#praetor edition
linuxgamenews · 6 months
Unleash the Excitement with Praetor Edition for Vagrus - The Riven Realms Game
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Praetor Edition releases now for Vagrus - The Riven Realms fantasy RPG game for Linux, Steam Deck, Mac, and Windows PC. Thanks to the brilliant team at Lost Pilgrims Studio for their creativity. This new bundle is now available in the Steam Spring Sale. Lost Pilgrims Studios, the masterminds behind Vagrus - The Riven Realms now offer the Praetor Edition, their latest offering. Available now and perfectly timed with Steam’s Spring Sale. This isn’t just any release; it’s a loaded bundle designed to ramp up your experience. So, what’s in this special edition of the game? First up, an updated original soundtrack that promises to immerse you deeper into its world. Next, the Patronage Pack - think of this as a treasure trove of extras. While expanding what you can do and enjoy in the realm. But the real cherry on top? The Season Pass. Praetor Edition includes not just one but three major additions: the “Sunfire and Moonshadow” expansion, a “Companion DLC” coming in the first half of 2024, and a “Region DLC” due to arrive in the latter half of this year. This means more adventures, more challenges, and essentially, more fun. Now, here's the kicker – if you grab the Praetor Edition during a sale, you're in for a double deal with cumulative discounts. That means more savings, which is always great news. Also, if you already own some Vagrus content for Linux and Steam Deck, you only pay for what’s new to you in this edition.
Vagrus - The Riven Realms - Launch Trailer (pre Praetor Edition)
If you’re new to 'Vagrus,' here’s the lowdown. It’s an award-winning fantasy RPG that’s heavy on story, open-world exploration, and strategy. You’re the vagrus – a caravan leader – navigating a dark, fantastical world, making strategic choices, and facing the consequences. It’s intense, engaging, while testing your leadership skills. The Praetor Edition by Lost Pilgrims Studios is a testament to their commitment to the community. They’re not just about releasing new content; they’re dedicated to enhancing the overall experience and value. It’s clear they listen to the community and are hell-bent on delivering top content consistently. The Praetor Edition is more than just a new version of the game; it's a testament to a studio that genuinely cares about its players and strives to deliver their best. With so much on the horizon, it's an exciting time to be part of the 'Vagrus' world. Let’s dive in and see where these new adventures take us. Available now in the Steam priced at $52.79 USD / £48.86 / 52,79€ with the 34% discount. Continuing Linux, Steam Deck (verified), Mac, and Windows PC support.
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sleepyhollo · 1 year
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You know for a fact these 5 hold only the MOST important conversations in the Salon.  VERY important conversations. ALSO I FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW DO THING Looks much more immersive now doesn’t it?
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dreadedbayle · 2 years
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Together, we will devour the very gods!
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ginnyluna · 4 months
I've been thinking about Reyna lately. Specifically, about her romantic interests. Like, how she was supposedly in love with Jason before the swap, but did nothing when he disappeared, and then developped a crush on Percy in like three days. I know i'm not the only one thinking it's a bit weird and out of character for her, and i had a thought on that.
Headcanon alert: Maybe becoming Praetor isn't just about leading the legion. Why are there always two praetors, a boy and a girl? What if New Rome expects their praetors to get together, after their service? You gotta understand, yes there are many citizens in New Rome, but the thing is, there are very few actual demigods, those people are almost all legacies, several generations after an actual demigod, and almost none of them have any real power anymore. Maybe New Rome needs to insure they keep having powerful warriors to fufill their leadership positions. What better way to insure that than artificially putting two of their most powerful warriors together?
It's not necessarily obvious, more like an unwritten rule, but when two praetors are chosen, they know it comes with expectations. Praetors are good at meeting expectations, after all. And New Rome's senators are there to remind them of those expectations. To make things easier, when picking their next two praetors, sometimes, the Senate chooses two teens who are already a couple, if both are powerful enough. Sometimes, they may pass over a potential praetor if they explicitly refuse to be a part of this kind of engagement, or if their parents want to protect them from that. And sometimes, the Senate picks two powerful orphans, one who spent his entire life following the rules and trying to meet expectations, and one who just lost her family and would do anything to belong to a new one - bonus points if one is an extremely rare son of Jupiter, they'll definitly want to insure that this specific genetic will be passed on to the next generation.
So. I don't think Reyna was ever in love with either Jason or Percy (at least, to me, it really didnt' feel like it when reading her pov chapters). I think maybe she was just expected to be, so of course she tried to be. Reyna has always been a rule-follower, after all, she always does what is expected of her, she understands the hierarchy's needs. And maybe she longs for a family of her own, too, and Jason is a really good guy, it would be a really good match, so if that's what the legion expects of her, why not go for it.
Edit: more under the cut
Also, it would kinda explain Reyna's reactions, i think? Even though she's not in love with Jason, she still likes him, they're friends, and they have both unexplicitly agreed to this match when they accepted the role of praetors. So when Venus tells her that Jason will never end up with her, Reyna just... doesn't get it? Why wouldn't they end up together, that's part of the deal, right? Why would Jason change his mind? Reyna probably already knows he's not in love with her like she's not in love with him, but that's never been a problem for her, and it wasn't gonna be a problem for him either when he took the praetor badge, so what changed? Does he actually dislikes her that much?
So yeah, she's a bit hurt by that. She thought they had an agreement (unspoken, prehaps, but still, for her it was quite clear).
But then Jason vanishes. No one really knows what to do, they don't even know what happened, did he leave? was he kidnapped? is he dead? Of course Reyna is worried, he was her friend, but she has an entire camp to run, all by herself now. She also thinks, that's what Venus meant after all, doesn't matter if he's dead or if he left willingly, he'll never be a part of her family, the family she's been longing for. Reyna probably thinks she's cursed to be alone now, the forever-alone single praetor, what a depressing thought. But then comes Percy.
Percy is powerful. He's another very rare demigod. He's brave, strong-willed, a natural leader - all important qualities for a potential praetor. So when he succeeds his quest, brings back the golden eagle and saves Camp Jupiter, of course he is chosen to replace Jason. Reyna thinks, is this her second chance? Percy is also handsome, funny and kind, he would be just as good match as Jason.
But when Percy agrees to become praetor, he has absolutly no idea what expectations comes with it - it's not like anyone ever takes time to explain, everybody just usually knows about it, it's tradition and what not. So when he tells Reyna he already has a girlfriend, of course she's disappointed, her hopes for family and a sense of belonging are shattered, again.
My point is, what Reyna had for Jason and Percy, it was never about love. It was mostly about rationalizing New Rome's expectations, and a little about wanting to belong, to be a part of a family of her own.
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ordinorultor-if · 2 months
Version 1.5 is here
Alright, update's posted on itch.io! Due to new variables, a restart is unfortunately recommended!
Might still be some bugs as I gave my friends too short of notice for them to be able to really help out much, but I went and I think I got most of them.
Smaller update, hence it being V1.5 rather than V2. Included:
Talking with Mel and choosing whether or not to allow them to help break-in to the Praetor's residence
The actual break-in itself
The auction with the Iremian cipher (H's quest), including three different ways to acquire the stone - but be careful, the shady characters of the Lukotan underworld may not take too kindly to your actions!
Dinner with C, which allows Dux Akize to discuss various topics, including some of C's backstory I've dubbed 'the Fiance Incident'.
Some lore on Dux Akize's maternal homeland
Some lore on Iremia, as well as a small blurb on the World page about some things mentioned there (the Three Arrows)
Personality tracking! You now have three axes upon which to define your Dux Akize's personality: Silly v Serious, Ambitious v Content, and Anxious v Lackadaisical.
EDIT: Changes and fixes for 1.5.3:
Fixed being able to loop the auction if you had the siblings along for the ride
Fixed F's statement about the Royal Chancellor not working if either you were a Duke and had Florence; or were a Duchess or Dux and Ferdinand
Altered wording on the landing page
Changed the order of passages with the maternal homeland stuff - now you go from the choice to the lore and can also choose a different homeland
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imnobodysbaby · 1 year
Will forever be MAD about the fact that Jeyna would definitely worked out if it weren't for Hera, and also HOW TRAGIC THEIR STORY IS. OKAY SO HEAR ME OUT.......
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Reyna is good at hiding her feelings but FOR SURE Jason can see through it. That's why he knew that Reyna doesn't like to be called by her real name, heck Jason knew HER FULL NAME. And the thing is, Jeyna has only been together for months (unlike Percabeth whose been together and doing quests for years, ig that's why their love for each other is so strong that not even Hera can manipulate it) so, i think that Jeyna are still figuring out what it was that they really feel for each other. then Hera came and wiped out his memories, and wakes up next to Piper with the idea that okay that's my girlfriend, so why not? HE DOESN'T REMEMBER ALL OF THOSE LITTLE IMPORTANT MOMENTS THAT HE AND REYNA HAD, so ig that's why he settled with Piper.
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AND WHAT HURTS MORE is that Reyna's memories isn't wiped SO SHE REMEMBERS EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING THAT SHE AND JASON WENT THROUGH. SHE REMEMBERS HOW SMART JASON IS, HOW HE CARED FOR HER, HOW THEY MANAGED THE CAMP TOGETHER, EVEN THE SMALL HAND TOUCHES (which I'm pretty sure they had, u cannot tell me otherwise) SHE REMEMBERS E V E R Y T H I N G. REYNA KNEW THE REAL JASON AND HAS BEEN WITH HIM, THAT'S WHY SHE FELL FOR HIM. THAT'S WHY SHE'S YEARNING, THAT'S WHY SHE'S HURT SEEING THIS GUY SHE LONGED FOR COMING BACK WITH SOMEBODY ELSE. You cannot tell me that while seeing Jason w Piper, Reyna didn't recall all of the moments she and Jason had and it sucks that he doesn't remember any of it.. BUT SHE DOES. and he's happy now so what's the point or trying to ruin that, so she suffered in silence instead. I know a lot of people blame Jason for not noticing Reyna but I just now realized that it's not mainly his fault, his memories was wiped and wakes up with the idea that he's in love with someone else and settles for that. Hera and Aphrodite is just threatened by them cuz JEYNA TOGETHER WOULD BE UNSTOPPABLE LET ALONE IF THEY LED CAMP JUPITER TOGETHER.
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just wanted to add, I'M PRETTY SURE REYNA IS READY TO TELL JASON HOW SHE FEELS WHEN SHE FOUND OUT HE WAS COMING BACK. YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT HER HEART DIDN'T DO A SUMMERSAULT WHEN SHE SAW A BLOND BOY WHEN THE ARGO II WAS ARRIVING. then suddenly he comes down with a girl and stares at her like he barely remembers her (which he probably do 🥲💔)
with this, I'm 89% sure that Reyna threw the brick :))
thanks for coming to my Jeyna talk :))
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Hello, Jason Grace Here.
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Hi, I’m Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. I’m currently studying Law and Ethics at New Rome Uni. I am the former praetor of the 12th legion, and part of the Seven. Lord Apollo and I are working on the construction and design of many minor god/ goddess shrines, so I may be busy, but always feel free to come to me for any questions about life in the legion or at New Rome! I love helping new halfblood and legacies know more about the demigod life so ask anything! Here are a few of my half-blood homies (Leo what does that mean again):
@the-only-annabeth-chase - Daughter of Athena, architect of Olympus, and a good friend of mine. Also dating my bro and light Percy (but no homo)
@seaweed-brain-here - Two time savior of Olympus, my best bro, son of the most wonderful person ever, Sally Jackson. He is a great and noble leader.
@grover-the-can-eater - I haven’t met him before but according to Percy and Annabeth a brave and noble faun (edit: satyr), and Percy’s real best bro (you wound me, Jackson). The real life Lord of the Wild!
@death-breath - my smol best friend who deserve love and respect. He’s the best and is the bravest person ever, son of Hades, and Ambassador of Pluto (Percy’s not his type)
@thalia-thehuntress - my older (younger?) sister! Huntress of Artemis, was a tree but isn’t now (normal Demigod things), she doesn’t bite!
@p1per-mclean - Daughter of Aphrodite, and my ex, but we ended on good terms so it’s fine :) Brave and a fighter, you go girl.
@hazel-the-jewel - Daughter of Pluto, the newest praetor, also from the twenties so give here a break!
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kaufmann-6 · 1 year
Today is Jason Grace’s birthday!! Our favorite blond superman, who we pretend didn’t die and is happy at his boarding school living a normal life for the first time, making friends and drawing temples for the camps, portraying his role as Pontifex Maximus.
Here are some post-TOA headcanons! Alive!Jason edition.
He and Annabeth have Iris calls every week to talk about his projects and she gives him artechure tips. They had a weird start but turns out they’re good friends!
Is Percy jealous of Annabeth being close to Jason now? Kinda, but he makes up for it Iris Messaging Jason all the time to prove he’s a better friend to Jason than Annabeth lol he’s competitive, especially with his girlfriend involved.
After a five minute scolding from Jason and the disappointed glare #7, Leo gets a big bear hug and him and Jason spend the following night watching a movie and throwing popcorn at each other. After that Jason starts Iris Messaging Leo once in a while. They don’t talk much in these calls, they like to hang while each does their thing. Jason draws and Leo builds stuff. It’s the nice kind of silence.
Piper isn’t the one who calls the most, but when she does, Jason and her talk for hours. He tells her about his drawing and she tells him about her dad and Shel. Jason is happy for her. They’re not as close as before, but they’re getting there and are happy.
Nico is definitely the one Jason sees more. He shadow travels to Jason’s room all the time. Sometimes Jason gets back from lacrosse practice and finds Nico sleeping in his bed. He’s so happy Nico trusts him now and they are friends! They play board games together and Nico annoys Jason into dropping his homework and sneak out to the nearest McDonalds.
Hazel surprisingly Iris Massages Jason quite frequently. She tells Jason stories from when they met for the first time and he helped her feel welcome at the fifth cohort. Jason still doesn’t have all of his memories, but they get closer each time they talk.
At first, Frank and Jason don’t talk much, but one day Jason called Hazel and she was busy with praetor duties, so Frank and Jason ended up talking about nonsense for an hour. After that, they call more and actually become good friends.
When it’s finally summer they all reunite at camp half-blood and spend week committing shenanigans after shenanigans. They don’t have a prophecy above their heads and for the first time, they can be actual teens and have fun. Chiron is tired and Mr D is secretly proud.
Jason is so happy to have this weird big family, he loves them.
Also, Thalia and Rayna showed up with the hunters and they had the biggest capture the flag game ever. The other cabins stepped aside to let the seven + Nico play against the hunters and placed bets on who would win, who was gonna be made a hostage first and who would win in a fight, Jason or Thalia? Clarisse and Will became rich among them all.
When it’s Jason’s 18th birthday, they throw a huge birthday party, making up for the fact that he was in a coma after Caligula tried to kill him on his 17th one, and also for his 16th birthday, that was the day Annabeth and Percy fell in Tartarus.
Jason is so glad that he has all this people around him. That is the best of all birthdays.
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shotbycup1d · 2 months
Guide to Camp Jupiter-What’s in my bag? (Legionnaire edition)
(Tip: S U N S C R E E N. Unless you’re a child/legacy of Apollo or Sol-in that case I am very jealous of you-but back to the point, I don’t care if you care about how your skin looks. Honey, you’re in the sun for LONG hours everyday and skin cancer is not cool, babes.)
-My 5 Litre bottle, absolute LIFE-SAVER because between training and drills, there ain’t much time to refill your bottles so having a big one is an advantage.
-My make-up bag. (Yeah, you might be judging me but I am a daughter of Venus and you never know when a cute son (or daughter) of Apollo, Mars, Mercury etc. might appear)
-My first-aid pouch, filled to the brim with plasters, ointment, ambrosia & nectar, bandages etc. You never know when your OR your fellow legionnaire may get hurt and it’s good to have the necessary materials on hand.
-Extra set of clothes, clothes get dirty, ripped, incinerated and/or damaged for whatever reason.
-A wallet filled with denarii, you never know when you need to have a spontaneous shopping trip or get anything else from New Rome.
-Notebook & Stationery, sometimes you get orders from your Centurion or legion wide, like from the Praetors, It’s important to keep track of all of these things. (Plus shopping lists)
-Towels and sandpaper for maintaining your weapons, rust remover solution too. Weapons are only good if you maintain them well.
Thanks for coming to this What’s in my bag session, hope you enjoyed this one.
links to my other works:
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hazel-the-jewel · 2 months
do any of your members have sibling relationships
ME AND @repairboyy (annoying lil gremlin who lives under a rock/j , they're actually really nice)
ME AND @frank-zhang-praetor (them: well respected person who tells us to not cause chaos; me, about to make a Facebook account called giat scebidi (gyatt Skibidi) to annoy boomers and editing myself into a dhar mann vid 💀)
@pinecone-face-thalia and @annabeth-w1se-g1rl (they both are very very nice people)
@repairboyy and @the-ghostking-di-angelo (BOTH CHAOS)
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spookysnooty · 5 months
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Posting a drawing of my idiot OC before I can talk myself out of it hdjdZHRIHSJS
Things to know about Commander Vaebn under the cUT
1. Yes that is a tattoo on his chest, yes he's a nationalist loser
2. He's nephew of the Praetor and youngest son of Emperor Shiarkiek- this doesn't afford him much special treatment when you have many older siblings inheriting things (Shiarkiek is ancient, I'm assuming he has older children), so he has the skill to back up the ego that got him his place as Commander and he strives to be on the Senate
3. He lives to personally piss off Captain Picard in the most outlandish fashion possible- the only one more annoying than Vaebn has to be Q tbh
4. He actually has a rather small crew of only about 500 or so, he refuses to use any other ship than what I lovingly call his 200 year old piece of shit space hoopty called the Tuhellen
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(Pictures of said space hoopty- it actually is very high tech, it's been outfitted with the modern technology rival of a D'Deridex, so its rather deceptive in its small size for the amount of firepower it carries)
5. He's either extremely intimidating or an absolute loser and there's no in between
6. I use Commander Lovok as a loose face claim of sorts, if only he was a tad bit smarmier looking
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I have so many personal memes and edits of him I could talk about his stupid ass for hoURS HDKSBDDN eventually I'll draw poor Sub Commander Llorek, the poor man who has to Put Up With This TM
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thefirstknife · 1 year
I wonder if Caital was being metaphorical or literal about her people, as they age, being immobilized by their bones? Like an exaggeration of the mobility limitations old age brings (like how humans may need wheelchairs or walkers as elders if they can't move well), or if for her people that's more literal, bones growing and fusing together and restricting mobility? Perhaps ultimately killing them? Which makes sense many would prefer death in battle. Interesting biology implications!
It's literal! We got a ton of insight into this in Lightfall's Collector's Edition. From the chapter "I am seven years old," Calus explaining this to young Caiatl:
"I was Prince-Designate, and it was my job to promise a brighter future while they made their miserable progress. The empress before me was so old that her whole body was turning to bone. That's what happens to us, you know, if we live too long. In ancient days, those who ossified would be honored as statues, and carried about the herdlands to share their final wisdom.”
"Her ruling days were coming to a close. But the Praetorate, those canny slavemongers, they wanted her to remain on the throne so they could avoid the chaos of a succession. They put her on a ship modeled after a landwhale. Its mouth was a scoop, so it would never have to stop to refuel. They accelerated it to the edge of light and flew it in an endless procession around our worlds. So that the empress, fossilized in slow time, would never die. So that I would never assume the throne.”
Their biology is incredibly cool.
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sleepyhollo · 1 year
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Volta’s eating habits part 2! These took me way too long to put together :D but it was funnn Can never get enough of these idiots
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dreadedbayle · 2 years
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It is said that long ago, the elder serpent that dwelled on Mount Gelmir devoured a demigod, and the birth of the man-serpents followed.
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gutsybitsies · 2 years
it makes me really sad that like, canonically we don't really know what jason's personal hobbies or interests are (and if it's because i'm missing something please feel free to correct me). like he came in bursting in not knowing shit about himself, and we go along the ride and we learn what kind of person he is, and how he relates to other people and how he always tries to be upstanding and do the best thing and his hopes and dreams for the future. but his hopes and dreams for the future (integrating romans and greeks, advocating for change in the legion, becoming pontifex maximus and building temples and shrines to minor gods and goddesses around the country) are almost all about other people.
what does jason like? what's he doing on his off time for fun when he's not in school or doing activities in camp/legion? he and reyna used to talk a lot about diocletian because he's their favorite roman emperor. what stupid dumb thing does he like that's not related to trying to make the legion a better place? just stargazing and brownies?
hazel's a horse girl, leo has fun tinkering, frank likes geek shit, piper used to steal for attention and loves hearing cherokee stories, annabeth likes nerd shit, we know so much about percy already...what does Jason like????? lacrosse?? drawing? he's good at drawing but is it canon that he likes it?
it's just so sad that jason's whole arc was trying to find parts of himself that wasn't tied to his demigod identity of being jupiter's son and we never got to see him actually discovering mundane parts of himself that isn't tied to his duties and responsibilities.
edit: this is why i like jason being a little bit pathetic, because it strips away his perfect golden boy image, and lets him just be himself without the strappings of jupiter's son, praetor, peace maker between camps etc
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divineerdrick · 7 months
Warhammer World Reveals for Mar 2, 2024
So I'm late on this, and not looking to not be late on these any time soon. Still, I really enjoy blogging these reveals.
In case you didn't hear, this time we didn't get a live show. My guess is that this isn't because live shows won't be a thing anymore, but just because they don't have many reveals this time around. Still, we'll have to wait and see what they're up to in the future.
We still get our WarCom article above, so let's take a look at what we've got!
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Seriously! This Big Mek is badass! I definitely prefer the alternate head sculpt with the iron jaw. But if you're someone who pictures your Waaagh's Mek as being a little more kunnin', the main previewed sculpt is still good.
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We also get some stats. That is a nice big gun, but in keeping with standard Ork themes it's going to be very swingy. While fly can be a relevant keyword, you're not bringing this git for his firepower.
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This, on the other hand, is a perfect reason to bring him. Re-rolling advance rolls isn't anything to sneeze at, and this will make his unit really hard to screen out. Very dangerous, especially if Calling the Waaagh remains unchanged.
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There's an interesting box for you!
I'm not going to speculate on whether or not this box will be any good, since we don't know what's going to happen in the codex. But three of those kits are pretty relevant right now. And if you've ever wanted a Stompa, here's a potential discount if you need or can split the other models.
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Finally we have our Codex reveal. Haven't been the biggest fan of this Edition's Codex art so far. Don't get me wrong, it's a cool piece of art, but it doesn't really sell the army well to me.
Next we have our reveal for the Custodes. And yeah, sorry, this doesn't bring as much excitement for me as that Big Mek.
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Our second new mini is a new Shield-Captain. He definitely looks suitably ornate and imposing, but I'd keep the helmet on. I think the expression on that head sculpt is supposed to be contempt, but it's just not reading clearly as anything. In fact it just as easily reads as, "What the hell happened to this galaxy while I was stuck on Terra?" Fitting maybe, but not really portraying the majesty of the finest warriors in the galaxy.
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The Shield-Captain can now take a Pyrithite Spear, which is appropriate since you'd think a Shield-Captain could basically wield whatever they wanted. Previously, this weapon was limited to Forge World. Melta may have lost a step in 10th Edition, but Custodes have plenty of ways to get more out of it.
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This model is also coming with it's own box set, including a full six Vertus Praetors. Those aren't doing particularly well right now, but they could get some love in the upcoming Codex.
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Again, that's a very well done golden man, but there's nothing here to sell the faction or inspire a player. Why aren't they doing battle scenes on these covers anymore? Seeing a Captain and three Guard holding their own against a horde in their elegant combat stances would go much further to depict just how epic these warriors are.
This ties in with Hammer and Bolter, bringing characters introduced there to the table top. As such, I feel like this is going to be a bit niche.
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The sculpts are definitely nice, but I'm not really seeing anything that screams AoS about them.
One of my greatest praises for current GW has been how they've used the Mortal Realms to really let their imaginations take flight. So many of the new factions are just such wonderful reimaginings classic fantasy races. But these look like they would feel at home in any dark fantasy world. You could easily see them stepping off the pages of a Conan novel from the 1950s. For some, this will be a good thing. But especially now that Old World is back, I want Sigmar to keep pushing and keep giving us stuff that is new and cool.
There's also no hint at rules, or even system, for this band of killers. I'm betting we might eventually see rules for both AoS and Warcry. But it would be nice if they got some Underworlds love too, even if maybe the Singri has to stay behind.
This is the one reveal I'd had spoiled. This is so much fun and Blood Bowl is the perfect place for it! When I saw the preview of the goose, I was honestly thinking that maybe it was something for halfling cooks for Old World. But this is way better!
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These are a lot of fun, but I do kinda wish they'd gone a bit further. These gnomes don't really look like they're playing the most brutal sport in Fantasy. But I can't help but think of how much fun, and thematic to the game, it would be to see a bunch of wild animals just let loose on the field.
Remember, there's no rule that says a badger can't play Blood Bowl!
Final Thoughts
This was fun! Although I had a lot to say about Codex covers, that Shield-Captain's face sculpt, and some generic bad guys in AoS, these were still fun reveals. I can also definitely understand why they didn't really hype us up for them or do a live show. But as a casual release for a Saturday news post, this is perfect.
And yeah, I'm not gonna stop being salty about 10th Edition Codexes any time soon. So it will probably take something impressive to make me cheer a Codex reveal.
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