#prefall stuff
onirupture · 2 months
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Suriel, the Angel of Dying Loyalty (Pre-Fall)
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Hi hope you’re doing well <3
Can I request obey me brothers x younger sister MC .
So mc is the 8th sibling amongst the other brothers. This idea has been stuck in my head for the longest and I haven’t seen any post abt it. :(
Just some general headcanons abt MCs interactions w the brothers and stuff. Thank you!
part two
(in my mind, reader is a decent amount younger than the brothers and Lilith were and isn’t MC, it’s mostly set after the fall before MC but some of it they are there for, finally that that were all closer with Lilith- I hope you enjoy)
Prefall, you were Liliths shadow
wherever she was, you would only be a few steps behind her
you were adored, but cast out due to lucifers insistence to protect you
when the fall happened, Diavolo and barbatos had noticed you, sobbing over her body with lucifer, begging her to wake up
you still remember the inconsolable grief you felt, the wounds still wide open
you also felt that after Satan was created, he filled where she had been, a new ‘sibling’
you also noticed how hard they found it to look at you, given you looked so similar to the older sister they believed they had failed
your relationship with lucifer is like a father and child. You aren’t particularly fond of it, especially as you age however you know he wants to protect you like he couldn’t Lilith. He also treats you like her and you have to remind him you’re two different people and you aren’t her When he comes to accept this things are much better between the two of you but he can’t help but act in a relative paternal way with you
mammon is like a cool uncle. Even if he’s your brother, he acts like one. He will shower you with gifts when he can. You are also one of his highest priorities (if not his highest). If you’re disappointed in him, he’s sure he’s done something wrong. He is one of the best for not treating you like Lilith and acknowledges you as your person. Regardless, you love him and you have a really good relationship with him
levi couldn’t look at you for a solid few hundred years after the fall. He only saw your sister. When he wanted to reconnect to you, he really struggled and ending up asking for help from asmo and mammon. After this point, things are a lot better and if you like anime and gaming HES your man. He truly regrets the years he ignored you
After he was first created, you despised Satan with a passion. Why? You felt like he replaced your sister (Idk why but I bc she was the fourth oldest) also his anger infuriated you, how dare he be angry when he hadn’t lost anything. Later on, when he settles down, he tries and fails many times to build up a relationship with you. After many, many attempts he finally succeeds in his mission and you have a pretty good relationship with him but it’s definitely not as strong as your bond with the others and he wants to work on that
asmodeus will literally dote on you nonstop. You want a spa-day? He’s on it. You like that perfume? Let him get it for you. You cant decide between the blue and green top? Hell get you both. At first he tried to make you like Lilith but eventually came to the realisation he was damaging your relationship he had a deep conversation with you and offered a heartfelt opportunity. You can absolutely rant to him. He values you and your emotions. If you aren’t happy, then asmo isn’t
beelzebub blames himself for the death of Lilith and with your looks being so similar to hers he only sees his failure in you. He’s too ashamed to talk to you about how he couldn’t save everyone. You try to connect with him and after a while he lets you in. He lets you help him. You have an amazing relationship with him
belphegor is generally angry after the fall and you find yourself becoming slightly afraid of him and his sheer hatred against humans so you try to avoid him. After he’s put in the attic you regret the distance formed as you cant be with him. Post/during MC Hes much kinder. You can nap together and talk for hours and he’s so much kinder.
BONUS: MC and you are really close. They are related to you but they are one of your closest friends. You cannot thank them enough for helping your family and just generally being them
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weirdlynotspecific · 3 months
Why good omens is so powerful from someone who grew up in the Catholic church
I want to preface this by saying this is not an attack in any way on Catholic people, or Christians as a whole for that matter, most of you are cool normal people. This is just based off of my weird experience and how Good Omens effected me after.
I was raised in a Catholic school despite my family being agnostic which kind of warped my view of the world for a very long time. My parents were too busy to explain things to me so almost everything I was taught at a young age was spoonfed to me by the church.
Even though I wasn't particularly religious and my school wasn't awful to me or anything, it was still very clear that at this school you were going to participate and if you weren't baptized you were different.
It was funny, despite the wildly different situations I related to Crowley so much when I first saw the show (when I was maybe 12?). Sometimes I was ostracized by my Catholic peers and it hurt a lot. As I got older I adopted the same sort of blasé attitude Crowley has because it's what people expected of me.
Then I saw prefall Crowley in season two, and wow. That destroyed me. It reminded me of when I was younger and believed in the church and religion despite the fact I wasn't baptized. Then I started asking questions. Why was being gay a sin? Why was knowing the difference between good and evil bad? Why was everyone so angry?
And that was it. When I stopped trying to be Catholic because it felt like they didn't want me, I was different. Crowley is a great character not only because of how multifaceted he is, but because he is a great parallel to how people can be and ARE treated by the church.
Maybe this is obvious and I'm only catching it now, but Good Omens and religious trauma kind of go hand in hand. Thanks Neil for helping me realize what I went through as a kid wasn't normal and giving me a piece of media that made it so much easier to break down all the weird stuff I was taught.
TL;DR: I was a weird traumatized little kid and Good Omens helped me cope. Also Crowley is a metaphor.
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overwatchfics · 2 years
I remember reading that some of the requests had gotten deleted so if you still have this one I’m sorry for the spam but can I get prefall Gabe x wife reader just some wholesome time for our fave edgy man thank you ♥️♥️
Married Life W/ Gabriel Reyes
On the weekends, He is the type of husband to wake up an hour early just to make you a big fat breakfast for two in bed.
Pancakes, bacon, fruit, eggs, toast, and a jug of orange juice.
Being commander of Blackwatch, he doesn't have a whole lot of time with you and when he does, Gabe really makes up for it.
Actually, you co-command Blackwatch with him, so you both know that your relationship has to be kept professional on the job (I remember your old request for this crypt i didn't forget about you bby)
Pack your things honey, we're taking a three-day trip in the camper up to the Sequoias
On that camping trip Gabe will bring a hammock for an afternoon nap
You two are sharing the hammock no questions asked
Gabe definitely smells of pine-tar and its super-hot outdoorsy man smell
Cookbook husband, brings a camp side cookbook with him and makes a comfort food chili with mashed potatoes
Definitely some stargazing involved Here! Gabe hopes its a cold night, he wants to share blanket and body heat with you
world's biggest cuddlebug and he's a big burly man who would seem good at that
On the last night of the trip, he peppers your face in kisses and thank you for choosing him
Photos taken on the trip include an off-guard photo of him unhinging his jaw (not literally lmfao) and about to stuff a double turkey sandwich into his face, sleepy hammock photos, a picture of some bears passing by, and so on.
Outside of his spontaneous backpacking trips, he's pretty big into dancing, even if it's super goofy.
Gabe owns the latest Just Dance game, and you cannot change my mind
This is super nice especially after a stressful mission, if you both need cheering up JUST DANCE
on nights where the mood needs to be quieter, bath and massage.
Nothing sexual (Unless you want to think about it that way I'm not going to stop the horny-on-main)
Gabe has this lightly scented oil that he rubs into your back and digs at the knots with
If you work on him, you can just feel him melt.
Also an excuse to eye his back muscles
When the night grows darker, he's definitely a hugger. He's either a big spoon or just doing the honeymoon hug.
as Gabe pulls you closer you feel his whole-body heave with relief has he sighs
Goodnight love.
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theclaravoyant · 11 months
not me thinking about how absolutely ecstatic prefall!crowley was about creating the stars and he still likes his plants and stuff and he’s not as openly freely joyful about it (especially with a reputation to maintain) but there’s something about creation and that desire to create and foster life and wonder that lives on in crowley through it all
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aithusarosekiller · 11 months
Hi Archie! How’s your day going?
The Crowley was Raphael theory? Tell me more Archie! I need to know more..
I'm pretty good actually :D how are you?
It's really late rn and I'm so tired sleeping this so ignore any mistakes haha!
I've rambled about this theory too much lately so I'm just gonna say random stuff and tag the theory tag so you can indulge in everyone else's thoughts but basically
Based on all the teasing in s2, I think we're getting a reveal in s3 and I think that either
1) Crowley will be revealed to have been the previously missing Raphael (which seems to line up well with a lot: the snake thing, the 'I think I understand better than you do' thing, the everyone knows him thing, the knows god personally thing, the 'Raphael seems to be conveniently not mentioned...maybe to hide heaven's institutional problems?' thing, the 'walks on earth and helps protect humans' thing, the 'is Lucifer Satan in this universe? And he says 'Lucifer and the guys at one point but who knows how he meant it' thing, the 'how do you know it wasn't me?' In reference to archangel power thing, the 'close enough to god to think he's safe asking questions' thing, the whole 'his bitterness towards Gabriel feeling distinctly sibling-y even if it was rooted in love for aziraphale' thing, something about the fact he keeps houseplants and terrifies them into submission while trying to keep them alive and 'perfect' feels like he can't deal with smth not being perfect or 'healed' as a lingering thing from his past- he pushes them to be healthy and perfect...can he not do that for them anymore?, the 'knowing when somebody is too far gone to heal' thing and the acceptance of human passing (that feels very important in s2 for some reason) thing, the 'are they making Lucifer a prince of heaven or were they on about someone else, how is this working?' Thing, the 'we know he was powerful so there's a small chance could be Raph thing, smth about the metatron wanting him back and as an Angel...is he luring him using Azi? Does he want Raph back to replace Gabriel?, the 'his cute prefall self gives off both Raph and Lucifer energy and it's so strong it is suffocating' thing, the way he didn't even hesitate when opening the file which suggests that he was RIGHT at the top bc if he was only just high enough he may have hesitated or considered other precautions put in place to stop him from spying, the SARAQAEL TRUSTED HIM SO QUICKLY??? Thing...they really hoped he remembered them???? That's weird..., something about the job story that I cannot articulate, the fact Raphael is MISSING (possibly thought to have just DISAPPEARED) in relation to the number of times Crowley suggests running away, he hates the idea of earth and human life ending for the start...does he want an endless cycle of growing and...gradual healing? Something something he protects people from before the beginning something something, etc)
2) Aziraphale will get his position as head archangel and BECOME the Raphael of the series bc of the name similarity, the healing thing, and the fact the name Raphael hasn't even been mentioned thus far, while Crowley is revealed to have been another angel, likely either Lucifer or Barachiel (both of which would be pretty cool)
I personally prefer option 1 but option two is looking prettyyyyy likely I will admit. I'd be happy with either but...Raph Crowley has a special spot in my heart
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demoniccak-e · 11 months
no i don't know anything about bibical era stuff but i decided to shoot my best shot with my good old friends wikipedia, google and the depths of tumblr
soso, basically what if it's like the time with the antichrist where they're supposed to work together against each other (might make no sense but it does to me bare w/ me please) but it's literally with like the archangels involved and the cause i know damn well in that new aziraphale poster that in NOT THE PRE-FALL CROWLEY that is GABIREL because LOOK AT AZIRAPHALES CLOTHES. (js a lil nudge to the people who keep sayin that theres prefall crowley with pretty aziraphale we will get that it's just not that part)
so, like i know (i think i know) that job is being tested by heaven and hell about his like goodness or something because hell made a deal with god saying that "oh mayb it's becaus his life is grate so likw what if we just make it even WORSE to test his uh loyalti to god!11!" then heaven was like "Absolutely." AND THEN AZIRAPHALE AND CROWLEY ARE ASSIGN D TO BE THERE AND DO STUFF
ok but theres more bc after some very close speculation by not me™ the photo where they're sitting together by the edge of the ocean in the background theres a rainbow and im literally using aziraphales magnifying glass to see that but ITS THERW so like ik (i can only say i think ik so many times to just assume at this point) that it's after noahs arc. what i ALSO KNOW is that some of jobs children were going to die/did die (man idk at this point the bible has too many plot points to follow :(( (also never read the bible in my entire existenc)) what i ALSOALSO know is that crowley is not very keen on killing kids.
so my guess is that theres going to be like a little thing where like idk aziraphale heard something and was like "oh dear, that's what crowley's doing?" and then goes to him and is like "PLEASE I KNOW WHO YOU ARE YOU WOULDN'T DO THIS" and then crowley's gotta keep up with his swag idc style so he doesn't really imply what he plans on doing but like he saves the children or something I DONT KNOW
but what could also happen is that crowley asks for help from aziraphale but also knowing crowley AT THAT TIME (literally based on like 5 minutes of seeing him at those times) would not ask aziraphale to help (at least not directly?)
skipping over back to that rock scene is likw i think that scene is what happens but based on what i looked up, all of jobs kids are dead but also knowing neil gaiman he might switch that up or somehting cause like cmon it's neil gaiman
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gimme-a-thrust · 2 years
FANFIC PREVIEWS: Somebody's Coming And We're Dead If We're Found (Don't Make A Sound)
So, I'm working on a Prefall smut fic with Mammon/Ozzie, and I really can't help wanting to share some of it.
CW: NSFW, A/B/O Dynamics, Omegaverse Dynamics, Alpha!Mammon, Breeder Beta!Ozzie, Vaginal Sex, Knotting, Copious Amounts Of Cum
Deciding instead to pull back to the head and slam down hard and fast, he hit the spot for both of them and they screamed together as they came. Something thick popped inside of him, locking them together, but Mammon didn't have the head to question it right now. Dazed and floaty, he couldn't even open his eyes as Ozzie leaned down to kiss him, spreading the taste of their precum and slick between them. 
"Fu-fucking good, Mams..." He murmured against his mouth, rolling his hips a few times to keep milking him out.
"Y-yeah-- Ozz?"
"I... Can't get out."
Ozzie sat up a little finally, showing off the thick knot at the base of his own dick. Mammon was a damn mess, and he didn't even care.
"You uh... Feels like you got one of these. I've decided to call them knots. Lu said I can name this stuff since it seems to be mine."
"Knots, huh? What's it do?"
"Holds us together for a while... Gives you time to try and pup me."
"P-pup?" Did Ozzie want his pups?
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leothesplicer · 7 years
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{Hi everyone! Just checking in to say we aren't dead! I've just been spending this week recovering from an exhausting late-night shift — something I'm not used to — as well as helping take care of my sick little sister and relaxing with my family. I'll get back on those asks as soon as I stop procrastinating! Y'all'll get answers before too long, I promise! In the mean time, have some Leo doodles from when I was eating dinner and drinking an entire pot of tea by myself in one sitting! —ArtMom}
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queensconquest · 2 years
starter call - @aristarchos​​
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    “  Michael.  “
   It  was  a  simple  acknowledgement  ,  though  Lucifer  didn’t  open  his  eyes  from  where  he  was  relaxing  under  their  tree  in  the  fields  of  Heaven  under  the  night  sky.  He  knew  why  Michael  was  probably  here.  There  was  one  of  the  festivities  happening  tonight  and  Lucifer�� ,  as  usual  ,  was  expected  to  be  at  them.  Instead  ,  he’d  chosen  not  to.  Somehow  he  couldn’t  imagine  that  having  settled  well  with  Michael  despite  how  rarely  the  other  participated.
   “  I  know  you’re  about  to  go  on  a  rant.  “  Lucifer  scoffs  ,  finally  opening  his  eyes  so  he  could  grasp  the  other  archangel  and  pull  him  down  beside  him  with  a  slight  grin.  “  Despite  the  fact  you  don’t  even  like  going.  So  what  if  we  don’t  ?  “  He  suggests  ,  eyes  gleaming  with  slight  mischief.
   His  grip  loosens  and  relaxes  as  he  leans  back  against  the  tree.  “  If  you  stay  ,  I’ll  play  a  song  for  you.  “  Sure  ,  maybe  it  was  a  bit  unfair  given  how  rarely  Lucifer  played  for  others  ,  but  it  might  be  enough  to  persuade  Michael  to  stay.
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chandelyer · 3 years
So my favorite stuff in collections is like... the bondage collection, all of those really nice chanel 90s black/gold stuff, and I'm wondering like who or what collections would you recommend to find more stuff like that? I absolutely ADORE that style and black/gold/red are my favorite colors in designs, I love black/gold or black/red or even black/blue dichotomies sooo much and would LOVE some recs
Hi! This is a tough question because what you’re describing are essentially two colllections by Versace and Chanel, which became staples of those brands for quite a long time, so obviously those kind of styles haven’t been replicated by any other brands. However, there is one brand that put out similar stuff in the 90s and still plays on the two-colour dichotomy, and it’s Dolce & Gabbana. I’m not linking you to any of their stuff, because I don’t wanna post about them, given they’re racists and misogynists. I’m not too happy to put their name on my blog either, but it wouldn’t be fair on you if I didn’t give you at least some of the info you asked for <3 (and I’m sure it will be super easy to find their collections online, if you wanna take a look!)
I found a few collections from other designers which have black/gold, black/red dichotomies, although the styles are a bit different (as I said, what you’re looking for is unique to Chanel and Versace). 
Balmain prefall 2019
Balmain fall 2016
Balmain prefall 2016
Alberta Ferretti fall 2017
Ralph Lauren spring 2019 
I’m also leaving you the links to the full collections I imagine you were referring to, in case you missed out on some of the looks :)
Chanel spring 1995 rtw
Chanel spring 1992 + fall 1992 couture
Versace fall 1992 rtw
Versace fall 2019 rtw
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nitewrighter · 3 years
33, short prefall gency? 👀 Thanks nite!
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I still got some smooch prompts in my ask box!
Y’know, all my pre-fall stuff tends to be more Genji pining than Mercy... I should flip the script there.
33. Kiss in a dream
The fluorescent lights of the lab made all time meaningless. Mercy’s eyelids were drooping and her chin dug heavy into her palm as she stared at the microscope projection on her screen. The dance of biotics through the cell culture displayed on the screen was almost hypnotic, like fireflies drifting in a pink twilight.
“...so... what are we looking for, again?” Genji was slumped back in a swivel chair next to her, one leg crossed over his knee at the ankle and his other foot pushing off against the floor to send the chair into a slow and lazy spin, “And I know last time I asked you said ‘anomalies’ but... what does that look like?”
Mercy blinked a few times to pull herself out of the haze of staring at a screen so long, “Well... the parameters of the experiment were initially that if 80% of the new prototype biotic sample maintained function and structural integrity over the course of four hours, we could move to the next phase of testing.”
“...and we’ve been here for..” Genji glanced back at the clock, “7 hours.”
“Well we weren’t expecting the prototype to be this successful! It’s...” Mercy yawned, “Unprecedented,” she pushed up her glasses to rub at her eyes, “And quite remarkable.”
“Mm,” Genji nodded, “Yes, definitely...” he yawned too, then glanced back at the screen where the yellow lights slowly bobbed against a pink background, “Definitely thrilling.”
Mercy snickered. “If you want to escape, I won’t stop you.”
“Are you kidding? With Blackwatch benched, this is the closest thing I’ll get to a stakeout for the foreseeable future.”
Mercy huffed. “I know at this point we should just leave it for the lab cam but at the same time…” she glanced back at the screen, “I’m terrified if I leave, something will happen. Is that silly?”
“I get it,” Genji shrugged, “Only so much you can leave to machines.”
“Biotics are machines,” said Mercy, pointing at the screen, “If I leave the machine to watch the machines, they’ll start talking to each other and plot against me.”
“As vengeance for all being jammed into that staff, I imagine,” he mused.
“This all sounds very reasonable and not at all like someone becoming unhinged at 1 AM,” said Genji.
“I’m a scientist,” said Mercy, folding her arms.
“Oh but of course,” said Genji as they both turned back to the screen. A few minutes of quiet watching passed—time that on other nights might be filled with conversation, but tonight the marathon exhaustion of waiting and observation had rendered them both quiet. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, more like the quiet comfort two companions could share on a long car ride, or reading in the same room. Genji spun around in his chair, scrolled through his comm’s screen to see if there were any updates regarding Blackwatch’s suspension, found there were still none, checked his messages to find the usual deafening silence from Reye, a few dangerously innocuous-sounding questions from Moira, and another message from McCree saying Reyes was sending him on another ‘vacation’ and he’d be out of contact for another few days. Mercy’s eyes were fixed on the screen, only occasionally glancing back at her own tablet to take notes, or even checking her own correspondence with other Overwatch scientists, but all the same, the minutes were ticking by and the mental exhaustion was sinking in.
“…I’m willing stay up another half hour and then leave them to plot against you,” said Genji.
“That would probably be the wise thing at this point…” said Mercy.
“Tell you what, I make a quick trip to the vending machine in the break room and grab some pretzels if you promise we call it in 30?”
“I love that you assume you need to bribe me with snacks to get me to go to bed,” said Mercy.
“Am I wrong?” Genji tilted his head.
Mercy scoffed and smiled as Genji rose from his seat.
“Oh--just get the plain ones--I can’t type with all the dust on the garlic parmesan ones,” said Mercy, as Genji headed toward the door of the lab.
“Only the highest professional standards for Doctor Ziegler!” Genji spoke over his shoulder with a wave.
Mercy smiled as she watched him walk out, her tired eyes trailing down the wires trailing down from the back of his head, partially obscuring the massive blackwatch logo of his hoodie, swaying just above his hips. Even with so much of his body composed of metal and wires, even with the exhaustion of the hour bearing down on them, his movements seemed so smooth and effortless.
We still really should do something about those wires, though, she thought as she pivoted her chair back toward the screen, Someone could grab them in a fight.
Her train of thought seemed to veer hard with her own sleepiness, then.
I could grab them.
Would it hurt him if I did that?
I should really take another look at the Blackwatch cyberneticists’ schematics---
And then, another veer of that train of thought into the unconscious.
Would he moan?
Her brain, unbidden, projected the image of her own hand gripping those wires, knuckles white, wrist tensed. Then her mind automatically speculated on the sound of Genji’s voice, the fragments of memory of all of his training footage that she had watched and the sounds of his physical effort condensed into a guttural, shuddering “Uhhn.” The eroticism of the hypothetical sound in her brain suddenly slammed her back to full conscious thought. She jerked upright in her seat and shook her head before giving her burning cheeks a flurry of light slaps.
I am not thinking of my coworker moaning, she thought to herself herself, I am not thinking about pulling Genji’s wires and him moaning. I am not thinking these things. I am awake. I am working.
She feverishly turned her attention back to the screen where the new biotic prototypes still drifted across the pink field of the cell culture. She pushed her keyboard aside and leaned forward, crossing her forearms over each other on the new cleared space and setting her head on top of them, still watching the lights drift.
“This is all your fault, you know,” she muttered to the gold particles drifting across the screen before closing her eyes.
Her eyes opened again at the sound of the door opening.
“You know, aside from the custodian drones and the security outside, we’re pretty much the only ones awake in headquarters right now,” Genji’s voice sounded behind her, “Oh... or maybe just me?”
“I’m awake--” Mercy started, pushing back up into an upright position, not sure if she had actually drifted off or just entered another hazy half-sleep like she had when she had fixated upon the wires.
“Of course,” said Genji, leaning against the lab table next to her.
“I am--I--I was just resting my eyes,” said Mercy, brushing her hair back from her face. She really must have drifted off, even if it was only a minute or two--her movements didn’t seem to have the same tired clumsiness.
He just chuckled a little. “What were you dreaming about?” he asked.
The wires, Mercy thought, looking at the red and black trailing out of the back of his head, but she shook her head. “Uhm--I didn’t exactly get a chance to dream,” she said with a huff.
“Liar,” the word came out of him lazily, teasingly.
“Excuse me?” she said but she gripped the armrests of her chair as he pushed away from the table and stepped closer to her.
“You heard me.”
Her eyes narrowed slightly as she looked up at his face. It was times like this that his faceplate was such a pain with so much of his expression masked, but there wasn’t malice in his eyes. All the same she said, “That’s rude.”
“I prefer ‘observant.’”
“Which doesn’t mean it’s not rude.”
“Mm,” he shrugged, “Better than ignoring an elephant in the room.”
“E-elephant?” Mercy wasn’t sure where the shake in her voice had come from.
“Do you think I don’t feel your eyes on me?” Genji stared down at her with that ninja focus, “Do you think I don’t see the way you bite your lip when you’re ‘observing’ my training sessions?”
“I don’t--I mean--when did you--”
“I told you: Observant,” he extended a hand toward her and her shoulders bunched up as his prosthetic knuckles slowly traced along her jawline, “You study, and study, and study, and you tell yourself you’re just being thorough as a medical professional... but I bet reading my dossier made you blush.”
“Genji--” she started but her breath caught in her throat as he traced his metal thumb over her lower lip. She felt her face burning, her stomach fluttering.
“I would have liked to see that,” he murmured, “It’s a good look on you now.”
“You--this--It’s not funny,” she glanced down, but he kept his hand, gentle yet firm against her jaw as she squeezed her eyes shut.
“Do you think I’m making fun of you?” his voice was low, reverberating with his cybernetic vocal chords as he slowly leaned in toward her, “Do you think it’s funny? For both flesh and metal to ache for another person?”
Mercy’s eyes opened and she stared into the red glare of his eyes--except those red eyes didn’t seem to burn with simmering rage as she had seen them so often when he was tearing through training bots, nor did they have that alert steadiness of his eye contact when they chatted. In this moment, there was wanting shining in them, bright and deep and so tired, like distant red stars.
“Do you think I don’t ache, too?” her voice was soft but it seemed to stun him. He was perfectly still, that want in his eyes making the world seem to disappear all around her, save for the pink glow of her computer screen reflected on the metal of his faceplate.
Hesitantly, she brought her hands up to the catches at the sides of his faceplate. “Can I…?” her voice trailed off.
“Please,” his voice was husky as he stroked his free organic hand down her wrist, her forearm, brushing past her shoulder to grip the seat back of her chair, his prosthetic hand, pulling the wheeled swivel chair across the floor, pulling her in close to him as he sank closer, “Please, Angela. It can only be you.”
Her fingers pressed at the catches until they clicked and he inhaled sharply with the as she pulled the faceplate away, revealing his own nose, mouth, scars, and cybernetic jawline. It was her turn, now, she cupped her hands at his cheeks tracing her fingers along his scars, until one finger trailed over a scar that intersected the line of his mouth, and that made something ignite in her. She stood up from the chair, all exhaustion in her body evaporated as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and brought her mouth to his. He met her, warmly, easily. His strong arms wrapped around her waist, supporting her, holding her tight. He tasted like metal but she loved it. She kissed him again and again. She shoved his blackwatch hoodie off of his organic shoulder to press her fingers into his scarred skin. His own fingers were raking desperately, trying to seek a hold in the cloth of her labcoat. 
“Angela...” He slipped her name between kisses, “Angela... Angela...”
Something was shaking her shoulder. She could feel the joints of a familiar prosthetic through the cloth of her labcoat. But that couldn’t be right, Genji was...
Oh no.
Mercy jolted awake, phlegm catching in her throat. She coughed and jerked her head up from its resting place on her forearms, blinking several times as light, real light, flooded back into her vision. “Whuzz--what happened?” she said, sleep slurring her words as she rubbed her eyes.
“The machine was out of pretzels...?” said Genji, “So I headed to the other machine in the mess hall, and then I got back and...” he shrugged and gestured at her, “You were asleep.”
“Right--” Mercy became starkly aware that one of the sleeves of her labcoat now had a massive drool stain on it. Her eyes flicked down to the little bag of pretzels in Genji’s other hand, “Of course.”
“Are you okay?” Genji tilted his head, “You’re really red.”
Mercy laughed a little nervously before pushing her hair back and quickly pushing her keyboard back into place and typing. “I’m fine. I guess I was just rubbing my face into the labcoat too hard,” she quickly typed up several commands into the computer, setting up notifications on her comm that would alert her if there were any significant chemical changes detected in the cell-and-biotic-sample. She wouldn’t be here to observe them if they happened, but it wasn’t as if she could observe them if she was falling asleep, either. “But I think...” she said as she hit the ‘execute’ key on the computer, “The extra half hour probably isn’t as reasonable as we thought it was.”
“So my epic pretzel quest was for naught...” Genji spoke with a wistful faux-drama. 
Mercy snorted before getting up from her seat. “We can save them for next time,” she said, as she picked up her comm and tablet. 
“Think they’ll still be... floating like that when we get back here in the morning?” said Genji, glancing back at the pink screen as Mercy turned off the lights in the lab before they headed out.
“It will be very exciting if they are!” said Mercy, before laughing a little, “About as exciting as something being exactly the same can get.”
A short chuckle fell out of Genji as they walked down the empty, moonlit halls of Zurich headquarters before heading into the elevator--Mercy, heading to the ground level to head out to the parking structures, and Genji heading to his quarters in Blackwatch’s below-ground facilities. 
“This is my level...” said Mercy, as the elevator dinged. 
“Get home safe,” said Genji, “See you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow,” Mercy smiled, before realizing she was holding the elevator door open with her hand and withdrew it before stepping away.
“And Angela?” Genji called after her.
“Mm?” She glanced over her shoulder.
“Sweet dreams,” he gave her a playful salute. 
Mercy was thankful the elevator doors shut on him before he could see how red those words made her. 
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nanaheals · 3 years
Nobody asked but I’m gonna tell u abt my comfort characters cause they help fill in what I dream of and wish for.
♪゚First time I saw him, girl I was WHIPPED for him. The way he talks... the way he walks... I panic
I know I’m weird but hes one of my comfort characters and I hold him dear in my heart. I love him so much, whenever times are going bad I just think of him while holding my teddy bear. I wish I was in his arms, telling me that I’ll be ok. I listen to his lines from in game whenever I feel sleepy or just want to hear his voice or feel sad lol.
I like how people say he would call you by certain names like idk doll or huckleberry???, but I like how he would call me little names in a soft, flirty way. It makes me feel fluffy inside and i just completely crumble at the thought of it.
(·ө·)♡ I see him praising me for small things such like speaking up, doing things that I usually wouldn't do cause of my confidence etc. In my mind hes pretty affectionate n I think we all know that, but I imagine he’d pet my hair and give me a lil kiss on the cheek to congratulate me for whatever I did 😔
★ I’m so soft for him. Just the thought of him brings a huge ass smile and laugh out of me. I could be crying and I see his face or hear his voice, boom I’m smiling like crazy. I love EVERYTHING about this man, idc if hes 50 or practically dead... I LOVE HIM
I like reading comics or fanart of prefall gabriel because hes so... charming. I love how hes sarcastic lmao, his lines for retribution always have me rolling on the floor 💀
(^_-)-☆ I kind of relate to him tbh. I’m not sure if this is canon or not (dont flame me) but I feel like he wanted to be credited for what he did in overwatch. It was like he was always number 2 and jack was 1... I see myself always placing 2nd, that all my efforts go to waste or isn't seen : ( idk I just feel like we have some thing in common
Besides that I seek comfort in him a lot. I’m not sure why but he just makes me feel so full and happy.
He motivates me a little
(●´ϖ`●) Ashe
Idk if I would consider her one of my comfort characters but I just really really like her. I kind of see her as my ideal type, the same with mccree... and maybe gabriel 🧎‍♀️
Besides that,
Idk I think I have a thing for cowboys/girls but anywho 🤷‍♀️
(^_^)v I am in love with her and I will forever be. I love how much of a independent and strong women she is 🥺. I find a sense of female empowerment from her and I LOVE IT. I just really like her and I always think of her, how she would act like if she was in a relationship with me or if she were my friend. I tbh think she’d be a little scary at first but then I’ll get used to her and stuff.
Well thats the end of it 😪
I might add on I’m not sure.
Edit: I made this half a year ago N never posted it and now I am In tears
I still do love them and play overwatch <3
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kowbojki · 5 years
requests? well how bout sum uhhh more prefall shenanigans bc thats like my favourite comic youve done
OOH OOH.. I dont have anything ready rn but I figured I might as well respond to this here: thanks so much for this message, your interest rlly reminded me how I had some more stuff in mind for the pre-fall shenanigans that I scrapped a while ago, but you've given me the motivation to come back to it!! >:) I rlly enjoyed drawing Crowley pre-fall and I think angel Crowleys relationship with Aziraphale is something Ill have fun exploring.. hehe..
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tacticalvisor76 · 6 years
Maybe Gabriel (postfall or pre fall) stumbling upon a vengeful spirit in his dreams? One imprisoned long ago by an ex lover? (reminiscent of Madoushi from cardcaptor sakura)
a/n: ooooooh it’s been so long since i’ve read/thought about cardcaptor sakura and now i suddenly have the biggest of wants to re-read it. 
hopefully this is an okay answer to your request dear! sorry it it’s not a++ stuff. decided to write kind of in-between postfall-prefall for this, thought that it would be neat. 
The world around him swimming, dark and everything hurt. The fire, the pain, the flickering moments before everything fell apart. Emotions, running high words and things that both parties probably didn’t mean to be said in the slightest had been said. 
Vicious, tearing words that were meant to hurt. Meant to scar and scary they did, both emotionally and physically. Gabriel’s face burned, as much as his heart felt as if it were being squeezed. 
He’s dead or was he? His breathing was ragged, his coughs hurt, burned whenever blood rose in his throat, a writer would make this poetic. Something about how it was as if his blood was like rose petals, but it was anything but poetic. It hurt, a deep and painful sort of hurt that would remain with him even if he were somehow not dead. 
“Ah, another spirit has made its way here.” a new voice put Gabriel on high alert, wounded or not he had several years of training to put it to the back of his mind and find an enemy threat. 
What his eyes landed on was a human being of androgynous appearance sitting in the middle of a large circle of light. Unmoving and as calm as can be. A sense of dread washed over him when he looked into your eyes, he saw a hunter watching its prey. Your smile is wicked, teeth showing slightly through the smile, you were not afraid of him. A malevolent aura seemed to swirl around you, choking him in its an intensity. 
“We are the same,” your voice suddenly very close to him, standing at the edge of the circle of light “Two vengeful spirits meeting in a dream between life and death. Is revenge what you seek? I can make sure that you do not die on the table, your blood staining that doctors hands. Though it wouldn’t matter much since it’s stained with the blood of so many others.” 
“Do you seek justice against those who harmed you? Both friend and foe? If so I can give you a small respite from the pain you are feeling now, dying must hurt after all.” 
Dying, that’s what you said to him. So he wasn’t dead yet, but he was dying. How did someone get to him? What doctor was saving him? Are you talking about Angela or Moira? He wouldn’t get any answers if he were to die before you could tell him. 
“I’ll take you up on your offer, after all, I’m one tough son of a bitch, might as well give Jack and the others a run for their money.” 
Your smile was even more wicked, both rows of teeth showing, a smile that was reminiscent of the devil himself. 
“Then we have a deal human. The doctor will grant you a second chance, with powers beyond your imagination, but I will grant you a respite from that pain, but be warned it will be some time before you obtain what is it that you seek.” 
You’re laughter faded away into the darkness, your smile and voice remained in his dreams and thoughts, a constant reminder as to what helped give him this second chance at life.
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thefloorisbalaclava · 7 years
Wow just imagine like prefall Jack just working his ass off day and night and pays little to no attention about his health and stuff. And one day he walks into the office, with a full on beautiful blonde beard mmm
I love beards so this would be a dream come true.I imagine that the whole room would go quiet when he walked in, but he wouldn't notice until he asked a question or something and everyone is just staring at him."What? Why are you all looking at me like that?" he asks, oblivious."Your face...," you say, looking at him wide eyed."What about it?" He reaches up and touches his beard finally getting why everyone is staring at him. "Oh this? Yeah, I thought I'd try something different. I save myself some time not worrying about shaving in the morning.""Looks good," you say and he scratches it a little, his cheeks turning a dusty pink."Thanks." You two look at each other for some time. You weren't sure what he was thinking, but you were thinking about how that glorious beard would feel - maybe as he kissed you, your lips, your cheek...your thighs."You still with us?" he asks suddenly and you blink a few times to focus again."Y-yes sir, I'm with you..." He didn't have to know in which way, but you were most certainly with him even if it was only in your mind.
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