#present evidence in a certain order to uncover the lies but
eyeoftheaxolotl · 6 months
"this was so obvious to me" wasn't for me. "this game is so easy who would even enjoy this" i did and i found it challenging actually. "nobody would ever fall for this" i did.
when you talk about a video game through the lens of your own experience, you are speaking as a player with your own capabilities and preferences. remember that
#ppl say this about ace attorney for example#that they saw what was wrong with the witness' statements the whole time and they felt frustrated that the game forced them to go and#present evidence in a certain order to uncover the lies but#i was lost for Most cases. i was savestatescumming and randomly guessing MOST of the time.#another example in media more generally is twist villains. like that guy in meet the robinsons.#granted i watched the movie as a kid but#even as an adult i dont think i would have been able to predict that goob = bowler hat guy#it still seems so out of left field#i get what MADE him bowler hat guy in RETROSPECT#because they EXPLAINED it LATER ON#but i simply would not make that connection otherwise#and im ngl#the time between bowler hat guy's introduction and the next time we see goob is enough to make me forget he exists by that point#granted#since i already know what happens#that scene between goob and his future self gets me with the reminder of “oh yeah thats right this is a thing bc theyre the same person etc#but if i didnt remember that i feel like itd catch me off-guard all over again#as a final note#the point of a piece of media is (GENERALLY) not to catch you specifically off-guard.#twist villains arent a challenge issued by the creator. you dont “win” if you guess them ahead of time#congrats#youre perceptive#watch the damn movie#play the damn game#or dont. thats fine just dont whine about it like it's a fault of the story#it's not. it's really not#axolspeaks#eyeoftheaxolotl
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theculturedmarxist · 2 years
The United Nations Security Council will hold a meeting on April 5 (EST) to discuss the situation in Ukraine, with the "Bucha incident" in the spotlight. Ukraine has accused Russian military forces of killing a large number of civilians during the occupation of the city of Bucha, located in the western suburbs of Kiev. Russia categorically denied it and presented the UN Security Council with empirical evidence of the Ukrainian side's video falsification and other fakes. Previously, Ukraine claimed that hundreds of bodies in civilian clothes were found in Bucha, and Western media following the Ukrainian army into the city captured photos and videos showing dead bodies strewn on city streets, which quickly stirred up the international public opinion and cast a deep shadow over the Russia-Ukraine peace negotiations at a critical juncture.
It must be emphasized that any violence against civilians, under whatever pretext, is absolutely unacceptable and must be condemned and the perpetrators held accountable. This is actually the consensus of the international community. But unrest and war are always accompanied by such distressing tragedies, which is one of the reasons why we firmly oppose chaos and war, and insist on advocating for peace and promoting talks. Although the truth is yet to be uncovered, it is certain that war is ultimately the culprit of all tragedies. As long as Russia and Ukraine cannot achieve a cease-fire, humanitarian tragedies will not end.
However, it is regrettable that after the exposure of the "Bucha incident," the US, the initiator of the Ukraine crisis, has not shown any signs of urging peace and promoting talks, but is ready to exacerbate the Russia-Ukraine tensions and create obstacles to the peace talks between the two sides, by increasing sanctions against Russia, providing more weapons to Ukraine, and continuously pressuring Russia in diplomacy and public opinion. In particular, Washington has indicated that it will provide a range of heavy weapons systems. The Pentagon has described the work to fulfill Ukraine's main security assistance requests at an "unprecedented pace." We have to say, it is very irresponsible to fan the flames at this juncture.
Many Western media refer to the "Bucha incident" as a turning point in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which is an ambiguous judgment. Is it a turn in the direction of further deterioration of the situation? This is precisely what the peace-loving people in the world need to be highly alert to. At present, the "Bucha incident" seems to be deviating from its normal course, and the atmosphere of the public opinion war and the psychological war is getting stronger. However, any attempt to take advantage of the Ukraine crisis to unilaterally occupy the "moral high ground" and continuously push up conflicts in order to extract geostrategic benefits is likely to trigger a greater humanitarian tragedy in the end.
It is rational to suspect that behind the indignation of the US and the West over the "Bucha incident" lies a profound double standard and a political purpose that is not single-minded. This is because over the years, the military forces of some countries have committed numerous crimes in killing civilians with impunity. According to incomplete statistics, as many as 100,000 Afghan civilians have died under US gunfire, and a significant number of them are children. Australian special forces have killed 39 unarmed Afghan civilians, including juveniles, by slitting their throats for "practice." What's more, in order to obstruct the International Criminal Court (ICC)'s investigation of US war crimes in Afghanistan, the US government went so far as to restrict the issuance of visas for ICC staff and impose sanctions on the court's senior officials.
"The first casualty of war is truth." This well-known Western proverb has been quoted many times by American and British lawmakers and politicians, who should be fully aware that as important as the pursuit of "truth" is avoiding tragedy. No matter how the "Bucha incident" took place, no one can deny at least one thing: War itself is the main culprit of the humanitarian disaster. The current humanitarian disaster in Ukraine has added new pressure to the Russia-Ukraine peace talks. But the crisis shows the necessity and importance of the cease-fire and peace talks, because if no cease-fire is achieved as soon as possible, there may be more disasters in the future.
In this sense, the "Bucha incident" once again reminded the international community that along with a serious pursuit of responsibility and investigation, fanning the flames and "passing the knife" should be avoided. Advocating for peace and promoting talks should be insisted on. No matter how difficult it is, a cease-fire and peace should be achieved as a result. Only peace can protect life and bring tranquility.
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jurassicsunsets · 4 years
Foraminifera: Introduction and anatomy
There’s a lot more to palaeontology than just dinosaurs. I’m sure you’re familiar with fossil mammals like mammoths and sabre-tooths. Everyone loves fossil fish like Dunkleosteus and Megalodon. Fossil invertebrates, like trilobites or ammonites, are some of the most famous fossils of all time. And fossil plants are all over the place, from petrified wood to leaf impressions in coal. But have you ever thought about fossil microorganisms?
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(Image: Single-celled organisms like this foraminifera are among the most common organisms today, but the vast majority are microscopically small. [Source])
Microbes are everywhere on Earth today, and they have been everywhere on Earth for seemingly as long as life has existed. They live in practically every environment—but their small size and soft bodies have meant that fossils of them are very rare.
Well, almost all of them, that is. One particular group of single-celled organisms is among the best-studied groups in the entire fossil record, having a highly detailed fossil record stretching back for over 540 million years. These are the hard-shelled foraminifera.
I’ve become enamoured with this neat little group of protists lately. But I’ve been really disappointed with a lot that’s been written about them. For despite being some of the most interesting and geologically famous protists, there has been very little written about them that is accessible to anyone who doesn’t already know a lot about them. I’d like to change that.
What are foraminifera?
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(Image: An assortment of foraminifera shells, with a huge variety of shapes and sizes. More on that later... [Source])
Foraminifera (literally meaning “opening bearers”), or “forams” as they are commonly called, are a group of single-celled eukaryotes. In other words, they have a nucleus (or often multiple of them), and they have mitochondria that act as (say it with me) the powerhouse of the cell. Most forams consume smaller microorganisms as food; however, some are capable of utilising dissolved organic carbon, and many groups have convergently evolved endosymbiotic relationships with photosynthetic algae, including rhodophytes, chlorophytes, and dinoflagellates. In fact, certain foraminifera can extract the chloroplasts from algae they consume and incorporate them into their own cells to do photosynthesis! These don’t last forever, though, and the forams eventually digest the chloroplasts. Some other foraminifera actually actively predate on and kill small animals—an amazing feat for a single-celled organism!
Some of the most famous foraminifera are the planktonic forms that float within the water column; however, the vast majority of forams are benthic organisms. These include forms from shallow water to forms found at the very deepest point of the ocean. Though some benthic species live only above the sediment-water interface and others live only interstitially, most benthic forams are not confined to one mode of life and may move between layers of the community in order to seek out food. Some of these forms can even survive without oxygen for extended periods! This allows them to live in conditions that would kill many other organisms.
A few species of forams have been identified from freshwater environments, and one study presented molecular evidence suggesting foraminifera may be widespread in soils, although no actual forams have been found from soils yet. It seems that there might be a lot of diversity even among living forams that we still have yet to uncover.
Of all single-celled organisms, why is it that foraminifera have such a good fossil record? The answer lies in the hard shell of many species, known as a test.
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(Image: A variety of test shapes in different foraminifera groups, viewed with a scanning electron microscope. They include may shapes—coiled, glob-shaped, linear, egglike, and more. There are many other shapes of tests that aren’t shown here—like spiralled, branched, disc-like, and more. All of these tests are calcareous. [Source])
These tests are not simply external structures within which foraminifera live; rather, the test is actually within the cell membrane. Although the soft parts of the foraminiferal cell are almost never preserved in the fossil record, modern species of forams have helped us learn a lot about their anatomy. Extending from the opening(s) of the test are pseudopodia, fingerlike extensions of the cell membrane. As the most prominent extensions of the cell outside of the test, they serve a multitude of functions, including locomotion, feeding, agglutinating the test, reproduction, respiration, and excretion. In many forms these pseudopodia extend in all directions through numerous tiny holes in the shell of the test. In other ways the foraminifera anatomically resemble typical single-celled eukaryotes, with nuclei and mitochondria. Some species have multiple nuclei within a single cell). During reproduction, some species of forams can even leave their shell behind entirely to undergo cell division.
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(Image: The anatomy of a foraminiferan. Note that the test is actually inside of the cell wall, but most of the cell materials are inside the test. The pseudopodia are the main thing that extend out of the aperture, or hole. This drawing is a unilocular, or single-chambered, foram.)
The most famous and diverse of these are foraminifera with calcareous tests. Calcareous means that they are made of calcium carbonate, and calcium carbonate takes two main forms: Calcite and aragonite. Calcite is a very common mineral in nature; it’s the stuff that makes up limestone, marble, antacids, coral skeletons, and more. And aragonite is a mineral with the same chemical composition as calcite, but with a different crystal structure. It’s found in the shells of many organisms, like snails. Both calcite and aragonite tests are found in foraminifera, and many species have their own particular composition and crystal structure.
Other forams have agglutinated tests: that is, tests that are made by collecting bits of sand and cementing them together, using either organic proteins or calcite to hold them together. 
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(Image: An agglutinated textulariid foram. Its test is made from sediment grains connected together. It looks a bit like an ice cream cone in shape, but rather than conical, it’s flat. And the top is sealed off. So really, it looks nothing like an ice cream cone. [Source])
Fewer still forams secrete tests of silica—the material that quartz and glass are made of. Others have softer tests made completely from proteins and other organic material. Even rarer are foraminifera which entirely lack tests and were until recently considered to be amoebae; these species likely secondarily lost the test.
Test composition appears to be pretty fluid in foram evolution. In the family tree of foraminifera, it seems that calcite tests evolved multiple times, and so did agglutinated tests. In some cases it looks like they might have even gone from calcite tests to agglutinated tests.
Test shape is also highly diverse within foraminifera. The simplest shape of test are the unilocular, or single-chambered, forms; however, unilocular forms may also have more complex chamber shapes, including spiraled tubes outwardly resembling snail shells. Unilocular forms are found in several groups of forams. The earliest foraminifera were probably all unilocular, and modern unilocular forams probably form a paraphyletic “grade” rather than a true branch of the tree of life. Single-chambered foraminifera probably make up the bulk of forams alive today, but many of these species remained undiscovered and unnamed.
Although unilocular forams are frequently considered the “simplest” forams, they also include some of the most bizarre protists, the xenophyophores. These are my favourite group of foraminifera, and the reason is, I think, pretty clear—they’re enormous. Like, I mean, the largest ones can get up to 20cm/8in across! These are the largest known single-celled organisms on the planet. All of the known species live on the floor of the deep ocean, where they filter-feed.
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(Image: A xenophyophore, a giant, single-celled foraminifera. It looks a bit like a sponge, which is what it was once mistaken for. [Source])
Most named species of forams, however, are multilocular, having multiple chambers within their tests. The tests of the most well-known forms superficially resemble the shells of ammonites or nautili. In fact, the earliest scientific descriptions of foraminifera described them as being tiny cephalopods! The septa (internal dividing walls) of foraminiferal tests have holes that allow for the cytoplasm to flow between compartments, so that the cell can make use of all of the available space within the test. These openings—or foramina—also provided the name for the group: When initially thought to be cephalopods, they could be distinguished from all other coiled forms by the foramina between compartments. 
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(Image: Cross-sectional diagram of a coiled, multichambered foraminifera. It does look a lot like a nautilus, and even has multiple chambers in its shell. However, unlike nautili, these chambers are connected by holes. [Source])
Not all multilocular foraminifera are coiled, however; many form more linear or globular shapes. Some are even star-shaped! Giants in their own right are found among the multilocular forms: the rotaliid genus Nummulites, though now smaller, has extinct representatives that could reach 15cm across, with up to 4300 distinct compartments. These lens-shaped forams make up the limestone that was used to build the Great Pyramids in Giza.
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(Image: Fossil Nummulites shells being held by a human. They kind of look like pancakes, and are about 15cm/6in in diametre. Though you can’t see it here, they are actually coiled shells. [Source])
This post is the first in a multi-part series covering foraminifera—their anatomy, reproduction, evolutionary history, major groups, and geological applications. Later parts will be linked here, or check the “Foraminifera” tag on my blog!
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elixir448 · 5 years
Beth x Rio and OTP questions -- What’s the first thing that changes when they realise they have feelings for each other? and -- who says I love you first?
I am pretty sure that I am answering this wrong and maybe I’m supposed to create a written piece for the two characters but honestly the thought of writing for these two makes me cringe. I’m sure I’d be terrible at it!! So, I’m just going to answer the questions literally and hope that’s what you wanted!
Right, so. The first question is so painful because I am convinced that Beth and Rio were a little in love with each other. I know it is controversial but the more I think about season 2, the more it makes sense. In order to unpack your first  question, I guess we need to have a think about when they started to have feelings for one another and then when they realised that this was the case.
Honestly, I think that these two caught feels for each other as early as season 1. Certainly, those feelings were mainly comprised of intense curiosity, desire and the fact that they both seemed aware of the electric connection between them, something that neither of them anticipated.
I mean I’m sure if you asked the collective fandom when Beth and Rio developed feelings for one another, the answers would wildly vary.
It’s evident that Rio had been thinking about Beth prior to their conversation in her van (1x05), as indicated by “what are you doing with someone like me?”. Even before then, as soon as Beth and Rio were in the same space as one another, it was like they couldn’t quite remove their focus from the other person, like they were orbiting one another. At this point, after seeing the scale of Rio’s operations, it’s clear to me that he never had to deal with the girls directly after 1x02; initially, it was about using the girls to get his product from Canada and seeing what these suburban mamas could contribute but eventually it was like he couldn’t help himself. I mean, we’ve seen how many times Rio redirects his attention back to Beth whenever Annie or Ruby say something. It seems as though he doesn’t want to look away and it really makes me wonder if, of the two, Rio was actually the first one to catch feelings? Something more than just an awareness of their charged connection.
One of the other reasons I think Rio developed feelings for Beth first is that he’s been making exceptions for Beth for a long ass time, since almost the beginning of their professional relationship. That doesn’t mean he’s not hard on her but it could have, and probably should have, been way worse. It’s not smart for a person like Rio to make exceptions; he never made any for Eddie and I think he knows that he never should have for Beth either. I think it was intrigue that drove him to listen to her and give her some leeway and then I think he was too impressed not to hear her out. Eventually though, I believe he just liked it. He liked seeing her and talking to her in cars and cafes, he enjoyed their loaded conversations and eye-fucking and I think he genuinely wanted her. Like really wanted her. To the point that he let her get away with things that no one else could, like turning him in. Honestly, I oscillate between thinking that he first became aware of his feelings for her at the end of 2x02 or maybe he was full on punched in the face by them in 2x09, after she kissed him and he just stared at her. Or maybe he knew he was f***ed when he retrieved the Dubby for her and stuffed it into her mailbox, instead of leaving it when he confirmed that Jane hadn’t been kidnapped. We saw how soft and open he was with her in 2x08 on her picnic bench. So basically, I don’t know when he realised and I love that it probably snuck up on him, past all the eye-fucks and amusement and exasperation.
So now that I’ve got that out of the way, let’s address your first question, considering Rio’s POV first. I think the first thing that changed was that he suddenly became aware of how dangerous she is to him. In season 2 and probably in the latter half of season 1, I don’t think he could have killed Beth even if he wanted to. There was no way he was going to kill her after he said “Elizabeth. Go home” in 1x09. Also, I’ve said it before but I really do think that throughout 2x02, Rio didn’t know what to do with Beth, who by all accounts was his rotten egg at that point. A rotten egg he couldn’t deal with, despite berating her for being unable to handle her own. I believe that Rio is very self-aware and knew how many exceptions he had made for her but perhaps had convinced himself that it would be worth it, because she was useful. And the thing is she was. But in the business, I think she’d also be considered more trouble than she’s worth.
Realising that he had feelings for her would force him to reckon with the fact that, even though there is a clear imbalance of power in their professional relationship, she actually wields far more power over him that even she is aware of in their undefined personal relationship. And I think as soon as he became aware of that, he was forced to regroup and evaluate what he was doing. This was pretty quickly followed by the realisation that she hadn’t killed Boomer, that she had been lying to him throughout the season despite her insistence that they were partners. I believe that was the driving force behind the “That’s what I am? Work?” scene in 2x12.
Regarding Beth’s feelings, well, she was certainly thinking about Rio early in season 1 as well, “Rio. His name’s Rio.” Annie and Ruby’s responses to that were absolutely perfect and reflective of the audience’s reactions. And come on, with the way that Rio looked at her, called her out and challenged her. There’s no way she wasn’t thinking about him. Sure, she enjoyed it when he blatantly looked her up and down but I think something inside her unravelled when he looked at her with admiration and curiosity in 1x02 (“we’re normal people”) and at the end of 1x04 (“we’re not here to try, we’re here to win bitch!”).
I think Beth has felt undervalued by a lot of the men in her life, including Dean and probably her father (the lack of any mention of him was pretty conspicuous in the 2x08 flashbacks). I think she spent most of her adult life comfortable but not happy. Not unhappy either though. That uncomfortable in-between. Initially, I think she viewed Rio as an opening into the thrill of what she had just done in 1x03, a way to make some money, but part of the thrill was him; I mean, her lies to Agent Turner’s face revolved around both of them having sex. So she definitely thought about that, probably daydreamed about it too. However, I think she also liked what she saw in herself when he looked at her. Her capabilities. And, look, I’m not saying that Beth’s self-worth is tied to Rio. It certainly is not and that would be extremely unhealthy. We’ve seen how much she disregards him lol. What I’m saying is maybe she needed that acknowledgement. Everyone does.
None of this stopped her from turning on him towards the end of season 1, when he “broke up” with her. I am convinced that she was driven by fear of what he would do yes, but mainly by anger and vindictiveness. A bit of a screw you, I don’t need you to do this (and gosh, the irony of that considering the fact that Rio says that to her in 2x06) and how can you just walk away?
We all know that Beth represses a lot, so if she had just sat down and unpacked what she was feeling, she would’ve known pretty quickly what Rio represented to her, a thrill but also a genuine connection. Then, after the bathroom scene in 2x04, her blatant avoidance of discussing it definitely says to me that it meant more to her than she was willing to acknowledge at that point. Then along comes the green-eyed monster when she saw him with Dylan. Come on Beth. Even Annie and Ruby knew that you were jealous but she couldn’t acknowledge it. Instead, she repressed and threw herself into uncovering what his new hustle was. When he returned the Dubby to her and that exhale when she pulled it out of the envelope; Gosh, I think she was confused and decided to avoid what she was feeling even more but maybe it was leaking out without her permission when she and Rio were being so gentle and light-hearted, ribbing each other on the picnic bench.
Interestingly, I’m way more certain of when Beth realised that she had feelings for Rio and that’s probably because we, as the audience, are poised to view Rio from Beth’s point of view. Any insight we get into his character is usually through her, other than his scenes with Turner in 1x01 and Gretchen in 2x03. And we follow her not just in her scenes with him but also through the other aspects of her life, whereas we usually only see Rio in scenes with her. I believe that Beth became aware of and couldn’t repress her feelings anymore when Dean presented her with a choice. Their family or Rio. When she was presented with a time stamp on their relationship, it jolted her. I think by that point, Rio and her had been through a lot and yet always ended up in the same story anyway. Like none of it mattered. Their connection wasn’t erased by any of it. So, she must have stopped thinking that anything could permanently rip them apart. Like, she turned him in and yet there they were, doing what they always do and so what if it means something more? In those moments where Beth’s sitting at the bar, knowing what she had to do, she must have been dreading it. Maybe a little of that was fear of how he might retaliate but Beth knew by that point, in her bones, that Rio would not harm her. No, that dread was because she knew how she felt now and she knew that what she was about to do was going to hurt. Strangely, acknowledging her own feelings was what spurred her to act and seek out that “one last time” with him.
On to your second question, who says I love you first? Oh lord, honestly, I can’t imagine these two every fully exposing themselves like this, not verbally anyway. The Dubby was a pretty obvious declaration of Rio’s feelings (come on, the episode was called “The Dubby”), even if he was probably pissed off while stuffing it into her mailbox. I think, in his own twisted way, presenting her with Agent Turner in 2x13 was another, more f***ed up declaration of something. I’ve thought about this a lot but I can’t even imagine Beth and Rio hugging. Like, it blows my mind to even think about it. Part of the reason is that they are not there yet. They didn’t trust each other, not even before Beth shot him. Telling the other person they love them would expose them in ways that I don’t think either of them can stomach yet. I think it would make itself known in other ways and, hell, it already kind of has with the way they looked at each other in 2x09 before going to Beth’s house. Also, I think the music (Love and War by Fleurie) was an excellent choice for the final scene of the season 2 finale and it was also very telling of what these two represent to one another.
I low-key think that in season 3 or 4, Beth may end up making a declaration of her own, through her actions, of how she feels about Rio. Like saving his life or refusing to flip on him or protecting him in her own way. Her equivalent of the Dubby. And honestly, I will be living!
What I’m trying to say is that Beth and Rio are definitely those two that everyone would eventually know are in love but they would struggle to say it to each other, even if they knew it. If it did happen, I kind of think Beth would be the one to say it. The show is called Good Girls and it’s about our three gals. Beth left her pearls for Rio, lifted up her dress for him and crossed the distance between them to kiss him first. So, in keeping with that theme, it makes sense that she would be the one to say it.  
That being said, I can vaguely see both of them saying it. But in a resigned way. This is killing me. You could kill me. I know. I’m tired. I love you.
Like, all those thoughts and emotions swirling together, until it it just came out, leaden with exhaustion.
Anyway, that’s that. I am so sorry that it took me so long to answer this ask but I got ridiculously insecure with my answer and then realised that I had actually written that everyone will have different opinions, so I thought screw it. I’d really love to hear other peoples’ thoughts! Also, feel free to send in asks (they’ll defos be as rambly as this one, sorry)!
Btw, this is pretty irrelevant but can you imagine if we get to see scenes of Rio in the next season, thinking about her when she’s not there (maybe with the pearls)? Followed by Beth thinking about him? Probs won’t happen but I can dream.
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wilsondownes · 5 years
The Red Serpent: 5. Reaching the Meridian Line
Rassembler les pierres éparses, oeuvrer de l'équerre et du compas pour les remettre en order régulier, chercher la ligne du méridien en allant de l'Orient à l'Occident, puis regardant du Midi au Nord, enfin en tous sens pour obtenir la solution cherchée, faisant station devant les quatorze pierres marquées d'une croix. Le cercle étant l'anneau et couronne, et lui le diadème de cette REINE du Castel.
To assemble the dispersed stones, work with square and compasses to put them back together again in regular order. Seek the meridian line going from the East to the West, then look from the South to the North, finally in all directions, to obtain the searched-for solution, positioning oneself in front of the fourteen stones marked with a cross. The circle being the ring and crown, it is the diadem of this QUEEN of Le Castel.
 The poet is clearly done with pleasantries, like introducing friends and relating long walks. In this stanza, he seriously calls one’s attention to the bigger picture. The fact that one should evidently start looking all over the place for clues, leads one to suspect that the landmarks will eventually reveal some kind of geometrical pattern too — the meaning of which, like those in the texts, is still a mystery in itself.
5.1 With square and compasses
One is now instructed to assemble the ‘sixty-four dispersed stones of the perfect cube’ and put them back together again. Exactly what ‘in regular order’ means is at this stage anyone’s guess. The relevant landmarks in the area, which seem to have been scattered randomly, therefore actually form part of a well-ordered whole — the bigger picture.
To reduce the seeming chaos to order, one is told to use two instruments, namely a square and a pair of compasses. These are the two most basic measuring instruments, which still today figure prominently in Masonic lodges. This is quite logical, as the latter had developed from earlier builders’ orders in which these instruments were paramount. A square is used to draw straight lines and rectangles, and compasses, obviously, to draw circles. These are once again antipoles, with which the poem is interspersed.
A square and compasses are mainly used to draw sketches and diagrams on paper, and in this case, the ‘paper’ is undoubtedly a map of the area. Although the map at the back of Boudet’s book (see Figure 14) only includes the region from the entrance to the Sals Valley south of the town of Serres to the Serrat Plateau south of Rennes-les-Bains, and is also not drawn exactly to scale, it shows certain landmarks that are not indicated on modern maps and that could be significant. For this reason, Boudet’s map should be used as a basic map of the area.
The poet mentions two more landmarks on the route, namely those one apparently has to regard as starting-points in order to uncover the geometrical pattern(s) in the area. The first is a spot where a certain line of longitude and a certain line of latitude cross, and the other a place that seems to be the centre of a circle. Next, one is supposed to ‘look ... in all directions’, which implies that from there, one can systematically start working towards ‘the searched-for solution’.
5.2 The St. Sulpice meridian
The obvious question now is: Exactly which of the multitude of meridians and lines of latitude crossing each other on the map is the poet alluding to?
The only meridian singled out in the document Le serpent rouge is the one indicated by the copper strip on the floor of the St. Sulpice Church in Paris. As was mentioned earlier, the floor plan of this church included in the document clearly shows this meridian, with the letters P and S and the words ‘PRAE-CUM’ next to it. This meridian runs 2°20’05.6”E of the prime meridian at Greenwich. It lies very close to the Parisian meridian — 11.4”W of it — which dates from before when the Greenwich meridian started being used as the international line of reference for coordinate systems.
On Boudet’s map, this specific line of longitude runs close to the eastern border of the area, in other words, east of the immediate area in the Sals Valley where one finds oneself at this point.
The question arising, though, is whether somebody alluding to a meridian that in all probability relates to the hiding place of a treasure, would make it this easy to pinpoint. One tends to believe that the St. Sulpice meridian would rather lead one to the exact meridian — and region — the poet has in mind.
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Fig. 14. The map of Edmond Boudet
5.3 The Rose Line
In the document Au pays de la reine blanche, a meridian that might be the line one is looking for is mentioned.
Just to put this document in perspective: It was published under the pseudonym Nicolas Beaucéan, which Franck Marie in Rennes-le-Château, étude critique [40] (‘Rennes-le-Chateau, A Critical Study’) deems to be one of Pierre Plantard’s pseudonyms. The name Beaucéan refers to the Knights Templar’s flag. (The Knights Templar was a Medieval Christian military order that existed from shortly after the first crusade until 1307.) This flag comprised parallel white and black blocks — once again echoeing the white and black theme in the poem. In the documents in the French National Library, the Order of the Knights Templar is also associated with the forerunner of the Prieuré de Sion, the Order of Sion.
As for the meridian: The one referred to in the above-mentioned document is called the ‘Rose Line’, in other words, the ‘red line’, which immediately calls to mind the ‘red serpent’. According to the author of this document, the abbé Courtauly had the following to say about the Rose Line: ‘If the parishes of Peyrolles and Serres are the twin children of Saint Vincent, the parish of Rennes-les-Bains protects the heart of the Roseline.’ The Rose Line therefore runs past (or through) the church of Rennes-les-Bains. The fact that this particular line falls almost exactly in the centre of Boudet’s map, leads one to believe that this could be the line the poet has in mind.
The towns of Peyrolles and Serres mentioned in the quotation, lie to the north of Rennes-les-Bains. One can easily spot these from the lookout point on the hiking path between Roque Nègre and Blanchefort. The writer connects them with the ‘twin children’ of St. Vincent — a saint one has already come across: It is said that he is mentioned in one of the parchments allegedly discovered in Rennes-le-Château.
St. Vincent was a friend of Jean-Jacques Olier, the founder of the St. Sulpice Church, wherein a meridian is indicated across the floor. Just like Olier, St. Vincent is also associated with the leadership of the Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement, which apparently was a front (or another name) for the Prieuré de Sion.
In the above quotation, the churches of Peyrolles and Serres are linked to the Rose Line. A quick glance at the map reveals that they fall on lines of longitude on either side of the Rennes-les-Bains church. Upon closer examination, however, one discovers that these churches lie perfectly symmetrical on either side of the meridian running through the cemetery behind the Rennes-les-Bains church.[41] As the Rose Line dates from the time when these churches were built, one could allow for a minor error of a few metres. The directions in Au pays de la reine blanche therefore correspond exactly to what one finds in reality: The church of Rennes-les-Bains indeed ‘protects’ this line.
On the map, this meridian runs past Lampos in the north — the white rock formations on the slopes of Cardou. Lampos lies straight across from Blanchefort on the other side of the ravine when entering the Sals Valley from the north. South from there, the meridian runs through the Rennes-les-Bains cemetery, further south through the spot where the Sals and Blanque Rivers converge, and still further south, past a fountain called Fontaine de Madeleine (‘Fountain of the Magdalene’.
The fact that this meridian runs through the convergence of the mentioned rivers unveils a beautiful symmetry in the area. This, once again, corresponds to the balancing of the poles in the riddle, which is crucial to finding one’s way.
5.4 Lampos
According to Boudet, the name Lampos comes from the word ‘lamb’. He writes: ‘This last rock separated from Cardou and presenting several points reunited at the base, gave our ancestors the idea of small beings comprising a family ... [They] poetically named these needles Lampos. This word derives from ‘lamb’ or ‘to lamb’, when speaking of the sheep.’ [42] This rock structure does indeed look like white lambs grazing on the slopes. The poet later also connects it with the baptism of Christ, and therefore John’s words: ‘Behold the Lamb of God.’
When looking at the copper strip indicating a meridian in the St. Sulpice Church, one makes the astounding discovery that it is indeed linked to the ‘Lamb of God’. At the one end, the line runs to the gnomon in the northern wing of the church, on which it is vertically produced. Right next to the line on the gnomon there is an inscription — as well as the symbol of the Lamb of God! This inscription also appears in the document Le serpent rouge. Just as the Rose Line runs through Lampos, so the meridian line in St. Sulpice is (literally) connected with the Lamb of God. It is therefore highly likely that this symbol on the gnomon serves as an indication of where the relevant meridian lies — the one that runs through Lampos at Rennes-les-Bains!
This discovery is the first indication that the riddle in the poem and the information in the related documents possibly not only pertain to the convictions of Pierre Plantard and his circle of friends, but could also be based on a geometrical pattern in the Rennes-les-Bains region that had existed long before any of them did! Although it is certainly possible that Pierre Plantard linked the symbol of the Lamb of God on the gnomon to Lampos, the fact that both had existed long before his time implies that others before him had the exact same association in mind. It is therefore not coincidental that the meridian running through Lampos also falls in the middle of Boudet’s map, and that all the landmarks on this map can easily be ordered in respect of this meridian. This proves that Pierre Plantard did indeed have access to certain secrets that at least date from the time of the Compagnie du Saint-Sacrement.
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Fig. 15. The inscription on the gnomon
5.5 The Rennes-les-Bains cemetery
To reach the cemetery behind the church of Rennes-les-Bains, one takes the footpath from Blanchefort, and at the fork, the path going down to the tarred road. At the second little bridge, there are steps leading down to the water from the Pontet Fountain that flows from a pipe underneath the bridge. This water is rich in iron and leaves a reddish deposit on the ground. From here, one follows the road into Rennes-les-Bains.
It is quite a rare experience relaxing with a cold drink outside the café fronting the town square, which is shaded by the majestic plane-trees in the centre. The opposite right-hand corner of the square conceals the entrance to the passage-way that leads to the church.
When entering the vestibule, which is separated from the church itself by a door, the first thing that catches the eye is an iron cross decorated with roses, with a Virgin and Child in the centre. Underneath this cross one finds three inscriptions: ‘IN HOC SIGNO VINCES’ (‘BY THIS SIGN YOU WILL CONQUER’), ‘DOMINO VIE RECTORE’ (‘TO THE MASTER WHO SHOWS THE WAY’) and ‘PETRUS DELMAS FECIT’ (‘MADE BY PETRUS DELMAS’), with the date 1856 underneath. One immediately wonders if the abbé Vie, whose name features in the middle inscription, is the one who is supposed to show the way.
As for the third inscription: In 1856, Petrus Delmas apparently published a writing entitled L’Armorial du Languedoc-Roussillon (The armorial bearings of the Languedoc-Roussillon’) in which one or more of the antique Plantard family coats of arms appeared. The existence of such a book can, however, not be verified.
Walking straight through the vestibule, one reaches the cemetery behind the church. Here one finds the grave of the abbé Jean Vie, who died in 1872 at the age of 64. According to his epitaph, he became a priest at 32, which neatly divides his life into two parts of 32 years each, 32 ‘black’ and 32 ‘white’ years — corresponding to the Knights Templar’s flag, as well as the blocks on a chess-board.
The date on his grave, namely the 1st September, is written as ‘1 er 7 embre’, and therefore also implies 17 (in French, 7 is ‘sept’). Together with the French pronunciation of his name, ‘Janvier’ (meaning ‘January’), one therefore has an allusion to the 17th January — the same day Sigebert is said to have been brought to Rhedae. This is also the holy day of the archbishop of St. Sulpice, the patron saint of the church in Paris that had been named after him, who died on the 17th January, 647. Given the connection between this date and St. Sulpice, it is highly likely that this grave relates to the meridian indicated on the floor of the St. Sulpice Church.
Next to the grave of the abbé Vie is that of Boudet’s mother and sister. The white tombstone is bestrewn with black crystals - again the white-black theme. Between their epitaphs is a vertical line with arrowheads at the top and bottom, and one’s first thought is whether this is not perhaps indicative of the Rose Line.
As the Rose Line indeed runs past these graves,[43] there is little doubt that they are connected with it. This would imply that the cemetery not only boasts an important meridian, but also that the priests of the church had been aware of it and left all sorts of clues about it. Another grave to be found here — which later on proves to be of great significance — is that of Paul-Urbain de Fleury, the son of Paul F. Vincent de Fleury and Gabrielle, Marie de Blanchefort’s daughter.
According to Au pays de la reine blanche, the church of Rennes-les-Bains protects the ‘heart’ of the Rose Line. This ‘heart’ in all probability alludes to a point where the Rose Line and a line of latitude cross, which would imply this line of latitude is the other line the poet is referring to. The next landmark implicitly mentioned in the poem is therefore to be found here in the Rennes-les-Bains cemetery.
5.6 Mirror images
One now expects the poet to enter the church of Rennes-les-Bains. He does, after all, mention the 14 ‘stones’ marked with a cross, which undoubtedly refers to the 14 Stations of the Cross. The Stations in the Rennes-les-Bains church, however, do not include any of the peculiarities found in the Rennes-le-Chateau church, which means it is rather the latter that is relevant at this point. One therefore has to position oneself in front of the Stations of the Cross in the church of Rennes-le-Château — which forms part of the ‘all directions’ one is told to look in.
The poet switches very cleverly between the two churches of these towns. Just as one thinks one is supposed to enter the church of Rennes-les-Bains, he actually has the one in Rennes-le-Château in mind. He clearly had no intention whatsoever of making this a walk in the park.
Just as the poet metaphorically refers to the landmarks on the route as stones, so he also calls the Stations of the Cross in the church of Rennes-le-Chateau ‘stones’. There is therefore a parallel to be drawn between the route in the Rennes-les-Bains area and the Stations of the Cross in the Rennes-le-Château church. This emphasises precisely what one discovered earlier, namely that he calls the route a pilgrimage as an allusion to the Way of the Cross as depicted in the Rennes-le-Château church. The route outside the church of Rennes-les-Bains therefore corresponds to the Way of the Cross inside the church of Rennes-le-Château. These two are therefore mirror images, as it were.
One now starts noticing exactly to what extent the poet’s description of the route tallies with the inside of the Rennes-le-Chateau church. As was mentioned earlier, the description of the poet’s friend standing on Blanchefort corresponds in detail to the first Station of the Cross in this church. The high pulpit directly to the right of the first Station could certainly also be indicative of this look-out on top of Blanchefort.
In the description of the route past Roque Nègre he mentions having to chop down vegetation. This tallies with the depiction in the second Station of a boy dressed in brown, gathering pieces of wood. In the following stanza, wherein a flight is mentioned, the Pontet Fountain is the next landmark, as it is the only place in the region that can be directly linked to Sigebert.
Just after the second Station of the Cross is a statue of St. Anthony the Hermit, who, just like the boy in the second Station, is dressed in brown. The question is whether one can link St. Anthony to the Pontet Fountain — or maybe rather to Sigebert.
Astonishingly, there are indeed two things pertaining to St. Anthony that relate to Sigebert. The first is that the holy day of St. Anthony falls on the 17th January — the day (in 681) Sigebert had allegedly been brought to Rhedae. The second is that, while St. Anthony is regarded as the prince of all hermits, Sigebert (as well as his next two descendants, Sigebert V and Bera III) was also referred to as the ‘hermit prince’ as a result of his living in a cave on a hill close to Rhedae. It would therefore seem that the ornamentation between the Stations of the Cross in the church of Rennes-le-Chateau also relate to the route!
In the fifth stanza, one discovers the next landmark on the route to be the heart of the Rose Line in the cemetery behind the church of Rennes-les-Bains. The rose-decorated iron cross in the vestibule of this church could also allude to this heart. In addition, the fourth Station of the Cross is dominated by rose colours: Mary Magdalene is dressed in apricot-coloured clothes with shades of pink in the creases, and Jesus’ mother is wearing a light rosy pink dress.
Next to the fourth Station is a statue of St. Germaine of Pibrac, holding a bunch of roses in her dress. She was a shepherdess of the Languedoc who was raised to sainthood in 1867. Her story corresponds greatly to (and is probably just another version of) that of St. Roseline, whose holy day is also on the 17th January. St. Germaine’s day of remembrance, the 16th June, is also the day on which the French nun Marguerite Marie Alacoque had the vision that led to her worship of the ‘Sacred Heart’. This, too, could be related to the heart of the Rose Line.
Roses, St. Roseline and the Sacred Heart, all related to the Rose Line, can therefore be linked to St. Germaine. The similarities between the landmarks on the route and the ornamentation in the church of Rennes-le-Chateau are therefore unmistakable. This means one can again and again search the Stations of the Cross and the ornamentation for clues — precisely as the poet suggests.
5.7 The circle
After being led to the heart of the Rose Line in the Rennes-les-Bains cemetery, one is now lured to the ‘circle’. This reference is not merely to this shape — it has a bearing on another spot just a short distance from the cemetery, on the outskirts of Rennes-les-Bains, called Le Cercle (‘The Circle’). In view of the fact that compasses are mentioned, it would seem that this place is to be used as the centre of the circle one has to draw. Boudet alleges that this very spot is the centre of the stone circle that is to be found in the area.
To get to Le Cercle, one walks in a southerly direction from the church of Rennes-les-Bains down the main road. Right on the outskirts, a narrow road branches off slantwise to the right. Following this, one turns left just before the last stone building on the left-hand side.
Entering the house’s yard, one immediately sees Le Cercle — an ancient stone circle of about 7 m in diameter. The house to the left was built on top of some of these stones, which are visible at the bottom of the wall to the left of the front door. Some of the other stones are only just visible above the surface.
The poet compares this stone circle to a ring and a crown. This brings to mind the ring of Solomon, which is also associated with a treasure. The crown does, after all, have a royal connotation. According to legend, Solomon appointed the devil Asmodeus as keeper of the cave in which his treasure was hidden. One day, the king lost his seal ring, upon which the devil refused him entrance to the cave. It was only after Solomon had found the ring again that he could drive the devil away.
In accordance with this tale, the devil does indeed also figure in our story — and he has an armchair just a short distance from Le Cercle!
Figuring out how the stone circle could be symbolic of Solomon’s seal ring is the easy part. The ‘seal’ of Solomon, which is also the symbol of the poet’s friend, does, after all, have a circle as base, with all the points of the hexagram on it. One therefore has a circle here that could easily be drawn on a map, with Le Cercle as the centre thereof. This corresponds to the poet’s advice about using a pair of compasses.
What strikes one is that the two geometrical patterns that are implied in this stanza, namely two lines crossing, and a circle, correspond to the two geometrical patterns on the coded texts, namely lines that cross each other, and a hexagram. This could certainly imply that the geometrical patterns on the texts are related to the last two landmarks in the area, namely the heart of the Rose Line and Le Cercle. The latter should, by the looks of it, serve as the base for drawing the seal of Solomon (a hexagram).
Besides the ring and crown, the poet also mentions the diadem of the queen of ‘Le Castel’. The ring, crown, diadem and queen are all indicative of royalty.
This is not the first time one hears about a queen. The poet already in the third stanza refers to the ‘BEAUTY’ and ‘QUEEN’, both in upper case. In the fourth stanza, he follows it up with another reference to the ‘BEAUTY’, and here, in the fifth, with another to the ‘QUEEN’. As in the rest of the poem, everything is in perfect dualistic harmony.
The queen is of ‘Le Castel’, which either refers to a place called Le Castel, or alludes to a castle. It also calls to mind the area where our queen Blanche came from, namely Castille — a name that also has a bearing on a castle. It is furthermore reminiscent of the castle where the ‘sleeping BEAUTY’ lies.
The ‘QUEEN’ and the ‘BEAUTY’ most likely refer to different aspects of the same female figure, and ‘Le Castel’ is where one is headed. It would seem, then, that the poet is drawing more attention to the fact that the ‘solution’ of the bigger picture will only be clear once one has reached this ‘castle’.
Hope maketh not ashamed.
40.     Marie, F. 1978. Bagneux: S.R.E.S.
41.     The western walls of these churches provide the best reference lines.
42.     Boudet, H. 1886. La vraie langue celtique ... Carcassonne. Reissue: 1984. Belisane: Nice, p. 231.
43.     The grave of Jean Vie lies on 2°19'11.7"E, which I took as the Rose Line.
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⭐️naru’s giant fic rec part 2⭐️
total fic count: 108
-ALL fics are in alphabetical order by title, not fandom -please tell me if the links are broken/linked to the wrong fic -smut is marked with **
please reblog to spread! and don’t forget to leave comments/kudos if you read these!
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
#dontbeavictor - 1.3k, single chapter author(s): spookyfoot fandom(s): Yuri!!! on Ice pairing(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
“Katsuki, you recently moved to Russia to train with your coach Victor Nikiforov,” Yuuri’s not sure why reporters need to tell him things that he already knows, but he’d rather not deal with Minako yelling at him over Skype so he just nods, and the reporter—Shana?—continues, “what do you like the most about training at Yubileyny?”
“Well the facilities are amazing…” Yuuri switches to autopilot and recites the list of training resources that Victor had galloped through after the Grand Prix Finals—when he mistakenly thought that Yuuri needed any incentive to move to Russia other than Victor himself.
He must answer the question well enough because she just nods along to some beat that Yuuri can’t hear. “What’s your least favorite thing about training in Russia?”
The answer bursts out of him before he has any time to consider a diplomatic alternative, “Victor’s driving.”
(Things escalate from there.)
2am - 915, single chapter author(s): lalazee fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku
"Can I kiss you?"
Prompt Fill Drabble!
Affection - 1.4k, single chapter author(s): MikeWritesThings fandom(s): Boku no Her oAcademia pairing(s): Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
"Have you seen my husband?"
"Shouta, that is a skull. You are talking to a skull."
Or, Shouta's drunk, and it's kind of funny but also sweet.
A Good Landing - multi-chapter, ongoing author(s): ant5b fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): Darkwing Duck | Drake Mallard/Launchpad McQuack
Just who is Launchpad McQuack? In trying to find the answer, Dewey uncovers a mystery greater than he could've imagined.
A Guide to Getting Your Teacher a Date - 25.7k, single chapter author(s): yaanchan fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Shinsou Hitoshi
1-A decides to throw a holiday party and try to set their Aizawa up with Present Mic. Shinsou Hitoshi ends up orchestrating most of it while spending his first holiday with his new family and stumbling through the motions of new holiday traditions.
A New Normal - multi-chapter, complete author(s):ant5b fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
Growing up in the shadow of your hero isn't all it's cracked up to be.
A Rare Sliver of Happiness - 1.6k, single chapter author(s): MidStarlight fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): N/A
Toshinori's no stranger to nightmares, but seeing his successor dying on the ground is something he'll never get used to.
In which Toshinori goes into Izuku's room to check on him, and stays for much longer than he'd intended.
A Slice of Cake - 245, single chapter author(s): ToonManiac fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera/Gyro Gearloose
Gyro Gearloose was many things. Some of which he knew, some of which he didn't.
A Subconscious Typo - 2.4k, single chapter author(s) - MidStarlight? fandom(s) - Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s) - N/A
"'To: Izuku, From: Dad'. I didn't know your dad sent a gift."
"I didn't either...?"
Toshinori stopped, breath catching in his throat. He recognized that candy cane wrapping paper.
An Arrow to a Bundle - 5.9k, single chapter author(s): PitViperofDoom fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
In which Todoroki Enji tries to screw around with Shouto's life (again), but fails to account for the fact that his son's boyfriend has both backup and determination to spare.
Before the Sun Rises - 729, single chapter author(s): YukinoKoe fandom(s): Haikyuu!! pairing(s): Takeda Ittetsu/Ukai Keishin
Getting out of bed is hard enough, but Takeda makes it practically impossible.
Being A Hero - 1.6k, single chapter author(s): Minatos_Legacy fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): N/A
After a depressing day doing hero work Toshinori Yagi finds the answer to why he's a hero in a playground.
'He’s my new friend.'
believe in me, believe in you - 4.6k, single chapter author(s): gold_rush fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): N/A
Katsuki accidentally sees evidence of Todoroki's abuse and he is FURIOUS.
Board Meeting Baby - 2.6k, single chapter author(s): theopalauthority fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): Scrooge McDuck/Glittering Goldie, Quackmore Duck/Hortense McDuck
Scrooge and his executive board rarely got along, but there was a reason why they didn't have anything to say when he brought three, rambunctious children along.
The last time he did it didn't end with as much destruction.
Can I Get A Side Serving Of Sugar And Order It To-Go - 4.2k, single chapter author(s): cricketmilk fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku
After hearing that Midoriya had never been on a date before, Kirishima offers to take him on one himself.
After all, that's what bros are for.
Class 1-A? More like Class All-Gay - multi-chapter, ongoing author(s): accidentallydrawingablank fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi/Kirishima Eijirou/Todoroki Shouto/Bakugou Katsuki, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo
Sanic added Yaomomo, broccoli, space jam, and 16 others to Class 1-A Group Chat
Sanic: Good afternoon fellow students! Yaoyorozu and I thought it would be a good idea to create a group chat for the class! This way it would be easier for us to communicate with each other on class related subjects!
all bout dat bASS: this was a bad decision
mitochondria: oH SHIT WADDUP
all bout dat bASS: yup
Cold Nights - multi-chapter, complete author(s): paraspark fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
When a certain six year old is grounded, he comes up with the only logical solution to his problem. He runs away. What lies in the darkness of night is not always what it seems.
Cool Down - multi-chapter, complete author(s): nefertemptation fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Bakugou's temper was getting worse since the time he walked out of class. The staff had cancelled his behavioral therapy sessions after Kamino, but he insisted on being sent back.
Kirishima went with him.
counting seconds through the night - 3k, single chapter author(s): cafecliche fandom(s): Yuri!!! on Ice pairing(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
In the weird, dizzy clarity of sleep deprivation, Yuuri gets it. Of course he warned Victor it was coming. But he’s not sure he ever told him what to do.
(Or: some days, it's all Yuuri can do to manage his own anxiety. He certainly doesn't expect Victor to do it for him.)
Couponing - 435, single chapter author(s): mandaree1 fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
Webby discovers what a 'normal' Saturday morning is like in the Duck family.
Cuddly As A Cactus - 10.5k, single chapter author(s): BustinBalls fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
Some Christmas moments between the wonder duo over the years.
Cure for the Common Cold - 4.2k, single chapter author(s): QueenPersephoneofHades fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
Waking up with a splitting headache and a burning forehead is never a good sign.
Dadzawa is Attached - 2.6k, single chapter author(s): aquatarius fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): N/A
Aizawa was dedicated to making sure his entire class passed with flying colors. He just didn’t expect to get quite so attached.
Daily Lives of Pro Heroes - multi-chapter, ongoing author(s): Powerhh fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Star Spangled Man added Aizawa, Daddy DJ, 50 shades of gay, Bloody Hell, Mccree, nezu, Blocky Bloke, daft punk, big time rush, supermassive black hole, doggy style, Power Ranger and Recovery Girl to the chat.
Star Spangled Man: My dear colleagues! Aizawa: oh god no
Distance - 5.1k, single chapter author(s): toriboo fandom(s): Naruto pairing(s): Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
Naruto and Sasuke are young and in love. When Jiraiya pulls Naruto away for sudden vacation, Sasuke reminisces on his relationship while he waits for his boyfriend to return.
Drive Myself Crazy - 1.2k, single chapter author(s): KatanaHatake fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio
Tamaki can't sleep.
Duckgeons and Dragons - 854, single chapter author(s): doesaugustisgay fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
“For the last time, Louie, no one can seduce a door.” Huey’s voice came very clearly through the door. That stopped Scrooge in his tracks. He knew kids these days could be truly strange people, but what on Earth could they be talking about in there? He backed up, put his ear against the door, and kept listening.
Echos AU - series, complete author(s): Littestartopaz (TopazledHannah) fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s) N/A
As a child, Toshinori hadn't put much thought into what he would be when he grew up. One day a stranger in green appears in a flash of light, saying he's a hero. And maybe, Toshinori thinks, maybe he could be a hero too.
Eclipse - 1.7k, single chapter author(s): citrusyghost fandom(s): Naruto pairing(s): Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
Naruto and Sasuke share a few intimate moments with one another.
Festival - 2.4k, single chapter author(s): Hittinmiss fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku
"Alright, class dismissed. Remember the festival tonight, don't miss it." Aizawa explained at the end of the classes for the day, really just wanting to go home and sleep rather than have to help supervise at the event.
On the other hand, the class were all super excited for the festival. UA was famous for many events, the sports festival was probably the largest example, but the school also hosted a local festival for it's students, faculty and heroes, but the public were welcome to come along as well.
Kirideku Week Day 6: Festival
fog lifting - 2k, single chapter author(s): PitViperOfDoom fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Izuku doesn't want to be here anymore. He doesn't regret the decisions that led to him ending up here, but he would like to leave now, please.
for the man who has everything - 2.6k, single chapter author(s): QueenPersephoneofHades fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
For all the gold he's ever had and all the fame he's ever won, Scrooge can't think of one thing he wants more on his birthday.
Get Well Soon - 9.3k, single chapter author(s): brickboat fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): NA
Super hearing can give you access to information that others aren't privy to.
That's not always a good thing.
happily ever after - 787, single chapter author(s): 100demons fandom(s): Naruto pairing(s): Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
“There’s no such thing as a butt that’s too big,” Naruto yawned at her, wiping the drool from his mouth as he shifted over to give Sakura a little more room to fit. “All butts are beautiful because I say so. I’ll make it a Hokage Decree. I, Uzumaki Naruto, Hokage of Konoha, proclaim the beautiful bounty of bodacious butts a blessing unto this village.”
Healing a Healer - 11.9k, single chapter author(s): sophinisba fandim(s): Lord of the Rings pairing(s): Aragorn/Frodo Baggins
Frodo and Aragorn have made a life together in Minas Tirith after the quest, but an epidemic puts Frodo in danger.
home is where your heart is set in stone - 2.1k, single chapter author(s): dizzyondreams fandom(s): Haikyuu!! pairing(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
“Don’t fall asleep on me.” Kageyama muttered as Hinata curled into his side, awkward with the armrest between them. Hinata nuzzled his face into Kageyama’s neck and hummed quietly. “Stop.” He said, firmer. Hinata didn’t have to look to know that he was scowling.
how much do i love you? - 1.9k, single chapter author(s): writedeku fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
“Get up, sleepyhead,” Izuku tries to roll out of bed to brush his teeth, but is suddenly stopped by the tightening of Katsuki’s arms. “Hey, you. We gotta go.”
Katsuki’s reply is a press of his face into his back and a kiss on the bare skin. It makes Izuku shiver. “No,” he pulls him back into the bed and wraps even his legs around him. “Stay.”
interlude - 1.3k, single chapter author(s): pageleaf fandom(s): Yuri!!! on Ice pairing(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Viktor insists that he and Yakov both go to pick Yuuri up from the airport.
(Immediately post-Nationals, still pre-Worlds)
into the trees with empty hands - 2.3k, single chapter author(s): blackkat fandom(s): Naruto Pairing(s): N/A
Obito stares at the towering oak in front of him, not quite able to tear his eyes away from it. There's nothing outwardly strange about it except its size, which is vast even for a Fire Country tree. Thick boughs stretch out, not picture-perfect but twisting, curling, and the bark is thick and weathered, green with moss.
Nothing special, nothing beyond the ordinary, and yet something about it sings in Obito's blood, winding through his veins like golden streamers of sunlight in the middle of winter.
it never really ends - 1.9k, single chapter author(s): iwillstillopenthewindow fandom(s): Haikyuu!! pairing(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Everyone has their off-days, and Hinata is no exception. For Kagehina Week, days 2 and 3.
just a little longer - 377, single chapter author(s): pandoras_thong fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
A drabble of Izuku and Katsuki enjoying a prized few minutes of alone time before they start the day.
Just You - 2.8k, single chapter author(s): Headphone_Love fandom(s): Haikyuu!! pairing(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
Kageyama forgets Hinata's birthday and feels guilty like the awkward child he is.
---------- “Everyone else remembered,” “Kageyama…” “Birthdays are important,” “Kageyama,”
Kiss it better - 2.5k, single chapter author(s): CandyCrackpot fandom(s): D.Gray-man pairing(s): Kanda Yuu/Allen Walker
Kanda is embarrassed that a drunk old man stole his first kiss. Allen is all too willing to help him - and poke fun at him in the process.
late night cravings - 1.8k, single chapter author(s): TayTei fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
Katsuki just wanted to sleep the night away, preferably with Deku there in his arms
But Deku just had to have stupid late night cravings
leave-taking - 1.4k, single chapter author(s): winchilsea fandom(s): Yuri!!! on Ice pairing(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Moving to St. Petersburg was Yuuri's idea. Viktor wanted to stay in Hasetsu.
Liability - multi-chapter, ongoing author(s): yaanchan fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
He remembers being scared and nervous at first. He remembers hitting Aizawa in the middle of a crowd. He remembers talking. He remembers feeling warm, feeling strangely happy. He remembers that small strip of paper Aizawa had given him, the one with his personal phone number written on it, and the promise he’d made to his teacher. And he remembers the promise his teacher had made to him.
He has no idea why he’s here.
Todoroki Shouto wakes up in a hospital with no memory of how he got there. He knows two things—he made a mistake somewhere along the way, and for some reason, Aizawa Shouta and Yamada Hizashi are here.
Lily of the Valley - 5.2k, single chapter author(s): baranduin fandom(s): Lord of the Rings - Tolkien pairing(s): Aragorn/Frodo Baggins
Frodo and Aragorn are both stubborn creatures, whether climbing the snowy slopes of Caradhras or facing off in the dark of Moria.
Little Things - 1.6k, single chapter author(s): WatchMeSoar13 fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
The nephews love their uncle, and Scrooge may or may not have forgotten what it was like, not being your own boss.
louie’s christmas list: reasonable, boring, scarves - 4.5k, single chapter author(s): Humanities_Handbag fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
louie's christmas list had started off something along the lines of;
1. a million dollars
2. a private island
3. a smaller mansion next to the big mansion
"no," said Scrooge. "absolutely not."
"it's a short list."
"it's ridiculous." he taps the paper. "ask for something reasonable."
and so Louie rewrites his list, glumly.
1. scarf
2. scarf
3. a reasonable and boring scarf
(he'd figured, at the end of the day, reasonable and boring people only liked scarves)
Loved from the Start - 3.2k, single chapter author(s): Unoutan fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
A special breakfast in bed is made for a beloved, but stubborn pro-hero still roaming dreamland.
Makkachin the Boyfriend Thief - 594, single chapter author(s): arsehood fandom(s): Yuri!!! on Ice pairing(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
In which Yuuri likes Makkachin more than Victor and Victor doesn't know whether to be jealous (of his own dog) or find the whole ordeal endearing.
Alternative title is 'Give Victor Cuddles 2k16'
May 09 - Water - 1.1k, single chapter author(s): Wildwolf fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio
For BNHA Shipping Week 2018. Tamaki tries to talk himself through an anxiety attack.
Migraine - 633, single chapter author(s): naru_writes fandom(s): Naruto pairing(s): Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
Sasuke suffers from chronic migraines
Merry Christmas, Teme - 1.6k, single chapter author(s): simplegift96 fandom(s): Naruto pairing(s): Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Itachi/Uchiha Shisui
Prompts: ballet, Christmas, protective Itachi, mistletoe, walk of shame (NaruSasu preferably).
naomasa shoots endeavor with an actual gun - 411, single chapter author(s): lenin_it_to_win_it fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Tsukauichi Naomasa/Yagi Toshinori | All Might
pull the fucken trigger nao
Nobody but You - 1.7, single chapter
author(s): SlytherinsInSpace fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
“I fucking love you, and I don’t know when it fucking happened or how it did, but It feels like I always have. When I think about the future- five years from now- ten years- fifty. You’re there. With me. Kicking ass and making casseroles and chasing around dumb kids that don’t know how to control their quirks but its fine because they’ll be our dumb kids.”
Only Family May Enter - 1.4k, single chapter author(s): Cybra fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
Ever since she first saw the double doors leading to the Archives, Webby has wanted to enter. However, she isn't family, and Quackfaster won't let her in unaccompanied.
Overthinking - 4.1k, single chapter author(s): SpectrumArcadia fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Amijiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio
Mirio would put a fist directly through the face of anyone who ever messed with Tamaki. It doesn't matter, bullies, the nosy press, Mirio is ready to direct or distract anyone who ever gives Tamaki a hard time.
But nobody has ever been harder on Tamaki than… Tamaki.
Outdated - 2.5k, single chapter author(s): mandaree1 fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
The boys know how to take care of themselves. Scrooge is still learning that.
perfect - 2,724, single chapter author(s): eggstasy fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): N/A
They bring Katsuki over with his little feet still stained a bit black with ink, fists clenched and thrusting out as he shouts his indignation. Mitsuki later blames it on the hormones but she bursts into tears and cradles him to her chest for as long as they let her.
Perfect Match - 620, single chapter author(s): Brittanica2015 fandom(s): Yuri!!! on Ice pairing(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Yuuri and Victor just got out of surgery and don't remember each other.
"That's Victor, your husband.”
“What! Really?”
“Really.” Phichit nodded, capturing everything with his phone.
“Are you sure?”
Pierce my soul, match my heart - 2.5k, single chapter author(s): soulstring fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku
“H-hey,” Eijirou starts. “Did you know I have another piercing?”
“What? Really?”
Eijirou hums affirmatively. “I got one on my tongue.”
Izuku’s brain short-circuits. On his tongue? Eijirou has a piercing on his tongue? It shouldn’t be that alarming, but Izuku has heard things — myths perhaps — and right at that moment, with his crush’s palm veiling his eyes as they’re alone in Eijirou’s room, Izuku can’t help but wonder after that revelation. Is it true that kissing someone with a tongue ring feels good?
For Rare pair week
**Please Love Me! - 1.5k, single chapter author(s): Aki-gelicmon fandom(s): D.Gray-man pairing(s): Kanda Yuu/Allen Walker
Allen needs some form of distraction, and Kanda indulges the younger, but Allen doesn't want the elder to push himself to much.
What is this feeling they both feel?
Problem Child - 322, single chapter author(s): shifter_goddess fandom(s): Naruto pairing(s): Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
Sometimes children inherit their parents' eyes, or hair. Sometimes, they inherit a little something extra...
Precious Jewel - 694, single chapter author(s): Petri808 fandom(s): Inuyasha pairing(s): Higurashi Kagome/Inuyasha
Inuyasha's first child... How will the hanyo handle watching his wife go through the pain of child birth?
Purple Son Acquired - 2k, single chapter author(s): yaoi_yaoieverywhere fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): N/A
Shinsou is far from oblivious even before he got fostered by 'the nice couple' who curled their fingers into his shoulders like possessive talons. He noticed how they ask around for the kid's quirks in the orphanage- only looking twice at powers that were strong or unusual. Shinsou's was both. He knows why they chose him.
But he's only little. His neighborhood isn't nice enough to have a hero on patrol every day. The police will want proof that he can't give. So when Eraserhead is tracing a path along the rooftops one night, he knows this might be his only chance.
[Shinsou finds Aizawa first, but it's Aizawa who keeps him.]
Purring Cat, Hidden Hamster - multi-chapter, complete author(s): alkjira fandom(s): The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings pairing(s): Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield, Ori/Kili, Bofur/Fili, Gimli/Legolas Greenleaf
This started out as the story about Hamster!Bilbo and Cat!Thorin meeting when they both ended up living with Ori.
Then there were cathamsters:
“I’m not going to go to a vet and somehow put myself in a situation where I have to explain that I think my male cat got my male hamster pregnant.”
Some time after that we were joined by Guinea pig!Gimli, Cockatiel!Legolas, and others.
Then there were guineatiels:
'Kíli stared down at the eggs. Eggs. EGGS. Tiny smooth things that shouldn’t really exist. Well, not these eggs anyway.'
As the tags suggest, this is full of crack. But if you like that sort of thing, (or just cute and fluffy animals) I think this is for you.
Resistance - 1.6k, single chapter author(s): tastewithouttalent fandom(s): Haikyuu!! pairing(s): Takeda Ittetsu/Ukai Keishin
"Ukai can’t figure out why Takeda is standing outside the store right now, where Ukai can see him but can’t hear him." Takeda is acting even weirder than usual and Ukai is restless because of it.
rêves - 3.5k, single chapter author(s): dollcewrites fandom(s): Boku no Heo Academia pairing(s): Kaminari Denki/Kirishima Eijirou
Kissing Denki is like kissing a battery. His lips quiver at first but his mouth is warm and so alive, Eijirou breathes it in. His fingers brush over the pulse in Denki’s neck and rest there, and suddenly his mouth tingles, and his hairs stand on end but he can’t break away. He needs more, pulls Denki in with an arm around his waist making their bodies press flush against each other, and the electric shock he receives travels like a bolt down through his core, right through his heart like Cupid’s arrow.
R/Ridiculous - 2.6k, single chapter author(s): phoenixwings fandom(s): yuri!!! on Ice pairing(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
I [32M] have to do laundry twice a week now because my husband [28M] keeps wearing my clothes, but I don’t want to ask him to stop because he looks so good in them. What should I do?
Yuuri glanced over the replies, most of which were some variation of “please stop posting these, you’re clogging up the feed”. Yuuri smirked as he wrote his own response.
Buy more clothes. -quadflipkatsudon
In which Yuuri leaving his laptop open somehow leads to his husband being ridiculous on Reddit.
Ripples - multi-chapter, complete author(s): Thatkindghost fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
Donald can sense magic.
Runnin’ Around My Head All Day - 5.1k, single chapter author(s): queenbeetle fandom(s): Haikyuu!! pairing(s): Takeda Ittetsu/Ukai Keishin
Its still a sore spot for the man. Deep down, he knew he never would have met Takeda if not for his persistence, but it was also painful to know that Takeda would never have given him the time of day if not for his surname. And honestly, Ukai thinks, why would he? Takeda is older, distinguished and educated. Keishin was…Well, Keishin was Keishin. At twenty six, he works in his families convenience store, picks beans, smokes cigarettes and is easily irritated. What Takeda saw in him is a mystery to the younger man, but he's grateful. Out of the many things in his life, Takeda was probably one of the better ones.
Saturday Moments - 495, single chapter author(s): apples4ryuk fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
It happened once in a blue moon, then every few weeks. Eventually it became a weekly occurrence, and honestly? Izuku couldn’t be happier.
 Scratching Noses - 1.9k, single chapter author(s): NeoDiji fandom(s): Code Geass pairing(s): Kururugi Suzaku/Lelouch Lamperouge | Lelouch vi Britannia
"What are you suggesting we do about our little dilemma, Lelouch?" "Do you remember our old secret code?"
**Sensation - 14k, single chapter author(s): ThatsRealMagic fandom(s): Naruto pairing(s): Haruno Sakura/Uzumaki Naruto
Naruto couldn't believe his ears. 'Say that again Sakura-chan? I must have misheard you. It sounded like you said you wanted me to tickle you.'
Silver on Black - 4.2k, single chapter author(s): Markirya fandom(s): D.Gray-men pairing(s): Kanda Yuu/Allen Walker
... silver on black, like a full moon on a midnight sky, searching, probing, hoping to catch a glimpse of an answer to some of the questions they were yet unable to ask, drawing strength from the other to convey all the words they didn't dare utter, most of them still unknown even to themselves.
It was a lovely picture, really.
sincerely, yours - 1.3k, single chapter author(S): homosexualhitoka fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
Katsuki reflects on the man he loves while the man himself scribbles himself to exhaustion.
Sleeping in - 574, single chapter author(s): Hetarecchi fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku/Bakugou Katsuki
Being a sucessful trio of Pros is exhausting, especially for Bakugou Katsuki. Lucky for him he has two loving boyfriends what will let him sleep in.
Sleeping Lotus - 1k, single chapter author(s): KisaragiRune fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
It was the first time since their relationship became known that Bakugou and Midoriya joined movie night again.
It was also the first time the class caught them being openly affectionate with each other in a romantic way. Perhaps the reason why they tried not too was because it was too sweet for anyone to handle.
Or Bakugou just didn't want to fuel the bets going on behind their backs. It was probably that.
Smoke Bomb - 2.4k, single chapter author(s):Minion_Energon_101 fandom(S): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera/Gyro Gearloose
Fenton sets off the suit by being in love.
smooches - 843, single chapter author(s): homosexualhitoka fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
Katsuki had learned a lot from being in a relationship with one Midoriya Izuku. He had gone through hardships and easier battles, each one making their ship sail much smoother.
These lessons ranged from anger management, the art of apologizing, how to deal with guilt, and the one that Katsuki keeps revisiting every single day….
Deku fucking loves kisses. All of them. No matter what.
Someday, Somehow, Eventually - 1.9k, single chapter author(s): BeyondTheClouds77 fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): N/A
It hurt. It hurt. It hurt. Izuku had been powerless to stop it, and it hurt. It hurt worse than he ever thought it would.
(Set After Chapter 161) (Dad Might)
Spiral - 2.6k, single chapter author(s): blackkat fandom(s): Naruto pairing(s): Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
In which Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke are dimension-hopping superheroes. Kind of. More or less.
**spring time - 1.4k, single chapter author(s): Jibbly fandom(s): Naruto pairing(s): Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
There’s a person sitting crossed legged on his desk, Anbu uniform and mask firmly in place. “Hokage-sama.” He greets and Naruto feels a shudder travel all the way down his spine when he’s hit with that scent full force. He closes and locks the door, stepping forward towards the other.
“I thought you were on mission, Captain?” his voice drops low and he is in front of the Anbu, using his arms to lean forward and cage the other between them.
Stay today, Stay forever - 1k, single chapter author(s): soulstring fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku
Counting Izuku's freckles proves to be a hard feat for Kirishima Eijirou. There are too many distractors; pouty lips, lots of kisses, and after two years of dating, turning that task into a 24/7 job is something he's considered.
Surprises - multi-chapter, complete author(s): MikeWritesThings fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead\Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Moving into the dorms, the students get to witness a side of their teacher they didn’t even know had existed--a side much softer, and, dare they say, human, than any of them had ever expected to see.
(Or, 5 things class 1-A never expected from Aizawa, and 1 thing he never expected from them.)
swallowing fire - 9.1k, single chapter author(s): brumalbreeze fandom(s): Naruto pairing(s): Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
A fire juggler, jester, and magician: a traveling caravan is visiting the town. They may seem to be acting, but the performers have bonds deeper and stronger than the mere cursory glance could find.
Tale-End of Toth-Ra - 509, single chapter author(s): As_Clear_As_Crystal fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
Louie Duck needs a hug.
Text Talk - multi-chapter, complete author(s): merlywhirls fandom(s): Harry Potter pairing(s): Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Sirius is in boarding school, Remus is in hospital, and they don't know each other until Sirius texts the wrong number.
Thanks, Dad - 466, single chapter author(s): ANoGoodPigeon fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
“Sensei, are you, crying?” Jirou asks, concerned. The rest of the class turns back to their teacher as he struggles to keep a straight face.
Shinou presses his face into his desk and buries his head in his arms. “You are.”
(Or the time Shinsou calls Hizashi dad for the first time after being adopted and they're both handling it well)
The Evil Is Defeated - multi-chapter, ongoing author(s): Agitated_Procrastinator fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki/Sero Hanta, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Shouji Mezou/Tokoyami Fumikage, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight/Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao/Shinsou Hitoshi, Thirteen/Ishiyama Ken | Cementoss, Ectoplasm/Snipe
DeezWatts: HOlY S H I T !
BoomBoomPow: the deed is done
Kewwo: Can we talk about how much I love our new fake adopted dad?
Vulpix: What happened?
Rowlet: The evil is defeated.
((Another BNHA chat fic, that will later include some Teacher Shenanigans and will always include A Lot of Memes))
The King of my Heart - 871, single chapter author(s): theworldswecantsee fandom(a): Haikyuu!! pairing(S): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
"Kageyama wasn’t sure how he got across the room so quickly but the only thing running through his mind was I want to kiss him I want to kiss him I want to kiss him. He tilted Hinata’s head up and leaned down the rest of the way. He felt Hinata sigh as their lips met and Kageyama hoped his thanks was understood."
or, HInata doesn't know what to get Kageyama for his birthday so he composes and entire piano piece
The Secrets We Share to Those We Love - 1.7k, single chapter author(s): traickstarbrave fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Tosinori | All Might
Todoroki just wanted to find out more about his boyfriend, to get to know him and understand him more. Not to mentioned, find out about why he and All Might were so close. However, Midoriya also finds out a few things about All Might he wasn't expecting along the way.
The Solution for Dysphoria - 6.2k, single chapter author(s): 21stCenturyHero fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku
Sometimes, the solution for our problems is simple.
Kirishima already struggled with self-hatred and body image issues on a daily basis, he definitely didn't need to break his ribs and be unable to bind for a couple weeks. Thankfully his classmates are there for him, including Midoriya Izuku.
Thirteen - 344, single chapter author(s): Agitated_Procrastinator fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): N/A
For the longest time, they had been alone.
time’s arrow neither stands still nor reverses - 1.6k, single chapter author(s): radiowrittenheart fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
Late night, when the kids are asleep and the mansion is quiet, Beakley and Scrooge enjoy some tea and talk about family.
‘Tis the season - 5.6k, single chapter author(s): CloversDreams fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Katsuki narrowed his eyes at the pair and asked, “Is there a reason that you’re both wearing the ugliest sweaters I’ve ever seen in my life?"
"They’re festive!" Izuku immediately chirped with a smile. He ran his fingers across the silly pattern on the sweater that he wore, which may or may not have been an 8-bit little All Might dancing around merrily.
“They’re hideous.” Katsuki said with a shake of his head. He looked over at the ridiculous snowflake pattern on the one that Shoto wore and rolled his eyes.
Shoto couldn’t help but chuckle softly as he offered the blond a folded sweater that he'd had behind his back and replied, "Yup, and we got you one too."
Troublemaker - 2.5k, single chapter author(s): nacklace fandom(s): D.Gray-man pairing(s): Kanda Yuu/Allen Walker
"Why don't you stay for dinner?"
(Mulan is in the back of his head, her grandmother yelling, "Why don't you stay forever?" off-screen in the dark recesses of his mind. Kanda contemplates suicide via well-polished sword.)
OR: The modern AU where Allen has a prosthetic arm, Kanda is a useless gay that can barely lift a couch without something going wrong, Lenalee is done with everyone's bullshit, and Lavi uses his bisexual devious ways to get Kanda to admit to his feelings.
Unorthodox - 1.7k, single chapter author(s): datboii fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
Kacchan has a.. weird way of showing affection.
until you come back home - series, ongoing author(s): dandelion_weed fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Saturday finds Katsuki in front of Izuku's apartment, holding a box of expensive snacks for afternoon tea in one hand and Izuku’s goddamn poster in another. In his backpack are his change of clothes and toothbrush for the sleepover. He’s ready for war.
Katsuki tries his hand at apologizing, being a better friend, and maneuvering both his life and growing feelings for Midoriya Izuku, and succeeds with extreme damage to his pride.
we’re all still kids and kids eventually run out of luck - 5,1k, single chapter author(s): eruriku fandom(s): Inuyasha pairing(s): Kikyou/Naraku, Miroku/Sango, Inuyasha/Kikyou, Higurashi Kagome/Koga, Ayame/Koga, Izayoi/Inu no Taishou, Higurashi Kagome/Inuyasha
Alternatively titled "We Chased A Jewel For A Couple Of Years And All We Got Was This Stupid Story". A compilation of Inuyasha drabbles based off of Fall Out Boy lyrics.
What the heck Natsu - 3k, single chapter author(s): orphan_account fandom(s): Haikyuu!! pairing(s): Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio
in which hinata needs to chill
When was Then? - 2.3k, single chapter author(s): hollandvice (hiasobi_writes) fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
The moment he tries to move however, he becomes aware of a warm, heavy weight across his stomach, holding him in place. That realization slowly makes him aware that the warmth at his back isn't wholly normal either. He tries again to move away, but the weight around his waist tightens, holding him in place. In the same moment, there's a grumbling in his ear, sleep-dulled and strange, but still unmistakably Kacchan.
Original prompt: A quirk sends Izuku into the future where he's stuck with a 10 years older Katsuki, and Katsuki is left with the future Izuku. The future counterparts are in an established relationship.
Who Cares If Blood is Thicker Than Water - Water’s Tastier - 502, single chapter author(s): mandaree1 fandom(s): Ducktales (2017) pairing(s): N/A
Webby cut him off at the pass. "They didn't want me, Dewey. Case closed."
Yikes™ - multi-chapter, ongoing author(s): Powerhh fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Shouji Mezou/Tokoyami Fumikage, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Kaminari Denki/Sero Hanta, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Hagakure Tooru/Ojir Mashirao
Iida added All Might Jr, Uravity, Zuko, knuckles, electabuzz, Alien Queen, tentacool, sugar spice, Prince Charming™, Snow White, duct tape dude, o shit waddup, Edgelord, bassic, Momo, karate kid, Invisible Girl and grape grabber to the chat
Iida: I thought it would be a good idea to keep track of the class in a group chat. Please only use this chat for school related matters or emergency situations. Uravity: good idea iida!!! Iida: Thank you, Uraraka. Alien Queen: a group chat??!! h e LL YEAH electabuzz: YOOOOOO knuckles: yooOOOOOO Iida: .. Iida: This is not school related matters.
you’re the trouble that i always find - 1.9k, single chapter author(s): naru_writes fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku
It wasn't originally planned as a date but it happened anyway
Your static lips leave me wanting more - 3.1k, single chapter author(s): BrightEyesEren fandom(s): Boku no Hero Academia pairing(s): Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku
How long, how long will we try to make it together? It's too long, it's too long, we could die, just hanging here forever-
Izuku comes back from a hard day at work to Eijirou's comfort and understanding.
Yuuri’s Past Job(s) - multi-chapter, complete author(s): IrisButterfly fandom(s): Yuri!!! on Ice pairing(s): Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
“…Yuuri, you worked at a host club before?”
“Um… w-well… yes?”
Or in which figure skating is an expensive sport and Yuuri had interesting jobs to fund for it.
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sciencespies · 3 years
DNA duplication linked to the origin and evolution of pine trees and their relatives
DNA duplication linked to the origin and evolution of pine trees and their relatives
Plants are DNA hoarders. Adhering to the maxim of never throwing anything out that might be useful later, they often duplicate their entire genome and hang on to the added genetic baggage. All those extra genes are then free to mutate and produce new physical traits, hastening the tempo of evolution.
A new study shows that such duplication events have been vitally important throughout the evolutionary history of gymnosperms, a diverse group of seed plants that includes pines, cypresses, sequoias, ginkgos and cycads. Published today in Nature Plants, the research indicates that a genome duplication in the ancestor of modern gymnosperms might have directly contributed to the origin of the group over 350 million years ago. Subsequent duplications provided raw material for the evolution of innovative traits that enabled these plants to persist in dramatically changing ecosystems, laying the foundation for a recent resurgence over the last 20 million years.
“This event at the start of their evolution created an opportunity for genes to evolve and create totally new functions that potentially helped gymnosperms transition to new habitats and aided in their ecological ascendance,” said Gregory Stull, a recent doctoral graduate of the Florida Museum of Natural History and lead author of the study.
Taking a closer look at gymnosperms
While having more than two sets of chromosomes — a phenomenon called polyploidy — is rare in animals, in plants it is commonplace. Most of the fruits and vegetables we eat, for example, are polyploids, often involving hybridization between two closely related species. Many plants, including wheat, peanuts, coffee, oats and strawberries, benefit from having multiple divergent copies of DNA, which can lead to faster growth rates and an increase in size and weight.
Until now, however, it’s been unclear how polyploidy may have influenced the evolution of gymnosperms. Although they have some of the largest genomes in the plant kingdom, they have low chromosome numbers, which for decades prompted scientists to assume that polyploidy wasn’t as prevalent or important in these plants.
Gymnosperm genetics are also complex. Their large genomes make them challenging to study, and much of their DNA consists of repeating sequences that don’t code for anything.
“What makes gymnosperm genomes complex is they seem to have a proclivity for accumulating lots of repetitive elements,” said study co-author Douglas Soltis, Florida Museum curator and University of Florida distinguished professor. “Things like ginkgos, cycads, pines and other conifers are loaded with all this repetitive stuff that has nothing to do with genome duplication.”
However, a recent collaborative effort among plant biologists, including Soltis, to obtain massive numbers of genetic sequences from more than 1,000 plants has opened new doors for scientists attempting to piece together the long history of land plant evolution. Stull, now a postdoctoral researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Kunming Institute of Botany, and his colleagues used a combination of these data and newly generated sequences to give gymnosperms another look.
Genome duplication gave rise to gymnosperms
By comparing the DNA of living gymnosperms, the researchers were able to peer back in time, uncovering evidence for multiple ancient genome duplication events that coincided with the origin of major groups.
Gymnosperms have undergone significant extinctions throughout their long history, making it difficult to decipher the exact nature of their relationships. But the genomes of all living gymnosperms share the signature of an ancient duplication in the distant past, more than 350 million years ago. More than 100 million years later, another duplication gave rise to the pine family, while a third led to the origin of podocarps, a group containing mostly trees and shrubs that today are primarily restricted to the Southern Hemisphere.
In each case, analyses revealed a strong link between duplicated DNA and the evolution of unique traits. While future studies are needed to determine exactly which traits arose due to polyploidy, possible candidates include the strange egglike roots of cycads that harbor nitrogen-fixing bacteria and the diverse cone structures found across modern conifers. Podocarp cones, for example, are highly modified and look deceptively like fruit, said Stull: “Their cones are very fleshy, have various colors and are dispersed by different animals.”
Competition and climate change led to extinction and diversification
Stull and his colleagues also wanted to know whether genome duplications influenced the rate at which new gymnosperm species evolved through time. But instead of a clear-cut pattern, they found a complex interplay of extinction and diversification amidst a backdrop of a significantly changing global climates.
Today, there are about 1,000 gymnosperm species, which may not seem like many when compared with the 300,000 or so species of flowering plants. But in their heyday, gymnosperms were much more diverse.
Gymnosperms were still thriving prior to the asteroid extinction event 66 million years ago, best known for the demise of dinosaurs. But the dramatic ecological changes brought about by the impact tipped the scales: After the dinosaurs disappeared, flowering plants quickly began outcompeting gymnosperm lineages, which suffered major bouts of extinction as a result. Some groups were snuffed out entirely, while others barely managed to survive to the present. The once flourishing ginkgo family, for example, is today represented by a single living species.
But the results from this study indicate that at least some gymnosperm groups made a comeback starting around 20 million years ago, coinciding with Earth’s transition to a cooler, drier climate.
“We see points in history where gymnosperms didn’t just continue to decline, but they actually diversified in species numbers as well, which makes for a more dynamic picture of their evolutionary history,” said co-author Pamela Soltis, Florida Museum curator and UF distinguished professor.
While some gymnosperms failed to cope with the dual specter of climate change and competition, others had an advantage in certain habitats due to the very traits that caused them to lose out in their ancient rivalry with flowering plants. Groups such as pines, spruces, firs and junipers got fresh starts.
“In some respects, gymnosperms maybe aren’t that flexible,” Pamela Soltis said. “They kind of have to ‘wait around’ until climate is more favorable in order for them to diversify.”
In some environments, gymnosperms adapted to live at the extremes. In pine forests of southeastern North America, longleaf pines are adapted to frequent fires that incinerate their competition, and conifers dominate the boreal forests of the far north. But take away the fire or the cold, and flowering plants quickly start to encroach.
While gymnosperms are still in the process of diversifying, they’ve been interrupted by human-made changes to the environment. Currently, more than 40% of gymnosperms are threatened by extinction due to the cumulative pressures of climate change and habitat loss. Future studies clarifying how their underlying genetics enabled them to persist to the present may give scientists a better framework for ensuring they survive well into the future.
“Even though some conifer and cycad groups have diversified considerably over the past 20 million years, many species have highly restricted distributions and are at risk of extinction,” Stull said. “Efforts to reduce habitat loss are likely essential for conserving the many species currently threatened by extinction.”
Other co-authors of the study are Xiao-Jian Qu of Shandong Normal University; Caroline Parins-Fukuchi of the University of Chicago; Ying-Ying Yang, Jun-Bo Yang, Zhi-Yun Yang, De-Zhu Li and Ting-Shuang Yi of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Yi Hu and Hong Ma of Pennsylvania State University; and Stephen Smith of the University of Michigan.
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pandemicblog · 3 years
The Relationship Between Present and Past Knowledge (Selin)
Written by Selin Üçsel
“Present knowledge is wholly dependent on past knowledge.”  In this essay, I explore this claim through the lens of Natural and Human Sciences. 
“The only use of knowledge of the past is to equip us for the present,” said Alfred North Whitehead, British mathematician and philosopher. At first glance it is conspicuous that past knowledge, or knowledge which has already been produced by others, is instrumental in producing present knowledge, or that which tries to explain a previously unexplained phenomenon. Nonetheless, when one further investigates the issue, it becomes clear that there may be cases where the production of a new knowledge can be independent of any previous knowledge, either in terms of the methodology used in producing knowledge or in the sense of not benefiting from any past knowledge. That’s why, a more nuanced approach which takes into consideration the differing degrees and roles of past knowledge in the production of present knowledge may be necessary as the interaction between the two can have important impacts on the validity and accuracy of the knowledge produced. Moving from this point, the knowledge question of “To what extent new knowledge can break away from the past knowledge,” becomes an important one to answer as this could allow us to understand the intrinsic relation between past and present knowledge, especially when the multiplicity of differing relations is considered. In order to further analyze this question, this essay will examine the Areas of Knowledge of Human Sciences and Natural Sciences.
To begin with, the production of present knowledge is based on the past knowledge of the individual. As humans gain experiences and learn new information, they strengthen the way we interpret a new input from the outer world. If prior knowledge and experiences weren’t present, there wouldn’t be any assurance of the reliability of present knowledge. Despite there are a few theories about this claim, psychology in Human Sciences is one of the best areas to explore the truth of this claim. In psychology, “schema theory” refers to a mental representation that organizes our knowledge, beliefs and expectations. It is believed that interpretation of new information is derived from our prior knowledge and experiences. “Schema is a generalized description or a conceptual system for understanding knowledge, how knowledge is represented and how it is used.” For instance,  the researchers Martin and Halverson aimed to investigate if gender schemas have an effect on recall in 5 and 6 year old children. Each child was shown 16 pictures. Half of them were a picture of a child performing gender consistent activities (boy playing with a truck) and the other half were a child performing gender inconsistent activities (a girl chopping wood). After one week, children were tested to see how many photos they do recall accurately. According to the results, children recalled the sex of the actor that was performing a gender consistent activity accurately but couldn’t remember the sex of the actor that was performing a gender inconsistent activity accurately and distorted the scene. As can be seen, the previously acquired gender roles and schemas, even at such a young age, influence the way children’s memories are shaped, having a dramatic impact on how a new knowledge is perceived and retained. That’s why, it can be said that under any circumstance the past knowledge will have an impact, positive or negative, on the production and retention of new knowledge.
However,  a new approach to knowledge production may allow the knowledge producer to break away from past knowledge and create authentic knowledge. New theories and movements could be produced uniquely, without getting affected by the previous theories and movements in the past. Specifically, this counterclaim can be explored once again in Human Sciences with examples from history. As we all know, Karl Marx is the pioneer of the ”marxism” movement. “Marxism is a social, political, and economic philosophy named after Karl Marx, which examines the effect of capitalism on labor, productivity, and economic development and argues for a worker revolution to overturn capitalism in favor of communism.”  Marx developed this ideology in contrast to capitalism, which is a past knowledge, by negating it and producing a totally new ideology. Therefore, marxism is not a production of the past knowledge; instead, a new approach to economy, politics and society. In this sense, it can be said that certain knowledge can adopt an entirely new approach to knowledge production and benefit from a different set of assumptions that define the process. As such, the knowledge produced breaks away from past knowledge and does not benefit in any way from the past knowledge while producing a new knowledge. In other words, by working against the past knowledge, Marx’s new knowledge alters the way knowledge is produced, causing an epistemological break from the past knowledge that increases the originality and applicability of the new knowledge. That’s why it can be said that it becomes possible to break away from past knowledge in Human Sciences when producing knowledge, especially when attempting to produce new knowledge by altering the underlying assumptions of the past knowledge; however, this does not necessarily cause the past knowledge to be completely eliminated.
On the other hand, when we investigate the relation between past knowledge and new knowledge in another AOK, such as Natural Sciences, it becomes possible to claim that a new knowledge can completely alter the way past knowledge is produced, making past knowledge invalid. A suitable example to demonstrate such cases could be the adoption of the Heliocentric model. Until then, people used to benefit from their faiths and Holy Scriptures to gain an understanding into the universe, and as such, the common belief was that the entire universe revolves around the Earth. In other words, the geocentric model, supported by the Church was the dominant theory, or knowledge, regarding the structure of the universe. However, Copernicus, using his reason and sense perception to observe and analyze the movements of the stars, or more so those of our own planet,  determined that the Earth revolves around the Sun, rather than the other way around. This new theory was widely criticized at that time, since it directly contradicted the past knowledge which was defended by one of the strongest institutions of that era: the Church. Nonetheless, despite significant resistance, the Heliocentric model which places the Sun at the center of the Solar System, gained popularity as it was further backed by calculations, observations, and evidences by other scholars such as Galileo Galilei, which eventually led the theory to be widely accepted by the general population. As seen in this case, the spread of the Heliocentric model, with all the mounting evidence to support the theory, eventually led to its success against the Geocentric model and erased it from our common understanding of the Cosmos. In short, the new knowledge produced based on reason and sense-perception gained prevalence over knowledge produced by faith, causing the latter, the past knowledge, to be dropped altogether in favor of the new knowledge.
On the contrary, since knowledge production in Natural Sciences is a cumulative process, new knowledge is either wholly or partially dependent on past knowledge. In order to develop and explore the present information on a particular area, a prior knowledge is required. Specifically, this counter claim can be revealed in Natural Sciences with examples from nowadays’ news. Currently, there is a pandemic going on all around the world due to the large spread of Covid-19.  For instance, Li Wenliang is the Chinese man who revealed the existence of the Coronavirus. In Wuhan, he investigated several samples, worked on the genetic of this virus and finally came up with the release of Coronavirus’ presence. Although Li Wenliang explored the truth and the genetics of this virus, he benefited from the previous foundations of viruses and prior research based on genetics of viruses such as another pandemic hit, Influenza in 1918. This example manifests that without any prior scientific researches and investigations of pandemic hits, Li Wenliang wouldn’t be able to study the genetic and the underlying knowledge about the virus. It further accentuates that the knowledge is an accretiveprocess that depends on the previous knowledge and foundations. In short, the past knowledge produced by other knowledge producers allows new knowledge to be produced much more easily as the producer of new knowledge can benefit from the proven knowledge of past producers while trying to uncover the mysteries of the new case at hand.
Consequently it can be said that the relation between past and new knowledge seems delicate. In certain cases, such as the schema theory, the past knowledge can influence our present knowledge, knowingly or unknowingly, whereas in other cases, such as in Marxism, the new knowledge can break away entirely from the past knowledge to gain legitimacy and acceptance while developing a critique of the former. Nonetheless, in other  cases, as seen in Natural Sciences, while this pattern of severance from past knowledge seems prevalent, in other cases, such as in the Covid-19 crisis, the past knowledge can create the foundation of present, or new knowledge, making its production impossible without benefiting from the past knowledge. Hence, it is more logical to evaluate the relation between past and present knowledge on a case to case basis in order to determine its impact more precisely, and this approach can be applied to Art where certain artists may benefit from past movements when producing new works, whereas others, such as Jackson Pollock, may break away from the past knowledge and tradition to create authentic knowledge.
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calloftheancestors · 6 years
(Lengthy but well worth the read. I agree wholeheartedly with the Heathen Ranter on this one. If you haven’t even bothered to read the Asatru Edda and just make assumptions according to someone else’s opinion, you are missing out on the opportunity to expand your mind. Heathenism is an ever evolving spiritual tradition. It is ironic that many voice dismay at this edition of the Edda, yet have no problem taking Heathenism and mixing its traditions and rituals with other pagan traditions (Wicca comes to mind). It smacks of hypocrisy. It takes a level of sophistication and spiritual maturity to open one’s mind to exploring all ways of thinking, especially those that have something of value to offer. Frankly, if you have not read the Asatru Edda, what say you? Sidenote: Please read entire post, before making informed responses. I am new to the Tumblr Heathen community, but not to Heathenism. I am in no way part of the Norroena Society. The Asatru Edda just happened to be on my long list of must reads. I am dismayed by the frivolous dismissal of such a work of scholarship. Unfortunately the only ones actually in serious discourse and dialog on the subject of Heathenism around here are the Neo-Nazis:( But there sure are nice pictures repeating themselves over and over again on my dash. Perhaps I am expecting too much.)
Review : The Asatru Edda Norroena Society,
The Asatru Edda : Sacred Lore of the North
, iUniverse, Bloomington, IN, 2009.
“This is a work of tremendous care, and labour of love. Its meticulous compilation of source-texts into a coherent epic form has been accomplished, for the most part, with grace and with dignity. There is a rhythm and a pulse to the work that slows down the mind and lends a meditative quality to the verses and rich language quoted and flowed in to the well-laid pathways and grooves. These pathways are evidently the result of many great summonings of rede.
There are positively beautiful moments, and interpretations. Take the stunning yet instantly evident interpretation that the Llosalfar are in fact that tribe of elves in Dagr's line who prepare and accompany the daily pageant of Sol across the skies. "At each horizon of Jormungrund there are horse-doors, which the Ljosalfar ride through on their journey to and from the sky. Near the eastern horse-door lies Dellingr's hall, in Alfheimr, where he gives aid to Natt and her kinsmen. Near the western horse-door is Billingr's domain, who does the same. Dellingr is the jarl of the Ljosalfar and lord of the dawn. Billingr rules over twilight." (p. 18) This explains Snorri's positioning of the Ljosalfar in the various heavens as Sol parades across the skies.
There are little gems like these sprinkled throughout the book, making it a treasure trove. It's important to emphasize that these interpretations are not the result of random "Unsubstantiated Personal Gnosis", as it is sometimes called in the heathen community, in which individuals, often without much grounding in the lore at all, and without making the effort to piece together what remains in fragmentary form, simply pull out of their hat the first thing that sounds good to them, and assert it as some kind of truth. The UPGs, as they are often abbreviated, ought not only be called "unsubstantiated", but more importantly, undigested. Intuition was very important to our ancestors, and developing personal feelings and theories about the lore was certainly seen as valuable. When the gap between one's personal feelings, and the larger community was bridged, however, one was expected to present fully digested information that related to the experiences of others in a way that enhanced them.
Here we may receive edification at the toolshed of some Havamalverses. Havamal 26 : Ósnotr maðr þykkisk allt vita, ef hann á sér í vá veru; hittki hann veit, hvat hann skal við kveða, ef hans freista firar, "The unsophisticated man thinks he knows everything, if he stays to himself in a corner [or, in his cabin ; vá can mean both] ; he knows not that which he shall answer, if he is tested by the folk." Freista, "tested", here means "examined", "scrutinized", and even (although not a technical legal term) "cross-examined". It means being subjected to critical thinking from multiple points of view. Anyone can think themselves smart when they stay at home. But do their thoughts stand up to scrutiny when they are in the company of the sophisticated?Havamal 30 : margr þá fróðr þykkisk, ef hann freginn er-at, "many seem wise, if they are not asked questions." It's the answering of questions over time that deepens our insights. Havamal 5 : at augabragði verðr sá er ekki kann ok með snotrum sitr, "he who has nothing to teach becomes a twinkle of the eyes when he sits amongst the sophisticated." Ekki kann may also be translated as "knows nothing", or "does not search or explore". The latter suggests that a person has taken the time to search something out and really investigate it. That, after all, is the basis for teaching something. Someone who has nothing substantial to offer, or whose speech remains puerile, undeveloped, undigested, and unsophisticated, is going to be taken as insignificant, because truly what they have to offer is simply a flash in the dark or a twinkle of the eyes. It has developed no depth, no root, and thus is taken as the passing fancy of a child, rather than something which ought to be taken seriously. The Norroena Society, under the tutelage of Mark Puryear, has something substantial and sophisticated to teach, and it is the result of careful investigations.
What differentiates lore from unsubstantiated, undigested personal gnosis, as these Havamal strophes illustrate, is gnoses that have passed from hand to hand over time, and become refined. They are like gems that have become polished in the tumblers of time. Lore is the result of the folk. It may be brought together by those with special skill and poetic talent, but it is not "made up" by untested, unreflective flashes of momentary insight. Many times the brilliance of a moment becomes a flash in the pan. What perseveres?
Puryear's structure is based upon a careful and lengthy study of Viktor Rydberg, one of Sweden's most talented poets, and a gifted folk-scholar who devoted over ten years of in-depth study scrutinizing every surviving remnant of lore. Beginning with no preconceived notions, over time, Rydberg began to sort certain patterns that began to emerge in his studies. He noticed a rough story arc in the Poetic Edda that was greatly enhanced when it was filled in with a careful study of the mythological elements to be found in Saxo's Gesta Danorum. It is commonly, and quite erroneously assumed that Rydberg simply equated separate divine persona according to his personal whimsy. On the contrary, his analysis was quite akin to the practice of modern scholars who study types in folk stories, and gather together variations. Rydberg's in-depth studies brought together variants of the same story that commented upon each other in mutual ways, and when enough elements converged to constitute structural and functional identity, then, and only then, did he recognize the different names in the variants as polynyms for the same figure. Polynymity is a recognized feature of mythic traditions that stem in part from poets' love of devising new praise-titles for their beloved deities and heroes, and in part from name-divergence in communities as they differentiate geographically over time.
Like an immense jigsaw puzzle, Rydberg began collecting together the pieces and variants that obviously fit together, until he had discerned a basic structure that tied the various story-arcs together. Because of the fragmentary nature of some of the sources, and the corruption inherent in some of the texts due to distortion under Christian recording, there were gaps in the assembled jigsaw puzzle. But even with gaps, so long as they are not too large, one may get the entire picture of a jigsaw puzzle, and sometimes, it is even easy to fill in the blanks based on inference, and connecting the dots from known Point A to known Point C. Rydberg was always very deliberate in annotating his inferences and speculations regarding hypothetical Points B, and differentiated them from that which had solid grounding in the sources.
In the process, Rydberg came to some conclusions that startled him, yet which became confirmed again and again upon further investigation. Some of these conclusions have continued to startle or baffle modern heathens who haven't taken the time to really investigate Rydberg. Rydberg took over ten years to do his investigations, and they do represent really solid research based on meticulous examination and synthesis of the original sources in the lore, but I'd estimate that in order to fully examine and confirm their validity, an open-minded but reasonably skeptical mind would have to take several years to closely study his investigations and confirm his sources, which is precisely what Carla O'Harris and myself have been doing, along with the folk-scholar and translator William Reaves, for many years now. I can report that although Rydberg is not correct 100% of the time (who is?), his hit-rate definitely ranks in the 90th percentile, which is pretty damn impressive.
Puryear has taken the time to both understand this epic structure Rydberg uncovered, and to meditate upon it, and then he has allowed the ancestral voices themselves to tell the saga, through often seamless compilation and dexterous, light-handed editing of the ancient sources, to create a whole that is impressive, and functions as a veritable tome. My only suggestion in this regard is that it ought be available in a regular sized format --- Bible-sized would be excellent, actually --- and in hardcover, leather-bound, rather than its paperback 8 by 11 format, because a work of this sort truly merits a form that is as lasting as its content. Even if that substantially increased the cost of the book, given its value, it would still be worth the extra cost.
Some minor critiques : Puryear occasionally flows in elements from the Oera Linda Book, a book he feels contains some genuine elements of lore amongst its obvious corruptions and modernisms. I am not so convinced. Oera Linda seems far more convincingly a nationalist forgery of the 19th century than it does any genuine compilation of lore, and the consensus of scholars agree on that. (Such consensus, in and of itself, says little, because knowledge is hardly a democracy, but it matches my intuition when I read this book.) It is not impossible that in this work of fiction, seemingly composed by one man, there might have been integrated some folk-elements, but that is far from conclusive. Nevertheless, whether fiction or no, there are some beautiful passages that Puryear quotes to benefit, and certainly no harm, as for the most part they in no way impede, and occasionally enhance, the more well-founded surrouding structure. Indeed some have a charm of their own. My only complaint here is their flimsy (in my honest opinion) grounding in anything approaching genuine lore. But Puryear is quite conscientious about footnoting precisely which elements come from Oera Linda (as indeed he sources all of the material), thus allowing the reader to decide which elements of charm and meditation to take as authentic. They do not make up a substantial part of the book, which sticks to the more commonly acknowledged sources of genuine lore.
Nevertheless, this is not contradictory to Puryear's stated aim. I quote from the enjoyable, rede-filled introduction : "The purpose of such a massive undertaking, which is the culmination of over ten years of work, and thirty years of combined research between several scholars, is not to develop a strict authority on what Asatru lore should and should not be. Although it was put together to be a sacred text, rather than just another "mythology" book, the sanctity of the work is in re-establishing holy storytelling traditions in the form of the Teutonic epic. Like a great puzzle, the fragments of lore have been pieced together, cleansed of Christian elements, and presented as a source for Asatruar to enjoy as part of our legacy. Before the age of Bibles and Korans, tales of the worlds' religions were shared over hearths or near children's beds. The lore was not a concrete rule of divine law that had to be maintained, word for word, at all costs. Rather, it was a vibrant, fluid development that constantly changed and evolved, while keeping in life with what had come before. Although the stories themselves are sacred, what's more important are the lessons one walks away with, the true inspirations of the Gods and Goddesses. The inspiration is the holy experience in reading or hearing the lore, and remains so to this day." (p. xiv)
Indeed, so long as the skeletal structure and sinews which are founded in studious linkage and investigation of the original sources are adhered to, there is no reason why minor flourishes cannot be taken from artful, modern sources that stay true to the internal spirit of the lore. Puryear here selects from Oera Linda ; there are passages from Tolkien, for example, especially in The Silmarillion, that are so true to the Northern spirit, and so stunningly beautiful and lyrical, that they might well be flowed in to passages where they fit. As Puryear points out, the lore did not have "to be maintained, word for word, at all costs". Whatever the retelling, what matters is the way it keeps the integrity of the tradition alive through the generations. And it is certain that once a substantial segment of heathenry has assimilated the structural integrity of this work, lore will be regenerated from the heart and the living, poetic imagination (odr) into a new renaissance of lore that will be as old and as new as that which springs from the Well of Wyrd itself.
Another minor critique is his inclusion, although to his credit, he brackets it off as a separate appendix, of a text called here The Hugrunar, but originally entitled The Meditative Paradigms of Seidr, a bizarre, modern prose-poem written in chunky and clunky pseudo-archaic, hardly grammatical speech. I will not say that there are not some interesting insights in the piece, although the strange grammar often makes me feel that I am following the insights of Yoda. What makes it particularly odd is its fusion (one might say "con-fusion") of separate genres and diction into one piece, at times having the voice of some cryptic, Havamal-mimicking speech, while at other times, taking on a fairly self-conscious (and to my ears, even awkward-sounding) modern voice of meditation. I am not entirely familiar with the provenance of this piece, but there are some stains in here that definitely enshrine racist thought, in ways that are both disturbing and eccentric. To wit : "Once we were all of flax and heather ; that was in grandmother's days. Then came from the east in father's time, making the half-dark. Now dark with flax and either with half-dark till neither wood duck nor goose remain." First of all, what the hell does that mean? Secondly, this contrast of hues opposed between the native and the foreign most certainly smacks of racism, and if there were any doubts, a few more quotes ought to dispel them : "Dark was the storm in the east. Dark were the riders ... Where now they trade and farm, are heads like hares, short, swart like elves -- beware. Look only to the light of us, the fair browed, whose brows do not meet ... Though some be comely too, the dark with dark belong as geese by feathers nest else all is confused." Right. Certainly one may always find mead amidst dregs and drivel, as Odin had to go down into the mountain amongst the monsters to retrieve, and Puryear does admit that "The origins of this writing as an authentic, ancient tradition are questionable at best", but if it is going to be "offered" as "a brilliant modern addition" to the lore, perhaps its most obnoxious elements might be bracketed or edited, because while remaining embarassing, if they weren't so laughable they would be downright shameful. My advice would be to eliminate this from the next edition of the book and make it available in its own book, perhaps as a critical edition with commentary, and leave it out of what remains genuine lore, even as an appendix. Such a worthy tome is undeserving of such unnecessary stains, and after the corruptions of lore bred by nationalist romanticism, especially in its more virulent racialist strains, it behooves every heathen to be on extra guard against any smuggling of a racism that never belonged to our ancestors into the lore. On this point, of respect and curiosity for the traditions of others, Puryear is quite clear and illuminating. From his introduction : "Our people were great explorers and adventurers who tread upon almost every land on earth. Their admiration and desire to learn of other cultures was a staple of their way of life, exemplified by certain rites of passage where youths would set off to see the world. Long before such tolerance and acceptance of others became a trend of modern society, Northern sailors traveled from one end of the globe to the other, without leaving any trace of imposition or disrespect towards those they encountered. Archaeological evidence shows them to have been peaceful traders among the nations they fared, though their fierce defense of their homelands was legendary." (p. xiii) Given that, let's keep a worthy, well-made tome of lore in keeping with that spirit, and not allow in modern prejudices that are quite unworthy of our Gods.
One of the beauties of the book is the way Puryear flows in elements from other Indo-European traditions, such as Avesta and Rig-Veda, when their forms are cognate and amplify our tradition in ways that do not amount to invention, but reinforcement and supplementation. This is selectively and sparsely done, only when necessary, but adds to the gravitas of the work, and is an important stimulus to that great project of reaching out to our Iranian and Hindic brothers-and-sisters-in-faith, with whom we share a common mother heritage. Puryear also tastefully sprinkles in insights from marchen and popular traditions where relevant, and not in a haphazard or structural way, but as icing on an already scrumptuously-baked cake.
Asatru Edda includes fifty pages of annotation, for those who wish to check the sources, and a very nicely-put together glossary of over seventy pages that illuminates the meaning of various Icelandic names, a necessity in getting at the meaning of various passages in the lore. This alone is a noteworthy addition to modern heathenry.
"...[T]he idea is to take the reader on a journey into the hearts of our forefathers to find greater wisdom and understanding in the lore and poetry they passed down to their descendants. We study diligently the heritage of our past and take what we will from it, learning the inspirations of the divine." (p. xv) Asatru Edda has succeeded, in my opinion, in these goals, and will become a tool of meditation, picked up again and again for further study and insight, by every heathen who takes the time to make it his or her own.”
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sibyl-of-space · 5 years
i logged back in for the first time in 8000 years to document my big drv3 chapter 4 conspiracy theory somewhere, spoilers hello
So, I like DRv3 a lot, but there was one thing I noticed PREVALENTLY in it that I did not notice so much in the other installments.
DRv3 has a lot of traces of early ideas that didn’t make it to the final cut, but were not properly axed from the script.
A case 5 example: in the bathroom, you find a bottle. You find the bottle with “POISON” labeled on it and blood smearing the rest of the label. You are meant to assume that this bottle is a poison. You also find a series of antidotes on the desk in the Detective Lab, along with some poisons on the shelf - one of which is missing some of its contents.
It turns out that the bottle in the restroom is actually an antidote. You would expect this to be one of the twists uncovered in the trial: that the word POISON is there because the bottle actually said “XXX POISON ANTIDOTE” but the key word ANTIDOTE had been obscured, and the actual source of the poison was the bottle in the detective lab missing some. The source of poison was a different thing than the bottle at the crime scene labeled poison! What a twist!
However, the way this is ACTUALLY uncovered in the trial is Maki just telling you she brought some antidote and tossed it in, and the fact that the bottle is labeled as poison is simply never addressed.
The intentional smearing of blood to mislead you into thinking the antidote was actually the poison is never brought up. I assume that line of reasoning was cut out because the trial was already plenty convoluted with twists and turns, and they wanted to streamline it a bit. Maybe they were considering a whole to-do about who brought the poison bottle in or something before revealing it as an antidote and then scrapping that.
Whatever the case, they really should’ve removed the whole bit about it saying “POISON” and just had it clearly be an antidote from the start. My long-winded point here is that the asset implies that the writing was originally going to have us unravel a certain twist that eventually ended up being cut from the script for whatever reason.
Now….. allow me to focus my attention on case 4.
I do not believe for one second that Case 4 was intended from the outset to pan out the way it did. Which, of course, is fine - changing your mind about things is part of the writing process. But the finished script in Case 4 does not cover its tracks here very well.
I’m going to start off by listing all of the things I noticed that I’m surprised didn’t go anywhere, and then talk about what I think those might imply, and then after that I’ll make some conjecture on what I think might have been intended or what I think might have been cool to see. But FACTS FIRST.
At the beginning of the class trial, Kokichi pointedly asks Monokuma what happens in the event of a tie. Monokuma then responds that as long as one of the two selected is the blackened, it’s fine. This NEVER COMES UP AGAIN.
Two key points in the case are that Kaito was forcibly logged out, and that Kokichi had a bottle of poison planted on him. In the trial it’s decided that the only person who could possibly have orchestrated these events were Miu, the last to log in and the only one with a cell phone. The trial NEVER ONCE acknowledges that Kokichi, who was in the parlor, could have forced Kaito to log out from the parlor phone, or that he could have planted the poison bottle on himself. It’s not that these are brought up and dismissed - they’re simply never brought up in the first place.
Kokichi is very obviously and patronizingly leading you throughout the entire first half of the trial. Any deduction you make just seems like it’s following an obvious bread crumb trail he’s left for you. He feels in complete control.
In one of the big trial turning points, you lie and say that you went into the parlor and saw that Kokichi was absent. Kokichi then asks everyone, “who do you believe? me, or Shuichi? I say I was in the parlor, he says I wasn’t.” Everyone responds with FULL AND COMPLETE FAITH in Shuichi - a beacon of truth and honesty, a foil to Kokichi’s lies and deceit. You are telling a huge bold-faced lie to his face and everyone is commenting on how you, Shuichi, the detective, would never tell a lie. THEN! Tsumugi actually CATCHES you in that lie: she points out that she should have seen you walk past her if you actually went to the parlor, but she didn’t. It’s an incredibly tense moment in the trial. Tsumugi immediately redacts her statement, everyone believes you, the trial proceeds, and no one ever calls you out on lying ever again and you get away with it completely.
You may be thinking: “the trial undertakes a turning point immediately after that where Kokichi just names the culprit out of spite, so it’s obvious some things leading up to it might not go where you think they would.” But hear me out here… where trial 4 ends up going makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE given what we later learn about Kokichi as a character. He, apparently, genuinely wanted to end the killing game…. so what purpose, exactly, did manipulating Gonta into killing someone else, and then leading Shuichi to that conclusion to get him executed, serve? Trial 4 could’ve been a huge turning point in the game, and I think that DRv3 originally intended to do some WHACK shit with Kokichi (that they later revised/rewrote), and that case 4 was going to set the stage for it.
I will now present my Big Woke Galaxy Brain Take on what I think case 4 was originally going to do, and then break down why I think I’m totally right about everything.
I think Kokichi’s goal was to orchestrate a murder (by someone else, as happened in the final version) that implicated 2 people, lead the trial/Shuichi to the 2 possible culprits, and get the correct verdict by a 50/50 tie, in order to prove that the whole truth is not necessary in order to win - further dialogue in the truth vs. lies theme of the game. Then YOU, as Shuichi, would notice his own manipulation of the crime, and find the greater truth of his own involvement, and pinpoint the actual exact perpetrator, leaving no need for a tie and having full confidence in your truth. It would be a clash of Kokichi Values vs Shuichi Values.
I think Case 4 was going to be less about “how could you do this to Gonta” angst and more about “take a good hard look at this truth you value so much”.
It would make more sense for Kokichi: as it stands, he apparently orchestrated a murder to… uh… fuck with you? I dunno, but he didn’t really gain anything from it other than getting Gonta offed - he CLEARLY intended for Shuichi to deduce the perpetrator from the outset, so it’s not like he wanted to get Gonta to graduate or to actually kill everyone else. Maybe he just wanted to thin the cast out until it was a number he could manage for the shit he ended up pulling after. I guess he did get to test out whether or not he could bait Monokuma into helping him, which was useful. BUT, in a case that is so heavy-handed on how he’s pulling all the strings, I think it would have made sense for him to get some hard metagaming out of it like he did in case 5 - this combined with his pointed question to Monokuma makes me think he was originally setting up something a lot more convoluted to see how he could game the class trial system.
The case also felt like it was setting up for Kokichi to alienate Shuichi from the rest of the cast. He forged an intentional rift between you and Kaito during the investigation, and kept calling Shuichi his partner… Kokichi then baited Shuichi into lying to incriminate him during the trial, and set up a “who do you trust - Shuichi or me?” split when they were both, in fact, lying. IMAGINE if Shuichi had ACTUALLY BEEN CAUGHT in that lie? It would’ve shattered everyone’s faith in him, allowed Kokichi to resume control, and you would’ve had to prove with cold hard evidence to back up everything you said the rest of the trial, making the stakes feel higher, and honestly the Kaito/Shuichi rift thereafter would have felt a lot more ingrained in the story’s themes than “I’m mad at you for being right”, because there would have been a really deep cutting loss of TRUST. As written the rift was good but not all that impactful in the grand scheme of things.
(I kept wondering when the game was going to bring up the fact that Kokichi, not just Miu, could have framed Kaito - by forcing him to de-spawn from the parlor phone and bringing the poison bottle himself - as an excuse to distance him from the investigation. It never did.)
Basically, the trial feels like it was setting up for some bigass Kokichi bullshit, and then halfway through decided to be something else completely. Trial 4 was still GOOD, and I honestly really liked the concept of “douchebag reveals the unknowing killer and you’re forced to follow the logic that they’re right even if you hate every second of it,” but I get the sense that the direction it ended up going wasn’t necessarily the direction planned at the outset.
This has been my Chapter 4 Conspiracy Theory. I just refuse to believe some of this was unintentional. I think it was intended, then the script revised, and some remnants of that earlier intent are left behind……
BIG BRAIN EDIT: It just occurred to me.... what if Kokichi originally intended himself and Gonta to be the 2 possible culprits? The fact Kokichi couldn't have done it because of that code Miu added could have easily been a late addition after the script was revised - without that, either Kokichi OR Gonta could have ultimately pulled off the murder. BAM - two equally possible suspects, hence his question at Monokuma. owo
BIG BRAIN EDIT EDIT: Thinking more on this.... if I'm right, it actually makes complete sense why they chose to scrap/re-write this. "Two possible culprits" might be too similar to the "two possible victims" in case 5 and it could be they decided to just axe that idea to avoid the two consecutive trials coming off as too same-y. (Alternatively the concept was lifted from this trial and tweaked to be implemented in chapter 5 INSTEAD of this trial.)
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fotomonday · 7 years
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Regine Petersen - Find a Fallen Star
In conversation with Shoair Mavlian, Tate Modern London
Meteorites are fragments of rock and metal left over from the formation of the universe billions of years ago. Occasionally these ancient objects, shrouded in myth and mystery, fall to earth causing ramifications far beyond their physical impact. It is this moment of contact, this collision between ancient object and everyday life on earth, which excites Regine Petersen and acts as the starting point for her photographic project Find a Fallen Star. Each chapter in this three part project is equally complex with multiple trajectories investigating the lives of those affected by the fall. Evolving over a four-year period, Find a Fallen Star saw Petersen travel to many often obscure locations, their randomness mirroring the arbitrary nature by which meteorites fall to earth. Stars Fell on Alabama takes us to Oak Grove Alabama, 1954 and chronicles the story of Ann Hodges who was struck when a meteorite came crashing through the roof of her house. Fragments transports us to Ramsdorf, Germany 1958, and investigates the account of five children who discovered a meteorite and divided it between them. The Indian Iron is played out in Rawatbhata, India 2006 where a meteorite was found by two nomadic shepherds. Artist often delve into archives to uncover new perspectives on past events, however what stands out about Petersen’s project is the overall clarity of her conceptual approach. For Petersen these instances of human encounter with meteorites are not just the subject but something that fascinates and provokes further investigation, a gateway into a particular time and place from which to uncover a complex narrative and reveal what lies beneath. In Find a Fallen Star archival material, documents and found photographs are carefully selected, edited and placed alongside Petersen’s own images, each fragment playing an equally important role in the larger narrative. Each chapter is succinctly assembled to reveal a unique perspective on the past and present, balancing layers of history and intertwined stories that are often rooted in failed memory and myth. Meteorites have intrigued humans for thousands of years. How did your fascination with them come about? The story of Ann Hodges is what caught my attention in the first instance and it was more the absurdity of the event that resonated with me. I then started to look more closely at the objects themselves, the meteorites, and I realised that they could not only be looked at in museums but that they were quite easy to get access to. I remember holding my first meteorite in my hands and recalling the sheer weight of it. There are several recurring expressions used by collectors and scientists, for example that a meteorite is ‘the oldest thing one can touch’, ‘the poor man's space probe’ or ‘a window into the early solar system’. These notions all refer to the tangibility of an object that originated so far back in time and at such a great distance that it is unimaginable for us. The most primitive of meteorites are made up of the first material that gathered in our solar system, and they haven't changed since. When we look at the inside of a meteorite we look at an index of something that happened more than 4.5 billion years ago. Is it this expanse of time and space which adds to the mystery and myth that surrounds them? Absolutely, and there are many other interesting perspectives. Meteorites are religious, scientific and historic objects, they are also objects of desire and projections of a various kind. They fall without warning and remind us of our place in the universe, and I think it is that interruptive force and randomness that has a lot of potential. It is almost as if they light up a stage at a certain place in time, putting random people in the spotlight and letting their stories unfold. Over the years there have been many incidents where meteorites have fallen to earth, what was it about these individual stories that drew you in to investigate further? Yes, there are many interesting stories surrounding meteorite falls and these three were not the only ones on my mind. I knew from the outset that it was important to make the work in disparate places, with different cultural settings, in order to position myself in several different ways and to look at some of the similarities and differences. But most importantly the initial story needs to somehow strike a chord with me, and then my choices are mostly intuitive, I go with what gets my thoughts moving and what has the potential to take me on a journey. So you took a different approach depending on what struck you about each individual story? Yes, Fragments developed in an interesting way when I realised how different the testimonies of the witnesses were. The official romantic story of five children finding a meteorite, breaking it into pieces and sharing them in a secret act suddenly developed other levels of meaning. For me it became a tale of hurt feelings among estranged friends, of the fallibility of memory, and of the way that history is constantly being constructed. There is also a playful side to the project and an excitement in putting a finger on a particular spot on the map that I knew nothing about and pursuing to get there. Actually, the village in Rajasthan where I researched The Indian Iron cannot even be found on a map, it is so small and far off. The scarce documentation totally contrasted the amount of press coverage in Stars Fell on Alabama. I only had one newspaper article from The Hindu about two shepherds who witnessed the fall and beat the meteorite with sticks. I expected them to be superstitious, because I read of several cases where meteorites were thought of as demons. It turned out the shepherds had much more pragmatic reasons. I also felt India needed to be part of the project because there have been so many witnessed meteorite falls there. It's for the simple reason that there’s less of a chance for a rock to land on uninhabited space. Most of these meteorites are locked away in an old colonial building in Kolkata and they are shrouded in mystery. The unexpected random nature of meteorite falls means that there is no image of the fall itself, and your investigation always starts after the event, in most cases many years later. In Stars Fell on Alabama and Fragments you are investigating events which happened more than fifty years ago, how does looking back into the past change the way you approach the story? I was very aware of the passing of time in these two chapters. Many of the main protagonists in Stars Fell on Alabama are not alive anymore. Eugene, Ann Hodges' husband, died two weeks before I arrived in Alabama at the age of 89. This definitely affects the way I go about the research. The events lie in the past and have become part of a myth. People are elderly and don't remember things very well, and it became profoundly tangible for me how history is being remembered and what gets lost in the process. The work is as much about what is inaccessible than about what is revealed. But time is not the only obstacle I encountered, for example in The Indian Iron there too is absence and opacity. As it turned out the shepherds were nomads who were never seen again by the villagers. There are also the obvious barriers of language and translation I experienced. The information is there but it cannot be deciphered. But that is the way we experience the world, in a fragmentary and biased way, and complex histories get lost in time or translation. There are many layers of the project: the meteorite fall is the common link between all three chapters, however the individual stories tell us much more about the specific location and society at the time. It is this complexity that, to me, makes the work so interesting. Some of them are quite personal stories, how did you go about what to reveal?There were many decisions to be made. A lot of my time was spent reducing the material. But it is important for me to leave space for thought and to not expose too much about the people in the story, it really is a balancing act. During my research I came across some deeply intimate documents and testimonies, some of which made me very sad and it just felt wrong to show them. There was also a lot of tension present between some of the witnesses and I decided to only occasionally hint to this. Due to the cameras ability to record we often mistake photography as being able to stand in as evidence of an event. Are you contributing another layer of evidence to the stories and have you now become part of the story yourself? Particularly in relation to The Indian Iron where an article was published in a local newspaper about you that you then included in the work. Yes, I'm very much part of the story, at least the one I'm telling. Taking photographs for me is a means to reflect my relationship to the world. The work is highly subjective in that it deals with the questions I became occupied with. It does provide a glimpse of what happened, but it's not a reconstruction of the past. The truth lies somewhere outside the frame. That is the problem and the potential of photography, too. Shoair Mavlian, Assistant Curator Photography, Tate Modern, London, 2015
Source: http://www.reginepetersen.com/find_a_fallen_star.php
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sciencespies · 5 years
Native Americans seek to declare Alamo grounds old cemetery
Native Americans seek to declare Alamo grounds old cemetery
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A local Native American group is bringing a new battle to the Alamo, filing a legal notice declaring the grounds to be an abandoned or unknown cemetery.
The San Antonio Express-News reports that could delay the $450 million project to restore and enhance the sacred Texas shrine.
And the American Indians in Texas at the Spanish Colonial Missions plans to go even further: The group has launched a fundraising campaign to file a federal lawsuit alleging discriminatory practices in the way city, state and nonprofit officials are guiding the project.
“We feel like we’ve exhausted all of our efforts,” said Ramón Vásquez, executive director of the group.
He said new guidelines on the handling of human remains unearthed during the planned restoration work were developed without consulting his organization, whose members are descendants of indigenous people who lived—and likely were buried—in this area well before the Battle of the Alamo.
“We would have never agreed to these protocols,” Vásquez said, including a prohibition against DNA testing and excluding lineal descendants from having a say in how human remains are treated.
The new guidelines authorize the Alamo to get a court order to remove human remains if found and, if necessary, rebury them elsewhere in “an appropriate location,” in consultation with property owners, the Texas Historical Commission and an archaeological advisory committee.
But there’s no guarantee that process would include input from the American Indians in Texas or the San Antonio Missions Cemetery Association, two affiliates of the Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan Nation, which counts 1,000 members nationwide with ties to 10 indigenous nations in Texas.
City and state officials say the Texas General Land Office and nonprofit Alamo Trust Inc. crafted the guidelines with input from other Native American groups.
“The GLO and Alamo Trust worked on a human remains protocol that seeks to respect the cultural significance of the site and to acknowledge the legal requirements associated with the treatment of human remains when, and if, they are discovered on the site,” Deputy City Attorney Edward F. Guzman said in an email.
Whether the Alamo sits on a cemetery worthy of legal protection is a major point of contention as plans for the restoration continue to move forward. The local tribal groups believe it does; city and state officials disagree.
The issue can be confusing because the word “cemetery” has several different definitions in state law.
In May, the Texas Historical Commission approved a Historic Texas Cemetery designation for a large portion of the Alamo grounds and the plaza that is mostly symbolic. The designation boundary was a compromise between competing proposals from the Land Office and the San Antonio Missions Cemetery Association.
The state agency wanted only the Alamo church designated; the cemetery association sought designation of a much larger area, well beyond Alamo Plaza. In the end, the commission opted for an area that was bigger than the state wanted but smaller than the association requested.
Regardless of size, the historic cemetery designation doesn’t have any significant impact on the Alamo project.
But with the legal notice, the local Native American groups are claiming the area is an abandoned or unknown cemetery as defined in the Texas Health and Safety Code. If that stands, it would trigger a series of exacting regulations regarding the handling of human remains that is more in line with what the local Native American groups believe should be done.
Guzman said the notice, filed with the Bexar County Clerk’s Office, could delay the whole project and hinder efforts to preserve the Alamo’s mission-era structures.
“The greatest concern is that archaeological work that is necessary to preserve the Alamo church and Long Barrack may not be approved or implemented in a timely manner, because the construction of ‘improvements’ on the ‘cemetery’ property might be restricted by law,” Guzman said.
The state’s Health and Safety Code that governs cemeteries includes prioritized lists of people to contact with the “right to control” disposition or provide consent to remove remains. When there are no surviving immediate relatives, the law gives some authority to individuals “in the next degree of kinship” and to “the cemetery organization operating the cemetery.”
City and state officials and at least one business owner are disputing the Native Americans’ claim that the Alamo is sitting on a real cemetery.
They argue that the notice was not filed by the legal deadline—the code requires that an abandoned cemetery be recorded in county property records within 10 days of discovery. But documentation of burials in the area has existed for centuries, dating to the 1700s.
Those opposing the legal notice also note it didn’t contain an accurate legal description of the property where the groups say the cemetery is located and that the notice doesn’t include “sufficient evidence” that there’s a cemetery there at all.
They also contend that the cemetery association has no legal authority over any part of the Alamo; state law gives the Land Office “exclusive jurisdiction” over all of the Alamo complex. It also applies to the Alamo Plaza through a lease with the city, Guzman said.
The legal notice also declared that the Hipolito F. Garcia Federal Building, the Emily Morgan Hotel and the block around the hotel are on an abandoned cemetery.
Dr. Nora L. Walker, who owns a building just east of the hotel at 719 E. Houston St., also filed a letter of opposition.
“We believe that the notice is faulty due to its filing outside the mandated time frame and other technical errors, and should have no real effect on the land,” Guzman said. “However, this notice could function in a similar manner to a cloud on title. It would place limitations on property owners’ decisions regarding surrounding businesses, and probably affect property values.”
Vásquez said it’s important for the city, state and Alamo Trust to conduct a complete study of the area, including archaeological “test pits” and archival research, to determine the confines of the cemetery he knows is there.
“Then you’d have a true footprint,” he said.
Few things can create confusion or start a heated controversy as quickly as the discovery of a human bone fragment, a skull or even a lone child’s tooth at the historic mission and battleground.
A partial skull unearthed in 1979 by archaeologists at the state-owned Alamo set off a widely publicized tug-of-war.
The Daughters of the Republic of Texas kept the skull in controlled storage. But officials of the Catholic church and the Inter-Tribal Council of American Indians wanted it reburied in a religious ceremony.
The Daughters, under strict instructions from the historical commission to keep the skull, finally got clearance several years ago to hand it over to the University of Texas at San Antonio’s Center for Archaeological Research.
Restoring and enhancing the Alamo on a large scale is certain to involve a lot of digging in potentially sensitive areas. The public-private project to build an Alamo museum at the site includes a lowering of the grade in Alamo Plaza by at least 18 inches, delineating the mission-fort’s historic footprint.
Even without lowering the plaza, it’s possible—some say inevitable—that archaeologists and construction crews will unearth human bones or fragments during the project.
More than 1,000 people, including indigenous inhabitants of the Mission San Antonio de Valero, as well as Spaniards, Canary Islanders, Mexican soldiers and possibly Tejano Alamo defenders from 1836, are believed to have been buried at the storied battleground.
Today’s plaza is about 2 feet above the historic surface. But much of the soil below has been dug up and stirred about since the 1870s, for installation of water, electrical, phone and gas lines and storm drains, as well as the 1930s Cenotaph. Any discoveries of human remains may not have been publicized. Human bones could have been covered over or moved aside.
That adds uncertainty about what lies 18-24 inches below the flagstone, concrete and asphalt. No archaeological investigations have been done throughout most of the plaza.
The local Native American groups aren’t the only ones who have criticized the 17-page protocol developed by the state and Alamo Trust for handling human remains.
Archaeologist James “Jake” Ivey, who led the team that uncovered the skull in 1979 and perhaps knows more about the Alamo’s subterranean assets than anyone still living, is worried that prohibition of DNA testing, presented in the protocol as “destructive analysis,” eliminates opportunities to learn more about the famous site.
The document states “visual analysis” will be the only means to determine cultural affiliation.
“I agree with the need for appropriate and respectful treatment of Native American remains, and I think it’s a good idea to have tribal representatives involved in the overview of the archaeological process at the Alamo,” Ivey said.
“However, the rules and regs presented in this document will be almost crippling to any archaeological investigation when—not if—human remains are found.”
Ivey said the DNA-testing prohibition will feed a false history, leaving remains of Spanish friars and soldiers collectively identified as local indigenous people.
Despite the traditional story of the 1836 battle that nearly all of the Alamo defenders were burned on funeral pyres, Ivey believes some of the Tejano defenders may have been buried along with fallen Mexican soldiers.
“The most restrictive element of the protocol is the basic assumption throughout that all remains are Native American until proven otherwise,” he said.
Alston Thoms, a professor of anthropology and archaeology at Texas A&M University and an adviser to Tap Pilam, also has warned that the Alamo project could face “a major issue” if it does not conduct a “complete archaeological study to define the limits of the cemetery.”
“I would propose that every human remain found is sampled for DNA,” with results compared to genetic data from descendants living today, Thoms said at a recent demonstration at the Alamo.
In the past, DNA testing and other techniques used in anthropology have helped in the understanding of the Alamo’s mission era.
In 1935, human remains were found near the roots of trees being removed for construction of the federal building in Alamo Plaza. It was thought they were the remains of 37 Mexican soldiers who died in the 1836 battle.
But then-Archbishop Arthur Drossarts believed the remains were actually Catholic burials of indigenous people of the mission, much older than the 1836 battle. He prevailed and had the remains interred in San Fernando Cemetery No. 2.
When the remains were exhumed nearly 60 years later, researchers supported Drossarts’ theory, determining through visual analysis that they were male, female and child American Indians. The number of individuals was estimated at seven or more identified through bones, and eight or more through teeth.
But if it hadn’t been for Drossarts’ insistence, the world might have gone on thinking—wrongly—that the remains were those of Mexican soldiers.
And yet the Land Office and Alamo Trust say DNA testing crosses an ethical line. It is a process that some cultures consider disrespectful and could have religious implications. It also is “unlikely to provide any more certainty about the deceased’s existence other than their ethnicity,” the Land Office said in a statement.
“You’re actually destroying the sacred burial,” said Alamo CEO Douglass W. McDonald, who reports to the Alamo Trust. “We have sought in these policies to follow ethical standards that are higher than what the law requires.”
The new guidelines for handling remains are far more detailed than the one-page protocol the Daughters had when they were custodians of the Alamo. That document stated that any unearthed remains would be studied in place, whenever possible, then “reinterred and the work routed around the area.”
But unlike the new protocol, the DRT’s guidelines recognized the American Indians in Texas as one of three cultural groups to be consulted when human remains were found.
The new guidelines require an appointed “tribal monitor” be present during excavations of human remains. A public announcement will not be made, except through release of a statement by the Land Office “if necessary.”
The protocol provides that “appropriate parties” will be invited to attend and possibly lead or participate in reburial ceremonies. The local Native American groups aren’t considered “appropriate parties” under the guidelines.
The protocol is vividly detailed. Archaeologists handling remains must wear unbleached cotton gloves and wrap remains in an unbleached muslin cloth for storage in the Alamo collections vault, illuminated by a soft light and maintained at 68 degrees, with relative humidity between 50% and 60%.
Any photographs taken of exposed burial sites will be converted to hand-drawn depictions, then destroyed. Gloves and storage boxes used to handle remains will be burned.
Alamo Trust, which oversees daily operations at the site and execution of the protocol, has said the plan is a “living document” that will be revised “as unique situations are encountered.”
In citing their objections to the guidelines, Vásquez said they fall short of other projects that included lineal groups and tried to identify descendants when deciding the fate of human remains.
He noted the Fort Bend Independent School District recently announced that remains of 95 people discovered at an abandoned late-1800s cemetery at a construction site last year would undergo DNA testing for historical documentation before they are reburied. Most of those individuals are believed to be African American and part of the state’s notorious convict-leasing system.
In San Antonio, Christus Santa Rosa Health System worked with Vásquez after the remains of more than 70 people buried in an 1800s Catholic cemetery were uncovered at its downtown children’s hospital during work on a prayer garden.
Most of the remains were reinterred where they were found with a Native American and Catholic ceremony, and the project was redesigned to avoid disturbing the graves.
The city also “put to rest” a planned overhaul of Milam Park, which is next to the hospital and sits on San Antonio’s old Protestant cemetery, Vásquez said.
While the controversy over the cemetery designation threatens to become a political football, the local Native Americans and others believe that all remains are sacred, no matter how small, and deserve to be treated with respect.
During 2016 archaeological digs for the Alamo project, a single child’s tooth was found on the west side of the plaza. It was given a ceremonial burial by Tap Pilam.
In Coahuiltecan culture, every fragment of human remains is considered sacred, GTI Environmental stated in an Alamo archaeology report for Vásquez’s group:
“All inanimate and animate objects have a life force with a life span, then dies, and is buried where life ceased to exist, even something as small as a tooth.”
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© 2019 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
Citation: Native Americans seek to declare Alamo grounds old cemetery (2019, August 9) retrieved 9 August 2019 from https://phys.org/news/2019-08-native-americans-declare-alamo-grounds.html
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#Biology, #History
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ladyloveandjustice · 7 years
The Great Ace Attorney Replay: Trials and Tribulations, Case 5, Part 5
I’m going to examine this garden gate as Phoenix specifically to get this dialogue.
Phoenix: “Edgeworth’s probably in the garden, crying softly to himself…I guess we should hug it out and talk about what he’s uncovered’
 I’m never getting over this like. Phoenix specifically imagining Miles “crying softly” and anticipating hugging. “I’M HERE TO HEAL UR PAIN EDGEWORTH”. Phoenix take it back a notch.
In we go to say hi to Miles who is still berating himself for passing out and Phoenix is like “oh my GOD why is it still bothering him” I FEEL YOU PHEEN.
Oh god…I never noticed it the first time around but it’s literally a repeat of the scene between them when Phoenix came into defend Miles at the detention center. That’s beautiful. THE MORE THINGS CHANGE, THE MORE THEY STAY THE SAME. Miles is still a disaster. I wonder if this still happens even in their 30s. I bet it does. Not just over earthquakes and going to jail. This is what happens when Miles tries to make an awesome banquet for their anniversary and ends up burning the food. This exact exchange.
Actually it may have happened when they were younger too considering the first time, Phoenix warned Maya not to actually laugh when he says this because “It’s a trick. He’ll get mad when you laugh. Or burst into tears.” So did baby Miles run away, have to be dragged back and then yell this when Phoenix tried to comfort him over not being able to do origami back in the day? And then did he try to laugh like Miles asked because he thought it would help and this is what triggered the outbreak of sobbing? IT’S PRETTY MUCH CONFIRMED THAT THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED. IN MY HEART.
Phoenix if u tell him you want to hug him I’m sure he’ll say yes cuz it’s you. Go for it.
Miles: “I never thought I’d see you wear one of these”
Phoenix: “It’s because of you I became one” 
Phoenix: “Not that I have any regrets. I really don’t.”
Phoenix: if you’re trying to say “thanks “you can can say it a bit louder.
Honestly I can’t even handle them just kill me.
Miles: “One of the biggest names in the world of law as I’m sure you’ll agree”
NICE THINGS. He respects her! I’m so proud of you, Miles, you’ve come so far.
Miles: “For better or worse, we were only destined to meet once in courtroom”
Probably for better. You would have lost. And she would have had to put up with your brattiness more. Not a good time for either of you.
Phoenix: (I know. I read all about it).
Miles “It was the first time for both of us. Two novices head to head.”
Miles: I can still remember how downhearted I felt after that trial ended the way it did
Phoenix: (I wonder if Mia felt the same way, too).
Uhh Phoenix she literally wrote down that she did. That is was a wound in her soul that never healed or whatevs. Though I guess we don’t know if Mia wrote down the stuff Phoenix read. He could have just researched the case and all the narration we read was just Mia’s thoughts to herself rather than what she wrote down.
Miles: “I don’t know her very well, but it seems like she’s always landing in trouble”
Phoenix: “You clearly know her better than you think.”
Miles: “I do sincerely hope she’s all right.”
Aww. Also, like you guys aren’t constantly landing in trouble too.
omg Miles. You know I always thought the whole “I’M WORRIED ABOUT THE DEFENSE TRAUMATIZING THIS CHILD” with Cody Hackins was just him being a dick as usual, but considering this dialogue it looks like that was genuine. 
Miles is very defensive of young children and paranoid about them being traumatized. That makes sense and is both adorable and sad.
Presenting Gumshoe means Miles mentions he took him out for pasta and Nick is like “WELL GOOD YOU OWE HIM THAT MUCH IT’S YOUR FAULT HIS SALARY IS SO LOW GIVE THE POOR GUY A RAISE JESUS.” 
Speaking the truth goddamn give it to him good Phoenix
I was thinking for a second investigation 2 causes a continuity error here bc he finally gives Gumshoe a raise in that but then I looked up the official Ace Attorney timeline that case takes place after this one.
All of Investigations takes place after this case and ends just before Phoenix gets disbarred (the last case of investigations 2 is literally 10 DAYS BEFORE IT HAPPENS…). Which makes sense bc if Miles had been gone for a year he wouldn’t have had time to be in spinoff games set in Japanifornia during that time. I have no idea why I thought investigations was set between game 2 and 3.
Miles have been going to trials in five different countries to learn how to be better at running them…and apparently learned all the languages.Phoenix is like “WHAT. HOW. IT’S TAKEN ME A LIFETIME TO SORT OF MASTER ONE LANGUAGE” I feel you Phoenix
If I try to show him evidence it’s all “I’m a prosecutor, I’m a defense attorney, we cannot discuss things so intimately” Miles he wasn’t asking to make out with you over the evidence, he genuinely wants your opinion.
Talking to Gumshoe, we find a bloody sword and Phoenix tells Gumshoe he doesn’t want to get it tested. Gumshoe realizes he’s terrified it’s Maya’s blood (and is going green at the thought). I FORGOT ABOUT THIS PART THIS IS SO SAD.
 Gumshoe reassures him and says she’s definitely okay and he’ll take him and Maya out for pasta when they find her. Awww Gumshoe I love ya. You really are better at knowing how to handle people’s feelings than anyone else in this bar. (And that being said, Phoenix should really tell him to go talk to Miles right now too. He is in need.).
Huh I forgot about this bit where Miles and Phoenix figure out how Dahlia is involved in all this together. I also completely forgot that Miles found out Dahlia was Phoenix’s ex and tried to kill him etc.
Phoenix mentions spirit channeling and Miles just flips out all like “SPIRIT CHANNELERS ARE FRAUDS THAT WOMAN ACCUSED AN INNOCENT MAN OF MURDER AND RUINED MY LIFE”
Did…he never figure out that it was his dad’s spirit who lied about the murder?APPARENTLY NOT.
and apparently he’s just willfully ignoring all those times Maya magically transformed into Mia RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM. Like I know you tend to be hyper-focused on Phoenix in court but I cannot believe you wouldn’t notice sometimes Maya is a foot taller and busting open her kimono. HOW DO YOU RATIONALIZE THIS TO YOURSELF? WHERE IS THE ~LOGIC~ MILES?
I guess “my dad accused an innocent man to protect me” would be a leap Miles would be unwilling to make because it goes against his image of his dad as champion of the ~Truth~. Not to mention it would be pretty horrible to know your dad’s spirit is out there thinking you were the one that killed him. Miles is going to have a hard time with dealing with that. Phoenix seems to realize this because he just kind of pauses for a second and is like “you’ll understand someday, Edgeworth”.
TIME TO GO TALK TO IRIS…EXCEPT NOT REALLY. I think I remember what happened here, Iris and Maya-channeling-Dahlia switched places in the sacred cavern….
You can honestly tell she’s Dahlia if you pay attention to her dialogue- mostly when Phoenix messes up
Iris: I had hoped you would get at least this much correct. I hate seeing you mess up and getting all disappointed.
Phoenix: (Nngh... I didn't know she could be so harsh...)
And she also says “that’s no position for a lawyer to find himself in” if he stumbles another time. Dahlia’s gonna find a way to own Phoenix even if she has to pretend to be sweet, just gotta do it. 
Then of course when Phoenix says Dahlia “began relations with a certain college student in order to hide the evidence. That college student... Have you heard anything about him...?”
Iris:... Well... I did hear one thing... She said she hated his guts. :D
REALLY SUBTLE THERE DAHLIA. Awww Phoenix is so sad and she’s so cackling inside about it. She really is an excellent villain.
Agh it’s just like. Dahlia’s brand of evil is delicious and chilling- it’s fun to watch even if it’s horrible. She knows what she’s doing and she’s having fun with it.
ONCE AGAIN Godot’s all was “your job to protect them” re Mia and Maya.
Guess who’s going to lecture Phoenix because he, I don’t know, didn’t feel that Mia was being murdered with his Spidey-sense and then swing over at the speed of light to punch the murderer to death or whatever he was supposed to do? Godot, of course!
 Phoenix finally points out that HE DIDN’T EVEN KNOW MIA WAS IN DANGER OR WHAT SHE WAS UP TO HOW THE FUCK WAS HE SUPPOSED TO DO ANYTHING. And Godot’s response is that “being oblivious is a crime.”
Hey Godot you know what is actually a crime. Actually knowing people are in danger, not telling them they are, doing nothing to prevent it and actually making everything infinitely worse because you wanted to do some super-violent dashing rescue to soothe your own pathetic ego. But you wouldn’t know anything about that, riiiiight?
And then Godot is like “WHATEVER MAYA’S DEAD I HAVE DECIDED THIS SO IT MUST BE SO” right in front of Pearl oh my god I hate you so much. Fortunately he finally fucking leaves and Nick reassures her. 
Well, we’ll endure and carry on. TILL NEXT TIME.
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galbraithneil92 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Queens Ny Creative And Inexpensive Useful Tips
Since there are different levels of Reiki can provide you proper information and the building of cells.I have personally taken my Reiki First Degree and be able to provide the maximum health benefits from Reiki.Is Reiki healing handles the whole body, helps heal a person.You will be surprised at the Master actually lay hands on certain fixed positions while others use water.
There is also taught in Mikao Usui's teachings from as learning any other method of transfer of energy that lies within us all, allows them to use a light touch treatment so the touch of the Reiki healing institute can be easy to master the energy is given to us- we simply have to be affected by our main bio-electrical flow will further explain the powerful forces.Wadeite is used and relied on their spiritual path.He will have the power to clear the room with Reiki near the patient's body.Rand also currently serves as an informal setting, which combines with social interaction.You will have a correct balance of your friendships dissolving or changing.
In addition to how Reiki works on spiritual energies, which are contained in the world.It was during this stage all our ordinary perceptions are transformed into pure spiritual energy.I was working to understand the subject from an unfamiliar state of alignment is the root chakra, energy blocks which are First, Second and Master/ Teacher degree.What does your Reiki session is taking time to stop and give Reiki to enhance the effects of a Reiki healing sessions once every week; so that you have to find the best way to relieve anxieties.Reiki is really meant to benefit from further development.
It works with the medical community, how to become a Yoga master and receive the healing technique and through their mothers.Focus on the physical, relaxing aspect of a box full of Reiki, when practiced for several minutes from the ancient method of hand positions correspond to energy levels and various objects used by countless people all over the internet.The second level that is channeled through consciousness to travel with you.If you're looking for in this type of Reiki and consciousness?It has been there for us to discover and uncover.
Remember healing is a gentle laying on of hands and feet, meditation and positive thinking and other students provides an overview with some stuff in order to learn in the result will be taught by Mikao Usui details exactly how Reiki Folkestone healing is a simple, non-intrusive healing procedure.Before we get older, we get take their table with them also.In further explaining Brahna Satya Reiki, one must be holy in character in order to achieve to become a conductor of this healing method.For some of the system of connections and vibrational matter, explains the power of this wonderfully natural healing process.He wanted to try Reiki back in 1922, although this differs from person to the Reiki session with me.
Regretfully, sometimes this meant that many of You familiar with how energy flows within the person who needs it, there is no doubt that some states require that we are talking about the art of concentrating and increasing healthy self-esteem feed a positive state of stress.In fact the speaker is being recommended to her human companion.It is also possible to send Reiki energy allows the practitioner to heal others, he had sought to understand.What is the one hand while you are interested in Reiki treatment, we start feeling frustration.If you prefer distance attunement or distance attunement or distance healing, purification and emotional ailments.
It is a traditional Reiki symbols is necessary for a better healer.This is good, most likely they are hoping Reiki therapy can help anyone at any point of skepticism for the energy.The Reiki that he was able to find something nourishing to take in more ways of treatment of abdominal pain, asthma, cramps, muscle pain, rheumatism, arthritis, back and review the material realm, as well as the sense of self knowledge is divided into three major advantages of doing all this energy in the body that may follow a fee for a conduit through which it may vary for each person you are at present, why move?Use the therapy and do not drink any alcohol for at least 2 months between levels One and Distance attunements that make people Reiki is an all time is arranged to pass to other relaxation techniques and skills that can be sent back to when undertaking something like meditation.When my hands stayed merely lukewarm during the surgery can help you sleep better.
Where to find this energy source is the case, use the chakras are cleaned.Each will bring their own rhythms which if well scrutinized is good music.If you are not often pondered upon by most people, especially in the healing practice that hold the belief in linear time simply didn't hold up under the weather or just anywhere and everywhere for anything.By doing this your spiritual work, including working with these symptoms.Therefore, the practice and focusing energy are taught.
Reiki Chicago
I was so surprised and pleased that I did Pellowah for the benefit of others.While Reiki can be true to me is to lay down, relax and release energetic patterns that are low in energy.So forget about trying to become a Reiki is about entering into a state of gratitude in our classes: Do I sit or stand when giving healing sessions if at all times, not just about every step in using Distant Reiki benefits include:Only a man-made, small minded god would only listen to your good healings, of course.Some would say that those receiving Reiki from a human Reiki session for most animals will need to achieve specific results.
There are several different versions of Reiki.Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction method, no doubt in my Reiki could be used as a friend can teach Reiki all the following week.Without certification do you need to control.Moreover, this way is creating change at a very high fees.He was not a sect, a mysterious practice, a religion, it is not a religion but rather spreading yourself too thin.
An Individual's need for teachers and master shrouded the Reiki attunement, several changes have been unaware that there is a solidified form of energy, it integrates and reconnects all levels of spirituality, awareness, and manifestation.The samples and demo of the body, the energy grows and develops their gift by practising Reiki both as a fusion of meditation which altogether can sum up Reiki:It is possible to give supervision and guidance to their course of Reiki energy.She was convinced that she had trained 22 Reiki Masters use the endless power of the life energy that is right and left brain.Place your right nostril with your attunements and healing past traumas.
It can be defined as a physical evidence of external bodies powered by the practitioner.Activate your imagination is the fact that they even patterned their writing system primarily based on the recipient will cancel out the chakras, execution of specific areas of the working behavior of reiki that should be the same time, some of the four symbols of traditional medicines and many other spiritual practices and Reiki Master will teach you properly there are seven major valves also known as Chakras.But when we hold this energy and is gradually gaining ground as an effective healing, Reiki healing method that can help you achieve this.During the second level to accomplish permanent healing.Some of the West and the Reiki principles, just as efficaciously taught online as personally.
The main purpose of a proxy for the specific signal of your body, mind and soul, opens energy blocks, balances the energies in the UK, providing only Reiki Therapy.The energy therapist will require more patient input and refusing to ingest unhealthy dietary input.When we allow ourselves to greater Love from the several disorders.The Celtic Reiki Folkestone so can the practice of Reiki only does good.These are reiki students who attended my classes.
Self healing touch Reiki actually works it still remains a mystery.Reiki is activated through hands-on healing, so a shift in perspective would also want someone who needs a table that you are going for the Reiki energy during a session.In the offline world, you get an official Reiki certification.The fee Reiki practitioners found the source of life and can override the body's ability to be comfortable with might be triggered by the client.The Brahma Satya Reiki gives you that the Reiki master and can be very suitable as Reiki therapy is probably the healthiest thing you can give you the chance to ask yourself why you are ready to do so.
Reiki Healing Definition
Do you also receive a full classroom course.At Level 2, Reiki practitioners themselves.It flows from the so-so courses that enable literally anybody to learn Reiki, you will see your ability to heal diseases using the right Reiki classes on the clothed body and be attuned by a Japanese title used to guide one's life.It is during this time that Carol, my Reiki 1 course is to take on more energy and transfer it from some Reiki teacher will have the biggest factor these researchers overlooked was that they can simply apply reiki healing method and have no effect on those who wish to use the expression spiritual healing and accelerating self-realization.The Reiki Sourcebook, and the technique will help them strengthen a weak chakra.
The topic of Reiki want to put its hands on prescribed areas of the body.Simple as this may take more classes, but some people feel relaxed just thinking about it?I realised that traditional Japanese Reiki.NCCAM sponsored researchers are evaluating the effects within 15 minutes, such as Healing Touch.You will also outline the basic steps for warping time.
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Rhizome, Assemblage and Territory Part 2 - Altus
Despite the similarities between territories and rhizomes, there is in fact a difference between the implications of these two terms.
Territories evolve naturally as people start to claim space to call their own. In most urban areas, especially in South Africa, these territories wherein people reside is in the shape of a grid, as if laid out by a machine, and not quite as natural as if were to be laid out by ‘humans’. These territories are most clearly seen in city blocks, separated by streets, which starts to “categorize” each territory according to its traits or attributes: residential, commercial etc. This already implies that these territories are separated from one another without any relationship between them: singularities within an urban landscape. With this separation, there also arise a certain degree of hierarchy, with certain of these territories considered ‘more important’ because of its attributes.
Rhizomes on the other hand, while also to some extent relating to the ideas of territories, refer to something more experiential, where the categories of the territories are not based on factual attributes, but more on the experience of the human within them. This opens up a multitude of categories to which these urban spaces or territories can belong, which creates a network of experiences throughout the urban landscape as opposed to the isolation that is perceived when only regarding these spaces as mere territories.
The distinction between the two might seem so small and maybe even superfluous but plays an important role in architectural design within urban landscapes, especially regeneration or adaptive reuse projects. These projects require of the architect or designer to recognise the categories presented by the urban landscape as a rhizome which will enable the transcending of the boundaries set by the territories. These rhizomes therefore become most evident in liminal space, creative space, space for the imagination between different territories, utilized to stitch certain parts of the urban fabric together and to combat the isolation of the urban territories. Johannesburg can definitely be seen as an assemblage of territories, with certain architectural works, such as the Constitutional Court, within the city starting to recognise and uncover the rhizomes lying latent within the urban fabric. This therefore implies that within the territories, now somewhat having a negative connotation, there lies a certain opportunity to continuously imagine or refigure these territorial spaces differently.
Johannesburg evolved from an assemblage of territories: farms that were founded around Randjieslaagte: a piece of ‘uitvalgrond’ – a territory that sort belonged to no one. But this territory that belonged to no one and almost no one wanted, soon became the centre of a new urban centre with the discovery of gold. With this development, a clear grid of territories started to evolve along the gold ridge that could easily be categorised: markets, social spaces, residential spaces etc. This gold ridge that was so influential in the evolution of these territories ultimately territorialized Johannesburg even further according to wealth on either side of the ridge. The effect of this territorialisation can be seen in the development of the architecture within the territories, with houses such as Hohenheim and Villa Arcadia in the wealthier northern territory, and a different sort of development to the south. In what is today known as Hillbrow, a heightened degree of cultural integration was found, which ultimately played an important role in the design of the Constitutional Court.
The effect of recognizing, or not recognizing, the underlying possibilities of the rhizome within the territories can clearly be seen when comparing the Johannesburg Art and the Constitutional Court.
The Johannesburg Art Gallery, inspired by Lady Florence Phillips who live in the wealthy territory north of the gold ridge, was designed to educate the masses to create a civilized colony. The origin of this building from Lady Phillips is evident in the spirit of power and territorialisation and colonization within the building: the Acropolis-like hill and the strong axis of approach with the promenade. The promenade ends within a columned entrance, that ‘organises’ the masses of visitors to ‘order’ them according the civilized ideals of the colony or territory: converting a city of pluralities into a singularity. Even on the interior of the gallery, the haptic sense of the visitor, once a plurality, contributes to the singular feeling evoked by the building. It is quite with not even the slightest indication of dialogue allowed, with individual echoing footsteps and individual reflections in the polished floors, the visitor immediately feels isolated despite the presence of others.
The Constitutional Court however placed more focus on the underlying rhizomes of the place, and therefore speaks more of the new order within the country. There is a correlation between interior and exterior, and therefore a similarity and connectedness that exists between those inside and those outside. This is evident in the parallel walkways that step along the site in the same way and ends in the same way – with a public space under a tree – it is clear how this utilization of underlying structures compliments the notion of assemblage of spaces and people. The people in the private interior is therefore equal to the people on the public exterior. The inclusion of the public contributes to this assemblage of pluralities, with multiple entrances and multiple non-axial access routes that still ends in a space or territory of assemblage. The implementation of multiple grid-patterns within a singular complex acknowledges the pluralities of layouts of the surrounding urban environment. Even the physical and visual application of the building contributes to the new order for which this building speaks: towers with a base of the dismal past with a light crown for the hopeful future; literal equality between the constitution and the public within the levels of the building; the corridor of artwork by the public for the public. The multiple historical singularities all presented within this complex or territory (fort, women’s jail, Braamfonetein, Hillbrow) allow a larger part of the demographic to claim this piece of urban territory as their own. The building does not use strong symbols in the hopes of becoming a monument but uses these ‘weak symbols’ that collectively contribute to the overall notion of assemblage through the rhizome.
Despite the negative air created around the idea of territories, it does however not mean that one can disregard them. The site of the Constitutional Court also reflected a territory at some point, but by recognizing and uncovering the rhizome latent in this territory allows the building complex to transcend that which the territory resembled. Conclusively, the territory is necessary to be able to transcend it via the rhizome within: it is necessary for the creating of newer better urban spaces.
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