#ppl RLLY liked them on other media holy fuck
lazyraton · 5 months
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Almost got hit w/art block once so I drew MK and his noodle boys<3
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pwnyta · 2 months
tell me about lost in general bc i watched it vaguely as it was releasing but i was. a child. and never rewatched it and i love learning abt media secondhand through ppl who are rlly into it bc i always learn things in variable order or with immense biases. :)c
Well obviously.... LOST is about a bunch of survivors of a plane that crashed on a mysterious spooky island and happenings HAPPEN & shenanigans ensue but the story is so twisty turny there is no way I could possibly explain...
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We'll get these three dumbasses outta the way. In order-
Jack. Hes a doctor and the main guy of the series.
Kate. Shes a criminal. The main girl of the series
Sawyer. Hes way better then the other two also a criminal the rival love interest for Kate.. hes gruff. Hes smarmy. he makes insensitive jokes about people. He gets a way more interesting story than the other two. Hes like Daryl Dixon from TWD except actually hot and not stupid as hell. Theyre basically the same guy.
The tension between these 3 fuckin idiots is SO played out. None of this is Kates fault but her character is made significantly worse when this love triangle turned love... square when Juliet gets added later. Jack gets with both Kate and Juliet at some point and theyre both way more interesting with basically anyone else. Including Sawyer!!!
This is all Jacks fault. As per usual.
Jacks claim to fame- Being wrong... all the god damn time. So much that he does is just not correct. Except being nice to Sayid. That is always correct.
Kates Claim to fame- Bein bogged down by fuckin love interests and being an immediately better character when not around them. Especially when shes with Claire.
Sawyers Claim to fame- Bein a redneck guy.
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Sun and Jin. Sun is the daughter of some shady business man and Jin, because he loves Sun, ends up working for her father and their life kinda spirals for a bit NGL but they get SOOOO much better.
Sun and Jin are so fucking good its actually crazy. Initially Jin was gonna just get killed off for bein a bastard but (presumably) the writers were like 'Are we really gonna waste DANIEL DAE KIM like that? Are we being so for real? Have you seen him???' And they changed their minds and Sun and Jin are both so precious and I LOVE THEM SO MUCH I DONT WANNA SPOIL THINGS BUT I LOVE THEM. Theyre hands scene.... I WILL CRY FOREVER.
Suns Claim to fame- Crackin Ben in the dome cuz she REASONABLY didnt believe him! Jack could never.
Jins Claim to fame- Being found in the woods occasionally by world weary friends and instantly making theyre day better.
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Walt and Michael...
I think what happened here is Walt grew too quickly for the show and he just sorta got let go... which left Michael with NOT MUCH ELSE TO DO.
BUT THE WRITERS DID THIS MAN SO FUCKING DIRTY ITS INSANE. The fandom too! Walt gets kidnapped by some dudes AT GUN POINT. AT SEA!!! AND NO ONE FUCKING CARED... EXCEPT MICHAEL. But people got REAL MAD at Michael for everything he did after in desperation to get his son back. MICHAEL DID NOTHING WRONG(except for all the wrongs he did but we forgive him.)
Michaels relationship with Sun & Jin was great. First there was a thing with Sun and Jin... and then Sun with Michael... and then Jin and Michael (A wild and adorable friendship holy shit)...
Anyways Michael deserved better KEEP MY WIFES NAME OUT YOUR GODDAMN MOUTH. Wasting Harold Perrineau... Imma watch OZ instead THATLL SHOW YOU.
Walts Claim to fame- Bein a lil cutie pie of like 5 minutes & then getting kicked off the show for growing like 12 feet an hour (speculation)
Michaels Claim to fame- Ruining Hurleys date & becoming Sun and Jins boyfriend.
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Charlie and Claire! Charlie is drug addict member of the band DRIVE SHAFT! Claire is a pregnant lady whos secretly something to someone else but we wont get into it.
They are sometimes cute sometimes cursed Claire deserves better and NOT PENNYS BOAT STILL MAKES ME CRY. GOOD BYE.
Charlies Claim to Fame- Putting his hand on glass and devastating a community of innocent fans.
Claires Claim to Fame- Taking care of 'Aaron' IYKYK
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Sayid has such a cursed life... if anyone has watched VLD... its worse than what they did to Shiro. People he loves keeps dying, hes forced to kill people, every time he gets hurt he looks up with his big sad brown eyes and says he deserves it. he tries so hard to be a good man... WHY DO THINGS KEEP HAPPENING TO HIM.
Claim to fame- His big sad brown eyes and his luscious curls... and that time he snapped a mans neck with his ankles after he was tied up and beaten and held at gun point... As one does.
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And then theres THIS fuckin freak... JOHN LOCKE.
His dad stole his kidney and threw him out a window paralyzing him from the waist down and he acts completely normal because of that throughout the rest of the show. (HES PHENOMENAL.)
Claim to fame- DONT EVER TELL ME WHAT I CANT DO!!!!!
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Then theres HUGO. BEST BOY!!!! Hes basically the only normal person on this entire island. Sometimes bad things happen to him THROUGH NO FAULT OF HIS OWN OH MY GOD PLEASE BE NICE TO HIM.
Claim to fame- HURLEY HUGS!!!! GOLLY HE HUGS SO MANY PEOPLE AND THEYRE ALL HAPPY ABOUT IT!!! EVEN MILES! And Miles could find a way to complain about ANYTHING.
Those are like the MAIN GUYS.
WHO THE HELL IS NIKKI!? We just dont know.
But have some important other guys~
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(me blubbering and bawling)
Claim to fame- (I just continue pointing and crying) CHARLIEEEE
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I know I called John a freak but heres John bigger freak of a boyfriend/tormentor/tormentee... This mans name is Been Lyin' basically and he'll lie about anything anywhere at anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea! AND PEOPLE JUST KEEP BELIEVING HIM. So at some point you just go... 'well they kinda deserve it.'
Michael Emersons performance as Ben Linus was so fuckin good they kept him on for the rest of the series even tho he was definitely not supposed to be there that long. IT WAS THE BEST DECISION. BEN IS SO GOOD(as a character in LOST hes a bastard otherwise.)
Claim to fame- Gettin his ass beat constantly. In a funny way. Sayid also gets bullied a lot but Sayid doesnt deserve it. BEN DOES. ITS FUNNY EVERY TIME.
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Rousseau is a crazy French woman who lives in the woods. She does torture Sayid a little and a lesser woman would be incinerated for that action alone....... but I love Rousseau.
Claim to fame- Taking any opportunity to beat the shit outta Ben. Good for her.
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There are a bunch of other characters... ones that I love... like Frank and Miles and Mr Eko and Nikki and Paulo(who the hell are Nikki and Paulo!?) and Rose and Bernard and Boone and Shannon but I'll leave you with one last character.
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Claim to Fame- Making sure a certain someone does not die alone cuz they lived together.
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I just wanna talk about LOST with you Just wanna kinda get LOST in you ya~ Was thinking maybe I could watch LOST with you cuz im already~ LOST IN YOU~
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dimidarling · 4 years
Part of me wants to make a long emotional unus annus post bc it truly did mean sooooo much to me and I’m in tears as we speak just sadder than I’ve been in a long fucking time but I know like..... I’m just a cocktail rn lmao
(vent under cut)
Yesterday I was hit with a POTENT shot of anxiety later in the day relating to an interest that had previously been absolutely euphoric for several weeks so now I’m working thru anxiety over an interest (which honestly? Happens w almost all my interests at some point or another and I hate it lmao) and not being able to turn to it for joy and comfort until that anxiety somehow passes, and then bECAUSE I was anxious I’ve barely eaten the past 24 hours bc my stomach felt too gross (anxiety manifestation w me) so I’ve been super wonky bc of that even tho I’m tryna eat some things and drink tea and such. And then today we had a scare w one of my cats where we legit didn’t kno if she’d make it thru the day like..... I was sitting at my laptop watching the unus annus stream being like internally “is she going to not last through the week? are we going to have to say goodbye?” Which obviously feels AWFUL and scary as hell amidst my other emotions so it’s like.... she’s ok and stable now I think but holy shit...... I’m just soooo fucking sad about so many things it’s all hitting at once and I hate venting bc I don’t!! Wanna make anyone feel bad! Or have anyone worry!! Like I despise the idea of that! I don’t even rlly do that irl w family I only “”vent”” via mentioned sarcastic jokes and just. Process anxiety and sadness internally lmao. But idk sometimes writing things down and putting them out helps. And I kno it’ll b fine tomorrow and I’m gonna try to eat a little before bed or at least drink some kiefer for the protein + probiotics but damn....... last two days have fucking sucked I can’t remember the last time I was this sad and anxious HAVBSBDBFN even tho I’m anxious a lot it’s like. More lmao. Anyway. I’ll deeply deeply  miss seeing the vids on my YouTube and watching them w my sib and laughing to them and playing them in the bg when I need happy things to fill the space....... just generally having them as this consistent background of the year.... fuck..
ALSO I am anxious abt like. Lmao expressing on social media that I like unus annus and mark in particular bc I kno he can b a controversial figure? And I feel like at least some of my friends/ppl in my social circle rlly don’t like him and so I’m like aaaaaaaaa I rlly don’t wanna b judged I’m so afraid of ppl judging me bc of that idk if that sounds dumb...
Also damn bitch I’m fuckin lonely lmao. Not to b dramatic but I’m w my fam and chat w online friends all day every day almost (and sometimes voice chat) but I still feel lonely as shit 24 fucking 7 :P
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sasgfs · 4 years
ok wait actor/celebrity naruto/sns au i’m posting here bc ion wanna annoy ppl on my other social medias HEKJSJK
umm i have never done this before so just. look away this is literally just a stream of consciousness
- ok so i have in my mind that sakura, ino, naruto and sasuke are all childhood friends? and then they all met the rest of the group in college or sumn idk
- actress! sakura, actor! naruto and then i always imagined ino as like a make-up artist/stylist?? and then our boy sasuke is just vibing doing is own thing bc he hates the spotlight
- this is every celeb au i’ve ever read all in one bc i don’t see a sns ver out there 
- i imagine both naruto and sakura do a bunch of genre’s of movies (like...all actors do bye i can’t think) but anYways they’ve both made it big and made names for themselves
- naruto and sakura have made it p obvious they’re good friends and ino is like lowkey famous on instagram bc of her clothes and make-up and sakura n naruto often make appearances (along w the rest of the group)
- so then naruto’s doing a live?? ig w ino and sakura and he shares an apartment w sasuke ofc and they’ve been together for like,, a long time (also inosaku is a thing bc lesbian rights!!) 
- anyways he’s doing a live and they’re all doing smth stupid idk cooking in the kitchen and making a mess and sasuke comes home and the camera can’t see him but everyone turns to his direction
- ino and sakura are like aha hi we didn’t do anything and naruto is like hi babe 
- and sasuke (off-camera) is like i’m never letting ANY of you into my apartment 
- then naruto’s probably like don’t be like that </3
- MEANWHILE everyone on the live is like????? babe????? whomst???????? 
- the three of them are p open abt their sexualities and inosaku post cute couple pics all the time but naruto has always been v hush hush abt his relationship status (there was no reason really sasuke said he didn’t mind but naruto knows sas is a private person so he purposely said as little as possible) 
- fast forward like,,idk a week and naruto is doing an interview and ofc he’s asked abt the whole babe thing and he’s like yeah i’ve been dating someone for like,,, since college and the interviewer is like pray tell but naruto isn’t saying anything until he can actually talk to sasuke abt it 
- fast forward another couple of weeks and ino is releasing a new collection (i don’t know how stylists work pls dont hurt me) and she’s posted a new model??? (spoiler alert it’s sasuke)
- sasuke always had a good sense of style but his colour pallette is. limited let’s say so ino made him dress more colourful? i wanna say his usual style is alternative so pastel alternative????? like,, cargo pants or ripped jeans leather jacket kind of style except now it’s pastel? um anyways the point is the clothes are out of his comfort zone but he looks good because of course he fucking does 
- the comments ofc freak out everyone’s like hello who are you how do you like your eggs in the morning i love you marry me (so like. me @ sasuke at any given moment)
- ino tagged him in the photo and his account is private but fans notice that both naruto and sakura follow him? (along with other famous™️ people in their group ig) 
- behind the scenes sasuke comes home and is like i have a thousand ppl requesting me make it stop 
- anyways next day ino posts pictures of naruto and plot twist naruto is dressed in all black like,, cargo pants, leather jacket, bicker gloves and everyone is like holy fuck. holy FUCK. 
- side note sasuke wore eyeliner in his pics bc sasuke in eyeliner lives in my mind rent free and naruto probably had some eye look to contrast the black uh moral of the story eyeshadow and eyeliner is as sexy as hell on anyone and everyone
- so instead of being POLITE and letting people RECOVER from naruto and sasuke’s pictures ino posts more pictures of them. together. very close. 
- naruto was nervous abt hate ofc bc people SUCK but when the pictures came out everyone was like HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL US YOUR BOYFRIEND WAS THIS HOT???
- ino posts some behind the scenes on her story and we witness sns being an old married couple
- literally a whole minute is just sasuke yelling at him for being an idiot what’s new
- but then there are others in between photos being taken and they’re just... so fucking cute oh my god you’ve got sasuke helping naruto with his jewelry and naruto feeding sasuke hello these two idiots are so in LOVE 
- (you alr know one of the pictures was just them almost kissing you already KNOW)
- everyone online is just freaking out bc not only has our bi king got a boyfriend he is HOT and suddenly the entire fandom has a crush on him (him being sasuke wbk everyone is in love w naruto anyway)
- obviously the next interview naruto does he gets asked about sasuke and he’s just like yeah he’s my boyfriend and he’s amazing and gorgeous and
- then sakura’s like once you get him started on sasuke he’ll never stop 
- and naruto’s like if YOU were dating sasuke you’d talk about him all the time as well
- have i mentioned they’re in love?
- so the interviewer’s like can u tell us more and of course naruto is like YES i can
- all four of them (sakura, ino, naruto and sasuke) have been friends since they were children and sasuke and naruto always had this weird rivalry enemies thing they were best friends
- sasuke was there for all of them but esp naruto always helping him with lines and helping him practice
- i always imagine sasuke to either be into art or smth rlly smart so for this let’s say he majored in some kind of science for college
- so naruto goes on about how amazing sasuke is for like five minutes no joke (w prompts from the interviewer and sakura)
- and all his fans are just so happy bc naruto seemed so happy when talking about him like he was glowing he was so in loveeee
- anyways after u know naruto is our here posting about sasuke 24/7 and even tho sas looks so unapproachable people see how much he loves naruto and visa versa 
- in lives sasuke is always bickering w naruto about anything and everything and it always ends with a kiss on the cheek and a “you’re lucky i love you” :(( 
- suddenly naruto’s feed is just full of sasuke and pictures of them 
- idk how to end this uhh sns are in love <3
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figureinthedistance · 5 years
i have no investment in marianne williamson stuff other than a generalized distrust of white westerners profiting from pushing new age spiritualism. idk her particular brand but thats almost always some form of evil. anyway what has caught my eye is like this debate over whether or not she conned dying gay men during the AIDS crisis. + im not like into mindless acceptance of whatever u see on twitter, like its good 2 ask questions, but mindlessly going along w bloggers who condescendingly mock gay mens 1st hand accounts of the AIDS crisis jst bc they dont have media coverage or a peer reviewed study to back them up isnt exactly a good look either. 
so i downloaded her book ‘a return to love’ + searched it for AIDS. here are some of the results:
“The Holocaust was not God’s will, nor is AIDS. Both of them are products of fear. When we invite the Holy Spirit into these situations,however, He uses them as reasons and opportunities for us to grow into the very level of deep love through which they are eradicated from the earth.”
“Over the last several years I have counseled many people diagnosed with cancer, AIDS and other life-challenging illnesses. In 1987, I asked my friend Louise Hay if she would help me start a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people in physical crisis, to be called The Los Angeles Center for Living. In 1989, The Manhattan Center for Living opened in New York City.The Centers’ mission statement is that we provide free non medical support services to people dealing with life-challenging illness and grief. On both coasts, we have seen the miracles that occur when people invoke the power of love in the midst of disease and grief. “ [NB: louise hay absolutely did con dying gay men during the crisis, + some ppl have said the criticisms of williamson are more properly targeted @ Hay]
“An epidemic such as AIDS is a collective heartbreak, pulling millions of people into its painful vortex. But this also means that it brings millions of people to their knees. As soon as enough of us get there, as soon as love reaches a critical mass or, as the Course says, enough people become miracle-minded, there will be a sudden breakthrough in consciousness—a rapture, an instantaneous healing.” 
“Cancer and AIDS and other serious illnesses are physical manifestations of a psychic scream, and their message is not “Hate me,” but “Love me.” “
This doesnt rlly prove what the ppl on twitter said, but its not like she wld have owned up to that in her book. what it does show is that shes got fucked up ideas abt AIDS, encouraged dying gay men 2 share those ideas, + is absolutely not the gay ally many of her defenders have positioned her 2 be. 
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