#prescribing software
painehr022 · 8 months
Transforming Healthcare with The Power of Eprescription Software
In the era of digital transformation, the healthcare industry is witnessing a significant shift from traditional paper-based processes to innovative electronic solutions. One such advancement is the adoption of eprescription software, a technology-driven tool that streamlines the prescribing and dispensing of medications. This blog explores the key features and benefits of e Prescription software, highlighting its role in enhancing patient safety, improving efficiency, and contributing to a more connected healthcare ecosystem.
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Eliminating Prescription Errors
This software plays an essential role in reducing prescription errors that can occur with traditional handwritten prescriptions. Illegible handwriting and misunderstood dosage instructions can lead to serious consequences. With e prescribing software, healthcare providers can electronically send accurate and legible prescriptions to pharmacies, minimizing the risk of errors and ensuring that patients receive the correct medications.
At Pain Management EHR, we offer you the best software that assists Pain Management Practices in improving their patient prescription management. That is why it is also called pain management medical software.
Enhanced Patient Safety
Patient safety is paramount in healthcare, and eprescription software significantly contributes to this by providing real-time access to a patient's medication history, potential drug interactions, and allergies. Healthcare providers can make informed decisions about medication choices, dosage adjustments, and alternative options, ensuring that prescribed medications are safe and suitable for each individual patient.
Improved Medication Adherence
This software facilitates better medication adherence through electronic transmission of prescriptions directly to pharmacies. Patients no longer need to carry paper prescriptions, reducing the likelihood of lost or forgotten prescriptions. Additionally, automated refill reminders and electronic communication between healthcare providers and pharmacies contribute to a smoother medication management process, promoting patient adherence to prescribed regimens.
Efficiency in Prescription Renewals
Handling prescription renewals can be an onerous job for both patients and healthcare providers. Prescription software automates the renewal process, allowing providers to electronically authorize and transmit renewals to pharmacies. This not only saves time but also ensures that patients have continuous access to necessary medications without unnecessary delays.
Interconnectivity with Healthcare Systems
This software from Pain Management EHR fosters better interconnectivity within the healthcare ecosystem. It seamlessly integrates with Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems or the best EMR for pain management, allowing healthcare providers to access comprehensive patient information, including medical history, allergies, and previous prescriptions. This integrated approach facilitates a more holistic and collaborative approach to patient care.
Summing Up
Eprescription software stands as a cornerstone in the digital evolution of healthcare, offering a multitude of benefits for both healthcare providers and patients. From eliminating prescription errors and enhancing patient safety to improving medication adherence, streamlining prescription renewals, fostering interconnectivity, and reducing fraud, the impact of software is far-reaching. The widespread adoption of prescription software is composed to revolutionize the prescription process, contributing to a more efficient, safer, and patient-centric healthcare experience. If you are looking for such software for your healthcare practice, do not forget to contact Pain Management EHR, as they offer the best quality software.
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logicoyerx · 2 years
Prescribe from anywhere using LogiCoy eRx, a standalone cloud-based e-Prescribing technology that is faster, safer, and easier, and is ONC-certified. Try it FREE Now!
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#i think i might be having a nervous breakdown#i dont think there will ever be a good time to have one but this week is a very bad week for me to have one#so uh idk what im doing tbh#im not going to school tomorrow#friday? who knows#i havent been in all week#it started with me being sick and now im still sick but also feeling like complete and utter shit#i havent done half the things im supposed to do#and it should be fine in that regard because my mum told me shell email people for me to ask for extensions#but theres one thing due next week which is an official deadline which cannot be moved#and its piece of work that i can only to in school because i dont have the technology or software at home#technically im not allowed to do it at home but thats besides the point#I’m actually terrified of that deadline rn its making me feel physically sick#ive been writing a second chapter for pull on my strings recently#and thats literally the only thing thats holding me together#being able to do that and enjoy it although progress is slow is all i have rn tbh#so i dont think im gonna meet all the fic deadlines i set for myself which im totally fine with its just one of those things#ive gone to bed but i havent taken any of the medication i was supposed to#its been five days and i still dont have my prescription#(i was only first prescribed it last week so im not being affected by that its just annoying because i guess that could help me)#i havent started useing the cream the doctor gave me yet but it has only been a week#so yeah im really stressed out about everything#i didnt shower today and i barely ate anything proper until dinner#i did eat but it wasnt anything that substantial#i just feel like my life is falling apart a bit#i think i have therapy next week but im not sure#i hope i do#yall dont have to worry too much about me i guess screaming into the void helps and i like being honest with people about where im at#louie says shit#tw vent
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hari-100 · 2 months
Revolutionizing Healthcare in Washington with DrCloudEHR
In today's rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, the integration of advanced technology is more critical than ever. One standout platform revolutionizing this space is DrCloudEHR. This article delves into how DrCloudEHR is transforming healthcare in Washington through its comprehensive suite of tools and services.
Digital Signature for Mental Health in Washington
The document security and validity can vary only by the digital signatures. DrCloudEHR document solution encompasses strong digital signatures functionality, which is a dire need in the mental cases for privacy and accuracy implementation. With this strong feature, secured features will be improved, and an increase in the approval procedures, hence providing healthcare professionals with means for the optimization of the management of patient records fast and easily.
Patient Document Management System
Proper management of patient documents is the backbone of healthcare delivery. The patient document management system in Washington allows easy and organized management of large reams of data on patients. Computerizing records and access to crucial information, this system minimizes administrative burden and improves quality care.
Patient Appointment System in Washington
The scheduling of appointments in most cases proves burdensome to the patient and the provider. With the user friendly interface, this patient appointment system of DrCloudEHR makes it much easier. It facilitates making appointments easier for patients and efficiently managing the schedule of providers for better patient outcomes and satisfaction.
EMR Electronic Medical Record in Washington
EMRs are a digital version of every patient's paper chart. comprehensive EMR Electronic Medical Record in Washington improves the accuracy and accessibility to information on patients. With this system, real time information will be available at the provider's fingertips for better decisions pertaining to the care of patients.
Healthcare Document Handling System in Washington
Effective document handling is the prime requirement for any healthcare service provider. That is the basis upon which DrCloudEHR's healthcare document handling system provides a sound solution to accelerate management workflow associated with healthcare documents. This makes sure that all the records of a patient are managed, accessible, and secure at the same time, enhancing operational efficiency.
Healthcare Electronic Records in Washington
One major step in modernization would be transitioning to electronic records. DrCloudEHR enables this through an efficient electronic record system that aids in rendering data more accessible and accurate for healthcare providers to deliver efficient and effective care to their patients.
Clinical Records Document Management Program in Washington
It becomes difficult to manage clinical records accurately and systematically. DrCloudEHR's Clinical records document management program provides a one-stop solution to manage clinical documents. It helps health providers keep proper documentation of patients' history for better care.
Mental Health Disaster Recovery Management in Washington
Recovery management in the case of disasters, especially in mental health, requires a system that is reliable. DrCloudEHR's mental health disaster recovery management allows for the backup of all data related to their patients and the ability to restore them quickly, hence avoiding disruptions that have a bearing on the continuity of care in times of crisis.
Billing Module in Hospital Management System in Washington
Billing can get pretty intricate and time-consuming. The billing module by DrCloudEHR is designed to make this task less cumbersome by automating various features of the entire procedure of billing. This module helps healthcare providers in running their finances more effectively by ensuring proper timing and accuracy while making a bill.
CCBHC EHR Software in Washington
Such operations would need specialized software to be run effectively. At DrCloudEHR, CCBHCs can find tailored EHR software to meet their unique requirements. This software increases efficiency and effectiveness in behavioral health services and makes sure that patients could have better outcomes.
Electronic Health Records in Washington
EHRs are the backbones of healthcare today. DrCloudEHR delivers an end-to-end EHR system designed to enhance accuracy and accessibility for patient data. This will help medical professionals in the delivery of optimum care, since all their information is at their fingertips.
Telehealth Solutions in Washington
Telehealth has grown to be part of intrinsic healthcare delivery, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. DrCloudEHR offers strong telehealth solutions that make it very easy for care providers to conduct consultation remotely with patients. These solutions ensure that patients can receive care irrespective of their location.
Clinical Decision Support System in Washington
Informed clinical decisions accompany the delivery of quality care. The clinical decision support system that comes with DrCloudEHR is designed to give health care providers superior decision-making abilities. That leverages state-of-the-art algorithms and data analysis for guidance that raises the bar on patient care.
Electronic Prescribing for Controlled Substances in Washington
EPCS is one of the most critical aspects of healthcare. DrCloudEHR, with its EPCS features, gives an accurate and secure prescription. This reduces errors in the process and increases the efficiency of prescribing medications.
DrCloudEHR is the leading technology platform of healthcare in Washington, aimed at providing a complete package of tools and services for making the delivery of healthcare more quick and efficient. It means that digital signatures, document management, and telehealth are all within the purview of DrCloudEHR, meeting the many needs of healthcare providers. Indeed, it will be platforms such as taking a front seat in defining the future of healthcare with the further evolution of technology.
For more information contact.www.drcloudehr.com
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bilerthetired · 1 year
Guess who just got prescribed adhd medication and is being evaluated for bipolar disorder!!!!
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digitalniran8 · 1 year
Role of My Health Records Software
Role of My Health Records Software
EHR Software assumes an essential function in the E-health administrations and contactless medicines. Innovation generally utilized as often as possible by the country and network clinics over the globe.
Right now, Coronavirus set off interest for E-health administrations. While this innovation has been around for a considerable length of time, it has been utilized frequently in medical clinics and facilities in this pandemic circumstance. Because of absence of patients' enthusiasm to meet eye to eye emergency clinic visits, they decide on online talk, video call or call.
My Health Records Software is a secured wellbeing entryway by which individuals can store their own wellbeing record. There is an upsurge in the degree of digitization of medical care administrations. My Health Records Software is the least complex approach to impart your wellbeing data to your medical services masters
The product will forbid the need to convey clinical records when patients visit their medical care pros. Accessible Information in My Health Records Software incorporates patient's well being outline, prescription recommending and administering history, pathology reports, analytic imaging reports and release rundowns. It encourages better commitment with care which enables wellbeing experts to be in the same spot and can be possibly lifesaving.
Affirming the data imparted between medical services suppliers stays private, and shows up at its objective unaltered. You can settle on a choice to give the authority of access of your My Health Records Software. You can choose for share your data with the medical services suppliers associated with your consideration.
The main individuals who can view or access your My Health Records Software are: Your medical care suppliers, assigned individuals you welcome to assist you with dealing with your record and individuals who deal with your record for you in the event that you can't.
My Health Records Software framework can send and get messages immovably and affirm the creator of clinical archives. My wellbeing Record Software can confirm who is getting to and transferring a person's record or wellbeing data, validation assumes a fundamental part in the framework.
The main role of My Health Records Software is to furnish you and your family with sheltered and proficient consideration.
Author Bio:
Niranjana is a budding content writer. She is not famous, but inculcating herself by writing. She is a South Indian who enjoys reading books and writing content. She has written contents on healthcare industry. If she doesn’t do all those, she wants to sing and try new things. She enjoys being alone. Read her blogs and give it a try.
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ziaccu · 2 years
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e-Prescribing software development companies are technology firms that specialize in designing, developing, and deploying software solutions that enable healthcare providers to prescribe medications electronically. e-Prescribing software eliminates the need for paper-based prescriptions, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors. With e-Prescribing software, providers can quickly and accurately send prescription information to pharmacies and avoid potential medication errors.
e-Prescribing software development companies work with healthcare providers to understand their needs and develop customized software solutions to meet those needs.These solutions may include features such as electronic prescribing of controlled substances, drug interaction checking, and formulary adherence checking.
Looking for a reliable e-Prescribing software development company? Our team of experts provides custom solutions to streamline medication management and improve patient safety. Contact us now for a free consultation and learn how we can help your healthcare practice.
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naamahdarling · 3 months
Maybe it isn't that I actually hate medical professionals? They just suck and are weird sometimes, and a lot of them shouldn't be practicing, but I don't hate them as a group, like, personally.
What I hate is their ability to make my life harder in ways that are often completely opaque to me, and a lot of the crap things they do are not really possible to challenge. And I hate the fact that holding them responsible fort dogshit behavior in any way that will actually benefit me is almost always impossible.
And I also hate the fact that they have to do stupid things sometimes because that's how the system is set up, and those things sometimes mean patients actually get harmed. They aren't fond of that part either! They don't want the system to be the way it is! But they don't have a choice, so sometimes people like me get forced by bureaucracy into doing things that are re-traumatizing. And I can't imagine that feels good for them at all, knowing that their patients are sometimes only "consenting" because that bureaucracy will not let them be helped in any other way. Which isn't consent at all. I imagine that must be pretty traumatizing for them, too, sometimes.
If it were easier to actually access medical care without tremendous delays in this country right now I would have much less trouble finding providers who are good at what they do and are not horrible people, and who have clinic staff who can do their fucking job.
Oh and I also don't appreciate how evasive and unwilling to commit they are out of fear of being held to an answer that turns out to be inaccurate, but I can't make an informed decision about my own care unless they give me at least some information about probabilities and trajectories and typicalities. Genuinely, how the fuck am I supposed to navigate that shit. I get that some patients are really fucking difficult, but I should be able to get a special stamp on my file or something that says I understand that sometimes medicine isn't an exact science and the best answers that my doctors can give may not always prove to be accurate in the long term. I know they don't like being in that situation either.
A lot of medical professionals are fucking assholes, and unfortunately the ones who are not are still hamstrung by a system set up to actively prevent people from getting care.
I miss my old doctor. He gave no shits about anything that wasn't the patient. He prescribed scheduled meds based on what the patient needed and not based on fear of consequences potentially being imposed on him by the punitive patient-hostile drugs-are-bad moral panic machine developed to force suffering people into buying more dangerous drugs off the street in order to prevent far fewer people from maybe getting high off of drugs that at least weren't laced with lethal substances. (The purpose of a system is what it does.) Did he get sanctioned and become locally unhireable? Unfortunately yes he did. Does he now provide concierge care to rich people? Yes he does. He found a way to make it work, God bless him.
Everything about the medical system in this country is fucked. Hospitals, doctors, nurses, pharmacies, pharmacists, pharmacy techs, phlebotomists, clinic administrative staff, insurance companies, medical schools and schooling, licensing boards, drug advertising to both providers and patients, pharmaceutical reps, researchers, research, publishing, medical trials, pharmaceutical companies, manufacturers and distributors, medical equipment, charting software, billing and billing codes, diagnostic criteria, charity and low income services, accessible transportation, home care, the lack of independent individual patient advocates, dietitians and nutritionists, access to physical and occupational therapy and physical and occupational therapists, the massive bigotry of every kind rampant in every corner of the medical field, social work, senior care and assisted living, deprioritization of informed consent and harm reduction, disability applications, inaccessibility of medical records, especially psychiatric notes which are specifically allowed to be withheld from patients, lack of continuity of care for disadvantaged people, care that is equitably accessible to disabled people, telemedicine, patient portals, phone systems, clinic hours, every single aspect of inpatient and outpatient psychiatry, facility security, all sorts of things going on with therapists who are nevertheless probably the least malicious group of people in this entire charade, aaaaaand patients themselves.
Also hospital toilets that are too tall and make it literally physically impossible for me to poop while I'm there waiting for somebody to come out of surgery. I just needed to take a crap, guys. You didn't need to make the toilets so tall that my feet didn't even touch the floor. It is very clean but there is no shitting for short people at St Francis.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 4 months
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"Hey guys, your favorite E-girl here, Melody, here with some downer news..... or good news for the haters. My mom and dad found my OnlyFans. Gee, I wonder who told them about it? Anyway.... they said nothing until our annual family reunion, where they proceeded to bring up my vids on the Roku in the living room. My tits bouncing, spraying milk, me getting gangbanged in public, all of my pregnancy vids--I always had to hide that I was pregnant and only be one or two months along like I am now for the reunion. So they showed me getting mercilessly fucked while pregnant with quintuplets, my huge tits bouncing and slapping together, hitting me in the face.
My family scolded me and asked how many babies I've had. I told the truth, I've had seventeen kids. Triplets as soon as I got to college, which inspired me to start my OF, quadruplets, then two sets of quintuplets. They asked me where their grandchildren were and I said I was a surrogate, that other couples raised the kids. They were livid, showing the family more videos. Vids of me doing anal and taking three cocks in my ass at once, vids of me puking on huge cocks all over my tits and belly, me hooking for video content and offering my body at a super low cost, vids of my pregnant belly and tits getting whipped and paddled and beaten, vids of me straight up getting beaten up by men for content, left bloody and bruised in the street, vids of me excitedly showing my blood results that I'm positive for all these different STDs. Guys, I had to not only explain to my whole family what a bug chaser is, but that I'm one, and get turned on by all the STDs I have.
I've never been so humiliated in my life, all the messed up degrading porn I've done was nothing. And I have a huge humiliation fetish, so almost on cue I got incredibly horny. As they insulted me, calling me everything from mentally ill to a whore, I started playing with my breasts with one hand and rubbing my sex with the other. In front of everyone. This was the last straw. They strapped me to my bed and brought in the family doctor, who had some very harsh recommendations for how to treat my clinical nymphomania. I don't know when I'll be doing content next but I'll try the best I can. Until then you will get a few exciting, ummm...... surgery videos, if you're into that. And I know a lot of you sickos are. What's better than seeing the girl of your dreams who you've jacked off to a thousand times get humiliated and mutilated, am I right? Men are so gross.....
So, I'm about to drive to the Brookdale Asylum for Girls. My prescribed treatment is..... hoo boy, for my breasts to be removed as well as my clit, and shortly after I'm stable from that, my arms and legs will be amputated so I can't go out and fuck or film videos. These surgeries and the aftermath recovery will be uploaded as the final content for my OnlyFans. Yes, I'll be numbed and kept awake, watching as the team of surgeons operate on me. So I'm about to be helpless, breastless, no clit to rub or play with, unable to masturbate or do anything, my family taking care of me. I'm still pregnant with who knows how many kids. It'll be absolute torture having a giant belly and not being able to fuck! But my brain might be jelly anyway because I think they give girls electroshock for nymphomania here.... Kind of excited for that, not gonna lie. Having my brains scrambled is sorta hot.
Don't worry, I'll find a way to keep making more content. I'll get that ocular software and do everything with my eyes, then I'll just need to go on dating sites, request a bunch of one-night stands and have my front door open, watch all these horny, fucked up dudes line up at my door to fuck a helpless, limbless girl with no tits. My family thinks this'll destroy my OF career but honestly it might be the best thing that will ever happened to me, career-wise. People are going to be flocking to my page to see the nympho asylum girl who had her body mutilated to stop her from being a total sex freak turn around and keep going, being filthier than ever! I'll be on the front page of OnlyFans for even longer than when I did that vid of me ten months pregnant with quints getting beat up naked in an alleyway, only for actual homeless men to start forcing themselves on my bruised, bloodied body. I guess I should thank them.... With any luck my parents will start a trend and more OG girls like me will wind up as limbless sex dolls. I bet you all would love that...."
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phiralovesloki · 23 days
It is not ableist or classist to say that it's antithetical to the NaNoWriMo challenge to use generative AI to "write" your story for you.
Socioeconomic class can impede your ability to write. It can mean that you don't have the money for a decent computer to write on, or you don't have consistent internet to use to do research. It can mean that you literally don't have time to write because you're working long hours to make ends meet and when you get home, you can barely feed yourself before you go to sleep.
Disability can impede your ability to write. It can that your hands can't write or type easily, due to pain or muscular atrophy or tremor or missing digits or limbs. It can mean difficulty or inability to position yourself comfortably enough to put words on the page. It can mean exhaustion or pain or brain fog that leaves you struggling to write. It can mean that you struggle with spelling, or with reading your sources.
Disability can also impact your socioeconomic class, and vice versa. Maybe you struggle to concentrate on writing because you can't afford your ADHD meds. Maybe you can't afford to replace your computer because your SSI payments are pitiful. Maybe you live in pain or suffer from debilitating depression, all because of a job that you can't lose because it would mean no food, no shelter.
Not a single one of these situations is resolved or improved with generative AI. Many, if not all of these situations could be resolved with money, whether the money means not needing to work yourself to the bone to make ends meet, or being able to purchase adaptive or assistive tech to help you write, like voice-to-text software or a more comfortable writing desk or your prescribed medication.
"Phira, but what if I use generative AI to write a best-selling book, and it results in me making lots of money, and then I use that money to solve all my problems so I can actually write?"
I mean, you might as well be asking, "Phira, but what if I steal someone else's hard work and take credit for it, and use that to make a lot of money ..."
Because that's what generative AI does. It's a language learning model that barfs out what it approximates to be what you asked for, using all of the real work produced by real people as its basis. It's not writing. It's not yours. You didn't make what it spits out.
People have already made wonderfully incisive points about how no one is entitled to be GOOD at something. I'm hoping that we can also see that it's not "leveling the playing field" for disabled people or poor people. Giving people money and healthcare does that, but generative AI does not.
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painehr022 · 1 year
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To get best eprescription software service contact with Pain Management EHR. Our eprescription software helps to manage your patients better. If you need more details then visit to our website today.
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logicoyerx · 2 years
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bartimaeus · 3 months
They're everywhere, even in the software I use to prescribe drugs to my patients in my hospital
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
in the melting pot au: Ingrid does give CEO vibes but maybe like ceo of a fashion brand or fashion magazine? cfo frido too
caro works in either data analytics or software something that involves a lot of screen time so she self-prescribes mandated time outdoors and was reading in the park when she met conejita
frida works in something super specialized and local to the area to justify her having to live apart from emma and squish so maybe nature or animal conservancy it's mainly frida who teaches squish on how to forage ethically and without disturbing the local ecosystem
one time while emma is visiting, she sees that the couple running the local bakery frida always takes them to is retiring and ends up taking over when they finally move in with frida. alexia's restaurants source their bread from Emma's bakery and once a week, emma offers a specialty pastry baked with ingredients they foraged near their home
just emma and frida and squish living their best cottagecore life as they should 😌
Okay, more Melting Pot infodumps because this little au makes me feel very happy
Ingrid definitely gives fashion ceo vibes. She's probably got like a fashion empire and is earning so much money that she can keep her pack of kids and her golden retriever girlfriend afloat on just a monthly salary alone.
Frido's the best friend that she met at uni and they're just such good friends and they adopted IT Head!Caro into their friend group when they were at university. Caro runs the IT department and she works in a little office that she keeps really dark and just hunches over her computer all day.
Frido and Ingrid keep telling her to take a break and go out for once. Caro thinks they're both being stupid but the first time she actually does, she meets Marta and Conejita and Frido and Ingrid never let her live it down.
Frida working on the nearby nature reserve and she loves taking Squish to work with her on the weekends. Some of Squish's favourite things is parent day at the school when all the parents come in to talk about their jobs and everyone gets to hear about all the cool conservation things Frida does.
Emma in the bakery using the berries she and Squish foraged at the weekend in her muffins and suddenly the bakery is booming again. Bambi forcing Alexia inside because Squish's mummy runs the bakery and Alexia literally just buying a sandwich for herself and a slice of cake for each of her girls but then being really impressed and suddenly Alexia's restaurants are getting their bread and cakes from Emma's bakery.
Emma and Frida are definitely living their cottage core fantasy with Squish.
The school takes the kids out to the nature reserve Frida works at for trips sometimes and Squish counts down the days every month
But also thinking about how Magda and Frido probably went to university together so they knew each other from back then. Magda probably didn't interact much with Caro or Ingrid but knows them enough to have a chat with them out in the street. Also thinking about how Magda did a year abroad where she went to Denmark and met Pernille.
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rachvictor05 · 8 months
What is E-Prescription Software?
Physicians and healthcare facilities can automate the prescription of pharmaceuticals with the use of e-prescription software, a digital technological framework. By adopting e-prescribing technologies, medical professionals can transmit prescriptions directly to their pharmacy partners, eliminating the need for manual prescription transmission. More than only prescription drugs are offered by e-prescription software; it also offers solutions for e-prescription software that are made especially to improve drug management procedures, reduce error rates, and improve patient outcomes. As a result, since both will benefit, pharmacies and medical facilities stand to win.
Patient Pre-Authorization in E-Prescription Software:
Pre-authorization of patients is an essential part of any practice management system. Similar to this, patient pre-authorization is necessary in e-prescribing programs to guarantee a patient's eligibility for particular medications. The pharmacy benefit management system determines whether prescription medications are covered by insurance in accordance with healthcare protocols.
Thus, we can customize e-prescribing software programs that include the patient pre-authorization function. Additionally, we can guarantee that the software will combine additional patient data, like insurance information, past medical history, and details. By include these in the e-prescribing software, physicians and pharmacists will be able to determine a patient's eligibility and tolerance for various prescription medications. Physicians and pharmacists can prescribe more potent medications with this knowledge.
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faeriekit · 2 years
Things that are true about Blister Pack that I've probably forgotten to write about (and ergo may appear in a oneshot), part one:
Danny is so big because he ate Pariah Dark. This is a literal and also metaphorical interpretation. "How do ghosts work" they're made of vibes, okay. The metaphorical is the literal. 👻
Danielle is 17ish.
Conner will grow because he has a prescribed amount of ectoplasm to eat per day, physically giving him more mass ➡️ getting bigger and developing. He probably can't grow all that much, like Dani, but he won't always be a teen.
Robin never told anyone his human name. Sorry Dick you're incapable of being emotionally intimate with your friends because of your whack paranoid dad lol 🦇
Danny's home family in Amity Park got bad ending'd when he tried to tell his mom what was up with his biology. It did not work out. Hence why Tucker's already on a new reincarnation cycle and also Sam is already a ghost, and Danny hasn't been human in years.
Tucker works at Wayne tech. I think I implied this before but yeah, it was intended. Dude's a software engineer.
Conner does occasionally hang out with his kryptonian ancestors and other kryptonian ghosts, but not all that often, because it's always sort of weird to hang out with relatives who are really into you existing and you know like fuckall about them and have never actually hung out with them before
Vlad is presumed dead in space. Could be a one shot.
Conner destroyed Lex Luthor's stuff, like, on accident, as part of the JL missions. Dani has been destroying Luthor's stuff whenever she sees it, because he triggers her Vlad Instincts , and also because she thinks she's funny. He doesn't have a lot of time and money to fight for custody rn.
Conner is made of goo. He can destabilize under certain conditions. 💉
Dani and Conner play Pokémon together. Conner plays normally. Dani has all ghost types. (Because it's an old save file when he gets it, he finds out his dad had a team of ice types lol)
Solar core! ☀️ Conner is alien themed to the end.
I'll add more if I remember it. And I know people have a hankering to see Conner interact with his grandmother after the most recent oneshot, so now I have to figure out what Superman's bio mom is like.
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