#pq2 hikari
hauntingmiser · 3 months
Day 7
They at five nights at freddy's ( fredbear edition )
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@palecryptid @0heartangel0 @definedvines @frokkie21 @hobie-doh @mona-fied and other participants.....
I'm glad that I participated with all of you!
Y'all were great! 👍
anyways cat
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phantomwaffles · 1 year
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i didnt remember the original concept of what i wanted to do with the background but hope you all can still enjoy this piece..!
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I think the main thing that shows PQ2 was mildly overambitious is how young Hikari is basically albino Nanako.
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anime-ships-all-good · 11 months
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Hikari x Rei
Persona Q/Q2
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0heartangel0 · 3 months
AAAAAAHHHHH!!! I hate not being able to focus!! It's even worse when I'm on a deadline (I should've prepared first...)
Anyway, here's day's 3 and 4. I hope to have the last three done tomorrow (although, they will be rushed...)
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Day 3: Dress-up/Unlikely Duo (Decided to combine the two prompts together to add a little fun. I've wanted to do PQ2 for one of these at some point to be unique (and not just do Strikers for all of them), so decided what better one than a pairing up category for Hikari? As for who she'd be paired up with, I went with Akane, since she's also...a school girl?? (I have not played PQ2, just own a copy, I promise I'll play it at some point) Anyway, I thought it'd be cute to do a clothes-swap (thus, the dress-up prompt), and I think it came out rather decently (I could've done better with Akane, but what can you do?)).
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Day 4: Battle (FINALLY DID A TACTICA ONE! I thought it'd be cool to do a more dynamic one this time (if you can call this "dynamic"), and I think aside from line art and the background (as per usual), I think it came out decently. I had to pull up a reference photo of a guy holding a shotgun because I couldn't for the life of me draw the angle or hand position, and it came out okay. Could've done better with this overall).
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personachampions · 8 days
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It's voting time! Round 2 ends with Matches 33-40!
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catnatch · 10 months
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since i picked pq2 back up, i'm reminded how cute futaba and hikari are ^^
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anzuhan · 1 year
P25th - PQ & PQ2
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all busts here
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hypogryffin · 2 years
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i havent drawn in like two weeks orz but i woke up feeling really emo abt hikari
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twilightknight17 · 8 months
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I did these a while ago and never got around to posting them, so here they are now, since both of them have finally been properly mentioned. This is Hikari (on the left) and Mirai (on the right), who... I guess are technically alternate-timeline siblings. Hikari is Ren and Goro's daughter on the Other Side, and Mirai is Akira and Goro's daughter on This Side.
Somehow, despite being adopted, they still kind of look like their families. :D
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gothamcityneedsme · 10 months
tbh labrys is my favorite persona spinoff character
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2stregafangirl · 5 months
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Have older adult designs of Hikari and her brother Kuragami!
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 1 year
The more I think about it, the more I think Sumi’s plot shoulda been PQ2 instead of Hikari (sorry Hikari I do like you but TT0TT she’s kinda.....weak....like character wise, and this is coming from someone who likes Enlil but even I find them weak). 
I dunno Sumi fits the life/death/truth/identity and feels like a natural evolution from Rei. Plus, her identity crisis woulda mixed a lot better with the Hammy/Minty subplot. 
(now should it be P3/P/4/5, P3/P/4, or P3/P/5? should Maruki still be adapted into it? who knows). 
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vzm · 8 months
who’s your favorite persona oc?
oc is defined here as a character introduced in content that comes off the side of the original plot (sorry marie+kasumi, you’re actually in the main games)
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autonomousxselves · 2 months
//Blog update regarding changes to my muse list
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Kyouka Sayama: I have found a FC icon set for her! I may begin tossing her out soon for both 1999 and later times. A:TFM muses finally coming to fruition -v- I do have to pick a social link arcana for her but she does not have a Persona (for now?). Currently accepting asks.
Yu Narukami: I really just have to get icons from the manga I already have saved for other P4 characters and to add his name to the list, he is also pretty much ready to go. Currently accepting asks.
Erina/Eri Natsuhara: I really feel like I need a FC for her/them since there's no official P5T manga that I know of and there's not exactly a lot of images of them in the game beyond portraits. If anyone has a good match please do share!! Currently accepting asks.
Souto Aizawa: Still not entirely sure whether I'll add him as well but I would like to. No new FC yet. I'll toss some things in later. Needs a social link arcana, probably Hierophant. No Persona (also for now?).
Labrys: I've beaten the first part of Arena Ultimax and have links to some icons others made for her(as well as for Shadow Labrys and even for #024!), as soon as I'm ready I'll be reblogging those and officially adding her. ^^
Test Muses: May accept asks.
Goro Akechi: Idk WHAT changed, I did not originally have a muse for him (I do like him as a character) but something recently is possessing me to reconsider. If I take him then he will also be ready and just need some icons from manga I have saved.
Zen and Rei: While there's a fairly limited time pool to write them from, I would also be willing to write them in any time period. Would have to discuss the circumstances with you beforehand if so.
Hikari: If I keep her out, I would prefer her to be starting at 14 or 15 around 2007. I refuse the canon ending of PQ2 post credits lol. Of course since I'm breaking that rule if you really wanted, I could have her be 15 in 2009, 2011 or 2016 as well.
Maki Sonomura: My poor P1 muses have had exactly 0 interactions and that's all on me, but also now I'm tentatively adding Maki to the list after replaying it. Also willing to write her in any time period at her correct age.
Spot changes:
Muses moved to secondary position due to inactivity or having less personal interest: Minako, Maiko, Bebe, Metis, Teddie. Still accepting asks.
Muses I may remove due to losing the feel for them or reconsidering: Maya Amano, Shinya Oda
S.E.E.S Ryoji Mochizuki: He's literally ready to be written I'm just too lazy to write a short verse intro in the character doc and haven't had the time to make a "like this for a starter" post just quite yet. But... Currently accepting asks.
Persona User Nanako Dojima: She might have a FC now, still needs a Persona and perhaps more story. If you're reading this and have suggestions for her Persona please lmk! I would prefer Japanese mythology for her considering the P4 team but it's not a strict rule.
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p5x-theories · 4 months
Speculation: The Long-term Future of the P5 Collab
Base P5 had seven Palaces and Cattle senses seven treasures, so it stands to reason that P5X will follow suit.  Then P5 had a surprise eighth dungeon where they killed God, and as a Persona game it’s required that P5X does the same.  This is probably where P5X’s first arc will end, and potentially the collab with it.  But as a F2P phone game they’ll want to keep it going if it continues to be profitable enough.  And thanks to the spinoffs P5 has enough material to keep the collab going if they want to.
As an add-on to the base game Royal is almost certainly going to go first.  This is where we’ll get our Violet unit, and perhaps a Maruki unit at the end.  And if it’s going to happen this is where we’ll get Black Mask Crow.  Maybe this will be where the concept of having characters with more than one unit will be introduced and tested?  After all, if they can’t make multiple units work for him they won’t be able to make it work for anyone.  They might also stretch this dungeon out a bit to capitalize on P5R for as long as possible.
That brings us to the spinoff games, where the future starts looking a lot murkier.  Will they go in chronological order, or will they prioritize successful games?
Tactica is the next game chronologically, but it underperformed and the dungeons would have to be rebuilt from scratch due to the maps being designed completely differently from P5’s typical style.  There’s also the question of the DLC, which takes place during base P5.  (Maybe they could write a new side story where Toshiro and Erina meet Tao and Luca, it would be neat.)
It would be really tempting to dive straight into Strikers.  It’s the most successful P5 spinoff game by a large margin and they could port the dungeons to P5X with minimal changes.
I don’t know if they’ll even touch Q2.  In addition to the problems of being a financially unsuccessful game and having to redesign the dungeons, it also opens the can of worms that is time travel and crossovers.  But if they do find a way around it they could have Hikari as a Navigator unit.  This could also be where we get a FeMC if they feel like a P3P collab would have too much overlap with the inevitable P3R collab.
Dancing in Starlight barely has a plot so I think it’ll be skipped.  Unless they somehow integrate it with the rhythm mini games.
And of course there may be more P5 spinoffs waiting in the wings.  But even if they don’t I think there’s enough material to keep the collab going for as long as P5X lasts.
Yeah, this all seems like a pretty reasonable theory! I do think it’d stop being the P5 collab, and start being P5R/P5T/P5S/etc. collabs individually, though, at least in name. 
It’s a shame that (as you pointed out) PQ2′s more of a difficulty for them to cross over with, considering it seems to have been an influence on the P5 collab itself. I’ll admit I’m not entirely sure if time travel or crossovers are as much of an issue as you’re presenting here, also, considering... well... P5X already seems to have certainly one of them, with the implication there might be both, heh! But I’m also not sure what a PQ2 crossover would really add in terms of content, either, because its whole draw is being both of those things. It doesn’t really bring much new to the table for P5X, besides potentially Hikari.
As always, though, I guess we’ll just have to see how it shakes out! Anything like this is definitely still a ways off.
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