#predicting (correctly) how they would be abused
Klaus & Elijah Mikaelson////A Love Left Behind
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Summary: you, a strong-willed woman, captures the hearts of brothers Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson but is pressured to marry Jackson Kenner to meet your pack's obligations. Torn between your love for the brothers and the expectations of duty, you faces an emotional dilemma. As your wedding day approaches, you struggles with heartbreak and regrets, ultimately realizing that love can come with painful sacrifices. Your journey explores the complexities of relationships and the choices that shape your destiny.
Warnings: Emotional Abuse, Forced Marriage, Heartbreak and Loss, Mature Themes, tension and Betrayal, Intense Emotional Conflict, Substance, insecurity and Self-Image Issues, family Pressure
Klaus stands at the edge of a dimly lit alley, his typical smirk firmly in place. His presence alone would usually send a chill down anyone’s spine, but not you. You barely spare him a glance, adjusting the strap of your bag as you walk by, seemingly uninterested.
Klaus steps into your path, his eyes gleaming with intrigue. “I assume you’ve heard of me, love. Klaus Mikaelson. The name tends to have that… effect.”
Your gaze finally flickers to his, utterly unimpressed.“Heard of you? Yeah. Do I care? Not really.”
Klaus blinks, his smirk faltering for the briefest moment, unsure if he heard you correctly. No one had ever dismissed him so casually.“You should be careful with that tongue of yours. I could have it ripped out.”
You quirks an eyebrow, unbothered. You take a step closer, looking him up and down before shaking your head. “Sure, if you’re into that caveman crap. But let me guess,daddy issues, control freak tendencies, and a superiority complex? Please. You’re not as scary as you think you are.”
For a moment, Klaus is speechless, not out of anger but because he genuinely doesn’t know how to respond. No one talks to him this way. Before he can form a retort, you walk right past him, your heels clicking sharply against the pavement as if you already forgotten about him.
It’s a grand ballroom, filled with high society vampires and witches, all dressed in their finest attire. Elijah, ever the gentleman, stands at the edge of the room, quietly observing the crowd, his hands clasped behind his back. His gaze lands on you, who’s sipping a glass of champagne, looking bored out of your mind.
Elijah approaches you, his movements smooth and calculated, as if he’s already predicting how the conversation will go. He offers you a polite smile.“It’s not often I meet someone as… self-assured as you. Especially in a room like this.”
You don't bother turning fully toward him, simply glancing at him sideways with an amused smirk. “And it’s not often I meet someone as old as you who still finds that line charming.”
Elijah’s smile tightens ever so slightly, the subtle dig not lost on him. He takes a measured breath, trying again “Your confidence is… admirable, though perhaps misplaced. You don’t seem to fully grasp the situation you’ve found yourself in.”
You take a slow sip of your drink before turning to face him completely, your eyes flicking up and down, as if you're assessing his worth before you even answer. “Oh, I grasp it just fine. I’m in a room full of vampires and witches who think a suit and a brooding glare make them powerful. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t. Especially not you. A nice suit can only distract from the fact that you’re still an over-glorified corpse.”
Elijah remains stoic, but there’s a flicker of something, annoyance? Amusement?,in his eyes. You give him a slow, deliberate once-over before leaning in slightly, your voice lowering. “Word of advice. try loosening that tie before you crumble to dust.” With that, you turn on your heel, your skirt swishing as you disappear into the crowd, leaving Elijah standing there, momentarily stunned by your audacity.
In a small, candlelit room, Klaus sits in a high-backed chair, his eyes narrowed as you paces the floor in front of him. The tension is thick in the air, Klaus’s usual calm demeanor slipping ever so slightly as you continue to challenge him.
“You think you can defy me? I’ve lived for over a thousand years, Y/n. I’ve seen the rise and fall of empires. There’s nothing you can do that I haven’t already dealt with a thousand times over.”
You stop pacing, finally turning to face him.Your arms cross over your chest as you tilt your head slightly, a mock smile tugging at your lips.“Wow. A thousand years? And here I was thinking that living for centuries would make someone wiser. Must be tough, huh? All that time and still stuck in the same petty temper tantrums. I mean, don’t you ever get tired of being such a drama queen?”
Klaus’s eyes darken, and for a second, it looks like he might snap. He leans forward in his chair, his voice dropping low and dangerous.“You have no idea who you’re dealing with, love.”
You, however, are unfazed. You walk toward him, your gaze never wavering as you lean down slightly, your faces just inches apart.“Oh, I think I do. A thousand years of power, but you’re still the same insecure little boy who needs everyone to fear him to feel important. How’s that working out for you, Klaus? Do you ever feel satisfied?”
You straighten up before he can respond, turning on your heel and walking out the door, leaving Klaus staring after you, a mixture of anger and intrigue burning in his eyes.
Elijah stands in a dimly lit library, his hands clasped behind his back, his usual air of calmness and nobility surrounding him. You, however, lounge on a nearby sofa, flipping through an old book with disinterest.“It’s intriguing, truly. There’s more to you than meets the eye, Y/n.”
Without even looking up from the book, you smirks.“You’re right. I’m also more annoyed than I seem.”
Elijah’s eyebrows raise slightly, clearly not expecting that response. He clears his throat, trying to maintain his composure.”You play a dangerous game, challenging the likes of Klaus and me.”
You finally look up from the book, tossing it aside and standing to your feet. You take a few steps toward Elijah, your confidence unwavering.”Oh, please. Your brother’s just a homicidal drama queen with daddy issues, and you… well, you hide behind suits and manners like they make you any different.”
Elijah smiles. “I assure you, I am quite different from my brother.”
You step closer, your gaze never leaving his.“Sure you are. That’s why you’re always cleaning up his messes, right? Pretending you’re the noble one, while in reality, you’re just as much of a control freak as he is. At least Klaus owns his insanity. You hide yours behind all that chivalry and gentlemanly crap.”
Elijah’s jaw clenches, but he remains silent, choosing to take your words in stride. You simply smile, clearly pleased with yourself as you brush past him.
“Don’t worry, Elijah. It’s not all bad. You wear the control freak thing well.” With that, you exit the library, leaving Elijah standing there, his calm facade cracking just slightly as he watches you go.
The moon casts a pale light over the desolate warehouse where you are trying to catch your breath. Your shirt is torn, and you have a gash on your arm, blood seeping through the makeshift bandage. Your face is pale, but you try to hide your pain behind a mask of determination.
Klaus and Elijah burst through the entrance, having tracked you down after hearing of the skirmish you were involved in. Their faces are etched with worry as they quickly make their way to your side.”love, what happened? You look like you’ve been through hell.”
Elijah takes in your condition with a worried expression, his hands reaching out to steady you.”You need help. Let us take care of you.”
You struggle to maintain your composure, waves them off with a grimace of pain.”I’m fine. I don’t need your help. I can handle it on my own.”
Klaus’s frustration is palpable. He kneels in front of you, his eyes filled with concern. “You’re clearly not fine. You’re hurt and you need medical attention. We’re not going to just leave you here.”
You attempt to push past them, but your legs are shaky and you stumble. Elijah catches you effortlessly, his voice a mix of gentle authority and concern “You’re in no condition to refuse our help. You’re hurt and exhausted. Please, let us help you.”
Your resolve starts to crumble as you lean into Elijah’s support. Your defiant attitude fades as you recognize the genuine worry in their eyes.“Alright, alright. Just… don’t make a fuss.”
Klaus gently helps you into a nearby car, his touch surprisingly tender despite his usual intensity. Elijah retrieves a first aid kit from the trunk and begins to clean and dress your wounds as carefully as he can.
You wince from the sting but stays silent, your pride temporarily set aside. Klaus stays close, his hand resting lightly on your shoulder, offering silent support.”You’re not alone in this, Y/n. We’re here for you, no matter what.”
You meet his gaze, your eyes reflecting both gratitude and frustration.“I don’t usually let people in like this. You know that.”
Elijah, focusing on bandaging your arm, looks up and offers a reassuring smile.”We know. But sometimes, even the strongest need a little help. We’re not going to let you push us away, not when you need us.”
As Elijah finishes tending to your wounds, Klaus leans in, his voice softening.“We’ll get you the help you need, Y/n. You’re not going through this alone.”
You, despite your initial resistance, let yourself be comforted by their presence. You realize that, despite your fierce independence, having Klaus and Elijah by your side provides a sense of security you hadn’t anticipated needing.
As the car drives off, Klaus and Elijah remain close, their concern unwavering as they ensure you get the care you need. Though your pride still battles with your vulnerability, you find solace in their steadfast support.
After you are treated and resting in a comfortable room, Hayley arrives, a knowing smirk on her face. She finds you lounging on a bed, your arm freshly bandaged. Klaus and Elijah have just left the room, giving you some space to recuperate. Hayley strolls in, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Hayley smirks.”Well, look who finally decided to let someone take care of her. I have to say, I didn’t expect you to let Klaus and Elijah play nurse.”
You were attempting to rest, but you sit up with an exaggerated huff. You glare at Hayley, trying to hide your amusement behind a mask of annoyance.”Oh, just great. The one person who knows I hate when people fuss over me shows up to gloat. What’s next? A surprise party?”
Hayley chuckles, leaning against the doorframe with a playful smirk.”I’m just surprised, you know. You’ve always acted like you couldn’t stand them, and now look at you. All bandaged up and letting them dote on you.”*
You cross your arms, trying to maintain your irritated facade, but your eyes reveal a hint of amusement.“Yeah, well, don’t think this means I’ve suddenly become all buddy-buddy with them. It’s just... they’re insistent and annoying. It’s not like I wanted their help.”
Hayley raises an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced.“Right. Because you always look like you’re enjoying yourself whenever they’re around. Especially with how Klaus keeps giving you those worried looks and how Elijah practically hovered over you.”
Your cheeks flush slightly as you try to play it cool, though your irritation is tempered by the slight smile tugging at your lips.”Oh, please. Don’t start with the ‘they care’ nonsense. It’s just because they feel guilty about whatever mess I got into. They’re not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts.”
Hayley steps closer, her grin widening as she watches you struggle to keep up your tough front.“Sure, sure. Keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile, I can’t deny it’s kind of sweet seeing you so... vulnerable. Maybe there’s a part of you that actually appreciates the attention.”
You throw a pillow at Hayley playfully, though your smile betrays your true feelings.“Get over yourself. I don’t need you adding to the sympathy party. Just help me get through this so I can get back to pretending I’m totally fine and not emotionally softened by their annoying concern.”
Hayley laughs, catching the pillow and tossing it back onto the bed.“Alright, alright. I’ll let you be. But just remember, it’s okay to let them care. Even if you’re too proud to admit it, they’re not the only ones who want you to be okay.”*
You rolled your eyes but your expression softened as you watched Hayley leave the room.”Yeah, yeah. Just don’t expect me to thank you for the lecture.”
Hayley winks before closing the door behind her, leaving you alone with your thoughts. As you settle back into the bed, you find yourself reflecting on Hayley’s words and the unexpected comfort in knowing that Klaus and Elijah truly care, despite your attempts to act indifferent.
You walked into the grand hall, the light from the chandeliers casting a warm glow over the opulent décor. You held your head high, your steps deliberate and confident despite the lingering pain in your leg. The party was in full swing, with elegant guests mingling and laughter echoing through the room. Klaus and Elijah stood near the fireplace, engaged in animated conversation, but their eyes quickly shifted to you as you entered.
Klaus’s eyes narrowed, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Well, look who decided to grace us with her presence.”
Your lips curled into a practiced smirk as you approached them, your tone dripping with mockery. “Don’t flatter yourselves. I’m here because I have a life outside of your little charade. Not because I’ve missed you.”
Elijah’s gaze softened with a flicker of concern as he took in your appearance, but he quickly masked it with his usual calm demeanor. “You’re walking better. I’m glad to see you’re recovering.”
Your eyes met his, the hint of warmth in his tone making you bristle. You crossed your arms, trying to maintain your façade of irritation. “Yeah, well, I didn’t come here for a check-up. I came because I’m not going to let you two think you’ve managed to make me some sort of charity case.”
Klaus stepped closer, his eyes searching yours. “We were worried about you, Y/n. You know that, don’t you?”
You rolled your eyes dramatically, turning your attention to a nearby table laden with hors d'oeuvres. “Oh, please. Don’t start with the concern routine. I’m perfectly capable of handling myself.”
Elijah exchanged a glance with Klaus, a silent communication passing between them. Despite your insistence, both could see through your bravado. Klaus sighed and took a step closer, his voice dropping to a more personal, almost vulnerable tone. “You don’t have to put on this act. We genuinely care about you, love.”
Your resolve wavered for a moment, the sincerity in Klaus’s voice striking a chord. But you quickly recovered, forcing a laugh and shaking your head. “Yeah, well, don’t expect me to start letting you two get all soft on me. I’m not one of your projects.”
Elijah’s expression remained unchanged, though a glimmer of sadness flickered in his eyes. “We’re not trying to project anything. We just want to know that you’re okay.”
You snatched a glass of champagne from a passing tray and took a long sip, your gaze defiant. “I’m perfectly fine, thank you very much. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have other things to do than stand here and listen to your pity party.”
As you turned away, Klaus and Elijah watched you go, their concern mingling with a sense of helplessness. They knew that your stubbornness was a shield, a way to keep your motions at bay. Despite your attempts to push them away, they couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness for you, wishing you would allow them to be there for you in the way they wanted to.
You mingled with the other guests, your laughter ringing out as you engaged in conversation, carefully keeping your distance from Klaus and Elijah. Yet, as the evening wore on, you occasionally cast glances back at them, your facade of indifference faltering just slightly. It was clear that despite your efforts to act unaffected, the depth of your feelings, for both and against them, was more complex than you were willing to admit.
As the night progressed, you found yourself increasingly annoyed by the persistent attention of your friends, who seemed determined to check in on you despite your best efforts to stay aloof. You had just finished laughing off an awkward encounter with a particularly persistent guest when you noticed Klaus and Elijah approaching you again, their expressions a mix of amusement and exasperation.
Klaus, his eyes twinkling with mischief, leaned in. “I see you’re managing to charm everyone but us. Is it a special talent, or are we just not your type?
You rolled your eyes, took a dramatic sip of your champagne. “Oh, it’s definitely a special talent. It’s called ignoring people who can’t take a hint.”
Elijah, with a hint of a smile, crossed his arms. “And how’s that working out for you? Are you enjoying being the center of attention, or is it just your way of avoiding us?”
Your annoyance was palpable, but you couldn’t help the smirk that crept onto your face. “I’m enjoying it just fine. And avoiding you? Maybe. But mostly, I’m just trying to have a good time without you two hovering over me like mother hens.”
Klaus raised an eyebrow, a playful grin spreading across his face. “Mother hens, huh? Is that what you really think of us?”
You threw up your hands in mock exasperation. “Yes, exactly! You’re like the overprotective older siblings I never asked for. It’s exhausting.”
Elijah chuckled, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth. “If we’re such a bother, why not just admit that you missed us? It would save you from all this melodrama.”
You gasped theatrically. “Admit that I missed you? Never! I’d rather suffer through your relentless concern and witty banter than give you the satisfaction of thinking you’re actually useful.”
Klaus’s grin widened as he leaned closer. “Well, if we’re such a burden, you could always try to avoid us entirely. But I suspect you’ll find it difficult to enjoy the party without our charming presence.”
You shot him a look that was half exasperation, half amusement. “Oh, please. I’m sure I’ll manage. I’ve been dealing with you two for far too long to be daunted by a little thing like being pursued for my own good.”
Elijah’s eyes danced with mischief. “And what if we promise to be less annoying? Or at least try not to hover so much?”
You pretended to consider it, tapping your chin thoughtfully. “Hmm, tempting offer. But I think I’d rather keep you two around just for the fun of it.”
As Klaus and Elijah exchanged amused glances, you couldn’t help but feel a flicker of warmth at their continued efforts. Despite your protests and attempts to maintain your acade, it was clear that their presence, annoying as it might be, was something you secretly valued.
The evening continued with you navigating through the party, your interactions with Klaus and Elijah taking on a more playful tone. Despite your efforts to act annoyed, it was evident that their teasing and concern were an endearing part of your night, leaving you with a sense of both frustration and affection for the two men who refused to let you go unnoticed.
As the night wore on, Klaus and Elijah's persistent presence became an ongoing source of irritation for you. Despite your best efforts to ignore them, they continued to hover around, much to your dismay.
Klaus sidled up to you as you were attempting to enjoy a quiet conversation with a fellow guest. “You know, Y/n, you’ve been awfully quiet tonight. Are you sure everything’s okay? You’re not usually this subdued.”
You shot him a glare, barely hiding your frustration. “I’m perfectly fine. I just don’t feel the need to constantly entertain you two with my every move.”
Elijah, never one to miss an opportunity for mischief, joined in with a smirk. “Are you sure you don’t want to share? We might be able to help make your evening more enjoyable.”
You sighed heavily, trying to maintain your composure. “I’m quite capable of having a good time without you two interrupting every conversation I have. Just go away for a little while.”
Klaus and Elijah exchanged a look of amusement before Klaus leaned closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “We can’t do that. We’re on a mission to make sure you’re not suffering in silence.”
Your patience was wearing thin. “And what makes you think I’m suffering? I’m having a perfectly good time without your constant need to check in.”
Elijah raised an eyebrow, pretending to consider this. “If that’s the case, then you wouldn’t mind if we stayed right here, would you?”
You tried to stifle your exasperation, but it was clear you were losing the battle. “Fine. Stay. But don’t expect me to be grateful. If anything, you’re making it harder for me to enjoy myself.”
Klaus leaned in closer, his grin widening. “You know, I think you’re secretly enjoying the attention. Otherwise, why would you keep engaging with us?”
You rolled your eyes and took a deep breath. “You’re impossible. You know that, right? Sometimes I wonder how I put up with you two.”
Elijah chuckled softly, placing a hand on your shoulder. “It’s probably because, deep down, you know we’re not going anywhere. We’re too stubborn to let you deal with things on your own.”
Klaus nodded in agreement. “And let’s be honest, you’d miss us if we weren’t around to annoy you.”
You tried to muster a serious expression, but the corners of your mouth twitched in spite of yourself. “You know what? Fine. If you’re going to be this persistent, then I’ll just have to accept it. But don’t think for a second that I’m not annoyed.”
Klaus and Elijah exchanged triumphant looks, clearly pleased with their ability to get under your kin. As you continued to mingle, they remained close by, your playful banter and teasing a constant presence.
Despite your attempts to ignore them, you found yourself occasionally laughing at their jokes and appreciating their company more than you cared to admit. As the night went on, it became clear that while you might act annoyed, their relentless attention was a reminder of how much they cared, even if it came in the form of persistent teasing.
Hayley strolled over to where you,Klaus, and Elijah were engaged in your usual banter. Her eyes twinkled with amusement as she watched her sister’s futile attempts to maintain her irritation. As Hayley approached, she couldn’t help but smirk at your obvious frustration.”Well, well, if it isn’t the trio of persistent annoyances. How’s my sister holding up under your relentless attention?”
You shot your sister an exasperated look, clearly irritated by Hayley’s timely arrival.“Oh, don’t start with me, Hayley. I’m managing just fine, despite these two refusing to give me a moment’s peace.”
Klaus grinned at Hayley’s entrance, his eyes dancing with mischief.“Ah, Hayley. Just in time. We were about to test the limits of Y/n’s patience. Care to join us?”
Elijah, trying to hide his amusement, gave Hayley a respectful nod. “We could use another perspective. What do you think, Hayley? Is Y/n’s annoyance as entertaining as we believe?”
Hayley’s smirk widened as she took a seat beside you, clearly enjoying the playful tension.“Oh, it’s absolutely entertaining. I’ve never seen her so determined to act annoyed while clearly enjoying the attention.”
You rolled your eyes, though a small smile tugged at your lips despite your best efforts to stay irritated.“You’re not helping, Hayley. I can’t believe you’re actually encouraging them.”
Hayley leaned in closer, her voice low and teasing.”Well, if you can’t beat them, you might as well join them. Besides, it’s quite clear that deep down, you appreciate their attention more than you let on.”
Klaus’s grin widened, and he leaned over to you with mock seriousness.”See? Even your sister agrees. You might as well embrace the fact that you’re stuck with us.”
Elijah chuckled softly, adding to the teasing atmosphere.“And if you’re honest, you might even admit that we make these parties a bit more interesting.”
You threw your hands up in a dramatic gesture, your frustration now mingled with reluctant amusement.“Alright, fine. You win. I’ll admit that having you around is better than being alone with just my own thoughts. But that doesn’t mean I’m not still annoyed.”
Hayley laughed, clearly delighted by your reluctant acceptance.“There you go. Now you’re starting to sound like yourself again. Just remember, sometimes it’s okay to let others take care of you.”
You glanced at your sister, your eyes softening slightly, even as you tried to keep up your defiant attitude.”Yeah, yeah. Thanks for the advice. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to pretend to be annoyed by these two for a bit longer.”
As Hayley joined the conversation, Klaus and Elijah’s teasing continued, but there was a newfound camaraderie in the air. Your exasperation was now mixed with genuine affection, and despite your best efforts to maintain your aloof demeanor, it was clear that the playful interactions and persistent attention of your friends were something you secretly valued.
As the evening drew to a close, the grand hall where the party had been held was starting to empty. You, Klaus, and Elijah found themselves alone in a quieter corner of the room. The noise of the guests had faded to a low murmur, and they had settled into comfortable chairs around a small table that had been pushed to the side.
Klaus poured a glass of wine and offered it to you, his eyes twinkling with mischief.“Care for another drink?” Klaus asked, a teasing edge to his voice. “You seemed to enjoy the last one.”
you took the glass, rolling your eyes with a smile. “Are you trying to get me drunk so you can finally win an argument?”
Elijah chuckled from his seat, his gaze amused as he watched their exchange. “Oh, we’ve already won. You’ve been on the losing end of our teasing all evening. Consider this just a celebratory drink.”
You took a sip, trying to maintain your composure. “Celebratory for you two, maybe. I’ve had to endure relentless banter all night.”
Klaus leaned forward, his expression a mix of mock seriousness and genuine amusement. “It’s not relentless banter if it’s entertaining. And we both know you secretly enjoy it.”
You shook your head, trying to suppress a grin. “Sure, if by ‘enjoy’ you mean ‘tolerate’ while plotting my revenge.”
Elijah raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. “Plotting, you say? Care to share any of your plans?”
You leaned back in your chair, crossing your arms with a defiant smirk. “I’m not about to give away my secrets. Let’s just say that you two are always on my radar. I’m just biding my time.”
Klaus grinned widely, clearly amused by your response. “Biding your time, huh? I’ll be sure to watch my back. But for now, I think we’re safe from any retaliation.”
Elijah laughed softly, shaking his head. “I’m curious to see what you come up with. Until then, we’ll just continue our delightful teasing.”
Your eyes sparkled with mischief as you looked at both of them. “Oh, don’t be so sure. I have a few tricks up my sleeve. You just wait until I catch you off guard.”
As the three of them continued their playful banter, the mood between them was light and comfortable. Despite your attempts to act annoyed, it was clear that the teasing and the company of Klaus and Elijah were something you secretly enjoyed. The evening continued with laughter and camaraderie, the easy conversation a testament to the deep bond that the three shared.
As the evening went on, Hayley and Rebekah joined you, Klaus, and Elijah in their corner, clearly in high spirits. The two women exchanged a glance and strolled over, their smiles full of mischief.
Hayley, her eyes gleaming with amusement, looked at you. “I see you’re still surrounded by these charming gentlemen. How’s that working out for you, Y/n?”
You try to keep your composure, sighed. “Oh, you know, just another evening of enduring their endless teasing.”
Rebekah grinned, her eyes fixed on her brothers. “Well, it looks like you’re managing quite well. I’d say they’re actually behaving themselves tonight.”
Klaus, overhearing, couldn’t resist chiming in. “Behaving ourselves? That’s a first. We must be slipping.”
Elijah nodded in agreement, his smile widening. “And here I thought we were being on our best behavior.”
You shot them a mock glare. “Oh, don’t encourage them. They’re already insufferable enough without any help.”
Hayley leaned in closer, her voice dripping with playfulness. “I’m just saying, if you’re actually enjoying their company, you should admit it. We all know how much you love the attention.”
Rebekah’s grin widened. “And don’t think I haven’t noticed how you keep engaging with them. You’re practically glowing every time they tease you.”
You rolled your eyes, though a smile tugged at your lips. “Yeah, well, maybe I’m just too polite to tell them to leave me alone.”
Klaus raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the banter. “Polite, huh? We’ll take that as a compliment.”
Elijah chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “And here we were, thinking we might actually be getting on your nerves.”
Hayley nudged you playfully. “Come on, admit it. You’re having a blast with these two. If you weren’t, you’d have left a long time ago.”
Rebekah joined in, her tone teasing. “And who knows, maybe deep down, you’re already plotting how to get them to stick around even longer.”
You tried to maintain your feigned annoyance, but it was clear the playful teasing was getting the better of her. “Fine, fine. You all win. Maybe I do enjoy having them around, but don’t think I’m going to make it easy for them.”
Klaus and Elijah exchanged satisfied glances, clearly pleased with their ability to get under your skin.
Klaus raised his glass with a flourish. “To our charming persistence and Y/n’s unspoken admiration.”
Elijah nodded, adding, “And to the fun we’ve had tonight. May it continue for many more evenings.”
You shook your head with a reluctant smile. “Alright, alright. I get it. You’re all insufferable, but I suppose I’ll have to put up with you.”
As the group continued to tease and joke, the atmosphere remained warm and lively. Despite your best efforts to appear annoyed, your genuine affection for the company and the playful banter was evident. The evening ended on a high note, filled with laughter and the unmistakable bond of friendship.
As the evening wore on and the trio continued their playful banter, you took a moment to address Klaus and Elijah directly, your tone teasing but with an undercurrent of sincerity.
“By the way,” you said, a smirk on your lips as you looked between the two men, “I still don’t like you guys.”
Klaus raised an eyebrow, feigning shock. “Oh, is that so? Here we thought we were making some progress.”
Elijah leaned back in his chair, a knowing smile playing on his lips. “You’re not fooling anyone, Y/n. We can see through your tough exterior. If you really didn’t like us, you wouldn’t be spending so much time with us.”
You took another sip of your wine, your gaze steady. “Well, maybe I’m just trying to keep you two on your toes. It’s more fun that way.”
Klaus’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “Ah, so you admit that we’re good for you, even if you refuse to admit it outright.”
Elijah chuckled, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth. “And here I thought we were just a nuisance.”
You rolled your eyes, but your smile betrayed your true feelings. “Don’t get any ideas. Just because I’m spending time with you doesn’t mean I’ve changed my mind. I’m still not a fan of your constant teasing.”
Klaus raised his glass in a mock toast. “To being a ‘nuisance’ then. We’ll wear you down eventually.”
Elijah nodded in agreement. “And in the meantime, we’ll just keep enjoying these moments of banter.”
You shook your head, though the warmth in your eyes revealed that despite your words, you valued their company more than you let on. “Fine, fine. Just don’t expect me to admit I like you anytime soon.”
The next day, Klaus and Elijah decided it was time to make their move. They approached you with a blend of confidence and nervous anticipation, ready to ask you out on a date. The sun was shining, casting a warm glow over their little corner of the garden where they had gathered.
Klaus, with his usual charm, flashed a charming smile. “So, love, we were thinking, how about you join us for dinner tonight? A more private setting, just the three of us.”
Elijah nodded in agreement, his eyes sincere. “We’d really like to spend some more time with you, away from the crowd. What do you say?”
You raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying their efforts. You leaned back, crossing your arms with a playful smirk. “Hmm, I don’t know. I’m pretty busy these days.”
Klaus and Elijah exchanged glances, a mix of desperation and determination in their eyes.
Klaus leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a pleading tone. “Come on, love. Just one dinner. We promise to behave.”
Elijah added with a grin, “We’re begging you. It’ll be fun, and we won’t tease you too much. Promise.”
You pretended to think it over, your expression a mix of contemplation and amusement. “Really? You’re both so charming, but I’m not sure I can trust you to keep your hands to yourselves.”
Klaus and Elijah looked at each other, their expressions showing a mix of hope and exasperation.”We’ll be on our best behavior. Just give us a chance.”
Elijah smiles.“And if you don’t like it, you can always escape. We’ll make sure it’s a memorable evening, in the best way.”
You finally relented, though your tone was still playful. “Alright, fine. I’ll go out with you two. But let’s get one thing straight, if either of you try any funny business or plotting, I’m going to have to take drastic measures.”
Klaus and Elijah looked at her curiously.
You continued with a grin, “Any wondering hands or sneaky schemes, and I’m cutting your hands off. Deal?”
Klaus laughed, clearly impressed by your boldness. “Deal. We’ll be on our best behavior, and we promise to keep our hands to ourselves.”
Elijah chuckled, nodding in agreement. “We’re looking forward to it. And no plotting, we swear.”
You gave them a playful salute. “Great. Then it’s a date. I’ll see you both tonight.”
As you meticulously prepared for your evening out, you carefully selected an outfit that combined elegance with a hint of allure. The deep red dress you chose hugged your curves just right, while your makeup was applied with precision to enhance your features. The final touch was a pair of strappy heels that added a bit of glamor. You were excited about the evening, though you knew you needed to keep your plans under wraps.
Just as you were putting on your earrings, your sister walked into the room, her gaze immediately landing on your outfit. The surprise was evident in her expression.
“Wow, look at you,” Hayley said, her eyes widening. “Where are you headed all dressed up like that?”
You were caught off guard, quickly scrambled for a response. You turned to face your sister, trying to sound casual despite the flutter of nerves you felt. “Oh, just going out with some friends. Nothing special.”
Hayley’s curiosity seemed piqued, and she took a step closer, her gaze assessing your ensemble. “Friends, huh? You’re looking pretty glamorous for just a casual hangout. Are you sure there’s not something more going on?”
You forced a nonchalant smile, though you could feel your cheeks warming. “Yeah, well, sometimes it’s nice to dress up even if it’s just a regular night out. You know how it is.”
Hayley tilted her head, her expression a mix of skepticism and amusement. “Right. So, no details then? No hints about where you’re actually going or who you’re meeting?”
You shook your head, your tone playful but firm. “Nope, no hints. I’m just in the mood to look nice tonight. Besides, you know how much I hate to be teased. I’d rather keep things low-key.”
Hayley’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she crossed her arms. “Alright, if you insist. But if I find out later that you were out with someone interesting, don’t expect me to let you off the hook easily.”
You laughed softly, feeling a mix of relief and amusement. “Fine, fine. Just know that if you do end up hearing anything, it’ll be on a need-to-know basis. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to finish getting ready.”
In the living room, Hayley was sprawled on the couch, flipping through a magazine, when Klaus and Elijah walked in. Both were impeccably dressed, Klaus in a tailored suit and Elijah in a sleek blazer, exuding a refined charm that was hard to miss.
Hayley glanced up, her eyebrows raising in surprise. “You guys are all dressed up. Where are you headed tonight?”
Klaus, catching Hayley’s curious gaze, flashed a confident smile. “We’re heading out for a dinner with Y/n. It’s a special evening.”
Elijah nodded in agreement, his tone light and casual. “Just a nice dinner, nothing too extravagant.”
Hayley’s eyes widened slightly, and she couldn’t help but smirk. “Oh really? You mean to tell me that my sister was lying to me about her evening plans?”
Klaus looked puzzled for a moment. “Lying?”
Hayley smirked, shaking her head with a knowing look. “Yeah, well, she said she was just going out with some friends and made a big deal about keeping things low-key. Seems like she wasn’t entirely honest.”
Elijah chuckled, clearly entertained by the situation. “Ah, the old ‘keeping secrets’ routine. Seems like she wanted to avoid any teasing.”
Klaus grinned, clearly amused. “Well, it looks like we’re in for an interesting evening. If she went through all that trouble to hide our plans, we must be doing something right.”
Hayley laughed, shaking her head as she stood up. “Your evening just got a lot more interesting. I’ll be eagerly waiting to hear all about it later.”
Klaus and Elijah exchanged glances, both grinning at the playful turn of events.
As Hayley watched them leave, she shook her head with a mix of amusement and mild irritation. “You’re both lucky she likes you. Otherwise, I’d have a few choice words about how she’s handling this.”
With a final, teasing smile, Hayley settled back onto the couch, already anticipating the stories she’d hear later. The playful drama of the evening had only added to her entertainment, and she was more than ready to find out how the night would unfold.
As you finally emerged from your room, you found Klaus and Elijah waiting by the stairs, both looking dashing and ready for the evening. Their eyes lit up as they saw you, their admiration evident.
Klaus, with a charming smile, extended his hand to you. “You look absolutely stunning, love. We’re very lucky to have you join us tonight.”
Elijah nodded in agreement, his gaze warm and appreciative. “Indeed. So beautiful like always. We’re both looking forward to a wonderful evening.”
You blushed slightly at their compliments, a smile playing on your lips. You made your way to the door, ready to head out. Just as three of you were about to leave, Hayley and Rebekah appeared in the hallway, clearly prepared to add their own touch of mischief.
“Look at you three, all dressed up and ready to go,” Hayley said, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Seems like someone’s been keeping secrets.”
Rebekah joined in with a smirk, her gaze shifting between you and her brothers. “And here I thought Y/n was just hanging out with friends. Looks like there’s a bit more to the story.”
You cleared your throat, your tone firm as you addressed the teasing. “Actually, I’m not going with them. Remember,Hayley, I was just going to hang out with friends.”
Hayley’s eyes widened in mock surprise. “Oh, really? So all this effort and glamour is for just a casual evening?”
You nodded, trying to maintain your composure despite the playful challenge. “That’s right. I’m simply dressing up for a night out with friends. No need to make a big deal out of it.”
Klaus and Elijah exchanged amused glances, clearly enjoying the back-and-forth. Klaus leaned in slightly, his voice low and teasing. “Well, if you insist. But I must say, it’s quite the coincidence that your ‘friends’ are so well-dressed.”
Elijah added with a grin, “Indeed. I guess we’ll just have to make sure the evening lives up to the expectation.”
You gave them a playful look, then turned back to your sister and Rebekah. “I’m serious. Let’s not make this a bigger deal than it needs to be.”
Hayley and Rebekah exchanged one last teasing glance before stepping aside, allowing you, Klaus, and Elijah to make it to the exit. As the trio walked out the door, the playful banter continued, adding a light-hearted touch to their evening plans.
As you and the boys stepped out of the house and into the crisp evening air, Klaus couldn’t help but turn to you with a teasing smile.
“You know,” Klaus began, his tone light and playful, “you’re quite the liar, love.”
You raised an eyebrow, glancing at him with a mixture of surprise and amusement. “Oh, really? And what makes you say that?”
Klaus chuckled, shaking his head as he walked alongside you. “Well, the way you fibbed about your plans. I had a feeling there was more to it than just a casual hangout with friends.”
Elijah, listening to the exchange, added with a smirk, “And we’re not exactly disappointed. It seems you were just trying to avoid a bit of teasing from your sister and Rebekah.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “Guilty as charged. I just didn’t want to deal with the endless questions and teasing. I knew they wouldn’t let up.”
Klaus smiled, clearly enjoying the banter. “Well, it’s good to see you’ve managed to keep some secrets. Adds a little excitement to the evening.”
Elijah nodded, his tone warm. “Indeed. And we’ll make sure this evening lives up to the hype. We wouldn’t want to disappoint our glamorous companion.”
You grinned, feeling a mix of excitement and gratitude for their company. “Well, I guess I’ll have to make sure the night is worth all the secrecy and effort.”
With that, the trio continued on their way, the playful banter and genuine affection between them making the evening all the more enjoyable. The anticipation for the night ahead only grew stronger as they made their way to their destination, ready to enjoy their time together.
As they walked along, you glanced over at Klaus and Elijah, a mischievous smile playing on your lips. “Besides,” you said with a playful tone, “remember that I don’t actually like you guys.”
Klaus raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. “Oh, really? And here we were thinking we were winning you over with our charm.”
Elijah chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling. “Yes, I suppose we’ll have to work even harder to change your mind.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Well, don’t get too comfortable. I’m still not ready to admit that I actually enjoy your company.”
Klaus grinned, his eyes gleaming with playful defiance. “Challenge accepted. We’ll see just how much we can charm you by the end of the evening.”
Elijah nodded in agreement, his tone light. “Indeed. Consider this our mission for tonight.”
You smiled, feeling a warm sense of camaraderie despite your easing. “Alright then, let’s see what you’ve got. But don’t think I’ll go easy on you.”
With that, the three of you continued on your way, the playful banter and mutual affection adding to the excitement of the evening ahead. The night promised to be filled with laughter, charm, and perhaps a few surprises, making it one to remember.
As soon as the door clicked shut behind them, Klaus leaned against the frame, arms crossed, a smirk pulling at his lips. "Well, love," he began, eyes gleaming with mischief, "now that the night is over, how are you going to explain to your dear sister that you weren’t just out with 'friends'?"
You shot him a mock-glare, slipping off your heels. “You two are nothing but a headache, that’s how I’ll explain it.”
Elijah, ever the calm one, but no less playful, stepped forward and offered you his hand to balance you as you slipped into your slippers. “A headache? I’m almost certain you enjoyed yourself this evening, Y/n,” he teased, his voice velvet smooth. “In fact, I believe I saw you smiling more than once.”
Klaus snorted. “Oh, more than once, Elijah. I distinctly recall a moment where she almost laughed at one of your terrible history lessons.”
You rolled your eyes, suppressing a grin. “You both have overinflated egos, you know that?”
Klaus circled around you, his voice dropping into that dangerously teasing tone of his. “Admit it, love. You had a good time. For someone who claims not to like us, you certainly seemed to enjoy our company tonight.”
You huffed dramatically, arms crossing as you plopped down onto the couch. “Sure, I had fun, between all the terrible jokes and the fact that you two wouldn’t stop bickering about whose turn it was to pay the bill.”
Elijah smiled, sitting beside you. “You’re deflecting, Y/n. If you hated us so much, you wouldn’t have agreed to dinner at all.”
“Exactly,” Klaus chimed in, leaning casually on the back of the couch, his grin devilish. “In fact, I’d wager you’re looking forward to our next outing already.”
You narrowed your eyes, though the corner of your mouth twitched in amusement. “Don’t get too ahead of yourselves. I just didn’t want to eat alone tonight, alright?”
Klaus leaned closer, his lips quirking into a grin. “Whatever you need to tell yourself, love.”
Elijah chuckled softly at your side, adding in his usual calm way, “Perhaps next time we’ll make it even more unbearable, just to test your resolve.”
You rolled your eyes again, unable to fight back the smile threatening to break free. “You two really are the worst.”
Klaus, with a wink, stood up and stretched lazily. “And yet, you can’t seem to resist us. Funny how that works, isn’t it?”
Elijah placed a hand gently on your shoulder, his expression one of mock concern. “If we truly bother you so much, perhaps next time you should invite someone else to distract yourself.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll bring someone to keep me entertained and save me from your endless teasing.”
Klaus smirked, clearly entertained by the idea. “Good luck with that, love. No one’s quite as good as us at keeping you on your toes.”
You stood, giving both brothers a challenging look before making your way towards the stairs. “You know, if this keeps up, I’ll be the one who needs saving from you two.”
Klaus chuckled. “We’ll see about that.”
Elijah, ever the gentleman, gave her a slight nod. “Sleep well, Y/n. We’ll be sure to make your life as difficult as possible tomorrow.”
You shook your head, a playful smile still on your face as you turned and headed up the stairs. Despite all your protests and teasing, there was no denying that they made your nights far more interesting than you’d care to admit.
As you disappeared from sight, Klaus leaned toward Elijah, his voice low but amused. “She’s enjoying this far more than she lets on.”
Elijah smirked, his eyes still on the staircase. “That’s the fun of it, brother. She enjoys pretending to hate us, but we both know the truth.”
The next morning, you weren't the only one to wake up with a playful mood hanging over you. In the kitchen, Hayley and Rebekah had already started their day, drinking coffee and chatting quietly when Klaus and Elijah finally walked in.
Hayley immediately raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a mischievous grin. “Well, well, look who finally decided to show up. How was your night out with my sister?”
Klaus rolled his eyes, clearly already prepared for the teasing. “Good morning to you too, Hayley,” he said, ignoring the bait as he grabbed a mug from the cupboard.
Rebekah, leaning casually against the counter, took a slow sip of her coffee, her eyes glinting with amusement. “I’m more curious about Y/n. I mean, she looked like she was about to burst into flames when she walked past us last night. Almost as if she were... trying to hide something. What did you two do to her?”
Elijah, ever composed, simply smiled as he poured himself a cup. “Nothing more than what a pleasant dinner should offer. We were the very picture of decorum.”
Klaus chuckled under his breath. “Mostly.”
Hayley, never one to let an opportunity pass, smirked. “You’re telling me my sister spent the entire night with you two and didn’t strangle either of you? That’s impressive.”
Rebekah added with a wicked grin, “Or perhaps a little too impressive. You didn’t compel her to tolerate you, did you?”
Klaus shot Rebekah a dry look. “Please. I don’t need compulsion to be tolerated.” He took a sip of his coffee and leaned casually against the counter. “She enjoys our company. She just refuses to admit it.”
Rebekah laughed. “Oh, I’m sure she’s absolutely thrilled every time you show up.”
Elijah smiled slightly, unruffled as always. “Y/n has a sense of humor. She knows how to play along.”
Hayley snorted. “Oh, is that what you call it? Because from where I’m standing, it sounds like you two are enjoying the chase a little too much.”
Rebekah tilted her head toward Hayley, her smile devious. “I’m sure it’s more than just ‘enjoying.’ Honestly, it’s adorable how much time they’ve spent trying to win her over. You’d think they were schoolboys with a crush.”
Klaus shot his sister a warning look, but his smirk betrayed him. “Careful, sister. If you’re not nice, you might find yourself spending more time with Y/n than you'd like.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t mind,” Rebekah teased. “In fact, I think I might help her avoid you two next time. Someone’s got to protect her from your endless need to charm.”
Hayley grinned, shaking her head. “Good luck with that, Bekah. My sister seems to enjoy fighting them off just as much as they enjoy pestering her.”
Rebekah took another sip of her coffee, a gleam in her eye. “Well, one of these days, they might actually manage to wear her down.”
Klaus chuckled, his eyes gleaming with mischief. “We’ve got time.”
Elijah smiled slightly, his tone mild. “Persistence is key, after all.”
Hayley rolled her eyes, though there was amusement in her voice. “Just don’t let her catch wind of this conversation, or you two will be in even deeper trouble than you already are.”
Rebekah grinned wickedly. “Oh, I wouldn’t mind seeing that. The wrath of Y/n is always entertaining.”
Klaus raised his mug in mock salute. “Here’s to the challenge, then.”
Elijah nodded, his eyes twinkling. “Indeed. It keeps things interesting.”
Rebekah and Hayley exchanged glances, laughing softly. “Interesting, sure,” Hayley said with a grin. “Just try not to end up on her bad side... again.”
Later that afternoon, you were sprawled across the couch, enjoying a moment of peace after the eventful night before. Your phone buzzed with a text from Klaus, asking you to meet him and Elijah downstairs. You sighed, already suspecting what was coming. As you made your way down to the living room, Klaus and Elijah were lounging around, clearly waiting for you.
Klaus greeted you with a sly smile, his voice dripping with charm. "There she is, the woman of the hour. How about we take you out again tonight, love? Somewhere even more enjoyable than last night."
Elijah, ever the gentleman, added with his trademark calm smile, "It would be our pleasure to show you an even better time than before."
You stopped in your tracks, eyeing the two with suspicion. “Absolutely not,” you said firmly, crossing your arms. “I barely survived last night with you two.”
Klaus's smirk widened, his eyes dancing with amusement. “Oh, come now, love. You know you enjoyed it.”
Elijah gave you a gentle, teasing look. “We wouldn’t ask if we thought you didn’t want to come.”
You rolled your eyes dramatically. “I didn’t want to come last night, and I don’t want to come tonight.”
Klaus stepped forward, still smirking, as if he hadn’t heard a word. “You can’t deny it, love. You had a great time. Why not make it two nights in a row?”
Elijah, ever the picture of grace, leaned in slightly. “Consider it a... follow-up. To ensure your enjoyment was not a one-time occurrence.”
You exhaled, exasperated, yet you couldn’t help but smile. “You two are impossible. No means no.”
Klaus chuckled, clearly unfazed. “Ah, but you didn’t say it with conviction, love. I think there’s a part of you that’s curious.”
You narrowed your eyes, trying to maintain your resolve, though a small part of you did find their persistence amusing. “No. Absolutely not. I’m not falling for this again.”
Elijah's lips twitched in a barely concealed smile. “I must say, Y/n, your resistance is admirable. But I suspect, deep down, you're tempted.”
Klaus tilted his head, his gaze steady on you. “You can keep pretending, love, but we both know you’ll say yes eventually. Might as well make it easy on yourself.”
You raised a hand, trying to hold back a laugh. “No wondering hands, no plotting, no mind games.”
Klaus’s grin widened into a full smirk. “Deal.”
Elijah inclined his head, eyes sparkling with amusement. “Agreed. We’ll be on our best behavior.”
You shook your head, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Fine. But the second any of you step out of line, I’m leaving.”
Klaus’s eyes gleamed with victory. “Understood, love. We’ll be on our best behavior... for now.”
Elijah nodded, his smile warm and teasing at the same time. “We wouldn’t dare risk scaring you off.”
You looked between them, knowing full well they’d find a way to push your buttons, but despite yourself, you were already looking forward to the chaos they’d undoubtedly bring. “You two are going to regret this.”
Klaus leaned in with a wink. “We regret nothing.”
Just as you, and the boys were heading toward the door, ready to embark on their so-called "no-plotting, no-wondering -hands" outing, Hayley and Rebekah appeared in the doorway, side by side, looking far too amused for your liking.
“Well, well,” Hayley said, crossing her arms with a smirk, her gaze bouncing between you and the boys. “Isn’t this cozy? Another night out with the boys, Y/n? Didn't you say you weren't going to let them drag you out again?”
You felt a flash of irritation, but you kept your expression neutral. “I wasn’t dragged anywhere. I'm only going to make sure they don’t get into trouble.”
Rebekah raised an eyebrow, her smirk widening. “Right. Because that's always how it goes when you’re around Klaus and Elijah. Purely supervision.” She winked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
You shot her a pointed glare. “Someone has to keep an eye on them.”
Klaus chuckled, stepping closer to your side. “She’s right. Without her, we’d be absolutely lost.”
Hayley snorted, clearly unconvinced. “Lost, huh? Funny, because from what I saw last night, it looked like Y/n was the one in over her head.”
Elijah smiled calmly, his voice smooth as ever. “Now, Hayley, Y/n was perfectly in control. We were the ones being kept in check.”
Rebekah grinned wickedly, eyeing you up and down. “Are you sure you're not the one being dragged into their little games, Y/n? I mean, it seems like you’re making a habit of hanging out with these two.”
You crossed your arms, feigning nonchalance. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. And for the record, I’m just being nice. Somebody has to.”
Klaus leaned closer to you with a teasing smile. “Of course, love. You’re just being nice.” He glanced at Rebekah and Hayley. “She absolutely can’t resist us.”
You glared up at Klaus, then turned back to your sister and Rebekah. “I’m not going with them,” you declared firmly. “I told you, I’m meeting up with friends tonight.”
Hayley raised an eyebrow, looking far too entertained. “Friends, huh? Funny, because I’m pretty sure Klaus and Elijah count as anything but 'just friends.'"
Rebekah laughed, her eyes gleaming with amusement. “Oh, sweetie, don’t try to lie to us. We know you far too well for that.”
You huffed, rolling your eyes. “Believe what you want. I’m still not going with them.”
Hayley smirked knowingly, clearly seeing through her sister’s act. “Right. Because it’s just a coincidence you’re standing at the door with them, all ready to go.”
Klaus chuckled again, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “She’s a terrible liar, isn’t she?”
Elijah simply smiled, his tone gentle but teasing. “It’s one of her many endearing qualities.”
You shot them both a look, trying to keep your composure. “I don’t need to explain myself to you two,” you muttered, pushing past them toward the door.
Rebekah grinned wickedly as she called after you. “Enjoy your ‘friends,’ Y/n!”
You didn’t bother turning around, waving dismissively over your houlder. “I will.”
As the door closed behind them, Klaus couldn’t help but murmur with a smirk, “Love, you’re such a liar again.”
You smiled to yourself but kept walking. “Who cares? Besides, remember that I still don’t like you guys.”
Klaus and Elijah exchanged a glance, both of them wearing knowing smiles as they followed you into the night. They might not have had the full truth, but they both knew one thing: you were far from done with them.
The night had progressed with its usual banter, drinks shared, and casual teasing between you and the boys. The three of you sat in a quiet corner of a bar, you were nursing a cocktail while Klaus and Elijah exchanged amused glances. The mood was light and comfortable, with a teasing undercurrent that always seemed to hang between them and you.
After a moment of silence, Klaus broke it with a smirk. “So, love, we’ve been thinking.”
You raised an eyebrow, glancing between him and Elijah. “Should I be worried?”
Elijah smiled gently, leaning in. “Not at all. But we do have a... proposition.”
You sighed, already sensing the mischief behind their words. “Oh, great. Another proposition. What is it this time?”
Klaus chuckled softly, his eyes glinting with amusement. “How would you feel about making this little... arrangement of ours more official?”
You blinked, looking from Klaus to Elijah in surprise. “Wait, are you two actually asking me to be your... girlfriend?”
Elijah’s expression remained calm, but there was a teasing warmth in his gaze. “Well, we were hoping for a more romantic way of putting it, but yes, essentially.”
Klaus leaned closer, his voice smooth and teasing. “After all, love, it’s not like we haven’t been acting like we’re already together.”
You stared at them, your mind racing, but then you huffed, crossing your arms. “You two are unbelievable.”
Klaus smirked, clearly enjoying this. “Is that a yes, then?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, playing hard to get. “Oh, no. You don’t get off that easy. You think I’m just going to say yes and let you two smug bastards waltz around like you won or something?”
Elijah raised an eyebrow, his expression mildly amused. “We don’t need to ‘waltz around’ anything. The answer’s already in your eyes.”
Klaus chuckled. “Come on,love. admit it. You’ve had a good time with us, and you know it.”
You try to keep up your resistant front, though a smile was starting to tug at the corners of your lips. “You two are the absolute worst.”
Elijah smiled serenely. “And yet you keep coming back.”
You sighed dramatically, pretending to think about it for a moment before finally rolling your eyes. “Fine. Fine. I’ll be your girlfriend. But—" you pointed at both of them, your expression is serious despite the amusement flickering in your eyes, “—there are rules.”
Klaus tilted his head, intrigued. “Oh? What rules might those be?”
You leaned back, crossing your arms. “When we’re around my sister or Rebekah, we hate each other. Got it?”
Elijah raised an eyebrow, clearly amused. “Hate each other?”
You nodded firmly. “Exactly. We despise each other. I don’t need them getting in my business more than they already do.”
Klaus chuckled softly, leaning forward. “So we’re playing pretend now? Must we act like complete enemies?”
You shot him a glare. “Yes. When they’re around, we argue, we fight, we throw insults at each other. Otherwise, they’ll never let me hear the end of it.”
Elijah gave a small smile, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Very well. If that’s what you wish.”
Klaus shook his head, clearly entertained. “This will be fun. But you do realize, love, that your sister’s going to see right through this little act of yours.”
You scoffed. “She doesn’t need to know anything. As long as you two stick to the plan, we’re golden.”
Klaus gave you a teasing smile. “Fine. We’ll hate each other, if that’s what makes you happy.”
Elijah nodded, his tone calm and diplomatic as usual. “Agreed. We’ll play along, though I doubt it’ll last long.”
You finally smiled, satisfied with the agreement. “Good. Because if you two mess this up, I’ll make your lives miserable.”
Klaus smirked, clearly unbothered by your threat. “Love, you already make our lives more interesting. What’s a little more chaos?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, shaking your head at the ridiculousness of it all. “Just remember, publicly, we hate each other.”
Elijah gave you a knowing look. “As you wish, Y/n. As you wish.”
As the three of you approached the mansion, you caught sight of Rebekah standing outside, her arms crossed as she leaned casually against the doorframe. Your heart skipped a beat, and you immediately dropped Klaus and Elijah’s hands like they were burning hot coals.
“Don’t touch me,” you hissed under your breath, stepping away from the two brothers as they exchanged amused glances. You cleared your throat, straightening your posture and plastering an annoyed expression on your face.
Klaus smirked, clearly enjoying your shift in demeanor. “Ah, the game begins,” he whispered slowly, his voice laced with humor.
Elijah, ever the gentleman, kept his calm composure, though a hint of a smirk tugged at his lips. “Remember, Y/n, we must hate each other now,” he murmured, his tone barely concealing his amusement.
You rolled your eyes, stepping further away from them as they neared Rebekah. “Don’t remind me.”
Rebekah’s eyes lit up the second she spotted them. Her smirk grew wide, and you could already see the teasing comment forming on her lips.
“Well, well, well, look who decided to come home together,” Rebekah drawled, pushing off the doorframe and eyeing them with thinly veiled amusement. “Had a nice time, did we?”
You quickly threw on your best scowl, folding your arms across your chest and glaring at Klaus and Elijah. “Not particularly,” you snapped. “These two were as unbearable as usual.”
Klaus raised an eyebrow, playing along. “Unbearable? My love Y/n, you were practically hanging off us all night.”
You shot him a death glare. “Don’t flatter yourself, Mikaelson. The only reason I was even there was to make sure you didn’t do anything stupid.”
Elijah, ever calm and composed, chimed in with a faint smile. “She was quite insistent on keeping us out of trouble. Very responsible of her, don’t you think?”
You gave him a side-eye, but before you could retort, Rebekah let out a snort of laughter.
“Oh, please. The three of you can barely stay apart for more than an hour, and now you want me to believe you hate each other? Nice try.” She gave you a knowing look, her smirk widening. “You’re not fooling anyone, sweetheart anymore.”
Your eyes widened slightly in panic, but you quickly recovered, glaring at Rebekah. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. These two are impossible to deal with. I’m just stuck cleaning up their messes.”
Klaus, enjoying the act far too much, leaned in with a mischievous grin. “Is that what we’re calling it now? Cleaning up after us?”
Your glare intensified. “Don’t push me, hybrid.”
Rebekah raised an eyebrow, clearly entertained. “Right. And you just happened to be out together, holding hands all night because... what? You felt like tormenting each other?”
You sputtered for a moment, trying to think of a convincing excuse. “I— We weren’t holding hands! That’s ridiculous!”
Klaus chuckled softly, leaning toward Rebekah. “She’s lying, of course. But it’s adorable that she thinks she can fool you.”
You shot him a furious look, then turned to Rebekah. “Don’t listen to him. He’s full of it, as usual.”
Rebekah laughed, shaking her head. “Oh, Y/n, you’re terrible at this. But I appreciate the effort.”
You huffed, crossing your arms tightly and stomping toward the front door. “Whatever. Believe what you want.”
Elijah shared a quick glance with Klaus, both of them clearly enjoying Your flustered state.
Klaus called after you, his voice full of amusement. “We’ll see you inside, love.”
You didn’t bother turning around, but you muttered under your breath, “I hate you guys.”
As Klaus and Elijah finished dressing, the atmosphere in your room was still charged with the aftermath of your passionate encounter. You were, trying to regain your composure, quickly moved to open the door, your eyes scanning the hallway for any sign of unwelcome guests.
"Alright, you two, time to go," you said firmly, your tone brooking no argument. You glanced at both of them with a mix of satisfaction and urgency. "We don’t want Rebekah or Hayley catching you here."
Klaus, with a lingering smirk, adjusted his jacket and nodded. “As you wish, love. Always a pleasure.”
Elijah, ever the gentleman, straightened his suit and offered you a reassuring smile. “We’ll be going. But remember, Y/n, our arrangement is far from over.”
You shot him a pointed look. “Just go before someone sees you guys.”
As they made their way out, the door swung open slightly, and they nearly collided with Hayley, who had been casually walking down the hallway. Her eyes widened with a mischievous glint, and she smirked at the two men.
“Well, well,” Hayley drawled, leaning against the doorframe with a knowing look. “What do we have here?”
Klaus and Elijah exchanged a brief, amused glance before Klaus stepped forward with a charming smile. “Hayley. Just the person we needed to see.”
Elijah nodded politely, his expression calm but his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Hayley.”
Hayley raised an eyebrow, her gaze shifting back and forth between them and the partially open door of your room. “I see. Looks like you two had a... busy night.”
Klaus, always quick on his feet, feigned innocence. “Busy? Hardly. We were simply saying our goodbyes.”
Elijah joined in the act, maintaining his calm demeanor. “Indeed. We were just leaving.”
Hayley’s smirk grew wider as she stepped closer, her eyes flicking toward your door. “I didn’t realize you two were so... close with Y/n.”
Klaus chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Oh, we’re very close. But not too close, I assure you.”
Elijah, looking unruffled, added smoothly, “We’re just very... attentive friends.”
You appeared at the door, your face flushed and your hair slightly disheveled. You threw a quick, irritated glance at Klaus and Elijah. “Are you guys done? I’m trying to keep things private here.”
Hayley’s eyes sparkled with mischief as she turned her attention to you. “Looks like you’re having quite a bit of fun.”
You tried to maintain your composure, though you were clearly flustered. “It’s none of your business, Hayley.”
Klaus gave you a teasing look, then turned to Hayley. “Well, Hayley, it was lovely seeing you. We’ll be off now.”
Elijah nodded in agreement. “Take care, Hayley.”
With that, the two men made their hasty exit, leaving you and your sister standing in the hallway. You sighed, rubbing your temples.
Hayley watched them go, a playful smirk on her lips. “So, are you going to tell me what’s really going on here?”
You clearly exasperated, rolled your eyes. “It’s none of your business. Just drop it, okay?”
Hayley’s grin widened as she followed you back into the room. “Oh, I’m sure it’s just the beginning. But fine, I’ll drop it, for now.”
As the door closed behind them, you leaned against it, your mind already racing with how you would manage to keep your secret from everyone. The night had definitely turned out more complicated than you had anticipated.
The living room was dimly lit by the soft glow of the television screen, casting a warm ambiance over the cozy setup. You and the boys were sprawled comfortably on the couch, indulging in a movie night. Klaus and Elijah flanked you on either side, their arms draped around you as they all snacked on popcorn and sipped wine. The atmosphere was relaxed and intimate, with you nestled snugly between the two brothers.
Just as Klaus reached for the popcorn, the door creaked open, and Hayley’s voice rang out with a teasing lilt. “Well, well, what do we have here?”
Your eyes widened in horror, and you scrambled to distance yourself from Klaus and Elijah, stumbling over the popcorn bowl in the process. “It’s not what it looks like!” You blurted out, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
Rebekah sauntered into the room with an amused smirk, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Oh, but it sure is what it looks like. You’re cuddling with my brothers.”
Klaus, trying to regain his composure, shot a playful glare at you. “Well, love, it seems our cover’s been blown.”
Elijah sighed, giving you a knowing look. “I suppose there’s no hiding it now.”
You threw your hands up in mock exasperation. “Fine! We’re dating. You two finally got us. Happy now?”
Rebekah’s grin widened as she leaned against the wall, crossing her arms. “Oh, absolutely. But don’t think you’re off the hook that easily.”
Hayley, ever the instigator, waltzed over and plopped herself down on the edge of the couch. “So, are we joining you for the movie, or...?”
You quickly stepped between Hayley and the couch, your expression a mix of irritation and amusement. “Oh, no. Not happening. This was supposed to be a private night.”
Klaus and Elijah nodded in agreement, their expressions equally firm but with a hint of playfulness. “We’d appreciate it if you two would give us some privacy,” Elijah said smoothly.
Hayley raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. “Are you sure you want to be alone? It looks like you’re already quite comfortable.”
Klaus chuckled, his arm slipping around your waist as he pulled you closer. “As much as we love the company, we’d prefer if you left us to our movie night.”
Rebekah, with her usual mischief, stepped forward. “Oh, come on. It’s not every day I get to tease you three. Why not let us stay?”
You shook your head, trying to hold back a laugh. “No way. You’re not turning our movie night into a circus.”
Hayley and Rebekah exchanged knowing glances before reluctantly standing up. “Alright, alright,” Hayley said with a smirk. “We’ll leave you to your private cuddle fest.”
Rebekah gave you a playful wink. “Don’t think this is over. We’ll be watching.
As Hayley and Rebekah headed toward the door, Klaus and Elijah quickly resumed their positions on the couch, pulling you back into their embrace.
Once the door closed behind the sisters, you let out a relieved sigh, leaning into Klaus and Elijah. “Finally, some peace and quiet.”
Klaus smirked, his arm wrapped around you. “Indeed. Though, I must say, having them walk in was quite the unexpected twist.”
Elijah nodded, his gaze softening as he looked at you. “At least we can enjoy our movie now, without any more interruptions.”
You smiled up at you, your cheeks still flushed but your eyes twinkled with happiness. “Definitely. Just us, the popcorn, and the wine.”
Klaus chuckled softly, planting a kiss on your forehead. “Perfect.”
As the movie continued, the room was filled with the soft sounds of laughter and the occasional clink of wine glasses, the earlier embarrassment giving way to a cozy, intimate evening.
As the movie played on, you snuggled comfortably between Klaus and Elijah, but your earlier embarrassment had turned into playful banter. You glanced at Klaus and Elijah, your eyes twinkling with mischief.
“You know,” you said with a teasing tone, “if you two had been a bit more careful, we wouldn’t have been caught.”
Klaus raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. “Caught? We weren’t exactly hiding, love. It’s not our fault if you’re so irresistible that we can’t keep our hands off you.”
Elijah, his voice smooth and calm, added, “Indeed. It seems we were simply too engrossed in our private moment to notice the door wasn’t fully closed.”
You rolled your eyes, your smile widening as you shook your head. “Oh, so now it’s my fault for being irresistible? Classic excuse.”
Klaus chuckled softly, his arm tightening around you. “Well, it’s certainly a convenient one.”
Elijah leaned in, his tone teasing. “And you did look quite comfortable nestled between us. It was hard to resist.”
You playfully nudged him with your elbow. “If you two had been a little more discreet, maybe I wouldn’t have had to explain our situation to Rebekah and Hayley.”
Klaus grinned, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Ah, but where’s the fun in being discreet?”
Elijah smiled, his gaze warm as he looked at you. “Indeed. Sometimes, a little chaos adds to the enjoyment.”
You laughed, leaning back into their embrace. “Well, thanks to your lack of caution, I had to deal with Rebekah and Hayley’s teasing. So, consider yourselves warned. Next time, I expect you both to be more careful.”
Klaus and Elijah exchanged amused glances before settling back into their cozy positions. “We’ll take that under advisement,” Klaus said with a grin.
Elijah nodded, adding, “But for now, let’s just enjoy the movie.”
As the film played on, you nestled comfortably between them, the earlier embarrassment now a source of playful banter. The room was filled with soft laughter, the warmth of their shared closeness, and the cozy ambiance of their private movie night.
The morning sun filtered through the curtains as you and your sister prepared for the pack meeting. You were dressed in your casual but stylish outfit, gathering your things when Klaus and Elijah strolled into the room, their expressions a mix of reluctance and concern.
“Do you really have to go?” Klaus asked, his tone almost pleading as he reached out to tug on your sleeve.
Elijah, standing beside Klaus, added with a dramatic sigh, “Yes, must you leave so early? Can’t the meeting wait?”
You laughed softly, shaking your head at their playful theatrics. “Oh, come on. It’s just a pack meeting. I’ll be back before you know it.”
Klaus pouted slightly, crossing his arms. “But we were just getting used to having you all to ourselves.”
Elijah gave you a mock hurt look. “Yes, and we were rather enjoying the peace and quiet of our private time”
You couldn’t help but smile at their exaggerated displays. You stepped closer to them, placing a hand on each of their chests. “You know, I’m going to miss you two too.”
Klaus and Elijah’s expressions softened, though their playful disappointment remained. “Promise you’ll hurry back?” Klaus asked, his voice almost a whisper.
You nodded, your eyes twinkling with affection. “I promise. But before I go, I think you both need a little reminder of how much I care.”
Without missing a beat, you leaned in and pressed a soft, lingering kiss on Klaus’s lips, then turned to Elijah and did the same. The kiss was sweet and tender, filled with the warmth of her affection and the promise of your return.
Klaus and Elijah, momentarily stunned, blinked up at you with wide eyes, their playful frowns melting into genuine smiles. “Well,” Klaus said, his voice a low purr as he pulled her into a gentle embrace, “love. with that kiss of yours. we can let you go.”
Elijah, his gaze soft and filled with admiration, nodded in agreement. “Indeed. We’ll eagerly await your return.”
You chuckled, giving them one last squeeze before stepping back. “I’ll see you both soon. And remember, behave yourselves while I’m gone.”
As you and Hayley headed out the door, Klaus and Elijah watched you and your sister go, their smiles lingering as they exchanged a knowing look. The dramatic farewell had been just what they needed to remind them of the bond they shared, and they couldn’t wait for your return.
The room was buzzing with the low hum of conversations as the werewolves gathered for the pack meeting. You and Hayley sat together at one end of the room, chatting quietly about the latest pack developments. Your conversation was interrupted as Alexander, one of the werewolves, stepped up to the front, signaling that the meeting was about to begin.
As the room fell silent, Alexander cleared his throat and began to speak. “Thank you all for coming. We have a very important announcement to make.”
You and Hayley exchanged a curious glance, your conversation fading as they focused on Alexander. One of the werewolves continued, “We are pleased to announce that there will be a wedding between Jackson Kenner and Y/n Marshall.”
A collective murmur swept through the room, but your attention was solely on Hayley. Your eyes widened in shock, and you turned back to Alexander. “Wait, what? I can’t do that. I’m currently in a relationship.”
Alexander's expression remained stern. “This is a matter of great importance for the pack. It has been decided that this marriage is essential for maintaining our alliance and ensuring the stability of our community.”
Your heart raced, and you turned to your sister for support. Hayley stood up, her face a mixture of frustration and determination. “This isn’t right. Y/n is already in a relationship. You can’t just force her into this.”
Alexander's gaze was unyielding. “The decision has bee made. Y/n must end her current relationship and prepare for the wedding.”
Your frustration grew, your voice rising in protest. “This is insane! I can’t just break up with them because of some pack’s alliance. There has to be another way.”
Hayley stepped forward, trying to argue, but Alexander held up a hand to silence her. “This is not up for discussion. Y/n must comply with the decision.”
Your eyes were filled with a mix of anger and despair. “So that’s it? I just have to accept this?”
Alexander nodded firmly. “You have until the end of the week to end your current relationship and make arrangements for the wedding.”
Hayley looked at you, her expression one of sympathy and frustration. “I’m so sorry, Y/n. We’ll figure out a way to make this right.”
As the meeting continued, you sat in stunned silence, your thoughts racing as you tried to process the sudden turn of events. The prospect of having to break up with them and marry Jackson Kenner was overwhelming, and you couldn’t shake the feeling of helplessness that weighed heavily on your shoulders.
That night, the atmosphere was tense as Elijah and Klaus noticed your demeanor had shifted significantly. The warmth and cheerfulness they were used to had been replaced by a more subdued and troubled air.
They found you in the living room, sitting alone with a distant look in your eyes. Klaus approached first, his voice gentle but filled with concern. “Love, you seem off tonight. Is everything alright?”
You forced a smile, though it didn’t quite reach your eyes. “I’m fine. Just a bit tired, that’s all.”
Elijah, not convinced by your reassurances, took a seat next to her. “You know you can talk to us about anything. We’ve noticed something’s bothering you.”
You glanced at them, your resolve wavering for a moment before you shook your head. “Really, it’s nothing. Just some stuff from the meeting earlier.”
Klaus and Elijah exchanged a worried look before deciding to speak to Hayley, hoping she might shed some light on the situation. They found her in the kitchen, busy with a late-night snack.
“Hayley,” Klaus began, his tone serious, “we’re concerned about Y/n. She’s been acting strange since the meeting. Is everything alright?”
Hayley looked up from what she was doing, her expression thoughtful. “I can’t tell you anything, Y/n is the one who needs to talk to you. It’s not my place to reveal what’s going on.”
Elijah, trying to understand, pressed further. “But she seems really distressed. Is there something we should know?”
Hayley sighed, her eyes showing a mix of frustration and empathy. “She’s dealing with a lot right now. The announcement from the meeting, it’s a huge deal for her. She needs to come to terms with it in her own way.”
Klaus nodded slowly, a frown deepening on his face. “Alright, we’ll give her space. But if there’s anything we can do to help, please let us know.”
Hayley gave them a small, sympathetic smile. “Just be patient. It’s a lot for her to process.”
As Klaus and Elijah returned to the living room, they found you lost in your thoughts. They could see the strain on your face, and despite your attempts to mask it, it was clear that the weight of the situation was heavy on you.
Klaus sat beside you, his tone soft but filled with care. “We’re here for you, Y/n. Whenever you’re ready to talk, we’ll listen.”
Elijah nodded in agreement, his eyes filled with understanding. “Just know that you’re not alone in this. We want to support you however we can.”
You looked at them, your heart aching with the burden of the forced decision you faced. Though you were still reluctant to fully open up, the comfort of their presence provided a small solace in the midst of your turmoil.
On a quiet Sunday night, the moon hung low over the horizon, casting long shadows across the Mikaelson estate. You sat nervously in the grand drawing room, your heart heavy with the weight of the conversation you were about to initiate. Klaus and Elijah, both unaware of the storm brewing in your mind, lounged casually nearby.
“Klaus, Elijah,” you began, your voice trembling slightly as you fought to maintain composure. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
Klaus looked up from his book, his usual confident demeanor slipping into concern. “What’s wrong, love?”
Elijah, sensing the seriousness in your tone, straightened. “Is everything alright?”
Taking a deep breath, you continued, your eyes meeting theirs with a mix of sadness and resolve. “The pack… they’ve been pressuring me. They want me to marry Jackson.”
The room fell silent. Klaus’s eyes widened in disbelief, his face a portrait of anguish. “What? But why?”
Your gaze dropped to the floor, unable to meet the pain you saw reflected in their eyes. “It’s complicated. The pack’s tradition is binding, and they believe it’s necessary for maintaining peace. I don’t have a choice in the matter.”
Elijah’s expression softened, though his heartache was evident. “But what about us? What about everything we’ve shared? Surely they must understand—”
“I tried to explain,” you interrupted, your voice breaking. “But they’re adamant. They want to solidify their alliance with the Crescent Pack through this marriage. It’s not just about me; it’s about politics and power.”
Klaus stood abruptly, his face a mix of fury and despair. “So, you’re leaving us. You’re choosing Jackson over us.”
“No,” you cried out, tears spilling down your cheeks. “It’s not about choosing. It’s about having no choice at all. I love you both, but they’re forcing me into this. I can’t defy them without risking everything.”
Elijah reached out, his hand gently touching your arm, but his eyes were filled with sorrow. “Is there truly no way to avoid this? Is there nothing we can do to fight this?”
You shook your head, your voice barely a whisper. “I’ve tried everything. The pack’s decision is final. I have to go through with this.”
Klaus’s anger and heartbreak were palpable. “You should have told us sooner. We could have done something. We could have fought for you.”
“I didn’t know how to tell you guys,” you admitted, your voice breaking with the weight of your regret. “I was afraid of how you’d react. And now, I’m losing you both.”
Elijah and Klaus exchanged a heavy glance, the weight of their shared loss settling between them. Klaus looked back at you, his eyes filled with a mix of love and resignation. “So, this is it? We’re really done?”
You nodded, your heart aching with the finality of your words. “I’m sorry. I truly am. But I have to go. I hope you guys understand.”
With a heavy heart, Klaus and Elijah stood, their faces reflecting the profound sadness of the moment. They turned away, unable to bear the pain of seeing your tears, and walked towards the door. Each step they took felt like a part of their hearts breaking, the love they had shared now a distant, painful memory.
You watched them go, your own heart shattered into pieces. The echoes of their footsteps faded into the night, leaving you alone with the weight of a decision you never wanted to make and the loss of a love you could never truly let go of.
As the door closed behind them, you sank into a nearby armchair, your emotions spilling over in quiet sobs. The weight of your choice pressed down on you like a physical force. You barely noticed when Hayley entered the room, drawn by the sound of your anguish.
Hayley rushed to you, her own heart breaking at the sight of your tears. She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you close in a tight embrace. “Oh, Y/N,” Hayley whispered, her voice choked with emotion. “I’m so sorry. I wish there was something I could do.”
You clung to Hayley, the support from your sister a small comfort amidst the overwhelming grief. Your voice was muffled against Hayley’s shoulder as you spoke, your words heavy with sorrow. “I’ve lost them, Hayley. I’ve lost the men that I only loved.”
Hayley tightened your hold, her own tears streaming down her face. “You didn’t want this. You didn’t have a choice.”
“I know,” you said, your voice breaking. “But knowing that doesn’t make it any easier. I didn’t just break their hearts today. I broke mine too. I’ve broken three hearts.”
Hayley pulled back slightly, her gaze searching your tear-streaked face. “They’re hurting, but you’re hurting too. You loved them, and they loved you. This isn’t just about what’s happened; it’s about what could have been.”
“I keep thinking about the moments we shared,” you said, your voice trembling. “The laughter, the tenderness, the promises we made. And now, it’s all gone. I had to choose between them and my duty, and I feel like I’ve lost a part of myself in the process.”
Hayley wiped at her own tears, her heart aching for you. “You did what you had to do. You were caught between a rock and a hard place. They’ll understand, eventually. But right now, it’s okay to grieve. It’s okay to feel like you’ve lost everything.”
You nodded, your sobs becoming quieter as you leaned into your sister’s embrace. “I wish I could turn back time. I wish I could find a way to make things right, but I know that’s impossible.”
“I know,” Hayley said softly, her voice filled with empathy. “But you’re not alone. I’m here for you, and we’ll get through this together. It’s going to take time, but you’ll find a way to heal.”
As the two sisters sat together in the dimly lit room, the enormity of your loss seemed almost palpable.the love you had shared with Klaus and Elijah was now a bittersweet memory, and the future seemed uncertain. Yet, amidst the sadness, there was a small flicker of hope in the support of family, a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there could be solace in the connections that remained.
The day of the engagement party arrived, casting a bittersweet aura over the event. The venue was adorned with elegant decorations, a mix of white and gold, creating a festive atmosphere that belied the underlying tension. The guests, including many pack members and important figures, mingled and chatted, their conversations a backdrop to the day’s main event.
You arrived with a forced smile, your heart heavy as you tried to appear composed. Jackson Kenner, ever the picture of confidence, stood by your side, ready to take the next step in the arranged union. As Jackson and you moved through the crowd, you couldn’t shake the feeling of being an actor in a play you never wanted to be part of.
The moment came when Jackson, with a reassuring hand on your  back, gathered everyone’s attention. The room fell silent, and all eyes turned toward the couple. Jackson’s gaze was steady as he began to speak, his voice carrying over the hush of the crowd.
“Thank you all for coming to celebrate this special occasion,” Jackson began, his tone warm and inclusive. “Today, I have the honor of asking Y/n to be my wife, officially.”
You forced a smile as you looked at Jackson, but your thoughts were far from the joy of the moment. You could feel the weight of the promise you had made, and the memory of Klaus and Elijah’s hurt expressions from the night before seemed to hover around you.
Jackson took a deep breath and reached into his pocket, pulling out a stunning engagement ring. The jewel sparkled under the soft lighting, catching the eyes of everyone in the room. He turned to you, his expression earnest.
“Y/n,” he said, his voice gentle yet filled with hope, “will you marry me?”
As he extended the ring toward you, your heart ached with the knowledge of what this moment truly meant. You hesitated for a brief second, your eyes meeting Jackson’s. Despite the sadness that lingered in your heart, you took a deep breath and nodded.
“Yes,” you said, your voice soft but resolute. “I will.”
The room erupted in applause and cheers as Jackson slipped the ring onto your finger. You tried to focus on the happiness of the guests, but the emptiness of the moment made it difficult to feel genuine joy. You managed a polite smile as Jackson hugged you, his arms warm and reassuring.
As the party continued, you found herself caught in a swirl of congratulations and small talk. The evening wore on, and while she made an effort to mingle and partake in the celebrations, your thoughts often drifted to the faces of Klaus and Elijah, the pain of their absence a constant undercurrent to the evening’s festivities.
In the midst of the celebration, the engagement ring on your finger was a constant, glittering reminder of the choices  you had been forced to make, and the heartbreak that had accompanied them. As you looked around at the smiling faces and the joy of the occasion, you couldn’t shake the feeling that the night, while full of celebration, was also steeped in a profound sense of loss.
You stood in front of the full-length mirror, your reflection revealing the intricate lace of your wedding gown, the weight of the world heavy on your shoulders. You barely recognized yourself in the mirror, dressed up like a bride for a man she didn’t love, not in the way you loved Klaus and Elijah. Your heart ached, and your stomach churned with each passing second. This wasn’t how your life was supposed to go. 
A soft knock on the door made you jump. You turned and saw Hayley standing in the doorway, her expression somber. “You ready?” Hayley asked, though you both knew the answer. 
You gave her a weak smile. “How do I look?” 
Hayley sighed, stepping inside and closing the door behind her. "I wish there was another way."
"I know," you whispered, your voice cracking slightly. "But this is what has to be done for the wolves. For our people."
"Y/n, you don’t have to marry Jackson just for them," Hayley said softly. "It shouldn’t be your burden to carry."
You turned back to the mirror, your eyes stinging as tears threatened to fall. "It’s not just about the wolves, Hayley. If I don’t do this... things will fall apart. Peace will crumble, and the war will begin again. I’m doing this for everyone."
Hayley stepped closer, placing a hand on your shoulder. "But what about you? What about what you want? What about Klaus and Elijah?"
Your heart squeezed painfully at their names. "They know why I’m doing this. They understand." But your voice wavered, and deep down, you knew that wasn’t entirely true.
The ceremony was simple, but the weight of its significance was suffocating. Klaus and Elijah stood at the back, watching silently as you walked down the aisle. You looked beautiful, radiant, even, but the sadness in your eyes was unmistakable. You caught Klaus’s gaze for a fleeting moment, and his jaw clenched. He was trying to hide his emotions, but you knew him too well.
Elijah stood beside Klaus, his expression a mask of calm, but there was a storm brewing beneath the surface. He loved you too, and seeing you marry another man was like a dagger to his heart. But just like Klaus, he was forced to watch. Forced to let you go.
As you reached Jackson at the altar, you forced yourself to smile, to play the part you were supposed to.Jackson smiled back at you, blissfully unaware of the turmoil raging inside you. He took your hands, his voice warm as he whispered, “You look beautiful.”
You nodded slightly, unable to muster any words in response. Your eyes flickered back to where Klaus and Elijah stood, the pain in their eyes mirroring your own.
Later, after the ceremony, you slipped away from the celebration, needing a moment to breathe. You found yourself by the lake, the cool breeze ruffling the fabric of your dress. You hugged yourself, trying to hold yourself together as the tears finally began to fall.
"I knew I’d find you here." 
You turned at the sound of Klaus’s voice, your heart skipping a beat. He stood a few feet away, his eyes locked on yours, the tension between them palpable.
“Don’t,” he said, his voice low and thick with emotion. “Don’t say my name like that. Like you’re sorry.”
“I am sorry,” you whispered, your voice breaking. “I didn’t want this. I didn’t want any of this.”
“And yet, here we are,” Klaus muttered, stepping closer. “You in a wedding dress, married to someone who isn’t us.”
You took a shaky breath. “You know why I did it. It’s to protect everyone—"
 “To protect them,” Klaus interrupted, his eyes flashing with anger and hurt. “But what about us? What about you?”
Elijah appeared then, his presence calming but no less heartbreaking. "Klaus, don’t." His voice was gentle but firm. "This isn’t what she wanted, but it’s what she had to do."
You  looked between them, your heart splitting in two. “I never wanted to hurt either of you. You know that.”
Elijah nodded slowly, but his eyes told a different story. “I know, but it doesn’t make it any easier.”
Klaus stepped forward, closing the distance between them. He reached out, brushing a tear from your cheek, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. “Tell me, Y/n,” he whispered, his voice barely audible. “Was there even a moment when you thought about choosing us?”
Your breath hitched, your hands trembling as you reached up to cover his hand on your cheek. “Every moment, Klaus. Every moment, I thought about you both.”
Elijah’s voice was quiet as he spoke. “But you didn’t.”
You turned your gaze to Elijah, your heart breaking all over again. "I couldn’t. You know I couldn’t."
Klaus pulled away, his hand falling to his side. "It doesn’t matter anymore, does it? You’re married now. To him."
The pain in his voice was too much to bear, and you couldn’t hold back the sob that escaped your lips. You buried your face in your hands, your body shaking as the weight of your choice came crashing down on you.
Elijah moved to your side, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “We understand, Y/n. We do. But it doesn’t change how much this hurts.”
You looked up at him, your eyes filled with regret. "I’m so sorry, Elijah. I’m sorry for everything."
Klaus turned away, his voice hard as he spoke. “Sorry won’t change what’s happened. You’re his now.”
You swallowed hard, wiping your tears as you looked at both Klaus and Elijah, your heart shattering all over again. "I’ll always love you. Both of you. Nothing will ever change that."
But even as the words left your lips, you knew they weren’t enough. Nothing would ever be enough to fix the damage that had been done. And as you watched Klaus walk away, followed by Elijah’s lingering, heartbroken gaze, you realized just how much you had lost.
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But At What Cost?
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Warnings: This chapter: Thoughts of suicide, non con, physical abuse, miscarriage; the series: non-con, dub-con, depression, forced marriage, angst, forced pregnancy, 18+
Word count: 2,925
Pairings: Dark!Bucky Barnes / Reader
Summary: Reader is the youngest girl in her family. After being sold to Bucky Barnes, and forced to have his child, she and her sisters look for a way to escape.
~ indicates time change
- indicates a POV change
A/N: Holy shit, I have not updated in 4 years... Life has been so busy with moving, having a child, and starting my new business but I am so incredibly happy to be back! I would get that writing itch but would never scratch it, until now. I plan to post weekly for a long as I can stand it. I also hope to participate in challenges and NANOWRIMO next year, so hopefully this year can be a warm up to where I used to be. Anyway, enough rambling. Let's get into the third and FINAL part to my most popular series, Small Price to Pay. Enjoy!
Three months. That’s how long it’d been since you and your sisters had escaped your Hellhole of a life. That’s also how far along you were in your pregnancy. You weren’t showing yet, but all your sisters and nephews and nieces knew. Nobody allowed you to stand too long without offering you a chair, and you were exempt from all household chores, to your dismay. The one thing you begged to let them allow you to do was shop on your day and take care of the young children.
Today was your day to leave to get groceries. This time was always extremely stressful for you and your sisters, none of you knew what lay beyond the door. There was no way to know if today was the day that you would all have to separate. More stress was in the air due to your pregnancy. 
Lucille wrote the list of supplies before handing it to you, smiling. “Okay, here’s everything we need. Do I need to remind you not to talk to strangers?” She lifts an eyebrow, her lips turning into a smirk as you slap her arm playfully. 
“Don’t worry, mom, I promise I won’t.” She laughed at you before hugging you close. You all always did this, just in case it’d be your last time together. 
Anne was next to hug you. “Stay safe, baby sis.” You hugged her tight, calming your nerves as you smelled her candy perfume.
 You went on to hug Vienna and she rubbed your belly. “No matter what happens, just know baby boy will keep you safe.” You smiled at your sister.
“You’re so sure it’s a boy?” Vienna nodded.
“Positive. I predicted all my kids’ gender correctly, what makes you any different?” She lifted your hand from your belly, replacing it with yours. You’d always wanted a girl, but deep in your heart you felt it was another boy too. You’d never admit this to your sister, you’d never hear the end of it.
“Your witchcraft doesn’t work on me, devil woman!” you joked, causing all your sisters and you to laugh. You savored that moment, how you felt and the way you all sounded at peace. No doubt none of you had felt that way in a long time. A piece of you knew it all was temporary, soon you’d all go back to worrying. Was that shadow or a person following them? Was that stranger living near us before or did they just move in? What do we know about them?
You were pulled from your thoughts when Anne clapped her hands. “Well, on your way. You want to get there and back before rush hour.”
You shopped the aisles of the American store, looking for your last items. As you're pushing the cart you hit something. No someone. You looked up shocked and immediately apologized upon seeing a woman with white hair. Her hand travels down to her protruding belly protectively, and your eyes get wide.
“I am so sorry, Ms, here let me help you.” You rush to the woman’s side as she tries to bend down to pick up her dropped items. She stands back up as you bend to get her items before handing them to her.
“Don’t worry about it, I should really look where I’m going. I don’t have a giant sign on me.” She chuckles at her joke, and you just nod your head. You couldn’t help but feel you knew her, but shook your head. That’s impossible. You knew no women except your sisters and nieces.
“Well, I’m sorry again. Have a good day, ma’am.”
“Wait!” You look back at the woman when you turned to leave her to her business. “I’m sorry to bother you, but could you help me with my groceries home? I live just down the road in Kilven’s road, I was going to ask a grocer to help me but they’re all men. I don’t feel comfortable with that, I’d rather have a woman. If you can’t I completely understand, just thought I’d try anyway.”
You considered the woman for a minute. Kilven’s road was next to yours, it would be an extra 5 minutes max to help this pregnant woman. You understood her wariness to ask a male to help her home. Besides, you did hit her with your cart.
“Sure, let me just check out and I’ll be happy to help you out.”
The woman smiled at this. “Really? That’s great, thank you so much! My name’s Nat by the way.”
You and Nat talked the short walk to her house, she had just moved there a year prior to be with her German boyfriend-turn-husband of 6 years. You  nodded your head as she told you stories, you kept your life story vague. You had just moved there yourself, but that’s all you offered.
“Do you have any kids?” You opened your mouth to speak before closing it again, unsure how to answer. You wanted to trust Nat, but you were still getting a weird feeling around her. “I’m sorry, that’s very rude of me. Don’t answer that.”
“It’s okay.” You smile at the woman as you readjust the bags on your shoulders. One held Nat’s items and the others yours. You both shopped light to your luck. You continued to walk in a bit of silence until the woman pointed to her house. 
“Here I am.” You followed her up the steps as she took out her keys. “Would you like to come in? My husband baked a mean German chocolate cake.” She took her bag from your shoulder, and you smiled at her generosity. 
“No, thank you, but I should really be getting home if I want a headstart on dinner.” The woman nodded at your response.
“Of course, of course. Thank you again for your help, get home safe, dear.”
You thanked the woman as you waved goodbye and stepped away down the steps. You hurried off the road with your bag and to your own, never looking back. Little did you know the woman was following you the entire time. 
When you got to your house, you took out your keys swiftly before putting them in the lock. You opened the door, looked out and saw nobody there, then locked it behind you.
“I’m home!” You walked to the kitchen, noticing the eerie silence. That’s weird. “Hello?” You walked up the stairs, still not hearing one child. Did they leave? They didn’t call you. When you reached your room you gasped at what you saw. 
“James?” Your husband smiled back at you as your sisters sat in the small room’s corner. James had a gun pointing at the bathroom where you heard small whimpering sounds, no doubt the children were in there. 
“Hey, Baby, miss me?” You gulped.
“James, please. Let my sisters and their children go. I’ll go with you peacefully, just don’t hurt them.” James shook his head.
“Can’t do that, Doll. These women have husbands who are worried sick about them and their kids. Would it be right to just let them kidnap their children and disappear halfway across the world with them?”
You looked to your sisters as tears fell from their eyes. This was all your fault. You should’ve never stayed with them, you and Bucky should’ve found your own place to escape to. You should’ve known James would find a way to you.
“James, please. Don’t do this.” Just then the door downstairs bursted open. You all, except Bucky, jumped at the sound. Fast steps made their way up the stairs, and then Nat appeared in the room’s doorway. Only this time she had no belly.
“Natasha, perfect timing.”
Suddenly you remembered. How could you be so stupid? The woman before you with her own gun was the woman you met at your wedding. She talked to James about moving to Germany to live a life on the downlow. Back then she had red hair.
She sauntered into the room, smirking at you, before aiming the gun at the same door James just was. “Their husbands are on their way here. They should be getting off the plane in about 5 minutes and they’ll be here to get children and wives back in no more than 30 minutes. I’ll keep these lovely ladies company until then.” Your sisters’ eyes widened at her words, and you started crying. 
James smiled and lowered his gun before walking to the bathroom. “Good.” He opened the door and your nieces and nephews started crying. Your heart broke for the pain you were causing. James walked from the room with your son in his arms. “I have everything I need, so I think I’ll take my wife and son and head out.”
Your son calmed down his cries when he was in his daddy’s arms, snuggling closer to him and laying his head beneath his chin to suck on his thumb. 
Natasha turned her attention to you, still keeping the gun pointed at the door. “Look at what you caused. Your son could have grown up without a father. Is that what you want?” She raised her voice at you causing you to jump a little. You shook your head, closing your eyes as more tears poured from them.
“It’s okay, Nat, all that matters is we’re all back together. Isn’t that right, honey?”
“T-that’s right,” you whispered, not wanting to speak the venomous words. James walked over to you before grabbing your arms in a tight grip. 
“Happy you agree, let’s go home. Now.” The last word was growled in your ear, causing you to stiffen again. You opened your eyes to see your sisters again. They smiled weakly at you.
“I’m so sorry,” you sobbed out. James pulled you from the room then the house. A car came to pick you up as you traveled back to the Hell you had tried so hard to crawl away from.
When you got back home, James beat you. Bad. You cried and screamed at him to forgive you. Punches flew at you from every side. Your eyes threatened to swell shut from his blows and your lips were purple and bruised. You tried to tell him about the child you were pregnant with, but he couldn’t hear you through his rage. When you were down he kicked your stomach and you cried out in immense pain. He just grabbed your face and kissed you roughly.
James then picks you up from the ground before pushing you down on the bed. “Take off your clothes,” he demands, leaving no room for negotiation. Your mind was still foggy from what had just happened that James had forced on you the minute you both walked through the door and he handed Bucky to a maid you had never seen before. “Now, Doll, don’t make me repeat myself. I’m already pissed.” His nostrils flared as he spoke. 
With shaky hands, you steadily reached for the white button up you had been wearing. You discarded the fabric to the floor, revealing to James your white lacy bra. His pupils dilated as he watched on, his chest rising and falling with deep breaths. Next was your skirt, and then you were left with just her matching underwear set. You looked up at James with doe eyes, waiting for your next order. Just like the obedient little girl James had made you. 
“Keep going,” was his only command as he reached to pull off his white dress shirt that hugged his muscles just right. He palmed his growing hard on, the outline very prominent in his black dress pants. The size made your eyes water with more tears. You knew he wouldn’t be gentle. No matter how many times James fucked you, you were still just as terrified as the first time, nearly crying every time he’d stuff it into your tiny cunt. 
James reached behind you aggressively to undo your bra and let it fall to the floor along with your other clothing. Your boobs bounced from being free, and you slowly slid your panties down next. 
You were looking to the floor as you untangled the lacy fabric from your legs, but looked up when you heard a chuckle. You met James’ eyes as his face was turned up in a smirk. 
“Such a fucking tease,” he tsked, “You just want me to destroy that tiny little pussy of yours, don’t you?” You kept eye contact with him as you nodded her head.
“Yes, sir.” 
James leaned down in front of you, grabbing her face and pulling you roughly forward to his lips. He squeezed your jaw so you would open to him, wanting nothing more than to assert dominance with his tongue. 
James’ kisses were never loving, just hungry. He moaned into your mouth as his tongue explored; all the while you sat back with submission, allowing your master to take full control of what’s his. After what felt like minutes, James finally pulled away, pushing you back even more and causing you to whimper at the force. The fight in you dying forever ago.
James unhooked his belt as you held his gaze, dropping eye contact was a rule that you had learned not to break. Once her clothes were off, they had officially begun; after that she wasn’t allowed to look away from him. 
“Turn around. You’re going to learn not to disobey me one way or another.”
“Yes sir.”
“Did you really think you could escape me?” You started to cry again.
“I’m sorry.” 
“No, not yet you’re not. But you will. Look at me.” You turned around and your eyes widened. James’ left arm was replaced with that of a metal one. “You wanna know how I got this?” He tossed a cast that was in the shape and color of his arm that you were used to to the floor. “I was a prisoner of war in World War 2. I was used as a war machine long after the war ended. I’m an ex-supersoldier, Baby. Did you really think you could escape me?” James was starting to raise his voice as you started to cry again. 
He spanked your ass with his robotic arm and you lurched forward at the force. James continued spanking your bare ass until you were so raw you could barely feel it anymore. Your stomach cramped so bad and you screamed at the sudden pain, clutching it and falling to the bed weakly. 
“Get up, I’m not done with you.” But you couldn’t move. You could just stay in the fetal position as your body convulsed in the worst pain you could only relate to birth. Then you felt a liquid escape from your vagina. Your eyes squeezed shut as you begged the pain to leave you soon.
“Y-you’re bleeding. Are you okay?” James’ words barely reached your ears as you suddenly felt nauseous. You couldn’t move as your stomach emptied it’s contents on the bed. Then you saw black.
James had beat you so bad you had a miscarriage. When you woke up, you were in a hospital bed. A nurse was checking your vitals when she noticed you were awake. She greeted you, asking how you were feeling, before informing you of the terrible news. She asked to confirm what your husband had told them, that you had fallen down stairs and that explained your bruises and swollen eyes. You said yes.
After that day you were forever broken. You never stepped out of line with James, and you became the wife he had always wanted. No more did you dream of an escape, nor what the future held. You didn’t care.
James was never the same, either. After the incident, he was doting. Always saying he loves you, buying you expensive presents daily with flowers of different kinds. He tried to set you up so you could see your sisters more often, and he even let you leave the house. But you wanted none of it. You took the gifts with not so much of a smile, you rejected to see your sisters, and you chose to only leave the house when food was needed. You only bought Bucky clothes online, not being able to stand being in a child store. 
When Bucky’s 4th birthday rolls around, 3 years later, he is eager to start preschool. He didn’t remember his aunts or his cousins, and he was closer to his father than ever before, shying away from you as you grew colder and colder to both of the relationships you had in your life. It was him who dropped him off to school as you stayed home with a maid to take care of you and your needs. You were currently pregnant with a girl. James said you’d name Dahlia, Dolly for short. She’d be your perfect rainbow baby, he said, a real Doll. 
When Bucky came back home he showed you a card he had made for James at school, insisting it go on the fridge. You obeyed, hanging it there with a magnet that made Bucky happily skip away. 
The card showed Bucky and James hugging, not a sight of you or the child in your womb. You were a waste of space, a visitor in the home you’d created. A hollow shell of who you used to be. You thought about your suicide. It seemed easy, too easy. It’s a small price to pay for freedom, but at what cost? 
Taglist: @jtargaryen18​ @coconutqueen21​ @collette04​ @nsfwsebbie​ 
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the-crimson · 1 year
I was thinking about this while falling asleep last night so I want to try and untangle the web Bad has been spinning to better understand what he’s doing cuz in some aspects it seems completely random and disconnected
Bad’s plan rn is to disseminate a bunch of different - at times contradictory- information across the island and watch how it spreads. The goal of this is two fold; to discover who is trustworthy and to find the (probably unknowing) federation spy.
His plan began way back with the magma cube prank. At the time he said he wanted to pin the prank on the fed to turn everyone against them but… the way he went about it didn’t make sense? Giving a cube to everyone at once pretty much confirmed it was a prank - fit recognized that immediately - as well as writing the books in French and Portuguese. Not to mention Tina would clock him immediately since he pulled this prank on her before. So what was the point?
So Bad could watch/listen to the islanders as they tried to figure out who it was. Many of them immediately clocked bbh for a number of different reasons and he confessed to several different people (mainly the French) that it was indeed him. He could watch the web of information spread to discover who talked to who and who could keep secrets.
Over the last few weeks Bad’s been much more subtle with this. He’s told conflicting information about various things to a bunch of people - telling some people he is the one responsible for the mines at spawn and others that he isn’t - and the web has just gotten more and more complex.
Then on top of all of this, he’s testing people with very specific and unique obstacles.
Bagi’s test was the first one I noticed several days ago and is what got me paying closure attention. Bad pretty much explained it yesterday but I’ll recap. He knew Bagi was worried about him so he told her he was seeing a ghost (which was true) and asked her to keep it a secret. She did not - as Bad predicted - and you can tell in the conversation that Bad knew she didn’t and was giving her the opportunity to come clean - which she did. He praised her and thanked her out of no where for keeping this secret (I thought this was weird at the time, the way he was talking, and this is why) and she told him that she didn’t. This proved to Bad that Bagi was more interested in being honest then trusted which meant that she passed the test.
The next obvious one is Baghera. Bad is testing Baghera’s resolve and trust. He showed her Ron knowing full well that Baghera could have turned on him and tried to interfere but he trusted that her sense of justice and care for him would balance out and that she’d find a solution where they both would be happy. He knows he is hurting her but it’s necessary in his eyes.
Then is Forever. This one is a bit more tricky. I don’t think Bad has really started testing Forever before the gun theft. This felt like an improvised test to see how far Bad could gaslight and push Forever before Forever gave up on their relationship. The gun was returned before we reached that point but there was another immediate point of contention that - again - was out of Bad’s control. Tubbo. Forever correctly believing Tubbo that bbh kidnapped the worker was the pay off for Bad’s previous abuse. Forever doesn’t believe a thing that comes out of Bad’s mouth anymore. The nail in the coffin for this test is Forever thinking that Bad is ill and needs to be saved, which means Bad is probably never going to bring Forever into his plans like he did Baghera. Forever wants to save him but Bad doesn’t want to be saved. He walked into this hell with eyes wide open and it’s far too late to turn back.
Aypierre’s test began yesterday. Not only did Bad “confess” to having a fed worker in his custody, he also tasked Aypierre with spying on Tubbo. Bad trusts the French as a whole more than anyone on the island (I’ll come back to foolish in a minute) and he knows that Aypierre, Antoine, and Etoiles would either be ambivalent or positive about the man in Bad’s basement. Bad would never straight up confess to this crime “I would never touch the federation” but he’s willing to confirm their suspicions. He also told Aypierre to be wary because someone is protecting Forever and… I’m pretty sure this is a lie. A lie to test what Aypierre does. Who does he tell. If the feds find out and start snooping. I think Aypierre’s test is to prove without a doubt if he can be trusted/who he trusts and that he isn’t a fed plant/hasn’t been bugged.
Lastly, and most interestingly, we have Foolish. Foolish is the only one Bad has told everything to. Sure, it’s through three layers of obscurity and metaphor but these two only know how to communicate through mind games. Bad knows how intelligent Foolish is and he knows what Foolish wants. Yes Foolish is a snitch but he has no loyalties to the fed, only to his family and himself. Foolish would be the obvious spy but Bad knows Foolish is just chasing the rush of excitement and entertainment and that watching Bad stop holding back is prime time entertainment. He knows Foolish will eventually turn him over to the feds but that’s what Bad wants. Foolish will be up front about it and will want a front row seat so if Bad gets arrested without the fan fair, then it proves that someone else is the puppet (if bad gets arrested at all)
Lastly lastly, I think Bad has caught onto the fact that the federation doesn’t want to touch him. First giving him a slap on the wrist for griefing the presidential office then warning workers to stay away from him instead of removing him as a threat. Bad wants to push them. Ever since Tubbo spilled the beans about the worker going missing, Bad has been acting so much more suspicious and threatening than before. He’s intentionally making himself look more guilty without out right stating that he is guilty. The federation has to know it’s him right? They have all the pieces they had to have been able to put it together so why? Why haven’t they acted?
Well, Foolish promised Bad he’d be getting arrested soon and Bad keeps making himself look more sus to Tubbo who has a friend in the fed - who resembles the exact person Bad wants to nab - so Bad is also probably keeping an eye on Tubbo if he snitches (which he did lol). If the federation continues to do nothing that’ll give Bad massive leverage over them while also giving him another mystery to solve.
Bad said his plan is almost complete, he just needs a few more pieces to fall into place before he can find the puppet and follow its strings back to its master. I have no idea what’s going to happen or what pieces need to fall into place but i am so curious to see what he does next. Is capturing Fred still part of his plans? Is he still banking on getting put in jail? How is he going to narrow down who is the puppet when he hasn’t tested more than half of the server? Hopefully we’ll get some answers today.
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yuridovewing · 3 months
How did you make Rainflower worse? I'm really interested.
Rubs my hands together. I made that woman RANCID (Putting this under the cut because I predict it’ll get long and I wanna throw up a CW for abuse of power, child abuse, victim blaming, humiliation, and ableist abuse. Also disclaimer: haven’t reread Crookedstar’s Promise in a minute, and I want to, so this is subject to change)
Razorverse Rainflower… or as she’s properly called… Rainstar.
Just gonna plagiarize @/bonefall’s structure and stuff here lmaooo. Gonna list what I don’t care for about the canon version, what I’d like to do but am not sure how to go about it exactly, and what I know I want to do.
-So, Rainflower. We all know her, she’s The Bad Mom. The one who renamed her son something ableist for the purpose of humiliating and disowning him. The one who never apologized, barely made any attempts to support him further, and fucked up Crookedstar’s self esteem and drove him into Mapleshade’s claws.
-I don’t have an issue with her being portrayed like this at all. Rainflower herself, as she’s presented in the book in a vacuum, is fine. I’m very anti “oh lets never talk about serious topics in kids content” because that’s an easy slippery slope into book banning to me. Her actions are portrayed as horrific, and if I remember correctly, Crookedstar doesn’t forgive her. No reconciliation. With several kids properties (and WC itself if we’re being honest) making plotlines about how you have to forgive your abuser or you suck, that’s honestly sort of refreshing. You’re not obligated to forgive your mother because she’s your mother. Fuck that. The ableism adds a whole extra layer to this as well because while I don’t remember specific caretaker abuse in the book, plenty of victims have spoken up about relating to Crookedstar. She really is the recipe for an intentionally awful character.
-That being said… man, it’s kinda weird how this random ass queen apparently has the power to rename her child something derogatory in the eyes of their god and the leader who is in charge of all this is like “yeah sure okay”, and everyone else is like “oughhh that bites! ah well though what can ya do? sorry infant, we’re cool with calling you a slur forever” and that is never addressed or seen as weird and we’re supposed to love all these other characters and see them as role models for Crookedkit.
-It makes RiverClan look Pretty Bad, Dude. Which would be cool if it was intentional-there’s actually a line in Cats of the Clans that implies Crookedstar struggled because of societal expectations, not just his mom’s disowning. I kinda wanna reincorporate that. Like, Rainflower isn’t just One Bad Mom, she’s a product of her environment, she has a clique of cats that think just like her.
-Also… while I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing in a kids book, yeah, Rainflower is pretty flat. Not completely- my best friend read the book recently and he actually made a great point that Rainflower’s kind of a bad mom even before the accident because she brags and brags about her kids, but doesn’t really look out for them, which makes them get hurt. She thinks her kids fart rainbows until one of them makes her look bad, after which she disowns and treats him poorly. But aside from that… there’s not much to her. She gives birth in a storm and has sentimental names because of that, she is a doting mama until she isn’t, and you could also say she’s vain.
-Again- all that is perfectly fine.
-But… and this may read as a little controversial to the fandom crowd… I like to add a bit more meat to abusive characters.
-Not necessarily by making them sympathetic, although that’s one way to do it if done properly and with the tact and attention it deserves.
-But I want to make them read more like people. People who have families and friends, who have hobbies and favorite foods and silly weekly routines. Who have fears and anxieties, who care deeply for the ones they love. Who are charming and well liked.
-Because abusers are not identifiable at a distance. They’re not always obvious. They’re not ugly, or constantly acting like douchebags.
-A lot of abuse falls under the rug because of the abuser’s status in reality. A man that beats his wife could have his family rally behind him because… well, they grew up with him. That’s not who he TRULY is. What did the wife do to provoke him? No no, this man also has an important job, he has a lot of connections and people willing to stick up for him. “I’ve talked to him before and he was just the nicest man! He would never do anything like that. Maybe he was just having a hard day. His job is so hard, you know!”
-A mom who stalks and beats her kids? Well, she’s so sweet in public! She tutors the neighbors kids, you can’t possibly expect us to believe she’s hurting her own! They must be problem children anyways if she has to keep her eye on them.
-That aunt who emotionally abuses her nespring? Well, she’s got such an important job higher up and she has connections (and eyes) everywhere! There’s no escape no way you could expect us to believe that such a helpful person could be so cruel!
-(And in cases of romantic relationships there is typically victim blaming in this line of thinking. “How did you not know they were abusive? Surely you noticed SOME of the signs? You’re not innocent here. You chose this. You can’t expect me to be sympathetic.” This doesn’t apply to Rainflower, but since I’m talking about fandom abuse, I think it’s worth a mention.)
-These people can’t be abusers. Because they’re human. They’re loved. And if that’s true… doesn’t that mean you and I are also capable of abuse? That people we know and trust in real life could be abusive? People we look up to? No, no. Of course not. Abusers aren’t human. And as long as we slot them as inhuman entities, as Other, that means we could never become like that. Ever. Anyways, I just got done rewatching all the silly pirate movies, he’s so funny and charming! How could that evil inhuman bitch EVER think he abused her? She is a demon who should rot in hell for making me feel bad about my best celebrity friend. She should’ve just put up and shut up.
-(Really hope it’s obvious, but I know what fandom I’m talking to, so I’m gonna slap an /S here for that whole paragraph)
-And I can’t help but see parallels of that when I look at fandom and you have people going “you’re an abuse apologist if you think this abusive character had a backstory or motive!” or “This comic is bad because it portrays an abuser as having a pleasant relationship with their sibling!”
-The reality is that no one is born evil. No one crawls out the womb ready to commit war crimes or whatever, no matter what Warrior Cats tries to tell you.
-A big thing that allows abuse to fester is power. Familial abuse is so common because the children are under the care of the adults around them that have every right over their autonomy. Becoming a parent is to have power over a small, vulnerable person… and so of course, that creates an environment where the adults are practically welcome to take advantage of that.
-Of course someone might not notice their friend is a child abuser. Their friend probably doesnt have intoxicating power over them, so they don’t see that behavior. And if that friend somehow does hold power over them… well, all the more reason not to rock the boat, right?
-Okay I’m rambling at this point so let’s bring it back to Rainflower. I’ve seen a couple people try to flat out woobify her, which is something I don’t particularly care for personally, but it’s led people to be kinda volatile to those who do try to add… More, to Rainflower. “Oh, you must do that because you don’t think her abuse is that bad!” Even when that’s not at all what people are saying.
-Rainflower isn’t real. The way she’s handled resonates with people, and that IS real, and should be respected. (Again- I’m not saying it’s bad to portray her as pure evil. I’m sure that’s liberating for some people who grew up with a parent like her! Different strokes for different folks)
-But that doesn’t mean we’re not talking about fiction at the end of the day, and no, we are not toning down abuse by daring to ask why Rainflower is the way she is.
-And that’s what I’m gonna ask.
What I’d Like to Do:
-So, Rainstar is leader now. That’s my answer to the awkward way the original renaming is handled.
-I like readings where she’s thoroughly punished, or that Hailstar was biased in her favor and had to be humbled for it later. But I felt particularly spiteful about the “Listen to your leader no matter what or you’re a heathen!” law they’ve only recently let up on (only to mock the change if I’m reading it right) and I was like. Actually let’s play around with that.
-The idea here is that Rainstar is someone who uses her power to abuse those around her. She doesn’t really need to be leader to abuse Stormkit, she has structural power over him as his mother and a warrior, but I wanted her to be leader because… jesus christ can you imagine having your abusive parent be your leader as well? The one who decides what route you take in the clan? Who has autonomy over you for battle patrols? Who can humiliate and punish you with no repercussions? Where your clanmates sticking up for you could be systematically punished for doing do?
-I still need to figure out the timeline here. If she dies at the same time as in canon, how long this goes on for, all the cats that are Team Crookedjaw or Team Rainstar, etc. I’d like him to still have good moments to breathe in between all this, like Brambleberry is still important and advocates for him a lot, his friendship with Willowbreeze and his brotherhood with Oakheart, the barn cats are still helpful to him after he returns. I do think she dies relatively early though. Crookedstar becomes a leader very young.
-Basically though, the idea is that Rainstar is a perfectionist that’s intoxicated on power. Growing up, she seemed to be a perfectly kind warrior. She and Shellheart were a great couple and she was excellent friends with Hailstep and Echomist, even if she could have a competitive streak.
-But… her grandfather was Appledusk. Who died at the serial killer Mapleshade’s claws before he met his kits. Who was also a codebreaker, and implied to have not been the best mate to Reedshine.
-Though the clan forgave him, there was a pressure on his lineage to not repeat his mistakes. After all, if he never had an affair with Mapleshade (broke our wonderful code!) this may not have happened.
-Applefrost and Duskwater made it as top standard warriors, with Duskwater having been deputy before she retired. There wasn’t a single blemish on their records.
-Rainflower felt this pressure throughout her life. She felt confined to clan life, doing whatever she was told. If she was told to jump, she asked how high. She was perfect. A model warrior for the apprentices to look up to. Always smiling and happy to join patrols, attend festivals, taste test meals, etc. She was just what she needed to be… with no room to breathe. No room to fail.
-And of course, because she’s just a cat, she did fail. Like taking too much food at mealtime. Or falling asleep during her vigil. And when she did, it was scandalous. She was berated by her former mentor and parents, cats whispered about how clumsy she was, how she probably couldn’t be leader after all.
-Rainflower would recover, as would her reputation. She climbed the ranks with a raised head and tail. Never faltering if she could help it. Gathering several loyal supporters.
-When she finally became leader though, it was like some of the pressure gave way. She still followed the code, still did her part, she was still exceedingly popular and was responsible for very smart negotiations with the other clans, even managing to work through a sturdy alliance with Heatherstar.
-But… she had more agency atop her clan. Sure, she still couldn’t fail, not ever. But if she had to, say, give a warrior humilating tasks for speaking to her in a tone she didnt like, she could. If her mate and deputy, Shellheart, did something she didn’t like, she could leverage her power over him, with the clan’s support even.
-It was only a matter of time before things got worse… When Oakkit and Stormkit were born. Duskwater died in the storm around the same time they took their first breath. Applefrost had died years prior. Rainstar took pride in her kittens, but the pressure was on once again- never fail. Don’t make us look bad. Don’t make me look bad. If you fail, then I have failed.
-And when Stormkit cracks his jaw that fateful day, he failed. She failed.
-She saw him as a humiliation. Something to be ashamed of. Perfect Rainstar’s son, disfigured.
-When Brambleberry informed her that he would be permanently disabled from now on, resentment began to brew. Even though Stormkit was still healing, she became colder and harsher to him. Propping up Oakkit as her golden child, her winnings. And putting down Stormkit as her failure, something to be ashamed of.
-She essentially dehumanizes Stormkit (and Oakkit to an extent). They are extensions of her. They are something to be idolized. They are something to throw around when you need to release stress. And that’s just what she does when she renames him Crookedkit and decides to keep him a kit forever.
-He doesn’t even get the privilege of being an elder. Elders gave something to their clan and are honored and supported since they’re frail now. Crookedkit didn’t do anything worthy, he acted like a child, and ruined himself, so he gets to stay a child. Forever.
-Crookedkit was unfortunately subject to a lot of public humiliation and pressure during this time. (I’m wondering if Shellheart still dumps Rainstar here. Their mateship is dead either way, but he also probably still tries to suck up to her to keep his deputyship. Kinda torn on whether he flipflops between supporting Crookedjaw or Rainstar because of it… Leaning towards him being just on Crooked’s side, but I also like him having to be a tiebreaker between Brambleberry and Rainstar)
-When Crookedkit is denied his apprentice ceremony for several moons, he runs away to the barn, where he gets properly trained. This is a wip, I wanna reread the book and see how they handle this in canon, but these cats stick around for the rest of his life. Bonefall even had one go back with him in Better Bones, so I think I may take a page out of his book and do that too. (Maybe with a different cat though lol) They remain a support system for him.
-Oakpaw also deals with similar pressure, as well as his mom worshipping him (and knowing he’ll be humiliated like his brother if he “fails”). As a form of escapism, once Crookedkit runs away, he repeats history and starts a secret friendship with Bluepaw, the troublemaker ThunderClan apprentice.
-There is that divide in the clan still. Several cats were indeed outraged at Crookedkit’s treatment… but what can they do? Rainstar will punish them if they help. And she has more supporters than not, for one reason or another, whether it’s her former mentor (undecided, he’s an elder I think) or her friend Hailstep. All of which vouch for her, claiming she has the right to handle her son and clanmate the way they want. And besides… he can’t even eat right, how will he be uuuuusefullllllllll
-Oh yeah there’s also the whole “this society is pretty ableist and is unaccommodating to disabled people” thing. Crookedkit struggles to eat! He deals with pain in his jaw all the time, he slurs his words and cant pronounce certain things. Like in canon, he finds support for this in the barn, not in the clan.
-After he comes back for some reason or another (WIP), he’s nearly full grown and imposing, and now that hes uuuuusefullllllllll (so now he’s ok) Rainstar does relent and let him be an apprentice. But his apprenticeship is long and grueling. She refuses to let him go to gatherings, she constantly attacks him over his training and hunting, she gets pissed if a border patrol sees him, she has him perform tasks that upset his jaw (like helping with construction).
-Crookedpaw is freed, however, when dogs are found in the territory. The two major losses? Shellheart and Rainstar. The deputy and leader.
-And a squirrel with a crooked jaw was found on the freshkill pile.
-(with a note that say “Shadey says hi!!! xoxo kys”)
-To say this caused outrage would be an understatement. Crookedpaw would be going from apprentice to leader! He’s underqualified! Forget not having an apprentice- he’s been one for years!
-But. StarClan’s will can’t be denied, Brambleberry says. (Unsure how much she Knows.)
-So Crookedpaw becomes Crookedstar. A false prophet leader.
-From there I think he’s like a proto Onestar? No civil war but he does deal with a ton of pressure and the psychological weight of having to lead the cats who enabled his mom to hurt him. Still figuring out how he was a leader… but he is kinder to his family. He vows to never leverage his power over Silverkit, ever.
Other Stuff I’d Like to Change But I Dunno How:
-God I hate the ableist names so tbh I’d like to nix that here. Make Crookedstar an honor title like in BB (I really like honor titles so I wanna try them out myself) But I don’t quiiite know how to make it work in this context.
-I think I’ve said this before but I want Mapleshade to have haunted Rainstar too. Maybe put some ideas in her head and made her insecurities worse. My only thing is that I dunno how much influence Mapleshade has at that point. I think Crookedstar was where she upped her game and got more power.
Okay if you read all of this, bless you, thank you <3 this took me a minute so I appreciate it. Also if anyone has any tips or criticism I’d welcome them! Especially on all the abuse talk, some of it came from my own feelings and experiences but I would hate if I funked up the wording or misunderstood something. We’re all capable of harm after all and I am not exempt from that. Also if any of the talk was upsetting, I’ll go reblog some kitten pics as a detox.
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8bitsupervillain · 3 months
Higurashi When They Cry Hou Ch. 3 Tatarigoroshi pt. 2
Despite opening the way it did, we still have our pre-horror sillies.
Keiichi can't cook! OH NOOOOOOOOOooooo.
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Truly the average high-school guy's experience knows no border.
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Satoko and Rika save the day, and educate Keiichi on the proper ways of committing arson.
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Again, playing with the mod is great because of the voice acted Meeps.
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Satoko is working on her stand-up routine. Also I'm just tickled by the idea that Keiichi got completely physically overpowered by the small child. How old are Rika and Satoko anyway? I don't know if they ever bothered mentioning it before, I just assume they're ages 10 and 11 respectively. Or the same age probably. I know that when the second chapter did the summation it said Mion was 1X, and I figure she's probably around 18.
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So Satoshi is going to play a much bigger role than he has in the previous chapters eh? Wonder if he'll be an alive participant or a posthumous one?
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A lot of the time whenever I pronounce the word vigor I usually pronounce it vi-gor, instead of the usual pronunciation. A guy I used to work with decided to convey his annoyance with "purity culture" and start nit-picking people pronouncing words, "can't say vinegar because it sounds too close to the n-word" and on and on he went. Basically every word that ends with a grr sound. Also he latched on to "not being able to" pronounce the Guilty Gear character Nagoryuki's name correctly. Then again this is the same guy who got mad when I pointed out he seemed oddly incensed when the various companies did the least bit to pretend to care about pride month. He pulled out the usual argument of "I'm not homophobic/transphobic but" and he tried arguing that I was implying he was. I just thought it was kind of funny how bent out of shape he got over, of all things, gray Skittles.
Speaking of people who decided they can't handle today (seven years ago) "pansy-ass handling of culture" I once had a boss who sang the praises of Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus. "They say the n-word in it!" Nothing about the gameplay or anything, just "they say the n-word!" Then he got fired because a customer called him out on the fact he routinely acted like a baby. A forty-year old baby. Please forgive these digressions.
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It's only just now occurred to me, they've never really confirmed one way or the other that Satoshi is actually dead. In chapter two they mention that he disappeared after Watanagashi in 1982, but it's never explicitly said point blank that Satoshi died. Even in chapter one it's only Keiichi's mania and paranoia that says Satoshi died. With this information in hand I would like to put forward my predictions about what this could mean. One: nothing. Kind of a boring option, and the least likely in my opinion. Two: Satoshi is indeed dead. The revelation that he died will be the inciting incident that pushes Satoko over the edge and causes her to start killing. Three: Satoshi's alive, but he's a prick. Not just any prick, but a violent abusive prick that will make this chapter extremely uncomfortable to read. This will push Rika over the edge, and start killing. Of course there's also the fourth option that Satoshi will be alive and just be a swell guy. Then after several hours of Keiichi being an extremely jealous individual Satoshi will die in a Watanagashi-based murder that gets pinned on Keiichi.
Of the four theories I have put forward I think that Prediction Three: Prick Satoshi will wind up being the one that's correct.
Also, I wonder what other baggage Rika's carrying? Is it the stuff about being the last of the Furude shrine maidens? The weight of being one of the people in control of Hinamizawa? Or just the mental strain of having to be the adult at such a young age? I wonder if Satoko is going to get violently protective of Keiichi? Since Rika has suggested using Keiichi as a replacement brother for Satoshi I mean.
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clarabowmp3 · 3 months
Could you please predict for me when we will be done with the meathead?
stoppp 💀💀 honestly I didn’t expect them to have lasted till now but also I fully expected that she’d end up marrying joe so what do I/anyone rlly know lmao 🤡🤡
Fully explained below but tl;dr - it’s either until the travis team (i legit forgot the name i know the colour is red or smthhhh) keeps winning the Super Bowl/maintains a relatively good reputation OR until Taylor gets bored of him and looks for another shiny toy to make a complete fool of herself over (so like by this time next year) OR they get married and ride off into the sunset towards some happily ever after.
Howeverrr just for funsies: the way I see it is by working backwards, starting with if I see them getting married, and honestly…based on ttpd, leaning towards yes. When they will get married I have no inkling and I don’t even feel like speculating cuz of all those gross pregnancy/marriage rumours going around 🤢 I think they’ll get married cuz:
their careers are such that they’re both lifting the other up when they show up for games/concerts, there is no conflict of interest (ie no competition) cuz of the vastly different fields they’re in. Also, he was more established than joe at the start of their r/ship which makes for a very rosy picturesque love story image which at least some part of Taylor desires (based on her interviews, the fearless/speak now eras) but she’s also become quite jaded (as per ttpd) so maybe she thinks this is the closest she’s going to get to it
i also think she’s in no rush to leave a r/ship this comfortable after her last 2 emotionally complex ones. Not saying this is good or bad of her; I do understand why she would want to take it easy now (and possibly forever) but given how little they seem to have in common, I don’t think she can find this r/ship as emotionally fulfilling as she would want with a life partner, so I don’t see them sticking it out forever. Ofc I could be wrong and maybe she’s changed, but based on her track record travis does not seem the type of person Taylor Swift would want to spend the rest of her life with (girlie was cringing so hard in the viva las vegas clip)
Possible triggers for the breakup and why:
She finds someone else to obsess over and for some weird reason…she suddenly realises what a temper travis has? And how aggressive he is?? Cue the breakup songs/album, swifties dig up That Clip and go omggg how did we not see this he was abusing mother 😢😢, rinse and repeat until she (hopefully) finds some self-worth NOT tied to a man
travis’ team starts losing the Super Bowl/not doing all that well in other competitions. I think the main reason swiftie are kind of sweeping his messed up tweets and behaviour under the rug is cuz they won. But what abt if/when they stop winning? All that’s left is a hot-tempered football player who isn’t even an “all-star” (am I using that term correctly?) and she’s not going to like being associated with that/have that tarnish her brand. I find it so absurdly hilarious but she would rather be seen as problematic (re: M*tty) than unsuccessful, so she’d prob drop him if this happened
very unlikely, but maybe she breaks up with him and enjoys being single for a while? No reason for thinking this tho
ngl as long as this reply is, im kind of apathetic cuz she’s changed so much recently that im becoming less and less invested in her. I’m not even rlly looking forward to rep tv despite it being such a formative album for me cuz that version/image of taylor has been sooo tarnished by recent events yk? So idc what she does, mostly cuz if I had her as an actual friend I’d cut her out of my life SO fast
again, the usual disclaimers apply, idk her/them or anything abt their relationship, I am literally just a girl sipping her ginger ale and watching this train wreck of whatever taylor swiftTM has become 🍹🍹
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rozengermain · 1 year
A "Father's" False "Love"
Forwarning: I am going to be talking about some heavy subject matter, if this upsets you, turn back.
A bit earlier, I reblogged some (really good) fanart of Genshin Impact, specifically, of the Fontaine Twins and Arlecchino, and in the tags I said this:
"There is no way Arlecchino sees [Lyney and Lynette] as anything BUT tools"
I also mentioned that Scaramouche/The Wanderer had not nice things to say regarding her, and this is what he has to say:
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However, I forgot that Childe doesn't have nice things to say about here either:
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I wanted to elaborate on what I said back there based on some research I did on child exploitation (The only form I knew of was grooming up till now) for a prediction regarding this bitch basically.
Initially, I assumed that she was guilty of some form of grooming, but then my research made it abundantly clear that she was not, and it was in fact a DIFFERENT form of child exploitation that she was guilty of: so let's talk about child criminal exploitation (CCE for short, I will be using that from now on).
Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) is when an individual manipulates an exploits someone (A minor in the case of CCE but anyone can be a victim of this) with the intent of using the individual for criminal activity. What are the Fatui guys even doing? Well they are basically war criminals: the army so I think you can see where this is going. Arlecchino is basically exploiting children and manipulating them with the intent of turning them into war criminals. Hell, in the Sumeru area, there is a questline that involves ANOTHER House of Hearth kid who was ordered by Dottore to kidnap children in order to capture an aranara to experiment on! Crimes that he (if I remember correctly) feels an obligation to do likely for "Father's" sake, despite the fact that he doesn't like it. I think it is safe to say that she is exploiting children for criminal purposes here.
But now to the "tool" thing. Does Arlecchino truly love the Hearth orphans, or does she just see then based on how she can use them? From what Scara and Childe had to say, I feel it is the latter. WHile we have yet to meet her, the fact that she is guilty of CCE and the fact that Scara calls her "a wolf in sheeps clothing" and implies she is controlling, doubled with Childe thinking of her as treacherous, I think it might be safe to say that her affectionate nature to the Heath orphans might just be an act. Considering how children are manipulated by people with malicious intent (which she definitely has) I think one reason she might be so sugary to them is because that makes them love her, and want to please her, thus making them easier to manipulate. The same goes to her taking Lyney and Lynette in specifically. They were victims of abuse before they ended up with her, and I think Arlecchino saw that she could exploit them because of it, love-bombing them and acting like she cares about them. Sad, no? This would mean that they thought they had escaped abuse, only to still end up in the clutches of an abuser....
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blackjack-15 · 9 months
i fear episodes of the bear that are different in time than normal -- whether S1E7's 20 min run time or this whopping hour. we're in for chaos and hardship i'm sure. oh dear
anxiety pillow, i need your power once more
warm lighting? flashback?
oh nat's brunette and smoking. def flashback
mikey!! mikey doesn't seem like the best guy in the world, but i do love his actor so much
"don't do that to yourself" good advice! "when you do it just does it to all of us" oh. oh this is going to be a berzatto family episode isn't it. oh noooo
the way they're outside screams family dinner? christmas? XD carmy did say his house was a "dysfunctional hellhole"...time to see how much of an understatement that was
"With her, not handling it is the best way to handle it" ah. okay. i know exactly what we're gonna get with Mrs. Berzatto (they're def talking about her). it's not going to be good.
"did you guys call me?" oh he wishes
"mikey, can you come inside and be you? i don't know how to deal with these people" yeah i thought mikey was the pseudo-father-figure, and i've never been more unhappy to be proven right. being the oldest and a parental substitute is a hard road to go even if you're 100% mentally and physically well. and since mikey isn't...
"happy you're home, bear" "would it kill you to pick up the phone?" "carm...i'm happy you're home, kay?" oh. yeah. this isn't healthy, this is a brother+father relationship and it's currently going downhill
and carmy's doing what we in my house call the Anxiety Dance, nat's hair associates her more with mikey than with carmy, and he's standing perpendicular to the shot rather than his siblings' parallel. not good.
christmas! nothing like a family holiday to bring out the absolutely insane episodes of shows, and the bear does insane better than most
okay so about 5 years ago. wonderful.
john mulaney???? i guess we're going for chicago after all XD
carmy's physical "not getting involved in this" is beautiful. i would have left the house and not come back.
drawings! carmy's?
unless i'm very much remembering wrong, that's not carmy's current number, which means he changed it. good these people are psychos.
carmy's back to cleaning floors, banished to help the Problem. this is a dysfunctional family dinner alright. no wonder he took to being abused in the kitchen so easily.
second mention of forks this season. once is an incident, twice a coincidence....
"why don't you let him help you? it's all he ever does" "what, was that a shot?" yes. yes it was. ouch.
"this is why i didn't wanna come home" "OH F//K YOU" "what??" well, if there was any doubt as to why carmen represses his negative feeling so much that they come out only when he breaks and shouts? this is why. this kind of environment. no emotion is allowed other than positivity if that's Your Job, if you're the Helper. anything else is beat out of you so fast it'll make your head spin.
and being yelled at until he says "i love you"??? there's very little wonder 1) he has trouble saying it and 2) he's almost never the first to say it. land sakes.
and all he can do is open the trash bag angrily...baby boy...
"he's too fancy for us!" my. gosh.
carmy just got back from copenhagen! nice tie-in there
having seen the effect -- not personally, but having seen it up close -- that this kind of treatment (even if not at this particular extreme) has on a person? this is hard to watch.
ah. that's richie's ex wife (current wife rn?). i'm not impressed.
mrs. berzatto is drunk. mikey is a little drunk, if i'm reading it correctly. richie's definitely a few sheets to the wind. i'm predicting....mass chaos. merry christmas.
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stubborndooter · 6 months
The Call-Out of Alm (cont., Part 3/3)
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This is a continuation of a previous post that will be linked here upon each upload.
Only click Read More if you're absolutely sure you want to start/continue reading this.
The Snap
Something about that especially sparked something in me, and I ultimately ended up sending a fairly long message to both Cotton and Alm.
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^ [EXH-16: Screenshot 1 of the message I sent to Cotton]
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^ [EXH-17: Screenshot 2 of the message I sent to Cotton]
Above is the message I sent to Cotton, below will be the one I sent to Alm.
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^ [EXH-18: Screenshot 1 of the message I sent to Alm]
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^ [EXH-19: Screenshot 2 of the message sent to Alm]
I'll admit, my phrasing could've been better in each of these messages, though I wasn't really thinking straight due to the stress of the whole situation. I just had to make sure they knew I was done.
Things were noticeably a bit less stressful for me after I blocked Alm, not having to bear witness to the bad things constantly. However, Cotton still remained under Alm's control, and going ahead to the present is where this will all end off.
The Crucial Mistake
So in the past week, Cotton, Alm, and I were talking about timeout punishments, so any rule-breaking would be...well, punished. Cotton accidentally asked me in DMs instead of the group chat, but I still submitted my answer. Upon moving it to the group chat?...Alm was not pleased.
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^ [EXH-20: Alm gets mad over an accident]
Despite the fact Cotton and I proved it was an accident, he was still mad, so he insisted I go into a timeout. I said my last words in the server, thinking it'd be 5-10 minutes like we agreed, and...
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^ [EXH-21: I've been timed out for 24 hours]
...a full day. I was thrown off by this, but when I saw the group chat, Alm had been verbally abusing Cotton and pressuring them to give me a full day. If I recall correctly, he said...
...or at least something along those lines. I unfortunately was too dumbfounded to take a screenshot at the time since he deleted them, BUT I did snag Cotton's reaction to being verbally abused and pressured.
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^ [EXH-22: Cotton's reaction to being actively abused into giving me a day-long timeout, groupchat screenshot]
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^ [EXH-23: Cotton's reaction to being actively abused into giving me a day-long timeout, DMs screenshot]
Fair to say they weren't too happy about having to do what they did. Though, surprisingly, Alm un-timeoutted me. I woke up to that, and...
On My Side
...an argument happening. Scraps was PISSED about Alm trying to make me look bad for helping him get therapy, and Dani (@soulofsolaris) was talking about how a day-long timeout was completely unjustified, so more people should be added to monitor the server. Cotton had ended up nuking the chat due to the stress, though I do wonder if there was also pressuring from Alm behind the scenes.
Sometime around this though, I did ask Cotton for a 10 minute timeout, and claimed it was to serve my sentence truly. Though...it was a setup. Just so I can do what I predicted what I'd be able to do.
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^ [EXH-24: Alm takes the bait and gets mad at Cotton despite the fact I asked them to do something specifically]
Alm, as I suspected, got mad at Cotton. In front of other people. Before the chat got nuked. Alm tried to release me 4 minutes and 1 second early, but I immediately shut him down when saying...
"Put that shit back I still got 4 minutes and 1 second left."
He did. He didn't say anything screenshot-worthy after that though. I think I got more than enough evidence though. For now, anyway.
I would add more proof if I had it, but it's still yet to be collected. Doubt he'll be on to incriminate himself more though.
Hopeful End Of The Toxic Tyranny
Recap Summary
I've (hopefully successfully) proved to everyone Alm isn't who he initially presents himself as. I encourage anyone and everyone to add what they can, and I do apologize to dragging all the tagged people in this into this, but your part was crucial in cleansing the online social world, and for that, I thank you deeply.
Last Words To Say
It's funny. Alm kept claiming that I was trying to ruin his reputation. I've never gone out of my way to deliberately do it, and even now when I am, I didn't have to try.
You did all the work for me, Alm. Please continue with your therapy and improve yourself. I will miss any good times we did happen to have, as few and far between as they were.
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captain-noir · 2 years
Previous anon but omg I didn't even see the reply to your post or the fact that you've apparently gotten infamous on Twitter 😭. I'm sorry for people being weird and misinterpreting of that, honestly I like reading your posts a lot because you don't attack Louis so much as point out the obvious ticks to his character and his hypocrisy which, a lot of fans don't seem to even want to talk about? Like fans go on about what a wonderfully complex character he is yet don't even want to go into the specifics of it, and analyzing a character's flaws and how they contribute to his decisions and how it affects HIS life when done correctly doesn't automatically translate to hating on said character....
oh its ok im made of sterner stuff i just find it funny that they're that incensed by an opinion on a fictional character. far be it for me to dictate how one enganges with media but i never understood people who tie up their entire identities around characters/ships. who are you fighting for? a figment of someone's imagination? you're going apeshit over words on paper brought to life by an actor doing a job? like louis is fascinating because he's a lying murderous hyprocrite who would sacrifice his child in a fire to save his spouse and then tend to that vacuous guilt so he can have something to nurse until the new baby arrives. he was a pimp for godsake, a slum lord who continued on even after 'making enough money to retire and be buried like a pharoah' continued that exploitation when he had other investements and means of income as. thats fascinating. thats good character work. it doesnt mean he wasnt a victim of abuse, it doesnt mean he didnt experience violent racism. he has dimensions! the biggest crime a character can commit is be boring and those losers want louis to be a boring hapless victim who just keeps falling into the clutches of these evil evil men and would someone think of the optics of this black character he has to be good why are you villaini[gunshot] ironically they miss the entire point of louis who is overly concerned by how he comes across so he rewrites his entire story and they buy into it. jacob anderson said he was glad that the jig was up and louis couldnt continue to paint himself as the tragic hero of the piece. if nothing else listen to jacob anderson. anway i predict season 2 is going to be rough for them when the show double downs on louis' bad choices re armand and lestat and claudia. when heads hit the floor literally and figuratively...phew
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mcalhenwrites · 5 months
Can I rant about Seasons for a bit?
I don't think that Vivian and Graham are bad people. Bad parents maybe, but i think their character and behavior is only a result of circumstances neither of them could control in their past. I'm not trying to justify their behavior. Vivian growing up in an abusive household, being taken in by someone who treated him just a little kinder than others must've warped his views on love and parenting a lot. He will never see the corporal and harsh punishment of his children as wrong because when he was growing up, he felt he deserved it. No matter how small the infraction is, Because, at least now, he wasn't beat for nothing, right? Coming into magic didn't help his situation much at all, I suppose. Just gave him more outlet to express his emotions, especially as a teen going through a rebellious phase.
Graham if I remember correctly was kind of sheltered growing up and I think he latched on to that connection with Vivian quickly as teenagers do. Whirlwind romance. He was so quick to pick up and leave everything behind for his exciting new companion, not noticing what kind of influence and reputation Viv had. He stayed with him throughout the years and allowed him to be the more dominant partner because of that I think.
I wondered, without the secret of the magic to keep, would Vivian still have treated Shannon so terribly? I think he would have. He would always fond something to let boil over, and they'd end up right back in that cellar again. I think having magic made Vivian a lot more bold and careless than he would've been without it. The ability to just shut out the outside world from your affairs and be able to disappear whenever you please made him overconfident and seeking that power. If he didn't have magic, I imagine things would've come to a head between he and Graham about his parenting style much sooner...
Sorry for the long rant 😅 Feel free to ignore this! I apologize if I'm wrong about your characterization
Oh, I absolutely love this ask, and I welcome discussions about Seasons! Thank you for taking the time to type all of this out and share it with me. :D
This might turn into a long response, sorry in advance.
I didn’t want Vivian and Graham to come off as complete monsters when I wrote the story. In fact, Vivian ended up worse than I initially intended, because I did not predict he would use his magic on Howie. That scene just happened. (A lot of this story did, if I’m honest, but I had vague ideas about what I wanted to do with it.)
The thing is, each of their children—especially Howie—are the focus of this story. All of them are highlighted in some way. And Howie loves them at the beginning of Seasons. He leans into Vivian and Graham’s affections whenever he can get them, starved for attention. He wants them in his life and initially starts off the story far more forgiving than how he feels by the end of it.
Bee adores both of them as any small child who needs their parents often does. El wants Vivian and Graham to do better so he can forgive them.
I have a tendency to write a lot of stories with abusive parents who are misguided by their own upbringing and societal norms. They’re antagonists, but not all antagonists are evil. The generational cycle continues until the offspring who chose to break it come along. (And sometimes it’s a mix, where some of them continue it and others break it.)
Not to say that anyone who reacts with “I want to take a shiv to Vivian” is wrong! I get the urge to say it and usually get a good laugh out of making jokes like that myself. In fact, I realized while typing this up that “Shiv Viv” is funny as hell…
That said, I’m so glad that people can see Vivian and Graham as more than just evil characters without depth to their characters! And I’m grateful you’re not trying to justify their parenting, I appreciate that. (Discussing their parenting is interesting and I do welcome it, I just never want another comment like the one that told me El deserved a spanking for blowing up at Vivian. As if the beginning of that chapter hadn’t highlighted how badly Vivian and Graham gaslighted El and how much pain that boy had bottled up.)
I really hope “Cosmos”—the prequel about Vivian’s youth—will highlight a lot more about Vivian’s character and his relationship with Graham.
It’s true that he saw Gideon as a savior because some things got better. There’s a conversation in one of my older stories, Cashmere, where one character is mad at his boyfriend for how he treats others. The defense from the boyfriend is, “at least I’m not my parents” and his partner retorts, “You know, just because you’re better than some people out there, it doesn’t mean you can’t still be wrong.”
Gideon still wronged Vivian, he just didn’t starve him or clobber him or sexually abuse him.
The worst part is that not only did Vivian normalize Gideon’s style of parenting, but their society has normalized it too. Vivian has so few positive influences and no one to step in and say, “Hey, this isn’t right.”
As for Graham, he was a bit sheltered in his early years. He still went to school and made friends, and his father was somewhat active in his life (not always in a good way). But he 100% got carried away by his romantic inclinations. Running away with the love of your life and going on an adventure sounds like a lot of fun when you’re young. (Though he wasn’t a teen, he was in his twenties. But I’d argue that most of your 20s are all about doing new things and screwing most of them up. Most of life is like that, actually, but it’s especially true for your 20s. Source: I’m in my late 30s.)
I agree that Viv’s magic plays a huge role in everything, from the continuation of his relationship with Graham, his parenting going unchecked, and his personal growth.
Graham is scared of Vivian’s magic after a while. He’s not aging, and everyone around him is getting old or dying. All that will be left is Vivian. And he doesn’t know at this point that Vivian going to be the kind of father he is until Shannon is there. By that point, Graham can’t leave. Shannon is biologically Vivian’s, and Vivian can just magic all these children into existence if he pleases. Graham may not be a great father—he’s much like his own, who whipped him a lot growing up—but he tries to talk Vivian down. Sometimes he even succeeds, even if only mildly, and that further convinces him that he can’t leave the children to Vivian.
The catch with Shannon is that Vivian would have been ready to parent when he had a child if not for his magic. Vivian was homeless and didn’t like sudden changes unless they were his decision, and Shannon just plopped into his life and forced Vivian into parenthood.
By the time Vivian would have willingly had children without his magic there, he would have felt the consequences of his actions more explicitly. Imagine El, Howie, and Bee all hitting puberty and teens normally, with no magic but zero tolerance for Vivian’s expectations. They’d have friends in their age groups. Influences, bad and good. No magic signatures to track them if they sneak out of the house at night. (Howie is the type who sneaks out and goes on the rooftops with his friends.)
Vivian is the epitome of someone who doesn’t do well with most changes. His magic was his barrier and kept him frozen in time in many ways. He adapted to some technology, but no doubt he dislikes some of it. (In some ways, he’s right, let’s hate smart appliances.) While it’s not bad that he’s still accustomed to styles and decor that have come out of fashion, it still applies to how he treats his children.
He stunted their growth with that frozen time. All of them—Graham, the children, and himself.
He found comfort alongside that power in his magic, and he doesn’t see the latter as much as the people he has power over can see it. He just knows the comfort it gave him.
I don’t think Graham would have even stuck around with Vivian if they had both aged normally and immortality wasn’t so enticing. He would have watched the pair of them get old, both of them unhappy, and maybe chose not to have that for the rest of his life. Left so he could be happy elsewhere before he reached his thirties or forties.
I wonder if Vivian would have had children at all then, or if he would have died miserable and alone after Graham left.
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What would you say is the best scene in Homestuck where Rose and Terezi displayed their acuteness respectively?
With Terezi, I feel it has to be pre-game, the lead-up to the Incident. Terezi and Vriska were known to be a ruthless pair in campaigns, which already plants her as a good strategist during their campaigns-Aand once Vriska started going too far, Terezi gave her a grace period hoping she WOULDN'T go further, and the moment she did? She correctly identified Vriska's means of cheating against Doc Scratch, found out a way to contact him against Scratch's own expectations, provided him with the One Piece Of Information to fill the blank spots in his vision, and without lifting a finger, managed to nor only severely harm Vriska, but also destroy an item that had been giving her an unfair edge in obtaining accurate information, and which was a heirloom recovered from Mindfang's Chest. With one singular conversation, Terezi wounded Vriska, both physically and emotionally, probably as HARD as she could possibly had, put a target on her via Scratch, and while opening herself up to retaliation in the process, avenged her friends.
Rose... You could talk about her analysis of her friends- Such as being able to correctly identify that she could not see into John's Dad's room because he'd never been into it, or furthermore, that John's Dad was a totally normal business guy, and that maybe the clown obsession was borne of him trying to connect with John, mistaken by the scrawling on the posters that he'd done subconsciously in his sleep. She just, like, figures All That Out pretty quickly. She also, in Pesterquest, takes ONE glance at Dave and his room and hears him talk about Bro in person One Time, and she's like "Oh my friend is getting abused, I am going to murder this man", where otherwise there's a lot of obliviousness about the parental shittiness going on. And even though she's doing it quite spitefully at one point, Rose is just obstinate to find answers even if she has to tear her entire Land apart- Identifying SBURB's quest as a 'farce' to guide her 'development' and deciding to instead pursue the truth of what the Game really is about and how to save her friends, and effectively finding it before anyone else does, contrasting various sources together to get as full of a picture as she possibly can.
Both Terezi and Rose are forces to be reckoned with that just, power through what's in front of them, understand the situation, and get what they want at the other end. They're clever, got a good grasp of the world around them, and how to fill the gaps in their own knowledge to act accordingly. Their flaw, of course... Being this same obstinacy, often leads to them blinding themselves with confirmation bias. They are blind to themselves, in a way. Rose must know, on some level, that her Mother is trying to do good things for her but that she can't understand her motives because their relationship is deeply strained due to being unable to understand her motives, mainly because of her alcoholism and the secretive nature of Skaianet stuff making her unable to pierce the veil of who she REALLY is. Terezi must know, on some level, that it doesn't make sense for Vriska to be the one behind the events of Murderstuck, but she's SO fucking obsessed with her that she ignores the obvious clues right in front of her face. Which ironically makes them also have some of the 'missing what's in front of their face' moments in the series.
But that's just a flaw they gotta grapple with.
Honorable Mention also goes to Dirk, whose ability to plan ahead and predict what everyone around him is going to do is quite astonishing, but I think my vote still goes to the Seers on account of him being 1) Older, 2) Having Hyper-Advanced Tech at his disposal, and 3) Being already awake on Derse.
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god the patronizing hand wringing i've read worrying that if izzy is 'redeemed' in season 2 then all the haters will turn on the show and accuse it of changing its plans to pander to izzy's fandom favoritism. and like, no, probably not! if the writers decide to go in a direction where izzy starts to do better and heals, i currently trust the writer's room to figure out a way to do it that serves the narrative in a satisfying way. idk what could be the catalyst for that kind of growth and change, but i couldn't have predicted most of season 1 so i'll let the big brains on the show figure out if that's something that could work.
i'm more worried about The Discourse if he doesn't get that. certain izzy stans have so wildly reinterpreted the show to make him into who they want him to be, someone's bound to feel betrayed if he continues to be a villain. like i look at the way people complained about infinity train season 3's villain arc for simon, who was imo more sympathetic than izzy, but was given every opportunity to be better and instead doubled down every time until it killed him. so much blame was heaped on grace, who started out in the same place as him, but did put in the work to start doing better, for not trying harder to help him. (how shocking that the black girl who was having a rough enough go at having her own worldviews shattered and confronting and recognizing harm that she'd caused that couldn't be undone was criticized by fans for not also correctly managing the feelings of an angry white boy who decided that any change in opinion was a betrayal to him.)
all that is to say, are izzy stans going to be okay if their guy isn't given the redemption, or in some cases, the hero's vindication they think he deserves? or are they going to blame other characters for not trying hard enough to help him find a way to do better?
i mean, there probably WILL be some people complaining if izzy gets redeemed. i know i take a very firm izzy-critical stance and have gotten into a few arguments w izzy fans about it, but in a fandom this big there are people who are unhinged in all sorts of ways. i dont doubt that SOMEONE out there will get real pissed at the writers if izzy gets a redemption
i am torn tho whether i want an izzy redemption or not. for story purposes ive talked before abt why i think a bad ending for izzy would be interesting to see from a STORY perspective (and also a personal taste perspective), but like you said, if any writers' room could do an izzy redemption arc justice, it's this one. if i think there's something to criticize in ofmd i will criticize it (i have an entire tag for it), but im not gonna like. harass the writers just bc they didnt kill off my least favorite character. nobody with any braincells would do that.
the thing is tho. while i have no problem with an izzy redemption arc as long as it's well-written, i AM kind of terrified of izzy apologists to having MORE reason to interpret izzy as a poor innocent victim. not that i think the writers would actually portray him like that, but if we're given any actual in-text reasons to sympathize with izzy (instead of subtext and headcanon) you KNOW there's gonna be a huge chunk of izzy fans who will be INSUFFERABLE about it
but then youre right, if izzy doesn't get redeemed there's gonna be SO MUCH SHIT. the people who interpret ed as izzy's abuser (🤢) are already gonna have a hard time when ed ends up in a happy relationship with stede (honestly, what fucking show do they think they're watching?), i dont want to even think abt the discourse that'll happen if izzy isn't redeemed. i was only ever in the periphery of the infinity train fandom, but from what ive heard, the discourse was truly horrific
(also tho it's so funny that u mention infinity train bc i brought up simon in the tags of BOTH of those posts i linked above and then i got an anon rlly coming to simon's defense. i didnt rlly get that deep into the discussion w them bc i dont remember a lot of the specific details of infinity train and please nobody send me anons telling me more things abt what happens in infinity train i dont want to talk abt infinity train but i do agree w ur opinion lmao. simon infinitytrain is a crusty-ass white boy who do i feel very bad for but his story was very well-written. grace infinitytrain my beloved <3<3<3)
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loving-n0t-heyting · 2 years
Am playing thru Oracle of seasons with gf and correctly predicted she would be into maple as cute dommy tsundere witch
Made me think about how I reacted to her positively as a kid and how I had the complete opposite reaction to hornet from HK (the one aspect of silk song I’m mildly dreading) for pretty much exactly the reasons maple would attract someone? Smth drastic changed between me at ~11 and me at ~28
It’s the abuse, right? It’s the same shit that makes me bawl in fearshame watching taiga from Toradora? This is really the most parsimonious explanation; the temptation to narrativise can easily lead astray but the shift is drastic and the traumagenic narrative is so clearcut
The pat thing to say would be that I have been unjustly deprived of my femdom predilections if this hypothesis is correct but truly who gives a shit. Tumblr sapphics can get wet at the thought of being exploited by a partner with nice tits all they want but why in fuck would I choose those desires if given the optio
Did yk there are ppl whose first introduction to reciprocated romance is not someone writing poetry about how awful you are and throwing a fit if you either go 30m without emailing them during an internet outage or do anything to publicly reveal the degrading secret the two of you are dating? Sounds crazy but it’s true
Maybe I should stop moping about old shit (this was half my life ago! I’ve been ~processing~ it for 4x longer than the thing even lasted!) but idrk what else to do with my days lately; I want to math but the flesh is weak
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a-chlolix-blog · 1 year
Off topic and some spoiled context or not.
If you know about the fake miraculous S6 bible, it got leaked. Well since it's fake, so it doesn't matter to the progress of the shows since Thomass already stopped at s5 of it. 50% of the bible may be accurate and the other can be depeneded
And..I still have a save file from s1 - s6.
This is just my opinion on some good ideas about the S6 fake bible. If it happened, then Hurray I guess?
I don' t want to be a villain and give out half of the synopsis of S5, so I'm just gonna skip a part for waiters to fully watch.
To begin with, we all know who will be the next butterfly holder villain, which is Lila, at the end of s5 she will be the person to find it and start the new era like how s6 context will be.
Now I'm not sure if mlb will continue to s12 but I think they did confirm to s9.
What I am happy that S6 fake Bible did mentioned in Bunnix/Bunnyx will have a very important role through out the series, although some of the episodes, the grammar and some stuff doesn't make sense in anyways .
But here are the things, Chloe got the wolf miraculous, Zoe got back some of them, Feligami drama, Adrinette drama and Lila scheme.
The reason why I theorized some of the ideas is how Lila fucking got 4 moms with Alex who reveal to be her non-biological brother of some sort like that. And her goal isn't to revive one of her moms, but also getting the Rabbit miraculous and meeting her guardian, who saves her from her abusive parents from the past, who ironically is adult Alix, the person Lila sees as a real mother who adopted her into the Milinenum Orphange. ( I swear to God, if this ever happened and there was a ship about Lilix, I would end the shows)
To sum up about the problems, Lila wanted the miraculous to revive her guardian (who's Alix), her mother and seek revenge. However, if that happened, both Alix and Adult Alix would get corrupted to the time hypothesis.
Alix did know about this at some point in the near end of s6, Chat Blanc 2 or some sort, ending s6, she lost her miraculous and IF everything from the Bible was correctly happened, s7 will have the title as "THE RUN THROUGH TIME" which my prediction will have our best girl main lead.
We also get Canni's girl return, which I believe is because of the lost of the Bunny miraculous, mostly we could get more screen time of her.
Yeah, so that's all I wanted to share. :) Although I know everything is fake, I like how they give our girl a vital role that could traumatize her life.
I actually heard about those fake leaks. They were probably created to make people even MORE angry with the canon show.
It's more realistic for the writers to give Alix LEAST screen time.
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sonoda-oomers · 2 years
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was thinking about how the theme of mhxx was chasing after a shooting star a seemingly impossible dream and then mhw calling the hunters of the fifth the shooting stars that pierce through what was known to be possible to deliver impossible dreams
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4 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
anger rage wrath for the abomination that is wiki/fandom’s mobile layout
5 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
a weird thing happened to be after beating ara fell. like i enjoyed it so much that i frantically looked for the next game to play that feels just like it which is kinda ridiculous and impossible. what even happened is it because it was the first kinda long story game i’d finished after a while
9 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
like i really gotta say it. project diva x is a good game. it’s a fun game to play. obviously it did a lot of things that did not work but that’s only half of the things.
i fully understand why so many people would dislike it and (correctly) predict it to be the end of the project diva series especially considering how you had 5 whole games to base your expectations on and then have none of your expectations met BUT. there’s enough good in this game that i strongly believe that, had the stars aligned a little different for a project diva x2nd to exist with all the glo up to the format like 2nd and f2nd did, we would have so much more good than whatever is going on now with all the future tone ports being the only meat on the bone for the series
9 notes - Posted February 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
sometimes i think about the statement “penny’s character had nothing but how she’d make a good wife“ and it’s like. is she not the child of an alcoholic who could get verbally abusive (and who was basically unemployed at the beginning) and as a result is confined to cleaning after her mother in their trailer? does she not literally say she likes books because they provide escapism, most likely that reading is the only hobby she could afford to have (because it’s somewhat connected to her job as a tutor)? is her confession cutscene not a huge development and glance into her inner world as it feels so daring compared to her restrictive life? and does she not literally say she feels bad that her mom now lives alone but is adamant that pam needs to clean up her own act? like i joke that i’m the token liker of boring girls but i don’t think penny is that uninteresting!!
24 notes - Posted July 23, 2022
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