#praying someone from watcher sees this
shaniacsboogara · 7 months
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my birthday dreams came true 🥺
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crowtits · 5 months
considering the success of dropout, i'm really excited for watcher to get it's own platform. i think it'll let them be more creative without having to bend to the youtube censors and will perhaps give them more money to make more cool stuff. mostly i just think y'all're being extremely weird about this whole thing
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lady-ashfade · 9 months
Our comfort
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Platonic!Yan!Camp Half-Blood x Comfort!Goddess!Reader. (Percy, Annabeth, Grover)
—£ Yes I know I haven’t finish the book but I actually couldn’t wait anymore. So, this is me with little knowledge so bare that in mind.
—£ Warnings: Book/show spoilers, Yandere! Behavior, Being bound to a place, Possessive behavior, Obsessive behavior, Manipulation, Characters fighting for the reader’s attention. Short.
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You weren’t a known for too long goddess, much younger then rest of the gods. A teenager like age compared to them. It was strange to have more powerful gods look to you for comfort but you love it. As you are the goddess of comfort.
But, as the other gods started to have many demigods you saw how miserable they could get. You hated the fact they didn’t care for their children so you decided to stay at the camp for half-bloods when the time came.
The campers cling to you. You bring a comfort they never quite felt before. It was like a warm hug, like the ones they wanted from their parents.
You couldn’t leave, and at the beginning you were glad to accept that fate.
Almost always you are found surrounded by demigods and they just relax in your comfort. You are the one they go to with every worry in their mind.
Being close to Aphrodite, her seeing you as a sister and a younger child. Stories of your love for one another are still told today, as she gave ideas to the mortals of how great your relationship was. But in reality there wasn’t much to tell.
So her children have a mentality that they are your favorite and because of their mother, they have some sort of claim to you above the others. But that never works because you love the children equally.
The demigods have less nightmares with you around and watching over them.
Ares children fight often for your affection. They will constantly get into fights with others to show they deserve more time with you. Which you always scold them but it never sticks. They kiss their weapons each time to you, like a sign of good luck. Aries children are one of the worsts ones because they get aggressive at times, even with you. But the golds make them stop by punishing them, mostly their father.
Hermes children are hard to explain really. They aren’t aggressive, but they are mischievous. They take their revenge of stealing things from the other campers, pulling pranks. Or trapping some of them up and go straight to you before they can get there. Luke for instance, is always looking around for you and talking about his day. He’s either laying down next to you, or making you watch him train.
Many games of all houses take place just for you.
AnnaBeth, is constantly by your side when she has free time. She scares off people with a glare behind your back, knowing that she could put plan them. She also trains and makes you watcher her and needs your praise. Maybe, somehow you are her older sister. But, sometimes she just chills by your side not saying anything, she’s like a lost duck at times.
Grover however is actually a lost duck. You comfort him when his past missions fail and he loses kids. You are so nice to him and makes him feel special and brave. When he has to leave he keeps a coin in his pocket with your face on it and prays a lot. He’s not possessive much. He’s willing to take what he can get and is just happy to be there. But maybe if someone comes in when he’s “crying” and having you fuss over him then he’ll be a bit mad but never does anything about it.
When a new camper arrives you devote your time to them because they need it a little more. They come into a world they know nothing of, waiting for the parent they hardly know to claim them. You claim them like your own until the time comes.
So when Percy comes you feel something off with him, like he is special and in need of a lot. He lost his mom, taken from the world he knew.
Percy becomes the most possessive out of all of them.
He feels out of place but you are always there to listen to him. It doesn’t help that you follow him to make sure he’s okay. At the beginning you’re both following each other around.
“It’s okay, Percy.” You brush his hair lightly like his mother used to do. “You’ll get claim, and you’ll have glory.” And he doesn’t care if you say that to everyone because you make him feel special. 
Also, you protect the new bloods. So you’ll show up when he gets bullied and just raise one brow and they all back off. Can’t risk making you mad at them.
When Percy gets claimed he’s all alone again, no friends and the campers looking at him funny. Being one of the top threes son isn’t fun or easy. He shares a cabin all to himself.
So he starts to be the worst of them all. Raising his voice when you try and leave him and he manipulates you to stay with him. Can’t you see how alone he is?
He can’t sleep unless he knows your watching over him.
You pick no sides of the war. Your family will figure it out themselves, while you take care of their children.
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love-byers · 2 months
here's something that'll drive me insane 
when s5 comes out and mike is being protective over will, people inevitably be like "he did that with el first" referring to season 3
NO HE DIDNT!!!!!!!!!!
in FACT, HE NEVER STOPPED!!!!!! mikes first line to will in s3 is asking him if he's okay. when mike saw will in the woods during the storm he was extremely concerned with will's safety.
so many milevens and ga watchers think physical intimacy (those clips of mike holding el when she falls in s3) is the only way of showing concern and protectiveness.
it doesn't matter that mike noticed the slightest change in will's behavior, protected him from dart, went to wills house to be with him while he was struggling, slept on his floor, slept in his hospital room, and TOLD WILL ASKING HIM TO BE HIS FRIEND WAS THE BEST THING HE'D EVER DONE
and also, mike and will have done BOTH!!!
mike held his hand to comfort him, wouldn't let anyone else touch will when he had his halloween episode and put a comforting arm around him, put a hand on on his shoulder, and we'll definitely see more of that in s5
it's a theme in stranger things that true love and care for someone doesn't always manifest in physical intimacy. i'm praying with everything i have that they write byler very carefully in s5 so the ga will be sold on it. they CANNOT rush this
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yenqa · 10 months
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synopsis — sunghoon can’t seem to figure out if you’re human or an angel.
warnings — sunghoon is a lil tipsy but sobers up quickly (also idk how tipsy people act so sorry), mentions of drinking, reader is called pretty and has a purse
pairing — sunghoon x (implied) fem!reader
wordcount — 1197
a/n — happy late bday sunghoon! hope he had the best birthday ever
inspired by the song “angel” by keshi! also not proofread sorry
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Sunghoon wasn’t having the greatest birthday of all time. After 21 years of his life he decides he likes this one the least.
It’s weird, he was supposed to be drunk and having fun at Jake’s apartment until the clock hit ungodly hours of the day, but instead it’s 9pm, and he’s more tipsy than he would like to be at a random bench in a park.
It’s not like he was kicked out or anything, but Jake’s apartment had become too stuffy for him and the smell of alcohol overwhelmed him and they had invited way too many people for his liking, so he decided it was best to go on a walk alone. He had no idea how or why he was now sitting on the bench.
Sunghoon has always been a people watcher, he enjoyed seeing others smile over news he had no idea about, or watching someone quickly walk to their destination, creating make-believe stories of where they’re going and why they’re going so fast.
There’s not many people around—scratch that, Sunghoon can’t spot anyone, but his vision is too disoriented to be trusted.
That’s when his eye catches you, strolling down the stone pathway—Wait were those angel wings?
His eyes squint towards you, unable to differentiate if you were wearing a scarf or were an actual angel from heaven, but he saw the grin on your face and figured you could easily pass for one.
You happily plop down on the other side of the bench, eyes scanning the scenery around you.
This immediately sobers him up, and he fixes his posture. Glancing over to him, you give him a smile, asking “What are you doing here so late at night?”
He’s unable to comprehend that you’re talking to him, as if the alcohol had come rushing back to his head and made him unable to think or even say anything to pretty people like you.
He finally finds his voice, replying, “It’s my birthday, and I’ve been out with my friends all day, but I needed some space for a little.”
Gasping at the mention of his birthday, you rummage through your purse, also saying “Why didn’t you say so! I don’t have a gift for you.”
He chuckled, shaking his hands, “You don’t have to give me a gift, we don’t even know each other's name yet, angel girl.” Looking up, you can feel warmth fill your cheeks at the name, quickly snapping out of it to search for something you can do.
“My name’s Y/n, what’s your name, birthday boy?”
Letting out an Ah-hah! You showcase a small lighter proudly in your hands, he mumbles your name to himself a couple of times, forcing it to go to his sober mind so he remembers everything.
You push the lighter, letting a flame fill the metal part, scooting next to him, you gesture for him to blow the fire out.
He smiles, blowing it out in one go, you clap your hands singing the words happy birthday over and over again. Maybe this birthday isn’t so bad.
“What?” You tilt your head slightly.
“My name, it’s Sunghoon.”
Nodding, you place the match carefully into your bag, “Well, Sunghoon, how does it feel to be—wait how old are you?”
You silently pray that you aren’t talking to anyone over the age of 24, crossing your fingers in your pocket and anxiously wait for his reply.
“I’m 21 today, got my first sip of alcohol!” He jokes.
Mentally letting out a sigh of relief, you make sure he isn’t left curious, “I’m 20! But anyways—how does it feel to be officially 21?”
He takes a breath, unsure where to start.
The truth is he’s terrified of growing old, having more responsibilities than he could ever imagine. Every year he’s inching closer to a time where he’s supposed to be successful, but all he feels is that he’s failed to do anything.
“Can I say something kind of personal?” Sunghoon decides it’s much better to be safe than sorry.
You nod, a soft smile grows on your face, “Tell me anything! I’m here to listen.”
“I feel kind of scared? I don’t think I’m ready for those kinds of responsibilities.”
Feeling bold, you gently take one of his hands, cupping it with your hands. His cold hands contrasts your warms ones, but you don’t mind.
“I think you’re underestimating yourself, Sunghoon. As you grow older—yes you’ll have more responsibilities but it’ll join your routine, then when you find that you have lots of responsibilities you’ll be so used to it that you won’t even notice a thing!”
He nods, taking in your advice word by word, “I guess I never really thought of it that way, thank you, I’ll keep that in mind.”
You hum in reply, and a wave of silence washes over you two.
Turning your face up, you relish at the sight of the sky. Though the city won’t ever let the stars shine, you can still admire the moon, glimmering in the dark sky.
It's almost a full moon, and you swear you’ve never seen a sight prettier.
“The moon is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?” You ask.
Sunghoon’s eyes widen slightly, but you don’t look over at him. He’s not sure that you understand the true meaning of it, considering you just met. So he brushed it off, agreeing with your question.
Though it’s hard to focus on the moon when there's a person right next to him, emulating a warm aura that he can’t help but mistake for something mystical.
You two sit in silence, both admiring the surreal sight ahead of you.
You finally look back at him, warmth filling your cheeks when you catch that he wasn’t even facing the moon the whole time. Looking away, he raises a hand to cover his face, you giggle, looking away just as flustered as him.
A sound of your cell phone rings through your ears, you begrudgingly pick it up, muttering an apology to him before answering the call. He doesn’t eavesdrop but he can tell it’s something important.
He’s proven right when you put the phone down, a frown on your face when you explain, “I gotta go—I’m so sorry! My sister needs urgent help with something, but have an amazing birthday Sunghoon.” You wave goodbye standing up and taking a few steps away.
He grabs your arm before you can go, turning you around so you’ll face him.
“Will I ever see you again?”
You chuckle, opening your bag to pull out a pen and an old napkin. Writing your number, you hand the napkin to him, leaving with the same grin that you had when he first spotted you.
He watches as you walk away, calling back your—what he assumes—sister to address the situation. He slouches back down when you’re out of view, checking the time he’s realized he’s been out for too long, so he races back to Jake’s house.
Walking back in he spots Jake, the boy hastily walks over to him, asking “Bro—where were you? We were looking for you.”
Sunghoon lets out five words, “I just met an angel.”
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perm taglist — @jwnghyuns @ja4hyvn @trsrina @redm4ri-deactivated20231209 @badmuni @yeokii @enhastolemyheart @softpia @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @boyfhee @hanniluvi @teddywonss
yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 1 year
Elaborating on the Daryl x Nun!reader filth.
🔞 enjoy! 🔞
Her dreams become sinful after his arrival and have her wake drenched in sweat. She meticulously cleans herself to rid her of the physical remnants of those impure dreams and prays her days away but when she keeps running into him her thoughts get worse.
He seems to have an interest for her. He isn't as guarded as he is around the others. His walls are down and his door stays unlocked when she's watching over him. He's intrrested in this one.
One morning he wanders around a different corner, deviating from his usual path to breakfast and catches the sound of her voice coming from a small, wooden area in the main church hall. He doesn't catch all of her words due to the thick, wooden door and the distance that separates them but he does catch her speaking of impure thoughts and sinful dreams.
That night he decides to bathe, leaving his door ajar so his watcher would be able to see him. When she arrives she announces her presence as requested. Each one did so, to let him know someone was there and he wouldn't be alarmed by noises at his door.
"Sir," she peeked in, seeing him sprawled out in the tub, water clear and barely hiding his features. She quickly averts her gaze but no matter where she looks she sees them together on which ever piece of furniture her eyes land on.
Her upper body bent over the desk with him pressed deep inside, his hands on her hips and behind.
Her hands fisting the sheets as he lays on top of her, the most angelic sounds coming from him as he has his way with her.
Her figure straddling his hips as he ruts into her from below. Their intimate parts hidden by the high edge of the tub.
Her chest pressed into the old rug as her hips are being held up and used for his pleasure.
She hadn't noticed he had gotten out of the tub and approached her in nothing but a towel around his hips.
"Who were ya talkin' to this mornin'?" His raspy voice pulled her from her thoughts and back to the here and now where she saw that which haunted her dreams and quickly turned around to avert her eyes. "I spoke to god. I asked for forgiveness." She mentally begged he wouldn't ask any further, and he didn't.
He got worse.
"I'm sure he'll forgive ya for anythin', yer a good girl." His hands found her hips and his body pressed up against your backside.
"Heard ya tall about bad thoughts and dreams." He pulled her hips back against his so she'd feel his hard member press against her ass. "How 'bout ya tell father Dixon about those?"
She stumbled over her words, saying a quick prayer for forgiveness before giving in. "I'm at your service this night. You may ask anything of me I just beg you to be gentle."
He takes her to the bed carefully strips her of her attire to leave her in just her necklace that she refused to take off.
Daryl's towel had found its place on the floor by the time she was nude and his fingers danced right above her core. "Relax now, it'll be good." He lowered his hand and his fingers found their way into her core, curling to pull the sweetest sounds of her, muffled by hands that held the silver cross against her lips. His fingers brushed right over a spot that had her seeing stars. "Ahh.. ah g-- god.."
Daryl's voice almost growled in excitement. "Yeah, tell the man how good yer feelin' right now. He'll forgive ya if he hears how good this is for ya." With a whine she comes over Daryl's fingers that are soon replaced by his cock. He presses in oh so slow, making sure she's comfortable and starts at a slow pace and only speeds up as her pleasured noises return.
She finished quickly after, only for Daryl to move her around the room towards the desk, bending her over it and continuing.
"Ah please-- so good I.. hhhmm" Daryl's pace picked up and easily pulled another orgasm from her only to pull her onto the floor with him.
She's shaking by now but that doesn't keep him from moving his thumb to rub over her clit as he pounds into her from below, her cross necklace caught between his teeth "Please--" her begging and his grunts fill the room.
"Please what? What d'ya want?" His pants get louder and thrusts get sloppier with each word.
"Please forgive me, ple-- forgiveme" she's chssing her own release, bouncing on Daryl's cock like her life depended on it and came with a loud whine "forgivemeplease, ahhhforgivemeahh--"
A few more quick thrusts had Daryl spilling deep inside her and roll the both of them over. He moves across the room with jer in his arms and slowly lowers her into the lukewarm bath. She shivers at the sudden coldness. "Just a quick rinse, gotta clean ya, alright?" He wipes her down and helps her out, dries and dresses her and sets her in bed before he makes his way to the small couch.
"Please, sleep here tonight?" He stops at the sound of her voice, makes his way over to her to lay down and spend the rest of tonight with her in bed.
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cyanoticfireflies · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel - Rewatch Thoughts (Episode 1, Part 2)
Charlie kicks into song #1, “Happy Day in Hell,” and KeeKee is just kind of floating in the air listening along with all the rest.  Just an observation.
Okay, so some of the stuff we see in Hell: one very dead ant/praying mantis looking demon, some actually not *that* kinky sex (guys, we’re on AO3… if you know you know), and a slew of dead bodies in the road.  I assume those are fresh kills and not leftovers from last week’s extermination – though maybe?  They smell awful and have flies, which means the dudes picking up corpses in the Pilot are very inefficient at their job.
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Real talk about the barbed-wire pair – what’s the status on Sinner/Imp relationships?
 Because in HB we kind of see some of the social stigma of, say, a Goetia prince and an imp.  Though there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of noise about a Sin and an imp – probably because everyone is way too distracted by Lust falling in love.  And with a Sin and a hellhound, it is telling that the party is populated by imps and hounds exclusively….
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We do get an imp and a sinner making out in the music video Addict (the ladies with Valentino) but that strikes me a bit more as “someone told Valentino that lesbians making out was hot and he said “Yeah, sure.”
I feel like when Charlie hops up on the car we get our first real core philosophical discussion here.  “If I can show them the dream I’ve dreamed, that anyone can change.”  This is *optimism.*  This is highly simplistic so we as first-time viewers of the show can understand Charlie’s personality and motivation.
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This is not realistic.
Vivianne did a livestream where she talked about just this idea and that part of the conflict is that maybe not everyone can be redeemed.  Are we holding out high hopes for the loan sharks that came to the hotel with a battering ram in episode 5?  The skeezy sharks that tried to date-rape Angel in episode 4?  *Valentino?*
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(That last one actually wouldn’t surprise me that much if they tried it, but also how?  If HH pulls it off and genuinely manages to redeem the most universally hated character in the show, I will be impressed.)
Some people don’t want to change their ways and be redeemed.  Others may have done things so horrific that it’s hard to imagine them being able to truly change their ways and move forward with the rest of their existence.  There’s a sliding scale of what is and isn’t forgivable, and VM said herself that the scale is very person-to-person and it’s something the series will struggle with.
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“But I do think there are certain things, you know, to me, from my perspective, that I feel like are irredeemable and, you know, when that line is crossed, I’m like ‘that can’t be uncrossed.’”
Counterpoint to Charlie’s singing, Vaggie starts talking about the angels.  She’s 10,000% convinced that this isn’t going to work, and at this point in the show first-time watchers are just nodding along.
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But we know that Vaggie isn’t just repeating anti-angel slander here.  She knows better than anyone in Hell except maybe big Lulu himself what the angels are like because she *was* one.  When she says they’re stubborn, don’t change their minds, are bloodthirsty, she’s talking from hardcore experience.  And specifically exterminator experience.  We only really spend time with Lute as far as the exterminators go, but – as we’ll see later on in this very episode – Vaggie is pretty much hitting the nail on the head describing her own personal knowledge of angels.
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Also, it’s worth noting that Vaggie says “those angels,” “they.”  This is partially to avoid spoiling the big reveal later on but also because Vaggie genuinely doesn’t think of herself as an angel anymore.
She no longer has wings.  She’s no longer an exterminator.  She lives in Hell.  She doesn’t have any personal connections – that we’ve seen yet – to anyone in Heaven but has a Hellborn girlfriend.  Vaggie’s life exists in BC and AD in terms of “Before Charlie” and “After Demon [Princess].”  More on this later.
 (What moron killed this dude and then *left. the. drugs?*)
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This next part is, to me, where “Happy Day in Hell” cooks.  You sing it, Princess!
So… Travis?  Why???  What is this dude’s deal?  Not even getting into the pilot or Addict videos, but in episode 4 – so actual published show cannon – this guy directs Valentino’s porn.
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His literal job is watching porn all day long, live and in 3D.  But he wants to spend his free time watching other porn and getting so randy he’s practically humping the windows?  Me thinks his sins are related to a porn addiction that is very not under control.
Moving on to Cannibal Town, I have a legitimate question.  We’re told that sinners can’t “double-die” unless they take an angelic weapon to the face.  Does that mean that those who are cannibalized in Hell don’t actually die from it? 
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And if they won’t die from it, are there people who volunteer to be eaten?  Do the cannibals take turns deciding whose turn it is to eat and whose it is to be eaten?  And then after they’re eaten, do they just respawn?  Is there a lottery system?
It's been a long time since I was in band, but I think the sheet music behind Charlie is actually correct, which is like a super impressive little detail.  Tri-pe-let-hold.  There’s-just-no-way. 
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As someone who likes shows where the person “playing” music is so far off of the music that it’s laughable sometimes, it’s just really cool to see.  It probably wouldn’t have been any more – or less – work to just make something up, so there was no reason not to.  But I’ll still give the kudos!
Little detail that cracks me up every time is Husk’s original VA being the flasher Trenchcoat Demon.  “Touch his parts” indeed. 
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Sorry, buddy – only certain fluffy spiders get to touch the parts.  Imagine getting told you’re being replaced by Keith David only for them to find a part for you anyway and it’s that.  Mick Lauer must have a great sense of humor.
Without going into too much detail on my job, I actually do a reasonable amount of communication with and visits to embassies in Washington, DC.  Charlie’s experience of walking straight in the front door and ambling around until she finds the reception desk is definitely a suspend your disbelief moment for me. 
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I know the whole point is that it’s abandoned and creepy.  But no metal detectors or bag checks?  At least there is a sign in sheet.
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Someone pointed this out, but how does Adam eat through his mask?  I know that the ribs are a hologram, but so is Adam, so assumedly the real Adam is eating real ribs up in, like, the atelier off of Sera’s office? 
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In episode 6 we later see him drinking through his mask while he’s walking around with Lute, but that’s normal drinking.  This is like he’s shoving the ribs through a rib-stripper that mechanically separates the meat from the bone.  That whirs.
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The hologram part of Adam’s presence does seem to be entirely arbitrary, though, based on whether the scene wants him to pull a prank on Charlie or be slightly threatening.  Her hand goes right through him when they go to shake, but later on he is able to grab her wrist and physically move her. 
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Is there a button up in Heaven?
Wait… if Adam is a hologram for Charlie, is Charlie also a hologram for Adam?  Is he in full VR like he’s sitting in the Heaven Embassy in Hell, or is he sitting in his own office and just Charlie’s physical presence is being projected?  Or did the design the two rooms to look the same so no one would get lost on where they are?  If Adam moves a chair in Heaven, does an identical chair move in Hell so that if Charlie walks in that exact spot the two images won’t overlap?
I may be thinking too much about this.
We go back to the hotel, where Vaggie wants to create a new commercial. 
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I love that Angel can’t be within a few feet of Husk without basically going “the old man… I desire him.”  Poor Husk.  His eye is actually *twitching.*
Notice me not saying anything about the genuinely impossible physics related to another (missing) eye.  So proud of myself.
Alastor creates a new camera for them, and I’m genuinely curious what his thought process is.  The photo camera he makes seems pretty congruous with his time period (aside from some antler decorations), so it seems like he conjures what is familiar for him.  But when he creates the video camera, it includes an eye and even eyelashes. 
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I wonder if this might be related to some part of his backstory with Vox.  We know that Vox has cameras set up all over the place and watches people, so maybe Alastor associates video cameras with being watched.
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Vaggie films Husk and Angel first, and I love hearing awesome actors act like they’re awful actors.  But this also makes me curious what the storyboard Vaggie has in mind is.  Also, there’s no way Vaggie actually handed Angel a script that said “big, strong daddy.”  She’d die.
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I know the “you come” set up the Angel-filthy-moan joke, but it should definitely be “you’ve come” – possibly setting Angel up for a “not yet, baby” joke…  Either Husk really needs the script that close to his nose to read it or the scriptwriter didn’t get good grades in grammar.
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Scrub that counter good later, Niffty and/or Husk.  We know where Angel’s *everything* has been.
… I’m not even asking what the skeletons around the bar are from, but one does look like a snake. 
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Maybe that’s why Sir Pentious thought they other residents had it out for him.
I’ll get into this more in episode 4, but even this early we can see Angel adopting some of Valentino’s mannerisms  when he’s making passes at Husk.  “Baby-cakes” from the pet called “Angel-cakes” by his own master…. 
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I know it’s upsetting you, Husk, but take the lid off the bottle first.
(We'll pick up in Episode 1, Part 3 due to Tumblr's 30 images-per-post limit.)
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 4 months
Mature Rated Fics Masterlist (29)
Part 1-Part 19 / Part 20 / Part 21 / Part 22 / Part 23 / Part 24 / Part 25 / Part 26 / Part 27 / Part 28 /
Created: March 14th, 2024
Last Checked:------
Breathe-Chele20035 (ao3)  Summary: A tragic accident leaves Katniss a precious gift, her niece Abby. Moving back home gives her a new life full of second chances as she meets her old love, Peeta Mellark. Broken Arrow-AnotherSongAnotherMile (ao3)  Summary: You swore to yourself you'd always be there to protect Katniss Everdeen. But it only took a moment for someone to break through that facade. Brokenness-chele20035 (ao3)  Summary: After Katniss wins the 74th games (Peeta was never reaped)... its thirteen years later when a family tragedy breaks her.   Bubbles and Honesty-Alliswell (ao3)  Summary: Katniss and Peeta have sweet heart-to-heart time together while in the bathtub in this outtake of the "Are Those For Me?" Universe. Burnt Around the Edges-HGfanonezillion (ao3)  Summary: A series of one shots that follows Promise I'm Worthy. It includes some scenes from around the time of Bittersweet Dance. It's not entirely chronological. Can I Get There By Candlelight?-authoresskika (ao3)  Summary: AU: To appease his childhood sweetheart, young Peeta Mellark ventures into the magical forest just outside the protective walls of his city to fetch a fallen star—certainly no easy task when the star turns out to be a girl on fire. Catch Me As I Fall-HGfanonezillion (ao3)  Summary: After the devastating news that neither she nor her mother are a match for a bone marrow transplant for Prim, Katniss is hit with the news that she and Prim don't share a father. As she tries to come to terms with the news, she also must come to terms with the drunken mistake she feels she made at a party she didn't even want to go to. All the while praying that her sister gets a miracle. Cheese Buns and Bad Puns-HGfanonezillion (ao3)  Summary: Peeta has as cooking vlog. Katniss has an archery vlog. They are avid watchers of each other's stuff and strike up a friendship over the internet. But could there be more to the friendship? Or is it just their fans' wishful thinking? Christmas In Panem-Alliswell (ao3)  Summary: For 75 years The Capitol suppressed all festivities that could bring joy and hope to the Districts, but with the birth of the Free Republic of Panem, the new leaders are attempting to bringing back the forgotten costumes of the old days, when Panem was known as America. Christmas has caught the eye of one District 12 baker. Clubbing 101-Alliswell (ao3)  Summary: Prompt 144: She has a night of fun before the start of the semester. She meets this guy, they hit it off that they sleep together. But when she shows up to her class the next day, she sees the guy again. But he’s her professor and he’s way older than she originally thought. #olderPeeta
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asma-al-husna · 14 days
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Allah calls Himself Ar-Raqeeb— The Watchful, The All-Observing, The Witness— on three occasions in the Quran. Ar-Raqeeb is the One Who sees what is hidden in the hearts and He is the One Who charges your soul for what it has earned. He is the All-and-Ever-Watchful, observing everyone’s actions, thoughts, and feelings. Ar-Raqeeb is also The Controller; preserving and organizing the affairs of creation with the perfect planning!
The Watcher, The Observer, and The Controller

Raqeeb comes from the root raa-qaaf-baa, which points to three main meanings. The first meaning is to look, watch, observe, and be vigilant. The second main meaning is to erect in order to care for something. Raqeeb is the one who takes charge, which includes protecting, maintaining, and preserving. The third is to regard, to hold in consideration and respect.
This root appears 24 times in the Quran in six derived forms. Examples of these forms are raqabatin (“a slave”), raqeebun (“an observer”), fartaqib (“so watch”) and laa yarquboona (“they do not respect (the ties) ”).
In the Arabic language raqeeb means is the one who watches over or supervises things. That includes raqeeb al-jaysh (sergeant) who guards and protects, and raqeeb al-qawm who guards the people. [See: Lisaan al-‘Arab under ‘raqiba’] Amarqab is a high place on which someone is on guard to observe what is beneath and ar-raqaba is the neck, because it is erect.
Ar-Raqeeb Himself says: Surely, Allah is Ever an All-Watcher over you.[Quran 4:1] And Allah is Ever a Watcher over all things [Quran 33:52] and . . . but when You took me up, You were the Watcher over them; and You are a Witness to all things. [Quran 5:117].
A beautiful example of belief in Ar-Raqeeb
Narrated `Abdullah ibn Zayd ibn Aslam, from his father, from his grandfather, who said: When I was accompanying `Umar ibn al-Khattab on his patrol of Madinah at night, he felt tired, so he leant against a wall. It was the middle of the night, and (we heard) a woman say to her daughter, “O my daughter, get up and mix that milk with some water.” The girl said, “O Mother, did you not hear the decree of Amir al-Mu’minin (chief of the believers) today?” The mother said, “What was that?” The girl said, “He ordered someone to announce in a loud voice that milk should not be mixed with water.” The mother said, “Get up and mix the milk with water; you are in a place where `Umar cannot see you.” The girl told her mother, “I cannot obey Him (Allah) in public and disobey him in private.” [Sifat al-Safwah and Wafiyat al-A’yan and cited by Ibn al-Jawzi in Ahkam al-Nisa’]
This is an example of how we should understand and be aware of Ar-Raqeeb. This young woman was upright in her deeds, in public and private, because she believed that Allah was observing her at all times! The righteous leader ‘Umar Ibn Abdul-Azeez descended from her!
How Can You Live By This Name?

1. Know that you are never alone.
A scholar in the past advised: “Repeat the following statement whenever you go to bed, wake up or go out, “Allah looks at me; Allah watches me; Allah witnesses me”. Knowing that Ar-Raqeeb is watching over you is called muraqabah; remind yourself Allah is watching your every move, feel His presence and converse with Him, making dua to Him to keep your intentions pure and your deeds upright. When someone you look up to is watching you, you always try harder, what about Allah? So next time give extra sadaqah, pray on time and read the Quran more and impress Ar-Raqeeb!
2. Mind your words.
Some of us might stay away from the major sins, such as adultery and interest, but we daily commit thousands of sins with the way we speak and what we speak about. Be inspired by Ar-Raqeeb to mind every word you speak and ask yourself: does this speech please Allah or make Him angry?  Allah says: Man does not utter any word except that with him is an observer prepared [to record]. [Quran, 50:18]
3. Remember Ar-Raqeeb when you are tempted.
One day Umar ibn al-Khattab radiyallahu ‘anhu found a shepherd and asked if the boy would sell him a sheep. The boy replied that it was not his. `Umar ibn al-Khattab made him an offer to see how he would react, He said: “If your master asks you, tell him that the sheep was eaten by a wolf.”  He looked at him and said, “And what would I say to Him (i.e. Allah)?”  `Umar cried and said, “By Allah, you are right.  What would you say to Him?” Whenever you feel tempted to something haraamor not doing something Allah wants from you (like praying, wearing hijab etc) think about Ar-Raqeebwatching you; would you dare to look up to the sky and say ‘no’ to Allah? A’udhubillah!
4. Be raqeeb to yourself.
Be raqeeb yourself, by watching over others and stand up for good and against wrong. And be on the watch for the Shaytan and his tricks!
5. Supplicate to Ar-Raqeeb .
When the Prophet Yunus ‘alayhi sallam was all alone in the whale, what did he say? Then he called out in the darkness (saying), “There is no god except You. All Extolment be to You! Surely, I have been of the unjust. [Quran, 21:87]
Memorize this dua and supplicate with it to Ar-Raqeeb:  The Prophet Yunus was all alone and He sought forgiveness from the One Who was watching Him all along. Next time when you are all alone, whether it be psychically because you are stuck somewhere, or mentally because you feel down, seek forgiveness from Ar-Raqeeb and He will give you a way out!

Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
O Allah, Ar-Raqeeb, we know that You watch over and control all things. Guide us to be watchful over our hearts and our obligations towards you, adorn us with ihsaan, worshiping you as though we see You for if we don’t see you, You surely see us, aid us in purifying our intentions, help us remember Your watchfulness over us, and make this awareness an inspiration for us to increase our good deeds and stay away from our bad habits, ameen!
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bueris · 3 months
imagine in the bllk universe that bllktv watchers are desperate for ness to leave kaiser just as much as we are💀 i like to think that in-universe ness is pretty well regarded (how could he not be!!! plus he is very polite when it is not about kaiser) so every time he's close to leaving kaiser but doesnt this match theres 473738585 people in the bllktv comments falling to their knees like NOOOOO (mostly i pray that SOMEONE in universe is looking out for ness since he cant hear me😔)
po box flooded with various types of mail varying from "leave him!!!!" and "DUMP HIS ASS!!!!!!!!" to like genuine blood rituals to get them to break up
I like to think the in universe twitter lesbians still love Ness so much and it ends up starting some kind of toxic niche discourse between hardcore toxic football fans and queer people who post about Ness "too much" and people get doxxed over it like I can see the twitter feeds appearing behind my eyes
oh god it's painful fuck I can see it all nonononon
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thecoddaughter · 10 months
Secret Life as Every The Crane Wives Song
Nothing at All  “Do you ever feel nothing at all? I do, I do, I do. I would not wish that on you”
Counting Sheep “Feign contentment for a while, that's all you know how to do.”
Sleeping Giant “I feel the mountains, I feel the mountains shifting under me. The sleeping giants are finally waking.”  (This man knows things about the sudden arrival of a ominous deity like entity)
Steady, Steady “I can take for better but for worse can't condone. Most of all for good just makes me ache to be alone.” (Not teaming up with people for so long because of fear of hurting them)
Ancient History “My dreams keep digging up the bones of memories. Discarded remnants of former times.” (Again, watchers…)
I Talk In My Sleep “I talk in my sleep when my demons won't let me be. They twist the things I say when you are far away.”
How to Rest  “Though you've convinced yourself, you're safe and sound within. The thing you fear the most never need get in.”
New Colors  “Old towns here are mean. Spit fire and gasoline. But all I want is solitude. I have half a mind to climb up in the sky and hide myself inside the moon”
The Crooked, The Cradle “I'm nobody's daughter. I'm nobody's daughter. My enemies crow. "We're alone with the kill"”  “I won't pretend my season won't end,  but I pray, when it's done, when it's through I'll have something left for you.”
The Garden  “The crows in the garden are laughing at my expense, drowning out all the lies that I might have told instead” (his scamming and scheming butt can't escape me)
New Discovery  “Sometimes I feel like I’m lost in the desert… I see my footprints in the sand so I know where I’ve been”  (desert... like the desert duo... i'm so clever!)
Can’t Have It All  “I won't bargain, I won't break. My mind's made up, though my head still aches and all my love you tried to take, but you can't have it all.”
Ribs “Brick and mortar between my bones. Built a kingdom fierce and fortified. My name fading from the yellow page. Stones are laid upon the mountainside.”
Tongues & Teeth “I will poison all your happy thoughts. I will love you like the ashes in my cigarette box and if you're fine with that you can be mine.”
Little Soldiers “I fought with tooth and nail before the flag had flown but you were already gone”
Strangler Fig “You built your kingdom around me. Now I'm trapped within your walls and all I want is to be free.” (That man died and joined the apocalypse willingly to be at Gem's side)
Pretty Little Things “Cracked lips and hands, calloused hands. I still feel his touch against my skin. Past loves linger like phantom limbs.”  “Don't buy me flowers, it pains me to watch. Pretty little things wilt away.” (this man hold's onto past alliances in her heart, only second to Skizz)
Shallow River “Red sky morning, lovers' warning. Oh I know that the promise you wear, well it ain't for me.” (red sky and love refer to Jimmy’s death. The “You” is Gem though)
Never Love an Anchor “It's a secret I keep tucked inside my chest with this heart of mine that's guilty, not remorseful” (him not so subtly jumping between mounders and roomies, maybe? idk. its also just kinda his vibe.)
Naked, the Night Falls “Turn your ghosts into mine. All the years, all the years I'm alive.” (him finding Etho and Cleo again)
Hard Sell “Hoping I can find a better me. A fresh new start buried under me.”
Metaphors “I've gotten good at leaning on metaphors. I've gotten good at living on someone else's page. I cut my teeth on second-hand sentiments. You can't trust a single thing I say.” (his cryptid butt is not escaping metaphors this go around)
Turn out the Lights “Sometimes all you can do is say goodnight and tuck your demons into bed cause they're not worth fighting.”
Rockslide “This wild weather's got the mountain shakin' weak. Oh I know you want to plant your feet but we best get a move on or the devil we will meet.” “That monster's comin' and it don't care for you or me. Don't look back now, honey” (This has been in my head since Martyn moved in with Jim at the top of the Mesa.)
Show Your Fangs “A ballad of a lonesome peak. I curse the ground, shed my old sins. For weight will only make me weak” “Bravely I will wield my weapon. I made from fangs of those that died.” (Big Dogs… RIP)
Know How “I keep my focus on what is safe. You drew a line. Made up your mind and now I'm struggling to realize.” (This song is Imp and Skizz’s relationship post Imp’s attack)
Easier “The only peace I have ever known is the peace I made with you. I won't move, but I can't stay here.” (Skizz and Tango’s relationship throughout the season)
October “Take my word but keep the upper hand. I know you, you're the daughter of a lonely man.” (My interpretation of SL!Skizz is this super caring guy who his haunted by this vague memory of bloodlust that comes out in empty threats to people he doesn’t really want to hurt.)
Gem (all of these are about session seven specifically!):
Allies or Enemies  “They spread like some awful damn disease” “Are we allies or enemies? This will be the death of me.”
The Glacier House “You cursed the Earth you settled under… Under… Understand I had to go.” “Bundle up darling, you're on your own now. Seasons change as they do. Maybe I'll see you when your shivering is through.”
I Ain’t Done “I am a pretty young thing. I am consumed by selfish wanting. Carelessly broke you down but I’m not done.” (this girl came in and told a winner and a runner up that they need to get their act together and that she was gonna be the one to get them to the end. I love her!)
Joel “Loves his wife” Smallishbeans:
Down the River “'Cause ain't it easier to just move on? One door closing means another one. Opens unto some unsuspecting fool. “Sure, you can forget about all the things you've done but what about the rest of us? High-tail it when it gets to be too much.” “Too many people with your name on top of their lists.” “You were never the one to suffer.” (All of Joel’s anger about Jim celebrating Lizzie’s death and the fact that Jim then also immediately died, leaving him alone.)
Unraveling “But now my love is gone and I am left unraveling.” “And I am left here withering” “And I can't help the fracturing”
The Diving Bell  “I descend so well, in an open diving bell, the beauty of the deep. Far into abyss in your silent lips call me will I sleep” 
Caleb Trask “"When a flower blossoms red. That's the day, that's the day, that's the day. I'll love you. That's the day, that's the day. I'll love you." (I’ve stated before that this is his song, not specifically bc of SL. I think of azalea’s and I think of Joel.)
Curses “There's a fire in my brain, and I'm burning up” “Every word I say is kindling but the smoke clears when you're around. Won't you stay with me, my darling, when my walls start burning down?” (Our fire man and his forever teammate…)
Safe Ship, Harbored “Where does your faith form in me? Don't break the bottle. Don't waste your blessings on me.” “A safe ship, harbored losing all of my good years to the shallow water. I ain't proud.” (The Heart Foundation [in my opinion] seemed like a great way to make alliances and be well liked, however, it also kinda put them at a disadvantage never getting any hearts of their own.)
The Moon Will Sing “On some level, I think I always understood that these hands of mine were clumsy, not clever.” “With this heart of mine that's guilty, not remorseful. There is love that doesn't have a place to rest. But it would have buried you if it had settled on your shoulders” (Something, something. The love Mumbo has for Grian.)
Back to the Ground “Little buds make their graves as the warmth inside us fades but I still don't know shit about letting go.” “Our hearts lay still and cold, under frozen soil. I can't stay here anymore so remember when I go.” (Something, something. The miner destined for accidents.)
Not the Ghost “If only I could break the chain of disappointments, weighing me down. Shake off the ghosts that whisper warnings.”
Keep You Safe “When I watched my friends ride to the tops of the trees. With the risk of fall, I never climbed at all.” “Time is not your friend. Time is not your remedy. No amount of waiting will make you, make you brave.”
Canary in the Coal Mine  “You and I are friends of empty graves”  (he does not escape this song!) 
Lizzie (all of these songs with Lizzie in mind makes me cry):
Can’t Go Back “The time has come for moving on. You can't be always trying to dig up. What you've already buried.” “It's not fair (When have you ever known the world to be a fair place?) It's not fair (All things end and all things change) It's not fair (You'll look back and laugh someday) It's not fair (Or at least you'll learn to be okay)”
Of Everlong  “And if my lover will not hear it. Take my voice and take my spirit, leave me weakened and dig my hole. Only my lover, not I, can keep my soul” (Only Joel mourns her and it’s a sad sad day)
Icarus “Til your far away and breathing cleaner air, oh my brother…” (her brother... the man cursed to die... named after a bird who dies of poisoned air... who'd a thunk it...)
Unplaced songs: The hand that feeds, hole in the silver lining, Once & For All
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wlwcookierun · 1 year
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Caramel Arrow finds that words impact her the most, thus she chooses them wisely. When she praises you, it always comes from an earnest, honest place of adoration and love.
She would never lie– the thought is abhorrent, and she doesn't understand how anyone could be dishonest, especially to their loved ones. Her trust in you and loyalty to you almost matches her allegiance to the Dark Cacao Kingdom.
She also enjoys physical touch. Her duty is often lonesome and she can be standoffish, but she relaxes in your touch easily. Massages are met with much appreciation.
Despite her hard work and hypervigilance as First Watcher, Caramel Arrow makes sure to take time out of her day to relax with you. Usually, this means a lunch or dinner break.
She values someone who is as resourceful and intelligent as herself. Quick thinking will get you far, especially in the dangerous forests outside of the Kingdom, and Caramel Arrow feels reassured to know that if you're ever in trouble, you can find a way to weasel out of it.
She's not a huge fan of PDA– she has a reputation to uphold, after all– but when the two of you are alone, she doesn't mind being close. She enjoys just getting to hold you in her arms, head buried in the crook of your neck, knowing you're safe and protected with her.
Prefers calling you by your name as she does with everyone– nicknames are uncommon in the Kingdom, and she's quite embarrassed when it comes to pet names, especially around her fellow Watchers.
She does occasionally need some time apart from you. She often goes to the Altar of the Fallen to pray and give her respects to those who have passed, using her time alone to reflect and meditate.
Caramel Arrow Cookie is great at giving pep talks and comforting you when you're down. She's lit the fire in the hearts of her fellow Watchers, so it's not hard to get you motivated. Her self-assurance and confidence is infectious.
Being incredibly compassionate, she does everything in her power to help you if you're ever in need. She'll feed you her rations if you're hungry, build you a fire or fetch blankets if you're cold. She spoils you as she does all the downtrodden citizens of the Dark Cacao Kingdom. It pains her to see someone else hurting.
Occasionally gets you gifts. These usually include food, small jewelry (rings and necklaces), clothes, or blankets to keep you warm. She doesn't consider herself to be the best with gifts, but she still wants to let you know that she cares for you even when she can't be there.
If she isn't talking with you or her colleagues, she's very quiet and brooding. Occasionally muttering to herself about the weather or the Licorice Sea.
Caramel Arrow is emotional, which is no surprise– she's caught herself shouting at a few people who've crossed you– but she rarely lets you or anyone else see her cry. It's incredibly vulnerable for her and it's hard for her to let even her partner see her in such a state. If you prove yourself and stay by her side even in her dark moments, she opens up happily, allowing you to see a more tender side of her.
When she has nothing else to do, Caramel Arrow does one of two things: Clean her bow or wood carve. Cleaning her bow is a simple task that keeps her hands busy and mind occupied. She enjoys running her fingers along the grooved wood, knowing she protects the whole of the Dark Cacao Kingdom. Wood carving is a recent hobby. She picked it up one day during a short break, then simply didn't stop. She gifts you little wooden trinkets; carvings of wildlife found around the Kingdom are common.
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yumecel · 9 months
mysterious stranger 💙
fallout au!yandere!dabi x fem reader
fallout lore intro (short), headcanons + drabble, then fallout au ramblings
dark content ahead
I promise I’m over 18 and I consent to seeing dark content and I know I will be haunted forever should I lie [yep! ⬇️] [i can’t promise that! ↩️]
necessary fallout lore talk: wasteland refers to, funnily enough, the entire american wasteland. raiders = nogooders who try to kill you for resources or fun and are generally morally deficient. come in gangs. ghouls = irradiated people that are “immortal” (ish), in fallout radiation profoundly affects skin appearance causing it to appear burnt (you see where this is going. dabi’s burns may actually be from radiation in this au!). vault = safe underground place where “vault dwellers” live, can be seen as naive by surface dwellers. but in fallout nearly all known vaults have an experiment inside that is generally detrimental to the vault dwellers. like. psychological stuff or long running social experiments or illegal drug testing. yeap! lets get started
- So imagine being fresh out the vault, having escaped your long-running experiment as your fellow vault dwellers chose to instead stay behind. You know virtually nothing about the wasteland. You don’t even know if anyone above even speaks the same language as you anymore.
- You have a gun, but you’re a terrible shot. You can sneak around potential assailants, but you’re dreadfully clumsy. All you want to do is make your way to the nearest settlement, but you’re struggling to make a map of the place and too paranoid to ask anyone for help.
- You think you’re so stealthy sneaking past that gang of raiders, unaware of the blue eyes watching you from a makeshift guard post. You’re not exactly hard to spot, you see. The vault jumpsuits are always bright blue and yellow, making for poor camouflage even in the dead of night. Your watcher just looks on in mild amusement, putting out a cigarette in the ashtray. It’s like watching a newborn deer stumble into the world. You really don’t have long until the wasteland eats you up.
- “Twice, take over for me. I need to head out.” you hear. They’re moving. It’s best to lay low, but you what you don’t understand is that you’ve already been spotted. Whoever Twice is, he responds with a comical “Ay-ay, cap’n”, as you hear someone slowly traverse creaking steps.
- “Bring back victims!” you can hear a female voice say. You shudder. The first voice, calmer, responds “Maybe. But Shiggy put a ban on torturing people inside the camp.”, followed by another voice- “Shiggy”, you presume- interjecting with, “Of course I did, it always smells like shit.”
- You were practically shaking against the bush you were attempting to hide in. Real murderers, people who violated every sense of your vault-dweller morals, could casually talk about killing and maiming other human beings right out in the open. You’d only spent a week or so in the Wasteland, barely surviving, and still trapped within a seemingly endless culture shock. But this was more than that and it made you nauseous to your core.
- You can hear footsteps approaching your hiding place. A dark silhouette moves closer, and closer… you know you stick out like a sore thumb, but you pray for the mercy of whatever’s out there to be on your side.
- When he points the gun at you, you don���t raise your own- you cover your face with your hands. Cute. Pathetic. He chuckles a little, and watches as you flinch. His… comrades are currently arguing over the matter of where to torture intruders. You could vomit there and then.
What do you think, Princess?” He asks, slightly raspy. “Do I shoot?”
You can barely comprehend the idea that he’s asking you anything, and you only manage to weakly shake your head in response. Scared into silence. Lowering your hands, you observe the man in front of you. There’s small pieces of metal embedded across his face and they shine dully in the moonlight. His skin- it’s like he’s half of one of those ghouls, stitched together like Frankenstein’s monster. You briefly wonder if he would even get that reference. You wonder about the man whose hands you’re going to die at.
“No?” He prods.
“No.” You whisper. “Are you g-going to do it anyway?”
He bends down, and you see those burning blue eyes up close. “Now don’t go around giving me ideas, doll.”
He lowers his gun- only slightly- as his other hand reaches out for you, gently running over your vault suit. The dead giveaway of your complete naivety. You try not to shake as his hand caresses your shoulder before slowly drawing back. “From a vault, huh?”
“That’s right.”
You inhale shakily as he takes a slight step away.
“I would know even if you weren’t wearing that damn suit. It’s like you were born yesterday.”
Part of you wants to call out his unfairness and argue for yourself, but another, more rational, part of you demands that you remain silent.
“…Poor thing. Must be some sadists running those places to send you out all unprepared.”
You keep quiet, but cower a little further into yourself. If you have his pity, that’s surely a road to leaving this encounter alive. The man thinks for a moment, running his free hand along the piercings embedded on his face whilst the other stays firmly on his lowered gun.
“How about this? You can come back to my camp with me and I’ll teach you the ropes of the wasteland.”
“In exchange for what?” You reply, bitterness tinging your voice. In all honesty, after overhearing the conversation between him and the people in his camp, you had no intentions of going anywhere with this stranger. The man seems to scowl a little, but his tone remains even.
“You know it’d just make my heart ache to leave a vulnerable thing like yourself all alone.” He responds, sickly sweet.
“I doubt that.”
His shoulders slump and he lets out a sigh, almost convincing you that it would’ve been wiser to take him up on his offer. Almost. “This is the kind of idiocy that’s going to get you killed, princess. Maybe you can call my name as a last resort.”
“Which is?”
You nod, and anxiously respond with your own. He only gives a wry smile, telling you that it’ll be good to be able to put a name to the mysterious corpse of a vault dweller in a few weeks time. Then he leaves you, still half in the bush, picking twigs off your vault suit.
- Dabi knows the rest of his gang will be pissed at how he’s going AWOL. It doesn’t matter to him. He’s done it before. It’s just that he’s never really did it to play guardian angel for a naive vault dweller before. He wants to drag you home with him- to safety- but he can’t deny there’s an entertaining factor in watching you flounder in the throes of nuclear fallout.
- You last… surprisingly long. The greatest survival tool you have is that you know when to pick your battles, and you pick very, very few of them.
- Some kinder souls in settlements offer you places to sleep and things to eat, and kinder yet show you how to procure those things on your own. When you start running around with an ex mercenary who’s teaching you everything he knows- perhaps out of a lifetime of guilt, or boredom, or because he just wants to rip off that vault suit and indulge in what’s underneath- Dabi draws the line.
- It’s selfish. Dabi knows. He doesn’t care. You’re his lovely, weak, afraid, vault dweller fantasy. And you have so much to thank him for. He takes care of you in ways you don’t see. He burns down entire bases of raiders that try to assault you. When you’re asleep, he slips an extra canister of water into your backpack. He sneaks into firefights, eliminating gunmen from afar. And he pays a higher price than you could ever offer for that ex-mercenary to fuck off somewhere else.
- All he looks forward to is the day you finally bite off a little more than you can chew, because he wonders if you really will cry out for him. He’ll save your life in exchange for your lifelong compliance and permanent companionship. There’s so much he can teach you, too.
- No matter what, you will end up by his side. Finders keepers, and you’ve been found for longer than you’ll ever know.
[PS to people who have played fallout or are just interested, or willing to understand more about the fallout universe so i can ramble. tw misogyny, rape, slavery mentions
things with explanations have ❤️, things without have 💙 and won’t make much sense unless you’ve played fallout:]
- ❤️Yandere!Mysterious Stranger!Dabi lol . for non fallout fans mysterious stranger is an in game ability to randomly have this guy (a “mysterious stranger”) show up and kill hostiles in game
- 💙/❤️ Gunner hawks questionmark? MacCready type hawks questionmark? Ex mercenary hawks that’s extremely jaded telling you all the ways in which the wasteland is so scary and how you need to stay by his side forever, unlike dabi, who i think would be sorta like “well if i could do it you can too. but it’s better if i’m there”… taking advantage of his experience to present himself as trustworthy and resourceful, but he just wants you for himself
- 💙 For those of you that have played nuka world: i know toga is a little out of character from the short passage i wrote like yes i get her character shes not just randomly stabby stabby but what i’m going for is that in fallout she would totally be a disciple or ex disciple . The inspiration for shiggy’s one line in this fic is how i imagine the disciples hideout smells.
- ❤️Slavery is a thing in fallout so dabi could technically do that with one of those collars that blow heads off (yep! Horrifying!), too. Interesting to think about… actually in fallout it confuses me that nobody ever tries to enslave the sole survivor given that we are a walking bright blue flag of naivety
- 💙Deacon!Twice . Thats all.
- 💙Shigaraki is a synth.
- 💙 I love the power imbalance between inexperienced vaultie reader and a raider/gunner character but i think courier reader from new vegas being manipulated left and right after the traumatic brain injury of being shot in the head would also be fun for me.
- ❤️Also, just thinking of Fallout 1 (to recap even for fallout players: vault dweller leaves vault to replace necessary water chip and must return within a set amount of days or the vault will fail) i think there’s something so grisly about the vault dweller meeting a “bad end” in a wasteland they’re so inexperienced in. Even in fallout 4 it’s admitted that they were basically seeing how long you could make it in the wasteland. I think in the fallout universe there would be a sort of novelty in kidnapping and keeping a vault dweller of all people (and the canon misogyny in fallout makes me deeply and genuinely afraid for female vault dwellers sent to the surface). This kind of thing happening to fallout 1 vault dweller is depressing as hell because there’s also that sense of failure with being unsuccessful in obtaining a water chip. Very few have played fallout 1 compared to later games, but i want to say that for the first playthrough the game is actually stressful. The pressure of a time constraint for the water chip is FELT. Just the idea of vault dweller reader resigning to their fate because they have nothing to return to…
- 💙I still wouldnt write a reader insert where the character is part of Caesar’s legion though. Gives me the ick. Maybe something like miruko rescuing you from them would be more my speed
-💙 I feel i could also slot in yandere aizawa as nick from fo4 even if admittedly they’re pretty different personality wise. I think its more the idea of aizawa helping the reader but actually, no, give up
- please please please shoot me asks if you are interested in any of this + i can explain fallout lore to you or how certain things would work in the universe + i can also respect if you just dont care and like a good post apocalyptic au
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simslegacy5083 · 2 months
NSB (Straud Legacy) Gen 9
Today's (7/12/2024) Episode: Praying for a Miracle
Luigi barreled through the doors of Magnolia Medical Center, a bleeding and unconscious Noemi held tightly against his chest.
He yelled for help, startling the medical staff into action. Within seconds Noemi was being lifted from his arms and rushed into triage while he was led to a small consultation room by a nurse and asked to tell them anything he could about what had happened prior to their arrival.
Still in shock, Luigi did his best to rely the events of that evening, frustrated that he didn't know more. Their date night had been wonderful… until it wasn’t. He honestly had no idea know what had happened and hated that he didn't have more information to provide.
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When the nurse was satisfied that she had all the info she could gather from him, she guided Luigi back out to the waiting room. He wanted to see Noemi but was told she was being treated and someone would come out to fill him in as soon as they knew more.
He begged the nurse for assurance that they would help his fiancée and was only more worried by her gentle response that carefully avoided making any promises.
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Left alone, Luigi felt numb as he spun out of his bloodstained clothes and found a seat near the window.
Pulling out his phone he called his dad and stepmom. As soon as they heard what had happened Peachy offered to come sit with him, but Luigi asked him to stay with Skye instead. He promised he'd be fine on his own and would call again as soon as he had any information to share.
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Luigi knew he should probably call Noemi’s family next, but he couldn’t bear to tell anyone else that he had no clue when, or if, she would open her eyes again.
He tried to distract himself with the magazines laying around the waiting room, but nothing could hold his attention as his mind frantically raced around in circles. What was going on with Noemi? Why hadn’t anyone told him anything yet? How long should he wait to check in with them?
He loved Noemi so much; he couldn't bear to think of trying to move through the world without her by his side. It wasn't just him either, Skye deserved to get to know his mother, to have her in his life. Luigi was barely managing this "fatherhood" thing as it was – he couldn't do it alone!
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Worries bounced back and forth in his head until he glanced at the clock and was shocked to see that an hour had gone by. What the heck!?
They definitely knew something by now! At this point the doctors could have gone over Noemi with a microscope from top to bottom, and if they were still running tests, then they could at least tell him what they’d found out so far. They had clearly forgotten him; had they forgotten her too?
He marched impatiently up to the reception desk and waited in line to be seen again. When he finally got his chance to inquire after his love, all the clerk at the d would tell him was that she was still being treated and someone should be out to see him shortly.
Luigi had never wanted to hack a computer system so badly in his life, but he didn’t want to get kicked out and not be able to be there for her.
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Luigi walked back to his painfully familiar chair and sat down, the helplessness and smell of hospital reminding him of his long ago visit to Isra.
He had no evidence that his plea to The Watcher on his ex’s behalf had anything to do with her eventual recovery, but once again he bowed his head and hoped that the otherworldly being supposedly tracking his every move could and would heed his silent and desperate wishes.
“Please, please let her be OK. If I only knew what you wanted, I would promise to do it. I can’t raise Skye without her, so if you want to see another generation of my family’s ‘legacy’ you need to give her back to me.” He felt like a fool, begging and threatening the void, but he’d be a fool if that’s what it took to see Noemi awake and smiling at him once more.
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This week was intense 😶. As usual I didn’t plan any of it, the game simply decided to make things hard for my little legacy family following Skye’s birth for some reason 😭!
Also, my apologies for another cliffhanger. I write and break episodes based on length and where it feels right; this flow was what I felt worked best.
Thanks for hanging in there with me and Luigi!
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View The Full Story of My Not So Berry Challenge Here
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bunbeeplays · 3 months
The Lemon Legacy: Generation 1, Chapter 113 - The Playdate of All Time
It's a little dreary, but this was the only day Anna could convince her husband to tag along for the playdate too.
Anna: You have a lovely home.
Ophelia: Thank you. Uh, mind telling me who these other three kids are?
The more the merrier but it's weird one of them is a teen.
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Calvin: Sorry for the short notice, but I mentioned this playdate to my boss and he asked if his twins could come.
Ophelia: That's okay, we've got plenty of toys! I'm sure the kids will have a lot of fun today. I, uh, don't think the teenage boy will have much fun though.
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Calvin: Oh, that's their brother Trent, he's just dropping them off.
Ophelia: That's nice of him.
Calvin: Mr. Esposito's a busy man. And his second wife doesn't really… do kids. Wish I had that privilege.
Ophelia: Uh, isn't Jaden your son?
Calvin: What's your point?
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Calvin: Trent's a good kid but he's one of those… you know.
Ophelia: Uh, no?
Calvin: Come on, you see the eyeliner, right?
Ophelia: …An emo?
Calvin: Is that what we're calling them nowadays? I can't keep up with that PC crap.
Ophelia: Uh…
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Trent: Hey, Mrs. Lemon. Thanks for having us. I freaked out when Dad told me you were the one hosting this! I'm a huge fan!
Ophelia: Thank you so much, but you can just call me Ophelia, hon. Your sisters look like sweethearts, we don't mind at all.
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Ophelia: You don't have to hang out with us old folks, we'll take good care of the girls, but you're more than welcome to stay.
Trent: Uh, a chance to hang out with the singer from my favorite band? I'd love to stick around. Besides, Claudia's kind of clingy.
Calvin: Oh. Great.
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As the kids run off to play, Gemma sees one of these unfamiliar little girls and can't help but admire her sense of style. The pompom necklace, the butterfly wings? This girl knows how to dress for a party!
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Gemma: Hi! I'm Gemma. What's your name?
Marina: I'm Marina!
Gemma: I like your butterfly wings! Can you fly?
Marina: I dunno, my hermano won't let me jump off stuff to try.
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Marina: This is my sissy Claudia!
The other little girl, who was plucking away on the xylophone, perks up hearing her name.
Claudia: Hi.
Gemma waves and Claudia goes back to playing.
Marina: Hermano says she's always on that grind!
Gemma: What's that mean?
Marina: I dunno!
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Gemma: What's a hermano?
Marina: My big brother!
She looks over at Trent and back to Marina.
Gemma: Wow, your big brother is real old.
Marina: Yeah, he's like 40 or somethin'. My daddy's like 150, and my step-mommy's like 12!
Gemma: Whoa!
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Jaden's kind of doing his own thing too. His daddy doesn't like 'all that kiddie crap' in the house so he's too overwhelmed by the options to be social.
Marina: You got lotsa fun toys! Wanna play with me?
Gemma: Okay!
First Jaden, now Marina? Gemma's making so many friends!
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The adults table isn't nearly as fun. Calvin and Anna drone on about their ministry for the Church of Llama Day Saints, but can't even pretend to care when Ophelia talks about music or Trent talks about… anything. Ophelia is enjoying talking to Trent, at least.
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Anna: So what church does your family go to?
Ophelia: Oh, uh, none. I mean, we believe in the Watcher, but uh, organized religion just isn't for us.
Anna: Ah. I see… I'll pray for you.
Not Trent mocking Anna behind her back 💀😂
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Calvin: If you'd like to go to a service sometime, we'd be more than happy to let you sit at our pew.
Ophelia: Oh, I think we're good.
Trent: If you change your mind, don't worry. They never stop asking.
Xander wishes Lulu hadn't gone to sleep so he didn't have to be here.
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Gemma and Marina have a grand time playing dolls in the play tent, but Claudia seems a little less focused once she hears her sister giggling and having fun with someone else…
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Claudia confronts Gemma while Marina is distracted by something shiny.
Claudia: Stop playing with Rina! She's MY sister, not yours! I'm gonna tell my papi and he's gonna fire you!
She hears her papi threatening to fire people all the time. It must mean he sets them on fire!
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Whoa! Why was this girl being so mean and yelling at her? Gemma wasn't trying to steal anyone. She thought they were all having fun together.
Gemma starts to whimper as tears pool in her eyes but thankfully Ophelia's to the rescue.
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Ophelia wipes Gemma's little tears away and comforts her.
Ophelia: It's okay, baby doll, you didn't do anything wrong. Sometimes it's hard to share. I'll make sure she apologizes.
Thankfully, Ophelia doesn't have to do much because Trent steps in.
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Trent: Claudia! ¡Basta! You know better. Marina can play with who she wants. Say sorry to Gemma for being mean.
Claudia: But-
Trent: We're guests here, you're not going to be rude to our hosts.
Ophelia's impressed. Seems like this isn't the first time Trent's parented them.
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Now Claudia's the one sniveling.
Claudia: S-Sorry, hermano.
Trent sighs.
Trent: Thank you, Clauds, now go tell Gemma, okay? I'm not mad, you're not in trouble, just make sure you're using your manners, alright?
Claudia: Okaaaay.
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Trent can't stand to see one of his sisters crying. He won't let them act up but he's not completely heartless.
Trent: Come here, you're fine. Now go show Gemma the nice girl I know you are, yeah? Love you, pollito.
Claudia: I'm not a chicken!
Trent: You're my little chicken!
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Trent: Sorry about that.
Ophelia: No, it's fine, kids are kids. Thank you for saying something to her, though.
Trent: Hey, I'm not raising any spoiled brats, you know?
They have a father AND a step-mother. Why is this teenager raising them at all?
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Claudia: Sorry I was mean. You can play with my sister.
Gemma: Okay! You can play with us too if you want!
Well, not really, because Trent says it's time for them to go shortly after. It takes a bit to pull Marina away from her toy.
Jaden's hashtag feeling himself though.
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Calvin: What is my son playing with?
Ophelia: Oh, that's Gemma's makeup kit.
Calvin: Why would you put that out when you knew a boy was coming over? Don't you have any toys that are more masculine?
Ophelia: I don't really consider toys to be masculine or feminine…
Calvin: I see the woke mind virus got to you too.
Ophelia: You and Anna keep saying 'woke' but I'm not really sure what you mean by that.
Calvin: Look, that's fine for your girls, but maybe put that away next time Jaden's here. I don't want my son thinking he can wear makeup.
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Ophelia: Makeup isn't only for girls.
Calvin: Trent's gone, you don't have to pretend that's normal anymore.
Ophelia: I'm not pretending.
Calvin: Listen, I'm trying to be civil here. Don't push your woke agenda on my boy.
Now there's an agenda? Wish someone filled her in.
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Gemma: You look as pretty as my mommy!
Before Jaden can respond, his dad comes to berate him.
Calvin: Jaden, are you trying to embarrass us? Boys don't wear makeup! We're cleaning that off before we leave.
Jaden whimpers. He didn't want to be bad, he just wanted to have fun…
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Xander: Don't you think he's being a bit harsh?
Anna: You can raise your kids how you want. We're raising Jaden to be a respectable young man like his father.
Xander: muttering Dude's throwing a tantrum over mascara but sure.
Ophelia's hoping to get struck by lightning.
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Gemma: I dunno why your daddy got all yelly. You're so pretty!
His heart feels less heavy when Gemma says that.
Jaden: …Thanks.
Even if his parents aren't always the nicest to him, his new buddy Gemma has his back!
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ambroise-framboise · 2 years
Aka I’m going back to a beloved trope of mine, accidental deitification but I slap it on my current interest, Hermitcraft.
SO !
We all know the “Grian is a Watcher” AU (well, lots of us do know it, it’s a pretty famous fanon grian thing, be it in fanfics or fanart and such).
Most of the time I see it, it’s a “Grian was a normal player, but got yoinked in Evo by the (evil/neutral/benevolant, choose your favorite flavor) Watchers tm. They (tried to/did) turn him into one. Sometimes he has to escape because they’re Bad, sometimes they’re just annoying. He gets cool powers and eyes, wings sometimes and Purple.”
This is a classic. BUT ! What I am suggesting now is something I haven’t really seen before, which is a shame bc it’s ; interesting, funny imo, and also meta. (If it exists, I missed it oopsies sorry lmao)
What if Grian, after Evo, did NOT become a Watcher bc he got turned into one by them. In fact, the existance of Watchers is debatable here. He might never have actually met one, and their exact role/meaning doesn’t really matter. They might even not exist ! That’s up to you.
Grian, is an avian/shapeshifter whatever, living now on Hermitcraft. He does his little videos, streams, whatever you want to make him a somewhat public figure (like Hermits often are in the mcyt multiverse). What matters is that for SOME reason, people BELIEVE he is a Watcher HIDDING HIS TRUE SELF. And BECAUSE OF THEIR BELIEF he gradually actually BECOMES ONE.
The more he tries to protest, convince them it's not the case, the more they think they're right, and the worse it get (like, he starts to physically manifest Watcher traits (preconceived ones, THE EXISTENCE OF WATCHERS AND WHAT THEY ARE EXACTLY/MEAN BARELY IMPACTS IT, bc his transformation, DEIFICATION is all hinged on players’ belief. Not actual facts.) Anyways, man starts to get the “typical” (aka stereotypical) Watchers traits as times goes on, which only make things worse because SEE SEE, he has the eyes and the purple, clearly they were right !
It would be both a comedy of errors, misunderstandings, coincidences AND some good old horror (body and other kinds), bc Grian DID NOT sign up for this.
Also this is funnily meta because he gets turned into a Watcher by the true watchers, who most of the time don’t realise who/what they are, and the power they hold. It’s a bit of a self-fulfiling prophecy, you see. And Grian is the unwilling puppet dancing to the whims of forces he cannot control.
I gotta write a fic about this, this is a really neat concept. Comedy and horror my beloveds, especially when they go hand in hand.
(If YOU want to write something yourself, or draw idk, feel free to !!! just @ me so I can see it and, like, cry or something about it in the comments.)
This was not supposed to be a meta concept. This was supposed to be a funny “ahah, he got turned into a watcher because of a misunderstanding and the power of belief”. I actually have a fic more or less based on that kind of idea in another fandom, bc I was part of a whole ass event where we used that kind of concept.
I looove the "beliefs of others influence what/who your are" tropes, be it in the positive, negative, literal or not way Shoutout to my fav fanfic of a long long time for having introduced me to that concept (not a HC one, it’s Make a Wish, a HP fic on ffnet from the early 2000s lmao, truly a classic) Pls interact about this, brain is going brrrr and I needed to share it.
(Also this came to be after reading a few fics where someone on HC worships Xelqua/Grian, who is like pls stop I don’t wanna hear your prayers wtf. I thought it’d be funny if they did pray to Xelqua but Grian wasn’t actually a Watcher. And then the potential of The Power of Belief tm hit me like a brick and here we are.)
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