#power rangers au ask
shadowfear-art · 2 months
I know it is specifically super Sentai. But I want you to understand my vision of Crocodile being hit with Pink Sugar Heart Attack.
🎶Whelp this is what it looks like 🎶
(Had to sketch this as fast as I could)
Since it fits had to use Law for Pink Sugar Heart Attack. Don't know if it fits timeline wise.
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... How about both existing but magical girl/boy being a consequence of the Super Sentai battles were the remaining energy contamination low key infusing some of the populace leading to a type of hybridization~
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askponyinuyasha · 3 months
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Kon'nichiwa! You should find your center and meditate, it will help you relax and calm down.
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@ask-purple-power-ranger-pony: Kon'nichiwa! You should find your center and meditate, it will help you relax and calm down.
<Previous> ...
High-res transparent PNGs below the cut.
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Ya boy is so back! My wrist has been feeling quite a bit better, but I'm still gonna try and be gentle with it and pace myself a little better if I can help it.
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majachee · 27 days
did you say….a power rangers x td au?
IVE BEEN TRYING TO MAKE ONE BUT HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU I owe my life to you power rangers was the shit
please yap about it I’m begging
I am writing a fic about it, though it isn't my number 1 priority wip atm cuz its just smth silly and self-indulgent, but because I now know there's someone out there REALLY DIGGING THIS IDEA, it'll be moved up on my list by a few notches lol
This AU is heavily focused on comedy and action, so rather than assigning TD characters to PR roles that they'd actually fit, I went with what would be REALLY FUNNY to write about.
So the Rangers consist of Harold (red), Duncan (Black), Noah (blue), Courtney (yellow), and Heather (pink).
These guys were assigned to work on a lab/project for their science class, specifically on the effects of pollution, littering, and climate change. No take-backsies, they're stuck with eachother and 4/5 of these guys don't want to fail... 4/5 of these guys are also assholes.
After some healthy doses of bitching, they agree to meet up and study an abandoned rig. But GASP! They get attacked by some guys... made of putty? Damn dude that's CRAAAAAAZYYY
... this is specifically based on the MMPR tv show, and I'm very tempted to draw the putty monsters exactly like how their costumes look in the show (silver fullbody suits with seams visible and monster claws/masks.) Listen, the putty monster costumes bring me A LOT OF JOY, I genuinely love this show dO NOT @ ME (unless its for mmpr fanart... please @ me...)
Anyways, these assholes fumble through the fight: Harold shows off the skills he learned at Defensive Steve's Defense Class, Noah gets thrown off a small cliff because he weighs less than a paper weight, Courtney feels the exciting rush of bloodlust for the first time... Normal stuff, really!
Of course, this ends up with all 5 of them being summoned (lazer kidnapped) to Power Rangers Headquarters! And it's revealed that Zorgon's role was taken by Chris McClean I'm SORRY. Look, it's funny. He has the same personality he does in canon, but instead of running a reality TV show centered around teens, he has to babysit a small group of teens who hate eachother. This will be really funny in execution, I promise.
Some of the kiddos have a few words to say about the Dinozords... cuz half of them aren't even dinosaurs. Also, they do NOT like the idea of being forced to work together on a color-coded superhero team of all things!
Drama Bot is Alpha, it focuses on the team's publicity ratings.
Rita Repulsa? Meet Blainely McBlamey!! SELF EXPLANATORY!!
I love Rita Repulsa, so Blainely fans consider this a very high honor.
The Green Ranger is Alejandro.
I plan on having the AU mostly focus on campy episodic adventures with some character development sprinkled in, and having the more important PR plots be... well... important and more thoroughly executed, if I ever get around to it.
As for the main gang themselves?
Harold is quite stoked and honored about being a superhero, and quickly ends up being the team leader and team morale – due to his smarts, and quick-to-forgive personality. He doesn't take shit from anyone, but he also won't hold grudges, especially on the battlefield... Though he does have a slight problem with going on long tangents about certain factoids (same...)
He has a vast array of skills and knowledge at his disposable... It all depends on how/when he uses said skills lmao. So far he's probably the least developed one in this AU, right next to Duncan. That'll change when I write more of them.
Courtney? Oh... Oh you KNOW she likes being a Power Ranger. She preaches about the importance of morals, and upholding laws, and how some people ought to respect the responsibilities that come with being a Power Ranger... and some people are more deserving of being recognized as heroes than others. Courtney I love you and I hope I do you justice... mwah... She very much likes taking the lead, and claims that she should be the team leader... and valedictorian, and class president... Oh yeah, you KNOW she worries about her grades a lot, especially after becoming a Ranger. She becomes a lot more productive with her passion as the story goes on, and learns to trust and respect her teammates.
Noah takes on the role of reluctant tactician... Aka the smartass. Physical activites aren't his forte, and he plans on keeping it that way. He relies on his Zord the most, and when that isn't available he resorts to evasive maneuvers and hiding while the other guys handle it. Him staying on the sidelines, however, does lead to him being more observant to the enemies' weaknesses, which will eventually lead to him having a more active role in the team as the main tactician. I'd imagine once that happens, he'll have a lot of interesting back-and-forths with Harold and Courtney. Still a sarcastic, laidback asshole, but more active in his participation when it comes to the team.
Duncan... is more aligned with his season 1 and early season 2 personality. No cheating or love triangles here. He is still an ASSHOLE, though, especially to Harold and Noah. They don't take his shit. I dont have much to say about him yet iM SORRYYYYYY
Asshole punk with a heart of gold... that's his schtick alright...
HEATHER MY BELOVED. She looks hella good in pink and she knows it. She doesn't like being a part of this team, but by god will she put the effort in, because she doesn't want to die to some clay-freak. Her zord-buddy is the pterodactyl, which she finds to be quite convenient, considering it's on the smaller side and can fly, very easy for aerial advantage. Very hellbent on defeating Blainely McBlamey, because once she's defeated they can all go on with their lives. Presumably... evil grin...
I don't know how to really put it in more fancy words, but like... Heather is the most active participant along with Harold and Courtney. She's very headstrong, tends to butt heads with Courtney a lot (not only are they both stubborn, but they also both view themselves as the leader of the group. Nobody realizes it's Harold, not even Harold himself, dramatic irony at its finest.)
Everyone on the team loses their shit when Alejandro (the enemy[tm]) gets a frickin' DRAGON-ZORD of all things.
If yiu have questions about specific characters or MMPR episodes, I'll do my best to answer lol
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regaliasonata · 13 days
now I want a au where scott is addicted to dillon's blood wtf-
Not even trying to drink the blood all the time cause he just likes the way his teeth feel on Dillon’s neck…arm muscles…and chest….☠️☠️☠️
Scott is definitely like a cat in this dynamic just sneaking up and being annoying but in a cute way, I’d say full on au wise what if Dillon’s blood has some rare qualities and he’s being stalked a bit by other vampires. Ooh now imagine if his dad General Truman is a very old vampire and doesn’t really approve of Scott’s life so imagine finding out when his son is dating a human.
World I’m thinking there’s some magic, vampires have powers but older ones and a fed special ones have more unique powers. But a bit of a twist where magic energy comes from negativity, Scott lost his brother due to humans and that gave him some crazy powers like maybe moon vampire stuff and Dillon has some strong spells but he hates using magic cause of family background and due to Tenaya being in a coma and cursed. So like the losses and such also bring them close together.
Now imagine their arguments and stuff, sorry I’m going on a tangent just enjoying the idea behind this ☠️
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Okay but imagine my OCs as Power Rangers...
Aerys Targaryen as the Red Ranger. The leader. Brave. Sometimes too overconfident. Short tempered and aggressive
Viseriya Targaryen as the Blue Ranger. The second in command. Intelligent. Everyone should listen to her, but no Ranger is without ego. Both beauty and brains
Derek Bolton as the Green Ranger. One of the best fighters. Very cunning but also has a dark side and a dark past. Doing everything to prove himself but comes short....or so he thinks. He feels like it's his second chance at life and wants to do everything right this time
Lyra Stark as the Yellow Ranger. The wise one. The caring one. The one who can turn a villain to the right side with just her words. No one expects her to be a fighter but she is one of the best
Jocelyn Lannister as the Pink Ranger. Rich girl who got too tired of everyone's judgement and became a Ranger to prove everyone wrong. Has a subtle sense of entitlement. She is a girl's girl. Live by the girl code. Will judge the villain's sense of fashion while she kicks their ass
Maegor ii as the Black Ranger. Supposed to be a villain but ended up being a Ranger. Moral and ethical compass is broken. Fucks up a lot, doesn't care, late feels slight guilty, hates the feeling, saves the day to stop feeling guilty. Keeps his face covered all the time
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skyland2703 · 4 months
Gonna do one last thing on this app before I get in bed.
Made up fanfic title thingy
Love and Music
Also, here, have this lime I peeled and ate like an orange about an hour ago, and the cut on my tongue still burns from eating.
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OUCH HOW DID YOU DO THAT— (are you okay and why do I wanna try doing this. Did you eat the entire thing????)
“Love and Music” hmmm🤔🤔🤔
You didn’t mention a ship but I’m getting Javelia vibes from this— and also I think you ship em, so lemme give you a Javelia fic Synopsis 👀✨💖🖤
Title: Love and Music
This sounds like a fun little thing to play around with, especially cuz i love music tropes. It COULD be a very lovely little song fic maybe.
ARGHHH I HAVE AN URGE TO MAKE THIS A 1940s lovers AU so let’s go with THAT.
It’s set in New York because I feel like it’d fit.
Amelia jones is a journalist who’s looking for her big break. It’s hard because it’s the 40s and people just laugh at the idea of “A lady journalist? HAH”
She’s out to prove herself, because she’s Amelia fucking Jones. And one day she just comes across a sad little man playing music in central park. She doesn’t pay much attention to him, of course, but that little tune he played gets stuck in her head like an earworm. No lyrics, no words, just the little tune the sad man was singing, stuck in her head.
So of course, in order to get rid of the earworm and saddened by the lack of a good story, she finds herself looking for the sad music man, trying to find him. She looks for days, but she can’t find him.
Then she hears back from a war veteran she had asked to interview, and she goes to meet him. This guy had lost an arm in the war, and he’s a very sad and depressed man who doesn’t meet anyone. She’s surprised he even accepted her request— and even more to her surprise, he’s not the least bit unkind to her. He is, indeed, a little sad and dejected and depressed and a lonely little hermit but he doesn’t shoo her away.
He isn’t too keen on helping with the story but imagine the coincidence when she gets anxious about losing her biggest story, (there’s some scam in the military, I think? It’s fiction so why not :D) and in anxiety she starts humming the same tune she’d heard in Central Park.
Now imagine her surprise when he starts humming along.
Yes, yes he was the sad little man who had been singing in the park.
Long story short, he helps her with her story, she helps him come to terms with his loss, he teaches her how to play music because he cannot play anymore and she plays for him at times and they fall in love :3
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it
Now if you wanna see a little edit i made on this… 👀
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augment-techs · 3 months
Question Game. What does self-care look like for you? Biggest lie you ever told? What is your biggest heartbreak? How do you keep yourself somewhat sane? + Coinless Jason
(For the sake of my sanity and everyone else's, I'm going with the open Huntsman AU version of Jason, because at least he is carefully curated in my head for vengeful activity in later works and this gives me a reason to talk about him.)
What Does Self-Care Look Like?:
Self-Care for Jason is having access to shaving tools and eating a meal that smells good and has a calorie count that will keep him alive for three days if he becomes trapped somewhere. It's not exactly healthy to focus on things that he had to rely on through the goodwill of Drakkon or Skull's trickery in their shared hallway in their cells, but it makes him feel less jittery than if he just leaves his stubble to grow or lets the staff of Promethea or the Rangers of the Prime Universe provide him with food.
Biggest lie you ever told?:
There never seems to be an end of the lies he's had to tell to make sure the Omega Rangers allow them to keep using Safehaven's Master Arc.
That he's sure that everything in the Coinless universe is going fine with Drakkon stuck in the Prime even though they left Billy still under Drakkon's obedience spell and he was too clever to be left to his own devices.
That he was perfectly healthy because Drakkon kept losing bets to the Red Ranger even after being in what amounted to solitary confinement for a little over seventeen years.
That the Green Dragon Coin from Drakkon was being cleansed with ease while they waited on their collection of turned Sentries to be returned back from the timelines and dimensions that the Grid had accidentally (or meaningfully) pulled them to when The Void was brought back into the Grid.
But if pressed, he might have to go with the fact that he ever said out loud, "Everything's going to be fine," before Drakkon stole the White Light from him... Maybe.
What is your biggest heartbreak?:
Watching Skull go through a two year cycle of being made to dehydrate, starve, and drown in the cell across from him without being able to do anything but make it worse when he cursed out or goaded Drakkon about not being able to PROVE Skull was a spy.
That and the time Jason got double pneumonia, was totally out of his mind calling for his mother, and woke up one morning a year to the day from being freed by Promethea to find himself out of his armor prison, curled up in a ball with his head on Skull's lap, the man brushing his hair like he was five--just the way his mother used to do it for him.
It was the best he'd felt in years and he'd gone back to sleep thinking it was a dream or a hallucination and not something to worry about. Which was completely false as he'd woken up hours later, his fever broken, to the reality that Skull had in fact managed to get out of his own cell, through all of the locks and codes for Jason, gotten the Red Ranger out of the prison armor without setting off the alarms, and had pissed Drakkon off horrendously.
All of this without breaking any rules. He had not tried to escape, he had not tried to help Jason escape, and Jason had never seen Drakkon shocked into silence at someone addressing him--to his face--about showing ethical obligations towards the prisoners under his authority.
Drakkon had let Jason remain inside his cell without being bound back into the prison suit for three days, but Skull had been removed to somewhere else during that entire time. And when he'd been placed back into the armor, Drakkon had a showcase set up on a screen across from him so he could see a movie showing off exactly how "merciful" he was when his authority was questioned--even by a sentry Captain whose charges of treason and espionage hadn't been confirmed.
The recording had sound, but there was never any screaming involved. The only screaming and crying came from Jason when Drakkon grinned and told him Skull would be back only once Finster had sown him back up again.
How do you keep yourself somewhat sane?:
Observing that there were, in fact, versions of Tommy Oliver that became wonderful fathers and husbands, teachers, teammates, friends, and even martyrs and being allowed to realize that Jason's mercy wasn't a defect in his character.
Talking with Kimberly in the aftermath of The Void, both of them in Ranger Colors again, though the White on Jason took a little getting used to, it wasn't as painful as he thought once Saba was taken back from Drakkon despite the madman's screaming and cursing at theft and ownership and how he'd won. The two of them were damaged horribly, but in different ways that made them both think they'd they'd gotten off luckier than the other; as fucked up as that was.
Seeing that even in the heart of darkness that was Drakkon's palaces and army, there were some good people that had helped the Coinless in their own ways under a guiding hand of an ally, even when Skull was in prison and couldn't offer a word without all of them at risk of being horribly killed.
Planning out how to return to the Coinless world and relieve Billy from his duty as regent, as well as remove the spell on him.
And learning music. Not just songs, but how to read sheet music and even play an instrument or two, despite having not special talent for it. Given that it had built him up back into being something close to sane after so many years completely alone except for Drakkon, it seemed the most obvious thing to embrace in his freedom.
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shieldofiron · 11 months
I have never watched Power Rangers except for the 2017 movie which I love but!
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Billy, Steve, Robin, Heather, Jason and Patrick as Power Rangers.
Chrissy choreographed for them though. Chrissy as that little robot thing?
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
The day that went down in MPS history, though, is the day Alma finally crossed the line, and made herself look like a threat to Mirabel's safety...
INDEED‼️ Alma was a lil too harsh and ended up making Mirabel crying. Frankly, the MPS ain’t take it well <333 Isabela kinda has this sixth sense of whenever Alma is harassing Mirabel, so she’s already in her way back by the time the other kids are there to comfort her. And they KNOW she’s coming,s o they leave Alma to her own devices, not telling her what’s about to happen.
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themundanemudperson · 3 months
Dinosaur AU Chiley, but Riley is introducing Chase to his family. Matt is a huge Alamosaurus, Kaylee is equally tiny as Riley bc she's a dineobellator basically texan velociraptor, and Hope, the Griffin Siblings' mom is an Ojoraptorsaurus a medium size dino. Chase is utterly terrified of Matt, who could easily just use one of his forelegs to just swat him away. Kaylee is vibing tho, bc she has another tol person to stand on. Hope just gives Chase some like leaf cake thing to greet him into the family. Also Riley built a lil nest on Chase's crest. Chase is scared of using his crest to make sounds bc he's worried he'll wreck Riley's nest. Riley and Kaylee can kill anything bc they're carnivores, tho it's fine with Matt and Hope bc Hope is an omnivore and Matt believes Riley and Kaylee can do no wrong. Also when the Griffin Siblings and Hope go places they all ride on Matt's back bc he's huge.
poor chase lmao. matt is scary and overprotective in the normal universe. but this? when he's a massive ass fucking Alamosaurus? poor guy
kaylee is such a vibe. matt's overprotective. kaylee? she gets a new perch! and riley's happy! she is so done with matt bc she thinks chase is a good choice
matt just grumbles that he's doing his older brother duty
and hope!!!!!!!! omg i love her. she sees chase as getting a new son and considering this is the dino who adopted lots of kids that are completely different species, she's overjoyed. more bbies for her
and matt and keylee and riley's relationship is so goddamn cute. i love them
and matt's doing his duty as the Large One to chauffeur them places. matt express is here!!!!!!!!!!!! y'know like dinosaur train! (once upon a time there was a mom her name was mrs pteranodon)
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morninkim · 1 year
ROTMMPR Masterpost
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The goal of this series is to reimagine MMPR as an action comedy animated series in the vein of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, with splashes of drama in there to keep things interesting (hence the series title lmao)
Elements from several different sources are included (Show, Comics, Movies, etc.) with some extra new elements added!
Figured since I’ve posted a fair amount of stuff from this AU/series concept, I should make it all a lil easier to find. Below is a list of all the designs posted so far, linked to each individual post for them, which I’ll update as I continue the series uwu. Otherwise, it can also all be found under #rotmmpr
Rangers & Allies:
The Power Rangers
The Green Ranger
The Power Weapons & Alpha V
Dino Megazord
Zordon & Alpha V
Angel Grove Civilians, Pt. 1
Bulk & Skull
NASADA Promethea Base Members
Prince Dex, The Masked Rider
Grace Oliver, The Phantom Ranger
Goldar & Putties
Squatt & Baboo
Rita Repulsa
The Dark Green Ranger
Non-Art Posts: (Story/Plot Summaries, Character Breakdowns)
Series Outline
Rita & Tommy Arc Breakdown
Main Team Character Breakdowns
Ask: Favourite Relationship Dynamics
Other Assorted Stuff (AU of the AU, Memes, etc.)
Coinless AU: Ranger Slayer & Madame Drakkon
Tomberly “I wonder how I taste?” Meme
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shadowfear-art · 2 months
in yourPower Rangers/Super Sentai au was crocodile pregnant with Luffy when he was infused?
Originally no.
However now that I'm thinking about it timeline wise it makes sense.
Goes on a rampage for six months, reveals his 100% form to Dragon (as well as Ivan and Inszuma being the only ones at the time who also know) returns to monster mode, is coaxed to be taken to the Revolutionary Rangers base.
Where they try to return Crocodile to normal but with no success for another three months... Then Sand Croc lays a large golden egg and fully goes back to normal hours later. Whether he was aware that he was carrying a child is were I'm leaning towards 'probably not'.
Previously the idea was that Luffy was conceived during Dragons brief interaction with Crocodile being a "god" then after the golden egg is formed because of Sand Croc losing strength to keep his form.
The egg itself does not hatch for two years. Everyone's theorizing it's for survival reasons.
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infinitysgrace · 2 years
anyway i finished rewatching Kat's introduction to the show and like... my god i remember why she was one of my favorites
she just wrecked everyone's shit and if she didn't tell them they never would've figured that out, love that for her
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majachee · 27 days
cheering so loud rn
yes I am the anon who asked about your pr x td au and I will be here to stay :3
I always found the putty monsters to be pretty silly, they’re just little guys don’t be mean to them; I would love to see your designs for them tho! and maybe of everyone’s suits….
tho something I’ve always had a gripe with is that the suits, didn’t really seem like alien technology. they didn’t have any outlandish and/or futuristic features that really showed the power these suits have. they kinda look like they were from a spirit halloween lol. it’s just a pet peeve of mine tho lol
and also…will there be yuri….very important question…because I smell something coming from courtney and heather….its probably because I’m a heathney shipper lol
anyways I shall go now, I will return to nag you with more questions in the next, uh, 4-6 business hours :)
I will be drawing their suits and such this week. Look out!! 😈😈😈
I WILL make sure they serve absolute area 51 in their MMPR suits dw dw
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regaliasonata · 3 months
What if the "hexagon" thing happened instead of Ninja Storm?
Ooh boy this was a long one, kinda went crazy with this but enjoy ✨✨✨✨
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-Takes places soon after Forever Red due to Tommy getting a little weary from the machine empire's short-lived return. The other Reds get a little involved but Tommy himself eventually takes control.
-Getting old mentors and some government officials they make a team of sorts. Well the reason why Hexagon is made was to have a specific team up to call when big threats in space and on earth occur, they needed a specific team so contacting Billy and Ninjor they get together to make new morphers based on both their ninja powers and the elements.
-Ninjor has them also connected to animal motifs, well that of ancient zords locked away(Liveman was actually what inspired the motif in the Hurricanger so lets say their team adapted here were the original owners). Of course Tommy seeks out a team, he settles with the following, Scott as the red ranger, Flynn as the blue ranger and Summer as the yellow ranger.
-All three of them have their own upbringing, Scott was already brought in via the military due to his dad but wanted something bigger to show that he wasn't a disappointment. Flynn is eager to be a hero and didn't want to pass up this opportunity of possibly going through space as well, Summer felt as if she needed the experience but also her lofty connections were used since she really wanted to try out being a ranger.
-the season shows the team working well while also having to abide by the rules of Hexagon. Getting some cameos of old teams, but also learning about their ninja like power and growing a little skeptical about Hexagon as a whole. Things hit the fan when two sealed powers of thunder and lightning are stolen, Ninjor was killed trying to keep them concealed and the culprits have yet to be found.
-its revealed that it was Ziggy the Crimson Ranger and Dillon the Navy Ranger both taken in by the new UAE as dark rangers. They both have their own reasons for aiding the villains of this season.
-Ziggy's family or lack there of with the orphanage he grew up with were killed during Tommy's green ranger rampage a few years ago prompting a hatred for both him and rangers as they just took him in without consequence so seeing the man on such a high position makes his blood boil. Dillon and Tenaya were also a part of the orphanage but Tenaya was only placed in a coma due to her injuries.
-taking their chances they went on Terra Venture in hopes to find some planet or known group that would be able to take in some humans that were looking to get a big of revenge and luckily they joined a small faction of ninjas working with the new united alliance of evil. Within one of their tasks they were sent to fight Ninjor which proved to be a tough fight but they caught him off guard and stole the morphers thus becoming rangers. This new leader of the UAE also tasked the two with fighting minor threats on earth before other ranger teams could handle it.
-this was done in order to shift perception to make it seem as if these mysterious rangers were actually their allies, in return it caused a few teams to have a few arguments and after all the conflicts Hexagon was thrown into chaos. For the next arc of the season the main team with Scott, Flynn and Summer also began questioning few things about where their help was getting them, the argument about "which side are you on" continued to grow only uglier and they were placed in the crossfire as the past ranger teams started fighting.
-Tommy himself developed a new power disc during the little war, he used an old swallow animal zord that Ninjor didn't prioritize and also took in some of the latent energy from Zordon's energy wave to tap into pure energy from the grid thus making the green samurai ranger morpher. This in return drew in a certain old ally of Ninjor to the planet, Dulcea. With Tommy as the new green ranger she decided that since earth nearly got taken apart during the ranger war that she'd become the new mentor.
-As things start to regain some normality Tommy is eventually bombarded with targeted attacks by Ziggy and Dillon until they reveal what happened. He nearly gets taken out if it wasn't for the three main rangers stopping the two and bringing them into custody. While on a ranger trial with Hexagon they are pestered with questions and how could they cause such distress yet they shoot back with any guilt rangers feel from their damage done to cities, the lives they ruin and also the idea of idolizing false justice in the world. Zordon erased a bunch of lives but were they all inherently evil? Did he brainwash a bunch of people into a set idea of good he had, it makes everyone especially Tommy question the idea behind themselves being rangers.
-They escape but instead kind of become anti hero like forces for the Hexagon team. Still having a rivalry feeling for Tommy(specifically Ziggy giving off a sort of green on green standoff for this what if scenario), Dillon gets to visit Tenaya who with Hexagon's aid were able to stabilize her condition. Due to the hatred of Tommy simmering for Dillon Ziggy ends up feeling betrayed and goes back to the UAE.
-The UAE itself is actually ran by a leader known as "The Enchantress". The Enchantress's true identity is that of Kimberly Hart, well a variant from a different universe who had to experience a more destructive and sinister version of Tommy. She ended up falling into The Void and getting corrupted by the dark energy there from dead dimensions and such, slowly gazing into other universes with various Tommy Oliver's, one was home to that of Lord Drakkon and even the Ranger Slayer. It was settled that in her mind the multiverse along with the Grid itself had cracks in it, issues that needed to be settled and in her eyes she could be the one to fix it.
-the biggest issue being Tommy, finding a portal a after many years she ended up in the main universe and with her new powers took under a pseudonym being The Enchantress. She'd eat away at Tommy's guilt and and with all the infighting from the rangers occurring she'd be able to utilize the grid's influx of energy to pretty much delete his existence overall. The final arc deals with each of the ranger teams getting captured except for Hexagon, their powers were being siphoned off to The Void so Kim could connect it to the grid and do her plan, on the planet where the final showdown takes place we see the six rangers have some internal struggles against Kim as she closes in on Tommy.
-they were all brought here due to the impact of power rangers and with Tommy's influence he managed to get them all weaved in on his own issues. She felt some pity for Ziggy and Dillon due to their situation hence why she wanted to help them enact their revenge but even then they feel a little betrayed on both ends, Scott, Flynn and Summer were all in it to do some good with the world but were exposed to some of the harsher sides in being a ranger and even then they didn't really feel directed off the main idea of trying to help people. Tommy on the other hand thought about the other versions of himself out there...he couldn't really be held liable for their actions but again just seeing how much of an impact he has amongst other worlds, it all makes him feel conflicted.
-Eventually both this version of Kim and Tommy would go into The Void to deactivate the effects of her plan but in the aftermath they were both caught in the explosion, they took in the energy from this and a sort of pseudo z wave goes off throughout the grid. This caused any of the world that his evil counterparts destroyed to be rebuilt and any of those dark counterparts(like drakkon) would be purged from existence.
-Tommy himself would die from this but he'd be turned into a sort of ranger emissary swearing to go from universe to universe keeping keeping eye on the other versions of himself promising Kimberly that he'd do what he does best, being a hero when it duty calls.
-Kimberly on the other hand was purified of the dark energy and decided to go out to explore other universes. Live the life that was robbed of her years ago, maybe even rebuild her own world.
-With that the remaining Hexagon rangers freed the teams and there was a memorial placed in for any lives lost along with Tommy's own sacrifice. Hexagon itself would be ran by Scott as the organization eventually evolved into new factions such as SPD, Flynn went on to continue being a ranger as he had fun helping everyone, Summer kinda settled down retiring from the ranger business so that she she embark on a few new adventures awaiting her. Tenaya eventually woke up to Dillon's surprise and with that they went with Ziggy to see what they missed on earth.
This season kind of acts as both a little semi finale to the Zordon and Fox Era overall but also opening up a new path for the Disney era. Kimberly’s design and stuff here also kinda takes some inspo from Salem in RWBY👌🏾
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sensei-venus · 2 years
Just found out there is a cobra kai power ranger Au! ?
Why didn’t I know about this?🧍‍♀️
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