#pre dabihawks
writersmorgue · 2 years
Day 17 - (alt.) found footage
read on Ao3
word count: 1102
TWs in tags
note: i like this one :3
When Toga pranced into the bar, still wearing the skin of some recently-deceased Commision lackey, Dabi didn’t think much about it. 
When she waved a file in his face, the accordion binder practically bursting at the seams, several flash drives dangling out of it- well, consider him intrigued. 
“I’ll grab Shiggy’s computer if you wanna grab Hawwwwks!” She sings, winking at him. 
Dabi rolls his eyes but goes to fetch the bird anyway. He’s probably in the basement, contacting his hero besties and relaying false information.
Look, they’re not that stupid, alright?
“Oi, birdbrain.” He shouts, kicking the stairwell door. 
There’s a short yelp, and then fluttering. 
Hawks yanks open the door, hair ruffled and blinking like an owl. 
On second thought, he was probably just taking a nap. He said something about not being able to rest peacefully at home, though Dabi’s not sure how a villain base could be any better. 
“Someone’s always watching,” He had said. Dabi’s not sure how the disembodied voice of Shiggy’s sugar daddy is any more reassuring, but he gets to see Hawks half-naked in a towel sometimes so he’s not going to complain. 
He grew up with Endeavor, okay? His inner prude is going to have a long and fruitful life. 
“Got commission shit Birdy, figured you’d wanna see.” He nods toward the main room. 
Hawks ruffles slightly, “Oh, cool. Be there in a sec.”
He shuts the door in Dabi’s face. 
He growls, arm raised to shout at this hero’s audacity- but he doesn’t. Having this file is probably a massive setback for the traitor, so he’ll let it slide. Watching him react to whatever they’ve got on those tapes will be payback enough. 
Tinny screams greet him when he re-enters the living area. Toga, Shigaraki, and Spinner are huddled around the laptop. Even Kurogiri looks interested from where he stands behind the bar. 
“Oh shit,” Dabi snorts, “Is it an interrogation file?”
Toga looks up at him, her knees pulled to her chest, “Dabi, it’s Hawks.”
Shigaraki looks paler than usual, and he’s scratching his neck, “They’re more corrupt than I thought if this is how they treat number two.”
“What do you mean?” Dabi rounds the couch they’re all piled on, leaning over the back to see the screen more closely.
There’s a man strapped onto a chair, a red mass shoved snugly behind him, making his back arch uncomfortably in his restraints. His head is bleeding, eyes foggy as they dart around, looking at someone behind the camera. 
“I finished the mission- I,” He gags, some sort of foam dribbling out of his mouth, “I was good.”
“You scared a child, Hawks. You don’t count that as a success, do you?” 
Hawks shivers, shaking his head robotically, “No, but I apologized, she said I just startled her. She was traumatized!” 
The mystery man steps forward quickly into the frame, his body covering Hawks’s completely. His arm swings out, colliding with the hero’s face with a loud slap.
“DON’T talk back to me, Hawks. Or do you require a lesson one refresher?” He shakes his hand out, retreating behind the camera. 
Hawks’s cheek is a bright crimson, slowly deepening. Blood slowly drips from a fresh cut, probably from the man’s wedding ring. 
Dabi shakes himself out of his daze, “Um, Toga.” He pauses, listening to Hawks scream as the video cuts to his talons being pulled out, “Did you mean to grab Birdy’s tape?”
She shakes her head, loose bun bouncing with the movement, “No, I swear. I wouldn’t have if I knew, it was just there-”
“Pretty pathetic, right?”
Dabi does not almost shit his pants. 
He whips around, eyes as wide as his stitches will allow.
Hawks stands there, hands in his pockets, looking so fucking casual it makes Dabi incomprehensibly angry. 
“Pathetic?!” He shouts, “Birdbrain what the fuck?”
Hawks shrugs, jerking his shoulder towards the laptop, “I mean, the footage is old. I was loud as fuck.”
Spinner is gawking, “Dude, they’re pulling your nails out.”
The silence stretches, almost awkward, broken by another scream from younger Hawks. 
The hero winces, “Gods, no wonder they’re punishing me, that’s gotta be annoying. It took them a while to train it out of me but at first I would screech, like a bird.”
“Hawks,” Toga whispers, “Your quirk gives you bird things, it’s okay to just do what comes naturally to you.”
Hawks frowns, “No, it was pestilence. I’m better now.”
Dabi quirks an eyebrow, “That’s a big word, bud, who taught you that one?” 
“Ha ha ha.” He deadpans, “I’ve been with them since I was like nine, I’m not that dumb.”
“Did they, um, do this stuff when you were little?” Spinner gestures to the computer, now playing a passed-out Hawks being beaten with a police-grade baton. Quite a helpful reminder that it’s the government doing this to one of their own.
For the betterment of society, or whatever. 
The hero nods, “Well, I mean, my Dad was like that too, so I was pretty used to it at that point. Tough love, y’know?”
The problem is that Dabi does know; he also knows that physical abuse doesn’t come from a place of love no matter how you spin it. 
“Birdy, Is this why you don’t like staying at home? They watch you there, don’t they.” Dabi asks. 
Hawks shrugs, “What can I say, living with a house full of bugs isn’t the most… comfortable. I prefer to sleep knowing I’m not being recorded at all times.” 
Dabi doesn’t mention that he’s also being monitored here, but he figures it’s not nearly in the same way. Sure AFO is always… present in a way, but he’s not pulling them aside every afternoon to waterboard them- holy shit. 
“Hey, you know, I can hold my breath for a long time now, it’s pretty cool.” Hawks gestures to the gargling yelps coming from the recording, “Useful for hero work.”
Shigaraki finally breaks skin, beads of red forming under his ear.
He stands, shutting his laptop and making a quick escape, tossing the USB back at Toga, who fumbles it like it’s burning her. 
“Well,” Hawks hums, pulling his pager out of his pocket, “I gotta go. See y’all for dinner!”
He struts out of the room, not bothering to mess with his file or attempt to take it with him. 
Once he’s gone, Spinner leans forward, cradling his head in his hands. 
“All in favor of destroying the commission and giving everyone involved with this a slow and painful death?” Toga breaks the silence, raising her hand. 
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sinnamonpork · 2 years
I have this thing where I see the brattiest, most condescending character of a series and immediately wants to see them fucked within an inch of their life. Just fuck the attitude out of them, piece of cake. Bonus points if its enemies to lovers for the rough sex and "Oh fuck no, why you?" moment.
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wander-wren · 2 years
free falling (i’ll follow you home) snippet countdown- 14
“and you should think about the consequence/of you touching my hand in a darkened room” -gorgeous, taylor swift
He slides out of his jacket, since he doesn’t need it, and hesitates, looking down at his boots. They’ve all seen his feet by now, ever since the last meeting, but those were special circumstances. They’d probably be disgusted if Hawks whipped out his talons unprompted.
“Stop thinkin’ so goddamn loud. We’re gonna start the movie. Don’t be weird.”
Dabi is all but whispering, so Hawks lays his jacket over the back of the couch and chooses the middle ground of unlacing his boots; he wears them a little too tight, afraid to lose them midair or roll his ankle on a landing. No one comments on it, so he settles as best he can into the couch, wings bunched uncomfortably behind him. Someone dims the lights—Kurogiri, who walks in a second later wearing exactly what he always wears. He stands out next to the rest of them, but in just his flight suit, Hawks guesses he does, too.
“Told you it was movie night,” Dabi breathes in his ear. His breath is warm.
“I didn’t…I thought…” Hawks doesn’t know what he expected, but it wasn’t this.
He’s never been to a movie night before. He doesn’t know the…the rules, or the schedule, or whatever it is these things have. He tries to relax into the couch and decides to just watch the others and take his cues from them. Dabi’s arm is radiating heat where it rests behind his head, not quite touching.
[partially redacted for length]
He gasps softly when things start to go wrong, and holds his breath when the two leads fight so he doesn’t cry in front of the League. The woman rips off her collar and declares them over as she throws it on the ground. The man yells, dropping into what is supposed to be a fake dom register, probably, judging by his not-anymore girlfriend’s reaction. Then he leaves too fast to notice his mistake or the beginning of her drop. Hawks clutches his hands to his chest, silently begging him to come back.
He doesn’t.
“Don’t worry,” Dabi whispers, and woah, woah, why is his arm wrapped around Hawks’s waist? When did that happen, how did he not notice? “Twice wouldn’t pick anything with a sad ending.”
Hawks nods distantly, a little preoccupied with the warmth. He can’t remember, honestly, the last time anyone touched him nicely outside of a scene. And even then. It’s such a foreign sensation, Dabi’s fingers curled loosely so they just brush his thigh. Hawks misses quite a lot of the rest of the film because he’s too busy cataloging every atom in his body that is currently touching Dabi, savoring for later.
Dabi is right. They kiss in the pouring rain at the end and it’s so romantic and sweet, and Hawks blinks furiously to avoid crying again while someone turns the lights back on.
Dabi’s arm smoothly vanishes from its place, instead resting on the back of the couch, elbow pressed against Hawks’s hip. He tries very hard not to think about…about any of that.
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bythepen98 · 1 year
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Doodles || Hawks
Loosely based on "A Gilded Cage is Still a Cage" by @cuspidgoddess (great work! I enjoyed it)
[Long; tldr at the bottom] Thoughts while I drew this, and disclaimer: I'm no author, just someone who can't shut up sometimes when inspired
Family LoV and complicated relationship with the HPSC. Not quite bashing like in the fic, but still shady and contributed to Keigo's lack of self-worth and tendency to keep a tight leash on his more mutant instincts until Tokoyami and the league encouraged him out of it.
Dabi spoils him and calls him pretty bird. At this point, it's a dabihawks headcanon that I'm sticking to.
searched google: "do hawks mate for life?" Answer: if conditions allow, then yes. OKAY THEN. Noted
It's hard to say what the future will hold what with Keigo's life being a complete mess, but he's willing to latch on to Dabi for as long as he's allowed to. Forever, preferably. If the way he melts into putty under Dabi's hands instead of flinching away from it is any indication. Tokoyami being the first person he allowed himself giving physical affection to and that was more of a paternal connection than the fluttery feeling he gets whenever he thinks of Dabi's blue, blue eyes.
Been enchanted with him since the early days when they've first met and Dabi finally looked at him with a less wary/hostile gaze. When the moonlight glinted onto his staples just right (blame his bird fueled fascination with shiny things), and the low, albeit sarcastic croon of acknowledgement from the man, he was completely gone. The chirp -with a pathetically pinning lilt to it- that rose out of him in response was embarrassing but worth it when it made Dabi chuckle.
He'd totally understand if Dabi woke up one day and decided he was more trouble than it was worth though. No, really. He'd probably cry and hopefully not pluck too many of his feathers again out of stress but he'll live. He's made of sterner stuff, been trained to handle sterner stuff. It's fine.
His handlers have always commented on how troublesome he was when they thought he couldn't hear him. The league told him they were lying though, that he was perfect just as he is and, obvious and ironic circumstances aside, made a great hero, but surely there was a kernel of truth to it? Not all of it could be lies.
Someday, he doesn't know when, but someday for sure, the growing affection he can see in Dabi's eyes will fade away and would be laced with annoyance the way some of the few, nicer handlers had during his brief time with them training pre-debut. It's inevitable.
Maybe Dabi would get annoyed with his constant chirping, trills and whistles. Maybe he'll get tired of seeing his bedroom cluttered with trinkets Keigo would collect, his closet with a significant amount of clothes missing and said clothes occupying the bed, arranged in a way that soothed Keigo's brain but probably disgruntled and looked like a mess to Dabi even if he didn't show it. Maybe he'll get tired of lugging him around and then tell him to use his legs or wings when both are perfectly functioning and aren't there for decoration. Keigo just can't help that he likes being carried around sometimes. Dabi indulges it but surely, he'll eventually reach his limit? Maybe he'll scratch Dabi's sensitive skin by accident too many times with his talons and stupid inability to NOT grip on things whenever he's excited or stressed and get a face full of flames for it. Honestly, he's surprised it hasn't happened yet considering how the man acts with other people.
Dabi's gentleness with him? Probably a fluke that wouldn't last. He figures he just looks too pathetic to get angry at. He figures the rest of the league view him similarly too and indulges him the same way one would indulge a stray, enough to feed it and keep it warm a few times but will ultimately move on to live their lives. Never mind that he's there to "spy" on them when he's doing a trash job at it. They probably already know but indulge him anyway out of pity. Whatever it is, Keigo is still grateful with the attentiveness and care they've showed him so far but will back away once he sees that he's overstayed his welcome.
At least he still has Tokoyami by his side who looks up to him and sees him like an older brother, maybe even a parent. Enhanced because of the mutant bird traits they share and the loneliness Tokoyami would see hidden underneath Keigo's smile.
Sometimes Tokoyami is swept up by Keigo's cheerful public persona when they're both out patrolling the streets and being bombarded by people, admittedly gets annoyed by it when sweet, doting Keigo turns into Hawks and makes him run after the hero like the early days of his internship when they weren't as close and misunderstandings were everywhere. But then he'd remember the sad tilt to his expression and the crushing hug before leaving with a red feather tucked into his pocket whenever they have to separate at any length of time. His own loneliness at not having anyone to welcome him back home making his and Dark Shadow's heart hurt.
Tokoyami still doesn't know what to make of Keigo's relationship with the league, dreads the aftermath of it all really if it turns sour (Dark Shadow is more optimistic than him and calls him out for his paranoia), but he'll always be in Keigo's corner. Just give him a few more years and he'll be strong enough to protect Keigo against any villain or hspc-shaped threats on his own and from the shadows, although he'll grudgingly allow Dabi to get a few hits in since it seems like he'll be a more permanent fixture in their life if the man has anything to say about it.
tldr: ooc fluff, LoV as family. not quite HPSC bashing but close, Birdbros, or in this au, more of a parental connection between Keigo and Tokoyami because *instincts*. Google says that hawks mate for life if the condition allows it and Keigo just so happened to find said mate in Dabi, a Dabi who spoils him, calls him pretty and likes to run his fingers through his feathers. HOWEVER, Keigo is sad, insecure and blind to the idea that whatever he has with Dabi (and the league) will last and will continue to latch on to them until he feels like it's no longer welcomed. -insert unreliable narrator angst fest here- Jokes on him because Dabi would gladly burn the whole world for him if he asked but is curbing the idea because Keigo still wants to save people and his pseudo son Tokoyami is a fledgling hero. Dabi's youngest brother is also a fledging hero but he'd really like not to think about that too much.
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thesakuragarnet · 10 months
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Summary: Dabi attempts to remain calm during a work call when it's his turn to get ra!led.
Non-Spicy Tags: DabiHawks, swearing, smut, pre-paranormal liberation war arc, they're in love I promise
Word Count: 1,302 words
AO3 link
Spicy Tags: switch DabiHawks, brat b0ttom Dabi, praise k!nk, a n a l s3x, n!pple licking, aftercare
“Lieutenant Dabi? Are you still there?” Skeptic’s grating voice crackles through the phone next to Dabi’s head. He got excused from going to the meeting because he said he wasn’t feeling well. In reality, a certain Pro Hero was fucking every thought out of his head. It was kinda funny to him in a way; Hero Society was metaphorically and literally screwing him. He and Hawks had been seeing each other shortly after he joined their cause, and Dabi was utterly addicted to the rush of love that had been absent for so long. He never realized how much he ached for it. How much he needed it. 
They’d been going at it since before the meeting started, and the edging was insane . Dabi forced Hawks to stop every time they needed him to talk; he was worried they might get suspicious. 
“Fuck,” Dabi groans, breath hissing through gritted teeth as Hawks slows his thrusts to a stop once again; the villain attempts to collect his bearings before unmuting himself on the call. 
“Yes, I’m still here. What do you want?” He scoffs, hoping he isn’t as breathless as he feels. He thanks his lucky stars that they hadn’t decided on a video call. His clothes had long been ripped off by a slew of feathers, and his legs are splayed out on either side of the Hero. Hawks’ eyes narrow; he’s getting impatient. 
“You and Geten are to start training your Regiment together twice a day for the rest of the month. Have you decided on times yet?” Skeptic snaps. 
“Whatever the ice bastard wa- aants ,” Dabi grumbles before the last word almost turns into a moan as Hawks leans forward, sucking on his unburned nipple. Dabi’s pleasure turns to aggravation as he smacks Hawks’ head, trying to get him to stop. 
“This is a trap. He’s gonna bitch about whatever time I pick,” Geten shrills. Hawks traces his tongue over the sensitive flesh, and Dabi flexes his fingers, gripping the sheets. 
“Don’t. Care,” Dabi grunts, desperately trying to keep his cool. His eyes roll into the back of his head as Keigo slowly starts thrusting, keeping his movements shallow enough to not make any noise. Before Dabi can gasp, Hawks clasps a hand over his mouth. 
“How about nine and nine?” Hawks’ syrupy sweet voice lilts into the phone. 
“That works,” Geten snorts. 
“Wait. Wait, is Bird Boy on the call? I didn’t think he was supposed to b-” Skeptic’s voice crackles before Hawks hangs up the phone. Dabi’s gaze darkens. 
“Relax, princess. You were too distracted,” Hawks sneers, only for Dabi to bite his hand harshly. 
“FUCK!” Hawks seethes, reeling his hand back in pain. 
“That’s for embarrassing me,” Dabi retorts with a devilish smirk.
“You seem to not have a problem being on call when you’re the one buried in me . What’s wrong Dabs? Don’t want the other villains to know you just wanna be held and taken care of?” Hawks snickers mockingly, and his lover’s eyes narrow. 
“Say that again and you won’t get the privilege ,” Dabi snarls, his eyes glowing with a malicious glint. However, his harsh gaze melts into pure bliss as the hero starts rocking his hips. 
“ There’s that beautiful expression I love seeing,” Hawks grins, and Dabi ignores him, dissolving in the pleasure. The low, raspy moans gradually pitch higher and higher, turning into choked whimpers as Hawks thrusts faster and deeper. 
“Fuck me. God , yes. Don’t stop,” Dabi wails repetitively, feeling the fire prickle beneath his skin as his lover starts planting deep, tender kisses along his scars, feathers gently brushing against his entire body. 
“You’re so pretty when you beg, princess,” Hawks groans before hungrily pressing his lips to Dabi’s. The villain moans lewdly into the kiss, his tongue desperately prodding until it intertwines with the hero’s. Hawks gets more aggressive, thrusting faster and faster as his hands grab Dabi’s wrists, forcing them together and above his head. Dabi doesn’t even resist; normally, he would playfully struggle and make Hawks work for it, but he’s too far gone. The hero breaks the sloppy kiss, a strand of saliva connecting their lips as he watches his lover's eyes roll back into his head. The thin space of unburned flesh between the scars on his jaw and eyes is painted with a passionate blush, and he can feel the heat surging beneath the villain's skin. Hawks never thought he'd have such a chokehold on Dabi of all people. All it took was one drunken night, and he'd spilled how much he wanted this. All it took were Hawks' thinly veiled words of praise, and Dabi was putty in his hands. 
"H-Ha-Hawks~" The shattered moan leaves Dabi's lips between heavy breaths as his cock throbs, bouncing up and down and dripping pre on his stomach with every jolt of his body. His eyes lock onto the hero's, pleading...begging. 
"What do you want, princess?" Hawks smirks, swallowing a groan of pleasure. Dabi wants so desperately to say 'stop fucking calling me that', but he doubts he could manage it without whimpering between thrusts. Dabi's eyes look up at his wrists, held firmly in place above his head, then down at his untouched cock. He doesn't want to give Hawks the satisfaction of asking to touch himself, but, at the same time, he needs to be given permission. He could easily break free of the hold if he wanted to, but it's not that simple. Not in this state. Not in this context. Hawks bites his bottom lip, as if mockingly pondering whether or not he should allow it.
"I said you weren't allowed to touch yourself, didn't I?" Hawks sneers, and Dabi grits his teeth. Without warning, he pulls out and flares his wings. Feathers shoot through the air, swirling around Dabi and forcing him to flip around on his stomach. The villain yelps as he feels Hawks' talons sink into his hips, jerking his ass into the air as he plunges into it. Before Dabi can take a breath, Hawks' feathers curl up underneath him, rising up and pulling him flush against his back while one of his hands snakes around his cock. 
"Ah, fuck," Dabi sighs loudly, Hawks' name dripping from his lips like honey. 
"You're fucking insatiable, Dabs," Hawks growls, licking the scars on the villain's neck. 
"Close," Dabi gasps, feeling his orgasm stir in the pit of his stomach. 
"Not yet," Hawks commands, pounding deeper and deeper, shifting his angle to brush against his lover's prostate. Dabi's breath staggers, and he dissolves into choked whimpers as he tries to keep control. 
"Can't~ah~hold~AH!" Dabi's moans pitch higher and higher, his eyelids fluttering as his tongue lolls out of his mouth. With a final, harsh series of rapid thrusts, Hawks groans under his breath as he empties into Dabi. The Hero continues to deliberately pump his hand up and down, and the scarred villain comes completely undone. The air is thick with the smell and heat of sex, and they both collapse as they separate.  
"Worth skipping that lame meeting, huh?" Hawks huffs with a cocky grin between deep breaths. 
"Fuck you," The villain growls, pulling his shaking legs up close to his chest and resting his chin on his knees. 
"Damn, babe. Still bratty even in the afterglow?" Hawks sighs, rolling his eyes as he gently drapes a wing over Dabi, forcibly pulling him closer. Reluctantly, the villain obliges, nudging himself into the crook of Hawks' arm and burying his face between the hero's pecs.
"If I get asked about that phone call I'm gonna fucking brand you," Dabi mumbles, and Keigo just chuckles, tracing his fingertips along the scar lines on his back. 
"Whatever you say, hothead," He yawns as they fall asleep in each other's arms. 
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beybuniki · 7 months
when/how did you get into dabihawks was it fandom influenced or did you get into it yourself?
I got into it myself when I picked up the manga after season 5! Dbhx is one of those ships that made me assume it’s mainly fanon self-indulgence, but then I read the previous arcs and connected all the dots (I never rlly got to know hawks pre-s5) and there’s actually so many parallels and such ugh… fated yaoi enemies for real
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sparkles-and-trash · 5 months
dabihawks, first time post war (smut)
"Are you alright?"
"Yes Bird-butt, all good."
Touya sighed happily as Keigo finally got back to kissing along his jaw.
The former villain lets his hands run over Keigo's tanned skin, those freckled shoulders he had missed so much, his arms, his back, making sure to pay a little extra attention around the roots of his wings, which in time made the blond groan and his hips jerk.
It's been way too long.
Keigo's sharp canines nibs at his throat before his tongue sweeps over it, and Touya lets out a moan in contentment, but it turns into a frustrated groan as Keigo once again pulls back.
"You good?"
Touya sighs, but nods.
"Words, Touya," Keigo mumbles into Touya's neck.
"Yeees, Keigo," Touya replies with a small roll of his eyes.
Keigo chirps lightly as a thanks, and Touya can't hold back a small smile that quickly turns into another moan as Keigo's hand runs lightly down his side, gently guiding their hard, naked cocks together.
Keigo's voice hitches as Touya's hand wraps around both their dicks, as much as he can fit that is, and Touya cannot help but crash their mouths together.
They stay like that for a while, tongues dancing as they moan into each other mouths, and as Touya uses his thumb to spread their pre-cum over both of them to add some lubrication to his movements Keigo draws back to look into his lovers eyes as their breaths mingle.
"Fuuck Touya, I'm, I-, ah!"
Whatever Keigo was trying to say got lost in a moan as Touya twisted his wrist in that way he knew the hero loved.
"More?" Touya asks between pants, and Keigo nods quickly.
One of Keigo's feathers fetches the bottle of lube they had dug up from Keigo's nightstand earlier, now lying on the floor, and Touya shuffles around a bit so that their angles are better.
Keigo's hands are shaking a little as he fumbles with the bottle, but Touya gets it -
He's excited too.
Keigo goes back to peppering kisses all over Touya's neck and shoulders as he gently, so very gently, almost too gently, gets Touya read with his fingers.
If it weren't for the fact that he was too damn good with those fingers Touya might have found it in him to complain about the lack of haste, but alas.
When Keigo finally pulled out those magic fingers Touya was all but putty in his hands, and Keigo's pupils were so huge there was barley a thin ring of gold left around his them.
Touya couldn't help but lean in and kiss him as he picked up the bottle of lube, and he kept doing it as he poured some out in his hand and moved to coat Keigo's dick in the slick substance.
Keigo moans softly into his mouth at the touch, and as they pull apart Touya realizes that he's still shaking, just a little.
Touya watches him for a moment, taking in the blond's flushed, freckled cheeks, his big, beautiful eyes, disheveled hair and slightly trembling hands.
"Are you alright, Birdie?"
Keigo goes completely still for a second, before a small, but genuine smile breaks out on his face.
"I thought that was my line?" he asks cheekily, and Touya grins back at him.
"I'll take that as a yes then," Touya says softly, and Keigo coo's softly back.
It may have been a while, but they still read each other all too well.
Touya stays on his back this time, not wanting to face away from Keigo one second, and in return Keigo's eyes are on him every second.
It's odd, having Keigo hover over him like this again, feeling no fear, no anxiety, no rage.
Just trust.
And a little bit of impatience.
Keigo clearly gets Touya's look of hurry, because he gives him a quick, shiny grin before he pecks him on the mouth and goes to guide himself to where Touya needs him the most.
Keigo leans forward as he thrusts in, pressing his forehead against Touya's as he whines, like he always did, against Touya's own mouth that hangs open in a quiet moan.
Touya tries not to, but he already feels his nails sink into Keigo's shoulders, and judging by Keigo's choked half chirp, half moans, he doesn't mind one bit.
When he's finally all the way in they both still for a second, their eyes meeting, and neither of them needs to ask the question, or say the answer, out loud this time.
They're alright.
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ace-touya · 4 months
As a fan for Dabi, Gojo, Uraraka and Himiko Toga, can I ask your thought on these ships : Dabi/Hawks, Gojo/Geto, & Toga/Ochaco?
YES OF COURSE I’d like to preface though that these are just my personal thoughts and opinions, I don’t want to start shipping wars. Whatever anyone else thinks of these ships I am totally on board with!
I don’t personally ship DabiHawks that much, but I really do see the appeal. For me, my favourite flavour of DabiHawks is Keigo falling head over heels for an oblivious Dabi who would freak out if Hawks ever confessed because he does not know the first thing about love. That’s chefs kiss. As someone who headcanons Touya as aroace I really like any unrequited!DabiHawks stuff. The angst potential for this ship is huge. I prefer it as a hero x villain thing than with hero!Touya aus, Just because I feel like DabiHawks loses a lot of depth when you take away the enemies to lovers element, but that’s just what I enjoy. So yeah, not something I ship personally but I do like it and the content people make of it!
Satosugu is my current hyperfixation I think. I ship this 100%. Friends to lovers to enemies who are still lovers. These two are a mess and they both need therapy. I want them to be happy, but also I don’t because they angst is delicious. They’re extremely tragic. Also, considering the theme songs Gege assigned them.. okay mr Satoru ‘shame on me’ Gojo. I know what you are. I like this ship because there’s so much you can do with it and it’ll still be in character depending on what part of their lives it’s set in. Like if you want fluffy stuff? Highschool, pre Toji. Hurt/comfort? Highschool, Post Toji. Lovers to enemies? KFC break up. Star-crossed lovers? them as adults. Secret relationship? Au where they continue meeting up after Geto leaves. Parenting? Au where nothing went wrong and they raise Megumi, Tsumiki, Nanako and Mimiko together. This ship has so many flavours. I live for it.
So with Togachaco, I’m not the biggest shipper of it but I think that’s going to change after season seven just based on the spoilers I have seen. But, even with what we currently have in the anime, I absolutely see it. I do ship it, but it’s not one of my otps, because I love Izuocha too much. But with Ochaco saying ‘follow your heart’ after thinking about Toga, and even way back when she was flustered by Camie!Toga. Like, Ochaco, you’re not subtle. Unlike with DabiHawks I do see the appeal of this being in a hero!toga au, but it’s great with the canon hero x villain thing too. I imagine these two in a relationship to be the most wholesome, affectionate little babies in the entire world. And everyone else watches on in horror that Ochaco found something to love in that girl. I also think it would be funny if 1A and the league all knew and just had this sort of silent pact that they don’t do anything about it. Let the girls have their fun.
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berrybanana-arts · 8 months
Just as a heads up- I’m gonna be posting some Billford stuff for the month of February/Forduary because I love their crazy divorced vibes so please mute the Billford tag (or me!) if that’s gonna make you super uncomfortable! I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable or feel unsafe in my space :))
I just love their terrible vibes, pre and post betrayal because it’s such an interesting dynamic and fascinating to explore! :))
Religious-like devotion to a false god or muse? Falling for your pawn and pretending you haven’t? Hunting the one who used to be the most important in your life across the Galaxy for revenge, knowing he’s always a step ahead of you but determined to take him down anyway? Knowing your old follower is now your greatest enemy but still enjoying his company/messing with him enough to offer him a place at your side, as one of your closest confidants? Knowing you would’ve once taken your enemy’s offer in a heartbeat, feeling horrified that part of you still wants to, even after everything?
I love that crazy fictional drama. Probably why I ship Dabihawks… 👀🪶🔥
I know the official Forduary blog won’t reblog it because it’s Billford but I think it’s still OK to use the tag?? I’d appreciate someone letting me know if it isn’t, I haven’t been active in this fandom in a very long time! 💕💕
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cuineart · 1 year
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Little peek for the beginning of the deck! The Fool will come with some chubby cheeks (◍⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠⁠◍⤸🤏.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
This is one of my two cards for @dabihawkstarot
which pre-sales are open now until July 1st!🌟 dabihawkstarot.bigcartel.com
Lunar Flare is a SFW fanzine and tarot deck (78 cards) Featuring Dabi and Hawk. The zine will be canon compliant and contain both platonic and romantic interpretations of DabiHawks, with a strong focus on their roles as one another’s narrative foils.
For curious people! "The Fool" name there stands out for the 0 card
(Upright) It symbolizes new beginnings, a new journey that will be full of optimism and freedom, approaching each day as an adventure in an almost childish way. It's a symbol of innocence, idealism, youth and similar ones hehe
Now the Reversed card? It also means a new beginning but in a negative way, it can be an indication of living in the moment but also a sign that in the excitement of it the person is behaving somewhat recklessly towards others. It can mean being unreasonable, lacking in fun, faith, or hope.
I can't show the complete art yet! but as you know its a dabihawks project.... you can already imagine which boy represents which side 😆
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dabihawkstarot · 1 year
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It's almost time! Pre-Orders for our #dabihawks tarot zine open May 29th at 6 PM EST! 💫 Be sure to mark your calendars, and stay tuned for our daily merch reveals as we count down to the date! 💙💛
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theotherhalfoftheshell · 11 months
A drabble from one of the hundred Rockstar!Dabihawks AUs in my head ♡ (no beta, just brainrot)
Touya wiped the sweat from his brow looking out over the crowd in the sold out stadium, "so it's about that time in the show when the rest of the band gets to wimp out and take a little break while I play some acoustic songs,"
The crowd cheers and laughs as his bandmates pelt him with empty water bottles and towels voicing their disapproval as they leave the stage, "boo me all you want, I'm right!"
"As if you don't love having the stage to yourself, fucking diva," Spinner jokes, Touya filps him off in response.
"Anyway, normally I like to ask you guys what songs you want to hear but a certain stab happy princess,"
Toga reappears on the side of the stage, posing a little for the audience in case they didn't know who he was implying.
"Has made a request that I can't refuse for the sake of mine and everyone else's sanity," Touya jokes, rolling his eyes at the little kiss Toga blows his way. "Now I don't know if she's just trying to push the gay agenda or if she just really likes to remind people that I'm an avid Tay Haste fan."
The crowd erupts with cheers, it's not often they do covers on tour but their Haste covers were well loved by their fans, so Touya didn't really mind when Toga had requested they song; A little apprehensive since when the others rarely made request and they'd all seemed rather …chipper? When he'd argued to this one.
Ugh he's starting to sound as paranoid as Shiggy claims he is.
"Quit stalling lover boy!," Toga heckles.
"I can still change m mind ya know," Touya throws back, finally sitting with his guitar in hand. Toga ignores his empty threat.
"Well, you guys ready then?" He started strumming the first notes as the crowd cheered, "Our secret moments, in a crowded room…"
Touya couldn't help that his mind wandered to Keigo everytime he played this song, maybe that's why Toga picked it. A hopeless romantic through and through. And yeah he couldn't deny it fit him and Keigo a little too well.
When they first met (no buzz cut and Touyas hair box dyed black thank you very much) Keigo's management were keeping him on a short leash, saying he needed to portray the image of a ditzy flirt, easy but unattainable. The only time he was to be seen with others would be for pre approved contracted relationships that furthered his career.
Him falling head over tail feathers for the grungy reject of the Todoroki clan was definitely not going to fly. Touya returning those feelings and doing his best to break the pretty bird from his gilded cage didn't help either.
The years they had been forced to keep their relationship quiet had been miserable. Showing up to events separately, sneaking behind the scenes to properly congratulate each other, only being able to refer to each other as 'good friends' when the public saw how close they were.
"There is an indentation, in the shape of you," Touya grins to himself as he sings, "you made your mark on me a golden tattoo."
He'd taken Keigo to get his first tattoo the day his contract ended. Celebrating Keigo's new freedom and going public with their relationship the same day, to very mixed reviews.
Their loyal fans supported them wholeheartedly, having already guessed at their relationship from nearly the beginning, with a creepy amount of stalker like evidence and Touyas own lyrics to back up their claims.
Others hated that Touya, strung-out talentless nepo baby Touya, was tainting their golden boy.
It had only taken one interview with a newly freed Keigo absolutely gushing about Touya for them to realize their criticism would be falling on deaf ears.
"Now I woke up just in time, now I wake up by your side," Touya grins, really getting into the song at this point. Who could blame him when flashes of Keigo sleep rumbled hiding from the sun in their bed flashes through his mind, "my one and only, my life line."
Out of the corner of his eye he sees Compress sneaking across the stage, probably trying to get some videos for their socials. Touya can't deny how well videos of him simping do, almost as well as their unofficial band mascot, Mon-chans.
Fuck it, it's not like he ever wanted to hide his love he belts out the little 'ah, ah, ahs' silencing his guitar for the next part, "Say my name and everything just stops…"
His breath catches in his throat as Keigo's voice whispers his name over the stadium speakers.
Years of practice and performing did nothing to save him from stumbling over the next line as he tries to get his heart back to a normal rhythm, "I don't want you like a best friend."
The crowd erupts in cheers, almost as stunned as Touya.
So thats what those fuckers were up to. Oh god they definitely got a video of his face doing something stupid.spirits they would be teasing him about this for months.
Touya wonders if he can get a version of the song with Keigos voice in it for himself. He'd never be able to hear the song another way now.
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classicequinox · 1 year
Fic FAQ: Where your love has always been enough (for me)
Hello, I thought I'd compile the most frequent questions I've been getting for this fic here for easier viewing/in case you have the same question! :) WARNING: SPOILERS ABOUND
Do avoid reading if you're not up to date with the current chapter, or if you'd rather wait and see how things go as new chapters are released!
1. How old are all the children? Their ages will of course increase with time since this fic spans so many years, but as of chapter 19 (Shouto's birth):
Touya: 10 Fuyumi: 6 Natsuo: 4 Shouto: 0
Keigo: 9 Emiko: 9 Geten: 6
Hana: 10 Tenko: 5
There are some differences from canon since this fic was planned long before all the children's ages were confirmed in the manga!
2. When is Hawks going to appear ? As of chapter 23: very, very soon...
3. Is Touya/Hawks going to be a thing? Yes, they most definitely are! Don't worry I wouldn't be so evil as to tag them for only that angsty DabiHawks scene set in canon :')
4. When is AFO going to do something/why isn't All Might doing anything about AFO? No, I haven't forgotten that AFO exists (and neither has All Might) but unfortunately, there are only so many plotlines that can be actively followed at once :') Let's just say, AFO is up to his usual scheming behind the scenes and All Might is actively dismantling various of his organised crime units.
(That being said, we should get a little preview of AFO in a couple of chapters from C23!)
5. Is Izuku going to make an appearance? Definitely!
6. Are any of the Todoroki children also from Enji's canon timeline/going to travel back in time from the future? Unfortunately not, for 2 main reasons:
1) It's a little universe breaking since the way the branching timelines work, even if the kids travel back, it'd be this AU timeline's version of them who would travel back rather than their canon versions (who would still be stuck in their sucky canon childhood with canon Endeavour)
2) It'd make for a whole story of its own that wouldn't fit into this already very giant fic :')
BUT on both those notes, I'm very willing to break the universe's space-time rules and explore the delicious feels in a spin off! It's still a long way to go (I'd probably want to complete the main fic first), but I imagine any of the kids (Dabi, anyone?) would have a pretty interesting reaction to being thrown into this AU
Feel free to let me know which characters you'd most like to see in that scenario :)
7) How long will this fic be? Good question :') While my headcanons stretch out across the kids' childhoods and deep into their teenage years and beyond... in the name of good storytelling to avoid bloating this fic too much, this story will likely end pre-canon, albeit with a long canon era epilogue.
Projected total chapter count (subject to change): ~30-35
Before I get a lot of screams and angry yelling: I do still intend to flesh out and post those headcanons I mentioned as stories in the same series. Whether as a single actual slice-of-life sequel or multiple character-focused fics or a mix, I haven't yet decided, but there's that!
--- Feel free to ask if you have questions that aren't listed here! :)
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insurged · 1 month
✿ keiiiiigo
send me a  ✿  and i’ll fill out the template below. bold for things i could definitely see or want, italics for things i could see or am unsure of and striked out for things i don’t want or cannot see.
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
hello hello kosm <3 i know that dabihawks is a popular ship in the fandom but i was always neutral about them? just because i think dabi finds hawks a hypocrite hero essentially, especially with how hawks finds that there really isn't any way to save twice except to kill him... dabi makes the message hit home in their conversation before he ROASTS THE BIRB RUDE. ahem anyways. i don't see familial relationships between the two, considering their childhoods and that being such a core part of who they both are that i can't see them being childhood friends at all. but i can see the antagonistic but fake friendship romance? maybe it's because i haven't really written with dabis at all with hawks (probably because i do try to keep a distance from the bnha fandom). but i can see a lot of good dynamics between them, healthy or not. let me know what you think! also question, is dabi's jaw unhinged like a snake's? 😭
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thesakuragarnet · 9 months
The Limo Scandal (A Pro Hero Dabi X Hawks X Mirko Prequel)
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Summary: After a messy breakup with Mount Lady, Pro Hero Dabi finds himself in a crossfaded friends with benefits situation with Hawks and Mirko. (A prequel oneshot for my Playing With Fire AU)
Non-Spicy Tags: Pro Hero Dabi, Hollywood-esque HPSC AU, making out, swearing, smvt
Word Count: 1,326 words
AO3 link
Main fic
Spicy Tags: $ubstance use, s3ggsual activity under the !nfluence, 0ral s3x, vag!nal s3x, bl0wjobs, handj0bs, t!tf*cking, thr33some, friends with benefits, p0rn without plot, t0p Mirko, switch DabiHawks, car s3x, voy3urism, ma$turbat!on
The limo ride to the Pro Hero red carpet event was a full hour, and the limo service made the mistake of stocking it with alcohol. Hawks, Dabi, and Mirko had already pre-gamed the event at Hawks’ penthouse, and now they were all thoroughly crossfaded. It was the first event Toya would attend since he dumped Mount Lady. Their whirlwind relationship lasted only six days, and they were the worst six days of Toya’s life. The sex was amazing…until he found out she’d been double-dealing with Kamui Woods the entire time. He’d ripped up and burned their contract right in front of her and tossed her bags out his window. Still…the alcohol wasn’t helping his need for physical touch. Pro Hero Dabi’s nerves feel like they’re on fire; he can’t remember the last time he was this horny or crossfaded. The three of them always tended to end up making out with each other whenever they got this wasted, but…something else was in the air in the back of the limo. If he was sober, he wouldn’t have agreed to what would soon conspire. 
“Come on, firefuck. I know you’re sad because of Yu, but let’s have fun tonight,” Rumi giggles as she crawls over the seats to Dabi. Hawks sits at the other end of the seats, looking out the window as if he’s hallucinating. Mirko sits on Dabi’s lap, putting her hands on his shoulders, and he thinks she’s going in for a kiss. However, she suddenly sinks her teeth into his neck, and breath hisses through Toya’s clenched teeth. His jaw slacks as the rabbit girl starts passionately sucking on his neck, her tongue dancing along his skin as she peppers his flesh with hickeys. Toya practically melts under her spell, and he tilts his chin up ever so slightly to accommodate her as she moves around; he’s wordlessly begging for her to keep going. Finally, she stops, and Toya looks down at her, only to find himself staring at her tits. He’s practically salivating, but he can’t help it. He’s too far gone. None of them have any real romantic feelings toward one another, but, right now, they’re full of carnal, instinctual lust; Toya’s inhibitions are completely erased. Mirko follows his stare and shifts, feeling him get hard beneath her as she puts her elbows together, pushing up her already plump breasts. 
“You want me to help you out with that little problem I can feel?” She sneers drunkenly, shifting her weight slightly, ripping a moan from Toya’s throat. The noise catches Keigo’s attention. 
“You two just gonna make me watch? That’s not fair,” Hawks whines. 
“You’ll get your turn, sweetheart. Mama wants to play with fire for a bit,” Mirko coos as she traces Toya’s jawline with her fingertip in an impossibly seductive manner. He hates being submissive, but, with Rumi, it’s so easy. 
“I’ll use these that you seem to be so fixated on,” Mirko murmurs as she hops off Dabi’s lap, sitting up tall on the floor on her knees in front of him as she zips out of her glittery silver dress. She wasn’t even wearing anything underneath. Toya blinks drunkenly as she unzips his pants, pulling out his cock. She positions herself in such a way that forces his length between her tits, and he leans his head back, Dabi’s eyelids fluttering shut as he puts an arm over his eyes like he’s embarrassed. 
“Fuck,” He sighs, relishing in the friction between Mirko’s breasts as she forces them up and down. A fleeting, warm and wet sensation at his tip sends a bolt of pleasure through his body as Mirko teasingly licks it. Toya squirms beneath her, trying to restrict himself from thrusting, but he wants to so desperately. Suddenly, he feels the embrace of her tits disappear, but it is quickly replaced by her mouth as she starts sucking him off. 
“ God , Rumi,” The horny plea escapes his lips, eliciting an egotistical laugh from the rabbit girl. 
“Better than that blonde bitch, huh?” She sneers before she begins deepthroating until her eyes water, her waterproof mascara and fake eyelashes holding strong as she bats them up at Dabi. 
“ Fuck yes, ” He cries out breathlessly, reaching down to run his fingers through her hair in appreciation. 
“Plenty of other girls out there better than her, Dabs. You dodged a bullet,” Rumi murmurs encouragement as she pulls back briefly, wiping the tears out from under her eyes.
“How much longer?” Hawks chides impatiently, and Rumi sniffs, pulling back and leaving Toya right at the edge before wiping the mix of drool and pre from her mouth. 
“Get over here, Birdbrain,” Mirko orders, cracking her knuckles as Toya twitches. Hawks’ half-lidded eyes widen, and he scoots over to sit slightly apart from Toya. Rumi climbs into the space that separates them, wrapping a hand around Toya’s length as she begins planting intense kisses on Keigo’s lips. 
“We will be arriving at the venue in ten minutes!” The limo driver’s voice announces through the speaker. He can’t hear or see anything that’s going on in the backseat. Rumi’s hands find their way to Keigo’s pants, and she immediately starts taking out his half-hard cock. She shifts, releasing Toya from her grip as she splays herself out between them, slowly lowering her cunt down on Toya’s pulsing length while she leans forward to wrap her mouth around Keigo’s. 
Keigo and Toya’s voices come out as sensual groans in a beautiful harmony as the lewd sounds overtake the limo. The boys’ faces are red and sweaty, and, when they make eye contact, it sets something off. 
“Come here,” Dabi practically moans as he and Hawks grab each other, passionately kissing as Mirko moans between them, sucking the life out of Hawks while throwing it back on Dabi’s cock. 
“Feels so fucking good,” Toya slurs between wet, sloppy kisses as he runs his fingers through Keigo’s hair. The Pro Hero’s wings twitch as his best friend’s hands find their way to his feathers, heating up his fingertips to stimulate him. Keigo’s hands dart to Rumi, and he holds her hair back so she can focus her attention on the two of them. Dabi bucks his hips against Mirko’s, eliciting surprised, pleasured hums from her that vibrate around Keigo. Hawks slips his tongue into Dabi’s mouth, who immediately leans further into the kiss. All three of them are breathing heavily, obnoxious, muffled moans emanating from their throats as they coax each other to climax. 
“Almost there, guys!” The limo driver announces through the speaker, and a laugh bubbles up in Hawks’ throat at the unintentional double entendre. Dabi groans as he feels Mirko clenching up around him, and the two men feel the blood surging from their brains. It happens all at once. Rumi’s eyes roll back into her head as she swallows Hawks’ load, practically jumping off of Dabi’s dick as her insides spasm uncontrollably, and he gives in to the pleasure. Suddenly, the limo comes to a stop, and the three crossfaded Pros panic through their pleasure-induced brain fog. Hawks tries to smear the come off of Dabi’s pants as the fire-Quirk user attempts to help Rumi back into her dress. The two men readjust, zipping themselves up as Rumi finishes dressing, and she opens the door. 
Rumi staggers out of the limo first, her dress shimmering off of the flashing paparazzi lights. Her hair is a mess, her dress is wrinkled, and a thin trail of translucent white spit peeks out of the corner of her mouth. It’s amazing that she doesn’t trip in her stilettos. Dabi hobbles out next, his top two shirt buttons unbuttoned, his neck covered in bite marks and hickeys, and his face beet red. Hawks brings up the rear with a dumb smile, his feathers completely fluffed and on edge. The press would be eating up the story for the next few months.
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
Can I request some pro hero Touya headcanons? Maybe with some dabihawks? xx
notes: oh hell yeah, I love PH! Touya au's! canon divergence, healing todofam, good big brother Touya, dabihawks, some hurt/comfort themes, mostly fluff
Pre-Hero Work Years
Okay, so I def think he went to UA 
I imagine things were pretty similar to canon up until around Shouto's birth, and around then Endeavor has a big work incident that makes it so he can't be a pro in the same capacity anymore
and it forces him into therapy and and the family actually works on stuff and slowly starts to heal
but Touya still gets injured from his quirk, but he manages to hide it pretty well from his parents and siblings, because he still wants to go to UA and be a pro so badly
and when he does get in he loves it so much, it's everything he dreamed it would be, he's making some friends, and his parents and siblings are so proud of him
but then the first sports festival rolls around, and it awakens that old feeling of needing to prove himself as worthy of everything he has
he gets to the semi finals when he ends up pushing himself too far and he ends up getting really, really hurt
which leads to his family and teachers realizing how much pain he's been hiding for so long
but it takes tiny Shouto, only seven years old, clutching Touya's hand while Touya is still half asleep due to the drugs and injury, telling his big brother how much he loves him and that he please has to stop hurting himself because they need to keep watching cartoons together and someone has to tell Shouto stories before he goes to bed, and quite frankly that needs to be Touya because nobody does the voices as good as him, and nobody else in their house makes the cereal as good as him, and Shouto hasn't told anyone but he thinks math is hard and he needs Touya to help him so that he too can get into UA and they can be heroes together
when Touya starts healing properly, he gets sent to Power Loader to get some special support items to help him out, as gets assigned a mandatory meeting with Recovery Girl every week so she can make sure he's staying healthy and doesn't hurt himself again
Early Pro Years
Touya debutes right out of UA, and during his first year as a Pro, he already breaks top 20, which is pretty damn rare
not unlike his father, much of his success is due to his outstanding numbers
but unlike his father, he is also quite popular with the public
in a "he's a little bit of a shit, but in a fun and likable way" - way
he's always very nice to civilians and fans etc
but he loves to fuck around and find out
he is the paparazzis biggest nightmare, always doing the most to confuse them
kids absolutely love him, partly because he's genuinely good with them, and partly because he is a fun and dynamic and looks really cool while fighting
he uses special boots and gloves that helps him control the fire from his body without hurting him to fly around, like rocket shoes and little hand jetpacks lol
when Touya has been around the Pro scene for about a year, this new guy shows up out of nowhere
his hero name is Hawks, and nobody seems to know where he came from or who he really is, and Touya is intrigued right away
especially when the guy skyrockets up the charts like nothing he's ever seen before
Touya himself didn't really care about the hero ranks or popularity polls, he just wanted to be a good hero, and he feels plenty appreciated by the public as it is
but it does intrigue him to see someone come out of nowhere and take off like that
he decides to try to get to know the guy a little, as they seem to have a similar personalities
Touya is very surprised however, when he runs into the winged man at a hero gala and realizes he's actually quite awkward and shy, proving that he's not as trained in personal relationships as he is in public relations
and while Touya started out hanging around the other young hero out of curiosity, he quickly finds himself more interested in Keigo, the person, than Hawks the hero
the way he can go from confidently saving hundreds of civilians with a charming smile and give interviews to the whole country like it's nothing, to turn into an awkwardly funny, blushing mess of a 19 year old guy in a matter of minutes truly makes Touya's heart turn into mush
mha requests open - masterlist - wip list - ao3
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