the OK.
MC: I think it's good this time. We're done with this!
Cheers rose. Looking at everyone who worked hard through consecutive all-nighters I felt bad.
MC: Good job everyone. I'll be generous with the project rewards so look forward to that!
Editing Staff: President, the person we need to thank the most is Professor Xu Mo.
I showed a confused expression.
Editing Staff: I secretly contacted Professor Xu Mo when we kept on redoing this. He gave me a lot of advice even though he was busy...
I looked at my phone screen in surprise. Two weeks earlier---
His face crossed my mind when I was troubled over this current project.
My hand moved on its own to call Xu Mo. It started to become a habit to contact him whenever I had problems.
Xu Mo picked up after several rings.
MC: Xu Mo? Are you busy right now? There's something I'd like to ask you...
Static crackled from the other side of the call. After a while, I heard Xu Mo's voice.
Xu Mo: I'm sorry but lately... I've been busy.
His tone was calm but also distant. It wasn't from exhaustion. I felt a coldness from somewhere.
MC: Don't worry. It wasn't anything serious, so...
Xu Mo: Mm. If it's nothing then I'm going to end the call.
MC: Okay...
Xu Mo didn't say anything further. That was more than enough to make me feel the distance between us.
MC: Wait!
MC: Um... you might be busy, but take care of yourself. Bye bye.
Just when I thought there was rough breathing it suddenly fell quiet. Hearing a monotone beeping, I came back to myself. Xu Mo had already ended the call.
MC: Did he hear my last words...?
Looking at the ended call I was struck by a strange feeling.
Maybe I was thinking too much? His words and speech was cold like never before.
MC: What am I thinking? Xu Mo is just busy...
Although I tried telling myself that I couldn't help but feel uneasy somewhere.
I shook my head and drove away my negative emotions. I relied too much on him. This time I needed to solve things by myself.
Editing Staff: ---President, President? Are the credits good like this?
I returned to the present after being lost in my thoughts. The words "Program Supervisor: Xu Mo" on the credits roll jumped into my eyes.
MC: W-what sort of advice did Professor Xu Mo give? Um... how did you get him to help? When was that?
Editing Staff: It was about 2 days ago. We were editing until 4AM but still had to redo everything... It was when you fell asleep on the sofa.
Editing Staff: After I called Professor Xu Mo, he asked me what happened to you, and I replied you were sleeping on the sofa.
Editing Staff: Then he ended the call saying he was busy. But the next morning an email arrived with detailed advice...
Editing Staff: The strange thing is that he wrote for me not to let you know. But you've found out already, so it's fine, right?
I wondered why Xu Mo helped when he had refused once.
(Why did he say not to let me know? Is there a problem if I know about it...?)
I also didn't understand the reason for Xu Mo's sudden coldness.
For a while there were no replies to my texts and his lectures were on break too. It was like he was distancing himself from me on purpose.
My heart clenched when I thought this.
Editing Staff: President, why don't we invite Professor Xu Mo to our New Year's party this time? He looked like he enjoyed our year-end party a few days ago and he helped us out this time too...
I said this while looking at the New Year's party notice I sent to everyone.
MC: He... seems to be busy, so he might not come.
Editing Staff: But he came to the year-end party even though he was busy, right...?
I hurried out of the editing room as if ending the topic.
On the day of the New Year's party, I came with everyone in the company to a newly opened high-class karaoke box in Lianyu City.
It was an elegant, modern, and spacious reserved room. A white grand piano and guitar were placed in front of the karaoke machine, and beside that was a small stage.
I checked my phone's text messages over and over again. A message from 3 days ago remained there.
Text: Xu Mo, my company's going to have a New Year's party at Petrichor 3 days later. If you'd like, why don't you come?
Text: You looked like you enjoyed singing at the year-end party a while ago, so I thought I'd invite you this time too. But if you're busy then please don't hesitate to refuse.
Even though the message was definitely sent there was no response. I sighed with worry and disappointment.
Yue Yue: President, why have you been staring constantly at your phone? Work is done for today!
Yue Yue quickly stole my phone, randomly touching the screen, and then placed it in front of herself.
MC: Hey, my phone...
I stretched out my hand but Yue Yue pushed a set of cards to me.
Yue Yue: You don't sing, right? Then let's play cards!
The company members around us gathered in interest. I had no choice but to pass the time playing cards with everyone.
Xu Mo's house---
The phone rang and a message arrived. It was from [NAME].
Xu Mo hesitated slightly and then picked up the phone. However, the message was just numbers and letters and he didn't understand what she wrote.
What was this? Xu Mo's expression became severe.
He searched on the internet and tried various methods but he couldn't decipher it. He felt a sense of frustration.
He wondered why she had sent this message.
Was she angry at being treated coldly? Or was it a demand for a reply to her New Year's party invitation...?
Xu Mo dialed her phone from his landline. However, only an automated voice saying "This phone has been turned off" came.
Xu Mo: What is wrong with me?
Xu Mo: When did I start caring about these conventions?
For a while, Xu Mo stared at the message which came from the girl 3 days ago. It was written with her usual detailed and kind words.
At the beginning, his objective was just to get close to her. But the closer he got the more he was drawn to her for some reason.
Xu Mo: Didn't I already decide to leave her life?
Why did he help her again even though he refused her once? Why was his heart unsettled from this incomprehensible message?
The intense pain in Xu Mo's heart insistently told him the reason. That over there was an answer he couldn't escape even if he desperately averted his eyes.
The moment the door to the karaoke room opened Xu Mo faintly understood the answer.
That he couldn't leave her.
MC: Xu Mo! You came?
Her clear eyes widened roundly and she looked at him. The person reflected in those eyes was him alone.
Xu Mo suddenly placed a hand on his chest. A thin thread was tightly squeezing his heart.
He sighed.
Forget it, he would be foolish once more with this foolish girl.
Xu Mo entered the room and sat beside her naturally.
MC: Weren't you busy?
MC: Erm, nevermind. You didn't reply so I didn't think you'd come.
Even under the dim lights he could clearly see her emotions.
There was joy and doubt.
He swallowed back the words he was about to say and softly stroked her hair.
Xu Mo: Sorry. I couldn't get through to your phone so I came here.
MC: You couldn't get through?
She looked down and searched the top of the sofa before showing him the phone, biting her lip awkwardly.
MC: I accidentally turned it off...
Xu Mo smiled lightly with some exasperation. Light and shadow were jumbled together in his eyes.
Xu Mo: Silly.
She gave a pure laugh and then, covering her face, her eyes darted around.
MC: Were you worried about me?
Xu Mo: Yes.
Xu Mo approached her and nodded without hesitation.
Yue Yue: Huh? It's Professor Xu Mo? President, you should have told us if the professor was coming.
MC: Uh... that's because...
Xu Mo: I heard everyone was having a New Year's party so I came without an invitation. I'm not interrupting, am I?
Yue Yue: No way. I was moved when I heard you singing at the year-end party. Everyone wants to hear it again!
Yue Yue said this and then ran back to the stage again to sing enthusiastically with Anna.
Xu Mo: Why aren't you singing together with them?
MC: Huh? I... don't sing much.
Xu Mo: I know. But I'd like to hear it.
My face turned red at Xu Mo's unexpected words.
MC: You're planning on teasing me again, aren't you...
The corners of Xu Mo's lips rose and then he sighed.
Xu Mo: It's true I was worried about you. It's also true that I want to hear you sing.
Xu Mo: Everything is true.
His casual words resounded in my heart more than any other noise in the room.
Yue Yue started singing a sad love song with Anna who was still on the stage.
Anna: Did you really throw away those glittering days...
Yue Yue: I had many dreams in those long nights. Don't remember me. One day you will also know pain...
Xu Mo looked at the words showing on the screen. The flickering light was reflected in his eyes.
The lively karaoke party on top of the stage repeated and, below the stage, everyone else amused themselves with games.
Seeing that Xu Mo had come everyone persistently invited him to join their game.
Gu Meng: Next is the improved version of Spin the Bottle! Whoever this beer bottle points to has to answer everyone's question. If they can't answer with the truth then as penalty they need to drink all this alcohol!
When Gu Meng clapped her hands the editing staff carried over a tray with five cups of whiskey.
Colleagues: This is overdoing it!
Looking at the lined up drinks, I became worried. I would get drunk from just one cup, so if I drank them all I might collapse.
That reminded me, I hadn't seen Xu Mo drink before. I looked at him inquisitively.
Xu Mo nodded and patted the back of my hand.
The beer bottle began to spin and then pointed at Gu Meng.
Yue Yue: Do you have someone you like?
Yue Yue, who had joined the circle at one point, began the questions. At that first question... everyone's eyes gathered on Gu Meng.
Gu Meng glared lightly at Yue Yue and then reluctantly nodded.
Cheers rose. Gu Meng spun the bottle as if trying to avenge herself. This time the bottle pointed at Xu Mo and stopped.
Yue Yue: Professor Xu Mo, is there someone you like in this room?
Gu Meng: How about trying another question?
Yue Yue: That's why I said "in this room"!
Xu Mo smiled and nodded decisively.
Xu Mo: There is.
That answer was so surprisingly clear that the area became quiet. After that cheers exploded and Gu Meng whistled.
My heart was already racing the second Yue Yue asked that question.
The person Xu Mo liked was in this room... My ears turned red and my mind went blank.
I unconsciously brought my hand back but Xu Mo grabbed it firmly.
Xu Mo: Why is your face red?
MC: Erm, uh... it's because of the drinks!
Xu Mo: But... it doesn't seem like you've drank anything yet.
MC: Umm, it's because it's hot then?
Looking at me as my voice gradually became smaller, Xu Mo chuckled beside my ear.
Yue Yue: Okay, next is Professor Xu Mo again!
The beer bottle pointed at Xu Mo again and stopped. This time Gu Meng restrained Yue Yue and asked a question.
Gu Meng: Who is the person you said you liked?
Everyone held their breath and stared at Xu Mo.
My heart wouldn't stop pounding. I looked down and reflexively pulled back the hand that was held by Xu Mo.
Xu Mo smiled, as if he understood something, and drained the drinks one after another.
Everyone was a bit disappointed and began to spin the bottle again.
I secretly glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. He looked drunk and even his ears were red.
MC: Xu Mo, are you okay?
He nodded his head and brought his lips to my ear. His hot breath and the smell of alcohol drifted around me and it felt ticklish.
Xu Mo: I'm fine, although... you still owe me an answer.
MC: I...
I was at a loss for an answer and, at last after panicking, I fell silent. I just concentrated on touching my hair and hiding my discomposure.
Maybe it was because of the drinks or maybe the atmosphere of the place, but Xu Mo became talkative and his eyes were hazy.
Yue Yue: It's finally the president's turn!
Yue Yue and Gu Meng exchanged looks and then came up to me together.
Gu Meng: Who's the person important to you? Please be specific.
MC: How come I'm the only one who has to be "specific"?
Yue Yue: You have to keep to the rules. It's useless to try and run!
The person most important to me--- I looked at Xu Mo shyly and then breathed in deeply.
MC: That person showed me a world I didn't know about until now.
MC: He's warm but not oppressive. He's calm but not melancholic. He's a person that's like a clear sky and a deep fog.
MC: He also notices the slightest change in my feelings and taught me the laws of this world.
MC: Whenever I'm lost he leads me forward with a gentleness that surrounds me.
I sunk into my memories and continued to talk by myself, not noticing how beside me Xu Mo placed his glass down, furrowed his brows, and bit his lip...
MC: He is... a very, very important person to me.
Finished talking about my heart, I gave a deep sigh.
Colleague A: For the president to talk so passionately means that "man" isn't here, right? If he was here, then you wouldn't say this, huh~.
Yue Yue: I wanna know who it is!
MC: Hey now! Enough with the chatter, let's move on...
Everyone unanimously guessed at the "man" I talked about. Xu Mo remained silent and raised his glass, taking a mouthful of his drink.
Despite the game resuming Xu Mo seemed strange somewhere. It was like his cheer up to now had disappeared.
MC: Maybe he's drunk? He drank a lot earlier...
MC: I've never seen him drunk. I'm sure it'd be cute.
I stood in front of the sink, thinking about how he'd look drunk, and giggled.
The moment I stepped out into the hall to return to the room my arm was suddenly grabbed by someone. I was held against a sturdy chest with a force I couldn't fight against.
I was dumbfounded. The scent of summer grass and the smell of faint alcohol surrounded me.
When I came back to myself I was held tightly to Xu Mo. My back was against the wall and one of my arms was caught by him.
MC: Xu Mo...
My heart raced and I didn't know what to do.
Xu Mo looked at me with empty eyes.
Xu Mo: Is that person so important to you?
MC: Huh?
Xu Mo: Tell me. Who is that person?
Xu Mo suddenly came close, speaking in a censuring tone.
(Hold on. Didn't he hear me talk? Or... did he misunderstand?)
I looked up at Xu Mo. Complicated emotions that seemed about to overflow even now were being restrained desperately in his eyes.
MC: You've got it wrong...
Xu Mo: Tell me...
Xu Mo came even closer. The scorching heat of his presence enveloped my surroundings.
It was the first time I saw him with such a scary look. It was so surprising I had no idea what to do. I stared into his eyes and said this.
MC: It's you.
MC: ... The "man" I was talking about is you, Xu Mo. You're my important person.
Xu Mo's eyes became dazed for a second. The smell of alcohol disappeared.
MC: I was talking about you. But... it looks like I caused a misunderstanding...
Xu Mo regained his calm and quietly released my arm.
Xu Mo: I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?
MC: A little...
Xu Mo looked down and rubbed gently at my arm. I couldn't see his expression but his warmth reached up to my ears.
When we returned to the room everyone was still excited. My heart raced just from remembering what happened earlier.
Pressing on my chest, I told myself to "calm down". Then, so that he wouldn't drink any more alcohol, I secretly pulled his glass in front of me.
Yue Yue: President, you never sing, right? How about singing 1 song today at least?
Yue Yue held out the mic to me.
MC: Erm! I'll pass...
I looked at Xu Mo and nervously declined.
It wasn't that I was bad at singing. It was just that I wasn't prepared to sing in front of Xu Mo.
Yue Yue: If the president won't sing then I'll have Professor Xu Mo sing!
Hearing that, everyone became even more enthusiastic.
Xu Mo, who was looking at me, nodded. I also wanted to hear him sing.
He gave a soft smile and, holding a glass, went to the stage.
It was at that time that I finally noticed him wearing a black turtleneck and dark purple scarf.
The speckled lights shone on him and how he had a hand casually placed in his pocket. A languid and alluring atmosphere was brought out.
Xu Mo set his glass down. Then, after thinking a little, he came to me and nonchalantly took my hand and returned directly to the stage again.
He wasn't using a strong force, but there was a sense of pressure that brooked no refusal.
Before I knew it, he slotted his body against mine and placed his chin on my shoulder. The aroma of the alcohol mixed with a refreshing fragrance which was like grasslands after the rains stopped.
Xu Mo: What would you like to sing?
MC: ... Do I have to sing?
Xu Mo: I want to hear you sing.
MC: You won't be shocked after hearing my singing, right?
I raised my head and said this, pursing my lips.
Xu Mo: Then... why don't we try it?
His mouth came close to my ear and he said this in a low voice. I nodded in a dazed manner with a mind gone hazy from the alcohol.
Xu Mo operated the karaoke machine and a mellow melody rang out.
His palm covered my hand. It was a large hand which seemed to cover my hand and the mic together.
Something like a weak current seemed to run through my entire body from his dry palm...
His eyes stared straight at me... straight into the depths of my heart.
Something like a decision was reflected in those eyes.
Xu Mo: When I fall in love, it will be forever.
It was a low enrapturing voice, like a late autumn wind or the swelling night ocean. He sang with his heart in it.
That voice knocked on the door to my heart.
Memories came into my mind one after another.
The first time we met and his beautiful face under a dazzling light. The time we met in a movie theatre at midnight. That golden-colored picnic. That rainbow after the rain lifted...
All those memories rode on that singing voice and slowly flowed throughout the sparkling room.
MC: And the moment---
MC: I can feel that you feel that way too---
As we sang we came even closer together and our hands continued to remain touching.
From the beginning until the end, Xu Mo looked at me with a constant smile and eyes that held expectation.
Xu Mo: It turns out a song can be this short.
The song ended and we got off the stage.
MC: Xu Mo, you really do sing well!
Xu Mo's lips curved and he said this with mischievous eyes.
Xu Mo: Oh? Can I believe... the words of a little liar?
MC: Huh, what do you mean?
Xu Mo: I was actually looking forward to your shocking singing.
I remembered how I said earlier "You won't be shocked after hearing my singing, right?" and my face turned red.
MC: Who asked you to believe in that...
Xu Mo: Then what else have you tricked me on?
Xu Mo flicked my forehead with a finger.
MC: Um... before I said you didn't have to come if you were busy, but to be honest I really wanted you to come.
I looked at Xu Mo and, while thinking this and that, spoke awkwardly.
Xu Mo was surprised. Flickering light surged up violently in his eyes and I saw him swallow, Adam's apple bobbing.
MC: What's wrong?
He gave a long sigh and then spoke in a voice even lower than earlier.
Xu Mo: I won't do that anymore.
He looked apologetically at me.
Xu Mo: Why won't you ask if I've ever tricked you?
I blinked.
MC: Um... of course I know that you've tricked me.
Xu Mo: For example?
MC: You were clearly drunk earlier even though you said you weren't drunk. Even more, you misunderstood me...
Looking at her grumble, Xu Mo was a bit surprised and he laughed quietly. Then he drew in the glass beside his hand and drank a mouthful.
His mind was hazy. Her smile and the spotted lights swayed in front of his eyes.
He thought about how he was surely drunk. But that was fine. Being drunk was better.
The music could continue, the drinks could continue.
That way he could tell himself this. That he was taken in by this atmosphere and the alcohol. And that's what these gentle feelings and hesitation resulted from.
Xu Mo raised his glass and drained it all at once.
Everyone worked really hard for the first show of the new year. Finally, after it took shape, I learned that Xu Mo helped. I thought he had refused to though... Why?
On that day, if I remember correctly, I asked for Xu Mo's help but he refused me coldly. Why did he help me again at the critical moment? I don't really understand Xu Mo.
I thought Xu Mo wouldn't come to the New Year's party but he came on the day of. He said he became worried because I didn't answer my phone. During a game of Spin the Bottle, Xu Mo confessed for the first time that he had a person he liked.
I also talked about the person most important to me. But, because Xu Mo was drunk, he seemed to misunderstand that. I'm someone who rarely sings in front of others but for some reason I ended up in a duet with Xu Mo. There was joy in his eyes.
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colbybrocksmolder · 5 years
Tumblr – Colby Brock x Reader
Tumblr is…a mixed bag. You’d made some of your closest internet friends on this poorly run website, but you’d also received more than your share of crazy fangirl hate. What’s crazy though, is how easy it is to make friends in the Sam and Colby fandom on Tumblr. 99% of everyone you’ve met is super nice and the group kind of shuts down the haters pretty quickly.
This last round of drama kind of wore everyone down. It all started with a hate anon that your friend DaddyDobrock received. “If Sam and Colby saw half of what you guys wrote on here they wouldn’t want you as fans 🙄.” She handled it well. She laughed and told the anon to lighten up and fuck off. You guys were pretty used to petty hate anons and rarely answer them, but boy was this asshole persistent.
Absolute-randomness-forever replied to a similar message with “If you don’t like what we post, don’t follow us?” Again, not really feeding into any drama.
Sp00kybrock got one trying to get her opinion on the whole thing. “Don’t you think most of the Sam and Colby tumblr fandom is toxic? Like, I bet Colby would cringe so hard if he went on this site. 🙄” She defended her friends, laughing it off. “My friends and I aren’t toxic. We post memes and joke around, but we support the boys 100%.”
Jakeywebber commented on a few of the new posts. “Does this person even watch the boys? They obviously don’t know that their sense of humor is exactly like ours.”
The anons continued to come in, a few other people getting them but not replying. They always ended with 🙄. The problem with one toxic anon is that they attract others that want to feed into the drama, and soon the hate is taken too far.
Someone got an anon telling them to kill themselves. Eye rolling emoji included. The blog posted the anon with no comment other than “deleting now” and went offline. To say that the rest of you were up in arms is an understatement. Lightenupbrock, that-one-brock-boy, badassbrock, the-sun-is-dark, colbyjacksmack, rewindfridaynight, xplr-lurker, brockboytrashz…you all jumped in and defended your friend. You sent them messages making sure they were okay, trying to convince them not to delete.
*Twitter notification* Colby Brock Tweeted : “FYI we see more than you think we see. Don’t pretend to be our fan and then treat other fans like shit. Especially anonymously. 🙄”
Daddydobrock posted “Anyone else see this?” with a screenshot of the tweet.
A few of the others reblogged it, adding comments. By the end of the thread, your group of friends was convinced that Colby either had a tumblr or occasionally lurked on it.
*tumblr messages*
Xplr-lurker : Hey, have you heard from the girl that got the kys anon?
You and Xplr-lurker had been tumblr friends for about 6 months. They messaged you after they saw how you interacted with the other blogs. You were always helpful, kind, encouraging…You had a reputation for being a sweetheart and Xplr-lurker had messaged you thanking you for it. You two became friends pretty quickly, asking how each other’s days went and such. Neither of you ever really posted your personal info on your blogs, but you knew a bit about each other. You both lived in Cali, you were about the same age, and you loved sending each other super emo tumblr posts when you were bored. Usually hella late at night. He knew you were a girl and you knew he was a guy. Other personal details kind of trickled through in your everyday interactions.
Y/n : Yeah. She doesn’t want to be online for a while, but she isn’t going to delete her blog. I gave her my phone number just in case she needed to talk.
Xplr-lurker : I figured you would 😊 I’m glad she’s okay.
Y/n : Me too.
Y/n : Hey, did you see Colby’s tweet? I think he saw all of this go down. I mean, maybe I’m just assuming too much, but he ended a tweet about anon hate with that stupid eye roll emoji just like the anon does.
Xplr-lurker : I mean, he said he checks his dms all the time. Maybe someone sent it to him?
Y/n : Maybe.
Y/n : Honestly, I’m just as mad for him and Sam as I am for the girl. How shitty is it that they have to watch the people who call themselves fans treat other fans like garbage? And they can’t do a thing about it.
Xplr-lurker : That sounds like it would suck.
Y/n : Right?
You had written a whole big post about how hypocritical it was for this toxic anon to accuse everyone else of being bad for the fandom when they were so willing to go out of their way to harm other fans. You reminded them about the videos Sam and Colby used to post about being confident and helping others. Their entire YouTube career started with them making videos wanting to help people. Just like every other post, you signed it with two black heart emojis. 🖤🖤
You had continued talking to xplr-lurker as you wrote the post. Venting a little bit about how frustrated you were.
*Twitter notification* Colby Brock Tweeted : “Don’t worry, we know there are amazing fans out there, too. 🖤🖤”
Y/n : Dude. I think I’m paranoid, now.
Xplr-lurker : What do you mean?
Y/n : Nothing. I’m exhausted. I just need sleep, lol. You do too, nerd. You said you needed to be up by 9 and it’s already 4am.
Xplr-lurker : Holy shit, my friend is going to kill me if I’m falling asleep tomorrow, haha.
Y/n : Haha, good luck! I’ll talk to you later.
Xplr-lurker : Thanks. Sweet dreams.
See, it’s pretty common for social media influencers to have secret accounts. It gives them a way to like posts and follow fans without starting drama. After collabing with CrankThatFrank, Colby was convinced to make a tumblr. He picked Xplr-lurker so that it made sense for him to interact with his own fans. He mostly just reblogged cool edits and funny traphouse memes. He’d comment on funny posts and throw his two cents in on theories and gossip. For the most part, it was kind of fun. People on tumblr were brutally honest but fucking hilarious. He never planned on talking about tumblr or letting anyone he interacted with on tumblr know that he was behind the username…but then he found your blog. He’d contemplated telling you for a few weeks now. The two of you talked almost every night and he felt bad. He felt like he was lying to you.
He’d first messaged you just to say a quick thanks for being so positive in the fandom, but the more he talked to you the more he kept wanting to talk to you.
The 🙄 anon stopped sending people messages after Colby’s tweet. Your friends on tumblr were able to go back to posting ridiculous screenshots and cool photo edits over the next week or so. You’d reblogged a gif of Colby about to lose his shorts on a waterslide with the caption “I feel like Elton has been trying to get Colby naked in vlogs since the start of TFIL”.
Xplr-lurker : *sent waterslide post*
Xplr-lurker : This is a fat fact. Lol.
Y/n : Right? Hahahahaha
Xplr-lurker : I think he does it for views.
Y/n : Probably. It’s the same reason Colby gets shirtless in his own videos. He knows people will click the thumbnail, haha.
Colby sat on his balcony laughing. You were absolutely right.
Xplr-lurker : Is that why you clicked?
Y/n : Haha, nah. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a beautiful human being. You’d have to be blind not to see that. But I found Colby through TFIL.  
Xplr-lurker : What made you keep watching him then?
Colby felt bad for baiting you out, but his curiosity got the better of him. As far as you knew, he was just another fan. This is when he’d get your most honest answer.
Y/n : A lot. First, he’s a huge goofball. Watching him and his friends do dumb shit to make each other laugh is the best.
Y/n : And everything him and Sam have done together? Those two dudes are fearless. They just remind me that I’m the only one holding myself back, you know? One day I’ll actually get out of my own way and make something of myself.
Y/n : He also seems super genuine. He never seems afraid to speak his mind or call something like it is. It actually bums me out watching some of his “friends”, If you know what I mean. I know that not everything they put out there is 100% accurate to how they actually are in real life, but I hate that slimy feeling I get knowing that a lot of them use Sam and Colby and don’t actually give a shit.
Y/n : I know I sound like a massive fangirl at this point, haha. I think I just needed to get that off my chest.
Colby sat there trying to figure out how to respond. He had a huge grin on his face seeing you spill your guts like you did.
Xplr-lurker : Haha, don’t worry about it. You just sound like you care. That’s not a bad thing.
Over the next few weeks, you guys continued to talk like normal, but it got a little more personal. He wanted to be able to call you a friend, but he was still afraid to tell you who he actually was. You two talked more about your passions and the things you struggle with. You’d always sent each other music to check out, but he’d confessed that he’d been dabbling in trying to write lyrics. He needed to find a way to talk to you as COLBY and not xplr-lurker.
*Twitter notification* Colby Brock Tweeted : “You feel so close but in reality I’m sitting here on my balcony alone.”
One of your tumblr friends had screenshot the tweet, adding the caption “This is how it feels to have better friends on the internet than in real life.”
You reblogged it and tagged xplr-lurker. You added “I wouldn’t trade our late-night talks for the world.”
Xplr-lurker : *sent tagged post*
Xplr-lurker : Yeah?
Y/n : Duh. You know that.
Xplr-lurker : Same.
Colby sat there, his fingers hovering over the keyboard on his phone.
*Twitter notification* Colby Brock Tweeted : “1 like = 1 ‘don’t be a pussy’ whispered in my ear.”
Xplr-lurker : Not to sound like a creepy internet person, but have you ever met any of your internet friends in real life?
Y/n : Haha, I don’t think you’re creepy. And yes! I’ve met a few of them. Why?
Xplr-lurker : I know we live in the same city and I’ve always wondered if you’d want to get coffee or something.
Y/n : That would mean that you’d get to see how awkward and clumsy I am in real life. I don’t know if I’m willing to put you through that, hahaha.
Colby laughed. That response was better than the “fuck off, creeper” he expected.
Xplr-lurker : Oh, shut up. You’d be the one dealing with me being awkward.
Y/n : Suuuuuuure. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into.
Y/n : I’m actually walking home from my favorite coffee shop right now, haha. It’s called 101. They’re open until 3 am and they have the best food.
It was well past 2am and the thought of you walking the streets of LA by yourself kind of had Colby on edge.
Y/n : I live like 5 minutes away. Don’t worry.
Colby pulled up 101 Coffee Shop on his phone. It was less than a 10 minute drive from his apartment. *We actually live pretty close* he thought, switching back to the tumblr app.
Xplr-lurker : Tell me when you make it home safe. LA is scary at night.
Xplr-lurker : Also, that coffee shop is not far from me. If you ever want to meet up there, I’m down.
Y/n : I just walked in my front door. Stop worrying, mom.
Y/n : And I’ll be headed back there tomorrow around midnight. My roommate’s boyfriend is obnoxious and he comes over every night around then. I usually hang out at the coffee shop and work on stuff on my laptop for a few hours.
Xplr-lurker : I’m glad you’re safe. I’ll definitely try to make it there tomorrow.
Y/n : I’ll be the one with the messy bun, laptop, and baggy Y&R hoodie, lol.
Xplr-lurker : If I don’t chicken out, I’ll wear an XPLR hoodie.
Y/n : Well I need to go to sleep. If I don’t see you tomorrow, I’m sure I’ll still talk to you on here.
Xplr-lurker : For sure! Have a good night!
Y/n : You too. 🖤🖤
“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.” Colby said, sighing. This was it. He was either going to walk into that coffee shop and blow his cover or he was going to chicken out like a little bitch.
The whole next day he had a hard time paying attention to anything or anyone. He was too busy trying to figure out the best way to tell you who he was.
“Colby!” Sam laughed, waving his hand in front of his friend’s face.
“What? Sorry.” Colby said, shaking his head and turning towards Sam.
“You okay?” Sam asked. Colby just stared at him for a minute. “I’m going to take that as a no?”
“I’m not, not okay.” Colby answered, sounding cryptic.
“Okaaaayyy.” Sam said slowly. “Care to explain?”
“I’m just nervous to meet up with someone later.” Colby tried to sound casual. “It’s nothing big. I’m just anxious, I guess.”
“Who?” Sam asked.
“A girl I met online.” Colby said, waiting for Sam to tease him.
Sam furrowed his brows. “Like on a dating app?”
“No.” Colby shook his head. “She’s a fan.”
Sam made a confused face. “Not to make it sound like I think you’re stupid, but are you being catfished again?” He laughed.
Colby couldn’t help but crack a smile, hiding his face behind his hands. “No, actually. I don’t even know what this girl looks like.”
“What?!” Sam asked, confused.
“That’s not the weirdest part.” Colby said, peeking through his fingers at his best friend. “She doesn’t know I’m me.”
“Is this for a video or something?” Sam asked, not understanding at all what was going on.
“Nope. I made an account to interact with fans and we just kind of clicked.” Colby tried explaining. “We’ve been friends for like 6 months, but we only ever talk through our usernames. The more I say this out loud the crazier it sounds.” Colby laughed.
“Sooooo, you’ve never seen a picture of her?” Sam asked.
“Nope. Not for sure. I THINK I found her personal blog, but I could be wrong.” Colby answered. “I only know her name because it’s in her profile, but she’s never asked me mine.”
“Is she going to be mad?” Sam asked, trying to wrap his head around the whole thing.
“That’s kind of why I’m so nervous.” Colby said, biting his lip. “She told me where she’s going to be tomorrow night and I don’t know if I should just show up or if I should rip the band-aid off and tell her who I am in our dms before we’re supposed to meet up.”
Sam had a blank stare on his face. “I honestly have no idea how to help you.”
“Don’t feel bad. I don’t know how to help myself.” Colby laughed.
“Tell me how it goes?” Sam asked.
“Of course.” Colby nodded, zoning out again.
At around 11:30pm you’d walked to the coffee shop. You ordered a drink and your late dinner and sat down in the corner booth. You worked on some things you were currently writing and gone through and caught up with your emails. At about 1am, you’d convinced yourself your tumblr friend had chickened out.
Right around 12:30am, Colby was stood in front of the coffee shop he was supposed to meet you at. There were only a few people currently in the shop, so it was pretty easy to figure out which one was you. He’d taken a deep breath and walked through the door, darting to the counter when he started to panic. With his back to you, he ordered a coffee. *I don’t even like coffee* he thought to himself. He kept peeking at you from the pick-up counter while he waited for his order. You had headphones in your ears, mouthing the lyrics to whatever song you were listening to. When the barista called out his name, he grabbed his coffee and left the shop.
Xplr-lurker : I’m stuck.
Xplr-lurker : You’re normally the person I go to for advice, but I feel like it’s unfair to put this one on you.
Xplr-lurker : You’re beautiful, btw.
You looked up from your computer, searching for your friend.
Y/n : Thank you? Are you here?
Xplr-lurker : I was. I chickened out. I kind of panicked.
Y/n : Aww, I promise you have no reason to panic. So why are you stuck? I’m always here to listen and give advice when I think I can help. You know that.
Colby sighed, sitting in his car.
Xplr-lurker : I guess it’s better just to come out with it.
Xplr-lurker : My name is Colby.
You waited a few seconds for further explanation.
Y/n : Okay? I don’t get it.
Xplr-lurker : Like, I am Colby Brock. I made this account to interact with fans.
Y/n : Please tell me you’re just fucking with me as a friend and not a delusional fanboy that’s trying to actually convince me he’s someone he’s not.
*Great* you thought to yourself. Not only did you have to walk home at night by yourself in LA, now you had to keep an eye out for a crazy person who wanted you to believe they were Colby. You thought this person was your friend and now you were afraid to leave the coffee shop.
Xplr-lurker : Neither? I know I fucked up by not telling you sooner.
Y/n : Well, since whoever is on the other end of this message knows I’m here alone, I’m going to call my roommate to pick me up. You know, you were really cool. You were my favorite person to talk to. This really sucks. You didn’t have to be anyone but yourself.  
When Colby tried to reply to your message, the chat said that he had been blocked. “Oh, fuck.” He said, jumping back out of his car. When he got to the door of the coffee shop, he could see that you were packing up your stuff.
“Y/n!” he called from the door, walking towards your booth.
Your eyes flew towards the boy walking in your direction, your hands frozen holding your laptop.
Colby slowly slid into the other side of the booth you were sitting in, putting his phone down with the tumblr app open. “I’m so sorry.”
“What the fuck?” you whispered, still not moving.
“You have every right to be mad at me and I swear I never meant to freak you out. I didn’t really think it through when I told you who I was. Is your roommate coming?” He asked, talking so fast you could barely process what he was saying.
You sat your laptop down and grabbed his phone. “My roommate wouldn’t come pick me up even if I did call her.” You said, looking at the tumblr app on Colby’s phone. You were the only person he had messaged.
“You were going to walk?” Colby asked, grabbing his phone when you handed it back to him.
“I was going to order an Uber.” You laughed. “This is crazy. You’re crazy.”
“Are you mad?” Colby’s face was apprehensive, waiting for you to tell him to fuck off.
“A little.” You nodded, laughing. “You asked me questions about yourself! I fangirled to you about you!” You remembered, covering your now blushing cheeks with your hands, hiding your face.
He laughed. “I feel the need to say this in person…You’re beautiful.” He watched as you peeked over your fingers. “And I’m the one that should be embarrassed about that, not you.”
“Why did you ask me to meet if you didn’t want me to know who you were?” You asked, remembering that this whole thing was his idea.
He laughed, reaching to grab one of your hands. “I’ve been trying to nut up and tell you who I am for over a month.”
“Why me? You didn’t even know what I looked like?” You were still trying to take in the fact that Colby Brock was sitting here in your favorite coffee shop holding your hand.
“I didn’t really care what you looked like. You’ve been a great friend to me since we first started talking and I was just some random person you met online…That has nothing to do with how someone looks.” He explained, blushing before continuing. “The fact that you’re also adorable is just an added bonus.”
You laughed, pulling your hand out of his so you could re-do your messy bun that was currently falling. “This is crazy. I want to re-read everything I’ve ever sent to you to make sure I didn’t make a complete fool out of myself.”
“Y/n.” Colby laughed. “You didn’t. I promise. There’s not a single thing you’ve told me that I don’t like.”
You stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out what the hell you were supposed to do now. “I have one question.” You said, leaning your elbows on the table.
“Ask away.” He answered, leaning forward the same way you were.
“What’s the REAL reason Elton always tries to get you naked in his vlogs?” You smirked, hearing Colby bust a gut laughing.
“Honestly, I’ve questioned it myself. The only answer that keeps me sane is clickbait.” He shook his head. “So, we’re good?” he asked.
“I mean, I don’t know WHAT we are, but I hope it isn’t bad.” You laughed.
“Well, we’ve been friends for over 6 months. I’d like to still claim that even though you know now that I’ve been a dumbass this entire time.” He smiled.
“I think I can deal with that.” You smiled back at him.
“Should I push my luck and ask you if I can buy you another coffee?” He asked, a shy look on his face. “I think coffee is disgusting, but I hear coffee shops make for great first dates.”
“You went from being afraid to show your face to asking me on a date.” You laughed.
“Well?” Colby said, waiting for your answer.
You nodded, your cheeks turning pink. “I’d love another coffee.”
I can remove any of the tumblrs I’ve used if you’re uncomfortable being mentioned. @daddydobrock @absolute-randomness-forever @sp00kybrock @jakeywebber @lightenupbrock @that-one-brock-boy @badassbrock @the-sun-is-dark @colbyjacksmack @rewindfridaynight @brockboytrashz 
372 notes · View notes
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G’day everyone!
Thanks to the EA Game Changers Program, last Sunday SimGurus Jill, Morgan and Geoff hosted a super secret private live stream for those of us in the program who weren’t able to attend EA Play and I am so excited to finally be able to share all the information I learned about Island Living and the upcoming free patch with you guys!
I don’t have any new screenshots or gameplay to show you but I did take pages and pages of notes so I’ve spent the better part of today trying to condense those down and put them in order so that you guys can have a look over them and read about some of the amazing new stuff that’s coming in this pack.
Just be aware that because we weren’t able to take screenshots or record the stream, all I had to refer to while putting this all in a post is my own notes and while I did my best to simultaneously listen carefully, write everything down, fend off my cats, and stop myself falling asleep... I could have easily missed something or some information could be wrong because it was 4am in the morning and my cats get bitey when I don’t pay attention to them lol You should definitely check out some of the other Game Changers posts and videos to see if they have any information I missed too!
SO! All that being said, I’m going to put this all under a cut because it’s long and also because spoilers!
If you have any questions about Island Living, I can’t promise that I’ll know or be allowed to tell you the answer, but my inbox is always open and it never hurts to ask anyway 😊
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New World - Sulani
    🌴 The beautiful tropical Sulani contains 14 lots spread out over 3 island            neighbourhoods:                 - Ohan’Ali is a town/commercial area containing 6 lots.                     Festivals/Events take place every day in town, keep an eye out for                     balloons to find out where                 - Lani St. Taz is an upscale residential area containing 5 lots                 - Mua Pel’Am is a Natural Island containing 3 lots. There is also a                     beautiful (and useful) waterfall and possibly a hidden cave but                     shhh, it’s a secret!
    🌴 All lots are fully editable and can be changed to any lot type you want     🌴 There’s a new Beach venue type     🌴 The weather in Sulani is generally pretty mild, but if you have Seasons            installed you may get the occasional tropical storm
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Traits + Aspirations
    🌴 Volcanic activity               - Can be used on any lot               - Causes lava bombs to fall on the lot               - Lava bombs can catch your sim on fire if they touch them too much                   while they’re still hot               - Once cooled lava bombs can be broken open and looted or turned                    into decorative objects
    🌴 Off the Grid               - Free base game trait to be added in an upcoming patch               - Your sims bills will be lower BUT most electronics will not work on lots                   with this trait and you will have limited internet access               - Objects in the buy catalogue will display “Off the Grid Functionality” if                   they can be used on this lot. Eg there is a new sink in Island Living                   that looks like a sort of natural spring water pump, it’s perfect for off                   the grid lots
    🌴 Clothing optional               - Free base game trait to be added in an upcoming patch               - Sims will react differently depending on traits. Eg. Self-assured sims                   will be more willing to strip off than sims with other traits like Childish
    🌴 Beach Life               - This sim wants to take it slow and enjoy the beach life
    🌴 Child of the Ocean               - Answer the call of the ocean! Sims with this trait will prefer water                   related activities and feel closer to their denizens of the sea.     🌴 Child of the Island               - These sims experience a spiritual connection to the islands of Sulani.                   Honor the islands by partaking in their culture, summon powerful                   elementals and reap the rewards of their blessings — or the                   consequences of their disfavour.     🌴 Sim trait randomization will also be added to the game in a free           upcoming patch!
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   🌴 Fishing/Diving Career               - Fishing will also be getting a big update (I think in the upcoming free                   patch). There will be new fish to collect, a fish trap, a high skill cast,                   re-tuning and new fishing spots in lots of worlds
   🌴 Lifeguard
   🌴 In an upcoming patch, all teen part-time careers will be made available for          all ages
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Gameplay + Activities
   🌴 Sims can become mermaids via gameplay or you can make one in CAS           (they are under the occult life states menu)    🌴 There are a ton of new customization options for mermaids in CAS,           including eyes, tail shapes and textures, teeth, tops that match the tails.    🌴 Instead of a hygiene bar, mermaids have a hydration bar that will slowly           drop the longer they are out of water    🌴 Mermaids who spend too long out of water might get a cramp, or a           sudden chill, or get very tired if their hydration becomes too low    🌴 You can raise their hydration by having them drink a glass of water, take a           shower, go out in the rain, splash about under a waterfall, or have a bath    🌴 If your mermaid decides to have a bath (even a bubble bath) their tail will           reappear and hang over the side of the tub!    🌴 There was no mention of whether or not mermaids tails reappear when           they’re in a pool but I would assume so?    🌴 Mermaids can give birth to Merbabies!    🌴 While Merbabies can be born, Merchildren won’t manifest into their tales           and power until they’re teens    🌴 Mermaids have some pretty cool powers               - Siren Lullaby - Sing one of the four different siren songs to a                   human sim to provide them with a moodlet… for good or bad is up                   to you               - Summon Ocean Threat - Will drag a sim underwater and drain the                   needs of a human sim to a dangerously low level. If done on a sim                   with already low needs, this may lead to death               - If you have Seasons installed, your mermaid can summon a                   thunderstorm               - There are more but they didn’t have time to show us them all
   🌴 Using powers will drain your mermaids hydration quicker    🌴 Mermaids have their own cool little plumbob, similar to aliens and           vampires    🌴 If you’re sick of being a Mermaid (we can’t be friends anymore), you can          find some special kelp to help you with that
   🌴 Sims can now swim in the ocean!    🌴 Ocean swimming is only possible in Sulani, not other worlds BUT the           Gurus did say that extending ocean swimming to the rest of the worlds is           not off the table just yet and may come at a later date. They just really           wanted to nail it for Island Living before even thinking about making it           possible in other worlds.    🌴 Toddlers can’t swim (obviously) but there are little shallow areas of the           ocean they can sit in and splash around    🌴 If you have Cats & Dogs installed your pets will also be able to swim in the           ocean    🌴 Sims will receive moodlets depending on what’s happening while they           swim. Eg. If they see a shark, or a beautiful sunset    🌴 Sometimes while your sims are in the ocean, they might think they see a           shark… they might be right, they might not. Either way, I wouldn’t stick           around to find out!
   🌴 Sims can snorkel around Sulani’s reefs and shallows    🌴 Snorkeling is fully animated    🌴 Sims can also scuba dive by clicking on a buoy and paying the fee for           scuba gear    🌴 Scuba diving is a rabbit hole activity, there a no animations    🌴 Sims can take photos underwater whilst snorkeling and diving and keep           them as souvenirs    🌴 There may be treasures and a secret area to be found whilst diving as           well but don’t quote me on that, I was distracted by my cat jumping on           my keyboard at the time lol
   🌴 Your sims can now befriend a dolphin!    🌴 Dolphins can be found playing around buoys (possibly only twice a day?)    🌴 Sims can work on friendship with dolphins by feeding them fish, playing           with them, and teaching them tricks.    🌴 They can even be renamed so you know exactly which dolphin is your           friend
   🌴 Outrigger Canoe               - Sims can fish off the edge of them, nap in them, and they are able to                   be dragged into your sims inventory
   🌴 Aqua zip (jet ski)               - Sims can do tricks on the Aqua Zip. The higher your sims fitness skill,                   the better tricks they can do. Aqua Zips can also be dragged into                   your sims inventory
   🌴 Your sims can now relax and sunbathe on the beach (or at home) in           lounge chairs and on beach towels    🌴 One lounge chair will also be available for free in an upcoming base game           update    🌴 Floating loungers are also coming with Island Living. They have similar           interaction to regular lounge chairs but  sims can also sunbathe nude on           floating loungers and can be splashed by other sims in the water. They           can also be used in pools!    🌴 All loungers, floating and non, and towels are able to be dragged into           your sims inventory and taken with them
   🌴 Tanning and sunburns are exclusive to Island Living    🌴 You can “opt-in” to have your sim tan or sunburn using a float lounger,           lounge chair or beach towel    🌴 Tans and sunburns will take into account what your sim is wearing at the           time    🌴 Mischievous sims can also “sabotage” sims who fall asleep in the sun with           some strategically placed lotion. These “sabotaged” sunburn patterns           are completely random and there may be some funny little easter eggs in           there
   🌴 The natural island of Mua Pel’Am is home to an active volcano and your           most adventurous sims can even live right next to it if they want    🌴 There is also a gorgeous waterfall on the natural island of Mua Pel’Am           that is not only very romantic (wink wink), but also can be used as a           shower by sims living off the grid
   🌴 Your sims will be able to clean up the beaches of Sulani, which will impact           the rest of the islands    🌴 At max level conservation the scenery of the islands change to be more           beautiful, more wildlife (butterflies, turtles etc) will show up, and you           might even see some bio-luminescent algae floating around in the ocean    🌴 There was mention of a special turtle hatching event but I’m not sure if it           has to do with the conservation level or not
   🌴 Coconut    🌴 Pineapple    🌴 Taro    🌴 Kava    🌴 Several new fish
   🌴 Lava bombs are hot    🌴 Look out for sharks    🌴 Mermaids are beautiful but accidents happen
   🌴 I hear the waterfall over on Mua Pel’Am is a very romantic spot…
   🌴 Coming soon with a free update, ceiling fans will now not only be able to           be switched on and off, but they will also cool things down on hot days           and dry off wet sims
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I think most of what’s in CAS was covered in the trailer and during the announcement from EA Play, and we really didn’t get much of a look at it during the private stream, but from what I did see there’s a lot of amazing stuff!
The only thing I can say for sure is that as per usual, the male options are lacking and a little lackluster compared to the female options. I also don’t think there’s much in the way of clothes and hairs for kids and toddlers either 😟
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There is TONS of beautiful new Polynesian and Pacific Island inspired build/buy stuff, some of which I’ve already listed above, so I can’t list them all but here’s a few that don’t really fit into any other category but were specifically mentioned by the Gurus during the stream or just plain caught my eye
   🌴 A beautiful new island-themed wedding arch made with palm leaves and           tropical flowers and urgh! Just trust me, it’s beautiful!    🌴 Sandcastles!    🌴 A grill pit, that gets covered with palm leaves while it’s cooking    🌴 So many new island plants (hopefully they’re in debug 🤞)    🌴 A new island speaker (for community lots I assume) with all new Island           Living music    🌴 Glass floors! They’re not actual flooring like carpets and tiles though,           they’re more like the Get Together dance floors where you just place           them on the floor and you can see through them.    🌴 Stilted foundations! FINALLY!! They can be placed on any lot, not just           ocean lots!    🌴 There was a ladder shown in the trailers that I know many people were           very excited about, however it acts more like a diving board than an           actual ladder you can use between house floors. If you place it on the           edge of a deck, your sims will jump off the deck straight into the water.           But that doesn’t stop you from pretending it’s an actual ladder 😉    🌴 This isn’t an object but I didn’t know where else to put it - Pools can’t be           built on the ground floor of lots built on the ocean. I didn’t catch why but           I’m assuming it would interfere too much with the ocean itself. I also           assume they can be built on any floors above the ground floor though.
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This is probably not that interesting to a lot of people but I’m fascinated by a lot of the animations that are created for this game and with this pack it’s really clear the team put a lot of effort into even just the smallest of animations so I wanted to point out some of my favourites that I saw in the stream
   🌴 There is a new walk style/animation for when your sims are           entering/exiting the ocean. Just like real life they will slow down and kind           of struggle to move through the shallow water until they’re deep enough           to swim or walk up onto the sand    🌴 There are different swim styles if your sim needs to get somewhere faster           (similar to jogging instead of walking) that also use less energy than the           standard speed    🌴 There is a bunch of cool new animations added for when sims are           multitasking swimming with other things, like talking, flirting, and even           kissing in the ocean!    🌴 The mermaid tail animations in general are so smooth and organic, it’s           beautiful! Whether they’re swimming in the ocean, jumping in and out of           water, or just lounging in a bath tub; the team really outdid themselves           with the animations for the tails!    🌴 Speaking of mermaids, there’s an option whilst swimming to “Mermaid           Kiss”! I don’t know if it’s available for human sims but it looks very cute           and sweet when performed by two mermaids!    🌴 Not only do the floating loungers float, but they also drift! They slowly           move around and drift back and forth with the waves just like a real           floating lounger would!
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nakamina · 5 years
What is Produce 101 Japan? + Fav members
Hello again! Today, I’m here with another long blog post NOT about Yuzuru Hanyu or anime but............ PRODUCE 101 JAPAN!! Because there are just not enough posts about it on Tumblr. AGH! WHY!? So here we go...
What is Produce 101 Japan?
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Produce 101 Japan is a 2019 Japanese reality competition show and a spin-off of the South Korean television series Produce 101 . The show follows 101 trainees with the intention of producing an 11-member boy band. The members, group name, and concepts are selected by viewers, referred to as "national producers." The series was first announced in April 2019 as a co-production between Yoshimoto Kogyo and CJ E&M and premiered on September 25, 2019, with the first and final episodes airing on TBS while the full series will be streamed on GyaO! beginning September 26, 2019. - Totally not copied and pasted from wiki lol 
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So yes, if you are familiar with the Korean Produce 101 franchise then you get the gist; if not, it is basically a Japanese idol show where the viewers get to vote and decide who will debut in the end as part of a 11-member boy band. Almost each week the ranking is released to the public online. This ranking resets every 3-4 weeks, so every trainee has the opportunity to redeem themselves as well as drop down in rank. Currently 9 out of 12 episodes have aired. The final episode is set to air on December 11, 2019. 
Who are MY top 11 members? 
So my favourite part of this blog has come! I will now show case my top/favourite 11 members of Produce 101 Japan. So obviously these are the members that I hope will make it into the final 11 to debut as a group. I will first list their age, prefecture, current rank (as of 27th Nov 2019), audition group (as some members entered this show as a group), position/persona (made up by me) and a short blurb about what I like about them. FYI this is not in any particular order......except for maybe no.1 hehe. 
1. Shiroiwa Ruki
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Age: 22 Prefecture: Tokyo, Japan Current rank: 4th  Audition group: Hangyaku no Prince  Position/persona: A prince on the outside, a dork on the inside
Ruki is by far my favourite trainee and my 1-pick. He is a total visual, an all rounder and the dark horse of this show. His rank has been steadily improving and just last week he jumped from 13th place to 4th place! So far he has been the centre for all of the group battle performances. He is known for his “Prince” persona, and yes on stage he is indeed like a prince from a Shojo-manga; however, as some other trainees have confessed he is actually quite dorky and down to earth. I mean, in his 60-second PR video he sang while nonchalantly playing a guitar that was clearly out of tune (face palm). Furthermore, he talks to his dorm mates on and on until 4am only because he gets lonely and doesn’t want to be the last one to fall asleep. This young fella just yearns for some company haha. With all jokes aside though, I think he honestly has the potential to challenge the current top three members and be chosen as the final centre. 
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2. Komatsu Koshin
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Age: 18 Prefecture: Hyogo, Japan Current rank: 28th Audition group: Puchi-men  Position/persona: Small boy with a big heart 
Komatsu-kun is a 18 year old high schooler that has captured the hearts of many with his cute face and personality. Ruki may be my 1-pick, but Komatsu-kun was the first trainee I had my eyes on. He is very underrated IMHO as he just does not get enough screen time. But you can tell from the few scenes that he is featured in that he is so polite, cares a lot about his fellow peers and can always lift up the the entire mood within the team. He also has a stable vocal and solid dance skills. He may be small (165cm), but he has a heart of a giant. 
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3. Uehara Jun 
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Age: 23 Prefecture: Tokyo, Japan Current rank: 5th Audition group: n/a Position/persona: King of Rap 
Where do I even begin with Uehara Jun!? He was actually in Produce X (4th season of the Produce franchise in Korea) but as he could not make the final cut there, he has now committed to this second opportunity in Japan to make his debut as an idol. Jun has many amazing qualities, one of the obvious ones being his skills as a rapper. Honestly, he is in a league of his own when it comes to rap. I’m no rap pro, but when he raps it just sounds so GOOD! When he first started off I think a lot of viewers were hesitant to vote for him as he had the tendency to succumb to pressure and self-guilt, but as the weeks went by he really redeemed himself and gained a lot more confidence. I mean...the fact that he moved from one season to another without second thought just shows he really wants this, and I genuinely hope he will make it into the final 11. He deserves it and the group will suffer without a top-quality rapper like him. 
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4. Kono Junki
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Age: 21 Prefecture: Nara, Japan Current rank: 11th  Audition group: Six Packs Position/persona: Kpop ready vocals and visual 
Junki is a very handsome trainee with a beautiful voice. Despite having little to no experience with singing or dancing prior to this show, he has really demonstrated the ability to adapt and deliver. Also his face and voice is so Kpop worthy it’s crazy. If I saw him walking down the street with no prior knowledge of who he is and someone told me he is a Kpop idol I will be convinced. He has also been voted by the other trainees as one of the top visuals. Oh and did I mention he has amazing muscles? I mean he did audition as part of a group called “Six Packs” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). 
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5. Yonashiro Sho 
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Age: 24 Prefecture: Okinawa, Japan   Current rank: 8th Audition group: Six Packs Position/persona: 50 Shades of Yonashiro 
Ah yes... Yonashiro, the Christian Grey of Produce 101 Japan. I say this because many viewers find his face, body and most of all his VOICE to be very sensual. He is a member of Six Packs, the same group as Kono Junki, so of course he has muscles and is also an amazing vocalist. His deep liquid gold voice has just added so much spice to every group performance that he has been a part of, and is now regarded as one of the  best vocalists of all the trainees. You may think that he is this know-it-all arrogant narcissist because of his looks, but he is actually very kind, considerate of others and has genuine passion for singing. 
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6. Kim Heecheon 
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Age: 25 Prefecture: South Korean  Current rank: 14th  Audition group: Hello Again  Position/persona: Ready to lead a country 
Heecheon was a former member of the Kpop group Halo. As they disbanded, he decided to join this show alongside two other former members of Halo (Younghoon & Youndong). Due to their experience Halo is really on a league of their own in many ways. Their dance, vocals, performance and professionalism as an idol are just top notch and SO stable. Heecheon particularly has a voice of an angel. He can really hit those high notes and it sounds so tranquil. One of the vocal trainers even praised him for it in one of the first episodes. He has also demonstrated great leadership skills. He has the ability to gain everyone’s trust and respect, while not being afraid to give constructive criticism and call out on those who are not being professional within the team. He is so level-headed, but that is not to say he isn’t fun. He is actually so funny and I am just impressed how well he understands Japanese sense of humour despite being Korean. Heecheon for president anyone?? 
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7. Jeong Younghoon
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Age: 26 Prefecture: South Korea Current rank: 6th  Audition group: Hello Again  Position/persona: Embodiment of Kindness 
Look up “kindness” in your dictionary and you are sure to find his name. Younghoon, the eldest member of the Halo trio, is such a kind-hearted individual. One of the younger trainees even said that he wants Younghoon in his group during one of the group battles because he is kind (uwu). He has actually been judged quite harshly by the trainers despite being a former Kpop idol, and was even placed in group C (3rd lowest group) at one point. Even with these challenges he never showed the slightest bit of annoyance towards the trainers and accepted to improve on the flaws the he was criticised for. Like Heecheon, he has also gained a lot of trust and admiration from the other trainees.
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8. Kim Youndong
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Age: 24 Prefecture: South Korea Current rank: 10  Audition group: Hello Again  Position/persona: Little Mr Sunshine 
Youndong, also a former member of Halo, is such a sunshine of the show. He is absolutely a pleasure to watch both on and off stage and is always smiling. He is probably the least fluent in Japanese out of the Halo trio, but that in itself is what makes him so charming. His personality is so likeable I think it is impossible for anyone to hate him. Not to mention his stunning presence while performing. 
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9. Kawanishi Takumi 
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Age: 20 Prefecture: Hyogo, Japan Current rank: 12th  Audition group: KSIX Position/persona: Princess
I think Takumi is a must needed member for the final 11. He really is a talented individual. He apparently has no experience with dancing or singing but for some reason he manages to always pull off complicated choreos and is also working steadily on his vocals right now. He may be ranked 12th at the moment, but he was previously ranked no.1, so I’m sure his one-pickers will place him back up high in the ranking again soon enough. He is also labelled as the “Princess” of Produce 101 Japan due to his picture perfect looks. Unsurprisingly he was also voted as the no.1 visual by the trainees. I mean just look at him, those eyes just so striking and and full of hope! 
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10. Kawashiri Ren 
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Age: 22 Prefecture: Fukuoka, Japan Current rank: 2nd Audition group: UN Backers  Position/persona: Mr Perfect 
Now Ren is a special one. He is a very experienced dancer and is one of, if not the best dancer of all the trainees. He has worked as a back dancer for many Kpop and Jpop groups such as FT Island, WannaOne, Pentagon and SMAP. Of course he is not the only experienced dancer in the show, but every move of his is so effortless and clean. He was voted as the very first centre of Produce 101 Japan, and maintained this position throughout the first half of the season. His rank has now dropped down to 2nd, but he still maintains an incredible amount of following. He has so much aura and has garnered a lot of respect from the other trainees. I think it’s safe to say that he will make it into the final 11 and will undoubtedly be one of the top contenders for the final centre position. 
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11. Tsurubo Shion 
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Age: 18 Prefecture: Shiga, Japan Current rank: 3rd  Audition group: n/a  Position/persona: Bad boy gone sweet
I think Shion is a type that really pulls the ladies’ heart strings. Similar to Uehara Jun, Shion also sees Produce 101 as his second chance to accomplish his dream as an idol, as he has had a history of failing an audition....an audition which he even dropped out of high school for. There was some negativity around his reputation at the start as the trainers addressed his “rude” attitude in the first episode (By rude, he talked over some of the trainers and hosts, and was not using proper formal language). This was only for the first episode and was most likely due to nerves of being on screen as as the weeks went by we saw him break out of his shell and show a very sweet side of him. I mean just look at his pure smile in the GIF below! 
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Honourable mentions
Now I am going to cheat a bit and show case three other trainees that could not make it into MY top 11 but deserves a mention. 
Ando Tomoaki 
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Age: 22 Prefecture: Fukuoka, Japan Current rank: 7th Audition group: Six Packs Position/persona: Michelangelo’s Ando
The third member of Six Packs. I say he’s “Michelangelo’s” Ando because he has such deep set eyes and western facial features. One trainee said that he’s like one of the statues you’d find in the Louvre lol. Ando may very well be the most talented vocalist in Six Packs. It would be very sad to not see all of the three Six Packs members make it into the final 11, so thats why I have placed him here. 
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Honda Kosuke 
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Age: 24  Prefecture: Fukushima, Japan Current rank: 15th Audition group: Hangyaku no Prince  Position/persona: Big bro Honda 
Honda is so big bro-material. Even Kawajiri Ren, one of the most respected trainees comes to him for moral support. I actually would be really happy if he makes it into the final 11 with Ruki because they are from the same group and have such a strong bond (cries). So much drama happened around him during one of the group battles, and he is such a great dancer and choreographer. 
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Urano Shuta
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Age: 22 Prefecture: Kanagawa, Japan Current rank: 34th Audition group: Hangyaku no Prince  Position/persona: Mood maker 
Urano Shuta, also a member of Hangyaku no Prince, is someone that very recently caught my attention. He has a great voice and great sense of humour. Honestly, every scene he is featured in just cracks me up because he is always pulling off jokes. Let’s give him a bonus GIF for his loveable humour. 
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In Summary 
Produce 101 Japan is such an entertaining, dramatic and inspiring show. I am usually not into idols at all (Kpop or Jpop), so I am honestly surprised just how invested I have become. I’ve only showcased 14 trainees today, but no joke each one of them has something to offer and you just have to watch it to understand the greatness of this show. Unfortunately you are only able to vote if you live in Japan (as it requires to have a Japanese cell phone number). Since I don’t live in Japan I thought this blog post is the least I could do to help promote the trainees. If you are able to please check this show out! You can use a VPN to watch all the episodes on Gyao. Otherwise, they have an official youtube channel and many fans have uploaded videos of Produce 101 Japan as well online. 
Thanks so much if you made it to the end of this blog! And I’m sorry if this is not the kind of content you expected from me. Do not fret though, plenty of Yuzuru Hanyu content will still be coming from me. 
Adios until my next blog post!! 
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flowerboymoongirl · 4 years
What are the Odds? 2.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom Holland accidentally adds you to his friends list, and when you hit him up about about it you think that’s gonna be the end of that. Simple. But Tom does the complete opposite. Let the social media flirting begin.
Warnings: some cursing, bad flirting, annoying brothers.
Word count: 2898
A/N: Thought this chapter was long but once I finished it I felt like it wasn’t, so be prepared for longer chapters, which I hope ya’ll are ok with lol. I have a lot of details in my mind for their specific dynamic together along with relationships of the other characters so im glad ill be able to put most of those details into the upcoming chapters. enjoy.
So about the whole, ‘I’m gonna tell him’ thing you told the roomies.
That... is easier said than done. Watching a celebrity’s private social media page is wrong, but also really interesting. Like those “CELEBRITIES! THEY’RE JUST LIKE US!” articles in those trashy magazines that you use to skim through at the grocery store while your mom did her shopping. Most days, Tom posted what you would deem ‘normal people activities.’ Him walking his dog in the morning. Him having a beer with who you assumed were his roommates. Him leaving his clean laundry on a chair in his room for a few days and then posting about his guilt for doing it. We’ve all been there. But then, he would also post things that you were sure was on the invasion of privacy range you were crossing. He had posted going out to restaurants or clubs that were super exclusive a few times, him drinking with his friends which lead to drunk Instagram stories, (once again, we’ve all been there) or he’d post gym selfies or his outfit of the day, which like, how were you suppose to deny yourself that?
But overall, he seemed like he tried to live as normal a life as possible, and was pretty down to earth for the most part. Which made you feel bad for being so nosey in his life. He obviously wanted privacy, and here you were watching all of his private stories meant for his friends and family. You could practically hear Zoë telling you how you should’ve figured out how to unlink yourself from that list two weeks ago when she told you to. It was exhausting sometimes how often Zoë was right.
Which lead you to finally telling yourself that the next time he posted something you would message him about the mixup and then carry on with your life like you weren’t bummed to not be able to watch Spider-Man’s day to day activities. You needed to get a better hobby.
“Earth to y/n, are you in there??“ Kevin said as he waved his hand infront of your face.
“Isn’t it time for you to go to work? I thought maybe you fell asleep at the dining table for again, until I noticed your eyes were open.” You glanced at the clock. 3:30am. Waking up for the 4am opening shift for work was the worst.
“Uh, yeah. I was totally spacing, guess I’m still just tired.” You said while you grabbed your jacket and keys.
“Don’t fall asleep on the way to work please?” He said while we followed you to the door to lock it.
“I won’t, don’t worry Kev.”
“Alright, later boooo”
You gave Kevin a smile and a wave and walked down the hall to the elevator to get to your car. You were lucky you didn’t live far from the bakery and your coworkers didn’t ever mind if you were late, they all understood that while whole morning shift was the shift to have, it could be hard getting up in the morning. Your drive to work was quick since there was no traffic that early in the morning and when you parked you saw your coworkers getting out of their cars as well. Perfect timing. You said your hellos to the group as you all walked inside and walked to your stations to start the day. You all shared the big back room of the bakery but all had your own little corners with your things. Your corner you had just started to decorate and you had really started to feel like it was your own cute little corner. You had a dozen random colored aprons from your friends/family that you worked in hung up nicely on the walls, a few pictures of you and the roommates on your summer trip to Rosario last summer, love notes left from Theo and Zoë when they came in and you couldn’t go out to make them their coffees because the back was crazy. It still could use a couple more pictures to fill the space but at the moment it was cute enough for you. You smiled while you put your keys and your purse into your locker underneath it and pulled out your phone to put into your apron when you decided a quick look through your social media’s before starting the shift would be needed. 
Theo had already sent you posts to look at on insta and it seemed like Kevin had mentioned you on twitter before he went to bed when you left. You opened your Instagram after you tied your apron on and low and behold, Tom was on the top of the page. he had the newest Instagram story of everyone you followed.
Guess we’re doing this early, you though in your head. You sighed while you clicked the profile and thought about how you were gonna message him and not seem weird. Hopefully it wasnt a gym selfie or a shirtless picture because that would be too awkward to follow with a message. Hey, I noticed you aren’t wearing a shirt and that I do not know you. Hope you’re doing well.
But it wasn’t a shirtless selfie. He had posted a picture of a very sad looking round of dough in a bowl. “Attempt #3 to this whole baking thing, my pizza dough doesn’t seem to be rising 🤨” he had written underneath it. You clicked to the next slide. Same sad looking round of dough.
“Been two hours, and not any growth. Someone help me 😐” was written in red. Homie was basically begging for your help. This was also a way to sneak in the “hey I dunno you but you added me, no problem to I’ll just let myself out haha🙂” that you were looking for. Realistically, this was your opening for you to casually let the guy know the mistake and roll out looking like a normal human being and help him make pizza. Foolproof. You hit the message button and began to type.
Hey. I think you added me to your close friends list on accident? While I do know how to to make a mean pizza, not sure we know eachother irl haha. As for your dough, if you added yeast to your dough and it’s still not rising, your yeast might be dead 😕 could be expired yeast, or the water you used for the recipe was too hot and killed the yeast. just switch out to warm water instead if that’s the case. Hope It helps!
After reading it a couple times and deciding it didn’t sound too cringe, you sent it.
“There. I did it. Back to our regularly scheduled program.” You told yourself and started your morning setup for the day. As you started to get into the groove of the day time seemed to have a mind of its own and before you knew it, it was time for your lunch break. You were ready for a break after running from the front and back of the house continuously to help with customer service and coffees when needed, and then running back to finish off baking your breakfast items for the day. You had left a water bottle and some leftovers from dinner the day before in the communal lunchrooms fridge and had made your way to the back to get it. Fishing out your phone from your pocket, the screen illuminated and you noticed some notifications pop up. The roommate group text had left a whopping 12 text messages, the apartment had awakened you joked to yourself. Some snapchats from friends and from an ex-boyfriend you weren’t sure you even wanted to open, notifs that your tweet was retweeted a couple times, 2 message notifications from TomHoll-
“OH SHIT!” You yelled as you dropped your food container and almost your phone on the ground. He wrote back. HE WROTE BACK HE WROTE BACK HE WROTE BACK. TWICE?! WHY TWICE?! You wanted to hide, but why it’s not like he could see you through the screen. Why did you out yourself again?! What was the reason you snitched in yourself?! From the notifications details it had looked like he had written you once two hours ago and then another time 46 minutes ago. You wanted to open it but you also wanted to log off of Instagram forever and pretend you weren’t who you were. You screenshotted your notifications just as evidence for yourself that this was really happening and then decided to quit being such a wimp and open the damn messages. There was a green dot on the bottom of his profile picture before you opened his messages. He’s online right now. Great. Totally awesome. He probably sees I’m online too. I’m fucked, you thought in your head. You opened the message convo.
Hey, totally sorry about that, my brother must have added you when he started the group for me, hope my random stories didn’t bother you too much 😅 and thanks for the tips, think it could have been that the water I added was much too hot, maybe fourth times the charm haha. x
and the last message
started over (again) on my dough and added warm (not hot) water instead like you said and I think she’s alive! She seems a bit dry in the bowl but she is growing, so thanks again. I just may have a veggie supreme pizza in my future 😊 x
You were shook. Okay he was a normal person, you knew that. But to write you twice and thank you? And to be so casual about it even though he totally didn’t know you. He was super nice about it and then thanked you like you weren’t snooping on his life for the last 3 weeks. He was much too nice, and he wrote back twice to update you, it seemed rude to not write back now. You double tapped the last message and decided to just keep it to the pizza at hand and keep it short and sweet. Play it COOOL BITCH!
No worries, thought I’d let ya know. You can punch down the dough and spray it with a mist of water, should bring her back to life. Longer you let it proof the more flavor it’ll have, so don’t worry about deflating it. Do put a wet rag over the bowl to help keep your dough moist though, it’ll help it grow if the towel if warm too btw. I wish you luck in getting that (pizza) bread 🍕🍞
“Get that pizza bread? Ugh, why am I like this?” You said as you contemplated telling your roommates. Last time you told them about it they totally did a 180 on what you thought they would say, so maybe this time you should just keep this weird bread conversation with a well known actor to yourself. This was probably the end of it anyways, he’d finish his pizza and go back to not knowing who you were. Though you did worry about if he had sneaked a look at your page when he got your message and seen all of your posts, that you were highly critical of at the moment. A lot of questionable posts now that you though about it. If you were him, you would have clicked on the page almost immediately to get a look at the person snooping on your life.
When he first got the message he was confused as to who it would be, he didn’t recognize the photo or the username. And then he read the message and realized he didn’t recognize it because he did not know this girl.
“Harry you absolute div.” he muttered to himself while he jumped onto her page. Harry had told him he’d make him a close friends list like he had for his page since Tom wasn’t that great at Instagram, and in the process he seemed to have added this girl on accident. He had hoped she wasn’t someone shady and he thought back to some of the things he had recently posted and cringed. There was no new gossip or media info as of late leaking about him in the tabloids so it seemed like this girl didn’t run to press with all of his private stories. He had been drunk one too many times on that close friends group that she could have easily screen recorded and sent out to daily mail or whatever shit tabloid would pay for it.
He scrolled down to look at her pictures.
Cute girl.
American girl, a California girl to be exact. Not LA but San Diego. LA girls were a different breed and a no-no in his experience but this girl wasn’t a LA girl. Her pictures were too casual for that. Picture of her and her friends at a bar, picture of her and her dog walking on the beach, picture of her at what looked to be her job;a bakery. A mirror picture in some badly lighted bar restroom with a friend, both with smiles on their faces and a drink in their hands. She was wearing a a yellow floral wrap summer dress with a pair of wayfarer styled reading glasses. Even in the dingy mirror and the bad bar bathroom lighting she was attractive and seemed laid back. He had already written back to her to say sorry but now here he was on her page looking at her pictures, hoping he didn’t accidentally double tap anything. He had remade his pizza dough the way she suggested and now it was growing, surely it wouldn’t be bad if he wrote to her once more to let her know it worked? He sent another message and tried to work on some emails his publicist had begged him to look into while he messaged Harry on Instagram.
You added a random girl on my close friends list ya div. poor girls probably seen me drunk atleast a handful of times. 😑
Harry immediately typed back.
...but is she cute bruv? send me the username if so, your chance is ruined but I could make a move 👀
He ran a hand through his hair and thought of all the ways to insult his younger brother when the alert of another message came in. She had written back with a corny ‘get that bread joke’ with the emoji and all. He smiled and double tapped her reply. She had a cute personality. He went back to his drying out dough and reworked it as said and followed her instructions once again. He was feeling bold, so he decided to write her again.
Honestly, what would I have done without you today? You saved me with your baking skills and for that I am eternally grateful. Will possibly send you a picture of the final pizza pie once Its finished. 👨🏻‍🍳 x
It immediately had the words ‘seen’ written underneath his message and his eyes widened. She double tapped the message and was writing back, so he quickly jumped out of the message. He didn’t want her to know he was sitting there waiting for a response to his bad lowkey flirting, that would just be embarrassing. Maybe it wasn’t so bad though, that his dumb little brother had accidentally added her, he had thought to himself as her message appeared.
Sounds good Gordon. Or Mr.Ramsey, my apologies.
He smiled when he read the message and you yourself had a smile on your face after sending it. Very cheeky, you thought. You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself about the situation you had just put yourself in. You just had a message conversation with Tom and you actually kept your chill and didn’t make that much of a fool of yourself. He probably couldn’t even tell you were having a mental breakdown from him writing to you. As you got back into the groove of work it seemed as though the rest of your work shift went by just as quick as the beginning of the day from how busy the bakery had been, and now you had just cleaned up and hopped back into your car to go home. Theo had texted you asking what you wanted for dinner and you had just texted him back when you got an another message alert from your phone. It was a picture. It was his finished produced, all baked and pretty, veggie supreme like he had said. It looked as though he has even brushed the crust with olive oil, bonus points for that. 
“The finished product, tastes as good as she looks 🍕🤤” he had sent to you. Just you. Tastes....as good as she looks.....LOL.
“You could say that again Spidey.” You said while you put your seatbelt on and turned on your car. You liked the picture and saw he had yet another story on his page. You clicked it. It was a boomerang of him pulling a slice from the whole pie to bring to his mouth, a picture worthy melty cheese stretch and all combined with him looking just as good as the pizza. “Call me Gordon👨🏻‍🍳🍕” it was captioned. It was posted on his close friends list this time and you couldn’t help but notice, you were still on that list.
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mybabbbbee · 5 years
The firsts
First meetup: 7th July 2019. I was pissed off already abt alot of things and didnt at all wanna marry a doctor. Our conversation was very casual. I was the one who talked for the most part.
First time we sat together on one couch: 21st July 19 when it was our baat pakki ki rasm. I tried my best not to touch him.
First time i met him in niqab/on duty: 31st Aug 19 i was in my gynae OT and telling a friend abt how he is in anesthesia nowadays and yikes! There i saw him. He was soo focused on work. So i had to approach him and have a confused conversation. Later worry for 2 days doubting if he liked me or nah.
First gift: 11th Aug 19, we went to their place a day before Eid ul Azha. He had brought gucci perfume for me from Dubai. Mom also gifted him some clothes and a perfume.
First time i heard him play guitar: 11th Aug 19 everyone insisted him to do so. He played alot of songs out of which i knew some. GOT theme song, ab tou aadat si he, bachana were my fav.
First time he held my hand: 24th Aug 19 on our engagement when he held my hand to put the ring on. Lasted for barely 10 seconds and my hands were cold af.
First time he served me food: that too on our engagement. Served me rice.
First time he texted me on my number: 26th Aug 19 i asked aunty for more pictures and he texted me the link. And also asked me to thank ma pa for the watch. Also he made a laughing emoji at the end and i wanted to ask him does he laugh too 😯
First time i added him on snapchat: 28th Aug 19 cuz i was worried he isnt texting me. So he viewed all my stories hehe. And also posted his two days later. He has a score of 65 and i have 44k 🙄
First time i fantasized about him: 4th Sept 19 i was depresses bcs of messed up clg routine so i worked out and took a shower at midnight and afterwards just laid down naked in bed. And then i started thinking abt him and well that was my first orgasm right there.
First time we had a proper conversation: 5th Sept he was sick so i texted to wish him speedy recovery. Dont know if he was in a good mood or if he is always like this. We were talking abt our engagement and he said "tbh there was a lot to compliment" and afterwards he sent me a picture of us and said he liked it. He also asked me to meet him at clg. Not bad right? Couldnt stop smiling the whole time tho.
First time we added each other on facebook: 6th Sept. I set a condition that he'd put an engaged status. I thought he wouldnt but he did. He asked me to do the same too.
First time he made a heart in our conversation: 6th Sept when he called me Ms. SuperSweet. I havent made one yet.
First time he told me he gets horny thinking about me: 8th Sept the day we met and later that night he told me how crazy i make him go. And that he dreamt that we had a little pillow fight and ended up kissing. Gosh its getting hot in here. Also he started making kiss emoji. I havent yet 🤷‍♀️
First call: 15th Sept he was very worried if he'll be able to talk properly or not. It went well. Loved how he laughed.
First sexting: 15th Sept after the call he was soo in the mood so couldnt say no. Felt hot aff. Also had an orgasm.
First time he said 'i love you' on call: 21st Sept when i called him to say goodmorning and he was so caught off guard. And happy. It was a two minute call and i didnt realize he said it untill we dropped it. He said it again later that night.
First time he tagged me in a meme: 21st Sept. It was about money heist.
First time he called from work: 25th Sept. He had to call the night before but he was too tired he fell asleep..i was a lil pissed off so subah he called me from OT, there was some strike going on so he was free..and we talked for like 10 mins. I loved his voice.
First time i heard him having hiccups: 28 Sept we were on call he had a sore throat and then he started having them i made him drink water and distracted him and it worked. We talked for almost three hours.
First time we exchanged some naughty snaps: 1st Oct we were sexting on sc for the first time and i knew i couldnt control myself so i sent him some snaps of me with low neck where he could see my curves. He sent one out of shower too.
First time he snapped me his boner: 5th Oct we got rlly wild, he had two orgasms at night and then i woke him up with a nice bj and he cummed twice again.
First date: 9th oct it was a formal date awkward in the start but turned out to be great. He got me flowers and held the door for me and pulled the chair out, not in the start though but lol it was cute. We talked abt silly things and some serious ones. About making vows to each other. We laughed like mad and took some pictures. He got me gajras in the end and helped me wear them and then he held my hand and we kept it like that till the end. He teased me a lil and gosh it gave me butterflies for a moment. He makes me feel like im perfect, flawless.
First time we held hands: 9th Oct he got me gajras on out way back..then he helped me wear them and held my hand all the way back home..he tease my hand a little and made me crazy. So crazy.
First time we tried call sex: 12th Oct..not entirely though. We just stayed on call and heard each other moan..i felt more closer to him and God it was hot.
First time i wore black with him: 16th Oct it was our second date. He loved the attire, complimented me the whole time.
First song we listened to together: 16th Oct when he was driving me back he played laiyan laiyan and we both were totally in the feels. He said he might play it on our wedding.
First time we made a streak: 16th Oct we decided it on our date
First kiss: 24th Oct we were in car and just madeout for like 10 mins..it was good. Got me wet. Wanted to make his bday special.
First love note: 24th Oct gave him a funny bday card and a note along with it. I hope he likes it.
First birthday celebration: 26th Oct one day after his bday we had a fam dinner after which we cut the cake and i gave him shirts and a perfume.
First time i sat on his lap: 29th Oct he picked me up from a friends place and we were in the backseat making out..i humped against him the whole time.
First time somebody walked in on us: 29th Oct while making out a guard approached us but kher we ran away just in time. He was so concerned id be worried.
First movie we watched together: 30th Oct joker.
First time he felt my boobs from inside my shirt: 30th Oct on our last date before he went to rwp. I felt his cock up too.
First time he gave me a letter: 30th Oct. It was the best day.
First video call: Nov 11. During his 48hr long urology call.
First tcs: 7 Dec. He got his first pay so sent gifts for me.
First time we went shopping: 26 Dec. Got a gift for Abdullah's engagement. And for mama's bday. We both are so easy. Non picky.
First time i made him cum with hj: 26 Dec. He got sooo hot afterwards. He fingered me too.
First event we attended as a couple: 28th Dec. Abdullah's engagement. Although he wasnt there for the most part but i loved how everyone related me to him.
First time he fed me food: 24th Jan 2020 on our nikkah when i wasnt eating and saying i wont unless he makes me..so he did infront of everyone.
First time he gave me a shoulder massage: 24th Jan on our night date hehe
First long drive: 27th Jan had to go to my to be ghar met ammi had a sitting with my mua had lunch then and went back
First halal kissing: felt soooo goood with no guilt. Damnnn i love to kiss him so much. So much sawab loool
First hickey: 27th Jan he got a little hard on me when he was close to his orgasm..and i totally loved it
First time he sucked my nipples: 27th jan 🙈
First grocery shopping: 27th Jan he bought me stuff for my new washroom 😁
First rain date: 27th jan it rained the whole day ❤
First night together: 1st feb after my rukhsati. It was the most magical night and his touch felt soo goood. Sleeping naked with each other and teasing was such a turn on.
First time he served me food: 24th jan on our nikkah hen we were on stage and i couldnt eat bcs of my nails and then he made me.
First time i felt protected with him: 1st feb while our valima shoot was going on and the sun was getting on my face so he stood between me and the sun to put me in shade.
First night at my parents: 2nd feb after our valima. We opened our gifts played ludo and had aloot of fun in bed. Also went to fun city in my desi newly wed clothes.
First meal post-sex: 1st feb he made me a whole plate of biryani at 4am.
First time we ordered food in bed: 4th feb. The burgers were yummm
First time he did my hair: 5th feb while i was getting ready to go downstairs. He just loves side parting.
First time i cried infront of him: 6th feb i just missed my homies so much so i turned away and pretended to sleep and he found out i was crying and became mama bear. It was so good to be in his arms i wont choose another place to be at ever. Then i read their letters while he caressed me all this while.
First time we had real sex: 7th feb just a day before umrah. He was kind of worried he wasnt getting hard enough to go inside so he got some pills and then we did. It was painful for me but i just wanted to get over with this and it was a happy feeling to know we’re finally not virgins.
First oral: 1st feb on our wedding night. Probably the last too
First orgasm: 2nd feb and the following week was full of it
First umra together: 8th feb it was the best time together. How we did tawwaf and saee and made each other recite duas, prayed together, taught him how to bargain,ate alot of yumm food.
First time he made me watch ertugrul: 12th feb
First time he got me jellies: 13th feb while we were going for madinah ziyarat.
First stay away from home: 1st march i went to rwp where he was doing his hj. Got an army mess arranged for me. Stay was great.
First monal date: 3rd march weather was awesome altho he was a little pissed off at me asking to take pictures again and again.
First fight: 3rd march later that night he wanted to have sex but i wasnt wet enough and he started blaming me and saying ive turned him off. It made me cry and confront him abt his behaviour earlier too. He kinda took it seriously and kept saying sorry the whole time and also said “this is the first and the last time i made u cry”. We stayed up till late sharing our thoughts talking abt our future.
First friends hangout: 4th feb his room mate invited us for dinner. Pizza was good everything was until they started talking abt the ex idk why i felt bad. Didnt talk the whole way back.
First bday together: 20th march he gave me a surprise by coming straight from his call for a day.
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trademarkhubris · 7 years
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@sergeisilence hey! congrats for the kitty! chaos is a normal state for a cat owner's house. let's try to see if your chaos can be manageable though. [psa for long post about cats, with non graphic talk of animal faeces, food] so cats need basically food, safety, entertainment, and somewhere to poop. i suppose it's all taken care of but let's go over the basics anyway. in the first days it can better to keep the kitten in one room so it gets used to the smells and sounds of the house and its inhabitants without getting overwhelmed by a huge unknown place. at 2 months a cat can get used to a house relatively easily, so it's just for the adjustment. the litter box shouldn't be too close to the food (that i recommend be on a tray because they get messy) but it can be like two meters away if u keep it very clean. not too clean or the cat might forget thats where the poop goes. if u can make it a little hidden from view so the cat doesn't feel like everyone can see it pooping it's best. the box in my room is in a corner under a coffee table with a towel on it so there's just one way in and out. like a cube with one side open. the food tray doesn't have to be squeaky clean but the water has to be changed regularly. if there's wet food check if it doesn't smell. you can choose to feet the cat at regular hours or to let it regulate itself, if u choose the last make sure it remembers to eat. milk isn't necessary but can be a nice treat once or twice a day, just buy cat milk in the pet aisle and not cow milk! cow milk isn't good for cats. feeling safe! this can mean places to hide, but it also mean knowing it can choose not to interact of it doesn't want to. you've both had cats so you know when a cat wants to leave! the safety part is really a case by case thing, mosy cats like to hide but some care less. entertainment: play with your cat. a lot. playing is good for both socializing with the other cats of the house (you and your mom) and to learn how to fight and or hunt, even if it's never going to do these things. it's the ways of the cats. (i understood cats better than i used to when i learned that cats, in nature, are both hunters and prey. not sure how that's relevant to you, I'm kind of info dumping right now) an easy way to play is the Cat Fishing Rod (TM) for this you need a stick, some string, and something to drag, like a pompom or a wine cork. this teaches how to run, hot to jump, how to stalk. i playfight a lot with my hands, bc it teaches how to fight, but depending on the cat i can end up with bites and scratches and while i don't mind i can see why someone would mind lol. just observe what interests the cat and play accordingly. hugs and pets are part of the entertainment and the safety part. if the cat is reticent, present ur hand and wait. try again until it works. lots of patience with scared cats. talk a lot, so it gets used to you and your voice, regardless of if it's scared or not. if something scares it, do the neck grab to calm it down, keep it close to your chest and speak in a calm voice. when holding a cat it's better to grab the rear legs so it doesnt feels like its going to fall. okay that's a thing. now we get to the teaching your cat how to do things in its new house. it's a lot of patience, first off. it's a big adjustment for the cat and for the humans, and it's not going to be easy all the time. right now we've been doing pretty great except for the sleep pattern, in which i fall asleep around 3-4am and she wakes me up around 7am. it's basically the only disagreement she and i have and i can't seem to change her mind. we're trying to teach her "no" by saying no and then ignoring her for a while, which works well for bites and scratches, but doesn't seem to work when she's wrecking havoc in my room while I'm begging for the sweet, sweet release of more than four hours of sleep. it's a work in progress. so, if it bites too hard, say "no" and stop interacting with it. if it fucks up your sleep schedule even more than it was, don't chuck it out the window. in general, punishments don't work well. like, if the cat pees on the floor it's either because it's not used to the litter box, or it's unhappy/disoriented/depressed, or the box is too dirty. in none of these cases would punishment be useful. grab the cat, get to a litter box, congratulate the cat for peeing in the litter box. positive reinforcement! if it destroys stuff it might be because it's bored or unhappy. play with it, give it stuff it can destroy or play with on its own. like a ball or a pompom on a string attached to a doorknob so the pompom is just above the ground. if it attacks for seemingly no reason it might be because its boundaries aren't respected or that it's scared bc new house new people no mom no siblings... it's hard. it'll get better with lots of patience. uh, i think I'm going to stop now lol sorry. it got long. hope everything is intelligible. this is totally not exhaustive so if uve got questions or suggestions im all ears! im def not a cat specialist, just a cat enthusiast. hope everything's going great for u, ur mom, and ur cat 🐱☄
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