#youre perceptive
sameboot · 1 year
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Simon petrikov coping FAIL compilation
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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seb is lucky ominis cant see ref from triptrippy
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npcanders · 3 months
i feel like i’ve seen so many people dunking on origins and it’s usually people who were introduced to da through inquisition. similarly there have been origin supremacists (me) saying inquisition is the worst game
that is to say, what dragon age game did you first play and which one is your favourite? i played da:o first and like it the best. (also play origins if you haven’t)
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 2 months
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At what point do you start seeing one in the other?
At what point do you start looking at the devil like a friend?
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transmechanicus · 17 days
I know some people have unfathomable beef with the term but i really don’t see the issue with transmascs describing their specific experiences with societal mistreatment and persecution as “transandrophobia”, like i think it’s good to be able to discuss specific experiences and articulate the problems you’re facing actually.
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trans-androgyne · 5 months
People have been mocking me for advocating for trans men with “boohoo won’t someone please think of the men” sentiments. Make fun all you want, I will never, ever stop caring about trans men. Go for an insecurity next time, not what I’m proudest of. Trans men, I love you forever and you deserve better. Go ahead and call me a TMRA, since in the literal sense I sure am one
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foxwyrm · 2 months
some of you guys are forgetting that humans are literally animals sometimes methinks. like truly I think some of the conflict going on in the community could very easily be mended if we simply didn't forget that humans are literally animals
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geryone · 11 months
Every time I read poetry it changes my life in a small but unbelievably important way
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abby-howard · 2 days
You deadlift? What's your PB?
My current max is 250 pounds! Gotta catch up to Tony, he's at 300 now 😤
Also someone else asked about how deadlifting doesn't kill my back, and the answer is that weightlifting with proper form is good for back pain >:]
Strengthening your stabilizer muscles is so good for your bones and posture! It doesn't mean accidents don't happen, as we will all decay in time, but it definitely helps me draw all day and night without crumbling into dust 👌
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reblog this w the entity/entities you most align yourself with & why
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harbingersecho · 4 months
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are we the sins we have committed? are we the things we have endured? [...] who are we?
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I think that Dr. Christina "I was an excellent soldier" Raynor needs to deal with some personal things before she's anyone's therapist, because she strong-armed more of Bucky's autonomy away from him than Zemo did within the series.
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boyquiet · 8 months
number one rule of getting into mgs is NEVER assume mgs fans are joking or projecting about characters being gay. if you see a screenshot or a clip and it looks gay NEVER ask “is this real?” it’s always real.
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universetalkz · 3 months
“Forcing connection is forcing alignment.
Forcing alignment is forcing attachment.
Ego seeks attachment.
Soul seeks connection.
You will never have to force anything that aligns with you.
What is meant for you will feel natural, peaceful, and connected, not forced, chaotic, and attached.”
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infiniteglitterfall · 1 month
I guess this might be why the UK seemed to go so antisemitic so quickly
I'm researching the 1947 pogroms in the UK. (Actually, I'm researching all the pogroms and massacres of Jews in the past 200 years. Which today led me to discover that there were pogroms in the UK in 1947.)
From an article on "The Postwar Revival of British Fascism," all emphasis mine:
Given the rising antisemitism and widespread ignorance about Zionism [in the UK in 1947], fascists were easily able to conflate Zionist paramilitary attacks with Judaism in their speeches, meaning British Jews came to be seen as complicit in violence in Palestine.
Bertrand Duke Pile, a key member of Hamm’s League, informed a cheering crowd that “the Jews have no right to Palestine and the Jews have no right to the power which they hold in this country of ours.” Denouncing Zionism as a way to introduce a wider domestic antisemitic stance was common to many speakers at fascist events and rallies. Fascists hid their ideology and ideological antisemitism behind the rhetorical facade of preaching against paramilitary violence in Palestine.
One of the league’s speakers called for retribution against “the Jews” for the death of British soldiers in Palestine. This was, he told his audience, hardly an antisemitic expression. “Is it antisemitism to denounce the murderers of your own flesh and blood in Palestine?” he asked his audience. Many audience members, fascist or not, may well have felt the speaker had a point. ...[The photo of two British sergeants hanged by the Irgun in retaliation for the Brits hanging three of their members] promptly made numerous appearances at fascist meetings, often attached to the speaker’s platform. In at least one meeting, several British soldiers on leave from serving in Palestine attended Hamm’s speech, giving further legitimacy to his remarks. And with soldiers and policemen in Palestine showing increasing signs of overt antisemitism as a result of their experiences, the director of public prosecutions warned that the fascists might receive a steady stream of new recruits.
MI5, the U.K. domestic security service, noted with some alarm that “as a general rule, the crowd is now sympathetic and even spontaneously enthusiastic.” Opposition, it was noted in the same Home Office Bulletin of 1947, “is only met when there is an organized group of Jews or Communists in the audience.”
The major opposition came from the 43 Group, formed by the British-Jewish ex-paratrooper Gerry Flamberg and his friends in September 1946 to fight the fascists using the only language they felt fascists understood — violence. The group disrupted fascist meetings for two purposes: to get them shut down by the police for disorder, and to discourage attendance in the future by doling out beatings with fists and blunt instruments. By the summer of 1947, the group had around 500 active members who took part in such activities. Among these was a young hairdresser by the name of Vidal Sassoon, who would often turn up armed with his hairdressing scissors.
The 43 Group had considerable success with these actions, but public anger was spreading faster than they could counter the hate that accompanied it. The deaths of Martin and Paice had touched a nerve with the populace. On Aug. 1, 1947, the beginning of the bank holiday weekend and two days after the deaths of the sergeants, anti-Jewish rioting began in Liverpool. The violence lasted for five days. Across the country, the scene was repeated: London, Manchester, Hull, Brighton and Glasgow all saw widespread violence. Isolated instances were also recorded in Plymouth, Birmingham, Cardiff, Swansea, Newcastle and Davenport. Elsewhere, antisemitic graffiti and threatening phone calls to Jewish places of worship stood in for physical violence. Jewish-owned shops had their windows smashed, Jewish homes were targeted, an attempt was made to burn down Liverpool Crown Street Synagogue while a wooden synagogue in Glasgow was set alight. In a handful of cases, individuals were personally intimidated or assaulted. A Jewish man was threatened with a pistol in Northampton and an empty mine was placed in a Jewish-owned tailor shop in Davenport.
And an important addendum:
I've read a whole bunch of articles about the pogroms in Liverpool, Manchester, Salford, Eccles, Glasgow, etc.
Not one of them has mentioned that the Irgun, though clearly a terrorist group, was formed in response to 18 years of openly antisemitic terrorism, including multiple incredibly violent massacres. Or that it consistently acted in response to the murders of Jewish civilians, not on the offensive. Or that at this point, militant Arab Nationalist groups with volunteers and arms from the Arab League countries had been attacking Jewish and mixed Arab-Jewish neighborhoods for months.
I just think the "Jewish militants had been attacking the British occupiers" angle is incredibly Anglocentric.
Yeah, they were attacking the British occupiers. But also, that's barely the tip of the iceberg.
Everyone involved hated the Brits at this point. If only al-Husseini and his ilk had hated the Brits more than they hated the Jews, Britain could at least have united them by giving them a common enemy.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Cultivator and Lawyer, Elle Woods (& Her spiritual dog Bruiser)!
Part 2 (soon)
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