#pot leaf cakes
tvickiesims · 2 years
A Collection Of Default Replacements
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I made several small replacements that I felt didn’t deserve their own posts so I decided to bundle them up :)
Here’s a default replacement for falling autumn leaves and leaf pile textures, two date reward roses, base game birthday cake, Hanging Flower By Copur Ceramics plant, Pot Of Roses plant and garden reeds.
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Textures of date reward roses and Pot Of Roses were meant to go with my rose shrub default replacement from here as I used the same resources. Only textures were replaced on these + I changed the color of the small card.
Reeds have a model (actually all 3 models) and texture replacement using reeds from Miasmata set by Ohbehave.
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Compressed, clearly labelled, picture included.
Download at SFS
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coffeeghoulie · 11 months
well you KNOW im gonna come in here and ask for mountrain. whatever your heart desires so long as theyre disgustingly in love abt it ♡
i gotchu <3 it's been a Hot Minute since I've written mountrain, hopefully this is sappy enough lmao
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Winter peeks around the corner, temperatures dropping with the leaves, everything dreary and grey before the first inevitable snowfall covers the dead vegetation, brown grass and barren trees. Mountain slips out of bed and makes the trek down to his greenhouse every morning, long before the sun rises, to make sure his plants, his babies, are ready before the snow chokes the life out of them.
He can feel the coldspell incoming, feels it in the way the his joints start aching, deep in the bone. He swallows hard, looking at the work he has in front of him. The glass panels need to be inspected for damage, replaced and insulated. The pipes need to be drained, so they don't freeze and burst. All of his fragile plants need to be covered and brought inside. The whole building needs to be cleaned, top to bottom, including his makeshift nest area in the back corner.
It's necessary work, Mountain knows it, has done it every fall for years. It still doesn't mean he likes doing it. It's, for lack of a better term, a mountain of work. But it has to get done. So Mountain squares his shoulders in the pre-dawn darkness and gets to work.
He loses himself in it, doing his best to ignore his sore joints as he hauls potted plants inside, checking over each leaf and stem for disease. He works, making countless trips in and out of the freezing air as the sun starts peeking out over the treeline, tinging the dark sky with pinks and oranges, the budding light softening the florescents that light the greenhouse.
It's quiet work, almost meditative, which means he jumps nearly a foot off of the ground when someone knocks at the door. Mountain spins, very nearly dropping the potted petunias he's hauling in. His heartrate calms as he realizes it's his mate, waving at him through the glass. He smiles, warmth spreading in his chest, gesturing for Rain to come in.
Rain slips into the greenhouse, latching the door behind him. He's got two large thermoses tucked under his arms, and Mountain groans in appreciation, striding over to his mate and taking the thermos Rain offers to him.
"G'morning, sunflower," Rain says, voice sticky with sleep. He's clearly just woken up, pulled on one of Mountain's sweatshirts, the hem coming down to his mid thigh, over his pajamas and made the journey out to the greenhouse in the cold November morning just to bring him tea.
"Morning, tadpole," Mountain says, cupping Rain's jaw with a big hand, leaning down to steal a kiss from his mate. His skin is cool to the touch, and Mountain tries to push his body heat into his mate like a fire ghoul would.
Rain hums, shivering as Mountain's pinkie brushes against his uppermost gill. "Bed was cold," he whispers against Mountain's lips. "You'd been gone so long, figured you might like something hot to drink."
Mountain pulls back, reluctantly letting go of his mate's face to crack open the thermos. He's hit with the herbal scent of his favorite tea, steaming up and curling around him. He takes a sip, eyes fluttering shut as the taste hits him.
"I love you, tadpole," Mountain says, groaning as he greedily drinks down his preferred green tea blend, the one he adds mint to. Rain knows just how he likes his tea, two spoons of honey from the hives he keeps.
Rain grins, flashing his serrated, shark like teeth before taking a swig from his own thermos, the smell of chai drifting from his. "Love you too, Mount," he says, leaning in to nuzzle against his shoulder, not quite awake enough to fuss over the dirt that always, inevitably, ends up caked on Mountain's clothes while he works.
Mountain sets down the thermos, turning back to the water ghoul and wrapping his arms around his waist. Rain smiles wider, looping his arms around Mountain's neck, standing up on his tiptoes to do so. "Hey, baby," Rain laughs. "What's up with you?"
He sighs, Rain's smile contagious. Mountain ducks down and presses a kiss between Rain's seaglass horns. "So glad I met you," he whispers against the blue black waves of his hair, mussed from sleep.
Rain nods minutely. "Me too."
The world shrinks until it's just the two of them, no cold bed, no ever-looming snow. They stand there, basking in the warm humidity of the greenhouse and each other's presence. Everything smells of green tea and plant life and rich, warm earth.
Eventually, Rain pulls back. "It's cold, sunflower, how are your hands holding up?"
Mountain makes a noncommittal noise, but Rain levels him with a glare, and his shoulders slump. "A little stiff," he admits, removing one hand from Rain's slight waist, examining the redness at his knuckles, wind-whipped and raw.
Rain hums, snatching Mountain's hand in between his own. "Oh, baby, that looks like it hurts," he says, rubbing his thumb over his tender knuckles. "I know you've got that balm somewhere, the one with the aloe and the calendula?"
"It's back by my bed," Mountain says. "I'll put some on when I've finished this."
"Nope." Rain chuckles, slipping out of Mountain's grasp and rummaging through the cabinet near Mountain's personal corner. "You've been at this for hours, sunflower, we're putting some of that on, and we're going to take a cuddle break, and then I will help you get the greenhouse finished, okay?"
Mountain smiles as Rain returns with the tin of balm, already opening it and taking a dollop of it. "Alright, tadpole."
Rain takes his hands, rubbing the ointment into Mountain's knuckles, tenderly caressing the damaged skin. He works in silence, before capping the balm and taking Mountain by the hand, leading him back to the daybed he keeps in the corner.
Mountain kicks off his muddy boots before laying down, opening his arms for his mate. Rain follows suit, unlacing his boots before tucking himself into the crook of Mountain's arm, snuggling into the earth ghoul's embrace.
"I love you," Rain whispers, eyes slipping shut.
Mountain yawns, long and low. "I love you too."
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urfavnegronerd · 1 year
a cute lil poem i wrote cus a bitch is lowkey struggling
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nothing tastes as good as skinny feels 
except for the pegao at the bottom of the pot, a mixture of char, chicken stock, salt and bay leaf 
nothing tastes as good as skinny feels 
except for lukewarm soda on the beach, syrup dribbling down my chin and sticking my chain to my chest 
and the pineapple upside down cake my grandmother used to make, the kind with canned pineapple circles and syrupy cherries in the center of each pineapple slice 
and coming back from the beach, sun soaked and tired, passing a mango in between lips as we laugh about the juice that drags from our lips 
the last drop of caribbean beer —red stripe— in a can a quick sting, a drop of the islands somewhere we can never return 
nothing tastes as good as skinny feels 
except strawberries late at night, fresh from the carton and sweeter than life itself 
and the mints from the bottom of your grandmothers purse 
and chicken pad thai with extra peanuts 
and laughing over sushi 
and mangonada with a little extra chamoy and guava nectar
and sprite mixed with passionfruit juice on christmas eve in between stolen sips of crémas 
the bites of fried food the salon ladies give you during the five hours in the chair getting your hair braided 
the secret bits of marinade doused in pikliz the aunties slip you before anyone else, their finger pressed against their lips, smiling 
the cookies that come in the circular tin, the same tin that will later be filled with buttons or napkins 
coffee after a sleepless night, eyes hazy with sleep 
the extra diri tante slips you after a poor attempt at speaking kréyol back to her, sealed with a smile and discreet nod that says 'keep practicing and you'll remind me of your cousin'
the bundt cake my aunt makes that i’m positive is laced with something, because when was bundt cake ever this good 
the lemonade the same auntie makes, out of country crock powder and probably too much domino sugar  
sucking the meat off the pit of a mango, gently nibbling, trying to get the last dregs of juice before throwing it away 
welches passionfruit juice paired with stories of a home in the mountains in haiti, the home my father was born into, the home they left behind 
cold cola lacaye and stories about my late grandfather, while my uncles slam dominoes at the table, bald heads bobbing and yelling 
fresh wings off the grill, that my uncles swear arent burned just charred
they taste good anyway, sweet spicy and tangy all at once
the only thing that tastes as good as skinny feels 
is not wasting away in a shell of a body
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🩷 reblogs are always appreciated for reach <3
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25 Things That Surprised Me as a Brit Living in Japan
1) Shops and supermarkets change their stock regularly. One day you buy ice cream, and when you go back three days later to get some more, it’s gone and there’s no evidence they ever sold it. No “sorry this is sold out”, no empty space where it was.
2) So much single-use plastic. Cookies, cakes, fruits and vegetables etc are individually wrapped, or wrapped in packs of two. To be fair though, Japan is much better at recycling all this plastic. Which leads me nicely on to...
3) PET bottles go in one recycling bin, the plastic labels and bottle tops go in a different one. You can’t just put them in together.
4) Multipack crisps are not a thing. Or if they are, I’m yet to find them. I’m used to getting 24-bag multipacks and adding crisps to my lunchbox, taking them with me in case of sudden hungries and using them to get me by between meals. Here you only really get crisps in sharing-size bags, and there’s much less variety. (Although you can buy chocolate-coated crisps, which sound like a cardinal sin but are pretty tasty)
5) There are lots of varieties of plain yoghurt. There’s not a lot of variety of flavoured yoghurt, especially when it comes to large pots. In the UK I can get strawberry, strawberry wholegrain, raspberry, blueberry, mango & passionfruit, mango & apple, mango & vanilla, vanilla, coconut, lemon curd and so much more in 500g pots. Here I’ve found vanilla, honey and blueberry in 350g pots.
6) Even in the winter when the snowstorms came, there were many non-coniferous trees that remained green. I cannot begin to explain how jarring the sight of such vibrant greenery amongst white snow is when you’re used to winter being a sea of brown and grey.
7) Cars actually stop to let you cross the road. Even if they’re turning into a side-road or at a junction, they stop for you to cross, holding up traffic. In the UK, you would annoy a lot of drivers if you started crossing a junction they were turning into.
8) Squat toilets. They’re not just a thing; they’re a commonplace thing and almost every public toilet seems to have at least one. I’ve never seen anyone opt to use one (apparently it’s easier for pregnant women though)
9) When the emergency services are called, they really show up. My neighbour left her keys in her door, someone called the police, two of them waited for her to return home. That same neighbour accidentally used a dish that wasn’t heat-resistant in the microwave and while there was no fire, there was a bit of smoke. Three fire trucks showed up, as well as police. Not a chance anything like that would happen in the UK.
10) You’re not supposed to thank the cashier after buying something; you’re supposed to just bow and leave. I cannot do this; I am culturally conditioned to thank cashiers and find myself doing it anyway.
11) 99% of (non-sliding) doors open outwards. In the UK, the opposite is true. I assume this is because, in the event of an earthquake causing structural damage, it’s much easier to barge your way out of a door when it opens outwards. In the UK, we’re more worried about people breaking in, and so doors open inwards such that we can barricade them (or so I’m told).
12) There are differences between some fruits and vegetables here. Cucumbers are tiny green wrinkled things that look like alien fingers. Radishes are enormous white monstrosities. Spinach is rarely baby leaf. Pumpkins are green. Sweet potatoes are white inside.
13) There’s not much in the way of caramel or salted caramel, but strawberry-flavoured things (especially chocolate) is very common (as is macha flavour). Things that are caramel flavour are more like burnt toffee flavour.
14) People wear coats when it’s 25ºC outside because apparently that’s not warm for them.
15) Convenience stores have printers that you’re welcome to use any time. You have to pay, of course, but for A4 paper it’s 10 yen per black and white page or 50 yen per coloured page, which is basically nothing. You can also print out things on A3, B4 and B5 paper, as well as photographs and postcards.
16) The stairwell for blocks of flats is typically outside, and then you walk along a walkway outside to get to the door. You don’t typically go into a block of flats. The opposite is true in the UK: you have to go into the building (which is typically locked, so you have to buzz the flat of the person you’re visiting and they’ll open it electronically for you from their flat) and then go up the stairs inside.
17) Bread is not sold with the end slices. It’s also usually sold in loaves of 6-8 slices, all of which are thick-cut and much sweeter than English bread. Typically only white bread is available.
18) Vending machines crop up everywhere in the seemingly most random places. I stg if Erebor were in Japan in the years of Smaug, it would have a well-stocked and fully functioning vending machine.
19) There’s no such thing as pepsi max, although there is pepsi zero. Typically you can’t get pepsi zero from the convenience store (although you can get coke zero) and have to go to the supermarket, but it costs like half the price of coke zero if you can be bothered to make the journey.
20) There are cars/vans with megaphones that just drive around advertising things. One time one passed us by and I asked my friend what the deal was and he said “oh, it’s advertising gas”. They’re also used in election campaigns. I’m still confused by these things.
21) Exposing your bare shoulders is a no-no. Even when it’s 35ºC with 90% humidity, people wear tops with sleeves that cover their shoulders (some even wear long sleeves to stop them from getting a tan). It’s okay if you’re going out on the town, but not as everyday wear.
22) “Milk” and “butter” are flavours. Personally, I think it’s redundant to describe cream as “milk-flavoured” or cake as “butter flavoured”, but it would seem Japanese people disagree.
23) Cash is still used everywhere. I pay my bills at the convenience store in cash.
24) Prices of produce are REALLY volatile. One day you pay 88 yen for a tomato. The next day that same tomato - now slightly mankier thanks to being a day older - is 198 yen. Two days later tomatoes are 98 yen. The next week they’re 128 yen.
25) Shoes off! In the classroom, at the doctor’s, at the office etc, shoes come off at the door and you change into provided slippers. This is now so deeply ingrained in me that I feel uncomfortable when my UK friends send me pictures/videos and they’re wearing shoes inside.
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kamil-a · 1 year
from Alice Archives - Green Book
1. BY PETER: foil-baked fish and mushrooms
Ingredients (2 servings)
Fish fillet - 2 pieces Onion - half Shiitake mushrooms - 2 of them Enoki mushroom - 1 Shimeji mushrooms - 1 pack Butter - about 10g Soy sauce/Ponzu sauce - An Appropriate Amount Salt - a little Pepper - a little
Slice the onion thinly. Cut the mushrooms into bite-sized pieces.
Spread out the aluminum foil and spread the onions across it. Put the fish and mushrooms and butter on top of it. Wrap the foil.
Put about 100cc of water in a frying pan. When steam comes out, put the wrapped foil in the frying pan and put the lid on.
Steam for 5-10 minutes on medium heat.
Add salt and pepper to taste, put on soy sauce or ponzu sauce, and its done!
2. BY BLOOD: tea scones
Ingredients (makes 8 scones):
Cake flour - 200g Baking powder - 1 tablespoon Butter 70g Black tea leaves (earl grey, darjeeling) - 1-2 tablespoons or 1-2 teabags Milk - 100cc Egg - 1 Sugar - 1-2 tablespoons Salt - a little
Mix the cake flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Mix thoroughly.
If the tea leaves are too big, crush it finely. mix with the mixture from 1
Mix the butter, egg, and milk. Little by little combine it with the mixture from step 2. Mix lightly, dont overmix!
Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in the fridge for about 1 hour.
Roll out about 1-2cm thick. Cut to a suitable size or use a cookie cutter.
Put in the oven on 180C for about 10-20 minutes, watching it.
Put on as much jam, cream, and other toppings as you like.
Ingredients (Makes 8 scones):
Cake flour - 200g Baking powder - 1 tablespoon butter - 70g milk - about 80cc coffee - about 20cc sugar 1-2 tablespoons chocolate chips- 50g salt - a little
Mix the cake flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Mix thoroughly.
Mix the milk and the coffee, then mix that with the mixture from step 1.
Mix what you have from step 2 with the butter. Add chocolate chips. Dont overmix, mix it lightly. Wrap in plastic wrap and let rest in the fridge for about 1 hour.
Roll out about 1-2cm thick. Cut to a suitable size or use a cookie cutter.
Put in the oven on 180C for about 10-20 minutes, watching it. Your bittersweet coffee scones are ready!
4. BY ACE: Rabbit Stew
Ingredients (2 servings):
Meat of a white rabbit similar to Mister Peter - 1/2 rabbit Carrots - 2 White mushrooms - 10 Onion - 1 Dried herbs (bay leaf, basil, rosemary, thyme, etc) - a little Parsley - 2 tablespoons Salt - a little Garlic - 1 piece Red wine - 2 cups Olive oil - a little Pepper - a little Honey - half a tablespoon
Cut the rabbit into easy to eat pieces, submerging it in red wine. Let it rest in the fridge for 1 hour.
Julienne the carrots. Cut the onion, mushrooms, and garlic into thin slices. Dice the parsley.
Put the olive oil in a pan and fry the rabbit until brown. Add and saute the onion halfway through
Add the red wine, carrots, mushrooms, garlic, and dried herbs to the pot from step 3. add salt and pepper and stew on low heat for an hour.
When the meat and vegetables are tender, put them on a plate and sprinkle with parsley.
Add honey to the juice left in the pot and heat for 1-2 minutes
Put on the sauce from 6 and it's ready!
5. BY BORIS: Herb Grilled Salmon
Ingredients (2 servings):
salmon - 2 slices panko crumbs - 1 cup pepper - a little olive oil - 2 tablespoons dried herbs (bay leaf, basil, rosemary, thyme, etc) - a little
Pat the salmon dry, and sprinkle on the pepper and herbs. If the salmon is raw, sprinkle on salt, too.
Mix the panko crumbs and herbs. Put one teaspoon of the olive oil into your mixture to moisten it.
Coat the salmon in the panko crumbs from step two.
Heat up olive oil in a frying pan, then cook on medium heat until golden-brown on both sides.
It's recommended to put on as much lemon juice as you'd like. Enjoy!
6. BY PIERCE: Cheese In Blue Cheese
Ingredients (2 servings)
Your preferred cheese - 1 block Sauce: Blue cheese - 50 g Milk - 100cc Fresh cream (low-fat) - 100cc Pepper - just a bit
Mix blue cheese, milk and fresh cream on your stove. melt blue cheese while stirring
Add cheese and simmer. It will be ready in a reasonable amount of time!
*If you're a person who ISN'T Pierce, it's recommended to put the cheese sauce on spaghetti or gnocchi.
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the-lost-kemetic · 2 years
Winter Solstice Recipes
With the winter solstice fast approaching, I thought I would share some of my favorite recipes to make! Some of them were originally found on websites, but I changed them up to suit my own needs just a bit!
Quick note before we begin: this will most likely be my last post until the New Year, as I will be with family for the most part. I will still reblog and like content, but there will be no original content from me. Thank you for your understanding!
Warm Winter Soup
2 tablespoons of butter or margarine
2 onions, chopped
2 carrots, shredded
1 tomato, diced
2 potatoes, peeled and cubed
3 cups of chicken broth (any broth works)
1 teaspoon of salt and pepper (or to taste)
1 tablespoon of dried parsley
1/2 tablespoon of dried thyme
1/2 tablespoon of dried rosemary
Juice if 1 orange or 1/2 cup of orange juice
2 cups of milk
1 bay leaf
In a large pot over medium heat, melt the butter or margarine and sauté the onions for 5-10 minutes.
Add the carrots, potatoes, broth, tomatoes, salt, and pepper. Stir well.
Add the orange juice, parsley, thyme, rosemary, and bay leaf.
Reduce heat to low and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Remove the bay leaf.
Purée the soup in a blender or food processor. Alternatively, use a hand blender.
Stir in the milk, mixing well, and season with salt and pepper to taste.
Yuletide Cider
1 gallon apple cider
2 cups lemon juice
½ cup honey
½ cup sugar
2 oranges
1 apple, peeled and diced (honey crisp is recommended, but any is useful!)
2 tablespoons ginger or to tastes
2 tablespoons nutmeg or to taste
2 teaspoons chamomile or to taste
2 cinnamon sticks (optional!)
Pour in apple cider, lemon juice, honey, and sugar in a large pot on medium heat, while mixing carefully. Stir until the honey and sugar dissolve.
Cut the oranges into slices and put them in the pot.
Add the diced apple.
Add the ginger, nutmeg, and chamomile.
Allow to simmer for about 2-4 hours.
Pour into a cup and add the cinnamon sticks.
Orange Chamomile Pound Cake
1½ cup unsalted butter
6 chamomile tea bags OR 1½ cup of chamomile
8oz cream cheese
2½ cups sugar
1½ teaspoons finely grated orange zest
¼ cup honey
6 large eggs
2 tablespoons freshly squeezed orange juice
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
2 teaspoons salt
3 cups cake flower
For the glaze
3oz hot water
1 chamomile tea bag or ¼ cup of chamomile
1¼ cup of confectioner sugar
Pinch of salt
½ tablespoon honey
½ tablespoon freshly squeezed citrus juice (lemon, orange, lime, etc.)
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
Place in a heavy bottomed sauce pan over medium heat. Gently melt the butter, and then add the chamomile. Cover with lid, remove from the heat, and let steep for 30 minutes.
Remove lid and set pot over medium heat to gently melt any hardened butter. Once melted, cover with the lid again, remove from the heat, and let steep for another 30 minutes. Squeeze out as much liquid from the tea as possible.
Transfer to an airtight container and let chill in the fridge until solid. Preferably overnight.
Preheat oven to 325°F. Butter and flour a 16 cup angel food cake pan. Tap out any excess flour and set aside.
In the bowl of a standard mixer, beat together butter, cream, sugar, honey, and orange zest at medium speed until light and fluffy. Ensure the mixing is thorough!
Add in eggs one at a time, ensuring each egg is thoroughly incorporated before adding the next. Add orange juice, vanilla extract, and salt. Mix until well blended.
Using a sturdy spatula, fold in cake flour until just combined.
Pour batter into the angel food cake pan. Smooth and level the top over.
Bake for 80-90 minutes, rotating midway through baking, until a toothpick or knife inserted in the middle comes out clean and the top of the cake is golden brown. Allow the cake to cool in the pan for 10-15 minutes.
For the glaze:
Steep chamomile in freshly boiled hot water for 8 minutes. Strain out tea, squeezing as much liquid as possible.
In medium bowl, combine all the glaze ingredients (powdered sugar, salt, honey, citrus juice, vanilla extract, and tea). Stir until smooth. If it ends up being too thick, add more chamomile tea.
Drizzle glaze over cooled pound cake as desired.
Happy Yule everyone!
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icybreaths · 2 years
|| @characternerdocs || continued from here ||
Logan eyed the dripping coffee as she took the opposite seat of the ranger. She had a  thermos of her own dirty bean water, which was probably lukewarm by now, nowhere near the hot, fragrant, fresh pot that was brewing now.
But she wasn’t sent here to sample the local coffee. (She make that her second priority.)
She dragged her backpack in front of her feet as she began to rummage through its content, the dog that accompanied her attentively watched, perhaps in hopes Logan would produce a treat, or perhaps a toy. “Well, my assignment at your park was based on the odd and unexplained activities. But rangers being drunk, while not my area to looking to... isn’t ideal to hear.” As she straightened up in her seat once finding her documents, the hair the hung over the right side of Logan’s face shifted and for a fleeting moment the ranger could see the pink scarring where her eye had once been.
Logan handed over her licenses, ranging from calling her an anthropologist, a cryptozoologist, to a field researcher all of which were stamped and authorized by a Smithes Scholars’ Archives. “I hope that’s proof enough I’m not a fanatic.” A coy smirk raising her scarred lips as Logan reaches back into her bag. In truth Logan would call herself a fanatic, it still seemed strange and unreal to her she was employed to invested and study what “normal” people regarded as fakery and myth; finding proof in the legends her grandmother told her at bedtime. it was unbelievable, but Logan loved it. Still smiling to herself, she pulling out a pen and notebook, and a doggy biscuit she tossed to her now very pleased dog.  
“And you can call me Logan, if you like. And you? are you a stickler for the formality of Ranger Stone?”
“Hardly, it’s just the card I play ta new faces ta gauge ‘em.” Thankfully, Logan didn’t seem like she walked with a stick up her ass. “You’n call me Jewel.”
At a glance, one would think Jewel barely read through the files, but despite her casual leafing she skimmed with a careful eye. The information matched up with the agency Boss reached out to. “Looks good ta me, Logan.”
Handing the agent her files, Jewel stood and scooped her bottle up. She passively wondered what happened to her eye but thought it better not to ask. They’d only just met and it really wasn’t any of her business. Best to not delve into the personal lives of strangers, she concluded to herself.
“I s’pose we’ll get started then. Follow me.”
In her office, alphabetically organized files filled the wooden shelves that lined her walls at either side. Heading left, she knelt down to the S section and pulled its container out. “This’s the past happenin’s of supernatural occurrences this year. Some are jus’ reports from tourists but we got some in there from our own officers ‘ere as well. Some of ‘em got photos but don’t hold yer breath. A snow-caked fir and a yeti look pretty similar when all ya got’s adrenaline and a cruddy flashlight in the dead a’night.”
Plopping the file bin on her desk, Jewel parked it in her big, comfy chair and gave it a swivel as she perched a boot up on her work station. Gifting herself a long drag off her bottle, she gestured at the opposing bookcase. “You’n peek through those too. That one’s lined with missing persons and murders over the last century or so. Some of ‘em are… somethin’.”
“Matter fac’,” She added, “I should get on filin’ a report a’my own. Somethin’s been fuckin’ with my trail markers and I’ve about had it with whatever shit-stirrer’s out there. Human, creature, whatever. Need it gone because it’s makin’ my life a frostier hell than it needs ta be!”
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brain-rot-central · 4 months
Can you tell us what your favorite foods and deserts are? What are your favorite meals to make, even if they aren't the same as your favorites?
Hope the workday passes quickly for you!
Sushi, dumplings, curry chicken, cheeeeeeeeeesy pasta (like baked ziti or lasagna) are some dishes I can eat all day for the rest of my life.
As far as desserts go, pumpkin pie and cheesecake are OP. Italian bakery cookies (the red and green leaf ones with the chocolate sandwiched between them omfg, rainbow cookies, etc) and tiramisu are bomb. I recently tried Filipino Sans Rival cake and it was amazing!!
I cook a lot, but what I cook is usually pretty simple. I'll make Italian-style bolognese, meatloaf with roasted veggies, taco meat, chicken soup (bone-in chicken makes the best soup; gotta cook it for like 4-6 hours to get that collagen boiiiii), pot roast, etc. I love making coconut chicken curry so much. I make it like once a week lol.
I bake a lot, too. Pumpkin pie, banana bread, brownies, cookies, cakes from scratch. I can make bread and I even had a sourdough starter last year, but I got lazy and left it out too long and it molded 🙃
TL;DR: I love to cook and I love food even more looool
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pippeebottom · 4 months
Care Bears and Bluey?
care bears: my belly badge!! hehe so yk those super sparkly pretty pacis that usually have a big charm in the middle and are really pretty?? my belly badge would be one of thooooose and the charm in the middle would be a pot leaf!! but it would be like purple weddin cake or another purpley strain an i would be a lavender bear 😎
bluey: a game that makes me feel little!! i really like playin board games, like chutes and ladders or tbis suuuper fun candyland cupcake playdoh game that my Daddy bought me for Christmas!! that always makes me feel very little its lotsa fun! oooor playin old nick/disney jr games online!
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transsweet · 1 year
the rising digital sun hit the speaker's square face as their eye fluttered open. rubbing the sleep out of its eye, it turned to the clock on the bedside table, 7:32 . they sighed groggily, slowly crawling out of their partners' arms and out of bed . once they were out, they tugged their tail out of the socket on the wall and stretched, their joints snapping back in place . with a silent apology to their partners, who'd love for them to stay and cuddle for eternity,
sweet flicked the light switch to the living room, bringing the house portion of their shop to life . they tiredly made their way into the kitchen and over to the coffee machine and placed the coffee grinds in, needing some energy after the long night from before (damn those 7 specific commissions...)
as they waited for their drink, their mind drifted to their partners . they were so happy in bed just cuddling under the warm blankets ... k_k's long arms tightly holding and protecting their short lovers, capn's tight embrace he so desperately denied he did instinctively . sweet laughed to itself as it thought about his attempts to hold both it and k_k .
"what are you laughing about, love ?"
sweet, slightly startled, turned to see their taller partner stretching and walking their way into the kitchen . " 'morning, cakes..." sweet sighed out tiredly . k_k made no time making their way over to sweet, leaning on their shoulders and placing a kiss on their head, in which sweet reached back and held its face gently . k_k couldn't help but laugh at the sound of sweet's tail whacking the chair's legs as it wagged at the sudden affection, pulling away to check the fridge . as they did, sweet stood up out of its chair and exited the house portion of the shop, only to come back with the newspaper .
"you're up so early, k_k . any specific reasons to why ?" sweet asked as they sat back down at the table
"to see you, silly !" they remarked joyfully, grabbing the pancake mix.
sweet's mind stalled, then turned away, hiding their blush . k_k simply laughed and began on breakfast .
as k_k began mixing the batter for pancakes, it hummed a familiar tune, which sweet began drumming to on the table with it's fingers . the two just sat there making early morning tunes, happy in each other's company .
"what's with all the noise ?? it's way too early for all this ..."
both sweet and k_k turned to the doorway happily, " 'morning cap !" they said, practically in unison .
capn was slightly startled, but happy to see his partners . as he entered, the coffee machine played a small jingle, signifying its job completion . as sweet made their way to the coffee pot, capn grabbed the newspaper and skimmed it . he scoffed, "y'all see this addison shit goin on lately ?? i swear some of their junk is bordering on scams . i mean, TEA based on YOU ?! how do you even do that ??"
"oh i've heard good things about that place," k_k replied happily as they flipped a pancake flawlessly, "we should go today !"
"good plan, k_k !! we gotta get out of this shop for a bit anyways !!" sweet joyfully agreed while mixing sugar into its coffee .
capn slapped the paper back on the table, sighing , "YOU guys can get it, i'd rather my personal information NOT be stolen for overpriced hot leaf water ."
k_k stepped away from the stove to make their way over to capn, only to scoop him up and pepper his face with kisses . "k_k !!! it's too early for this much !!!!" despite the surprise, he laughed as he spoke at the sudden affection . k_k leaned his forehead against capn's lovingly, before placing him down again to check on their cooking .
sweet stared happily at the scene they'd watched .
capn strolled over next to sweet, planting a kiss on the side of its head, "morning, sweetheart ." sweet leaned on capns shoulder as capn threw his arm around sweet's .
they were so, so very lucky to have these two in their life .
they couldn't ask for two better .
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nouies · 1 year
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in honour of @bottomlouisficfest’s final writing party, i decided to share the snippets of the two fics i wrote for the fest. i’m a bit late but there were some ppl who tagged me in different things; thanks to @allwaswell16, @disgruntledkittenface, @boosbabycakes28, and @wemadethishome for tagging me! i’m tagging you all back in case you want to share something. <3
1. “Cold Spring”, coffee shop au, owner louis/writer pedro pascal
“So you and Pedro,” Sam started when they were cleaning the shop before closing.
“What about it?” Louis thought that the best plan of action was to feign innocence because he had a feeling what Sam was going to say.
Louis’ dating life was…nonexistent, for lack of a better word. For starters, he was extremely busy running the coffee shop, it took pretty much all of his time, and he wasn’t willing to leave his business unattended just for the sake of a relationship. Second of all, he was a young gay man—a very attractive one if he said so himself—living in a small village; everyone and anyone who he could have a relationship with had already been ruled out.
“I’ve never seen you this smitten with someone since, I don’t know, ever,” she stated. And it was probably true considering she had started working at the café about four years ago, and by that time Louis had given up on dating altogether. “And I feel offended that you’ve never served me a glass of water when I show up at work hungover.”
Louis chuckled. “That’s your fault for not measuring your alcohol.” He closed the drawers where they kept the cloth napkins after checking all of them were there. “Look, there’s nothing going on there so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t speculate about my relationship with the man, or lack thereof more like.”
“But why? He seems quite fond of you as well, haven’t you noticed?” Sam spun around with open arms, letting out a long sigh. “It’s so romantic if you ask me.”
Louis shook his head at his employee’s antics. “Well, I’m not asking you. And we should hurry up before it gets darker outside, come on!”
2. “could start a cult”, a/b/o breastfeeding au, hl as parents
Harry set the dried corn leaves previously wet to make them flexible on the table and brought out two cake icing scrapers that he usually used for when he baked. “Okay, love, what do you say if you make the pork tamales and I make the chicken ones so we save time and effort?” At Louis’ nod, he continued. “You just need to take a leaf, cover it with enough dough like this, and then add a spoonful of salsa.”
“Is this too much dough?” Louis showed him a corn leaf with the perfect amount of dough—not too much for the tamal to turn dry, not too little to have more filling than dough.
“It’s perfect, baby. More than perfect, actually, just like you.” He kissed Louis, just because he could.
As they poured water into the pot, Harry kissed Louis. As they put the tamales in the pot, Harry kissed Louis. As they started washing the dishes they used for the preparation, Harry kissed Louis. As Harry poured them wine while they waited for the tamales to be ready, Harry kissed Louis.
The alpha couldn’t contain the happiness that meant having the omega by his side. Ever since they had started dating, he knew his life would change for the better, and now he knew for sure. Louis made everything softer, kinder. He couldn’t fathom the idea of not having Louis in his life, be it as a lover or just as a friend, the omega had become an essential part of Harry’s heart, and he just knew that he wanted to hold onto that feeling forever.
Harry tried to imagine how it would feel to ask Louis to officially bond, picturing the perfect date maybe at their favorite restaurant. He knew the omega didn’t need a big gesture to be asked in marriage, so maybe if they could go away during a weekend, the two of them alone, Harry could plan something nice for his boyfriend. He smiled just thinking about it.
“Marry me,” Harry blurted out. So much for waiting for the perfect date.
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thinkingishard · 1 year
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Blossomvale is based on my playthrough of M. Kirin’s TTRPG ‘Iron Valley’ (which is pay-what-you-want!: https://mkirin.itch.io/iron-valley) This is the last page of Spring 1! I'm actually writing this post days in advance. We're about to go on holiday so I'm trying to queue up as much as possible for you guys. What is next?
Some exclusive content for my Patrons: Including a version of the Blossomvale Town Centre map with the houses marked up, and some behind-the-scenes for Spring 2.
Holiday sketches/photos (subject to change): I'm hoping to be able to fit in a sketchbook on my holiday, and will be releasing sketches exclusively or early to Patreon depending on how I feel for the day! I am visiting family and friends though, so will have to play this by ear.
Spring 2: I'll be back to work on my return from holiday, and hopefully have these comic pages out to you soon! As before, pages will be released a day early on Patreon, then posted to Tumblr.
My lowest tier on Patreon is £1 (though there are benefits for those who sign up for higher pledges!), if you enjoyed Blossomvale, consider supporting me on there?
Hope you enjoyed my return to comics!
If you did, share it with your friends!
[Image ID: a comic drawn in a cute, cartoony style.
This page shows three phone screens similar to the very first panel of the first page - they are profiles on BLOSSOMVALE COMMUNITY. Some text above the three phones reads 'Blossomvale - Spring, day 1, year 1, end' Phone 1: Profile for Mo, a brown bear. His profile picture shows him in a pink shirt, looking off to the right. It shows his name (Mo). It shows his pronouns as He/Him. It has a little leaf and '25' indicating that his birthday is Autumn 25. He has left his profile information mostly blank, just writing '.'. Under a section titled 'I CAN HELP WITH', there are three icons with writing underneath - a paintbrush labelled 'ART', a pot labelled 'COOKING', and a pen and pad of paper labelled 'ADMIN'.
Phone 2: Profile for Bug, a pink axolotl. Her profile picture shows her facing slightly to the left, but looking at the camera. She is wearing the same beanie as earlier, but is wearing a plaid shirt. The rest of the profile shows her name (Bug). It shows her pronouns as She/Her. It has a little sun and '8' indicating that her birthday is Summer 8. Her profile section reads: "My favourite game at the moment is Shaping Venus, come play it with me at Cup Half Full!". Under a section titled 'I CAN HELP WITH', there are three icons with writing underneath - a cup labelled 'COFFEE', a little purple demon emoji with ears labelled 'PRANKS', and a jigsaw puzzle piece labelled 'PUZZLES'.
Phone 3: Profile for Elm, a golden brown and white hamster. Her profile picture shows her leaning on their elbows on a brown table while she holds up a coffee mug. They are wearing a purple t-shirt and there is greenery in the background. It shows their name (Elm). It shows her pronouns as She/They. It has a little green leaf and '14' indicating that their birthday is Spring 14. Her profile section reads: "IF YOU ARE SICK OF LUCK CO. RUINING EVERYTHING SIGN MY PETITION: blssm/shrt1". Under a section titled 'I CAN HELP WITH', there are three icons with writing underneath - a cup labelled 'COFFEE', a cake labelled 'BAKING', and a placard sign with an exclamation mark labelled 'ACTIVISM'.
End ID. ]
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thessalian · 10 months
Thess vs Ancestral Views on Cabbage
Welp, it was all the usual mess, and the usual tricks from the rest of the team. Everything from leaving the long ones for "later" (read, until I did them during overtime, assuming I got to those) to taking a whole bunch of dictation, dawdling through the short simple ones, and dumping the slightly longer and more complicated ones back into the queue towards the end of the day. So by time everyone was done working (except me, obviously), there were 405 bits of typing in the queue. I'd done just over 100. (New Girl had done 48, over a longer period of time, by the way.) There were still over 80 from yesterday still in the queue. A good dozen of these were longer ones. Two of those topped out at fifteen minutes.
I cleared all of the really short ones and most of the mid-length ones. But when it hit 10:30pm and I'd been at the overtime for three hours, I decided enough was enough. I'd cleared 75 bits of dictation out of the 80+. Scruffman said "anything I can do to help". Anyone else can bite me.
Oh, and if my maths seems off, there was a bit of an incident with dinner. See, yesterday I took the ground pork out of the freezer with a view to making cabbage rolls, and so it had to be eaten today. So despite the pain, aggravation, stress, etc, I tried to make cabbage rolls. And found out the following:
I don't have a large enough pot to blanch a cabbage
I don't have the manual dexterity to manage pulling cabbage leaves without tearing them in my current state (that or I fucked up coring it or didn't leave it in long enough, whichever)
I cannot cut the vein out of a cabbage leaf without fucking it up in my current state
I do not have a large enough pot to actually cook cabbage rolls to the first recipe I found online (there may be other methods; I have no idea)
So there I was, an hour after I'd started, with a whole lot of ruined cabbage leaves, a kilo of ground pork that I absolutely had to at least cook today, a litre of chicken stock I had no idea what to do with, the feeling that my Polish ancestors are very disappointed in me, a shitload of overtime waiting for me to get around to it, and the knowledge that this was going to mean that said overtime wasn't going to end until very late. Also hungry.
And then I thought ... "Fuck this. Yeah, I have a good chunk of Polish in my ancestry ... but I've got a fair bit more Irish and can therefore get a lot of mileage out of some pork and cabbage".
Chopped the cabbage leaves, dumped basically everything into my big skillet, and simmered that for awhile also boiling potatoes. After a few minutes, drained most of the juice out of the pork/cabbage mixture, back on the heat while the potatoes were finishing. I could have stood to do the potatoes longer, honestly, but it was getting late. So I ended up with this pork / onion / cabbage hash, which I had over potatoes. Turned out okay, though I'm going to want to spice the leftovers up more, and make more potatoes.
If all else fails, throw it in a skillet and pray.
So now I'm going to heat up the tuna broccoli pasta from yesterday (mostly so I have a decent-sized container to store my pork cabbage hash in, since my parentals still have my other big one from when I gave David some of my cheesecake - I should ask for that back), then have a bath and hope I feel better soon. Like, before tomorrow might be nice. It's more of the same tomorrow, except more potential for leftovers. ...I remember I did mean to have the leftover tuna broccoli pasta for lunch, but I never got a long enough break for that so I stuck with my emergency calorie go-to of peanuts and fruit (a pear).
If I'm still hungry after tuna broccoli pasta leftovers, I'm making myself a mug cake. Damnit, I deserve a mug cake.
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9w1ft · 1 year
Hi 9!
we need something other than kaylor right now so do you mind answering one or any of these Tea Questions? ☕️🫖
☕️do you put milk in your tea if so what type
🫖do you make a big pot and have multiple cups of tea or just one cup
☕️do you ever drink iced tea
🫖 what is one flavor you tried to love but just don’t
☕️do you ever drink coffee
☕️do you ever drink iced coffee
of course! send the everyday questions my way!
☕️ sometimes i do put milk in my tea! usually whole milk. i love milk in peppermint tea 🥰
🫖 both! i bought a tiny teapot awhile ago i’ll have to post a photo in the morning light.. but i also have a lot of tea packets that i’m always trying to use so, i do try to use tea packets. i only have a few loose leaf teas
☕️ i do! especially in the summer. i know cold beverages aren’t good for the body but.. cold barley tea in the summer in japan is a must!
🫖 butterfly pea tea. i am a libra through and through and love the aesthetics of a blue colored beverage. but i hate the taste of that stuff!!
☕️ i do! usually at work. but i’m not very picky. i do love a flat white though :) and vietnamese coffee. i love vietnamese coffee. actually, while i don’t drink too much coffee, i am a big fan of coffee flavored sweets! coffee cake, coffee flavored roll cake, honey cake with coffee, coffee jelly, adffogato, coffee and milk hard candies, coffee marshmallows..
☕️ yes! through most of my professional life whenever im at the office i’ve tended to start my day with a vending machine iced latte with sugar 😆 idk if it even counts as coffee tbh but it’s a must
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scribefindegil · 2 years
Other plants that are doing good:
Simon, my peace lily, rescued from a coworker who couldn’t stop his cat from eating it (peace lilies are not related to actual lilies; the cat is fine. the plant, however, was not). Has bloomed twice and I have cried about it. My friend because he starts visibly drooping when he’s thirsty so I have a visual indication to water him. Should probably be re-potted and possibly divided in the spring; he’s doing so well that his leaves are very crowded.
The croton that shares the ledge behind the couch with Simon. It’s getting a little crooked because it needs rotating and should probably be dusted, but it put out a bunch of new growth this year and is so colorful and weird. Also does me the favor of drooping when it needs to be watered.
My Rambling Boy (please help me popularize this as a common name for Tradescantia zebrina. current options are bad). It’s been a rough road with this guy! He lost almost all of his tendrils to overwatering when I first got him, but once I figured out that I needed to water from the bottom of the pot (and moved him off the ledge where MICE were EATING him!!!) he’s started to bounce back! Every time I see a new lil purple leaf I am filled with joy.
The Friendship Cacti (we don’t celebrate Christmas). The one with pink flowers was bought when I first moved in with Nate as a “Look, here is a thing in this apartment that belongs to both of us” plant. It came from Home Depot. It was not a high-quality plant. It hardly seemed to grow at all for the first year or so and I was worried about it. But now it is covered in BUDS and it’s got new leaves and I am very proud of it. The white one I bought last year when I dropped a bunch of my cake money on plants. It sits next to the pink one. They are friends.
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jentrevellan · 2 years
Hi! For the blossoming romance asks: picking a leaf/flower petal out of their hair, or brushing dirt off of their face?
(From this prompt list)
I had a lot of fun with this (it's also something that happened IRL with me and my now-husband before we were dating, hehe). Enjoy!
After a delightful afternoon spent with Elen Ve’mal preparing the pots for seeding, the late afternoon bell of the chapel peeled away. Reluctantly, Elsie bade farewell to the elf and hurriedly left the garden; the warmth of the sun vanishing the instant she stepped inside the cool corridors of the castle. She pushed open the door to the main hall; whilst the door opposite the one she entered opened at the same time. She paused in her step as the figure looked up at her. All at once, her body flooded with heat, as if the sun had reappeared from behind her.
“Inquisitor,” Commander Cullen said, inclining his head. His voice was warm, but his face expressionless as he glanced at her clothes - no doubt spotting the mud on her breeches and the dirt caked on her boots.
They met in the centre of the room. “Cullen,” she said, a little breathless. She cleared her throat. “Shall we walk together?” 
“Of course,” he said politely, and she fell into step beside him. 
“Been busy this afternoon?” She enquired, hating the small talk, hating the way each silence felt strained, but wanting to hear him talk. 
“I won’t bore you with the details, Inquisitor, but yes. The barracks are almost complete although I fear we’re going to need more.”
Well, she had asked for small talk, and that is exactly what he delivered.
“I’m sure we’ll find a way,” she replied, and they fell into silence again. Maker, why was this so difficult? In Haven, she would’ve taken a jibe at his work, said something that would’ve made him roll his eyes or grumble under his breath, but now? Nothing came to mind. So they walked quietly down the main hall and into the corridor leading to the war room. 
He cleared his throat. “I assume you’ve been in the gardens?” he asked.
She threw him a smile and wiggled her fingers in front of her. “What gave it away? My green fingers? Or should I say brown…?”
His low chuckle made her stomach flip. “I was looking at the footprints your boots are leaving behind.”  
“Oh maker’s balls,” she swore, stopping in her tracks. He was right - there was soil all down the corridor, which had only just been cleaned. “Don’t tell anyone, will you?” 
Cullen stopped too, his eyes bright with amusement. “Who exactly would I tell? The Inquisitor…?” 
Elsie made a face and batted his arm gently. “Oh, very funny.”
But his hand reached out and grabbed her wrist. It was a gentle, yet firm touch that made her stop altogether, her smile fading. Before she could say anything, he let go and with the same hand, pulled off his glove with his teeth in one swift movement. There was a small smile on his lips, and Elsie couldn’t help but look as the glove hung between his teeth. That little scar on his upper lip was incredibly distracting, so her responses were slow when a moment later she realised that his now ungloved hand was just inches from her cheek. 
“I’m sorry, you have a.. May I?” he said, his other gloved hand now under her chin, tilting it upwards. 
She had no idea what he was asking permission for, but at this moment he could’ve asked for absolutely anything and she would’ve obliged. She was at his mercy, and he had no idea.
His thumb, thick and calloused, was surprisingly gentle as he rubbed at her cheek. “You have a bit of soil, just here,” he explained, his voice low. 
Elsie chuckled breathlessly, looking at his eyes, watching how the dark amber was zeroed in on its task until she was presentable. But then his gaze slid to hers, his thumb no longer prodding or wiping, and instead he hesitantly cupped her cheek. Her breath caught, and she heard him suck in a breath, as ever so gently she tilted into his touch. It was a fraction of a movement, but the heat that suddenly filled his gaze confirmed to her that he was feeling something too. Something between them that was beyond touch. 
She licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry. A small thrill went down her spine as his eyes watched the subtle movement. She could smell elderberries and oakmoss. She could feel the warmth of his large hand on her cheek, the contrast of the cool leather under her chin with his other gloved hand. What would it be like, should their lips meet? Would it be soft, gentle, fleeting? Or rather bold, passionate and wanting? 
The door to the corridor opened and Cullen withdrew his hands, as if scalded by fire. He turned away, quickly putting his glove back on and greeted Leliana who was coming down the corridor. 
And just like that the spell had been broken, for that is what it had felt like. Time had almost stopped and in that moment it had just been them. Never before had every nerve ending, every wire in her body been so attuned to her senses. What was that? 
“Inquisitor? Are you alright?” Leliana asked, holding the door to the war room open. Cullen glanced at her before continuing into the war room, his face back to being an unreadable mask. She frowned at his shoulders and nodded.
“I’m fine, thank you Leliana. Just…just tired.”
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