#e prescription app
logicoyerx · 2 years
Prescribe from anywhere using LogiCoy eRx, a standalone cloud-based e-Prescribing technology that is faster, safer, and easier, and is ONC-certified. Try it FREE Now!
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hrrafey1213 · 8 days
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www.HRsoftBD.com offers Diagnostic management software
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vujung · 9 days
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www.HRsoftBD.com develop Online News portal
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idiosys1 · 4 months
The Evolution of E-Prescription Software
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The era of paper prescriptions is becoming a distant memory. Now, the spotlight shines on a digital revolution: the e-prescription system. This cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing healthcare, ushering in an era of enhanced efficiency, improved safety, and unparalleled convenience for both healthcare recipients and professionals.
But e-prescription software isn’t just a digital upgrade; it’s a revolution. Let’s delve into its evolution, explore its benefits, and peek into the exciting future it holds.
From Paper to Pixels: A Brief History of E-prescription
The concept of e-prescription, also known as electronic prescription or digital prescription, emerged in the late 1990s. The early 2000s saw a turning point with initiatives like the Surescripts Network, which established a secure infrastructure for electronic prescription exchange. Today, e-prescription has become the norm in many countries, with adoption rates steadily climbing.
The Power of E-prescription Software: A Multitude of Benefits
E-prescription software isn’t just about replacing paper. It offers a plethora of advantages that impact every stakeholder in the healthcare ecosystem.
Enhanced Efficiency: Gone are the days of tedious paperwork. E-prescription software streamlines the prescription process, allowing doctors to transmit prescriptions electronically to pharmacies with a few clicks. This saves valuable time, reduces administrative burden, and frees up doctors to focus on what matters most — patient care.
Improved Safety: Human error is inevitable, but e-prescription software significantly reduces the risk of medication mistakes. Features like built-in drug interaction checks and allergy alerts ensure patients receive the right medication at the right dosage. This translates to fewer adverse drug events and improved patient safety.
Greater Convenience: Patients no longer must decipher illegible handwriting or wait for pharmacies to receive faxed prescriptions. E-prescription software allows them to access their medication history electronically and receive refills with a tap on their phone. This empowers patients to take a more active role in managing their health.
Streamlined Communication: E-prescription software promotes seamless communication between doctors, pharmacists, and patients. Electronic records facilitate medication reconciliation and provide a clear picture of a patient’s overall medication regimen. This fosters better collaboration and a more holistic approach to patient care.
Data-driven Insights: E-prescription data is a goldmine for healthcare researchers and policymakers. By analysing prescribing patterns and medication trends, valuable insights can be gleaned to improve medication safety, optimize treatment protocols, and identify potential public health issues.
The Future of E-prescription Software in 2024
The e-prescription software landscape is constantly evolving, with exciting new possibilities on the horizon. Here’s a glimpse into what the future holds:
Integration with AI: Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize e-prescription software further. AI-powered tools can analyse patient data and suggest alternative medications, identify potential drug interactions with even greater accuracy, and personalize treatment plans based on individual needs.
Mobile Apps and Patient Engagement: Mobile apps connected to e-prescription software can empower patients like never before. Imagine receiving medication reminders, educational resources, and personalized health tips directly on their smartphones. This fosters patient engagement and promotes medication adherence.
Interoperability and Data Sharing: The healthcare industry is plagued by fragmented systems. Future e-prescription software will prioritize seamless interoperability, allowing secure data exchange between different platforms. This will create a more holistic view of patient health and enable a more coordinated approach to care.
Telemedicine Integration: The rise of telemedicine is creating a demand for remote prescription capabilities. E-prescription software that seamlessly integrates with telemedicine platforms will make it easier for patients to access medication even when they can’t visit a doctor in person.
The Road Ahead: Embracing the E-prescription Revolution.
E-prescription software is more than just technology; it’s a catalyst for a paradigm shift in healthcare. By embracing this revolution, IT professionals, healthcare providers, and researchers can work together to create a more efficient, safe, and patient-centric healthcare system.
Whether you’re an IT entrepreneur developing innovative e-prescription solutions, an IT manager implementing the software in a healthcare setting, a healthcare professional leveraging its benefits for your patients, or a researcher exploring its potential for data-driven insights, the future of e-prescription software is bright. Let’s join forces to unlock its full potential and usher in a new era of healthcare excellence.
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Is e-prescription cost-effective?
Yes, it reduces costs related to paper, printing, and manual processes. It also prevents medication errors, which can be expensive to rectify.
Can e-prescription software integrate with pharmacies?
Yes, e-prescription software integrates with pharmacies, allowing direct transmission of prescriptions. Pharmacists receive accurate information and can prepare medications promptly.
How does e-prescription software improve patient safety?
E-prescription reduces errors caused by illegible handwriting, incorrect dosages, or drug interactions. It also provides real-time alerts for allergies and potential adverse reactions.
What about the privacy and security of e-prescription software?
E-prescription softwares follow strict security protocols to protect patient data. Encryption, authentication, and audit trails ensure privacy compliance.
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Check out the blog post: https://shorturl.at/vqfvt
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janicho88 · 1 year
I Got You - Chapter 4
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Pairing- Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Female!Reader
Word count- 2,225
Warnings- Language, mentions of domestic violence, injuries, and abuse, abusive boyfriend, hurt reader, protective Jake. If I missed something, please let me know.
A/N- Before we get any further into this, there will be a few differences from the movie. Ice was sick, but beat it, the aviators are there for a six-week training, not three. I'm sure there are going to be Naval inaccuracies. This one has been sitting in my WIP since last fall. First Jake story, I hope I can do him justice. The first few chapters will be a little heavy, but we will move past that. Thank you to @slightly-psycho-multifan for beta'ing!
Summary- When you have finally reached a breaking point, you call the one person you trust for help. He’s never seen you as more than a friend, but he is the person you know you’re safest with.  It’s been months since he has had so much as a text from you, but Jake Seresin would do anything for the Navy princess he met years ago.  The pilot knows she means more to him than he ever will to her, but he will do anything for her.
Series Masterlist
Unsurprisingly, it’s the quickest you have fallen asleep in a long time.  Sometime during the short night, you moved over closer to Jake.  It’s the weight across his chest that stirs him from the little sleep he has gotten.  It takes a minute for everything to register back with him, and what he felt was your casted arm moving across his chest as you curled into his side.  Taking a glance at his phone on the table to check how much time he has before his alarm goes off the exhausted aviator sees 6:40 glares back at him.
He yawns as he closes his eyes once more. 6:40, okay I just have to be in the briefing room at 7, I’ve still got twenty minutes, he thinks to himself.
“Shit,” he hollers while quickly sitting up.  His alarm should have gone off at 6, he must have forgotten to set it with everything else going on last night.  At Least he remembered to plug in his phone. 
His shout has you jerking awake and cowering away from the noise.  Jake immediately feels guilty when he sees the worry in your eyes. Then he notices you holding your wrist.  That was the arm you had draped over him, and he must have aggravated it when he shot up so fast.
“I’m sorry darling, I shouldn’t have done that.  I forgot to set my alarm, I have to get going before I’m late.”
While he rushes into the bathroom, you sit in bed trying to calm your racing heart. He comes back out in his boxers and a black sleeveless shirt.  Grabbing a green flight suit off his dresser, he starts talking to you as he stumbles into it. 
“I’ve got to get to base. I’m sorry, but I don't think there’s much here for food other than what we picked up yesterday. We should get some kind of a break for lunch, I’ll grab something and bring it back for you.  I’ll drop your prescriptions off then.  I shut your phone off last night, just in case there was any tracking app on there.  I will check it over later before you turn it back on.  I’ll go grab the motrin, you might want to take one to help calm the wrist back down.  I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt it.”
Your brain is too foggy to quickly grasp everything he is throwing out at you. When it all catches up, you just nod.
“It’s still early, after you take some medicine, why don’t you try and get a little more sleep.”
You try to respond, but your throat is pretty sore, so you just nod.
He disappears out the door, and is back a few minutes later with pills, a bottle of water and the crackers from last night.
“You shouldn’t take these on an empty stomach.  Help yourself to anything in the house.  Keep the door locked, and I will be back as soon as I can alright, darlin?”
“Alright.  Thanks Jake,” you whisper out.  The water helps coat your throat, but time will probably be the best remedy.
There are two stop lights between Jake’s house and base, and he manages to hit them both red.  Pulling in the first empty park he finds, he grabs his bag and is racing inside.  There is no running inside the buildings, so he is speed walking to the locker room to throw the bag on top of the lockers.  No time to mess with getting the locker open right now.  Then down the hall to the briefing room.       
Jake pauses before he opens the door taking a deep breath, he slips into Hangman.  A mask of arrogance he has perfected over the years.  Very few truly see the real Jake. Standing tall he opens the door and heads inside.
“Hangman.” Maverick calls out from the front of the room. “So good of you to join us this morning.”
Jake takes a quick inventory of available seats, and finds the only empty row is his usual spot up front. He doesn’t say anything as he walks up the aisle.
“Can you tell me the time Lieutenant?” Maverick questions. 
Stopping at his seat Jake glances down at his watch.  “7:05 sir.”
“Your watch works, so what is your excuse for arriving late?”
“I don’t have one sir.”
He can hear the snickers of his fellow aviators.  A few of them are thrilled to see him in trouble. 
“You don’t have one?”
“No sir.”
“Tardiness is not rewarded, or tolerated,” a voice from behind Jake says, “you’ll sit out the morning hop, Lieutenant.”
Hangman turns around to face his superior.  “Yes sir Admiral.”  Of course Cyclone had to be in here already.   
Maverick picks apart their dog fights from yesterday, before telling them he expects better today.  The pilots are dismissed to change into their flight gear.  Jake doesn’t bother putting his on since he won’t be flying yet, then they move to the ready room.  The first group is in the air when Coyote comes over.  
“Man, what happened this morning.”
“I didn’t set my alarm.  Won’t happen again.”
“How could you forget that?”
“Had a long night.”
“Did you even get her name this time?”
Hangman rolls his eyes at his friend, “wasn’t that kinda night.”
“Well then…”
Jake notices Rooster and Phoenix listening in, so he quickly cuts Coyote off.  “Javy, could we please just let it go right now?”
“Fine.”  His friend gets up and moves back over to listen to the radio.
Rooster smirks just before he opens his mouth, but Hangman is ready for him too.  “Bradshaw, don’t even think about opening your mouth.”
Of course the other pilot ignores him.  “The too good to be true Hangman, finally starting to fall apart?”
“I swear Chicken, if you keep talking I will…”
“You will what Hangman?” Cyclone questions walking in.
Jake closes his eyes, quickly running his hand over his face, “Nothing sir.”
“Next two should be getting ready.  Hangman come with me.”
Jake follows the Admiral to his office, and stands at attention in front of Cyclone’s desk while the senior officer tears into him.
He leans forward in his chair to emphasize the end of his rant.  “This mission isn’t a joke Lieutenant.  If that’s the way you are going to be approaching it I should just send you back to Lemoore right now. One more toe out of line and you’re gone, do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Back to the ready room, you're grounded for the day.”
“Yes, sir.”
When he returns, the second group is already in the air. He walks in taking a seat in the corner, doing his best to ignore everyone around him right now.  He wouldn’t be in this mess if he just remembered to set his damn alarm.  
When the last group finally lands, Maverick dismisses them for their break.
“You all have 45 minutes to grab lunch and report back to the briefing room.”
While the last group of aviators heads to the locker room to get out of their gear, Jake runs in for his phone and keys.  Heading out to his truck, he is stopped by Maverick.
“Where do you think you’re going, Hangman?”
 “I have to take care of something, I’ll be back before the briefing.”
“You’ve already demonstrated this morning you can’t be trusted to be on time, I don't think you should be leaving base right now.”
Hangman clenches his teeth in frustration, “is that an order sir?”
Maverick thinks it over for a minute.  “Yes, it is.  Get back to the mess hall.”
“Yes, sir.” 
He turns around and heads back toward the building, but stops shy of going inside.  So now he can’t pick you up anything, or take your prescriptions in.  Worse, he doesn’t have a way to get a hold of you to tell you what’s going on. 
Pacing around outside, he finally thinks of who he could ask.  He’s going to owe her big for this.  Picking up his phone, he hopes she answers.
“The Hard Deck.”
“Yes, can I help you?”
“It’s Jake  Seresin.”
“You disappeared very quickly last night. I’d ask if it was the blonde, but she was still pouting in the corner when I checked.”
“Yeah, something came up.  Penny, I need a huge favor.”
“You know I’m not open yet Jake, and I can’t bring you alcohol on base.  No matter how crazy Mave drives you.”
“It’s not that exactly.  I was planning on running home during our lunch break, but now I’m stuck on base.  There’s…a…um…I…um…have…a…friend at my place.  She can’t leave right now.  Is there any way you could run her over something for lunch?  Just knock on the door, and tell her you know me, and I asked you to drop it off.”
“You could Doordash it from someplace.  I’m not a delivery service for your hookups Seresin.”
“It’s not like that.  I don’t want to send some stranger she doesn’t know coming to my house and freaking her out.”
“But you want me to go?  You could call and tell her what’s going on, and you were sending her food.”  Penny responds.
Too late Jake realizes that while you do know Penny, she can’t know that she knows the person staying with him..  You don’t want anyone to know you are here yet.
“I know you.  Please Penny, my dear.  I wouldn’t bother you if this wasn’t important.  I can’t call and tell her, her phone isn’t working.”
“Fine, because I have a few errands to run anyways.  You owe me Lieutenant.  What does she eat?”
“I know I do. How about a turkey sandwich, no onion.  Maybe a side of soup if you have it.  If you just let her know it’s there and leave it on the front porch she can grab it from there whenever.”
“Alright, I’ll get this over there in a little bit.”
“Thank you so much Penny.”  
After making sure Penny knows where she is taking it, Jake heads back inside.  He never noticed Maverick back inside watching him through the window. 
Hangman picks at his lunch, not much of an appetite even though he only grabbed a protein bar for breakfast.  Coyote tries to get him to talk about this morning, but he keeps avoiding the questions.
While the aviators are back in the briefing room with Maverick, Penny is about to pull into Jake’s driveway.  She decides at the last minute to go past and come back around.  She parks her car on the other side of the road facing Jake’s place and walks up to the front porch. 
Penny tries to peer in the windows as she moves closer to the house, but can’t see anything with the curtains pulled. This all just seems a little off to her.  Once she’s outside the front door, she can faintly make out sound coming from a tv.  Knocking on the door and ringing the bell, she waits for Jake’s guest to answer.  After a minute or two, no one comes, but Penny can no longer hear the television.
“Hello, I’m Penny.  I know Jake, or Lieutenant Serisen, he asked me to drop off some food here because he got stuck on base,” she calls out to whoever is in the house.
Curled up on the corner of Jake’s couch, you are frozen in place once the knocking starts.  You mute the movie, hoping whoever it is will go away thinking no one is home.  Then you hear the visitor call out and identify herself.
Your heartbeat starts to slow back down when you realize the person outside isn’t a direct threat, but you still don’t want her to know you are the one inside.  Penny’s friends with your mom, so there is a chance she could tell her about seeing you.  Why did Jake do this?  You could have just waited for him to get home.  Although your rumbling stomach disagrees, especially with the thought of something Penny made you.
A few more minutes go by, and you hear your favorite bartender call out again.  “Okay, well if anyone inside can hear me.  I’m going to go, but the food is sitting outside the door.”
You give it a few minutes and slowly move toward the front window and pull the curtain back slightly.  There isn’t a car in the driveway, so she must be gone already.  Moving toward the front door, you check out the peephole to be sure before unlocking it.  Sliding onto the porch you pick up the bag in your good hand before locking yourself inside once again. 
Penny is still sitting in her car, watching Jake’s front door, trying to figure out what is going on with the aviator she’s grown fond of.   It has been a few minutes and she just about gave up on anyone appearing, when a woman slowly steps out the door in a too big Navy sweatshirt, and leggings.  It looks like there is something on her left hand, and even from the road, Penny can make out bruises on her neck and face.  It isn’t until she really looks at the face before the woman slides back in the house that she realizes she is looking at Y/N Kazansky.
Thank you for reading!
Chapter 5
IGY Tags
@dempy @fox-bee926 @acarboni21 @novagreen04 @kmc1989 @els-marvelvsp @bethbunnyy @senjoritanana @abaker74 @mygyn @lynnevanss @m-rae23 @djs8891 @supraveng @loving-and-dreaming @mayhemmanaged @kajjaka @delightfulheroshoeflap @imaginecrushes @donna-lynn
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cicaklah · 1 month
being upset about illness things
this is why the good lord invented the cut
I feel like I've fallen back in time two months to when I first got out of hospital. technically, I'm sicker than I was last time. I'm doing what I didn't want to do then, which is taking heavy antibiotics 3x per day, because I get paranoid about taking them too early or late. I know it doesn't really matter, but I just feel so out of control without all the monitoring.
my hospital app updated with my newest blood results and I'm actually still pretty infected. my c-reactive protein was 50 when I went to A&E, then 60, and now 40 and my white blood cells and platelets are still pretty high. I'm sure microbiologists move in mysterious ways but I feel like my own cheerfulness and middle-class bullshit is working against me and I'm not reassured by the number going down because I thought I would have made more progress from the IV drugs. I'm mostly just scared because I suspect I just don't get the right pain signals from my kidney if there's something wrong with it, so I just feel paranoid about getting sepsis again. but also the stupid part of my brain is asking: am I being punished for being too happy after the stent was removed? was my hubrisposting too much? Why did I have to get the rare consequence of surgery? Why is my kidney the one that had to get infected?? Haven't I suffered enough?
I have to go back to work on tuesday, or maybe I don't? I don't have a sick note this time, because I didn't ask for one, because what's the point? I have to work, because I can't live on the UK's statutory sick pay and my family expends all its extra funds on my mother's living costs. being 'the money' is my job and so I'm quite scared by having that stability be threatened. I do still have annual leave, and I can use it, and my project is healthy and my boss is monitoring it, I'm not even doing all that much. I could take a few days, reorganised the cleaners, do some antibiotics, at least get to the point where I feel okay in myself again.
what doesn't help is my mother telling me that because grandma isn't going to go visit her, that grandma gave her £1000 in 'compensation', and also that she has decided she has to have a new tablet RIGHTNOW, and I might be sick and sad and just got out of hospital, I need to tell her which one she has to buy. just, my mother should be better than this. she's been sick for 25 years? I'm struggling with this so much and yet I get bullshit. literally one of my neighbours at the pub was a better help than she was today.
anyway bank holiday tomorrow, and the doctor gave me a prescription for melatonin and so I am going to try and sleep tonight and hope it all feels better in the morning.
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murfeelee · 2 years
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This is the very first batch of uploads from my TS3 gameplay inspired by Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Untamed!
EA Books Default Replacement
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First up is yet another EA Book Default Replacement, this time using Chinese & Japanese themed book textures. Browse here & here for the swatches/in-game pics. The list of replacements is under the cut.
File Dump Part 1
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This file dump includes 18 Buy Mode objects:
EA Chinese Tomb Chest as Toy Chest (basegame)
Silfantasy Chinese Sword as Hoverboard (ITF EP)
Tera Bag as Bag of Understanding (WA EP)
Radish as Edible Morsel (WA EP)
Emperor's Smile as Drinkable UNI EP Alcohol (Arsil Custom Beverages mod + UNI EP REQ)
TS4 to TS3 Jennisims Lotus Seed Pod as Edible Morsel (WA EP)
TS2 to TS3 Jizaikagi Irori Edit as Firepit PLAIN
TeeSangBoy Chinese Couch Redone as Decor Bedframe
TS2 to TS3 Asian Ornate End Table
TeeSangBoy Coffee Table TINY
EA Zen Bath Stool Emptied as Coffee Table
TS2 to TS3 Bamboo Copse
Bamboo Wall Stickers
MTCakestore Chinese Books (Stackable)
ShinoKCR Couch Cushion as Scroll Bundle (Stackable)
TS4 to TS3 Chinese Decor Man 1, 2, 3
Pinwheel ACCs
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This miniset includes 3 CAS objects:
ATS3 Pinwheel as ACC for Kids, Toddlers & Adults
And that's that for now!
Enjoy, and Happy Lunar New Year 2023! 🐇🐰
Download folder (zip files): Mediafire | SimFileShare
Descriptions & pics under the cut:
EA Books Default Replacement
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There are A LOT of books in TS3, so I tried to match Chinese & Japanese books to TS3′s particular genres:
Athletic & Sports: Armor, Book of 5 Rings (Musashi Miyamoto) | PhysEd & Military: Art of War (Sun Tzu) | Martial Arts: Daoist exercise chart | Riding: Yabusame scroll
Charisma 1-3: Genji no Kokagami (Murasaki Shikibu)
Cooking: Lvl 1 (52 Sick Prescriptions), Lvl 2 (Materia Dietetica), Lvl 3 (Herbal Food + Materia Dietetica)
Fishing 1-3: Materia Medica fish & reptiles (Bencao Gangmu)
Gardening: Lvl 1 (E-hon (Utagawa Hiroshige)), Lvl 2 (Court Records of Japanese Gardens), Lvl 3 (Compendium of Model Gardens (Tsukiyama & Yokei))
Generic: Butler (Book of Rites) | China (WA EP) () | Generic 1-3 (Analects (Confucius))
Handy 1-3: Scroll of Mudras
Kids: Children/Toddler Pictures & Comics (UNI EP) (Journey to the West) | Toddler Fun (Japanese Folk Toys) | Toddler Numbers (CHN/JPN numbers) | Toddler Words (Hiragana chart)
Learning: Non-fiction (Nihon Shoki) | AcadTech/Sci (Chinese alchemy) | Math (Third order equation (Shu shu jiu zhang) | Science (Chinese alchemy, ) | AcadFineArts (Analects) | AcadComm (Shuowen Jiezi) | Social (Genji no Kokagami (Murasaki Shikibu)) | Medical/Prenatal (Chinese Pharmacopoeia) | Historical (Book of Documents)
Logic: Lvl 1 (Analects (Confucius)), Lvl 2 (Book of Documents), Lvl 3 () | Poetry (Book of Songs) | AcadBusiness (Art of War (Sun Tzu))
Magic/Spellcraft (SN EP): Lvl 1 (Iching), Lvl 2 (Onmyodo (Abe no Seimei)), Lvl 3 (Iching hexagram)
Masterpiece (Book of Songs) | Photography/Street Art (E-hon (Utagawa Hiroshige))
Music: Lvl 1 (Qinxue Congshu), Lvl 2 (Qinxue Rumen), Lvl 3 (Book of Songs)
Recipe: Lvl 1 (52 Sick Prescriptions), Lvl 2 (Materia Dietetica), Lvl 3 (Herbal Food + Materia Dietetica)
Recreation: English (Bushido (Inazo Notobe)) | Fiction (Tamamo-no-mae (Katsushika Hokusai)) | Fantasy/Humor/Horror (Kyōsai Hyakki Gadan (Kawanabe Kyōsai)) | Biography (Heike Monogatari) | Romance (Genji no Kokagami) | Drama () | SciFi (Kaguya) | Mystery (Gazu Hyakki Yagyō (Toriyama Sekien))
Y'all can scroll through most of the replacements/swatches here & here.
File Dump Part 1
EA Chinese Tomb Chest as Toy Chest (basegame)
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Silfantasy Chinese Sword as Hoverboard (ITF EP)
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Tera Bag as Bag of Understanding (WA EP), recolorable, found under Misc Decor IIRC.
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Radish as Edible Morsel (WA EP), recolorable; found under Misc Appliances & Plants.
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TS4 to TS3 Jennisims Lotus Seed Pod as Edible Morsel (WA EP), recolorable; found under Misc Appliances & Plants.
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Emperor's Smile as Drinkable UNI EP Alcohol (Arsil Custom Beverages mod + UNI EP REQ), recolorable; found under Misc Appliances.
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TS2 to TS3 Jizaikagi Irori Edit as Firepit PLAIN is yet another version of my two Jizaikagi Irori (here & here), this time without the hanging rack/shelf.
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TeeSangBoy Chinese Couch Redone as Decor Bedframe, to be used with functional mattresses (I used these by Sketchbookpixels).
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TS2 to TS3 Asian Ornate End Table, TSB Coffee Table TINY, EA Zen Bath Stool Emptied as Coffee Table all recolorable & self explanatory.
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TS2 to TS3 Bamboo Copse recolorable, found under Plants & Lawn Deco. Bamboo Wall Stickers recolorable, under Wall Art.
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MTCakestore Chinese Books (Stackable) & ShinoKCR Couch Cushion as Scroll Bundle (Stackable) under Misc Deco, fully recolorable.
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TS4 to TS3 Chinese Decor Man 1, 2, 3 non-recolorable, but includes rainbow of color variations. Found under Sculptures.
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ATS3 Pinwheels as ACCs
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Recolorable, unisex for toddlers, children, and teen-elders. Found under Bracelets.
And that's that for now!
Enjoy, and Happy Lunar New Year 2023! 🐇🐰
Download folder (zip files): Mediafire | SimFileShare
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multimystica · 7 months
I'm a Brazilian Tarot reader and Oraculist just trying to make a living to pay for college and help with house expenses, I work with the following divination methods:
Tarot (Rider Waite; Osho's Zen Tarot; Tarot of the Holy Grail)
Lenormand a.k.a. Petit Lenormand ( French Cartomancy, or Gypsy Deck if you're Brazilian)
Vera Sibilla Italiana (a.k.a. Italian Cartomancy)
Elder Futhark (a.k.a. Runes)
Very sporadically I use the pendulum and radiestesy & radionic graphics as well.
My main objective with this profile is to work professionally with divination and spirituality online. If you want to know more about myself before you book a reading or service feel free to ask, I'm an open book.
As this is a professional page and not only a hobby, I plan to charge for my readings, I take payments via Paypal or PicPay (if you're in Brazil, I take payments via pix as well).
However, I also intend to serve spirituality itself, so once a week I'll answer simple questions with 6 card Lenormand readings free of charge via Tumblr's ask function.
My rates in US Dollars:
$5 - 1 card reading using Osho's Zen Tarot Deck
$5 - 3 runes reading using Elder Futhark Runes
$10 - 6 card reading using the Lenormand Deck
$10 - 3 card reading using Rider Waite's Tarot Deck
$25 - Pack of three 6 card readings using Lenormand Deck
$25 - Pack of three 3 card readings using Rider Waite's Tarot Deck
$50 - Lenormand Grand Tableau reading + 3 clarifying questions.
$60 - 1 hour of unlimited questions using your oracles of choice (from those currently avaliable) + 1 Osho's Zen Tarot card advice.
Readings can be made online (texts or videocalls if the app of choice supports it, you choose) via Tumblr Chat, Discord, WhatsApp, or delivered on a PDF via e-mail. I'll always send pictures of the cards drawn and explain everything.
Other services I offer:
$30 - Spiritual Guidance and Advice Sessions ( 1 hour sessions via Discord or Whatsapp Messenger)
$60 - Tutorial on Energetically Cleansing Spellwork (delivered via Discord, E-mail or PDF)
$120 - 30 days of Spiritual Guidance and Advice + three 6 card readings with Lenormand (via Discord or Whatsapp Messenger)
On Spellwork:
I can perform certain types of spellwork, such as:
Abundance, prosperity & wealth rituals
Self-love, self-esteem & self-respect rituals
Peace and positivity rituals
Those don't have a fixed pricing, the price is to be discussed depending on the severity of the situation, on the pricing of the required materials to perform the ritual, and on the financial situation of the client.
I may as well prescribe baths and rituals which you'd have to do yourself. If you come to me just for the prescription of baths or rituals I just charge the symbolic value of $5 for said prescriptions; however, if you booked a reading or another service with me and I find it to be useful or necessary in your situation, I'll do it free of charge.
Onto the much necessary disclaimer:
I DON'T do binding or karmic return rituals. Do not even ask about it. It goes against my values as a light-worker. Divine justice is there for a reason. I'm not here to rip off anyone so if you really need a certain service and can't afford it just message me about it and I'll see what I can do to help for FREE.
Most importantly: I am not a scammer, I'd rather be scammed than be seen as a scammer so you don't even need to pay upfront, I don't care to work for free if it means I'll get to help people with my cards.
Payment info:
Paypal info: [email protected]
PicPay Info: @multimystica Pix (for Brazilians): [email protected]
I just want to make an honest living, if you don't want a reading at all yet want to make a difference, feel free to donate any value to either of the payment methods stated above. Thank you!
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slexenskee · 8 months
hello!! i don’t know if you remember but i sent you an ask months ago about the best place to travel/has good food, and i’m happy to announce that i took the leap and my application for study abroad has been accepted! i am very nervous but your posts about traveling inspired me. do you have any tips for going to a foreign country?
Oh congrats that's awesome!!!
Ahh well tbh without knowing where you're going most of my travel tips will be a bit generic, and also, my trips are definitely never as long as a study abroad would be so the stuff I do for those might not apply either.
That being said, research if the country you're staying in will have your medication/skincare/beauty products etc., and stock up if they don't. You can easily buy things like new clothes and food, but if you have specific products you like they can be hard to come by! Medication especially, there is nothing worse than being sick in a foreign country where you can't read the language and don't know the names of any pharmacies. Also some countries won't let you take certain medication in, even prescribed - for ex, Japan doesn't let anyone take in ADHD meds. Not even with a prescription and a letter of medical necessity.
Know where/how to get to your country's embassy in the country you'll be in. This is mainly if you're not staying in the capital where the embassies normally are, and especially useful if you're going to be in the country for a while. Be prepared to just go directly if you run into any issues, because reaching out via phone or email is basically useless. They are usually quite helpful though. I had to reverse-course from Krabi and fly back to Bangkok to get an emergency passport in the middle of one of my trips - I thought it would be a stressful disaster, but I had it sorted out within a few hours. I couldn't find ANY information on what to do online, and they weren't answering their phones, so I just walked up and they let me cut the line as a citizen and then walked me through all the forms and stuff and had an emergency passport for me by lunch.
Depending on what kind of phone you have, you can download Airlo, which is a live saver for phone plans. It's data only, but it's a super simple to use and download e-sim where you can even get regional e-sims that will work in over 30+ countries. It's so helpful if you plan on traveling around.
And idk how old you are or where you're from, but having a credit card and debit account with access to online banking services is imperative. I've been able to travel to multiple countries without even using cash or a debit card and just using my credit card alone, but for a long stay that would be impossible. An online bank that you can transfer money/deposit money via taking a picture of a cheque on your phone is extremely convenient. Also having someone back home who has access to your accounts and can access them on your behalf is helpful. Depending on where you're going, you're probably also going to always need a lot of cash on hand. Europe is mostly card readers with tap to pay, but I've noticed SE Asia has a lot of 'cash only, or scan a qr-code and directly transfer to the merchant's bank account' merchants which is great if you live there but very inconvenient if you're a traveler who obviously doesn't have a bank account in the country. Japan is literally still COINS only in some places.
For transportation, look up what the taxi apps of choice are and make an account with them. Idk it's usually either Uber or Grab but sometimes I'll see a wildcard.
If the place you're going to has an entirely different written language, the Google Translate app is actually pretty darn spot on and the camera mode is very helpful. I've used it to translate my doujins before with difficult kanji 😂
That's all I can think of off the top of my head haha. Hope it helps!! And have fun!!
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niuniente · 2 years
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Go to bed and ealize at 5am that an old health problem is rearing its head.
-> Check the name of the medicine a doctor prescribed you a year ago. -> Notice that there’s one leftover package still available but last time you needed two. -> Decide to contact a workplace health care to get a new recipe. -> The provider of the workplace health care has changed 2 weeks ago. While the old workplace health care provider had 24h online doctor chats, this new place’s online chats open at 7am. They also only work in a mobile app, not online (like with the old provider. Note that you hate mobile apps and writing with a phone). -> The clock is now 6am. Make a decision to wait till 7am. Note you went to bed at 5am so you haven’t slept yet. But it’s OK. Getting a prescription won’t take longer than 5 minutes. -> Catch a doctor at 7am from the online chat and explain your issue and your need for the medicine. -> The doctor doesn’t know what that medicine it. -> The doctor doesn’t know how that medicine is used. -> Explain to doctor what it is and how is it used and why you had it the last time. -> Instead of smooth ride, “argue” with the doctor how you a) need the medicine b) yes got the medicine last time just via message not via medical examination c) explain your history with the medicine and the health problem d) explain all the lap results and tests and examinations and how you’ve got clean papers from them from the past 2 years e) explain multiple times that the doctor who gave this medicine the last time via message was a specialist and not some rando f) I’m not making this up, check my files -> Doctor still doesn’t really believe you. The medicine you’re asking for can’t be misused as a drug and it’s not a strong medicine either, so that’s not the issue here. -> Tell doctor that you wish this specific medicine because it had no side effects and it really helped. -> After 60 minutes of “arguing” with the doctor, he finally approves your request. -> It’s 8am now. The pharmacy opens up at 9. You might as well stay up for additional 30 minutes and then walk 30 minutes to the pharmacy. -> Go to pharmacy. Find out that instead of 2 packages, the doctor has approved only 1 package. -> Recall that you already had an old prescription for a one package. All the arguing with the doctor was in vain. -> Walk back home and be still up at 10:30am, pissed of and sick and tired, wishing the 1 package of medication is enough to deal with the health problem.
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logicoyerx · 2 years
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hrrafey1213 · 9 days
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www.HRsoftBD.com offers Hospital Management Software
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vujung · 9 days
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www.HRsoftBD.com offers Coaching Mangement software
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radibahrsoftbd · 1 hour
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hrsoftbd Offers Bulk SMS Service
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clatterbane · 2 years
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Final major quest item obtained this morning: Swedish bank accounts in my name! (Now that I am equipped with the national ID card and everything.)
Like when I moved to the UK, I ended up with a joint account with Mr. C and AFAICT a second sole account. He actually did most of the talking (in Swedish), which was just as well since I also couldn't hear jack shit over the background noise.
Since my unemployed foreign disabled ass is piggybacking off his existing relationship with the bank, it is set up with a limited debit card for at least a while until they have established that money is indeed going into the account regularly. I'll have to double check the restrictions, but it'll be great to have any usable local cards at all.
I was half-afraid going in that they were just going to nope out of giving me any account whatsoever, but that turned out not to be an issue. It was more an appointment to finish up paperwork and get things set up.
I've basically been avoiding using the British accounts as far as possible, even before the pound tanked so hard recently. The extra fees are bad enough, and it's apparently a rather expensive PITA to try to keep those topped up now just for extra fun. Being able to do basic dailystuff like order groceries on my own again will be super welcome.
I can't do much with the new account(s) until I do get and activate the actual debit card, which should apparently be going out sometime this week. But, it's a huge relief to eventually get set up with a bank on this end at all.
Plus, there's this! 🥳
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BankID is finally enabled, and duly activated/logged in on my phone by the SEB person with her magic QR code!
(Yeah, the app wouldn't let me even screenshot the main screen utterly devoid of sensitive info, because security.)
Which, in turn, finally unlocked one more sadly important bonus item!
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Yep, I finally have access to the health system portal! 😎
You need a 1177 account (which of course relied on BankID for verification 🙄) in order to interact with medical services online, like, at all.
Which means I shouldn't have to rely on Mr. C nearly as much to generally run interference and make a bunch of phone calls to handle things that the vast majority of people just take care of online, to the point that they're always surprised when that's not an option.
I can now actually see my prescriptions (plus how many refills are left, which is oddly not printed on the labels!), and put in requests. Test results should be accessible too, besides being able to book my own appointments and various other online requests and communication with doctors' offices. It should now also be set up to notify me of appointments through both SMS and e-mail, because I'm semi-paranoid.
So yeah, I'm relieved that it did turn out to be such a productive morning. I'm currently too brain fried to try and accomplish any more adulting right now. Current plan: grab some lunch and try to chill for a while! 😮‍💨
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projektnomad · 2 years
Britain - 2032
You pull out of your £22 per hour parking space and the ANPR camera clocks you onto road, immediately charging you £15 for the day and £2 per mile after that. Arriva own the roads now, and the fares seem to go up every month. You haven't been able to switch over to electric yet, due to the battery shortage, so you head to the fuel station to fill up.
The unleaded pump is 949.9p a litre now. Part of that is the recent Super Duty the government added at the last budget, but the biggest hike was when Russia invaded Hungary.
You're rationed to 20 litres, so your bill is just shy of £190. You round it off to £200 with a coke and a packet of gum. Getting back on the road you notice a Serco road block and end up stuck in the queue. Since you're inside the M25 you're in the Super Mega Ultra Low Emissions Zone (SMULZ) and subject to a per minute charge for sitting in traffic, engine running or not. The ANPR cameras enforce it automatically, so you check your Arriva app to see how much it's costing you so far. You're still under £20 when you get to the front of the queue, which is a nice relief.
The barrier let's a car go, then the gasmasked Serco officer lowers it back down and approaches you with his taser at the ready. Another officer checks your tyre tread and pressure, then moves onto your exhaust emissions, counts the chips on your windscreen, inspects your dents and rust. They're looking for reasons to fine you. It's all they do since they took over the policing contract from the disbanded Met. Eventually you're passed a bill for their on the spot safety check. You passed, so it's only the £50 service fee.
You're ushered on and eventually you're sat in a traffic jam on the M25. All 16 lanes are open, but there's been another autolorry crash and it's taking a long time to put out the battery fires. Eventually you make it to your appointment at your local doctors surgery, a mere 56 miles from home. Once you pass security you're asked for your Bupa number. The reception computer informs you that your premium is suspended because you visited Gregg's 3 times in January. There is no NHS treatment available for you since you're over 18 and under 85, so if you want to proceed with the appointment it will be £855. You pay it up front, then make your way to the doctor's office.
When you're done you head over to the pharmacy for your prescription, it's gone up to £1,330. You pay, then head back to the car to administer your insulin shot. You step over a dead body in the doorway, the security bot tells you not to be concerned, that someone will remove the body at some point today.
As you get to your car a man comes running up to you asking if that's insulin in the bag. He begs, pleads, tells you his daughter needs it and they can't afford it. You pull your gun and tell him to back off. He's just a distraction though, you feel the knife plunge into your neck, the next thing you know you're leaning on your bonnet, blood oozing out of the wound. They run off with your prescription.
You sit in the car, pushing an old sweater into the wound, feeling faint and wondering how long you have before you pass out. It's a 55 minute drive to A&E and your credit card is maxed out.
As your blood pressure drops and your vision starts to blur you remember when things were cheaper and people weren't so desperate. Your watch pings, reminding you that you've overstayed your parking time and the fine is £1,000.
With your final breath, you think to yourself 'can you imagine how bad it would be if Corbyn were in charge'.
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