#pre-wedding rituals
shaadiwish · 2 years
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Seemant Pujan is performed a day before the wedding. 
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I was thinking about The Logical Vulcan Bowl Cut, and T’Pring’s absolutely gorgeous hair, and the fact that any choice a Vulcan makes has to have at least the plausible deniability of logical reasoning behind it, and what that all means regarding the idea of personal expression within a society that does value aesthetics to a degree but does not value emotions.
So. Headcanon that, for Vulcans, engaging in an intricate grooming ritual like putting your hair into an elaborate hairstyle or applying makeup is considered a form of meditation.
For one, it’s creating art that is inherently temporary-hair will be unbraided, makeup will be removed-similar to sand mandalas.
Additionally, due to the diligent care taken to disconnect from their emotions, it is not uncommon for some Vulcans to also experience a mild dissociation from their bodies during times that they are working extra hard to disconnect from their emotions, and this form of meditation serves to help reconnect the mind and the body by placing focus on the physical act of personal maintenance.
If someone very suddenly starts engaging in this sort of ritual, it can be a sign that they’re going through a difficult time-that is to say, experiencing something that threatens to elicit a strong emotional response, either positive or negative, which requires an increased level of disconnection. It’s just as common to see someone taking extra care on their hair or makeup following the birth of a new child as it is following the death of a parent.
It’s largely considered rude to comment on or inquire about this-it is instead taken as a sign that this person is acting responsibly and engaging in the necessary meditations to maintain their control.
T’Pring is serving absolute cunt at her wedding because she’s been suppressing her very strong feelings about Not Wanting To Marry Spock and Being In Love With Stonn and Hoping Stonn Doesn’t Die and Feeling Kinda Guilty About This But What Else Can She Do.
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This woman is going through it, and everyone can tell. But the people around her just assume she’s basically got the Vulcan equivalent of pre-wedding jitters-suppressing affection towards her partner, and/or concern over her first experience of Pon Farr.
Similarly, Spock wears makeup every day as a more mild form of this ritual because he’s pretty much always working way too hard to suppress his feelings and Kirk is Right There and he loves him So Much and then he feels bad for loving him but That’s A Feeling Too, Fuck.
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Pictured, a man who is also Going Through It.
Anyways the conclusion to this is that the cuntier a Vulcan is the closer they are to absolutely fucking losing it.
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cats-obsessions · 7 months
I just love the idea of pre-tadpoled Durge being so intense and repressed- their real emotions can only be implied between gritted teeth. And post lobotomy they come back unable to keep their thoughts to themselves, particularly around Gortash, giving him all these nice touches and compliments they couldn’t before, just admitting how they really think because they can’t remember to be embarrassed.
Durge: We were in love, weren’t we?
Gortash: …erm
Durge: Oh shit, we didn’t say it out loud?
Gortash: No. Instead, you said things like you would kill me last upon your fathers alter.
Durge: You know that’s a Bhaalian wedding ritual, right? Right!???
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calicoheartz · 2 months
Can you write a Caitlin Clark where she always tapes her ring finger before the game and people find videos from way back in high school of her doing this tradition, after a Iowa game she gets interviewed about the tradition, and everyone pays attention even her teammates bc she never told them the reason behind the tradition which was bc she married her high school sweetheart and knew ever since they got together she was gonna marry her
The Promise of Always ; Caitlin Clark ﹒⟢
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summary : you and Caitlin being highschool sweethearts ♡
wc; 346
warnings : none , just fluff :)
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : im trying my best to finish up the rest of the reqs , there will be a lot more new content by the end of this weekend ❤️ enjoy ◡̈
Caitlin stood at the edge of the basketball court, her fingers deftly wrapping tape around her ring finger.
The star guard was always known for her pre-game routines. One such ritual, unnoticed by many, was the habit of taping her ring finger before every game. A tradition she had carried since her highschool years, with the reason behind it only being known to her, hidden beneath the layers of tape and unspoken memories.
But as Caitlin’s fame grew, so did the curiosity about this particular ritual. People began to notice the taped finger and wondered about its significance. However the point guard kept her reasons to herself, never sharing them even with her closest teammates.
After a particularly thrilling game against a fierce rival, where her skills once again shone brightly, a reporter finally mustered up the courage to ask her about the mysterious tradition.
Caitlin, surprised by the question, remained as composed as ever, paused for a moment to collect her thoughts. She then glanced at her teammates briefly, realizing she never truly explained the reason behind this tradition of hers.
Taking a deep breath, she slowly began to speak. Sharing the story of the time where she met and fell in love with her highschool sweetheart, claiming their bond had been strong from the start, and as they grew older they knew they had to make a promise to eachother. A promise of eternal love and commitment.
“We always knew we were meant to be together,” she explained, “So I started taping my ring as a reminder of the promise we made to eachother long ago. Especially since I cant wear my wedding ring while playing” she giggled.
As the interview spread across social media, videos from Cait’s highschool games resurfaced, showing her taping her finger, a simple but gesture that is so deeply personal yet so powerfully symbolic.
Not long after, pictures of your magical wedding day and quiet engagement were posted to the guards personal social media, no longer feeling the need to keep your whirlwind of a romance a secret.
her post 🥹❤️
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liked by : paigebueckers , katemartin03 , and 256,000 others
caitlinclark22 happy anniversary to the person who completes me. My other half. I love you more than words can describe , thank you for giving me the strength and courage to continue with my dreams. I’ve adored you since I was 16, and I will continue to adore you until the end. I love you y/n ! 💍
sorry this was so short!! i tried not to stray too far from the prompt so lmk if u want more details! tysm for reading 😊
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mumms-the-word · 27 days
BG3 Wedding Season Tag Game
Inspired by @lewdisescariot's post about Spring/Summer being wedding season, I present to you an unofficial Wedding Season Tag Game!
It's time to create your special day. Your favorite companion or NPC has proposed to your OC, or your OC proposed to them, and now it's time to plan and throw a wedding! The first list is about the details, while the second zeroes in on specific moments!
Tag a friend and challenge them to answer some (or all) of the prompts on this list. There are 31 prompts, so you can also use the prompts as a daily headcanon/art/fic challenge. Use the prompts however you like! If you want to share your stuff with a shared tag, you can use the tag #bg3weddingseason
Wedding, or something else? - What do the characters think about weddings or marriages? If not a wedding, would they acknowledge their relationship in a different kind of ceremony?
Proposal - Who proposed to whom? Were there rings or other gifts involved?
Bachlor/Bachelorette parties? - Do the characters get a bachelor(ette) party before the big day? Does anything crazy happen?
Pre-Ceremony Events - Are there any special events, ceremonies, rituals, or preparations the couple must do before the wedding day? Ritual cleansing, asking a parent for the character's hand, mehndi/henna painting, little pre-ceremony games or challenges, etc?
Formal or informal affair? - Is the wedding elaborate and grand, or simple and sweet? Is it a tenday-long series of parties or is it a quick vow exchange in front of Withers?
Venue - Where is the ceremony and/or reception? Inside? Outside?
Timing - What time of year are they getting married? What time of day?
Traditions - What traditions are involved in the ceremony/reception? Is there a mix of traditions from either partner?
Decor - What kind of notable decor is there at the venue? Do they have something like an arch, a carpet aisle, fairy lights in the trees, or other elaborate decorations? Did they choose to decorate at all?
Flowers - What flowers or other natural elements do they have as part of their decoration, if any? Are these flowers significant?
Bouquet or no bouquet? - Does someone carry a bouquet, or do they choose to carry something else? Or do they walk down the aisle with nothing at all?
Music - Is there music at the ceremony or the reception? What kind of music? Do they hire an orchestra, band, or half-decent bard to serenade them?
Outfits - What is the married couple going to wear? Is there special significance in the outfit choices, colors, jewelry, etc?
Rings - What do their rings look like, if they choose to exchange any?
Vows and Unity Ceremonies - Does the couple exchange vows? Do they complete any kind of "unity" ceremony, like handfasting, planting a tree together, etc?
Wedding Party - Are there bridesmaids, groomsmen, attendants, special witnesses? Are they dressed a certain way or positioned in a special spot?
Going Down the Aisle - Does anyone escort the character walking down the aisle? Do they go alone?
I Now Pronounce You... - Do your characters change their last names, keep their last names, arrange for a specific kind of name? For example, "Mr. and Mr. Dekarios" or "Lord and Lady Ravengard-Cliffgate"?
Guests - Who else is there? Are there any special details about how the guests are arranged, what they are wearing, or what they are doing?
Food - What kind of food and drink is being served at the reception? Is there a lush feast or simple fare? Is there a wedding cake or some other kind of traditional wedding food?
Dancing - Is there any dancing? Elegant waltzes or all-out party-hard tavern music dance parties?
Ending the Night - How does the reception end? Is there a big send-off, or does everyone quietly fade out as the night turns into dawn?
Honeymoon - Does the couple take a honeymoon anywhere?
✨Specific Moments✨
The Night Before - Write about the night before the wedding. Are your characters nervous? Excited? Do they see their partner or keep away?
Getting Ready - Who helps your characters get ready? Are there any sweet, funny, bittersweet, or adorable moments that happen?
The First Look - Write about the moment when your married couple sees each other in their wedding outfits for the first time.
Ceremony - Write the scene where they exchange vows, complete a unity ceremony, exchange rings, or etc.
First Dance - Does your couple have a first dance? What is that like for them?
Private Moments - Every couple needs a private moment away from the big day. When does your couple escape the festivities, before, during, or after the ceremony/reception, to have a private, quiet (or perhaps not so quiet) moment?
Reception - Does anything specific happen at the reception? Drama, a sweet moment with a parent or other companions, cake-smashing, games, a surprise?
First Night, Morning After - Write a specific moment or detail about their first night together as a wedded couple, and/or what it is like for them to wake up the next morning as a wedded couple.
Different cultures around the world have different wedding expectations, ceremonies, events, and so forth, so if you find that this list doesn't let you explore those ideas, feel free to adjust the prompts to suit you and your characters more!
Enjoy and have fun!
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candlecoo-sideb-art · 11 months
unfortunately this au doesn't have a comic that goes in chronological order so I'll make one here with the comics and important information in order!
pre canon
original post
the kidnapping
the Lukas boys
the fate of Eleonore Blackwood
Statement of Molly Blaire
the rivalry
Martin in the Institute 1
Martin in the Institute 2
the competition
true love is...
weddings and divorces
polaroids 1
polaroid 2
a Lukas in the library
red string board
polaroid 3
Gerard in the library
planning a ritual?
statements with/about martin
polaroid 4
researcher and librarian era begins
checking someone out
polaroid 5
polaroid 6
he lived
season 1
the transfer
Tim's archive kisses
video corruption
Jon's behavior and Jane wants to come in....
talking about Jon
the suit 1
the suit 2
Georgie in the archives
the wedding 1 (still on going links to next parts on post)
finding Gertrude
meeting Daisy
season 2
a reminder 1 (complete links to next parts in posts)
the corridors
pipe murder
season 4
polaroid ???
there are missing events that I haven't draw out but this is all that's been made so far.
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be-with-me-so-happily · 11 months
Not Another Time
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[ or Part 2 of Could We Not ]
<< Request >> "I loved could we not. Can you maybe also write when that guy came running on stage and he maybe pushes reader out of the way or something like that😅" - anon
<< Request >> "Omg PLEASE could you do more parts or ‘could we not’ literally loved it!!!" - @loza--may
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Summary: Harry is used to things getting crazy on tour. What he wasn't ready for is how much he misses YN during the Latin American leg of his tour. But at the Rio de Janeiro show, he needs to expect the unexpected.
AN: Highly requested part 2, which I wasn't expecting but am so honored to have written for you all. Sorry it took me FOREVER to write and post this. I hope you like it.
Warnings: Some explicit language, attempted attack by a fan, mild head injury
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Not much can shake Harry when it comes to wild moments on tour, throughout his entire career. There once was a fan hiding in a trash bin, dildos thrown at his face, wedding proposals, canceled shows due to illness, and there was even a time when a girl tried to dolphin her way onto the stage, back in the early days. But he still loves it, loves it all. It's titled 'Love On Tour' for a reason.
Now, he's in Latin America. Any and every performance here has such a special place in Harry's heart. He has a 'brasil' tattoo on his thigh, after all. However, the time is a little different.
The horn players have not accompanied the band for these shows. No trombone, no saxophone, and no trumpets. Which means no YN. No sweet but subtle winks onstage, no flirtatious comments backstage, no seeing her bright smile, no hearing her pure laugh, or getting lost in her beautifully deep eyes. No gazing at her lips and wishing so desperately that he could kiss them again.
Unfortunately, their first kiss was their last. Harry hopes that's not forever. But after it happened, he got sick, putting a crimp in his plans to further things with her. When he recovered, their time was taken up by those last few shows in Los Angeles. Then he was off to Mexico. And she wasn't.
Needless to say, her absence is very apparent. To him, at least.
So, like he has done every show since Guadalajara, Harry checks his phone after getting dressed. He wants to make sure he hasn't missed any 'good luck' texts before going on stage, but a disappointed sigh releases as he sees that he has no new messages.
"Alright, H. Ten minutes." The stage assistant announces.
Harry nods, handing his phone over and grabbing his mic pack from the sound tech. The band gathers around for a little pre-show ritual and Harry feels the tug on his heart, wishing there were four more members in their huddle, so there could be one particular member tucked under his arm. But he commits to staying focused on his performance, to put on a good show for the people of Rio de Janeiro.
Despite a few fans fainting in Bogota, things have been relatively smooth so far, and this night should be no different. All he has to do is get out there and get through it.
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"Do you know the words to this one Rio?" Harry shouts to the crowd as the band begins to play 'What Makes You Beautiful'.
Despite his efforts, this song always makes him miss YN. The trumpets in the backing track just don't do this song, or any of the songs, as much justice as when she is there, with him, playing live. The other three too, of course, but he has always been able to distinguish her trumpet from the other horns, and he would always dance near her while this song played. Without that, without her, it's just not nearly as exciting.
As he begins the second verse, Harry moves to his left, twisting around to tug on the mic cord that feels as if it's caught on something.
"I don't know why you're being shy…" Harry's eyes shoot up and then around as a security guard strides past him, settling his gaze on a figure charging towards him. "And you turn away when I look into your eyes."
It's like a flash. He is walking, then swiveling around, moving over, and then backing up into another security guard. All within a matter of a few seconds. It takes a moment for him to fully understand what's happening, as multiple crew members grab hold of the man.
Watching him be dragged offstage, Harry moves back to the center mic, still in shock of what happened but still wanting to continue the song.
He glances over to each side of the stage, shaking the disbelief away when he meets the gazes of a few of the band and crew. Each one reciprocates the sentiment, yet seem to keep their caution, as a few of them motion over that way. Harry turns back, just for a quick check, and notices a small group of people gathered in a huddle. He turns back to the crowd. He trusts his team, he knows they are handling whatever it is, and he won't let this one moment take away from the show. It can't stop him. It won't stop him.
As the song ends he takes a quick moment to gather himself and take a breath before turning to the crowd.
"Well that was different…" He states sarcastically, though truthfully. It's probably one of the more accurate ways to describe that moment, especially if he's trying to keep this a 'family show', as he always claims. "Is everybody okay?"
The fans laugh and cheer, seeming to answer his question with the same disbelief he feels.
"I'm shooketh… I'm shooketh!" He exclaims, receiving another laugh from the audience. At least they are recovering and feeling good. Now he can recover and feel good too. He twists around, looking from one side of the stage to another, meeting the gaze of a few security guards and crew as he does so. "Thank you, thank you. You saved me!"
That's when he catches it. The glimpse of a familiar face, of YN's face, off to the side of the stage, among the small group he had noticed earlier. However, her expression is not one he's seen before. Well, only once before. It's pained, again, but this time it looks worse, and Harry feels his stomach drop.
He transitions into a quick acknowledgement of his band members, his mind wanting to focus solely on the one who wasn't even scheduled to be there, but as soon as he's done, he takes advantage of what's next.
He uses the band mic to let everyone know he'll be off to the side while the extended introduction to 'Late Night Talking' plays on the screens, and once the lights dim he swiftly makes his way over.
"YN. What's-... what are you-… umm, hi." He fumbles, his thoughts racing with so many questions. He didn't even know she'd be in Brazil, or at the show, let alone on the side of the stage, and now she's standing there in front of him, with an ice pack on her head.
"Hi." She chuckles minimally, hurting Harry's heart with the lack of usual enthusiasm and joy. "I came… to surprise… everyone."
"Well, you did that!" He exclaims, managing as best of a smile as he can. His gaze travels from her eyes, to her lips, and then up to her head, and his expression immediately drops. "What happened?"
"It's nothing." She attempts to play off, much like the last time he saw her injured. "Don't worry about me."
"That's impossible." He retorts. "What happened?"
"The guy… the fan, just… knocked me down… on his way out with security." She shakes her head, scoffing, though Harry feels as if she's directing it towards herself more than anyone else.
"Okay. Umm… go backstage and get checked out." He states, his ears picking up on the music, knowing he'll have to return to center stage in just a few moments. "I'll… I'll see you after, yeah?"
"Harry, I'm fi-"
"Just do it!" He exclaims, immediately wincing as he watches her eyes widen with surprise. He's never talked to her like that, never even raised his voice even remotely in her direction without it being out of excitement or flirtation. But he cares about her, and now he will only worry more seeing her there in pain. "Please."
She nods, opening her mouth with a reply, but seemingly deciding against it.
Harry gives YN a quick kiss on the cheek and hustles back over to his mic stand, shooting his gaze to the side for one last glance of her as she walks out of sight.
It's not as if he's going to stop worrying, but maybe it'll be a little less than it would if she were still there watching him. He knows she'll be taken care of, and he'll see her when it's over. Right now, he needs to get through the rest of it, preferably without any other issues.
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"... on a Summer evening, what is happening? An-... you're the end of… we are going to stop the song."
Technical difficulties. During 'Watermelon Sugar'. Of course. As if Harry's mind wasn't already somewhere else. He knows it's an easy fix, hopefully, but it's just another thing added to the existing thoughts already causing chaos in his mind. He's a professional, sure, but everyone has a limit and he just doesn't want to find out where his is.
Get through it. That's all he has to do, just get through the next song, the show, and the night. Just get through it and then get to YN.
'Love of My Life' is next. Thankfully it's a slow song, so he can calm his mind and body down, even just a little, before the break in the set. And at that point he can finally regroup.
It works, for a moment, until he notices that some fans need help, and despite making his team aware, they are still there struggling. He lifts the mic stand up and turns his head back, motioning with his finger, with some intensity, for someone to help them and get them out of there.
He feels himself spiraling, just a bit, and has never looked forward to the end of a song as much as he is tonight.
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As Harry waves to the crowd, with a mouthful of water, he impatiently waits to spit it up in the air, thank the crowd, and get the hell off stage.
The crowd continues to applaud and cheer as he says goodbye, turning around and using the last bit of energy he has to run backstage.
He stops among the hustle of the crew, realizing he isn't sure where to go, or where to even start looking for YN. The most likely place is his dressing room, so he swiftly shuffles his way there, doing his best to acknowledge anyone he passes by that congratulates or compliments him. He feels bad, he usually takes time with each person, always grateful for their work and feedback. But not tonight. He only has one person on his mind. One person he wants and needs to see.
He swings the door open and takes a quick scan of the room, finding no one. Not anyone. Not her. He runs his fingers through his now very sweaty hair, inhaling deeper to catch his breath and figure out where to go next, where to look next.
He takes a seat on the couch, elbows resting in his knees, and glances over to the table in front of him to find a note that wasn't there before. He grabs it immediately, blinking the salty moisture out of his eyes as he looks over the words.
"Hey H.
Went back to the hotel.
Hope you had a great
rest of your show!
- YN"
"Fuck." He mumbles, suddenly remembering how he yelled for her to go backstage. Well, he could argue that he only raised his voice, but in that moment, that hectic moment, it didn't matter. He shouldn't have done it at all. And truth be told, it would've made the entire night better if she had stayed. But he yelled, and sent her away. Now all he wants to do is go to her and make it better, make her feel better.
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After the fastest shower and outfit change of his life, Harry found Jeff and discovered that his manager helped YN get there, so he knew which hotel room was hers. At least Harry didn't have to spend countless hours searching all of Rio for her.
He stands in front of her door and takes a deep breath, nerves on edge as he knocks, and fully prepared for her to open the door and ask him to leave. Immediately.
"Harry?" He hears, causing his gaze to lift from his shoes to the woman in front of him. She's dressed in cotton shorts and a t-shirt, looking comfortable and yet more beautiful than he's ever seen her. He just wishes she wasn't also holding another ice pack to her temple.
"YN." He breathes out, unable to form any other words as he looks her over, hopefully more subtle than he fears it might be. "Are y-... how… I mean, umm…"
The sweetest sound grabs his attention and he watches her step aside as she lets out a small giggle.
"Come in."
He nods, and without hesitation steps into the room. The sound of the door closing causes him to swivel on his heel, and his eyes stay fixed on YN as she motions him over to the edge of the bed.
"What's up?" She asks, casually, removing the ice pack and placing it down beside her.
"I, umm, wanted to check on you." He answers, not convinced his volume was even loud enough to be heard. "How are you feeling?"
"Sore." She swiftly responds, and he cringes at the lack of emotion with it. Even though it was only one word, he feels as if he knows her well enough to know that's not her normal tone. "Hit my head when the guy knocked me to the ground."
"I'm so sorry, YN. I didn't know you were there tonight, or I would've…" He pauses, looking down to where his nails pick at each other. "I don't know… I could've done… something…"
"No, Harry, I'm sorry." She states, causing his gaze to shoot back up to find hers filled with, what looks like, embarrassment. And maybe even regret. But definitely with insecurity, which is not something he's used to seeing from her. "I shouldn't have come."
"Oh." His heart drops.
"I feel like I may have been in the way. Well, I was for that fan…" She states, the smallest smile lifting the corners of her mouth, despite the roll of her eyes and shake of her head. "But I definitely didn't want to be in yours."
"No! I'm glad you're here!" He replies, without hesitation, and watches as her eyes widen, now allowing him to see the depths at which they usually take him to.
"You are? Because it seemed like…" YN clears her throat, confirming for Harry that she is in fact nervous. Not confident. And it seems to be his fault. "It seemed like you were upset when you saw me."
"No! Not at all." Harry replies, his frustration with himself appearing in the crease between his brows. "I wasn't upset seeing you there, I was upset seeing you hurt. Really upset. I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm sorry."
"It's fine, H. I'm alright."
"I know. I know that. I just… I was worried for the rest of the show, wondering if you were okay. It was torturing me."
"I didn't mean for that to happen. I'm really sorry." She lets out a sigh, and it almost breaks Harry's heart as she drops her gaze and squeezes her eyes shut.
"No, don't-... that's not-..." Harry lets out a low growl in frustration. He doesn't know how to express what he means, and if he even should. But at this point, he doesn't know if he can hold back. "It was torture because all I wanted to do was fix it for you. Like last time."
"Like last time?"
He hears her breath hitch, and his heart races more, feeling each beat thump against his chest. They had shared a kiss the last time she got hurt. They spent the rest of the night together, hanging out and talking until the sun was almost rising. But then nothing. Was that it? Was it just a one time thing, just a momentary thing after an adrenaline-raising show? No, it wasn't. Not for him. And she needs to know.
"I… like you, YN. A lot. And that night… meant a lot to me." He fully turns his body towards her, gaining a fraction of the confidence for himself that he has always seen in her, and since she is now there in Brazil, he won't waste another minute without sharing his heart. "We didn't really get to talk much afterwards, or see each other even, but I just need you to know that… I want to be with you. If… if that's something you want too."
Harry watches as she pulls her lips inward, hoping that the expression he sees underneath is pleasant. Pleasant for him. But he suddenly realizes that if she doesn't feel the same, he doesn't want to lose her. For the band.
"If it's not, no problem. We can move past it." He swallows the lump caught grasping against the walls of his throat. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable, and don't want you to leave the band over it. You're very talented, YN."
"Thank you." She replies, looking over at him with those gorgeous eyes and a tenderness she's never given him before, and despite him offering to move past his feelings, for the sake of his heart, he desperately hopes that she feels the same. He wants her to only look at him like that from now on. "And that night meant a lot to me as well."
"Yeah?" He responds, shifting in his spot at the edge of her bed, with all the giddiness of a lovesick school boy.
"I want to be with you too, H."
His palms fly up to her cheeks, receiving a warmth from them that flows right to his chest. His gaze flickers to her lips, yearning for them, desperate for them.
"Are you going to kiss me or not?" She chuckles, and his heart swells from the self-assurance that she always expresses, that he has fallen for.
He grins, wider than he ever has, but only for a moment. He's not going to wait any longer. He leans closer, and her eyes close, pursing her soft lips to meet his in a gentle kiss.
Her hands run up his arms, applying pressure as they move over his shoulders, and connect behind his neck. She pulls him closer, and his tongue teases her lips before she parts them, each sighing as they deepen the kiss.
His chest tightens, this time out of need for air, so he pulls back, only leaving enough room for a breath, and smiles as he hears her release her own, happy exhale.
"How are you feeling now?" He asks, resting his forehead against hers as one hand strokes over the hair covering her temple.
"Much better. I do need to rest now, though." She whispers. "But, you know, I may have a concussion…"
"That's not funny."
"No, it's not. It's very serious." She pulls away more, hands still behind his head, and his mind fills with worry. Worry and confusion, as he watches her smile reappear through her solemn expression. "I should probably have someone stay with me tonight. To make sure I'm alright, of course."
"Of course." He smirks, feeling his heart burst, following as she scoots up the bed and rests her head on the pillow.
He does the same, laying down to face her, and sees her eyes begin to flutter shut. It's been an exhausting day for the both of them.
"Come here." He whispers, opening his arms for her to settle in, wrapping them around her body, and pulling her to his chest. "You doing okay?"
"More than okay." She utters, drowsiness now coating her words. "Thank you, for fixing things."
"Anytime." He replies, placing a tender kiss on top of her head. "I'll fix things for you anytime."
A silence falls between them, and as he hears her soft breaths leave her even softer lips, Harry hums in contentment, allowing his own body to succumb to the rest it now needs too. He shuts his eyes, and one last thought appears as he feels himself happily drift off to sleep.
Despite all the chaos, this night didn't turn out so bad after all. With YN, it's been the best one yet.
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sparklingchan · 3 months
Serendipity || Seo Changbin (Stray Kids)
Pairing: Reader(fem.) X Changbin
Word Count: 5.4k+
Warnings: Suggestive, mentions of pregnancy (the reader is not pregnant) , mentions of poison, Changbin is sweeter than sugar. Set in the Joseon Era.
Genre: Royal AU, Arranged marriage AU, fluff with very slight angst.
Description: The King of Joseon had chosen you as his queen. But there are those that wish for this union to fail. Will your love be enough to overcome the competitiveness of the Palace?
A/N: Hello everyone! Back with another installation of the SKZ Royal AU. I am genuinely in love with this one ngl. King Changbin is a rizzler y'all. Hope you guys have fun reading this <3
Do check out the other fics in the skz royal series. (The stories are not interrelated)
Here's the link to the masterlist.
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Being a woman in this country is not an easy task. Especially when one is a candidate for the position of the country's Queen.
You'd dreamt of this for years, the idea sewn into every thought by your father even since you were child. With time, you'd welcomed the thought without a complaint.
"My lady, the Royal messenger is here." Somi informs you, and your nervousness just goes up by a thousand.
Did you manage to become the Queen and make your father proud? Or did you get disqualified and were now just a daughter of some minister and free to marry any other commoner like yourself?
You run down the hallway and enter the pavillion in front of your house, the colorful banners of the Royal entourage shine under the bright sun.
You straighten your robes and kneel down, head almost touching the ground, as a mark of respect for the King's verdict.
The chief Eunuch opens up the scroll in his hands.
"Please find enclosed the Royal Edict from the King's Court:
I, Seo Changbin, the King of Joseon, have chosen Miss y/n of House Kim as my wife and, by extension, the Queen of our beloved country. I have consulted the three High State Councilors and my mother- the Queen Dowager about the same and we have all unanimously agreed that she would be the best choice for the country as well as the Royal family, owing it all to her wits, beauty and manners.
Congratulations to Miss y/n and her family.
The Royal family would also like to extend an invitation to the bride-to-be to shift into the Detached Palace at the earliest as part of the customary pre wedding ritual. "
It feels as if someone had punched out the air from your lungs, you couldn't speak nor stand, while your parents and brother continuously thanked the Royal Eunuch, accepting all the gifts sent by the Palace for you.
But you couldn't move. You just stayed there, frozen. For life as you had known it has come to an end.
And thereafter begins a new, Royal chapter of your life.
"I'm going to miss you, my child."
The days since the Edict pass by in a heartbeat. All the members of your family were busy with packing your belongings while you were busy with mentally preparing yourself to leave your family and house behind forever.
Yes, you'd always wanted to be a Queen. Yes, you'd spent years getting ready for this role. Yet when the time finally comes, it hurts you to think about leaving behind twenty three years of your life.
"I'm going to miss you too, mother." On hearing your words, your mother cries harder.
But as usual, your father shows no emotion. His face is calm.
"Remember, y/n, there are no friends in the Palace other than your husband. You cannot confide in anyone but him. The other concubines will do anything to gain his favor, but you shall always be a step ahead. Be vigilant and loyal. You will make a great Queen." He says. Like the strategist he'd always been.
"Yes, father." You reply, swallowing the lump in your throat.
Your mother clinges to your arm.
"We will try and visit you whenever we can. I'm sure his Majesty will allow."
"Yes, of course. You can visit me anytime. The Palace is only a few hours from here."
"Oh, my child! How will I ever live without you!" Another sob tears out from your mother's throat. You hug her with all the love and care you could muster up in that moment.
Your father walks out of the room, hands behind his back and face twisted into a frown.
The Detached Palace is to be a temporary residence for the bride-to-be. For over the next thirty days, you would be receiving lessons on various subjects like history, Royal Etiquette, sewing, cooking and most importantly- lessons on intimacy. The last lesson is considered most important, according to Somi, since it allows you to birth as many healthy heirs as possible.
After helping you dress up for the night and setting up your bed, your maids take your leave for the night, only Somi remaining by your side.
"Do you think I'll see the King tomorrow? It's queer but I'd like to know what my future husband looks like, at least."
Somi sighs, "I don't think it's allowed, my lady. I believe you can only see his Majesty on your wedding day. A month from now."
You're oddly disappointed. You had dreamt so many nights of seeing the King, holding his hand, being by his side, yet the King in those dreams often never had a face.
Was it wrong to yearn to look at your future husband's face? Just once?
A subtle knock on your door startles the both of you.
"My lady, the King is here to see you." Your handmaid almost whispers the words through the door.
With unparalleled urgency, Somi helps you straighten your clothes and rushes off towards the door.
"Your majesty." The maids and Somi greet him with the customary bow, while you purse your lips in a line, head hanging in a subtle bow.
Your heart hammers against your chest. It's so loud, you're sure even the King could hear it.
"Please give us some privacy." The King commands.
And you heart beats faster on hearing his voice for the first time. Gentle, yet authoritative, just like you'd dreamt.
When Somi closes the door behind her, you almost regret wishing to see your future husband. The proximity makes you nervous and you could only hope you'd not faint in front of him.
"My lady, you may rise."
You'd almost forgotten you were still bowing to him. You mentally slap yourself.
"Y-yes, your majesty. " your voice comes out as an embarrassing squeak, your eyes still on the ground.
You'd prayed for this moment for years, y/n. Why couldn't you just meet his eyes?
As if sensing your inner conflict, the King takes two long strides towards you and hooks his index finger under your chin, sending a chill down your body.
"My lady, please look at me."
And you do.
And he's like everything you'd ever wished for.
Perfect, like a beautifully crafted sculpture.
His soft brown locks, his rosy lips, the subtle mischief in his eyes. Everything is perfect.
"Y-yes, your majesty. Sorry." You mumble.
The king smiles, rubbing circles into your cheeks.
"You may call me Changbin when we're alone."
You nod.
"I just came to ask if you're finding your new residence comfortable. We both shall be busy with lessons tomorrow onwards so I figured tonight would be a good time to visit my bride."
His bride? His bride?
Your legs feel weak.
"I'm finding it extremely comfortable, your majesty. Thank you for your hospitality. "
Changbin let's out a low chuckle, leaning towards you. His lips hover inches above yours. And when he speaks, you feel hot air on your lips, "I told you, y/n. Call me Changbin."
You frantically nod.
"Good. Better be careful next time, my bride."
When you wake up the next morning, you're sure you'd dreamt everything that happened last night.
But apparently not.
"The King is a dashing young man." Somi teases as she lathers a concoction of herbs into your hair. "You're lucky, my lady. He seems to be a gentleman."
But you are too caught up in your thoughts to reply to her.
Did the king of Joseon really come all the way to the Detached Palace to see you? What if he's disappointed with how you had reacted? But he shouldn't blame you at all.
You had not been expecting anyone yesterday night, especially not him. But he did come to you. And he touched your chin. If you focus hard enough, you could feel his touch lingering in the area.
"My lady?" Somi clicks her fingers in front of your eyes, "Come back to earth. We have to get you ready for the classes today."
Blushing, you reply, "What classes do I have today?"
You had three classes today: Palace etiquette, literature and what Somi insists most important: lessons on reproduction.
While Palace etiquette mostly includes lesson on how to behave with Royal elders, ministers, maids, the King, literature includes important pieces of literature that are important for a woman.
And lastly, the most dreaded time arrived.
The reproduction lessons.
The tutor shows you all sorts of obnoxious hand movements and some drawings of couples in intimate positions. You feel uncomfortable from the beginning till the end.
A woman at least five decades older than you is teaching you about intimacy? Very awkward, to say the least.
But you heave a sigh of relief when the classes end for the day and you make your way to your room in the Detached palace.
"It's just the first day, Somi and I'm already tired to the bone." You say, kicking your shoes off.
"Well, it's going to be a lifetime of time this now, my lady. And you best be prepared for it."
You reply Somi with silence. But her words make you wonder. If this palace life would ever be less tiring someday? Would it even be worth it?
Perhaps not.
But King Changbin 's face flashes in front of your eyes; his sparkling eyes, mischievous grin, his feather like touch- maybe he is what will make everything worth it.
That night, after your maids get your bed ready while Somi is combing your hair, a familiar announcement echoes through the corridors of the Detached Palace.
"My lady, the King is here to see you."
His smiling face peeps through the doors as your maids hurry out of the room. He wears blue silk robes, and you feel weaker in his presence than you did yesterday.
"Did you miss me, y/n?"
And thus begins a month of secret nightly visits by the King of Joseon to the Detached Palace.
Everyday, you wake up looking forward to the time when King Changbin would come knocking at your doors, always up to some jesting.
Sometimes, he brings you fruits you'd mentioned you liked or he tells you stories from his childhood. At other times, he tells you about that one teacher he will hate till the end of time.
But most times, he spends his time listening to you talk- about everything and everyone, about the skies and gods, about ghosts and afterlife, about favourite foods and literature. After you'd overcome the initial shyness, opening upto Changbin was as easy as breathing, almost natural. Of course, you were still nervous around him, but it's a feeling you'd come to like.
Is this what the writers and poets describe as 'butterflies'?
"Do you think I'll make a good Queen?" You ask him one night. He sits in front you on a cushion, across the room, a position you told him is appropriate for two unwed people (although he did not agree to it initially).
If your nightly shenanigans were to be ever discovered by anyone, you would not want to be found in close proximity to each other even though you were betrothed to each other. He's breaking Palace rules everyday as it is.
He hums, "Of course! I think you'll make a great Queen. You're so good at your lessons already."
"That does not guarantee anything. I might not be good at taking the responsibilities."
"Do you trust my judgment, y/n? I think you'll make a great Queen. And even if you are overwhelmed, I shall always be here."
That night he leaves earlier than he usually does, owing to the fact that tomorrow is the day where his concubines are to be welcomed into the palace. Five of them.
The thought leaves you feeling bitter and dejected, but you make sure to not make those feelings obvious. This is a rule for Kings, to take as many concubines as possible to ensure the continuation of the blood line.
"Don't worry, my lady. Your rank in the palace is above these petty concubines. They will not mess with you." Somi comforts your thoughts the next day.
"But what if Changbin favors them more?"
Somi does not reply to that question.
On your 18th birthday, your father had promised to you that he would make you the Queen of this country. He kept his promise because here you are, after five years, getting dressed to be married to the most powerful man in the country.
Your father always insisted that powerful men do not love but Changbin's sparkling eyes always contradicted everything your father had taught. Nevertheless, you know the competitiveness among the concubines for the King's affection is mad. More often than not, even the Queen gets involved in petty fights.
But you try to remove all thoughts of your father and the concubines today. Because today, you are to be married to King Changbin. From today, your name will be written in the historical logs of the Royal family. From today, a new life begins.
"Are you okay, my lady?" Somi asks, "You look worried."
"I'm fine. Just hope the ceremony goes well."
The ceremony does go well and in all honesty, you were not worried about the ceremony itself. You were worried about the aftermath.
The maids guide you to your new palace, and get you dressed in white robes for the wedding night. The night when you will finally meet Changbin as his wife. The butterflies swim around in your belly.
The bed is decorated with flower petals and a few candles are lit. Everything is perfect.
"The King is here." One of your ladies in waiting announce and you get up to greet your husband.
The maids leave the room as the doors slide open and Changbin steps in, also dressed in white robes. He looks dashing, but his signature grin is nowhere to be found.
When the doors close behind him, he walks past you to the bed, the scent of liquor evident in his breath.
"Have you been drinking, your majesty?" You ask him, worried by his odd behavior.
What was wrong with him? Why wouldn't he even bother to meet your eyes?
"Changbin." He slurs, wrapping the blankets around him, "Call me Changbin."
He turns away from you and is snoring away in no time.
The butterflies in your stomach flutter around before dropping dead.
You did not sleep that night. Even though you were sleeping next to the man you love, you felt lonelier than ever.
Many times during the night, you consider walking out of the bed chamber to the servants quarter so you could talk to Somi. But you couldn't do that. Because you were now the Queen of this country and every single step you take will have its repercussions.
When morning comes, Changbin wakes up in a haste and greets you with a subtle nod and walks out of the chamber in long strides.
You well the tears back. It's your first day as Queen and hadn't he always promised to be there when you were overwhelmed? Had he lied? Or was it Changbin's doppelganger who visited you every night in the Detached palace?
Somi comes in a few minutes later with an excited smile on her face.
When she does your hair for the day, she asks, "So, how was the wedding night?"
You want to answer her truthfully - how cold Changbin had been, how he had not even looked at you let alone touch you, how you think he had changed almost overnight. But you see the prying eyes of the other palace maids and swallow your sadness.
"It was perfect. Like everything I'd ever hoped for."
"He was gentle, I hope." She says through a grin, but it feels like someone pouring alcohol on an open wound.
"Yes. He was."
As part of royal customs, the new bride is supposed to visit the senior most female member of the family and greet her. In your case, the member happens to King Changbin's mother.
Somi dresses you in the most exquisite silks and adorns your hair with the most precious flower but you feel nothing at all when everyone compliments you on the way out of your new Queen's palace.
Your mother in law's palace is a little far from the Queen's palace yet it is as beautiful as any other palace. From inside as well as outside.
"Greetings, your majesty. It is nice to meet you." You bow in front of the Queen Dowager.
The woman-not more than sixty years of age- looks at you with a gentle smile.
"Come in, y/n. Please be at ease."
You're seated in front of her on a cushion while the Queen Dowager's maids serve you breakfast.
"I hope your first day here goes well, my child. Our family is thrilled to have you." She says.
"The pleasure is all mine, your majesty. I am honored to be a part of this family." You say.
In the back of your mind, you wonder if Changbin is thrilled to have you or not. Probably not.
The mere thought of yesterday's rejection stings.
"Y/n, truth be told, my son is a quite a troubled man. His father was murdered in front of his eyes. He was made the king when he was only 16 years old. It's been 7 years since then, but the burden only gets worse. I hope you, as a Queen and as his wife, can help him lessen these burdens. Can you do that?" The Queen Dowager asks again, sipping tea from a small cup.
"I will do everything I can to help him." If only he'd let you.
"Good, good. I'm glad. And one more thing, y/n, you know as Queen one of your primary duties is to produce an heir for Changbin's throne. I hope you're working on that, yes?"
Heat reaches your cheeks. If only the poor woman knew what her dear son had done last night. If his behavior continues, perhaps it will be long before the Queen Dowager sees the face of a royal grandchild.
"We are trying, your majesty. We will not disappoint you." You reply, sipping tea from your own cup.
"Great! I shall send all types of herbs and tonics to help you conceive as fast as possible. I shall also draw up a chart after consulting the astrologer..." the Queen Dowager's voice fades into the background as your mind drifts off to the nights in the Detached palace, when Changbin would come and spend all his free time with you, against the rules of the palace. At that time, you had been sure that producing an heir would be a beautiful process, not a chore.
But Changbin does not even treat the thought like a chore.
Did he not love you? Did his Royal duties burden him too much?
When you leave the Queen Dowager's palace, you walk past The King's palace. It is as beautiful and majestic as they say. But you wonder if you'll ever be able to set foot in the same.
As if on cue, you see Concubine Jung walking out of the King's palace, her maids behind her. The butterflies in your stomach burn with jealousy.
She has a smirk on her face when she sees you.
"Eun, did you know there's a rumor around the palace that the King refused to sleep with the Queen last night? Sad, isn't it?" Concubine Jung says.
One of her maids giggle and nod, "Of course! How could the Queen even live with this shame?"
You cry yourself to sleep that night, while Somi does everything in her abilities to soothe you.
Needless to say, nothing worked.
"My lady, wake up. The King has invited you to breakfast with him." Somi informs one morning, six months after your wedding.
"Tell him I have a bad stomach bug. I cannot go."
You'd be found dead before sharing a meal with him and that obnoxious Concubine Jung. You'd shared enough meals with them already.
The past months, the King had not visited you even once but often you'd see him walking the gardens with Concubine Jung at his side.
After the first few weeks, you had no tears left to shed anymore so when the rumor came in last month that Concubine Jung might be pregnant, your eyes do not water no matter how much you force yourself to cry.
"I do not wish to congratulate them." You say, true and plain.
"My lady, he's invited only you. Not anyone else."
So you agree. As a last attempt to make your marriage work, even if it's just for your own sake.
Somi dresses you in green robes- The King's favorite. You quickly make your way to his palace, as if someone else would take your place if you didn't hurry. It's sad your thoughts had turned so negative in just half a year in the palace.
Your father had told you the King would take in many lovers during his lifetime, and that being Queen is about having power, not being loved.
But you think he didn't warn you enough. He didn't warn you how lonely it would be to sleep on the cold bed every night, how painful it would be to see the King smile at someone else.
Even if you did wish for a child, how could you produce you a child without Changbin?
"Good morning, your majesty." You say to him when you enter his bed chamber. It smells like cinnamon, a smell he'd often carry with himself back when he used to visit you at the Detached palace. Back when you were sure the king had been in love with you.
"Hello, my Queen. Please have a seat."
The butterflies dance around for a split second.
"Did you sleep well last night?" He asks, taking a seat in front of you.
"Yes." Lies. "Thank you for inviting me over."
When the maids leave the both of you alone, his demeanor changes.
"Actually, y/n, I had something to talk to you about." He says, casually, as if he hadn't been hurting you everyday for the past few months.
"What is it?" You ask.
He sighs, "It's mother. Ever since that rumor of Concubine Jung being pregnant spread. She wants the first grandchild to be of the Queen."
His words do not faze you, "How can I help you, Changbin?"
He frowns. Since when had your tone become this melancholic?
"Um, so if I have your consent, I'd like to try for a child tomorrow night. We'll see how that goes, yeah?"
"Okay. I will be honored." You say.
You finish up the food quickly and almost slide the doors open when he grabs your arm from behind.
"Y/n, what is it? Did something happen? Are your parents well?"
"My parents are well enough, thank you for asking." You say, keeping your eyes on the ground.
"Then? What happened? Is it Concubine Jung? Really, you did not have to be jealous of her. She's not pregnant. I can assure you of that. I have not consummated my marriage with any one of the concubines."
His words seem to have an effect on you. Your heart blossoms with hope but you keep your face and voice neutral.
"I am not jealous, Changbin. If one of the concubines get pregnant, I shall wish you both well."
You force your arm out of his grip and walk out the palace, not looking back once.
Changbin's stares at your leaving figure, now worried beyond relief that he might have broken the one person he cared for the most by his pursuits of a greater good.
While the past few months for you had been filled with loneliness, for Changbin it was almost the same-if not worse.
The first night of your marriage was filled with as many butterflies for him, as it was for you.
He had fallen in love with you and he wasn't afraid to show the world how much you meant to him. He wanted to hold you, kiss you, make love to you. And he had all plans to do that on the first night.
But that was until he had overheard a secret conversation between Concubine Jung and her father- Minister Jung.
For all he knew, Minister Jung had always wanted his daughter to be the Queen but being the dim-wit that she was, Concubine Jung could not even get through the first stage.
"Father, it's been two days since I'd been in the palace and that man has not visited me once. He had not even asked for my name the day of the welcoming. What kind of man is he? And you say I am to be Queen!"
"Hush, child. In this palace, even the walls are listening. Be careful. And as far as the position of Queen is concerned, you need not worry. If the King does bed the Queen tonight and she get pregnant, we shall make sure her pregnancy terminates before maturity. I have connections with all sorts of medicine vendors in the country, be assured, she shall never see the face of a child. After we weaken the Queen, we can take her throne as easily!"
Changbin had wanted to laugh at the man's foolish plans but deep down, he was worried as well. For you.
Which is why he pushed you away for so long and kept Concubine Jung close. While she tried everything in her power to seduce him, he refused her under the pretense of keeping an oath of abstinence for a year.
Every time she tried to even hold his hand, Changbin thought of you; your innocent eyes, your talks, your wit, your hands, your beautiful hair. No woman could make him feel like you do.
Changbin's secret informants had confirmed that Minister Jung had not one but two houses full of gold and cash he'd collected as illegal taxes from the local people. He'd also sometimes force husbands to send their wives to him in exchange for money. Even the thought nauseated Changbin.
Every time Concubine Jung visited, he made sure to collect some sort of evidence through her. He even visited her every night and while she snored away, he stole some of her gold jewlery and clothes to get them checked as evidence of the illegal taxes her father had been collecting.
And sure enough, after a few months of spying on her and her father, Changbin had gathered enough evidence by now to expose both of them at the court.
But he realised quickly that Minister Jung had a few tricks up his sleeves as well. The rumor of his daughter's pregnancy would make it difficult for Changbin to expose him easily, and so Changbin waited every night that the rumors would die down so he could run to the Queen's Palace and hug you with all his might. You were not safe unless the father and daughter were deposed.
And for some selfish reasons, Changbin had hoped you'd understand the reason behind his distance. But no woman could find a logical reason behind her lover being absent and it was horribly wrong for him to expect you to do the same.
"Are you stupid?" His friend, the eccentric dancer Minho had asked him.
Changbin had told him how coldly you'd behaved this afternoon when he'd asked you if you wished to try for a child. Most women would giggle and blush. But you were like a statue.
"You push her away for months and make her feel lonely and not loved and what not and you have the audacity to ask her that?"
"Well, yes. Mother had been pressuring me for a child and obviously, even with the pressure, I would never do anything that y/n would not have wanted but I thought it would be a great way to reconnect with her. Even if it didn't end in child making or whatever."
Minho let's out a frustrated groan, "You have to learn so much, Bin. But let's start with this- be honest with her. She's your wife and you ought to tell her everything. Give answers to all her questions and hold her hand if she let's you. Small steps first, a child can wait."
Changbin nods, " Okay, should I go to her right now?"
"Yes, you idiot!" Minho says, earning a slap on the arm from The King of Joseon.
He should be glad he's not being beheaded for calling the King an idiot.
You're almost done getting ready for bed when the lady in waiting makes an unexpected announcement .
"My lady, the King is here to see you."
Your heart leaps and the butterflies come alive again only to die down once you realise why he might be there. For a child. Isn't that why he's here? Isn't that why people get married in the first place?
"Y/n." He sighs when he enters the room, almost out of relief. He purses his lips.
"Is there anything I could help you with?" You ask.
Oh, how badly he'd hurt you. He could see the hurt in your eyes, in your voice, in your mannerisms.
"Y/n, I'm sorry. I really am. I know I have caused you pain and I cannot imagine how lonely it must have been. But I hope you know that I really do love you and only you."
"Then why the distance? Why visit Concubine Jung every night?" You ask, hands on your hips.
The tears that had left you threatened to return again.
And he tells you everything. From the conversation he overheard to how insistently Concubine Jung asked him for a child to how much solid proof he'd collected over the months and how he'd sent those evidences to the Minister of Security, who in turn ensured that by tomorrow the Jungs will out of the palace and be imprisoned for life.
It all makes sense to you now, of course it does. Yet you feel guilty. He'd been trying to protect you, all this while.
"I'm sorry, Changbin. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I only-"
"Don't apologize, y/n. It's me that should apologize. I should have somehow tried to contact you and tell you about everything. I'm-"
"No, no, Please. Don't. You only tried to protect me and-"
"No, y/n, it's all my fault, please-"
Somi overhears the entire conversation through the door, her mind finally relaxing after the misunderstanding had been solved between you and the King. She could no longer stand you being this sad. And she somehow knew King Changbin had his own reasons for his behavior.
She hears soft sounds of kissing through the door and takes it as a sign to move away from the door, and join the other maids waiting outside the palace door. She smiles to herself.
The butterflies burn with passion.
"I do not wish for a child this early. I want to be here like this with you for a while, just y/n and Changbin and maybe two or three years later, we could try for a child. What do you think?"
When he kissed you initially, you half expected this to end up in the bed. But it did. And you're glad it did.
The butterflies bloom more than ever.
You're wrapped in his arms, tightly. The nakedness no longer bothering the either of you.
"I agree. I want to be this close to you every night, not as a Queen or the mother of your child. But as y/n. As your wife."
Changbin draws his face closer to you, pecking you on the lips, "And so you shall, my love."
And so you shall.
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kokoch4n3l · 20 days
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ˏˋ main yahaan hoon ࿐ྂ "I'm in the lights of your eyes, you see me wherever you look"
summary: in which you meet Sano Manjiro a month before your wedding and fall in love. you didn't realize you fell in love with him till the pre-wedding rituals began.
pairing(s): bonten!mikey x desi!reader
notes: title translates to 'I'm here'. a purely self-indulgent fic based on Veer-Zaara(2004)'s song Main Yahaan Hoon if Veer was a gang leader and was actually at the wedding instead of Zaara hallucinating him. line dividers by rookthornesartistry heart divider by cafekitsune
warnings: infidelity, cheating, arranged marriages, implied emotionally absent parents, emotional blackmail, suggestive themes, implied oral(f), manjiro carries reader, slightly open ending
word count: 5690
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Your father was a politician, businessman and just well very rich. You’re his only daughter so he spoils you rotten. Giving you all the things you can ever want. He was a good man, your mother a great person too. However, it wasn’t a very emotionally fulfilling relationship. You were okay with it though. Jewels and clothes sated the ache in your heart even if it was temporary. You got engaged almost as soon as you turned of age. The man was just a little bit older and also a politician like your father. Arranged marriages were common in your culture and you had never dated before anyway. It’s about a month before the wedding you meet Sano Manjiro. You aren’t sure what he does but he’s also really rich like your father. He has a few close business associates and they all have matching full moon hanafuda tattoos. Sanzu Haruchiyo let you trace his tattoo for some reason after seeing your fascination with it. 
Bonten were business associates of your father. You weren’t sure exactly for what but you also couldn't care less. They were all pretty fun people. You made them watch Bollywood movies with you and do a whole bunch of other things and they did it without any complaint and seemed to enjoy it as well. They were all cool and then there was Sano Manjiro… 
Sano Manjiro was different from the rest. He had a quiet intensity about him, a presence that demanded attention without a single word. You noticed his eyes first—dark, deep, and endlessly contemplative. He was always observing, absorbing everything around him with a sharp, discerning gaze. Despite his quiet demeanour, there was something undeniably magnetic about him. At first, you thought he wouldn’t be putting up with your childish games but he proved you wrong. When you called him a stupid idiot he didn’t get mad but instead, he smiled. He was amused. For some reason, it surprised you because he didn’t seem like the type to smile or just show any kind of emotion in general. 
Your father, of course, invites them all to your wedding. It was all fine but you don’t want to marry your fiancé. He was nice at first but there was something about him that put you off. You didn’t like that man. You sit in your father’s office in your engagement outfit while music echoes from the bottom floor of the mansion to the top. A white lengha with intricate embroidery adorns your figure with a full-sleeve blouse along with a diamond necklace gifted by your future mother-in-law and a matching tikka in the same style resting in the center of your forehead. Your dupatta is draped over your head and right now it feels too heavy. Although you and your fiancé were already engaged, your mother-in-law insisted on having a flashy ceremony to kick start the wedding week.  “You’re my only child… Hence, I’ve pampered you and given you freedom” Your father says, his hands clasped behind his back and using his businessman voice “I haven’t raised you like a girl but like a boy”
There is a lump in your throat. You know if you speak you’ll cry. Your father walks toward you. “Usually the mother has to explain to her daughters about her duties. But since I think of you as my son, I’ll explain your duties to you”
You look up at him. You’re sitting in his chair the same way you would when you were a child. But unlike back then, your bare feet press flat against the hardwood floor. “You already know that your grandfather was a respected politician. But he died a few days before he could attain success. Since that day, as his heir, I’ve been trying to take his party to great heights but I’ve been unsuccessful so far” He says and you know already what he will say next “But with the help of your finacé’s father, I can attain that success”
You don’t feel too good. The lump in your throat gets bigger and you desperately try to swallow it. Your father turns your back to you, staring at your family picture. “Soon you’ll get married into their family. It’s your duty…” He pauses and turns to look at you again “...to understand the importance of this relationship. Spread happiness, whether the times are good or bad and strengthen the bond of every relationship and to protect the honour of both families at all costs. A small mistake or a bit of carelessness from your end could ruin everything… I hope you understand what I’m trying to say.”
He knows, he knows, he knows. Your father had a feeling you no longer wished to marry the man you were betrothed to. You swallow the lump in your throat and whisper out a pitiful “yes.”
“Is there anything you wish to say?”
You simply shake your head no. You couldn’t. You had to marry this man even if you didn’t want to. Your father was practically begging you without actually begging. He smiles. “Come here”
You stand up, your anklets jingle with each step you take. “It’s been so long since I saw my daughter smile,” He says as you now stand in front of him “I hope you haven’t left it in Japan”
You smile weakly. How were you to tell him you did? How do you tell your father you left your heart in Japan? He pulls you in for a hug and a single tear runs down your cheek. 
You did not wish to marry the man you were promised to but you didn’t want to break your father’s heart either. 
Your father leads you down the large marble staircase, the railing covered with flowers and the entire bottom floor decorated lavishly. The vibrant colours and festive sounds of the pre-wedding celebration fill the air, yet your heart feels heavy with an unspoken sorrow. As you descend the staircase, your eyes scan the crowd, seeking a familiar face—a face that brought unexpected joy and confusion to your life. In the midst of the lively guests, you spot Sano Manjiro standing quietly at the edge of the room with his associates. He is dressed in beige slacks and a silk back button-up shirt, his presence commanding even in the bustling environment. His eyes meet yours, and for a brief moment, the noise around you fades. His gaze, deep and inscrutable, seems to reach into the very depths of your soul. The rituals proceed with the grandeur expected of such an event. The music, the dancing, the laughter—all blend into a blur as your mind drifts back to the times spent with Manjiro and his associates. The times when you could be yourself when you laughed genuinely and felt a connection beyond words. Sanzu Haruchiyo, always mischievous yet kind, had once teased you about your fascination with their tattoos. “Do you want one too?” he joked, letting you trace the lines of the intricate hanafuda design. 
You had laughed, but deep down, there was something about those moments that felt more real than anything else in your life. As you and your fiancé exchange rings, you feel Manjiro’s eyes on you, a silent support that gives you strength. The night progresses, and you find yourself stealing glances at him, your heart aching with an unspoken truth. You didn’t want this arranged marriage. You wanted something more, something that only he seemed to understand. 
It feels stupid though. It’s probably a simple infatuation but oh you had never felt this way in your life before and even as your fiancé slides the engagement ring onto your finger, the only thing that goes through your mind is Manjiro.
You sit alone in your room late at night on your bed, too lazy to sit at your dresser. Your dupatta was carelessly discarded at the foot of your bed as soon as you entered your room, too lazy to even remove your lengha and get in bed. The day had been tiring. You start to remove your jewelry, starting with the large diamond necklace that felt way too heavy. It’s as you are taking off the tikka from your forehead that someone enters. You don’t need to look up to know who it is. The air shifts, and the familiar, intense presence washes over you. It’s Manjiro. “Couldn’t sleep?” he asks, his voice soft, almost a whisper.
You shake your head, not trusting yourself to speak. He steps closer, his movements silent on the plush carpet. He doesn’t say anything else, just stands there, watching as you fumble with the clasp of your tikka. Your fingers tremble, and the delicate piece slips from your grasp, falling onto your lap. “Let me,” he offers, reaching out. His hands are gentle but firm as he takes over, carefully removing the tikka and setting it aside. 
His touch sends a shiver down your spine, and you feel a warmth spreading through you, melting the anxiety and sorrow that had been weighing you down. “Thank you,” you manage to whisper, your voice barely audible.
He nods, his eyes never leaving yours. There’s a question in his gaze, an unspoken query that you can’t quite decipher. The silence between you is heavy with words left unsaid, emotions unacknowledged. “Why did you come here?” you ask, needing to break the silence, to understand why he’s here, why he makes you feel the way you do.
“I needed to see you,” he replies simply, his gaze steady. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
His concern touches you deeply, and you feel tears welling up in your eyes. You blink them back, trying to maintain some semblance of composure. Manjiro sits down next to you, being careful to not sit on your skirt. He reaches over and starts to remove your earrings. Despite his fingers being calloused and rough, his hands are gentle. He touches you like the slightest touch might break you. Each brush of his fingers against your skin feels like a promise, unspoken but powerful. You sit there, letting him help you, feeling a strange sense of peace settle over you. The weight of the day's events begins to lift, replaced by the warmth of his presence. When he's done, he sets the earrings aside and meets your gaze again. His eyes are filled with something you can't quite name, something that makes your heart beat faster. “Let’s get this off, hm?” Manjiro’s hand reaches around you and tugs the strings on the back of your blouse free
Your breath catches, but you nod, trusting him implicitly. The fabric loosens, and you feel the pressure on your chest easing. He helps you out of the heavy, ornate lengha, his movements were careful, his eyes never straying where they shouldn't. This was wrong. So wrong. You were a damn cheater. But as Manjiro unzips your blouse and pulls it off your arms, you can’t find yourself to care. “‘Jiro…” Your breath is shaky as he lowers your bare body down
“Don’t worry” he whispers, a heavy hand cupping your cheek so tenderly
Something in your head tells you it’s been years since this man was tender to anyone. Your breath hitches at the touch of his roughened palm against your cheek, a stark contrast to the softness in his gaze. Manjiro's thumb gently brushes away a stray tear that you hadn’t realized had fallen, his eyes holding a depth of understanding that seems to pierce through your very soul. "I shouldn't be here" you murmur, your voice barely audible, a mix of fear and yearning.
It was a little stupid you were even saying that since it was your own room. "But you want me here" he counters softly, not a question, but a statement of truth.
The words hang between you, heavy with unspoken emotions. Your heart beats wildly, torn between duty and desire. You don’t reply, unable to deny the truth in his statement. Manjiro’s presence is intoxicating, a dangerous allure that you find impossible to resist. He leans in, his breath warm against your skin. "Tell me to leave, and I will," he whispers, his lips so close to yours that you can feel the heat of his words. "But if you want me to stay…"
You close your eyes, letting out a shaky breath. The choice is yours, and you know what your heart wants. "Stay" you breathe, barely more than a whisper, but enough for him to hear and without missing a beat he slides your engagement ring off your finger
Manjiro doesn’t take your virginity that night. Instead, he calls you a good girl for saving yourself for after marriage and then gets down between your legs and ravishes you. 
 The next morning was the Haldi ceremony. In the ceremony turmeric paste would be smeared on your face and oil on your hair. It was more of a fun kind of thing anyway and during all the weddings you have attended in the past, all the guests would end up getting the turmeric paste all over themselves while playing around with it. You were wearing a yellow salwar kameez with flowers embroidered on the top and your dupatta was bright pink. You sit on the ground by the pool while your cousins hold up a heavier more embroidered dupatta over top of you like shielding you from the sky. “Don’t put too much” You warn your dad as he smears some of the turmeric paste on your cheek
There is oil dripping down your forehead from when your cousin decided he wanted to be funny and poured the entire bowl on your head. Tumeric paste is smeared on your feet, arms, cheeks and nose. The vibrant colours of the ceremony blur together, a swirl of yellow and pink, laughter echoing around you. Yet, despite the cheerful chaos, your mind is elsewhere, drifting back to the previous night. Manjiro's touch lingers on your skin like a haunting melody, one you cannot shake off no matter how hard you try. Your father's laughter brings you back to the present, his smile wide as he steps aside for the next relative to apply the turmeric paste.
As the ceremony continues, you feel a pair of eyes on you. You glance up and catch a glimpse of Manjiro standing a little away from the festivities, his usual quiet intensity softened by a hint of something tender. He stands apart from his associates, watching you with an unreadable expression. For a moment, the world narrows down to just the two of you. The noise of the ceremony fades, replaced by the silent conversation happening between your gazes. Your heart beats faster as you remember his whispered promises from the night before. His words, his touch—they haunt you, make you question everything you thought you knew about your life and your impending marriage. You know it's reckless, dangerous even, to let yourself feel this way. But you can't help it. Not when his presence brings you a sense of peace and belonging you’ve never felt before. “This stuff smells weird” Koko comments as he crouches in front of you and smells the turmeric paste on his fingers before smearing it on your cheek “Are you sure this is safe for your skin?”
“Of course it is” you reassure with a smile
The rest of Bonten does the same. Finally, it’s Manjiro’s turn. He crouches down in front of you, an unknown emotion swirling in his eyes. Without a word, he takes the yellow paste and smears some on your right cheek then the left. His touch is gentle, yet it sends shivers down your spine, the same way it did the night before. The world around you seems to disappear as he smooths the paste over your skin, his eyes never leaving yours. The silence between you is filled with unspoken words, emotions too raw to be expressed in the midst of the celebration. Your heart pounds in your chest as his fingers linger on your skin, his touch both comforting and electrifying. "You look beautiful," he murmurs, his voice so low only you can hear. 
His words are simple, but the intensity behind them makes your breath hitch. "Thank you," you whisper, your voice barely audible over the noise of the celebration. 
You feel a blush creep up your cheeks, mixing with the turmeric paste. He offers you a small, almost shy smile, and for a moment, you see a vulnerability in him that he usually keeps hidden. You bring your hand up and smear the paste on his cheek too, making him laugh. His laughter is a rare sound, rich and deep, and it reverberates through you, filling your heart with warmth. You can't help but smile in response, your fingers lingering on his cheek for a moment longer than necessary. The world around you resumes its chaotic pace, but the connection between you and Manjiro remains, a silent promise amidst the noise and colour of the celebration.
As the Haldi ceremony continues, your mind is a whirlwind of emotions. The weight of your engagement ring, now conspicuously absent from your finger, feels like a liberation and a burden all at once. You glance at Manjiro again, finding comfort in his steady gaze. It’s as if he understands the turmoil within you without needing to ask.
As the ceremony comes to an end and the guests start to leave, you struggle to pick your dupatta off one of the chairs with your turmeric-covered hands. “Damn it” you mutter and look around for someone to help you
“Here you go” Rindo picks up your dupatta for you
You sigh in relief. “Thank you. Can you help me go up to my room?”
It was going to be a task going up to your room while covered in turmeric paste so you needed help. Rindo nods and offers you his arm, guiding you carefully through the crowd and up the stairs. The turmeric paste makes everything slippery, and you're grateful for his steady presence. As you make your way to your room, you can feel Manjiro's eyes on you, a silent promise of his support and understanding. Once inside your room, Rindo helps you sit on the edge of your bed, his touch careful and respectful. “Do you need anything else?” he asks, concern evident in his voice.
You shake your head, offering him a grateful smile, your eyes lingering for a moment of the front of his throat where the full moon hanafuda tattoo it etched then you look back up at his eyes. “No, thank you. I’ll manage from here.”
Rindo nods and leaves, closing the door softly behind him. You sit there for a moment, the events of the day and the night before swirling in your mind. You know you need to wash off the turmeric paste, but your thoughts keep drifting back to Manjiro. Eventually, you stand and make your way to the bathroom. The warm water washes away the turmeric, leaving your skin tingling and fresh. 
Later that night was the mendhi ceremony. Your hands are covered in intricate designs of flowers and swirls made with henna all the way up to your elbows and your feet with the same. “Ma~” you whine to your mother who was too busy talking to her sister to feed you 
Your mother laughs, a twinkle in her eye as she waves you off, engrossed in her conversation. You sigh, looking at the plate of food in front of you, and then at your hands, which are still wet with henna. The intricate designs are beautiful, but they make it impossible for you to eat on your own. You glance around the room, hoping to find someone to help you. Your eyes meet Manjiro’s from across the room. He’s standing with his associates, but his gaze is fixed on you, a soft, knowing smile playing on his lips. Before you can beckon him over, he starts to walk towards you, effortlessly weaving through the crowd. He kneels down next to you, his presence a comforting weight. “Need some help?” he asks, his voice low and warm.
You nod, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks. “Yes, please. I can’t eat with this on.”
Manjiro picks up the spoon and gently lifts a small portion of food to your lips. His movements are careful, and deliberate, as if this simple act holds profound significance. You open your mouth, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. As he feeds you, you catch the subtle smirk on his face, and you can't help but smile back. “This is quite the look for you,” he teases, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Covered in henna and unable to eat by yourself.”
“Shut up,” you mumble, your voice playful. “This is supposed to be a special time, you know?”
“It is,” he agrees, his tone softening. “And you look beautiful.”
The sincerity in his words makes your heart skip a beat. You chew and swallow, the taste of the food mingling with the warmth spreading through your chest. Manjiro continues to feed you, the moment intimate despite the bustling celebration around you. Each spoonful feels like a silent promise, a shared secret that binds you closer together. “Food is spicy…” He murmurs 
“You don’t like spicy food?” you ask him
He shakes his head no. “I like the sweets though… After you get married bring me some in Japan?” You laugh softly, the sound mingling with the music and chatter in the room. “Of course,” you promise, a warmth spreading through you at the thought of sharing such a simple pleasure with him. “I’ll bring you all the sweets you want.”
Manjiro's smile widens, a rare glimpse of genuine happiness on his usually stoic face. “I’ll hold you to that,” he replies, his gaze steady on yours. “But only if you promise to come back soon.”
The sincerity in his voice catches you off guard, and you find yourself nodding before you can even think. “I promise,” you say, your heart racing with a mix of excitement and trepidation. “I’ll come back as soon as I can.”
The rest of the mendhi ceremony passes in a blur of laughter and music, but the memory of that moment with Manjiro lingers, a silent promise of things to come. As the night draws to a close, you find yourself reluctant to leave his side, the bond between you growing stronger with each passing moment. 
It’s as you lay in bed and stare at your henna-stained hands, searching for your fiancé’s name among the intricate designs. But as you scan the patterns, your heart sinks, and a furrow forms on your brow. The once-clear inscription has been smeared beyond recognition, lost amidst the swirls of henna. A mix of emotions washes over you—relief, guilt, and a pang of sadness. Relief because it feels like a sign, a small reprieve from the impending marriage you’re dreading. Guilt because you know you shouldn’t feel relieved, and shouldn’t be hoping for a way out of a commitment you made. And sadness because despite everything, there’s a part of you that still longs for the simplicity of what could have been. You trace the faint outlines of the henna design, your mind swirling with conflicting thoughts and emotions.
The bond between you and Manjiro grows stronger with each passing moment, a silent promise of a future you never dared to imagine. But the reality of your situation weighs heavily on your shoulders, reminding you of the duty and obligations that bind you to your fiancé and your family.
With a heavy sigh, you curl your fingers into fists. The events of the day replay in your mind—the stolen moments with Manjiro, the whispered promises, the shared laughter. Despite the uncertainty of the future, one thing is clear—you’re falling for him, and there’s no turning back.
The next night is the ladies' sangeet. It’s the last thing left and the next morning is the wedding. You sit with all your female relatives as they sing and dance to old folk songs. You sit among them, a forced smile plastered on your face, your mind drifting to thoughts of the impending wedding. Tomorrow, you'll be bound to a man you don't love, forced into a life of duty and obligation that feels suffocating. When no one is looking, you stand up and hed to the backyard where most your male relatives are, drinking away as usual. You can see Ran has unfortunately been cornered by one of your drunk uncles and is explaining Punjabi politics to him. Ran looks at you for help but you just grin and shake your head. You spot Manjiro walking over to you and you smile at him. “Hi” You say as you walk through the garden together, you anklets jingling with each step you take. 
"Hi," Manjiro replies, his voice low and warm, a stark contrast to the chaos of the sangeet unfolding behind you. His presence brings a sense of calm, a welcome respite from the suffocating atmosphere of obligation and expectation.
You walk through the garden together, the soft glow of lanterns casting a warm light over the flowers and foliage. The air is filled with the sweet scent of jasmine and roses, a stark contrast to the heavy perfume of the crowded hall. You feel a weight lift off your shoulders with each step, the knot of anxiety in your chest slowly unravelling in his presence. "Having fun?" Manjiro asks, his gaze steady on yours. 
There’s a hint of amusement in his eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the absurdity of the situation. You shake your head, a wry smile playing on your lips. "Not exactly," you admit, the words tumbling out before you can stop them. "I feel like I'm suffocating in there."
Manjiro nods in understanding, his expression sympathetic. "I can imagine," he says softly, his voice barely above a whisper “Japanese weddings are not this… festive or colourful. Must be a little overwhelming” 
You nod, grateful for his understanding. "It's not just that," you confess, your voice tinged with frustration. "It's the weight of expectation, the pressure to conform to tradition and duty." You pause, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. "I feel like I'm being suffocated by it all."
Manjiro listens in silence, his gaze unwavering as he takes in your words. There's a depth to his understanding, a sense of empathy that makes you feel seen in a way you haven't felt in a long time. "I know what it's like to feel trapped," he says finally, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "To feel like you're living a life that's not your own."
His words strike a chord within you, resonating with the turmoil you've been feeling. "Do you ever wish things were different?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
Manjiro's gaze softens, a hint of something tender in his eyes. "All the time," he admits, his voice filled with honesty and you watch his hand come up to touch the full moon hanafuda tattoo on the back of his neck "But sometimes, we have to make the best of the hand we're dealt." 
You nod in understanding, a pang of sympathy tugging at your heart as you take in the vulnerability in Manjiro's words. His admission resonates with your own feelings of frustration and longing, the desire for a life beyond the confines of duty and expectation. "But that doesn't mean we have to give up hope," you say softly "We can still fight for what we want, for the freedom to live our lives on our own terms."
Manjiro's gaze meets yours, a flicker of something akin to hope dancing in his eyes. "And what do you want?" he asks, his voice barely a whisper, as if afraid to voice the question aloud.
You hesitate for a moment, the weight of your desires heavy on your shoulders. “I… I don’t know yet”
And Manjiro simply smiles at your answer and says “well clock is ticking… better hurry up and figure it out” then turns to go back to where he was sitting with your father, other business partners and relatives 
As Manjiro walks away, leaving you alone in the tranquil garden, his words linger in the air, a gentle reminder of the urgency of your situation. The weight of expectation and duty presses down on you once more. You watch Manjiro's retreating figure, his silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns, and you can't help but feel a sense of longing stirring within you. Despite the uncertainty of the future, one thing is clear—your heart is leading you towards him, towards a life of freedom and possibility.
You turn back towards the bustling sangeet, the music and laughter spilling out into the night air. Tomorrow is the wedding, the final culmination of weeks of preparation and anticipation. But as you rejoin the festivities, your mind is elsewhere, filled with thoughts of the man who has captured your heart and the future that awaits.
As the night wears on and the sangeet draws to a close, you find yourself lost in a whirlwind of emotions—excitement, apprehension, and a simmering sense of rebellion— something you shouldn’t be feeling. Tomorrow, you'll be bound to a man you don't love, forced into a life of duty and obligation. But tonight, in the quiet solitude of the garden, you allow yourself to dream of a different future, one where you're free to follow your heart, no matter where it leads.
As the first light of dawn breaks over the horizon, casting a golden glow over the garden, you feel a sense of anticipation stirring within you. In a few hours, you’ll be married. It’s scary. So scary and you feel sick. You sit in a yellow kameez and white salwar, fingers trembling as you put on the naath, hooking it to your nose and fixing the chain over your ear to see how you look in it. The cool metal of the jewellery rests over your lips that you’ve bitten raw. Your makeup lays untouched, face bare. You need to start getting ready. 
It’s the early hours of the morning, not many are awake except the servants who are getting the house ready. Your deep red wedding lengha is draped over your bed and seems to be mocking you. Your fingers linger on the intricate embroidery of the deep red lehenga, but the touch brings you no joy, only a sense of resignation. As you stare at your reflection in the mirror, the naath adorning your face, you can't help but feel a sense of disconnect. The woman staring back at you seems like a stranger, a mere shell of the person you once were. The weight of the impending marriage hangs heavy in the air, suffocating you with its inevitability. It’s suffocating, and overwhelming, and you find it hard to breathe.
But then, amidst the chaos of your thoughts, a sense of determination takes root within you. You refuse to let fear dictate your future, to surrender to the expectations of others. You may not know what lies ahead, but you know one thing for certain—you can't go through with this marriage. Your father may love you and only want the best for you but you are not a pawn in his plan to rule the world. 
Gathering your courage, you make a decision—to follow your heart, no matter the consequences. It won't be easy, and there will be challenges ahead, but you refuse to let fear hold you back any longer.
As you slip out of your room after grabbing your yellow dupatta, the quiet of the early morning enveloping you like a comforting embrace, you feel a sense of liberation wash over you. It’s just as you make it past the hall, your anklets unfortunately still jingling with each step(you probably should have taken them off), you come face to face with Manjiro, Sanzu and Rindo. “Hm? And where do you think you’re going?” Manjiro asks and his hand comes up and lifts the naath up then lets it fall back in place resting over your upper lip 
You freeze, caught off guard by the unexpected encounter. For a moment, you're at a loss for words, your mind racing to come up with an explanation. But as you meet Manjiro's gaze, you see something in his eyes—a flicker of understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the turmoil raging within you. "I..." you begin, your voice barely above a whisper, "I don’t want to get married"
The words hang in the air, heavy with the weight of your confession. You expect judgment, condemnation, but instead, there's only silence. Manjiro's gaze softens, a hint of something tender in his eyes as he reaches out to gently brush a stray strand of hair from your face. “Hm?”
You let out a shaky breath, henna-covered hands clenching at your sides. “You asked me last night what I wanted and this is what I want…”
There is a moment of silence. Manjiro looks back at Sanzu and nods and the latter pulls out his phone, frantically typing away texts. “C’mon then” Manjiro says and sweeps you off your feet in the same way the male leads in Bollywood movies would
You aren’t sure how things will turn out but as Manjiro carries you down the marble staircase and into a car, you don’t think about anything else. Just him. Manjiro’s arms feel solid and reassuring around you as he carries you down the marble staircase, the weight of your decision becoming lighter with each step. The early morning light filters through the windows, casting a golden hue over everything, as if the world itself is blessing your choice.
As he sets you down into the backseat of a car Manjiro brushes a strand of your hair away from your face then kisses your forehead. “I’m here” he whispers
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end notes: at the end, when Sanzu is on his phone, he's texting Koko to post a bunch of evidence of corruption that reader's fiancé’s family has done. Now MIkey could have done that before but he wanted it to be reader's choice so.... yeah. Hope you enjoyed it loll.
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dreamauri · 11 months
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♪ — 𝗦𝗠𝗜𝗟𝗘 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗠𝗘 charles leclerc x wife! driver! reader (angst) “. . . charles goes the five stages of grief, again.”
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( general master list | more of charles leclerc ) ( requests )
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"Shhh, she's asleep." You heard Charles whisper as he carried you on his back through the paddock. It was your pre Qualifying tradition. You'd sleep in and go to the paddock in your pyjamas. The only problem with that, is that sleeping in makes you late for FP3.
But since you married Charles, you didn't have to worry about timing anymore. He carried you all the way from bed to his car, from the car to your motorhome. He wore pyjamas with you, danced to music with you before FP3. Call it a ritual, because it's been going on for 3 years now.
He pushed your Aston martin cap further down your face to make sure the sun wouldn't bother you. Walking into the green motorhome, Charles shared an awkward smile and wave with your team, minus Alonso who was trying to take photos of you passed out.
"Stay with me." You mumbled in your native language, one that Charles learned just for you. He'd just set you down on the couch in your driver's room, only for you to hold his hand to stop him from leaving.
"Cherie, I'm sticking out like a sore thumb. I'm in red." [sweetheart] He reminded you but you could only shrug not caring, trying to pull him closer to you. He wasn't going to leave in the first place, even if you asked him to, he just wanted to close the door. The one that Alonso was taking pictures from once you two were sound asleep in each others arms.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Ayyyy, Macarena! Aughh! You sang as you danced with your husband. He twirled you as you swung danced with each other in his garage with a few minutes till Qualifying. Drivers, staff, and other paddock patrons always stopped by for a minute or two to watch. It was always so heart warming to see the two enjoying your time together.
it was even more wholesome to watch you jump out of your car and run to him once you finished Qualifying, securing your first provisional pole. He pulled you in his arms, jumping with you excitedly. Although he lost leading the race to you, he felt so proud that you were finally on top like you deserved to be.
But you didn't deserve this. Not at all. Your car upside down on your husband's Ferrari. "Mon amour. Ça va être correct." [my love, it's going to be alright] You took off your left glove reaching for his hand under you. He copied your actions, holding his bare left hand with yours, the tattooed outline of your wedding rings touching.
Flinching, Charles looks confused at what fell on his visor. Red. Droplets of red were slowly dripping. "A-Amour!" He panicked trying to unbuckle himself, and get out. "Charles- Charlie. No no. It's ok. I'm ok." You comforted quickly, how you voice was so sweet and relaxed at a time like this he couldn't understand. He found himself crying as you whispered soft words and nothings to him, feeling the warm liquid trail down his wrist and arm under his race suit. "I will always be ok. Everything will be fine. I promise. We'll go home, and I'll make creps and we can watch cars 2."
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
You lied. The first promise that you had ever broken, against your husband as well. Charles' chest felt empty as he carried your casket out of the cathedral, your helmet resting on top of the wooden confinement. His hand wouldn't leave the casket once he set you down in the car that would take you to your grave. Picking up your helmet, he watched you leave. Your mother stayed close to him, crying in his arms as he hugged her.
Charles felt numb.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
After brewing himself a cup of coffee, Charles gently knocked on the bedroom door before entering. He set your favourite coffee mug quietly on your night stand before moving to the curtains and draping the blinds closed.
You didn't sleep comfortably with bright light, and he always had to close the curtains for you. "I'm gonna go on a run, amour. I'll be back in 40 minutes or so." He told no one as he pulled clothes from his closet changing quietly and walking out.
When he came back all sweaty and heaving, he showered in silence for the first time.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
It wasn't even 10 minutes into FP1 when Charles was quick to park the car on a patch of grass before hopping out and pulling his head protection off.
The food that he had forced himself to eat that morning was vomited on the grass. It was the first time back in the car since your crash and apparently he could still feel your blood dripping on his helmet and tricking down his arm.
"You okay, mate?" It was Max, he would tell by the redbull parked near his Ferrari. "DO I LOOK OKAY TO YOU?!" Charles snapped standing up and wiping his mouth clean. "GO GET P1 FOR ALL I CARE. IM NOT DOING THIS SHIT." Throwing his helmet somewhere in a fit of rage. Charles walked off, where to he didn't know. But he couldn't sit in the car that killed you.
The red colours of Ferrari held a different meaning now. "AND ITS ALL MY FAULT." He shouted angrily gripping his hair frustrated.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Charles sat in the shower. He's been scrubbing his hands and arms for thirty minutes now but the blood wouldn't come off. No matter how much pressure he put or how much soap. Your blood was stuck to his skin, reminding him of his mistake.
"I should've never signed with Ferrari. I should've never bumped chased her down." He mumbled, hoping that admitting to his mistakes would remove the scars. "It's all my fault. And if I could, I'd take her place instead. If only- if only I braked earlier." He broke into sobs leaning against the wall. 'If only's crowding his mind, regretting everything he did that would've lead to your death.
"It's all my fault. I'm so- so sorry Y/N. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's my fault." He shouted to the walls, hoping you'd return to his arms.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Charles sat on the grass bed with groan, shifting his backpack on his lap and pulling out lunchboxes. He set his championship trophy next to your grave stone, opening the plastic lid and pulling out the crepe rolls.
"Oh they taste like shit." He chuckled embarrassed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he continued to eat anyways. "I'll have to ask your mom for her jam recipe because Lorenzo can't cook that well." He mumbled, leaning back on one arm while he ate with the other.
"It's for you." He pointed at the trophy. "I finally made it . . . Although I would've loved for you to win it more than me." He raised his crèp muttering a cheers as he got up leaving his stuff, only for a moment to go greet his dad. "See you around my love." He blew a kiss, the same way you always did to him during the formation lap or when he was on the podium.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"RAAH!" You jumped on his back once you reached him. The boy flinched catching you quickly. "AMOUR! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" He scolded you, setting you down before pulling you into a deep kiss.
"There's that beautiful smile. My beautiful ocean eyes." You teased once you pulled away, cupping his cheeks gently. "Let me show you around! Come on!" You pulled on his arm, dragging him with you. "Hey- wait! Slow down!"
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shaadiwish · 2 years
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The Maharashtrian Traditions Started With Bhaat & Seemant Pujan
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livesinfantasyland · 26 days
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Sangeet Night
A Sangeet ceremony is an important part of Indian weddings – it’s like a pre-wedding reception where friends and family ceremonially welcome the couple into their lives and wish them the best for their future. This welcoming celebration often includes lots of dancing and music, religious traditions, ethnic games, ceremonial attires, delicious food, and more! A typical Sangeet ceremony involves music and dancing, typically in the form of a dance-off between the bride and groom’s families. There are also religious rituals such as a havan or puja to bless the couple and their upcoming union, as well as traditional games they can engage in together. The dress code is usually festive – bright colors and traditional sarees or lenghas for women, while men usually wear kurtas or Sherwanis.
Mehndi Ceremony
Haldi Ceremony
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More Mood Boards
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galesdevoteewife · 26 days
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#bg3weddingseason Masterlist
Tag a friend and challenge them to answer some (or all) of the prompts on this list. There are 31 prompts, so you can also use the prompts as a daily headcanon/art/fic challenge. Use the prompts however you like! If you want to share your stuff with a shared tag, you can use the tag #bg3weddingseason Original post from @mumms-the-word
♡ I am making this ASK GAME too!! Please feel free to drop any number in my ask box !! Additional questions are most welcome too !! ♡ Or I will just slowly fill up the unpicked numbers anyway muahhaha!!
1. Wedding, or something else? - What do the characters think about weddings or marriages? If not a wedding, would they acknowledge their relationship in a different kind of ceremony?
2. Proposal - Who proposed to whom? Were there rings or other gifts involved?
3. Bachlor/Bachelorette parties? - Do the characters get a bachelor(ette) party before the big day? Does anything crazy happen?
4. Pre-Ceremony Events - Are there any special events, ceremonies, rituals, or preparations the couple must do before the wedding day? Ritual cleansing, asking a parent for the character's hand, mehndi/henna painting, little pre-ceremony games or challenges, etc?
5. Formal or informal affair? - Is the wedding elaborate and grand, or simple and sweet? Is it a tenday-long series of parties or is it a quick vow exchange in front of Withers?
6. Venue - Where is the ceremony and/or reception? Inside? Outside?
7. Timing - What time of year are they getting married? What time of day?
8. Traditions - What traditions are involved in the ceremony/reception? Is there a mix of traditions from either partner?
9. Decor - What kind of notable decor is there at the venue? Do they have something like an arch, a carpet aisle, fairy lights in the trees, or other elaborate decorations? Did they choose to decorate at all?
10. Flowers - What flowers or other natural elements do they have as part of their decoration, if any? Are these flowers significant?
11. Bouquet or no bouquet? - Does someone carry a bouquet, or do they choose to carry something else? Or do they walk down the aisle with nothing at all?
12. Music - Is there music at the ceremony or the reception? What kind of music? Do they hire an orchestra, band, or half-decent bard to serenade them?
13. Outfits - What is the married couple going to wear? Is there special significance in the outfit choices, colors, jewelry, etc?
14. Rings - What do their rings look like, if they choose to exchange any?
15. Vows and Unity Ceremonies - Does the couple exchange vows? Do they complete any kind of "unity" ceremony, like handfasting, planting a tree together, etc?
16. Wedding Party - Are there bridesmaids, groomsmen, attendants, special witnesses? Are they dressed a certain way or positioned in a special spot?
17. Going Down the Aisle - Does anyone escort the character walking down the aisle? Do they go alone?
18. I Now Pronounce You... - Do your characters change their last names, keep their last names, arrange for a specific kind of name? For example, "Mr. and Mr. Dekarios" or "Lord and Lady Ravengard-Cliffgate"?
19. Guests - Who else is there? Are there any special details about how the guests are arranged, what they are wearing, or what they are doing?
20. Food - What kind of food and drink is being served at the reception? Is there a lush feast or simple fare? Is there a wedding cake or some other kind of traditional wedding food?
21. Dancing - Is there any dancing? Elegant waltzes or all-out party-hard tavern music dance parties?
22. Ending the Night - How does the reception end? Is there a big send-off, or does everyone quietly fade out as the night turns into dawn?
23. Honeymoon - Does the couple take a honeymoon anywhere?
✨Specific Moments✨
24. The Night Before - Write about the night before the wedding. Are your characters nervous? Excited? Do they see their partner or keep away?
25. Getting Ready - Who helps your characters get ready? Are there any sweet, funny, bittersweet, or adorable moments that happen?
26. The First Look - Write about the moment when your married couple sees each other in their wedding outfits for the first time.
27. Ceremony - Write the scene where they exchange vows, complete a unity ceremony, exchange rings, or etc.
28. First Dance - Does your couple have a first dance? What is that like for them?
29. Private Moments - Every couple needs a private moment away from the big day. When does your couple escape the festivities, before, during, or after the ceremony/reception, to have a private, quiet (or perhaps not so quiet) moment?
30. Reception - Does anything specific happen at the reception? Drama, a sweet moment with a parent or other companions, cake-smashing, games, a surprise?
31. First Night, Morning After - Write a specific moment or detail about their first night together as a wedded couple, and/or what it is like for them to wake up the next morning as a wedded couple.
Ahhhh sweeeet summer time project!! I am so exciteeeddd!!! Thank you @fantasyfictionfables for tagging me and @mumms-the-word for creating the wonderful detail prompts!!! Also, open tag, as always! please consider yourself tagged by me if you'd like to play!! ♡♡♡♡
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I had asked an Ask on Dec 26, 2023
I waited till now thinking may be you needed time to answer the ask. But I see there are new messages you’re replying so I guess my question didn’t actually reach you or some glitch might have happened
So however I’m asking it again now, hope this reaches you this time!
First! How are you!? Hope you're having a nice day
My question is,
Khushi believed in god, her devi Maiyaa so much. I mean her beliefs were so different than that of Arnav.
Like he never believed in god never did have that faith in god like she had. And whatever he did those rituals for wedding it was for Khushi's sake only.
So I wonder how they never got any differences in thoughts and practices (on this god matter) having so strong belief individually which completely oppose each other.
Especially for this particular god matter.
Like what if Khushi wanted to perform this havan or so and she believed and wanted it to follow it with all her heart but she knows Arnav is such a person who won't follow it and even if he does he won't carry that significance in his heart for god like she does. I mean wouldn't it bother her!?
I'm asking this question because I believe a lot in god and I have complete faith in him and if at all I see my partner disregarding it or not holding that same meaning as I hold will definitely trouble me. Of course that wouldn't lessen the love or anything but deep deep down we might feel little taken back as such.
And Khushi and Arnav are two perfect individuals who have these characteristics yet they have immense love and respect for each other almost by the end of the show.
Also there's an episode scene where Aarav wanted to eat Prasad Ladoo's and later they both have fight that he shouldn't hence it should offered to god first.
Like such scenarios over the time how must they have coped with one such complex difference they have between themselves
Do let me know your thoughts and don't mind my such bhaktified questions. Honestly I'm a cool person but I just wanted to know the perspective from Arnav and Khushi’s lens.
Happy Answering!
And lots of love to you <3
First of all I’m so sorry that tumblr ate your ask - it honestly did! There’s no trace of a similar ask in my inbox at all! And don’t apologize about the question nor your beliefs.
The friction Arnav and khushi have in the beginning also stem from their religious differences! The reason he literally released the footage is because she told him that everything happens according to the will of Devi Maiyya which is why he intentionally decided to screw with her life just to prove a point that God doesn’t exist.
If Gods did exist, then some miracle would’ve happened to stop Khushi - the most devout - from facing such humiliation.
Also just because Arnav is atheist doesn’t mean he’s intolerant. Actually he’s really tolerant and respectful of others beliefs. Despite being an atheist he has a temple in his house because he knows his family is religious and they like to pray.
Khushi later learns that she must not force other people to be a part of her beliefs - that is pre her wedding and I’m glad of it. As a religious person, I find it stupid and insulting that the Raizadas and Khushi think it’s great to manipulate or force Arnav to sit in poojas.
He’s atheist. You cannot violate that.
If Arnav respects Khushi - khushi can perform her religious duties unhindered at his house.
If Khushi respects Arnav - she wouldn’t be forcing Arnav to join in at all nor should she have expectations to be honest.
Being religious is not a more valuable trait than being atheist.
It’s like this, if Arnav was vegetarian and Khushi non vegetarian, and Arnav is completely fine with Khushi cooking and eating meat in his house (fine enough for her to be even using the same utensils to cook veg/non veg food) -
Does it make sense that Khushi still makes chicken korma with a lot of effort and tried to slyly feed it to a vegetarian Arnav?
Or get disappointed when Arnav - despite clearly stating that he’s a vegetarian - refuses/has no interest to eat the chicken korma served to him.
Like does it even make sense for Khushi to even feel bad that Arnav wouldn’t even think of eating the korma for the hours that she toiled it for?
No, it’s actually stupid for Khushi to think that a vegetarian man would even taste her chicken curry.
Arnav participates in family activities so as to no one feels left out or sad that the whole family isn’t present (point to note, very few actually respect his religious preference or do anything in the house based for his preference - he’s the one who constantly keeps compromising)
So my favorite thing in IPK is when Khushi realizes that Arnav’s preference must be respected, is moved that he considers her family enough to visit the temple for her sake (the way he does file his family) and is completely fine with him being an atheist.
Her religion is respected enough in his household thus his personal interest doesn’t matter. And it’s respectfully dealt with.
With children it’s a different matter cause then you want your values in them - hence opinions clashed. It’s disappointing they never showed a resolution to this.
But ultimately once they completely love and respect each other, neither cares about the other’s religious preference. Just love and respect makes all the difference.
For you though if religion plays a key role and something that you expect from your partner then definitely that’s a criteria that you should keep in mind when looking for potential partners 👍 like this is the thing I say to anyone in relationships/looking for relationships - your core values and expectations in religion, politics, family, children and finances should match. There’s no need to love someone who’s not religious when religion matters deeply to you. We have many leading heroes who are religious as well - Shivaay, Raghav, Deva, Abhir, Rohit to begin with.
Arnav and Khushi’s core similarity is in preserving family as a unit - thus they thrive as a couple for that. Arnav never thinks Khushi is too family oriented, Khushi never thinks Arnav is too invested in family matters. They wouldn’t hang done well as a couple if just one of them were family oriented.
And honestly Arnav and khushi are written as people who take pride in their beliefs and are prejudiced in those beliefs and slowly and gradually they let their toxic pride in their beliefs go away to become more accepting of the other - khushi goes from trolling his diabetes to managing his diet and making special sugar free sweets, Arnav goes from insulting her and her lineage to literally making Payal a part of his family with all respect.
- Jalebi
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ramsaybaggins · 7 months
I just watched the Runaway Bride for the first time with pals and I have an idea for an OFMD AU
Ed is a jaded and bored dating columnist for a national paper. He keeps going on shitty dates and writing bitter columns. He's famous, he's making money, he's bored.
He meets an old friend, Jack, at a bar. Jack has just witnessed another awful date where Ed got torn apart for his column. Jack makes himself known, sits down to have a drink and a catch up with his old buddy. Tells him about this guy, Stede Bonnet, who's run out on a bunch of weddings. The Runaway Groom, they call him.
Stede Bonnet has run out on weddings. Arranged weddings, most of them. The thing is, both parties know the score. They know Stede won't make it to the vows. He's not supposed to. The parents? They don't know the plan. But Stede and his promised, they know the plan.
It started with Marry Allamby. Arranged. Miserable. An 18 month courtship which neither of them wanted. 18 months of parents off their backs. 18 months of Mary having time to find someone she wanted. Stede found out before the wedding and they hatched their plan. Stede ran away. Mary married Doug a couple of months later.
Since then, Stede has used the privilege and wealth of his family to help others find their loves. The engagement lasts as long as needed, and once they find their person, Stede runs away. Every time. He and his family's reputation can take it. He can be weak, a coward, a joke. His arranged partners? They receive sympathy and people rally around them, and a few months later they all marry their real destined.
Oluwande met Jim, and then Archie, and then Zheng. Lucius met Pete. Frenchie met Wee John. They are all Stede's family, now.
Only Stede and his betrothed know. It's why the plan works.
Ed writes a column about Stede Bonnet, the runaway groom. Stede complains, and Ed is fired. Fine. Whatever. Who the fuck cares, he was bored anyway.
Until he's offered a unique chance - go and find out the real story behind Stede. Stede who is currently engaged. Stede who is set to be married in a few scant weeks.
Over the course of those weeks, Ed finds himself falling in love with Stede Bonnet. He's a bitch, he's caring, he's honestly a bit of a cunt. He's wonderful.
He finds out what happened to the previous fiance. Jack Rackham. He wanted to trap Stede for the money, and Stede kicked him to the curb as soon as he found out what was going on. Never even made it to the fake wedding.
When Ed confront him: "People like us don't have friends, we're all just in various stages of fucking each other over."
Ed's in love. He's pretty sure Stede is too. Ed can't sit by and watch at the pre-wedding toast as Stede is cruelly and ritually insulted by the guests and his family. He stands up for him. Stede leaves and Ed confronts him. Confronts him about moulding himself to each new person.
When Ed confesses his love breathily with a kiss at the wedding rehearsal, Stede kisses him back. The wedding is called off. Ed offers to take the fake groom's place, but for real this time.
Stede agrees.
Stede gets halfway down the aisle two days later, and runs.
Ed crashes.
One day Ed shuffles into his lonely apartment and finds Stede sitting on his sofa. Stede confesses that Ed was right. That he didn't know who he was. That he was unloveable, that people from his family and his town didn't get to marry for love anyway. So instead, he helped other people find love through him. He did everything he could to help those he could.
He never helped himself, though. And he didn't know how. But he was ready now. He understands, now.
They get married, just the two of them and their weird celebrant, Buttons, on a crisp autumn day. Stede doesn't run. Neither does Ed.
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justafriend-ql · 1 year
times never let me go said: happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈 (part 2)
(recommended but not required pre-reading: part 1)
emo gay teen seeks refuge from the Horrors in the music club room that his father paid for
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2. what's the point of learning mandarin if you can't touch the skin of other men while doing it (the rituals are very intricate)
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3. nuengdiao's bombastic side eye
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4. me sitting in my room having my gay little thoughts
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5. "who are you thinking of when you pull the trigger" "i'm thinking i'm protecting someone. someone important to my life. someone that i love. someone that i really care about. someone who i can't live without." it's literally episode 3 gay people are so insane
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6. chopper appreciating palm's arms (palmchopper nation i see you)
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7. and what do you mean by that, sir?
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8. "what do you want? i can give you everything." idk i think i might know what he wants:
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9. gay rights but at what cost
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10. the funniest screencap in the entire series. argue with the wall.
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11. chanon: you can't date anyone because you need to focus on taking care of khun nueng. palm: there's this thing called a "loophole" and i am going through it :)
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12. the look of utter horror on palm and nueng's faces when mam asks if nueng is another son of chanon's
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13. palm i think there is something you should know about yourself
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14. mam seeing palm touching nueng's lips and going "there is absolutely no heterosexual explanation for this"
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15. i have been informed that they were not, in fact, dating at the time this picture was taken
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16. mam #1 palmnueng shipper
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17. what if we were soulmates? jk... unless?
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18. well well well... look who watched bad buddy
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19. imagine getting owned by a twink in a florida tourist shirt this is so embarrassing for him
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20. pondphuwin you will always be famous
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21. nueng doing academic research to rationalize his scent kink
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22. the thugs hiding in the bushes watching palm and nueng finish having their cute "give me a goodbye kiss before work" moment before coming out to attack palm
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23. they're literally so in love i want to throw up
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24. uncle kit's homophobic ass getting shot by his own (gay) son and sent to prison it's what he deserves
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25. sluttiest soulmate-coded first greeting possible (period drama edition!)
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26. it's not even subtext at this point (it never was)
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27. none of that "wife" shit here thanks :)
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28. palmnueng 🤝 the homosexual agenda
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29. the two men in question
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30. palmnueng read their love vows and kissed under their soulmate tree and you expect me to believe that wasn't a wedding??
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