#pr anon
heyharoldsboo · 2 years
Hey PR anon! First of all interesting, do u work in the Hollywood industry? I think for a lot of us its very hard to see outside of this bubble because we're so much on twitter and stuff. So you really think this whole thing is not that much of a big deal? What scares a lot of people is that the cancelpercy mob will get it trending again when Season 2 comes out and will always hate him and it will become something bigger than it is now, when say season 2 comes out. When do you think he will start making appearances or going to events? and do you think he will ever make a statement about it or his castmates will ever say anything? thanks a million for the insight to both of you
PR Anon, if you’re around, you’re being summoned again!
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valyrfia · 5 months
So my flatmate, who doesn't give a shit about F1, she doesn't know anything about it nor does she really care saw the lestappen cart video and is now pestering me about them, genuinely asking "are they best friends?" and "are friends even allowed in racing don't they compete against each other?" SHE THOUGHT THEY WERE BESTIES I CAN'T BREATHE, MAX AND CHARLES OF ALL PEOPLE
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bixels · 4 months
What did/do you like about Pharah?
Uh, gameplay-wise, I really love characters in shooters who rely on three-dimensional movement techs. Chaining together hover and jump to stay in the air for as long as possible and keep momentum is so satisfying, and picking enemies off from the sky made me feel like a bird of prey. I was a good Pharah main.
Story-wise, there unfortunately isn't much to canonically go off because Pharah is so underutilized and neglected. Her personality's pretty boilerplate "heroic hero" (she's literally inspired by Captain America).
But it's the crumbs/bits and pieces that I really latched onto. Pharah's a confirmed lesbian; her short story with Baptiste implies she harbors a crush on Mercy (fucking thank you.). She's biracial Egyptian/First Nations. She has major mommy issues, having grown up both admiring and resenting Ana. She's the bridge between Old Overwatch, inspired by the idealized heroes who surrounded her childhood, and New Overwatch. She's one of the only inter-generational characters in the cast; someone whose experiences span the gap, which is why I seriously believe Pharah would make a great main character.
There isn't much to go off of, though; she's a very uncomplicated character (she's a soldier for a private military corporation, lol.). But that just means she's a blank slate character, so I've seen fanfic writers run wild and create some really interesting takes on her. My favorite interpretation of her's a dense, herbo gym-bro type (a lot of her liens are about work outs, exercising, and playing sports) who's easily excitable under her seemingly self-serious, armored visage. We see how she tends to gloat and hype herself up when she's on a streak too, so Pharah definitely has a competitive and boastful side under her more professional and militant performance.
Now Mercy? Mercy is a real complex character.
#i was a diehard pharmercy shipper back then btw#the inherent homoerotic experience of pharmercy gameplay.#the homoerotic experience of looking to the skies to fly to safety under the protection of your knight in shining armor#the homoerotic experience of feeling white hot murderous rage at an enemy trying to pick off your pocket mercy#i still kinda despise gency lmao. you cannot convince me mercy would be in love with genji. at all.#he'd make her feel so uncomfortable and guilty. in my head. the canon is obviously different#gency is sexless. absolutely zero bite or tension.#i could go on about mercy and how her character has so much missed potential#i'm no longer in my overwatch fandom phase but#i still think about that new flirty line they added in ow2 where mercy goes “ahh you're like my knight in shining armor!”#and pharah goes “that's what i'm goin for ;)” and i sigh dreamily#really happy that pharah outright says she's a lesbian too but it's hard to feel good about rep when you know blizzard uses it for pr#to be honest i'm willing to bet cash that blizzard's keeping pharmercy in their back pocket as ammo for the next controversy#last year we already saw logs about pharah fretting and taking care of mercy and the two talking about how good it is to see each other#tbh pharah has the same energy/demeanor as applejack. cheerful and competitive in a can of whoopass#but yeah overall pharah's a pretty shallow character. i have IDEAS on how i'd go about deepening her but. whatever#that's sorta what happens when you have to juggle a cast of 40 characters. a lot get left with the bare minimum#ok so i wrote this entire post up saying that pharah isn't in ow2's storymode when she is. she's in the story i just. forgot#because she doesn't do or contribute anything interesting#ok i'm stopping here. overwatch's story is such an interesting narrative mess i could go on for hours#i dunno how you come up with such incredible character designs and give them such an unincredible story#it's also so so so interesting seeing the conflicting takes on characters the writers have#mercy in gameplay and voicelines is peppy and cheerful and optimistic#but mercy in the storymode journal logs is tired. jaded. a total shut in who forgets to leave her room and social#and YES! THAT'S WHAT I WANT!!! THAT'S MERCY TO ME!!! THE DOCTOR WHO FORGETS TO TAKE CARE OF HERSELF#ask me#anon
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babyb1ues · 2 months
the fact that xavier has twitter warriors and trolls and haters online and he probably has no idea his fans break their backs clearing and spamming his searches and debunking lies….. he needs to get on fanservice at least cause these ppl are doing unpaid labor and running free PR campaigns out of love for him
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fumifooms · 3 months
Ok maybe kinda of a weird question you don't have to answer if you don't want to but I've seen some people saying that Chilchuck is canonically misogynistic so, as the Chilchuck especialist, do you have an opinion about that?
Anon you are brave and I love you. Listen if you, person reading this, get peeved or upset when people say Chilchuck might have had not insignificant flaws as a father and husband then probably stop reading here, we will be looking at Chilchuck like a petri dish and defile his pristine allure. Tldr: yes but actually no but really both at the same time aka people & social dynamics are complex and please let your blorbos be flawed. With that said I will be pretty casual and playful if that wasn’t clear already, sorry.
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"Aren’t you happy to be in a harem party" "No it’s soul-crushing save me". Toshiro has been drinking his fear women juice since he was young, surrounded by an assassin nanny and her fellow assassin girlies, meanwhile Chilchuck having flashbacks of getting wrung out by his 4 women household…
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Waiting on people is something we see he hates doing a couple times throughout canon and extras, here and how he says "it’s not a date" -bless his summer child heart- he frames being slow to get ready as a gendered trait to have? But I can forgive him for this one because honestly the framing of the whole page leans into that, it’s kinda questionable if we’re being highly critical of anything misogynistic or regressive. But it itself is the classic subversive "Women are desirable wallflowers— Wrong! They are a monstrous ruthless force that wears on the mind, body and soul" trope. I don’t fault Kui though I got giggles from it, it makes sense for everyone’s characters, and Kui has never shied from gendered dynamics in her worldbuilding & characters so it’s not like she’ll write as if sex changes nothing and no one has opinions about it.
Alright alright let’s step back from analyzing this page specifically and get back to the question, is Chilchuck canonically misogynistic? It’s a complex question not because we don’t have hints but because it’s a very black and white answer to give and because misogynistic can be very wide or pretty narrow depending on how the term is applied.
What I would say? Yes, he is, in a realistic way that doesn’t automatically make him a piece of shit, though that doesn’t mean it isn’t uncomfortable or harmful. On the spectrum of misogyny he classifies to me as "It’s in the normalized lighthearted way of being a horny uncle who’s a little too loose about it around the dinner table", he’s a solid "He wants to treat women as pieces of meat and jokes about it but in actuality he’s a gentleman and a family careerman who has a job so he don’t really care about that rn".
Going back to Toshiro’s party, Chilchuck being weird about it being full of women doesn’t even happen only once but TWICE. I made a compilation of every time he’s crass, happens less than you might expect but the overall picture it gives throughout reading the manga is pretty straightforward. Repeatedly he’s shown to be dirty-minded and objectify & sexualize women lightheartedly unprompted. They’re a punchline and they’re eye candy and it’s "of COURSE my succubus would be young women, of COURSE women would desire a muscled statue’s [redacted], of COURSE women are sexual beings and of course I am attracted to them".
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Dungeon Meshi doesn’t bring up sexuality much and gendered dynamics tend to be more subtle than you’d expect from media in general, so there’s that, but I honestly struggle to think of any character that acts less normal about women existing than him. Like yeah he’s joking but Hien, Benichidori, Inutade and Maizuru were just breathing and doing their jobs. Who else’s misogynistic uhh, that guy working for the shadow governor that licks Cithis’ ear when she’s bound in ropes? The sheer jump from ‘makes demeaning jokes about women’ to ‘assaulter’ between these two, god.
Honestly it does feel odd to me that he’d be kinda demeaning like that about women even in a workplace setting —Chilchuck the union man out of everyone?— but Kui has spoken man idk, think what you will don’t shoot the messenger. It’s not like he’s weird about Namari? I guess he respects her too much- Wait that sounded wrong. Maybe it’s literally just because she and the other women party members are his direct coworkers, in line with his rule and all? But yeah, even if he canonically had a thing for blondes and pretty young women he has managed to only tease Marcille ceaselessly for fun & entertainment and make her hair extra shiny as his shapeshifter, you get a good behavior star there Chilchuck. He complains on waiting for Marcille to get ready in the barometz chapter but he also does with Laios when he’s late to meet up the party in extras. He constantly pulls on Marcille to get her to safety as if she can’t protect herself but she’s referred to as clumsy a lot so he has that justified reasoning. He constantly berates everyone so no point to make there. He undermines Marcille’s opinions often but it’s because he dislikes mages and elves and idealism. Clearly Chilchuck knows women can be capable and clearly he can have women coworkers (and friends! Again, Namari) without belittling or sexualizing them, clearly he can be normal about women and knows that some of his attitude can be inappropriate. It’s just harmless fun to him, that he keeps for occasional playful banter and taverns and the ‘right’ moods.
And as I mentioned earlier! Chilchuck is also pretty gentlemanly and protective. As always desires vs wants and instinct vs rationality show up as themes. Yes his succubus aka his ideal, the deepest allure he can imagine, is beautiful naked women, but a chapter just before that was the bicorn, all about how faithful and virtuous he is, how his heart’s in the right place. His brain is virtuous but his heart is monkey. My point is that when it counts, aka 90% of the time and when things are serious, we don’t see signs of sexist bias and he treats women well. Often takes on a protector role or at the least takes them seriously, even Benichidori. He doesn’t want to hurt women or thinks they’re insignificant or anything. He’ll give a handkerchief to a woman in need with a slimy face.
Okay okay this is really entering speculation territory but in my own tally, the way he dismissed his wife’s ‘bad mood’ as some meaningless tantrum that he shouldn’t think any more deeply about, him starting out not reaching out to her as a resentful silent treatment, and her getting dissatisfied in the first place enough to leave makes me think he took her for granted and was kinda dismissive of her in general. Marcille’s theorical scenario is hypothetical and factually untrue at least in parts, but if we do follow it, him forgetting he’s out with his wife for once (in the precious counted time he’s home spending time with her) and not paying attention to her all outing, resulting in her being left out of conversations and just an ornament beside him the way she might have felt for a long time as his housewife waiting home for him to come back………
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Half-foots seem to be patriarchal. The last section of this essay’s chapter (not by me!) + combing through the half-foot chapter should give you insight on that if you want. It’s in their patronymic, it’s in the way marriage seems very important especially for women, and it’s in the implied gender roles, being a housewife whose life revolves around raising her husband’s kids and taling care of the family home waiting for her husband who’s out working to come back. I think Chilchuck is a bit a result of his environment and upbringing in that way, that most of the misogyny is internalized and subconscious and passive, it’s taking his wife for granted because not only does she trust her, his most precious person he’s known since he was a kid, but because she’s his wife, his woman, conceptually something that’s unwaveringly devoted, something that is very valued and enforced in half-foot communities. Here’s a short post on half-foot family bonds culturally + here’s a post on marriage and half-foots for more. The community aspect of half-foots is very strong, which makes sense especially for how empoverished and discriminated against they are, which does come at the expense of not unlike dwarves (dwarves which half-foots idolize) having more pressure to fit in and have a good reputation to not be cast out and have no support lines. By being scared and needing stability people will often be more conservative, etc etc, though the reverse is also often true, like Chilchuck with his union. But yes Chilchuck seems to have many biases he clings onto, harsh on especially Marcille and Laios, Marcille for her idealism, race and magic meanwhile Laios for his lack of social skills and ‘reckless’ behavior.
He also does the classic "Don’t you dare date my daughter!!", though it’s a bit up in the air because he only gets agitated about coworkers being suitors, not nearly as hostile to the idea when it’s some nameless dwarf. But y’know when a guy assumes every men is as horny and sleazy as they are so they’re like "never trust men"… Chilchuck does embody a lot the tropes of just, the everyday flawed middle aged man. The absentee father and careerman husband who does care despite it all. Disillusioned grumpy old man. Old divorced drunkard joe with a thing for cute young blonde women, as a friend put it.
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We know Kui subverses tropes a lot, I definitely think Kui leans into these if nothing else for the bit. He’s tropes of the strict family Father, man doing inappropriate jokes around a beer with his drinking buddies, working man exhausted and frustrated by his job, midlife crisis. Also because of how he acts with Marcille, I always say he’s the boy on the playground pulling on the pigtails of his girl friend bc he thinks it’s funny. Because he thinks she’s pretty.
So point blank, Chilchuck respects women as individuals but he can get a little lost in the sauce when thinking about women in general and jumps to sexualizing them in ways that can be objectifying and dismissive. Casual lowkey misogyny for the bit that may or may not slip into non-jokes as well sometimes when it comes to seeing women as something inherently to defend or take for granted, though he’s well-meaning. He engages in gender roles of "men should be strong and burly" and "daughters should listen to their fathers’ opinion before dating a guy". A guy engaging in patriarchy without thinking much of it y’know, more or less passive and unaware. He’s good in economic and human rights issues but would not win the political correctness medal (though he does care about optics and is very conscious of appearing as upstanding and innocent with the elves or Toshiro’s and Kabru’s parties to avoid getting thrown in jail. Overcompensating for half-foot criminal reputations etc etc. Post on that here).
Do I believe Chilchuck would march for women’s rights? Yes. Do I believe he would make ‘ye old ball and chain’ and ‘my wife’ and ‘ah women’ jokes? Yes. Do I believe he would punch anyone making one such jokes about his wife or daughters? Yes.
I was pretty flippant bc honestly Chilchuck the Sleazy Horny Old Man is hilarious to me but yes hopefully the post was decent. "How could I be sexist? I love bitches"
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About blind items, modern day PR, and how narratives are spread to fandoms and the public- it’s all publicity
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gaslightgirlsummer · 11 months
these pics are crazy bc Charles once again hang out around RB guys💀if you look behind Max, there seems to be two guys from RB crew as well. I mean, it could be anything, we saw Charles with others drivers too but it’s looks like he was hang out just with Max and RB crew that time and Checo comes with a boy for a pic. he either really leaving Ferrari for RB or we all just delusional and he just more friendly with Max and nothing more
deadass feels like we saw charles hanging out with rb crew more than we've seen him with ferrari in mexico, which, incredibly suspicious
and yeah you can clearly see the rb crew around charles max and checo, and what makes it even better is that in ferrari all access video there is a clip from the same exact same moment as charles was with them, in a different place alongside that fence, of carlos lando george and lewis standing together, so clearly charles being just with the bulls was very much a deliberate choice here
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could of course just be the case of charles being more friendly with max but the question is why now. because it is just as likely that they have been chatting like this during race weekends before, or that they were equally friendly but weren't allowed to show it during race weekends (you don't just SUDDENLY become so comfortable with each other). that would mean the teams simply chose not to show us all of that before, so why is it NOW that they've decided to give us access to it/let them be friends in public
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libertys-lovers · 1 year
Ya know, complex imagines/scenarios with your F/Os are so good.
…But sometimes, all you need to do is just imagine them holding onto you real tight, as they bombard you with the softest lil’ kisses.
Your lips? Your cheeks? Your neck & shoulders, your arms & hands? NOWHERE is safe from their smooching fury; they absolutely adore you, and damnit they wanna make that fact known!
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ray935sworld · 26 days
Please I'm so sorry for Alex like he got Marc in his team and now Gresini is Marc's team he'never be able to escape Marc's shadow😭
Don't mind me. So... On gresinis insta you can see that Marc's folder has 48 pictures and started at the end of November while Alex ones starts in August 2023 and contains currently 38 pictures.
Now to the Gresini poster which seems to have started at the end of 2023, so I don't know if they got a new admin but anyway
First off we have the one from 27.11.2023 which was the first time Marc Marquez was on a ducati, during winter the Valencia official testing:
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He is the goat and they are using that. Of course they do. But still, Alex is their only currently present rider so their winter season picture is him
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Then christmas came around and they focus on Nadia and them as a team, so both are shown as their bike presentations came up. Both are shown in the same pose
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Now next thing was Marc's birthday. They portrait him as the joker, the badass antagonist that's known for his smile (respect at the PR dude for realizing the similarities btw)
Then a few months later... This was Alex birthday post... A teaser that he's not single anymore... Like... FOR REAL?! His brother gets compared to one of the well known, most badass villains in comic history and for him you spoil that he's not single anymore... I'll let you have your own thoughts for that one.
So Marc gets the badass villain and Alex isn't single... Okay. Great.
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Then the poster for each race started.
The first one definitely decided how much they'd milk Marc for their pr.
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Marc. The goat. Again. The new hope. And I don't think I have to remind you that they literally brought A REAL GOAT. A REAL ANIMAL. TO SHOW THAT THEY HAVE THE GOAT NOW.
So here are all poster that only include Marc:
(but the 93 times was in honor of his 93th pole so that migh not count)
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Those are the Alex solo posters where one is his contract annoucement and the other one was ahead of the european elections...
So while Marc got 5 cool poster based on epic movies, he got 2 that made to be are funny and aren't even race week related.
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And those are the ones were both are included
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And the one were none of them was the focus
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Furthermore I'd like to point those sgnificant PR-moments out. In Gresini's 1000th GP, Marc was the one holding the flag on the podium. And the team made him a P4 trophy which was honestly adorable, but I don't think Alex ever got one.
Another thing are his dances. Gresini even pulled a competition who could do it best to win GP tickets
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And while I haven't counted the posts, I'd say one look on Insta is enough to see that Marc is their current PR face. Most posts are about him.
And that's okay.
Marc is an 8 times world champion. He is the one everyone is watching and talking about. He is the cente rof attention and as team, Gresini is selling him as excactly that. So they post about him and pull the focus on him.
Sure he is also the one bringing in the results. He is the on the podium and getting the points, while my favorite 2 times world champion has so far only 1. And as much as I love Alex, he just isn't as sellable as Marc
Which leads to a very intresting question...
How will Ducati corsa, which is currently only using Pecco, their golden world champion boy, deal with him? On one side you have an at least 3 times champion, maybe even 4 times and potentially the current one. But you also have Marc Marquez who has one of the largest fanbases with an "where you go, I go" mentality. And after all, the PR people, CEOs and however they are called, they only want to sell their bikes and merch and make money.
So... who will be the focus?
And what if Marc wins the 2025 title? What about Pecco in 2026 or afterwards? How long can a team based on them actually keep going?
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Good morning RTA
I love you blog i learn a lot about how everything works about rumours and pr. i learn something new everyday. thank you
(Also, i enjoy the messyness with the suxx because they give me the chance to learn from their mistakes haha)
but i want to know if there is a book you can suggest or recommend about communication, PR and/or politics? i want to learn more about that. seeing everything about them and how they play with the media help me to learn in real time And i want to learn more about that.
and if you can give any tips about this topic i will really appreciate
thank you
Ask from August 7th
So I’ve sat on this post for awhile, trying to think of resources to share and unfortunately, anon, I’m coming up blank. I’m going to babble for a bit and hopefully some ideas or recommendations will come to me
I didn’t read any books or get a formal education on this. A lot of what I know about PR and media comes from being online, watching things happen, and a curiosity to dig when things don’t match up or there’s way too much coverage than normal.
I should probably disclose here that I’m a millennial who came of age on the internet in the TMZ/Perez Hilton-Britney/Lindsay/Paris-Bennifer-Brangelina-TomKat era of the mid-00s, which is when celebrity PR as we consider it today started and where I learned a lot about celebrity PR management and media relations. I don’t know if or where an equivalent culture might exist today - I thought maybe Travis and Taylor, but it’s not as lawless, if you will, the way it was back in the 00s.
So first, if you’re in college or you’re working somewhere with a training program, definitely consider taking classes on communications and marketing. You’ll learn a lot there and some of it may be relevant to understanding PR. Particularly with communications, you’ll also want to read up on nonverbal communications (and if you’re working somewhere that gives you free training, you can even do this on work time!) as that’s half the battle with PR, as we see all the time from the Sussexes - if you’re verbally telling one story but your body language and your behavior tells a different one, you got a credibility issue.
I do read a lot of political memoirs and nonfiction so that’s an option too. If you go this way, you’ll have to read from all walks of political affiliation. Meaning if you’re a left-leaning liberal, you need to read books or articles from the right/conservative side and vice versa. The goal here isn’t to change your political beliefs but to recognize media spin. How a liberal sees something will be very different from how a moderate sees it which is different from how a conservative see it, and they’ll all spin the facts differently. If/when you do this, then focus on what’s the same and what’s different in each story.
(To figure out where a media company or publication is in terms of political affiliation, check out this website. It tracks media bias and I find it to be pretty consistent. The tool doesn’t work as well on mobile as it does on desktop - you might have to download an app for mobile access. And also, most of the publications being tracked by the company are English-speaking publications. If that isn’t relevant to you, then definitely consider doing your own research into any media bias oversight in your own country.)
If you have three different stories on the same thing from three different affiliations (say the Daily Mail, who’s very conservative/right-leaning; NPR, who’s close to the center/moderate; and Mother Jones, who’s very liberal/left if politics or CondeNast, Dotdash Meredith and Hearst if entertainment, for example) - the things that are the same in each story are the facts that are most likely to be true and consistent. The things that are different in each story is the PR gamesmanship and the spin.
It’s not always that easy, though, because the tricky part is that modern PR and media relations usually involves sending a press release out en masse to everyone and everyone publishes it. The key to figuring out if that’s what is what’s happening here is to look at who’s publishing and the content. If the stories all use similar or identical language, it’s a widely-distributed press release copypasted to the internet. If the stories are appearing in publications that have the same corporate owner (like Murdoch or Condé Nast, for example) but the language varies, that’s also a widely-distributed press release likely the result of a PR rep’s deal with the corporate company.
Now getting back to the political nonfiction - what I like to do is compare what’s being described in the book with how it was covered by the press. And by doing that, you can usually start picking out what was PR and what was real. I will warn you, it’s not always easy. But it does get easier the more you do this. And it doesn’t even have to be political memoirs. It can be history books. It can be celebrity biographies. It can be magazine articles or newspaper stories. Anything non-fiction where you can compare stories and coverage will work for this.
Specifically for the Sussexes, Plant’s archive is really good, especially in the 2016-2017 time. If/when you have time, go check her archive out and just read through everything. I made a list for Empress once with a bunch of important Plant stories that might help you narrow things down — I’ll dig that up soon and repost it.
If you do want to continue dabbling in Sussex/BRF PR since you’re already aware of that, it may be an easy way to dip your foot into the “PR analysis” pool. The best way to do that is start reading books and comparing what’s written in the books with the narratives you already know and are familiar with. Maybe start with Tom Bower’s Revenge or Valentine Low’s Courtiers (they’re not as sugary).
Oh! I just thought of something! Look up PR experts on social media or influencers who do deep dives into celebrity culture and follow them. The really good ones will explain what they see and walk you through their processes to teach you how to do this yourself.
I quit TikTok a couple months ago but a few accounts I still remember:
Molly McPherson - PR expert and celebrity crisis management.
Jalen - he’s an Aussie lawyer that got big during the Depp-Heard trial for how he covered it. His account is mostly legal coverage but his work on the Depp-Heard trial can teach a lot about celebrity crisis management. I don’t remember his last name but if you google the Depp-Heard trial and TikTok, he’ll probably pop up.
Chris - I don’t remember his name or his account but on TikTok, he does huge deep dives into celebrity scandals and controversies. He did a series on Kelly Clarkson, her ex-husband, and their divorce that went into a lot of great detail on what happened and the PR around it.
I hope this gives you something to start with, anon!
And if anyone else has any resources for the anon to learn about PR and communications, please put them in the comments!
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valyrfia · 3 months
https://www.instagram.com/p/C9AGHWmMtO2/?igsh=MW9rNjd2amZhZm1pcw== lol what happened now he changed his mind or the McLaren pr team pulled his ears 🤣🤣🤣
Frankly I think there was a conversation between Lando and Max that went somewhat like this:
LANDO: are you going to apologise
MAX: haha no
LANDO: this is so unreasonable of you you have so many wins I only have one I don’t know whether we can be friends anymore-
MAX: lol ok. btw no more private jet
LANDO: …I guess we can agree to disagree
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
I have not watched the deleted scene because I cannot willingly watch extra footage of that man ��� what did I miss? I hate that I feel like this is just going to be more fodder for the BTs to say “see he’s sticking around! They wouldn’t release more footage of him if he wasn’t!”
More dry jokes, Hen doesn't trust him, the relationship is not that serious because they are taking it "very slow" (his words not mine). With 36 seconds they actually made it clear that Henren don't really trust him with Buck, because it's kinda like a shovel talk? Tommy is being his usual dry self and not really talking about his intentions and saying he's letting Buck set the pace and trying to keep up.
Personally, I don't like him, but it makes Tommy look even more bitch in my opinion, and it's not doing the relationship any favors because let's face it, if henren does not approve, do they really have a future? But this is my interpretation as a hater who let out a maniac laughter at the end of the scene so...
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ef-1 · 2 months
sympathy ties my tongue.
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polin-erospsyche · 3 months
I see that Luke is on Jimmy Fallon on Thursday, I could do with a break from PR, but intrigued as to what it could be. Announcement of a new project maybe?
I do not know dear anon. Guess we’ll wait and see. Although I’m sure he’ll also be addressing Bridgerton. Would be weird if he didn’t. Could you imagine?
“Bridgerton? The show I worked 8 months on relentlessly, did half a year of world press tour, and for which, at the end, people are giving me so much shit for?? And for which I still signed to come back to? No, don’t know her 🙂‍↔️”
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falllpoutboy · 4 months
People really believing Jeremy rubbing Ayo’s back was PR? Them being at the game, yes, but him rubbing his friend’s (or potentially more) back, I highly doubt that. I feel like sometimes fans/people in general think way too much of themselves, like why would he do that to promote the show or Sydcarmy? He’s never needed to do that before? We were still tuned in and shipping Sydcarmy no matter what. The show rose to popularity without all of that. People think EVERYTHING is PR these days, it’s actually crazy. Celebrities can curate a brand image, but they’re also human lol. I feel like some are pushing the PR aspect to avoid thinking there could be something more, but it’s like we don’t know what’s going on at all. It could very well be platonic, but we don’t know lol. Pushing the PR angle is just as bad lol as those magazine articles imo.
that was such a pathetic way to excuse the back rub like how exactly would jeremy have known there was a camera filming them from above behind them in that moment?? 😭 and just to humor that excuse, if it was for pr then she would’ve absolutely leaned into it by grabbing his hand when he put his arm back and/or leaned her head on his shoulder but she did neither of those things. but no, instead she waved him off in a “not here/not right now” sort of manner. even in its off season, the bear is still a very popular show that absolutely DOES NOT need rumors about its main male and female leads hooking up to keep the hype around it up.
rumors that still haven’t been denied by either of their teams yet btw we’re going on DAY 8!!!
just in case yall don’t know or weren’t there, but people thought this was for pr too 🥴
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