#preferably also make them a catboy but that is optional
krimori · 1 year
if there isnt a sexy phantom thief guy in Decapolice i will genuinely be surprised
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Todoroki Shouto
word count : ~2K (blurb!)
[ ☀︎ ]  fluff!! 
bio : general catboy!sho hc’s. initial meeting all the way to relationship.
author’s note : a midnight hc that got WAY out of hand. fair warning idk what the fUCK this is, whatever it is is all astrid’s fault. i decided to make this bc i suck at finding fics and i rly wanted to read something about a snuggly catboy!sho.
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
in my opinion, shouto is already very catlike in certain respects.
he’s aloof and likes to watch rather than engage. he’s very intelligent and he’s driven when he wants to be. and not to mention he’s very loyal to those few that have melted through his ice-protected heart. he’ll probably also only allow physical interaction if he’s the one initiating it... 
you didn’t adopt him in human form. at some point you got a cat and you thought that was it— that it was merely a cat. a cute one at that, split down the middle like a patched together hand-me-down. he reminded you of a ragdoll because of his peculiar colors, even though his coat was sleek and shiny. he also had a very prominent air of elegance... overall, a very pretty cat.
however, he wasn’t the nicest animal at first. he was skittish and guarded. he really only interacted with you in order to get food and water, and he didn’t allow you to touch him all too much. any time you had friends over there was no chance he’d be spotted, always hiding in the shadows of your closet or the safe space underneath your bed. when your company would leave, he would slowly crawl out, watching you from a respectable distance as you tidied up before heading to bed.
even though he was kind of a dick, you spoiled him silly. you bought him his own bed since he refused to even go near you. he had his own cat tree and everything, and ample toys too. that was how he first began warming up to you. 
you had managed to pique his interest by dragging a ribbon toy across the floor and disappearing around the doorframe. you had been over the moon when he had poked his little head into the room, pupils wide as he eyed the ribbon with intense curiosity.
the morning after that, you had awoken to find him sitting on the very far corner of your bed. it was as far as he could possibly be from you while staying on the mattress, but you were elated nonetheless.
— - —
from then on, your relationship was a little steadier with the feline. he would follow you around your place, always in the same room as you but forever out of reach. occasionally he would allow you to give him a little scratch behind the ear or under the chin, but he would get up and leave after a few seconds of affection.
it wasn’t until he came down with a minor kitty cold that your relationship changed. you took him to the vet. he hated it. he was such a misbehaved boy, but when you had nearly cried as you frantically apologized for his behavior, he strangely became limp, a disgruntled expression on his cute little face.
you took him home and attempted to administer the medicine, even if he hissed and growled at you when you approached him with the distinct vial. you tried to give it to him, and he lashed out and scratched you for the very first time.
it was just a little cut, but it was enough to draw blood. you left the medicine with him and closed yourself away in the bathroom as you tended to your wound, irritated that after all you’d done for him he still treated you like shit. but he was a cat, you reckoned, and so you instantly dropped any malice that had come forth in those few minutes. when you opened the door again, he was sitting at the doorway, ears flat to his head and head lowered, the medicine vial resting before his paws.
after that he allowed you to administer the medicine without complaint. he just layed there and would blink lazily at you while you moved him accordingly, never fussing at all. it was clear that he was sick initially, but each time you gave him that medicine he became more and more like himself. he looked strong and healthy once again. you were relieved.
your relationship kept improving. he would now let you pet him from time to time. sometimes he would even jump up and settle himself into a little loaf next to you as you watched TV or typed away at your laptop. he began sleeping closer to you, sometimes on your feet, sometimes on the vacant side of your bed. the sound of his low purrs lulled you to sleep.
things started getting strange when you started going out with someone you had met. you’d given your number to them when they’d asked for it out of the blue. it was all very innocent, nothing too crazy. just a coffee here and there, really.
that was when shouto started becoming more affectionate with you. he would let out a loud meow in greeting when you came home, running to the door to meet you and promptly sticking his head into the shoes you slipped off your feet. he would sit with you as you went through the work you brought home, even nuzzle your ankles while you made yourself dinner. he would start to sit on your lap when you were watching the television.
he would even let you kiss his head , and he’d slowly blink at you when you praised him for all his handsomeness, for how good of a boy he was. he even started slipping into the sheets with you, allowing you to hold him close as you drifted off into slumber, and kneading at your blankets as the two of you fell asleep together.
but coffees turned into lunches. and lunches to dinners. you started spending less and less time at your place, and he would find himself watching the clock on the wall as he waited for your return. though when you finally would, later and later with each passing date, he was not pleased to find your scent mixed with another’s.
he had stayed in cat form for a very long time. perhaps he shifted into human form when you weren’t home, you didn’t know. you thought he was your cat, and that was the end of it. all you knew was that one morning, you woke up, expecting to have your snuggly companion curled up into your side as usual.
instead, there’s a whole ass MAN tucked into the sheets beside you, long leg slung over yours and his arm wound round your waist. what’s even wilder is that two cat ears stick out of the silky hair on his head, colored the distinct red and white of the fur you have become so accustomed to. a long, furry tail also rests on your thigh, brushing against your skin.
he’s also butt ass naked.
to say you’re shook is an understatement. thankfully he’s laying on his stomach, so you don’t see anything indecent. you weigh your options here— this man is so obviously your cat, there’s no way he’s not. but you have a cat, and this is a man!! man-cat? you can’t care to know the correct terminology.
you decide not to scream, but you shuffle backwards. it’s enough to disturb the creature, and his heterochromatic eyes peel open slowly. he sees you looking at him, and still weighed down by sleep, a mild, content smile curls his lips and a loud purr rumbles out of him. then his eyes move down and he catches sight of his own arm around you, and he scrambles off the bed, ears tucked back and tail bristling as he trips over the sheets.
after you find some clothes for him to wear, you have a rather awkward conversation over breakfast. turns out that he’s been capable of turning into this human form the whole time, but he had become accustomed to life as a cat and preferred it to being a human, as he had a hard time fitting in with his big ears and long tail. you reckoned you, too, would live as a cat if you had the option... especially with such a doting and caring owner as yourself.
now though, you can’t really refer to yourself as his owner. he’s a person, just like you— he just harbors many of his cat-like qualities.
initially it’s hard to adjust, knowing he’s also a man (and a very handsome one, at that). you buy him some clothes and start to cook meals for the both of you. what else are you gonna do, throw him out onto the street?
your interactions become a little forced... you’re just really confused as to how you’re supposed to act around him. he seems to sense your unease, and he shifts back into a cat in order to comfort you. he walks right up to you and hops into your lap, standing up to put his front paws onto your chest, and leaning in to rub his cheek across yours, finishing off with a quick lick of affection.
apparently, he has missed the attention the both of you had become so accustomed to giving/receiving. so, the moment you hesitantly begin to rub his ears, he starts to purr loudly, settling on your lap/chest. he’s really warm and soft, so you end up wrapping your other arm around him and continuing to pet his head.
it becomes routine for you to have this nightly cuddle before bed, but after you’re finished with pretending to pay attention to the tv, you tell him goodnight and shut yourself into your bedroom for the night.
no longer does he receive your praise nor your kisses, and it’s taking a toll on him. he’s needy!! you’ve conditioned him to soak up all your love and now you just stop?
so eventually he’ll sack up and knock on your door, asking why you won’t let him sleep with you anymore. he knows you’re intimidated by his human form, but he thinks the reason is because you’re scared of him. you hesitantly let him know it’s really just because you’re attracted to him. and what do ya know, he feels the same.
another reason why you’d been avoiding him that you’d rather die than tell him is that you’re embarrassed that you just straight stared at him in shock when he used your toilet like a human. eye contact and everything. this was back when you’d first gotten him but now you’re just overwhelmed with residual embarrassment LOLLLLL anyways...
from there your love blossoms !! yay!
now he will walk around your place in his human form more often than cat form. though sometimes he does like to be in kitty form so he can sit on your lap while you’re working at your desk.
snuggles become a norm. he’s very affectionate. absolute cuddle bug. 
stressed? cuddles.
happy? cuddles.
bored? cuddles.
i cannot emphasize this enough!!! hold him!! he lives for it! he is baby.
he still loves playing with all the toys you buy him. and what’s hilarious is that he can’t seem to help himself from fixating on those little aluminum twist ties that you keep in the kitchen. he doesn’t know why, but when you toss them across the room he’ll just run for it. nyoom!!
makes sure to bring it back like a good boy every time.
a really good investment is a laser pointer. human or cat, once that little red dot is spotted, you can bet he’s chasing it. this has resulted in broken furniture more than once LOL. at the end of your little play session you guide the laser over to you and he’ll pounce on you!! cue more cuddles. 
as if all the snuggles he gives you through the day aren’t enough, falling asleep is complete bliss.
he’ll slip into your covers and wrap his long limbs around you. lithe fingers will caress your skin and your hair, and if you return the favor, he’ll start to purr softly for you. he’s totally into nuzzling you, too. he’ll just nestle his face right into your neck and breathe your scent in, completely at peace. and he can’t help it when his purrs grow louder, an indication of his complete content.
more rarely he’ll come out into public with you, provided he wear a beanie or something to cover those cute perky ears of his. the tail he can tuck into his pants just fine. when he’s out and about with you, he’ll likely stay right by your side, an arm over your shoulder, around your waist, or your hand held hostage by his.
when you’re out on these rare excursions, he will often ask for a boba or a latte—he loves to indulge in those sweet milky drinks every now and then. plus it makes him happy when you’re happy, and you always get excited when you get one for yourself too.
overall 10/10 would recommend adopting catboy!sho. he will give you all the love and snuggles necessary and he’ll be more than happy to accept your affections too. 
   ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
so... can you guys tell i’m a cat person? 
(づ 。◠ ‿ ◠。 )づ <3 <3 <3
➥ masterlist  thanks for reading!! hope u enjoyed whatever... this was LOL 
𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎. 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
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gigglinggoblin · 4 years
Getting a Little Familiar
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Image used with permission from the amazingly talented Deepdiscourse, whose breathtaking hypnotic audio files and gorgeous photos (and video clips) are equally worth your attention and money! Go check out their work!
[pov: any, nsfw, 2nd person, reverse corruption, (initially) evil POV, hypnosis, magical mind control, mutual nonconsent (heavy), dolly, gender-neutral forcefem, pet play, breast fixation, kitten play, dressup, witch, femdom, praise, syrup mention, intelligence reduction]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Oh, you poor, hopeless little thing. This didn’t go quite how you’d planned, did it?
Don’t feel bad. It was a really very lovely plan to try and hypnotize me! And really, even if it’s not working out quite as you’d hoped, I think you’ll be much happier this way, don’t you?
Aww. Look at you. Trying to put words together when all you really wanna do is stare at my lovely breasts like a helpless, needy little toy.
So cute.
So helpless.
And so adorable, thinking you’ll be able to put any words together at all that aren’t “yes, Mistress” and “yes, please, Mistress” when I’m through with you. Maybe some soft mewing. Mm, yes, that sounds just lovely, doesn’t it, sweetie?
I can already see all those silly thoughts glimmering in your eyes, rising to the forefront, rising to the top of the waves like soft, pretty pink jellyfish. All those plans for posing as a sweet, obedient little apprentice, pretending to be all silly and dumb and pliant, all eager to please while you worked your little schemes.
Now, now! No need to speak, kitten. Those pretty lips of yours look so much cuter half-parted like that, breathing in nice and slow. Nice and slow. Matching my breathing. In and out. In… and out.
Watch... my breasts… rise… and fall~
Good pet!
And doesn’t that feel nice? That’s right. Just keep watching my tits and listening to my words. They look so soft, don’t they? So smooth. So easy to get lost in.
And it feels so good to listen to Mistress and let her words fill your pretty empty head, trickling in heavier and heavier by the second, like sweet syrup, just... drowning all those thoughts in pleasure.
Isn’t that right? Hush-hush, kitten. Of course it is.
Good pets love to listen to Mistress. Mistress has such a pretty voice, doesn’t she? So nice to listen to and sink down-down-down-down-down, so deep, all those thoughts tugging you deeper, and deeper, and deeper, so heavy and cumbersome, getting heavier with every deeeep breath you take in, and out, and in, and out, and...
*giggle* That’s right! You’re doing so well! Goodness, you’re so adorably suggestible. So pliable. I’ve barely had to work any magic; I just suggested you’d like to look at my tits and let my sweet voice do the rest... and down-down-down you went. I just told you to listen like a good pet, and you nodded along with every single word…
… and happily allowed aaaaall that sweet, slow, heavy syrup to flow into your silly open mind.
Isn’t that right, pet?
Aw, hush, kitten. Of course it is~
[Thanks for reading! There’s more after the break, but if you enjoyed this story and want to read more like it, there’s tons more content on my Patreon. For just a few dollars a month, you gain access to alternate Bad Ends, bonus stories, polls on future content, early updates, erotic text-based roleplay/D&D games, and much, much more! If you can afford to, consider pledging, so I can keep posting Tumblr fics like this one on the regular! Thank you! <3]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“Salamander folk” are a curiosity largely unique to witchcraft, homunculi created when a willing (or “willing enough”) mortal entices a witch into transmuting their being into something else. In this way, a witch can make a human something like a fey, and can change just about anything else she likes about the human in the process. Many witches favor catfolk and other beast-like features, but the witches have many options. Many, many options.
They just... they just really like catgirls, okay?
And in fairness, so do a lot of the girls who go to witches seeking transmutation. The transformation does not change gender, obviously, but it can be used to change certain physical aspects to be more within a person’s preferences, or, say, to make a cisgender boy look more feminine for the witch’s amusement.
(When a demon does this to a mortal, they are usually called cambions—true cambions, not the mock cambions arising from demon-mortal partnerings. It’s a much more... consuming process.)
Why are they called “salamander folk”? Not all labels make perfect sense. In this case, a “salamander” is old-fashioned magic slang for a partially-finished spell, implying a malleable sort of magic that has yet to be fully shaped. It’s almost never used in that sense anymore, though. It might be distantly related to the famous total immunity newts have to magic.
Many mortals deliberately seek witches out for this reason, desiring some manner of change to their form beyond mortal means, or else to become apprentices. Or, often, both. Many witches charge apprenticeship for a certain number of years in exchange, which isn’t always as mercenary as it seems. Apprenticeship allows a witch to guide and protect the salamander person through their transition, as well as to make sure that the transformation really is what they want. It can also make the transformation itself easier to effect—it’s not easy to change someone’s true form, and it often takes time and a mutual familiarity.
Notably, the reverse dynamic is quite common as well: Many would-be apprentices are expected to allow the witch to transmute them into different forms as a condition of being taught. This is ostensibly because the process of being transmuted involves tying spirits to the subject’s soul, and tends to make their overall form and connection with magic very malleable and easy to work with. These kinds of apprentices are called familiars.
Of course, some witches just want cute catboys and ravenpeople and dollygirls to toy with as they please.
Katrina of the Thousand Names is a particularly skilled witch, known less so for her raw power so much as her cunning, vast arrays of knowledge, and general good-naturedness. She knows hundreds and hundreds of spirits well, and is one of the most famously easy-going when it comes to transformations. If you know what you want, she’ll see it done for as small a price as cooking her meals for a few nights while she works the spell.
Of course, many seek to be her apprentices even if they aren’t looking for transformation, and she’s quite reasonable about this—as long as the apprentice acts in good faith. Many seek to steal her repository of powers to use for wickedness, even trying to hypnotize the witch into yielding them. These ill-behaved apprentices tend to find themselves serving a very different role indeed.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My, my. Such an adorable, hopelessly malleable plaything you turned out to be!
I think this is all for the best, don’t you? You’re much better at being my pliant little doll than you ever were at being my apprentice. You’ll be so much cuter as my obedient, mewling, empty-headed kitten. And so much happier, too!
Oh, come now, kitten, none of that fussing. Kittens don’t need words, and neither do helplessly adoring little dolls. Doesn’t it feel so good to be nice and sweet and good for me?
No more schemes. No more plotting to steal all my secrets. Those all required thinking, and thinking is hard, and listening like a good pet is easy.
So... so... sooooo easy~
And listening feels so, so lovely, doesn’t it? Just letting my words take over. Breathing in and out so steadily, so hopelessly enthralled by the soft, gentle motion of my soft breasts rising… and falling...
All those plans required so many confusing thoughts, all swirling around in that silly head of yours. But all those wicked thoughts are being drowned in the sweet, wonderful syrup of my words now, aren’t they?
Can’t you just feel all that syrup flooding your mind, submerging every thought in a heavy, heavy sugary brainless docile trance?
All those thoughts about betraying me? All submerged, and so, so hard to pull up to the surface now, so deep, deep down as my breasts bounce slowly, softly, so, so softly...
All those thoughts about using my powers to make trouble? All drowned in warm, gentle waves of delicious syrup, caught like butterflies in amber, deeper and deeper and deeper and deeper as my voice goes on, and on, filling you with sweet, sugary obedient pleasure the longer it goes on, getting so, so hard to even remember anything else...
And oh... doesn’t it feel so much better to be sweet, kitten?
So much easier to be sweet.
So much easier to be a nice, happy, obedient bubbly helpful kitten for me.
And it feels so good to please me, doesn’t it, sweet thing?
So good to nod passively. So good to take my hand, so deeply hypnotized now, so deep-deep-deep under the honeyed waves and not even trying to resist anymore. So happy and dumb and heavy-headed now, just staring at my tits like a mewling, helpless kitten.
Aww, look at you squirming. So cute! Such a sweet little plaything I’ve found. Would you like to be a good pet for me?
Good pet!
Such a good, happy, obedient, needy, sweet little pliant kitten.
Aww, and don’t worry, sweetie.
I know how excited you were to use all my magic, to dress yourself up in my glamors, to bewitch and ensnare whoever gazed upon you. Of course I’ll be happy to let you! Oh, hush-hush, I insist!
Let me lead you into the dressing room, now, pet. There’s a good plaything.
I’m going to dress you up to look so pretty. I’m going to make you so gorgeous and adorable and eager to please. You’ll just be my cute, obedient, sweet dolled-up kitten. Just a happy little maid for me, isn’t that right? Hopelessly eager to help anyone who comes by. Helping others is going to feel so good for my good, obedient kitty.
I promise you’ll be every bit as spellbinding as you planned, sweetie. A pretty spellbound doll for everyone’s amusement. Everyone’s going to love you, and that’s going to feel soooo good.
Let’s go get you all dressed up and pretty, sweetie. There’s a good pet.
And maybe, once you’ve learned your lesson in a year or so…
… I’ll let you decide whether or not you want to stay that way forever~
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doc-alister · 2 years
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The Cloud Meadow Mercs
Not ever person that leaves the Union ends up becoming a poacher or pirate.  Some simply leave to do some good in the world, without all the red tape.
Ollie [Catboy]
Ollie is the closest thing the squad has to a “Front Line” a scrappy feline scrapper who is just as likely to talk your ear off as he is to scratch at it.  He particularly enjoys getting into fights with other cats, and keeps their scarves as trophies whenever he wins.  Ollie is flirtatious towards Eva (female protagonists), but will also accept advances from Evan (male protagonists) as well. 
“My scarves? Do you like ‘em? I get ‘em off of ferals cats! Do you like ‘em? Woops, asked that already. Doc says the look cute on me!”
‘Doc’ [Avian]
Mage/Medic/Generally Creepy Guy
Doc was once part of the Mage collective, but became annoyed at their excessive caution and inaction towards the evils of the world.  Adept at binding spells and healing, Doc is typically found behind Ollie in a fight, and is often nowhere to be found outside of one.  Many sleepless nights and overly aggressive study habits have all but killed his libido.  As such he will decline advances from both Eva and Evan.  Despite this, both Ollie and Llia will both drop hints in conversations that they have spent a night with the good doctor.
“If you’re looking for someone to “bale the hay” with you, I suggest you consult with Ollie or Llia.  I am busy well beyond any calculable measure...”
Llia [Rabbit]
Negotiator/Assassin/Spear Enthusiast
Llia is simultaneously the first and last option for the group.  A shy yet enthusiastic rabbit who prefers to handle issues peacefully, but isn’t afraid to end things with violent efficiency should the need arise. Llia is whatever he needs to be at any given time.  In peaceful talks he’s the center of attention.  In a battle, he’s utterly impossible to locate.  The one thing he isn’t, is good with women.  Which is fine by him.  He’s not interested in them anyway. If you’re his friend, be sure to watch your front side, if you’re his enemy, watch your back.
“I can see why Ollie likes you [female-protagonist].  You’re cute, and smart, best of both.  Me? I’m more of a ‘spear enthusiast.’”
Paieon [Arachnid]
Marksman/Support/Team Dad
Paieon was a member of the Society back in its early incarnation.  But decided to leave in order to pursuit a passion of research into cells.  Extremely-Unsanctioned research...Paieon is fascinated with the idea of weaponizing cells.  His specially designed rifle holds both cells and darts, and is capable of extracting the magic from the cells in question to achieve various effects.  These can range wildly from making someone sick, to making them go berserk, to even increasing “size” and “stamina,” and everything in between.  Paieon isn’t above flirting with Eva to convince her to part with some “research materials” but on the other hand shows a complete disinterest in Evan.
“That’s kind of you to offer [male-protagonist].  But the thing is...I just don’t swing that way...heh...”
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childishfluff · 4 years
Little Kitten- [TommyInnit Pet Regression Oneshot]
Pet Regressor/Kitten!TommyInnit, CGs/Handlers!Wilbur and Tubbo
Tommy liked feeling small. But more then that, he liked feeling like a small kitten. He liked cat ears and playing with balls of yarn, and curling up in a little ball to take a nap. None of this was a problem until Wilbur and Tubbo came to stay at his house for a week, and he had to hide both a littlespace, *and* a kittenspace. And when Tubbo continuously calls him a "kitten" due to his results on a stupid internet "what animal am I" quiz, and Wilbur literally pets him while cuddling, he realizes he wasn't going to last a day. He was simply a little kitten. And now his friends knew that. -- This is non-sexual, sfw age+pet regression, dni if your nsfw/abdl/ageplay/petplay/cgl/ect. If any of the creators included in this work say *anything* about being uncomfy with fan fiction/of agere content including them, I will take this down and/or modify it appropriately. If they have already said something that I'm unaware of, please let me know.
A/N: so I was reading some tommy centric fics and the idea of Catboy!Tommy popped in my head, which eventually evolved into Kitten Regressor!Tommy as I brainstormed and this 4000-something oneshot happened. To my knowledge, there are no other pet regression fics in this fandom, and this is my first pet regression fic. If I misrepresented something, or you just wanna tell me something cool about pet regression in the comments, feel free too lmk in the reblogs/replies/in my ask box after reading!
For those who don't know, pet regression is similar to age regression. Pet Space (kittenspace,puppyspace,ect) is a separate headspace that someone can slip into, where they act like a different critter or creature. It can be used for all the same reasons as agere, and the online communities overlap a ton! You can look into it more, but that's the gist of it! It's nonsexual, safe for minors, and it ISN'T P3TPL@Y! also warning for a very brief mention of kinks and "getting off" (tommy basically saying that he's not into petplay) at the beginning.
Tommy liked feeling small. But more then that, he liked feeling like a small kitten.
Figuring this out was confusing for him. Even after discovering why he liked acting like a toddler sometimes, and why it helped him, he had to figure out why he also found comfort in pretending to be an animal. At first, he thought that this cutesy cat-like headspace was just him playing around while little, pretending to be one of his favorite creatures.
But then, he noticed how different his behaviors were when he got like this versus when he was just being a kid. It was really annoying, because he could research anything without stumbling across kinks that he was sure he wasn't into.
Just because the thought of wearing cat ears and curling up in someones lap and being pet softly made him happy, didn't mean he got off on it. Eventually, though, he discovered pet regression.
The pet regression community was overlapped, heavily, with the age regression and age dreaming ones he already secretly took part in. He was shocked he hadn't stumbled across it during his late-night scrollings through the "littlespace" tumblr tags.
Just like when he discovered his littlespace, he bought things online with money saved up from streaming, telling his family it was supplies for a video, and created a secret little box that sat under his bed for whenever he wanted to indulge in that headspace. Choker necklaces that resembled kitty collars, cat ears, certain sensory toys, different snacks.
Now, none of this would be a problem, if it wasn't for the fact that Wilbur and Tubbo coming over to stay at his house for a week while his parents were on vacation. Yes, he had pushed to stay home, preferring that he was babysat by someone he saw as his older brother, instead of being forced to go on a boring trip and go on a forced streaming break.
But he didn't quite think out how he'd pull off not regressing in front of either of the two of his friends, for a whole week. Tommy regressed the most when his parents weren't home, and now he couldn't do that.
All he could do is hope that he wouldn't slip, and that they wouldn't discover either of the two boxes under his bed. He'd quickly find that that was really hard when he had two friends that constantly teased and babied him.
"So, what should we do this week? Besides streaming and gaming, of course," Tubbo questioned from his spot where he laid on Tommy's bed, staring up at the ceiling. Tommy shrugged, spinning a bit in his gaming chair.
His parents had left a few hours ago to catch their flight, after Tubbo and Wilbur were dropped off early that morning. Tubbo had gotten settled, and Wilbur took the responsibility of making them lunch. So now, the two teenagers sat in Tommy's bedroom.
"I don't know. We'll obviously film some videos," Tommy spoke casually, biting the inside of his cheek. All the excitement and anticipation had worn off, and now they were bored. Yeah, they could start a stream or boot up a game, but it felt right to just enjoy each others company. They had sat in silence for a while, their previous conversation falling off when they ran out of things to say, until one of them tried to start another.
Tubbo had gone through a lot of trouble with his parents to be there, doing everything he could to convince them that Wilbur was responsible enough to watch over him for a week. Tommy wasn't just gonna shove a mic in his face and tell him to entertain his twitch viewers.
"I have an idea!" Toby gasped, sitting up suddenly.
"What is it?" Tommy laughed a bit at his sudden realization, and how his friend had replied to it.
"We should take online quizzes together," he suggested. "Hogwarts house, personality type, whatever you want, and compare our results. You in?" he questioned, standing up and coming over to sit in the wooden chair to the left of Tommy's.
For now, the blonde had two of his kitchen chairs in his room, so that the three men could huddle up together at his PC for streams throughout the next week. "Sure," Tommy nodded a bit, booting up his computer.
"We should start with the Hogwarts House quiz, don't ya think?" Tubbo asked, watching him open his browser.
"Sounds good to me," Thomas agreed, following his suggestion and searching up the desired quiz.
After a handful of quizzes, most of which Tommy deemed "inaccurate" due to results that didn't make any sense to him, they took a "what animal are you" quiz. Tommy knew what his results would be, he's taken tests like this a million times.
It'd most likely label him as a cat. He figured that Tubbo would be none the wiser, clicking through the test and answering honestly. He was a little taken aback when the result screen specifically told him that he was a "kitten".
"Aww," Toby cooed in a teasing voice. "I thought that you might've gotten 'cat', but kitten? That's so cute." he laughed a bit.
"It's probably because they just put kitten in place for cat," Tommy scoffed, hoping with every ounce of his soul that he was pulling off the "shocked and annoyed" act, which he hoped covered up his nervousness.
"Let's see," Tubbo took control of the mouse, click on the drop down arrow next to the blue text that read 'All Possible Results'. "See! There is an option for cat, and it called you a kitten!" he cheered, causing Tommy to roll his eyes a bit.
"Whatever," he said, "It said you were a Golden Retriever, so..."
"Tom-Tom's a little kitty!" Tubbo ignored his statement, talking loudly in a sing songy voice. Tommy knew that he wasn't doing this to be mean, and that he was just joking around, but it did hurt a bit. Because he was a kitten sometimes, and it felt like his friend was making fun of it.
"I'm not sure what you're talking about, but the food is ready," Wilbur's voice joined the conversation, the older man suddenly appearing in Tommy's doorway. Tommy jumped to defend himself, but Tubbo got there first.
"We took an online quiz that said Tommy was a kitten! 'Cat' was an option, but it said that he was a little kitty," he laughed again.
"Oh, don't tease him." Wilbur said, "Those tests are crap anyway, I'm sure there was a question you misunderstood or something." he claimed as he came closer to them, standing behind the two chairs as he looked at Tommy's monitor. He could tell that the teasing was making Tommy a bit uncomfortable.
He didn't know why for sure, figuring that it had something to do with being called a 'kitten' feeling to childish for him. "Maybe," Tommy agreed, looking up to Wilbur thankfully. Tubbo must've realized that he accidentally upset Tommy when Wilbur intervened and Tommy immediately seemed relieved, because the next thing he did was apologize.
"I'm sorry, Tommy," he spoke up. "I was just teasing, I didn't mean to upset you."
"It's all good," Tommy smiled a bit, shrugging, feeling a little better with the reassurance that it was all just a joke. "Most of the tests were crap anyways."
The three of them shifted their conversation to other topics, making their way out to the kitchen to eat the food Wilbur made. Later on, they all gathered up blankets and pillows and snacks to watch movies in the living room.
Tommy was a little worried that the Disney movie Wilbur picked would make him go into littlespace, but that seemed to be the least of his worries as they tried to figure out their cuddling positions for the movie. Of course, they didn't need to cuddle, but it seemed that they all silently agreed that they would be.
"I wanna lay down," Tommy whined, re positioning a pillow near one end of the couch.
"Come here, you crybaby," Wilbur ordered, grabbing his arm. Tubbo was curled up to Wilbur's side, one of the older mans arms around him as he settled into the warmth of the embrace.  Wilbur guided him into laying down so that his head was in his lap, a few layers of soft fabric between their skin.
Tommy didn't fight against this, blushing just a bit as he curled up, letting Wilbur lay a blanket over him. "Is this okay?" he asked in a soft voice, looking down as him. Tommy nodded softly, glancing up at him for a moment before he looked away shyly. Why was he so bashful right now?
"Cuddly," he mumbled simply, settling into the position mindlessly. Wilbur seemed pretty amused by this, using his nails to scratch his scalp, the action not unlike how he'd scratch a kitten's head if one curled up in his lap. Again, Tommy didn't protest, leaning into the touch a bit.
Wilbur continued doing things like this as the movie played, sitting back and lightly petting the boy. He'd play with his hair, or run his fingers over his skin in simple patterns. It was just a cute way of showing affection, and the blonde teenager seemed to enjoy.
Meanwhile, Tommy was holding back kittenspace and trying to focus on the childish movie. His petspace was voluntary, to his knowledge. But Wilbur treating him like a cat, giving him the simple affection he's secretly wanted for so long, made him want to regress to the state of a kitty so bad. He was halfway there already.
He just wished that he could put on his little cat ears. He always looked to cute when he did.
His friends did notice that he stayed very quiet throughout the movie, not really replying to their joked or adding onto their commentary of the movie. They didn't say anything, though, assuming that he was just sleepy earlier than usual, joking amongst themselves as the plot of the movie played out on the screen.
At one point near the end of the movie, Wilbur reached over and scratched the patch of hair closest to Tommy's ear, earning a hum from him. It sounded much closer to a kitten's pur, which shocked Wilbur. He looked over to Tubbo, leaning close to him and whispering, "He really is a little kitten, huh?" as he continued to scratch his scalp.
Toby giggled a bit, nodding in agreement. Tommy seemed to suddenly realize what he was doing when Wilbur pulled his hand away for the time being, cutting out his low hum and burying his now-red face in the blankets across Wilbur's lap.
Wilbur could help but think about how cute he looked doing that, immediately feeling the need to cuddle the boy close and protect him.
Eventually the credits started rolling, and Wilbur told the boys to get off of him. Tubbo did it with little complaining, stretching a bit and standing up with a yawn. Tommy, however, completely lost in his kitten space as this point, whined, pouting.
"I know you're comfy, and probably sleepy, but it's time to get up, Toms." Wilbur told him, fighting against the urge to just push him off the couch. Yes, it'd be funny, but it'd also be mean. Wilbur didn't wanna upset him.
When Tommy didn't reply, remaining curled up with his head in Wilbur's lap, the pet his head softly once again, pushing back the blanket that laid over him a bit. Immediately, Tommy switched his position so that he was laying on his back, swiping his hand at Wilbur's, scratching him a bit.
Like a playful kitten.
Wilbur gasped, seemingly confused as he tilted his head. He dropped the blanket, pulling the attacked hand to his chest defensively. Tommy didn't hurt him all the much but he did just try to scratch him in response to his blanket be taken away. It was funny, and cute, but also confusing. "Ouch! Why'd you do that?" Wilbur asked, pulling his hand away immediately.
Tommy pouted up at him, not knowing exactly how to verbally apologize. He decided on his next actions, rolling over so that he was on his stomach and stretching out. He then adjusted himself so that he was on his knees and hands, looking at Wilbur with a slight head tilt.
There was still a clear pout on his face, his eyes innocent and cute. "What are you doing?" Wilbur chuckled, not understanding his behavior. He couldn't blame all these absolutely adorable actions on being sleepy, surely. He was acting like a kitten, undeniably.
"He's a kitten!" Tubbo said, coming closer to him and scratching Tommy's head. Tommy nuzzled into his hand as he leaned into the touch. "Pet regression," he remembered the name for it, saying it suddenly a few moments later. "I thought Tommy might've been a little but I didn't know about this."
"What?" Wilbur questioned, only more confused than before.
"I think Tommy's an age regressor, and a pet regressor, too, apparently," Tubbo looked to Tommy for some sort of confirmation. Tommy nodded a bit, shyly, confirming both of his guesses. "He can revert back to the state of a child, and also a kitten! He's in a cat-like headspace, so he's going to act like a baby kitty." Tubbo giggled, wiggling his fingers over Tommy's head and watching as he swatted at it. Toby pulled his hand away at the last second.
"I researched age regression because Tommy was acting a bit childish during a late night call a while back, and came across petre too," Tubbo added. "I was planning on asking him about the little thing while I was here, actually."
Tommy didn't know that Tubbo already knew. If anyone could've guessed, it would've been him. They were best friends. He'd call him a lot when upset, or stressed, to talk about what was bothering him. It wasn't a shock that the main person who saw him when he needed something to help him feel better had started to pick up on the traits that hinted toward the coping skill he used to feel better.
Wilbur seemed to understand. For whatever reason, Tommy liked acting like a cat. It was a sort of headspace that he could get into, that Wilbur must've accidentally triggered. Tubbo continued to play with and pet Tommy, explaining the basics of both age regression and pet regression to Wilbur.
"They can both be done for coping, voluntarily or involuntarily. It seems that all the cuddling and petting made him slip. I think he's nonverbal, too, at least as a kitten," Tubbo said, running his fingers through Tommy's hair. At some point, Tommy had sat down, still playing along and swiping at his hands here and there. Tubbo seemed so excited to play with him, and that made him happy!
"Agere and petre can intersect, too. So he might just act childlike with kitten-qualities mixed in," Tubbo continued to explained. "There's also pet gear and little gear, stuff you use when you get into those headspaces. Do you have any of that, kitty?"
Tommy nodded a bit, reaching over and pressing on Wilbur's shoulder, as if telling him to follow as he stood up. He didn't like traveling on all fours all the time in kittenspace, and would only crawl short distances. Otherwise, he would just walk like he would usually. Maybe skip, if he was in a good mood.
Wilbur followed his nonverbal request, following the two teenagers to Thomas's bedroom. Tommy dropped to the floor next to his bed, Tubbo following suit. Tommy pulled out one of the boxes, Toby grabbing the other. "So what is pet and little gear for?" Wilbur asked, curiously.
"I'm sure Tommy will be willing to tell you more when he's up to talking," Tubbo's words earned a slight nod as the regressor opened the box. "But it's basically stuff to help you according to the headspace your in. Comfort items, childish things for littlespace, stuff to make you feel more like a pet for petre."
"Like cat ears or collars for kittyspace!" he added with a chuckle as Tommy pulled those items out of the box, waving them around as an example. His cat ears were all on headbands. He had white and orange ones, black ones with little ribbons, another set with little bells, he didn't know which ones he wanted.
Tubbo realized that his box was little gear, sliding it back under the bed and focusing on Tommy, who seemed happy.
He bounced in place a bit, very excited and playful now, despite being sleepy before. He was happy! When Tubbo believed that his friend might've been different, instead of judging him, he researched a ton and then jumped in to help him when he needed it. And Wilbur, who didn't completely understand what was happening, was still being supportive, just asking questions.
He thought that they were gonna weird about it, or judge him. But here Tubbo was, playing with him and answering questions for him because he understood his nonverbalism. "When will he be....not a cat, anymore?" Wilbur pondered.
"Depends. Regression can last a few minutes to a few days, who knows. But while he's like this, we should make him comfortable, don't ya think?"
Wilbur hummed a bit. He could ask more questions later, directly to his friend that actually experienced this stuff and would be able to tell him more. For now, he'd do his best to make Tommy comfortable, like Toby had said.
Tommy grabbed the cat ears with the bells, white furred ones with pink inside the ear, little pink bows and gold bells on them. He shook it in his hand, like a rattle, listening to the music it made. He made a squeak that sounded suspiciously like a "meow", before giggling. "Did you cat those ears, Tommy?" Wilbur asked, softly taking the headband from him.
Tommy pouted, nodding as the ears were taken from his very pa- hands. He wasn't actually a kitten, he had human hands. He giggled at his own thoughts, snapping out of it when he felt the headband slip onto his head. Wilbur adjusted it.
"There." he stopped after a second, looking him up and down. "You're adorable," he complimented. Tommy blushed, smiling. He looked back down to the box, pulling out a white choker, which had another pink ribbon in the front, with a larger, silver bell hanging from it. He immediately put it on, fiddling with the bell.
"Did you wanna change? There's some clothes in that box," Tubbo asked. As expected, Tommy didn't verbally reply, digging through his box and pulling out a white adult onesie, designed to resemble a real baby one. It was plain, with pink lining, obviously picked out to go with the choker and cat ears.
"Aww," Wilbur cooed, immediately. "You want the onesie, sweetheart?"
Tommy nodded a bit, also grabbing pastel pink shortalls. He might've been happy, and seemingly comfortable, but he was not walking around in just a onesie. "That'll look cute together," Tubbo approved of his outfit choice. Tommy grabbed a few more things from the box, either setting it in a pile, or holding it in his arms.
He left to go to the bathroom, pushing the box back under the bed and leaving without another word. "What all did he pull out?" Tubbo asked, looking to the pile with curiosity.
"A stuffed kitten," Wilbur stated, looking at the white stuffed toy. "It seems that he dressed up to look like this toy," he chuckled. Tubbo laughed, too. "Uh, there's a ball of yarn, and a little white ball?" he sounded curious, picking it up. Quickly, Wilbur realized that it rattled.
"Oh, he likes things that make sounds," Tubbo reasoned. "Rattles and bells. That's cute," Tubbo smiled. "Anything else?"
"Yeah, a pink scarf." Wilbur replied. "Does he just play with anything?" he laughed.
"Isn't that what actual cats do? They scratch at and play with anything in sight," Tubbo joked.
"Fair enough."
They kept talking until they heard shuffling by the door. There, stood Tommy, clad in his cute little, perfectly planned-out outfit. Just his presence earned coos from his friends, who immediately complimented him. "You look so adorable, kitten!" Wilbur said, motioning him over. Tommy approached them, dropping to his knees and hands when he got close to them, 'pouncing' across the carpet.
He giggled, returning to his previous sitting position next to his pile, grabbing the stuffed kitty. "You look just like your toy, y'know." Tubbo told him. Tommy smiled wide, as if he was proud of this fact, nodding quickly. He wore knee-high socks with his out, white and pink striped to match the rest of the outfit. It seemed he took pride in color-coordinated, cute outfits, unlike when he was in his usual headspace. He usually just threw on a baseball shirt and jeans.
"She kitty, and m' kitty too," he mumbled, speaking for the first time since entering his kitten space earlier that day. He didn't talk much in kittenspace, he always had to pull himself into an "in-between" headspace to do so, but he could if he wanted or had to.
"Aww, the kitty can talk. Yes, you are both very adorable kittens," Wilbur cooed from his spot next to the regressor, wrapping his arms around him. Tommy melted into the embrace, nuzzling the side of his face into the part of Wilbur closest to him, his arm.
Tubbo didn't interrupt their moment, waiting for one of them to speak. After a bit of silent cuddling, Wilbur spoke up. "How about we all move back to the living room and set up a little play area for you, yeah? I'll turn on some cartoon, and make some snacks, and we can have fun until bedtime. Does that sound nice, kitty?"
He swayed in place a bit, moving Tommy with him. Tommy nodded excitedly. "Snuggles," he mumbled when Wilbur pulled away from their hug, pouting. "Snuggle me! M' a cute kitty!" he giggled, pointing to himself. He scrunched his nose a bit.
Tubbo and Wilbur knew that the boy was very different off camera. Sometimes, he was still loud, and cursed a lot, but others, he was chill. And apparently, he could be soft sometimes, too.
"I have no doubt about that," Wilbur chuckled, tapping the button of his nose with his index finger, Tommy swatted at it, a bit confused on what to do next when he successfully got ahold of his finger. He put his other 'paw' around it too, dragging his hand to his mouth and biting on his finger.
Wilbur pulled back his hand quickly, shocked. "Bad kitten! We don't bite," he scolded, tapping his head lightly with his hand. Not enough to hurt him, but enough to let him know that he wasn't supposed to do what he just did. Tommy pouted again, his eyes immediately glossing over.
Again, he felt like he couldn't verbally apologize, to upset to pull himself out of headspace enough to talk. This frustrated him and only upset him more. He took the hand he had bit by the wrist, nuzzling his hand into it.
The main difference between Tommy in kittenspace and a real kitten is that he still had, at the very least, a child's level of emotional intelligence. Which meant that he was able to tell when people were upset with him. And he didn't like it when someone was upset with him.
He didn't have kitty teeth! Which meant that his bites hurt a lot more then a kitten's, he reasoned mentally. Wilbur was upset because he hurt him. Cuddles would make it all better, because cuddles made all boo-boos better, he decided.
"Oh, you're okay, baby," Wilbur assured, scratching at his scalp and playing with his hair again. "You didn't really hurt me," he said, as if he was able to read his mind. "You don't need to cry, little kitty."
Tommy kept nuzzling his hand, blinking away his unshed tears. Tubbo leaned close to Wilbur, whispering into his ear.
"Call him a good kitten."
Wilbur nodded, figuring that that made sense. Wilbur had reassured Tommy in every other sense, but he was still guilty. There was a good chance that his emotional response was to the term "bad kitten!".
"You're such a sweet, good kitten."
As predicted, his head perked up at that. He tilted his head, as if to ask 'really?'. "A very adorable, sweet baby kitten," Wilbur ran his fingers through Tommy's hair, his words and affection earning a smile from the pet regressor. "Let's gather up these toys and go set up in the living room, kay? Is there anything else that you need?"
Tommy nodded shyly, crawling over to the edge of his bed and pulling out the little box. He located a light pink plastic item, holding it up. "No more bitin'," he said, slipping the adult pacifier into his mouth. It only added to the childish look.
Wilbur and Tubbo smiled at him. Wilbur was glad that he picked the right cuddling position that somehow led to this, and Toby was glad that he did all that research over the past few weeks. And they were all glad they had planned this one week meet up.
They moved out to the living room, where they played and watched cartoons late into the night. The following morning, Tommy thanked the two of them for everything, and they had an honest conversation about it, telling them everything. How long he had been regressing, both for little and kitten space, how often he did it, when he got all the little and kitten gear.
Wilbur and Tubbo asked a ton of questions, and Tommy answered every single one. Over the next week, between streams and video-filming, Tommy would regress and let his friends learn more about little him, and kitty him. Who Wilbur and Tubbo started calling 'Tom-Tom', by the way.
Eventually, Wilbur would become Tommy's caregiver and handler, after babysitting him over discord calls many, many times. All thanks to that one week visit.
Tommy was so glad he ended up slipping that night, even if it was inconvenient at first. Everything worked out in the end, and he wouldn't change the events of that night if he could.  
It all led to him being Wilbur's 'good kitten'.
A/N: let me know if you have requests for any agere/age dreaming/pet regression fics involving some of the DreamSMP members, lmk! I may not write it, due to not knowing to much about a specific youtuber or being uncomfy w/the prompt, but I always love hearing ideas! Please leave feedback/your thoughts on this in the reblogs/replies/my ask box too, I definitely would like to hear them! I hope y'all enjoyed, I spent a while writing this and I hope it makes *someone* happy!
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all of the purple questions hehehhehe >:3c
Self Ship Ask Meme: Purple Emoji Edition
Rae why must u make me suffer with so many questions ghdjfgdf
I'll do my beloved catboy I feel like I've been ignoring him /lays out a small pile of catnip to lure him back into my house after losing him in the woods for two days bc he chased after a bird
😈: Do you and your F/O have any inside jokes with each other? - Malachite definitely does what I do and calls Sephiroth a catboy and makes dumb cat jokes around him hjkg. (as for myself only, I also call his original model from the OG FFVII my little lego man :> careful, he bites)
👾: Talk a little about your F/O’s source! What is it about? What do you like about it? - In layman's terms (which you desperately need for this game bc dear god it's so much) FFVII is about a group of people who want to stop Shinra, an evil corporation, from destroying the planet by using up all its finite resources to power their city, weapons, you name it. Then an evil catboy decides to show up after presumably dying years ago and the group makes it their mission to take him down bc he wants to become a god by summoning a meteor to hit the planet (long story but it's a given with this game). Along the way the group fight all kinds of monsters, like robots, behemoths, even bigger robots called WEAPONs, that same giant meteor that threatens to collide with and destroy the planet, and an evil catboy turned angel.
As for what I think about it: FFVII is, in the kindest way possible, a confusing clusterfuck that makes things complex for the sake of being complex, continues to be added onto simply bc it's Squeenix's cash cow and so is the reason I ignore every other piece of media in the FFVII universe, save for the game and remake themselves, as they ruin the pre-established characters of the main cast. I do like it, but I prefer the remake overall as I feel like it does a MUCH better job at just. telling the story of FFVII. The OG game is OK, but its age is VERY obvious and I'm playing it more to experience it for myself than to enjoy this dumpster fire this game has the balls to call gameplay LMAO. I appreciate the ambitious nature of the devs, but sometimes there gets a point where it's TOO ambitious. I've had enough of these 'minigames' that are compulsory to do to continue the plot I want OUT.
🦄: Are there any favorite AUs you have for your self ship? - Naturally, there's the story I've crafted between Sephiroth and Malachite, but I also love the story I have for him, Jura, and Ghirahim bc it's fun and dumb and doesn't tackle any serious subjects like my other stories. It's a nice break from it all :>
☔️: What do the two of you do during rainy days? - If it's a light shower, Malachite will drag Sephiroth along with them to stand outside and enjoy it jdfd (he doesn't object though! he enjoys it when he's with Malachite). As for heavy rain, they both prefer to stay inside and (if Sephiroth hasn't disappeared off to do his own thing yet) Malachite will have him sit with them on the sofa and just enjoy his company/being close to him.
🎆: What’s your ideal date with your F/O? - Sephiroth and Malachite don't really go on dates, but the closest they'd get to one is probably exploring the area Malachite now lives in either on their own or with Malachite's behemoth pack close behind.
🔮: After the end of the canon story, what does the future hold for your F/O and S/I? (If they die in canon assume they didn’t in this question) - Once Sephiroth had apologized to Malachite for being a shit who was being incredibly selfish and damaging the relationship bc of it (but he does save them from being harmed/killed bc he does still love them of course), the two are able to see eye to eye again and choose to stay where Malachite lives, which is in the middle of a valley away from people, which is probably the best option to allow Malachite to 'domesticate' Sephiroth so he won't hurt anyone again and also bc putting him in a public place could just end badly fhskfs.
🧬: Do you have any kids with your F/O? If you do, talk about them! If not, what do you think they’d look/act like? - I have never considered the concept of a fankid with Sephiroth (not even what they'd look like past a joke run in Sims 4), be it with Malachite or Jura, bc he just Does Not have the personality to work with a child/as a father lmao. He's too cold, emotionless, and disconnected from reality/other's emotions for me to confidently give him a child. It feels WAY too out of character for him and would only be something I do as a complete joke (like my aforementioned Sims 4 run), not a serious plot point like I did with Ghirahim's son: Nathaniel, as in the context of my SS fic, Ghirahim develops into a father with a LOT of time, effort, and bc I've written the plot in a particular way to make it work. I don't have that benefit with Sephiroth, and even then I wouldn't utilize it for him to be a dad.
💜: Free pass to gush about whatever you like! - Every time I open up the OG FFVII I keep this meme in the corner of my mind in the hopes I'll see more of my little lego man again <3
Also me waiting for part 2 of the remake which will have nice Sephiroth in a flashback before he became a massive asshole like
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flightfoot · 3 years
Let It Be Enough To Reach The Truth That Lies Ch. 3
Thanks to Miabrown, Marby, and Khanofallorcs for betaing!
“You failed.”
Adrien flinched. “Yes, Father.”
Gabriel didn’t even look up from his screen. “We will train more tonight. For now, go to your room and work on your piano lessons.”
Adrien sighed, a mixture of dread and relief coursing through him. “Yes, Father.”
At least while he was playing piano, Father was unlikely to come through his door.
He’d never imagined he’d dread his presence.
He also never imagined his father would force him to attack someone.
After ‘training’ with Adrien for a couple weeks (read: beating the snot out of him until he got good at dodging), he’d deemed Adrien ready for combat.
Or maybe he’d just gotten sick of his akumas being defeated by a teenage girl and wanted to try something different.
Adrien had been keeping up with the Ladyblog, watching every new video of her exploits he could get his hands on.
His respect for her had only grown.
As had his dread at the prospect of facing her.
None of his research prepared him for actually meeting her.
Watching her through a screen, none of it seemed real. 
Actually bumping into her? Being tied up with her? (He flushed at the memory.) That was a different story.
She’d been expecting him, been worried about him — or at least about Plagg. 
He’d wanted nothing more than to hand her the ring, get Plagg somewhere safe at least… but that wasn’t an option. Especially with his father watching through one of the drones he’d commissioned.
At least Adrien could always tell when one was nearby. They were quiet, but not quiet enough to conceal from his hearing.
He was pretty sure his father didn’t know about the additional perks his Miraculous granted him, like his improved hearing and night vision. Father didn’t appear to have those.
Did Ladybug?
Digging through his cabinet, he threw a piece of cheese to Plagg. He caught it handily, devouring it in a single bite.
The corners of Adrien’s mouth pulled up.
These might be horrible circumstances and he’d prefer Plagg was somewhere safe, but a small, guilty part of him was glad he wasn’t trapped alone.
“Sooooo what did you think?” Plagg asked, finishing off the camembert.
Adrien blinked. “Of what?”
“Of your Lady! You know, the one you’ve been watching on loop for the past few weeks? The one you’ve been fretting about constantly? ‘Oh no, Plagg, Candy-butt wants me to hurt her, what will I do?’ ‘She’s so amazing, Plagg, did you see how she used that Lucky Charm?’ ‘She’s so kind and brave and is the best thing since stinky cheese!’”
Adrien flushed. “Plaaaaaagg.” He meant for it to be a reproach. It came out as more of a whine.
He let out a sigh. “It’s not like she’s ‘My’ Lady, anyway. I’m her enemy, remember?”
Plagg rolled his eyes. “Suuuuuure you are,” he drawled sarcastically. “And that’s why you just-so-happened to get distracted by a nearby bird when the last dot on her Miraculous started beeping.”
He looked down. 
She was fast, but it wasn’t like he was any slouch in the speed department either. They were pretty evenly matched, which didn’t bode well when her transformation was bound to run out first.
So when a pigeon fluttered by, he may have pretended that catching it was a more enticing prospect than it actually was.
He ran around on all fours a lot, it wasn’t crazy to think he’d have a cat’s instinct to hunt as well.
If it happened to give him another weakness to be exploited, that wasn’t something he could help, now could he?
It was just the cat in him.
“I still have to fight her,” he said in a small voice.
He didn’t have much of an option on that. If he outright refused…
Well. Just because his father preferred using the Butterfly Miraculous, that didn’t mean he couldn’t use the Black Cat Miraculous as well.
And as an adult, he could use the special power repeatedly without cooldown.
He waged enough destruction while going through his akumas. Having the actual power of destruction literally at his fingertips? Adrien didn’t want to think of the damage it could cause.
Especially if his father touched Ladybug.
Adrien’d asked Plagg what would happen; if the kwami had Cataclysmed a living being. Once.
Plagg didn’t answer. But his expression? Told him he didn’t want to know.
At least, so long as he was allowed to have Plagg instead of his father, he could make sure Plagg wasn’t used like… like that.
Maybe he could even persuade Father to stop this! Or at least… at least rein him in. Stop him from going too far.
He- he hadn’t specifically tried to kill. Maybe he could reason with him if he started going too far.
Right. Of course he could. He was his father. He might be a supervillain, he might be awful, but he had limits. He had to.
Something small brushed at his hair.
Mom? Wait, no, she was-
Looking at his computer monitor he saw Plagg sitting on his head, patting his hair. 
“You know… you don’t have to fight her,” he said.
Adrien frowned. “If I don’t Father might decide someone else would be a better Black Cat wielder,��� he argued. “Or maybe just torture you, me, or both of us until I agree to his wishes.”
Plagg shook his head. “You’re thinking about this all wrong. You already faked some cat tendencies, faking fighting isn’t that big of a stretch.”
“Fake fighting…” Adrien’s eyes lit up. “You mean like acting?!”
Plagg nodded. “I’ve seen those new movies you humans came up with. They’ve got some of the most impressive moves I’ve ever seen, but they still don’t get hurt, right?”
“Some of that’s done with special effects,” Adrien told him, mind whirring. “But not all of it. It helps if you know what angle things are being viewed from, what the audience is able to see-”
“Which you know, right?” Plagg prompted. 
Slowly Adrien nodded. “Yeah, since I can always sense the drones. And if I can just get Ladybug to play along…”
This could work.
Marinette chewed on her pencil distractedly. 
Why had her partner sided with Hawkmoth? The butterfly man wasn’t exactly subtle about being the bad guy! Granted, it didn’t seem like he was happy about it…
Tikki hadn’t been too interested in looking further into it. Marinette’d gotten the impression that this had happened too often for her to be all that sympathetic to whoever misused Plagg. She just wanted him back, safe and sound.
She couldn’t blame Tikki for that viewpoint. If she’d had a close friend who’d been repeatedly abused, she wouldn’t be too interested in finding out the specifics about the latest person who was holding them captive, either.
But that didn’t mean she, herself hadn’t considered it.
He’d looked to be about her age. Granted, it was hard to tell with the suits having some sort of magical glamour (Tikki had called it “quantum masking”, whatever that meant). 
Was he being manipulated into it? 
What would his parents think?
Or were his parents…?
She stopped, shuddering. She knew awful parents existed, of course, ones who mistreated and manipulated their kids, ones who did not deserve to be in their children’s lives. 
Even seeing movies and TV shows with some awful parents, it was a hard concept to wrap her head around. Her own Maman and Papa were always so kind and caring with her. Maybe stern if she did something wrong, but they always let her know what she’d done, talked it out with her, and let her know how she could do better. They were never unreasonable, and she never felt like they loved her any less, even if they were unhappy with her in the moment.
“Earth to Marinette!”
“WAAAUGGGH!” Marinette startled, flailing around wildly. 
Alya ducked, barely avoiding getting hit. “Woooah there, girl! Just wanted to ask what was on your mind. You’ve been staring off into space for the past five minutes.”
Marinette looked away. “It’s nothing. Just personal stuff.”
Alya quirked an eyebrow. “Well if you don’t feel like sharing right now, I had another reason for getting your attention.”
Marinette blinked, straightening up. “What’s that?”
Alya handed her phone over to Marinette, pressing play on a video. “The footage the person sent me was captured from a distance,” she explained. “So the audio quality’s nonexistent. But look! There’s a new supervillain!”
Marinette just stared at the video, watching Catboy collide with her, chase her, only to get distracted a moment later by a bird.
So that was why he hadn’t caught her! She’d been wondering. He’d seemed pretty fast, and unlike her, he hadn’t been exhausted from a fight.
“Do you think he’s a full partner to Hawkmoth or just a villainous sidekick?” Alya asked excitedly. 
Marinette hummed. “He seems pretty young… listening to Hawkmoth before, he sounded like an adult. This guy looks like a kid.”
“Doesn’t mean he’s not a full partner,” Alya said. 
“True, but…” Marinette hesitated. The video didn’t capture audio, and wasn’t at the right angle to show Chat Noir’s expression before he started chasing her. “I just don’t get that vibe from him,” she said at last. “I get the feeling that he’s not the one pulling the strings.”
Alya looked at her a moment, then shrugged. “Whatever you say. You’re not the only one to think so, anyway. I’ve had a lot of forum activity speculating on whether he’s as evil as Hawkmoth is.”
So she wasn’t the only one? 
“Really?” Marinette asked.
“A lot of it’s down to him being cute,” Alya said. “I’ve had to monitor certain threads VERY closely since he came onto the scene yesterday.”
Marinette blushed. “I, uh, hadn’t noticed.”
Alya narrowed her eyes. “Uh huh,” she said, not sounding even the slightest bit convinced.
“It doesn’t matter, anyway, because he’s a villain and he’s only appeared once and Alya stop looking at me like that-”
Alya continued smirking at her.
Burying her head on her desk, Marinette groaned. This was not how she’d been planning to start the day.
*beep beep*
Turning her head to the side, Marinette cracked an eye open. “What’s that?” she asked, her voice still muffled by her arms.
“It’s the new akuma alert app the city just set up,” Alya said distractedly, scrolling through the alert. 
Akuma alert-
Marinette bolted upright. “What does it say?!” she asked hastily.
“There’s a new supervillain over near the Eiffel Tower. Calls himself Mr… Pigeon?” Alya frowned. “Wow, Hawkmoth is failing HARD at the intimidation factor. What sort of name is that? Marinette, you’ve gotta look at this outfit, I mean as a designer-”
Alya looked to the side.
And blinked.
“That girl is way too good at disappearing, I gotta get her to teach me how to do that,” she muttered at Marinette’s empty chair.
“Miraculous Ladybug!”
The swarm of ladybugs flew out, repairing what little damage had occurred.
It wasn’t much. Mainly just pigeon poop. A LOT of pigeon poop. Annoying, but a far cry from the collapsed buildings and major injuries from other akumas.
It’d had one other, unexpected benefit as well. The Black Cat wielder had shown up again (her stomach twisted at the thought) but he hadn’t been able to do much. Beyond constantly sneezing and the birds distracting him, he’d barely even been an obstacle. 
Hm. She’d have to ask Tikki whether she’d get ladybug instincts. Would she start eating bugs? Emitting noxious odors when scared? Cuddling up with people when she got cold. Okay, granted, she was prone to that last one anyway, but the others would be noticed!
A black blur rocketed towards her.
Oh. Right. With Mr. Pigeon deakumatized, there was nothing stopping the Black Cat wielder from going after her.
He collided with her again, sending her skittering across the pavement.
She did a back handspring away from him (thank you, Miraculous reflexes!), landing on her feet just in time to start spinning her yo-yo into a shield. He tried pounding on it a few times with his staff, but it simply bounced off.
Nonetheless, he kept on pressing forwards, closer and closer.
Her earrings beeped four times.
She couldn’t let this turn into a battle of attrition. She had to get out of there NOW. 
She turned around, preparing to bolt.
That was a mistake.
He tackled her to the ground, landing squarely on top of her. He reached for the earrings. She tried to punch him, but he just caught her hands.
“Why are you DOING THIS?!” she asked him through gritted teeth. 
His ears flicked to the sides. Leaning in close he whispered, “Play along!”
She blinked, going still for a moment.
His grip on one of her fists suddenly loosened. 
She winced as her fist made contact with his chest. The suits were protective, but she’d experienced enough hits to sympathize with the Black Cat’s shock. It still sucked to get punched.
He flew off her, sailing several feet away.
Uh… that… should not have happened. She knew that she was stronger while suited up, but she had a decent idea of how much force she put behind each blow. He should’ve been knocked back a foot at most, it wasn’t like she’d had the ability to gain momentum for the punch!
The Black Cat wielder backflipped several times, eventually landing on his feet. With a yell he ran towards her once again.
He’d told her to “play along”. What had he meant?
She couldn’t stay here and fight him. He KNEW that. 
And he’d let her punch him off. 
So… so, maybe…
He moved his fist forward to punch her.
Her eyes narrowed. Was it just her, or was his fist slightly off-center?
Just as his fist was reaching to the side of where her face would be, she flung herself back, forcing a wince.
He kept on coming, not showing the slightest bit of surprise at her sudden movement.
Because he’d WANTED her to do that. Had planned for it.
He didn’t want to hurt her. He just needed to put on a show.
“Come here, kitty kitty!” she smirked. There were some alleys off to the side. If she could just get them in there…
She was trusting this stranger a lot, she knew that. Especially since he was apparently working with Hawkmoth. 
But some part of her DID trust him. Maybe it wasn’t totally rational. He’d only given a few hints that he wasn’t on Hawkmoth’s side, and for all she knew he could be luring her into a trap, waiting for her to lower her guard.
It was a risk she would just have to take.
He screamed, running at her with his staff held aloft. Immediately she started doubting her plan.
Still, she darted to the side, slipping into the dark, narrow alleyway.
He followed her, smashing up some trash cans, making a lot of banging noise and yelling - but not trying to get any closer.
Quickly she ducked behind a nearby dumpster, knowing full well that the Miraculous wielder’s eyes were on her. If he wanted to discover her identity, all he needed to do was round the corner.
He came no closer, instead cursing loudly. “I don’t know how you escaped, Ladybug, but beware! CHAT NOIR is coming for you!”
Chat Noir, huh? Not the most creative name, but she was hardly one to talk.
A moment later she heard his pole extend. She peeked around the corner just in time to see him pole-vaulting off away from the alley.
She sighed in relief, sinking down against the dumpster. Tikki flew over to her, putting her hand on her chin like she was “The Thinker”.
“You might’ve been right, Marinette,” she admitted after a moment. “I don’t think I gave Chat Noir enough credit.”
Marinette smiled, scratching Tikki’s head. The little kwami giggled, flying up to her for a cheek cuddle. “Maybe Plagg’s in a better situation, too?” Marinette suggested. 
Tikki hummed. “I hope so. I’m beginning to think his kitten this time isn’t a bad kid.”
Her expression darkened. “But even if HE’S not, the person he’s working for — or pretending to work for — is. And he seems to have some sort of hold over Chat Noir — and subsequently, over Plagg.”
Marinette grimaced. Tikki was right. Chat Noir’s reluctance to oppose them might be a bright spot, but their situation was still pretty bad.
Holding her hands out for her kwami, she scooped the little bug up, safely stowing her in her purse.
“We’ll just have to encounter him again,” she said, looking towards the light of the open street. “And maybe get some more answers.”
And turn him fully to their side, her heart whispered.
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illegiblewords · 4 years
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Notes under the cut!
Having made a lady WoL collection, I decided to do a dude one too. As before I have more, but not all are leveled and I have some I’m more attached to than others.
I do want to push for more range honestly--I’m not sure how I wound up with three midlander dudes and a highlander lol. I should really follow through with a male au ra, hrothgar, and lalafell. I did an odd green/brown hair hybrid that I suppose could qualify for brunette, but otherwise my tendencies toward black and blonde hair came through real strong. Mysteriously absent are redheads. I may also want to experiment more with color palettes and cultural influences a bit.
For the guys, there are spots where I played into job expectations and spots where I defied them. I wanted to try designing some characters in ways I hadn’t seen so much in-game, as well as designing characters who would immediately evoke a specific tone! There are also definitely jobs where I deliberately tried to show some traditional masculinity where it’s less expected, which was fun.
Cenric/Black Mage Midlander: People have criticized hyurs before by calling them “too vanilla”, since they’re the human stand-ins. I figure though, they’re hyurs. Hyurs are imaginary and don’t need to follow real world biology. Play with color palettes and features so you get a more definite fantasy look if you want to. With Cenric, I specifically tried to go super dark and de-saturated to evoke a walking silhouette (sort of like drow) and gave him the palest eyes possible with strategic face paint so they’d look like they glow. This was all in the name of making a character who evoked Final Fantasy’s classic black mage, just going in a more adult and extra spooky-goth direction.
Maerec/Dark Knight Midlander: Maerec, I designed specifically to both be a step off of the default midlander from commercials and to embody the Dark Knight questline as best I could. Giving him some edge visually while still feeling reasonably natural was fun to balance! To this end, I knew dark eyes would be important to helping the black hair fit in. Going with a very dark red I figure it almost seems like he could have brown eyes until you look closely. Making him feel very Ishgardian was also fun, with the horned helmet and Fray-esque glamour. I also designed him to both parallel and contrast with Lahabrea given their stories are intertwined. If there’s scattered angel/demon imagery between them that works even more.
Sublime Tiger/Samurai Hellsguard: I know that my natural inclinations go toward bishonens lmao, so figuring out the angle I wanted to work with the SUPER BEEFY male roegadyns was wild! One thing that gave me inspiration at the time was realizing that, with their black noses, Hellsguard roegadyns can 100% evoke big cats--among other animals. I usually prefer designing Sea Wolves for lacking the black noses because my impulse is for it either to be visually unified with the rest of the face/body or go without--so I often feel a bit more limited with what kind of designs I’ll do for Hellsguard. With Sublime Tiger, originally he had both orange and black striped hair (one of the styles available works it) as well as the black face paint evoking tiger stripes. I found the hair more limiting with helms though so made it pure black instead. Deciding what glamour would look good and play well with proportions was also a process--wanted him to feel like he’s from Othard since there is a big Hellsguard population there, so samurai made some sense to me in building that. After experimenting though, I wound up going with a look that took a bit of inspiration from One Thousand And One Nights. I have additional ideas for what I might try going forward though.
J’mor/Red Mage Miqo’te: This was a combination of a lot of ideas! One was wanting to embrace the physicality of red mage as a job, and explore it as a worldly kind of caster who works well with ease of movement and does a lot of darting around the battlefield. Mages in-general are often seen as kind of ivory tower sorts, and by shedding the usual frills I wanted to show that it’s possible to have a caster’s knowledge while being very connected to the world at large. Also give a strong sense of SWASHBUCKLER where the magic kind of slaps you in the face with additional power. I also noticed I hadn’t seen as many black male miqo’te in-general, along with fandom stereotypes about catboys as soft. So I decided to design J’mor with that in mind--playing him as a very shonen kind of hero while the beard brings an extra bit of hardness to his features.
Asah’zi/White Mage Miqo’te: Asah’zi is another case where I wanted to challenge the idea of male miqo’te as soft, and I added to that challenge by making him a white mage when that is often filled by lady characters. I was also interested, lore-wise, in the tension between Keeper of the Moon tribes and Gridania (where white magic has very strong ties). That Keepers of the Moon are also very matriarchal gave added interest for me making a more rough and traditionally masculine-feeling white mage sort, especially since Keepers often build a lot of their lives around hunting through the Twelveswood. I also wanted to bring some sense of druid into white mage as a job, given the nature ties. With Asah’zi, using skydruid skins, claws, a wooden cane, and on all contributed toward the vibe I wanted to build for him. Using emotes that show off his fangs helps bring a bit of cockiness to him too, which is fun. And stealing Thancred’s hair lets him have a bit of a roguish vibe lol.
Amir/Dancer Highlander: Like I said, I tend to go for bishonen-sorts in designs a lot. HOWEVER! I do love this highlander face type specifically a ton, and think guy highlander proportions are well-balanced overall while being beefy. I knew for a while that I had a specific design I liked a lot for male highlander with Amir, and I definitely wanted to do something with him. The choice to make him a dancer specifically came from a conversation I saw just after the job’s release. An IRL male hip hop dancer mentioned feeling a bit bummed out because a lot of the animations felt like they played more to softness/grace and traditional femininity, and he’d been hoping for the option of a little edge with battle dancing because that’s what he does. Some players said he should just play monk, others were kind of mean to him and acted like what he wanted was somehow shitty. I felt for the dude to be honest since he was coming from a place of feeling frustrated by stereotyping, so I decided to look at the animations and see how much they could be integrated into a design that felt more traditionally masculine. I saw a lot of bright greens (especially with the peacock feathers) so I tried to unify that with a green glamour. The mask reminds me of rave aesthetics a bit, and I’ve seen dudes wear shorts similar to the Nezha ones before. I’m a big fan of the idea that fashion can be a way to create what you want tonally, and I tried to explore that in this design.
Navarre/Paladin Midlander: At some point it hit me that I have been avoiding traditional knight-in-shining-armor looks like the plagues in my tanks lol. This made me think a fair bit. What struck me was that if the only thing a glamour has to say for itself is “this is a knight”, that doesn’t feel so interesting to me. If it’s supposed to be a knight in shining armor specifically though, bringing an almost angelic, elemental feeling to the look is something I’m 500% there for. And weirdly, people don’t seem to do this as much. I’m less used to paladins compared to dark knights, warriors, or even gunbreakers--and since paladins are so associated with that holy knight-vibe I figured it made sense to go that direction. While I was looking into glamours, one thing I found was that a lot of them dyed with unchanging patches of black, had edgy red woven in, or otherwise came across as having been designed with dark knight or warrior in-mind. I decided part of what I’d do in this instance was really make a Warrior of Light who immediately screamed “yes I am the Warrior of Light” when you looked at him, and took inspiration from Cecil Harvey from Final Fantasy IV toward that end too. Every piece in this glamour was carefully picked not just for whether it worked as a silhouette, but also how it would dye.
Cesaire/Dragoon Elezen: Cesaire has gone through a lot of design phases. Initially he was a red elezen, because it’s a direction I don’t see used a lot but has a very doable fantasy feel I think is fun. Then he was a champagne/cream color all over as inspired by a particular breed of horses. Now, having put a lot of thought in, he is deep gold with blue eyes. The underlying concept for him was that I wanted to make a golden dragoon who looks like he should be terribly heroic, but then in practice he’s a kind of blood knight WoL who is about as close to Zenos as a Warrior can get without going outright evil. I played into gold and more general adventuring gear for the reason that I think Cesaire has absolutely left Ishgard behind him, and strongly prefers to be someone defined by what they do rather than where they’re from. Given elezens’ wide shoulders I also had to think about what combinations would work for balancing proportions, and I wanted Cesaire to visually hold his own visual niche within my overall Famfrit lineup so a lot was chosen with that in mind.
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weconqueratdawn · 6 years
chapter four - gradence catboy au
Pussycat, Pussycat
Rating: Explicit Chapter: 4 of 8 (c. 30k words in total) Tags: Catboys/Human Hybrids, AU - no Grindelwald or Mary Lou, Master/pet, Humour, Graves Is Honestly So Fucked, Happy!Credence, Porn With Plot, Domestic Fluff, Falling In Love
Fic Summary: Three months ago, Percival Graves was surprised to receive delivery of one (1) pet catboy after winning him in a raffle. Now Credence has decided Percival is his Owner, leaving Percival no option but to play along and without a clue what he should do next. All he knows is Credence has nowhere else to go. And also that he has the biggest dick Percival’s ever seen…
Chapter Summary: Credence’s new underwear receives a double seal of approval and Percival gets curious about Credence’s background. Plus we find out what Credence does when Percival’s at work ;)
Credence loved his new clothing. He spent most of the next day with a robe draped over him, unfastened, so it merely framed his nakedness rather than covering it.
Still, Percival thought, at least he has something to put on should anyone come over unexpectedly. Not that anyone ever does.
“It feels nice,” Credence declared happily, splayed across his new bed.
Everywhere Percival looked there was either a long stretch of pale limb or the sheen of wine-dark silk. The effect was hardly less distracting.
And the underwear made it worse. Percival already had had to school himself out of thinking of them as panties. Credence’s impressive endowment made them appear far more flimsy than they had seemed in the store, and the ribbons at the back, which tied above his tail and held them on, gave such an impression of delicacy that it was nearly obscene. Percival had had to help him put them on, of course, by tying the ribbons. And then by untying them, once Credence tired of his new amusement. And then by tying them again, when Credence decided he was ready to put them back on. So really, Percival had spent about as much time thinking about Credence’s anatomy as he would on any typical Sunday. If not more.
According to Credence, the underwear felt ‘nice’ too. He was exceedingly grateful for them, and for the rest of his new things, and in between lolling around half-naked would leap up and look at them all again, exclaiming that his Owner was the kindest, most generous, and, in fact, the best Owner he could wish for. Then he would return to sit by Percival’s feet, with his arms wound through Percival’s legs and his head against Percival’s knee, and sit quietly purring.
All this was happening while Percival tried to read his newspaper. It was a long-standing habit and one of his favourites. Naturally, he read the newspapers every day and made notes on inaccurate articles, potentially sympathetic journalists, and current public concerns--such detail could be very useful in his line of work. But on a Sunday, the newspaper, like everyone, seemed to tire of important matters and instead preferred amusing stories, travel supplements, and photographs of the latest fashions. Everyone, even the Director of Magical Security, needed to relax over their coffee at least one day of the week and Percival liked to make the most of it.
It was possible to get more reading done when Credence sat at his feet, especially if he petted him too. Ear rubs were par for the course, but some gentle scalp massage and a regular slide of fingers through Credence’s hair would cause the sort of low deep purr which suggested he might drop off into sleep. For a while a quiet would settle, and Percival could enjoy uninterrupted a review of the latest broomstick models, of which he had no need, or a feature on wizard-friendly Mediterranean cruises, which he had no intention of going on. But then Credence would stretch, Percival would lift his hand free, and the whole cycle would begin again.
After some time of this, Percival became aware that Credence’s restlessness had shifted to a different cause. The lolling on his bed seemed more a display; not posed, exactly, as Credence was never so clumsily artful. But there was a definite--and very loud--expression of willingness and availability in his attitude. Particularly since Credence made sure Percival saw everything which was available.
He lay on his side; the robe had fallen open so that it skirted one shoulder and one nipple, and grazed down the length of one hip. The little silver bell winked at his throat and there was growing visible evidence that his underwear did, in fact, feel ‘nice’. The silk was taught and the shape of him clearly visible, outlined in glossy shades of garnet.
Percival wetted his lips but continued reading. He wasn’t unaffected but he’d had plenty of practice at managing this kind of behaviour--Credence’s appetites really were astonishing. He’d thought perhaps that, after the previous night, Credence might be content for a while. But it appeared not.
read chapter on ao3 | read from the beginning
Fic is complete and will update every Sunday.
Huge thanks to @pangaeastarseed and @soz for letting me play in their ‘verse, which began life with @pangaeastarseed ‘s magnificent NSFW art(available in a wonderful art book here) and the fic “…Kitten” written by them both, which this fic is inspired by/a remix of.
AND ALSO featuring artwork by @theseavoices - cute kitty Credence animation here and NSFW illustration here XD
ko-fi | what is weconqueratdawn up to?
12 notes · View notes
Snack Time
Just Ted “Theodore” Logan and Marko Thelostboy having fun bonding time, 1k words long ff under the cut or you can read it on ao3 at: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28923459
 Nowadays, there was a rumor involving vampires and naturally sparkling in the sun as if their skin was covered in glitter. Sprought out of nowhere, instantly becoming as popular as it was baffling.
 It was also, of course, completely unfounded in reality.
 Well, maybe not completely. There was this one vampire who fitted that description better than any other. Their exposed skin shone in thousands of colors, creating a resplendent mosaic of abstract shapes and forms. It wasn’t only their flesh either, his whole outfit was decorated in this glow.
 “My newest of companions, were you bathing in glitter or something?” Ted asked, dudes head tilting in genuine curiosity. Dude was in no way an expert on ancient vampire customs. Or anything ancient if to go by dudes history grades, when Ted was still attending school. However, now with this creature of the night as a friend, one of these things could change. It was too late to get any score in a test, most fortunately. Dude didn’t miss those days at all.
 Marko laughed loudly, just on the verge of sounding a bit maniac. It didn’t serve much as clarification for Ted so dude decided to wait for one more moment. After the laughter eventually died down, they looked at the person in front of them intensely. They both stared at each other for a few seconds. Marko’s sharp eyes were calculating, whereas Ted’s were clouded by confusion. Then, he dropped the act and finally gave his reply.
 “Ted, do I look like I bathe in anything?”
 That. That was a totally reasonable question to ask, dude supposed. As a vampire, they suffered the most inconvenient fate of not being able to see their own reflection. They truly could have no idea what they even looked like. This, and the fact that Marko absolutely did not look like a person who bathes in anything at all. Maybe, sometimes an abrupt rain caught him by surprise and cleaned the freashes layer of dirt, Ted wondered briefly. It was a long time ago when any kind of rain visited this place.
 “I did spill it all over myself, tho.” Marko chuckled lightly. He did that a lot, Ted couldn’t help but notice. In fact, dude was totally in awe of his ability to find something funny. Ted dudeself carried a rather positive attitude, however it was nowhere near their level.
 Next thing Marko did was much less predictable.
 He raised his hand, and then, without giving it any thought, he licked it like some would spoon after making a whipped cream for dessert. Mindlessness of this action made it clear that it shouldn’t be seen as anything to be astounded about.
 And yet, Ted found dudeself in a state of total astonishment. Dude was able to feel all dudes pillar belfies suddenly crumbling down. Just like dude stated before, Ted was aware that dude definitely had a lot to learn about peculiar customs of vampires. However, dude was more than sure that they were supposed to be more like fruit bats than catboys. One could learn so much in just one day.
 “What? You don’t eat glitter?” Ted had a hard time figuring out if their tone was sarcastic or not. Just as dude had a hard time figuring out if the information that Marko wasn’t a catboy afterall made dude feel disappointed or not. Perhaps a little bit of all options presented were true. “You should try it.” Not even a brief snicker followed that sentence. Ah, so he was serious then. This surprised Ted more than the actual advice.
 “Dude, you’re totally right.” Dude was the cook of this household and that meant being open to every culinary experience. Or at very least, that was what Ted always told Bill when he invariably found dude eating peanuts with their shells. Again. Missy tried to gently guide dude to stop doing that, but Bill knew that the most cherished partner of his was simply a lost cause here. He hoped it worked like hens eating stones for health related reasons. He really did. “Just let me grab peanut shells. We could use glitter as the most excellent seasoning.”
 “You’re so funny.” Marko said, not necessary as a compliment but more of a statement that needed to be said. Then, he laughed as the confirmation. Ted was the most appreciative of this gesture. “And a fucking genius,” -Marko continued with a huge grin on his face- “let’s do it.”
 This time, Ted returned the smile. It totally was a genius idea and it felt the most stellar to find a person with similarly odd food preferences. It wasn’t an easy job at all. Even dudes Bill prefered to eat peanuts inside, instead of schells. Although it was tough to accept as the final truth, Ted eventually managed to do just that. Bill leaving all these shells for dude undoubtedly helped.
 So they both went to the kitchen. Putting said shells with glitter from Marko’s jacket to the only clean bowl into the whole apartament felt weirdly magical. Well, colorful dust collected from blood sucking monster certainly sounded much more wizardly. After everything was thoroughly mixed together, it came the time for tasting this most unusual appetizer.
 Ted glanced at his fellow cook. Marko glanced right back. The question of who should be the one to try it first just appeared on their minds. Something previously so unimportant that it didn’t deserve a single thought from either of them, now had a change to become a huge dilemma. Thankfully, Marko decided to speak up before that managed to occur.
 “The honor’s yours.” He giggled in a somewhat unhinged way because how could he not. Maybe a question about laughing gas wouldn’t be too out of place. “It was your suggestion, wasn’t it?”
 That was right so Ted had no reason left to prolong the moment. Dude put the shining shell into dudes mouth. The tension in the room only grew.
 “Dude, I’m never eating unseasoned peanuts from now on.”
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