#preddy good deal…
nyadversary · 2 years
big shoutout to the gas station near my house which is running a deal on energy drinks and thought the best way to express this on their large LED sign was to make it read BANG MONSTER 2/$5
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piplupod · 2 months
praying and hoping and begging for things to get better or at least more tolerable soon because i dont know how many more physical symptoms of stress my body can take
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switch · 1 year
if we’re gonna keep getting meta support rulers please give me another servant besides gong who can blow my own servants up please thanks
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readymades2002 · 2 years
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thinking. thinking. thinking
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erzvolnes · 1 month
health update (: been gluten free for just over a week now and i feel preddy good. no more stomach pain, my skin issues have almost completely cleared up, i have more energy (because im actually able to eat)
still not feeling 100% which i expected. I still have the hypothyroidism to deal with (i get my test results for that back next week) and apparently it can take months to 100% recover when u have coeliac.
I have a referral to a gastroenterologist so I'm waiting to hear back from them. I will have to go back on gluten prior to any more testing but for now they're happy for me to stay GF since i might not get an appointment for a couple months.
it's been a little bit of a bummer because i haven't been able to eat with my family whenever they go out, and i can't have any of the takeout my dad gets, but that's ok (: we'll figure somethin out
so yeah in-all im feeling mostly okay which is a huge relief (:
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meirimerens · 9 months
this is probably a very niche thing, but do you have any hand headcanons about pathologic characters? as in, who's right-handed or who's left-handed... or both.
since most of the population is right-handed, imagine that if i'm not mentioning anyone they're either right-handed OR i don't have any particular headcanons. + you get some handwriting headcanons as well, a "buy one get one free" deal
Dankovsky: right-handed, relatively neat writing when he wants, otherwise you're getting that Doctor's Handwriting
Burakh: naturally right-handed, but he trained himself to be able to write with his left hand when he sprained his wrist age 14. his left-handed writing is kinda fucked up and it's obvious that's not his natural dominant hand, but if you squint and focus it's readable
Clara: ambidextrous, but she has very rarely written in her life so she doesn't even notice.
Andrey: naturally ambidextrous, has a left-handedness dominance
Peter: naturally ambidextrous, has a right-handedness dominance
(fun fact about ^ i headcanon that they always had to be sat together at school and for a while the teacher didn't understand why they didn't get any work done and then realized that's because the way they had them (peter on the left and andrey on the right) their elbows keep bumping in each other's so they just switched them around and it was fine)
Rubin: naturally left-handed but trained himself to be able to write/do other stuff with his right hand in case (it was for him a thing of like Discipline)
Lara: right-handed, relatively clean handwriting unless she starts losing it and scribbling
Grief: left-handed
Eva: right-handed, neat handwriting, likes to either embellish her lettering a lot or have very "dry", austere, almost worryingly simple shapes
Yulia: right-handed, a nervoussss writer, very tense grip on the pen, very low and slanted letters
Nina and Victoria: both ambidextrous
Katerina: naturally ambidextrous, her proficiency in both hands has been coming and going, and her morphine addiction has made her lose her grip and stability on her writing to the point it looks like chicken-scratch now
Capella: naturally ambidextrous, she uses mostly her right hand so far but will learn to use the left one more as well as she grows up + trains with stuff like sewing, embroidering, playing instruments,...
Khan: right-handed, relatively clean handwriting. it gets cleaner and more precise as he grows up because he goes on to go to college and learn languages, so he takes pride and effort into materializing the letters of languages other than his own like greek, arabic, any using the latin alphabet, etc.
Notkin: left-handed. he's barely literate because of his Shit Life Syndrome making his writing, when he tries, somewhat unintelligible. since he barely ever writes he has no muscle memory of how to hold his pen so his left hand doesn't smear the ink all over.
Catnip: right handed, clean and pretty handwriting, her grammar is kinda shit but she has an excuse. she's an orphan.
Dandy: right-handed, messyyyy handwriting, but his grasp on grammar's preddy good. paired with his sister ^ they make for Notkin's Redaction and Deciphering Team.
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seregios-seer · 7 months
Monster Review: Najarala
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(I’ll also be instantiate by a new rule here that any monster with subspecies/ wildly different fights from game to game will get the long post cutoff after base monster intros)
Snaky Jakey here is a funny one. This guy was one of the monsters that blew ten year old men’s mind when I first saw his intro cutscene. Najarala still defines the primal forest to me even now. It’s the first time Monster Hunter had a proper snake monster, but thank god not the last. The coloring on Najarala really strikes me sometimes, the muted tones still coming off vibrant in contrast to the fins (plates? Spines?) on its neck. I must say I have a weird outlook on this one, since I really like the design but it somehow still comes off as middling for me, and I’m not really sure why.
4U (IG): The actual fight with Najarala is just as unique as the snake itself. The most unique attack of his (that he really likes doing in my experience) is his coil. He makes a wide circle around you, and slowly pulls closer before bursting upwards in an inescapable burn. Requiring hunters to either find the gap in his loop or dive is really neat, but as a Glaive main I never actually had to deal with this attack. The second big thing Najarala has is the scale launch. The massive tail scales he launches from his tail being able to explode due from a follow up screech is really unique, although once again I never really found much difficulty in this, although the detail of being able to destroy the scales is not lost and very much appreciated. The biggest issue by far comes from the lunge and sliding attacks at the Najarala’s disposal, and are about 8/10 hits I take from this one. Despite this, I was well into master rank before I ever realized some of the bite lunges could inflict paralysis. Not sure how tbh.
GU (Various): This fight's a lot like the 4u edition, but it certainly feels like paralysis bites are more frequent in this one. When played against hunter arts, and I used a lot of diffferent ones against this one, it becomes a really short fight tbh. Najarala flees less, and doesn't seem to have the burrowing attacks like in 4u, which were already somewhat rare already. I'd usually manage a kill before the bastard even leaves the area more often than not, so I'm overall kinda shocked how much easier this fight is.
Rating: 7.7/10
Much like his biggest attacks, the design just doesn’t hit for some reason (still soo good though).
Tidal Najarala:
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So it took me a looong time to hit G rank in 4u (I was an idiot kid when I first got the game, ok?) and when I finally did, the new monster subspecies felt so refreshing and unique, and this beautiful, glorious freakshow-colored reptile is right up there for me. The colors and the elemental effects really bump my personal opinion of Najarala as a whole. Plus the coloration and status given to being a G rank monster really lands the whole "exotic" aspect for me.
4u (IG): This fight is by far faster than the baseline Najarala, and that obviously bumps the difficulty quite a bit. The amount of slam attacks I got hit by really skyrocketed in this fight. It was a bit of a coin toss on whether it felt balanced or unavoidable, but more often than not seemed like my bad. The addition of a spit attack for instilling water blight really gave some ranged ability to this fight, although Tidal tends to do wide tail sweeps compared to the small swipes of the baseline species. One of these sweeping attacks is actually the pin attack Tidal uses, which I hate purely because it makes no damn sense. If you're hit on the right, why would you ever go flying perfectly forward? But that's really more a stupid peeve of my own than anything, and overall the fight is still really fun, even moreso than the base species after you acclimate from your first attempt.
Rating: 8.6/10
Preddy colors... so cooool...
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alonetogether · 9 months
hi andy :D how did you make your stickers?? I’ve been toying w the idea of turning some of my art into stickers but I don’t really know how/where to do it and was just curious as to your process/what your recommendation would be!
honestly i didnt do much fancy i just made sure to make the art not overly detailed as i knew i was putting these designs onto relatively small/average sticker sizing but to answer the like… where, i used stickermule :-) they’re handy cause they offer a 10 piece test batch of matte 75mmx75mm stickers on one design for cheap (which i actually got for pete and patrick a couple months back)
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just so you can see how they print like as you can tell i changed patrick’s clothes from those above test batches to the final glitter stickers and and also tweaked the colours on all the guys to be more saturated as i felt the test batch was a little too faded looking!! but yeah once you order your real batch have a look at stickermules deals tab as i got all 4 of the guys as glitter stickers for 15 bucks each for 50 pieces instead of i think 50+ bucks! also stickermules good cause they send you image proofs that you can then review and message back to tweak or change the image (like for my test batch i forgot to remove my own white border i had put around them for like. testing how they’d theoretically look as stickers, so they basically had a double white border in the first proofs and i was able to be like Oh shit sorry here’s an updated file with no white border in the art which fixed that and then they sent me a second proof and it was all gucci) and then once you’re happy you can go ahead with the order and they ship preddy damn fast too.. sorry i rambled on a bit LMFAO honestly i’m no expert i’m just delving in myself :,-)
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numberposting · 1 year
official sunny louie BUBBLEGUM REVIEW of hubba bubba max: the flavor is a very standard bubblegum type of deal, a lil intense to start off with but fades real quickly like teh normal gum tape you usually see. And this gum doesn't include the sweet dust(tm) that's on the tape which is so sad :( HOWEVER!!! when it comes to Actual Bubble Blowing hubba bubba max is wayyy better than the gum tape <3 just generally able to blow bubbles more consistently + they're bigger than what i usually achieve w/ teh gum tape :] i guess it has to do w/ the standard "portion" sizes it has as compared to the tape?? SPEAKING of package sizes. hubba bubba max only comes in packages of 5 lil gum pieces which rlly isnt all that much!! ig it's understandable tho since a pack is a lil cheaper than teh gum tape but still </3
so in conclusion. if actually blowing bubbles w/ ur bubblegum is smth you care about, hubba bubba max is a preddy good choice!! BUT otherwise i think the general novelty factor of the hubba bubble gum tape is a lil better <3 still theyre just Very average bubblegums with flavors that fade extremely fast so w/e
hope u enjoyed this epic review <3
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dullard · 1 year
im feeling chatty.
i dont currently plan to get more isopods but dreamy species (that are actually within reach. So none of those adorable spiky ones like shiny gators, ancient gators, thai spikies... Just absurdly expensive and hard to get) are uhhhh:
armadillidium cf espanyoli “marbelized”
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(pic source) i just loooove the patterning its so pretty ive seen some really stunning ones in pictures too. theyre really tiny apparently. i already think my cappuccinos are tiny and theyre like twice the size of the marbles from what i can tell. itd be cool to have more Sizes u kno. these are the most tempting to me like if i was looking for another species to keep or if i had more room. itd definitely be these. great combo of beautiful pod and not so expensive or notoriously hard to work with or anything.
porcellio expansus “orange”
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(pic source) theyre BIG fuckers!!!! not as big as hoffmanseggi but preddy big and very flat and i like their big exopods/uropods (?) (the funky tail things the guys have longer ones of) allso. isolated from the general porcellio expansus from spain which is sometimes calld the beetlejuice isopod and i have brain rot. They do have such cute little striped black and white antennae though, see? 
A strain like autumnal equinox is also tempting but..... idk 
cubaris sp “lemon blue”
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(pic source) arent they stunning. ok so i want one of the yellowy ones i think theyre cute but it could be lemon blues it could be jupiters it could be some rendition of the bees. rubber bees, emperor bees, bumble bees.
armadillidium vulgare “gem mix”
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(pic source) this is actually a really commonly available mix and was almost my first set before i got that absurd deal on my cappuccinos. I just love how rich and deep the colors are and they all complement each other so well. there are other mixes of other species like ‘lotto ticket’ and ‘party mix’ but the gem mix is so pretty to me
honorable mentions
armadillidium nasatum “peach” - absurdly cute to me. such a pretty color and such nice markings. not SUPER up my alley in terms of what id want to keep but just so nice to look at. if i had space and saw a good deal. itd be tempting.
cubaris sp. “pak chong” - they are also. so cute. they were actually one of the other ones i was considering as my first isopods, the reptile store in my area has some (as well as that gem mix) but i had been worried they would be too hard to care for (and then i went for the theoretically Harder to care for cappuccinos anyway so i had to level up my isopod keeping really fast and early for those little thangs) anyway i like their little red face and butt.
venezillo parvus “kumquat” - maybe i just like the food names especially. bc i have cappuccinos and chocolate zebras at home. but also a lot of morphs have food names. They are just so so cute conglobated and they are teeny tinys. i like their coloration and markings. this section is kind of repetitive now that i think about it
cubaris sp “white shark” - literally would be on the list but theyre just so tinys. idk why but them being tiny seems like a big L in this case but in other cases a species is tinys and im like. epic....
thenks for reading :P :)
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toast1862 · 9 months
here's my 1am sweets craving recipe based on pancake batter designed to be easy, adjustable, and use ingredients that i always have around
preheat oven or toaster oven to 350. i dont have a cake pan so i butter a pie pan, but any smallish oven safe dish is probably fine
sift 1 cup of self rising flour into a big bowl. if you dont sift it, it comes out kinda spongy and rough but still tasty
stir a half cup of sugar in. if you wanna add dry spices like ginger or cinnamon do it here. it comes out subtly sweet this way, so if you want it to be more sweet on its own you might want to add a little more.
add to a measuring cup 1 egg, a big glug of vegetable oil, a splash of vanilla, and enough milk to make 1 cup. other extracts or liquid flavorings go here. mix them really well. might wanna mix between ingredients, but it's not a big deal to mix it at the end
slowly pour measuring cup contents into bowl while mixing, until completely combined. if you wanted to fold something in, like chocolate chips or fruit, this would be the time
go fuck around on the computer for a bit to let the batter rest
remember you were baking, go pour the batter in the pie pan, give it a quick shake to even it out, and stick it in the oven
cook until it smells good and a toothpick or knife or whatever can be stuck in the middle and comes out clean
cool a bit, slice, slather with syrup or your favorite sweet toppings, eat
i just made a spiced version with some brandy in it. it's preddy good even by itself
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mechanicalinertia · 2 years
STMPD Recommends Bubblegum Crisis Fanfic: Grab Bag O' Good
I've already done this twice, for fanfics so laughably bad and pitifully short that they don't really deserve a deep dive. This time, though, I'm gonna do the reverse, and review shorter fics that are Actually Good. Get ready to be amused.
Tempest Dash's His Blood Still Cries: A fun but short fic about a middling GENOM exec who ends up hearing Largo's voice inside his head as he works on salvaging the SuperBoomer's corpse for Quincy. Eventually he escapes with several more powerful Boomers, and this parallels the Sabers fighting just one of those Boomers. It's a good fight scene, actually, with some goofball ADP jockeys playing around and getting mangled in the process. So... yeah. I'm not enthusiastic about this fic, but I think it's good and you should read it, simple as that.
Markmeister's Urban Hunter: Unfortunately unfinished, ending just as it was getting exciting, this is a simple premise: Predator 2 in Megatokyo. There's even a heatwave and everything. So just like in Predator 2, the Sabers and the ADP are overwhelmed by Boomer incidents and intense heat, and after seeing the Sabers deal with some Boomers, Preddy-chan decides they are worthy opponents indeed, Leon ends up with a mysterious contact in the police who tells him he has no idea what he's dealing with (but she's a gal, not Gary Busey), etc etc etc. It's really good. There are so many goddamn plot threads to follow - terrorists accessing GENOM files before getting Predator'd, the heatwave causing Boomer malfunctions when it shouldn't because of a virus triggered by a foreign rival (Quincy a sympathetic character? Gee whiz), the Predator traumatizing an ADP officer out in the Fault (Bakemono! she screams) - and nothing comes of it! Damn author lost interest! You've got to read this one, guys!
Martin D Pay's Vignettes A La Ronde: Basically, with no explanation, it's the Sabers talking about each other, and themselves. Like an interview. What do these people think of one another? It takes some work figuring out who's talking and who they're talking about, but the characterizations are good. I wouldn't say copy the character impressions verbatim if you write fanfiction, I personally think the Sabers are closer than this fic implies, but you know what? It's still worth a read. Required reading, maybe.
Neil A Sinclair (Robyn, Duke of Amber)'s Midnight Hour: I don't especially like the legacy of this guy Sinclair, he comes off very annoying on the old Usenet forum, but you know what this is pretty good stuff. Maybe the initial characterization of the other Sabers is a little off, maybe the grammar's weird, but, uh, howzabout that last part with Linna? It's so unexpected and yet seems to slide into what we know of the character in an incredibly dark way. I would never write the girl as thus in my own fic but... it's an interpretation that unnerves me in just the right way. For that alone I put it on this list.
Anyway, that's it. Next time... eh. I dunno. I've got a few ideas for fics I might review but it's all a bunch of mixed bags. We'll see what comes up.
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switch · 23 days
energy drink review
rockstar focus lemon lime:
it looks like this one is new? it’s preddy good. not too sweet. good caffeine content, in a smaller sized can than most of the other 200-300 mg range drinks which could be convenient if you’re in a situations where you want to finish it quickly, which does happen with me sometimes. first 0 cal product i’ve seen from rockstar so it’s about time. my main complaint is they don’t sell them as a multipack around here, but their individual can price seems to be consistently cheaper than a bang or c4 and rockstar products do go on sale fairly often so they could still be a decent deal.
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1ore · 2 years
Uh Oh Sisters
re: chief trans headcanon, part of it is I’m on the fence about whether i want to deal with sexism more than i already do in my day-to-day life. I’m still figuring out whether Chief’s gender is even, like, noteworthy. Or if the vat was supposed to cook up a cis dude and instead they got her out of it, or. what. I think it would be fun to pick apart toxic masculinity and a ~butch woman having to perform a version of it where you’re 100x bigger, badder, stronger, and crueler than everyone around you just to tread water. and then learning to take off all that armor and let it Go because it fucking sucks. but I haven’t figured out where exactly on the gender experience that puts her, or if it’s even something i want to codify with authorial intent or just leave open to interpretation
but as with preddy much all of my characters, go crazy go stupid make this your house. twice now I’ve had friends make an extremely good case for a gender headcanon that became canon. its gender!
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lafortis · 2 years
just finished end of eva... good thing i've interacted with a lot of works that deal with similar themes at this point or i'd have absolutely no idea what the fuck's going on
still. preddy gewd
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Every time I think of DEVO I think how it must've fucking sucked to be Alan Myers.
Imagine being a very good drummer on your own right, the band you just joined's star is rising and after one fucking album Jerry Casale comes up like "hey I gotta preddy good deal on a drum machine!! Hu-hyuck!"
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