#pray for my soul hehe
madeofcc · 1 year
11 please!
Thanks a lot dear for this ask :)
11/ Something you want to do again next year?
Posting here again ? I mean, I kinda lost motivation these past few months because of my computer and my infinite loading game but I'm getting in the mood again !
I really want to finish Another Side and finally move to the DH3 part ! I have so many ideas and things planned. I'm actually thinking about including more videos and interactions. I think the videos will be tested on the Melodia special (I kinda have to right?).
Also, I want to reblog more as I always put everyone's wonder on my draft for later but I don't find the right timing for that. I guess I'll reblog more randomly this year. And finally, I'd love to still interact and discover more new amazing fellow simmers to talk to and enjoy our creativity together. You all have been a real strenght for me since I started this journey I can't see how it would work without this special bound we all have thanks to this simple game.
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madame-fear · 8 months
i might lose sleep because of a Modern Luke fic. Hope you guys really enjoy it. 👀
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lottiecrabie · 1 year
This is how Alana was feeling when Matty was cruelly edging her 🫠😵😵😵
this is how i get y’all to relate to my fics!!!
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gojorgeous · 5 months
how do the jjk men treat you when ur on ur period? suguru specifically hehe <3
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pairing(s): gojo, geto, nanami, choso x afab!reader content: (MDNI 18+ only), nsfw-ish/suggestive, periods, period blood, period products, pet names, lots of fluff! a/n: i hope you like anon!! you have great timing cause i’m getting my period and i also have a uti pray for me besties i need help and antibiotics. left out toji and sukuna cause…. nah LMAO. enjoy, and remember ALL AGELESS BLOGS WILL BE BLOCKED!
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Lowkey loves when you’re on your period, but is just barely smart enough to never tell you that. 
His favorite part is that you always want more cuddles, which means more cuddles for him. 
Thinks period products are really amusing– loves playing with your hot water bottle cause it’s squishy. Finds those ones that look like stuffed animals at the store and brings home like five of them for you. 
Will definitely buy you pads/tampons but not without the obligatory “what size is your pussy” text. Won’t buy them until you respond with “extra super pretty” and then sends back this emoji -> 😋.
Highkey likes period sex. Knows it can relieve your cramps and will use that as an excuse at every opportunity if you’ll let him. 
Is always on some cheesy ass shit murmuring in your ear about how doing it on your period “bonds your souls”, too. 
Constantly offers to get you pregnant so you can avoid your period for the next nine months… he’s only half joking.
Will actually skip work to stay home and cuddle with you if you give him even the slightest inclination that you don’t want him to go. 
Watches movies with you and has gotten surprisingly good at rubbing little circles on your tummy that help with cramps.
 Keeps the house stocked with candy, but, then again… it’s always stocked with candy.
“Babe. Look what I just found at the store.”  You watch with furrowed brows as he sets the bags on your floor. You’re curled on the couch, a blanket tucked up around your neck. He’d made sure to roll you like a burrito before he’d left.  He pulls out… a cow? It looks like a stuffed animal, but when he shakes it you hear something sloshing around inside. You raise a brow. “Ummmm–”  “It’s one of those hot water bottle thingies! For your cramps!” He tosses the poor cow on the floor and digs around in the bag again. “Oh my god, they had so many. I got the cow, the dolphin–” He tosses a dolphin out of the bag, followed by a puppy, a raccoon, and a cat. “Do you want me to put one in the microwave for you?”  He looks far too excited to turn down, even though you just heated up your old hot water bottle minutes ago. You smile and nod. “Yeah, baby. Thanks.” 
Mans TAKES CARE of you. Like… fully. 
Is really sympathetic and gentle when your cramps are killing you– brushing your hair back, rubbing circles on your tummy, letting you put his warm hands wherever it hurts. 
Runs you a warm bath and climbs right in with you. Makes you lean back against him while he gives you a massage and works out all the knots in your neck and shoulders. 
Buys you period products before your period starts if he remembers. If he doesn’t he’s happy to run down to the store. Doesn’t need to ask which ones you like– he already knows.
Wraps you up in the comfiest blankets and cuddles with you wherever you ask. Gives the best cuddles, too. Rubs your back in a way that has you falling asleep in seconds.
Makes sure you take your meds on time and brings you a glass of water. 
Secretly loves period sex. Will never push you for it, but gets super horny at just the thought. Loves the sight of your blood on his dick. Makes him feel possessive of you in a way that’s kind of scary. 
“Sugu…” you whine. Your cramps are bad. You’ve been curled in a ball all morning, even with all the meds Suguru has been giving you. “It hurts so bad.”  You feel him shifting behind you and then his hands gently prying you to lie on your back. You whimper, the pain spiking again as soon you roll out of the fetal position. His face appears above you, a couple stray strands of black hair tickling your cheeks. His smile is soft, but full of sympathy as he settles over you.  “I’m sorry, baby. I wish I could make it go away…”  He moves down your body, settling between your thighs and resting his cheek on the plush of your thigh. You sigh when you feel his fingers skate over your tummy, rubbing little circles into the skin that somehow work wonders for the pain. You sigh with relief, a bit of the tension ebbing away. “That feels nice…”  Your body relaxes a bit, finally getting a break from the incessant pain. Suguru only smiles, looking up at you through hooded eyes when he presses a kiss just below your belly button. You don’t fail to notice the way his thumb is sliding under the fabric of your panties.  “I can think of something that would feel even nicer…” 
Prepares for your period. 
Has your cycle marked down on his calendar so he always knows when you’re starting. 
Stops by the store a couple of days ahead of time to buy pads/tampons/meds and your favorite snacks. 
Runs a bath for you every night and fills it with all of your favorite soaps and scents. 
Cooks. Mans knows how to cook and does extra of it when you’re on your period. Will make you nutritious meals and urge you to drink water, but always brings you something sweet if you’re craving it. 
Heats up your hot water bottle every thirty minutes without you ever having to ask. 
Lays out a fresh change of clothes for you whenever you’re in the shower. 
Cuddles you whenever you want, but only after he’s tended to all of your other needs (meds, food, water, etc.). 
Will have sex if you want, but will never push you for it. If you just want the relief from your cramps, he’ll just use his fingers to get you off and then pull you back into his arms.
“Time for your bath, sweetheart.”  You nearly grumble in protest, but how can you do such a thing when he takes such good care of you? Still, you don’t want to move. Just existing hurts, much less walking to the bathroom.  Despite your resistance to saying it aloud, Nanami still seems to understand what you’re thinking. No more than a second later he’s scooping you into his arms and carrying you to the bathroom.  “You know you’ll feel better after, love.”  You nod weakly against his chest. “Will you get in with me?”  He pauses. He’s got dinner to make and he wanted to change the sheets for you… One nuzzle of your face into his neck has him throwing all those plans out the window.  “Of course, princess. I’ll get in with you.” 
Is new to this stuff so he lowkey freaks out. 
Worries that you’re actually in danger cause… there’s blood??? 
Chills out eventually, but is still irrationally convinced that you’re injured. 
When i tell you this man is at your BECK AND CALL, I mean it. He will do every little thing you ask. Fetches water, food, snacks– whatever you need. 
Mans is panicked when he can’t find the candy bar you want at the grocery store. 
Happily buys period products for you but has to facetime you cause the poor baby is overwhelmed and confused by all the options. 
Is kind of attached to you like glue. Thinks you’re somehow more breakable in this state will hold you in his arms permanently apart from when you need to bathe, eat, or use the bathroom. 
Actually freaks when you have a bout of cramps that makes you hiss in pain. Cannot believe you have to do this every month and hates feeling so useless in taking the pain away. Eagerly learns that he can put his warm hands on your tummy and it helps.
Is actually amazed when you tell him that sex helps with the cramps. Worries about hurting you, but is completely down. Mans is definitely not afraid of a little blood lmao.
“Baby… there are so many…”  You can’t help but stifle a laugh looking at your boyfriend’s stressed expression through your phone screen. He’d run down to the store to get you some more pads– you just hadn’t anticipated how overwhelming the experience would be for him.  “I know, Cho. I’m sorry. Here– back up so I can see the whole aisle.”  He does as you ask, flipping the camera around so you can see what he’s looking at. You have to bite your lip this time to keep the laugh in. You’ve never realized just how many options there really are. “The ones toward the bottom right, baby. With the pink box.”  The camera shakes a little as he follows your directions, arm sticking out like he’s playing pin the tail on the donkey.  “These?” His hand hovers over a box that is pink but not the pink you need.  “Down a couple racks.”  Finally, his hands close around the right box. “Thank you, baby. I didn’t think about how confusing this would be for you…”  The camera flips again and you grin at the soft soft smile on his lips. “Don’t apologize. Want me to grab some candy, too?”
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taglist (dm me or send an ask to be added!): @lacheri, @la-undercover-latina, @enchantedsylveon, @httpstoyosi, @bbyxxm, @6kabuki, @myriliy, @complexivelovely
please consider leaving a comment, sending an ask, or reblogging! interacting with authors is the best way to support them! thanks for reading ♡
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storiesoflilies · 1 month
warning: slightly spicy, mdni!!!!
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gladiator!toji was a fearsome sight to behold.
with marbled skin rippling like a river of bronze, a tattered canvas of tan and pink scars. he was violence and glory, a conqueror born from the very sand and blood of the arenas he fought in. a natural-born killer, toji craved the delicious rush that came with a fight to the death.
and yet, he was that and more.
she thought about that as the heavy iron gates rolled up for his grand entrance into the arena. about how toji fushiguro loved, and loved hard. how every night, with hushed whispers and swallowed moans, he would deeply push into her as if trying to slot his very soul next to hers. where it was safe, and he was safe, because they might not have the next night.
within a sea of people, their bloodlust traveling in waves, she never felt more alone. she bit her lips, digging bloody crescent moons into her palms, and felt her breath hitch as toji’s looming figure emerged from the shadows. the crowd roared and screamed at him, calling upon the gods for their favorite gladiator to give them a worthy show.
to them, that’s all toji was: a killer made only of flesh and bone, ready to die for them.
toji stopped in the dead center of the arena, his sword arm raised high in the air as he swept his green eyes in a full circle around the crowd, who went into a frenzy.
but he wasn’t doing it for them.
he knew she was there, watching him, waiting for him to perhaps catch a glimpse of her, praying beyond all hope that the gods would continue to spare her love from harm. that they would meet again that night in the dim light of his cell, their bare skin pressed tightly together, talking of whimsical daydreams and futures. toji would tell her how he fought for her, and how he would earn his freedom so they could be together.
how they’d live somewhere by the sea, with only the sounds of the waves and their lovemaking to be heard for miles. how they would watch the sunset every day and live off the bounty of the ocean, where they would only chase their pleasure and cultivate their own peace.
but for now, toji bared his teeth, his stance unwavering, as he prepared to face whatever they threw at him and win.
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a/n: oh my, i can’t stop thinking about gladiator toji now, and i feel the extremely rare urge to write a smut drabble. i might just do it if you all ask nicely hehe :3
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abbysdolly · 1 year
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♡ › 𝑼𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒍𝒅; 𝑨𝒃𝒃𝒚 𝑨𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏
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♡ › Summary: Abby can't help the need of having you under her, she lives for worship you and she would do it at any time she wants.
♡ › Warnings: SMUT +18 (MDNI please!!!), fluffy smut, cunnilingus (r!receiving), fingering (r!receiving), pet names, squirting. Let me know if there's something more! ♡
♡ › Author's note: Hii! Well this is my first time writing a one shot for Abby and this one is really inspired by the song Unfold by Alina Baraz, also my first language is not English so maybe there will be some errors hehe but anyways, hope you like it and if you do please like and re blog! (≧∇≦)/
(Here's the song: )
♪ "Cover my thoughts in gold, I'm your flower, watch me unfold my vulnerability... Letting you consume me." ♪
"Abby, please" just with a simple yet beautiful whisper from you Abby swore she found heaven.
Her big calloused but always gentle hands contrasted with the soft and plushy skin of your thighs. Deep blue eyes fixed on the prettiest thing she ever saw; sweet rosy flesh glistening like honey under the witness of the sunshine peeking through the curtains.
"You're so beautiful, you know that?" she muttered into your skin, pouty lips driving along your inner thigh making you squirm. Broken sobs and pleas were all Abby could hear, too enamored by the view in front of her.
Her kisses began to approach where you needed her the most but it wasn't enough, you needed more, you needed her closer. So close she could kiss your soul.
After teasing you for at least a couple of minutes Abby's lips betrayed her, rapidly finding that sweet and familiar place between your thighs. Your hips tried to move further hoping to feel more of her, she chuckled amazed by how your body reacted to her touches like if you were a beautiful creation that only she could understand, like if her body was the master key.
"Stay still or I'll stop" she warned you, voice gentle but deep enough to make you fall even more into her spell. Her lustful eyes found yours and she couldn't help but smile at your needy expresion. "Please Abby... I just need you so bad" you mumbled, brain already fogged by lust.
"I know pretty girl It's just I can't help it, I could stare at you for the eternity and never get bored" if you weren't a mess you'd probably tease her for her cheesy choice of words but her warm breath reached your neglected clit making it twitch in anticipation, praying for Abby's attention and making you buck your hips again.
A gentle gasp left your swollen lips as her tongue lapped through your pussy lips, parting them while the position made her oh so perfect nose bump into your clit. She groaned when her taste buds were blessed with your sweet and unique taste and at this point all restraints Abby built into herself were now forgotten in the back of her mind. Abby began to slurp your juices like if they were her last resort to survive, tongue occasionally finding home inside your gummy and sensitive walls stretching you like only she could.
"Fuck, you taste so good. Look how wet you are and all because of me" she mumbled against your skin more like to herself, sometimes wondering how could she be so lucky to have you like that every time she wished.
Your hands gripped at her loosen hair that looked like pretty golden cascades adorning her face. The pretty freckles on her nose disappearing and reappearing into your skin every time she fucked you with her skilled tongue, making them look like glowing stars. "Yes yes yes, right there! Please don't stop Abby" you begged through moans and whimpers, encouraging her to work even harder.
Suddenly all was blurry, too much pleasure and love going through your veins and pores that you didn't notice when your hips began to grind on her face and honestly Abby couldn't be more happy, your scent and taste drowning her senses and filling her up with only you, you and you.
"There you go baby, use my face. Cum all over my tongue" she moaned with her tongue out dancing through the velvet skin of your pussy, up and down. Already too pussy drunk to even care about the mess on your thighs and her face (and obviously between her own thighs too). Your moans now louder than before only meant that your orgasm was near and you craved it badly.
"Abby 'm gonna cum, 'm gonna cum!–" you cried between moans, pulling Abby's hair harder trying to keep her there on that delicious point.
Your whole body trembled like the petals of a dying rose, your vulnerability on Abby's hands ready to be morphed into unconditional love and desire, your insides ready to give her for what she worked so hard for; her favorite essence like a cascade of the Olympus itself, caressing her face innocently, gentle even.
"Come on baby, let go… Cum for me" she whispered on your inner thigh, tongue momentarily replaced by two fingers exploring your insides. Her lips, nose and chin covered with your slick like liquefied gold rubbing gently into your lower tummy and kissing there occasionally without taking her eyes from your face.
"Abby…" her name now converted into your own mantra while her fingers moved in and out of you with an inhuman speed, strong muscles flexing at her movements making it a sight for sore eyes. "Shh I know baby, I know" she cooed, a slight smirk adorning her lips as she saw you come undone under her.
And with a gentle curl of her fingers your body finally reached that longed paradise. Her face attached again at your cunt without taking her fingers out of you, tongue circling your clit in tight circles until warm and pretty spurts of your nectar reached Abby's face, she instantly opened her mouth taking in it, drinking it like a starved woman.
Her hands caressing your sides up and down trying to keep you grounded until your body stopped shaking. "Fuck baby that was so hot" she breathed with a completely pussy drunk-smile. Her whole face and neck were covered in your nectar, making her glow like a goddess.
"It was… God, you are so beautiful you know that?" you confessed using her words, smiling. Your breathing slowly coming back to a normal pace while admiring Abby who glowed like the sun itself in front of you, her ocean eyes scanning your whole being making you feel loved and cared despise the vulnerability while her smile warmed your heart reassuring that she was the one and only.
♪ "Hey, she says that I'm glowing… Hey, she says that I'm glowing." ♪
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yawarakaizai · 8 months
pmzai with an equally miserable s/o fem reader
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SENDER Reader (Fem) RECIPITENT PM Dazai Osamu (BSD) CONTENTS You sit and stare and wait for him to return to you. You've been bad and you've been good. There's nothing and no one that gives you purpose like he. NOTE reader+dazai are 17/18, implications of s/h, slight misogyny, death of parent, it's kind of angsty.. , soft couple, miserable couple, sui/cide mention+ideation COMPANY I'm Not Human At All
A/N ʚ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ɞ th is wa s har d to make b ecause i h ad sOOO OO m any ide as an d my playli st wa s feelin g good an d kept pla y ing song s th at g ave me diff fic ide as ;; th is is sad ,,, i do nt like sa d fics bu t ,,, this is kin d of a ven t? hehe FEE L FREE TO REQ UEST MOR E!
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Your tender heart would care for an injured bunny rescued from a bear trap.
You'd nurse the animal as best you could yet it would always die.
Your father was a hunter. He earned your living costs by selling animal hide and what meat he'd have spare after covering what you'll need. Your mother died when you were a little girl.
You were as sweet as your mother.
Your father would tell stories of how She would gaze out on the winter sky and say to Herself, "My daughter will be as snow. Gentle and graceful, yet freezing to those who demand more of what perfect she is already."
When your Mother died, they put Her in a box full of pink carnations and orchids. Surely to counteract the smell of Her decaying corpse, to display Her flesh as something beautiful before her descent under soil to where Her bones will return and fertilise what surrounds.
Rural life in Japan was not for the weak. Which you were.
You picked up what your Mother left behind.
Tending to the chickens in their coops and shearing the sheep, you'd milk the cows and free the rabbits when Father wasn't looking.
Your hands plush with baby fat would clench around your rosary every night and pray like a good girl.
By the time you reached puberty, your features resembled your Mother more than ever before. Your figure changed and as did your father.
He'd sneer at the dress that fit you perfectly just two years ago. You'd become defiant and bold, a rebellious child.
" Father, but why? "
Your protests and argumentative nature would anger him. And now, you weren't a good girl.
Shouting battles always left you sobbing into thick pillows until your throat hurt.
It was at the age of fifteen did you find out what lies beneath your thin flesh and blue pulse.
You are made of bright crimson and spite.
At sixteen, you ran away.
It was impulsive. You forgot how and what happened. You don't want to remember.
Your calves ached and your feet blistered with pain from trudging up and down hills and farms.
You are a mixture of love and loss.
Everything is a blur, and sometimes you question whether running away was the wisest thing to do.
You had collapsed the moment you stepped foot into the city.
A sad, lost soul who ran away from her father.
You had been a..
" Very bad girl. "
The voice startled you enough for you to spill the batter all over your clean white apron.
" Osamu! " You cried out in disbelief, the boy laughing hysterically. " That isn't funny, knock it off. "
In a way, Dazai reminded you of those bunnies you'd rescue in your youth. He was caught and wounded by the claws of Life. And although you may cup his cheeks into your hands and tell him 'You're alive', he had already died before you were able to cradle him to your chest.
" I told you not to wake up early, Y/N! I should have known to not mention my fondness of crêpes to you. "
You felt untamed, wild hair brush against the bare of your neck before soft lips made contact with your jawline. A soft kiss pressing into what was cold. He was grateful to have you in his sad miserable life.
And even if you two were not perfect for each other, you'd both die to watch the world burn.
" I did it on my own accord. " You lied. " You did not. " He calls your bluff like air. You huff in surrender.
Setting down the metal bowl of paste, you turn to face him. You think of the horrors that his empty, black eye must have seen. His other eye, obscured by bandages, was a mystery to you. You respected him enough to not budge him about it.
" I wished to make you something special. "
You confess, certain he already knew your intention. Your boyfriend was simply smarter than many.
" I don't need anything. Coming home to you is enough, bella. '' His hand stretches to you like death.
Your eyes were not as bright as they were when you were little. They reflected the bad girl that you've become. The one that left her sickly impoverished father in treacherous conditions alone because her feelings were hurt.
" Belladonna. "
He'd pull you back into reality when he'd notice you slipping.
" 'samu. You've barely been coming home anymore, okay? Let me do this, just this once for you. " You snaked your arms around his waist and he mirrored your action, twirling you both out of the kitchen.
Dazai was inexplicable to you. He was a man your father wouldn't like. A man your Mother would hate. A man your younger self would despise.
You willingly moved into a shared apartment with the mafia executive after a few months of living in Yokohama. It was him to have picked you up from the streets. Sensing you were worth more than the muddied appearance you showed at that time.
Your one-time use turned into a second-time use, and your second-time use blossomed like a flower in Spring. You interested him.
You both intoxicated each other. Dazai was able to make you feel light. You felt weightless and as fragile as a butterfly. Weak, small and at his mercy.
" Then don't hide yourself away from the kitchen when I'm right here, love. "
By the time your spinning head focused on what was around you again, he had toppled you both onto the living room couch. He loomed over you, fully dressed in his mafia uniform, his stupid tie obscuring your vision until he tucked it between the buttons of his revere blouse.
" What would you do if I were to die? "
" Osamu. Stop that. "
You muttered.
You feel his life. The warmth of his body, the tender flow of blood heating his body as his finger traced patterns into your cheek. Your heart keeps beating.
" Answer me, Y/N. "
You didn't enjoy thinking of your partners demise. You wouldn't mind if you were to die.
The problem was, you didn't want to be alive for your boyfriends funeral, yet you didn't wish for your boyfriend to be alive for yours.
You loved each other to the point it became hate. Hate for how the other made living seem worth it.
Dazai had an eventful life. You did not.
You had no education whatsoever. According to the government, you did not exist. You had no birth certificate. You were no one. You lived hidden in this cramped apartment.
When Dazai was away, it was only you and your thoughts. Your thoughts were a dangerous thing.
" I think I would kill myself too. "
Your voice caught up on an unexpected crack. You were puzzled until your vision became glassy.
" Pretty baby. I'm sorry. " His apology was belated as you'd already begun to sniffle, he lowered his weight on you, turning to lay on his side as he pulled you in close, coaxing you into silence.
" Don't die, 'samu. Not here, not now. " Your sad little beg mused him.
Dazai was all you had left. You were most certain that if you were to part, you would die.
With Dazai, you were still inadequate. Without Dazai, you truly were nothing but a walking corpse.
He thinks that you are something weak and soft, with a fire raging in you that cried to be extinguished before it could spread.
You hush yourself to enjoy the feeling surrounding you. You feel Dazai's ribcage rise with each steady breath he takes. The beating of a heart is somewhere far deep in, and yours is jumping in your throat.
" Not now. " He repeated after you, and part of you wished to believe it.
There was something mystical about Osamu.
Something that warned you to not feed coal to the flame.
And that if you reached your hand in, you'd burn yourself on what was forbidden.
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©yawarakaizai 2023 ﹒﹒ reblogs appreciated! requests open :3
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doukeshi-kun · 5 months
Cannibalism stalker! Nikolai has me on a choke hold.
My brain has been rotting for it like ajheikwg ueu
Imagine stalker!nikolai comes to his silly campervan to see you asleep on his bed, and he has the urge to tear into your skin, rip and preserve your flesh, maybe even take a chuck out of it and swallow it so a piece of you would be within him, with him for as long as he lives.
He gently encases your frame and digs his hands into a wound whilst giving you plenty of face smooches, gliding his tongue over your shoulders before leaving bite marks stained with blood all over.
If he could, silly guy might rip open your chest to kiss your heart tenderly before setting it back into your ribcage, maybe still holding it.
Merge bodily souls with your or smth.
I'm kicking my feet, punching the air, giggling to a phantom over this rn.
But he can't, cause silly guy Cannibalism stalker!nikolai doesn't want you dead but he has urges so he settles for biting you hard enough to draw blood (●’∇’)♪
And even better, he's doing all of this with his hand intertwined with yours at the end of it.
And then, being romantic fanatic, he is (he is not, I think). He's bites around the base of your pinky finger, placing a morally and physically questionable bind that applies to you even though you're silly asleep and didn't say yes, but you will when you're awake.
When his teeth leave the flesh, prominent markings can be seen etched onto it, serving his own delusions. However, it's, of course, not something drastic.
It's a simple 'you'll never leave me' because he's silly and insane like that (he'll kill you if you do).
Ajjdndnfjsknajfjdbfjfj meow.
Being the silly clown he is, he obviously doesn't clean up the split blood just yet.
He lets your blood drip and seeps into the pristine white sheets of his blanket before smiling like some maniacal happy face clown because you are now imprinted onto his belongings as well.
Due to sanitary purposes, he would of course change the sheets and clean you up before snuggling to you and drift off to lala land to dream about ripping your body to chunks, piecing you back together so that he can obviously soak into your blood and fully, in physical form merge with you.
I'm mentally deteriorating from this brain rot, oh my fucking god, pray to the lorddd 🎣
tw: gore, vore, cannibalism, nsfw
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surprisingly anon, gore isn't that heavy of a topic in my blog lmao but hear ye—! our dear laotianye has come to the rescue, doing the lord work!
mmmm i really love our silly guy is being SO tender with the heart like omg that's the organ that beats for his name 🫀 and brrrrr i love the thought of him doing it while holding hands like HE WOULD TALK THROUGH IT HE WOULD TALK THROUGH ITTTT
i also like that he would bite and make a bite ring around your finger. like yes bae, embrace that primal ferality of yours 😍 he'd probably get hard as fuck when you do the same to him. on a second thought, imagine stalker!nikolai is fucking you dumb and purposely slip his fingers into your mouth in hopes for you biting him hehe
and i like that his dream is literally about devouring and murdering you like if that ain't love, idk what is 😌❤️ also, imagine after he dreams about all of that, he just scans your body, not for lust purpose but he's imagining dissection marks lmao i'm gonna stop
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fettuccin-e · 6 months
I am high as fuck rn and I started getting all mushy and emotional abt my catholic upbringing and like losing faith and THEN I started getting emotional abt sweet Frankie and then I just started writing and this is horribly unedited and written in prob like 5 minutes pls be nice to me i am fragile lol (there is like a lot blasphemy in this and also cunnilingus just be warned hehe)
Frankie doesn’t pray much these days. His mamá raised him in the eye of the Lord, church every Sunday in his very best, hands folded in front of him. Christmas masses, Easter Sundays.
After he went into Delta, he lost sight of God, of everything he’d ever gleaned from the old dusty bibles laying around his childhood home. Any semblance of faith wiped away and replaced with blood on his hands, a gun braced against his shoulder. Faith was beaten out of him and replaced with blind patriotism before he too was left behind. Forced to return to society broken and used and hopeless.
But you. You showed him different, showed him how to live again. You found him, a broken man working to leave behind a drug-addled past, with a daughter visiting every other weekend and an ex-wife wanting nothing to do with him.
He finds it funny that you met him just outside of a church, at the Salvation Army store the next building over. Trash bags full of old clothes weighing down your shoulders, a grateful smile when he offered to help. And he swears, in that moment, he saw a glimpse of God in your smile.
And in the months since that day, between countless dates and fights and sex and sweet kisses in the morning light, Frankie thinks he finds faith again.
Frankie doesn’t pray much anymore, except between your thighs.
In the evening quiet, crickets chirping outside and soft sounds coming from the old television in your living room, Frankie finds salvation on his knees.
He whispers his prayers in sweet nothings against your skin, begging you for love, for your patience, for your saving grace. You’re happy to provide, a far more loving god than the one he grew up believing in.
He drinks up the wetness of your cunt like the blood of Christ, relishing in the taste of you on his tongue. You’re soft and sweet and forgiving.
You absolve his sins with your fingers curling through his hair, your praise filtering in his ears. He devotes his mind, his body, his soul to you as you suck in air through your teeth, letting him bring you to orgasm over and over and over again.
This is his penance, his confession. No priest or military general can hurt him here. He is safe, he is not alone.
So when you tug him up from between your legs to meet him in a soft, slow kiss, Frankie finally feels free. Free of pain and suffering, of responsibility and guilt.
He doesn’t mind if heaven waits for him after death, as long as he gets this one life with you.
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vettelinyourarea · 1 year
oceans and engines - charles leclerc
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genre: angst
warning: english is not my first language
word count: 1,090
inspired by oceans and engines by niki
notes: hehe feeling kinda angsty today, i’ve been wanting to write a fict based on oceans and engines for a while so i hope you all enjoy it as much as i enjoy writing it! also, requests are open 🩵
feel free to give me any feedback
Saturday sunset
We're lying on my bed with five hours to go
Fingers entwined and so were our minds
Cryin', "I don't want you to go"
You wiped away your tears
But not fears under the still and clear indigo
You said, "Baby, don't cry, we'll be fine”
You're the one thing I swear I can't outgrow
“Do you really have to go?” you asked, trying your best to not cry. It was a Saturday afternoon, only a few hours before Charles have to fly to the first race of the season. You have been with him since he started his Formula 2 career until now when he’s racing in Formula 1 for the team he has been dreaming about since he was just a child.
“I’m sorry my love, I wish you can go with me too,” he said as he wiped away your tears. You have experienced this before, but still, it doesn’t get easier for you being away from him. But that day feels different, something feels different.
A lot of people said you and Charles are soulmates, and you two believe that, firmly. But these past couple of months haven’t been easy for you two, especially for Charles, and it’s ultimately affecting your relationship. But neither of you wants to address that, the two of you always pretend everything is fine, always pretending that your relationship is perfect.
But the two of you knew since that day, that it’s far from perfect.
My mother said the younger me was a pretending prodigy
Well, nothing then, much has changed
'Cause while you're wolfin' down liquor
My soul, it gets sicker
But I'm stickin' to the screenplay
Gotta say I'm okay, but answer this, babe
“How are you?” he asked from the phone, loud music could be heard and you knew immediately that he was partying, probably with his driver friends. The race weekend just ended, and it was routine for the drivers to end it with partying at a nearby club.
“I’m okay, just doing my assignments,” you said, trying to hide your cry. You can’t lie to yourself anymore, it’s too much for you. The relationship you have with Charles is not the same as before, you knew that deep down, but have only accepted the truth just now.
Being away from Charles is difficult, but you knew that was one of the risks for dating a Formula 1 driver, still, it doesn’t make it any easier. You are happy for him, truly. You are proud of Charles for doing what he loves, but are you doing what you love? Is dating Charles only holding you back?
“You sure, love?” he asked after a few moments, sensing your emotions.
“Yes, you go have fun. I’m okay.”
And just like that, you end the call, leaving Charles confused.
How is it now that somehow you're a strangеr?
You were mine just yеsterday
I pray the block in my airway dissipates
And instead deters your airplane's way
But heaven denied
Destiny decried
Something beautiful died
Too soon
“I’m sorry but I can’t do this anymore,” you said to him, not daring to look straight into his eyes. It was one of the most difficult things you have ever done, the other thing was accepting the fact that you can’t be with Charles anymore. Not like this.
“But, why? Did I do something that hurt you?” he asked, trying to hold your hand but you pulled away, hurt is evident in his tone.
It was a sunny day, a rare day off for Charles. It hurts you to tell him this, to end things with him. But it has to be said, it has to be done. For your sake, and for Charles’s. You knew he sensed things are different now since he come back on the last season’s winter break, and you knew he refused to acknowledge it, to accept it.
Being in a relationship from a young age is not easy, but ending it was certainly harder.
“I love you Charles, but things are different now and you know it. We can’t be together anymore,” you said, finally giving up and deciding to look up to him. It was the worst mistake you’ve made. Seeing him like this, red-eyed, tears in his eyes fighting to come out. But you know this is for the best, for you and for him.
You knew the moment he nods his head, something beautiful had died, something in you had shifted.
But I'm letting go
I'm givin' up the ghost
But don't get me wrong
I'll always love you, that's why
I wrote you this very last song
Turns out, trying to move on from him was harder than the breaking up part. You tried and you tried to let him go, but you just can’t. Everything in you is screaming to just forget him, but it is easier said than done. Still being in contact with him certainly doesn’t help, and you knew that. You knew that in order to completely move on from him, you have to cut him out, at least for a while.
“Why can’t you just block him?” your friend asked you. You tried blocking him, you really did, but it was hard. Having spent most of your life with him and now you have to cut him out from your life for a while is not easy.
But one night, your mind is set. You have to let him go and he has to let you go. You have to move on with your life and forget him completely. So, you did it. You block him, but not before leaving him a message. A message that little do you know, makes Charles cry his eyes out.
Thank you for everything Charles, but I’m letting you go, and this is my last message for you. I loved you.
I guess this is where we say goodbye
I know I'll be alright
Someday I'll be fine
But just not tonight
It’s not easy for you. It was never easy to forget someone you grew up with. And it’s okay, you know you don’t have to be alright. You knew this is the best decision you can make. But that doesn’t mean you regret your relationship with him, no, you are thankful for the past 6 years you have with him. You will always cherish the memories you made with him.
You know that you will be fine eventually, but just not tonight.
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buckgasms · 2 years
PLZ DO A BREEDING KINK FOR COWBOY!BUCKY IM BEGGING AT THIS POINT (also speaking of begging, add that in too since we at it hehe) 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Brace yourself darlings, because things are about to get 💦dirty💦 and we're all gonna need to go pray very hard for our souls when this is over.
Thank you Nonnie for this encouragement and for all of you really for being the best pals a girl could ask for 😍
Ok let's ride.....
Warnings: breeding kink, bondage, p in v, blowies, slight choking, slight spanking, dirty talking cowboy....
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During the hot summer Bucky asked you to spend a few weeks with him at his Ranch to help him out. You were a little skeptical because despite his endless guidance, you weren't very good at the whole farm work thing.
As it turned out, he wanted you to help manage the extra workers, do some paperwork and some of the smaller farm jobs that you quite liked. Nights however were where his true intentions came to light. He spent many sweaty hours fucking you into the mattress, testing out different rope ties on you and generally making sure you would never walk straight again.
One afternoon you were walking around the ranch, looking for Bucky when you headed into a big barn where you found him throwing bales of hay into a stack, his shirt off and muscles straining with the work. You totally forgot why you were looking for him and took a seat on a bale and watched him while he worked.
He smirked when he saw you take a seat and threw one more bale before moving over towards you, stopping right between your legs and tilting your head up to look at him. "Whatcha doin darlin?" You shook your head and shrugged, "I have no idea... Lost my train of thought just now..." You both chuckled as he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips and you traced your fingers over his sweaty chest. "You got much more to do in here?" You asked and he nodded towards another pile, but behind it, something caught your eye.
"What the heck is that?" You hopped up and headed over to what looked like a large metal pillory and he chuckled, joining you by the medieval looking contraption. "It's a breeding stock. You put a heifer in there and the bull comes in and breeds her. It's very old fashioned baby, I don't use that stuff but it's a little bit of history I guess..."
He watched as your fingers trialed over the metal work and you bent over prodding your head through the hole. It was possible Bucky blacked out for a moment, seeing you in such a position and a very filthy thought filled his head. "Hmmm interesting stuff? Ok well if I remember I'll come back, otherwise I'll see you later" and with that you pressed a kiss to his cheek and left the barn.
That evening you were sitting in Bucky's lap on a rocking chair on the porch. The air was cool and refreshing after a hot day and his lips pressed absent-mindedly on your smooth shoulder as you watched fireflies in the distance.
"You wanna go upstairs?" You muttered, reaching your hand back to stroke his hair, head turning to kiss him sweetly. He hummed and rocked the chair a little more. "I got something else in mind... If you want it?" Your eyebrows raised and your thighs squeezed together, "I think I could be persuaded, cowboy" you whispered and he pressed a few more kisses to your skin before nudging you to stand.
He took your hand and walked you towards the barn you sat in earlier that day and he led you inside where you were met with the stock contraption you'd thought about all day long. He pulled the straps of your sundress down your arms and pulled until your dress pooled around your feet on the floor. He waited for you for a moment, wrapping his arms around your tummy, sucking marks on your neck as you contemplated the game before you.
You shimmed out of your panties and walked forward, bringing him with you and he couldn't help the growl that escaped his lips. "You gonna breed me Bucky?" You whispered, your voice shaking with excitement as you gripped the metal in front of you. "You want that baby?" He asked you pressing his denim clad cock against your bare ass and you nodded, making him tut, "out loud darling, you know the rules..." You leaned back against him with a whine. "Please Bucky, breed me."
He helped you settle into the metal bars, your stomach supported, legs and arms spread apart, your whole body on display for him, you aching heat the sole focus of his vision. For good measure, he secured your ankles with his favourite rope, kissing your limbs as he did so. "So beautiful baby, gonna fill that pretty cunt up to the brim" as he spoke his hands glided over your skin and he sunk a thumb into your dripping hole, making you whine.
"Beg me baby...beg me to fill you up" was all his said and he walked around to look at you, your face flushed from his minimal attention and eyes locked on his cock, which he had freed from his jeans. "Please Bucky, please.... Fill me up... Wanna be full of your come... Please? I'm good... Been good for you... Please?" He ran his fingers through your pretty locks and pressed his crotch into your face, where you instinctively started licking and sucking at his balls and cock making him groan. "Ooooh you are a good girl. My dirty little girl." He let you carry on for a while, knowing this would only make you wetter and more desperate for him when the time came for him to fuck you senseless. He pulled you off him with a pop and let your head fall forward, as he walked back around to take his place. "I promise you one thing baby, I ain't gonna stop until that pussy is puffy and full ok?" His fingers spread your pussy lips apart and then he sunk into you, the sound of your arousal filling the air, followed closely by the sound of him pounding away at you. He kept one hand possessively on your back while he gripped the metal bar for more purchase. His groans mixed with your cries and you could only lie there and take all he was giving you.
You babbled his name, for God, for more, over and over until you lost track of how long you'd been there. He fucked through your own orgasm, chasing his own and filling you with his first load. He landed some slaps on your ass making you gasp and he soothed it quickly after. He came back around to the front and wiped away tears and drool from your face before kissing you hard, taking any breath you might have had away.
"Buckkyyy" you whined and he kissed you again. "I know darling, doing so well for me. God you're gonna look so pretty when I getcha knocked up huh? But we gotta put the work in now right?" You could only nod as he reached through the bars and squeezed at your breasts as they hung low and unsupported. They were extra sensitive, so when he tweaked and flicked at your nipples you writhed and squealed as the feeling shot straight to your core.
"Such a little whore ain't ya? I bet I could leave you here until tomorrow night for all the boys to have a go and you'd love it wouldn't ya? Wouldn't know who fucked ya, but you wouldn't care, long as you got some cock in those perfect holes?"
You whined and he sank two fingers into your mouth and gagged you on them, you choked and shook your head. "No? Only want me huh?" You nodded as he kept choking you until he pulled his fingers out and rubbed his wet hand over your face. "Well good, cos no one is fucking that pussy 'cept me"
He stood up again, pride and lust coursing through his veins. "Let's put that mouth to better use baby...."
True to his word, your pussy was full to the brim and puffy when he was finished. No part of your body had escaped his handiwork. Your skin was littered with hickeys and bruises from kisses. Your muscles twitched and your joints ached from pulling on ropes. But you were floating like a cloud, every touch was like a kiss and his voice rumbled through you like distant thunder.
You felt the ropes drop from your ankles and his strong arms wrap around your tummy before you were lifted off the device and into his arms. He sat on a hay bale and wrapped you up in his arms. You lulled on his shoulder for a moment before you locked eyes with him and smiled at each other. "There's my good girl, Jesus baby you did so well, a prize heifer if I ever saw one." You giggled and swatted your hand at his arm, but missed in your wobbly state. He took it in his own hand and pulled it to his lips, kissing each finger in turn before turning to press more kisses to your cheeks and finally your lips.
"I'm not a heifer" you pouted and he laughed before apologising with a perfect kiss. "Oh and I want the day off tomorrow" you sighed closing your eyes and leaning your head on his shoulder. "Fine by me darling. You're gonna have to get used to taking it easy now, besides we have to do this allll again tomorrow!"
This time you did manage to land a swat on his arm and be chuckled as he carried you back to the house, filling your mind with what the future might hold for you both as well as promises of kisses, cuddles and a nice breakfast in the morning.
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exhaslo · 7 days
Idk if you have any interest in writing for any characters that aren't Miguel, but would you ever consider writing for Gabriel O'Hara? Either normal or as Green Goblin?
In terms of the Spider-Verse, noooooot really? But if someone requests a certain character I will do my best to write it.
Now for other series, oho, I got a list of characters I would die writing for! But, that will be after my hiatus (cuz Bleach is coming back and GRIMMJOW SHALL RISE!!!)
Warning: None, just fluff
Another day of unrecognized heroism.
At least to Gabriel, that's how it felt. Every day was a constant reminder that his ex preferred his brother as Spider-Man. Every day was a constant reminder that Gabriel returned to a lonely apartment, only to feel better after saving the day in Cyberspace.
But he shouldn't or his mother would get worried about him being addicted again. Gabriel did not want to be 'saved' by Miguel again after the last time.
All Gabriel wanted to do was feel heroic too.
'Wow! Thanks a bunch for getting me out of that mess!'
Gabriel's eyes widen as he stared at you. You were in a cute, cybernetic form and your speech was almost robotic. Your style was unique and quite different than what he was used too in Cyberspace.
"You're welcome...You need to be more careful with those crooks," Gabriel warned you.
Gabriel was a hero in the Cyberspace known as Firelight. He usually messed with a group called Discord, which prayed on poor individuals in the online world.
"Thought I was, but shit happens. Just wanted to cause a little bit of trouble, hehe."
"Trouble is what I'm supposed to do. Why don't you log off, it isn't safe to stay on here for too long." Gabriel said with a soft sigh. You crossed your arms,
"And do what. There isn't much for me in the real world,"
Gabriel felt sympathy for you. He started to type something and sent it to you. Your messages popped up with a 'ding', causing you to look at what was sent.
"Whenever you want to talk or hang out. Just give me a shout. I don't mind." Gabriel said with a wide smile.
Gabriel didn't really think too much about the offer he gave you. He was always a kind soul, so the thought of helping someone was instinct. Gabriel was surprised when you actually messaged him to chat.
That was how everything started. Gabriel couldn't help but smile whenever you would message him or ask to hang out in Cyberspace. He couldn't help but use you as a distraction for himself as well.
Within time, Gabriel had started to like you. He couldn't wait for your messages. Your adventures in Cyberspace were sometimes just silly and fun.
"Hey, mind if I ask for your name? I know we really shouldn't in the Cyberspace....But I'd like to call you a friend."
"Hm, I'd like that too. How about this. Why don't we spare phone numbers, that way we can chat about more personal information like our names." Gabriel offered. You were hesitant at first, but agreed,
"Okay. Thanks, Firelight...for being my friend."
"Of course."
Gabriel felt like his head was over the moon and his heart had landed in the stars. The two of you had started to text instead of visiting the Cyberspace. Gabriel finally convinced you about the dangers of staying online, and you listened.
It wasn't hard for Gabriel to admit that he was in love. Miguel called him silly for falling for someone he hadn't physically met yet. But hell, it was 2099! No one knew anything about anyone.
Gabriel knew that you were nervous. It took weeks of texting before you started to open up about your life with him. Gabriel was just happy that you even shared anything at all.
It took some time, but Gabriel asked to meet you in person.
You hesitantly agreed.
Gabriel was waiting at a local coffee shop in downtown Nueva York. He found it more peaceful for you to meet him there since uptown was so snobby. Honestly, Gabriel had no idea how his brother, Miguel, does it.
Speaking of his brother, Gabriel couldn't help but notice the brute hovering over a nearby building as Spider-Man.
"And yet he says he doesn't care," Gabriel resisted a chuckle. Feeling his phone buzz, Gabriel checked his messages.
'I'm here, but just give me a minute. I'm really nervous...Can you stand or something so I know where you are? Or even who you are?'
Gabriel just smiled as he stood from his seat. He stood there for a few minutes before hearing you clear your throat behind him.
Gabriel slowly turned around to face you. Your voice was low and he could hear your nervousness. Turning to finally face you, Gabriel's eyes widen as he smiled brightly.
"You're more beautiful than I ever imagined."
Hehe, thought it would be cute to leave things off with the meeting. Leave the rest of the interaction up to your imagination! Haha
Hope you enjoyed!!!
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ravenlking · 1 year
𝐋𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐄 finally, i get my own happily ever after. because the words written on your wrist...is my name
gender-neutral warnings: mentions of war and slight ptsd genre: angst + fluff a/n: - blame @faebaex for the sudden lilia brainrot lmao. i should be doing my hw but here i am! - yes, i cameo-d! hehe, be prepared for more of me popping up in the oneshots! :) - pictures don't belong to me, they go to their original owners! - please give me feedback :)
Let me know if you'd like more!
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Thousand of years filled with the bloodshed of the fallen and innocent filled Lilia Vanrouge's nights. It was like an endless repeat to curse him for his sins, the blood that he may never be able to wash off his hands. Everything was a bitter reminder of the wars; the winter snow resembling the ashes of burned-down villages, screams of delighted children were too similar to screams of innocent children being burnt alive...he couldn't help the onslaught of red-stained memories plauging his mind. Tonight was no different as the war-general snapped out of his slumber, sweat drenching his pink-black locks and pillow. He raised a tired hand against his forehead and sighed. It seemed that he wouldn't be getting a good night's sleep again.
Tomorrow was the opening ceremony, the bright red circle on his calendar reminded him. Sebek would be joining them. Lilia chuckled under his breath at the chaos the lime-green first year would bring. It would mark the start of another school year, another year of mischief and mayhem from this mischievous fae.
Lilia turned and tossed around on his bed, trying to regain the lost hours of sleep. He caught sight of his bare wrists and let out another heavy sigh.
Soulmates...a person that fate promised each and every soul. It signifies a happily ever after with someone they were bound to fall in love with, someone to come home to after a long day at work or someone to jump into your arms with a gleeful smile all because they were able to see you again. Yet, Lilia Vanrouge's wrists remained bare of any ebony-black writing. Was this fate's way of punishing him for his sins? The war he led, the soldiers that were never able to get back home...perhaps it was for the best that he never burdens someone else.
Something painful filled his chest. He sat up, groaning and pressing a hand to the wound that never healed, even after centuries. No...it wasn't his wound flaring up again. But perhaps the late night would do him good. He slid the silk sheets off his petite body and his feet found his slippers. He wrapped a lime green robe over him before approaching the balcony belonging to the room of Diasomnia's vice dorm-leader.
The stars were rather beautiful tonight, he mused. He leaned against the barrister, tilting his head up. How many nights has it been since he was able to relax like this?
Something quick, the color of pure snow, flashed across the night sky. Lilia stood at attention, magenta eyes tracking it. A shooting star, symbolizing new dreams and wishes to be granted. Perhaps...it was worth a try? He had nothing to lose anyways. He clasped his hands together, squeezing his eyes shut.
Please, he prayed. Grant me my soulmate, even after all my sins. I promise to love them with all my heart and soul. Whoever you are, this is my confession. As dark as my past has been, I will always find enough light to adore and love them with all the broken pieces my soul is composed of.
He cracked open an eye. The night sky was barren of the shooting star. Whether it heard him or not doesn't matter. Lilia's hands slumped to his sides. It was getting late, he should try sleeping a bit before tomorrow's busy ceremony. He turned on his heel and walked back.
"Your prayer has been heard, Lilia Vanrouge."
The large double doors leading to where the Opening Ceremony was being conducted slammed open, revealing a panting fae with pink-black hair. He fed the premises before judging the distance was far enough. He turned on his heel and quietly teleported somewhere else, popping up somewhere far away. Lilia leaned against one of the trees in the Courtyard, tilting his head back and giving out a bitter chuckle.
One of the first years looked all too similar to one of the younger soldiers that died in the war. Long charcoal black hair with bright purple eyes was all it took to unlock the barricade of memories. Bittersweet memories of battle-hardened Lilia Vanrouge and little Raven King hanging out together after long days on the battlegrounds. Sweet memories were tainted crimson as he fell to his knees, bundling up her charcoal black hair that was stained with her blood.
In the present time, Lilia's eyes were glassy and glazed over, blankly staring at the ground before him. As memory after memory tortured him, his breathing became more labored before it was getting harder to breathe. He didn't notice someone creeping closer towards him in curiosity before noticing his labor breaths. You approached him before shaking his shoulders.
"Mister? Sir, are you okay?!"
"Y-you're dying," Lilia choked out, falling to his knees and crawling closer to his young charge. Raven smiled weakly before coughing roughly, little blood spits dotting the ground around them. Lilia's eyes widened before he brought her head into his lap, stroking her hair softly. He placed a hand on her forehead, mouth opening to chant a healing spell despite the seriousness of the wound before she spoke.
"L-Lilia," Raven choked out. "I-It's okay. S-save...breath...fight on."
"Mister?! Oh my days...sir! Please! Breathe!"
The way Raven smiled at him, even with her face dirtied by the dust storm and splattered with the sword wound, it brought him to tears. He knew he shouldn't have gotten close to a friend, but he couldn't help the way his walls fell upon seeing her childlike happiness.
"D-don't forget me," Raven took a shaky breath. "Live...happy forever, o-okay?"
"Sir, wake up! Wake up!"
His world seemed like it was being shaken. He kept staring into Raven's violet eyes, which were beginning to dim. His own magenta eyes widened as he shook her. Blood. It continued to flow out of her wound.
"Raven! Raven Leonidas King, wake up!" He choked out. "Your general orders you to! Damn it, wake up!!"
Her head lolled to the side as she took her last breath before falling still. A strangled cry filled the air, sounding monstrous in nature. He barely realized the way the shout tore at his throat as he cradled her body, hands glowing lime as he desperately tried to pour his magic into you, trying to bring the dead back to the realm of the living.
Lilia gasped for breath, coughing slightly as he attempted to blink away the tears from his eyes. How humiliating to break down, he was thousands of years old, damn it! He shouldn't be bawling his eyes like some sort of baby. Yet, here he was.
"Erm- hello?"
He turned to face you, a surprised gasp escaping him.
"My dear, I'm so sorry you had to see me in that state." He leaped to his feet before bowing. His cheeks burned at the pure embarrassment he was feeling. "I assure you, I am not always like that."
You awkwardly clasped your hands together.
"Are you okay?" You repeated. You shuffled your feet, looking down. Suddenly, the ground seemed so interesting to you. "It's just- you seemed so sad. So lonely."
Lilia paused, before raising an arm to pat your shoulder. The ebony-black words on his wrist stopped him in his tracks immediately. All his life, his wrists were bare of words. Since when did they appear?!
"Y/N...L/N?" He muttered out in confusion as you snapped your head up.
Awkward silence rang in the air. Lilia stepped forward, hands trembling as he pointed to your wrist.
"M-may I?"
You blinked at him again before shrugging. "No clue what you're looking for, but okay...?"
Lilia tugged the ceremonial robes away from your wrist before he laughed, half in relief while the other half could similar to hysteria. There, written as plain as day, was his name in neat cursive.
Perhaps his prayer had been heard. He thanked any deity that he had been blessed with a soulmate.
"What on earth?" You gaped at the words on your wrist. As far as you knew, you never got a tattoo! You were sure of it! Why was everything happening so weirdly; first you woke up almost being boiled alive by some strange tanuki and now this-
Before you got the chance to speak another word, Lilia fell to his knees, head bowed as he pressed a kiss to your inner wrist. You felt your heart flutter.
"I waited for you my entire life," Lilia looked up into your eyes, tears welling up in the corner of his eyes. "and you were worth every minute."
A soulmate for him...his own soul glowed brightly once more. For once, the crimson-stained memories were pushed aside as he abruptly swept you into a dip, charmingly grinning at you.
"My love, I am Lilia Vanrouge. But for you, I'll be anything you ask for. You could break my heart into tiny little pieces, and I'd still pick them up and put them back in your hands. Because you're worth it. No matter what."
Somewhere in the Opening Ceremony, a young girl with long ebony hair and purple eyes smirked secretively, tucked behind one of the numerous pillars scattered in the room. Her mission, to unite Lilia Vanrouge and yourself, was completed; she had no other reason to stay in this world. Yet, Raven Leonidas King stared around her, a painful tugging in her chest as she met the eyes of the characters she loved. The smirk on her face slowly melted into a sad expression. Her life in the outside realm couldn't even be the happiness she feels in Twisted Wonderland. She had no reason to stay since her duty was completed, but she had no reason to go. In fact, she desperately wanted to cling to the magic of this world she loved oh so much.
The rules dictated it so. She had to leave. Her black wrist watched beeped as her time slowly came to an end. Raven let out a painful sigh before taking one last look at all the characters and the world she loved. Raven reluctantly turned on her feet, disappearing in a wave of purple. Similar to a certain dragon fae's magic, the only thing left of Raven was purple butterflies who slowly flew out of the chamber, leaving no trace of the student.
"Wasn't there supposed to be one more student joining us?"
"I have no clue what you are talking about, dorm leader."
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lottiecrabie · 1 year
Currently experiencing some serious pfms withdrawals 💦😓
happy five weeks without pfms🥳
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kairiscorner · 11 months
HI HIIII HOW U DOING?? I HOPE GREAT!! 😘😘 anyways, can i req something? Its one of the things i wanna see and its so URGH yk what i mean? HAHAH🤭 soooooooooo HAHA this imagine is going on for awhile in my mind but i dunno if your great at angst but if u r not great at angst, just ignore this request! Dont force yourself.
Anyways this is my request ; Y/n as spider noir’s cannon.
HEHE i have seen other characters but not spider noir so whyyyyyy notttt? THANK YOUUUUU 😘 AND STAY SAFEEEEEE‼️‼️
oh my dearest @ii01vp you have no idea how long i've craved to induce tears :> BUT YES I WANNA DO THIS, thank YOU and stay safe too :DD
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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content warnings! mentions of sharp blades, blood, and bleeding please don't read ahead if you are uncomfortable with the topic ^^
blood spilled everywhere on the floor as a sharp blade was lodged into your chest cavity. it happened in an instant, the second of an instant–you couldn't even count to three, and a blade had already pierced your chest, creating a crevice in your heart, forcing blood to spill out of you.
you gasped for breath, for help, for a hand to reach out to–but nobody, not a single soul was there to save you. not even him. you prayed you'd get out of this alright, you'll come out of this alive--because what kind of person deserves a demise in the hands of a lowlife criminal that wanted to take your money.
how defiant you were not to give them a single cent. in the end, a single cent costed you another minute of your life.
you cried out, hoping someone, anyone, would hear. begging to the skies above to bring someone to you, to help you, at least be with you in your final moments as all the blood would soon be drained from your ailing body, for you didn't want to die alone. you didn't care who it was, so long as you weren't alone at the time of your death.
your vision was getting hazy, your feet were giving way as you became more and more light-headed the more the blood stained your garments and imbued in them a deep, red hue. you gasped, hoping to make up for the lost oxygen as the blood continued pouring out of you.
"someone... a-any... one..." you choked out as blood poured out of your chest, no matter what efforts you took to put pressure on the gaping wound. you felt yourself growing weaker and weaker, and to make matters worse, you felt drops of water on your head, back, and shoulders; it would be raining, and raining hard. your cries for help as you waddled on with what little strength you had left would be drowned out in the flood of noise the rain would create.
you fell to your knees, your hands keeping you steady as your breathing became more and more labored. this was it, you thought. i'm going to die. i'm going to die alone, in the rain, in an unnamed alley with rats and bugs as the only witnesses of my death, you said to yourself as the tears began to pour, staining the collar of your shirt along with the drops of blood coloring it with a bright red.
"peter..." you called out for the name of the man you loved, who once held you so dearly and promised never to hurt you or let you get hurt; the man whose kiss tasted sweet like ripe oranges and whose lips fit into yours just right, as if the universe brought you two together to worsen the pain of having you taken away from each other.
your vision was soon darkening, you were going to lose all sensation in a few moments. but before you could close your eyes, possibly never to open them again, you heard footsteps nearby, big footsteps rushing through the puddles formed by the rain--puddles that were doused in the fresh redness of your blood.
you wondered who it could be, but then again, why did it matter? they couldn't save you, not like they'd care to. you were just another statistic in the grand scheme of things--who else would care about another dead body in the alleyway? well... he would.
"l... love..." muttered a shaky voice as the figure who was rushing through puddles moved closer and closer to you, their steps getting slower and slower all the while; as if they were reeling themselves from wanting to just run up towards you. "who..." you muttered, and before you could even answer, the figure was now hovering over you. "...spider... man?" you murmured out as you faced the black and gray clad man.
his gloved hands were quaking, they reached out toward you. "how... how could i... how could i let th-this..." he muttered as he choked back tears. you were confused, what was spider man doing to a total stranger like you, reaching his hand out and weeping over a soul he never met before. "spider man... it's okay... just--please--lock... that criminal... up." you made out with a small smile and a wheezing cough that followed afterwards.
spider man shook his head. "no... no, no, no!" he shouted, which made you gasp. "i'm... i'm sorry... i couldn't... first, uncle ben, and now..." he cried out as he started to weep under his mask. with the last bit of strength you had, you shushed spider man, reaching your hand out for his that caressed your cheek. "spider man... please don't cry... over a--a stranger..." you whispered as he held your hand tightly, and soon... you were gone.
and peter... felt like he had died along with you. words can never begin to describe the sorrow and anguish he felt when he saw you there in that alleyway as he was chasing down that criminal, he could never imagine just how painful it was for you, and he feels like all the punishments in the world were never enough to absolve him for the sin of not being around long enough for you.
for not being able to save you when he could've done something.
"why... why them? why not me?" was all he could cry out to the skies above as he took off his mask and wept, still holding your cold hand in his own, as your lifeless body beat no more for the man you loved and held dearly in your, now pierced and unbeating, heart.
a/n: miguel was watching from a rooftop nearby with jess around the corner and with ben reilly narrating his secondhand grief.
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @luvstarrstruck @k4tsu3 @fictarian @maxoloqy @connors-cumslurper @ii01vp
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idkfitememate · 5 months
Alright listen Mora!Reader is nearly done but I just had a truly awful idea and I’m listening to Extreme/Brazilian Funk rn so I’m on a mind high okay so here’s the tea (never saying that again):
So we know that Obey Me doesn’t follow the Bible in anyway whatsoever really, so why not make the entire game angsty because I’m tried? Bet, making shit angsty is my specialty.
So anyway, that’s where new character/reader comes in: Adam/Eve! And when I put their names together like that, I mean they are the same person. They were made in a way that allows them to flip flop between both genders and sex’s so like they have the best of both worlds. Good a cooking and cleaning and sewing and child stuff as well as hunting and war and providing and so on and so forth.
Now here’s the kicker, they’re the human Lilith meets.
And *poof* love blossoms. She’s like “Awe cute little human~” and they’re like “Wow a being beyond my mortal comprehension! Neat!” Love.
So all the “God doesn’t want me here” shit goes down and instead of being like “aw don’t listen to him baby stay down here with us humans” they’re like “Then??? Stop visiting me??? If The Father doesn’t want that????”
So anyway war starts and she dies-
And their like “OH NO MY LOVE” so they chase after her falling body and try to catch her but end up slipping off a cliff and being forced to watch as Lucifer does the deal thingy with Dia and then they also get reincarnated with her.
But not for good reason oh no, they’re immortal now and forced to watch as she lives her life and watch her descendants live their lives as well.
Also they’ve been instilled with the 7 deadly sins, but the 7 heavenly virtues are still stuck in em as another punishment so they can go “Imma gonna rob this bank😏” “you could use this to feed the poor😇” “NOOOOO-“
They start off being okay with the brothers and still praying but soon (and by soon I mean over the course of thousands of years) it turns into them owing a shrine in their house for the soul purpose of of praying to God to shit on him.
“So today I learned that Lilith’s 243rd descendent is a world leader. That’s cool. Bet you didn’t see that coming huh you fucking bitch? Bet you weren’t counting on that were you whore? Hope your ass sits on an angel with a shockingly sharp halo.”
Yeah they’re pissy which is fair.
And then, the cherry on top?
They get invited to R.A.D. as a human participant.
Now, last they checked this did seem like something Dia would do (they never had bad blood with him) but DAMNIT why them???
They are so fucking tired dude, when they get down there the demon brothers try to scare them and they probably say at some point “Oooooo Beel’s gonna eat you oooooo!!!1!1!11” And they just… rip their leg off and throw it at him before using an ancient magic to rapid fire heal their leg back to perfect health and walk away, leaving them in shock.
I’m sorry it’s late and like I said Mora!Reader is nearly done but this idea (that I know FULL WELL I didn’t articulate right) hasn’t left my mind as well as another that I might dump in a while lmao. Mmm just asshole Adam/Eve!Reader(??? Would anyone read that??-) who is tired of the brothers bullshit and ready to throw Belphie through a wall for coddling them hehe ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
Also I’m open to questions if anyone has any (I doubt it lol) hehe got to many ideas ૮꒰ ˶꒦ິ꒳꒦ິ˶꒱ა♡
Anyway bye-
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