#pray for wuhan
iminthetunnels · 6 months
as u all may know, i broke my blender (knock off RLY NICE nutribullet) well i had it for like 7 years and it broke bc i was grinding egg shells. cuz actually i found eggs dont compost unless u grind them up??? anyways. yeah. i broke my blender bc i groujd egg shells. so yeah. bf got a new blender and im gunna start making my homemade hummus again. pussy fat. vagina. pray for wuhan china.
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I still prayed in my mother tongue after moving. I prayed under my breath as people in this new country pushed past me, avoided eye contact, and whispered behind my back. I prayed for my children’s futures and my husband’s career, but I seem to have forgotten to pray for myself.
I got a job in a grocery store.
I lost a job in a grocery store.
I got a job in a sushi line.
I lost a job in a sushi line.
I got a job in a factory–
Other women work there too–different women, dark women, light women, all speaking in their mother tongues. Our lips hid behind respiratory masks, but I could see their smiles. My English isn’t good, but I thought we could still be friends. It was Christmas. I saved my paychecks and bought everyone gifts. My coworkers looked between themselves, thanked me, and continued their conversations. By the end of my shift, dark skies turned dusty, and the sun rose its fingers over the horizon. I bussed home with empty hands and a heavy heart.
Gū shēn zhī yǐng.
The next day, I called my mother on break at 4 am. It would have been 8 pm in Wuhan, China, the same time she eats dinner. She never responded while I lived at home; maybe now she will want to know how Canada is. I worried she would ask if I made friends.
She didn’t pick up.
–I left a job in a factory.
When I come home, my husband is still at work. He comes back while I sleep and leaves before I wake. I check on the children. They sleep peacefully with dust littered ground and tattered blankets. I leave their doors open (and imagine conversations from their snores). Tears spill down my lap as I pray for myself. I pray for someone to hold me, comfort me and tell me everything will be okay.
I pray for the community back home.
I pray for conversations with my husband.
I pray for laughter with my children.
I pray for my happiness.
This house is cold; it is lived in but desolate.
I am lonely, even while surrounded by many like me.
I am lonely, even with people who know the old me.
I am lonely, but I choose this life.
When my children come from school, they squeal and jump on me. They tell me they played with someone new.
“Mama, can she come over?”
“Tā kěyǐ.”
Their little mouths forget the syllables of my language, and soon they will forget about me–about home.
When my husband comes from work, he brandishes a smile and flaunts his new certificate. He says that our dreams are coming true.
What dream? His? The kids? Mine?
I wonder what dream I have if
we are together, but I am alone.
— Christine Wang  
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cannabissoldier · 1 year
Putin Destroys Adrenochrome Lab in Ukraine
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aljhinjoy · 2 years
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
“We are not living in fear, We are living in faith.”
This quote caught my attention, It reminds me to live without fear because I do believe that God is with me. As the world vastly transitions to different eras, our nation faces various challenges that made us ponder different solutions. Life is indeed a roller coaster journey, You can’t predict ups and down. A new global public health catastrophe has emerged as a result of the rapid spread of the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19), which first appeared in Wuhan, China, in early December 2019.
As we all know, the Covid-19 pandemic is one of the most dangerous challenges has faced in our lifetime. Lot of people died because of this virus, and especially those suffering poor families who are barely surviving were the most affected. Good day, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am Aljhin Joy Galang, and let me begin with my personal experiences with the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Way back in 2019, I was in grade 9 when Covid-19 starts. At first, I have no idea what is happening because they said it was fake news. But as the days go by, many people around the world express panic in various behaviors.
During the pandemic, my fear in myself made me feel like I’m near death. Imagine facing a virus without a cure, every day I am losing hope because day by day a lot of people are dying. Everyone has had hardships as a result of the pandemic, which has impacted their way of life, those people who were senior citizens are the most vulnerable in this situation and especially as a student, the pandemic had a huge impact on our education system. Covid-19 is the reason why students like me have difficulty in interacting with other people. In my opinion, distance learning is not an effective way to learn, some of our lessons were not easy to understand its not like the normal learning, wherein there is a teacher to teach us in person, but in our education system set up from 2019-2022 more on self-study and distance education.
The COVID-19 pandemic changed my life. After 8 months, my mother got ill and after losing my grandfather because of the killer virus, I feel lost and empty, I don't know how to start again and how to accept the fact that I can no longer see my grandfather. Imagine losing someone you love, it is the hardest thing in the world to deal with. I always asked God, why my grandfather? Maybe he has a better plan for my lolo.
Despite all the negative challenges and difficulties I faced. I overcome them by believing myself that I can do it. If you trust yourself in what you want to do, no matter how hard the situation is, you can do it. Therefore, if I can do it, you can do it too! I wanted you to know that there is always beauty to be found, even in the darkness. Everytime I think about my problems in life, I always say that everything is happens for a reason because I believed He doesn’t give me problems without any solutions. All I need to do is to trust our almighty God.
In the end, I want to end this speech by saying there is no elevator to success you have to take the stairs. So, don't be too harsh on yourself, be patient. And always pray not because you need something but because you have a lot to thank him for everything.
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essay110uk · 1 year
Religious Prayer
Prayer 1:
I am going to pray for Doctor Li Wenliang. It is well known that China and even the whole world are largely influenced by the coronavirus. I hope we can always remember the lessons we have learnt from this plague and the health care staffs who work in the front line to protect us. Dr. Li Wenliang is a great figure who is well worth our respect. He tried to raise alarm on coronavirus in China’s Wuhan city, but he died on the front line in this medical fight. Li has warned his friends and classmates through Wechat, equivalent to Facebook in America, about the deadly disease. His warning was two weeks before the coronavirus broke out in Wuhan, a city with 14 million citizens which has to be sealed off on Jan. 20th. His integrity and faithfulness to his citizens should never be forgotten.
Opening prayer: 
Almighty ever-living God, you rule both the living and the dead and are merciful to all. We humbly beg you, that those for whom we pour out our prayers may obtain peace and joyfulness through your tender mercy. 
Personal intentions:
I sincerely hope that Dr Li Wenliang can rest in peace where there is no lies and injustice.
With the Grace from Our Father, I hope I will never lose the courage to speak truth and fight against injustice and evil, just like what Dr Li has done.
I hope people will never forget Dr Li and his colleagues, because it is their selfless efforts that we can have a heathy and happy life.
I hope the nation will never forget Dr Li.
For all those who sacrifice in their work.
For all heath care people who protect our health.
For the authorities that can truly serve for their people.
For all of us that we can be a person with integrity.
Closing prayer:
Dear God. May we rejoice together, be blessed in your sight, and praise you forever. Amen.
Prayer 2:
Last year, there were scandals about college admissions. It was said that rich families with higher social status pay bribes for their children so they could attend prestigious institutions. About 50 people were involved in this admission scandal-- including Hollywood stars, top CEOs, college coaches and standardized test administrators. They were alleged taking part in the scheme to cheat in the college admission and admit students to these institutions, regardless of their genuine abilities. For many people, what fears them most is that the country’s upper class is stealing opportunity from the rest of the population. Is there still any chance to ensure social mobility? This phenomenon is not only unique in America, as many countries in the world face with the similar situations. If we do not have the chance to change our destiny, what’s the fundamental purpose of living in the world? Some of us may fall into the hole of nihilism.
Opening prayer: 
Almighty God, we pray that Your Spirit have the power to control all things. May Your Spirit rule over the leaders in our world, over the legislature and over the bureaucrats, over all citizens so we can have equal chances in this life under your Grace.
Personal intentions:
I hope we can have equal access to education so all of us can have a bright future.
I hope I will never be influenced by the devil and remain true to my heart.
I hope I can realize my dream through my own efforts.
I hope the authorities can have concrete measures so our equal rights can be protected.
For all those underprivileged, may they feel be included and loved.
For all citizens that American Dream will never be shattered.
For authorities, may they remain true to their initial aspiration to shoulder the responsibilities.
For all of us that we can have the courage to fight against social injustice.
Closing prayer:
Dear God. May Your Spirit always guide us and never go astray and may we all have equal chance in this world. Amen.
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schizo2709 · 1 year
Hua Hua & Zhang Jie performing An Jiu (?  a place in Taipei City ?) in today’s episode of Infinity and Beyond S2.
Probably not the biggest fan of the song and I‘m a wee tiny little bit miffed that it was Zhang Jie who sang the high notes towards the end. I love the flower’s high notes!!! Obviously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💖💖💖
Other than that, I pray to every deity that cares to listen that he’ll use his red mic again in Wuhan end of the month. I don’t know if anyone knows why he had a black mic the whole weekend in Chengdu but I pray, I pray, I pray...
I didn’t know you could miss a...microphone that much. His signature red mic, goddamnit!!!!! 😭😭😭
By the way, still not over the fact that that one pic from the album photoshoot I posted yesterday is actually going to be ON THE COVER!!!!!! My fave one (full body shot)!!! I only wish we had a high quality version of that pic!!!!!! I’d have never thought they’d choose one of these pics for the cover!!!!!
Praying that I’ll be able to get my hands on the USB version as well. Shouldn’t be too much of a problem to get the CD version...hopefully. But I WANT...I NEED the USB version, too!!!!!
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peachy-beauty · 5 years
This brave Chinese man gathered the courage to speak up about the situation in Wuhan. He is potentially risking his safety by uploading this video.
Chinese citizens are not dumb, not brainwashed, just powerless against the government.
But he is showing us that in fact he DOES have power, even if he's just one person.
He's asking us internationals to help him by sharing his message, so that organisations can help them!
By sharing you're forwarding authentic information about the issue so people know what is actually happening, not only from profit-making news agencies.
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“Wake up, all Chinese citizens!”
This is a video made from a woman in China who is begging us all to share it, to reveal the Chinese government’s corruption and control over China and Wuhan, and the problems they are causing with the Wuhan Pneumonia! The original video was deleted, taken down without a trace, and it hasn’t been confirmed where she is or if she is safe!!
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thepotsmoker · 5 years
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Coronavirus is NOT milder than the flu.
Just a heads up everyone - why is U.S. media lying so much lately? All these states claiming ““nope, we don’t have any Coronavirus cases uwu!” without any proof, so few cases getting reported, and how the Diamond Princess passengers were basically released into the wild.
Even Wikipedia admits that COVID-19 is a SARS-like virus, not a normal flu virus, and that COVID-19 has much worse symptoms than mere common flu, as COVID-19 can also cause multi organ failure and sudden death. Video footage from China also shows a businessman having a seizure and suddenly dying from the virus on many channels, and many videos also show so many dead Chinese corpses on the streets.
Stop smiling and pretending that COVID-19 isn’t a major health emergency, it’s a very contagious and lethal disease that’s destabilizing China and their society, as it has infected all Chinese provinces and has caused at least 2,500 deaths in just a couple of months...
If U.S. media keeps getting away with their lies, someone has to stop these secretive “experts”...
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varyen · 5 years
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live feed of the corona virus. Marked text says that there’s one confirmed case in Italy, as a singer performed in Wuhan and recently just got back to Europe.
y’all, this is serious. This virus is spreading like a wildfire. Wuhan’s hospitals are overfilled, understaffed and not prepared for over 11 million people to be quarantined. Eight more cities in Hubei province have been locked down.
Do not underestimate this. Wear masks if there’s cases in your country/nearby. Stay away from people who have been in Wuhan recently. Every person infected in different provinces, countries, has been to Wuhan before and brought the virus back with them, infecting others and causing it to spread through whole South China and neighboring countries, even going as far as Europe and the States.
They’re still not entirely clear how this thing can spread as fast as it does, it’s very likely to mutate. The people who have died from it are mostly elders without the basics vaccine protection (I’m looking at you, anti-vaxxers) who haven’t been 100% healthy in the first place. People with weak immune systems (elders, children, people who take medications, suffer from illnesses) are most likely to get infected.
The government has banned most actives for this Lunar New Year throughout whole China, in major cities like Beijing, tourist attractions like The Forbidden City and the Great Wall have been closed.
The situation is mostly fine in most other places and will remain under control but in Wuhan it’s hell broke loose. Pray for those people, and pray that the government will be able to fix this soon.
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no-more-mystery · 5 years
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To people in infected areas: DON’T forget your masks.
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hypocritetwins · 5 years
Zerohedge’s CoronaVirus Twitter Ban
Zerohedge, a famous    financial news site, was banned from Twitter for posting    “conspiracy theories” about the true cause of the Coronavirus.  What proof did they have?  Is the ban    justified?  Tune in!
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hoyuanc · 5 years
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I am in Wuhan.
I just went downstairs, and found that both 2 entrance of the community are blocked now. No one can exit or enter.
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fyeahcindie · 5 years
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scarcemerit-blog · 5 years
Let us help now !!!!!!
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